1 - Global Greengrants Fund


1 - Global Greengrants Fund
Global greengrants fund
Annual report 2008
15 years
4,548 grants
129 countries
1 vision
Dear Friends
15 years | 4,548 grants | $20 million
2008 was a year of milestones at Global Greengrants Fund. As
we reflect back on where we started and where we have come,
we are both humbled and inspired. We are humbled by the
incredible dedication, commitment and passion of our Advisors
and Grantees around the world. We are also humbled by the
enormity of the environmental and social injustices that persist in
communities across the globe. At the same time, we are inspired by the remarkable successes
that we have been privileged to witness, and play a small role in, over the past 15 years. And
we are excited about the next 15 years and the potential of our networks and partners to
bring about even more change in the future.
Fifteen years feels a bit like a coming-of-age moment for Greengrants. We are pleased to be
embarking on a new chapter, building upon a strong history and an even stronger network.
Our Alliance of Funds partners in Brazil, Southeast Asia and Mexico are growing into strong
organizations, channeling an ever-increasing number of grants to grassroots groups on the
ground and expanding their programming to further support the work of environmental
We make small grants (typically
$500 to $5,000) to grassroots
groups working to help people
protect the environment, live
sustainably, preserve biodiversity,
and gain a voice in their own future.
and social justice activists in their regions. Here at home, we are delighted to have Dr. Terry
Odendahl and her philanthropic expertise and vision leading us into the next phase, while
founder Chet Tchozewski refocuses on building the field of philanthropy and the promotion
of international grantmaking in a broader context.
I am pleased to share with you these 15 stories of innovation, struggle, progress and victory.
In each, the dedication and hard work of local activists was furthered by the small monetary
infusions provided by Greengrants; we are honored to have played a role in their stories.
With gratitude and optimism for the future,
Catherine Porter
Chair, Board of Directors
Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper
15 years,
15 stories:
Global Greengrants Fund started in 1993 with
a vision: a world in which grassroots organizations are able to access the resources they
need to change their worlds. Few funders were
able to move dollars to groups working in the
Global South, and ones that did gave little
support to the grassroots. In the last 15 years
Greengrants has overcome the barriers
to international grassroots grantmaking and
connected donors to thousands of groups
achieving a cleaner and more just world.
Stories from 2008
our vision for change endures. We
A lot has changed since 1993, but
are taking this moment to share
FASOL Receives First Major Grant
In 2008, the Solidarity in Action Fund (FASOL), our Alliance of Funds
partner in Mexico achieved a significant milestone on their journey as
an independent organization. The Christensen Fund awarded FASOL
$100,000 to support their work making small grants to strengthen the
capacity of community-based indigenous organizations in the state of
with you a few of the stories of
Sonora in northwest Mexico.
how our small grants, our advisors
The two-year grant funds FASOL’s work with indigenous Mayo, Yaqui,
and our donors have helped to
Pima, Guarijio, Seri and Papago communities, providing small grants for
sustainable development projects, cultural preservation, and natural
create big change over the years.
resource conservation. The project strengthens the institutional capacity
From the start, a key principle of our grantmaking has been
of native communities to sustainably manage and mobilize local
to work with advisors who use their local knowledge and
natural, cultural and social resources. It also helps the communities
environmental expertise to identify grantees. These advisors
develop their capacity to access larger grants from the government
include volunteers working on our regional advisory boards,
and private agencies.
five international campaign organizations, and our Alliance of
In addition to providing small grants to grassroots groups, FASOL is
training community organizations to develop project proposals, manage
Funds partners. However they work with Greengrants, these
and administer projects, and for those interested in taking the next step
advisors make inspiring connections with grantees who are
to incorporate their organizations under Mexican law, helping them to
building movements for change, challenging policies, working
access other funding in the future.
to restore damaged environments and organizing their
FASOL began in 2007, growing out of Greengrants’ advisory board in
communities to ensure a sustainable future.
Mexico. We are excited about the success of FASOL and congratulate
Greengrants philosophy brings together donors, advisors and
grantees to build a stronger movement for environmental
justice. It’s a model where everyone plays an important and
valued role. By joining this movement, you help these activists
and grassroots groups achieve important victories and make
the world better for all of us.
Each day brings new challenges and new opportunities.
them on this important achievement.
Protecting Forests from Mining
In 2008 the Minister of Lands
and Natural Resources declared
that mining will no longer be
allowed in protected forest
reserves in Ghana. This decision
follows years of advocating by
the National Coalition on Mining
to protect Ghana’s people and
forests from mining concessions
which have destroyed ecosystems, contaminated water supplies and displaced
remain. Marina is now spearheading a movement to stop a uranium enrichment
thousands of citizens.
center that threatens not only Lake Baikal, but also the health and safety of the
people in the region.
