Period-Luminosity Relations for delta Scuti Stars
Period-Luminosity Relations for delta Scuti Stars
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Facultad de Fı́sica Departamento de Astronomı́a y Astrofı́sica Period-Luminosity Relations for delta Scuti Stars by Camila Andrea Navarrete Silva Practice report presented to the Physics Faculty of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, as one of the requirements for the Bachelor degree in Astronomy. Supervisor : Correctors : Dr. Márcio Catelan (PUC, Chile) Dr. István Dékány (PUC, Chile) Dr. Radostin Kurtev (UV, Chile) July, 2011 Santiago, Chile c 2011, Camila Andrea Navarrete Silva Agradecimientos Le quiero agradecer a mi profesor guı́a, Dr. Márcio Catelan, por su tiempo, paciencia, sugerencias y por su apoyo durante todo el transcurso de esta práctica. Al Dr. Rodolfo Angeloni por su constante apoyo y por los consejos que me dio para mejorar este trabajo. A los Dres. István Dékány y Javier Alonso por sus útiles ideas y comentarios. A Paloma Pérez por su tiempo y ayuda desinteresada. A mi madre, Marina, por su amor, paciencia, confianza, apoyo, por creer en mı́ más que nadie y por incentivarme a estudiar lo que yo quisiera. A mi hermana Carolina porque cada año su paciencia y empatı́a aumentan con lo, de a poco, se ha vuelto una amiga. Quiero agradecerle también a mis amigas Marı́a José, Alice, Natalia y Nicole por todos sus buenos deseos, su inmenso apoyo y porque a pesar de los años y mi escasa disponibilidad nuestra amistad sigue intacta. En especial le agradezco a Natalia por su compañı́a y su fundamental ayuda durante el último mes de este trabajo. A mis compañeros y hoy amigos: Felipe, Cristóbal, Pablo, Enrico, Matı́as, Johanna, Ignacio, Simón y Antonio por todo el tiempo y momentos especiales que hemos pasado juntos. Un agradecimiento especial a Johanna por su ayuda y buena voluntad siempre, pero sobre todo durante los últimos dı́as de ésta práctica. A Carol, Karina y Rosario porque estos años no habrı́an sido los mismos sin compañeras como ustedes. A Pedro Salas por ayudarme, de manera desinteresada, a aprender un poco más de Python al igual que Néstor Espinoza a quien además le agradezco por sus siempre útiles crı́ticas y comentarios. Por último, agradezco el financiamiento del Proyecto Fondecyt Regular Nro. 1110326 y del Núcleo Milenio para la Vı́a Láctea (Programa Iniciativa Cientı́fica Milenio, P07-021F). i Contents Agradecimientos i Resumen iv Abstract v Introduction 1 1 Observations and data reduction 1.1 Observations . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Open clusters . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 NGC 7062 . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 NGC 1817 . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 NGC 6134 . . . . . . . . 1.3 Data reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 9 10 10 12 13 2 Photometric reductions 15 2.1 Photometry with DoPHOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Color-magnitude diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.3 Light curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3 Period-Luminosity relations 26 3.1 Magnitude calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.2 PL relations for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.3 NGC 1817: Fundamentalized periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4 Theoretical approach 37 4.1 Visible bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ii CONTENTS 4.2 4.3 Infrared bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wavelength dependence of PL slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 41 5 Summary and future work 45 A Tables 47 Bibliography 55 iii Resumen Se derivaron relaciones Perı́odo-Luminosidad (PL) en las bandas J, H y Ks del infrarrojo cercano para estrellas δ Scuti de baja amplitud de tres cúmulos abiertos: NGC 7062, NGC 1817 and NGC 6134. Se usaron observaciones de series de tiempo y fotometrı́a diferencial para obtener las curvas de luz y perı́odos; sin embargo los datos no tienen la precisión requerida para detectar la variabilidad intrı́nseca de las estrellas por lo que series temporales de alta precisión son necesarias. No obstante lo anterior, se pudieron calcular magnitudes promedio con baja dispersión para cada estrella variable. Las magnitudes fueron transformadas al sistema fotométrico de 2MASS. Usando los periodos detectados en estudios previos, dos relaciones PL fueron encontradas tanto para NGC 7062 como para NGC 6134. Para cada relación se sugirió un correspondiente orden radial n. Para NGC 1817 no fue encontrada ninguna relación porque las variables observadas tienen diferentes modos de pulsación. En este caso, los perı́odos fueron fundamentalizados y las relaciones PL para el modo fundamental fueron derivadas. Además, relaciones PL teóricas aproximadas fueron calculadas para las bandas BVIRJHK usando valores tabulados de luminosidades y periodos y correcciones bolométricas derivadas a partir de modelos. Comparando los valores observacionales y teóricos de las pendientes, las relaciones PL para NGC 6134 parecen ser las más consistentes. Las relaciones teóricas muestran que mientras la longitud de onda efectiva aumenta, la pendiente y la dispersión ed la relación decrecen, como se ha señalado para las Cepfeidas por Madore & Freedman (1991) y por Freedman et al. (2008). Esto sugiere que, en las bandas infrarrojas, la relación PL es más bien una relación perı́odo-radio. Además, las relaciones PL teóricas y observacionales derivadas en este trabajo tienen pendientes más negativas que las calculadas previamente por King (1990). iv Abstract Period-Luminosity (PL) relations in the near-infrared J, H and Ks bands were derived for low-amplitude δ Scuti stars in the open clusters NGC 7062, NGC 1817 and NGC 6134. Time-series observations and differential photometry were used to get light curves and periods, but the data do not have the precision required to detect the intrinsic variability of the stars; high-precision time series are required. Nevertheless, mean magnitudes with low dispersion were derived for each variable. Magnitudes were transformed to the 2MASS photometric system. Using the periods detected in previous studies, two PL relations were found for both NGC 7062 and NGC 6134. For each relation, a radial order n was suggested. For NGC 1817 a relation was not found because the variables have different pulsation modes. In this case, the periods were fundamentalized and PL relations for the fundamental mode were derived. Also, approximate theoretical PL relations were found for BVIRJHK bands using tabulated values for luminosities and periods, and bolometric corrections derived from models. Comparing observational and theoretical slope values, PL relations for NGC 6134 seem to be the most consistent. Theoretical relations show that while effective wavelength increases, the slope and dispersion of the relation decrease, as noted for Cepheids by Madore & Freedman (1991) and by Freedman et al. (2008). This suggests that the PL relation is rather a period-radius relation in infrared bands. Also, both theoretical and observational PL relations derived in this work have slopes that aremore negative than the ones derived previously by King (1990). v Introduction A very noticeable and useful property of pulsating stars is the existence of a Period-Luminosity (PL) relation. The most common and used is the PL relation for Classical Cepheids, which was derived for the first time by Henrietta Leavitt (Leavitt, 1912) and since then has played a leading role in the establishment of the scale of the Universe, because these objects are among the primary indicators of the scale of extragalactic distance. PL relations for delta Scuti stars have been established in the V band (since Fernie, 1964, and lately by Petersen & Christensen-Dalsgaard, 1999, Santolamazza et al., 2001, Pych et al., 2001 and Templeton et al., 2002), VR band (Garg et al., 2010) and recently in VI-Wesenheit-index (Majaess et al., 2011). As for Cepheids, the delta Scuti PL relation has proved to be a useful and reliable method for measuring distances. Despite the fact that more precise PL relations are expected in infrared bands than the ones derived in visible bands, only one attempt to derive the relation in the infrared has been carried out to date (King, 1990). The observational advantages of delta Scuti stars are their shorter periods compared to Cepheids, a consequence of their smaller radii, and also, as Breger (1979) noted, they are the second most common and numerous group of pulsators in the Galaxy, after the pulsating white dwarfs. A tight PL relation, in addition to these characteristics, would allow us to compare observations with pulsation theory and to determine luminosities and distances of stars, open and globular clusters, nearby galaxies and the Galactic center where delta Scuti stars have been observed (McNamara et al., 2000, 2007; Poleski et al., 2010). This would lead to an improvement of the galactic distance scale. 