HA`SHEM - Congregation of Yahweh


HA`SHEM - Congregation of Yahweh
Issue 40 - Autumn 2006
Truth That Transforms
In the world, but not of it
Issue Features:
Over the last couple of decades you will have seen great
changes take place in the world – and that means progress.
The advancement in technology has massively influenced
much of the change that has happened; just take a look
around your home, place of work, town or city to see
what I’m talking about. The amazing thing is that in the
next decade or so we will see even greater strides in
development which will all have a significant effect on the
way we live our lives.
Of course we appreciate the changes that technology has
brought to radically improve our living standards; however,
there are aspects of people’s lives that technology cannot
lift or move forward – the spiritual dimension of life. In
Yahshua, Yahweh acted towards the world to break the
power of the old age of oppression and death (John 3:16)
and created a new people who would live in the new age
of Messiah’s kingdom. The change that Yahweh promises to
bring people is as dramatic as ‘transforming darkness into
wonderful light’. Yahweh, through the Church (Yahshua’s
body on earth), continues to offer this hope to all who will
hear and take it up.
As part of the Church we are meant to have influence in the
world; we are to be agents of change – how are we doing?
In this issue of Ha’Shem we look at how the Church of
Messiah should be acting towards the world to influence it
as opposed to being influenced by it.
HA’SHEM is Hebrew for the ‘THE NAME’ (Yahweh)
Throughout this magazine you will see the
names YAHWEH and YAHSHUA. Yahweh
is the original name for the heavenly Father
and Yahshua is the original name of His Son,
our Saviour. Also the term ELOHIM
(or its shortened form El) may be used.
This literally means ‘Mighty One’ and is
usually translated ‘God’ in the King James
Version of the Bible.
Unless otherwise stated, scripture quotations
in this publication are from the Holy Bible,
New International Version® Copyright©
1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible
Society. All rights reserved.
Substitution of the Holy Names in all
scripture quotations have been made at the
discretion of the editor.
› Ha’Shem 40
In The World But Not Of It
Alcot Walker
Kingdom Attractions
Dorcas Walker
A Cry For Prophetic Leaders
Richard Willetts
Faith To Live
Nathan Prince
Worship: Going Beyond
Jemrose Walker
Regular Features:
My Mission Field
Susan Marshall
Word Study:
Operating On Foreign Soil
Michael Banak
16 Moving With Him
Valerie Warsop
My Story:
21 Being Different
Esther Chopping
Heart & Soul:
24 Self-leadership Through
Mark Vlad
The Congregation of Yahweh has always
sought to ensure that our literature is not
only of high quality but also available to
everyone. However, because of the cost
involved in producing and distributing
HA’SHEM we request a donation from those
who are able to give. These donations also
support our literature distribution overseas.
Hard Talk:
26 You Shall Have No Other
Gods Besides Me
Edwin Josephs
All donations are very much appreciated.
Please make cheques payable to The
Congregation of Yahweh and send your
donations to the Literature Department at the
address below.
The Congregation of Yahweh
92-94 North Sherwood Street
Nottingham NG1 4EE
All articles in this magazine are copyright
of The Congregation of Yahweh unless
otherwise stated.
For more information about The
Congregation of Yahweh visit our
website: www.CongYah.co.uk
Also Included:
Prayer For A Global
Autumn Edition / September 2006
Alcot Walker
Faith Hewitt
Miriam Bird
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Alcot Walker
rowing up in the Church
it seemed to me I was
always being reminded,
“don’t make friends with the
world . . . you’re in the world
but you’re not of it” (based on
James 4:4). What did that mean?
As a young child I don’t think
my understanding of it was quite
accurate. I thought it meant I
shouldn’t have any meaningful
friendships with people who were
sinners; for one thing they would
corrupt me and after all we didn’t
have anything in common. I am
so glad that I grew out of that
kind of mindset! Sadly, however,
many well-meaning disciples live
their entire lives driven by such
faulty thinking. We cannot be
effective disciples if we live our
lives isolated from (people of)
the world. How can we live (be)
in the world, not being part of it
and at the same time be influential
disciples of the Messiah?
Yahshua repeatedly told His
followers that they were not of this
world, even as He wasn’t; but yet
He told others that they were of
this world. You are of the world
if you are ‘without Yahweh’,
alienated from Him, dead in your
sins; you are of this world if you
live according to the desires of the
sinful nature, going against the
righteous standards of Yahweh
and going your own way; you
are of this world if you live and
behave as children who serve ‘the
prince of this world’ – the devil.
Being not of this world means
› Ha’Shem 40
you are not subject to the “prince
of the power of the air” (Eph.
2:1-2 KJV), you are not guided
by the same values that operate
in that world, you don’t live by
the same standards, you don’t
worship at the altar of self and
materialism, you don’t seek the
same goals (self-centred). You
don’t do or follow after any of
those things because you have
been transferred, translated from
the kingdom of this world to the
kingdom of heaven. Here you are
guided by a new set of values,
you live your life by a standard
that expresses Yahweh’s holiness,
you seek His Kingdom only, and
His righteousness - not your own
desires: your worship springs from
a heart that is completely centred
His disciples. He opens up His
heart to His followers knowing
that He is soon ‘going back to
His Father’. In these chapters
He unveils their purpose in the
world. Yahshua declares that
He had chosen them from out of
the world (Jn. 15:19) in order to
send them back into the world
(Jn. 17:18). In thinking about
this my mind raced to one of my
favourite TV series: The XFiles,
where agents Mulder and Scully
investigate extra terrestrial and
paranormal phenomena. On
a number of occasions they
encounter humans who are being
returned after abduction by
aliens from other worlds, these
individuals invariably have had
some kind of alien implant, and
Disciples have been chosen out of the world in order to
be sent back into the world to seek the lost and present
the message of the Kingdom to them
on Him. It is important to know
the difference between ‘being of
the world’ and ‘not of the world’,
and even more importantly what
the expectations are for both.
The apostle John (chapters 13
– 17) gives us a glimpse of what
can be said to be Yahshua’s most
intimate and important time with
› Ha’Shem 40
their whole purpose is to infiltrate
the human population. It’s all a
bit far-fetched and exciting stuff,
but there is an echo of truth in
relation to followers of Yahshua
being chosen out of the world. 2
Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) opens
up this fascinating thought for
us: “Therefore, if anyone is in
[Messiah], he is (altogether)* a
new creature.” We are essentially
aliens, not the green Martian type
but a ‘new’ species, a new race
with a new purpose. This purpose
is to infiltrate the strongholds of
this world.
Often, in trying not to be ‘of the
world’, believers miss the fact that
they’re in the world to radically
influence it, to challenge those
who are ‘of it’, calling them to
embrace an alternative Kingdom!
This is precisely what our Saviour
and Master did, and He expects
us to do the same; just catch this
statement of His: “As you sent Me
into the world, I also have sent
them into the world” (Jn. 17:18
HCSB); and again, “As the Father
has sent me, I also send you” (Jn.
20:21b HCSB). We can go on
and be more precise about what
Yahshua was sent into the world to
do: “For the Son of Man has come
to seek and to save the lost” (Lk.
19:10 HCSB). Clearly, then, if we
have been sent into the world as
our Master was, our purpose is to
seek those who otherwise would
be lost and present the message of
the Kingdom to them.
As disciples we do our best
work when we follow the pattern
of our Master, and we see that
Yahshua achieved His purpose by
going out of His way and getting
into the circle of ordinary folk.
Why? Because He knew that
to influence the world He had
to connect with it: to transform
people’s lives He had to connect
with them. Of course He was
accused of mixing with the
outcasts and the riffraff of His day,
but these were the very folk He
had come to save. What I admire
about the Master is that He was
not deterred by the accusations of
sceptics and experts who thought
He’d completely lost it; His focus
on the purpose remained razor
sharp. Yahshua connected with
people, with their lives, with their
situations, with their helplessness,
with their failures and problems
and in so doing He was able to
speak into their lives in ways they
could understand and relate to.
We cannot speak into people’s
lives unless we are prepared
to connect with them, and that
invariably means making an effort
to get close and touch them. And
this might also mean enduring
misunderstanding from people
within our own ranks.
The task of making disciples,
massively influencing the world
for Yahshua is NOT over; the
command to go into the world to
do this has not changed. However,
the things that have changed are
cultures, people’s lifestyles and
values, people’s expectations and
attitudes. As disciples in the 21st
Century we have to be aware of
such changes and become more
creative and innovative about how
we connect with the people and
communities of the world. We
have to accept that some of our
traditional ways in reaching out
to people are no longer effective.
Because Yahshua was in tune with
the times and the then culture He
was able to use relevant methods
in connecting with and getting
under people’s skin in order to
speak truth to them. This is the
challenge of today.
I know of some churches who,
in realising they have to find
new ways of interfacing with the
‘lost of the world’, are engaging
in various community projects
that open doors to connect
with parents, young people and
children consistently. This regular
interaction gives these disciples
opportunity to be touched by the
needs of both parents and children,
and also the opportunity to express
in meaningful ways the Master’s
Some church groups have
given themselves to feeding and
caring for the poor and destitute
The challenge is to find
meaningful ways to
connect to those in our
in their community. This is more
than the traditional soup run
that many organisations do; this
particular initiative allows mature
disciples to sit with and interact
with those who are being served
with food and other commodities.