The Coalition began mobilizing for accountability from the mining industry in
and national non-governmental organizations working together. In 2003,
protected forest reserves were opened to mining. The Coalition successfully
fought to change that policy, reducing reserves earmarked for mining from 2% to
.01%. This latest victory, banning nearly all mining in reserves, is a direct result of
their efforts. Challenges remain­—for example, Newmont Mining continues to be
granted access to some forest reserves—but the victory is an important step and
strengthens the Coalition’s argument for revoking these last concessions.
Greengrants has supported the Coalition and its members with more than 20
small grants since 2002. From researching forest legislation, to community
education about the impacts of mining; to advocacy campaigns at the regional,
national and continental levels; these locally-led groups have had a tremendous
positive effect for the future of Ghana’s people and environment.
2001 with four member organizations. Today, it is over 30 community associations
Earthquake and the Environment
The death toll from the Chengdu area earthquake
in May 2008 topped 85,000. In addition to the
devastating loss of lives, homes and livelihoods;
the environmental consequences were significant.
The earthquake put a spotlight on ongoing
environmental issues such as dams, industrial
plants, toxic spills and the landslides caused, in
part, by excessive deforestation. The relationship
between environmental safeguards and community damage from the quake
could not have been more clear.
Many civil society groups participated in relief efforts while calling attention
to the environmental issues related to the quake. Greengrants has actively
Lake Baikal Work Wins Goldman Prize
Environmental groups campaigned for many years to stop toxic dumping into
supported several Chinese groups in their campaigns to examine dam
construction in Sichuan province. Greengrants grantee Green Camel Bell
Lake Baikal from the Baikalsk paper and pulp mill. In November 2008, after more
than four decades of pollution, the mill was finally closed thanks to the hard work
of environmentalists and citizen activists.
Greengrants has been supporting Baikal
One of the major challenges
Environmental Wave, one of the key organizations
over the next 10 years
in this campaign, for many years. More than a
dozen grants to this organization and its partners
in the area have supported activists in creating an
effective and powerful movement to protect Lake
Baikal. The goal has always been bigger than stopping one factory though, it has
been about creating an environmental consciousness among the citizens who
will be how to deal with the
funding needs of citizen
groups that are emerging
in the region in response to
reside along the lake.
increasing foreign investment
Marina Rikhvanova, Co-Chair of Baikal Environmental Wave was awarded the
in extractive industries.
2008 Goldman Environmental Prize for this work. However, serious challenges
– Abdulai Darimani, West Africa
Advisory Board and the Third World
Network, Ghana
c h i n a ( c o n t. )
conducted disaster evaluation in neighboring
of other Greengrants’ grantees such as the Kitchenuhmahkoosib Inninwug First
Gansu Province, including investigating
Nation later led Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty to commit to protect 50 percent
ecological damage and the potential leak of
of the province’s northern boreal forest from all industry, and to allow new
toxics from nearby chemical manufacturers.
logging only with the consultation of local communities.
Grantee GreenSOS provided tents to shelter
The issues of logging, mining, dam construction and other major industrial
university students at Chengdu. In Beijing,
projects on indigenous lands without local consent is a concern worldwide.
Friends of Nature donated half of their
It is a complex issue involving
membership fees to the relief efforts.
indigenous nations and tribes,
governments and non-indigenous
communities that are defending
Peruvian Congress Recognizes Indigenous Land Rights
traditional health, culture,
environment and economy.
For nine days in September 2008, indigenous peoples blocked rivers and roads,
Greengrants has made nearly
and took over hydroelectric, oil and gas infrastructure as part of a peaceful protest
$20,000 in grants to Ontario First
against a presidential decree that weakened indigenous peoples’ collective
Nations since 2001 recommended
land rights. Several Greengrants grantees including AIDESEP, the indigenous
by our global advisor Rainforest Action Network. RAN has also organized
organization of the Peruvian Amazon, the Machiguenga indigenous group
campaigns against corporate buyers of wood and pulp from the region. Though
COMARU and Conacami, Peru’s national organization of communities affected
one victory has been won, these communities continue the process of reclaiming
by mining, supported the action. In July, Greengrants’ International Financial
their territories and livelihoods, and healing their people and their environment.
Institutions Board had awarded a grant to the Federation of Native Communities
platform and plan a series of actions in protest.
The government responded by declaring a state of emergency in three Amazonian
states and sent in police and military. The indigenous organizations suspended
their protest after reaching an agreement with members of a Congressional
committee who introduced measures to repeal the most egregious legislation.
The Congress then voted in favor of repealing the worst of the legislative decrees.