1 INTRODUCTION Delta Scuti stars: General properties Delta Scuti (δ Scuti or DSCT) are intrinsic variable stars of pulsating type. Due to their kind of variability and their position in the instability strip, they are considered to be part of the Cepheid family. Table 1 has the typical designation for the different stars in this group, their range of periods and population type. Figure 1 shows the position of the main types of the pulsating stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Table 1: Cepheid family. Adapted from Allen (2000). IAU designation DCEP DSCT SXPHE RR CW Name Population Classical Cepheids I δ Scuti I SX Phoenicies II RR Lyrae stars II W Vir + BL Her stars II Period (days) 1.5-60 0.04-0.2 0.03-0.08 0.2-1 1-80 δ Scuti are stars of spectral type of A0 to F5 with masses between 1.5 M and 2.5 M for stars with solar metal abundances and between 1.0 and 2.0 solar masses for metal-poor stars. They have luminosity classes between V (dwarf) and III (subgiant). Most of them belong to Population I but a few variables show metallicities and space velocities typical of Population II. They have brightness fluctuations from 0.003 to 0.9 magnitudes in V, with a typical amplitude of 0.02 mag (Breger, 1979). The excitation mechanism of δ Scuti stars is the κ mechanism, the same as that for other stars in the classical instability strip. The driving zone is believed to be in the He II and H ionization zones (Stellingwerf, 1979). The excitation of pulsation in these zones, in particular the He II ionization zone with temperatures over 40000 K, is enough to counterbalance the damping in the underlying layers (Breger, 2000). To date, more than 600 δ Scutis have been found in our galaxy, including members of clusters and field stars. An extensive catalogue and review of the statistical properties of the known δ Scuti stars can be found in Rodrı́guez & Breger (2001). 2 INTRODUCTION Figure 1: Schematic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram illustrating the location of several classes of pulsating stars. The dashed line marks the zero-age main sequence, ZAMS, where the Solar-like pulsating variables and γ Doradus stars are located, with the lowest luminosities. Above them, the Cepheid Instability Strip is situated, delimited by the two dashed lines that intersect with the ZAMS. Inside of it there are δ Scuti stars with the subgroup of rapidly oscillating Ap stars (roAp) RR Lyrae stars and Cepheids. Crossing the ZAMS the dot-dashed line marks the horizontal branch at the end of which the irregular variables (Irr) and Mira stars are located. The dotted line corresponds to the cooling curve of the white dwarfs, where one can find active planetary-nebula nuclei, PNNV, DOV, commonly known as part of the group of GW Virginis stars, DAV or V777 Her and DBV or ZZ Ceti stars. Adapted from Christensen-Dalsgaard (2003). 3 INTRODUCTION Subgroups Mainly, δ Scuti stars are located in the lower part of the classical Cepheid instability strip but some δ Scutis have been found among pre-main sequence stars (Breger, 1979; Kurtz & Marang, 1995). In addition, some massive δ Scuti stars (with more than 2 M ) evolve from the main sequence towards the giant region and across the Cepheid instability strip at higher luminosities. Because of this, their periods are longer than the average overlapping RR Lyrae periods, but the former are distinguished from the latter due to their significant rotation, which RR Lyrae stars do not have (Breger, 2000). In general, despite the exceptions described above, it is common to determine two well-defined subgroups for δ Scuti stars: • High-amplitude delta Scuti stars (HADS): First classified as AI Velorum stars. They have V amplitudes ≥ 0.30 mag and simple light curves because they are pulsating in the fundamental or first overtone modes. Due to that, they have been used to estimate the distance to the LMC and to stellar clusters. • SX Phoenicies (SX Phe) are δ Scuti stars of Population II, with shorter periods and lower amplitudes. They have been found in globular clusters as blue stragglers. From an evolutionary point of view they are unusual and they have been proposed as the result of merged binary stars (Mateo et al., 1990). The vast majority of δ Scuti stars are low-amplitude variables. This can be predicted by pulsation theories and has been measured, as demonstrated in Figure 2 (taken from Rodrı́guez et al., 2000). Obviously, the highest-amplitude variables are easier to detect than the lowest, therefore the distribution can be biased toward large amplitudes. The second peak in the distribution, around 0.3 mag, is in agreement with the amplitude range for the HADS group. Pulsation modes δ Scuti stars are known as multiperiodic variables. For example, the stars with more frequencies achieved are FG Vir and 44 Tau with 79 and 29 frequencies, respectively (Breger et al., 2005, Antoci et al., 2006). Their pulsation modes can be radial and nonradial, but the majority of δ Scuti stars are nonradial pulsators. They can pulsate, simultaneously, in a large number of p-modes. In addition there are also 4 INTRODUCTION Figure 2: Histogram taken from Rodrı́guez et al. (2000) with the distribution of their 636 δ Scuti as a function of the visual amplitude (∆ V). (pure) radial pulsators. The nonradial pulsations found photometrically are loworder (n = 0 to 7) and low-degree (` ≤ 3) p-modes. However, using spectroscopy, high-degree nonradial modes have been found with ` up to 20 (e.g., τ Peg). The radial pulsators mainly pulsate in the fundamental mode and its first few overtones. For radial modes, for a δ Scuti star with Tef f = 7800 K, 1.7 M , 15 L , Y = 0.28 and Z = 0.02, the predicted period, pulsating constant Q and the ratio between periods is summarized in Table 2, adapted from Breger (1979). Periods and their ratios for modes higher than the third one were taken from Hareter et al. (2008). Table 2: Radial Q values and period ratios for a typical δ Scuti star. Pulsation mode Period Pi /Pi−1 Fundamental, F 0.07861 1st Overtone, 1H 0.05950 0.761 2nd Overtone, 2H 0.04846 0.810 3rd Overtone, 3H 0.04095 0.845 4th Overtone, 4H 0.03533 0.862 5th Overtone, 5H 0.03109 0.879 6th Overtone, 6H 0.02774 0.882 5 Pi /PF 1.000 0.757 0.617 0.521 0.449 0.396 0.353 Q (days) 0.0329 0.0251 0.0203 0.0172 —– —– —– INTRODUCTION Period-Luminosity relation The Period-Luminosity (PL) relation, as mentioned previously, is a remarkable property of pulsating stars. It relates a direct measurable parameter, the period, and a relatively uncertain parameter, luminosity. The observational form of the relation is between the mean absolute magnitude of the star and the logarithm of its period. There are other forms for the relation considering a color term (PeriodLuminosity-Color, PLC relation) and/or a metallicity term (PLZ relation) that have demonstrated to cause a decrease in the intrinsic scatter of the PL relations in the V band (see McNamara, 1997; Petersen & Christensen-Dalsgaard, 1999; Santolamazza et al., 2001). It has been found that the different pulsation modes tend to separate the stars in different, approximately parallel, PL relations which have quite similar slope values (see the results of Tsvetkov, 1985 and Santolamazza et al., 2001). As does the color or the metallicity term, the division of the PL relation according to the pulsation modes reduces the dispersion. A historical review There is a great amount of studies about the δ Scuti PL relation for visible bands. Some of them consider δ Scutis as a subgroup of the Cepheid variables, others consider them and SX Phoenicis as a single group, while others use only high-amplitude δ Scuti stars (HADS). Table A.1 is a review with the different coefficients derived for the PL relation in the V-band. The first study to discover that a separation due to different modes exists was Dworak & Zieba, (1975), but the authors could not explain the separation itself and attributed it to a separation between bright and faint stars. Tables A.2 and A.3 have the coefficients derived for PLC relations for BV bands and Strömgren by bands, respectively. Tables A.1, A.2 and A.3 are adapted from Table III of Tsvetkov (1985), including the newest results after 1985. For more details about the relations prio to 1985, see Tsvetkov (1985) and the references therein. 6 INTRODUCTION Period-luminosity relation at infrared bands PL relations at infrared wavelengths have more advantages than the ones derived at visible bands: the amplitude of the variables is smaller, with which the mean magnitudes have lower dispersion; the interstellar extinction is lower (AK /AV ∼ 1/10); and the infrared luminosities are less sensitive to temperature changes (instability strip is narrower), so PL relations are tighter, with low rms-dispersion. The unique attempt to derive a PL relation at infrared wavelengths was carried out by King (1990). He derived PL relations for field δ Scuti stars using absolute magnitudes at 12 µm (IRAS magnitudes) and at J, H and K bands. Magnitudes were transformed to absolute magnitudes using distance moduli derived from tabulated values of absolute magnitudes, calculated using calibrations for ubvyβ photometry, and apparent magnitudes in the V band. King found very tight PL relations considering that he did not separate the stars in their different modes. The slope values found by him were -1.682, -1.537 and -1.736 for the J, H and K band, respectively, and their associated dispersions were 0.044, 0.027 and 0.039 mag for each band. The aim of this work is precisely to derive, as King did, PL relations at infrared wavelengths for δ Scuti stars, but with some substantial differences: first, stars in open clusters will be used, because in this case distance measurements are not required to obtain the slope for the relations; furthermore, low-amplitude variables were used, with the disadvantage that it is more difficult to detect variability but with the advantage