These disciples are able to listen
to the stories of broken and
desperately needy people, to build
a relationship with them and again
to demonstrate Yahshua’s love and
compassion. I believe the Church
must be courageous and embrace
these and other innovative ideas in
seeking to reach the unchurched.
People will hear you when they
feel you are connected with them
– when they feel that you’re not
standing from a distance shouting
the odds to them, but you are up
close and sharing. We are aliens,
not of this world, but we should
be vitally connected to people
of the world not for the purpose
of abducting, but of seeing them
transformed and transferred to
the kingdom of heaven. Being an
alien in the world is risky if we
are to be effective in carrying out
our prime objective – to make
disciples (to make more aliens!).
Being different isn’t always
attractive, more often than not it
invites persecution and hatred. Our
Master said, “If the world hates
you, understand that it hated Me
before it hated you. … Remember
the word I spoke to you: ‘A slave
is not greater than his master.’ If
they persecuted Me, they will also
persecute you. If they kept My
word, they will also keep yours”
(Jn. 15:18 & 20 HCSB). Let us
not fear being misunderstood and
even persecuted for associating
ourselves with ‘sinners’ – our
Master was vilified for being the
friend of riffraff.
To be effective disciples of
Yahshua we have to stay in the
world not disconnected from its
communities and cultures, but
connected to its people and be
in touch with their needs. We
have to move out of the citadel
of our fellowship, build bridges
of friendship and support for the
sinners, the lost and vulnerable
of this world. As believers we
should not be afraid of building
friendships with ‘sinners’, those
who are said to be ‘of the world’
– we are not adopting or living by
their rules, we are connecting with
them in the hope of winning them
over to the Master’s Kingdom.
(*The writers insertion)
Alcot Walker is editor of Ha’Shem
and Chair of the National Leadership
Council of the Congregation of
Yahweh. He is also lead Pastor of the
Congregation in Nottingham; he is
married with two children
› Ha’Shem 40
Susan Marshall
i! My name is Susan Marshall and I am
47 years old. About seven years ago I
was definitely a woman of the world
doing everything you could imagine; drugs,
sex, alcohol, gambling and involved in about
every criminal activity you could imagine, I was
a woman in control of my own life. I had no
belief in ‘God’ or in anything except my own
abilities of power and control. I had been using
drugs, and had addictions to both gambling and
alcohol over which I had no control whatsoever. I
associated with well-known, hardened criminals
and I enjoyed every minute of it! It was not until
salvation that I understood that Satan had me
bound hand and foot; I had no control - he had full
control of my life. I was living a big lie!
In the summer of 1999 a young friend of my son’s
came to tell me about a Saviour called Yahshua
(Jesus). I thought he was crazy; I told him he had
‘lost the plot’ and to get out of my house. I didn’t
believe in anyone but myself. He told me that my
lifestyle and the things I loved so dearly were sin.
Although I would not listen he didn’t give up and
came again and again, constantly telling me about
Yahshua, until one day I felt something pulling on
my heart strings, and I knew there was some truth
in what he was saying. A few weeks later I was
thinking about all he had told me and wondered,
‘WHAT IF’! What if what he is saying is true? What
if I need to know the Saviour before I leave this
world in death? What if I didn’t confess my sin and
ask Yahweh to forgive me I could go to a place of
eternal punishment?
On a Monday evening, late at night and in the
quiet of my bedroom I asked “… if there is a God
then reveal yourself to me”. I asked Him to forgive
my sins, and He came to me instantly, I felt as if I
was having an operation and my heart had been
› Ha’Shem 40
taken out, but I was still breathing so I knew I was
not dead! I was however scared all the time, and
I knew there was an Almighty presence in my
room and that something was happening to me.
Finally, something like a thunderbolt went straight
through my body and the operation was finished;
that is the only way I can explain it. In the morning
I was a different person! I no longer had the urge
to take drugs, I heard myself stop swearing, I was
delivered instantly of three very highly addictive
drugs and I was cleaned up from inside. Don’t ask
me how He did this but the Almighty did! I am
still serving Him today seven years later, rejoicing
in what He has done for me, still clean from every
addiction that had control of me and I have no
urge to go back to my old life. Only one man could
have done this for me, God (Yahweh) Himself!
If He can do this for me then He can do this for
anybody, as I often tell people.
In the area where I am living I wielded great
influence over the people surrounding me, and
not only over them but people from further away
who knew me, too. My influence was not one
that I can say I am proud of, for, because of my
manipulation, people were led into a life that was
not pleasing to my Saviour. The Bible says, ‘all
things work together for good to those who love
Yahweh and are called according to His purpose.’
Romans 8:28 (NKJV). It is sometimes hard to
understand a passage such as this, because, how
could my unrighteous living be of any good to
those people I had led astray? It is only now I
am beginning to understand that Yahweh, in His
foreknowledge, knew that these people would be
open to His saving grace because of my salvation.
Now He is using me to reach the very people
who were once led astray by my former way of
life. On a daily basis young people, children, and
adults are being touched by the hand of the Master
as they come through my door seeking to find
answers to the pressing needs in their lives. The
bereaved also come to hear the word that brings a
sense of peace, soothing their troubled souls, and
all this because the Man of Calvary invaded my life
with love, a love that none other could give.
I am now involved in what you might call my
‘mission field’ which is in the Top Valley area of
Nottingham where a lot of criminal activity is
taking place. I am right in the middle of it but
standing for Yahweh. I let the people know that
there really is a God who loves and cares for them,
and if they don’t at first believe my words they can
see the difference in my lifestyle. I believe Yahweh
has called me to be a witness of His power and
willingness to save and change lives, and for that
reason I am devoting my life to that end.
needy, they are hungry for Him and I am praying
that Yahweh will give us the wisdom of the Spirit
so that we may effectively minister to their needs.
I just pray that Yahweh will continue to use me in
this area and that He will give me the strength to
go on.
I have a vision, an objective, a dream that one day
from the streets of Top Valley and the surrounding
area the word of Yahweh will flow like a river
bringing life to the many that are hungering and
thirsting for an alternative to this life, real life that
flows from the throne of Yahweh.
Susan Marshall
is a mother and
an active member
of Crabtree
Church in Bulwell
Currently I am involved in running a youth group
with about seven or eight young people; still more
are coming who are walking in the knowledge and
light of Yahshua and serving Him and they, too,
go out and give testimony to the things that He
has done in their lives. These young people are so
Audio Recordings
of Sermons from our national gatherings
Ministry from the Feast of
Tabernacles 2005
Ministry from the Feast of
Unleavened Bread 2006
Head To Head With
The End Of Days
Ephesians is said by some to be
the most profound work in the
Bible, the ‘Queen’ of the epistles. It
presents us with a graphic picture
of the identity, nature, activity, and
purpose of Yahweh’s holy people.
These sermons provide food for
thought and a challenge to live a life worthy
of the call of Yahweh.
• Election – Yahweh’s Big Plan John Thornton
• Coming In From The Cold
Richard Willetts
• It Comes Down To Unity
Beverly Nembhard
• Maximum Body Impact
Alcot Walker
• Getting It Together
Leah Bate
• Watch Your Step
Ruth Sherrington-Powis
• Head To Head with Ephesians Series
6 CDs
• Head To Head with Ephesians Series
1 DVD (audio)
six sermons in MP3 format which can be played on a DVD player
In the light of biblical prophecy it is
imperative that we understand the
time in which we are living. When our
hearts are tuned to the purposes
of Yahweh and His prophetic word,
we will be able to make sense
of landmark events that have
occurred and which are currently
taking place in our world. What should
the church be experiencing? What should our response be? These
sermons provide thought-provoking insight into End Time events.
• What Is Happening Outside? David Hayes
• Who Says Israel Don’t Matter? Nathan Prince
• Rapture Or Tribulation
John Thornton
• His Dominion – Everlasting
Alcot Walker
• End Of Days Series
4 CDs
• End Of Days Series
1 DVD (audio)
four sermons in MP3 format which can be played on a DVD player
Ministry from the Feast of Shavu’ot 2006
• A Call To Prayer
Alcot Walker
For more information visit: www.congyah.co.uk or email: comms@congyah.co.uk
› Ha’Shem 40
Operating on Foreign Soil
Michael Banak
“...[Yahweh] was in [Messiah], reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses
unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors
for [Messiah], as though [Elohim] did beseech you by us…” (2 Cor. 5:19-20 KJV).
n the Bible, the Greek word for ‘ambassador’
means ‘elder statesman’. This is noteworthy.
The first ambassador for our Kingdom was a
Hebrew boy from Nazareth, who kept the elders
riveted for an extended Feast. This suggests
that, regardless of age or any other parameter,
all of us are ambassadors. And we must do it
with statesmanship and maturity.
We represent both a Kingdom and its King, and
people are drawing conclusions about them
from their observation of us. “But sanctify
[Yahweh Almighty] in your hearts: and be
ready always to give an answer to every man
that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in
you with meekness and fear: Having a good
conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of
you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed
that falsely accuse your good conversation in
[Messiah]” (1 Pet. 3:15-16 KJV).
Like a diplomat carrying an important message
to foreign soil, we are living letters from
Messiah to a sick and dying world. We must
resist attempts to change the message, so that
the original Apostolic Faith appears attractive to
the worldly mind. Yahshua put His finger on the
problem in strong terms, “... [Elohim] knoweth
your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed
among men is abomination in the sight of
[Elohim]” (Luke 16:15 KJV).
