Das Geschäftsmodell zeigt Besserung
Das Geschäftsmodell zeigt Besserung
30.01.2014 PANDORA - KAUFEN Das Geschäftsmodell zeigt Besserung Dies ist ein nichtkomplexes Produkt. Die Gewinne werden sich schrittweise zeigen Fundamental valuation Fair Risk Die neue Charms-Kollektion ist anscheinend ein Erfolg Das Geschäftsmodell von Pandora wird in Bezug auf Design, Vertrieb und Marktkommunikation in höherem Grad datenbasiert. Dies wird dem Unternehmen dazu verhelfen, neue Möglichkeiten schnell zu entdecken, die Kunden mit den richtigen Produkten und Kollektionen zu erreichen und die Konkurrenz in höherem Grad zu überrunden. High News flow Positive 12-month target price 350 Closing price 308 Sh ar e in fo r m atio n High/low latest 12 m 327/129 Price trend (3/12 m) 24%/138% Relative to OMXC20 18%/114% Market value (DKKm) 39.590 Free float Unserer Ansicht nach ist das Wachstum des EBIT von 75 % im vierten 65% Quartal 2013 ein Anzeichen dafür, dass die Verbesserungen allmählich Avg daily vol (DKKm) Reuters PNDORA.CO nächsten Jahren anhalten wird. Bloomberg PNDORA DC Die Aktie hat sich stark erholt und wird im Verhältnis zu vergleichbaren Pr ic e tr en d einen Effekt haben, und wir erwarten, dass diese Entwicklung in den Aktien aktuell mit einem bescheidenen KGV-Rabatt gehandelt. Die Prognose des Unternehmens für 2014, die am 18. Februar veröffentlicht wird, wird wahrscheinlich wie üblich konservativ sein, und Aktien im 207,2 Pandora A/S OMXC20 Cap 317 267 Bereich Luxuswaren werden aktuell nicht in besonders hohem Grad nachgefragt. Die Preise für die Produkte von Pandora liegen jedoch am unteren Ende im Markt, und daher sind wir der Ansicht, dass sich die Aktie den Sektor outperformen kann. 217 167 117 j Accounting figure s a nd ke y figure s (DKKm) f m a m j j a s o n d Source: Jyske Bank & Datast ream 2012R 2013E 2014E 2015E Sales 6.652 9.018 10.450 11.929 Operating profit 1.475 2.640 3.321 3.897 Results before taxes 1.479 2.676 3.291 3.784 EBIT margin 22,2% 29,3% 31,8% 32,7% ROE 21,0% 34,3% 37,7% 38,8% ROIC 19,3% 31,1% 37,8% 42,1% EPS 9,24 16,87 21,02 24,17 P/E 34,3 18,8 15,1 13,1 Wesentliche Anlegerinformationen: EV/EBITAA 38,7 20,6 15,1 12,7 Sehen Sie bitte die letzten Seiten. P/BV 6,8 6,1 5,3 4,9 Dividend 5,5 5,8 6,8 8,6 --------------------------------------- Jyske Markets, Vestergade 8-16 8600 Silkeborg Aktienanalyst Frans Høyer +45 89 89 70 33 - frans.hoyer@jyskebank.dk ----------------------------------Diese Analyse ist ein Auszug aus einer Anlageanalyse für professionelle Anleger. 30.01.2014 Für den Anfang des Jahres 2014 sehen wir weiter solide Fortschritte, und wir erwarten weitere Aktienrückkäufe. Mit einer langsameren Verbesserung der Bruttomarge und der operativen Kosten als Prozent des Umsatzes sehen wir für 2014 ein Wachstum des EBIT von 25 % und für 2015 ein Wachstum des EBIT von 17 % voraus. Wir stufen das Kursziel je Aktie auf DKK 350 ein, was einem KGV von 16,7x entspricht. 30.01.2014 Overview – Pandora Company profile Owners hip s truc ture Pandora is a designer, manufacturer and wholesale distributor of branded genuine Others jewellery sold through 10,500 partner-owned stores mainly in the US, UK, Australia 40% and Germany but also increasingly in many other markets. Partners allocate ever more selling space to the brand and Pandora steers the process in the direction of stores fully dedicated to the brand. The line-up contains 1,250 SKUs with charms and bracelets making up about 80% and fingerrings and other products the rest. Production is located in Thailand with distribution by air to three regional centers in the US, North America and Australia. Pandora Management 8% Sal es growth and profitabi li ty 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% Axcel 35% RSMLP Holding 9% Pewic Holding 8% Break - down of s al es Others 28% 0 2012R 0 2013E 0 2014E Sales growth 0 2015E 0 2016E 0 2017E Australia 10% United Kingdom 14% Germany 10% EBIT-margin Fundamental valuation Pandora's high growth is led by rapid selling space expansion United States 38% Inves tment c as e The recovery from various mistakes in 2011 is behind us, but by retailer partners. The model is asset light, profit margins Pandora has advanced the quality of operations for example by are high and cash flow is growing fast. The balance sheet is collecting retail-sell out data thus enhancing its ability to strong though a large portion of assets is in the form of detect opportunities, get the product and collections right, good-will and other intangibles. Pandora is committed to adapt its market communication and avoid mistakes. Competition growing dividends steadily and buying back own shares from is fragmented with typically much smaller-sized operators with time to time. poor profitability. While some markets are already penetrated with Pandora charms we reckon it can grow topline at 8% p.a. yet in 2022 still have scope for growth in the US and Europe. Asia and adjacent jewellery categories offer additional growth. Pri c e tri ggers Evidence of success with innovative charms collection or in adjecent jewellery categories like fingerrings. Ris k fac tors With little control of the retail level Pandora is dependent on its retailer partners. A poor collection or two can incur Turning around the operation in Germany. Accelerated expansion on the US West Coast. much damage. Volatile metals prices affect profit margins. Entering new markets. Unrest in Thailand may affect production and distribution. Success in online sales at high margins. 