HERDER Rights Catalogue


HERDER Rights Catalogue
HERDER Rights Catalogue
Spring 2007
HERDER Rights Catalogue
Spring 2007
Dear colleagues,
VERLAG HERDER is delighted to present its
new RIGHTS’ GUIDE for Spring 2007.
In our new spring programme you will find many interesting and exciting
books to complement your existing stock. Leading standard works in the
theology section, educational books dealing with topical issues, counselling books on a variety of subjects, as well as delightful children’s books
and beautiful gift books. Please read the synopses to find out more
about this great collection. VERLAG HERDER holds full rights to all the
enclosed titles.
If you are interested in any of our titles, or would like to receive more information on specific books, please contact us. We will be pleased to assist.
Direct line:
Postal Address:
Francesca Bressan
Barbara Greber
International Rights Manager
Contract Manager
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00 49 (0)761 27 17 540
00 49 (0)761 27 17 547
00 49 (0)761 27 17 540
Herder GmbH & Co. KG
Rights & Permissions
Hermann-Herder-Straße 4
79104 Freiburg
Religion / Theology
Gift Books
11 Children's Books
12 Parenting / Education
14 Non-Fiction
Religion / Theology
Martin Ebner (Hg.)
Herrenmahl und
Frank Meier-Hamidi /
Ferdinand Schumacher (Hg.)
Der Theologe
Joseph Ratzinger
Willem A. M. Beuken
J E S A J A 13 – 27
Geistliche Texte II
Alten Testament
Ebner, Martin (Editor)
The Lord’s Supper and
group identity
Herrenmahl und Gruppenidentität
The Eucharist remains a vital factor for ecumenical reconciliation. This book examines
the issue from a different perspective –
group identity. The way the Lord’s Supper
is organised and celebrated tells us what is
important for the celebrants. Their group
identity is publicly displayed. This paradigm
places the subject of a common Christian
Eucharist in a new light.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 296 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-02221-0
Meier-Hamadi, Frank /
Schumacher, Ferdinand
The theologian Josef Ratzinger
Der Theologe Josef Ratzinger
In his various functions Joseph Ratzinger
has been part of and helped form the
history of the Catholic Church for more
than half a century. His works on pressing
issues from the present and the past are
greeted both with great enthusiasm and
vehement rejection. What is the core of his
theology? How have his opinions developed
or changed? What is the critical potential
of his theology?
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 240 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-02222-7
February 2007
February 2007
der Ethik
KIRCHE Was sagt das
Neue Testament ?
Ein theologischer
Schockenhoff, Eberhard
Söding, Thomas
The foundations of ethics.
A theological draft
Grundlegung der Ethik.
Ein theologischer Entwurf
Jesus and the church.
Was does the New Testament say?
Jesus und die Kirche.
Was sagt das Neue Testament?
Schockenhoff’s coherent presentation of the
basic issues underlying theological ethics
brings to an end the prevalence of normative ethics which has dominated debate on
autonomous morals and ethics of faith, as
well as teleological or deontological ethics
since the seventies. This is now replaced by
a moral-ethical approach. In his book
Schockenhoff presents the latest theological insights on all ethical issues.
Why is there a church? Who is part of it?
How can it serve God and the people? Has
is got a future? Thomas Söding believes
we need to reflect on the church’s New
Testament origins – Jesus and the early
Christian communities. He offers no quick
fixes, but presents important approaches
to the New Testament and reminds us of
the fresh spirit of the church’s beginnings
which is the lifeblood of the church.
15,1 x 22,7 cm, ca. 576 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-28938-5
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 304 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29099-2
March 2007
May 2007
Beuken, Willem A. M.
Stein, Edith
Isaiah 13-27
Jesaja 13-27
Spiritual texts II
Geistliche Texte II
The second volume of the Isaiah commentary, Isaiah 13-27 deals with the oracles
on foreign peoples and the vision of Zion,
the place of universal regal rule of Yahweh.
The commentary is an excellent example of
the new orientation of Isaiah research that
does not concentrate solely on individual
segments, but also examines the overall
compositional theme from a theological
This is the second of two volumes of
spiritual texts containing little known and
previously unpublished writings by Edith
Stein. It contains personal notes, talks,
contemplations, prayers, poems, liturgical
hymns, texts of unsentimental piety and
humour and day to day thoughts. The
spiritual texts compiled in this book
portray a comprehensive, personal portrait
of a great author.
17,0 x 23,7 cm, ca. 368 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-26835-9
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 280 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-27390-2
March 2007
May 2007
2 3
Hedwig Meyer-Wilmes
Kleine Hinführung
zur feministischen
Claus Arnold
Kleine Geschichte
des Modernismus
Grundlagen frühchristlicher
Sodalitium Pianum
Leid erfahren –
Sinn suchen
Das Problem
der Theodizee
Altes Testament Caritaswissenschaften Dogmatik
Dogmengeschichte Fundamentaltheologie Kirchenrecht
Liturgiewissenschaft Missionswissenschaft
Alte Kirchengeschichte Mittlere Kirchengeschichte
Neuere Kirchengeschichte Neues Testament
Ökumenische Theologie Pastoraltheologie
Philosophie Religionspädagogik Religionswissenschaft
Theologische Ethik
Pius X.
Arnold, Claus
Meyer-Wilmes, Hedwig
Fiedrowicz, Michael
Short history of modernism
Kleine Geschichte des Modernismus
A short introduction to
feminist theology
Kleine Hinführung zur
feministischen Theologie
Theology of the Church Fathers.
Foundations of early Christian
reflections on faith
Theologie der Kirchenväter.
Grundlagen frühchristlicher
Two papal decrees have their 100th anniversary in 2007: Lamentabili and Encyclical
Pascendi. They speak out against agnosticism and Immanentismus, false dogma
and efforts to reform the church structure
as well as criticism of new scholasticism.
Claus Arnold examines the beginnings of
the movement, the motives of both sides
and finally the effects on modernism.
11,9 x 19,8 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29106-7
Feminist theology recognises the patriarchate in religion, church and society and
seeks to overcome it. It addresses the
experiences of women with society, God
and their faith from a theological perspective. The author outlines the history of
feminist theology and discusses its central
themes and objectives. An informative and
expert introduction to an indispensable
area of contemporary theology.
11,9 x 19,8 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29286-6
March 2007
March 2007
Ökumene als Aufgabe
der Theologie
Böhnke, Michael / Neuhaus, Gerd /
Schambeck, Mirjam / SchwienhorstSchönberger Ludger / Stögbauer Eva /
Söding Thomas
Suffering and reason.
The problem of theodicy
Leid erfahren – Sinn suchen.
Das Problem der Theodizee
This new monograph on Patristics examines
what understanding the Church Fathers
had of theology. How did early Christian
theology develop? Which factors led to
reflection on faith, what opposition did
they experience? How do early Christian
reflections and modern reflections differ?
A comprehensive presentation of the theological methods of the Church Fathers
throughout the complete patristic epoch.
Auschwitz addresses the question of theodicy with extreme urgency. It is a question
to God, a lament on suffering and hope that
God may save those who suffer unjustly.
What answers does the Bible provide? Wellknown authors, exegetics and religious teachers present a theological introduction to
this central issue of theology. Also suitable
for use in religious instruction in schools.
