Everything for the Vacation at Flin Flon
Everything for the Vacation at Flin Flon
Everything for the Vacation at Flin Flon, Manitoba. 1940 edition. EverJthin1 for· the Vacation . . . . . . . .,at......._._ Elin Flon 1940 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA MANITOBA CLASSIFICATION Rbc. F - s- f., '11 ,Ft) _ _ E v e- 030'731 EC-b-7 030731 INTROD and smelting town, is situated at the terminus of the Manitoba Northern Rail• ways, a branch of the Canadian National Railways, u_ ____ and is 86 miles north of The Pas, slightly north of the 54th parallel on tlle Manitoba-Saskatchewan boun· dary. With a population of 8,000 people, the main industry is the mining and smelting plant of the Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Company, one of the largest and most modern mining plants in the Dominion of Canada. During the past ten years the remarkable growth of the F'lin Flon mine and the subseqnent development of the town has no parallel in the Dominion. Flin Flon, a compamtiYe newcomer in the mining field, but nevertheless lusty and progressiYe) has contributed it's share to Manitoba's steady industrial expansion. Almost totally dependent upon the mining company, the town of Flin Flon sprang into existence. A few years ago a straggling hamlet, the town has mushroomed and expanded with uewildering rapidity. As yet, new, raw and unbeautifnl, it has grown faster than it's parent mining plant and now totals it's population " at . 8,000 and has taken an impor- · ~~====:::::=~:..':":-~~ tant place in ~Ianitoba's cities. With all its newness, rawness and incomplete appearance that goes with rapid growth, Flin Flon possesses a spirit in keeping with Canada's mining industry- vital, progressive, optimistic and confident. Flin Flon looks t6 the years ahead to bring steadv and solid expansion and a lasting contribution to the life of the nation. LIN FLOX, A .MlNliliG FOREWORD HE FLIN FLON Board of Trade, in the presentation of this Booklet, do so, not without a touch of pride but chiefly as • a needed community service. For those of us who live here the rapid growth and expansion of Flin Flon has been difficult to follow and for this reason we apreciate the visitor's difficulties in trying to grasp the numerous facts and events which brought about this, the greatest industrial development m the Province of Manitoba. Southern Hospitality has long been famed, but when one enters the "Friendly North" he realizes that the greatness of nature is matched only by the friendliness of those fortunate enough to be permitted to live in this glorious country. The numerous lakes, the majestic forests, the long bright days of summer and the zestful, exhilirating winters make the North truly a man's paradise and the bigness of it all does not permit a person's heart to feel other than friendly to all as nature is so friendly to us. May this booklet portray in some measure the progressive spirit which prevails. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy having you do so and may we extend a sincere and cordial welcome to visit our city and North country. ORSON F. WRIGHT, President, Flin Flon Board of Trade. I f firs pre. and con as J the can: and maj any com is 8 The mea nort junc raih whi~ be Non wisl: rive1 '-========--=-===== HOW TO GET THERE QJ:HIS BOOKLET was prepared for the purpose of providing the tourist first, with a convenient and fairly comprehensive guide in travelling through and about Northern Manitoba, and second, in simple form, to give as briefly as possible such information relating to the country, the towns and mmmg camps the summer resorts, the fishing and hunting areas, miltage, etc., which may be of interest in making almost any particular trip. The map to the right shows the completed highway to The Pas, which is 87 miles south of F!in Flon. From The Pas, the tourist may choose S8Veral means of transportation in tmvellin ; north from this point. The F11s i ; E1e junction of the Flin F!o.J. and Churchill railways•; there are air bases from which schedule or charter trips may be. obtained to almost any point ii?Northern Manitoba and for those who wish to travel the