Curriculum Vitae - Institut für Klassische Altertumskunde


Curriculum Vitae - Institut für Klassische Altertumskunde
Claas Lattmann
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Institut für Klassische Altertumskunde
Leibnizstraße 8
D–24098 Kiel, Germany
Teaching and Research Interests
Greek literature (esp. lyric and drama); ancient philosophy (esp. Plato and Presocratics); ancient
science (esp. mathematics and astronomy); ancient literary theory (esp. Aristotle’s Poetics); metaphor and model theory (Charles S. Peirce and semiotics); history of Classical Studies; e-learning
Academic Appointments
Visiting Scholar at the Department of Classics, Emory University (Project: “Plato’s Engagement
with Mathematical Modeling”), 8/2013–7/2016
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) (equivalent to Assistant Professor), Department of Classics, University of Kiel, 10/2009–present
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (equivalent to Acting Assistant Professor), Department of Classics,
University of Kiel, 10/2008–9/2009
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (junior faculty), Department of Classics, University of Kiel,
University of Kiel, Germany, 2005–2008
2008 Doctor philosophiae. Dissertation: “Das Gleiche im Verschiedenen. Metapher des
Sports und Lob des Siegers in Pindars Epinikien” (advisor: Lutz Käppel)
2005–2008 Greek (Major), Latin (Minor), Phonetics and Digital Speech Processing (Minor)
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
University of Kiel, Germany, 1998–2005
2004 Magister artium. Thesis: “Sportmetaphorik in Pindars Epinikien” (advisor: Lutz Käppel)
2000–2005 Greek (Major), Phonetics and Digital Speech Processing (Minor), Computer
Science (Minor)
1998–2000 Philosophy (Major), Greek (Minor), Computer Science (Minor)
William M. Calder III Fellowship 2015 of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt
William M. Calder III Fellowship 2014 of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt
William M. Calder III Fellowship 2013 of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Project: “Plato’s
Engagement with Mathematical Modeling”), 8/2013–7/2016
Das Gleiche im Verschiedenen. Metapher des Sports und Lob des Siegers in Pindars Epinikien,
Berlin: De Gruyter 2010 (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 102).
[Reviews: Arlette Neumann-Hartmann, Nikephoros 2010, 23: 276–283; Zsolt Adorjáni, Gymnasium
2012, 119: 193–196; Peter Agócs, JHS 2013, 133, 166 f.; Thomas Hubbard, Gnomon 2013, 85 (8): 746 f.]
Journal Articles / Book Chapters (* Peer-Reviewed / Refereed)
* Diagrammatizing Mathematics: Some Remarks on a Revolutionary Aspect of Ancient Greek
Mathematics, in: S. Cuomo, M. Sialaros (eds.): Revolutions and Continuity in Greek Mathematics, Berlin: De Gruyter (Science, Technology and Medicine in Ancient Cultures), ca. 25 pp.
(accepted for publication).
* Pindar’s Voice(s): The Epinician Persona Reconsidered, in: N. Slater (ed.): Voice and Voices in
Antiquity, Leiden: Brill 2016 (Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World 11), 123–148 (in print).
From the Micro- to the Macrocosm – And Back Again. Some Remarks on the Use of Models in
Ancient and Modern Science, in: B. Strobel, G. Wöhrle (eds.): Angewandte Epistemologie in
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
antiker Philosophie und Wissenschaft, Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2016 (AKAN
Einzelschriften 11), 215–243.
* Vom Nutzen der ὄψις: Aristoteles, Poetik 1450a12–14, Philologus 2015, 159: 251–271.
Die Welt im Modell. Zur Geburt der systematischen Modellierung in der Antike, in: B. Thalheim,
I. Nissen (eds.): Wissenschaft und Kunst der Modellierung. Kieler Zugang zur Definition, Nutzung und Zukunft, Berlin: De Gruyter 2015 (Philosophische Analyse 64), 307–327.