that the mean magnitude will be more accurately determined. Finally, unlike King, different PL relations are expected if different pulsation modes are present. This practice report is subdivided in other five chapters (besides the Introduction). In chapter 1 the principal properties of the open clusters and δ Scuti observed and used for derived PL relations will be presented. Chapter 2 has the description of the photometric reductions and the color-magnitude diagrams obtained for the clusters, with an analysis of the possibility to obtain light curves for low-amplitude δ Scuti stars with the precision achieved from the data. Chapter 3 contains the PL relations for the near-infrared bands, J, H and Ks , found for each cluster, and a discussion about the possible pulsation modes for the stars of the sample. A simplified approach to derived PL relations from theoretical values, for Johnson-Cousins-Glass bands, can be found in chapter 4. Finally, chapter 5 has the conclusions and the possible future work. 7 Chapter 1 Observations and data reduction 1.1 Observations VISTA Variables in the Vı́a Láctea (VVV) is an ambitious ESO Public Survey aiming to perform the first ever IR variability monitoring of the entire galactic bulge and of an adjacent portion of the disk. VVV survey will cover a sky area of 520 sq. deg, amounting to a total of ∼ 109 point sources, ∼ 106 of which should be variables. This very large number of light curves cannot be classified using traditional methods, but instead an automated classification scheme must be developed in order to properly classify the detected variable stars. In this context, VVV Templates Project1 has the main purpose of to build a large database of well-defined, highquality, near-IR light curves for variable stars of different types, which will form the basis of the VVV automated classification algorithms. The details and current status of the VVV survey and the VVV Templates Project are in Catelan et al. (2011). As part of the data collected by the VVV Templates project, for this work timeseries data for three open clusters –NGC 7062, NGC 1817 and NGC 6134– in J, H and Ks (K-short) bands were used. The first two were observed with the 1.52-m Telescopio Carlos Sánchez (TCS) at Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands. The instrument used was the infrared camera CAIN-III. For NGC 6134 the telescope used was the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF) 1.4-m telescope at Sutherland and the infrared camera SIRIUS. 1 8 CHAPTER 1. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION NGC 7062 was observed during 5 nights, since 27 of October until 31 of October, 2010. 25 images were taken in H, 40 images in J and 89 images in Ks . NGC 1817 was observed along 8 nights on January, 2011, from 4th to 11th, taking 16 H-band, 119 J-band and 122 Ks images. Between 4th April, 2011 and 20th April, 141 images of NGC 6134 for each filter were taken. A brief characterization of the instruments used is shown in Table 1.1. In the next section the open clusters selected and their δ Scuti stars are described. Table 1.1: Characteristics of the instruments used. TCS + CAIN-III FoV (arcmin × arcmin) 4.25 × 4.25 Gain (e-/ADU) 8.5 R.O.N. (e-) 70 Scale (”/pix) 1 Dithering (cycles) 9 1.2 IRSF + SIRIUS 7.7 × 7.7 5 30 0.45 10 Open clusters The basic characteristics of the observed clusters can be found in Table 1.2, whereupon each cluster is described in a separate subsection. Table data were taken from the WEBDA web page2 , except the value of [Fe/H] for NGC 7062, which was taken from Peniche et al. (1990). Table 1.2: Basic data of the open clusters. Cluster NGC 7062 NGC 1817 NGC 6134 α2000 21 23 27 05 12 15 16 27 46 δ2000 Distance (pc) +46 22 42 1480 +16 41 24 1972 -49 09 06 913 log t (yr) 8.465 8.612 8.968 [Fe/H] -0.35 -0.26 +0.18 # δ Scuti 13 17 6 Finding charts constructed with Ks images of the clusters with the variables marked are shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. 2 9 CHAPTER 1. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION 1.2.1 NGC 7062 Open cluster with Galactic coordinates l = 89.9◦ , b = -02.7◦ and a diameter of 6 arcminutes. UBV photographic photometry was measured by Hassan (1973) and Strömgren photographic photometry by Peniche et al. (1990). UBV CCD photometry was performed by Viskum et al. (1997) and more precise photometry by Freyhammer et al. (2001, hereafter FAS01) using the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) at La Palma. The variable stars of the cluster have 2MASS infrared mean magnitudes. They are listed in Table A.7. NGC 7062 has 20 variable stars, 13 of which are δ Scuti according to FAS01. Ten of them are fit into the CAIN-III field of view: V1 → V6 and V10 → V13. However, V4 and V10 are not members of the cluster (according to FAS01) so they were excluded from the PL relation determination. V12 was also rejected because it is too faint, difficult to distinguish and it is close to the edge of images. Table A.4 summarizes the basic properties of the δ Scuti members of the cluster that are inside the field of view (FoV) of the images. Adapted from Table 2 of FAS01, the first column has the ID, the second the GCVS name, the third and fourth the equatorial coordinates, the fifth and sixth the frequency (in cd−1 ) and the associated S/N (in the B band, but in the V band for V2), respectively, and, only as reference, the V average magnitude and the corresponding semi-amplitude, in the seventh and eighth columns respectively. Most of the variables are multiperiodic. Only V6, V11 and V13 are double or single-mode pulsators. However, mode identification for these variables is not available in the literature. 1.2.2 NGC 1817 Relatively large cluster, with a diameter of 15 arcminutes. Its Galactic coordinates are l = 186.1◦ and b = -13.1◦ . The pursuit of variables in the cluster started with 7 δ Scuti stars detected with the 80-cm telescope, IAC80, at Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, done by Frandsen & Arentoft (1998a) with CCD photometry. Later, Strömgren and BV Johnson photometry was done by Arentoft et al. (2005) (hereafter A05) and Bouzid et al. (2006), detecting at least 12 δ Scuti. Some but not all of the variables have 2MASS mean magnitudes, which can be found in Table A.8. The latest CCD photometry was done by Andersen et al. (2009) using data taken with the 1.5-m Danish Telescope, at La Silla, and the 2.56-m NOT. They found 8 10 CHAPTER 1. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION Figure 1.1: Images taken with TCS + CAIN-III. Left: NGC 7062 Ks finding chart. Right: Finding chart of NGC 1817 in Ks . In both images North is down and East is left. new variables, in addition to the 18 variables detected by A05, thus reaching a total of 26 variable stars. 17 of them (V1 → V12, V19 → V22 and V26) are δ Scuti stars and two more are candidates (V13 and V17, which was also suggested to be a γ Dor star). In addition, there are 2 confirmed eclipsing binaries, one of them, V4, with a component that is also a δ Scuti star, 4 γ Dor stars and one without classification, that is suggested to be a contact binary. This huge amount of variables makes the cluster a very useful target for asteroseismology, but with the disadvantage that it is very extended. V1, V6, V8, V10 and V12 were classified as not cluster members according to proper motions done by Balaguer-Núñez et al. (2004); however, A05 and Majaess et al. (2011) disagree. They found that V1 to V12, except V10, are cluster members according to their position in the color-magnitude diagram. The field of view of CAIN-III fits 9 δ Scuti stars, inside of which 6 are possible members of the cluster (V1, V2, V3, V6, V8 and V11). V4 was rejected due to the fact that it is a binary star. Coordinates and pulsational data for these δ Scuti stars and the candidate V17 are shown in Table A.5, adapted from Table 2 of A05. A preliminary mode identification was done by A05 using theoretical models for δ Scuti stars with masses between 1.6 to 2.0 M developed by J. ChristensenDalsgaard, which relate frequencies for radial modes (` = 0) and absolute V mag11 CHAPTER 1. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION nitudes. The pulsation modes derived from their Figure 18 were added in the final column of Table A.5. If the pulsation mode identification is accurate, the stars in the cluster have different pulsation modes, and it will not be possible to derive PL relations for each mode directly. 1.2.3 NGC 6134 Southern open cluster with Galactic coordinates l = 334.9◦ and b = -0.2◦ . With 6 arcmin of diameter, it is a very suitable open cluster for asteroseismology. The first attempt to find variables was done by Kjeldsen & Frandsen (1989) with the Danish 1.5-m telescope at La Silla, when 3 δ Scuti (# 5, # 29, #40) were detected with BV photometry. Later, Frandsen & Kjeldsen (1993) detected 2 more variables, and more recently Frandsen et al. (1996, hereafter F96) corrected some frequencies and detected one more δ Scuti, reaching a total of 6 in the cluster. Five of them have 2MASS mean magnitudes (see Table A.9). As SIRIUS FoV is bigger than the dimensions of the cluster, all δ Scutis were observed. The identification numbers used were those of F96. In Table A.6 the basic pulsation data for δ Scutis are presented, adapted from Table 3 and 4 of F96. In addition, GCVS names were added. Figure 1.2: Ks image taken with IRSF + SIRIUS. Left: Whole image of the cluster and a central part marked with a white box. Right: Zoom corresponding to the white box in the image on the right, with the δ Scutis in the cluster. North is up and East is right. Some attempts to perform mode identification were done by Frandsen & Kjeldsen 12 CHAPTER 1. