USP Open Lecture walter klinger June 6, 2009 I‘m Walter Klinger, Associate Professor 準教授 at the University Center for Intercultural Education, University of Shiga Prefecture. My hometown is Toronto, Canada; I‘ve been living in Japan since 1985, and in Hikone since 1995. As a child 子供時に, I spoke Germanドイツ語 with my parents 両親 and sister 姉さん, and I still speak it fairly well. In junior high school and high school, I studied French, German, and Latin and, at the University of Toronto, I had a year of Chinese & Spanish, and majored 専攻 in Japanese Studies. 自分の大学生より ⽇本に⻑い時間住みますが、 どうしても私の⽇本語はまだまだです。 どうも済みません。 やっぱり子供時から 語学を習う⽅が良いだ と思います。 とにかく、ドイツ語をできるの影、 ⽇本語を英語に翻訳する時には かなり助かります。 今⽇の講義にはできるだけ⽇本語と英語両 ⽅使いますので、英話レッスンとしても 考えてください。 I am conducting today‘s seminar as much as I can in both Japanese and English; please consider it as an English lesson as well as a seminar. 県大に主に英語を担当します、 授業には学生と⽇本語を めったに使いません、 かなり良い影響になると思います。 At USP, I am mostly in charge of English lessons. I seldom use English in class with my students; to good effect, I believe. 授業にカードゲームや写真や映画 とテレビ対話をよく使います。 In my lessons, I use card games, pictures, and movie and TV dialogues. http://www.ice.usp.ac.jp/~wklinger/ スクリーンプレイ http://www.screenplay.co.jp ⽂部科学省検定済み教科書 monbusho kentei-sumi kyoukasho 「⽇本の映画やアニメにおける⽇本の 宗教」 の話題として県大にJCMUの留学生にも (英語で)授業を教えます。 I also give a few classes (in English) in Japanese religion as seen in film and anime, to JCMU students who take classes at USP. I use scenes from films like Ran 乱 (1985), Hoichi the Earless 耳なし芳一 (Kwaidan 怪談 1965), Black Rain 黒い雨 (1989), Hit the Goal シュート! (1994) and from anime like Gensomaden Saiyuki 幻想魔伝 最遊記 (1999), Haunted Junction HAUNTED じゃんくしょん (1997), Princess Mononoke もののけ姫 (1997), Heisei Tanuki Wars Ponpoko 平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ (1994), My Neighbor Totoro となりのトトロ (1988) …and Sugata Sanshiro. 「姿三四郎」は外国⼈の留学生に ⽇本の宗教を紹介するために 素晴らしい映画だと思います。 仏教や神道や儒教 jukyou のテーマ に特に富んだ映画です。 Sugata Sanshiro is a good film for introducing Japanese religious themes to foreign students in Japan, as it is rich in Buddhist, Shinto, and Confucian themes. In Akira Kurosawa ⿊澤明 ‘s two films of Sugata Sanshiro, of 1943 and 1945, there is a satori 【悟・覚】 scene, and a zazen 【坐禅・座禅】 scene. I cannot find any other movie which shows satori or zazen, so this movie is especially important. If you know of any other movies or anime which show satori or zazen, or interesting scenes about Japanese religion, please let me know! Sugata Sanshiro tells the story of a young man studying judo and learning about life in the Meiji Era 明治時代 (1868-1912). The 1942 (昭和17) novel 小説 was written by Tomita Tsuneo 富田常雄 (1904-1967). Akira Kurosawa ⿊澤明 (1910-1998) directed 監督 姿三四郎 Sugata Sanshiro, his first film, released 公開 koukai in March, 1943 昭和18年3月. Kurosawa also directed a sequel 続編 zokuhen, 続姿三四郎 Zoku Sugata Sanshiro Sugata Sanshiro2 which opened in March, 1945 昭和20年3月. 