* Ritualisierter Siegpreis. Anmerkungen zur pragmatischen Dimension von Epinikien, Nikephoros
2012, 25: 19–78 (published in 2014).
* “Kindergarten und Altersheim”. Anmerkungen zu Aischylos, Sieben gegen Theben 10–16 und
zur Ephebie in Athen, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 2013, 156: 235–256.
* B. Kralemann, C. Lattmann: The Semantics of Models: a Semiotic Philosophy of Science Approach, in: K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim (eds.): Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases. 5th International Workshop SDKB 2011, Zürich, Switzerland, July 3, 2011. Revised Selected Papers,
Berlin: Springer 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7693), 50–69.
* B. Kralemann, C. Lattmann: Models as Icons: Modeling Models in the Semiotic Framework of
Peirce’s Theory of Signs, Synthese 2013, 190: 3397–3420.
* Icons of novel thought. A new perspective on Peirce’s definition of metaphor (CP 2.277), Semiotica 2012, 192: 535–556.
Die Dichtungsklassifikation des Aristoteles. Eine neue Interpretation von Aristot. poet. 1448a19–
24, Philologus 2005, 149: 28–51.
Reviews (Invited)
“Hellmut Flashar: Aristoteles. Lehrer des Abendlandes, München: Beck 2013,” Anzeiger für die
Altertumswissenschaft 2015 (in print).
“Peter Riedlberger: Domninus of Larissa. Encheiridion and Spurious Works. Introduction, Critical
Text, English Translation, and Commentary, Roma: Serra 2013,” Gymnasium 2015, 122: 500–
“Lloyd P. Gerson: From Plato to Platonism, Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2013,” Classical Journal,
2015.08.02 (online) < Lattman on
“Ezio Dolfi: Storia e funzione degli aggettivi in Bacchilide, Firenze: Università degli studi di Firenze,
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità ‘Giorgio Pasquali,’” Gnomon 2014, 86: 170–172.
“Zsolt Adorjáni: Auge und Sehen in Pindars Dichtung, Hildesheim: Olms 2011,” Gymnasium 2012,
119: 604–606.
“Wolfgang Hein: Die Mathematik im Altertum. Von Algebra bis Zinseszins, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2012,” H-Soz-u-Kult, 12/10/2012 <>.
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
“Bernhard Zimmermann (Hrsg.): Handbuch der griechischen Literatur I, München: C.H. Beck
2011,” H-Soz-u-Kult, 3/19/2012 <>.
“Arthur McDevitt: Bacchylides. The Victory Poems. Translation with Introduction and Commentary, London: Bristol Classical Press 2009,” Gymnasium 2012, 119: 75 f.
“Benjamin Acosta-Hughes: Arion’s Lyre. Archaic Lyric into Hellenistic Poetry, Princeton / Oxford:
Princeton University Press 2010,” sehepunkte 2011, 11 (10) [10/15/2011] <>.
“Imre Tóth: Fragmente und Spuren nichteuklidischer Geometrie bei Aristoteles, Berlin: De Gruyter 2010,” Gnomon 2011, 83: 481–485.
“Arlette Neumann-Hartmann: Epinikien und ihr Aufführungsrahmen, Hildesheim 2009,” Gymnasium 2011, 118: 185 f.
“Robert Bees: Aischylos. Interpretationen zum Verständnis seiner Theologie, München 2009,” sehepunkte 2010, 10 (11) [11/15/2010] <>.
“Sabine Föllinger: Aischylos. Meister der griechischen Tragödie, München 2009,” H-Soz-u-Kult,
5/7/2010 <>.
Co-Edited Books
J. Schaefer [et al.]: Gelebte Interdisziplinarität. Kardiologie zwischen Baltimore und Kiel und ihr
Vermächtnis einer Theoretischen Kardiologie. Herausgegeben und erzählt von Jochen Schaefer unter Mitwirkung von Klaus-Jürgen Nordmann, Michael Schöttler, Hans-Joachim Schwarzkopf, Claas Lattmann und Wolfgang Deppert, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2011.