15,1 x 22,7 cm, ca. 384 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29293-4
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 208 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29376-4
March 2007
March 2007
Legende und Wahrheit
Altes Testament Caritaswissenschaften Dogmatik
Dogmengeschichte Fundamentaltheologie Kirchenrecht
Liturgiewissenschaft Missionswissenschaft
Alte Kirchengeschichte Mittlere Kirchengeschichte
Neuere Kirchengeschichte Neues Testament
Ökumenische Theologie Pastoraltheologie
Philosophie Religionspädagogik Religionswissenschaft
Theologische Ethik
Freitag, Josef / Lück, Christhard /
Sattler, Dorothea
Overcoming division. Ecumenism –
a challenge to theology
Trennung überwinden. Ökumene als
Aufgabe der Theologie
Without a sound theological foundation
ecumenism will fail. This book discusses
the challenge theology faces across the
disciplines. Authors from historical, systematic and practical theology deal with
ecumenical goals and controversial issues
on the subject of ecumenism. Also included
are models for religious instructions, both
confessional and ecumenical.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 208 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29377-1
Lona, Horacio E.
Judas Iscariot.
Legend and truth
Judas Iskariot.
Legende und Wahrheit
The publication of the so-called „Judas
Gospel“ was cause for a great deal of
speculation. Horacio E. Lona examines the
relationship of the Gospel of Judas to the
religious tradition of the New Testament.
He is not interested in polemics but in
understanding the historical figure of Judas
Iscariot; his fate; New Testament and Early
Christian testimonies about him as well as
the content of the Gospel of Judas itself.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 176 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29562-1
February 2007
March 2007
Religion / Theology
Warum lässt uns Gottes
Liebe leiden ?
Klartext Glaube
Ein Bischof stellt sich
ungeschminkten Fragen
Herausgegeben von Rainer-Matthias Müller
M A R T I N H O C H H O L Z E R ( H G .)
Stille finden –
und daraus leben
Impulse – Bausteine –
Gottesdienste im Kirchenjahr
Impulse für den Alltag
HERDER spektrum
Ostertag, Silvia
Discovering peace – as a source
of life
Stille finden – und daraus leben.
Impulse für den Alltag
Silvia Ostertag helps us discover peace in
the midst of our hectic lives. She illustrates
how we can be in harmony with our innermost being, despite daily problems and
conflicts. We discover a joy and zest for life
apart from the busy treadmill of life. This
practical guide helps us discern inner peace
and apply this to our daily activities. Short
texts that encourage us to venture on to
new paths.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05854-7
May 2007
Hochholzer, Martin/
Kugler, Tilman (Editors)
Workbook on men’s spirituality.
Stimuli, modules, services
Werkbuch Männerspiritualität.
Impulse – Bausteine – Gottesdienste im Kirchenjahr
This book contains a wealth of ideas on
worship for men, relating to different
periods of the church year. It provides
models for services, Bible work, discussion
evenings, etc. It also includes references
for further reading, enabling readers to
deepen their spiritual knowledge. Preface
by Martin Rosowski and Andreas Ruffing,
both closely involved with men’s worship
in the church.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 352 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-28368-0
Greshake, Gisbert
Why does God’s love allow
us to suffer?
Warum lässt uns Gottes Liebe leiden?
„Why did you keep silent? How could you
bear all this?“ Questions asked by Pope
Benedict XVI in his address at Auschwitz.
In the face of suffering the most frequently
asked questions is „Why?“ Gisbert Greshake’s
book is the fruit of his experiences as a
theologian and pastoral carer. The thoughts
he expresses here help us not to resign in
the face of suffering, but to hold on to the
love of God.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-28388-8
February 2007
Ist Gott das Hirngespinst von Menschen?
Steht der Schöpfungsglaube in Widerspruch zur Evolutionstheorie? Enthält die
Bibel nur fromme Märchen? Wie kann
Gott das Leid zulassen?
Genn, Felix (Author)
Müller, Rainer-Matthias (Editor)
Faith in plain language. A bishop
answers frank questions
Klartext Glaube. Ein Bischof stellt
sich ungeschminkten Fragen
The Bishop of Essen, Felix Genn, is often
asked very frank questions. In this book he
provides clear answers to these issues: Is
the Bible true? Is God all-powerful? What
has Jesus to do with the church? If I care
for my neighbour don’t I always come off
worst? Isn’t the image of God as a dear
father somewhat antiquated? Where is
God’s spirit at work in our world? What
happens when I die?
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 192 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29072-5
February 2007
January 2007
Bärbel Wartenberg-Potter
Wes Brot ich ess,
des Lied ich sing
Die Bergpredigt lesen
Mit dem Text der
»Bibel in gerechter Sprache«
Urban, Albert / Bexten, Marion
Wartenberg-Potter, Bärbel
A concise liturgical dictionary
Kleines Liturgisches Wörterbuch
He who pays the piper calls the
tune. Reading the Sermon on the
Wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing.
Die Bergpredigt lesen. Mit dem
Text der „Bibel in gerechter Sprache“
Due to the shortage of priests lay-people
are being called upon to take on more
liturgical responsibilities. This book caters
for their needs, explaining more than 600
concepts in a language easily understood
by non-theologians. Numerous biblical
references to liturgical elements help laypeople understand the spiritual dimension
of the liturgy. An excellent aid for all laypeople.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 352 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29179-1
The Sermon on the Mount in St. Mathew’s
Gospel has been seen as the embodiment
of the teachings of Jesus for more than
2000 years. Bärbel Wartenberg-Potter
examines the Sermon on the Mount in an
ecumenical context and in the light of
Jesus’ Jewish roots. This interpretation
is based on the new, much-discussed translation of the Bible „Die Bibel in gerechter
Sprache“ (New Living Translation).
February 2007
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 160 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29238-5
February 2007
4 5
Bruder Paulus Terwitte
Marcus C. Leitschuh
Trau dich,
die Bibel
zu lesen
Gottes Wege gehen
Die Botschaft von
Abraham und Sara
bibel leben
Heinz-Josef Algermissen
Martin Hein
Christoph Kähler
Joachim Wanke
Elisabeth von Thüringen
Terwitte, Brother Paulus /
Leitschuh, Marcus C.
Deselaers, Paul / Sattler, Dorothea
Schwarz, Andrea (Editor)
Algermissen, Heinz Josef /
Hein, Martin / Wanke, Joachim
Try it! Read the Bible from a
different perspective
Trau dich, die Bibel anders
zu lesen
Following God’s path.
The message of Abraham and Sarah
Gottes Wege gehen. Die Botschaft
von Abraham und Sara
More than bread and roses.
Elisabeth of Thuringia today
Mehr als Brot und Rosen.
Elisabeth von Thüringen heute
Based on their favourite Bible passages the
authors show how easy it is to read and
understand the Bible. Brother Terwitte and
Marcus Leitschuh look at Bible texts from
different angles and relate the texts to our
day to day lives. This is a good reading for
those who want to read God’s word from a
different perspective.
A new book in the series „Living Bible“.
Abraham and Sarah’s blessing from God
was to be passed on to all nations. Jews,
Christians and Muslims alike refer to this
couple in their respective faiths. Dorothea
Sattler and Paul Deselaers take a fresh look
at the man and woman in this age old story
and examine its significance for us today.
In 2007 we celebrate the 800th anniversary
of Elisabeth of Thuringia, Hungarian princess
and wife of Count Ludwig IV. She represents
passionate devotion to brotherly love as
portrayed in the legend of the miracle of
the roses. The Bishops of Hessen and
Thuringia examine the significance of this
radical Christian, Elisabeth, for us today.
10,1 x 15,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29255-2
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29299-6
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29354-2
February 2007
February 2007
March 2007
Käßmann, Margot
Hope is sown. 14 encounters
on the way of the cross
Gesät ist die Hoffnung. 14 Begegnungen auf dem Kreuzweg Jesu
14 meditations of the cross. Margot Käßmann
examines the people Jesus meets on his
way to the cross – his mother Mary, Mary
Magdalene, the wife of Herod, etc. and is
fascinated by what all these figures signify
to us today: the anxious, the greedy, the
loving, the indifferent. The people who
meet Jesus don’t know what will happen,
but it becomes obvious that the seed of
hope is sown long before Easter.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29356-6
January 2007
Ziel oder Zufall ?
