dulong and labbee
dulong and labbee
\ I 00 - U2 - ~n ~bt uLJ z U) K S *> .5x COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ExECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - (413) 784-1100 DEVAL L. PATRICK Governor IAN A. BOWLES Secretary TIMOTHY P. MURRAY Lieutenant Governor LAURIE BURT Commissioner April 1, 2008 Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 45 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Re: Amherst, RTN 1-10552 A.J. Hastings 45 South Pleasant Street Attn: Mary Broll NOTICE OF AUDIT FINDINGS AUL AUDIT INSPECTION Dear Ms. Broll: On March 19, 2008, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) conducted an audit inspection at the location identified above. In particular, the audit inspection focused on the area subject to a Notice of Activity and Use Limitation (APL), to evaluate whether the requirements of the AUL were being met. This Notice informs you of the results of the Department's audit. DETERMINATION The Department did not identify any violations of the requirements applicable to the AUL at the site. A copy of the completed AUL Field Inspection Form is attached. LIMITATIONS The audit inspection did not include a compliance review of the Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement or Notice of AUL instrument. The RAO and AUL for this site received compliance review/s during a previous audit. The current audit was focused primarily on compliance with the obligation and maintenance conditions set forth in the AUL Notice. The Department's findings were based upon the certainty of the information reviewed during the audit. These findings do not: (1) apply to actions or other aspects of the site that were not reviewed in the audit; (2) preclude future audits of past, current, or future actions at the site; (3) in any way This information is available in alternate format Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD# 866-539-7622 or 617-574-6868. DEP on the World Wide Web: http://ww.mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper C I. AMHERST, RiN 1-10552 NOSE OF AUDIT FINDINGS 2 constitute a release from any liability, obligation, action or penalty under M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000, or any other law, regulation, or requirement; or (4) limit the Department's authority to take or arrange, or to require any Responsible Party or Potentially Responsible Party to perform, any response action authorized by M.G.L. c. 21 E which the Department deems necessary to protect health, safety, public welfare, or the environment. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Rebecca Woolley at 413-755-2263. Please reference Release Tracking Number 1-10552 in any future correspondence to the Department regarding the site. Since ly, Rebecca L. o y Environmental Ana t sJ hn Ziegl r Section Chief, Audits/Site Management Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Attachment: AUL Field Inspection Form &AUL Sketch Plan ec: Amherst Board of Selectmen/Chief Municipal Officer Amherst Board of Health/Health Department Maria Pinaud, Audit Coordinator, DEP-Boston Data Entry: AUL/SNAUDI; AUDCOM/NAFNVD; FLDRUN 03/19/2008 ~ i MASSACHUSETTS DEIMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RELEASE TRACKING NUMBER 1 Western Regional Office/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup AUL FIELD INSPECTION FoRM Site Name&"AZJ) 1-N,' ot~ ei: A'.., 'W ddX citss*h; 5 Sbt 'AUIJIINO1BIMATIONtrilled 6it bfj'S$?&iink/Offi Staffi$ 6 Dat ecorded d 2 004 AR'E 2 3O Y,' f q 10552 TOWN: AMHERST M ary?'Broll;,Mcraniic Biildihgfl Arihmrt;Inc> tT 'w&iqpi-u ";,: -- phnt ~~- ,5 SITE INSPECTION (filled out by Field Staff) Boundaries of AUL area(s) identifiable? 0 Yes No Complete access to all AUL area(s)? Z Yes No Evidence of recent excavation/disturbance? No Yes ;ear FEvidence of recent construction? No Yes O Remediation Waste present? No Yes El Indication of potentially serious site conditions? El Yes ZNo Other Notes: Chris Phohl, Manager of AJ Hastings granted verbal access to conduct the inspection without escort. The entire AUL area was visible during the inspection. i tio fAfULi no Bildkings SPavement tlp/o sl b.EdY E'tmn c er 561v OBSERVED ACTIVITIES AND USES El Residential es I D Daycare [l School [l Playground El Industrial El Excavation 0 Construction Comments: E Commercial E Recreation { INiW a[ Asciaitiiig pac'im odiub Paved parking area serving multiple commercial stores. visi uImiyiesconsi 3'< t& 4INCdNISES tAt VIOLATION OBSERVED: E f/RSTIIICr IACYIVniT5IESNUSS fR~jaiSii Dyh Sl~N~srcih<E A' [EI diec bitbt' id di6e r S61i belowdldad)ve& p a ad v El El El etif.5Jp f~iif S vatiion'Car m*flnScdeating '.Aniact'ii.ortV ttasi ve,.:, .'-tAt~it~ Residential Playground El Day Care El Excavation El Construction School El Recreation El Park E Disturbance El Fruits/veggies El Flowers/landscaping Comments: orremoval of iiactednsoilfro f nf6fEstlinsitga i~. ejprohtbited withffti6-no-ifict-a I ie l No excavation or disturbance of the paved AUL area was observed nti t VIOLATION OBSERVED: SOBBIZATIONS AND. ONDI IONS v ' concree o, n a d etav t atcracing o f integyoftIier o Plnnr r Z No Yes El Possible OBSERVED CONDITIONS Z Pavement Plossl rei El Yes El Possible ES AND USES Gardening - type: aritsuh rfa Mai 0 No El Signs/notices [] Cap/cover/liner Comments: Pavement was observed to be in adequate condition over the AUL area. Peitt66rfcti vit ia ifdt hsbstiicondti/a/w the 'requireent setorfth inithictd h6 en VIOLATION OBSERVED: C m d b "Date:om Keefe 8/4/0 Z No Completed by: Rebecca Woolley El Yes E Possible Inspection Date: 3/19/08 43 r - z n CO ,oz a2 - C x o2 F r Mr- xC. -z g c N /F . THE AMHERST C9URT BOOK 211 PAC 59 TRUST N/F AMHERST SAVINGS BANK BOOK1636PagO - T,. 00 N00400 - 0 - m -r -SOUTH soox .4 x PLEASANT SAVINGS BANK Tea PASE I FA 2 N/F AMHERST STREET EIFDNAN I -cC22- 2W g =c Hc z OF PLANBOOK|I6 PAE3 Woolley, Rebecca (DEP) From: Sent: To: Subject: Woolley, Rebecca (DEP) Tuesday, April 01, 2008 3:07 PM 'townmanager@amherstma.gov'; 'bodhie@amherstma.gov' Notice of Audit Findings for RTN 1-10552, 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst Attachments: 1-0010552.doc In an effort to reduce postage and paper costs, DEP WERO employees have been asked to provide "carbon copies" by email whenever possible. Consequently, I am sending you the attached letter electronically. In accordance with DEP WERO guidance regarding electronic cc's, the document is protected to prevent editing. However, you should be able to view and print the letter. You will not receive a hard copy of this document by mail. Please retain a copy of the attached file with any records you may have regarding this matter. If you have any questions, or if you have difficulty opening this attachment, please contact me at the number listed below or reply by email. 1-0010552.doc (117 KB) Sincerely, Rebecca L. Woolley, LSP BWSC - Audits/Site Management MassDEP, 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 Rebebc.Woolley@state.ma.us Tel: 413-755-2263 Fax: 413-784-1189 1 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street. Springfield, Massachusotts 01103 * (413) 784-1100 - FAX (413) 784-1149 MITT ROMNEY Governor ELLEN ROY HERZFELDER Secretary KERRY HEALEY Lieutenant Governor ROBERT W. GOLLEDGE, Jr. Commissioner Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 45 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Attn: Mary Broll August 9, 2004 Re: Amherst, RTN 1-10552 A.J. Hastings 45 South Pleasant Street AUL NOTICE OF AUDIT FINDINGS AUL INSPECTION AND SCREENING AUDIT Dear Mr. Broll: On August 6, 2004, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) conducted an audit inspection at the location identified above to observe conditions related to an area subject to a Notice of Activity & Use Limitation (AUL). The Department's audit of this site consisted of a compliance screening audit of the AUL corrective document received on March 1, 2004, and an inspection of the area subject to the AUL. In particular, the audit inspection focused on the obligations and conditions of the AUL. The audit did not include a compliance review of the Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement, which received a compliance review during a previous audit. This notice informs you of the results of the Department's audits. AUL AUDIT INSPECTION The audit inspection focused on determining whether activities and uses at the site are consistent with the terms and conditions of the AUL, and whether obligations and conditions required to maintain a condition of No Significant Risk are being met. The Department did not identify any violations of the requirements applicable to the AUL at the site at the time of the inspection. A copy of the AUL Field Screening Form is attached. AUL CORRECTIVE DOCUMENT SCREENING AUDIT A compliance screening audit of the AUL-corrective document was performed to ensure that the corrective document meets the requirements of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000. This information isavailable in alternate format. Call Donald M. Comes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD Service - 1-800-298-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: http://w .mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper AMHERST, RTN 1-10552 N 2 E OF AUDIT FINDINGS The Department did not identify any violations of the requirements applicable to the AUL corrective document implemented for the site. LIMITATIONS The Department's findings were based upon the certainty of the information reviewed during the audit. These findings do not: (1) apply to actions or other aspects of the site that were not reviewed in the audit; (2) preclude future audits of past, current, or future actions at the site; (3) in any way constitute a release from any liability, obligation, action or penalty under M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000, or any other law, regulation, or requirement; or (4) limit the Department's authority to take or arrange, or to require any Responsible Party or Potentially Responsible Party to perform, any response action authorized by M.G.L. c. 2 1E which the Department deems necessary to protect health, safety, public welfare, or the environment. If you have any questions regarding this letter or any requirements contained in it, please contact Thomas Keefe at 413-755-2117. Please reference Release Tracking Number 1-10552 in any future correspondence to the Department regarding the site. Sincerely, Thomas Keefe Environmental Analyst Abby Kingman Acting Section Chief, Audits/Site Management Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Attachment: AUL Field Screening Form ec/cc: Alan Weiss, Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc., LSP-of-Record Amherst Board of Seleictmen Amherst Board of Health Data Entry: AUL/SNAUDI; AUDCOM/NAFNVD; FLRDRUN/08/06/04 Thomas M. Potter, Audit Coordinator, DEP-Boston MASSACHUSETTS DE TMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT RELEASE TRACKING NUMBER Western Regional Office/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 1- AUL FIELD SCREENING FORM eame: AA Jia J ,Si S Name 0 tmgs tin~2<J ~-- --- 0552 " EP S-ontact Prson: MaryBroIL t realfi Mekantile.BJ ' t".> ~~~" T~z-.- r : t' Fr ha_ 7 'A*ts 'Gdings!ofl Xrrtlnc. Phond (413) 253-2840' dress 45-SouthrPleisant Street AUL ThNFORMATION (filled.outbyScreeninAUOjice Stiff) bescriptionofAlULarea t time of filing Amend;AULfild 3/20/03 oBuilding(s) * Pavement, o Cap/Cover o Grassed/lsandscapd' o Other Additional details/other relevant info on-AUL area(s): ;AUL covers:' o Property m:Portion of the Property o Unclear SITE INSPECTI ON (filled out by Field Staf) Boundaries of AUL area(s) identifiable? Complete access to all AUL area(s)? Evidence of recent excavation/disturbance? Evidence of recent construction? Remediation Waste present? Indication of potentially serious site conditions? u Yes u Yes o Yes o Yes o Yes o Yes o No o No w No * Nd * No m No Other Notes: OBSERVED ACTIVITIES AND USES I. PERMITTED ACTIYITIES AND SES" o Playground o School o Daycare ch6o6 - o Plavground 4- JQ o Residential o 56b o Daycar6 Residential u Commercial o Industrial o Excavation o Construction * Inddstfial' o Fxcavation o Consfructiond * Commercial Comments: o Recreation , Othet/Details/Cbnditions: Asphalt'paving, o Recreation and use as a paved suifnd drive afparking area; placement The first floor of the building is in commercial use. Activities of utilities consistent with the provisions bilow; periodic in the other levels of the building were not observed. a intenance of aved asphalt aid utility lines consistent:--.. with the provision below: ' VIOLATION OBSERVED: mNo o Yes o Possible OBSERVED ACTIVITIES AND USES INCONSISTENT/RESTRCTED ACTIVITIES AND USES o Day Care o School o Recreation o Park Playground siDisturbance w Excavation ,o Construction o Friits/Veggies o Flowers/Liandscaping o6Gardening: Other/Details/Cbnditions:, Any activities and uses that in olve .direct,contact, disturhance,extavation or removal of impacted soiifrom the AUL area below a depth of 3 feet from existing site gradeare pfrohibited without prior o Residential - - -o notification and',approvalI of an ' LSPip nVIOLATION o School o Residential o Day Care o Playground o Construction o Gardening: Comments: o Recreation o Park o Disturbance o Excavation o Fruits/Veggies o Flowers/Landscaping No violations were observed. OBSERVED: mNo o Yes o Possible OBSERVED CONDITIONS OLIGATIONS ANrdCONDITIONS Maintain Pavement m Mairitdii other cap/covr/lner *7 m Pavement o Cap/Cover/Liner o Signs/Notices Comments: -Soil Management Plan -o Health & Shfety PIaA o Maintain Signs/Notiees Other/DetailsCnditionsThe asphalt paved surface is in good condition. Placement and maintenance of a contiriions lay'er of concrete or asphaltgwith amin. thickiiessof three inches over the AUL area. The capping layer nust be iaintained such, ;that cracking indspottingdobhttesultita sigiitiant- ds'ff "t ,-r a2d eye-pment and-excavation; integrity of thesurfaceFuture ddevelopn fdormeedunder Peiniitteb Activitiestand .Usesrust bev' performedLiAW tSh e'qireie nt set forth in thistdocument., VIOLATION OBSERVED: * No o Yes o Possible -- $x9I4 v Additional Comments/Notes on Reverse Side: * No o Yes 5t Ye t-dbfoi ITst'h ompeeb:' Ke e58 4-- Completed by: Thomas Keefe Inspection Date: 8/6/04 rm Ow00 rn m or 2m Z C z -VI-n o cK*m oz m;o oz o a c O mz c m 0 0 z 0O O c N /F THE AS4ERST COURT TRUST BOOK 2141 PAGE 59 Ph IA 0 0 0 C SOUTH PLEASANT STREET I4ERIAN OF PLANDOOKil6I PAGE 33 H 0 * * 0 m m > j I. >~ t t.--oCo cn C' C o' K-' 4)' I-' Ei -o 4) -C 0* -e C) - 8 0 'C 'I Iz z 4- 4- -o 4) o I 04 tox C . C. o . C 4o 3 C.8 ' 0 -t5 - . o .2 0 C -a-e oC - o C U o 5C'- 4) o .. ~ .Et >6 00 to .c i o | -O e3 - ,3 Ck 4) ~ deC.4 . 0 .8 0u - a . -0 -- S2 a-a C e 8 .0 d Co CO wr -v > -j -C C*±& Sn 1< :u C U Sn -. 4UL rTS S ________I ________ L_____________ I- 3/ /f .0 -C <o 08 . mn Co O o e.a228 4)G 4) > a * on asn- cC -~ C< . ;; .- 3*8; -sC - -) a - o -- e .. ~ 16 N- _____________ L________________ I- /oSZ 1--' ~ CC 0Zu ClC m - 006 0 -V -V 4) Cl C4) - - - 06 6 60 - 000 6j Cl 4) 0~ S 3 z zC z z Iz Hz - - -6 - ~06'ol94-a- 06 J - 3 | 4) 6. Cl C4) C z z 4) 4) .0 Cl U -E a. a. a. 5 Cl -C a Iz z - 06C5 6 -eC - 0 4) 6. - 0 'I -V w - 4) *0 C nI 4) - Cl z C z z 7 0 4) Cl 0 4) ,0 Cl 0 a. .5. a. a. Cl Cl .0 0 z z ( 4) -e Cl .0 4) -- e -a ClL. C - -t toe Clo C. -o) a. 4) -)- a. 6 . Cl Cl- 0-a o Cl E0 Clx 6.g o -4 a.-o aa . t 6. -< Xg o ~4) U, Uo o 0 .> o, C - Cl C 5 :S t... .9 -c 0- 5 4 e- Z i Cl ~, C 8-) w U, S Uo c- a o~. a .4) -- C- 0 U, - e Cl .c '~t Cd La .- E II >- D - - - c ~ .-a .- - o= C .0o - e 2IS So e 3 C Cl g6.-m 5C2Of 4), C H- - Cl y -Se 0 & 4) .5- .. .5e -C ~ e 0 . 6.o 4) .Ce2 C) - -:4) d e 4) o to ~C 6 . - - 0 .0 - - a 6 ______ ,- I , -- *--*--iin---* i.r w 06 J-......L.......L J...L ... _________ w L _________j.-J ___________________________________ Zu U U U uuU 8 . E 904 ci an c r ( 0 _ V S) z ( o -0- 4) C V 0 0-ci C) d= S- - ci ci. z zz Iz ou.. e 0 c - is z C.- 4; -), 8i 4 oi CC) i 3 0 E 4) I; 0 38 - Z lj ae EO i 00-~ So E - E 0 s ' a a 0E o. < EE c-C c.. * 0 c .E ae Z MC, . - - o-ci C.r oi- - 0 o .. 2 e 7L i.52~$ nC) 10O-fouMEuo JE e2 g 'R.Ecam vZO at x go r ~ -oo c e e & a -C 2 CW6 . t06. 6a e ".WE -o--ous o C~ 04)00 ~ oO -C 2 - eso - to>o ' O ci -i 6. 6 . coa a a IAI 0 (N (-.4 C C ci 0 4) ~0 Cl oo6 C o0 -, 0 0 BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP B&G SPR NGFIELD BOSTON LAW OFFICES 1500 MAIN STREET. ROBERT 8. ATKINSON SUITE 2700 KEVIN C. MAYNARD MARK D. CRESS ELIZABETH H. SILLIN JEFFREY S. MORNEAU VANESSA L. SMITH DEBRA A. QUINN FRANCIS 0. DIBBLE. JR. MARY J. KENNEDY J. MICHAEL SCULLY JAMES C. DUDA KELLY A. MCCARTHY DANIELJ. FINNEGAN HAMILTON DOHERTY. JR. MELINDA M. PHELPS ROBERT A. GELINAS POST OFFICE BOx 15507 STEPHEN W. SCHUPACK SPRINGFIELD, MA 01115-5507 MARTIN D. TURPIE PETER ROTH TEL FAX: (413) 761-2820 (413) 272-6806 E-MAIL: INFO@SULKLEY.COM RONALD P. WEISS MICHAEL H. BURKE PETER H. BARRY DAVID A. PARKE FELICITY HARDEE CHRISTOPHER B. MYHRUM DEBORAH D. FERRITER JEFFREY E. POINDEXTER KATHERINE A. ROBERTSON SANDRA J. STAUB KATHLEEN LEITAO BERNARDO GEORGE W. MARION DONN A. ELLEN M. SCOTT W. FOSTER RANDLE JOSHUA P. GREY JENELLE C. DODS CHRISTINE Y. LE BEL ANDREW J. DRAYER* COUNSEL CAROL E. KAMM* PHILIPJ. TARPEY. JR. RANDALL' *REIOENT IN BOSTON OFFICE April 2, 2003 HAND DELIVERY Abby Kingman, Acting Section Chief Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Western Regional Office 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 RE: Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA RTN No.: 1-10552 Dear Abby: As required by the Department's Notice of Audit Findings in the above captioned matter, I am enclosing copies certified by the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds of the following documents we are submitting on behalf of Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc.: 1. Amendment and Ratification of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation ("A&R of AUL") recorded on March 20, 2003, bearing book and page numbers and including all exhibits; 2. Copy of the current deed bearing a marginal reference to the book and page for the A&R of AUL above; and 3. First page of the original Activity and Use Limitation recorded February 3, 1995, bearing a marginal reference to the book and page for the A&R of AUL above. Also enclosed are the following DEP forms: K V 0 OC BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP Abby Kingman, Acting Section Chief Department of Environmental Protection April 2, 2003 Page 2 4. Post-Audit Completion Statement (BWSC-l 11) signed by Alan Weiss of Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. and Mary Louise Broil of Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc.; 5. Activity and Use Limitation Transmittal Form (BWSC-1 13) signed by Ms. Broil. Copies of the following items regarding public notice are also enclosed: 6. Letters from this office to Amherst Select Board, Board of Health, Planning - Department, and Building Commissioner/Zoning Enforcement Officer; 7. Legal notice published in the March 29-30, 2003, edition of the Daily Hampshire Gazette. It is our understanding that Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. now has complied with all of the requirements set forth in the Notice of Audit Findings. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours Truly, J W Christine LeBel Enclosures Cc: Mary L. Broil, Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. (via U.S. Mail, w/o enels.) Alan Weiss, Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. (via U.S. Mail, w/encls.) 'kl2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-111 AUDIT FOLLOW-UP PLAN TRANSMITTAL FORM a acking Number & POST- AUDIT COMPLETION STATEMENT - eosa Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1160 - 40.1170 (Subpart K) A. SITE LOCATION: (YLt A(CLe Site Name: (optlona) 1 Street 9N_ _ b(0-S PLGA54'T ATl-H City/Town: 13JI _ _ Tier Classification Status: (check one) _ ZIP Code: __T E TB1lier Classified /C . Location Aid: *ST _ r MM S~ (r Tier 2 E Tier I . lOO-. Permit Transmittal Number: Related Release Tracking Numbers that this Form Addresses: B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: . . (check one) Submit an Audit Follow-Up Plan (complete Sections A, B,C, D,Eand F). Submit a Modified or Revised Audit Follow-Up Plan (compete Sections A,B,C,D.E and F). Submit a Post-Audit Completion Statement (complete Sections A, B, C,D,E and F). You must attach all supporting documentation for the use of form indicated, including copies of any Legal Notices and Notices to Public Officials required by 310 CMR 40.1400. C. LSP OPINION CERTIFICATION: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this transirttal formi,. including any and all documents accompanying this submittal, in my professional opinion and judgment based upon applIcation of (I)the standard of care in 309 CMR 4.02(1), (ii)the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2) and (3), and (iii) the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5), to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. > it Section B of this form, indicates that an Audit Follow-up Plan, ora Modifed or Revised Audit Follow-up Ran is being submitted, the response action(s) that is (are) the subject of this submittal (i) has (have) been developed in accordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s) as set forth in the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21 Eand 310 CMR 40.0000 and (lii) complies(y) with the identified provisions of al orders, permits, and approvals identified inthis submittal; > if Section B of this form, indicates that an Post-Audit Completion Statement is being submitted, the response action(s) that Is (are) the subject of this submittal (I) has (have) been developed and implemented inacordance with the applicable provisions of M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, (ii)Is (are) appropriate and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of such response action(s) as set forth In the applicable provisions of M.G.L c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 and (iii) complies(y) with the identified provisions of all orders, permits, and approvals identilfied inthis submital. I am aware that significant penalties may result, including, but not limited to, possible fines and Imprisonment, if I submit information which I know to be false, Inaccurate or rnaterially incomplets. ] Check here ifthe Response Action(s) on which this opinion is based, if any; are (were) subject to any order(s), permit(s) and/or approval(s) issued by DEP or EPA. If the box is checked, you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. .tSP #* LSP Name: Street City/Town: . Telephone: 3~) oLb 3ac iM tL.2.. Stamp: s,0et~~Tb $ Et7D~AtJ State: 0A ZIP Code: o 420 .. 4~3- 323-S3SR FAX: (optional) Signature: - Revised 11/30/1999 113 -373U J q9ie~ Date: Do Not Alter This Forn DRAFT Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protecti BWSC-1 11 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Nurber AUDIT FOLLOW-UP PLAN TRANSMITTAL FORM & POST AUDIT COMPLETION STATEMENT Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1160 - 40.1170 (Subpart K) D. PERSON RESPONDING TO AUDIT: Name of Organization: Name of Contact I N? HR street E . OF Q A S ((2-A.L V Job B-C tsr. kJ C Tile- ,sAkr bT V4nP City/Town: eM HGVZ5T Telephone: 1.1- £9 3- 241So State: Ext.: ANN - ZIP Code: 0 1OO4 FAX: - (optic LlCheck here ifthere has been a change In the person undertaking Response Actions at the Site since the previous submittal to DEP. E. RELATIONSHIP TO SITE OF PERSON RESPONDING TO AUDIT: RP or PRP Specify [ Owner [] Operator f] Generator E Transporter OtherRPorPRP: Fiduciary, Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status (as defined by M.G.L c. 21E. s.2) ] Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way (as defined by M.G.L c, 21E. s.S5(j) Any Other Person Responding to Audit Specify Relationship: F. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON RESPONDING TO AUDIT: , ir-P " L_-0 1 Z TZ P , attest under the pains and penalties of perjury (i) that I have personally exarnined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii) that, based on my inquiry of those individuals Immediately responsible for obtaining the Information, the material information contained in this submittal is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete, and (iii) that Iam fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. lithe person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made arnis aware that there are significant penalties, Including, info but not limited to, possible lines a d imprisonment for willfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incompl Tite: r By (signature) 4 L-41C4SE' For Fp-OY-L-- Date: - I 6 (print name of'person or entity recorded in Section 0) Enter address of person providing certification, if different from address recorded in Section 0: Same- Street State: Cityrrown: Telephone: Ext.: ZIP Code: FAX- YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM, YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Revised 11i30l1999 . Do Not Alter This Form DRAFT Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts De tment of Environmental Prtec' Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-113 ACTIVITY & USE LIMITATION (AUL) TRANSMITTAL FORM Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056 and 40.1070 -40.1084 (Subpart J) toCD iease Tracking Number o A. LOCATION OF DISPOSAL SITE AND PROPERTY SUBJECT TO AUL: Disposal Site Name: Street: ME 9C -ANJT Sgdff BUILb4J6.5 I A /F at=AsAT / \ Location Aid: iCMWg g_' CityITown: P ..wC . A ZIP Code: Address of property subject to AUL. If different than above. Street: CityfTown: ZIP Code: Check here if this Disposal Site Is Tier Classified. n If the Disposal Site subject to the AUL is also subject to a Tier I Permit, provide the Permit Number Related Release Tracking Numbers affected by this AUL: (check one) B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: r] Submit a certified copy of a Notice of Activity and Use Limitation, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1074 (complete all sections of this form). [T'Submit a certified copy of an Amended Notice of Activity and Use Limitation, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1081(4) (complete all sections of this form). Submit a certified copy of a Termination of a Notice of Activity and Use Limitation, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1083(3) (complete all sections of this form). H Submit a certified copy of a Grant of En'vironmental Restriction, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1071, (complete all sections of this form). - Submit a certified copy of an Amendment of Environmental Restriction, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1081(3) (complete all sections of this form). f Submit a certified copy of a Release of Environmental Restriction, pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1083(2) (complete all sections of this form). You must attach all supporting documentation for the use of form Indicated, including copies of any Legal Notices and Notices to Public Officials required by 310 CMR 40.1400. C. AUL INFORMATION: Date AUL was recorded and/or registered with Registry of Deeds and/or Land Registration Office: MLAP& VA 20. 