W. Deppert, K. Köther, B. Kralemann, C. Lattmann, N. Martens, J. Schaefer (eds.): Selbstorganisierte Systemzeiten. Ein interdisziplinärer Diskurs zur Modellierung lebender Systeme auf der
Grundlage interner Rhythmen, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2002.
[Review: Franz Halberg, Neuroendocrinology Letters 2002, 23: 262–265.]
In Preparation
Review of “Theokritos Kouremenos: The Unity of Mathematics in Plato’s Republic, Stuttgart: Steiner 2015,” H-Soz-u-Kult.
Review of “Jamblique, In Nicomachi Arithmeticam. Introduction, texte critique, traduction française et notes de commentaire par Nicolas Vinel, Pisa / Roma: Serra 2014,” Gnomon.
Mathematische Modellierung bei Platon, Habilitationsschrift.
L. Käppel, C. Lattmann, J. Stenger [et al.]: Edition programmatischer Texte zur klassischen Philologie, ca. 800 pp.
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
Teaching Experience
At Emory University
Spring Sem. 2016 Ancient Sport (CL329; lecture course / seminar)
Spring Sem. 2015 Ancient Science (CL329; lecture course / seminar)
Fall Sem. 2014
Lucretius (LAT318; advanced reading course)
Supervised reading course (GRK498; Greek prose composition)
Spring Sem. 2014 Ancient Science and Mathematics (CL329; lecture course / seminar)
At the University of Kiel
SS 2013
Griechische Sprache II (prose composition; based on Plato, Critias)
Platon, Kritias (reading course)
Cicero, De natura deorum (seminar)
WS 2012/2013
Griechische Sprache I (prose composition; based on Xenophon, Hiero)
Xenophon, Hieron (reading course)
SS 2012
Menander, Samia (reading course)
WS 2011/2012
Einführung in die griechische Philologie (lecture course / seminar)
Griechische Stilübungen (advanced prose composition; based on Plato,
SS 2011
Bakchylides (seminar)
Euripides, Alkestis (reading course)
Pindar (graduate seminar; together with Lutz Käppel)
Pindar (reading course; together with Lutz Käppel)
WS 2010/2011
Plutarch, Alexander und Caesar (seminar)
Kolloquium zur griechischen Mathematik: Autolykos von Pitane
SS 2010
Homer, Odyssee 9–10 (reading course)
Kolloquium zur griechischen Mathematik: Antike Arithmetik
WS 2009/2010
Einführung in die griechische Philologie (lecture course / seminar)
Kolloquium zur griechischen Mathematik: Euklid, Elemente
Aristoteles, Physik 4 (reading course)
SS 2009
Griechische Sprache II (prose composition; based on Plato, Euthyphro)
Euripides, Herakles (reading course)
WS 2008/2009
Einführung in die griechische Philologie (lecture course / seminar)
Griechische Sprache I (prose composition; based on Lysias, or. 12)
Longos, Daphnis und Chloe (seminar)
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SS 2008
Griechische Sprache II (prose composition; based on Xenophon, Hell. II)
Euripides, Helena (seminar)
WS 2007/2008
Griechische Sprache I (prose composition; based on Xenophon, Hell. I)
Herodot VII (reading course)
SS 2007
Griechische Stilübungen II (based on Plato, Alcibiades I)
Aischylos, Sieben gegen Theben (seminar)
WS 2006/2007
Griechische Stilübungen I (based on Xenophon, Anabasis I)
Bakchylides (reading course)
SS 2006
Griechische Stilübungen II (based on Lysias, Against Eratosthenes)
Aristophanes, Vögel (reading course)
WS 2005/2006
Griechische Stilübungen I (based on Isocrates, Against the Sophists)
SS 2005
Griechische Stilübungen II (based on Xenophon, Memorabilia I)
Xenophon, Memorabilia I (reading course)
Talks and Conference Papers (* Refereed Abstract / ** Full Paper / *** Invited)
*** “Die Pythischen Spiele bei Pindar. Historischer Kontext und kulturelle Bedeutung” (June 22–
24, 2017, Conference on Delphi, Göttingen) (to be delivered)
*** “Models as Icons” (January 19–20, 2017, International Interdisciplinary Workshop on “Modelling between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice”, Cologne) (to be delivered)
** “Inventing Incommensurability. Traces of a Scientific Revolution in Early Greek Mathematics in
the Times of Plato” (January 5–8, 2017, 147th Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical
Studies [SCS] in Toronto, ON, Canada; session organized by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy [SAGP]) (to be delivered)
* “The Image in the Image. The Soul’s Journey to Knowledge in Plato’s Cave” (December 1–2,
2016, Paths of Knowledge in Antiquity, Berlin) (to be delivered)
“Epinikien als pragmatischer Ausdruck institutionalisierter Konkurrenz” (November 3–5, 2016, 2nd
Workshop of the Network “Konkurrenz und Institutionalisierung in der griechischen Archaik”:
Institutionalisierung in der griechischen Archaik, Berlin) (to be delivered)
* “The Art of Land-Measuring. Diagrammatical Knowledge Between Egypt and Greece” (October
28–30, 2016, 34th annual joint meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy [SAGP]
with the Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science [SSPS], Fordham University,
New York, NY, USA; panel on “Ancient Mathematics: Practical and Theoretical Diagram-Making in
Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia,” organized by Robert Hahn) (to be delivered)
* “Between Athens and Delphi. The Performance and Poetics of the Delphic Hymns” (September
1–3, 2016, Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World XII. Orality and Narration: Performance
and Mythic-Ritual Poetics, Puidoux, Switzerland) (to be delivered)
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
* “From Pyramids to Triangles. Thales and Early Greek Mathematics” (June 13–17, 2016, Fifth
Biennial Conference of the International Association for Presocratic Studies [IAPS] in Austin,
* “‘I Cannot Call the Blessed Ones Gluttonous.’ Myth Criticism in Pindar’s Olympian One” (March
16–19, 2016, 112th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South
[CAMWS] in Williamsburg, VA, USA)
“‘I Cannot Call the Blessed Ones Gluttonous.’ Myth Criticism in Pindar’s Olympian One” (January
20, 2016, Ancient Mediterranean Studies Colloquium, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA)
* “‘Separating the Small and the Great.’ Plato and the Right Use of Mathematics” (October 23–
25, 2015, 33rd annual joint meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy [SAGP] with
the Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science [SSPS], Fordham University, New
York, NY, USA)
* “Inventing Incommensurability. Traces of a Scientific Revolution in Early Greek Mathematics in
the Times of Plato” (March 25–28, 2015, 111th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of
the Middle West and South [CAMWS] in Boulder, CO, USA)
* “‘Lifting the Eye of the Soul Out of the Barbaric Mire.’ Mathematics and the Vision of the Good
in Plato’s Republic” (March 13–15, 2015, Platonic Moral Realism, Midterm Meeting of the International Plato Society [IPS], Atlanta, GA, USA)
* “Between Athens and Delphi: The Pragmatics of the Delphic Hymns” (January 8–11, 2015, 146th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies [SCS], New Orleans, LA, USA)
* “Doubling Without Doubling. Plato and the Delian Altar of Apollo” (October 24–26, 2014, 32nd
annual joint meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy [SAGP] with the Society for
the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science [SSPS], Fordham University, New York, NY, USA;
panel on “Ancient Mathematics, Architecture, Engineering, and Philosophy,” organized by Robert Hahn)
* “‘I Cannot Call the Blessed Ones Gluttonous.’ Myth Criticism in Pindar’s Olympian One” (October 17–19, 2014, Myth Criticism in the Ancient World, First Rouman Symposium for Research
in Classics and the Humanities, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA)
* “Pindar’s Voice(s). The Epinician Persona Reconsidered” (September 17–21, 2014, Orality and
Literacy in the Ancient World XI: Voice and Voices, Atlanta, GA, USA)
“One, Two, Three – Plato’s Theory and Practice of Mathematical Modeling” (September 11, 2014,
Ancient Mediterranean Studies Colloquium, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA)
*** “Von der Waterkant ins Colaland” (September 4, 2014, Feodor Lynen-Stipendiaten/-innentreffen, 14th Annual GAIN Meeting, Boston, MA, USA)
* “Vom Mikro- zum Makrokosmos und wieder zurück. Anmerkungen zum Gebrauch von Modellen in Antike und Moderne” (July 3–5, 2014, Angewandte Epistemologie in antiker Philosophie