富 田 ⿊ 澤 first published 1942.09.05 昭和17.09.05 装丁soutei cover art: 藤田嗣治 Fujita Tsuguharu 第13版発⾏ 13th printing (10,000) 昭和20年8月20⽇ Aug.20,1945 *5 days after the end of the war *next (??) published 1950昭25 revised 改正 kaisei 1950昭25 revised 改正 kaisei (決定版 definitive edition) (no English version) Portuguese version. Tradução: Shintaro Hayashi Associação Kobra de Cultura e Esporte Akobrace Editora Gráfica TopanPress, São Paulo, Brasil, 2007 Tomita wrote several sequels 続編 zokuhen and prequels 前編 zenpen about Sanshiro, including 少年姿三四郎Young Sugata Sanshiro in 1950 昭25, and many other novels. Yoshida Masashi 2006 Yamashita Yasuhiro, Okuda Hiroshi 2005 The story of Sanshiro has been told in more than 6 feature films 長編映画 chouhen-eiga, 6 TV dramas, 2 anime films, and 4+ manga comic books, besides Tomita’s novels. Films: 1943昭17 Toho 東宝. Director: Kurosawa. (1943: +97minutes +97minutes分 97minutes分, 1944: -79min., 1951: 79 min., 2002: 91min.) 1945昭19 続姿三四郎. Toho. 82min. Kurosawa. *1954昭29 少年姿三四郎. Toei 東映 . 56+66min. Director: Kobayashi Tsuneo 小林恒夫. *1955昭30 Toei. (2 parts.) Tanaka Shigeo 田中重雄. 1965昭40 Toho. 153min. Director: Uchikawa Sei’ichiro 内川清一郎. Script 脚本kyakuhon, Editor 編集, & Producer 制作seisaku: Kurosawa. 1970昭45 Shochiku 松竹. Dir: Watanabe Kunio 渡辺邦男. 1977昭52 Toho. 124min. Okamoto Kihachi 岡本喜八. TV Dramas: *1957昭32 TBS JNN/CBC. 3 parts. *1962昭37 NHK. 4x30min. episodes 挿話 souwa. *1963昭38 Fuji. Dir: Watanabe Kunio 渡辺邦男. 1970昭45 NTV. Dir: Watanabe Kunio 渡辺邦男. 26x45min. (also 71min. film by Shochiku 松竹) *1978昭53 NTV. Dir: Yamamoto Michiyo 山本迪夫、 Tsuchiya Togoro 土屋統吾郎 26x45min. 2007平19 TV-Tokyo. 134min. 演出: Kinoshita Takao 木下高男. Anime: 1981昭56 Fuji. 72min. 1987昭62 NTV. 3x30min. Manga: 1954-55昭29-30 少年姿三四郎. Tominaga Ichiro 富永一朗, Tsuchiya Ippei 土屋一平 *1970昭45 Okuda Kunio 奥田邦夫. 1972昭47 Minamoto Taro みなもと太郎. 1976昭51 Motomiya Hiroshi 本宮ひろ志. 1981昭56 Monkey Punch モンキー・パンチ (=1981 anime). 1987昭62 Chiba Tetsuya ちばてつや (=1987 anime). 1943昭17 1945昭19 1943昭17 Australia-New Zealand 1945昭19 Australia-NZ 1943+1945 France 1943昭17 USA vhs (not remaster) 79min. *first shown 公開 in USA: 1974昭49 1954昭29 少年姿三四郎 1954昭29〜 manga 少年姿三四郎 富永一朗 Tominaga Ichiro 土屋一平 Tsuchiya Ippei Bara no Kodokan 1955昭30 1963昭38 Video not available, but theme song available 村田英雄 Murata Hideo 1 ⼈に勝つより 自分に勝て と⾔われた⾔葉が胸にしむ つらい修⾏と弱⾳を吐くな 月が笑うぞ三四郎 Take this saying to heart: You are more likely to be defeated by yourself than by others. Don’t complain about hard training. The moon is laughing, Sanshiro. 2 花と咲くより 踏まれて生きる 草と心が俺は好き 好きになってはいけない恋に 泣けば⾬降る講道館 3 しめた⿊帯 一生かけて わざも捨て⾝の⼭嵐 男だったら やるだけやるさ それが道だよ三四郎 1965昭40 France dvd (not available in Japan) 1965 昭40 脚本 scenario 1970昭45 vhs theme song 姿憲子 Sugata Noriko 1 やれば出来るさ 出来なけりゃ 男はもう一度やり直す 口惜しかったら 泣け 泣け 泣いてもいいから 前を⾒ろ 三四郎 それが勝負というものさ If you try, you can do it. You must do it. Men try again. If it’s frustrating, cry, cry. It’s OK to cry. Look ahead, Sanshiro. That’s what the game is all about. 2 石じゃないもの 咲く花に こころを燃やしてなぜ悪い つらいだろうが 待て 待て 二道かけない ⿊い帯 三四郎 それが修⾏というものさ 3 歩き出したら退くものか 男がこころに 決めた道 決めた以上は ⾏け ⾏け 夜明けの光が⾒えるまで 三四郎 それが生きると⾔うことさ 1970昭45 TV series Hong Kong (not available in Japan) 1977 昭52 Film HongKong (not available in Japan) “3 4 Roh, 3 4 Roh, お前は誰 だろう?” “Sanshiro, Sanshiro, who are you, do you know?” 