This was an historic moment for the Peruvian Congress in their recognition of
indigenous rights and sets important precedents for future decrees.
of Ucayali to host a conference of 80 indigenous leaders to develop a common
Award-winning Ecotourism
The community of El Cacao on the northern Caribbean coast of Honduras is home
to a spectacular mangrove-lined lagoon. It is a poor, rural community, where
people struggle to make a living, but travelers are beginning to discover its natural
beauty. The Council for the Improvement of El Cacao received a $3,000 grant from
Greengrants to develop an ecotourism project for the lagoon, and help bring some
of the prosperity of tourism to the local people.
Tourism throughout Honduras is booming,
c a n a da
and yet the circumstances in El Cacao—
Grassy Narrows First Nation Wins Against Logging Interests
tourist dollars escaping locals—are all too
One of the world’s biggest logging companies, AbitibiBowater, Inc, announced
Advisors in Central America is making
in June 2008 that it was pulling out of a Northern Ontario forest because of
opposition from the Grassy Narrows community. The million-hectare forest is
on lands claimed by Grassy Narrows First Nation, whose five-year blockade has
been backed by environmental and human rights groups. These efforts and those
common. Our network of Greengrants
an increasing number of grants around
community-based ecotourism in an effort
to link biodiversity protection, environmental justice, poverty reduction and
sustainable economic development. Another group, the La Ruta Moskitia
It’s so important to support small grassroots NGOs, to give them a chance to
find out what they are able to do. It can be a gamble, because we don’t know
where they will end up. But if you don’t take a chance and support these
small new organizations, you’ll never know. This is gambling at its best. No
other funding source is able to take chances like Greengrants does.
–Anabela Lemos, Justiça Ambiental, Mozambique
h o n d u r a s ( c o n t. )
Association, has received two grants to promote ecotourism in the Rio Plátano
Biosphere Reserve, protecting both the environment and the culture in the region.
For their work, The Ruta Moskitia group was awarded the World Tourism &
Travel Council’s Tourism for Tomorrow award in the “Investor in People” category
in April 2008.
Big Win for Anti-Mining Activists
It would have been the largest open-pit gold mine in Europe and would have
destroyed the oldest village in Romania, sinking rich national heritage beneath a
cyanide-laced pool of mining waste. Thanks to the efforts of dedicated activists
and local organizing, Rosia Montana is now off-limits to Canadian-based mining
company Gabriel Resources and co-owner Newmont Mining.
In December 2008, the Romanian Supreme
Court announced a decision to declare Carnic
Mountain, the area with the highest gold
reserves, a cultural monument of national
interest. The decision means that the site will
remain permanently protected from
gold mining.
This victory is the outcome of a long legal battle fought since 2003 by the local
residents of Rosia Montana and led by community group Alburnus Maior and
recent Goldman Environmental Prize winner Stephanie Roth. Greengrants funded
the group with their first grant, enabling them to access legal expertise at a
critical moment, helping position them for their eventual victory.
a difference by themselves, for themselves,
and gain control of their local lands. This
is the way progress will be made.
– Sophie Kutegeka, Greengrants East Africa Advisory Board
m a l ay s i a
Our small grants empower people to make
Mapping a Watershed
The group Partners of Community Organizations received support from
Greengrants for participatory mapping workshops with the indigenous
Kadazandusun communities who live within, and manage, the Moyog River
watershed. Local residents created a watershed map that documents community
land use, sacred cultural sites, and highlights areas of risk and opportunity for
watershed management. The resulting community-supported plan to protect the
Moyog River ensures that it will continue to sustain the Kadazandusun people for
generations to come.
We can’t buy and ‘technify’
our way out of our agricultural
problems. We need to build
Participatory mapping and other types of training
ecological and social resilience
workshops equip communities with the tools they
into farming systems; this means
need to advocate for policy changes, to negotiate
empowering small scale farmers
with outside parties interested in exploiting local
resources and to keep the community engaged
both economically and politically,
and informed so they can manage their natural
and encouraging cultivating
resources effectively. Funding workshops, conferences and other capacity-building
diverse cropping systems.
activities is a central strategy of many Greengrants advisory boards. This case
demonstrates the power of such grantmaking and the good work that groups are
– Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Greengrants Global
Advisor, Pesticide Action Network
doing every day to make their voices heard.
Constitutional Rights for Nature
When Ecuador passed a new constitution in September 2008 it included
unprecedented language recognizing the rights of nature and codifying the
indigenous concept of the right ‘to live well’ (sumac causai in Quechua), an
alternative to the traditional development concept of accumulating wealth
no matter the cost. This may give communities some legal recourse to defend
their environment, which is threatened by mining, oil and privatization of water.
Despite the new constitution’s protections for the environment, the government
still retains subsurface rights to oil and mineral resources which it continues to
lease to private companies, causing conflict with local communities.
