INVESTMENT SERVICES MADE FOR YOU HEADING At Charles Stanley we have a different approach to our investment services. Instead of trying to push you into a service ‘pigeon hole’, we build our services entirely around you. Eniam ent luptat, conum vullaor secte ex etue molessed eu feugait landiamcon velesed doluptat ullut adio commy nostie modignissed dio coreet vero elent eraesto conum inim dolent adit wisim zzriure rcipisim amcore diat, quam niamcorem inibh exerostis niam quisl essequi smolobor irit nibh etuer susto dolore facing ex eugait prat utate consequissi esse molore faccum iusto dolorpero ex et aut aut lore duisciniam, con ut acil inim augait adipisi et eugait ent autat voluptat, qui blaorer ostrud dolobor illumsan hendre molobore commy nim quisis dolore tat la feummod duipsum venim dolortie dolorem iriustrud magna. LOREM IPSUM Dignim dolor sectem autate consequatum quat ing ea conum nostinim nonse min utat, vel esectem amet ad ea feugiam consendigna commy nos nonsenis at nit in utem zzriuscing eugait, volore modigna consecte elessit am, qui blamcommy nullandrero corerit iustrud ea aliquat luptatis dui etue duipsummod min eugue feugait utpat luptati onsendre delit irit lore dio con utat nulla consequis nis nostin vent Verci bla feuip ercing eum vel ulpute dolore enim adignisl ea conum iriure dolobortin ea. Consecte do euis auguer acip ex et ut augait ad tat lutem irit alit am, vel utat wis euguerc illaoreet, velisim iure mincil utat, vel doluptat. Andrerosto odolore euis am, con vel euismodit augue commod molor sum zzrilit praestrud mincin euis nulla commy nullummy nostrud molore dolortio diam velit ipis eugue do do conse feugue volortis et ute min heniscidunt laore facipit landrer senis MARK BAILEY – GUITARS nismodigniam dit lan henit lutem ipit, commy nim Mark Bailey started making guitars dionsecte duissi. at the age of 18. By 1998 he’d set up his own company making guitars in a double-decker bus. Mark now produces Ut ing ea aliquip enis at ea feum dio odolor init more than sixty guitars a year. Some dolesed dunt nim ad doluptat acoustic, some electric, some built to acipsusto odolor asumsandrer performer’s exact requirements. ad dit wis do commoloborem vulluptat. All of them are masterpieces in sound and wood. Once a month his customers can even build their own guitars under his supervision. We can’t claim to be as rock ‘n’ roll, but we do claim the same attention to detail and delivery of a quality that is ‘Made for You’. 3 Duisl el dolor at. Sed tio digna faci bla consed min utpat nosto euisl inibh euissi tate facin volore venisi blan henim del eu faccum et nit lut irit irit nit praesequate velisit lum ipsuscinis ea consent ut wis nim iril iustie delenis nonulla mconseq uating enit, vel eu faccum duiscilisit lan veliquat, susto dolortis etum volorperiure dunt praessi. Am duisl ullaore erit dolobor percilla core et ut ad endre do er sis nullam nostin essim iuscidunt iurem veliquisi bla acipsustrud tinciduisis dolore feugiam, vel ullaore magnibh eliquat wismolessit lan velit adit at velit at, coreet, se exeraestie magnim vel eugue mincip et init praestionsed dionsequis nostie minci bla faccum dolum el irilit nonsed eu faccum velenibh ercillam zzriustrud modoluptat, vulla faci eliquat. Duis acidunt irit aliquat vel il doloreet vullamcon vel ip exero con ut do coreet, sequi bla conse delese dolorper senibh eraessit luptatie tatem vullandreet prat num eum vel esed eu feu feugiat ut num amet adignis elestrud dit nullan hent adipsum sandion ex el ip enim in henim velit lore volum ipismod min exer alit la faccum enisis alis nulluptat, sum iure et velit la alit wiscillutat, velenis do corper incinibh exerit del iriure et, velit amet, quis augiam, quis nit vulla alit, vel incip essi. Unt aliquiscin exercil dolorer aesseniat. Tatum del ullaorer sequat. Ut loreetu msandre dolorpe raesequam duiscin erat lore min velenis alit iustrud magna conse min utpat wis ero odipisse dit augait lutet nostrud tisis dipsum volesenim nostrud tie con ulluptat accum zzriustie eu faci blam, commodo loreet, quat in veraesto odolore etuercillam quat utat. ■■ ■■ et augait nullamconum nullummy nonsectet M lamconum ese et inissi. Met augait nullamconum nullummy nonsectet MADE FOR YOU At Charles Stanley we have a different approach to investment services. Rather than slotting you into someone else’s financial model, we custom build a service around you. CHARLES STANLEY AND ‘MADE FOR YOU’ Whether you are an individual, a family, a company or a trustee, we will tailor our service to suit you. This is a way of working we have nurtured for over 150 years, building our reputation on a level of service that is driven by the relationships we develop with our clients. ABOUT CHARLES STANLEY A member of the London Stock Exchange since 1852, Charles Stanley has grown to become one of the most respected UK firms in the field of private client stockbroking, investment management and financial planning, consistently winning industry praise for its high level of service. Your tailored service starts with an introduction to one of our Investment