und Wissenschaft / Applied Epistemology in Ancient Philosophy and Science, Trier, Germany;
closing lecture)
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
* “Diagrammatizing Mathematics: Some Remarks on a Revolutionary Aspect of Ancient Greek
Mathematics” (May 10–11, 2014, Revolutions and Continuity in Greek Mathematics, London,
United Kingdom)
** “The Mathematical Square: Some Remarks on Plato, Meno 82a7–85b7” (April 24–27, 2014,
14th Annual Meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society [APS], Tampa, FL, USA)
* “The World as a Line – Some Remarks on Plato’s Engagement with Mathematical Modeling”
(April 2–5, 2014, 110th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and
South [CAMWS] in Waco, TX, USA)
“Mathematische Modellierung bei Platon” (November 29, 2012, Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Karlsruhe)
* “Models as Signs – A Semantical Philosophy of Science Approach” (July 3, 2011, 5th International
Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, with Björn
“LOGOS mit SOPHIA: Perspektiven des E-Learnings zum antiken Griechenland” (May 26, 2011, eLearning Day, University of Kiel)
“Die Welt als Linie – Platons Modelltheorie” (October 1, 2010, XIIIth Symposium of the International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel, jointly organized with the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Kiel)
“Die mathematischen Wissenschaften bei Platon” (July 14, 2010, Altertumswissenschaftliches
Kolloquium, Department of Classics, University of Kiel)
“Die Entdeckung der Wissenschaft: Modellierung bei den alten Griechen” (July 10, 2010, Model@
CAU 2010 – Workshop on Model Theory at the University of Kiel; with Lutz Käppel)
“Vorstellungen von Raum und Zeit in der Antike” (July 7, 2010, Institute of Theoretical Physics and
Astrophysics, University of Kiel)
“Grundlagen der Semiotik (Saussure / Peirce)” (July 19, 2007 / November 15, 2007 / January 24,
2008, Workshop at the International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel)
“Ringerlob im Lobesringen. Die Metaphorik des Sports in Pindars Nemee 4” (April 3, 2007, Colloquium Philologicum, Department of Classics, University of Kiel)
“Von Schlangen, Mauern und Orakeln. Zur Sportmetaphorik in Pindars Olympie 8” (May 31, 2006,
Colloquium Philologicum, Department of Classics, University of Kiel)
“Griechisch am Computer. Ein Lernprogramm für Altgriechisch” (November 29, 2001, Colloquium
Philologicum, Department of Classics, University of Kiel)
“Ein Computer-Trainer für griechische Formen. Stand der Entwicklung” (May 2, 2001, Deutscher
Altphilologenverband Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel)
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
IT Experience and Activities
Development of two e-learning platforms: for the Greek language (LOGOS) and for Greek literature (SOPHIA, with Lutz Käppel) (funded by the University of Kiel within a university-wide
competitive e-learning initiative: € 4,600 and € 3,500, resp.), 2010–2011
Computer-based typesetting of eight scholarly books, 2002–present
Web layout and administration (Hebbel-Museum Wesselburen [1997], Department of Classics,
University of Kiel [2001–2005], International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel [2003–
Interdisciplinary Research Involvement
Member of the interdisciplinary network “Konkurrenz und Institutionalisierung in der griechischen Archaik” (consisting of 14 mostly German junior scholars in Ancient History, Archaeology, and Greek Philology; funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), 2014–present
Member of the “Collegium Philosophicum” (the collaborative research network of the Faculty of
Arts and Sciences at the University of Kiel), 2011–present
Member of a research network on models and modeling at the University of Kiel, 2010–present