To assist indigenous communities in Northeastern
Ecuador in defending their constitutional rights,
Greengrants has supported Amazon Defense Front,
Ecological Action and other groups to monitor oil
industry activities and support legal action against
Chevron to clean up oil contamination in the Amazon
Rainforest. For their efforts in seeking reparation for
affected communities, Greengrants’ grantees and leaders of the legal challenge,
Pablo Fajardo and Luis Yanza were awarded the internationally-renowned
Goldman Environmental Prize in 2008.
e c ua d o r
Food Security and Agribusinesses
For the last four years, our global partner, Pesticide Action Network has
participated in UN-sponsored International Assessment of Agricultural
Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD). PAN is a global
network of activists working to eliminate the trade and use of toxic pesticides
and to promote sustainable alternatives. The IAASTD was charged with outlining
approaches to address food safety and global agricultural production. In April
2008, the final IAASTD meeting took place in Johannesburg where civil society
groups played a key role. PAN partners worked to ensure that the plenary
provided a balanced perspective beyond just the agrochemical and biotechnology
industries, arguing for greater inclusion of civil society groups.
The IAASTD final report was approved by 58 countries, although neither Canada
nor the United States were among the signatories. Among the findings was a
recognition that current global agricultural production is too energy-intensive and
toxic. The report promoted smaller-scale local solutions, community participation,
fair trade alternatives and agroecology efforts to achieve sustainability and
justice in our food systems. Greengrants has partnered with PAN for many
years and awarded multiple grants to groups in Asia, Africa and Latin America
for their direct involvement in the IAASTD process.
Indigenous Rights to Raposa Serra do Sol Recognized
CAWP’s victory against a big multinational company shows what small
community groups can achieve using very limited resources when they are united,
In a packed Supreme Court in Brazil, a key judge voted in September 2008
organized and determined. On a daily basis in Southern Africa, community groups
to uphold the demarcation of the indigenous territory Raposa Serra do Sol.
such as CAWP are coming together to battle powerful multinationals that trample
Greengrants’ work with our Brazilian Alliance of Funds partner, the Center for
their rights, compromising their health and wellbeing to make profits.
Socio-Environmental Support (CASA), was key in building support for local
indigenous rights.
The Raposa Serra do Sol territory, in the
Amazon state of Roraima, Brazil, is home to
nearly 20,000 members of five indigenous
peoples: the Makuxi, Wapixana, Ingariko,
Taurepand and Patamona. While the land was
legally recognized as an indigenous territory
in 2005 by President Luis Ignacio da Silva,
continuing struggles with industrial rice producers from outside the area had led
to significant environmental contamination, as well as violent attacks against the
resident indigenous communities.
Greengrants and CASA have supported the Indigenous Council of Roraima (CIR)
with multiple grants since 2001: first in their campaign to demarcate the Raposa
Serra do Sol territory (an early step in the land titling process) and later to enable
CIR’s Joenia Batista de Carvalho, Brazil’s first female indigenous lawyer, to bring
Raposa Serra do Sol’s case to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
For this work, de Carvalho was awarded the Reebok Human Rights Award in 2004.
The Council played an essential role in mobilizing public support for the case
and bringing together the communities of Raposa Serra do Sol to stand up for
their rights.
south africa
indigenous organizations throughout this landmark case to protect
Funding Indigenous Peoples’ Groups
Over the last ten years, Greengrants and our Alliance of Funds partner, Samdhana,
have helped to convene and increase participation in indigenous dialogues
throughout Southeast Asia. At a 2007 gathering of elders from indigenous
movements, the need for a sustainable small grants mechanism to ensure that
indigenous ideas and initiatives are not lost in legal and bureaucratic structure
was discussed. From this history, the Indigenous People’s Fund was formed. A
project of Samdhana aimed at increasing the resources and skills available to,
and directed by, indigenous groups throughout the region. The fund received the
support of the Foundation for the Philippine Environment and made its first small
grants in 2008.
Greengrants has made many grants supporting
indigenous people’s rights in the region which have
enabled, among other things, the restoration and
rehabilitation of local watersheds, mapped community
lands for protection and administration, and
established sustainable trade systems for indigenous
communities. A grant for $5000 in 2008 to Pigsalabukan Bansa Subanon in
the Philippines funded a campaign to assess mining practices using traditional
indigenous knowledge systems to help the communities protect their lands and
rights against mining interests.
Water Privatization Victory
In April 2008, after two years in court, the Coalition against Water Privatization
(a Southern African grantee), won a historic victory against the forced installation
of prepaid water meters in Phiri, a township in Soweto, Johannesburg. The
move would have dramatically increased the cost of water, reducing access for
poorer communities. This victory against Johannesburg Water has far reaching
implications for the poor in many African countries facing the exorbitant cost of
water privatization.