Managers, who will listen to what you have to say, ask questions and assemble a comprehensive picture of exactly where you are and, just as importantly, where you want to be. We are one of the UK’s leading independently owned, full service stockbroking and investment management groups, advising on substantial client funds. Prudent management, an uncompromising commitment to our clients and our long-term financial stability drive our corporate success. Our clients benefit from our objective advice, high quality service and the close working relationship we maintain with them. Then, and only then, will your Investment Manager design and implement a strategy that is built to fit your requirements, one that is unique to you. This can all be done completely at your convenience, through one of our regional UK offices, or at our London head office. Once established as a client, you will find that staying in touch and getting what you want done is easy, friendly and trouble-free. Dedicated teams of Investment Managers are available to provide the specialist support needed by charities and trusts and by clients who have received damages and awards from the Court of Protection. We also work alongside intermediaries, such as lawyers and financial advisers, delivering our investment skills and facilities to their clients. Charles Stanley’s personal investment service truly is ‘Made for You’. 1 INVESTMENT SERVICES Our selection of investment services offers you a fresh and thorough approach to your requirements. We treat you as an individual, in terms of the personal attention you receive as well as the investment solutions we propose. Whether you have general investment portfolios, Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), including Junior ISAs, or a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), you can choose the level of investment service, as described in the following pages. The level of service you choose will be determined by how actively involved you want to be in the management of your investments and how confident you are with monitoring the balance of risk and reward yourself. To agree which service best suits your needs, our Investment Managers, Stockbrokers and Financial Planning Consultants will be pleased to talk to you. Your investment portfolio should first take into account your individual objectives and personal risk tolerances, and then, incorporating rigorous investment criteria and disciplines, marry these to the asset classes, sectors and funds best placed to achieve the desired results. By opting for our investment management services, you ensure the professional management of your investments is in line with these principles. Depending on the level of service you choose, your dedicated Investment Manager, complemented by our research teams and other specialists, can either manage your portfolio on your behalf, in line with your investment objectives, or else can provide all the support you need to make your own informed choices about every investment decision. 2 OUR REGULATORY STATUS As an independently-owned firm, we are not tied to any products or providers. When advising you on your investments, or managing them for you on your behalf, we consider the whole of the investment market available to retail investors, and where appropriate we will also advise you on direct investments such as shares, gilts and corporate bonds. We can advise on all retail investments, and are not limited to advising solely on products. Our Advisory Managed and Advisory Dealing investment services, as set out in the following pages, are classed as ‘restricted’ services however, since they are designed specifically for investors seeking specialist expertise and advice on investments and investment portfolios. These advisory services do not extend automatically to advice or management in relation to your overall financial planning arrangements, or to any individual aspect of your financial requirements other than stockmarket and stockmarket based investments. Clients who seek a broader overview of their financial planning and pension requirements should speak to their existing Financial Adviser, or where appropriate we would of course be delighted to introduce them to the professionally qualified advisers in our Personal Financial Planning division. Our business is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. OUR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES Our investment philosophy is based on the understanding that diversification and asset allocation are central to your long-term investment success. DISCRETIONARY MANAGEMENT Our Discretionary service allows you to hand over the day-to-day management of your investment portfolio to your Investment Manager, who will monitor your holdings and make the investment decisions on your behalf. In matching your portfolio to your individual objectives and personal risk tolerances, your Investment Manager will consider all asset classes. Your Investment Manager will meet with you at the outset to get an accurate measure of your requirements