immense lake and river route, canoe guides and equjpment may be obtained. A COUNTRY OF INFINITE VARIETY JL ITTLE HAS been published relative to what Northern Manitoba has to offer the tourist. Neverthelees the North is a country of infinite variety. From the thriving mining towns to the primeval forests and ro8ky heights, untouched by the hand of man, it invites the tourist, by motor, by rail or by plane, to enjoy the hospitality of it:J people and the scenk beauty of its landscape, different jt is true, in many respects from any other part or tne country. Here the tourist may enjoy \ PLAZA CAFE "Quick MEI\LS 1\ T 1\LL HOURS Service" FLIN FLON HOTEL BLCG. MONTY'S RADIO AUTO & MARINE SUPPLIES LIMITED EVERYTHING FOR:· BOATS OUTBOARD MOTORS AUTOMOBILES RADIOS, ElC. Doxey's BUS SERVICE OPERATING ON SCHEDULE TO ROSS LAKE. MILE 84. CHANNING, PHANTOM LAKE, BEAVER LAKE CHARTER TRIPS MAY BE ARRANGED - - Doxey's Bus Service-- = the conveniences of the city. Here the tourist may visit the hAunts of the trappers of the North-Indians and whites meet them and talk 'th them in SCHIST CREEK ON THE WATER ROUTE . Wl FROM CRANBERRY PORTAGE TO FLIN FLON their cabins oron the banks of s w i f t flowing rivers and great inland fresh water lakes, or see them paddling their canoes! loaded with rurs to the nearest trading posts. Here too, the tourist may enjoy hunting and fishtug in forest, lake and stream unsurpassed for big game, small game, and fresh water fish. TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH, RADIO CONVENIENCES FOR TOURISTS jfOR THE PURPOSE of communication with friends, business associates or when in difficulties, the tourist may rest assured that he is never "in the wilderness" when travelling the wide stretches of Northern Manitoba. Even in "The Sportsman's Last Great North" there are a number of radio broadcasting stations by means of which messages may be conveyed to the outside world. RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION The Canadian National Railway System operates from The Pas to Flin Flon, and Sherridon via Cranberry Portage. For those travelling entirely by radl there is direct train service from Regina and points west. There are five passenger trains in and out of Flin Flon each week in addition to five local trains operat•ing between Flin Flon, The Pas, Sherridon and Cranberry Portage. Full information as to .,schedule and rates may be obtained from any branch of the Canadian National Railway System. SERVICE BY AIR Excellent plane service is available from bases at The Pas, Flin Flon and Sherridon. Scheduled trips are maintained to all points of interest in the north and charter trips may be arranged at reasonable rates. Complete infoma.Uon may be secured on request from the Secretary of the Board of Trade at Flin Flon, Sherrddon or The Palii. STELCO COPPER BEARING CHAIN LINK FENCE Whether it be steel pipe for your water or air lines, a chain link fence to protect your property or one of the many other STELCO products used for mining operations you will find the quality unexcelJed STELCO SCALE FREE PIPE THE STEEl COMP f\NY Of Cf\Nf\Df\ liMITED 504 MAIN LEASK'S STREET DRAY WINNIPEG H. AND -TRANSFER- Team and Truck Work Contracting- 43 Phone 72 J. LAIDLAW General Contractor " Foundations and General - -Carpenter Work- Hill St. : : Flin Flon NoRTHERN CAFE ~6*~ Flin Flon's most PopularRestaurant cc-~~~ ICE CREAM, TOBACCOS. CIGARETTES ······················ ·······················································································- QUALITY & SERVICE ....... ·-······ ....... . -----········ MAIN STREET PHONE 18 WATER TRANSPORTATION Tourists who are anxious to travel as much as possible over the majestic lakes of Northern Manitoba will find Cranberry Portage the ideal starting point. From here there is a 28-mile water route to Flin Flon vda Schist Creek, and Schist Lake and beautiful Lake Atha.papuskow. Complete arrangements for boats, guides, etc., can be made at Cranberry Portage. The north has always possessed a peculiar faS1cination for mankind. It is not only the wealth of scenery which it co:nmands. or the raw beauty that tingles unusual huma