In Good Company
In 2008, for the second year, the Aveda Corporation selected
Greengrants as the global partner for their annual Earth Month
campaign to bring awareness to the issues of water access and
water rights around the world.
Through the sale of Light the Way™ organic
soy candles, Aveda raised $700,000 for
Greengrants programs around the world. In
addition, salons, spas and stores throughout
Europe, Australia and Japan held fundraisers that netted an additional $200,000 for
our grantmaking programs. We are so grateful for the generosity of the Aveda network and customers, and
proud to partner with such an innovative and environmentally
and socially responsible corporation.
With Aveda’s support, Greengrants is working to improve access to water around the
world, including some special projects like this one in India.
Greengrants does not take corporate partnerships lightly. Several
years ago we developed a comprehensive corporate gifts acceptance policy that laid out what we considered a legitimate
align with the missions and morals of our partners around the world. We
corporate partnership and how we would vet potential corporate
feel confident that the Aveda Corporation – with their strong standards
donors. With the knowledge
of environmental sustainability, safeguards in the production chain, and
that many of our grantees’
community stewardship and fair trade in their sourcing practices – is truly
struggles are a direct result
aligned with the mission of our organization.
of corporate practices, Greengrants sought to ensure that
the sources of our support
Greengrants Alliance of Funds – tapping new resources
Over the last six years, our Brazil, Southeast Asia and Mexico
collaborative, international effort to mobilize funding and public
advisory boards launched independent funds to sustain and
support for grassroots environmental action. In 2008, the funds in
expand Greengrants’ advisor-led grantmaking and provide critical
the Greengrants Alliance raised $8,965,433 (including Greengrants)
capacity-building services. Each organization is cultivating new
compared to $4.9 million when they started in 2006. This trans-
communities of support for small grants, advocating for public
lated into over 885 grants and support services channeled to
support and providing essential networking, information and
environmental groups. The Alliance also assisted seed initiatives
capacity services. These organizations, together with Greengrants,
in Canada and Central America and participated in dozens of local
make up the Greengrants Alliance of Funds. The Alliance is a
and international environmental networks.
provided 100% of
FASOL’s funds
total funds:
total funds:
total funds:
20 07
Center for Socio-Environmental Support (CASA)
The Samdhana Institute
Solidarity in Action Fund (FASOL)
Global Greengrants Fund (
shaded areas represent Greengrants contributed amount )
Greengrants support of each of the funds is an important
part of their annual budget. Since 2006 this support has
fallen from 94% of the total fundraising down to 80%,
reflecting the growing strength of the funds.
To identify prospective grantees we rely on grassroots leaders
working as volunteers to make informed decisions about
critical needs. They also help us reduce the high costs of
making small grants internationally. As they recommend
grants, advisors gain opportunities to advance regional
grassroots strategies and nurture networks that bridge
barriers of language and culture.
Our 12 regional boards are supplemented by the grantmaking
of our Global Advisors – an International Financial Institutions
Advisory Board that makes grants addressing practices of
lenders like the World Bank, and our five Global Advisors:
Earth Island Institute, Friends of the Earth International,
International Rivers, Pesticide Action Network and Rainforest
Action Network.
The Fuller Projection shows the Earth as an archipelago of continents
that share a common ocean. Architect Buckminster Fuller unfolded a
polyhedron globe to create a flat map that minimizes distortion, avoids
splitting land masses and challenges conventional views of the world.
The Fuller Projection Map design is a trademark of the Buckminster
Fuller Institute (c)1938, 1967 & 1992. All rights reserved. www.bfi.org
The dark orange represents a
concentration of grants in one area
787 grants totaling $4.5 million in
91 countries in 2008
ADvisor’s LIST
China Advisory
India Advisory
Russia Advisory
Southern Cone
Advisory Board
Wen Bo, Coordinator
Ardhendu Chatterjee,
Yuri Shirokov,
Enrique Bostelmann,
Prasanna Modak,
Tanya Dautkhanova,
Nathalie Borba,
Manshi Anshur
Aleksandr Arbachakov
Omar Angel Arach
Benny Kuruvilla
Ekaterina Evseyeva
Mariano Coscarella
Usha S.