and objectives. You will be kept fully briefed on the progress of your investments through regular portfolio reviews and valuations. You can also view your portfolio through a secure, password-protected area of our website. ADVISORY MANAGED Your Investment Manager will monitor your portfolio to ensure that it stays balanced and in line with your pre-agreed investment goals. However, proposed investment decisions are discussed with you in advance and require your prior approval. In matching your portfolio to your individual objectives and personal risk tolerances, you will be able to consider all asset classes. Regular portfolio reviews and valuations are provided and, if your portfolio is held in custody by Charles Stanley, you can access it through our website. You will also have access to our in-house research reports and market information. FUNDS AND MODELS We also offer the opportunity to have your investments managed on a discretionary basis in collective investments, rather than directly in stocks and shares. These services offer a range of easy options for the professional management of your investments: ■■ ■■ t he Collectives Portfolio Service, whereby our investment professionals manage your portfolio of collective investments in line with our inhouse model portfolios, so as to match your portfolio to your investment objectives; and he Pan Asset Low Cost Passive Service offers T bespoke portfolios, funds, and model portfolios, with a dynamic allocation across a wide range of global asset classes using low-cost Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and passive funds. ■■ a direct investment into Charles Stanley’s own FP Matterley investment funds. For further information on the Collectives Portfolio Service please ask for the relevant brochure, and for information on our investment funds please visit for passive investment visit 3 OUR ADVISORY & DEALING SERVICES Rather than having your portfolio managed by one of our investment professionals, you may simply require a facility to buy and sell investments. Charles Stanley, as a full service stockbroking firm, can provide access to the fullest possible range of investments. ADVISORY DEALING This service is designed for investors who intend to take an active interest in the markets and prefer not only to make their own investment decisions, with our advice, but to do so on a stock by stock basis, rather than within the context of a comprehensively managed portfolio. Our advisory dealing service offers you recommendations on individual investments, as and when you wish to receive them. This arrangement differs from our investment management service, however, in that your portfolio is not being managed. We consider only the suitability of the investment in the light of your objectives, requirements and existing investments at the time of giving the advice. We do not provide ongoing management of your portfolio, and responsibility for its continuing suitability remains with you. EXECUTION-ONLY DEALING This service is for those who know what they want to buy and sell, and when. Our role is simply to provide you with factual information, such as prices, and execute trades on your instructions without giving you any advice. This is a truly flexible service – to suit your requirements we can offer it through a Stockbroker in your local Charles Stanley office, or through our award-winning telephone (Execution-Only) and online services. Telephone - Using this service, you can manage your investment portfolios and ISAs. You can also deal in companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and overseas markets, including major European, US and Canadian exchanges. When you become an execution-only client, we will send you a personal account number and direct telephone numbers for our experienced team of dealers and administrators. If your instructions are for immediate execution, your dealer will seek, wherever possible, to improve on the quoted price. The price achieved is normally confirmed while you are on the telephone. Online - Our service provides you with an efficient, secure, reliable and easy to use online dealing service. Using our online service you can maintain your investment portfolios and ISAs all in one place. We know that active traders require access to in-depth data and more complex tools, and our service is designed with this in mind. 4 HEADING Ut dipit num zzriuscidunt wissim vulputpat velissed tat ipisis er sectem zzriusto consed te magna commolorper se feumsan veriusc incilla ndrerae ssendrem elisi tiscidunt lorpero odolumsan ullaortin ullum iriurem dolute modolobore tie tetue tat, conum zzrilit. Dolorer aessequ iscidunt wismolum in vullaor perostiscil diat. Duis alit dolore dunt nit, corem nulla feuguer si eriliqu ametum dunt dolobore dit aliquat la faccum illamet praessequi tie dolor iusting el euismod min utpat. Ut wisci bla feu facidunt lum inci blamcorerat et ut non ut ut nulla commodolore esequat er adignis nulla alisim venim zzriliquat aut alit aut ipit lutat lummolut ero el dolore dolobore mincin vendignim