Eine theologische
Legenden vom Jakobsweg
Kardinal Schönborn
Schöpfung und Evolution aus der Sicht
eines vernünftigen Glaubens
der Menschenrechte?
Warum wir gefordert sind
Drouve, Andreas
Werbick, Jürgen
Bogner, Daniel
Schönborn, Christoph Cardinal
The miracles of St. Jakob.
Legends of Jacob’s Path
Die Wunder des heiligen Jakobus.
Legenden vom Jakobsweg
Binding to God. A theological
Doctrine of God
Gott verbindlich.
Eine theologische Gotteslehre
Human rights – a sell-out?
Why we need to act.
Ausverkauf der Menschenrechte?
Warum wir gefordert sind
The author draws on his extensive knowledge of material on Jacob’s Path. He tells
of the miraculous stories and legends associated with various places along the route.
Dr. Andreas Drouve also includes information
on the historical background of the tales
and legends and many illustrations.
The Doctrine of God must demonstrate that
a certain language is used when talking
about God. It needs to justify itself to
biblical tradition and to questions posed
by man. It requires a discipline of thought
and humility with regard to different
cultural and historical regions. It must
concentrate on the essential. Werbick’s
draft fulfils these demands.
Intention or coincidence?
Creation and evolution from the
standpoint of a reasonable faith
Ziel oder Zufall? Schöpfung und
Evolution aus der Sicht eines
vernünftigen Glaubens
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 176 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29359-7
February 2007
15,1 x 22,7 cm, ca. 672 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29379-5
Daniel Bogner outlines the current debate
on the „fight agains terror“. He emphasizes
why the state, society and, in particular
Christianity, must speak out vociferously
for human rights. Bogner also addresses the
issue of human rights within the church. A
highly informative book that encourages us
to recognize and assume our responsibilities.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29382-5
March 2007
The Archbishop of Vienna portrays the
essential difference between the Catholic
belief in the creation and the fundamentalist
misunderstanding of the biblical story. He
opposes the tendency to raise Darwin’s
Theory of Evolution to a weltanschauung of
„evolutionism“ that rejects the belief in the
existence of a meaningful creation. Christian
faith calls upon man to use his powers of
reason to determine whether intention or
coincidence is the acceptable alternative.
February 2007
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 192 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29389-4
English, French, Italian rights sold
Religion / Theology
Charlotte Knobloch
Micha Brumlik
Gesa S. Ederberg
im Gespräch mit Wilfried Köpke
Walter Kardinal Kasper
Diener der Freude
Priesterliche Existenz –
priesterlicher Dienst
Andrea Schwarz
Die Messe verstehen
in 15 Schritten
Ein Durchblick-Buch für Neugierige
Wenn nicht jetzt,
wann dann ?
Zur Zukunft des
deutschen Judentums
Der Weg
der Erlösung
Von der Herzmitte des Christseins
Schwarz, Andrea
Schulte, Ludger
Kasper, Walter Cardinal
Understanding mass in 15 steps.
Why mass is so important for
Die Messe verstehen in 15 Schritten.
Ein Durchblick-Buch für Neugierige
The way to salvation.
The heartbeat of God’s love
Der Weg der Erlösung.
Von der Herzmitte des Christseins
Servant of joy. Priestly life –
priestly ministry
Diener der Freude. Priesterliche
Existenz – priesterlicher Dienst
Psychologists have established a new trend:
„fatigué de soi“ – a form of „melancholia“.
Depression is threatening to become a basic
trait of man’s character. Ludger Schulte
confronts „melancholia“ with the „beating
heart“ of Christian faith. In this very readable book he reveals the great promise
of salvation.
On the anniversary of his ordination 50 years
ago Walter Cardinal Kasper writes about
priestly life and ministry. A priesthood
directed to the spiritual existence of God
and pastoral ministry of the people in the
community. A priesthood whose central
task it is to bear witness to the message of
reconciliation and whose heart lies in the
celebration of the Eucharist, thus helping
to inspire joy among worshippers.
In fifteen steps Andrea Schwarz explains
the significance of the church building, the
objects and the people in it and the celebration of the Eucharist itself. A book for
those who have always wanted to know
why mass is so important for Catholics.
16,1 x 21,0 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29390-0
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 192 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29392-4
February 2007
February 2007
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 176 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29394-8
English, French, Italian, Portuguese
rights sold
Vom Brot
das wir teilen
Knobloch, Charlotte / Brumlik, Micha /
Ederberg, Gesa S.
Köpke, Wilfried (Editor)
If not now, then when? On the
future of Judaism in Germany
Wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann? Zur
Zukunft des deutschen Judentums
Germany is not just the country where I
was born „it is my home“. Words spoken by
Paul Spiegel in one of his last interviews.
What does 2007 hold in store for Jews living
in Germany? Three prominent Jewish personalities air their views: Charlotte Knobloch,
successor to Paul Spiegel as President of
the Central Committee of Jews in Germany,
Micha Brumlik, and Gesa. S. Ederberg.
12,0 x 19,0, ca. 144 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29395-5
March 2007
Wolfgang Gies
Gottesdienste zur Vorbereitung
und Feier der Erstkommunion
Das große
Werkbuch zur Bibel
Spielen, erzählen, gestalten
in Gemeinde, Schule und Gottesdienst
Focke, Petra
Gies, Wolfgang
The bread we share.
Services for preparation and
celebration of First Communion
Vom Brot, das wir teilen.
Gottesdienste zur Vorbereitung
und Feier der Erstkommunion
The Bible workbook. Creative
learning in the community, at
school and in church
Das große Werkbuch zur Bibel.
Spielen, erzählen, gestalten in
Gemeinde, Schule und Gottesdienst
The services in this book provide invaluable
experiences for children preparing for First
Communion. They discover God as a source
of strength and support in their lives. They
get to know Jesus through the Bible stories
as a friend and companion. They experience
what it is like to be part of a community of
Christians and sense that they themselves are
accepted and valued just the way they are.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29455-6
January 2007
A varied concept with creative, practical
ideas to help young people learn about
the Bible. There is a „story workshop“,
a „sound studio“, an „art atelier“ and a
„theatre workshop“ – exciting ideas to
make the stories of the Bible real. All
models are also on the CD-ROM.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29495-2
March 2007
6 7
Mehr als Worte
sagt ein Tanz
Michael N.Ebertz
Marsch durch
die Milieus
17 getanzte Symbole
und Meditationen für Schule,
Gottesdienst und Gemeinde
Mit Audio-CD
Michael von Brück
Ewiges Leben oder
Eine Institution
zwischen geistlicher Gewalt
und politischer Macht
Sterben, Tod und Jenseitshoffnung
in europäischen und asiatischen Kulturen
Die neuen Chan
der Kirche
Schneider, Waltraud / Schneider, Konrad
Ebertz, Michael N. Ebertz
Brück, Michael von
Mörschel, Tobias (Editor)
Dance expresses more than words.
17 symbols and meditations in
dance for schools, services and
the community
Mehr als Worte sagt ein Tanz. 17
getanzte Symbole und Meditationen für Schule, Gottesdienst und
March through the milieus.
New opportunities for the church
Marsch durch die Milieus.
Die neuen Chancen der Kirche
Eternal life or rebirth? Dying,
death, hope of the world beyond
in European and Asian cultures
Ewiges Leben oder Wiedergeburt?