200'2 Name of Registryof Deeds and/or Land Registration Office where AULwas recorded and/or registered: Book and Page Number and/or Document Number of recorded and/or registered AUL: 'toCK 4AMPC i iH -P A&:1 'numTY - D. PERSON SUBMITTING AUL TRANSMITTAL FORM: M6CfJ'TAS NameofOrganization: M t-/ Name of Contact: 1. Street: 95 50o-H Cityrrown: . AMt4 Telephone: 3 -- 253 - 28".) c BU/L10v65 AM.ST ZJC- Title: .L PW AA4T 5T' State: __EST_ Ext.: (4' ZIP Code: 0100 FAX: (optional) E. OWNER OF PROPERTY, IF NOT PERSON SUBMITTING AUL TRANSMITTAL FORM: Provide a mailing address for the owner of the property If that person Is not submitting the AUL Transmittal Form. Provide addresses for additional owners on an attachment. Siqme Name of Organization: Title: Name of Contact: Street: City/Town: Telephone: Revised 5/8195 State: . Ext.: ZIP Code: FAX: (optional) Do Not A/ter This Form Page 1 of 2 Massachu fls Department of Environmental Bureau of lfste Site Cleanup tection BWSC-1 13 ACTIVITY & USE LIMITATION (AUL) TRANSMITTAL FORM Release Tracking Number Ei lii Poirslaln t$3,10 CMR 40.1056 and 40.1070 - 40.1084 (Subpart J) 1 F. RELATIONSHIP TO D6SPdSAL SITE OF PERSON SUBMITTING AUL TRANSMITTAL FORM: RP or PRP Specif: (?('Owner Q Operator (9 Generator Q Transporter -ss- (check one) Other RP or PRP: Fiduciary. Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E. s. 2) [ i E Agency or Publi Utility n'a-Right of Way (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E,s. 5(j)) Specify Relationship: Any Other Person Submitting AUL G. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING AUL TRANSMITTAL FORM: 1. , attest under the pains and penalties of perjury (I) that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii) that, based on my inquiry of those Individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained in this submittal Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete, and (ii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. lithe person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made amlis aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to. possible fines and imprisonment, for willfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information. V By: .aL . A Title: Q ,- A A (signature) For: KLFjo MtKr-q IIYi (print name of person or entity recorded in Section D) Date: 6-2 Enter address of person providing certification, if different from address recorded in Section D: Sin. Street: Cityrrown: Telephone: State: Ext.: ZIP Code: FAX: (optional) YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM, YOU MAY BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE, AND YOU MAY INCUR ADDITIONAL COMPLIANCE FEES. Revised 5/8/95 Do Not Alter This Form Page 2 of 2 BK 0 110 3 PG 0 2 3 Bk: 7103Pg: 23 Page: 1 of 7 Recorded: 03/2012003 08:55 AM - - -AMENDMENT AND RATIFICATION OF NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION (for amending and ratifying a Notice of Activity and Use Limitation recorded on or before October 29, 1999) This Amendment and Ratification of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation ("Amendment and Ratification") is made as of this _ep day of March, 2003, by Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., 45.South 4-) Pleasant Street, Amherst, Massachusetts, together with his/her/its/their successors and assigns (collectively "Owner"). 4J WITNESSETH: WHREAS, Owner is the owner in fee simple of a certain parcel of land located in Amherst, Hampshire County, Massachusetts ("Property"), pursuant to a deed recorded with the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 922, Page 81; WHEREAS, the Property comprises a disposal site, or part of a disposal site, as the result of a release of oil and/or hazardous material ("the Disposal Site"). Response actions have been selected for the Disposal Site in 04 accordance with M.G.L. c.21E ("Chapter 21E") and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 ("the MCP"). Said response actions are based upon (a) the restriction of human access to and contact with oil and/or hazardous material in soil and/or groundwater, and/or (b) the restriction of certain activities occurring in, on, through, over or under the Property or a portion thereof. The Department of Environmental Protection has identified the Disposal Site as Release Tracking Number 1-10552; WHEREAS, on February 3, 1995, Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. filed a Notice of Activity and Use Limitation with Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 4623, Page 84 imposing an activity and use limitation on a portion of the Property ("the Original AUL"). The portion of the Property affected by the AUL is hereinafter referred to as "the AUL Area." The AUL describes activities and uses that are permitted within the AUL Area, and defines obligations and conditions that must be maintained within the AUI Area. The AUL also describes uses and activities which, if carried out within the AUL Area, could result in Significant Risk to health, safety, public welfare or the environment due to potential exposure to residual contamination. c~ 4. 0 WHEREAS, the following amendment and ratification of the Original AUL by the Owner is necessary to ensure that a condition of No Significant Risk is maintained at the Disposal Site; b C4 NOW, THEREFORE, Owner hereby amends the Original AUL as follows: The basis of the Original AUL, as amended herein, is an Activity and Use Limitation Opinion CAUL Opinion"), prepared by a Licensed Site Professional and attached hereto as Exhibit B. Said AUL Opinion co cc replaces and supercedes any AUL Opinion contained or referenced in the Original AUL. Site Activities and Uses The following descriptions of Permitted Activities and Uses, Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AUL 0' Opinion, an Obligations and Conditions replace and supercede those contained in the Original AUL. flr 1. Permitted Activities and Uses. A condition of No Significant Risk to health, safety, public welfare or the environment exists for any foreseeable period of time so long as any of the following - activities and uses occur within the AUL Area: a. Industrial, Commercial and Residential activities and uses that are not inconsistent with the activities and uses in section 2. b. Such other activities.and uses that, in the opinion of an LSP, shall present no greater risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment than the permitted activities and uses set forth in this section. c. Asphalt paving as noted in section 3 and use as a paved surface drive or parking area. d. Placement of subsurface utility lines as is consistent with sections 2 and 3. B 0 ~1IO 3 PG 0 2 4 e. Periodic Maintenance of paved asphalt and above mentioned utility lines, provided work is consistent with sections 2 and 3. f. Such other activities and uses not identified below as Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AUL. 2. Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AUL Opinion. The following activities and uses, if implemented within the AUL Area, may result in a Significant Risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment: a. Any activities or uses that involve direct contact, disturbance, excavation or removal of impacted soil from the AUL area below a depth of 3 feet from existing site grade (i.e. below the paved pad), are prohibited without prior notification and approval of a Licensed Site Professional. 3. Obligations and Conditions. The following obligations and/or conditions must be maintained within the AUL Area in order to maintain a condition of No Significant Risk: a. Placement and maintenance of a continuous layer of concrete or asphalt with a minimum thickness of three inches over the AUL area. The capping layer must be maintained such that cracking and potting do not result in a significant loss of integrity of the surface. b. Future development and excavation performed under "Permitted Activities and Uses" must be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this document. Except as expressly amended herein, the Original AUL is hereby ratified and confirmed. Owner authorizes and consents to the recordation of this Amendment, which shall be deemed to be effective as of the date the Original AUL was recorded and/or registered. WITNESS the execution hereof under seal this cA day of 'i 2003. Name:- 0-)N.E- Tide: Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPSHIRE, SS Then personally appeared the above-namedd foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed before me, /. 2003 acknowledged the Public: Commission Expires: 7/26/00 0K0 l10 3 PG 0 2 5 The undersigned Waste Site Cleanup Professional certifies that, in his opinion, the terms of the Original AUL, as amended herein, are consistent with the AUL Opinion attached hereto as Exhibit B, and are appropriate to maintain a condition of NO Significant Risk at the Disposal Site. Date: ftrex-L zco} Alan E. Weiss Cold Spring Environmental O [L o *' ALAN E. WEISS No. 6442 ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSErfS ,p, GIS-T HAMPDEN, TE Then personally appeared the above-named 44 foregoing instrument to be [his] [her] free act and deed before me,, .. ' t. ,. 2003 //-rar and acknowledged the 4y. SXA . otary Pqb1ic: My Commission Expires , so, .ot Upon recording, return to: Bulkley Richardson & Gelinas 1500 Main Street, Suite 2700 .P.O. Box 15507 Springfield, MA 01115-5507 Attn: Christine Y. LeBel 7/26/00 *BKO0110O3PGO2 b EXHIBIT B Page 1 Activity and Use Limitation Opinion Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002 DEP RTN: 1-10552 In accordance with the requirements of 310 CMR 40.1074 and 310 CMR 40.1081, this Activity and Use Limitation (AUL) Opinion has been prepared for a portion of the land owned by Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, A Corporation Sole located at 45 South Pleasant Street in Amherst, Massachusetts. This AUL Opinion replaces and supersedes the one contained in the Original AUL for Release Tracking number 1-10552. The portion of the property affected by the Original AUL and this Amendment is referred to as the "AUL area" and is shown on a survey plan that was recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 4623, pp. 8990. SITE HISTORY AND USAGE The subject site is located in a mixed-use commercial and residential area of Amherst on a commercial property that was developed more than 50 years ago. The site has operated as a retail store and parking area for at least the last fifty years. A release of hydrocarbons from a former 3,000 gallon underground #2 fuel oil tank was detected in 1994. An Immediate Response Action ("IRA") included the removal of nearly 15 cubic yards of impacted soil during remedial measures conducted in 1994. Initial and follow up soil borings and monitoring wells documented remaining levels of hydrocarbons in soil and low hydrocarbon release conditions in groundwater. These were detailed in a Groundwater and Soil Assessment letter on December 2 7 th, 1994 and in a Response Action Outcome and Method I Risk Assessment in January, 1995, by Cold Spring Environmental, Inc. A paved pad currently overlies the area of the tank removal, which makes the impacted soil only potentially accessible. As defined by 310 CMR 40.0933, the frequency of exposure by children to the soil is low, in that children are only present at infrequent intervals and their intensity of use is low. While the frequency of use by adults is high, their intensity of use is low. ACHIEVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF NO SIGNIFICANT RISK The Method.1 Risk Assessment showed extractable petroleum hydrocarbons present in site soils at concentrations exceeding "Method 1, S-1 Concentrations" at depths of 5 to 10.5 feet. Identified exposure pathways that present a risk to human health consist of direct dermal contact or ingestion of these impacted soils. However, no vapor migration or leaching was demonstrated and the impacted area is not located adjacent to any basement B*011I03PG21 EXHIBIT B Page 2 Activity and Use Limitation Opinion Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002 DEP RTN: 1-10552 area. A paved pad overlies the area of the tank removal. Because the impacted soils are in excess of three feet below grade (below pavement), any potential exposures can be eliminated, and a condition of No Significant Risk maintained, through the implementation and maintenance of an AUL that restricts access to the impacted soil. As such, we recommend reliance on this AUL and the 'Method I Risk Assessment. 1. Permitted Activities and Uses Set forth in the AUL Opinion. This AUL Opinion provides that condition of No Significant Risk to health, safety, public welfare or the environment exists for any foreseeable period of time pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0000 so long as any of the following activities and uses occur in the AUL area:, a. Industrial, Commercial and Residential activities and uses that are not inconsistent with the activities and uses in section 2. b. Such other activities and uses that; in the opinion of an LSP, shall present no greater risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment than the permitted activities and uses set forth in this section. c. Asphalt paving as noted in section 3 and use as a paved surface drive or parking area. d. Placement of subsurface utility lines as is consistent with sections 2 and 3. e. Periodic Maintenance of paved asphalt and above mentioned utility lines, provided work is consistent with sections 2 and 3. f. Such other activities and uses not identified below as Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AUL. 2. Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AUL Opinion. Activities and uses which are inconsistent with the objectives of this AUL Opinion and which, if implemented in the AUL Area, may result in significant risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or.the environment or in a substantial hazard, are as follows: a. Any activities or uses that involve direct contact, Bi 0 110 3 PG0 2 8 EXHIBIT B : Page 3 Activity and Use Limitation Opinion Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002 DEP RTN: 1-10552 disturbance, excavation or removal of impacted soil from the AUL area below a depth of 3 feet 'from existing sitegrade (i.e. below the paved pad), are prohibited without prior notification and approval of a Licensed Site Professional. 3. Obligations and Conditions Set Forth in the AUL Opinion. The obligations and/or conditions to be undertaken and/or maintained in the AUL Area to maintain a condition of No Significant Risk as set forth in this AUL Opinion shall include the following:. a. Placement and maintenance of a continuous layer of concrete or asphalt with a minimum thickness of three inches over the AUL area. The capping layer zst be maintained such that cracking and potting do not result in a significant loss of integrity of the surface. b. Future development and excavation performed under "Permitted Activities and Uses" must be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this document. I attest that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information on which this LSP Opinion 'is based and, in my professional judgement, this AUL Opinion complies with the requirements for said opinions established under 310 CMR 40.1074 (1) (b). Alan E. Weiss, M.S. Licensed Site Professional #6442 President, Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. Date::V- Massachuas Department of Environmental PactIon. Bureau of VIte Site Cleanup 46i . I' BWSC-1 14S IA lease Tracking Number ACTIVITY & USE LIMITATION (AUL) OPINION FO M e'ase T COMPLETE THIS FORM AND ATTACH AS AN EXHIBIT TO THE AUL DOCUMENT TO BE REGISTRY OF DEEDS AND/OR LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE. A. LOCATION OF DISPOSAL SITE AND PROPERTY SUB'ECT TO AUL: DisposalSiteName: MC /T..LES 30 I GCS OP 5O.-fl4 T Street: -5 E:PL&5 T ANDF REGISTERED WnH THE CD A~HEnGsT0 XAJC. Location Aid: 6r A City/Town: Numb ZIP Code: Address of property subject to AUL, If different than above. Street: (00- .n - Cityrrown: C ZIP Code: B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: Provide the LSP Opinion for an Amendment and Ratification of a Notice of Activity and Use Limitation, pursuant to Instructions provided by DEP in a Notice of Audit Findings issued to: Name of Organization or person: (Mi -1EcQ 01LD%35 pPa AMfS-1l17 - "ZAJC Date issued: Im 1 3 - Fgos C. LSP OPINION: I attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personaly examined and am familiar with this submittal, Including any and all documents accompanying this submittat in my professional opinion and judgment based upon application of (1)the standard of care In 309 CMR 4.02(1). (II) the applicable provisions of 309 CMR 4.02(2) and (3), and (iii) the provisions of 309 CMR 4.03(5). to the best of my knowledge. Information and belief. The Amendment and Ratification of the Activity and Use Limitation that Is the subject of this submittal is being provided in accordance with Instructions provided by the Department of Environmental Protection in a Notice of Audit Findings issued to: $Cttn Name of Organization or person: Dateissued: ML,(6 3qJ LbMG S. nP- iah,4 isil"Sr w 3C' ( 7 l am aware that significant penalties may result, Including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, if I submit Information which I know to be false, Inaccurate or materially Incomplete. Check here if the Response Action(s) on which this opinion is based, If any, are (were) subject to any order(s), permit(s) and/or approval(s) Issued by DEP or EPA. Ifthe box is checked, you MUST attach a statement identifying the applicable provisions thereof. LSP Name: Telephone: FAX: 4AJ 2. (A/615 - 31 3-L32.3 - 5%~l LSP#: 142- Stamp: ExL: C). 4 LSP Signature: Date: 644. __Oy F 'CPRO YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY FIND THE DOCUMENT TO BE INCOWPLETE Page 1 of 1 Revised 4/2/2001 L.CTrT MRIANNE L. nemr RE 'The foregoing is a true copy of the record in FPok 1_3, Page County iegistry of Deeds. ATTEST: REGISTER of the Hampshire Book 922 Know All Men by These Presents, I at 81 I, George Cutler, of Amherst, in the County of Hampshire and Commonwealth of Massachusetts-, in consideration of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., a corporation duly established by law and having a usual place of business in said Amherst, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., a tract of land situate in said Amherst, bounded and described as follows: WARRANTY DEED Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described, at an iron pin set in the westerly line of the location of, West Street, commonly called South Pleasant Street, a highway; said iron pin also marking the northeasterly corner of land of The First National Bank, formerly property of 0. D. and William Hunt; thence from said point of beginning running NORTHERLY along said highway ninety one and seven tenths (91.7) feet to land of James F. Page, thence turning to the left and running WESTERLY along land of said Page and land of Amherst Savings Bank a distance of approximately sixty nine (69) feet; thence turning to the left and running SOUTHERLY twenty one (21) inches; thence turning to the right and running WESTERLY along land of Amherst Savings Bank and land now or formerly of Lawler Brothers a distance of one hundred two and three tenths (102.3) feet to the SOUTHWESTERLY corner of a retaining wall constructed of concrete and' to land formerly of J. S. and Sidney Adams; thence turning to the left and running SOUTHERLY along land of said J. S. and Sidney Adams a distance of eighty six (86) feet to land of The First National Bank ; thence turning to the left and running EASTERLY along land of said Ni The First National Bank a distance of approximately one hundred seventy p three (175) feet to the point of beginning. ings of Amherst, The above described tract of land comprises the northerly and major portion of land conveyed to George Cutler and William Cutler by Luke Sweetser by deed dated March 1, 1860, and recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 194 at page 189; see also deed from Luke Sweetser to William Cutler and George Cutler, dated April 1, 1870, and recorded in said registry of deeds in book 279, at page 12; see also deed from William Cutler and George Cutler to William W. Hunt and Oliver D. Hunt, dated September 20,1867, and recorded in said registry of Deeds in book 246, at page 285; and deed from George Cutler, D.G.Cutler and M.I. Cutler to Lucas -Williams and B.H. Williams dated October 24, 1879, and recorded in said registry of Deeds in Book 353 at page 105; deed from Lucas Williams and B.H. Williams to George Cutler, D.G.Cutler and M.I.Cutler, dated October 1, 1879, and recorded in said registry of deeds in book 351 at page 392; deed from Dwight Gilbert Cutler to G,orge Cutler, dated June 4, 1883, recorded in said registry of deeds in book 381 at page 307; and deed from Martha Isabella Cutler to George Cutler, dated February 1, 1888, recorded in said registry of deeds in book 416, at page 473; also see probate papers in the estate of George Cutler, and probate papers in the estate of William Cutler. The granted premises are conveyed subject to the right reserved in the deed from Luke Sweetser to William Cutler and George Cutler, dated March 1, 1860, and recorded in said registry of Deeds, in book 194, at page 189, to, in building upon his land North of the granted premises, enter the timbers into the walls of the brick building on the granted premises four inches, in such manner as to do no other injury to the building. Subject also to the right reserved in said deed to the owners of the stores and lots lying northerly of the granted premises, Luke Sweetser, and J.S. and C.Adams, their heirs and assigns, to keep open the drain for the passage of the water from their cellars through the walls and cellar of said building forever By said owners being at one half the expense of maintaining said drain, passage and outlets SUBJECT also to the right reserved in said deed to Albion T. Howe of a passage with teams from the southwest corner of his land over the premises herein conveyed to the highway. . SUBJECT also to the right reserved in said- deed to Oliver D. Runt and William W. Hunt to use the passage north of land conveyed by Luke Sweetser to them. SUBJECT also to a right of way eleven (11) feet wide next adjoining the NORTHERLY side of The First National Bank of Amherst, as described in the deed from William and George Cutler to William W. Hunt and Oliver D. Hunt, dated September 20,1867, and recorded in said registry of deeds, in book 246, at page 285. SUBJECT also to taxes for the year 1937, agrees to pay three quarters. of which the grantee assumes and George Cutler To Mercantile Build- South Pleasant Street Amherst E SeeBook Pag SEE BOOK ,'O 3 Inc 82 0 Book 622 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the granted premises, with all -9 the privileges and appur- tenances thereto belonging, to the said Mercantile Buildings of Amheast,,in successors and and itsA -ndaasigns, to their own use and behoof forever. AND I hereby for myself and my heirs, ENANT with the grantee and its executors, and administrators,COV- successors and assigns, that I am lawfully seized in fee-simple of the granted premises; that they are free from all incumbrances; except as hereinbefore recited; that I have good right to sell and convey- the same as aforesaid; and that I will and my heirs,'executors, and administrators shall WARRANT AND DEFEND th6'same to the grantee and its successors and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons, except as hereinbefore recited. AND for the consideration aforesaid I, said George Cutler, Florence' B.Cutler, wife of the do hereby release unto the said grantee and its succ- essors and assigns all right of or to both DOWER AND HOMESTEAD in the granted premises, and all other rights and interests therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we, the said George Cutler and Florence B. 4, Cutler, husband and wife, hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty second day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty seven. Signed and sealed in C the presence of Walter L.Stevens to G.C. I George Cutler - Florence. B.Cutler Seal & F.B.C. Seal THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire, as. March 22,1937 Then personally appeared the above named George Cutler and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before,me Walter L.Stevens Justice of the Peace My commission expires May 15,1942 HAMransm, s. March .22,1937 at 3 o'clockand- 30 .minutes, With Government Stamps $45.00 affixed and cancelled. P. 2. Cry,,. 0 7*1 B-r For it7 ME~liDisposal ite ame, j 45 South Pleasant Street -Dp Release Tra cking'No(.) OPIC C'N M.G., -4 0-( O c. anferst -s 01002 1-0552 ATTAUELTTAINs 21E, 56 and 310,CR 40.0000 PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 21E OF. THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL IAWS,"AS AMENDED ("Chapter 21E") and THE MASSACHUSETTS CONTINGENCT PLAN, 310 CMR 40.0000, AS AMENDED ("MCP"), NOTICE is hereby given by Kercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., of Ashermt,Rampshire County, Massachusetts, being..the owndr(s) in fee simple of that certain- land located in Amherst, Hampshire County, with the buildings and improvements thereon, pursuant to a deed recorded with the Bampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 922, Page 01 ("Owner*),' said land being'more particularly bounded and described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and being shown on, a plan entitled, "Plan in Amherst, Nassachusettr", dated January 23, 1995, prepared by Richard J. -Labarge r., PLS,,recorded with Hampshire County Registry of Deeds as Plan No.' 0057,. in Plan Book 0178, (-Property"); 4THAT SAID;PROPERTY, -OR A PORTION THEREOF, IS A DISPOSAL SITE AT WHICH THERE HAS OCCURRED A RELEASE TO THE ENVIRONMENT OF OIL AND/OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, SAID DISPOSAL SITE BEING DESCRIBED IN. EXHIBIT A, ATTACHED HERETO 'AND MADE A PART HEREOF, "("DISPOSAL SITE-), .AND.THAT A RESPONSE ACTION HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN AT-THE. DISPOSAL SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE XCP. .'