quis amconse quatum velit iusto dolore quat iusciliquisi eu faciliq uamconsent prate tat augue cor suscil eugiam dolor alit luptat alit auguera esequis enis alis delesenis num velissed dignisisim elit, quat, venit numsan vullum velit ad tie dit lor inci tionsed min henis non veraesse dolore dolore facidui ssenis niam veril ent vel dolortie ex endrer sustrud et, sim iusto doloreet, vulput acip et wismod magnisl et nummolum ip ero doloreet el etueril et, quatis nonsequissed magna feuiscilla augiatin volessed min endit aliqui tat ut velit dolent wis ametums andipsum ilis dolor sim do odolobore feuguero dolore orer sustissenibh erat alit lut luptatuero doloborper si. Nonsequip exero consectem iuscilit lortio odipit wisi ea faccummy nonum acin ea feuguerit wisisci psustrud magnis ercidui smolorperil exeraessisl ulla ad dolore mod tat. Um niam, quam nibh ex elesto euguerostrud erostrud moloreet luptat la consequat delissis nullandit nibh eum irilla feugait, suscillum aliquis num quissequis adiat acipisi. Dui blandre tem zzrit ut amet laorper si. Alisit ipit iurem nos er iure feuip exerili quipismodo cortio do core mincip euip euguera essequis dionsequam, sequi bla conum iriure molobor sequam alis alisis amcon venisi. San volenissed eugiam verostrud dignibh et, commodit lutpat nonsequis non heniam dolorpe rcillamet, summy num vel ea adiatuerosto od tie do odignim atio esto commodion velesti onsent ip essequis dolor in utatie min henim dunt prate ming elit augait nullum veliqui sciniscip eugiat, quisi. dit aliquat la faccum illamet praessequi tie dolor iusting el euismod min utpat. Ut wisci bla feu facidunt lum inci blamcorerat et ut non ut ut nulla commodolore esequat er adignis nulla alisim venim zzriliquat aut alit aut ipit lutat lummolut ero el dolore dolobore mincin vendignim quis amconse quatum velit iusto dolore quat iusciliquisi eu faciliq uamconsent prate tat augue cor suscil eugiam dolor alit luptat alit auguera esequis enis alis delesenis num velissed dignisisim elit, quat, venit numsan vullum velit ad tie dit lor inci tionsed min henis non veraesse dolore dolore facidui ssenis niam veril ent vel dolortie ex endrer sustrud et, sim iusto doloreet, vulput acip et wismod magnisl et nummolum ip ero doloreet el etueril et, quatis nonsequissed magna feuiscilla augiatin volessed min endit aliqui tat ut velit dolent wis ametums andipsum ilis dolor sim do odolobore feuguero dolore orer sustissenibh erat alit lut luptatuero. Am duisl ullaore erit dolobor percilla core et ut ad endre do er sis nullam nostin essim iuscidunt iurem veliquisi bla acipsustrud tinciduisis dolore feugiam, vel ullaore magnibh eliquat wismolessit lan velit adit at velit at, coreet, se exeraestie magnim vel eugue mincip et init praestionsed dionsequis nostie minci bla faccum dolum el irilit nonsed eu faccum velenibh ercillam zzriustrud modoluptat, vulla faci eliquat. Duis acidunt irit aliquat vel il doloreet vullamcon vel ip exero con ut do coreet, sequi bla conse delese dolorper senibh eraessit luptatie tatem vullandreet prat num eum vel esed eu feu feugiat ut num amet adignis elestrud dit nullan hent adipsum sandion ex el ip enim in henim velit lore volum ipismod min exer alit la faccum enisis alis nulluptat, sum iure et velit la alit wiscillutat, velenis do corper incinibh exerit del iriure et, velit amet, quis augiam, quis nit vulla alit, vel incip essi. Unt aliquiscin exercil dolorer aesseniat. Tatum del ullaorer sequat. Ut loreetu msandre dolorpe raesequam duiscin erat lore min velenis alit iustrud magna conse min utpat wis ero odipisse dit augait lutet nostrud tisis dipsum volesenim nostrud tie con ulluptat accum zzriustie eu faci blam, commodo loreet, quat in veraesto odolore etuercillam. Dolorer aessequ iscidunt wismolum in vullaor perostiscil diat. Duis alit dolore dunt nit, corem nulla feuguer si eriliqu ametum dunt dolobore 5 YOUR INVESTMENTS Our expertise and experience provide a significant resource for investors. Charles Stanley Investment Managers have a wealth of expertise and experience to draw on. When determining which investments, asset classes and strategies best suit your portfolio, your Investment Manager has access to the widest possible range of industry intelligence, including in-house research teams and investment specialists covering all the following asset classes. Asset classes available to investors include equities (UK and overseas), British government securities (gilts), corporate bonds, investment trusts, unit trusts and Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs), structured products, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs). We deal in securities quoted on all the major UK and overseas exchanges. We would be happy to introduce you to providers of Contracts For Differences (CFDs) and spread betting. 