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION (1993) and Audard et al. (1995). In the first case, as an example of how modes for δ Scuti in open clusters can be identified, they used models of Fitch (1981) and fitted absolute magnitude and frequency (in µHz). They found two variables pulsating in the fundamental mode (# 9 and # 87), and other three in the first overtone. However, with the new data obtained by F96, some frequencies were rejected or modified. In the second case, the Q value was used to determine possible pulsation modes. They found that star # 87 could have (n,`) = (2,0) and # 348 (n,`) = (3,0), while for # 9 a g-mode is suggested. However, the latter star has 4 very close frequencies that probably are the result from splitting due to rotation. In both cases the results are only tentative and based on some assumptions (the same effective temperature for all the stars or not taking rotation into account) that could lead to a different identification of the modes. 1.3 Data reduction TCS images were reduced using pipelines developed and provided by the observatory. In the case of IRSF images, they were received already reduced. For completeness, the reduction procedure is briefly described below. The most important aspects that need to be taken into account when reducing infrared images are flat-fielding and bad pixels. Due to the thermal variations in the surroundings of the telescope and the instrument (within a time-scale of minutes) two types of flat-field images are taken: bright and dark, usually using dome flat images with the lights on and off, respectively. Combining the bright and dark images into one master bright flat and one master dark flat, flat-field images are generated as the subtraction between the master images. Then, science images are divided by the flat-field images, as usual in visible photometry. CAIN images have some bad pixels (dead or hot) and they should be corrected using a mask that makes linear interpolations. However, the available mask does not work satisfactorily, therefore this correction was dropped. A random error is introduced due to the fact that, despite bad pixels having fixed positions, the pointing accuracy of the telescope leads to significant changes in the pixel positions of the stars from one image to another. Another important aspect is the sky determination and substraction. Infrared observations have the disadvantage that atmospheric emission is high in this wavelength range. Due to that, integration times should be short in order to avoid saturation. 13 CHAPTER 1. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION To observe faint stars or to take deep images and properly correct sky counts, the dithering technique is used. It consits in to take several exposures with the position of the telescope slightly displaced each time, relative to the field center. If the field is crowded, sky images are taken with shifts greater than the size of the stellar image. If the field is not very crowded, the sky is determined in each dithered science image in the same way as for visible images. A detail description of the infrared reduction steps and other considerations can be found in Glass (1999). Finally, after the subtraction of the median sky image from each dithered science image, they are aligned, considering the telescope offsets, and combined into a final science image. 14 Chapter 2 Photometric reductions 2.1 Photometry with DoPHOT To derive the magnitudes of the stars in each frame, the DoPHOT crowded-field photometry package was used, updated and rewritten by Javier Alonso1 , based on the original photometry package developed by Schechter et al. (1993). DoPHOT can detect and model particular objects as a star, double star, cosmic ray, galaxy, etc. Just like other photometry packages, the objects are detected if they are found above a specific threshold, and the stellar Point Spread Function (PSF) is modeled by using an elliptical Gaussian function. It starts fitting a simple Gaussian profile generated with the values of FWHM, mean sky, gain and R.O.N given by the user for one image. Subtracting the modeled stars from the field a new threshold is calculated and the process is repeated until there is no value above the lowest threshold. In each pass, stars found during previous passes are put back on the frame and model parameters are re-calculated. DoPHOT also calculates aperture magnitudes in the last step. For NGC 7062 and NGC 1817, aperture photometry was preferred because they are not crowded fields. PSF photometry would be less accurate because the fields do not have enough stars to obtain reliable star models. NGC 6134 is more crowded and in this case, PSF photometry makes sense. In addition, there are some variable stars that have a very near companion, so aperture photometry would have more disadvantages than advantages. An example of the photometric errors achieved for NGC 7062 in the JHKs bands is 1 This version can be obtained from 15 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS shown in Figure 2.1. As it can be noted for magnitudes higher than 14, in each band, the value of photometric errors is higher than 0.2 magnitudes, which is problematic to detect millimagnitude variables. However, given the quality of the TCS images, the errors could not be reduced beyond this level. Figure 2.1: Photometric errors from DoPHOT for a NGC 7062 frame of each filter. With the intention not to add more errors the images were not aligned. Instead, a Python code was used to find the coordinates, magnitudes and their errors of variable stars in each image, taking as input the photometric outputs of DoPHOT, the coordinates of the star in the first image and the shifts between the images. Obviously, this procedure could have problems when the coordinates or shifts are not accurate, because it was based on the minimum distance between the variable and the stars in the photometric files. To reject the matching errors, the output coordinates were visually checked using tvmark over the corresponding image. If the star was not found to be the variable, the magnitude was rejected. The matching errors for a cluster in one band were, approximatively, a 5% of the total images, in the best cases, and in the worst 50%, but in these cases there were other reasons like stars are near the edges of the images, near bad pixels or in a blend with a nearby star. 16 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS 2.2 Color-magnitude diagrams With the purpose of keeping the photometry without the errors and do not reduce the effective size of the images, both consequences of the alignment process, the IRAF2 task xyxymatch was used in order to cross-match two whole photometry files for 2 filters, J and Ks , for each cluster. Using the pairs obtained with this task the color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) were obtained and are shown in Figures 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 for NGC 7062, NGC 1817 and NGC 6134, respectively. In all of them δ Scuti stars are plotted as blue circles. Figure 2.2: Color-magnitude diagram of NGC 7062. There are some spurious stars, probably due to erroneous results from the cross-match. It is necessary to note that in the case of NGC 1817 the FoV of CAIN-III is not wide enough to cover the whole cluster. In fact, only a small number of stars is observed therefore its CMD is poor; however, an incipient main-sequence is glimpsed. 2 IRAF is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy Association (NOAO), which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. 17 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS Figure 2.3: Color-magnitude diagram of NGC 1817. It has few stars due to the fact that only a small region of the cluster was observed. On the contrary, the CMD of NGC 6134 has more stars than expected. There are some dispersed stars with (J-Ks ) colors higher than 2 magnitudes that are not part of the main sequence. This contamination could be explained in two ways: (1) SIRIUS camera has more than 7 arcmin per side and the cluster has only 6 arcmin of diameter and (2) fore and background stars of the Galactic field, that are not members of the cluster. In the CMD shown in Figure 2.4, the stars in the field of view of the camera but outside the size of the cluster were identified and omitted, using the scale of the camera, and some stars still have redder colors than expected. Therefore, considering also that the cluster is practically on the Galactic plane (Galactic latitude of only 0.2 deg.), the most plausible explanation is those stars are Galactic stars. 18 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS Figure 2.4: Color-magnitude diagram of NGC 6134. It has some unreliable stars in the region of colors higher than 2 magnitudes, probably due to incorrect results from the cross-match between the catalogs. 