Natalia Kovalenok
Jorge Oscar Daneri
Rohit Prajapati
Petr Osipov Ergenievich
Stefan Gelcich
Elena Repetunova
Marila Lazaro
Andes Advisory
Yan Baohua
Enrique Bostelmann,
Li Hao
Nathalie Borba,
Doris Pilar Balvín Díaz
Libia Grueso
Juan Pablo Muñoz
Cesar Padilla
Brazil Alliance
Fund –
Li Bing
Wu Haoliang
Yan Jiong
Lu Zhi
Chang Cheng
East Africa
Advisory Board
Janet Awimbo,
Center for SocioEnvironmental Support
Matthew Hawi,
Maria Amália Souza,
Executive Director
Clarence Kipobota
Hânia Gazetta Ribeiro,
Administrative Director
Sophie Kutegeka
Loyce Lema
Lúcia Schild Ortiz
Carlos Afonso
Renato Cunha
Sérgio Guimarães
Violet Matiru
Godber Tumushabe
G lobal Advisors
Rubens Harry Born
Rainforest Action
Miriam Prochnow
Earth Island Institute
Edmilson Pinheiro
International Rivers
Angela Pappiani
Pesticide Action Network
North America
Clemência Donnati
Central America
Advisory Board
Nelda Sánchez Hidalgo,
Ibis Colindres
Rubén Pasos
Elmer López Rodriguez
Friends of the Earth
Mex ico Alliance
Fund –­
Solidarity in Action Fund
Artemisa Castro Félix,
Executive Director
Maryló Mandujano
Herrera, Administrator
René Cordova
Juan Francisco Garica
Eladio Gaxiola
Sandra Guido
Laura Martínez Ríos
Del Río
Francisco Goméz Díaz
Pacific Islands
Advisory Board
Cedric Schuster,
Margaret RimoniYoshida, Administrator
Damien Ase
John Ericho
Rex Horoi
Shalmali Guttal
Lucille Apis Overhoff
Charles Mutasa
Te Tika MataiapoDorice Reid
Samuel Nnah Ndobe
Olexi Pasyuk
Amy Ekdawi
Leah Zimmerman
Southeast Asia
Alliance Fund –
West Africa
Advisory Board
The Samdhana Institute
Third World NetworkAfrica, Coordinator
Nonette Royo,
Executive Director
Selina Owusu,
Elizabeth Villamor,
General Manager
Nnimmo Bassey
Tjatur Kukuh Surjanto
Souleymane Dembele
Edtami Mansayagan
Abdon Nababan
Cristi Nozawa
Sean Foley
Satyawan Sunito
Jocelyn Villanueva
Chandra Kirana
Southern Africa
Advisory Board
Janet Awimbo,
Matthew Hawi,
Mutuso Dhliwayo
Anabela Lemos
Bobby Peek
Abdulai Darimani
Moses Kambou
Thank you to the
following Advisors
who rotated off in the
past year:
Alcides Faria , Co-Director
Mishka Zaman (IFI)
Irina Bogdan (Russia)
Arthur Maiss (Russia)
Leonard Maveneka (East
and Southern Africa
Suraya Abdulwahab Afiff
(Southeast Asia)
Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto
(Southeast Asia)
Donor List
Anonymous (27)
Aid for Africa
Chris Alaimo and Laura DeLuca
Douglas Allchin
Anchor Point Gift Fund
The Harlan E. Anderson
Arches Foundation
Argosy Foundation
Aria Foundation
Aveda Corporation
Bamboo Fund
The Baobab Fund
Melza M. and Frank Theodore
Barr Foundation, Inc.
David and Ann Barry
The Bay and Paul Foundations
Anne and Henry Beer
Jake Beinecke and
Ragnar Anderson
Sarah-Marie Belcastro
Joyce and Brian Bender
John and Janie Bennett
The Berberian Fund
Genevieve Beyea
BFK Foundation
Margaret Billington
Merrill Black
The Harris and Frances Block
The Blossom Fund
Kim Bodnar
Peter Brandis
Henry Bromelkamp
China Brotsky
Helena Brykarz
Margaret Burd and
Rebecca Brinkman
F.P. and Anita Burger
Justice E. James and Linda Burke
Ellen E. Bush
Matthew Campagni
Maura Carabello
Cynthia Carlisle and Baine Kerr
Dan and Robin Catlin
Caulkins Family Foundation
Janis and Tom Cella
David Chatfield
Chris R. Sheridan, Jr. Fund
Catherine Chung
Annette Clear
and Michael Begert
Stuart Cloake
Darcy Cohn
Sandy Colhoun and
Selina Rossiter
Beatrice R. & Joseph A.