- 4 -I-I''.T ZxI -4 r! .0 1, BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP LAW OFFICES 1500 MAIN STREET, SUITE 2700 POST OFFICE BOx 15507 SPRINCFIELD, MA 01 1 15-5507 SPRINGIED BOSTON TEL: (413) 781-2820 FAX: (413) 272-6806 E-MAIL: INFO@BULKLEY.COM ROBERT B. ATKINSON ROBERT A. GELINAS STEPHEN W. SCHUPACK MARTIN D. TURPIE PETER ROTH RONALD P. WEISS FRANCIS 0. DIBBLE. JR. HAMILTON DOHERTY. JR. MICHAEL H. BURKE PETER H. BARRY DAVID A. PARKE FELICITY HARDEE CHRISTOPHER S. MYHRUM GEORGE W. MARION ELLEN M. RANDLE KEVIN C. MAYNARD MARK O. CRESS MARY J. KENNEDY J. MICHAEL SCULLY JAMES C. DUDA KELLY A. MCCARTHY DANIELJ. FINNEGAN MELINDA M. PHELPS DEBORAH D. FERRITER JEFFREY E. POINDEXTER KATHERINE A. ROBERTSON SANDRA J. STAUB KATHLEEN LEITAO BERNARDO DONN A. RANDALL* SCOTT W. FOSTER ELIZABETH H. SILLIN JEFFREY S. MORNEAU VANESSA L. SMITH DEBRA A. QUINN JOSHUA P. GREY JENELLE C. DODODS CHRISTINE Y. LE BEL ANDREW J. DRAYER* COUNSEL CAROL E. KAMM* PHILIPJ. TARPEY, JR. *RESIDENT IN BOSTON OFPICE March 26, 2003 Select Board, Town of Amherst 4 Boltwood Avenue Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 . Dear Select Board Members: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that on March 20, 2003, an "Amendment and Ratification of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation" ("AUL Amendment"), a copy of which is enclosed, was recorded with the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 7103, page 23. The AUL Amendment amends an earlier AUL recorded with the Hampshire County Registry in Book 4623, page 84. The AUL affects a portion of the Mercantile Buildings of Amherst Inc. property located at 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 (Department of Environmental Protection Release Tracking No. 1-10552). The AUL Amendment identifies certain activities and uses which are inconsistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk at the subject property. Such activities and uses are so identified in order to prevent exposures to residual petroleum-contaminated soil located beneath a paved pad in the center of the property. The AUL Amendment also identifies those activities and uses that are consistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk and those obligations and conditions necessary to ensure that a condition of No Significant Risk continues to exist at the property for the foreseeable future. This public notification is being provided pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.1090 and 310 CMR 40.1403(7)(a)). If you have any questions, please contact: BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP Select Board, Town of Amherst March 26, 2003 Page 2 Mr. Alan E. Weiss (LSP # 6442), Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc., 350 Old Enfield Road, Belchertown, Massachusetts 01007, at (413) 323-5957. Very truly yours, Christine Y. Le Bel Enclosure CYL:lav GLAW BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP OFFICES 1500 MAIN STREET, SUITE 2700 POST OFFICE BOX 15507 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01 1 15-5507 SPRINGFIELD BOSTON TEL: (413) 781-2820 FAX: (413) 272-6806 E-MAIL: INFOOBULALEY.COM B. ROBERT ATKINSON ROBERT A. GELINAS STEPHEN W. SCHUPACK MARTIN 0. TURPIE PETER ROTH RONALD P. WEISS FRANCIS D. DIBBLE. JR. HAMILTON DOHERTY. JR. MICHAEL H. BURKE PETER H. BARRY DAVID A. PARKE FELICITY HARDEE CHRISTOPHER B. MYHRUM GEORGE W. MARION KEVIN C. MAYNARD MARK D. CRESS MARY J. KENNEDY J. MICHAEL SCULLY JAMES C. DUDA KELLY A. MCCARTHY DANIEL J. FINNEGAN MELINDA M. PHELPS DEBORAH D. FERRITER JEFFREY E. POINDEXTER KATHERINE A. ROBERTSON SANDRA J. STAUB KATHLEEN LEITAO OONN A. RANDALL' ELIZABETH H. SILLIN JEFFREY S. MORNEAU VANESSA L. SMITH DEBRA A. QUINN JOSHUAP. GREY JENELLE C. DODDS CHRISTINE Y. LE BEL ANDREW J. DRAYER* ELLEN M. SCOTT W. *RESIDENT IN BOSTON OFFICE RANDLE SERNARDO FOSTER COUNSEL CAROL E. KAMM* PHILIPJ. TARPEY. JR. March 26, 2003 Town of Amherst Board of Health Attn: Epi Bodhi Bangs Community Center 70 Boltwood Walk Amherst, MA 01002 Dear Town of Amherst Board of Health: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that on March 20, 2003, an "Amendifient and Ratification of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation" ("AUL Amendment"), a copy of which is enclosed, was recorded with the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 7103, page 23. The AUL Amendment amends an earlier AUL recorded with the Hampshire County Registry in Book 4623, page 84. The AUL affects a portion of the Mercantile Buildings of Amherst Inc. property located at 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 (Department of Environmental Protection Release Tracking No. 1-10552). The AUL Amendment identifies certain activities and uses which are inconsistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk at the subject property. Such activities and uses are so identified in order to prevent exposures to residual petroleum-contaminated soil located beneath.a paved pad in the center of the property. The AUL Amendment also identifies those activities and uses that are consistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk and those obligations and conditions necessary to ensure that a condition of No Significant Risk continues to exist at the property for the foreseeable future. This public notification is being provided pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.1090 and 3 10 CMR 40.1403(7)(a)). If you have any questions, please contact: 0 BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP LAW OFFICES 1500 MAIN STREET. SUITE 2700 POST OFFICE BOX 15507 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01 1 15-5507 SPRIN I BOSTON TEL: (413) 781-2820 FAX: (413) 272-6806 E-MAIL: INFOOBULKLEY.COM ROBERT S. ATKINSON ROBERT A. GELINAS STEPHEN W. SCHUPACK MARTIN D. TURPIE PETER ROTH RONALD P. WEISS FRANCIS D. DIBBLE. JR. HAMILTON DOHERTY. JR. MICHAEL H. BURKE PETER H. BARRY DAVID A. PARKE FELCITY HARDEE CHRISTOPHER B. MYHRUM GEORGE W. MARION ELLEN M. RANDLE KEVIN C. MAYNARD MARK D. CRESS MARY J. KENNEDY J. MICHAEL SCULLY JAMES C. DUDA KELLY A. MCCARTHY DANIELJ. FINNEGAN MELINDA M. PHELPS DEBORAH 0. FERRITER JEFFREY E. POINDEXTER KATHERINE A. ROBERTSON SANDRAJ. STAuSa KATHLEEN LEITAO BERNARDO DONN A. RANDALL' SCOTT W. FOSTER ELIZABETH H. SILLIN JEFFREY S. MORNEAU VANESSA L. SMITH DEBRA A. QUINN JOSHUA P. GREY JENELLE C. DODDS CHRISTINE Y. LE BEL ANDREW J. DRAYER* COUNSEL CAROL E. KAMM* PHILIP J. TARPEY, JR. *RESIDENT IN BOSTON OFFICE March 26, 2003 Town of Amherst Planning Department Attn: Robert P. Mitchell, AICP 4 Boltwood Avenue Amherst, MA 01002 Dear Mr. Mitchell: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that on March 20, 2003, an "Amendment and Ratification of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation" ("AUL Amendment"), a copy of which is enclosed, was recorded with the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 7103, page 23. The AUL Amendment amends an earlier AUL recorded with the Hampshire County Registry in Book 4623, page 84. The AUL affects a portion of the Mercantile Buildings of Amherst Inc. property located at 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 (Department of Environmental Protection Release Tracking No. 1-10552). The AUL Amendment identifies certain activities and uses which are inconsistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk at the subject property. Such activities and uses are so identified in order to prevent exposures to residual petroleum-contaminated soil located beneath a paved pad in the center of the property. The AUL Amendment also identifies those activities and uses that are consistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk and those obligations and conditions necessary to ensure that a condition of No Significant Risk continues to exist at the property for the foreseeable future. This public notification is being provided pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.1090 and 310 CMR 40.1403(7)(a)). If you have any questions, please contact: 0 BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP Town of Amherst Planning Department March 26, 2003 Page 2 Mr. Alan E. Weiss (LSP # 6442), Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc., 350 Old Enfield Road, Belchertown, Massachusetts 01007, at (413) 323-5957. Very truly yours, Christine Y. Le Bel Enclosure CYL:lav BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP B&O LAW OFFiCES 1500 MAIN STREET. SUITE 2700 PosT OFFICE BOX 15507 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01 1 15-5507 TEL: (413) 781-2820 FAX: (413) 272-6806 E-MAIL: INFOOBULKLEY.COM ROBERT B. ATKINSON ROBERT A. GELINAS STEPHEN W. SCHUPACK MARTIN D. TURPIE PETER ROTH RONALD P. WEISS FRANCIS D. DIBBLE, JR. HAMILTON DOHERTY, JR. MICHAEL H. BURKE PETER H. BARRY DAVID A. PARKE FELICITY HARDEE CHRISTOPHER B. MYHRUM GEORGE W. MARION ELLEN M. RANOLE KEVIN C. MAYNARD MARK 0. CRESS MARY J. KENNEDY J. MICHAEL SCULLY JAMES C. DUDA KELLY A. MCCARTHY DANIEL J. FINNEGAN MELINDA M. PHELPS DEBORAH 0. FERRITER JEFFREY E. POINDEXTER KATHERINE A. ROBERTSON SANDRA J. STAUB KATHLEEN LEITAO BERNARDO DONN A. RANDALL' ScoTT W. FOSTER ELIZABETH H. SILLIN JEFFREY S. MORNEAU VANESSA L. SMITH DEBRA A. QUINN JOSHUA P. GREY JENELLE C. DODDS CHRISTINE Y. LE BEL ANDREW J. DRAYER' COUNSEL CAROL E. KAMM' PHILIP J. TARPEY, JR. *RESIDENT IN BOSTON OFFICE April 1, 2003 Town of Amherst Attn: Bonita Weeks Building Commissioner/Zoning Enforcement 4 Boltwood Avenue Amherst, MA 01002 Dear Ms. Weeks: The purpose of this letter is to inform you that on March 20, 2003, an "Amendment and Ratification.of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation" ("AUL Amendment"), a copy of which is enclosed, vas recorded with the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 7103, page 23. The AUL Amendment amends an earlier AUL recorded with the Hampshire County Registry in Book 4623, page 84. The AUL affects a portion of the Mercantile Buildings of Amherst Inc. property located at 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 (Department of Environmental Protection Release Tracking No. 1-10552). The AUL Amendment identifies certain activities and uses which are inconsistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk at the subject property. Such activities and uses are so identified in order to prevent exposures to residual petroleum-contaminated soil located beneath a paved pad in the center of the property. The AUL Amendment also identifies those activities and uses that are consistent with maintaining a condition of No Significant Risk and those obligations and conditions necessary to ensure that a condition of No Significant Risk continues to exist at the property for the foreseeable future. This public notification is being provided pursuant to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (310 CMR 40.1090 and 310 CMR 40.1403(7)(a)). If you have any questions, please contact: BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP Town of Amherst Building Commissioner/Zoning Enforcement April 1, 2003 Page 2 Mr. Alan E. Weiss (LSP # 6442), Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc., 350 Old Enfield Road, Belchertown, Massachusetts 01007, at (413) 323-5957. Very truly yours, Christine Y. Le Bel Enclosure CYL:lav CLASSIFIEh MARCH 29-30. 2003 REALTY WORLD SAWICKI HOLYOKE. Canal Districtcommer- NORTHAMPTON. Beautiful body HADLEY: Stately11 roomAndque cial, oafce, ani specei renoated workers ofice toshareen per haur w.naltyword-sawicki.com Colonai on 'A acr near town canS . Hadley/Holyoke 915 mil. Open Square.53-5057. estbasis. Call584-8728 Al realestate needs. 25-6773 ter, doubtelivng room with fireplace, CHESTERFIELD. Spacious 1 year 20. wwwensa.re.orn THE MURPHY'S REALTORS pocket doors, dining room, NORTHAMPTON. Elegant new homn e on2 Beauu For Sale by Owner, wwwimurphyeItars~com fIy mro, oalimty roam andlarge y prsma Einoo ly danas rdcala tetbds of SOUTH HADLEY: 4 rooes, Itch. hServingte areaover 35 years' eat-in ktchen, hardwood floors.3 asparlight. town arnkark bing. Cai far in- . SM00) The Real oni.2 bettrrsi, -mail. islied! 5846 formatio". Liy UPTON-MASSAMONT REALTORs large bedrns, ssinng rorn, p- EstateConnection, 5i2-0011 baent with WTbath. 2 car ro and morel S359,900. wnvuptoI-massamomitcon, NORTHAMPTON. Main St., 15x10 driveway with large HUNTINGTON. garage Garage available 413-58-74. Serving Frartuolarprihre 8-0764for oftade removal. Located at loo Shed.G~azebo (screenedlarge oak floor, uttfifes Tbhceings, In) S4 onllt 413-585-9427 Knighvte Dan Huntington, MA. -ith deckatached. Coveredodnq NORTHAMPTON. Office, in Real Estate Servfces 8201 area oil deck. Metal 24' x 24 4&)0,ft steel wafs. Concrete historic Cutlery Building e te od Shingled root. Ontc carport. Asking $185,900. Open entrance, ampie parking. $Sr * 109 Main St Landmark House April 5 and 8, noo-3pn. John Parker, (978)318-278.month. Eileen Berezin. 530-5726. ' Foreclosed Homes SOUTHAMPTON. 6 room, 1% buildin 25,000 sq.ftof badt,full basement. S149.900. Cal WILLIAMSBURG. 8 ron, 4 bed-C -o hummam, 532-M The Murphys Readon 584-570.0 Low or Zero down! Governernt andWendy at53-0082 tosee. The al/ffce space. Subroom, 1% bath Colonial on 67 South DEERFIELD. rotetaa bankrposnaos No credi O RealEstate Connec.n, 582-0011 amn 2100a4 Total rstn.* dividable to 2,500 sq.ft, 1xals Lote& Acreage 930 oicespace at Suga 3 F r sdngs- 8338-20 pool. $199.900:7Ta, 527-394 size o cal Jiienne. at 535-8510. * 80 Main St 1,46B sq. It.. income Property 840 a proes.HafIneldt Whately - reali storefront, excellent SOUTH HADLEY Caener, AMHERST WOODS, lot lor sale an 890 S a W OMor 40 or EASTHAMPTON. Store/4 apargiound. Greenfleld Area 9051 code-sac, ab 1 ocre. Last lot locato, A/C, can 750 sqL. 47-39a93. HATFIELD. 9 acre buiding ments n i n lot 2 rties available on seet. 58-8010 include 2,500 sq ft unfinlor 429,0. 584-1228, 57-5,36 lotwooded, 57 North Hatlield Road, ished basement space. HATFIELD. 17 unit for S369,000; town water/ sewer, $120,000. MOVEReal Eats, 413-89-0800 19 1-bed'""A S AMHERST. BoostingMs.town, wet. *KIng St 12,700 sq. ff. 549.I Meidyl RE. 247-90O4r e, sever ari gr Atandof oi-efinished showroom ec. Aimost ace. 250-650 Downtown Northampton South Hadley Industrial Park space, /C $6.50 NNN - Eric Suher 552-0776 NORTHAMPTON., Dowen 2 at- Northampton Large 1850 Antique Colonial 860 Completely Restored AREALTY I RILDWO.. 2000Y sq.ft office suite, including 4 private offices and large open general oflice, Idtchenette, conference oomn. Near Routes I-90 and I-91. (in sought after historic dis- trict. Many original details throughout. Every room- DULONG & LABBEE oetive omfces.$400 and $450, in S-H-R Trust, 538-8275 Victodan. 584-7733, 5BS-332 NORTHAMPTON. Retail space 2000 Ai, goodvi Vacation Rentals 7301 ty, lardwoo foors. 584-0a. HAMPTON BEACH.3 bedrom, office/Studio '710 Cotinge. 1 block behind beach.amAMHERST. Downtown. 2 Prim pc pakng cable TV, rental commerda spaces and on. base.Call 584-54.' men ofie space. Allpate park SHUTESBURY. LM Wyi aadmt Ing, 750-900 sq ft. 253-2120 3 bedroom Cottage available FLORENCE. Well main$650 ' per week. tamed 7 room home has AMHERST. New Construconi 51-10/1. 413-8-9320. newer family room addition TRURO. (Caps Cod) 2 bedroom with cathedral ceiling and . sleeps & 10 movie iak tb rate hadapd eSance, saps5 mire ne, a HVAOSyste Cee r 6 weto ational Seashore beaches.Nice .47 acre lot. Ing, dedikated cupo tadan Teras arist.poe pare I fard&l Marvin Early sumr occupancy. dr= 7002 week $169,500. Please call 413-253-9454. sent Cai 588-1720. AMHERST. Offices near UMass. WELLFLEET. 'June, September. 87 Main St. Paring. S350 indsive. Garage at Marshlonon/wak to beach. 4 S75. Cal Rena at 253-2528. Easthampton bedoones 4 balhI 41322s- new) 586-3333, LIKE BRAND NEW: Mag- WORTHINGTON. 17.5 acres. double lot, beautucl south-faci pen f1 wie iew. 90' road. go. 2 bath colonial with beautdul woods,private location. wrap-around porch on corSurveyed and perced. $75.000. ner lot. Hugh country kitchen Mofyneaux Reafy. 413-239.5324 nificent 8 room, 4 bedroom, (completely new) largedining room, 1st floor laundry room, beautiful hardwood floors, file floors in kitchen and bathrooms, barn-oft 2 car garage. HATFIELD. Large residentia commercial building onRte.5&10.9 apartment units and 2 large garage bays. Good income, good location. $750,000. Call Davel Open Saturday 12-2pm Sunday 10-12 noon 12 W. Main St, Montague 740 .nwcotageoncapcd.com Mobile Homes HATFIELD. s 950 moor Ili haft adcti . 9.g00S me,...,in 'Mendyk Rleat24T-9 Al Brand New kitchen, Property Wanted 960 LOOKING FOR LAND any size, shape.or laton Cash paid Call 529-9973 FAMILYd e Call Alan Ward WANTED: Antique home in bedromn . 527-3375 Deerfiei or Conway. Acreage preNorthampton area. With 2 wellChuck Conner,G (413)96-8763 wh n of. Ron LaFosse, GRI 367-9247 famed. Conditon unatcisrtt. Top tained dogs. br May. Wi (800 56-0559 527-4771 $125,000. . dollarpald. Cat 253-71 front 1 year lease plus epoet Lynn SIpitkwski Beth Lannon 527-6395 Please ca (W) 255-2554. GREATER NORTHAMPTON'S.#1 LAKE OME1o ndWkfor fJuy Agncy Iorreidenal andceiorm: Legal Notices vacationii raL 20oUA4Witheatae. Goins. 58W-7000, in. C dal real In 2) mias dNrta ' NORTHAMPTON. Beautiful 100 pelect (843)671-3248 year Notice of Amendment and old Victorian in one of North, , required to be paid by certified check or NORTHAMPTON AREA. ProlesRatification ~bank treasurer's check by the purchaser at m needsf uirshed amton best neighbodoods. New sioal wrter, whle. kitchen. 3+ bedrooms. 1% baths, apartment (sunmer). (781) of Activity and Use Lhit ation the time and place of sale as earnest money, 599-6951 orpithwittllecom Mercantile Buildings of Amh erst Inc. the balanc6 to be paid by certified check or PROFESSIONAL couple, non Agents wecene; 2%. . 45 South Pleasant Str eet bank treasurer's -check. within thirty (30) smoking. no.pets, seeks bright, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 days of the date of sale. In addition thejur-. damn1-2be*oaroan ar t , DEP Release Tracking Num ber #1chaser will be required to execute the lenor rental downtown Northampton. . 10552 orandum ofMortgagee'sSaleof Real Estate. nl. I-Ant,3l.413-259-2921. Pursuant to the -Massachuset ts- Contin. The above premises will be sold-subject "ESPONSIBLtme th watbegency Plan (310 CMR 40.1073), a Aeend- to all outstanding taxes, tax titles, municipal brtdosesrentafshake in Pt went and Ratifcation ofNotice a fActivity or other public taxes, assessments or liens, onser VFbM. Rc 413-255.101. and Use Limitation on the above disposal if any and subject to any occupants therein. Home Business Alternative 'TECH Suite~ *Satellite Office Just a few soluble option for Office Open Real EBtate far Sale Autumn Place professional mini offices. Contveniently locaeda NorthamptorVEasthampton City Line on Route 10. Utilities included.~n CLASS 80D-960 . Ampie Free Parking Saturday: 9-3 Sunday: DStICable Ready |Real Estate eSites 800 RNAS A-z S1fRAGAE Call for a tour 413-527-1580 artumnupmperties.not wwwtamgetssc EASTHAMPTON. Ote space for rent in beautfuil nee office complex r By Appointnment a 527940 Self storage AUUW WNGEMENT (Broker Protected) site was recorded and/or registere :dwith the Hampshire Coimfy Registry of Deeds on 'CENnURY 217 wwwvcentury21pva.com pbr ValleyAcns noveInntonte. ESTATE GOGINS REAL HATFIELD, Office or quiet workwngogginlar.comS apace. Not residential. Air cond- Greater #1 Reaitor Northamptoun tiorint. Cal 247-3278 HARLOW PROPERTIES NORTHAMPTON Psychotherapy Offie forabx eve.Tues73 Maein St, Arrnert, 256-342 day Wednesday. Cindy, 58.223. GROUP NORTHAMPTON. -Treanent roomJACOUES REALESTATE wwwhomesgroup.com to sharein health oriented-sote in' Webbasedreal esa company' ceter of own 210-1601 - Jones * Hutchins 5 Franklin St 585-0400 Amherst/Hadley 8701 any matter concerning the premises. affected area of the above prope rty, as set forth more fullyin theAUL Opinio recorded the foreclosure sale shall default in purchasing the within described'property ac- with the Amendment: . * AnyactivitiesorusesthatinvoIlvedirect contact, disturbance, excavation orrenoval of impacted soil from the restrict ed portion of the property below a depth of 3 feet from existing site grade (i. below th e existing paved pad) are prohibited withou t prior notification and approval of a Licensed Site Professional. Any person interested in obtain ing additional informationorreviewingthe Noticeof Amendment and Ratification of th e]Activity and use Limitation and the dispos al site file may contact: Mr. Alan E. Weis s (LSP # 6442). Cold Spring Environme ital Coustltants, Inc., 350 Old Enfle ld Road, Belchertown, Massachusetts 01 007; (413) 323-.5957. HADLEY.Mt Warner Rd.ByOwr. Open House Sunday 330, 1-3p. Lovely,6 room,3 bedroom 2 bath Ranch.. Haidwood floors warge ros 2 Shrelaces Partallv whether legal or illegal. . The premises will be sid "as is" and no 3/20/2003. The Amendment and Ratifi cation of Notice of Activity and Use Limit ation wil limit the following activities and tusea on the e.. Conference Room Great location. Cal57-2468 Yacation Proper'tles 940 CAPE COD, South Weflmet. 3 bedmom,I bti hans. 413-667-3981 (Mller Falls -15miles from Amherst on Rt 63) bathrooms, appliances, deck, windows, electrical, plumbing and furnace. $20000 - . HATFIELD. Appracimately 8 acres of flat land in a 527-3375 great location. Just the place for your new hom y oking for 2 527-3375 =p.mrs1osIn the Bob Conner . Wanted to Rent SOUTH AMHERST. Sweeing vae lol; 5.8 aches, $35D,000. C owner 5494270. March 29 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Ome aw,- representation, express or implied, is or will be made by the mortgagee with respect to In the event that the successful bidder at cording to the terms of this Notice of Sale and/or the terms of the Memorandum of Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate executed at the time ofthe foreclosure, then said de osit shall be retained by the Mortgagee as lquidated damages without recourse to the bidder, and said de osit shall not be applied to the mortgage debit. The above premises will be sold subject to any law, ordinance, blaw or other gov. ernmental regulation ectin , restricting, prohibiting, or otherwise regu ating the oc cupancy-iuse or enjoyment of the Property the character, dimensions, or location of any present orfuture improvement now existing or hereafter planned for the Property or a separation in ownership or change in the dimensions or area of the Property including, without limitin the generality of the foregoing, Zonmg Lws, State Building 'Code Wetlands Protection Act, Sub division Control Law, Lead Paint Law, health laws, 0 S1 1-oSSt & BULKLEY, RICHARDSON AND GELINAS, LLP BR G LAW OFFICES 1500 MAIN STREET. ROBERT SUITE 2700 POST OFFICE BOX 15507 SPRINGFIELD. MA 0111 5-5507 TEL: (413)781-2820 FAX: (413)272-6805 E-MAIL: INFOOBULKLEY.COM B. ATKINSON ROBERT A. GELINAS STEPHEN W. SCHUPACK MARTIN D. TURPIE CHRISTOPHER B. MYNRUM GEORGE W. MARION ELLEN M. RANDLE KEVIN C. MAYNARD PETER ROTH RONALD P. WEISS MARK D. CRESS MARY J. KENNEDY FRANCIS D. DIBBLE, JR. HAMILTON DOHERTY, JR. J. MICHAEL SCULLY PETER H. BARRY JAMES C. DUDA KELLY A. MCCARTHY DANIELJ. FINNEGAN DAVID A. PARKE FELICITY HARDEE MELINDA M. DEBORAH 0. MICHAEL H. BURKE PHELPS FERRITER JEFFREY E. POINDEXTER KATHERINE A. ROBERTSON SANDRAJ. STAUB SCOTT W. FOSTER ELIZABETH H. SILLIN JEFFREY S. MORNEAU VANESSA L. SMITH DEBRA A. JOSHUA P. GREY QUINN LOUIS F. OLDERSHAW PHILIP J. TARPEY. JR. KATHLEEN LEITAO COUNSEL October 9, 2002 Abby Kingman Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Western Regional Office 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 Re: 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst RTN No: 1-10552 NON-WE-02-3A098 Dear Ms. Kingman: This office represents Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. with respect to the captioned matter. We understand that required actions must be taken to amend the Notice of Activity and Use Limitation and will implement such actions. As soon as I have an opportunity to review the Notice of Audit Findings and such other documentation as may be necessary to respond to the department's request, I will contact you. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, Felicity H FH/jmk ee BERNARDO CIMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSE!S FIL E COPY ExEcuTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - (413) 784-1100 JANE M. SWIFT Governor BOB DURAND Secretary LAUREN A. LISS Commissioner October 4, 2002 Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 45 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Attn: Mary Louise Broll Re: Amherst, RTN 1-10552 A.J. Hastings 45 South Pleasant Street RAO, AUL NON-WE-02-3A098 NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE Dear Ms. Broll: A review of records conducted by Department of Environmental Protection personnel demonstrates that you are not in compliance with one or more laws, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, or approvals enforced by the Department. On August 3, 2001, the Department issued a Notice of Audit Findings (NOAF) that identified errors in the Notice of Activity and Use Limitation (AUL) filed in support of a Response Action Outcome (RAO) for the abovereferenced site. The NOAF established an Interim Deadline of January 30, 2002 for submitting documentation of the required corrections to these errors, accompanied by a Post-Audit Completion Statement (PACS). This is an enforceable Interim .Deadline issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0167 and 310 CMR 40.1140. As of the date of this letter, the Department has not received the required submittal, therefore, you are in violation of the requirements of the MCP. , The activities that are in noncompliance and the additional actions the Department wants you to take to come into compliance are described in the Notice of Noncompliance (Attachment A). The Notice of Noncompliance describes: (1) each activity identified during the audit which is in noncompliance, (2) the requirements violated, (3) the action the Department now wants you to take, and (4) the deadline for taking this action. If you fail to comply with this Notice an administrative penalty of $1,000 may be assessed for every day that you remain out of compliance. If you fail to come into compliance by the This information is available In alternate format. Call Aprel McCabe, ADA Coordinator at 1-617-556-1171. TDD Service - DEP on the World Wide Web: http://www.mass.gov/dep 0 Printed on Recycled Paper 1-800-298-2207. Amherst, RTNJ-10552 0 2 Notice ofNoncompliance prescribed deadline, or if you otherwise fail to comply in the future with requirements applicable to you, you could be subject to legal action. Such action could include the assessment of civil administrative penalties, the commencement of a civil action in the court(s) of competent jurisdiction, or the commencement of a criminal prosecution in the court(s) of competent jurisdiction. Please contact Abby Kingman at 413-755-2228 if you have any questions concerning this notice. SincerEly, Alan Weinber Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail #7000 0600 0026 8857 9079 Return Receipt Requested cc: Amherst Board of Selectmen Amherst Board of Health Amherst Zoning Code Enforcement Official Amherst Building Inspector Alan Weiss, Cold Spring Environmental, LSP-of-Record Steve Ellis, WERO (2 copies) WERO Enforcement File WERO Audit File Data Entry: AUDCOM/NON - - ~ C certified Co ru 3 C3 In Return tot (0 Eno enet C $ ee r Restricted Delivery Fee n te .ma p e c ey e cardof to rn thback can retotu the o that w sAt the mailpiece, c escard 'U 1 Article Addressedo to: n .h i (Endorsern enter dot hefrntitspce11yES, Bro 1 Mary Louse Ms. Buildings of Amherstn Mercantile 45 South Pleasant Street A ent R d d beu rmi \e ddress be 3. service TypMail eM tere C Expres Mail E Retur Receipt for Merchandise Total Pos -0 SSte L .Sr Fee ee by (printed Na S-print your name and address o yourceived 1- Lfl -0 of Delivery idSign.Date desiedy i t te d Delvery m 4 if Restricted el *~te ant Addresses 1,2, and 3. Also complete - Postage E sig * * ------- 7 Dro t Fee) COD. insured Mail Delvery?El(Exrn 4. Restricted Fes$C4 ms. Mar Ms. Mary Louise Broil Mercantile Buildings of Amherst! 45 South Pleasant Street Ret -tr 1 2 9 rmbervclae) ,PS Form 381 1, August 2001l ( l Yes DoesiRtrnRcep .M1E Amherst, RTN1-10552 0 0 Notice ofNoncompliance Attachment A - NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE NON-WE-02-3A098 ENTITY IN NONCOMPLIANCE Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst MA LOCATION WHERE NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst DATE WHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED January 3, 2002 - Interim Deadline DESCRIPTION OF NONCOMPLIANCE Violation of 310 CMR 40.0167(1) - The Department may establish and enforce reasonable Interim Deadlines consistent with M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 for the performance of response actions, and the furnishing of information and provision of access to documents and other information to DEP, including, but not limited to, deadlines for compliance with Requests for Information, applicable orders, permits and other requirements. In correspondence dated August 3, 2001, The Department established an Interim Deadline for provision of documentation that the required corrections to the Notice of AUL have been performed. No such documentation has been provided as of the date of this notice. ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN AND DEADLINE Within 60 days of the date of this notice, you must implement an Amendment and Ratification of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation, using the form and instructions provided with the Notice of Audit Findings. Alternatively, you may submit a new Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement documenting the achievement of a Class A-1, A-2 or B-1 RAO at the site (i.e., an RAO that does not rely on an AUL to maintain a level of No Significant Risk). Please indicate in writing within 14 days of the date of this notice whether or not you intend to undertake the required actions. If you fail to correct the violation identified and provide documentation of such action to the Department, you may be subject to enforcement action by the Department. If the Department finds that the violations have not been corrected, then the Department may issue a Notice of Intent to Assess a Civil Administrative Penalty (PAN), administrative enforcement order, Notice of Responsibility (NOR), Notice of Intent to take Response Action (NORA), Administrative Consent Order (ACO), Unilateral Order, or seek a Judicial Judgment as appropriate. For the Department of Environmental Protection: Date: October 4, 2002 Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup * FILE COPY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE JANE SWIFT Governor BOB DURAND Secretary August -3, 2001 LAUREN A. LISS Commissioner Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 45 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Attn: David S. Hastings Re: Amherst - RTN 1-10552 RAO, AUL A. J. Hastings 45 South Pleasant Street RAO SCREENING REVIEW SUMMARY OF AUL COMPLIANCE REVIEW AUL FIELD INSPECTION AUDIT FINDING Dear Mr. Hastings: On February 7, 1995, the Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) received a Class A-3 Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement and Activity & Use Limitation (AUL) for the above-referenced site. On August 5, 1998, the Legislature enacted the "Brownfields Act" which called on the Department to conduct targeted audits of sites at which AULs have been implemented in order to ensure that these sites are meeting the requirements of Massachusetts' laws and regulations, including Massachusetts General Law chapter 21E and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The Department's audit of this site consisted of a RAO screening review, an AUL compliance review, and an AUL field inspection to observe the condition of the area subject to the AUL. RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) SCREENING REVIEW A screening review of the RAO was performed using a standard Department checklist. Examples of the Department's checklists are available on the Internet at http://www.state.ma.us/ This information isavailable in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. 436 Dwight Street - Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 * FAX (413) 784-1149 * TDD (413) 746-6620 . Telephone (413) 784-1100 Printed on Recycled Paper 0 0 Amherst, RTN 1-10552 0 2 dep/bwsc/audits.htm. Based on the screening review of the RAO, the Department is not directing you to undertake further response actions at this time with regard to the RAO. Please note, however, that the review conducted by the Department on the RAO was not a , comprehensive audit, and the Department reserves the right to conduct a comprehensive audit of the RAO at any time in the future. It is possible that a future audit of the RAO, if one occurs, may identify deficiencies and/or violations of applicable laws and regulations, and may require you to undertake further response actions at the site. SUMMARY OF AUL COMPLIANCE REVIEW The Department has established special procedures for reviewing AULs recorded on or before October 29, 1999, including the AUL Notice instrument submitted as part of the RAO for your site. Please note that these procedures do not apply to AULs recorded on or after October 30, 1999, and this Summary of AUL Compliance Review should not be relied upon to predict audit results for such AULs. Applying the procedures described above, the Department has identified an error in the AUL Notice instrument that requires correction. Specifically: * The AUL does not adequately define what uses and activities are permitted at the site and what uses and activities are restricted. The AUL relies nearly exclusively upon MCP terminology (i.e. frequency and intensity of use) to describe permitted and restricted uses, without defining such terms and providing examples for clarification. It is unclear, particularly to someone unfamiliar with the MCP, which categories of uses are prohibited and which categories are permitted. The AUL must be more specific in this regard. Additionally, it is inappropriate for an AUL to allow excavation with notification of the Department as a point of contact. The LSP should be the point of contact, rather than the Department. Also, the AUL restricts "subsurface excavation" without identifying a specific depth below grade. To correct this error, you must implement an Amendment and Ratification of Notice of Activity and Use Limitation within 180 days of the date of this letter, using the enclosed form and instructions. Please note that the AUL Opinion must be prepared and attached to the Amendment and Ratification using form I 14S. In addition, a legal notice regarding the original AUL and the AUL Amendment must be published in the local newspaper, and a copy of the notice must be submitted to the Department. Alternatively, you may submit a new Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement within 180 days of the date of this letter, documenting the achievement of a Class A-1, A-2 or B-1 RAO at the site (i.e. an RAO that does not rely on an AUL to maintain a level of No Significant Risk). This is an enforceable Interim Deadline issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0167 and 310 CMR 40.1140. If you do not meet this deadline you will be subject to enforcement action by the Department. Please note that this deadline relates only to AUL corrections. The Department has prepared forms and detailed instructions for implementing the required AUL corrections. Copies of the forms and instructions are attached, and are available on the 00 Amherst, RTN 1-10552 3 Department's AUL Audit Project web page, http//www.state.ma.us/dep/bwsc/files/audits/ aulfix.htm. If you (and/or the LSP/attomey preparing your AUL corrections) would like assistance in implementing the Amendment and Ratification of Notice of AUL, please call Catherine Wanat at (413) 755-2241 to schedule the meeting. The Department is also offering several training workshops in the next few months. The Department recommends that you (and/or the LSP/attbrney preparing your AUL corrections) attend one of these workshops if you have questions on how to proceed. The training schedule is also available on the Department's AUL Audit Project web page. To obtain a schedule and/or register for the workshops, contact Thomas Potter, DEP's Statewide Audit Coordinator at (617) 292-5628. AUL FIELD INSPECTION AUDIT FINDING On October 26, 1999, the Department conducted an AUL field inspection at the location identified above to observe conditions related to the area subject to the AUL. In particular, the AUL field inspection focused on activities and uses consistent with the terms and conditions of the AUL and whether obligations and conditions required to maintain a condition of No Significant Risk were being met. Abigail Kingman of the Department conducted the inspection. It was observed that the AUL area was in use as a parking lot and that the pavement was in good condition. Please note that the obligations and conditions of the AUL state that the asphalt cover must be maintained. The Department interprets this language to require maintenance of the pavement over the entire AUL area. To remain in compliance with the AUL, the pavement over the entire AUL area must be maintained. The site inspection confirmed that the entire AUL area was covered with asphalt. As a result of the site inspection, the Department did not identify any violations of the requirements applicable to the AUL at the site. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL A copy of this letter has been sent to Alan Weiss, LSP # 6442, the LSP-of-Record for the disposal site. LIMITATIONS & RESERVATION OF RIGHTS Please note that the screening review conducted by the Department on the RAO was not a comprehensive audit, and the Department reserves the right to conduct a comprehensive audit of the RAO at any time in the future. It is possible that a future comprehensive audit, if one occurs, may identify violations of applicable laws and regulations, may require you to undertake further response actions at the site, and may invalidate the AUL. The screening review is not a 00 Amherst, RTN 1-10552 4 representation by the Department that the RAO complies with M.G.L. c.21E, 310 CMR 40.0000, or any other laws, regulations, or requirements. The Department's findings were based upon the accuracy and certainty of the information reviewed during the audit. These findings do not: (1) preclude future audits of past, current, or future actions at the site; (2) apply to actions or other aspects of the site that were not reviewed in the audit; (3) in any way constitute a release from any liability, obligation, action or penalty under M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000, or any other laws, regulations, or requirements. The Department retains authority to take or arrange, or to require any Responsible Party or Potentially Responsible Party to perform any response action authorized by M.G.L. c. 21 E, which the Department deems necessary to protect health, safety, public welfare, or the environment. If you have any questions regarding this letter or any requirements contained in it, please contact Catherine Wanat at (413) 755-2241. Please reference the Release Tracking Number 1-10552 in any future correspondence to the Department regarding the site. Sincerely, Catherine G. Wanat Section Chief, Audits/Site Management Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup cc: Amherst Board of Selectmen Amherst Board of Health Amherst Zoning Code Enforcement Official Amherst Building Inspector Alan Weiss, LSP-of-Record (LSP #6442) Thomas M. Potter, Audit Coordinator, DEP-Boston WERO Audit File Data Entry: AUDTEC, AUDINS/NAFNVD . Massachusetts aartment of Environmental Prot Bureau of Wast te Cleanup VitSC-1028 On Release Tracking Number LOG FORM ATACIHMNT RELEASE LOGIRELEASE LOCATION INFORMATION: Cityrrown: A/Vl Wi- (complete if using only BWSC-1028) Date: f ] 3ield tf(check one): /O ____ Time: -2AM [ - PM S(- - 4S >ct a51 Reease Address: Use of Attachn /kd Y I [] office Follow-up of: Attachment Page(s): F. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: cnrc-Hspeedbn ser r, PAr AliLwex~sL~. e A-lL I 1a 0r 1i 4A>< a brA4 n-, a G. DEP ASSIGNMENT: Preprr of RIM (pse prino: rbs i,~ i.,ThIfa4-7'0iTa~ 1 A4>< '//7& uigYh ptwon r mel mcU0L red. t A .i-1ki&,1 r2 6bsW b&'trvt/. (complete if using BWSC-102A and 1028 OBWSC-1028 only) /bbu ir/' { S/itur .- 2ayz 7X& Staff Lead Assigned (it differert from prepa): [] Check here it the Release or Threat of Reiease is ssigned. 0 Check here if this RLFA recrds a change i staff lead. Rewed 71795 Supesades Form 8WSC-002 Do Not Afor This Forn Page 2 of 2 AVM ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSh ITS > EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION * WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE, 436 Dwight St., Springfield, MA 01103 ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor . BOB DURAND Secretary JANE SWIFT Lieutenant Governor LAUREN A. LISS Commissioner MERCANTILE BLDGS OF AMHERST 45 SOUTH PLEASANT ST, AMHERST, MA 01002-0000 ATTN: DONALD HASTINGS August 6, 1999 RE: AMHERST, 1-0010552 45 SOUTH PLEASANT ST, NOTICE OF AUDIT Dear DONALD HASTINGS: On August 5, 1998, the Legislature enacted the "Brownfields Act" which provides new incentives for parties to clean up and reuse contaminated property in Massachusetts. The legislation also calls on the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct targeted audits of all sites at which Activity and Use Limitations ("AULs") have been implemented. The goal of these audits is to determine whether response actions performed at a site comply with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 ("MCP"), and Chapter 21E. The Department's records indicate that on 2/7/95 a Class A3 Response Action Outcome (RAO) Statement and AUL were submitted for the above referenced site ("Site"). The Department's Western Regional Office will conduct an audit of this Site following the procedures set forth at 310 CMR 40.1100. All audits will include a file review of the AUL submitted for the Site, and some will also include a Site inspection and/or comprehensive review of the RAO documentation. If additional information. and/or access to the Site is necessary.at the time of the audit, you will be notified. Attached please find a fact sheet that describes the Activity and Use Limitation Audit Project in greater detail. This Notice is being sent to all parties who have submitted an AUL as part of their RAO and to the Licensed Site Professional(s)-of-Record ("LSP-of-Record") for these sites. If you are no longer the contact person for the subject Site, please notify Mr. Thomas M. Potter in writing at the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, One Winter Street, 7th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts, 02108. This information isavailable inalternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. DEP on the World Wide Web: http-Jww.state.ma.us/dep Printed on Recycled Paper Notice of Audit AMHERST, 1-0010552 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the contents of this Notice, please call the "MCP Help Line" during regular business hours on Monday through Thursday (voicemail messages left on Friday will be returned the following Monday). Help Line staff is available to answer your questions and provide you with information on current-policies, guidance, and fact sheets. From area code 617 and outside Massachusetts, call (617) 338-2255. From outside the 617 area code call (800) 462-0444. Information is also available through DEP's web site (http://www.state.ma.us/dep/bwsc) Very truly yours, Thomas M. Potter Audit Coordinator Compliance & Enforcement Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Attachments: cc: Activity & Use Limitation Audit Project Fact Sheet Board of Health, AMHERST, MA Chief Municipal Officer, AMHERST, MA Building Inspector, AMHERST, MA Planning/Zoning Office, AMHERST, MA LSP (S): ALAN WEISS, 6442 Regional Audit File DEP Boston File C - FILE COPY Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office William F. Weld Trudy Coxe secetar, EEA Thomas B. Powers Ae&n comr.1n. February 6. 1995 Brown, Hart, Reed & Kaplan 35 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Attn: Martine B. Reed, Esq. Re: Amherst 45 South Pleasant Street Release #1-10522 Response Action Outcome Statement Dear Mr. Reed: Please find enclosed a Response Action Outcome (RAO) form received by the Department on February 3, 1995. This form is required pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000, the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). Upon review of this submittal, the Department has determined it to be incorrect and/or lacking information. This review is a completeness check of the submittal and does not constitute a technical review by the Department. The Department will not consider itself in receipt of this form until the additional information is submitted or the corrections are made. The receipt date of this submittal will be the date that the Department receives the complete and corrected form. Please resubmit'this form with the following changes/additions: If an attorneytill be signing Section J., written authorization is required from the Potentially Responsible Party that should be listed in Section B. Section B. should include the Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) information. Please be advised that failure to submit a complete and correct form may cause Mercantile Buildings of Amherst to miss required deadlines set forth in the MCP. 436 Dwight Street * Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 * FAX (413) 784-1149 * Telephone (413) 784-1100 J. If you have any questions relative to this matter, please contact Justine Fallon at the letterhead address or call 413P784-1100 ext. 299. David A. SlIwtc / Section Chief Emergency Response DASfjf /kml 552.rao cc: Alan Weiss, Cold Spring Environmental Donald Hastings, Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., 45 South Pleasant St., Amherst 01002 - - Page 1 16 Massachusetts Department of Enviro Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup ction BWSC-004 Relase Tracking Number: RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) 10 552 (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056) A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION : 45 So uth Pleasant Street arnos from Spring Street Location Aid: Release Name if Previously Assigned (classified sites only): Street: South Pleasant Street City/Town: Amherst 01002 ZipCode: - Additional Release Tracking Numbers Addressed in this ,RAO: q_ Roo I Sm __________________ Provide a clear and accurate description of the location of the site or the location and boundaries of the disposal site r portion of the"iSposa site to which the RAO applies, as specified in 310 CMR 40.1003(4) with this submittal. Is a site or disposal site map or survey attached to this RAO Statement? l No KI Yes Does this RAO apply to a portion of a disposal site? B No L Yes If yes, attach a statement regarding the relationship of the RAO Statement to any other RAO Statements that have been filed for the disposal site, if applicable, together with a statement as to whether any additional response actions are needed lor any other portions of the disposal site. B. PERSON SUBMITTING RAO STATEMENT: Name of Organization: - Amherst, uilisof David- S-Hast'ings-:T South Pleasant Street (geiantil Name of Contact: 45) Street: City/Town: AmberctTelephone: 413 - 253 )V12840D State: Inc. - Title: VicePresident Zip Code: MA 01002 - Ext. _ C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON SUBMITTING RAO STA' EMENT: (check one/specify) I RP Specify (circle one): ( 6 wer Operator Generator Transporter Other RP: PRP Specify (circle one): Operator Generator Transporter Other PRP: Owner Fiduciary/Secured Lender lAgency/Public Utility on a Right of Way 0 2 Other Person: r D. RESPONSE INFORMATION: 2 Is a RAO Compliance Fee attached? 9 First RAO Status: Was initial notification oral? Isa Release Notification Form (RNF) attached? Was a RNF previously submitted? l L Revised No No Yes Yes Date: .l0. _n2 /_9AL L l No E Yes Date: 11. -. El Yes A fee is required 120 days after Release Notification and prior to Tier Classification. [ No E. RAO INFORMATION: RISK CHARACTERIZATION METHOD: RAO CLASS: /9A GROUNDWATER CATEGORY: SOIL CATEGORY: l A-1 l B-1 Ej 1 H GW-1 S-1 l A-2 F1 8-2 LI 2 K GW-2 SS-2 E S-3(with AU 1) GW-3 l l 3 l C A-3 Was contamination reduced to background level(s) at a disposal site? E No 1 Yes Is this RAO based upon the implementation of an Activity and Use Limitation? Ej No Yes If yes, indicate the type of Activity and Use Limitation implemented at the disposal site: Maitenance of pavement Date filed with Registry of Deeds: 2 /.. / 95 Registry or Court Location: Northampton, Hampshire County od- 14 j0, e (C I O Attach to this RAO Statement a copy of any and all Activity and Use Limitations which have been implemented under 310 CMR 40.1070 and an Activity and Use Umitation Opinion pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056(2)(g). Will Post-RAO Operation and Maintenance (0 & M) be conducted at the site pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0896 (for Class C RAOs only)? l No 11 Yes If yes, check one: L Active 0 & M Passive 0 & M Book/Page Number (or other identifier): Attach to this RAO Statement a description of any operation, maintenance, and/or monitoring that will be required to confirm and/or maintain those conditions at the disposal site upon which the RAO is based. evised 10/1/93 R Thi eoopaper- f I s rm s pred on recycledper Page 1 of 3 9 I Page 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-004 Release Tracking Nuiber: RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT II (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056) L5S o Nsbr F. RESPONSE ACTIONS COMPLETED: COMPLETION STATEMENT (Check all that apply) TYPE OF RESPONSE ACTION: YES NO Immediate Response Action* K I El Release Abatement Measure*" L Z ATTACHED PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED DATE OF DOCUMENT 0 l Utility-Related Abatement Measure" -.... /1 /94& /_ / -- L Phase 1 12-27-94 /.... 0LL Phase II1- -. Phase 11 Phase IV l Phase V 0 LIL L -- - - -- - L] 'if multiple actions were completed at a disposal site, provide an attachment stating the date of the Completion Statement for each. G. DESCRIPTION (Check all that apply) OF RESPONSE ACTIONS: Provide details on attachments, as warranted. OTHER RESPONSE ACTIONS: REMOVAL OF REMEDIATION WASTE: L Contaminated Water IN Contaminated Soils (check all that apply): r Excavate L Berms/Dikes/lmpoundments Temporary Covers/Caps Waste/Product Racovery LStore Temporary Evacuation/Relocation of Residents L Temporary Water Supplies Re-use @ Recycle Actual Volume: Landfill Drainage Controls L L L Treat L L [I tons L I27 - 17bt yu Actual Volume: Drums/Tanks/Containers - cubic yards Vent System Groundwater Treatment Systems l Other: L NAPL L Other: L ASSESSMENT ONLY H. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Except where previously submitted and specified, submit all documentation, plans, and/or reports necessary to support the RAO to the Department, including, without limitation. the following: + For all Class A RAOs, information documenting the extent to which levels of oil and/or hazardous material in the environment have been reduced to background, and for all Class A-2 and A-3 RAOs, the results of the feasibility evaluation conducted pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0860 demonstrating that the achievement of background is not feasible. * For all Class A and Class B RAOs. information supporting the conclusion that a level of No Significant Risk has been achieved or exists. * For all Class A RAOs and where applicable to Class C RAOs, a demonstration that all uncontrolled sources, as specified in 310 CMR 40.1003(5) have been eliminated or controlled. * For all Class C RAOs. information supporting the conclusion that no substantial hazards remain at the disposal site. * For all Class C RAOs, a copy of the plan, as specified in 310 CMR 40.0861(2)(h). which presents definitive and enterprising steps to be taken toward achieving a Permanent Solution at the disposal site. Revised 10/1/93 Revied 01193 hisformis rined n rcycld pper This form is printed on recycled paper. Pae 2ofI Page 2 of 3 a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-004 Release Tracking Number RESPONSE ACTION OUTCOME (RAO) STATEMENT (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1056) I. LSP OPINION: /g Name of Organization: LSP Name: Telephone: 413 - olr1 Spring Fnvironmental nonsnltants, Alan Weiss 323 - 5957 'C Inc. President Tie: Ext. I attest that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and ao retiints accompanying this attestation, and in my professional judgment, the response action(s) that is the subject of this submittal complies wi H the provisions of M.G.L. c. 21A, §§ 19-19J, 309 CMR. M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000, and all other laws, regulations, orders, permits, and approvals applicable to sych response action(s). I am aware that significant penalties may result, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment i' fully submit information which I know to be false, inaccurate or incomplete. --- Signatu re Date: _/ Seal: / License Number: 6442 - J. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING RAO STATEMENT: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete, I am aware that there are significan penalties. including, but not limited to. possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete informati Signature: / I Name of Person (print): Signature: 4( \- , tie f._l. e42)- Name of person (print): Revised 10/1/93 r U-i1 ' - Date: :/=t/95 .. -~ Ufa, l/m hrs- Date: I _ David S. Hastings, Vice President Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. Thi f i s punt on recycledpaper. Page 3 of 3 Form 1075 Disposal Site Name: 45 South Pleasant Street Amherst MA 01002 DEP Release Tracking No(s): 1-10552 NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION M.G.L c. 21E, S6 and 310 CMR 40.0000 qu- (f PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 21E OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, AS AMENDED ("Chapter 21E") and THE MASSACHUSETTS CONTINGENCY PLAN, NOTICE is hereby given by 310 CMR 40.0000, AS AMENDED ("MCP"), Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., of Amherst,Hampshire County, Massachusetts, being the owner(s) in fee simple of that certain land located in Amherst, Hampshire County, with the buildings and improvements thereon, pursuant to a deed recorded with the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 922, Page 81 ("Owner"), said land being more particularly bounded and described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and being shown on a plan entitled, "Plan in Amherst, Massachusetts", dated January 23, 1995, prepared by Richard J. Labarge Sr., PLS, recorded with Hampshire County Registry of ("Property"); Deeds as Plan No. 0057 , in Plan Book 0178, THAT SAID PROPERTY, OR A PORTION THEREOF, IS A DISPOSAL SITE AT WHICH THERE HAS OCCURRED A RELEASE TO THE ENVIRONMENT OF OIL AND/OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, SAID DISPOSAL SITE BEING DESCRIBED IN ("DISPOSAL EXHIBIT A, ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, SITE"), AND THAT A RESPONSE ACTION HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN AT THE DISPOSAL SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MCP. Q 0 Said response action is based upon the limitation on human access to and contact with oil and/or hazardous material in soil and the limitation on certain activities occurring in, on, upon, through, over or under the Property as set forth in an Activity and Use Limitation Opinion ("AUL Opinion") dated January 26, 1995 prepared by Alan E. Weiss, M.S., holder of a valid license issued by the Board of Registration of Waste Site Cleanup Professionals pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21A, SS19 through 19J (any holder of such a license hereinafter referred to as an "LSP"), said AUL Opinion filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP"), at its Western Regional Office, under Release Tracking No(s). 1-10552, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof. The activity and use limitations set forth in said AUL Opinion are as follows: 1. Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AUL Opinion. Activities and uses which are inconsistent with the AUL Opinion, and which, if implemented at the Property, may result in a significant risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment, are as follows: 1. Frequent and/or high-intensity use of impacted soil for children activities; 2. Improper and/or incomplete maintenance of the asphalt cover; and 3. subsurface excavation without prior consultation with the DEP or with a Licensed Site Professional. 2. Permitted Activities and Uses Set Forth in the AUL Opinion. The AUL Opinion provides that there exists for any foreseeable period of time a condition of No Significant Risk to health, safety, public welfare or the environment (such condition being defined in 310 CMR 40.0000) so long as any of the following activities and uses occur on the Property: 1. passive uses only, such as parking, loading and unloading, temporary storage of trash containers, passage through by vehicles and pedestrians; 2. low frequency an/or intensity of use by children; 3. Such other activities or uses which, in the Opinion of an LSP, shall present no greater risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment than the activities and uses set forth in this paragraph. Any such Opinion shall be set forth in writing, signed and sealed by an LSP, a copy of which is to be filed with DEP at its 2 Western 1-10552 3. Regional Office under Release Tracking No(s). within 30 days of its date of execution. obligations and Conditions Set Forth in the AUL Opinion. If applicable, obligations and or conditions to be undertaken and/or maintained at the Property as set forth in the AUL Opinion in order that a condition of No Significant Risk may be maintained shall include the following: 1. maintenance of asphalt cover; 2. see AUL, attached. 