2.3 Light curves To obtain light curves, differential photometry was used. First, 10 comparison stars were selected. The criteria used were that they had approximately the same magnitude as the variable star, were isolated and were always inside the images, away from the edges. Evidently, non-variable stars were selected according to the papers used as reference for each cluster. A second criterion used with these 10 stars was that photometric errors were the lowest possible. With that, the three best comparison stars were selected. Additionally, another star was used as a check. Light curves were calculated as the difference between the variable and each of the three comparison stars, and the difference between comparison stars and check star were also calculated. The light curves were phase-folded using periods from the literature. Contrary to expectations, the variability of the stars could not be detected with 19 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS certainty. The main reason for this, in CAIN images, can be the photometric errors achieved: in the best cases they were about 1 mmag, but this value can change from image to image depending on the seeing, star position in the CCD or the presence of clouds. On average, the photometric errors were about 0.007 magnitudes in Ks band, so when the difference between the variable and the comparison star was calculated the propagated error was in the order of 10 mmag, which is of the same order or higher than the amplitude of the variables’ variations. As an example of the precision obtained with the differential photometry three light curves in Ks band, before phasing, are shown in Figures 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7, which correspond to V2 of NGC 7062, V1 of NGC 1817 and # 9 of NGC 6134, the highestamplitude variables of each cluster, respectively (see Tables A.4, A.5 and A.6). Figure 2.5: Top and middle: Differential light curve for V2 of NGC 7062. Bottom: Difference between the two best comparison stars used. Black dotted lines delimit the dispersion around zero. Blue dot-dashed lines delimit the amplitude of the variable in B. 20 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS Figure 2.6: Top and middle: Differential light curve for V1 of NGC 1817. Bottom: Difference between the two comparison stars used. The dashed and dotted lines have the same meaning that in Figure 2.5. Each plot consists of two light curves, made with the best comparison stars, at the top and middle, and at the bottom the difference between the two comparison stars. Expected B-amplitudes were marked with blue dot-dashed lines and the 1-σ dispersion of the data is delimited with black dotted lines. Light curves correspond to the nights with more coverage of Julian Days. In the three cases it can be noted that the dispersion of the light curve is the same or higher than the variation detected at the B band. Considering that the lowest amplitudes are expected at infrared bands, the photometric errors and the dispersion of the light curves make it impossible to measure the infrared variation. However, it should be noted that the variations and photometric errors for # 9 star of NGC 6134, Figure 2.7, are the lowest compared with the other light curves. This is due to the fact that SIRIUS images have better quality than the CAIN images and the observations for this cluster had better atmospheric conditions. 21 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS Figure 2.7: Top and middle: Differential light curve for #9 star of NGC 6134. Bottom: Difference between the two comparison stars used. The dashed and dotted lines have the same meaning that in Figures 2.5 and 2.6. Another aspect that could hinder the measurement of variability is the multiperiodic nature of the variables. These have non-regular light curves, and because of this, it is more difficult to distinguish between real and spurious variations. NGC 7062 V4 (δ Scuti non-member of the cluster) and V5 are examples of how nonregular variables’ light curves could be; see Figures 2.8 and 2.9, taken from FAS01. Considering that for these detections the variables were monitored during more than 7 hours per night, twice the time observed for this cluster, and used a 2.56-m telescope (1 meter larger than TCS) it is not surprising that the variability cannot be detected with CAIN images. The size of the telescope is another important aspect that could restrict the possibility to detect a variable. The diameter of the telescope needed to detect oscillations of δ Scuti stars and their amplitude and magnitude were related by Frandsen & Arentoft (1998a). Their plot is shown in Figure 2.10 where, for 4 hours 22 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS Figure 2.8: Differential light curve for V4 in the B-band. Despite the fact that this is the variable with the highest amplitude, the dispersion of the observations with respect the frequency-solution can be seen. Taken from FAS01. Figure 2.9: B-band differential light curve of V5. A beating of different modes can be seen. Taken from FAS01. of observations, V magnitude and diameter are related. The dotted line defines the limit where scintillation noise is comparable to photon noise. The other lines, from left to right, correspond to amplitudes of 0.5 mmag, 1 mmag and 2 mmag. According to the plot, NOT, the 2.56-m telescope used to detect variables in NGC 7062 and NGC 1817 in previous works is enough for the magnitudes and amplitudes of the variables. They can detect 1 mmag amplitudes and variables with 15 V-mag. And it could detect, also, up to 9 different periods for a single variable (V1 of Table A.4). With that, the 1.5-m telescope used to observe this cluster is not big enough to measure the same label of variability at infrared wavelengths. 23 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS Figure 2.10: Relation between V magnitude and diameter, in cm, of the telescope required for measuring different magnitude variations. The dotted line represents the limit where scintillation noise is comparable to photon noise. Dot-dashed lines are associated to amplitudes of 0.5 mmag, 1 mmag and 2 mmag, from left to right. Taken from Frandsen & Arentoft (1998b). For NGC 6134 the photometry had better results but it was not possible to obtain reliable light curves, despite the fact that the observations were more numerous than CAIN-images, SIRPOL images do not have bad pixels and, furthermore, the photometric errors are the lowest. The telescope used, the 1.4-m IRSF telescope, is practically the same size or bigger than others used to detect variables in this cluster (Kjeldsen & Frandsen, 1989, used the Danish 1.5-m telescope; Balona, 1995, a 1.0-m telescope; and Frandsen et al., 1996, 1.0-m and 0.9-m telescopes). But, to detect the variability of these stars in the near-infrared the most suitable solution to improve the light curves could be to use a bigger telescope. In addition to the above reasons, it is remarkable that in all the previous works the magnitudes were decorrelated in order to improve the accuracy of the light curves, i.e. the authors adjust a linear function for the magnitudes to separate the intrinsic variations in the magnitude and the effects of seeing, FWHM, sky background and position of the star on the CCD. This process also allows to combine data from different telescopes. An example of how a light curve of NGC 6134 was improved using decorrelation is shown in Figure 2.11, taken from Balona (1995). They adjust 24 CHAPTER 2. PHOTOMETRIC REDUCTIONS a fit of V = α x + β, where x is the seeing in arbitrary units and found that the coefficient α changes from star to star, with an average value of ∼ −100. Figure 2.11: Bottom: Raw light curve obtained with differential photometry by Balona (1995) using a 1-meter telescope. The Y axis corresponds to differential V magnitude. Top: Decorrelated light curve using as fit V = α x + β, where x is the seeing in arbitrary units. Hence, bad pixels, photometric errors, the number of observations, photometric conditions, telescope size and the non-decorrelated magnitudes did not allow to detect the variability of the stars. Clearly, an immediate future work would be focused on decorrelating the magnitudes in order to improve the light curves. Despite the foregoing, for the Period-Luminosity relation it is not necessary to have light curves. In fact, low-amplitude δ Scuti stars are more convenient because it is easier to determine a mean magnitude. Furthermore, it is demonstrated in the case of Cepheids that the dispersion of the slope is lower in the infrared compared to the visible bands (see Madore & Freedman, 1991), which can be expected for δ Scuti stars too. 25 Chapter 3 Period-Luminosity relations 3.1 Magnitude calibration The magnitudes of the variable stars in each image were transformed to the Two Micron All Sky Survey 1 (2MASS, Cutri et al., 2003) photometric system, according to m2M ASS = mλ − kλ X − ZPλ , (3.1) where kλ is the extinction coefficient for the respective filter, X the airmass of the image and ZPλ the zero point. Atmospheric extinction was corrected only for TCS images. From the photometry performed in the clusters observed it was not possible to derive a tight relation between magnitudes and airmass principally because that not all the nights were photometric. Hence, the extinction coefficients derived for the observatory location by Cabrera-Lavers et al. (2006) were used: kJ = 0.179 ± 0.011 mag/airmass, kH = 0.148 ± 0.012 mag/airmass and kKs = 0.167 ± 0.013 mag/airmass. Clearly, to adopt these values is an approximation, but it does not affect substantially the mean magnitude, as required for PL relations. For IRSF images, taken at Sutherland, the extinction coefficients at infrared bands are negligible (less than 0.01 mag/airmass). In fact, for the H band a relation was found and is shown in Figure 3.1, with an extinction coefficient kH = 0.0174 ± 0.0004 mag/airmass with σk = 0.004. However, for the other bands the relation is less clear, thus the correction was dropped. 