Coleman Foundation
Community Investments Fund
of Tides Foundation
David M. Cook Foundation
Anne Cooke
Portia Cornell and
Lynne Kimmel
Lafcadio Cortesi and
Joanne Welsch
Nathan Cummings Foundation
Gregory Davis and Karin Orsic
Kathy Dean
Anne Denning Hille
Nick Deychakiwsky and
Oksana Pronych
Dolnick Family Fund
William H. Donner Foundation
Dudley Foundation
Ann and Bill Duncan
eConscious Market
El Norte Foundation
Elbaz Family Foundation
The Elias Foundation
Wendy Emrich
Kate Fahy
Evan Fales
Drs. Kate and Henry Faulkner
Cathleen Fogel and
William Barclay
Mykhailo Fomytskyi and
Maggie Fang
The Ford Foundation
Frankel Family Foundation
French American Charitable
Fund for Nonviolence
Peggy Gartner
Tracy Gary and
Victoria Williams
Geoffrey Genz and
Linda Bolander
Sheilah Glover and Elaine Bell
Alison Goldberg and
Jonathan Lewis
Barbara Greenwald
Leanne Grossman
George and Marcia Grunwald
Joan and David Hadden
Dr. Thomas Hall and
Elizabeth McLoughlin
Randall Harris
James and Joy Harrison
Thomas D. Hast
Merrill G. and Emita E. Hastings
Josephine and
Senator Rollie Heath
Caroline Herbert
and William McLeod
Flora Hewlett
Johanna Hill
David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn
Michael Hirschhorn and
Jimena Martinez
Jessica Hoffmann and
David Rothbaum
HP Foundation
Keith and Ann Huffman
Kristen and
David Huffman-Gottschling
Kimberly Hult and
Robert Pasnau
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
John Hunting
Bernardita Hutchinson
The Jenesis Group
The JiJi Foundation
Alma and Richard Johnson
Irving S. and Alwyn N. Johnson
Family Foundation
Hal Kane
Jeremy Kaplan
Stephen and Rachel Kaplan
John Katzenberger
and Deborah Jones
Jamie and Eric Keary
The Kendeda Fund
Kieschnick Family Fund
of Tides Foundation
Kingfisher Fund of Tides
Walter Kingsbery and
Jane Christman
Marjorie Klayman
Paul Knipe
Dorothea and John Kostishack
J. Peter and Meghan Kostishack
Sara Krakauer
Martin and Pamela Krasney
Catherine Kunkel
Katharine Kunst
and Katherine Fulton
Brian and Sasha Kurzel
The Laffey-McHugh Foundation
John and Janice Lander
Lawson Valentine Foundation
Howard Learner and
Lauren Rosenthal
The Lederer Foundation, Inc.
Andrea Lee
Leocha Fund of Tides
Gail and Betsy Leondar-Wright
Jane Lewenthal
Toby Lewis
The Libra Foundation
Anna Lin
Arthur and Susan Lloyd
Sue Lomenzo
Brian Love
Nicholas Lovejoy
L.P. Brown Foundation
Susan Lutzker
John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation
Magpie Telecom Insiders, Inc.
Marcia Martin
Bernie Mayer
Mayer Family Fund of the
Jewish Community
Stephanie Mayer
Tom and Sara Mayer
Margaret McCarthy
Brock McCarty
McKenzie River Gathering
Samuel and Carole Meals
Josephine Merck
Gaia Mika
James and Heather Molans
Bridgette Moore
Moore Family Foundation
The Moriah Fund
Paul Moss
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Namaste Foundation, Inc.
John and Joyce Neville
Margaret Newell
Jean and Joseph Okimoto
Judith Oldham
Melanie Oliviero
Open Society Institute
Teresa Orr
Harold Ort
Michael Ort and Nancy Riggs
Annette Osterlund
The David and Lucile Packard
Rick Paine and Lynnea Lombard
Park Foundation Inc.
Elizabeth Parker
James and Florence Perry
Roland Pesch and
Kathleen Rosskopf
Jessica Peters
Rebecca Plante
Roxanna Podlogar
Praxis Fund of the Community
Foundation Serving
Richmond and Central
Brooks Preston and Lila Musser
Philip Preston
Christine Proctor
Rags Consignments
Ken and Emily Ransford
Andrew Rasmussen
The Sigrid Rausing Trust
The Regent Trust Company
Limited / Kwok Charitable
Nancy Reininger
Benjamin Reubenstein
Eric Riemer
Teresa M. Eliot Roberts
Eric Robinson
Neil Robinson and
Barbara Vohryzek
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
The Elizabeth B. and Arthur E.
Roswell Foundation, Inc.
Samuel Rubin Foundation
Renu Saini
Cathy Salser
Jason Salzman and
Anne Button
Sandra Sanders
James and Gretchen Sandler
Sandy Younghans and
Rick Shepard Fund
Schooner Foundation
Joshua Schreier
Jamie Schweser
Yumi Sera
Serendipity Charitable Gift
Robert and Melanie Sharpe
Priya Shyamsundar and
Peter Jipp
Libby Silberling
David Silberman
Doug Silsbee
Singing Field Foundation
David and Sandra Slowey
Beth Smith
Mele Lau Smith
Solutions, a Donor Advised
Fund at Aspen Community
Caitlin Stanton
Starry Night Fund of Tides
Andrew Stocking
Elizabeth Strasser and
Lawrence Rubin
Terry and Melissa Stuart
John and Kristen Swift
Anthony Tapia
Chet Tchozewski and
Susan Carabello
The David & Sylvia Teitelbaum
Fund, Inc.