The beliefs, doctrines and practices of the
original disciples will appear odd, counterintuitive, and even fanatical in this age. If we
fashion ourselves to please the world, we are
representing a different kingdom. But if we
walk in the light, the Holy Spirit will witness to
those He calls. This is beautifully expressed in
2 Cor. 3:2-3. “Ye are our epistle written in our
hearts, known and read of all men: …manifestly
declared to be the epistle of [Messiah]
ministered by us, written not with ink, but with
the Spirit of the living [Elohim]; not in tables of
stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.”
It may be tempting to enforce the Kingdom now
by using brute force. But Yahshua put Pilate’s
› Ha’Shem 40
mind at ease regarding this: “My kingdom is not
of this world.” Do your magistrates see you as a
welcome guest or as an agitator?
An ambassador’s embassy commonly has
a staff, which permits others to enter the
ambassador’s kingdom. There are standards
to be upheld in that process. Peter rebuked a
sorcerer, who desired to purchase Holy Spirit
power (Acts 8:9-21). Yahshua rebuked a crowd
that had sought Him for another free meal (John
6:26-27). We must be sensitive to when the Holy
Spirit reveals those who draw nigh with ulterior
Sometimes the ambassador will take messages
back to the homeland. It is a great compliment
when someone asks, “Could you please pray for
me?” Graciously receiving such a request, and
acting upon it, speaks volumes about our King
and His ways. Certainly, it suggests possibilities
for further friendship and discipleship.
Ambassadorship is not just confined to
interfacing between the outside world and
heaven. A touching example of internal
diplomacy is Paul’s brief yet compelling letter
to Philemon, where he appeals for the release
of brother Onesimus, who was a runaway slave
from Philemon. Regarding any wrongs done
by Onesimus, Paul says, “…put that on my
account” (Ph. 1:18 NKJV).
Indeed, if you accept the call to
ambassadorship, you will often have to plaster
your very self over the cracks, even within the
household of Faith, in all things representing
Yahweh, His Messiah and His Kingdom. “And
all things are of [Elohim], who hath reconciled
us to himself by [Yahshua
Messiah], and hath given
to us the ministry of
reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18
Michael A Banak fellowships at New
Beginnings Church, Illinois and lives in
Chicago, USA
Dorcas Walker
aniel was born into an
important Jewish family,
regarded by some as
being amongst the ruling class
(Dan. 1:3). It is thought that when
Daniel was taken into exile he may
have been around the age of 16.
As a young man Daniel obeyed
and honoured Yahweh, even
when finding himself in grave
and sometimes life-threatening
situations. From the extraordinary
accounts of this teenager’s life
we would class him as a historymaker of his time. I believe that
children and young people in our
day, given the opportunity, can
also become ‘history makers’ . . .
making a real difference to their
Let me share my desire with
you. I would just love for 21st
Century children and young
people to know that they, too,
have the potential to change
and influence their peers and
subsequently the world because
they have a great God living
within them. Yes, not only for
them to know this truth but also
to act on it. This is possible if we
. . . (that’s you: church ministers,
children’s workers, parents, and
congregation member – I guess
that’s everybody) . . . give such
children the necessary support
and encouragement in a world
that increasingly gives value
to materialism and is driven by
fashion gurus and media icons.
Our children and youth are
consistently bombarded with
incredible attractions from the
world e.g. TV soap operas, boy
bands, girl bands, the latest
fashion, the latest gimmick, the
latest ‘must have’, the list goes
endlessly on. These attractions
can become, in the main, faith
wreckers. So many of us who
have worked with children in the
past have seen it happen over
and over again: a child reaches a
particular age, gives up on coming
to church and turns away from
childhood faith. Of course we all
think it is a terrible shame because
some go on to live lives that are
pitiful. This sadly will continue
relentlessly if action is not taken
by the church. We must break the
youth drain cycle, stem the tide
of children and youth flowing
out of the church – we have
enough difficulties getting them
in! I believe church communities
must invest in the future of their
children and youth by providing
attractions that offer FUN,
› Ha’Shem 40
‘belonging’. As our kids grow in
their sense of belonging the more
effectively we are able to teach
them biblical truth.
I believe that all
children need to . . .
2. Contribute and to
...amazingly children latch onto lyrics so quickly,
even though they don’t understand them. We can
take advantage of this childhood ability by firstly
encouraging them to listen to good Christian music...
in a safe environment and which
serve to instil into them moral
and biblical values that will
guide them in this life and for
the Kingdom to come. I hear you
groan – ‘But how?’ How can we
as church communities/house
fellowships, youth and children’s
workers, parents, grandparents,
aunties, uncles within the church
community be innovative in
making such provision?
I believe that all
children and adults
need to . . .
1. Know what it means
to belong
Children are no different from
adults: they need to feel a strong
sense that they belong to someone,
to something and be given
the opportunity to contribute
to whatever they belong to. I
work in a school and see many
students who come from homes
which would seem deprived of
love and affection. As a church
we can readily offer love and
affection to children who attend
› Ha’Shem 40
our fellowships faithfully, but
this, too, should be offered to the
children with whom we come into
contact throughout the week and
weekends. We can offer a place of
safety; a warm, stable and caring
environment – a real place where
real children can discover a real
sense of belonging. This sense of
belonging is something that takes
a while to attain, and it requires,
from those who work with the
children, (yes, right here I’m
thinking about you, children and
youth workers!) much more than
the scheduled one and a half hours
every Sunday morning when we
have meetings with them.
Do you really want to keep
your children? Are you really
passionate about seeing children
reach their full potential in
the Kingdom? OK then let me
challenge you to find ways of
staying in touch and building
meaningful friendships with the
children in your group, outside
the scheduled meeting time.
Discuss with others ways of
communicating with your young
people; search for activities that
will enable them to grow in their
This generation of children and
young people love music, it’s
something that features heavily in
their everyday existence. We have
so many different types of music
being churned out on the radio,
internet, ipods, CDs and DVDs;
amazingly children latch onto
lyrics so quickly, even though they
don’t understand them. We can
take advantage of this childhood
ability by firstly encouraging
them to listen to good Christian
music and, secondly, take an
active part in our worship services.
When it comes to services you
often here children say, “Church
is so boring!” Often for the
children it really is the truth!
To get our children and young
people interested and involved in
the worship service pastors and
worship leaders have to do some
work, make some changes. For a
start we will need to incorporate
songs and music that strike a
chord with them – contemporary
style, high tempo music that will
require them to move and do the
actions - to clap, raise hands,
dance (I hasten to add here that
we need to lead by example).
You’ve probably got somebody
in your group who is skilled
enough to teach an instrument
or someone who has the ability
to take a small group aside and
create a children’s choir. From
time to time the youth singers and
musicians could lead the worship
. . . wouldn’t that be great? Like
I said – children need to feel a
sense of belonging. Children love
to sing and have fun. This can
be expanded into allowing them
to sing and dance, and uniquely
express themselves in the worship
of their Creator. Remember, this
is all about helping our children
and young people find and develop
their potential within the church to
become ‘history makers’.
Let’s not forget also that
children just love to help; it may
just be handing out the biscuits
or being asked to help stack the
chairs after a meeting. However
small or big children need to have
regular experiences of contributing
and receiving.
I believe that all
children need to . . .
3. Be valued and
Sadly, many children in today’s
society do not feel valued and
recognised. This is where the
church community has a real
opportunity to win the hearts of
children and help them to grow
to become secure adults. I believe
churches can achieve this if they
first establish, as one of their
CORE VALUES, “Children
are important to us!” When the
ministry to children is a core
value of our church we will do
everything possible to add value
to the lives of children who come
to us. Something unique and
special takes place in the lives
of children when they know that
the adults who connect with them
believe and also express to them
that they are special treasures.
Whenever a child does something,
at home or at school, they want to
know that their contribution was
appreciated. For example: when
you see a young boy showing
another person kindness and
friendship, it wouldn’t harm you to
say, “That was very kind of you to
do that….” In my experience the
beam of light that comes across
their face in knowing that you
have noticed is amazing! Many
children may not hear that in
their homes or it may not be said
often enough. When little ones get
this type of encouragement and
commendation, it not only says
to them, “that’s the way I should
behave”, but it also gives them
confidence to do other things.
These little touches truly make
a difference in the growth of
children; so, do them!
As a child growing up in the
church, one or two people told
me that they prayed for me all the
time. That was a big thing for me
because it made me feel special.
I felt special in two ways. Firstly,
that I must be really important to
Yahweh for Him to cause someone
to pray for little me, especially;
and secondly, that I was special to
those people who were thinking
about me everyday and asking
Yahweh for good things for me.
I also remember times when
different ones in the congregation
would seek to befriend me; they
bought me little gifts and even
invited me to their homes for
dinner. All of those things made
me feel loved and valued. I believe
the same things must be offered
in abundance to this generation of
children and young people.
I believe that all
children need to . . .
4. Share the good news in
the wider community
What better way of sharing
the good news about Yahshua
than through children who have
themselves experienced a sense
of belonging, a place of safety,
the thrill of contributing and
receiving? These are best suited
for reaching their own. Children
like to chat about things they enjoy
and if they enjoy activities and
functions that the church regularly
provides, then they won’t have a
problem talking wildly about the
incredible club they belong to and
the wonderful things they get to
do with friends and others. These
children will become recruiting
agents for the Kingdom.