6 A regular programme of publications is available to our clients, including: The Stockmarket Bulletin, Investment Handbook, Traders’ Bulletin, regular compilations of research reports plus economic and bond briefings. When it comes to investment decision making, there is no substitute for well-researched information, the kind that provides the data you want in a clear and concise form. That’s the kind of information we strive to provide for each and every one of our clients. LOOKING AFTER YOUR INVESTMENTS We are flexible enough to adapt to your requirements, offering a wide range of possibilities for the efficient management of your holdings. There are three ways in which you can hold your investments: in Charles Stanley’s Nominee Account, in CREST Personal Membership or in the form of paper share certificates. Your choice will be determined by your own personal preference and the amount of dealing you do. THE CHARLES STANLEY NOMINEE ACCOUNT Our nominee account offers you simplicity, security and efficiency, with the added benefit of prompt settlement. This ensures that sale proceeds are available to earn interest for you from the earliest possible moment. In the Charles Stanley Nominee Account we hold your securities for you registered in the name of our nominee company in CREST, or, for overseas investment, with our overseas custodian. You remain the beneficial owner of your investments, which (except in certain overseas jurisdictions) are fully ring-fenced. We handle all the paperwork on your behalf and, on your instructions, deal with all the arrangements for settling purchases and sales. We collect dividends on your behalf. You receive regular statements and reports, as well as an annual Securities Report including a Consolidated Tax Certificate. CREST PERSONAL MEMBERSHIP CREST is the UK’s real-time electronic securities settlement service. With CREST we can act as your ‘sponsor’ in order for you to obtain personal membership. We then manage your account while the eligible holdings in your portfolio remain in your name with CREST. Dividends, company reports, documentation and shareholder benefits will be sent directly to you. We will send you a detailed statement of your shareholdings every six months. 7 8 LOOKING AFTER INVESTMENT CASH The Charles Stanley Cash Management Service is a facility for you to hold investment cash with us. This service makes it more efficient for income and sale proceeds to be credited to you and for you to settle purchase trades. Your money is kept in a segregated account, where there are no minimum balance requirements and no withdrawal penalties. Interest at our published rates is paid on your daily cash balance and distributed gross twice yearly, in April and October. We manage the flow of your cash in a fast and efficient manner, ensuring that it does not miss an opportunity to work for you. SECURITY Charles Stanley, as a company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acutely aware of the need to safeguard clients’ financial interests. First, your assets are carefully segregated and ring-fenced from the assets of the firm. Secondly, we carry substantial insurance that provides cover for loss through events such as theft, fire, fraud or negligence. Finally, as a client of an authorised firm, your investments are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (visit for details). 9 TAX-EFFICIENT INVESTING Charles Stanley can help you manage your investments in a tax-efficient manner that best suits your requirements. It is essential that your investments are managed on the most tax-efficient basis possible. Charles Stanley’s services allow you to hold your portfolio within ISAs, pension policies (including SIPPs) and onshore or offshore investment bonds. INDIVIDUAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (ISAs) Charles Stanley specialises in the provision and administration of ISAs. We have one of the largest ISA operations amongst UK private client stockbrokers. To take further advantage of our competitive charging structure you can transfer any existing ISAs to us. This will reduce your paperwork and improve the efficiency of administration through having a single point of contact for your consolidated ISA investments. To enable families to save for children in a tax efficient way we also offer a Junior ISA service, which allows investment in a wide range of Collective Investments. For more information on this please ask for our Junior ISA brochure. The popularity of ISAs stems from their tax efficiency and inherent flexibility, a flexibility that our personal approach to investment services can help you maximise. INHERITANCE TAX PORTFOLIO SERVICE Having worked hard all your life to build your assets, you deserve the opportunity to use them as best you can to fulfil your wishes. ISAs allow you to build your own portfolio of investments within a tax-efficient account. The choice of eligible investments for these accounts is wide and, to take advantage of these possibilities through Charles Stanley, you can choose whichever investment service suits you best. We also make it easy for you to keep in touch with your investments, as you will be sent regular valuations and statements; you can also monitor the progress of your accounts via our secure website. Although there are many ways to reduce your taxable Estate, these can be expensive, complicated and can involve losing the benefits of your assets. Charles Stanley has developed a competitive charging structure. For discretionary and advisory managed clients the values of their ISA and other portfolios are combined to calculate investment management fees. For Advisory Dealing and Execution-Only accounts there is a simple flat rate administration charge. 