nemotions; it is something more than that. It is a sense of penetration of the unknown, of overcoming obstacles which for ages have been barriers to human progress. It is not by chance that rivers, and lakes constitute the boundaries of states in the Old World. The development of the mineral resource51 of Northern Manitoba pushed back the frontiers of civilization with ribbons of steel and motor highways, but left untouched the still majestic grandeur of the North. The easy accessibility of this great country marks it as "The Sportsman's Paradise." With hunting, fishing and camping unsurpassed one may enjoy nature at its best, with a minimum cost and maximum comfort. Covering a wide are:t and posse:::sing interesting scenery, the Flin Flon district offers great attraction for the tourist. The town itself is ideally situated, surrounded as it is with great inland lakes connected to the town by motor highways. Flin Flon and its environs invite the camera fan. The huge mining and smelting plant of the Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Company, the variety of landscape green woodlands and quiet streams are awaiting the interpretation of the artist. If you like to play r olf or tennis all these are yours in Flin Flon. On the shores of Beaver Lake 16 miles from town by highway is beautiful Denare Beach. Three miles by highway is Big Island Lake unsurpassed for trout fishing. Two miles by highway is Phantom Lake Beach and three miles by highway is the head of Schist Lake where one may travel by water to almost any point in the North country. In the following pages detailed information for your guidance is given. After you have visited with us at Flin Flon once, we are sure you will wish to come again. ATTENTION SPORTSP.1EN · - - ctonunj to :#tt :lion,,;; Allow us to assist you in arrangi11g your fishing trips tc ROYAL HOTEL H hl c W . C . PLUMMER, Manager RATES: $1.50 and $2.00 per day he sll Hot eand Cold Water to J~ f in, The Stag Pool "u" FOR RECREATION "ua TOBACCOS SOFT DRINKS "THE SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS" NED PERRY .' Recreation at Flin Flon FLIN FLON provides complete recreation attractions. for re• sident and tourist alike. The hazardous golf course and club facilities are free to yi~i tors who are welcome at any time to enjoy a game on one of the most northern golf courses in Canada. The Municipal tennis courts at Foster Park arc open tourists or visitors at a nominal fee 6f 25c per set. to Visitors are also warmly welcomed at the Community Club Winter recreation is centered largely around the splendid rink. Here skating is provided for old and young alike l!.lld figure skating has also grown in popularity. Each year sees a fine revue and the Club engages a professional trainer. Hockey is a high ranking winter sport and Flin Flon has a hockey team of which ' she is pl'Oud. . The "Bombers" are speedy skaters and fine sportsmen and have brought many honors to the home town. The games draw packed rinks during the winter season. Junior hockey too, has a big run and as the senior boys are recruited for the Big Leagues it is expected that the youngsters will be replacing them within a few years. Curling is perhaps "king of them all" in Flin Flon. Six sheets of ice are in operation all the time and during the bonspiel the skating rink is transformed into a five·-sheet curling rink and the Benspiel takes precedence· over everything. Geo. W. Evans Distributor and Manufacturers' Agent COMMISSION MERCHANT Phone 193 81 Main Street, Flin Flon, Manitoba Imperial Oil .... C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes Robin Hood Flour Bell's Hardware Builders' & General Hardware PROSPECTORS' AND TRAPPERS' SUPPLIES, FISHING · TACKLE--HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTING GOODS CORO·NA HOTEL "The Trav..lera' Home" - -HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER- E. E. FOSTER, Prop. MAIN STREET - :- FLIN FLON, MAN. FLIN FLON DRY CLEANERS FOR PICK-UP-PHONE 178, FLIN FLON · · · · · · · · · · · . PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT .... · · · · · · · · · · ·: Quality Cleaning-Quick Service . . . . . ...... . PHANTOM LAKE , "She w.ls a phantom of delight When first she beamed upon my sight." 