I recently went to a Children’s
Conference and it was said, “The
children should be the heartbeat of
the church – its life, its energy!”
Continued on page 15
› Ha’Shem 40
Richard Willetts
“…I wish that all
[Yahweh’s] people
were prophets and that
[Yahweh] would put his
Spirit on them!”
(Num. 11:29).
be a prophetic people, one that will
ultimately usher in the Kingdom of
Yahweh here on earth.
The prophets of the Old
Testament offer us valuable insight
into what prophetic leadership
entails and there are some
surprises here.
Dare to be a Daniel
hen Moses spoke these
words, probably out
of exasperation, he
unwittingly spoke the heart of
Yahweh. Pentecost in Acts 2 was a
fulfilment (though not the ultimate
fulfilment) of the promise given
to Joel, “And afterward, I will
pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will
prophesy…” (Joel 2:28, see also
Acts 2:17).
Whilst we understand that there
is a specific ministry of prophet
given to the Church (Eph. 4:11)
by Yahshua to help the Church to
fulfil its destiny, in a sense we are
all called to be a prophetic people
i.e. a people that brings the word
of Yahweh, the voice of restored
fellowship; we are all ambassadors
for Yahweh.
There will however be no
prophetic people without a
prophetic leadership helping to get
us there. In this article, I would
like to discuss what it means to
be a prophetic leader both in the
Church and with influence in the
wider world, and what it means to
› Ha’Shem 40
One of the first facts that we notice
about Daniel and his companions
from Israel who went into exile
to Babylon was that they were
exemplary in their conduct. They
were uncompromisingly righteous,
even in the face of opposition.
Because they honoured Yahweh,
He in turn honoured them in
the sight of secular governors.
Those who sought their downfall
were themselves humiliated
and Yahweh’s men, particularly
Daniel, rose to special prominence,
second only to the most powerful,
secular ruler this world has ever
As prophetic leaders and as part
of a prophetic people, this has to
be how we should live out our
lives in the world. Whilst we are
not all called to positions of great
secular authority, we are all called
to a position of spiritual authority
in the world. We represent the
most powerful Being in the
universe - for the people of this
world we are Yahweh’s address!
How important it is, therefore,
to live circumspectly. Paul gives
us excellent guidance as to how
we should conduct ourselves in
the secular world: “…that your
daily life may win the respect
of outsiders…” (1 Thess. 4:12)
and again in Philippians: “Do
everything without complaining or
arguing, so that you may become
blameless and pure, children
of [Yahweh] without fault in a
crooked and depraved generation,
in which you shine like stars in the
universe as you hold out the word
of life…” (Phil. 2:14-16a).
This may sound a very basic
instruction but it is important that
we realise that one of the primary
ways that we are going to have
an influence in this world is in
walking the walk of righteousness.
This walk includes working for
our secular bosses as if we were
working for Yahweh Himself,
‘The only thing
necessary for the
triumph [of evil] is
for good men to do
Edmund Burke
giving them the best of our service
and natural gifting. So often this
is a prelude to being able to share
the wonderful message of life with
those we rub shoulders with on a
daily basis. The effect of Daniel’s
life on King Nebuchadnezzar was
that he himself became a godfearer. Imagine that! This powerful
king is recorded on two occasions
as acknowledging Yahweh as the
supreme God (Dan. 3:28; 4:37).
Small wonder then that Yahshua
in His teaching encourages us to:
“…let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds
and praise your Father in heaven”
(Matt. 5:16).
Do you want to see Yahweh
glorified in your world? Then stop
joining everyone else in being a
moaner and complainer, stop being
a shirker or one who only works
well when his boss’s eye is upon
him and start seeking to bless
others in whatever ways Yahweh
has gifted you.
The Voice of
There is an old saying that “evil
triumphs when good men do
nothing”. As Yahweh’s prophetic
people there are times when we
are called to sound the alarm on
ethical and moral issues. As salt
and light in the world, we are
called to promote the spread of
good and hinder the spread of bad.
There are times when inactivity
in the face of great evil is not an
option for Yahweh’s people - we
need to speak out. The US civil
rights leader, Martin Luther King
was just such a man. He once said
this: “A man has not started living
until he can rise above the narrow
confines of his own existence
to the broader concerns of all
Although slavery was abolished
in the United States in 1865, it was
replaced by segregation; laws and
practices, which excluded black
people from the rest of society.
For example in Montgomery,
Alabama, the first ten seats in
every bus were reserved for white
people. Black people sitting
anywhere else in the bus were
expected to give up their seat to
a white person when these rows
were full.
Rosa Parkes, a 42 year-old
tailor’s assistant from Montgomery
was travelling home on a bus after
a hard day’s work on 1 December
1955. She was sitting in the 11th
row. Six white people got on and
the bus driver called her: “You,
you get up.” She refused. The bus
driver called the police and she
was arrested and imprisoned. The
spontaneous individual action by
this Christian woman gave rise
to a collective movement that
would force the US to confront
its legacy of racial inequality. On
Monday, 5 December, the boycott
of the buses began. Thousands
gathered that night to hear Martin
Luther King preach at Holt Street
Baptist Church. Unsurprisingly
he spoke of Rosa Parkes saying,
“No one can doubt the height
of her character. No one can
doubt the depth of her Christian
› Ha’Shem 40
commitment and devotion to the
teaching of Jesus Christ. And, you
know friends there comes a time
when people get tired of being
trampled over by the iron feet of
Those iron feet of oppression
deprived both Rosa and her
husband of their jobs in the
following weeks and threats
were made to kill them. On 13
November 1959, the Supreme
Court ruled that the Montgomery
segregated seating ordinance
was unconstitutional. This led to
a bombing campaign in which
several black churches and homes
of ministers were destroyed.
On Friday 21 December 1956
integrated bus services began in
Montgomery. Like Daniel, Rosa
was delivered from the lion’s jaw
and righteousness prevailed.
contacted their own MPs voicing
their concerns that such laws
would effectively stifle freedom
of speech and serve to make
evangelism an illegal activity in
this country. The effect of all this
was an unusual government defeat
and climb down.
Closer to Home
I am reminded of the song
writer’s words:
“Yah, send some more Elijahs
to pray the power down
To send the fire and also send
the rain
To heal the sick and raise the
dead and glorify His name
I want to hear Elijah pray
Just recently a piece of legislation
entitled the “incitement to
religious hatred bill” was debated
in the UK parliament. Similar
legislation in Australia had seen
a Christian Pakistani lecturer
who had been forced to flee his
own country through persecution,
successfully prosecuted by hard
line Muslims because of his
challenges to the teachings of
Islam and lectures thereon. This
man, who claimed that Yahshua
and not Mohammed was the way
to God, was silenced by Australian
courts because his teaching was
considered an incitement to
religious hatred. Many believers
in our country not only prayed
against this legislation but
› Ha’Shem 40
The Voice of
In the Book of Kings we read
of the prophet Elisha who
was constantly given inside
information from heaven as to
what the enemies of Israel were
planning (2 Kings 6:8-12) so
that Israel was always one step
ahead of them. I believe that
Yahweh wants to restore prophetic
authority to His people to bring
blessing not only on the Church
but on the wider community.
Just a couple of years ago, I was
privileged to hear one of the
leaders of a very large church in
San Antonio, Texas talk about
how the wider church in his city
through prayer and gifts of the
Holy Spirit were helping to bring
blessing to their community.
Through the word of knowledge
believers have been given insight
as to various criminal activities in
the city before they took place. In
one instance a group of disaffected
young people had planned to turn
up at school with guns seeking
a repeat of the Columbine High
School shootings, where pupils
and teachers were shot at random
for no reason at all. Yahweh spoke
to a believer, who in turn was
able to alert the police authorities
with a result that the youths were
apprehended at the school gates
before they were able to perpetrate
their crimes. Similarly it was
revealed through the Spirit where
drug smugglers from Mexico were
crossing the border. They too were
subsequently arrested and their
illegal trade was curtailed.
The Good News
Whilst Yahweh’s wrath and
judgement are already set loose
in our world (Rom. 1:18) we
have been entrusted not with a
message of condemnation but of
mercy, the Good News of Yahshua
the Messiah. He is the hope of
the world and it is up to us to
promote this Kingdom message
so that through Yahshua people
can be forgiven, saved, healed
and restored back to Yahweh and
to His plan for their lives. This
is priority No.1 for Yahweh’s
people. The return of Yahshua
is dependant upon its swift
completion (Matt. 24:14). We need
to discover innovative ways of
engaging our community, making
friends with people, serving them
and earning the right to be heard.
Yahshua earned this right with the
woman at the well when He spoke
prophetically into her life, “…
you have had five husbands, and
the man you now have is not your
husband” (John 4:18). She was so
impressed, she delivered a whole
village to Yahshua (John 4:39).
When I was just 10 years old,
the pastor invited a workmate to
our Sunday School. He came with
his 4-year-old son. The Spirit of
Yahweh came upon the meeting
and someone spoke in an unknown
tongue. It was explained that
this was Yahweh speaking and
that someone would be given an
interpretation to the unknown
message. I felt that Yahweh had
given me the meaning and I boldly
got up and gave the interpretation;
He spoke through me to the
unsaved workmate. He was utterly
amazed and confided in the pastor
that this was a message for him.