Sterben, Tod und Jenseitshoffnung
in europäischen und asiatischen
Papacy and politics. An institution
between spiritual and political
Papsttum und Politik. Eine Institution zwischen geistlicher Gewalt
und politischer Macht
22 meditative dances to Taizé songs and
instrumental music. The colourfully illustrated dance instructions are easy to follow.
The authors give advice on the use of liturgical dance. Dance as a moving message:
for welcome and dismissal – for symbols
such as a tree, a shield, or for themes on
life and faith, e.g. finding one’s way in life,
giving and receiving, cross and resurrection.
The study published by the Heidelberg
Research Institute „Sinus Sociovision“
reaches the conclusion that the church
is hardly represented in various milieus.
Michael Ebertz’ book calls on us to understand the results of church sociology as
opportunities to develop social forms and
styles of care that actually reach the people.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 176 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29556-0
March 2007
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29553-9
Is everything over when we die or is there
a life after death? Every religion has an
answer to this existential question. The
author examines the views of different religions and presents a clear insight into the
beliefs, rites and cults that help people face
death and mortality. A fascinating overview.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 304 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29599-7
Papal power has an extremely influential
role internationally. This book examines
how this power developed both in the past
and in the present, and how it functions.
Tobias Mörschel takes a closer look at
Rome’s ambivalent influence in leading
its people into the modern age and as an
opponent of the modern age; its complex
relationship to state and statehood; its
virtuoso stage setting; its contribution to
modern inter-religious dialogue and the
influence of Rome on German politics.
March 2007
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 224 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29569-0
February 2007
February 2007
Anselm Grün
Matthias Kopp (Hg.)
Und plötzlich Papst
Benedikt XVI. im Spiegel
persönlicher Begegnungen
Der achtfache Weg zum
gelingenden Leben
Grün, Anselm
Bauer, Thomas Johann
Kopp, Matthias (Editor)
Bliss. The eighfold path to a
successful life
Glückseligkeit. Der achtfache Weg
zum gelingenden Leben
Who is who in the world of Jesus?
The most important people who
lived in New Testament times
Wer ist Wer in der Welt Jesu? Die
wichtigsten Personen der neutestamentlichen Zeitgeschichte
And, all of a sudden: Pope!
Und plötzlich Papst
Buddhists know the „noble eightfold path“.
Jesus also taught about a path leading to
a meaningful and happy life as set out in
the eight beatitudes of the Sermon on the
Mount. Anselm Grün presents the beatitudes as a pathway to a healthy, happy and
balanced life. A book on the spiritual art
of healthy living.
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29603-1
March 2007
This book provides the reader with an
exciting insight into the time Jesus lived.
The author describes the people who had
a significant effect on the society at that
time: Jewish kings, high priests and scribes
as well as important members of the imperial family. Thomas Johann Bauer also
enlightens us on the spiritual, cultural and
political environment of early Christians
from 0 to 50 AD. A highly interesting and
informative reference book.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 240 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29615-4
During his life, Joseph Ratzinger has met
many persons in a personal way – at very
different occasions, some once, some often,
other many times as years were passing.
More than 40 men and women – friends,
neighbours, cooperators, celebrities – tell
about their encounter with today’s Pope.
In stories and anecdotes, this book is a
mosaic of facettes that form a vivid portrait.
Contributors include Mikhail Gorbachev,
Karl Lehmann, Shimon Perez and many
others (mostly from Germany).
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 160 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29863-9
March 2007
September 2007
Gift Books
Langen, Annette
Langen, Annette
Langen, Anette
Langen, Annette
All the best
Alles, alles Gute
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
Good luck
Viel Glück
Get well soon
Gute Besserung
This series is a wonderful way of telling
a dear friend you are thinking of them.
Annette Langen’s personal, heart-warming
messages include short quotations from
the world of literature. Her uplifting notes
touch on themes that move us all. Combined
with beautiful, emotive photographs this is
a delightful gift for someone dear.
This series is a wonderful way of telling
a dear friend you are thinking of them.
Annette Langen’s personal, heart-warming
messages also include short quotations
from the world of literature. Her uplifting
notes touch on themes that move us all.
Combined with beautiful, emotive photographs this is a delightful gift for someone
This series is a wonderful way of telling a
dear friend you are thinking of them.
Annette Langen’s personal, heart-warming
messages also include short quotations
from the world of literature. Her uplifting
notes touch on themes that move us all.
Combined with beautiful, emotive photographs this is a delightful gift for someone
This series is a wonderful way of telling a
dear friend you are thinking of them.
Annette Langen’s personal, heart-warming
messages also include short quotations
from the world of literature. Her uplifting
notes touch on themes that move us all.
Combined with beautiful, emotive photographs this is a delightful gift for someone
14,8 x 16,0 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29126-5
14,8 x 16,0 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29127-2
14,8 x 16,0 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29128-9
February 2007
February 2007
February 2007
14,8 x 16,0 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29125-8
February 2007
Mögen deineTage so zahlreich sein
wie Sterne am Himmel
Irische Segenswünsche
Romanus, Thomas
Romanus, Thomas
Hohn-Morisch, Ludger (Editor)
I wish you peace
Ich wünsche dir Gelassenheit
I wish you happiness
Ich wünsche dir viel Freude
This delightful book with good wishes by
Thomas Romanus is a wonderful present.
His inspiring and heartfelt texts afford
great pleasure. A beautiful gift for a great
variety of occasions.
This delightful book with good wishes by
Thomas Romanus is a wonderful present.
His inspiring and heartfelt texts afford
great pleasure. A beautiful gift for a great
variety of occasions.
May your days be as numerous
as the stars in heaven.
Irish blessings
Mögen deine Tage so zahlreich
sein wie Sterne am Himmel.
Irische Segenswünsche
13,5 x 14,5 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29139-5
13,5 x 14,5 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29140-1
February 2007
February 2007
Irish blessings still enjoy great popularity.
The themes they deal with reflect life in
all its facets – human relationships, nature
and all the creatures of the creation. This
book contains fifty blessings as well as
fantastic, emotive photographs of Irish
22,5 x 23,8 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29456-3
February 2007
Gather strength!
Viel Kraft!
Herder’s little gift books always hit the
right note. Ideal surprises for any occasion.
Delightful texts by well-known authors and
beautiful scenic photography.
10,2 x 10,2 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29458-7
February 2007
8 9
In friendship
In herzlicher Freundschaft!
Herder’s little gift books always hit the
right note. Ideal surprises for any occasion.
Delightful texts by well-known authors and
beautiful scenic photography.
10,2 x 10,2 cm, ca. 48 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29459-4
February 2007
Hohn-Morisch, Ludger (Editor)
Leven, Christian (Editor)
Wiedensohler, Manuela (Illustrator)
Congratulations on your
silver wedding
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur
Today is the best day to be happy.
365 positive thoughts
Heute ist der beste Tag zum Glücklichsein. 365 positive Gedanken
Love hearts for you!
Herzblätter für dich!
This elegant gift book is a compilation of
texts by poets, philosophers and contemporary authors. Their best wishes are clothed
in personal memories, experiences and
thoughts, forming a colourful bunch of wisdom. Congratulations!
This book is for those who feel they are
being worn down by the hustle and bustle
of every day life and feel in need of rest,
peace and happiness. 365 stimulating
thoughts. A daily reminder that there are
so many reasons to be happy.
„Today I’ll pick you a star from heaven!“
32 heart-shaped notes to say „I love you“
in a very special way. Love notes to place
on the pillow, the breakfast table or the
desk. There are untold possibilities to
surprise your loved one. A perfect gift for
Valentine’s Day, a birthday, an anniversary
or for no special reason at all!