1:1.... 0 SANG the poet and so e:l' with Phantom Lake. Only a mile and a quarter from the heart of town, this beautiful lake provides '1. veritable summer paradise for the children and a delightful sanctuary for all. The Lake is between eight and nine miles in length and is studded with islands. Canoes or motor boats are available at the beach for a run down the lake to any of the dozens of picnic grounds. The Lake warms rapidly and provides excellent swimming. A GOOD CATCH This spring the Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Company have taken over the beach and a modest resort is fast being developed. For the beach 2,500 yards of Sland were hauled and laid on the ice and surrounding area. With the melting of the ice the sand now provides an excellent bottom far out into the lake. Surface draining has been put in and a new wharf built. The preliminaries toward the construction of a bath house and refreshment booth are under consideration and construction will undoubelly take place this year. There are splendid picnic grounds at the head of the lake and an ideal playground is provided. Flin Flon is proud of her new out-door recreational centre. F. A. SCH I EDER ===MEN'S WEAR=== MAIN ST. FLIN FLON \\ --11 tourists W~lcom~ 1~ SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES NORTH OF "54'' AT ,- THOMPSON ELECTRIC -'--1 ··The Electric Shop·· FUN FLON. MANITOBA 100 MAIN STREET ENJOY YOUR STAY BY LISTENING TO YOUR FAVORIT.Iil PROGRAMS WITH A G. E. RADIO. RADIOS FOR RENT OR SALE The man,agement •.tnd staff cordially invite you to visit our showroom. Free information on Flin Flon and district SALISBURY HOUSE--The House That Service Buiit Quality Service Cleanliness "QUALITY FOODS SERVED RICHT" 5 · STORES PHONE 98 KEDDIE HARDWARE LTD. ··------- HARDWARE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. JOHNSON MOTORS ··------- Ye(l tltt?' 5l,'f~ 9,/eclt~?l of- FISHING TACKLE & SPORTS EQUIPMENT Facts About Manitoba , AREA-Manitoba's land surface is 219,723 sq. miles; water 26,789 sq. miles; total, 246,512 square miles. This is more than twice the total area of the British Isles'. Manitoba extends 761 miles north and south, reaching from the 49th degree of latitude northward to the 6()th. It's width at the southern end is 278 miles; at the widest point it measures 493 miles east and west; at the north bound31ry it is 260 miles wide. ALTITUDE-Altitude at Flin Flon is 950 feet, and of Lake Athapapuskow, 951 feet. BIRDS - Manitoba has many birds. Some species stay all year. A few spend part of the year in the Arctic, 'l.nd come down to this latitude during the winter. Most species, however spend their winters in the South and come to this province for the warmer months. Manitoba lies right in what is known as the "Mississippi Flyway" of the waterfowl. This is one of t h e principal waterfowl flyways of America. Roughly speaking the route follows the Mississippi and Red River Valleys, leading northwestward by northward across the continent. BUS ROUTES - Licensed passenger buses operate on the provincial highways and many other roads. During 1940 certificates were issued for the operation of passenger buses on the following routes:,-Winni'peg to: Emerson, International Botmdary at Emerson for United States points, Vita, Arborg, Deloraine, Hodgon, Killarney, Marchanrl, -Riverton, Rosa, St. Anne, 1 ~a>:t Brain tree, Giroux, Steinbach Grand ·Beach, Libau, Pine Falls, Lac du Bonnet, Beausejour, Seven Sisters, Kenora, Portage la Prairie, erandon-to Saskatchewan- and Alberta points, Hawk Lake, Rennie, Lundar, Oal{ Point, . Spearhill Hazel ridge, Craig Siding, Selkirk, Russell, Nt-r.lpawa, Dauphin, ·Clear Lr.ke, Saskatchewan Boundary en route to Sa::~katchewan and A,lberta po~nts, Alons:!, . Elie, Oakville; FOR GEO.ANDERSON DRY CLEANER FRAUK BLACKBURTI -TAILOR- Phone 222 -:- INSURANCE-SEE 66 Main St. Main Street Flin Flon Flin Flon -:- Manitoba We invite you to visit Flin Flon also ~olben ~ate Qlafr The Home ofBETT£R FOODSBETTER COOKING"We Specialize ·in American and Chinese Dishes" PHONE 73 