He subsequently went out of the
service to be prayed for; there he
had a vision of Yahshua and was
gloriously saved.
I do not share this story to ‘big
myself up’ in any way but to point
out that this generation needs to
hear the word of Yahweh - and
we are all called, from the greatest
to the least of us, to deliver that
message. This is our ultimate and
greatest purpose whilst on this
planet. Are you up for it? Are you
willing to spend time in prayer to
get the direction and anointing you
need to fulfil this task?
“…I wish that all [Yahweh’s]
people were prophets and that
[Yahweh] would put his Spirit on
them!” (Num. 11:29). This is what
Yahshua lived and died to give us
- the indwelling Spirit of Yahweh.
Let’s be the people of Yahweh and
let’s rise up and get the job done.
Continued from page 11
the group or fellowship. We need
to care about this generation to be
involved with them.
I believe that it is the
responsibility of our church
communities/house fellowships,
parents, grandparents, aunties and
uncles, to nurture and protect our
children who come to us.
Children’s workers, as well as
leaders, need to be committed
to this vital calling of nurturing
and empowering children in our
fellowships and weekly meetings.
It’s not impossible to grow modern
‘history makers’.
I agreed wholeheartedly. But that
then means we have our work
cut out in doing our best (by the
grace of Yahweh) to win them
and to keep them. They will
only stay if they have a sense of
belonging, when they can say
sincerely, “This is my home”; if
they have activities (spiritual and
recreational) that are enjoyable
and which help to develop the
whole person; if they are given
the opportunity to make regular
and worthwhile contributions to
Dorcas Walker is a member of the
leadership team of the Congregation
of Yahweh, Nottingham; she leads the
Children’s Ministry, and is married
to Alcot
The Quest For Truth series are booklets which provide
teaching and insight on a variety of subjects including:
Richard Willetts is a prophetic teacher
and lead Pastor of the Congregation of
Yahweh Open Door Community Church
in Buckinghamshire; a prolific writer
and former editor of Ha’Shem; he is
married with three children and lives in
To order copies:
email: admin@congyah.co.uk
visit: www.CongYah.co.uk
write: to the address on page 2
Knowing the Father
The Power of Water Baptism
Baptism in the Spirit
The Body of Messiah
The New Covenant
Divorce and Remarriage
The Holy Spirit – His Gifts and
· Israel – Replaced or Restored?
· The Sabbath Day
· Celebrate! The Feasts of
› Ha’Shem 40
Valerie Warsop
ore than 50 years ago,
when I was just ten
years old, I received a
call to the ministry. The meeting
had been going on for a long
time – as they seem to do when
you’re only ten! The sermon was
about music and my father was
preaching. I remember being
vaguely surprised at the subject;
I didn’t think he knew anything
about music. Ah, but this was
about temple music; I became
interested and I listened for
sometime before drifting off into
my own little world, letting his
voice flow over my head, only
occasionally homing in on an
interesting word or two. He got
to his ‘coming to the end’ voice
and I refocused – to my horror he
was talking about me! “I believe
Yahweh has called Valerie to
› Ha’Shem 40
this very important ministry of
music.” I was jerked back to
reality in a heartbeat! He looked
at me seriously, “Do you accept
this calling, Valerie?” he asked in
an impressive voice. I gulped, I
wasn’t quite sure I knew what it
was; what had I missed? Everyone
was looking at me; I nodded,
feeling wide-eyed and awestruck.
“Then come forward and we’ll
pray for you.” I went to the front
slowly, hoping I was going to
get to know what this was about
and wishing I had listened all the
time. My father laid his hands
on me and I was duly set aside,
“…to set the people singing…”
It was a solemn ten-year-old who
went home that night! The only
instrument I could play at that time
was a recorder!
By the time I was eleven,
however, I was becoming a
pianist and playing a limited
number of hymns and choruses
for a congregation who had had
no music at all until that point.
At thirteen I was reasonably
accomplished and could play
anything required – providing I
had the music! Then we met some
people who sang songs for which
there was no written music and I
had to go back to basics and start
all over again, this time learning to
play by ear!
By the time I was sixteen I knew
that the calling I had received had
two strands to it: to set the people
singing and to teach the little
ones. It has been my privilege to
spend my entire life exploring
and developing this twofold gift.
We were taught that, if we are
faithful to the calling, Yahweh
will help us to develop so that
we can bring forth ‘much fruit’.
Learning to yield to Him in each
situation and to accept discipline
from His Hand ensures that we
will be pressed out of our own
measure and into a greater – His!
The pressure of the purpose of
Yahweh in a life is always, well
– pressured! I had to learn to stop
struggling and to align myself to
His will saying, “Do what you
want with me, I am yours.” And
oh, how many, many times I have
said that. I firmly believe the
development and growth of a call
in the life of an individual depends
on the willingness to submit to
the pressure of Yahweh through
which His purposes are perfected.
In the area of music I moved
from being a lone worship leader
and singer, to the leader of a small
group of musicians, and then a
band. Eventually I became the
director of a choir and learned
how to work in tandem with a
variety of talented people, and
how to plan and coordinate
musical work on ‘demand’. Over
the years I have been involved
in teaching people how to play
various instruments; how to
understand and move with the
Holy Spirit; how to work with
the anointing; how to seek for a
personal anointing; and how to
be a worship leader. We have to
be constantly ready to move over,
to change direction, to allow the
gift within us to mature and grow
into the shape that Yahweh sees
in His own heart and plan. Some
twenty-five years into my musical
calling there came the ‘shocking’
day when I was asked to move
over completely so that others
could experience leadership and
have their opportunity to grow.
This was a difficult, faith-testing
extreme for me as Yahweh drew
me out of my comfort zone and
began moving me gently onwards
to the next stage of His blueprint
for my life!
In the area of ‘teaching the little
ones’ I moved, over the years,
from teaching a Bible School class
of seven and eight year olds to
leading a Bible School [at 16 years
old] and to developing a national
network of Youth & Children’s
Work. I found joy in child
evangelism, but also in teaching
the ‘little ones’ of the flock
regardless of their natural ages! I
found that the calling developed in
a wider, deeper and more intensely
satisfying way than I could ever
have imagined.
Ministry is a journey; being
willing to move onwards or
sideways into different phases, at
different times in our life, keeps
our service vital and fresh. It is
possible to be in a good place
doing the right thing and yet
stay for too long! The result is
stagnation, lack of motivation and
various complications that reduce
our service to a chore. I belong
to the group who are frequently
‘kicking and screaming’ as we
are ‘dragged’ into the next phase!
Some of us enjoy change, but
many, like me, are alarmed by it.
For both types there is a caution:
for those who enjoy it, take care
that you do not move on too
fast and lose the benefit of what
Yahweh would do through keeping
you in one place; for those who do
not enjoy it, beware of missing the
moment of move and becoming
stagnant, ineffective and joyless.
Each of us must be ready
for times of testing, dryness,
loneliness, confusion and so on,
these are not, necessarily, signs
that we are out of Yahweh’s will.
It is in these times that faith grows;
we feel required to take those
risks of belief that cause greater
measures of trust to be established
in our lives. These are the times
when the personal vessel expands
and is enlarged. Yahweh can
always be relied upon to bring
good out of every situation, as
Paul so clearly told us.
There are, of course, joyous
times of service, and times of
intense, personal fulfilment,
radiating with inner contentment
and joy. Over the years I noticed
that it was often when I was
feeling most fulfilled, blessed and
satisfied that Yahweh required me
to move on, or over! To move is
always traumatic, but to stay will
bring a dearth of usefulness! Move
over, move on, and move deeper
into Him!
Valerie Warsop has served over
forty years as a minister of
the Congregation of Yahweh.
During that period she has
held many distinguished posts.
She lives in Nottingham and,
although retired, she continues
to serve in specific ministry
› Ha’Shem 40
Nathan Prince
“But the
will live by
his faith”
(Hab. 2:4).
› Ha’Shem 40
bout six centuries before
the advent of Yahshua,
Yahweh gave the prophet
Habakkuk a revelation that was
to provide the basis on which a
meaningful relationship between
Yahweh and man would exist:
“But the righteous will shall live
by his faith” (Hab. 2:4). I believe
that this prophecy accurately
expresses the heart of the message
of the Kingdom, so much, that it
is quoted a number of times in the
New Testament.
This prophecy embodies both
a promise and a command. The
Bible says; “…but with [Yahweh]
all things are possible” (Matt.
19:26); and in Mark 9:23 it says,
“…Everything is possible for him
who believes.” The first passage
applies to Yahweh; it is not too
difficult for us to see that. But
in practical terms what does the
second scripture mean? Could it
mean that, through faith, the things
that are possible to Yahweh are
made similarly possible to the
one who believes? I am inclined
to believe that this is the message
Yahshua wants us to receive. By
faith all things are possible; by
faith I can be what He wants me
to be; by faith I can achieve, I
can fulfil my preordained works,
because all things are possible
to them that believe. Faith is the
channel that makes Yahweh’s
potential available to us!
The great reformer, Martin
Luther, caught a glimpse of this
important truth and it constrained
him to champion its cause. In
his day the ordinary man had no
access to the word of Yahweh,
but was weighed down with the
burden of paying the Church
of Rome in order to secure his
forgiveness. The rich and the
privileged also sought to obtain
their forgiveness by, “buying the
favour of heaven”, through paying
indulgencies to the Papacy of
Rome. Then, as with the prophet
Habakkuk, the word of Yahweh
came flowing into Luther’s heart
bringing with it the liberty and the
power to inspire his generation and
the reformation was born.