佐藤勝 Sato Masaru 1978昭53 TV series (not available) 1978 昭53 soundtrack 1972昭47 Minamoto Taro 1976昭51 Motomiya Hiroshi 1981昭56 dvd 1981昭56 MonkeyPunch 1987昭62 vhs 1987昭62 USA vhs 1987昭62 Chiba Tetsuya 2007平19 TV drama The character 役 of Sanshiro is based on に基づく the life of Saigo Shiro ⻄郷四郎 (1866-1923). Saigo’s 1886 (明治19) victory勝利 shouri over a bigger jujitsu 柔術 opponent 相手 in a competition 試合 shiai, using his yama arashi 山嵐 (“mountain storm”) technique 技法 gihou, started Japan's first judo 柔道 boomブーム. Saigo Shiro yama-arashi monument, Aizu-Wakamatsu At the beginning of the movie, Sanshiro becomes a pupil弟子 of Yano Shogoro 矢野 正五郎, who is based on Kano Jigoro 嘉納 治五郎 (1860-1938). Kano was one of the Meiji reformers 改革者kaikakusha kaikakusha who followed the slogan スローガン 和魂洋才 wakon yousai = "Japanese spirit and Western aptitude." Kano removed the dangerous aspects of jujitsu and added a philosophy or Way of Life. “What I teach is not technique (ju-jutsu) but a way (ju-do)” Kano is called the Father 考案者kouansha、 創案者souansha of Judo. Kano also taught English and was principal 校長 at Gakushuin Peer’s School 学習院. In 1909 明治42 he became the first Asian member of the International Olympic Committee 国際オリンピック 委員会. Kano‘s judo school, the Kodokan 講道館, was first in a Zen 禅宗 temple, Eishoji 永昌寺, in the Ueno area of Tokyo, but they left after a year, in part because their practice 稽古 keikou was damaging 損害 songai the floor. Kano Saigo 三四郎の話は⾊々な点で魅⼒的です。 魅惑miwaku的な武道や戦いのシーンに加えてkuwaete、 ⽇本の宗教と社会に対して⾒識 kenshiki を与えます。 The story of Sanshiro is appealing from several perspectives. Besides gripping martial arts and combat scenes, the story provides interesting insights into Japanese religion and society. 戦中版と戦後版には社会価値観 kachikan の変動が明かされています。 The variations of the books and films in wartime and postwar reveal changes in social values. In particular 特に, in the 1942 book 小説 and Kurosawa’s 1943 film 映画, a number of phrases with militaristic tones 軍国主義 gunkokushugi にまっわる表現 have been cut カット or have been replaced 取って代わる with more innocuous 気にさわらないよう phrases. We will take a look at some of these. 1943昭17 出演: 藤田 進 Fujita Susumu Sanshiro has been fighting in the streets. He comes into Yano‘s room, abashed 決まり悪い. 決まり悪い Yano: 「どうだ。思いきり 投げて気持ち良かったろう。」 Dou da. Omoikiri nagete kimochi yokattarou. How was it? Must have felt good throwing your weight around. Sanshiro: 「申し訳ありまん。」 I have no excuse. Yano: 「私もお前の働きが⾒たかった。 強い。まったく強くなった。」 I would have liked to have seen the way you move your body. You’re strong. You’ve really become strong. 「お前の実⼒は今や 私の上かもしれん。しかし、な、姿、 お前の柔道と私の柔道とは天地 の隔たりhedatari がある。 気がつくか。お前は⼈間の道 を知らん。」 Your ability may even be better than mine now. But, you know, Sugata, your judo and my judo are worlds apart. Have you noticed that? You don’t know the Way of Humanity. 「⼈間の道をしらぬ者に柔道を教えるのは、 これは気違いに刃物を持たせるのに等しい。」 Ningen no michi wo shiranu mono ni judo wo oshieru wa kichigai ni hamono wo motaseru no ni hitoshii. Teaching judo to a man who does not know the Way of Humanity is like giving a knife to a madman. Sanshiro: 「先生、⼈間の道は知っております!」 Sensei, I know the Way of Humanity! Yano: 「嘘を⾔えっ! 理性もなく。目的もなく。」 Uso wo ie! Risei mo naku, mokuteki mo naku. You lie! You have no Reason; you have no Purpose. 「狂い回るのが⼈間の道か。」 Kurui mawaru no ga ningen no michi ka? Is it the Way of Humanity to rave around madly? 