MAIN STREET FLIN FLON The ROTARY ClUB of flin flon GREETS YOU It you are a Rotatian and intend to visit Flin Flon be sun: to communicate with our secretary. We shall do all we can to ma.ke your visit a pleasant one. President- Lorne Algate Secretary-Jack Hatch MEETINGS-Thursday 12:30 P.M. In The United Church 0 FACTS Continued. arandon to:Neepawa, Benito, Dauphin, Clear Lake, Swan River, Shoal Lake Winnipeg osis, International Boundary via P.T.H. 10 to United states points, Pilot Mound, Killarney, Deloraine, Souris, Melita, Lyleton, Pipestone, Reston. HISTORICAL---Hudson's Bay was explored by Henry Hudson in 1610. Nelson River was entered in 1612 by Sir Thomas Button, the first ' . :1ite man to .set foot on Manitoba soil. The fur trade developed as a result of the founding of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1670. In 1738 La Veran1lrye with his sons and nephew passed down the Winnipeg River from the Lake of the Woods and visited the sites of Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie and proceeded S'Outhward. This is the first known instance of a white man visiting the site of Winnipeg. Agriculture was introduced into Manitoba by the Selkirk settlers, the first of them arriving in 1812. On May 12, 1870, the Act to establish the Province of Manitoba was passed by the Dominion Parliament, and on July 15, 1870, Manitoba was admitted into Confederation. The first general influx of non-English immigrants was that of the Mennonites, who came from Russia 6,000 strong in 1875, and arrived in different contingents, settling on both sides of the Red River. Then followed the Icelanders, who located mostly close to Lake Winnipeg. The general movement of English-speaking settlers from Ontario and other pal"ts of Eastern Canada got well under way during the later "seventies" and early "eighties." In 1870 Fort Garry (now Winnipeg) had a weekly mail service by way of Pembina, St. Paul and Chicago. Horses were us-ed in summer; dog sleds in winter. Neither a stage coa.ch nor boat service had yet been started. Travellers had to depend on their own rcsource£1 to travel between Fort Garry and St. Cloud, Minnesota. In 1871 a stage line to the south was initiated. and Fort Garry had its first telegta.p h line. In 1872 a steamboat service was started on the f~ed River. The first export of wheat from Manitoba (857 1-6 bushels of Red Fife) was made on October 21 1876, this shipment being consigned by Higgins and Young, Winnipeg, to Steel Bros., Toronto; price 85 cents. In 1878 a railroad from Emerson to St. Boniface was built, (Continued on Next Page) Campsite on Lake Athapuskow (Fiin Flon) Compliments of ... Freedman's Smokers Headquarters J. Freedman OWNER A 'Friendlq · ;J~orthern C3reeting of Welcome from our Store ..1flin ..1flon, jfflanitoba Facts Continued . . • • connecting with a railroad in the United States; the first train reached St. Boniface on December 7,1878. In 1881 and 1912 the boundaries of Manitoba were extended. The first C.P.R. train from Eastern Canada. reached Winnipeg on July 26, 1881. In 1912 Northern Manitoba wa.S .added to the Province. In 1930 Manitoba received its Natural Reslources. In 1931 the first grain shipments, and in 1933 the first cattle shipments, were made from Churchill. In 1939 Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited Manitoba. Game Laws North of ··54·· ~PEN season on .... "" Wild Geese, Wild Ducks of any kind; . Qoots, Rails-September 1st to November 30th. · Ptarmigan-October 1 to Oct.ober 20. Male Caribou, Moose or Reindeer, DeerNovember. 15 to December 5. BAG LIMITS-Geese, 10 a day, season, 50, possession, 15; Ducks, 15 a day before October 1, 25 a day thereafter, season, 100, possession, 50; Coots and Rails, ~5 a day: Ptarmigan, 15 a day, season, ·so;. De2r, etc., 1 animal only. \, -TRANSPORTATION VIA SNOWPLANE ]- DOMINION BRIDGE COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG Fabricators and Erect,o rs of Structural Steel f ,o r Buildings, Bridges, T1anks, etc. WE CARRY THE LARGEST COMPLETE WAREHOUSE STOCK IN WESTERN CANADA. ALL STOCKS FOR IM· MEDIATE SHIPMENT Head Office Montreal • 702 Canada Bldg. Winnipeg BLUEBIRD Diamond & Wedding Rings BULOVA WATCHES "Home of Quality Watch Repairs" E. B. PRESTON Valves Digester Fittings Pattern und Pipe Fittings M1achine Shop Cast Pipe "Uelmet" ALLOYS RESITS ACID, HEAT & ABRASION WELLAND ELECTRIC STEEL FOUNDRY MILD STEEL and ALLOY CASTINGS WELLAND, ONT. How Flin FJon got its Name A long time ago when this location was not even a very small dot on a very large and rather incomplete map, a group of hardy prospectors, far from the end of the steel and civilization, came in possion of a well thumbed dime novel ''The Sunless City." It told the tale of one Josiah l!