By faith we can live victorious
lives, we can be the people
Yahweh is calling us to be.
Therefore, in order to live lives
which are pleasing, fruitful and
meaningful in this age, we must
apprehend both the promise
and the command of the ancient
prophetic insight.
Adam Walked
by Sight
Why is it necessary for the just to
live by faith as opposed to living
by sight? Was it always the case
that the just man had to live by
faith? I think not! Between the
period of man’s innocence and the
fall, he was privileged to walk and
talk with his Creator; having the
type of fellowship that marked him
out as one called to be above all
created beings/things, in the sphere
of man. In Yahweh he lived and
moved and had his being. He saw
Yahweh; he talked with Yahweh
and fellowshipped with Him.
There was, therefore, no need for
man to live by faith, for the Object
in whom he needed to have faith
was visible and his senses were
alert to Him.
By faith all things are possible; by faith I can be what
He wants me to be; by faith I can achieve, I can fulfil
my preordained works, because all things are possible
to them that believe.
What joy it must have brought
our ancestors, to be in constant,
uninterrupted and unbroken
fellowship with Yahweh; we
cannot begin to understand
or appreciate the ecstasy,
contentment and peace Adam
and Eve enjoyed during their
continuous union with the King.
Obedience, perfect and perpetual,
was the condition of their eternal
The Fall
But then, sin entered their sphere
when they chose to disobey
Yahweh. Their world of peace,
tranquillity and fellowship was
broken. No more would they
have the privilege of seeing Him,
fellowshipping with Him, and
knowing, first hand, His will and
purpose for their lives. One act of
disobedience robbed them of this
unique place. Yahweh had said
that the day they ate of the tree
in the midst of the garden they
would die - their continuous union
with Yahweh would be broken.
The fall of man filled all heaven
with sorrow and the need arose for
someone to bridge the gulf created
by the fall between the righteous
Creator and man.
Adam, in his innocence, had
enjoyed open communion with his
Maker, but sin brought separation,
and the atonement of Messiah
alone could span the gulf and
make possible the communication
of salvation and blessing from
Yahweh to man. Man would still
be cut off from direct approach
to His Maker, but Yahweh would
communicate with him through
Yahshua the Way, the Truth and
the Life. So in order to enjoy
the blessing of communion and
meaningful fellowship with the
Creator, man now needs to have
faith in Yahshua and to live life
through faith in Him.
Faith the New Way
of Life
At the heart of man’s new
relationship with Yahweh lies
this prophetic revelation, “the
righteous shall live by faith.”
There is no other way by which
man can have a meaningful
relationship with Yahweh.
So what is the nature of this
faith by which we must live our
lives in these last days; days of
darkness, days of fear and terror?
This is an age that subscribes very
much to Julian Huxley’s infamous
outburst: “God is no longer a
useful hypothesis. A faint trace of
God still broods over the world
like the smile of a Cheshire cat,
but psychological science will
rub even that from the universe.
It will soon be as impossible for
an intelligent man or woman to
believe (have faith) in God as
it now is that the earth is flat.”*
There maybe some credence
in Huxley’s statement, for we
experience it in the world of the
sceptics and the unbelieving, but
for the man of faith the cry is
ever ringing out, “Our Elohim is
real and He is able!” Yes, we can
confidently affirm this for He is
living in our hearts and is changing
us, daily, into the image of His
dear Son.
I am convinced that the nature
of the faith by which we are called
to live, is absolute trust, reliance,
dependence on and the conviction
that Yahweh whom we serve, is
› Ha’Shem 40
able. He is able to do and to fulfil
in us whatever He has ordained
that we should do and be.
Living as Sons
We can no longer see Him with
the natural eye as Adam did, but
by the eye of faith we ‘see’ Him
who is invisible, and we will live
and work with Him, as if He is
manifested before us.
Living in fellowship with
the Creator has always been at
the heart of His plan for His
relationship with man. Adam’s
role in this was to rule as
Yahweh’s regent on the earth, with
the rest of creation in subjection to
him. As Yahweh’s representative
he was placed over the lower order
of beings, was empowered to
exercise authority, to subdue and
bring them in line with Yahweh’s
order. The then creation saw
Yahweh through the life of the
man, His representative. I am
persuaded that in these last days
Yahweh’s creation is waiting for
the revelation of His sons; those
who will live lives of faith, the
type of faith that will show them to
be true witnesses of the Kingdom
which Yahshua came to set up.
Such lives as will constrain the
unbelieving to see that there is
an alternative way of life to that
which the world offers: I believe
that as we live by faith our world
will be challenged to examine its
own way of living. This world of
ours is groaning and waiting for
the manifestation of the sons of
Yahweh; men and women who,
by their way of life, will challenge
the spirit of darkness that is
enveloping our world, our country,
our cities, our towns, our streets
and sometimes, our very homes.
Faith in Action
Living by faith is not easy, but it
is essential if we are to be well
pleasing to Yahweh. If we are to
reach this generation, a generation
for whom it is said, “the church
is largely irrelevant”, we must
by faith receive from Yahweh
a blue print that will teach us to
become relevant and effective in
our mission to engage and win the
souls around us.
It is my firm conviction that
this post-modern world will
not be reached effectively by
the traditional forms of church,
therefore, like Yahshua, we need
to see what our Father is doing,
how He is doing it, and then move
alongside to do it according to the
same pattern. This can only be
achieved through faith. Yahshua
is depending on us to effectively
reach our generation, the task is
great, but absolute trust in the
‘ableness’ of our Elohim will be
the catalyst that will spur us on to
We are living in a generation
that is in urgent need of the
message of the Kingdom; Yahshua
commands us to go with the
commission, “…All authority
in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Therefore go and
make disciples of all nations,
baptising them in the name of
For a history of the Congregation, beliefs, news items,
downloadable articles and more visit
The Congregation of Yahweh website at
› Ha’Shem 40
the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, and teaching
them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am
with you always, to the very end
of the age” (Matt. 28:18-20).
Faith and obedience have always
been the requirements for believers
who want to fulfil this great
command. Yahweh has equipped
us with the necessary means to be
fruit bearers just as the disciples of
the early church were. They turned
their world upside down; we must
do the same if this dreadful tide of
iniquity sweeping our land is to be
turned back.
The early disciples preached
the word with boldness, faced
the anger of those in authority,
were persecuted because of their
determination to obey Yahweh
rather than man, but with signs
and wonders they continued to
effectively reach the lost and,
because of their great faith in the
risen/ascended Master, many of
those who opposed them found
grace and were added daily to their
If we have the courage to live by
faith, as so many of the saints of
old did, then I believe, in the 21st
Century, we have the momentous
opportunity to work towards a
major advance and probably even
a global advance of the message of
the Kingdom.
*The Faith Once Delivered by Ian MacPherson
Nathan Prince is head of Evangelism
for the Congregation of Yahweh,
and also lead Pastor of Crabtree
Community Church, a branch of the
Congregation in Bulwell, Nottingham;
he is married with two children
Esther Chopping
s it easy being different to the people around
you - your peers, your school friends, your
work colleagues, your family, the society
which you live in? For me, it isn’t, but then
Yahshua did not say it would be did He?
I was brought up with my two elder sisters by
our parents who loved Yahweh; we were taught
to love Yahshua and to believe in Him. At a very
early age I asked Yahshua into my life and at
7 years old I was baptised and filled with the
Holy Spirit. Even though I was so young these
experiences were very real to me and built a
firm foundation, which is Yahshua, in my young
life. This has enabled me to follow Him with a
resolute heart, even when it’s been very difficult
and tough. I did not find it easy to swim against
the tide, to be different from those around me,
especially at school - for example, believing in
Yahshua, not celebrating Christmas and Easter
(both of which have pagan connections), but
celebrating the biblical feasts and the Sabbaths,
and having different values. As a child, even if
you are slightly different to those around you,
you seem to stand out, and more often than not
you become a target for ridicule and abuse. As
a child, I was bullied a lot by other children at
school, in the main simply because of my belief
in Yahshua and the standards that I held to. In
spite of the bullying and peer pressure I didn’t
deny Yahshua, neither did I keep quiet. Why was
this? I believe it was because even as a child
and young person I received the Truth and it was
allowed to take root in my heart; I treasured the
truths about Yahweh that had been shown to me.
handling being odd or different, which I don’t
believe is a good thing. In our politically correct
society people are more accepting of what
you do and what you believe; we’re all free to
think, believe, be, and do whatever we want.
This, for me, is more difficult than being openly
challenged, as those around me are tolerant of
my beliefs and what I do and, in return, they
expect me to do the same for them. However,
many people do ask me questions about my
‘oddness’, being different and I find these
questions can be used as an opportunity to
share about Yahshua. I have come across many
people who are disillusioned with the whole
Christmas thing and wish they did not have to
celebrate it! Yes, an ideal opportunity to use my
being ‘not of the world’ to begin a conversation
that could well lead to someone discovering the
reality of Yahshua.