Mary T’Kach
Jesse Townsley
Aaron Turkewitz and
Anna DiRienzo
Mark Valentine
The Vervane Foundation, Inc.
Wallace Genetic Foundation
The Warrington Foundation
Josh and Elizabeth Weinstein
WestWind Foundation
Diane Wexler and Bruce Beron
White Cedar Fund of Tides
Mia Whitfield
Gerald Wiley
Willard Family Fund
Penny Willgerodt and
William Cepeda
Patrick and Nina Wilson
Zachary Winestine and
Joanne Pawlowski
Working Assets
Pamela Wright
Bart Ziegler
Anonymous (1)
The Annenberg Foundation
Howard P. Colhoun Family
Fund at BCF
Flow Fund Circle
Richard and
Rhoda Goldman Fund
Larry Lewarton
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Josh and Elizabeth Weinstein
Andrew and Wendy Cookler
Boulder Beer Company
Izze Beverage Company
Superior Liquor Market
Lauren Yarmuth
Over the past
years, we have
provided close to
grants in
different countries.
Our experience has shown that there is
no better investment than supporting
passionate people with great ideas.
Operating Summary
Balance Sheet
2007 (audited)
General revenue
Donor advised revenue
TOTAL R EV E N U E 4,622,858
Exp enses
General program grants
Donor advised grants
Program support and services
Total program
Administration and development
TOTA L EXP ENS E S d ec em b er 31 , 20 0 8
Cash and near cash
Marketable securities
Accounts receivable
Long term notes
Total fixed assets
TOTA L AS S E TS 3,045,476
Grants payable
Other accounts payable
C u r r e nt L iab i l iti e s
Unrestricted fund balance
Board designated operating reserve
Total payables and other liabilities
Fu n d Bal anc e
Subtotal current assets
Other current liabilities
Temporarily restricted fund balance
Total fund balance
TOTA L L I A B I L ITI E S Audited Financials and Form 990 available upon request.
H ow to Give
Board o f Di rector s
Our work depends entirely on the generosity of donors
Beto Borges, Director of Communities and Markets Program, Forest Trends
like you, who understand the importance of supporting
grassroots action to create long-term change.
Greengrants is a registered 501(c)(3) public foundation
supported by private foundations, corporations and
individuals. We are committed to keeping our costs low
to get as much money as possible into the field.
S u p p o rt u s by making a gift of cash, stock or by
putting Global Greengrants Fund in your will or longterm financial plans.
S p r e a d t h e wo r d about Greengrants to
friends and colleagues who might be interested in
the work we do.
Stay i n f o r m e d by signing up for our monthly
China Brotsky, Board Treasurer, Senior Vice President, Tides Foundation
David Chatfield, Board Vice-Chair, Executive Director, Californians for Pesticide Reform
Leanne Grossman, Board Secretary, International Affairs Advisor
Larry Kressley, Nonprofit Management Consultant
Catherine Porter, Board Chair, Executive Director, Friends of the Ganges
Mele Lau Smith, Health Program Coordinator, Tobacco Free Project,
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Chet Tchozewski, President, Global Greengrants Fund
Terry Odendahl, Ph.D., Ex-officio
cu rrent Staff
Jennifer Adams, Individual Giving Associate
Geneva Bailey, Executive Assistant
Tina Burke, Development and Communications Assistant
e-journal and periodic mailings.
Tanya Dautkhanova, Grants Associate
Please visit us online at www.greengrants.org where
Peter Kostishack, Director of Programs
you can see our interactive grants list, learn about new
Sabina Mackay, Development Associate
initiatives, read profiles of grantees and advisors, and
stay current on important issues around the globe.
To learn more, please contact us at 303.939.9866 or
A. Scott DuPree, Alliance Funds Coordinator
Terry Odendahl, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer
Dana Perry, Grants Manager
Kelly Purdy, Director of Development & Communications
Pam Rifkin, Interim Director of Finance
Peter Sanders, Director of Major Gifts
Jessica Sherman, Foundation Relations Manager
Chet Tchozewski, President
Sahana Tuladhar, Accountant
Alison Wright, Grants Associate
2840 Wilderness Place, Suite A, Boulder, Colorado
8 0 3 0 1 USA • + 1 3 0 3 . 9 3 9 . 9 8 6 6 • www . g r e e n g r a n t s . o r g