30.01.2014 Disclaimer & Disclosure Jyske Bank is supervised by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. The research report is based on information which Jyske Bank finds reliable, but Jyske Bank does not assume any responsibility for the correctness of the material nor any liability for transactions made on the basis of the information or the estimates of the report. The estimates and recommendations of the research report may be changed without notice. The report is for the personal use of Jyske Bank's customers and may not be copied. This report is an investment research report. Conflicts of interest Jyske Bank has prepared procedures to prevent and preclude conflicts of interest thus ensuring that research reports are being prepared in an objective manner. These procedures have been incorporated in the business procedures covering the equity research activities of Jyske Markets, a business unit of Jyske Bank. Moreover, equity analysts at Jyske Bank cannot trade in equities for which they prepare research reports. If an analyst takes over for the responsible analyst in connection with illness, business travels, etc., this analyst cannot trade in the relevant share on the day of publication of the research report and the following day. Jyske Bank may, however, hold positions, have interests in or business relations with the companies that are analysed. The research report has not been presented to the company prior to its release. Analysts receive no payment from persons interested in individual research reports. Read more about Jyske Bank's policy on conflicts of interest at www.jyskebank.dk/terms. Jyske Bank’s share recommendations – current allocation Allocation of recommendations, Danish shares (number) 14 Allocation of recommendations, all shares (number) 20 12 15 10 8 10 6 4 5 2 0 0 Strong Buy Buy Reduce Sell Strong Buy Buy Reduce Sell Source: Jyske Bank 30.01.2014 Financial models Jyske Bank employs one or more of the following models: Discounted cash flow (free cash flow), Economic Value Added and the dividend model to determine the fundamental value of a company. The fundamental value is compared to a relative valuation based on multiples such as P/E and EV/EBITA. The recommendation and the price target are moreover adjusted for the expected news flow and the market sentiment based on knowledge of the industry and company-specific circumstances. Jyske Bank’s recommendations take into account the expected development in the equity market, the various sectors and company-specific circumstances. Risk Investment in this share is associated with a risk. Movements in the equity market, the sector and/or news flows, etc. regarding the company may affect the price of the share. See the front page of the research report for our view of the risk associated with the share. The risk factors stated and/or calculations of sensitivities in the research report are not to be considered all-encompassing. If the share is traded in a currency other than the investor’s base currency, the investor accepts an FX risk. In connection with an ADR or similar papers, the FX risk exists relative to the currency in which the underlying share trades. Update of research report The planned update of the report will be prepared immediately upon the release of the company’s financial statements. In addition, research reports may be prepared on special themes specifically for the company or research reports where the company is part of the special theme. These research reports are published on an ad-hoc basis. See the front page for the initial date of publication of the report. All prices stated are the latest closing prices before the release of the report, unless otherwise stated. Recommendation Risk-adjusted return Strong Buy Buy Reduce >20% 10-20% 0-10% Sell <0% Source: Jyske Bank Share recommendation concepts Our recommendations are relative to the market development and are based on an evaluation of the forecast return within the coming 12 months. The forecast return is the difference between the current price and our 12-month price target (the price target includes the projected dividend). The equity market has historically yielded a return of around 10% (the US equity market, for instance, yielded a return of 10% during the period 1902-2011). When we determine the recommendation for a share we use the 10% as an estimate of the return in the equity market. Since our recommendations are relative and risk-adjusted, it is possible to compare our recommendations across sectors and risk categories. In addition, the potential is stated in absolute terms via our price target. It should be borne in mind, however, that the recommendation is the anchor. A BUY recommendation will remain a BUY recommendation until changed, even if price increases have taken the price ‘too close’ to the price target. The future and historical returns estimated in the research report are stated as returns before costs since returns after costs depend on a number of factors relating to individual customer relations, custodian charges, volume of trade as well as market-, currency- and productspecific factors. It is not certain that the share will yield the stated expected future return/s. The stated expected future returns exclusively express our best assessment. 30.01.2014 Investment Centre, North Investment Centre, Copenhagen Toldbod Plads 1 Vesterbrogade 9 9000 Aalborg 1780 København V Investment Centre, Mid-West Investment Centre, Zealand St. Torv 1 Nørregade 6 7500 Holstebro 4100 Ringsted Investment Centre, South-West Investment Centre, Funen Torvet 21 Mageløs 8 6700 Esbjerg 5100 Odense C Investment Centre, Eastern Jutland Investment Centre, Silkeborg Østergade 4 Vestergade 8 -10 8000 Århus C 8600 Silkeborg Investment Centre, Trekantsområdet Hjulmagervej 8 F 7100 Vejle Jyske Bank (Schweiz) AG Jyske Bank (France) Tel: +41 44 368 7373 Tel : +33 493 39 39 00 Berben’s Effectenkantoor B.V. Jyske Bank (Gibraltar) Ltd Tel: +31 (0)495 456000 Tel: +35020072782 PBC Hamburg Private Banking Copenhagen (PBC) Tel: +49 40 309 510 24 Tel: +45 89 89 62 32