4. Proposed Changes in Activities and Uses. Any proposed changes in activities and uses at the Property which may result in higher levels of exposure to oil and/or hazardous material shall be evaluated by an LSP who shall render an Opinion, in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0000, as to whether the proposed changes will present a significant risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment. Any and all requirements set forth in the Opinion to ensure a condition of No Significant Risk in the implementation of the proposed activity or use shall be satisfied before any such activity or use is commenced. 5. Violation of a Response Action Outcome. If the activities, uses and/or exposures upon which an Activity and Use Limitation filed with DEP is based change at any time to cause a significant risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare, or the environment due.to exposure to oil and/or hazardous material without the prior evaluation by an LSP in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0000, and without additional response actions, if necessary, to achieve or maintain a condition of No Significant Risk, the owner or operator of the Property subject to such Activity and Use Limitation at the time that the activities, uses and/or exposures change, shall comply with the requirements set forth in 310 CMR 40.0000. 6. Recording, Filing and Publication Requirements In accordance with the requirements set forth in 310 CMR 40.0000, this Notice of Activity and Use Limitation shall be: recorded and/or registered with the appropriate (i) Registry of Deeds and/or Land Registration Office, within 14 days of its date of execution, and marginally referenced on the deed into Owner at the time of recordation and/or registration; 3 incorporated either in full or by reference into all (ii) deeds, easements, mortgages, leases, licenses, occupancy agreements or any other instruments of transfer, whereby an interest in and/or a right to use the Property or a portion thereof is conveyed; (iii) a copy shall be filed with the following municipal offices within thirty (30) days of its date of execution: (1) The chief municipal officer of the community(ies) in which the Property is located; (2) The health officer/department of the community(ies) in which the Property is located; (3) The zoning official of the community(ies) in is located; and Property which the (4) The building code official of the community(ies) in which the Property is located; and published as a legal notice, in a form prescribed by (iv) DEP, within 14 days of its date of execution, in a newspaper which circulates in the community(ies) in which the Property is located. Owner hereby authorizes and consents to the filing and recordation and/or registration of this Notice of Activity and Use Limitation to become effective when executed and sealed by the undersigned LSP, and recorded and/or registered with the appropriate Registry(ies) of Deeds and/or Land Registration Office(s). WITNESS the Cxcution hereof under seal this A2 day of ______I f flwner 1V2 /C/%/r// / / ~ COMMONWEALTH L/ t o $ka-f gdU cc/ I OF MASSACHUSETTS 6K) ,41__ tAA~jss. Then personally appeared the above named /'Xfltl#A acknowledged the foregoing to be his her free act and deed before me, ar c 4 Public, .expires: 0 The undersigned LSP hereby certifies that he/she executed the aforesaid Activity and Use Limitation Opinion attached hereto as Exhibit D and made a part hereof and that in his/her Opinion ' 'tation is consistent with the this Notice of Activity and e Limitation Opinion. %9 terms set forth in said Ac Date: a as 'ALAN ESWEISS .No. 6442 COMMO ss. LW L$P SEAL) 8USETTS SIE lcv 19_9 r and Then personally appeared the above named acknowledged the foregoing to be his/her free act and deed before me, Notary Public My comm. expires: PublINE FNA My Commission Expires March 31, 2000 AUL.lit 5 I- 5 30 'A it~~~~ 3A 4 91X 0 GVd 0a 1 113 l L NS-3 l n 4 le -i( 4 5 2 ~ ---- -- f 2.0 ... MOO 3Ei 0U cc Cow A4 lSN3HW I/Na 9t.0 Fm (I .5n 410 I U' 4 I I- z Lu Lu 0/ -OA 4 lAM I, it -4o. 0~ 00 0 i . EXHIBIT A Page 2 Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the premises herein .escribed, at an iron pin set in the westerly line of the location of West Street, commonly called South Pleasant Street, a highway; said iron pin also marking the northeasterly corner of land of The First National Bank, formerly property of 0. D. and William Hunt; thence from said point of beginning running NORTHERLY along said highway ninety one and seven tenths (91.7) feet to land of James F. Page; thence turning to the left and running WESTERLY along land of said Page and land of Amhar:t Savings Bank a distance of approximately sixty nine (69) feet; thence turning to the left and running SOUTHERLY twenty one (21) inches; thence turning to the right and running WESTERLY along land of Amherst Savings Bank and land now or formerly of Lawler Brothers a distance of one hundred two and three tenths (102.3) feet to the SOUfrPESTERLY corner of a retaining wall constructed of concrete and to land formerly of J. S. and Sidney Adams; thence turning to the left and running SOUTHERLY along land of said J. S. and Sidney Adams a distance of eighty six (86) feet to land of The First National Bank ; thence turning to the left and running EASTERLY along land of said The First National Bank a distance of approximately one hundred seventy three (173) feet to the point of beginning. The above described tract of land comprises the northerly and major portion of land conveyed to George Cutler and William Cutler by Luke Sweetser by deed dated March 1, 1960, and recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 194 at page 189; see also deed from Luke Sweetser to William Cutler and George Cutler, dated April 1, 1870, and recorded in said registry of deeds in book 279, at page 12; see also deed from William Cutler and Geotge Cutler to William ';.aunt and Oliver D. Hunt, dated September 20,1867, and recorded in said registry of Deeds in book 246, at page 285; and deed from George Cutler, D.G.Cutler and M.I. Cutler to Lucas ?Williams and B.R. Williams dated October 24, 1879, and recorded in said registry of Deeds in Book 353 at page 105; deed from Lucas Williams and B.H. Williams to George Cutler, D.G.Cutler and M.I.Cutler, dated October 1, 1879, and recorded in said registry of deeds in book 351 at page m.2: deed from Dwright Gilbert Cutler to George Cutler, dated June 4, 1883, recorded in said registry of deeds in book 381 at page 307; and deed from Martha Isabella Cutler to George Cutler, dated February 1, 1888, recorded in said registry of deeds in book 416, at page 473; also see probate papers in the estate of George Cutler, and probate papers in the estate of William Cutler. The grented premises are conveyed subject to the right reserved in the deed from Luke Sweetser to William Cutler and George Cutler, dated March 1, 1860, and recorded in said registry of Deeds, in book 194, at page 169, to, in building upon his land North of the granted premises, enter the timbers into the walls of the brick building on the granted premises four inches, in such manner as to do no other injury to the building. Subject also to the right reserved in said deed to the owners of thd stores and lots lying northerly of the granted premises, Luke Sweetser, and J.S. and C.Adams, their heirs and assigns, to keep open the drain for the passrge of the water from their cellars through the walls and cellar of said building forever by said owners being at one half the expense of maintaining said drain, passage and outlet. SUBJECT also to the right reserved in said deed to Albion T. Howe of a passage with teams from the southwest corner of his lend over the. premises herein conveyed to the highway. $TrB.JECT also to the right reserved in said deed to Oliver D. Hunt and William W. Hunt to use the passage north of land conveyed by Luke Sweetser to them. SUBJECT also to a right of way eleven (11) feet wide next adjoining the NORTERLY side of The First Nntional Bank of Amherst, as described in the deed froo William and George Cutler to William W. Hunt and Oliver D. Hunt, dated September 20,1867, and recorded in said registry of deeds, in book 246, at page 285. SUBJECT also to taxes for the year 1937, of which the grantee assumes and agrees to pay three quarters. South Pleasant Street Amherst - EXHIBIT B COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. * 21 E Site Investigations * Subsurface Investigations * Pollution Remediation * LSP on Staff January 26, - Percolation Tests and Septic Designs . Regulatory Compliance RecyclingandSolid Waste 1995 Attorney Martine Reed Brown, Hart, Reed and Kaplan 35 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA. 01002 RE: Response Action Outcome/ Activity and Use Limitation Opinion 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, Ma. DEP RTN: 1-10552 Dear Attorney Reed: With respect to the abovementioned site and based on our data collected and interpretations presented in previous documents dated November 7, 1994 and December 27, 1994, it is the opinion of Cold Spring Environmental that sufficient remedial response actions and assessment commensurate with the magnitude and impact of the release of #2 fuel oil and the risk posed by it have been properly completed to control the reported release. While the levels that have been achieved do not reach background, they do achieve a condition of "No Significant Risk" as defined by 310 CMR 40.0975(6)(a) with the implementation of an Activity and Use Limitation. Complete implementation of remedial measures to achieve background levels in accordance with 40.1020 and 40.0860 (4) would not be justified in that the costs to conduct further response would exceed the benefits to public health and the environment. The foundation for the implementation of this AUL is its reliance on an established S-3 standard of 5,000 ppm TPH given: 1. That the frequency of exposure to the soil to children would be considered low, in that children are only present at infrequent intervals and that their intensity of use is low. 2. That the frequency of use by adults is considered high while their intensity of use is low. 3) The soil, maintained under asphalt, would be only potentially accessible. The AUL is explicitly limited to an area of soil located at the bottom of the former tank excavation. This has been shown to consist of only the area that remains in exceedance of the S-1 TPH Soil Standard of 500 ppm (bottom soil samples measured at 350 Old Enfield Road - Belchertown, MA 01007 (413) 323-5957 & 323-4916 Fax: 323-4916 Page 2: Attorney Martine Reed January 26,1995 2,600 ppm to 3,600 ppm but well within the S-3 TPH standard of 5,000 ppm). The S-3 level can be relied upon if the above conditions are met. In addition, sidewall PID and laboratory results from our previous work confine the application of the AUL to the surveyed area as noted on the Plan prepared by Richard LaBarge, Sr., RLS. Content of the Activity And Use Limitation: The AUL would include the placement and maintenance of an impermeable layer of asphalt (3" thick) over the noted area. The asphalt in the noted area must be properly maintained to prevent potting and cracking in the future until such time as the AUL is lifted by presentation of additional data or future regulations that no longer require the limitation of access to the subsurface soil. No subsurface excavation in the area of the AUL is allowed without prior consultation of the Massachusetts DEP or a Licensed Site Professional. It has been shown with the installation of monitoring wells that the site meets applicable GW-3 groundwater standards for petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater (letter of 12/27/94). As such, the site complies with the requirements of a Class A-3 Response Action Outcome (RAO), and the RAPS Response Action Performance Standard for sufficient technical resolution has been maintained. In this characterization, it has also been evaluated that a reduction of levels to background is not necessary nor environmentally beneficial (given site logistics, conditions and identification of public health risks) in order to achieve the condition of "No Significant Risk" (310 CMR 40.0860). A copy of this letter should be recorded with the AUL and submitted to Mr. David Slowick of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (436 Dwight Street, Springfield, MA. 01103) as soon as possible. The AUL must be recorded with the Deed and Survey and a Public Notice of the AUL provision must also be placed in the local newspaper. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, ,ALl o, 4 Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. 4tN Alan E. Weiss, M.S. Licensed Site Professional Principal Hydrogeologist President 644 C R PA0rEs.. a-- a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-002 Rtelease Tracking Number: 0S5-rN OHM RELEASE LOG FORM ATTACHMENT AS A. LOG/RE LOCATON INFORMATION: ii? Date: /0 /22 Follow-up Office S City/rown: E Use of Attachment (check one): Field E Ct.' 3-- Time: am ircle one) Attachment Page(s):_ of B. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: Is this form being used to document an Oral IRA Plan approval and/or conditions? C. ADDITIONAL POT E Other PRP . TIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION 6 If Other Contact, Specify Rea nship to Release: V'V% -0 L Other Contact Name of Organization: Cotreetm: Title:3 CiyTw:State: Telephone: Yes 42. - 15L k Ext. Name of Local Contact: Street: City/Town: Telephone: Zip Code: 01 Zip Code: 61/00 2 - ___,__A Title: State: Ext. D. DEP ASSIONM Preparer of RLFA (ple Signature: Staff Lead Assigned (if different from Preparer): Revised 10/1/93 4-~~~Tis form is printedon recycled paper. Pagel1 of 1 Q-4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 'Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BILL OF LADING [2]- (pursuant to 310 CUR 40.0030) BWSC-012A Relase Tracking Number: 5o-Z 7- A. LOCATION OF SITE OR DISPOSAL SITE WHERE REMEDIATION WASTE WAS GENERATED: Release Name (optional): Street: S onmi 4S PLeA/.4PJT City/Town: 5- LocationAid: kklSRJs ZipCode: 010 2 - - / /5 to IE. /12 / Jf. Additional Release Tracking Numbers Associated with this Bill of Lading: Date/Period of Generation: rior to *Note: If this 8ii of Lading is the result of a Limited Removal Action (LRA) taike Notification,a Release Tracking Number is not needed. B. PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING/estern rey Name of Organization: MeaC. -nM BVLiu6 5 oF AM/7vb c,~jjC. ocotd Title: N I AST Name of Contact: I) A D H 5r 9120110e1 Street: ZipCode: 6100 State: AJAe City/rown: Telephone: L15 - 233 - ZVO Ext. C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH BILL OF LADING: (check one/specIfy) El a El E O RP Specify (circle one): PRP Specify (circle one): Owner Operator ip O tor Generator Generator Other RP: Other PRP: Transporter Transporter Fiduciary/Secured Lender Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way Other Person: If an owner and/or operator is not conducting the response action associated with the Bill of Lading, provide on an attachment the name, contact person, address and telephone number, including any area code and extension, for each, if known. D. TRANSPORTER/COMMON CARRIER INFORMATION: Transporter/Common Carrier Name: Contact Person: 106 Street: Foc-c. 5;~ 7S7 - q84 1" State: -AST14AMPTVJ - S Title: pa7 CCK.,) -tAAMPTDm e A City/Town: Telephone: 9S CaNAi4 O Ext. Zip Code: 0102 - ZipCode: 01O 0 - - E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Operator/Facility Name: Cd i Li(' 6oA Ce. Title: A\U&LjA3 I 04N)LContact Person: * R I§TZY SA Street: City/Town: C14tC PeZ Telephone: Y(' Type of Facility: Ext. 57'( f (check one) Asphalt Batch/C6|d Mix Asphalt Batch/Hot Mix El Division of Ha..ardous Waste/Class A Permit #: Thermal Processing LIUZ o sZ5 A 64 State: ________ El El E Revised 10/1/93 E El Landfill/Daily Cover Landfill/Structural Fill Division of Solid Waste Incinerator Temporary Storage Other: EPA Identification #: 1apOC0O I Management Permit #: Actual/Anticipated Period of Temporary Storage (specify dates if applicable): Reason for Temporary Storage (if applicable): E] Landfill/Disposal _ /-- /___ to - . _ __ 4j Pr This form is printed on recycled paper. I Page 1 of2 a a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC-OT2A Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Ro10850 Tracking Number: BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 310 CNR 40.0030) E. RECEIVING FACILITY/TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION (continued): Temporary Storage Address: A Street: City/Town: Zip Code: State: - F. DESCRIPTION OF REMEDIATION WASTE: (check all that apply) 2 L] Contaminated Media (circle all that apply): Contaminated Debris (circle all that apply): Inorganic Absorbant Materials Groundwater (9) Surface Water Demolition/Construction Waste Other: Other: Vegetation/Organic Materials Other: Non-aqueous Phase Liquid Non-hazardous Uncontainerized Waste (circle all that apply): Containers Bottoms/Sludges Tank apply): that all (circle Waste Containerized Non-hazardous Other: Engineered Impoundments Oil t4 Ditsel Fuel Gasoline Type of Contamination (circle all that apply): Cubic Yards: Estimated Volume of Materials: Wastc Oil #6 0i| Other: JetFuel Kerosene' Drums Tons: A ID Transportation Accident Contaminant Source (check one/specify): 0 Other: 21 R Underground Storage Tank El Other: Release Abatement Measure Comprehensive Response Action miateRe Response Action Associated with Bill of Lading (circle one): Limited Removal Action (LRA) Utility-Related Abatement Measure Other (specify): o-itSppo .] lb Remediation Waste Characterization Support Documentation attached: Field Screening Data . Laboratory Data 1 Site History information * Sampling and Analytical Methods and Procedures document such with what in connection and If supporting documentation is not appended, provide an attachment stating the date information was previously submitted to DEP. 0. LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONAL (LSP) OPINION: Name of Organization: LSP Name: Telephone: e Ptt-A G- - 3Z3 - etJJ. SPeING COLt . A &iS5 (aASjT, ' -zjc_ -Title: Pa6 - 5SExt. I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained on and submitted with this form. Based on this information, it is my Opinion that the testing and assessment actions undertaken were adequate to characterize the Remediation W ste, in accordance with 310 bmittal. I am aware CMR 40.0030, and that the facility or location can accept remediation wastes with the characteristics d o n which I know to li _not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment may resultif I that significant penalties including. -bi false, inaccurate, or materi 1 6 plte Signature: Date: 12 lt /9 ALAN E. E. WEISS No.6442 Seal: I" License Number: %.$/STEke*/ H. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIA BILL OF LADING: IS I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained herein is. to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are signifi t penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete informa Signature: Name of Person (print): Revised 10/1/93 Date: & V 5I/ A- A /1L /f± r05 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 2 of 2 a a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-012B Release Tracking Numbexr: BILL OF LADI G (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0030) OF LOG SHEET1. LOAD INFORMATION: resentative: : Signature of Transporter LO Date of Shipment: _ /_c/Is' Truck/Tractor Registration: 0 Time of Shipment: - 4I-~ circle one) am/pm Trailer Registration (if any): A4Ly Signature of r Resent Revng F of Shipment: ,Time A e apm y Storage Representative: at of Receipt /4Q /:(circle TrucldTractor Re Time of Receipt: Size (cu. yds./tons): Date of Shipment: i of Receipt, Storage Representative: (circe ,1) 41_VLoad ______ LOA Facili Re one) am/pm (circle one) am/pn Trailer Registration (if any): tr Time of Receipt: le /f f__ i Load Size (cu. yds./tons): Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: LOAD 3: Signature of Transporter Representative: Date of Receipt: Time of Shipment: Date of Shipment: /____ /_ _ Truck/Tractor Registration: _ : _ (circle one) am/pm Trailer Registration (if any): Time of Receipt: ____ (circle one) am/pm Load Size (cu. yds./tons): LOAD 4: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Date of Receipt: /_. - / Time of Shipment: _ - - Truck/Tractor Registration: (circle one) am/pm Trailer Registration (if any): ____ /._ Time of Receipt: /____ (circle one) am/pm Load Size (cu. yds.tons): LOAD 5: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Date of Receipt: -_._ ........ Time of Shipment: _____ _ Truck/Tractor Registration: (circle one) am/pm Trailer Registration (if any): ____ / Time of Receipt: _ /____ (circle one) am/pm Load Size (cu. yds.tons): LOAD 6: Signature of Transporter Representative: Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Shipment: Date of Receipt: /_.. /_ Truck/Tractor Registration: Time of Shipment: - : (circle one) am/pm Trailer Registration (it any): - / Time of Receipt: /_ (circle one) am/pm Load Size (cu. ydsitons): LOAD 7: Signature of Transporter Representative: Date of Shipment: _ /__ /_ Truck/Tractor Registration: . Time of Shipment: . _ Receiving Facility/Temporary Storage Representative: Date of Receipt: __ / (circle one) am/pm Trailer Registration (if any): Time of Receipt: (circle one) am/pm Load Size (cu. ydsjtons): J. LOG SHEET VOLUME INFORMATION: Total Volume This Page (cu.yds.tons): -- Total Carried Forward (cu.yds.tons): Total Carried Forward and This Page(cu.yds./tons): Revised 10/1/93 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 1 of 1 a ali Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-012C FRelease Tracking Numberr: BILL OF LADING SUMMARY K. SUMMARY OF DATE OF SHIPMENT: (pursuant to 310 CUR 40.0030R W/ I/ OF SHEET L-L105 I?- SHIPMENTS: j DATE OF RECEIPT: NUMBER OF LOADS SHIPPED: DAILY VOLUME SHIPPED (CU. YDSJTONS): ID------- /--?. -/7---- -7-o--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------7--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------I--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m -------------------------------------------I-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------- L---------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -------- SUMMARY SHEET TOTAL SHIPPED BILL OF LADING TOTALSHIPPED (only it different): I I Revised 10/1/93 This formi is printed on recycled paper. Page 1 of 2 A r -11 $ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC- 12C Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number: BILL OF LADING (pursuant to 31o SUMMARY SHEET CMR 40.0030) L 1/05~L L. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF REMEDIATION WASTE AT RECEIVING FACILITY OR TEMPORARY STORAGE LOCATION: Receiving Facility/Temporary Title: Location Repret0ntativaprEp: TiDae: - it Signature: li/ 1 Date M. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SHIPMENT AND RECEIPT OF REMEDIATION WASTE BY PERSON CONDUCTING RESPONSE ACTION ASSOCIATED WITH THIS BILL OF LADING: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incom plete inform ati Signature: . , Name of Person (print): Revised 1011/93 (D Date: o&- /+/OT 7-J6(S This for is printed on recycled paper. Page 2 of 2 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of EnvNronmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office William F. Weld Govemor Trudy Coxe Soeemy, EOEA November 17, 1994 Thomas B. Powers Acung Commissioner Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 32 North Prospect Street Amherst, MA 01002 Attention: Mr. Donald Hastings RE: Amherst 45 South Pleasant Street Release Tracking #1-10552 Immediate Response Action Plan IRA PLAN APPROVAL Dear Mr. Hastings: On November 14, 1994, the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Emergency Response Section ("the Department") received an Immediate Response Action (IRA) plan for the release referenced above at 45 south Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA (the "site") . This letter is written to inform you of the Department's approval of the IRA plan pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0420 (6). The IRA plan, dated November 7, 1994, was prepared and submitted by Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. The IRA consisted of removal of a leaking #2 fuel oil underground storage tank, removal of impacted soil, and collection and analysis of post-excavation soil samples. All contaminated soil excavated at the site will be managed in accordance with the Department's "Interim Remediation Waste Management Policy for Petroleum Contaminated Soils" (Policy #WSC-94-400). The Department hereby approves the above referenced IRA plan as submitted. Any the IRA plan must not be additional remedial actions not referenced in implemented until approved in writing by the Department. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Adam Wright of the Emergency Response Section at the above address or 41 84-1100 ext. 292. rs trul vid A. o Section Chief Emergency Response AGW/agw /kml \1-10552.IRA cc: Amherst Fire Department Board of Health Mr. Alan Weiss, Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. 436 Dwight Street * Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 * FAX (413) 784-1149 * Telephone (413) 784-1100 COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL * * * * CONSULTANTS, INC. 21 E Site Investigations Subsurface Investigations Pollution Remediation LSP on Staff - Percolation Tests and Septic Designs - Regulatory Compliance - RecyclingandSolid Waste November 7, 1994 Mr. Donald Hastings Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 32 North Prospect Street Amherst, Ma. 01002 RE: Release of #2 Fuel Oil IRA Report 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst, Ma. CSEC Proj. #94-421-1012 DEP Release Tracking 1-10552 4 Dear Mr. Hastings: Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. was contracted at your request for consultation, sampling and inspection at the abovementioned address on October 11, 1994. The inspection revealed evidence of a release of fuel oil from the former 3,000 gallon #2 fuel oil underground storage tank (UST). Upon review of the situation with Fire Inspector Boland, we observed that the bottom soil from the excavation had a stained appearance, an odor of fuel oil and exhibited the volatile characteristics (ie., PID meter readings in excess of 50 ppm) of a UST release requiring you to notify the DEP within 72 hours. Alan Weiss of CSEC, Inc. notified Adam Wright of the Massachusetts DEP on your behalf on October 11th, 1994. Verbal approval of an Immediate Response Action (IRA) consisting of soil removal and follow-up soil sampling and laboratory analyses was obtained. Mr. Wright of the DEP responded by noting that he will verbally approve the IRA and await our written IRA Report on the release condition. He noted that Alan Weiss was the LSP of record to determine the characteristics of the release conditions subject to 310 CMR 40.000. Upon our inspection we determined it was necessary to segregate the excavated soil based on PID readings, visual staining and odor conditions. You were given preliminary instructions to remove impacted soil from the immediate sides and bottom of the excavation and stockpile it on site on October 12, 1994. This was followed by excavation of soil from a depth of 7' to 10.5' below grade. PID levels in bottom samples dropped slightly from 105 to 115 ppm down to 75 to 80 ppm. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) analysis of the final composite bottom sample at 10.5 feet at the east end of the excavation found 3,600 ppm using Method D3328. Laboratory analysis of soil samples taken at .10' feet at the bottom of the west end of the excavation found 2,600 ppm. TPH results from a composite sidewall sample found 48 ppm. 350 Old Enfield Road * Belchertown, MA 01007 - (413) 323-5957 & 323-4916 Fax: 323-4916 Page 2: Mr. Donald Hastings November 7, 1994 The underground storage tank (UST) had been emptied prior to our inspection. Inspection of the soil in the UST excavation by our staff on October 12, 1994 revealed visual evidence of a release of fuel oil. Contamination was observed adjacent to and beneath the former tank. Soil was excavated from the bottom of the tank hole from 7.5 to 10.5 feet. Any further soil removal was thought to undermine the integrity of the adjacent building, porch supports and footings. The underlying soil consisted of green, dense silt and clay till. The sidewall soil consisted of gravel fill. No groundwater seepage was observed at the final depth of 10.5 feet. The soil was stockpiled on polyethylene and under polyethylene until proper Bill-of-Lading removal to a recycling plant could be arranged. Approximately twelve cubic yard of contaminated soil were removed from the excavation. That material is to be properly transported to Ondrick's Contruction in Chicopee (by Cernak Tank) for soil recycling on Thursday, November 10, 1994. Analysis of a characteristic sample of stockpile 'soil ("Stock") identified 2,800 ppm TPH, and 1,000 ppb xylene. The follow-up bottom and sidewall soil samples found 2,600 to 3,600 ppm of residual Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (this level is above the S-1 Reportable Concentration (RCS-1) of 500 ppm needed for site closure). The alternate standards of 2,500 ppm and 5,000 ppm are not currently applicable at.this site. The S-2 or S-3 standards may be applicable in the future based on further investigation and repaving of the impacted area. Furthermore, it may be possible to close the release with an Actitivity Use Limitiation (Deed Restriction) as long as groundwater testing finds that groundwater impact is less than applicable water quality standards. Further soil excavation is not considered a reasonable or technically feasible approach to attempt to reduce soil concentrations further based on site logistics (building footings, fire escape etc.). The installation of three to four monitoring wells would be recomended in order to identify the extent of soil contamination and potential impact of the release on groundwater. 0 0 Page 3: Mr. Donald Hastings November 7, 1994 SUMMARY Alan Weiss, LSP of our staff, made a site inspection on October 12, 1994 and found evidence that a release of fuel oil had ocurred from an underground 3,000 gallon tank. It is our opinion that the Imediate Response Action (IRA) consisting of soil removal and tank removal are complete, however residual levels of petroleum warrant further excavation and/or assessment (completion of a Phase I Report and Site Classification within 1 year of original DEP notification). This determination was based on visual inspection, PID screening and the abovementioned soil sampling of the impacted area as shown on the site sketch (attached). After limited soil removal followed by visual inspection, headspace photoionization detector screening and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon sampling, and based on comparison of the results with 310 CMR 40.00, is it is our opinion that the site would need further response actions in order to be considered sufficiently remediated and meet a condition of no significant risk. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and be sure to submit this IRA report/letter with a signed Release Notification Form (if not already completed) to the DEP in Springfield within 60 days. We would be happy to discuss the next phase of work necessary (monitoring wells and Phase I Report and/or further soil excavation) at your.convenienc6. Also please note that the Bill of Lading must be signed by you before and after the transport of the. soil by Cernak Tank to the Ondrick Construction facility. In addition, originals ofthe enclosed IRA Transmittal and Completion forms.must also be.signed by you and submitted to the DEP with this report within. 60 days of your original release notification. The DEP should also receive the completed Bill of Lading within 14 days of soil transport. Sincerely, Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. .U~ an E. Weiss, LSP #6442 President Principal Hydrogeologist Attachments O40F ALAN .S 0 644 JDAS-/0)(G & - / COLD SPRING ENkONMENTAL CONSU-TANTS 0107 MA - SH D+AEsN CALCUATED (413) 323-5957 CHECKED BYA. DATE DATE - By A)n7 SCALE-__ I- tlecsool- 4Lb(os Poat .. .. -.. 4C 0-2~~~ F-s sr oen C - )c *f npb (t -PP YK- t K6 , ------ /21Sbc- -.n.a: * a C.- -= sW. I .*:. .*-X ... .. .- - - - :- - - 1 -- - -- * - I. .. . . .r Attachment I Analytical Lab Results 0 A N A L Y T I C A L .- TRI D A T A S U MM A R Y Report Date: Account: Address: Manager: Project Name: Project No.: Project 0/25/94 Cold Spring Environmental Consult. old Enfield Rd. -350 Belchertown, MA 01007 413-323-5957. A.Weiss A.G. Hastings 94-421-1012 (10-13-94) Sample Information: Laboratory ID 42866581-001 42866581-002 42866581-003 Laboratory ID 42866581-004 42866581-005 Client/Field ID BOT-E-10.5 BOT-W-10.0 SIE-Comp Lab Certifications Re ved by en DiMattei Quality Assurance Officer St Matrix Analytical, Inc. 0 106 South Street Client/Feld ID STOCK QC Report -Soil U EPA ID: No. MA059 Massachusetts: No. M-MA059 Maine: Reciprocity Florida(DEP): QA Plan No. 9004376 Florida(HRS): No. E87290 Connecticut: No. PH0515 Rhode Island: No. 87 South Carolina: No. 88011 New York: ELAP No. 11116 New Hampshire: No. 2041 Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 * 1 (800) 362-8749 S Matix Analytical, Inc. 106 South Street Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 1 (800) 362-8749 F I N A L R E P O R T Client Infonnation Account: Address: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belchertown, MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Sampler Name: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss Cold Spring Environmental Consult. Dare Sampled: Date Received: 10/12/94 15:45 Sample Information Lab ID: Client ID: Matrix: 42866581-002 BOT-W-10.0 Soil Date Reported: :Detection Limit Analytical Parameter Result Unit MISCELLANEOUS TESTING Percetm Moismre 10.1 Peent 2.600 mg/kg 10/13/94 10/25/94 :0 Method No. Analyst Date Analyzed ch 10117/94 ck 10/23/94 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analysis TPH - GC Comment: 100 D3328 TPH-GC quaiation includes a total of both target and non-uarge petroleum hydrocarbons. The quandation for non-urget petroleum hydrocarbons is based on the response factor of a diesel fuel standard. Page 1 0 0 Matrix Analytical, Inc. 106 South Street F I N A L R E P O R T Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 1 (800) 362-8749 Cient Information Account: Address: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belchertown. MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss Sampler Name: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. 42866581-001 BOT-E-10.5 Dae Sampled: Date Received: Sol Date Reported: 10/12/94 15:45 10/13/94 : 0 10/25/94 Sample Information Lab ID: Clien ID: Matrix: Analytical Parameter Detection Limit Method No Analyst Date Analyzed ch 10/17/94 Result Unit 9.4 Percent 3,600 10/23/94 ck D3328 t0 Wkg TPH-GC quamitation includes a total of both target and non-target petroleum hydrocarbons. The quantitation for non-arget petroleum hydrocarbons is based on the MISCELLANEOUS TESTING Percent Moisture Petroleum Hvdrocabon Analysis TPH - GC Comment: response factor of a diesel fuel standard. Page 1 0 S1 Matrtx Analytical, Inc. F I N A L 106 South Street Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 1 (800) 362-8749 R E P O R T Client Information Account: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. Address: 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belchertown, MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Sampler Name: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss Cold Spring Environmental Consult. Sample Information Lab ID: 42866581-003 Date Sampled: 10/12/94 15:45 Client ID: Matrix: SIDE-Comp Date Received; Soil Date Reported: 10/13/94 10/25/94 -Detection' Limit :0 Method .No. Analyst Date Analyzed ch 10/17/94 Analytical Parameter Result Unit MISCELLANEOUS TESTING Percent Moisture 12.7 Percent Petroleum Hydocarbon Analysis TPH - GC 48 10/22/94 ck D3328 I mg/kg TPH-CC quantitaion includes a total of both target and non-target petroleum hydrocarbons. The quantitation for non-target petroleum hydrocarbons is based on the Comment: response factor of a diesel fuel standard. Page I 0 S Mauix Analydcal, Inc. 106 South Street F I N A L R E P O R T Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 1 (800) 362-8749 int Information Account: Address: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belchertown, MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Sampler Name: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss Cold Spring Environmental Consult. 42866581-004 STOCK Date Sampled: Date Received: 10/12/94 15:45 Soil Date Reported: Sample Information Lab ID: Client ID: Matrix: Detection Analytical Parameter 10/13/94 : 0 10/25/94 Method Result Unit . imt ND ND ug/kg 10000 8240 ug/kg 100 8240 ND ND ND ND ND ugfkg Ug/kg ug/kg 500 500 8240 8240 8240 8240 Chloroethane Chloroform ND ND ug/kg ug/kg 500 500 8240 8240 8240 Chloromethane Dibromochloromethmne ND ug/kg ND 8240 8240 1,2-Dichlombenzene ND ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 500 500 500 500 8240 8240 500 500 500 8240 VOLATILE ORGANICS Acetone Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 1.3-Dichlorobenzcene 1,4-Dichlombenzene 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ND ND I, -Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1,2-Dichlompropane cis-1 ,3-Dichloropropene ND ND trans-1.3-Dichlompropene ND ND Ethylbenzene Methylene Chloride Methyl Ethyl Ktone ND ND ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 500 500 500 500 500 ug/kg ug/kg 500 ug/kg uag/kg 500 ug/kg 500 ug/kg Ug/kg 500 10000 500 500 No. 8240 8240 8240 8240 8240 8240 8240 8240 8240 Date Analyst Analyzed 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10120/94 10/20/94 l0/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10120/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10120/94 8240 10/20/94 8240 10/20/94 Page 1 @ Matrix Analytical, Inc. 106 South Street Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 F I N A L R E P O R T 1 (800) 362-8749 Client Information Account: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. Address: 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belchertown. MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Sampler Name: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss Cold Spring Environmental Consult. Sample Information Lab ID: Client ID: 42866581-004 STOCK Dae Sampled: Date Received: Matrix: soi Date Reported: 10/12/94 15:45 10/13/94 : 0 0/25/94 Detection Method Analytical Paramet Result Umt Limit No. VOLATILE ORGANICS MIBK MTBE ND ND ug/kg 5000 8240 500 500 8240 500 500 500 8240 1,1.2.2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene ND ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 1,1,-Trichloroethane ND ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg Trichlorothene ND ND ug/kg Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl Chloride Xylene ND 1,000 ug/kg 500 500 500 500 ug/kg 500 ug/kg The detection limit reported is based on a X100 dilution of the sample. ug/kg Date Analyst Analyzed 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 10/20/94 8240 10/20/94 10/20/94 8240 8240 8240 10/20/94 10/20/94 8240 8240 10/20/94 10/20/94 10120/94 8240 8240 Detection limit due to a series of late eluting non-target peaks usually fourd in the presence of petroleum hydrocarbon type compounds. Surrogate Stdies - Volatiles Bronofluorobenzenc 1,2-Dichloroethan-D Toluene-D Percent Jo jo 85 Percent Percent 10/20/94 10/20/94 jo 10/20/94 10.7 Percent ch 10/17/94 79 81 MISCELLANEOUS TESTING Percent Moisture Page 2 0 Matrix AnalytIcal, Inc. 106 South Street F I N A L R E P O R T Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 1 (800) 362-8749 ient Information Account: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. Address: 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belcherown, MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Sampler Name: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss Cold Spring Environmenmal Consult. Sanvle Information Lab ID: 42866581-004 Date Sampled: 10/12194 15:45 Client ID: STOCK Soil Date Received: 10/13/94 10/25/94 Marix: Date Reported: Analytical Parameter Resul Petroleum Hvdwocarbon Analysis TPH - GC Comment: 2,800 - Unit Detection Lit Method No. :0 Analyst ck D3328 100 mg/kg TPH-GC quantitation includes a total of both target and non-target petroleum hydrocarbons. 'Me quanitation for non-target petroleum hydrocarbons is based on the response factor of a diesel fuel standard. Date Analyzed 10/23/94 Page 3 Matrix Analytcal, Inc. 106 South Street Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 1 (800) 362-8749 F I N A L R E P O R T lient Information Account: Address: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belchertown, MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss Sampler Name: Sample Information Lab ID: Client ID: Matrix: 42866581-005 QC Report -Soil Date Sampled: Date Received: Soil Date Reported: Analytical Pamnter .. Result Unit.. ND ug/il 10/12/94 10/13/94 :0 10/25/94 Detection Method Limit No. Date Analyst Analyzed METHOD BLANK - VOLATILES Method Blank: MATRIX SPIKE STUDIES - VOLATILES Sample ID: 6575-001 Benzene Chlornbenzene 94 91 1,1-Dichloroethene 105 86 Toluene Trichloroethene 8240 90 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent METHOD SUMMARIES NOTE: Analytical results have been corrected and are reported on a dry weight basis. If required, detection limits can also be corrected to dry weight using the percent moisture data included in this report. Petnleum Hydrocarbon Analysis: (1) TPH (IR) Based on Methods SW846 9073 and EPA 418.1 Analyzed by FTIR using BioRad FTS 7 instrumentation. (2) TPH (GC) / Petroleum Hydrocarbon Profile Based on Methods ASTM D3328. SW846 8100/3550 and the Sate of Califoria L.U.F.T. field manual. Analyzed by GC/FID using Hewlett Packard 5890 GC. Page 1 S Matrix Analytical, Inc. 106 South Street F I N A L R E P O R T Hopkinton, MA 01748-2295 1 (800) 362-8749 Cliert Information Account: Address: Cold Spring Environmental Consult. 350 Old Enfield Rd. Belchertown, MA 01007 Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Sampler Name: A.G. Hastings (10-13-94) 94-421-1012 A.Weiss SamWle Information Lab ID 42866581-005 Dare Sampled: 10/12194 : Client ID: Maimx: QC Report -Soil Soil Date Received: Date Reported: 10/13/94 :0 Detection Analytical Parameter Result Unit Limit 10/25/94 Method No. Analyst Date Analyzed METHOD SUMMARIES Volatile organic analysis is performed using H/P 5995 or 5970 GC/MS, Tekmar purge and trap, and ALS autosmpler. Chromatography incorporates packed and megabore columns. Datn reduction is performed on RTE 1000 and ChemStaion systems. Tuning is based on BFB standards. Procedural guidelines follow EPA 624 or SW846 for all analyses. Aromatic volatiles listed in VOA 8020 are analyzed using GC/MS systems. METHOD REFERENCES 1. Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical Chemical Methods. EPA SW 846. November 1986. 2. Methods For Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes. EPA 600/4-79-200. Revised March 1983. 3. Standard Methods For Examination of Water and Wasaewater. APHA-AWWA-WACF., 17th Edition. 1989. Page 2 t fl N' 0 BWSC-005 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release TrakMg Numbe, IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) PLAN TRANSMITTAL FORM (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424) A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE (TOR) LOCATION: Release Name (optional): IeS Street: & s - n SMA U Location Aid: AfatSt City/rown: 07O ZipCode: -- Additional Release Tracking Numbers that this IRA Will Address: B. PERSON CONDUCTING THE IRA: LCS 'JU 'LC Wea Name of Organization: Name of Contact: poC.- b MA.5 ,).. Street: 37 At ?c SeA -r .5T AfNWeL2T5 Cityrrown: Telephone: Zl3.. - 25S 7V0 - . Or AniHf5T Title: 100 - State: Ext. (JA.16& RO9fl i Zip Code: -- - C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR TOR OF PERSON CONDUCTING THE IRA(check one/specify) ] Owner RP Specify (circle one): J PRP Specify (circle one): (Lwl EI Fiduciary/Secured Lender l Generator Transporter Other RP: Generator Transporter Other PRP: Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way Other 0 Operator (pro Person: D. RESPONSE INFORMATION: Is an RNF attached? NO Is this a follow-up to an approved oral IRA plan? Have any response actions been initiated under the oral approval? It yes, provide details in the IRA plan. El Is this an update or modification to a previous written plan? 9 YES 41 Is A (4SCL.JS l E. SITE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IRA: Media/Receptors Affected (circle all that apply): Air - Groundwater Residence School Public Water Supply Zone 2 Surface Water Unknown Sediments Other: Storm Drain Private Well - IRA Trigger (from CMR 40.0412) (check all that apply): 2 HOUR CONDITION L 0 Sudden Release Oil Sheen f Discharge of separate phase OHM to surface waters. subsurface structures, or underground utilities/conduits Release Detected in Private Well l LI Release to soil/vadose zone jeopardizing groundwater I imminent Hazard L Threat of Sudden Release Release to Storm Drain El Sanitary Sewer Release (Imminent Hazard) 72 HOUR CONDITION L * L L L SUBSTANTIAL RELEASE MIGRATION Subsurface NAPL UST Release Release to groundwater which migrates more than 200 feet per year OHM release that has impacted or been detected in. or within I year may impact or be detected in. one or more of the following: Public/Private Drinking Water Supply Well l L L Public Reservoir/Surface Water Supply Downgradient Receptors (specify): Vapor Discharge into School Buildings/Residences Release to Groundwater near Water Supply Release to Groundwater near School or Residence Threat of UST Release OTHER CONDITIONS: Revised 10/15/93 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 1of 2 0 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-@05 Relea.e Trackng Nrnbe IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) PLAN TRANSMITTAL FORM (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0424) F. PROPOSED IRA PLAN: Objectives), specific plan(s), and proposed schedule must be provided on attachments for all removal and response actions (check all that apply): OTHER RESPONSE ACTIONS: REMOVAL OF REMEDIATION WASTE: LI To El El El El Contaminated Water Contaminated Soils (Check all that apply). S Excavate Store C1 Re-use El E cubic yards Recycle Estimate Volume: El Landfill Berms/Dikes/rnpoundments Temporary Covers/Caps Waste/Product Recovery Temporary Evacuation/Relocation of Residents Treat 1 Drainage Controls Estimate Volume: cubic yards - El El El Temporary Water Supplies Vent System Groundwater Treatment Systems Other: Drums/Tanks/Containers NAPL El El Other: ASSESSMENT ONLY. 0. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN: Attach schedule and description. (check all that apply): L O O Soil Sediment Surface Water Groundwater Soil Vapors UST Tightness O L Outdoor Air indoor Air Other: H. PERMITS/DOCUMENTATION: PERMITS/DOCUMENTATION REOUIRED FOR PLAN (circle all that apply): NPDES (BillofLding Remoa tSTAir Emissions Wetlands Groundwater Discharge Other: HW Manifest . LSP WHO PREPARED THIS IRA PLAN: Nar'e of Organization: (atb LSP Name: t Telephone: Pr(AC3 9L3 . . rrr,4as WOEk-t-S 323 - tts - '7S' zjC. Title: L SP. Pr._S' Ext I attest that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal. ir accompanying this attestation. and in my professional judgment. the response action(s) that is the subjecipe provisions of M.G.L. c. 21A. §§ 19-19J. 309 CMR. M.G.L. c. 21E. 310 CMR 40.0000, and all other I , approvals applicable to such response action(s). I am aware that significant penalties may result inc and imprisonment. if I wilfu submit information which I know to be false. inaccurate or incomplete . Signature: Date: / l License Number: eal IFC _Y 4 qqz..._ - J. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON CONDUCTING THE IRA: I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal including any and all documents accompanying this certification. and that. based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained herein is. to the best of my knowledge'and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are signif can na es. including. but not limited to. possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate. or incomplete informatio Signature: Name of Person (print): Revised 10/15/93 i'/ Date: JIka 5.'A 5il nA4 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-006 IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) COMPLETION STATEMENT (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0427)A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF PELEASE (TOR) LOCATION: Release Name (optional): street: 4 .ST.1' Location Aid: Arn Ha6l City/Town: Zip Code: - Additional Release Tracking Numbers that this IRA Addressed: B. PERSON WHO CONDUCTED THE IRA: rc..DI-j6s o4 Name of Organization: //E2)-Anith Name of Contact: Street: 3Z IbA ..D PeaSP A' City/town: 64dte Telephone: 4 Hoy - Amlst,twir Title: 57~. T ST Z1- - State: k ~ . bh e 19 Zip Code: 0/oat- Ext. C. RELATIONSHIP TO RELEASE OR TOR OF PERSON WHO CONDUCTED THE IRA(check one/specfy) E) Specify (circle one): RP 0 PRP Owner Specify (circle one): $pewanL COperat Generator Transporter Other RP: Generator Transporter Other PRP: It D Fiduciary/Secured Lender 4 Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way Other Person: D. IRA PLAN INFORMATION: Communication of IRA Plan to DEP (check all that apply/specify): DATE APPROVED: Oral /Q 0 written _ / j DEP CONTACT: nL+ /_2oK /_ E. SITE CONDITIONS THAT WARRANTED IRA: Media/Receptors Affected (circle all that apply): Air Groundwater Public Water Supply Zone 2 Residence School IRA Trigger (from CMR 40.0412) (check all that apply): 2 HOUR CONDITION D El [ El 0 Sudden Release Oil Sheen Release Detected in Private Well Sediments Other: Storm Drain Discharge of separate phase OHM to surface waters, subsurface structures, or underground utilities/conduits Release to soilvadose zone jeopardizing groundwater Imminent Hazard Threat of Sudden Release Release to Storm Drain 0 Release to groundwater which migrates more than 200 feet per year Sanitary Sewer Release (Imminent Hazard) [l Public/Private Drinking Water Supply Well E Public Reservoir/Surface Water Supply Downgradient Receptors (specify): O Vapor Discharge into School Buildings/Residences Subsurface NAPL Release LST Private Well SUBSTANTIAL RELEASE MIGRATION El 72 HOUR CONDITION E3 Surface Water Unknown OHM release that has impacted or been detected in, or within 1year may impact or be detected in, one or more of the following: Release.to Groundwater near Water Supply Release to Groundwater near School or Residence 3 Threat of UST Release OTHER CONDITIONS: Revised 10/15/93 This form is pnnted on recycled paper. Page 1 of 2 pf/l Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-006 Pew TraiNiog IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION (IRA) COMPLETION STATEMENT (pursuant to 310 CUR 40.0427) - F. DESCRIPTION OF IRA: Provide details on attachments, as warranted. Date IRA Work Initiated: /0 /_z 2 / 'V Date IRA Work Completed: IRA SUMMARY (check all that apply): O O [:)Landfill l f E) Vent System Groundwater Treatment Systems O EO D E] /5 Actual Volume: /2 /Q Drainage Controls Berms/Dikes/Impoundments Temporary Covers/Caps Waste/Product Recovery Temporary Evacuation/Relocation of Residents Temporary Water Supplies -] Store Treat Re-use Recycle Actual Volume: / OTHER RESPONSE ACTIONS: REMOVAL OF REMEDIATION WASTE: Contaminated Water Contaminated Soils (check all that apply): Excavate enbrW cubic yards - cubic yards Other: Drums/Tanks/Containers NAPL Other: ASSESSMENT ONLY 0. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Is an RAO attached? 0 No El Yes If yes. indicate RAO Type: 0 Class A El Class B Is this release location adequately regulated by the Department under another program pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0110-114? It yes. specify program: Attach the IRA Completion Report as specified in 310 CMR 40.0427 including, but not limited to, the following documents: E] No El Yes 1. All investigatory and monitoring data obtained during the implementation of the Immediate Response Action. 2. A succinct statement on the findings and conclusions of the Immediate Response Action. 3. Details and documentation on the management of any Remediation Waste handled at or transported from the site as part of the Immediate Response Action. 4. A description of any ongoing activities related to the Immediate Response Action that will be conducted at the site, including monitoring activities. security measures and the maintenance of fences, caps, and other passive systems. H. LSP OPINION: Nameof Organization: 404D 5PAsA), C W LSP Name: /(A t . W e7 Ext. (1$ 2 - 3&. - E S' Telephone: CO)SnL7ntf75. W- Tille: 4 (e=5 I I P I attest that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this attestation, and in my professional judgment. the response action(s) that is the subject of this submittal complies with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 21A. §§ 19-19J. 309 CMR. M.GL c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000, and all other laws, regulations, orders, permits, and approvals applicable to such response action(s). I am aware that significant penalties may result, including. imited to, possible fines and imprisonment. if I wilfuly information which I know to be false, inaccurate or incomplete , Signature: "Date: it 1 Seal: /_ /_ ALAN License Number: 0 .. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON WHO CONDUCTED THE IRA: * WEI INo.442. 71 I certify under penalties of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information ch 1.including any and all documents accompanying this cenification. and that. based on my inquiry of those individuals im nsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained herein is. to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant nalties. including. but not limited to. possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information Signat6re:Pro (n Name of Person (print) Revisedl 10115193 ,i FAV/II1 5 Dt IArnflFcC Tnis form is prnred on tecyclec paper. Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-003 Release Tracing Number. OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASE NOTIFICATION FORM (pursuant to 310 CMA 40.0371) A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE (TOR) LOCATION: Street: _K 500n acASA gr City/Town: AIIEA5r Location Aid: 4 3 -9-5. - Ext. _ 41f4 4 _____t P B. NOTIFIER INFORMATION: D(AAS oF AMhFoinST I 0OIL lATLE Name of Organization Contact Name: IMy/i W - IR I4AST/M. . Pecl-r si ,dits 31tuT Street: State: MA City/Town: A" dEAS Telephone: 0/003- ZipCode: 01 Western Region ;^lC-. Title: Zip Code: 0100. - - C. RELEASE OR TOR AFFILIATION OF NOTIFIER (pursuant to M.G.L.c.21E§7 and 310 CMR 40.0331): (check one/specify) O 8 Responsible Party (RP) Specify (circle one): Owner Operator Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) Specify (circle one): E Fiduciary/Secured Lender ED Agency/Public Utility on a Right of Way E Transporter Generator Operator Generator Other RP: -Transporter Other PRP: Other Person: D. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ATTACHED: (check all that apply) ' Contractor name Names and addresses of and address owners of all impacted (optional) properties (required) Licensed Site Professional (LSP) name and address (optional) E Other: E. INFORMATION ON RELEASE ON THREAT OF RELEASE (TOR): Knowledge of Release.L or TOR Date: o4-Re-le Time: / Release or TOR Date (it different): Irq*C 2 - / 4@pm (circle one) Check here if ReleaseTOR Date is Unknown Time: am/pm (circle one) Check here if Release/TOR.Time is Unknown R Yes Previous Oral Notification to DEP Date: 0 / - /- Previous Oral Notification to DEP? .No- Time: ~pm (circle one) Notification Thresholds (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0311-15): f1 H E 2 HOUR NOTIFICATION (check all that apply): Sudden Release Oil Sheen Release Detected in Private Well H Hazard l Imminent H Threat of Sudden Release El Release to Storm Drain Sanitary Sewer Release (Imminent Hazard) 0 72 HOUR NOTIFICATION (check all that apply): Subsurface Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Release to Groundwater near Water Supply Release to Groundwater near School or Residence Threat of UST Release Name and Quantities of Oil (0) and/or Hazardous Material (HM) Released: (it needed, attach a list of additional OHM Substances.) CAS# 0 HM (check one) (if known) OHM REPORTED: -02 FaL anI- [P] H _ut 0 E El 120 DAY NOTIFICATION (check all that apply): Release of Hazardous Material(s) to soil or groundwater exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) Release of Oil to soil exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) and affecting more than 2 cubic yards Release of Oil to groundwater exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) Amount/ Concentration Units Reportable Concentrations Exceeded (if applicable) vtj D F-1 Revised 10/1/93 Page 1of 1 This form is printed on recycled paper. ?mo/ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Numr. OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASE NOTIFICATION FORM (pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0371) F. BWSC-003 ACTIONS TAKEN OR PROPOSED (IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACTION, UTILITY-RELATED ABATEMENT MEASURE, RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE, PHASE I REPORT, LIMITED REMOVAL ACTION): I A Actions: Oral Plan Approval Date: -b /!L /2± IRA Ass'essment Only: N No s Was a Release Abatement Measure or Utility-Related Abatement Measure terminated due to discovery of a 2 hour or 72 hour release? INo OYes if yes, provide-relevant Release Tracking Numbers: Additional information relevant to the release or Threat of Release attached: E D E Response Action Outcome Statement No [ Yes ,If yes, check all that apply: Immediate Response Action Completion Statement Other: G. SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION: I certify under penalties of law tnat I have personally examined and am lamiliar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant pnalties, including but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for wilfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information. Signature: Name of Person (print): Revised 10/1/93 Date: ,3AV//) V /-4 L i Slr b5 This form is printed on recycled paper. Page 2 of 2 FILEE COPY Commoneath of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office William F. Weld Govemor Trudy Coxe Secretary. EOEA Thomas B. Powers Octbber 14, 1994 CommIssioner Acting Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. 32 North Prospect Street Amherst, MA 01002 Attention: Mr. Donald Hastings Re: Amherst 45 South Pleasant Street RTN: 1-10552 RELEASE NOTIFICATION and NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY; M.G.L. c. 21E and 310 CMR 40.0000 - Dear Mr. Hastings: On October 12, 1994 at 10:55 AM, Mr. Alan Weiss of Cold Spring Environmental, at to the Department of a release of #2 fuel oil Inc. provided oral notification In addition to oral notification, 310 CMR 45 South Pleasant Street, Amherst. 40.0333 further requires that a completed Release Notification Form (attached) be submitted to the Department within 60 calendar days of the date of the oral notification. The Department has reason to believe that the reported release is or may be a disposal site as defined in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 (the "MCP") . The Department also has reason to believe that you (as used in this "you" refers to Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc.) are a potentially letter This under Section SA of M.G.L. c. 21E. responsible party (PRP) with liability but solely on your meaning that it is not based on fault, is "strict", liability status as owner, operator, generator, transporter, disposer or other person and several", is also "joint This liability specified in said Section 5A. disposal site a at incurred costs response all meaning that you are liable for even if there are other liable parties. The Department encourages PRPs to take prompt and appropriate actions in response By taking to releases and threats of release of oil and/or hazardous materials. the necessary response actions, you may significantly lower your assessment and for costs incurred by the Department in cleanup costs and/or avoid liability You may also avoid or reduce certain permit or annual taking such actions. Please refer to M.G.L. c. 21E for compliance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00. For your convenience, a summary a complete description of potential liability. attached. is 21E of liability under M.G.L. c. You are reminded that, at the time of oral notification to DEP, you were advised by the Department that the following response actions were approved as an Immediate Response Action (IRA): and proper disposal of contaminated Removal confirmation sampling of in-situ soil. 436 Dwight Street e Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 * with soil, FAX (413) 784-1149 * subsequent Telephone (413) 784-1100 Specific approval is required from the Department for the implementation of all IRAs with the exception of assessment activities, the construction of a fence and/or posting of signs. Additional submittals are necessary with regard to this notification including, but not limited to, the filing of an IRA Completion Statement and/or Response Action Outcome (RAO) statement. The MCP requires that a fee of $750.00 be submitted to the Department when an RAO statement is filed greater than 120 days from the date of initial notification. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject location in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) . You may contact the LSP Board of Registration at 617/556-1145 to obtain the current LSP list. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Adam Wright at the letterhead address or (413) 784-1100 x292. All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number (RTN) contained in the subject block of this letter. ery trulyActs. avid A. S Section Chief Emergency Response AGW/agw/kml \1-10552.RNF Certified Mail #Z 082 547 954; Return Receipt Requested copy: DEP, Division of Response and Remediation Amherst Board of Health Fire Department Mr. Alan Weiss, Cold Spring Environmental, Inc. Attachments to Addressee only: Release Notification Form; BWSC-003 and Instructions Summary of Liability under M.G.L. c. 21E 0. ~ Z' ------ ~Ce6j 4OJefl' 09 U Oo W 0 idtd s i bJ .! r.- - SENDER: Ias a b. e Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. * Attach this form to the front of the meilpiece, or on the back if space 0 * The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date C delivered. eev h fee): t; 1. 0 does not permit. ID e Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number C iht I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. * Complete items 3, and 4e i * h,-- -- 2. E Addressee's Address Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number MERCIEANTiLE BUILDINGS OF AMIhERSr MR. DONALD EIASTINGS '32 NORTII PROSPECT STREET IIERST, MA 01002 4b. Service Type E Registered ER Certified E Express Mail C 0 Insured COD Return Receipt for Merchandise 7. Date of Delivery J ign t r (Addresse 6. Signa ure (Agen 1 8. Addressee's Address'Only if requested and fee is paid) 0 0 a c' C 5Ch C ** .C a a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup OHM RELEASE LOG FORM ATTACHMENT - BWSC-002 Rlease Tracking Number: LOCATION INFORMATION: A. LOIRELEAS AM City/rTown: \ enr5 Use of Attachment (check one): - U Field am Time: Date Follow-up Office U Attachment Page(s): ircle one) of B. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: Is this form being used to document an Oral IRA Plan approval and/or conditions? U Yes No r4/, U -e C. ADDITIONAL POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION: U Other PRP U Other Contact If Other Contact, Specify Relationship to Release: Name of Organization: Contact Name: Title: Street: City/Town: State: Ext. Telephone: Title: Name of Local Contact: Street: City/Town: State: Zip Code: - Ext. Telephone: T D. DEP ASSIGNM Preparer of RLFA (p Zip Code: s , Signature: Staff Lead Assigne Revised 10/1/93 different from Preparer): isMwjrnte on recycled paper. Page 1 of 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-001 Release Tracking Number; OHM RELEASE LOG FORM A. LOG INFORMATION: E|/ TYPE OF CALL (check one): Log Date: Log Time: IE Complaint E Inquiry eportable Release or TOR [j Release or TOR Less than Reporting Threshold CALLER (check one): :o / (circle one) a f PRP If selecting any of the disposition options below, do not assign a Release Tracking Number. U F Public Safety Official H of ne) s(ce al Office Boston Amended E Reporting Person: A 4A.S Telephone: Organization: E Release or TOR Exempt from Reporting Requirements Other Government Agency Citizen Anonymous (not referred) E] Referral to Other Agency (circle one): BOH FD DPH DOT EPA USCG Other: H Referral to Other Division (circle one): AQC ENF/SF HW IWW SW WPC WS WW Other: LSP/PRP Agent H Other Person: 6 - 172 32)I3 S1 /V r1 B. RELEASE OR THR Street: 4 S DISPOSITION OF CALL (check the Dne most applicable disposition below): If selecting either of the two following options, assign a Release ,Tracking N ber in the space provided above. e Re/3ComleartO - 0 E, OF REL Ext. E] Referral to Site Discovery - fl No Action LOCATION: SE (T an. IrT aJs Residential Other: School Location Aid: City/Town: Type of Location (circle all that apply): Right of Way Roadway commercia Water Body Industrial Open Space Municipal State Federal C. RELEASE OR TOR INFORMATION: Knowledge of Release or TOR Date: 4#heef i/I Time: . 20 Ipm (circle one) 2 Release or TOR Date (if different): 2 HOUR NOTIFICATION (check all that apply): r- 72 HOUR NOTIFICATION (check all that apply): E] Sudden Release Oil Sheen Release Detected in Private Well Fl Imminent Hazard H Threat of Sudden Release 0 El E] H El Release to Storm Drain El arVpm (circle one) Time: -- - - E heck here if Release/TOR Date is Unknown heck here if Release/TOR Time is Unknown 120 DAY NOTIFICATION (check all that apply): E E Sbsurface NAPL UST Release Release to Groundwater near Water Supply Release to Groundwater near School or Residence Threat of UST Release Release of HM(s) to soil or groundwater exceeding RC( s) Release of Oil to soil exceeding RC(s) and affecting more than 2 cubic yards Release of Oil to groundwater exceeding RC(s) E Sanitary Sewer Release (imminent Hazard) Source of Release or Threat of Release (circle all that apply): 6F)Pipe/nose/Line Tanker Truck Federal LUST Eligible: Boat H Vehicle - Unknown No Yes E Threat Only Fire Spill Unknown < Revised 10/1/93 u ( DO ,r /( Drums Transformer Rupture Dumping Tank Removal Overfill Vehicle Accident Other: Media/Receptors Affected (circle all that apply): Air Groundwater School Zone 2 Residence Public Water Supply OHM REPORTED: AST Unknown Type of Release or TOR (circle all that apply): Test Failure Fuel Tank Other: Surface Water Unknown Sediments Other: O HM AMT/CONCENTRATION (check one) 'as EEl /1 ___ This form is printed on recycled paper. (F) Storm Drain UNITS m Private Well S GW (check one for RC only) OElO 0 Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC-001 Release Trackintg Number: -7O OHM RELEASE LOG FORM D. DESCRIPTION: E. POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION: (check one) rYT( Name of Organization: Name of Contact: Street: PRP Unwilling or Unab e to Perform Response Actions PRP Performing Res onse Actions PRP Unknown -3.; , r , < v Title: T , ' 1 _ _0_ C_ Zip Code: 44 State: Check here if other persons or additional PRPs are listed on a RLFA City/Town Telephone: 6 7L a/rf ? I Ext. Title: Name of Local Contact: Street: Zip Code: State: CityfTown: Telephone: Ext. F. PRP CONTRACTOR AND LSP (if known): PRP Contractor: Name of Contact: Ext. Telephone: LSP Organization (if appicable): /41 601 Name of LSP: Telephone: %i3- - 0s C7 IS Cdt, Ext. 0. ACTIONS TAKEN OR PROPOSED: Actions: State Contractor: I IRA Assessment Only: Oral Plan Approval Date: H DEP RP o License Number: I 3)2 - si Action Taken by Whom: e£fl r i/ - & H Yes I-io Other: OCYes: H. OTHER AGENCIES/DIVISIONS INVOLVED WITH REPORTABLE RELEASE: ONT AC AGENCY INITIATED BY: PRP DEP AGENCY PHONE L5 -_ 8 Ext. __ H U H I. DEP ASSIGNMENT: RNF Submittal Requested: Provisions of 21E Explaine Prepared by (pleas p U Yes, From: Yes ' n, ry .LC Signature: Regional Use: Number of RLFA Pages Attached: Staff Lead Assigned (if different from Preparer): Revised 1011/93 This form is printedon recycled paper. Page 2 of 4. I- C C, = - ±0 -, Q C) CO) 0 V\ MASSACHUSETTS D RELEASE TRACKING NUMBER TMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC*, -l Western Regioal Office/Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 10552 C TOWN: AMHERST AUL FIELD SCREENING FORM ite Name: A J Hastings Contact Person: David Hastings Iddress: 45 South Pleasant Street Phone: (413) 253-2840 JUL INFORMATION (filled out by Screening/Office Staff] ate AUL filed: Description of AUL area at time of filing: 0 Building(s) U Pavement Q Cap/Cover 2/7/95 0 Grassed/Landscaped U Other dditional details/other relevant info on AUL area(s): PERMITTED ACTIVITIES AND USES 0 Playground 0 Daycare U School Commercial 0 Industrial U Excavation 0 Construction Other/Details/Conditions: Passive uses only, Recreation ch as parking, loading and unloading, temporary storage trash containers, passage through by vehicles and destrians. Low frequency and/or intensity of use by ildren. I Residential [INCONSISTENT/RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES AND USES Q School 0 Day Care Residential 0 Recreation 0 Park Playground 0 Disturbance U Excavation Construction 0 Fruits/Veggies 0 Flowers/Landscaping Gardening: ter/Details/Conditions: (1) "Frequent and/or high-intensity of impacted soil for children activities". (2) Improper or -omplete maintenance of the asphalt cover. (3) Subsurface avation without prior consultation with DEP or a LSP. SITE INSPECTION (filled out by Field Staff) Boundaries of AUL area(s) identifiable? Complete access to all AUL area(s)? Evidence of recent excavation/disturbance? Evidence of recent construction? Remediation Waste present? Indication of potentially serious site conditions? Other Notes: UL Sketch Attached to this form? U Yes 0 No Idditional Comments/Notes on Reverse Side: U No 0 Yes ompleted by: Loretta Howes Date: 6/15/99 BYes Q Yes Q Yes Q Yes Q Yes U No aNo WNo EdNo 2No OBSERVED ACTIVITIES AND USES 0 Playground Q School Q Daycare 0 Residential 0 Commercial 0 Industrial 0 Excavation 0 Construction Comments: 0 Recreation /wyc a a CL t 4'aC La< e - t; VIOLATION OBSERVED: 0 No 0 OBSERVED ACTIVITIES 0 0 Day Care U Residential 0 0 Playground - 0 Park Q Q Excavation 0 Construction 0 Fruits/Veggies 0 0 Gardening: Comments: S Yes 0 Possible AND USES School Recreation Disturbance Flowers/Landscaping CX Ve. VIOLATION OBSERVED: OBLIGATIONS AND CONDITIONS U Maintain other cap/cover/liner Maintain Pavement Soil Management Plan 0 Health & Safety Plan Maintain Signs/Notices Other/Details/Conditions: Quote: Maintenance of asphalt cover; See AUL, attached. GQYes U No EPavement Comments: 0 No 0 Yes 0 Possible OBSERVED CONDITIONS 0 Cap/Cover/Liner Q Signs/Notices 1v3 \ rA cory14Ard9-\ VIOLATION OBSERVED: 0 No 0 Yes 0 Possible Additional Comments/Notes on Reverse Side: [4 No 0 Yes Completed by:/ Insp Date:,z /g 4"1 09 '>' 0 v El8 o 0 z vt 30,d 911m)OOgNld jO WflI3vt fl33JS HJ.AS ±NVS*91d .- l 60 ±Srlw. *C Ji0 30~d fit. ±SW3F*W NIOS 5.1 H z J, S.2 S0 m z L-e 20 -0ta FCa LIC o0 Z04 D2 z rz- Cii C, 0o <a oD ureau.of Waste Cleanup Release Tracdng Number RELEASE LOG FORM ATTACHMENT (complete if using BWSC2102A and 102 or BWSC-102A only) A. LOGIRELEASE LOCATION INFORMATION: £w City/Town: Date:. Tune: AM E] PM Release Address: Use of Attachmnent (check one): office Foow-up - - ] -Re-use or Recycling 0 On Site Treat C n Off Site Volum On Site .i Off Site Volume: cubicyards Bioremediation cubic yards El Soil Vapor Extraction Describe: Store F F Landfill Structure Venting System ] F On Site I Off Site Volume: Cover E Disposal Volume: _ cubc yards - Product or NAPL Recovery El El Groundwater Treatment Systems El Air Sparging cubic yards Removal of Drums.Tanks or Containers Descibe: F Temporary Water Supplies Removal of Other Contaminated Media F Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents Specify Type and Volume: F Fencing andxSign Posting Other Response Actions ] Of-, El Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials E) Temporary Covers or Caps Removal of Contaminated Soils E Attachment Page(s): (checkalt hat appy) B. ORAL PLAN SUMMARY: F ] Field Describe: Check here if this Release or Threat of Release is a candidate for future presumptive approval of an IRA or RAM Written Plan. Check one of the following: Oral IRA F Plan Approval Oral RAM Plan Approval C Oral IRA Pian Modification Approval Other Comments: C. ADDITIONAL INVOLVED PERSON INFORMATION: Check One: - F PRP Other Relationship PRP Local Contact F Othw Person Performing Response Action Speciy Name of Organization: Name of Contact Tile: ] Street: Check here if is person rmeced a field NOR. State: City/rowivn: Telephone: Ext.: D. DEPASSIGNMENT: ZIP Code:. FAX- (competelfusingony BWSC-102A) Signature: Preparer of RLFA (please print): Staff Lead Assigned (if different from preparer): E E Check here if the Release or Thret of Release is unassigned. Check here if this RLFA records achange in staff lead. Revised 7/27195 Supersedes Form BWSC-002 - Do Not Afor This Forr Page I of 2 - s2'< artment of Environmental Protecjn .Cleanup . Massachusetts'' Bureau*fWaste Release Tracing Number WJ-2 RELEASE LOG FORM ATTACHMENT E. LOG/RELEASE LOCATION INFORMATION: Cayrrown: 6yM Raasce Adirress:C (compleielfusingonly WSC-102B) hit Date: 4' 0 Scah use of Athchawrr (cteck one): caeter [AM EPM SA E] C] Office Followup -Field ?iZZ Tume: /C/ of: Attachnent Page(s) F. ADDImONAL DESCRIPTION: P % r-I~> (, a-rtfli fw G. DEP ASSIGNMENT: Prrer oRLFA (please pntt): e: I i,: 1,7 in -kc 4L.- c.-0 AI I 4 ,"citP , -,> r - *w 14paOgPfxt vc -1 - Viclf 4,11l aSb -aSf',Y' (complde ifusing WSC-102mand102BorBWSC-1o2Bcon 46b( nn Sn:.4n-w h ya l kc ad Assigned (if difterent frm preparer): Staff n Check here if the Rese or Theat of Release is unassigned. Check here if this RLFA records achange in staff lead. Revised 7/7/5 Supesedes Form BWSC-002 Do Not Mor This Form E] Page 2 of 2 -si a cl 0o tog 0 ,0 r r rr WV' > > >> = o 2 to C.' to r~' totototoco 0. C ~ 00 0 -Cafl ~ 0 at a 2"y 200 0. 0 (A to *0 5 to o 0 N xo . a 0 ov 0... . -- o 0 o 0 . 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C 0 -Li- t 0 - en en Lii en en v Li. - '5 > 0eo 0C0 C a E I- C.- 4)0 -C) a 6- - a U, 0~' en 0 '0 I N ~0 en \0 V ~0 en .~0 V '0 E E 2 C K V U en Q , -( en en C, C, .0 6 C I B' all C, z .0 2 a C, , 0l CL a) C xC z zz N IC N 0 4~ 0 0~ 0~ 3 es:. .2 E m o- 0 > c- - o E I0 < o .0 S c0 to-c 0 uC co. .o B -0 >o0 -5Co u c2k t\ N . . M 22xl, 08 v E0 I-. c =u A 00 oc <c -o eIon Oo . *c o.~Coj c a - C) o e s~c -cn- wa oe o .c < PI -C .N CA 3- N. -z O o o0 C -- -. o L6 Z 0 a~ > Z- 4 cd N Co o,' o0 rN - 4' F 'I L A S / / / / / 310 CMR 40.1099: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECnON continued Form 1075 Disposal Site Name: leader DEP Release Tracidng No(s).. NOTICE OF ACTTVITY AND USE LIMITATION M.G.L c. 21E. 46 and 310 CMR 40.0000 ara. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 21E OF TEE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, AS AMENDED ("Chapter 21E") and THE MASSACHUSETTS CONTINGENCY PLAN, 310 CMR 40.0000. AS AMENDED ("MCP"). NOTICE is hereby given by _ or County, Massachusetts, being the owner(s) in fee simple oi Cat cerain [vaan] land located in ___ County, Massachusetts, with the buildings and improvements :hercon, pursuant to a deed recorded with the _-------County Regisuy of Deeds in Book _. Page {setse of~~~ ~ ~U~ ~~~~~~Pj do ~Zno hn>u we- -A-h issut:d byv~ ~J ~ 3 os ..c-ctnt-Rgisy-iseie ("Owner"). said land being more partculaz-y bounded and descrioed in Exhi'bit A. anached hereto and made a part hereof and ceing shown cr: a plan entided. 1 __ dated Counrv Regisu-y of Deeds as Plan No. -. ..- ,-e rr~ " 1ar a . 2 ara. 3 prepared by in Plan Book ro- . recorded with _. -("Proucty"): THAT SAID PROPERTY, OR A PORTION Tr-ETdOF. IS.A DISPOSAL S~TE AT WHICH T5ERE HAS OCCURRED A RELEASE TO THE ENVIRONMENT OF OIL N-D/OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. SAID DISPOSAL SITE BEING DESCRBED IN EXrEuBT4f,1TAC ?E2D HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, ['1jBEINCS1lOZ N "ON& firIA 'mE [ T PREMREjY MNT @5ER E , R CEzjHE m Ej PT<EWITM] ("DISPOSAL STE"). AND THAT A RESPONSE ACTION HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN AT THE DISPOSAL STE R AT PORTION F TrI DIS? AL SITE. ID PORT N OF DIS OS S BEN ORE ARTICU..L YBOUND - ANDD RED J iC. A iA ED RETO ND. EAPAR =REOF), A BEINGS' WNON PLAN ATED REPAREDBY .JTO E RECO ED F VWITH ND OR O A~ 4AN DTED, EN D, SKET PLAN, PREP RED ATTA DHE. O AS EXHIB C-l.MAD AARTI- REC. ND TOE irI)(PORTI N OF DISP SAL SIE D ACCORDANCE * D FOJ RE STRA ON HE. We~iH THE MCP. Said response action is based upon the limitation on huma. access to and contact with oil and/cr hazardous material in soil and jimnitadon on certain ac:ivities ccurring in. c-a. upon, through. over and under the (select one) ape [Disposal Site][Porion of Disoosal Sit-] as set forth in an Ac:ivity and Use Limitadon Opion AUL Opinion") dated . prepared by ei-d2ii , holder of a valid license issued by the Board of Registadon of Was:: Site Cleanup Professionals pursuant to Massachuscus Genera] Laws Chapter 21A. Sections 19-19J (a:y holder of such a license hereinafter referred to as an "LSP"), said AUL Opinion filed witi :e Massachusers Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP-). at its Regional Offce, under ReIcase Tracking No(s). a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit eand rade a part heree. The activity and use limitations set forth in said AUL Opinion are as follows: 1. Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AUL Oninion. ara. 4 Activid s which are inconsistent with the AUL Opinion, and which, if i~rriemenzed at the (sect one [Disposal Site] [Portion of Disposal Site, may result in a significnt risk of harm to health, safety, public welfar or the environment. are as follows: I. 2_ 3. 7/30/93 : and U" 0 9/'0lflq,-2-1432. .UrCAi:VIL BUILDIG F . S, a corporation duly --ablished under the laws of and having its usual plac of husno- hampshire grant to 32> I2C. . tassachusetts - at Amherst Coanty, nune ttaak for annidemaioc paid, ;4ERCATIL2 BUILDINGS OF A2R3r, IMC., a corporation duly established under the laws of aassachusetts and having its usual place of business at Amherst, 5ampshire County, "assachusetts with qat fiurorfnt .:o,. A tract of land situate in said Amherst, bounded and des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of the n described, at an iron n s-1 in the Westerly line of the location of West Street, cor.only called South Pleasant Street, a highway; said iron pin also marking the Northeasterly corner of land of The First National Rank, formerly property of 0. D. an1 William unt; thence from said point of betinning running Northerly along said highway ninety-one and seven-tanths (91.7) feet to land of James F. Page; thence turning.to the left and runnint desterly along land of said Page and land of Amherst savings 2ank a distace of approximately sixty-nine (69) feet; thence turning to the left and running Southerly twenty-one (21) inches; thence turning to the right and running Westerly along land of Amherst sevings bank and land now or formerly of Lawler Brothers a distance of one hundred two and three-tenths (102.3) feet to the Southwesterly corner of a retaining wall constructed of concrete and to land formerly of J. b. and aidn3y Adans; thence turning to the left and running southerly alonr' land of said J. o. and oidney Adams a distance of eighty-six (86) fet to land of she First Mational bank; thence turning to the left and running asterly along land of said The First Xational lank a distance of approxizately one hundred seventy-three (173) feet to the joint of berinnin-. premises herein 1 in t: of assij Hast: J a ha its day of sisd Phe above described tract of land comprises the ortherly an. =ajor portion of land conveyed to George Cutler and illian utlir by Luke saeetser by deed dated yarch 1, 1960, and recorded in :ta7pshire ounty egistry of Deeds in Book 194 at Page 180; see also dead fro-, Luke 6weetser to illiam Cutler and George Cutler, dated April 1, 170 and recorded in said registry of deeds in Book 279 at Page 12; see also dead fron William Cutler and George Cutler to William W. Hunt and Cliver D. -.unt, dated September 20, 1867, and recorded in said registry of deeds in took 246 at Page 285; and deed from George Cutler, D. '. tutl2r and .. 1. Cutler to Lucas Williams and P. ". Williams dated Cetoter 24., 1879. and recorded in said registry of deeds in Book 353 at Fare 105; dead from Lucas Williams and E. H. Williams to George Cutler, D. G. .,utler and .. 1. Cutler, dated October 1, 1879, and recorded in said c3gistry of deeds in Bock 351 at Page 392; deed from ifight Gilbert Cutler to George Cutler, dated June 4, 1883, recorded in said registry of deeds in Book 381 at Page 307; and deed fro- Martha Isabella Cutler to George Cutler dated February 1, 1888, recorded in said registry of deeds in Book &16 at Page 473; also see probate papers in the estatc of George Cutler, and probate papers in the estate of William utlar. The granted premises are conveyed subject to the right reserved in the deed from Luke Swaetser to dilliam Cutler and George Cutler, dat3d !arch 1, 1860, and recorded in said registry of deeds, in Eook 194 at page 189. to, in building upon his land North of the granted premises, enter the timbers into the alls of the brick building on the granted premises four inches, in such manner as to do no other injury to the building. T. and acun Uili right. resrvad in said deed to .e owners I Au'cjiec- also to * o- the stores and lots lying .:ortherly of the granted treises, .uk3 rawastenr, nd .. Z. and 2. Adams, their heirs and assigns to keer -/7 oyer. the -rain for the passage of the water fro= their cellars throuch the wells and cellar of said building forever by said owners being at o:.3 half the exrense of maintaining said drain., assage and outlet. zoubject also to the right reserved in said deed to Albion . :owe of a ;assage with teazs from the Southwest corner of his lar.d over the ;remises herein conveyed to the highway. Subject also to the right reserved in said deed to Oliver D. i.;-t end iilliar d. :unt to use the rassage !:orth of land donveyed by L~u0Sweetser to them. oubject also to a ripht of way eleven (11) feet wide next ndthe ':ortherly side of The First :.ational Eenk of Aherst, as oirin tiscribed in the deed from Willian and George Cutler to William '. znt and Oliver D. .Munt, dated Sertember 20, 1867, and recorded in snaid registry of deeds, in Book 2 6 at Page 285. .. .. ~rant:)e in this doed is a corporation for-.td ir. the 7ar the sa-:e r.e o as the grantor corporation whi ch was fo-.wt with 195' in tha yea:- 1937, and thc 1958 corroration was fored for th2;':-7o of takirr- over th2 yrorerty of the 1937 corloration. SUBJ3CT to a mortpage originally to George A. Cutler and now assigned to Philip J. Hastings, Robert iM.Hastings, and Donald ?. Hastings. EU UtntBs mIernf. thesid ::ercantile Puildings of A-hnrst, Inc. has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, acknowledged and delivered inits name and behalf by Phil i p J. "ast ings its resi det day of hereto duly authorized, this . December Thirty-first in the year one thousand nine hundred and Fifty-eight Signed and sealed in presence of 1L m by ts ft 00------aNti af dAk Hampden, - UrfS ss. December 31, Then personally appened the above named 5. 