「⼈間の道とは…」 The Way of Humanity is… At this point in the film, there is a small lack 欠如 ketsujo of continuity コンテ in the action. The camera is looking at Yano’s face, but Yano’s head jumps 跳ぶ suddenly, exactly丁度 丁度 as if ように there was a missing 落丁 rakuchou piece of film. In the film as we see it today, Yano says to Sugata, 「⼈間の道とは…」 Then Yano’s face jumps, and he continues, 「…これこそ、天地自然の真理である。」 …kore koso, tenchi shizen no shinri de aru. A translation of the line would be: The Way of Humanity: this is the Eternal Truth of the Way Things Are in Heaven and Earth. Eh?? へー? What does this mean? どういう意味でしょうか? I suggest 言い出す that it doesn‘t make much sense それは意味をなさない. それは意味をなさない And why is Yano so angry? Should Sanshiro already clearly はっきり understand this vague 曖昧 philosophy 哲学 ? この映画を JCMU の留学生に⾒せるために 準備した時に、この⼈間の道の句は どういう意味だと考えました。 When I was preparing to show this film to the JCMU students, I wondered what this line means. シナリオ台本を⾒つけた、この表現は戦後に カットされたじゃないかと思いました。 他の表現もカットされたみたいです。 I found the scenario book, and it looks like the film was cut here, and perhaps in a few other places as well, after the end of the Pacific War. According to によれば the scenarioシナリオ シナリオ, シナリオ the film as it was shown in 1943 apparently見たところ 見たところ went like this: Yano says: 「⼈間の道とは…忠孝の道だ。」 Ningen no michi to wa … chuukou no michi da. The Way of Humanity is … the path of loyalty to your lord and devotion to your parents.・ This original, non-cut line line does make sense: 「⼈間の道とは忠孝の道だ。 これこそ天地自然の真理である。」 Ningen no michi to wa chuukou no michi da. Kore koso tenchi shizen no shinri de aru. The Way of Humanity is the path of loyalty to lord and devotion to parents. This is the Eternal Truth of the Way Things Are in Heaven and Earth. This is also the sentence in the 1942 novel. 1942昭17 In postwar editions 戦後版 of Tomita’s novel, the sentence 文章 with 忠孝 chuukou is replaced: 即ち、天地自然の真理のままに生き死にする悟りだ。 Sunawachi, tenchishizen no shinri no mamani ikishini suru satori da. That is to say, living and dying in the Principle of the Way of Heaven and Earth is Enlightenment.・ This is a quite pretty 綺麗な sentence, but it stillまだ まだ doesn‘t explain 説明 what the Principle 真理 is. In the 1943 film as we see it today, Yano continues, 「この真理によってのみ⼈間は死の安心を得る。 これがすべての道の究極の一点だ。 柔道とて同じこと。 姿、お前はこの一点を⾒失っておる。」 Kono shinri ni yotte nomi ningen wa shi no anshin wo eru. Kore ga subete no michi no kyuukyoku no itten da. Judo tote onaji koto. Sugata, omae wa kono itten wo miushinatteoru. Only by this truth can people attain peace of mind towards death. This is the ultimate one goal of all Paths. Same goes for judo. Sugata, you have lost sight of this point. Sugata: 「いいえ、 先生。先生の命令とあらば 今でも僕は死ねます。」 No, sensei. If you order it, I can die even now. Why does Sanshiro talk about dying? It makes sense if you know another missing line: In the 1942 novel, Yano asks Sanshiro: 「お前は君父の命があれば即座に死ねるか。」 Omae wa kunpu no mei ga areba sokuzani shineru ka? If your lord commands you, can you die without a moment’s hesitation? In the postwar editions of the novel, this line with 君父 is cut and replaced with: お前は火の中にあっても、水の中に会っても 淡淡として死ねるか。 Omae wa hi no naka ni attemo, mizu no naka ni attemo tantan toshite shineru ka? Even if you were surrounded by flames or engulfed in waves, would you be able to die with detachment? 