1 26 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS Figure 3.1: Magnitude for different airmass values gives the atmospheric extinction in the H-band for IRSF images. Zero points were calculated as the difference between the extinction-corrected magnitudes and 2MASS magnitudes. For that, 10 non-variable stars were used in each cluster, with which a weighted average zero point was calculated for each image in each filter. With that, any difference between images due to changes in atmospheric conditions were considered. Color terms were not used because, as it is mentioned by Cabrera-Lavers et al. (2206), the transformations between TCS and 2MASS have a small dependence on 2MASS colors and, in some cases, for redder stars the corrections are smaller than the internal accuracy of the survey. Furthermore, CAIN and SIRIUS images were not taken simultaneously and the same number of images is not available in the three filters, then the determination of the color terms could only be performed for average colors, which is inaccurate. 27 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS 3.2 PL relations for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 For each variable star the period associated to the highest signal according to the previous works (FA01 for NGC 7062 and F96 for NGC 6134) was used. It was not possible to confirm or to determine new periods because the observation time for each epoch is insufficient. Mean magnitude for each variable was calculated as the weighted average of the calibrated magnitudes. The weights were the inverse of the squared errors. Each error was calculated as the propagated error with the contributions of the photometric errors from DoPHOT, the error of the extinction coefficient when used, and the error in the mean ZP. The dispersion of the mean magnitudes over the square root of the number of considered data was used as error, as usual. The mean magnitudes have, as it is expected, low dispersion values because lowamplitude variables were used. Considering that in some cases more than 100 values for the magnitudes were used, the errors are practically insignificant. Despite that, statistical errors are not representative of intrinsic errors because there are errors that cannot be quantified such as the different positions of the stars in the CCD and different sensitivities of the pixels. Calibrated mean magnitudes were plotted against the logarithm of the period (in days) for each variable. Some possible PL relations were found for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 variables. At the first attempt each relation was fitted with leastsquares approach. The coefficients for the relations derived can be found in Tables A.10 and A.11 for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 variables, respectively. # 1 relation is for the brightest stars and # 2 is for the faintest. In both cases the # 2 relation seems more accurate than the # 1, especially in the case of NGC 6134 where only two bright stars are available for the linear fit. Due to that the # 1 relations were dropped and re-derived using the slope corresponding to # 2 and a new intercept. This was calculated as the value with which the difference between the data and the PL relation fit, with the slope from # 2 relation, is the minimum. Figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 show the PL relations found, the derived # 2 relation and the new # 1 relation calculated as a shift of the former, for H, J and Ks bands, respectively. Errors less than 0.1 magnitudes were not plotted because they have the same size of the points. 28 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS For NGC 7062 the # 2 PL relations (for the faintest stars) found are: MJ = (−4.335 ± 0.415) log P + 9.059(±0.399), rms = 0.141, (3.2) MH = (−4.564 ± 0.629) log P + 8.657(±0.060), rms = 0.021, (3.3) MKs = (−4.414 ± 0.346) log P + 8.634(±0.332), rms = 0.118. (3.4) And for NGC 6134: MJ = (−3.207 log P ± 0.157) log P + 7.268(±0.168), rms = 0.085, (3.5) MH = (−3.259 log P ± 0.153) log P + 7.864(±0.165), rms = 0.083, (3.6) MKs = (−3.305 ± 0.159) log P + 7.785(±0.171), rms = 0.086. (3.7) With these relations the possible radial mode orders, n, could be estimated considering the period ratios associated to the two relations found. If they have the same slope, a, then, for a given magnitude, the periods for two radial modes, Pn and Pm , and their corresponding intercepts, bn and bm , are related by ∆ log P = log Pm Pn = (bn − bm ) . a (3.8) Table 3.1 has the values of ∆ log P and Pm /Pn for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 for the relations in the three bands. 29 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS Table 3.1: Period ratios associated to the PL relations found for each cluster and band. NGC 7062 ∆ log P -0.382 -0.363 -0.381 Pm /Pn 0.414 0.433 0.415 NGC 6134 Band ∆ log P J -0.230 H -0.228 Ks -0.222 Pm /Pn 0.588 0.591 0.599 Band J H Ks For NGC 6134 the period ratio approximately corresponds to the relations for fundamental (for the faintest) and for the second overtone (the brightest) variables, given the expected period ratio P2 /P0 = 0.616. These modes are not so different from those derived by Audard et al. (1995). They found, as was mentioned in Chapter 2, n = 2 for # 87 and g-mode for # 9 instead of the fundamental mode, and n = 3 for # 348 in lieu of the second overtone. For NGC 7062, the period ratio value is quite similar to the expected for fundamental and fourth overtone (P4 /P0 = 0.449). This means that V2, V11 and V13 are pulsating in the fundamental mode while V1, V3, V5 and V6, the brightest, with (n, `) = (4,0). Pulsation mode identification for the variables is not available, so an independent pulsation mode identification is required to confirm these values. 30 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS Figure 3.2: PL relations in the H-band for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 δ Scuti stars. The bottom dashed lines for the faintest stars are the result of a least-squares fit. The top dashed lines have the same slope as the one at the bottom but they were shifted to constrain the brightest stars. 31 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS Figure 3.3: PL relations in the J-band for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 δ Scuti stars. The meaning of dashed lines is the same as in the H-band (see Figure 3.2). 32 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS Figure 3.4: PL relations in the Ks -band for NGC 7062 and NGC 6134 δ Scuti stars. Dashed lines have the same meaning as for H and J bands (Figures 3.2 and 3.3). 33 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS 3.3 NGC 1817: Fundamentalized periods For NGC 1817, as expected from the mode identification done by A05, no relation was found. The distribution of the variables in the MJ - log (P ) plane is shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5: Mean magnitudes for NGC 1817 variable stars against their log (P ). As expected, no PL relations can be constrained because most of the pulsating modes are different, while these pulsating in the same mode have practically the same period. Despite the foregoing, the different pulsation modes of NGC 1817 δ Scuti stars can be reduced to the fundamental mode using Figure 18 of A05. The authors scaled the frequencies of the radial modes with the mean density and thus with the masses, or absolute magnitudes, of the stars. They derived the absolute V magnitude of some variables considering the reddening and cluster distance, and using models they derived a relation between the fundamental radial mode and more than 10 overtones. For each MV , the corresponding radial mode for each frequency detected can be found. Using these relations and the frequencies associated to each variable, the absolute magnitude in V was derived, and with those, the respective fundamental frequency, as presented in Table 3.2. With that, a PL relation for the fundamentalized periods can be derived for the measured infrared mean magnitudes. 34 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS Table 3.2: Fundamentalized periods of δ Scuti in NGC 1817. ID MV V1 V2 V3 V6 V8 V11 1.37 0.75 2.25 0.81 2.205 2.18 f0 (cd−1 ) 7.82 5.35 13.35 5.56 12.96 12.79 log P0 (days) -0.893 -0.728 -1.125 -0.744 -1.113 -1.107 The PL relations found are shown in Figure 3.6. Just as in other cases, errors lower than 0.1 magnitudes were not plotted. The relations fitted for each band are: MJ = (−3.806 ± 0.056) log P + 8.833(±0.049), rms = 0.042, (3.9) MH = (−3.857 ± 0.065) log P + 8.668(±0.059), rms = 0.025, (3.10) MKs = (−3.701 ± 0.087) log P + 8.679(±0.080), rms = 0.075. (3.11) 35 CHAPTER 3. PERIOD-LUMINOSITY RELATIONS Figure 3.6: PL relations for the fundamental mode for the δ Scuti in NGC 1817. V17 was not included because is probably a γ Doradus star (Arentoft et al., 2005). 