13,0 x 16,5 cm, ca. 80 pages, Linen
ISBN: 978-3-451-29467-9
9,5 x 15,0 cm, ca. 400 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29468-6
11,8 x 11,5 cm, ca. 32 pages, Boxes
ISBN: 978-3-451-29471-6
February 2007
February 2007
January 2007
Flügelschlag der Seele
Knud-Eike Buchmann . Anselm Spring
In jeder Wolke
wohnt ein Traum
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
achtsam sein
Zeit zum Leben haben
222 positive gedanken
222 positive gedanken
Bergmann, Fabian (Editor)
Bergmann, Fabian (Editor)
Buchmann, Knud Eike
Bergmann, Fabian (Editor)
Look around you today.
222 positive thoughts
Heute achtsam sein.
222 positive Gedanken
Time to live.
222 positive thoughts
Heute Zeit zum Leben haben.
222 positive Gedanken
The beating wing of the soul
Flügelschlag der Seele
In every cloud there is a dream.
The source of wisdom
In jeder Wolke wohnt ein Traum.
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
Take a break! Inspiring thoughts by wellknown poets and thinkers. They know what
they are talking about when they invite us
to listen to the voice of our hearts, the
voice that opens our eyes to the world
around us. A path to happiness.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have time for things
we find important? To let go, simply enjoy
the moment and only do what does us
good. These texts show us how important
it is to create oases in life where we can
escape from the hectic pace of our day to
day lives, discover a peace within us and
regain our strength.
10,3 x 13,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29472-3
February 2007
10,3 x 13,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29473-0
The large white swans awaken a world full
of mysticism, myths and symbolism within
us. Anselm Spring’s fascinating photographs
inspired Knud Eike Buchmann to write
these texts that speak of deep personal
experience. They convey a sense of peace
and calm, understanding, love, joy and
22,5 x 23,8 cm, ca. 80 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29485-3
Welcome reading for all those who need a
bit of space now and again. Free from the
ties of daily life, we can breathe deeply and
allow our souls to come to peace. For a few
minutes we get a taste of what life is really
all about and discover ourselves anew. Wise
words of wisdom by Khalil Gibran, Gautama
Buddha, Sören Kierkergaard, Novalis, Rainer
M. Rilke, Tagore and many others.
February 2007
10,2 x 15,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29488-4
February 2007
February 2007
Gift Books
Das Leben ist
eine Symphonie
Wahres Glück
wächst in der Stille
Schläft ein Lied
in allen Dingen
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
Leven, Christian (Editor)
Leven, Christian (Editor)
Leven, Christian (Editor)
Life is a symphony.
From the springs of wisdom
Das Leben ist eine Symphonie.
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
True happiness grows in stillness
and peace. From the springs of
Wahres Glück wächst in der Stille.
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
A song slumbers in all things.
From the springs of wisdom
Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen.
Aus den Quellen der Weisheit
Welcome reading for all those who need a
bit of space now and again. Free from the
ties of daily life, we can breathe deeply and
allow our souls to come to peace. For a few
minutes we get a taste of what life is really
all about and discover ourselves anew. Wise
words of wisdom by Khalil Gibran, Gautama
Buddha, Sören Kierkergaard, Novalis, Rainer
M. Rilke, Tagore and many others.
10,2 x 15,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29489-1
Welcome reading for all those who need a
bit of space now and again. Free from the
ties of daily life, we can breathe deeply and
allow our souls to come to peace. For a few
minutes we get a taste of what life is really
all about and discover ourselves anew. Wise
words of wisdom by Khalil Gibran, Gautama
Buddha, Sören Kierkergaard, Novalis, Rainer
M. Rilke, Tagore and many others.
10,2 x 15,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29490-7
February 2007
Welcome reading for all those who need a
bit of space now and again. Free from the
ties of daily life, we can breathe deeply and
allow our souls to come to peace. For a few
minutes we get a taste of what life is really
all about and discover ourselves anew. Wise
words of wisdom by Khalil Gibran, Gautama
Buddha, Sören Kierkergaard, Novalis, Rainer
M. Rilke, Tagore and many others.
10,2 x 15,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29491-4
February 2007
February 2007
Norbert Lechleitner
Ka p i t e l l e
die jeden Tag
ein wenig
glücklicher machen.
Lechleitner, Norbert (Editor)
Lechleitner, Norbert
The fascination of silence.
Monasteries, cloisters and capitals
Faszination der Stille.
Klöster, Kreuzgänge, Kapitelle
Balsam for the soul.
201 surprising stories of wisdom
to make each day a happy one
Balsam für die Seele.
201 überraschende Weisheitsgeschichten, die jeden Tag ein
wenig glücklicher machen
Monasteries and cloisters are places of
great strength and oases of silence, places
where all sounds become silent and day to
day routines slow down. The photographs
and texts in this book invite us to wander
through arcades lit up by the sunlight,
enjoy the filigree capitals and meditate on
Christian themes.
200 inspiring and entertaining stories on
joyful and thought-provoking subjects. A
delightful read for any occasion, even when
time is short. Wonderful stories, short, but
pregnant with meaning.
22,5 x 23,8 cm, ca. 80 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29585-0
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 288 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29586-7
February 2007
February 2007
Children's Books
10 11
Erich Jooß · Steffen Faust
von Thüringen
und das Wunder
der Rosen
st es,
Schön i elt zu se
auf der W
erena Breite
e von V
Breitenbach, Verena
It’s wonderful to be part of
this world
Schön ist es, auf der Welt zu sein
40 children’s prayers on a wide range of subjects taken from their day to day lives. These
delightful, refreshing prayers find just the
right words for children to relate to – whether it be a prayer about getting up, arguments, love or going to bed – Verena Breitenbach captures the children’s world in prayer.
14,8 x 20,5 cm, 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29284-2
Jooß, Erich
Gruber, Elmar
Krauss, Susanne (Illustrator)
Elisabeth of Thuringia and the
miracle of the roses
Elisabeth von Thüringen und das
Wunder der Rosen
My Christening. An album
Meine Taufe. Erinnerungsalbum
My first book of guardian angels
Mein erstes Buch vom Schutzengel
This beautiful album contains texts explaining the symbols associated with a christening, as well as pages that can be designed
personally. There is also plenty of space for
guests to write down their best wishes.
A delightful reminder of a memorable day.
This beautifully illustrated book contains
the best-known prayers about guardian
angels. Partly in rhyme they are easy for
toddlers to learn by heart.
In 2007 it is the 800th anniversary of Elisabeth of Thuringia. As a small child the
princess was summoned to the court at
Wartburg to marry the landgrave of Thuringia. Elisabeth did not hanker after riches
and wealth, but sought to help the poor.
Many legends and tales tell of her selfless
devotion. A beautifully illustrated book
about this very unusual princess.
21,5 x 15,5 cm, 48 pages, Half linen
ISBN: 978-3-451-29365-8
15,8 x 16,8 cm, 12 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29366-5
January 2007
January 2007
20,0 x 24,0 cm, 32 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29363-4
January 2007
January 2007
mit Geschichten zum Vor- und Selberlesen
Sabine Stadtfeld
Steffen Faust
Bruder Franziskus
und die Sprache der Tiere
Jooß, Erich
Stadtfeld, Sabine
Colouring book – the Bible. With
stories to read and read aloud
Ausmalblock – Die Bibel.
Mit Geschichten zum Vor- und
Brother Francis and the language
of animals
Bruder Franziskus und die Sprache
der Tiere
40 of the best-known Bible stories to read
and colour in – one page for the story, one
page to colour in. Pre-school children learn
about the Bible stories and train their fine
motor skills colouring in beautiful, detailed
pictures from the Old and New Testaments.