Involvement in the research project “Heart rhythm as a complex non-linear model system” (Department of Physics, Group “Statistical Physics / Theory of Chaos,” University of Potsdam; International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel), 2005–2007
International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology (IIfTC), Kiel, 1999–present
Co-Organization of Conferences and Other Conference Participation
Commentary on the paper “Self-Knowledge in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave” (James Ambury, King’s
College) at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society (APS), Portland, ME,
USA (April 28–May 1, 2016)
Chair of a session on “Research Methods” at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association
of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) in Boulder, CO, USA (March 25–28, 2015)
XIIIth Symposium of the International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel: “Modellbildung
zwischen Theorie und Anwendung / Modeling between Theory and Practice,” October 1–2,
2010, Kiel (co-organizers: H.-C. Jongebloed, B. Kralemann, J. Schaefer)
XIIth Symposium of the International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel: “Krankheit und Gesundheit dynamischer Systeme am Beispiel des Menschen, der Wirtschaft und des Ökosystems / Illness and Health of Dynamic Systems: Human Beings, the Economy and the Ecosystem,” August 19–20, 2005, Kiel (co-organizers: W. Deppert, K. Köther, B. Kralemann, J. Schaefer)
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
XIth Symposium of the International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel: “Synchronisation:
Ihre Strukturen und Funktionen / Synchronization: Its Structures and Functions,” July 3–5,
2003, Kiel (co-organizers: W. Deppert, K. Köther, B. Kralemann, J. Schaefer)
Xth Symposium of the International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel: “Wissenschaftstheoretische Überlegungen zu den philosophischen Grundlagen aktueller Forschungsprogramme
in den Biowissenschaften / Philosophy of Science Considerations about the Philosophical
Bases of Contemporary Research Programs in the Life Sciences,” March 23–24, 2000, Kiel (coorganizers: W. Deppert, B. Kralemann, K. Köther, M. Rahnfeld, J. Schaefer)
Academic Service and Administration
To the Department of Classics at the University of Kiel
Student advisor for the programs in Greek, 2008–2013
Curriculum, examination, and course coordinator for the programs in Greek, 2008–2013
Web coordinator for the programs in Greek, 2008–2013
Library assistant for Greek and Latin studies and for Ancient History, 2008–2010
Development and implementation of a General Education and a Certificate Program curriculum
for Greek Language and Literature, 2009–2010
Organization of an information stand and oral presentation for the programs in Greek at the Student Fair of the University of Kiel (2009; 2010; 2011; 2013)
Second reader of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses
To the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Kiel
Faculty Senate, 2010–2012
Budget and Planning Committee, 2010–2012
Professor of Classical Archaeology Search Committee, 2010–2011
Examination Committee, 2008–2010
To the University of Kiel
University Senate IT Users’ and Strategy Committee, 2010–2013
University Senate Curriculum Committee, 2008–2010 (deputy member)
University Senate Committee for Teacher Training, 2008–2010 (deputy member)
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)
To the Profession
Anonymous peer reviewer for “Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie”; “Philologus”; “Semiotica”
Membership in Professional Organizations and Networks
Ancient Philosophy Society (APS)
Charles S. Peirce Society
Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Semiotik (DGS)
Gesellschaft für Antike Philosophie (GANPH)
History of Science Society (HSS)
International Association for Presocratic Studies (IAPS)
International Plato Society (IPS)
Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song
Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP)
Society for Classical Studies (SCS)
CV – Claas Lattmann (8/16/2016)