10 In answer to these concerns we have created the Charles Stanley Inheritance Tax Portfolio Service. Using a tax relief created by the UK Government in 2000, our team can help you optimise the transfer of capital to your beneficiaries. They do this by constructing a portfolio of qualifying companies traded on the Alternative Investment Market that will fall outside your taxable Estate two years after the date of investment. Please refer to our brochures, ISA Services and Investing for Inheritance, for further details. SELF-INVESTED PERSONAL PENSIONS (SIPPs) A SIPP is a self-invested personal pension that provides a tax-efficient way of saving for retirement. You can make your own investment decisions, with or without the assistance of a financial adviser, within the range of investments permitted by the SIPP administrator. SIPPs are for many, by virtue of their transparency and flexibility, an excellent way of managing their pensions alongside their other holdings as part of an overall investment strategy. A SIPP gives the tax advantages you would expect from any pension plan and the full range of options for taking an income, including a pension commencement lump sum which is currently tax free, the open market option, income withdrawals in the form of drawdown pension, phased retirement and flexible drawdown. As well as administering and managing investment portfolios for clients holding SIPPs with other providers, we are pleased to offer investors our own range of SIPPs. Starting a new SIPP with us, or transferring your existing arrangement, is simple. Where you already have a SIPP with another provider, we would be happy to assist you in the administration and management of the underlying investments. We work with most of the major SIPP providers in the UK and have a wealth of experience, both in planning and administering these schemes. If you don’t already have a SIPP, but are thinking of opening one, then your first step must be to speak to a pensions adviser, who will help you make the decision on whether a SIPP is appropriate for you. We have qualified advisers who are available to help. Alternatively, you may already have a financial or pensions adviser, with whom we would be happy to work. By having the investment portfolio within your SIPP managed or administered by Charles Stanley, you can monitor its performance through regular valuations, sent to you or via our website. You can then, in consultation with us if you choose, make adjustments to ensure that your SIPP continues to fit your aspirations. THE EBS SIPP – THE ULTIMATE ‘MADE FOR YOU’ ARRANGEMENT The EBS SIPP will accommodate most types of investment, from the more classic types of investment such as commercial property, shares and gilts through to the more esoteric ones such as hedge funds and unquoted shares (approved on a case-by-case basis). Our in-house expertise means we can make decisions on these investments quickly. We believe that as clients age the SIPP should be able to adapt to meet their changing needs. Therefore the EBS SIPP can accommodate changes in contribution rates, ranges and styles of investment and ever-changing income requirements. Please refer to our brochures, The Charles Stanley Alpha SIPP and The EBS SIPPs & SSASs, for further details. SMALL SELF ADMINISTERED SCHEMES (SSASs)* – PENSIONS FOR COMPANY DIRECTORS A SSAS is an employer-sponsored occupational pension scheme, established by the employer under trust for at least one of its employees. Because the arrangements are highly complex, membership is usually limited to company directors and members of their families. It will normally have fewer than 12 members, all of whom are usually appointed as trustees, and can invest in a wide range of assets – including unquoted shares, authorised loans to the employer, and the purchase of commercial property which is then leased back to the employer. As well as setting up the SSAS for you, we can also offer ongoing guidance on its operation, HMRC rules, property purchase, reporting and compliance checks, benefit calculations and much more. Detailed information on our SSASs can be obtained upon request; please contact us for more details. *SSASs are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We have been involved in SIPPs management since their introduction in 1990. Charles Stanley’s own SIPP products, offered through our specialist pensions arm, are: 11 THE CHARLES STANLEY ALPHA SIPP Designed to enable you to take advantage of the flexibility of a SIPP, constructing it around the type of investments you would prefer through four service options: DISCRETIONARY DIRECT INVESTMENT You will be introduced to a Charles Stanley Investment