36 Chapter 4 Theoretical approach With the purpose of estimating the slope value, very simple theoretical PL relations were constructed using tabulated values for periods and luminosities for δ Scuti stars. Luminosities and magnitudes can be related calculating the bolometric magnitude and the bolometric correction, BC, for the given wavelength, with the following relations: Mbol = Mbol, − 2.5 log (L/L ), Mλ = Mbol − BCλ , (4.1) (4.2) where Mbol, is the Sun’s bolometric magnitude, assumed as 4.74 magnitudes, and L and L are the luminosities of the star and the Sun, respectively. Bolometric corrections were taken from Girardi et al. (2002), who estimate BC for several photometric systems, including the Johnson-Cousins (BVRI) and Glass (JHK) systems, as function of Tef f , log (g) and [M/H]. The available models consider two different values of [M/H]: +0.0 and -0.5. The values used for derived BC corrections and bolometric magnitudes are listed in Table 4.1 that corresponds to a part of Table 16.2 of Allen (2000). For each value of gravity the associated range of temperatures and BC were selected from the models and with them, as the authors recommended, linear interpolation was done to obtain BCs for intermediate values of effective temperature. This procedure was performed for each metallicity value. 37 CHAPTER 4. THEORETICAL APPROACH Table 4.1: Physical and observational properties of δ Scuti stars. Part of Table 16.2 from Allen (2000). log (P0 ) MV -1.4 +2.7 -1.0 +1.7 -0.7 +0.8 log (L/L ) 0.90 1.22 1.58 log Tef f 3.91 3.88 3.86 log g 4.5 3.9 3.6 Q 0.039 0.037 0.037 With the bolometric corrections, absolute magnitudes for BVRIJHK bands were derived for each luminosity and associated period, i.e., for each metallicity value three magnitudes for a possible PL relation were derived. It is not a very accurate method because it has few points and some approximations, but, roughly speaking, this method can give an estimation of the slope value for different wavelengths. 4.1 Visible bands For the two values of [M/H] different but quite similar PL relations were found using least-squares fitting. Due to this similarity only the relations for [M/H] = +0.0 were plotted and they can be found in Figure 4.1. The corresponding PL relations for this case are the following: MB = (−2.36 ± 0.14) log P − 0.62(±0.15), rms = 0.078, (4.3) MV = (−2.47 ± 0.16) log P − 0.96(±0.17), rms = 0.078, (4.4) MR = (−2.58 ± 0.15) log P − 1.21(±0.16), rms = 0.076, (4.5) MI = (−2.67 ± 0.15) log P − 1.43(±0.16), rms = 0.075. (4.6) 38 CHAPTER 4. THEORETICAL APPROACH Figure 4.1: PL relations for the fundamental mode in the BVRI bands. They were derived using theoretical values for periods and luminosities, which were converted into magnitudes using bolometric corrections. For V band MV theoretical values, taken directly from Table 4.1, were also plotted as blue squares. For [M/H] = -0.5 the relations derived are: MB = (−2.36 ± 0.16) log P − 0.58(±0.17), rms = 0.078, (4.7) MV = (−2.46 ± 0.15) log P − 0.92(±0.17), rms = 0.078, (4.8) MR = (−2.57 ± 0.15) log P − 1.16(±0.16), rms = 0.076, (4.9) MI = (−2.65 ± 0.15) log P − 1.38(±0.16), rms = 0.077. (4.10) As can be noted, the slope values are practically the same for the different metallicity ratios and the rms-dispersions for each relation are very similar too. 39 CHAPTER 4. THEORETICAL APPROACH Figure 4.1 also shows the values of MV , and their corresponding fit, taken directly from Table 4.1. They are plotted as blue squares and their associated PL relation is: MV = (−2.70 ± 0.14) log P − 1.06(±0.15), rms = 0.040 (4.11) This PL relation is marginally different compared to the equations (4.4) and (4.8) that were derived with the bolometric corrections. The difference, as Figure 4.1 shows, is due to the point at log (P ) = −1.4 that is slightly lower for the one derived with bolometric correction compared with the value listed by Allen. However, considering the errors, is not a substantial difference. 4.2 Infrared bands The same procedure for the JHK bands gave the relations plotted in Figure 4.2 for [M/H] = +0.0, and the fitting results are: MJ = (−2.82 ± 0.15) log P − 1.73(±0.16), rms = 0.074, (4.12) MH = (−2.93 ± 0.14) log P − 1.94(±0.16), rms = 0.072, (4.13) MK = (−2.94 ± 0.14) log P − 1.98(±0.16), rms = 0.072. (4.14) As in the visible bands, for [M/H] = -0.5 the slope values and intercepts are practically the same as the ones found for [M/H] = +0.0: MJ = (−2.81 ± 0.15) log P − 1.70(±0.16), rms = 0.074, (4.15) MH = (−2.94 ± 0.14) log P − 1.95(±0.16), rms = 0.072, (4.16) MK = (−2.95 ± 0.14) log P − 1.97(±0.16), rms = 0.072. (4.17) The above equations were derived from absolute magnitudes, an so only the slopes can be compared with those derived using observational data for the fundamental mode. For NGC 7062, equations (3.2), (3.3), (3.4) at J, H and Ks appear steeper, in absolute value, than the theoretical ones, even considering the errors. For this cluster the relations are less accurate than the others (they have higher rms and errors for the slopes and intercepts), which may be because of the color corrections 40 CHAPTER 4. THEORETICAL APPROACH Figure 4.2: PL relations in the near-infrared bands derived using bolometric corrections and theoretical values for periods and luminosities. having been dropped or due to one or more incorrect periods. Equations (3.5), (3.6) and (3.7) for NGC 6134 are more consistent with the theoretical relations derived. For NGC 1817, and its associated PL relations, equations (3.9), (3.10) and (3.11), the slopes are higher than the obtained with theoretical values, but they are also the more accurate ones. The most probable reason for that difference is that the fundamental periods derived for the variables are not accurate. 4.3 Wavelength dependence of PL slope Madore & Freedman (1991, MF01), derived PL relations at visible and nearinfrared bands using self-consistent calibrating data sets, i.e. the same group of stars (Cepheids on the Large Magellanic Cloud) was used. With their results they claimed that the PL relation slope becomes more negative as the effective wavelength increases while the rms-dispersion of the relation decreases. Freedman et al. (2008) determined PL relations for LMC Cepheids at mid-infrared wavelengths (3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 µm) and with these slopes and retaking the slopes of MF01 for the 41 CHAPTER 4. THEORETICAL APPROACH visible bands and the improved slopes for the near-infrared derived by Persson et al. (2004), they showed that they appear to be asymptotically converging the slope of a period-radius relation. Likewise, King (1991) commented that at infrared wavelengths a PL relation may be expected to exist as a form of a period-radius relation. His argument was that infrared luminosities are more indicative of the radii of δ Scuti stars taking into account their ranges of masses. In addition, as Freedman et al. (2008) comment, in the infrared the mean magnitudes of the stars are less sensitive to changes in temperature, which is caused by the much-decreased sensitivity of the infrared surface brightness to the temperature width of the instability strip, which means that at infrared wavelengths the PL relation is more like a period-radius relation at fixed surface brightness. A quick way to see this behavior is considering the pulsation constant, Q, defined as r Q=P ρ̄ , ρ¯ (4.18) where P is the period in days, ρ̄ and ρ¯ are the mean density and mean solar density, respectively. Expressing the density in terms of mass and radius: 4M ⇒ Q = P M 1/2 R−3/2 , (4.19) 3πR3 where M and R are the mass and radius in solar units, respectively. Furthermore, the period-radius relation from this is: ρ≈ 2 1 2 log P + log M − log Q. (4.20) 3 3 3 Thereby, the slope of the period-radius relation is, at fixed mass, 2/3 ∼ 0.67. log R = 42 CHAPTER 4. THEORETICAL APPROACH It is important to notice that this value is valid for all the pulsating stars, and so it is expected that the value of the slope of the period-radius relation has, in order of magnitude, the same value for both Cepheids and δ Scuti stars. Translating this value into a magnitude: log R ≈ 0.67 log P + C1 , (4.21) log R2 ≈ 1.34 log P + C2 , (4.22) −2.5 log R2 ≈ −3.35 log P + C3 . (4.23) Gieren et al. (1999) derived a period-radius relation for Cepheids as log (R) = 0.68 log (P )+C, which corresponds to a slope, in magnitudes, of (0.680 ± 0.017)× -5 = (-3.40 ± 0.085) magnitudes. This value is in agreement with the one shown above. Tsvetkov (1988) derived semi-empirical and theoretical period-radius relations for δ Scuti and an empirical one for Classical Cepheids. He found a slope of (0.651 ± 0.002) for Cepheids and higher slopes for δ Scuti stars: a semi-empirical value of (0.768 ± 0.008) and a theoretical value of (0.727 ± 0.002), both for the fundamental mode, with which the slope, in magnitudes, could be between (-3.84 ± 0.04) and (-3.64 ± 0.01) for δ Scuti stars. With these considerations the slopes derived in the previous section were plotted against the effective wavelength of each band and are shown at the top of Figure 4.3, whereas at the bottom the rms-dispersion for the PL relations is shown. In both cases it is clear that while the wavelength increases, the slope and dispersion decreases. It is clear, also, that as it occurs with Cepheids, for δ Scuti in the infrared the slope is more negative. Considering these results, the absolute value of the slopes derived for δ Scuti stars in NGC 7062 (equations (3.3), (3.2) and (3.4)) appear overestimated. On the other hand, the absolute values of slopes derived for NGC 6134 appear more reliable and in good agreement with those expected (equations (3.5), (??) and (??)). Slope values derived with the fundamentalized periods for δ Scuti stars in NGC 1817 (equations (3.10), (3.9) and (3.11)) also appear a little overestimated. In this case, the source of major uncertainties appears to be the determination of the periods for the fundamental mode. 43 CHAPTER 4. THEORETICAL APPROACH Figure 4.3: Top: Wavelength dependence of the PL slope for the BVRIJHK bands. Bottom: Dispersion dependence of the PL slope for the same bands. It is clear that slopes and dispersions tend to decrease while the wavelength increases. With all these arguments, the slope values of King (1990) (-1.682, -1.537 and 1.736 for J, H and K) appear seriously underestimated (in absolute value). However, he obtained relations with low dispersion, which are very tight. The reason for this discrepancy is still not clear. However, the sources of error in his work are, probably, the determination of the distance modulus and the tabulated periods used. Also, King mentioned that his slopes were in good agreement with the one derived for the V magnitude by Dworak & Zieba (1975). However, as Table A.1 shows, the newest values of the slopes for the V band are more negative than the one derived by them. If King’s stars had 2MASS magnitudes it could have been interesting to derive a new PL relation for those stars, but most of them lack 2MASS measurements. 