~linabatty Flonatin. an eminent member of thie Society for the exploration of Unexplored Regions, who succeeded in securing the fimncial backing ofP. T. Barnum for the building of a submarine in which old Flin Flon was to descend into an apparently bottoiillleSIS lake in an isolated region of the Rookies. After some two weeks exciting travel straight down, Mr. Flonatin came upon a placid interior s3a where he proceeded to rest and refresh himself after his strenuous voyage. Here he located gold claims beyond the wildest of dreams of a bu9hed prospector- rocks of gold, boulders of gold, whole mountains of pure gold. Flin Flon filled his pockets and his little boat almost to capsizing. But, alas for Flin, he was then captured by a strange race of people and taken to the,i r capit:3l, a strange city. mverything was backwards. The language was English, but the words were spelled backwards. The streets were paved with gold, while tin and iron were used for coinage. The women ruled the country, wore the whiskers and wore the pants. The men were rlelicate and very carefully protected and sheltered. Now F!in Flon was a bachelor of of about forty-five but this wao:~ just the age for courting since the avcmge S!)Jn of life there was from three to four hundred years. Flin was a real catch, a veritable male debutante, and the women all fell for his shy WL'1some ways. The p1·incess won the battle, but not t~e love of Flin Flon. She weighed twice as much as F!in and was as boisterous as he was shy, just a great big wild woman of the underworld. Flin was scared. _H e finally made his escape from Esnesnon (Continued on Next Page) WELCOME TO• -LAMONT'S- ..THE HOUSE OF QUALITY GOOUS FLIN FLO"'. " M4"' 1T C' BA Hudson Bay Plumbing Co. SANITARY HEATING ENGINEERS 11 Crane 11 .Representatives McCLARY FURNACES & STOVES THE I\10NARCH LUMBER Co. Ltd. I, LUM~E~ BU4LDERS' Hf\~DW 1\RE _ P f\INT Ctlf\t.·: , ;,., · . ·; r· . i/ _ J: .__. In A EV'E RYT'H ING FOR A BUILDING . .. '~- •' ~ r ' " Phone 112 F P. & G. E BAKERY onl ALL LINES OF BREAD & PASTRY WO DELIVERED TO ANY PLACE IN TOWN .... gal NAME Continued. • • • • • (nonsense reversed) by climbing the crater of an extinct volcano, but when he arrived on the surface he four.j that all his friends had given him up for lost and a monument had been erected to his memory. No one would believe his strange tale or that he was really Josiah Flina.batty Flonatin. Thus endeth the tale. The prospectors all read the book and were inclined to consign.all of the impossible tasks of their prospecting to that miraculous man, Flin Flon. The gold was discovered near where the old pilot mill now stands, they decided that surely this must be Flin Flon's famous mine. And so the mine was named FLIN FLON. The novel hali a history. It was written by J. E. P. Muddoch and published by F. V. White and Co., London, first in 1905., In 1914 the publishers went out of business. When the mine was well under way, a search for thiE interesting book was instituted and went ou for years without locating a single copy. But in September, 1932, one copy was found in the British Museum but since this was a part of the Government Official record, it was not available. The search was discontinued when in April, 1933 an original copy in good condition was forwarded from one of the large booksellers of London who had been searching continuously for months. The author would' certainly be surprised to see the mine and town. Interesting Facts- About Flin Flon Flin Flon is the largest town in the province of Manitoba. Flin Flon