So, what is the secret of coping with being out of
sync with those around you? I believe the secret
is about who and what your life is built on;
what your foundations are. If your foundation
is Yahshua, His words, and you have faith and
believe in the truths He has revealed to your
heart then He will help you to stand, and will
keep you no matter what comes your way – be
it good or be it adversity. I have always wanted
to be as the wise man in the parable Yahshua
told (Matt 7:24-27), who built an unshakeable life
because he not only heard the words of Yahshua
but lived them out. His life was built on a firm
foundation. Yahshua said to His followers, “In
this world you will have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world”. I can overcome the
trouble and persecution that may touch my life
as a result of being different because Yahshua
has already triumphed. He is able to keep me!
I pray my foundation will always be Yahshua
and that I will live closer and closer to Yahweh,
and thereby have much more courage to share
Yahshua with the people around me, and never
be silenced. I am blest to be out of sync with the
world and in step with Yahshua.
Esther Chopping is a member
of the leadership team of New
Hope Community Church in
Northumberland, she is also part
of the team that organises the
Congregation’s National Youth
As an adult, in a way, it seems to be easier
› Ha’Shem 40
Jemrose Walker
fter a fantastic time of singing, music
and earth-transcending praise: your
mind, body, heart and soul engaged
in exceptional worship, how do you return to
living a normal, everyday life?
When you are ‘carried away in the Spirit’ to
new heights of spiritual understanding at the
weekend, how do you face Monday? How do
you show real care to that neighbour from hell?
Follow-through acts of worship
Worship is more than singing and having a
good time in the Spirit; by the same Spirit we
live our lives on a daily basis. However, this
can be the hardest thing to do at times. How
does one follow through the worshipful acts
performed during a weekend service for the
entire week? The answer, as I see it, is simply
this: you do it by remembering! Remember
that you are the same person who had been in
‘seventh heaven’ only days previously, crying
with joy and rapturous delight because you had
been in the presence of the King. The Bible says,
“[Yahshua Messiah] is the same yesterday and
today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). You are His child,
you are like Him, so what would He do? Both He
and you have access to the same dynamic Holy
From my teen years I have devoted my entire
life to the worship of Yahweh – sometimes I
enjoy the experience, other times it’s a sacrifice.
At those times I try to adopt the excellent
› Ha’Shem 40
advice of self-motivated, life coach and teacher,
Joyce Meyer, and make a conscious effort to
worship Yahweh ‘on purpose’. In other words,
I deliberately worship Yahweh regardless of
how I am feeling. He is worthy of my worship
at any time! There is no activity like it, nothing
draws me closer to the heart of Yahweh, nothing
dispels the gloom as quickly; nothing compares
with that ‘just been in His presence’ feeling, and
it is the greatest witness I could ever offer to my
The heart of worship
The heart of worship must surely rest in the
words of Yahshua: “Yet a time is coming and
has now come when the true worshippers will
worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they
are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.
[Yahweh] is spirit, and His worshippers must
worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24).
The heart of something is the centre of it. The
heart of our worship should be Yahweh-centred.
The songwriter says, “I’m coming back to the
heart of worship and it’s all about you, it’s all
about you [Yah]” (by Matt Redman). Yahweh
must be worshipped and for this reason He
created worshippers, you and me, to join with
the angelic hosts of heaven. Worship is so
important to Yahweh that the sun never sets on
His worshippers. People from around the globe
worship Him day and night. What a privilege to
be a created, selected human being for worship!
Worship is not entertainment
Worship is the opposite of entertainment. Do
you go to church to be ‘entertained’ or to get
involved? Worship is the entire surrender of
a person’s life to the Sovereign Yahweh; a life
wholly available to Him, 24/7. Every part of you
and me belongs to Yahshua; it is being united
with Him, in spirit, that we achieve true worship.
Paul writes “Do you not know that he who
unites himself with a prostitute is one with her
in body? For it is said, ‘The two will become one
flesh.’ But he who unites himself with [Yahshua]
is one with him in spirit” (1 Cor. 6:16-17).
Worship is perfected when this connection takes
Worship is more than singing.
It’s a lifelong engagement of:
The mind – where your will is determined and
executed. The worshipper makes a conscious
decision to worship.
The heart – considered the centre of our
emotions – worship engenders feeling. What
does worship feel like? How do you measure it?
The soul – this part of our being belongs
to Yahweh and is to be given over to Him
unreservedly. He alone has the power to
destroy, preserve or restore it.
The spirit – controlled by and mingled with the
Holy Spirit, but be careful as this part of us is
susceptible to the influence of evil spirits.
The body – visible evidence of sacrificial
worship. Worship requires action; doing
something; it is practical, external, and also a
To be fully engaged and focused in our worship
is to become ‘carriers of Yahweh’s presence’
as were the Levites of old. Yahweh elected
an entire tribal family to be ‘carriers of His
presence’, meaning the Ark of the Covenant.
Today’s ‘Levites’ do not carry an Ark but they
bear the ‘Presence’ in mind, heart, soul, spirit
and body, therefore, possessing the means
by which to experience worship beyond the
traditional; above the ordinary. The ‘carriers of
His Presence’ will seek to worship with creative
brilliance. Worship Leaders and Pastors will
design and conduct every worship service
to equip and inspire, especially those in the
creative arts ministry. In Nottingham, the
worship team practises before each meeting,
but before we begin our practice we pray
together asking Yahweh for cleansing, mercy,
The bronze laver (basin)
The bronze laver was used for ceremonial
washing. The priests were bathed at their
ordination (Ex. 29:4). Then they had to
wash their hands and feet every time they
entered the Tabernacle or approached the
bronze altar to minister, or they would die
(Ex. 30:19-21). Washing hands and feet
stood for sanctification, or becoming holy.
Serving Yahweh requires not just cleansing
from sin, but a desire for holiness. Heb.
10:22 outlines the significance of a cleansed
heart and a body washed in pure water
before approaching Elohim.
openness to hear what the Spirit would say to
the congregation through our ministry. We see
this as approaching the bronze laver (basin) and
washing, and then we enter the Holy of Holies
clean and without fear of judgement (Ex. 30:1719 KJV).
Yahweh provided the means for His priests to be
‘made clean’ and ‘kept clean’. And so it is for us
through the blood of Yahshua. “…Unto him that
loved us, and washed us from our sins in his
own blood, and hath made us kings and priests
unto [Yahweh] and his Father; to him be glory
and dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (Rev.
1:5-6 KJV). At the place of the ‘bronze laver’ we
receive our ‘authority’ to lead Yahweh’s people
in worship.
This is a huge responsibility. We do it with
the ability and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The anointing produces authority and this, in
turn, produces confidence especially when we
are faced with opposition. I once heard David
Pawson teaching about leadership. He said
wherever a person is sincerely trying to lead,
there will congregate around him, those whom
he termed, ‘the malcontent’ – their singular aim
is to oppose. Soon they will gather a little band
› Ha’Shem 40
of supporters and their favourite
phrases are: “We’ve never done it
before”; or “We did it and it didn’t
work!” Let nothing stand in the
way of you and your worship. If
you are a worship leader, lead with
authority and confidence, not just
through your singing and music
but by the way you live your life.
Worship is more than singing and
all the ‘normal’ things we associate
with worship. It’s a life-changing
experience on a daily basis!
Authentic worship creates change;
when this is evident in the church,
even the ‘malcontent’ will be forced
to agree.
At the start of this article I asked, how do you
return to living a normal, everyday life after a
weekend of worship. How do you face Monday?
How do you show real care to that difficult
neighbour, or work colleague, friend, spouse,
or children? My approach in answering these
all-important questions may have seemed very
simplistic; however, I am convinced that my
life of worship goes on beyond church, beyond
singing. Worship is a lifestyle; singing is merely
one expression of my total life as a worshipper.
Jemrose Walker
is the National
Worship Leader for
the Congregation of
Yahweh; she is also
heavily involved in the
Congregation’s training
facility, and resides in
Mark Vlad
n this life we call “church leadership” we have
so easily come to accept a philosophy, which, if
allowed to continue, will do more to harm the
Church than to help it! This philosophy says, “The
more busy I am the more blessed I am.” It leads us to
believe that activity equals spirituality. The problem
for many is that we have absorbed this thinking and
made it our spiritual lifestyle. No one has time to
“…come…to a quiet place“ (Mk. 6:31) because we
are too busy doing Yahweh’s work. It makes us feel
› Ha’Shem 40
good to think that way but the truth is that taking care
of your inner self, your physical self is also a part
of doing Yahweh’s work. There is an ebb and flow
to leadership, to be sure; ups and downs - seasons
when we’re ‘on’ and seasons when we’re ‘off’. We,
as leaders, need to take time to strengthen ourselves
in Yahweh as David did in 1 Sam. 30:6. “The best
gift that you can give those you lead is an energized,
focused, passionate self and no one can do that
but you” (Bill Hybels). Why should other younger
believers give themselves to ministry if they observe
us frazzled, stressed, shattered, and on the edge of
burnout? Self-leadership is a vital part of leadership
in a high-pressured, fast-paced world. If we want to
lead well then we should spend 50% of our leadership
energy leading ourselves. But what does this look
Yahshua made a discipline out of regular self-care.
He often went to a secluded place to seek repose, to
“recharge His batteries”. We also need to make it
a regular habit to take time, once a week or at least
bi-weekly, to do that most difficult work of Yahweh
– nothing. A day where you can sit back and read a
book, take a walk, journal, listen to music, and restore
yourself guilt free.
