Corning Incorporated


Corning Incorporated
Corning Cable Systems
00 800 2676 4641
EMEA Training Centre Berlin
LANscape® Solutions Refresher Training for Installers (Fibre & Copper)
Short description:
The participant is introduced to new passive LANscape® Solutions components through a
balanced lecture with hands-on installation. Additionally, students are provided with updates of
current standards and specifications.
Participants (Limitation due to Hands-on
focus of course)
Target Audience:
English, Spanish, Italian or French
1 day
Minimum 6
Maximum 10
On-site installers, service & maintenance
technicians, network planners desiring insight to
the physical characteristics /issues of the
cabling system
Completion of LANscape Solutions Installer
Training (2 days)
Training goals:
The Refresher course reinforces those concepts learned in the LANscape Installer Course plus
provides updates to products, standards or test procedures over the previous 2 years. For those
participants who are current NPI members, their training certification is extended for a further two
Overview Corning Cable Systems
Fibre Safety, Fibre Basics and Fibre Cable Review
Fibre Termination Methods*
Fibre Optic Hardware and Installation Considerations
Fibre Acceptance Testing*
Copper Review: Classes/Categories, LANscape Modular Products
10Gig Copper Solutions: xS500 and new Copper Products*
Copper Acceptance Testing: Basic Parameters in Permanent Link and Channel Tests*
Copper and Fibre Standards Updates
NPI Program
* Hands-On exercises included.
Corning Cable Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Seat: Munich, AG Munich HRA 77652, VAT ID No.: DE 813088526
Managing Company:
Corning Cable Systems
Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Seat: Munich, AG Munich HRB 135265
Managing Directors:
Gilbert Claude Chorosz, Ralf Heinz,
Jochen Lorenz
Office Address:
Corning Cable Systems
GmbH & Co. KG
Leipziger Strasse 121
10117 Berlin
Mailing Address:
Corning Cable Systems
GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 040250
10061 Berlin
Bank Data:
Bank of America N.A. Frankfurt/Main
EUR-Account: 187 370 14
Bank Code: 500 109 00
IBAN: DE94 5001 0900 0018 7370 14
LANscape® Solutions Refresher Schulung für Installateure (LWL & Kupfer)
Anhand von Hands-on Installationen werden den Teilnehmern neue passive LANscape®
Lösungen / Komponenten vorgestellt. Zusätzlich erhalten sie ein Update über aktuelle Normen und
Teilnehmerzahlen (Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl auf
Grund praktischer Übungen)
1 Tag
Minimum 6
Maximum 10
Teilnahme in LANscape Solutions Schulung für
Installateure (2 Tage)
Der "Corning Refresher Course" vertieft/erweitert die gewonnen Fähigkeiten aus dem "Corning
LANscape Installer Course". Zusätzlich werden dem "Corning LANscape Approved Installer"
Updates von Produkten, Normen oder Testmethoden vorgestellt, die vergangenen 2 Jahren
herausgegeben wurden. Der Teilnehmer erhält durch diesen "Corning Refresher Course" eine
Erweiterung seines Zertifikats für 2 Jahre.
o Überblick Corning Cable Systems
o Faser Sicherheit, Grunddaten and LWL Kabel
o Anschlusstechnik*
o LWL Updates: Verbindungstechnik und Montage, Empfehlungen, Hardware
o LWL Prüfen und Messen*
o Kupfer Updates : Klassen vs. Kategorien, LANscape FutureCom Produkte
o 10Gig Kupferlösungen: xS500 und neue Kupferprodukte*
o LWL Prüfen und Messen*: Basic Parameters in Permanent Link und Channel Tests*
o Updates LWL und Kupfer Normen: ISO 11801/EN50173
o NPI Programm
*praktische Übungen
Corning Cable Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Seat: Munich, AG Munich HRA 77652, VAT ID No.: DE 813088526
Managing Company:
Corning Cable Systems
Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Seat: Munich, AG Munich HRB 135265
Managing Directors:
Gilbert Claude Chorosz, Ralf Heinz,
Jochen Lorenz
Office Address:
Corning Cable Systems
GmbH & Co. KG
Leipziger Strasse 121
10117 Berlin
Mailing Address:
Corning Cable Systems
GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 040250
10061 Berlin
Bank Data:
Bank of America N.A. Frankfurt/Main
EUR-Account: 187 370 14
Bank Code: 500 109 00
IBAN: DE94 5001 0900 0018 7370 14
Registration, Payment and Changes
1. The registration for the training courses has to be submitted in written form. It has to contain the
names and addresses of the training participants, as well as the order number and the place and
date of the desired training course. The registration has to be submitted at the latest four (4)
weeks before the scheduled training course.
The registration is subject to Corning Cable Systems' confirmation.
3. The participant is entitled to withdraw from the training course, but no later than three (3) weeks
prior to the scheduled date. Notice of withdrawal has to be given in written form.
4. Corning Cable Systems reserves the right to change place and/or date of training courses,
provided that less than the minimum number of six (6) participants has registered. The participant
will be informed about such changes at the latest three (3) weeks prior to the originally scheduled
date. In case of such change, the participant may cancel the participation in written form, but the
latest one (1) week before the training course takes place.
Corning Cable Systems shall use reasonable efforts to offer further training courses for which the
participant may register instead of the rescheduled course, if he is not able to participate at the
rescheduled time or place. If participant is not able to participate at the rescheduled training
course and therefore he is not able to obtain the Training Certificate necessary to prolong his
participation in the Extended Warranty Program, his participation shall not expire for another six
(6) months. The participant shall participate in a training course as soon as possible to obtain his
Training Certificate. If the training is booked as a group course at a remote facility, any changes
in time or date shall be subject to mutual consent.
5. Corning Cable Systems reserves the right to change content and schedule of training courses
with respect to new knowledge or/and industry standards.
6. Payment is to be made in advance, at the latest three (3) weeks before the training course. If the
participant's payment has not been made until the date of the training course, Corning Cable
Systems is not obliged to admit the participation.
7. Corning Cable Systems will not cover the cost for transportation and hotel accommodations.
8. German law shall apply under the exclusion of all other laws. Place of jurisdiction is Berlin,
Corning Cable Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Seat: Munich, AG Munich HRA 77652, VAT ID No.: DE 813088526
Managing Company:
Corning Cable Systems
Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Seat: Munich, AG Munich HRB 135265
Managing Directors:
Gilbert Claude Chorosz, Ralf Heinz,
Jochen Lorenz
Office Address:
Corning Cable Systems
GmbH & Co. KG
Leipziger Strasse 121
10117 Berlin
Mailing Address:
Corning Cable Systems
GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 040250
10061 Berlin
Bank Data:
Bank of America N.A. Frankfurt/Main
EUR-Account: 187 370 14
Bank Code: 500 109 00
IBAN: DE94 5001 0900 0018 7370 14