The pages can be detached quite easily
from the book – ideal for use at home,
children’s church or school.
21,0 x 28,0, ca. 40 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29367-2
When discussing issues of peace between
people, races, religions, and our dealings
with the environment Francis of Assisi is
often held up as a great example. Sabine
Stadtfeld tells the finest legends associated
with this popular saint. Steffen Faust fascinates both adults and children alike with
his expressive illustrations.
20,0 x 24,0, ca. 32 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29557-7
March 2007
January 2007
Parenting / Education
Dimitris Matzarakis
So lernt mein Kind
-------I--T--FÜR E!
L ----F
Mit Praxistest
Die neuen Väter
zwischen Kind
und Karriere
Ulrike Korsten-Reck
So lernt mein Kind,
sich richtig zu
Mit Praxistest
-------I--T--FÜR E!
L ----F
Ingrid Leifgen
Neugier macht klug
Kinder die Welt
entdecken lassen
So kann die Balance gelingen
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
Gesterkamp, Thomas
Leifgen, Ingrid
Matzarakis, Dimitris
Korsten-Reck, Ulrike
How can modern fathers keep
a balance between parenting
and a career?
Die neuen Väter zwischen Kind
und Karriere. So kann die Balance
Curiosity increases intelligence.
Children discover the world
Neugier macht klug.
Kinder die Welt entdecken lassen
How my child can learn to
think logically and recognise
mathematical relationships.
So lernt mein Kind logisch-mathematisch denken. Mit Praxistest
How my child can learn to eat
So lernt mein Kind, sich richtig zu
ernähren. Mit Praxistest
How can you have both – a child and a
career? Many modern day fathers have
racked their brains over this question.
Thomas Gesterkamp speaks of his own
experiences and portrays how fathers can
strike a balance between all the demands
of their day to day lives.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05752-6
Each child is born with an insatiable curiosity. Parents and teachers alike are called
upon to nurture and encourage this wholesome curiosity. Excessive stimuli can have
the opposite effect – children become passive and lose their inquisitiveness. Children
themselves know best of all how to discover the world. A book parents should read.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05812-7
March 2007
Mathematics is more than just sums – it
is all around us. It could be simply sorting
objects or clapping while singing. This
book enables parents help their pre-school
children learn about maths playfully and
without pressure. – and they don’t need
to be mathematical geniuses themselves.
Advice and ideas for a practical, playful
approach to mathematics.
Children need the right kind of food to stay
fit, healthy and receptive to new activities
and ideas. Ten golden rules for healthy
eating habits in the family. This book provides practical advice on what children
need, particularly when changing from
kindergarten to school. It tells us which
type of food improves concentration, aids
growth and stimulates the brain. A guide
for parents.
10,6 x 18,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05825-7
10,6 x 18,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05840-0
June 2007
June 2007
April 2007
Uta Reimann-Höhn
Welche Talente
und Begabungen
hat Ihr Kind?
Simone ............................
Pfeffer / Michael Göppner-Pfeffer
Christine Merz / Hartmut
W. Schmidt
Mit vielen Tests und Checklisten
Lernschritte ins Leben
Taschenwissen für ErzieherInnen
Entwicklungspsychologische Stationen in Bildern
Tiere und Pflanzen
Bernhard Lehnert
Ich achte
auf ............................
mich und dich
entwickeln, Gemeinschaft leben
HERDER spektrum
Reimann-Höhn, Uta
How talented is your child?
Welche Talente und Begabungen
hat Ihr Kind? Mit vielen Tests
und Checklisten
There is no such thing as untalented children! This book helps parents identify and
encourage the talents their children have.
The author illustrates how this can be done
from the last year at kindergarten to the
beginning of puberty without overtaxing
children. Also included are checklists, ideas
and information on highly gifted children
and late developers.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05850-9
June 2007
Merz-Foschepoth, Christine /
Schmidt, Hartmut W.
Learning more each day.
Each psychological development
in pictures
Lernschritte ins Leben.
Stationen in Bildern
Step by step each child conquers the world
around it, developing physically, spiritually
and psychologically at an unbelievable
pace. Each fascinating picture in this book
shows a child in an authentic situation.
An impressive look at the stages of development, combined with scientific insights
about the important phases in a child’s life.
Lehnert, Bernhard
Pfeffer, Simone / Göppner-Pfeffer, Michael
Animals and Plants. Pocket Guide
for Kindergarten Teachers
Tiere und Pflanzen. Taschenwissen
für Erzieherinnen
I Like to Take Care of Me and You.
Creating Personality, Living in a
Ich achte gerne auf mich und dich.
Persönlichkeit entwickeln, Gemeinschaft leben
Why do people have wisdom teeth, why
do animal eyes glow at night and why do
nettles sting? In an easy-to-understand
way, the book provides profound answers to
these and many other biological and ecological questions. It is illustrated with funny
13,2 x 18,8 cm, ca. 80 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32052-1
February 2007
20,4 x 24,9 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32050-7
March 2007
Bildungsarbeit praktisch
Only those who have well-developed social
and emotional capacities are well-equipped
for a happy and successful life in this world.
The basis for this should be established
within the first years of childhood. How
should it be put across? Which values should
be considered? This book consists of many
practical proposals of how values may be
brought into children’s games effectively
and, according to this, how children may
be encouraged.
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32053-8
March 2007
12 13
Volker Friebel
/ Marianne Kunz
Sandra Sommerfeld
Dem Frühling auf der Spur
Maria Pfluger-Jakob
Ideen, Materialien und Aktionen
Taschenwissen für ErzieherInnen
Kinder mit Wahr-
und Sprechen
Werte wichtig sind
und Gesprächsimpulse
Helge Weinrebe
für den ............................
verstehen, fördern
Sommerfeld, Sandra
Weinrebe, Helge
Friebel, Volker / Kunz, Marianne
Pfluger-Jacob, Maria
Discovering Spring.
Ideas, Information and Games
Dem Frühling auf der Spur.
Idee, Materialien und Aktionen
Pronunciation and the speakingact. Pocket Guide for Kindergarten Teachers
Sprache und Sprechen. Taschenwissen für Erzieherinnen
Why Values Are Important.
Stories and Conversation Topics
for the Kindergarten
Warum Werte wichtig sind.
Geschichten und Gesprächsimpulse
für den Kindergartenalltag
Children with Perception Disorders
Recognition, understanding,
Kinder mit Wahrnehmungsstörungen
Erkennen, verstehen, fördern
The four seasons and all of their differences
are a fascinating part of a child’s life and
adults must support and encourage such
interest. This book offers a wide range of
exercises, information, tips and activities
to help teach children about the unique
beauty of springtime.
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32054-5
February 2007
Which syllables are pronounced with the
tongue? And with the teeth? Which syllables should you practice by saying tongue
twisters? Why are these so important for
children to learn? This book offers answers
to these questions and many others, from
the areas of pronunciation and speaking,
with enjoyable cartoons.
13,2 x 18,8, ca. 80 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32055-2
February 2007
Do we always have to tell the truth? How
important is it for us to respect others?
Children too can be mean sometimes. The
central topics of these new children’s stories are living together and sharing values.
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32058-3
April 2007
Too many children today have perception
disorders. Only when these are detected at
an early stage, these problems can be corrected effectively. This book helps to
improve the parents’ ability to detect such
problems early to ensure that their child
will receive the correct treatment and support. This text is aimed towards parents
with children younger than 3 years of age
and includes a number of exercises to assist
the child’s perception development.
11,9 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32062-0
March 2007
Susanne Güsten/Thomas Seibert
Rainer Eckert
Ludwig Ammann
Was stimmt?
Was stimmt?
Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
HERDER spektrum
Wolfram Henn/Eckart Meese
Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Die wichtigsten Antworten
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Güsten, Susanne / Seibert, Thomas
Eckert, Rainer
Ammann, Ludwig
Henn, Wolfram / Meese, Eckart
Turkey. What is true?
Facts and answers
Türkei. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
GDR. What is true?
Facts and answers
DDR. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Islam. What is true?
Facts and answers
Islam. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Human genetics. What is true?
Facts and answers
Humangenetik. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Turkey, a country torn between East and
West as it tries to unite secularism and
Islam. On the one hand it is a modern
industrial state, on the other it adheres
anachronistically to a patriarchal way of
life and a deep sense of family honour. How
can Turkey strengthen its ties with Europe?
This book tells us what we need to know
about Turkey.
Ideological prejudice and ignorance of
historical facts distort our view of East
German reality. How capable of reform was
the GDR? What role did the church play in
resisting the system? Did credit from the
west keep the GDR artificially alive? How
important was social security to the East
German people? How did the East Germans
regard their state? Questions that are still
relevant today.
Islam, a world religion at the centre of
debate. How does Islam regard the issue of
human rights? What about the relationship
between man and woman? Are democratic
developments possible? Do Muslims want
to rule the world? Ludwig Ammann provides
basic information on Mohammed, his
message and how this is lived out today.
How close are we to producing designer
babies? What do we inherit from our
parents? Can we isolate the gene associated
with intelligence? When will we be able
to cure terminal illnesses? Genetics – a
subject that gives rise to many highly
disputed and emotional issues, raising
both hopes and fears. A factual and very
readable book.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05734-2
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05735-9
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05736-6
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05744-1
March 2007
March 2007
March 2007
March 2007
Norbert Herschkowitz
Andreas Kruse
Was stimmt?
Was stimmt?
Das Gehirn
Micha Brumlik
Was stimmt?
Josef H. Reichholf
Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Die wichtigsten Antworten
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
Herschkowitz, Norbert
Kruse, Andreas
Brumlik, Micha
Reichholf, Josef H.
The brain. What is true?
Facts and answers
Das Gehirn. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Ageing. What is true?
Facts and answers
Alter. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Judaism. What is true.
Facts and answers
Judentum. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
Evolution. What is true?
Facts and answers
Evolution. Was stimmt?
Die wichtigsten Antworten
The human brain – unexplored territory? By
no means! Results of recent research has
initiated much debate on this issue and
raised many questions: What is so special
about man if his brain hardly differs from
that of an ape? Is there such a thing as
free will, or does the brain determine everything? Do the brains of males and females
function differently? Questions and answers.
This is a subject surrounded by speculation
and trepidation. Is there an aging gene?
Can dementia be avoided? Can we live to
be over a hundred and still be in good
health? Poverty amongst senior citizens
and the generation conflict. A Methuselah
society: cost factor or creative potential.
What does the future hold in store and
how can we prepare ourselves for it?
Anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism are
almost as old as Judaism itself and still
rear their ugly headas today. Where do
these prejudices originate. What does it
mean to be Jewish?
The biblical story of the creation – big
bang or intelligent design? Which laws does
evolution follow? Which power is active in
the cosmos and in nature? Is everything
just chance or is there a plan behind it all?
If you are interested in evolution and want
to join in discussions on this issue – then
this is the book for you! Prejudice and
ideological paroles are laid bare.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05746-5
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05750-2
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05779-3
February 2007
March 2007
March 2007
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05796-0
March 2007
14 15
Friederike von Tiedemann
Die 13 Stolpersteine
der Liebe
Allan Guggenbühl
Hast du mal Zeit für
einen Streit?
... und wie man ihnen aus dem Weg geht
Wie Männer und Frauen fair
miteinander streiten
Vom Sinn
der Angst
Wie Ängste
sich festsetzen
und wie sie
sich verwandeln
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
Kiewald, Manfred
Kast, Verena
Tiedemann, Friederike von
Guggenbühl, Allan
Optimism is good for children.
How they learn to trust their
Kinder brauchen Optimismus. Wie
sie dem Leben vertrauen lernen
Fear – how it paralyses and how
it can be transformed
Vom Sinn der Angst. Wie Ängste
sich festsetzen und wie sie sich
verwandeln lassen
13 stumbling blocks of love …
and how to avoid them
Die 13 Stolpersteine der Liebe …
und wie man ihnen aus dem Weg
Time for a fight? A fair dispute
Hast du mal Zeit für einen Streit?
Wie Männer und Frauen fair miteinander streiten
Children are born optimists. Full of
confidence and an innate sense of trust
they explore the world. It is up to parents
to encourage and develop this natural
inquisitiveness. A practical and clear
guide on how parents can help their
children develop an optimistic and
confident outlook on life.
„If we faced up to fear more often we would
learn to recognise what we need to change
and what is a source of strength. We would
be more fulfilled as human beings, more able
to identify with our feelings, which in turn
would mean our relationships with people
would be strengthened and deepened.“
True love at long last! This time we’ll do
everything right. Trying to „do it right“ is
in fact a great stumbling block in itself.
What’s wrong with wanting to be open or
fair. Nothing of course, but then again …
13 stumbling blocks and useful ideas on
how to secure a happy, long-term partnership.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05754-0
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 224 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05839-4
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05845-5
March 2007
October 2007
Women quarrel differently to men. An argument can become heated very quickly and
then things get deadly serious. Arguments,
differences of opinion, different needs and
habits challenge us to find a common basis
in a partnership. Allan Guggenbühl provides
a useful guide on how to respect and tolerate differences between male and female.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05849-3
June 2007
May 2007
Barbara Gladysch
Elias Chacour
Leben erzählt von
Pia de Simony
Israeli, Seinund
Marie Czernin
Die kleinen
von Grosny
Kinder im schmutzigen Krieg
von Tschetschenien
die Kunst,
der Seele
gut zu tun
Maaz, Hans-Joachim /
Szöllösi, Ingeborg (Editor)
When we can no longer feel.
Healing from the Lilith complex
Wenn wir nicht mehr fühlen können.
Heilung vom Lilith-Komplex
We all have desires that are not compatible
with family life. We don’t always feel so
loving towards our children, sometimes we
just want to get away. This is fine as long
as both parents deal with the issues openly.
More often that not though these feelings
are repressed and become destructive
forces. Healing is only possible if these
repressed emotions are addressed.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-28314-7
Autumn 2007
Gladysch, Barbara / Filter, Cornelia
Tarr, Irmtraud
Elias Chacour / Pia de Simony
The stars of Grosny. Children
caught in the dirty war of
Die kleinen Sterne von Grosny.
Kinder im schmutzigen Krieg von
COMFORT – balsam for the soul
TROST – die Kunst, der Seele gut
zu tun
Elias Chacour. Israeli, Palestinian
and Christian. His life story told
by Pia de Simony
Elias Chacour. Israeli, Palästinenser
und Christ. Sein Leben erzählt von
Pia de Simony
The scene is set in the nineties. A woman
in peasant’s clothes sits at the back of a
car crossing the Chechnyan border. In her
hand a note stating if she is kidnapped no
ransom will be paid. Barbara Gladysch is
also carrying donations for the „Little
Star“, a centre for children traumatised
by the war. In the meantime there are
23 „Little Stars“ in Grosny. A moving story
about a courageous woman.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 224 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29004-6
January 2007
Comfort provides strength and a foothold
in troubled times. It is not always easy
though, and if overdone can sound pat and
hollow. Touch and gestures are important
too. They can calm churning emotions or
help quicken our inner selves should they
be paralysed. We can provide comfort in our
own lives too – through the peace of sleep,
the strength of nature, the closeness of
friends. Comfort is an art of life.