淡淡としてcould also be read as “serenely, calmly, in peace, coolly, (or) philosophically.” In the novel, both wartime and postwar versions, and in some of the film versions, but not in Kurosawa’s film, Yano says, 「姿、お前は私が寺の池へ飛び込めと⾔えば 即座に飛び込むか、飛び込んで死ねるかっ。」 Sugata, omae wa watakushi ga tera no ike he tobikome to ieba sokuzani tobikomu ka, tobikonde shineru ka? Sugata, if I were to tell you to jump into the temple pond, would you without hesitation jump in; and, having jumped in, could you die? In the 1943 film scenario, but not in the film we have today, Sanshiro continues, 忠義のためにも、孝⾏のためにも。 Chuuki no tame ni mo, koukou no tame ni mo. (I can die) out of loyalty or out of filial duty. This line apparently was cut after the war, too. In the 1943 film scenario, but not in the film today, and not in the 1941 novel, Yano says: 「黙れ! 私は無頼漢風情の前に 軽々しく投げ出す生命のこと を⾔っているのでは無い。」 Damare! Watakushi wa buraikan fuzei no mae ni karugarushiku nagedasu seimei no koto wo itteiru no de wa nai. Shut up! I’m not talking to a hooligan like you about life thrown away carelessly. 「大義のために己れを滅するの覚悟 を⾔っているのだ。」 Taigi no tameni onore wo messuru no kakugo wo itteiru no da. I’m talking about a determination to extinguish your ego for the sake of Great Righteousness. Taigi is a Confucian 儒教の term meaning “great moral cause (that benefits everyone).” In Imperial Japan大日本帝国 it came to mean “readiness 覚悟 kakugo to die for country.” This line, I guess, was added by the wartime censor 検閲 ken-etsu. In the film today, Yano only says: 「黙れ! 一無頼漢に落し去ったお前など の口先の返答は信じはせん。」 Damare! Ichiburaikan ni otoshisatta omae nado no kuchisaki no hentou wa shinjihasen! Shut up! I don’t believe any reply that comes out of the mouth of someone who has fallen into hooliganism like you. Let’s look at this scene. Please watch for the jump when Yano says “Ningen no michi to wa…” 4:20 3:33 Oshou, satori Neither the blooming 開花 lotuses 蓮華 renge nor Sanshiro’s prostration 平伏す hirefusu are in Tomita’s 1941 novel. Sanshiro’s satori or epiphany 自己啓示 jikoukeiji at seeing the lotus is surely Kurosawa’s artistic embellishment 装飾品 soushokuhin. The prostration is, I would imagine, a wartime censor 検閲官 ken-etsukan ’s interpolation 書き入れ. There are some other very nice scenes with religious tones. 横浜 浅間神社 Sengen Shrine, Yokohama *Kurosawa’s first ever directed scene. ⾒ろ。美しいじゃないか。 Miro. Utsukushii jya naika? Look; isn’t that beautiful? 姿, あの美しさは一体どこから出てくるか分かるか。 Sugata, ano utsukushisa wa ittai doko kara detekuruka wakaru ka? Sugata, do you know where that beauty in fact comes from? 祈るという事の中に、己を捨て切っている。 Inoru to iu koto no naka ni, onore wo sutekitteiru. In prayer, the ego is discarded. 自分の我を去って、神と一念になっている。 Jibun no ga wo satte, kami to ichinen ni natte iru. In leaving your self, you become one (one mind, one heart, one thought) with kami. あの美しさ以上に強いものはないのだ。 Ano utsukushisa ijou ni tsuyoi mono wa nai no da. There is nothing mightier than this beauty. 1:30 我々はここで遠慮しようか。 あぁ、いいものを⾒たな 姿。いい気持ちだ。 Wareware wa koko de enryo shou ka. Ah, ii mono wo mita na, Sugata. Ii kimochi da. Let’s not intrude any further. Oh, we have seen a wonderful thing, eh, Sugata? I feel great. 俺はその娘が己を捨て切って 父のために祈っている美しい顔を⾒てしまった。 それが困った。 その美しさに勝つにはどうしたらいい 和尚。 