During these times of self-leadership through
self-care we need to ask ourselves some important
questions. First, is my passion still hot? If your
passion for what you are doing is hot it will affect
those around you. Is what I am doing done out of a
sense of duty or is it a result of my passion being hot?
You are the only one responsible for keeping your
passion hot. Secondly, we need to ask ourselves, is our
vision still clear? Not just the corporate vision but also
the vision Yahweh has given you, for you. Casting
vision requires that you see clearly where you are
going. You cannot lead others to a place you cannot
see! A third, very important question we need to
consider during our times of self-leadership is this: Is
my pace sustainable? It is not asking if you can keep
doing what you do. The question asks if you can keep
doing what you do with excellence and passion. If you
are trying to maintain a pace that is not sustainable the
end result will be a loss of passion and enthusiasm.
No one can control the pace of your life – except you.
One of the most spiritual things you can do is to take
regularly scheduled times of self-care, which is the
foundation of self-leadership. Finally, we need to ask
ourselves is our capacity for loving increasing? If I am
stressed, on the edge of burnout then my actions and
reactions are less likely to be those of love. Do I love
my brothers and sisters more? Do I love lost people
more? How can we determine if, as leaders, we love
more? One way is through accountability. Ask other
leaders if you love more. More importantly, ask those
you are leading if you love more.
Self-leadership begins with self-care. Making time
to be still, to relax, and replenish is not being lazy or
doing nothing. As I quoted earlier on, the best gift
you can give those you lead is an energized, focused,
passionate self and no one can do that but you. So do
yourself a favor. Do those you serve a favor – make
it a regular routine of self-care – time off to rest,
rejuvenate, and fire up your passion.
Mark Vlad with
his wife, Alice, are
lead Pastors of New
Beginnings Church,
Illinois, USA; they
have two sons
› Ha’Shem 40
Edwin Josephs
have met many people
who were happy with the
wage they received until
they found out what someone
else was earning. “I’m worth
as much as them, if not more.
If only I could get a pay rise
then I would be comfortable!”
› Ha’Shem 40
But if the pay rise did come
- they complained that they
were still just one step away
from being okay. They were
earning more - but now they
were also spending more. “I
must have a new dress, that
new CD; that new mobile
phone!” In drooling over the
possessions we don’t have
we seldom think of what we
already have.
The phenomenon of national
lotteries has demonstrated
that millions of people are
keen on the idea of getting
really rich and quickly! This is
fuelled by the predominant
economic culture in the
‘West’, capitalism (a system
giving individuals freedom
to manage their property
for profit in competitive
conditions). We often read
about people actually losing
money in what they were told
were “guaranteed get rich
schemes” but which were
in reality nothing more than
scams. So why do people
keep falling for them? Well
that’s easy to answer isn’t it,
it’s because everyone loves
money! Does that include
believers? Or more importantly
does that include you? There’s
nothing wrong in being rich,
after all some preachers teach
“The gospel of health, wealth
and prosperity.” Yahweh wants
us to be rich and prosperous
or does He? “Just think how
Yahweh could use me for
His kingdom if I had lots of
wealth - if I were someone
of importance - someone
who would be listened to!”
The answer to this lies in our
So why do people want to
accumulate wealth and to get
more possessions? Greed is at
the heart of a capitalist society.
It’s all about wanting to get
more, and then more, and
then more together with the
‘badges’ that are associated
with someone who is deemed
to be successful. Fabulously
wealthy celebrities, particularly
those who have achieved
success through their own
hard efforts are applauded and
are held up as examples of
what might be accomplished
by someone who is singleminded enough to know what
they want and to really go for
it. We can look at them and
wish the same for ourselves
and determine – yes, that’s
what I’m going to strive for.
Greed may be the norm for
an unbeliever but it is not
fitting for someone who knows
Yahweh. Yahshua recounts a
parable, (Lk. 12:16-20), which is
directed at greed, in which the
principal character is chastised
with the words, ‘You fool!’
Yahshua warns, “Ye cannot
serve [Yahweh] and mammon”
(Lk. 16:13 KJV). What is
mammon? It is defined as ‘the
personification of riches and
greed in the form of a false
god’. Today some hold wealth
and possessions at the same
level as Yahweh. Money, in
which they put their faith,
and advertising, which they
adore, are among its rituals. It
has its own sacred symbols,
which evoke undying loyalty,
including company logos and
brand names. The focus of the
collective worship experience
for them has been transferred
to the Shopping Centres. “I
must go and look, express
my desires and admiration
and experience my ‘retail
therapy’ to keep me going!”
These places are visited by
‘pilgrims’ from across the
country and sometimes even
from overseas. Even at home
they receive instruction from
the endless advertisements
on televisions and computers,
“You know you need me, buy
me now, eat me, drink me,
make sure you have another
one of me!” “For everything
in the world - the cravings of
sinful man, the lust of his eyes
and the boasting of what he
has and does - comes not from
the Father but from the world”
(I Jn. 2:16). Adam and Eve
had all that they could wish
for - but they were deceived
by what they saw and how
pleasing and desirable it was.
This is the very essence of
greed and covetousness. They
were eager for the possession
of something they didn’t have,
something which did not
belong to them. Materialism
is “devotion to material needs
or desires, to the neglect of
spiritual matters.” Paul spells
it out for us, “...No immoral,
impure or greedy person
- such a man is an idolater
- has any inheritance in the
Kingdom of [Messiah] and
of [Yahweh]” (Eph. 5:5). The
test then is to consider: what
is it that idolaters do with
their idols which believers are
meant to do with Yahweh?
The answer is that they offer
their idols love, trust and
obedience. Is this not exactly
what the greedy do with their
wealth and possessions?
One of the most disturbing
things about the fact that
greed is idolatry is that hardly
anybody owns up to being
a worshipper. Imagine the
response of disbelief in the
local church if it were revealed
that the vast majority of
its members were secretly
worshipping other gods.
If we truly trust Yahweh, He
will provide all our needs.
Might this be why Yahshua
taught his disciples that when
they pray they should ask
Yahweh for their ‘daily bread’
not for future security? We
should ask and have faith
that Yahweh will provide just
enough to feed and sustain us.
Why worry about the future
when Yahweh is our Father?
(Lk. 12: 22-31). Look what
happened to the Israelites
when, in the Wilderness, some
tried to collect more manna
than they needed for the
day (Ex. 16:20). Who do you
rely on, Yahweh or your own
wealth/possessions to provide
for you?
Paul was so centred on
Yahweh for all of his needs
that he could proclaim, “...
I have learned the secret of
being content in any and every
situation...” (Phil. 4:12). Have
you learned this secret? If
we profess to follow Yahweh
and we have “no other gods
besides Him” then greed has
no part to play in our lives.
Edwin Josephs is co-pastor of the Congregation of Yahweh
Open Door Community Church in Hitchin, Herts; he is
married with two children; he is a first-class musician
› Ha’Shem 40
Prayer lays hold of Yahweh’s plan and becomes the link
between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing
things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the
channels of the Holy Spirit’s prayer ~ Elisabeth Elliot
Prayer, part of the foundation of the Church, is
a source of power that will move the hand of
Yahweh. As a global community we can engage
together as a force, and storm the gates of Heaven
with the wind of Prayer, and intercede for each
From the Congregation of Yahweh, UK
For Hitchin:
Monthly Family Service - last Sunday of each
Inspiration for Richard and Shoshana; and
that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of
those attending that they will hear the words
of life and come to know Yahshua as Saviour
• We want to reach; pray that doors be opened
and faith increased to go through them
That Yahweh...
• Will constantly inspire us and fill us with
knowledge, wisdom and understanding
We want to teach; pray that hearts will
be surrendered to Yahshua through biblical
Grant us the ability to be mouthpieces and
vessels so that His Word will become real in
the hearts of the hearers
We want to build; pray that communities
of converted sinners will be established on
the ‘seven hills of Nottingham’
Will inspire the hearers to commit
themselves to Him.
That our “Reach Prayer” program will bring
about results that will change hearts
Will help the committed hearers to
become disciples who can then speak to,
and teach, others His ways
That prayer will impact lives within the
That prayer will become the tool to decrease
the tide of crime in our communities and
increase strength within our local police
That prayer will become the medium
of bringing lasting change in the streets of
• Drop In - Sundays 2.00-4.00pm
Please pray for the main staff - Richard,
Shoshana, Daphne and Sarah, and Grace
who helps out occasionally, that we will be
inspired to teach and reach the many varying
ages of people that are attending. Also that
we will be anointed to speak words of life as
we interact on a social basis with them, and
that more souls will be saved this year!
Music - inspired and anointed! We need
more musicians to help on a regular basis
– to teach guitar/songs. Music plays a key
role in the Drop In - those attending love the
Little Lambs - mini church service for
Inspiration to reach their hearts so that
Yahshua will become the Shepherd of the
dear, faithful little ones that attend each week
From the Congregation of Yahweh,
The National Leadership Team
That Yahweh will reveal His will to them for
That Yahweh will use the gifts to equip the
people for evangelism
Send your prayer requests, along
with your name, church and country to:
Ha’Shem Magazine ,
‘Global Prayers’,
92-94 North Sherwood Street
Nottingham NG1 4EE ENGLAND
Or Email: admin@CongYah.co.uk
Items must
be received
31 January