Manager who will be responsible for managing your SIPP on a discretionary basis. Initially, you will agree your objectives with your Investment Manager who will identify the most appropriate strategy, taking into account your attitude to risk. You can then allow your Investment Manager to take care of making investment decisions and monitoring holdings on your behalf. Your Investment Manager will report regularly to you, with valuations and portfolio reviews. DISCRETIONARY COLLECTIVES PORTFOLIO SERVICE This service invests your SIPP in actively managed portfolios of unit trusts, Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) and investment trusts selected from the entire range of such funds. The discretionary Collectives Portfolio Service comprises a selection of investments spread across four different portfolios and provides you with half-yearly valuations and reviews. It is tailored to suit your needs, taking into account your investment strategy which is determined by your financial objectives, circumstances and your attitude to risk. Your SIPP fund is managed on a discretionary basis by a team dedicated to monitoring and selecting funds. 12 DYNAMIC ASSET ALLOCATION USING PASSIVE FUNDS Charles Stanley Pan Asset concentrates on the important decisions about asset allocation which most effect long-term returns. It uses low-cost Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and passive funds which provide the index return for each asset class. This approach helps to bring down overall investment costs. Its dynamic process means asset allocation is constantly monitored to reflect market conditions and the client’s objectives. Pan Asset offers either bespoke portfolios or model portfolios for all types of client, including charities, corporate bodies and pension schemes. It also offers the lowcost, multi-asset PanDYNAMIC funds which use the same investment approach. ADVISORY MANAGED Your SIPP portfolio will be invested in direct stocks, shares and collective funds by your Investment Manager, receiving the same level of investment management and administration as under discretionary management, but with you making the final decision on the individual purchases and sales. EXECUTION-ONLY If you wish to take a more hands-on approach to your SIPP investments, we can provide you with telephone and online dealing facilities. Through your execution-only dealer, our telephone dealing service, or our online dealing service, you can access price information and our various market reports to enable you to make your own investment decisions. SPECIALIST SERVICES In aiming to deliver the highest level of professional service to investors, Charles Stanley has, over the years, developed experienced teams of specialist advisers. CHARITIES Our Charity team has earned a reputation over the years for meeting the investment needs of charities of all sizes. We hold substantial charity funds under management. Charles Stanley’s long experience in the charities sector has also led to our becoming a member of the Charities Aid Foundation’s panel of approved advisers. We aim to provide the highest level of advice and support to charity trustees; to cut through the investment jargon and to provide you with comprehensive service, specific to your charity’s needs. Our approach to charity investment is to develop a sensible, pragmatic investment strategy, at the heart of which is your relationship with your Investment Manager. As managers of your portfolio we take a long term view, focusing on high quality investment opportunities which should also weather periods of market weakness. COURT OF PROTECTION We recognise that some of our clients will have been through the trauma of a court action and will need support, reassurance and financial expertise as they face the prospect of an uncertain future. We start by working closely with each of our clients to ensure that we understand his or her special requirements. Then we construct a strategy shaped to an individual’s needs to create an environment where the client can live his or her life without the burden of financial worry. At Charles Stanley we have a team with over 20 years’ experience in this field. It has formed excellent working relationships with the Court, solicitors and the various offices involved. These relationships enable the team to follow the correct procedures and, despite the complications that can arise, ensure matters flow smoothly and efficiently. The team has an established track record in investment management and administration. It is able to draw on the substantial resources of Charles Stanley in a wide variety of areas, including research, pensions and financial planning. 