44 Chapter 5 Summary and future work Infrared observations and photometry were performed in order to derive PeriodLuminosity relations for low-amplitude δ Scuti variables from three open clusters: NGC 7062, NGC 6134 and NGC 1817. It was not possible to detect the intrinsic variability of the stars due to the fact that the amount and quality of the observations were not good enough for this purpose. It was also not possible to detect or confirm the periods previously detected for the variables because the observation time for each epoch is insufficient for multiperiodic variables. Nevertheless, accurate mean magnitudes, for H, J and Ks bands, for the 20 δ Scuti stars observed, were derived with which Period-Luminosity relations were found. Both for NGC 7062 and for NGC 1817, two PL relations were derived. Only one of them, in each case, appears to be reliable and was used to fix the slope and to recalculate the intercept of the second one. From the PL relations, pulsation modes for the variables are suggested. For NGC 6134 they are similar to those derived in previous works. For NGC 7062 no prior pulsation mode identification exists, therefore pulsation mode identification is necessary to confirm these results. For now, they are only tentative. For NGC 1817 a PL relation was not found because the variables in the cluster have different pulsation modes. In this case, fundamentalized periods were derived, with which a PL relation was calculated. Very simple theoretical PL relations were derived for BVRIJHK bands using periods, luminosities, effective temperatures, gravity values and metallicity ratios tabulated for δ Scuti stars. Only 3 points were used to construct the relations. Despite that, it was found that, while the effective wavelength of the band increases, the slope value of the PL relations decreases. This is is a consequence of infrared 45 CHAPTER 5. SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK bands are less sensitive to temperature changes and interstellar extinction. As a consequence, PL relations at long wavelengths approach a period-radius relation. Both for theoretical and observational PL relations derived, the slope values are, in absolute value, higher than the ones derived by King (1990), which is the only study about PL relations at infrared bands for δ Scuti stars to date. The reason for this disagreement is not clear, but, with the considerations described before, his values are, probably, underestimated. More detailed models and better photometric measurements are required to study theoretical and observational Period-Luminosity relations for these variable stars. High-amplitude delta Scuti stars would be more suitable for this purpose than lowamplitude ones because the former are easier to detect and they are pulsating in the fundamental or the first radial overtones. However, low-amplitude δ Scuti stars, as those studied in this work, pose a more interesting challenge for the theoretical field (for asteroseismology studies), and for the observational efforts improve the photometry. 46 Annex A Tables Table A.1 consists in Period-Luminosity relations with the form MV = a log P +b. Table A.1: PL relations for delta Scuti stars from a number of sources. . a -1.35 -2.6 -3.06 -2.76 -2.28 -1.88 ± 0.24 -1.41 ± 0.39 0.48 ± 0.22 -1.66 ± 0.34 -2.932 -2.942 2.698 -3.74 -3.05 ± 0.05 -3.13 ± 0.04 -3.26 ± 0.04 -2.88 ± 0.17 b σ Reference 0.33 * 2 C * 3 -1.88 ± 0.25 * 4 -1.53 ± 0.26 * -0.93 * 5 -0.46 ± 0.27 * 6 -1.36 ± 0.43 * 7 0.86 ± 0.25 -0.11 ± 0.44 * 10 -1.247 * 11 -1.588 * -1.771 * - 1.91 * 12 -1.32 ± 0.06 0.07 13 -1.88 ± 0.05 0.05 -2.43 ± 0.06 0.05 -0.77 ± 0.25 * 14 47 ANNEX A. TABLES Table A.2 has Period-Luminosity-Color relations for visible filters. An asterisk is included when dereddened color terms were used of the form Mv = a log P + b(B − V ) + c Table A.2: PLC relations for delta Scuti stars from a number of sources. . a -2.5 -2.06 ± 0.32 b 3.50 4.14 ± 1.32∗ c Reference - 1.51 1 -1.61 ± 0.61 10 Table A.3 has Period-Luminosity-Color relations for the Strömgren color term (b-y). Dereddened color terms are marked with an asterisk. The form of the PLC relations are: MV = a log P + b(b − y) + c. Table A.3: PLC relations for delta Scuti stars from a number of sources using Strömgren color terms. . a -2.5 -3.23 -2.94 -2.65 -2.21 ± 0.23 -2.64 -3.052 b 5.5 5.6∗ 5.1∗ 6.75∗ 5.44 ± 1.4∗ 7.0 8.456 c Reference -2.0 3 -3.01 ± 0.22 4 -2.58 ± 0.25 -2.39 5 -1.68 ± 0.39 6 -2.48 ± 0.24 8 -3.121 ± 0.31 9 References: (1) Fernie (1964), (2) Frolov (1969, 1970), (3) Breger (1969), (4) Leung (1970), (5) Valtier (1972), (6) Elliot (1974), (7) Dworak & Zieba (1975), (8) Breger and Bregman (1975), (9) Breger (1979), (10) Frolov and Irkaev (1984), (11) King (1991), (12) Høg & Petersen (1997), (13) Santolamazza et al. (2001), (14) Pych et al. (2001). (1) ⇒ (10) were directly taken from Tsvetkov (1985). 48 ANNEX A. TABLES Table A.4: Basic and pulsation data for δ Scuti variables of NGC 7062 inside CAIN’s FoV and members of the cluster. Adapted from Freyhammer et al. (2001). ID GCVS α2000 δ2000 f (Cyg) cd−1 V1 V2448 21 23 29.81 46 22 38.6 14.2 12.2 24.7 21.0 12.8 17.8 25.4 17.4 11.0 V2 V2449 21 23 30.62 46 21 38.4 4.6 2.6 7.4 V3 V2451 21 23 35.86 46 24 11.1 19.2 13.5 19.5 11.5 V5 V2444 21 23 21.72 46 25 12.4 20.2 21.0 22.4 V6 V2443 21 23 21.58 46 22 60.0 13.3 11.1 V11 V2450 21 23 33.50 46 22 8.0 11.6 11.1 V13 V2442 21 23 18.53 46 21 23.3 12.4 49 S/N V aV mmag 16.7 13.94 2.3 12.6 1.6 9.5 8.3 19.7 2.3 7.5 5.1 6.2 11.3 21.7 13.38 10.4 6.1 4.7 5.5 2.8 9.6 14.41 3.6 9.9 2.8 4.6 4.6 7.6 14.47 1.8 7.1 6.4 7.0 13.41 1.0 4.7 1.0 7.1 15.61 1.6 6.5 7.0 14.92 1.8 ANNEX A. TABLES Table A.5: Basic and pulsation data for δ Scuti of NGC 1817 inside CAIN’s FoV. Adapted from Arentoft et al. (2005). ID GCVS (Tau) V1 V1182 V2 V1181 V3 V1179 V6 ... V8 ... α2000 δ2000 f S/N cd−1 5 12 42.82 16 41 43 19.94 13.17 10.22 6.93 14.86 20.53 22.02 23.91 8.88 14.57 5 12 40.81 16 42 00 18.52 19.05 19.99 17.21 15.14 5 12 37.40 16 42 31 18.57 18.27 25.62 30.09 19.83 5 12 33.08 16 41 50 18.07 20.70 14.90 16.59 5 12 33.71 16 43 22 20.93 29.28 37.91 20.30 18.69 Continued on next page. . . 50 V aV mmag 16.8 13.49 1.3 - 5.0 n 5 2 18.6 12.87 0.8 - 2.9 7/8 7/8 8.8 14.37 2.2 - 4.1 1 1 6.6 12.93 0.7 - 1.0 7 8 11.1 14.32 0.9 - 2.3 2 4 ANNEX A. TABLES Table A.5 – Continued ID GCVS (Tau) V11 ... V17 ... α2000 δ2000 f S/N cd−1 V aV mmag n 25.51 31.23 16.85 23.78 32.64 5 12 30.37 16 41 29 4.02 6.3 14.30 1.4 - 1.6 21.57 2 5 12 37.48 16 43 56 2.04 13.1 16.97 6.1 - 19.6 1.39 51 ANNEX A. TABLES Table A.6: Basic and pulsation data for δ Scuti variables in NGC 6134. Adapted from Frandsen et al. (1996). Declination of # 161 was corrected from the paper according to GCVS coordinates for V357 Nor. ID 9 GCVS (Nor) V356 α2000 δ2000 16 27 48.77 -49 10 43.8 87 V386 16 2740.04 -49 10 25.4 159 V355 16 27 39.87 -49 09 41.1 161 348 V357 V388 16 27 51.49 -49 09 20.3 16 27 49.16 -49 06 43.7 397 V387 16 27 43.14 -49 07 24.1 52 f S/N (µHz) 63.5 11.4 61.2 7.9 65.6 9.5 59.3 7.5 89.8 5.1 200.5 10.5 162.4 4.2 220.5 4.2 139.3 10.4 244.8 7.2 116.1 7.9 87.3 22.1 133.5 12.9 76.4 8.8 168.1 5.2 324.3 4.8 V 12.26 13.52 13.15 11.94 12.43 13.57 aV (mmag) 9.7 6.7 8.1 6.4 4.3 2.0 0.8 0.8 5.9 4.1 4.5 6.2 6.2 4.2 1.7 1.6 ANNEX A. TABLES Table A.7: 2MASS magnitudes for δ Scuti stars observed in NGC 7062. ID J (mag) eJ (mag) H (mag) eH (mag) Ks (mag) eKs (mag) V1 12.347 0.022 12.084 0.024 11.980 0.022 V2 11.938 0.022 11.689 0.023 11.603 0.019 V3 12.956 0.023 12.684 0.026 12.579 0.026 V5 13.208 0.020 13.024 0.026 12.911 0.036 V6 12.207 0.023 12.042 0.024 11.929 0.022 V11 13.619 0.032 13.313 0.043 13.161 0.040 V13 13.197 0.032 13.129 0.046 13.053 0.045 Table A.8: 2MASS magnitudes for δ Scuti stars observed in NGC 1817. ID J (mag) eJ (mag) H (mag) eH (mag) Ks (mag) eKs (mag) V1 12.521 0.023 12.390 0.026 12.315 0.025 V2 11.815 0.026 11.654 0.027 11.555 0.028 V3 13.258 0.023 13.083 0.026 12.979 0.032 Table A.9: 2MASS magnitudes for δ Scuti stars observed in NGC 6134. ID J (mag) eJ (mag) H (mag) eH (mag) Ks (mag) eKs (mag) 9 10.621 0.024 10.319 0.024 10.198 0.023 87 12.147 0.033 11.855 0.034 11.729 0.034 161 10.397 0.029 10.110 0.028 9.999 0.026 348 10.954 0.024 10.681 0.024 10.588 0.025 397 12.141 0.024 11.881 0.022 11.805 0.025 53 ANNEX A. 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