7hilip and acknovledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of the . Ul' *ins of .±hrst, 19 58 ast inrs Inc. .. rcantile before me (Ral~ #~ mex ~~- fiG~Mis::jijjjgEgigg- a' March 25, 1961 December 29. 1958 I, Donald 3. Hastings, duly elected clerk of Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc. do hereby certify that at a meeting of the stockholders of Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., a duly organized corporation under the laws of Massachusetts and incorporated upon February 23, 1937. held upon December 24, 1958. at five o'clock in the afternoon, in Amherst, Massachusetts, at which meeting all the stockholders of the corporation were present and voted and by the affirmative vote of each stockholder of the company, the following vote was duly passed: JJ "VOTED: TIatthe president 'or treasurer of this corporation be and hrAby is authoi'ized'to sell and convey by quitclaim deed. allthe real taterof this corporation consisting of land and build' p.ituated-on'the westerly side of South Pleasant-St Amherst, Vassachusetts, to the Mercantile Buildings of Amherst,-Inc. (a new corporation of the same nameincorporatedin' Nassachusetts-on February 7. 1958) and"fi her-authoriziidtirsiii; acknowledge, and deliver in th6name and liehalf. ofothencorporation and to seal with thecorpordte delany' deed or other instrument which may be necessary or proper to convey said land as authorized h'erein." A true copy Clerk Jan. 5, 1959 at 11 o'clock and 18 mins. A.M. Rec'd, Ent'd & Exawmd. fl~M~WJ' rJY ... Book 922 $17] 81 Know All Men by These Presents, That I, George Cutler, of Amherst, in the County of Hampshire and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in consideration of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., a corporation duly established by law and having a usual place of business in said Amherst, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., a tract of land situate in said Amherst, bounded and described as follows: WARRANTY DEED George Cutler To Mercantile Build- ings of Amherst, Inc. Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described, at an iron pin set in the westerly line of the location of West Street, commonly called South Pleasant Street, a highway; said iron pin also marking the northeasterly corner of land of The First National Bank, formerly property of 0. D. and William Hunt; thence from said point of beginning running NORTHERLY along said highway ninety one and seven tenths (91.7) feet to land of James F. Page; thence turning to the left and running WESTERLY along land of said Page and land of Amherst Savings Bank a distance of approxSouth Pleasant imately sixty nine (69) feet; thence turning to the left and running SOUTHERLY twenty one (21) Inches; thence turning to the right and running WESTERLY along land of Amherst Savings Bank and land now or formerly of Street Lawler Brothers a distance of one hundred two and three tenths (102.3) feet to the SOUTHWESTERLY corner of a retaining wall constructed of conAmherst crete and to land formerly of J. S. and Sidney Adams; thence turning to the left and running SOUTHERLY along land of said J. S. and Sidney Adams a distance of eighty six (86) feet to land of The First National Bank ; thence turning to the left and running EASTERLY along land of said The First National Bank a distance of approximately one hundred seventy PAGE three (173) feet to the point of beginning. The above described tract of land comprises the northerly and major portion of land conveyed to George Cutler and William Cutler by Luke Sweetser by deed dated March 1, 1860, and recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 194 at page 189; see also deed from Luke Sweetser to William Cutler and George Cutler, dated April 1, 1870, and recorded in said registry of deeds in book 279, at page 12; see also deed from William Cutler and George Cutler to William W. Hunt and Oliver D. Hunt, dated September 20,1867, and recorded in said registry of Deeds in book 246, at page 285; and deed from George Cutler, D.G.Cutler and M.I. Cutler to Lucas Williams and B.H. WIlliams dated October 24, 1879, and recorded in said registry of Deeds in Book 353 at page 105; deed from Lucas Williams and B.H. Williams to George Cutler, D.G.Cutler and M.I.Cutler, dated October 1, 1879, and recorded in said registry of deeds in book 351 at page 392; deed from Dwight Gilbert Cutler to George Cutler, dated June 4, 1883, recorded in sAd registry of deeds in took 3A1 -t page 307; and deed from Martha Isabella Cutler to George Cutler, dated February 1, 1888, recorded in said registry of deeds in book 416, at page 473; also see probate papers in the estate of George Cutler, and probate papers in the estate of William Cutler. The granted premises are conveyed subject to the right reserved in the deed from Luke Sweetser to William Cutler and George Cutler, dated March 1, 1860, and recorded in said registry of Deeds, in book 194, at page 189, to, in building upon his land North of the granted premises, enter the timbers into the walls of the brick building on the granted premises four inches, in such manner as to do no other injury to the building. Subject also to the right reserved in said deed to the owners of thd stores and lots lying northerly of the granted premises, Luke Sweetser, and J.S. and C.Adams, their heirs and assigns, to keep open.the drain for the passage of the water from their cellars through the walls and cellar of said building forever by said owners being at one half the expense of maintaining said drain, passage and outlet. SUBJECT also to the right reserved in said deed to Albion T. Howe of a passage with teams from the southwest corner of his land over the premises herein conveyed to the highway. SUBJECT also to the right reserved in said deed to Oliver D. Hunt and William W. Hunt to use the passage north of land conveyed by Luke Sweetser to them. SUBJECT also to a right of way eleven (11) feet wide next adjoining the NORTHERLY side of The First National Bank of Amherst, as described in the deed from William and George Cutler to William W. Hunt and Oliver D. Hunt, dated September 20,1867, and recorded in said registry of deeds, in book 246, at page 285. SUBJECT also to taxes for the year 1937, of which the grantee assumes and agrees to pay three quarters. -a)Ee -JR cftW' f' ) 4cl or, YPo?? Ak 4 Book 922 82 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the granted premises, with all the privileges and appur- tenances thereto belonging, to the said Mercantile Buildings of Amherst, successors and and itsA -nassigns, to their own use and behoof forever. Inc., AND I hereby for myself and my heirs, executors, and administrators,COVENANT with the grantee and its successors and assigns, that I am lawfully seized in fee-simple of the granted premises; that they are free from all incumbrances; except as hereinbefore recited; that I have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that I will and my heirs, executors, and administrators shall WARRANT AND DEFEND the same to the grantee and its successors and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons, except as hereinbefore recited. AND for the consideration aforesaid I, Florence B.Cutler, wife of the said George Cutler, do hereby release unto the said grantee and its successors and assigns all right of or to both DOWER AND HOMESTEAD in the granted premises, and all other rights and interests therein. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF we, the said George Cutler and Florence- B. Cutler, V husband and wife, hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty second day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty seven. 'I t Signed and sealed in the presence of Walter L.Stevens to I George Cutler I Florence B.Cutler Seal t A G.C. & F.B.C. Seal I 4'4 0 A I I THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire, ss. March 22,1937 Then personally appeared the above named George Cutler and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me Walter L.Stevens S Justice of the Peace My commission expires May 15,1942 'I HAMPSHIRE, SS. March 22,1937 , at 3 o'clockand 30 . minutes, With Government Stamps $45.00 affixed and cancelled. P,. M. C :'t. I 7 44 Doc: MWiu OR 1Wmf1 Forn"M Disposal Site Name: 45 mouth Pleasant Street Amherst MA 01002 DEP Release Tracking No(s): 1-10152 NOTICE OF ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION N.G.L a. 21E, §6 and 310 CHR.40.0000 PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 21E OF THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, AMENDED (*Chapter 21E) In a4 C a 310 CNR 40.0000, AS and THE MASSACHUSETTS CONTINGENCY PLAN, AS AMENDED ("MCP"), NOTICE is hereby given by Meroantile Buildings of Amherst, Inc., of Ahsrst,ampahire County, Massachusetts, being the owner(s) in fee simple of that certain land located in Amherst, Hampshire County, with the buildings and improvements thereon, pursuant to a deed recorded with the Eampshire County Registry of Deeds in Book 922, Page 81 ("Owner"), said land being more particularly bounded and described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a-part hereof, and being shown on a plan entitled, OPlan in Amherst, Massachusetts", dated January 23, 1995, prepared by Richard J. Labarge Or., PLO, recorded with xampshire County Registry of S Deeds as Plan No. 0057, in Plan Book _gjf, ("Property"): THAT SAID PROPERTY, OR A PORTION THEREOF, IS A DISPOSAL BITE AT WHICH THERE HAS OCCURRED A RELEASE TO THE ENVIRONMENT OF OIL AND/OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, SAID DISPOSAL SITE BEING DESCRIBED IN ("DISPOSAL EXHIBIT A, ATTACHED HRETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, SITE"), AND THAT A RESPONSE ACTION HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN AT THE DISPOSAL SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NCP. ObPMbn-DSA Pall Ary J'6 c'fl we>f_ _Pyzp 7),5/'7 IC: lMOO /4823M5 02/5 A said response action is based upon the limitation on human access to and contact with oil and/or hazardous material in soil and the limitation on certain activities occurring in, on, upon, through, over or under the Property as set forth in an Activity and Use Limitation opinion ("AUL Opinion") dated January 26, 1995 prepared by Alan Z. Weiss, M.S., holder of a valid license issued by the Board of Registration of Waste Site Cleanup Professionals pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21A, SS19 through 19J (any holder of such a license hereinafter referred to as an "LSP"), said AUL Opinion filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ("ODEP"), at its Western Regional Office, under Release Tracking No(s). 1-10552, a copy of which in attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof. The activity and use limitations set forth in said AUL Opinion are as follows; 1. Activities and Uses Inconsistent with the AOL Opinion. Activities and uses which are inconsistent with the AUL opinion, and which, if implemented at the Property, may result in a significant risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment, are as follows: 1. Frequent and/or high-intensity use of impacted mail for children activities; 2. Improper and/or incomplete maintenance of the asphalt cover; and 3. subsurface ecavation without prior consultation with the DEP or with a Licensed site Professional. 2. Permitted Activities and Uses Set Forth in the AUL Opinion. The AUL Opinion provides that there exists for any foreseeable period of time a condition of No Significant Risk to health, safety, public welfare or the environment (such condition being defined in 310 CNR 40.0000) so long as any of the following activities and uses occur on the Property: passive uses only, such am parking, loading and 1. unloading, temporary storage of trash containers, passage through by vehicles and pedestrians; 2. low frequency an/or intensity of use by children; Such other activities or uses which, in the Opinion of 3. an LSP, shall present no greater risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment than the Any such activities and uses set forth in this paragraph. Opinion shall be set forth in writing, signed and sealed by an LSP, a copy of which is to be filed with DEP at its 2 * Western 1-10552 3. Do:MMO 623/M 0VU311:C Regional Office under Release Tracking No(s). within 30 days of its date of execution. Obligations and Conditions Set Forth in the AUL Opinion. If applicable, obligations and or conditions to be undertaken and/or maintained at the Property as set forth in the AUL Opinion in order that a condition of No Significant Risk may be maintained shall include the following: 1. maintenance of asphalt eover; 2. see AUL, attached. 4. Proposed Changes in Activities and Uses. Any proposed changes in activities and uses at the Property which may result in higher levels of exposure to oil and/or hazardous material shall be evaluated by an LSP who shall render an opinion, in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0000, as to whether the proposed changes will present a significant risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare or the environment. Any and all requirements set forth in the opinion to ensure a condition of No significant Risk in the implementation of the proposed activity or use shall be satisfied before any such activity or use is commenced. S. Violation of a Response Action Outcome. If the activities, uses and/or exposures upon which an Activity and Use Limitation filed with DEP is based change at any time to cause a significant risk of harm to health, safety, public welfare, or the environment due to exposure to oil and/or hazardous material without the prior evaluation by an LSP in accordance with 310 CHR 40.0000, and without additional response actions, if necessary, to achieve or maintain a condition of No Significant Risk, the owner or operator of the Property subject to such Activity and Use Limitation at the time that the activities, uses and/or exposures change, shall comply with the requirements set forth in 310 COR 40.0000. 6. Recording. Filino and Publication Reouirements In accordance with- the requirements set forth in 310 CMR 40.0000, this Notice of Activity and Use Limitation shall be: (i) recorded and/or registered with the appropriate Registry of Deeds and/or Land Registration office, within 14 days of its date of execution, and marginally referenced on the deed into Owner at the time of recordation and/or registration; 3 OO[X: MOOR iA007It VMSI~ (ii) incorporated either in full or by reference into all deeds, easements, mortgages, leases, licenses, occupancy agreements or any other instruments of transfer, whereby an interest in and/or a right to use the Property or a portion thereof is conveyed; (iii) a copy shall be filed with the following municipal offices within thirty (30) days of its date of executions (1) The chief municipal officer of the community(ies) in which the Property is located; (2) The health officer/department of the community(ies) in which the Property is located; (3) The zoning official of the community(ies) which the Property is located; and in (4) The building code official of the community(ies) in which the Property is located; and (iv) published as a legal notice, in a form prescribed by DEP, within 14 days of its date of execution, in a newspaper which circulates in the community(ies) in which the Property is located. Owner hereby authorizes.and consents to the filing and recordation and/or registration of this Notice of Activity and Use Limitation to become effective when executed and sealed by the undersigned LSP, and recorded and/or registered with the appropriate Registry(ies) of Deeds and/or Land Registration Office(s). L ITNESS theyacution hereof under seal this , 19 A day of -/ . OWNer Mkclrfl 'I o COMMONWEAIlH OF MASSACHUSETTS / Then personally appeared the above named tAlE acknowledged the foregoing to be hi her free act and deed before me, a Pub Ic expires: E Al. ................... t .. *uoru ef / NC @ 0 ox: TOIM M A23/N Own/ 11| - The undersigned LSP hereby certifies that he/she executed the aforesaid Activity and Use Limitation Opinion attached hereto as Exhibit D and made a part hereof and that in his/her Opinion tation is consistent with the this Notice of Activity and F e Limitation Opinion. terms set forth in said Ac Date: a fALAN Y/A '. L No.6$442 SETMs coxMMMO as. SITE pink19 e5 and Then personally appeared the above named /./, acknowledged the foregoing to be his/her free act and deed before me, Notary Public my comm. expires: UNDA A.FONTAINE MA CULdq ban AUL. lit Maid 3.200 Iz: 5 018@R /MIM /lg oI 11:# * iI if I, If 2*S *~ WV JO 123bL5 LJNYYW o tLOQS ii S a. I F, 4 R 4 I H - 4k . It S U! CE 1~ fl*i *tk~S nm) ~ NOflh j~ CS as- .b.t - 4o a~fl i mKHIDIT A Page 2 acrlbed, at southeasterly Corner of the premises her Beginning D. an iron pin set in the westerly line of the loation or We Street, commonly dalled South Pleasant Street, a highway; said iron pin also marking the northeasterly corner of land of The ?Irst National BAnk, formerly property of 0. D. and William itnt; thence from said point of begwins runni4 YORTIgRLY along said highway ninety one and seven tenths (g1.7) feet to land of James F. Page; thence turning to the left an running lETgh=RL along land of said Page and land of Amher:t SnvingS Bank a distance of approximately sixty nine (89) feet; thence turning to the left and running 5OUTHELY twenty one (21) inches; thence turning to the right ad running WESTERLY along land of Amherst Savings Bank and land onw or formerly of Lawler Brothers a distance of one hundred two and three tenths (102.3) feet to the OUrTFESTERLY corner or a retaining wall constructed of concrete and to Land formerly of J. S. and Sidney Ada s; thence turning to the left and running SCUTHERLY along land of said S, S. and Sidney Adams a distance of eighty six (86) feet to land of The First lational Bank ; thence turning to the left and running ASZERLY along land of said The First National Bank a distance ori approximately one hundred seventy three (173) feet to the point of beginning. The above described tract of land comprises the northerly and major portion of land conveyed to George Cutler and William Cutler by Luke Sweetser by deed dated March 1, 1960, and recorded in Eampshfre County egistry of Deeds in Book 194 at page L9; see also deed from Luke Sweetser to William Cutler and George Cutler dated April 1, 1870, and recorded in said reg-stry of deeds in book 279, at page 12; sea also deed from William Cutler and Geotgo Cutler to William V. dunt and Oliver D. Hunt, dated September 20,1367, and recorded in said registry or Deeds In book 246, At page 2S5; and deed from Coorge Cutler, D..Cutler and M.I. Cutler to Lucas milltsOM and B.R. William dated October 24, 1879, and recorded in said registry of Ceeds in Book VIZ at page 105; deed froi Lucas Williams and B.H. Williams to George Cutler, D.G.Cutler and M.I Cutler dated Octobor 1, 1879, and recorded in said registry of deeds in book M5 at page 7a2; deed from Dwight Gilbert Cutler to George Cutler, dated Jun. 4, 1883, recorded in said registry of deeds in book 3al at page .07; and deed from Martho Isabella Cutier to George Cutler, dnted February 1, 1888, recorded in said registry of deeds in book 416, at page 473; riso see probate -paers in the estate of Geerge Cutler, and probate paners in the estate of tilliam Cutler. The grented premises are conv-y'd subject to t2-e right reserved in the deed froz Luke Sweetsor to William Cutler and George Cftler", dated Nareh 1, 1060, and recorded in said registry of Deeds$ in book 194, at page 169, to, in tuilding upon his land North of the granted premises, enter the tirberz into the nals of the brick buildinz on the granted premises four inches, in such Canr.er as to do no other injury to the building. Subject also to the right reserved in said deed to the owners of thi stores and lots lying northerly of the granted premises, Luke Sweetser, and J.3. their heirs and assigns, to keep open the drain for the passrge and C.Adeo, of the weter from their cellars through the walls and cellar-of said building forever by said owners being at one half the expense or maintalning said drain, par&sage and outlet. SUEJECT also to the right reserved in said deed to Albion T. howe.of a passage rith teams from the southwest corner of his lend over the premises herein conveyed tn the highway. also to the right reserved in said deed to Oliver r. Hunt and William W. Hunt to use the passage north of land conveyed by Luke S'eetser to them. stMTEVr also to a right of way eleven (11) feet wide nort adjoining the side of The rirst Nntional Bank or AtterLt, as described in the deed froc William and George Cutler to William W. Eunt and Oliver D. Hunt, drIed September 20,1567, and recorded In said registry of deeds, in book 249, nt page 285. ZUf.T2CT NORTHERLY ZUBJECT also t, taxes for the year 19Y7, of which the grentae assumes and nstrees to pcy three quarters. South Pleasant Street Amherst ~EEIBI3T (ID( 6 Zl E sIM laiplim ollut ia Renmdiatonn LSP o Stall B Q COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. - S January 26, (ilR /tW3/u Muu1/ 11:04 -PetcolatioTeatsad Rqtilary Comian RecydlngandSoUdWaa 1995 Attorney Martine Reed Brown, Hart, Reed and Kaplan 35 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA. 01002 RE: Response Activity 45 South DEP RTN: Action Outcome/ and Use Limitation Opinion Pleasant Street, Amherst, Ma. 1-10552 Dear Attorney Reed: With respect to the abovementioned site and based on our data collected and interpretations presented in previous documents dated November 7, 1994 and December 27, 1994, it is the opinion of Cold Spring Environmental that sufficient remedial response actions and assessment commensurate with the magnitude and impact of the release of #2 fuel oil and the risk posed by it have been properly completed to control the reported release. While the levels that have been achieved do not reach background, they do achieve a condition of "No Significant Risk" as defined by 310 CHR 40.0975(6)(a) with the implementation of an Activity and Use Limitation. Complete implementation of remedial measures to achieve background levels in accordance with 40.1020 and 40.0860 (4) would not be justified in that the costs to conduct further response would exceed the benefits to public health and the environment. The foundation for the implementation of this AUL is its reliance on an established S-3 standard of 5,000 ppm TPH given: 1. That the frequency of exposure to the soil to children would be considered low, in that children are only present at infrequent intervals and that their intensity of use is low. 2. That the frequency of use by adults is considered high while their intensity of use is low. 3) The soil, maintained under asphalt, would be only potentially accessible. The AUL is explicitly limited to an area of soil located at the bottom of the former tank excavation. This has been shown to consist of only the area that remains in exceedance of the S-1 TPH Soil Standard of 500 ppm (bottom soil samples measured at 350 Old Enfield Rnad - Bclhenown, MA 01007 . (413) 323-5957 & 323-4916 Fax: 323.4916 * Ri918 O W/ 2 0 1 January 26,1995 Page 2: Attorney Martine Reed 2,600 ppm to 3,600 ppm but well within the 8-3 TPH standard of 5,000 ppi). The S-3 level can be relied upon if the above conditions are met. In addition, sidewall PID and laboratory results from our previous work confine the application of the AUL to the surveyed area as noted on the Plan prepared by Richard LaBarge, Sr., RLS. Content of the Activity And Use Limitation: The AUL would include the placement and maintenance of an impermeable layer of asphalt (3" thick) over the noted area. The asphalt in the noted area must be properly maintained to prevent potting and cracking in the future until such time as the AUL is lifted by presentation of additional data or future regulations that no longer require the limitation of access to the subsurface soil. No subsurface excavation in the area of the AUL is allowed without prior consultation of the Massachusetts DEP or a Licensed Site Professional. It has been shownzwith-the installation of monitoring wells that the siteniset'applicabl@ GW-3 brbundwater standards for of 12/27/94). it rolewu hydrocarb6bs-iii groundwater (letter h, the sitecomplies with the requirements of a Class A-3 sAs Response Action outcome (RAO),,fad 'the RAPS Response Action Performance Standard-for-itfficient technical resolution has been maintained.--Inetis characterization, it has also been evaluated levels tobackground is not necessary nor that'i-eductio"of logistics, conditions and environmentally beneficial (given site in order to achieve the risks) health public identificationof signific'a'rt Risk" (310 CMR 40.0860). conditioiof'Nt .p should be recorded with the AUL and Aco'py of thiselett'i submitted to 'Mr VDavid Slowick of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (436 Dwight Street, Springfield, MA. The AUL must be recorded with the 01103) as soon as possible. Deed and Survey and a Public Notice of the AUL provision must also be placed in the local newspaper. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. sincerely, ZS p Alan E. Weiss, M.S. Licensed Site Professional Principal Hydrogeologist President am1lnEL. 4 4 Cold Spring Environmental Consultants, Inc. DOB0EME $ 2 j 14 0 The Oom~~~, a-u (- 3 Z1111I w~ O Te Pa If h Pn _6m -17 P(aqn-5-7 I REPORT TMAT THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORITY WIH THE ARLES AND REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTERS OF DEEDS Of THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. PURTHERMORE , I REPORT .THAT THE PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE THOSE DivtDIm EXISTING OWNERSHIP AND TIE LteES OF STREEfT AND WAYS SHOWN ARE THOSE OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE STREETS OR WAYS ALREADY ESTABLISHED AND THAT NO NEW 11011 Of EXISTING LitES FOR OWNERSHIP OR FOR NEW WAYS ARE SHOWN. /Pr 7- - I r -iamn fauA NOTES: 9$ THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF DELINEATING THE AREA OF ACTIVITY AND USE LITATION (3SIOCR 40.1074) ADJACENT TO WILDING* 45. THIS PLAN WAS COMPIt! D FROM PLANS S DEEDS OF RECORD AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A BOUNDARY SURVEY. I- z D 0 I-) PLAN TN AMHERST., MASSACHUSETT! LEGEND El CONCRETE BOUND FOUND IRON PIN FOUND 0 A UNMONUMENTED POINT O MONITORING WELL FACE OF BR!CK BUILDING PREPARED FOR: MERCANTILE BUILDINGS OF AMHERST, INC JANUARY 23,99s PRIPARED BY: I".20' Sc I SC ALE FEET --- 40 20 40 0 4 777-w**imwII EUSINESE RECOROS S I S tiii CORPORATION ING o4glo'-d N: / 035-; K mc? (""S+C/ Pt STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA II 1:77---Mffln I 110 _ -- I 1 RICHARD T LABARGE SR 0106 ______________________________________________________________________________ 62 Th 7/~& 99. Ad