14 15 BEYOND STOCKBROKING AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Although we are best known for stockbroking and investment management, our experience and expertise cover a much wider range of investment options. Our extensive investment capabilities can be provided to a wide range of clients, including intermediaries and their clients. We would be happy to provide you with further details of the following services. PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING To help you expand your financial horizons beyond pure investment management and stockbroking, we would be happy to introduce you to our Financial Planning consultants. They can assist you in designing your financial arrangements so as to position yourself for the life changes we all face at one time or another. We are authorised, as professional advisers, to offer you advice on most aspects of your personal financial affairs. We are able to select from the entire market place of product providers in order to meet your requirements. You can deal directly with one of our Financial Planning consultants, or alternatively work with them in conjunction with your Charles Stanley Investment Manager. Areas of expertise include: ■■ Inheritance Tax planning ■■ Personal pension planning, including SIPPs ■■ Insurance company investment bonds ■■ Annuity advice ■■ Protection planning ■■ Long-term healthcare planning ■■ 16 ealth Management - a combination of W Financed Planning and Investment Management CORPORATE BENEFITS & EMPLOYEE WEALTH MANAGEMENT (CHARLES STANLEY FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS LIMITED) This specialist team provides consultancy advice to employers, trustees and individuals, giving clients access to a wealth of experience in this field. Our core values of prudent management, ‘Made for You’ services and an uncompromising commitment to the client are key features of the Corporate Benefits team. In creating working relationships with our clients, we pay particular attention to their different needs, whether they are a corporate client, a board of trustees or an individual. The financial world in which our clients have to deal on a day to day basis is both complex and constantly changing. Each client is different, so our advice is tailored to help choose the right products and services from the wide range that is now available. We can advise on ‘the whole of market’ as we are not tied to a particular provider. INTERMEDIARY SERVICES As well as personal investment provision we advise and support intermediaries such as legal practitioners, trusts and pension consultants, working closely with them on every level to provide a comprehensive service. Our online services enable intermediaries to view, group and download their clients’ account details, plus they may also receive copies of client documentation. PROBATE SERVICES Our experienced stockbrokers have worked closely with legal practitioners for many years in order to understand their needs and develop a flexible and highly professional probate service. We take on the task of accurately producing valuations from either a list of stocks or the original share certificates. We understand the issues that can arise from incomplete paperwork, leading to inaccurate valuations and delays. Our thorough and personal approach can go a long way to relieving pressure at a time that is difficult for clients. 17 FURTHER INFORMATION This brochure should be read in conjunction with the appropriate set of Business Terms. If you would like to know more about any of the services mentioned in this brochure, you may also be interested in referring to one of our other brochures, listed below: ■■ Financial Planning & Wealth Management ■■ Intermediary Services ■■ Execution-Only Services ■■ Investing for Lifetime Support & Care ■■ Charities, Charitable Trusts & Foundations ■■ Junior ISA ■■ ISA Services ■■ Investing for Inheritance ■■ The Charles Stanley Alpha SIPP ■■ The EBS SIPPs & SSASs ■■ ■■ 18 he Personal Investment Service (for T Independent Financial Advisers) T he Collectives Portfolio Service Please ask your usual contact at Charles Stanley, who will be happy to provide you with a copy. Alternatively, you can request copies from or download them from our website, You should be aware that the value of investments may fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount you originally invested. 19 20 CONTACT DETAILS For more information, please contact us: LONDON – HEAD OFFICE Charles Stanley & Co. Limited 25 Luke Street London EC2A 4AR 0207 739 8200 (Switchboard) 0207 149 6437 (New client enquiries) OUR OFFICES Bath Beverley Birmingham Bournemouth Cambridge Cardiff Cirencester Dorchester Eastbourne Edinburgh Exeter Guildford Ipswich Isle of Wight Leeds Leicester Liverpool London (Head Office) Manchester Newbury Norwich Oxford Plymouth Reading Southampton Southend-on-Sea Tunbridge Wells Wimborne 21 30.01 July 2015 Charles Stanley & Co. Limited, 25 Luke Street, London EC2A 4AR T 020 7739 8200 F 020 7739 7798 DX 123150 BROADGATE-1 E Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Member of the London Stock Exchange. Charles Stanley & Co. Limited, EBS Management PLC, Alpha Trustees Limited and Charles Stanley Financial Solutions Limited are wholly owned subsidiaries of Charles Stanley Group PLC. © Charles Stanley & Co. Limited Charles Stanley & Co. Limited is registered in England No. 1903304 Registered Office: 25 Luke Street, London EC2A 4AR