Watashi wa sono musume ga onore wo sutekitte chichi no tame ni inotteru utsukushii kao wo miteshimatta. Sore ga komatta. Sono utsukushisa ni katsu ni wa doushitara ii? Oshou! I saw her beautiful face emptied of self, praying for her father. That’s what’s troubling me. How can I win against such beauty, Oshou?” 鈍根。お前もその娘のように 無心なったらよかろうか。 Donkon! Omae mo sono musume no youni mushin nattara yokarouka? Dimwit! If you become as empty of self as that young lady, you can do it! 3:34 a few quite romantic scenes 1945昭19 出演: 藤田 進 Fujita Susumu zazen scene 何, お前が座禅を。よせよせ。 居眠りがでるばかりじゃ。 Nani? Omae ga zazen wo? Yose yose. Nemuri ga deru bakari jya. What? You want to do zazen? Forget it. You’ll just doze off. つべこべ⾔わずとお前に取っ付いている奴を睨むんじゃ。 そやつの消え失せるまで。よいか 三四郎。 Tsubekobe iwazuto omae ni tottsuiteiru yatsu wo niramun jya. So yatsu no kieuseru made. Yoi ka, Sanshiro? Without answering back, you must glare at the fellow approaching until he vanishes into thin air. OK, Sanshiro? 3:23 1965昭40 France dvd 出演: Mifune Toshiro 三船敏郎, Kayama Yuzo 加山雄三 2:46 Mifune Toshiro 三船敏郎, ⼈間の道とは天然の真理である。 Ningen no michi to wa tennen no shinri de aru. “The Way of Humanity is the Truth of Nature.” This is still terribly vague あいまいな What is the Truth of Nature? 1:23 Sanshiro’s friends help him out of the pond. Sanshiro sobs a little but does not bow to Yano. 1970昭45 Japan VHS :竹脇無我 Takewaki Muga 1:52 3:17 theme song 姿憲子 Sugata Noriko 1970昭45 TV Series Hong Kong only : 竹脇無我 Takewaki Muga 0:19 1977昭52 Hong Kong only 出演: 三浦友和 Miura Tomokazu 2:50 2:56 This 1977 movie follows the Tomita novel. In the morning, Yano is not there; he has gone to work. 1978昭53 (no video available) 出演: 勝野洋 Katsuno Hiroshi In the 1978 TV series, there is no talk of the Way of Humanity at all. Yano asks Sanshiro if he feels justified in involving innocent people in the brawl. Sanshiro asks why he should bow his head down in apology if he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. Yano tells him, “Cool your head down and think about it.” Sanshiro says he will indeed cool down and jumps into the pond. Sugata, omae no judo wa, kenka no tame no judo to wa nasakenai na. Boku wa furikakatte hi no ko wo haratta dake desu. Warui to wa omoemasen. Idomarereba aite kawanazu wanryoku wo furuttemo kamawanai to omou no ka. Sensei, boku wa kodokan judo no meiyou no tame ni, tadashii to shinjite tatakaimashita. Sawagi wo okoshi, nani wo kankei mo nai hitotachi ni meiwaku wo kaketemo, tadashii to ieru no ka? Iemasu, machigattemasen! Machigatteru! Iie! Naze meiwaku wo kakemashita to, sunao ni wabi ga ienai no da. Sensei, warui to omoenai no ni atama wo sageru no desu ka. Atama wo hieyashite kangaerou. (Sanshiro, hiza de nigarishimeta kobushi ga furueru.) Hiyashimasu! 1972昭47 Minamoto ⼈の道とは忠孝の道だ Hito no michi to wa chuukou no michi da. The way of man is the way of loyalty to lord and father. ………………. ちかごろのマンガはむずかしいなあ。。。 Chikagoro no manga wa muzukashii naa… Are comics ever difficult these days! 1976昭51 Motomiya 1981昭 1981昭56 Japan dvd 4:53 Sanshiro is completely frozen in the pond in the morning and the deshi thaw him out. Yano scolds him that he wasted a whole night while he himself wrote a 300 page manuscript, but the cat jumps up and knocks down the papers, revealing that they are blank. Yano admits that he couldn’t write anything because he was worried about Sanshiro. Sanshiro chokes up and bows deeply at Yano’s feet; everyone sobs. Yano asks Sanshiro not to make him so miserable in the future. 