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29098-5
March 2007
Elias Chacour, Arab and farmer’s son has
experienced hatred and terror in his homeland. In 1947, at the age of 8, he and his
family were driven from their home by
Israeli soldiers. Today he is the spiritual
driving force behind the Trialogue“, an
educational centre for Christians, Jews and
Muslims. His dream is peace. His life story
proves that hate can be transformed. Peace
is possible.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 224 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29195-1
March 2007
16 17
aus der
Lorenz Marti
der Liebe
Wer hat dir
den Weg
Zur Psychologie der
Was gilt heute?
Herausgegeben von Peter Frey
Ein Hund!
Eine kleine
Geschichte der
Mystik an der Leine
des Alltäglichen
Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Bettina Böttinger, Klaus Bresser, Tissy
Bruns, Wibke Bruhns, Sabine Christianse n, Andrea Fischer,
Gundula Gause, Heiner Geißler, Petra Gerster, Dietrich
Grönemeyer, Wolfgang Huber, Claus Kleber, Karl Kardinal
Lehmann, Markus Schächter, Andrea Nahles, Cem Özdemir, Annette
Schavan, Friedrich Schorlemmer, Gesine Schwan, Heide Simonis,
Peter Struck, Wolfgang Thierse, Bernhard Vogel, Hans-Jochen
Vogel, Roger de Weck, Notker Wolf
Vogel, Bernhard / Vogel, Hans-Jochen
Hantel-Quitmann, Wolfgang
Marti, Lorenz
Frey, Peter (Editor)
Germany from a bird’s perpective.
A short history of the Republic of
Deutschland aus der Vogelperspektive. Eine kleine Geschichte
der Bundesrepublik
The secret plan of love. The
psychology of choosing a partner
Der Geheimplan der Liebe.
Zur Psychologie der Partnerwahl.
Who showed you the way?
A dog! Seventy walks discovering
mysticism around us
Wer hat dir den Weg gezeigt?
Ein Hund! Mystik an der Leine
des Alltäglichen
77 values. What is valid today?
77 Wertsachen. Was gilt heute?
Hans-Jochen und Bernhard Vogel were there
from the founding of the BRD. 60 years of
post-war history have left their mark on
their political careers: Adenauer’s visit to
Moscow, the building of the wall, the Berlin
blockade, the great coalition, German
reunification. Events are also etched on
their personal memories: the first D-Mark,
their first car, the massacre in Munich.
An unusual and grippingly told personalized
history of Germany.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 256 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29280-4
How do we find the ideal partner? Is there
some kind of secret plan according to
which partners seek and find each other?
Why do some people always find partners
that make them unhappy? When should we
fight for a relationship and when do we
know it’s over? This book examines the
secret plan of love from a psychological
standpoint, providing numerous examples
from all walks of life.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29283-5
March 2007
On seventy different walks Lorenz Marti
discovers traces of mysticism in everyday
things. A cart track tells stories, a tree
gives a sermon and a dog gives directions.
A shopping trip becomes a meditation;
a shop window becomes a place of selfrecognition. Marti astonishingly connects
everyday experiences with elements of
mysticism and philosophy. An inspiring
and entertaining book.
What are values worth today? Are they too
constricting? Why do without or share when
the modern trend is to consume? Why be
fair and not cheat when success is everything? Questions that demand our response.
Our attitude to values is reflected in our
environment, in society and our relationships. Are there always clear cut answers?
Politicians, journalists and celebrities give
their opinions.
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29564-5
January 2007
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29474-7
April 2007
January 2007
Lorenz Marti
Wie schnürt ein Mystiker
Die großen Fragen und der
seine Schuhe?
tägliche Kleinkram
Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid
Ein Leben
Erzählt von
mit dem Islam
Navid Kermani
Katajun Amirpur
Gott ist mit den
Schirin Ebadi – Die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin
und der Kampf um die Zukunft Irans
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
HERDER spektrum
Katajun Amirpur
Stefan Ehlert
Lorenz Marti
Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid
God is with the fearless
Gott ist mit den Furchtlosen
Wangari Maathai –
Mother of trees
Wangari Maathai – Mutter der Bäume
How does a mystic tie his
Wie schnürt ein Mystiker
seine Schuhe?
Living with Islam
Ein Leben mit dem Islam
For the first time in the course of history,
the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded
to a Muslim woman: Shirin Ebadi. The laureate is a fervent campaigner against the
repression of women and for reform in Iran.
Forced to resign as a judge and accused
of disturbing public opinion she was imprisoned. A fascinating woman in a dramatic battle for human rights in Islam.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05469-3
Time magazine called her „heroine of the
planet“ in 1998. A strong, resolute woman,
uncomprimising and successful. Wangari
Maathai fights fearlessly and persistently
for environmental issues, women’s rights,
dignity and social justice. „We are sowing
the seeds for peace, now and in the future“.
A gripping biography of a woman who
wants to change the world.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05580-5
Dutch, French, Korean rights sold
Dutch, Korean, Spanish, English (east Africa)
rights sold
This book is a declaration of love for the
normal things in life. The place to reflect
on the big issues in life is just there where
we happen to be. If the truth is hidden
then it is often where we have overlooked
it, or not taken notice of it. Marti looks at
the world of mysticism in the context of
our quite normal daily experiences and
examines the practical significance of spiritual truths.
„Islamic Luther“ they call him: one of the
brightest minds in the Islamic world, who
undertook the dangerous task of modernising the Koran, tells of his adventurous
life. Pointed, moving, humorous and
wonderful to read.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 224 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05727-4
Dutch, Turkish, Italian rights sold
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05687-1
Dutch, Korean rights sold
Roland Fröhlich
Kleine Geschichte
der Kirche in Daten
Eine Gesamtdarstellung
Herbert Vorgrimler
Roland Fröhlich
Anselm Grün / Andreas Felger
Wolfang Beinert
New Theological Encyclopedia
Neues Theologisches Wörterbuch
A short history of the Church
Kleine Geschichte der Kirche
in Daten
Engels – experiencing God’s
Engel – Bilder göttlicher Nähe
Das Christentum
A completely revised and updated edition
of the successful „Basic course in Church
History“ which was reprinted many times
in the eighties. This new edition is clearly
arranged with easy-to-digest information.
The author examines the main dates, providing a good overview of decisive events in
the history of the church.
Anselm Grün has selected 24 of Andreas
Felger’s most beautiful water colour angels
and used them as a basis for his meditative
texts. For both author and artist the figure
of the angel represents the many different
ways we can experience God’s presence here
on earth. This book conveys godly presence
on both a spiritual and artistic level.
11,9 x 19,8 cm, ca. 224 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-28350-5
17,0 x 24,0 cm, 128 pages, Hardcover
full illustrated
ISBN: 978-3-451-29226-2
An indispensable companion for students
of Theology. Herbert Vorgrimler compiled
a revised and enlarged edition of „A Short
Theological Encyclopaedia“, which he
successfully produced together with Karl
Rahner. This concise and informative work
provides information on the significance,
origin and background to the most important theological concepts in concise, and
understandable language.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 704 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-27340-7
Czech, English, French, Italian, Lithuanian,
Polish, Hungarian rights sold
2000 Years of Christianity – a religion that
has changed the world. Loved, hated,
longed for, feared, a symbol of mercy and
compassion as well as of torture and inquisition. Beinert portrays Christianity for
all those whose curiosity is stronger that
possible prejudices, for those who are interested in the essence of Christianity and
how it has survived for two thousand years.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 336 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29371-9
Italian, Polish, Hungarian rights sold
Italian, Polish, Hungarian rights sold
Italian rights sold