1987昭62 Japan VHS, USA VHS 6:20 2007平19 Japan dvd 出演 : 加藤成亮 Kato Shigeaki 2:57 忠 孝 1940昭15 教育勅語50年記念 Confucian 儒学 virtues 美徳 of humanity: benevolence 仁, righteousness 義, propriety 禮, knowledge 知, and fidelity 忠. Filial piety孝 is the root of all virtue. 1890 明治23年 “Rescript on Education” 教育勅語 kyouiku-chokugo “Know ye, Our subjects: Our Imperial Ancestors have founded Our Empire on a basis broad and everlasting and have deeply and firmly implanted virtue 道義. Our subjects ever united in loyalty and filial piety 忠孝 両全 have from generation to generation illustrated the beauty thereof. This is the glory of the fundamental character of Our Empire, and herein also lies the source of Our education. “ When the phrase containing chuukou was cut is unclear, but it must have been under the orders of GHQ-SCAP (General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) censors 検閲 ken-etsu. Kurosawa’s entire film was banned 発禁 hakkin along with 225 out of 554 wartime films depicting scenes of feudal 封建 houken loyalty 忠節 chuusetsu, cruel 残酷 ginkoku violence 暴⼒, or the “undemocratic 非⺠主的な idea of revenge 復讐 fukushuu.” Martial arts, including judo, were also banned from government settings like schools and police departments until 1950. Kurosawa’s film was not shown again in Japan until 1952昭27. When it first opened in 1943昭18, the film ran for about 97 minutes. When it was re-released for a second run in 1944, a number of short scenes were cut out, probably because of a new law which said that an entire showing including newsreels at a movie theater could only run for 100min, and that dramatic films must be 73min or less. The reason for this law was no doubt because three-quarters of the nation’s movie theaters had been damaged and half of them destroyed, so the few remaining theaters needed to provide a greater number of shows in a day. The missing scenes were filled in with written captions describing what happened. Then, in 1996 1998, a 45-minute segment of Kurosawa’s film was found (along with a good number of other missing Japanese films) in the Moscow Gosfilmofond State Film Archive Depository. The print apparently had been taken from the former Japanese colony of Manchukuo. Integrating scenes from this print, a re-mastered and partly restored 91min (最⻑版 “longest version”) DVD with Japanese subtitles and commentary track was released in 2002. This version of Sanshiro, like all other available versions of Kurosawa’s film, does not include the chuukou phrase. Q1. 一般的に⾔って, 忠孝には良い意味があります。 ”Chuukou” expresses a good meaning, generally speaking. Q2. 忠孝は現在の社会には大切です。 “Chuukou” is important in today’s society. Q3. 政治家は忠孝を悪用する可能性があるかも知れま せん。または、悪用して来たかも知れません。 Politicians might misuse / have misused “chuukou”. RESULTS OF SURVEY *121 respondents 回答者121人 agree strongly Q.1 good meaning 良い意味 34 Q.2 Important大 切 Q.3 misuse 悪用 29 26 somewhat agree 56 55 50 can’t say either way 29 32 38 somewhat disagree 2 5 6 strongly disagree 0 0 1
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