produces the purest zinc in the world, 99.99 per cent. pure. Flin Flon is a completely modern town of over 8,000 population, the only incorporated Municipal District in the province of Manitoba. Flin Flon has electric light and power, modem water and sewer works, four up-to-date schools and boasts curling and skatings rinks, golf course, community hall for all indoor sports, baseball diamond anc.l children's playgrounds. Facts Continued • • • • • In 1938, Flin Flon held the third largest 'Spiel in Canada. Ninety-three rinks participated, over fifty being from outside points. The Main Event Trophy, with which goes four engraved gold watches, is a replica of the Flin Flon plant done in native metals, donated by the Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co., and valued at over $2,000. Records for Club 'Spiels are being frequently set up. In one season there were fourteen bonspiels outSide of the Main 'Spiel and a total of 2,061 games were played during a se·a son. Dog Mushing is another winter sport and each year during Bonspiel week a Dog Derby is held. With the growing interest in this winter sport it is more than probable that there will be a renewal of the world-famous Dog Derbies with a two hundred-mile course. Flin Flon is an air base for flying. Wings Ltd. and Arrow Airways Ltd. both have established bases. Pontoons are used for summer flying and skiis in winter. Fresh fish is freighted by air from Reindeer Lake (300 milas north) and shipped to Chicago markets. Flin Flon boasts a fuU quota of Lodges and Service Clubs. Whether the visitor belongs to the Rotary Club, the Elks, Knights of Columbus, Oddfellows, Masons, he can be assured a warm welcome. An active Boating and Angling Association will provide the visitor with full data on where to locate the best fishing grounds and any information required. The annual payroll at Flin Flon is approximately two and a half million dollars. In 1939 the Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company produced from both open pit and underground a total of 1,721,752 tons of ore and milled 1,721,783 tons, averaging per ton: copper, 2.01 per cent, zinc, 4.14 per cent, gold, .106 ounces and silVIer 1.59 ounces. From this tonnage milled, and from 47 tons of purchased custom ore there were produced 56,577,498 pounds of copper, 77,580,718 pounds of zinc, 135,230 ounces of gold, 1,869,955 ounces of silver, 140,438 pounds of cadmium and 64,692 pounds of selenium. In addition, the company smelted on toll 61,890 tons of concentrates. by ta 1 ISLAND FALLS IFTY-EIGHT MILES Northwest of Flin Fl.on situated on the Churchill rive·r, fourteen miles west of the Ma~itoba-Saskiatc'he wan border, is Island Falls. Here is produced the power which keeps the huge plant at Flin Flon and also at Sherridon, in operation. Island Falls, accessible only by water and air in the summer and by air and snowplane or motor in the winter, is a complete community. Considered by many to be one of the cleanest communities to be found anywhere, it is an "electrical" town in every sense of the word. The residents are employees of the Churchill River Power Company and have a tax-free town. A live community club provides social activities. The summer route is via a chain of lakes, on the largest of which, plies a large launch transporting supplies for the little colony and the big power plant. A transmisSii.on line extends to Flin Flon with 355 steel towers, averaging six and one-tenth tower spans to the mile. The spillway dam, where the surplus water from the Churchill river flows through a new channel to Sandy Bay, is 800 feet long, and during the summer season discharges up . to 40,000 cubic feet or 240,000 gallons of water per second. The amount of water spilling over the dam is regulated by stop logs so as to hold the elevation of the forebay at the desired point as the flow in the river varies. Picturesque and charming, yet the pulse beat of a great in· dustry. Island Falls looks like something carried and set down in the great open spaces- and that is exactly what happened, for the material for the whole community was transported in a gigantic freight haul by Linn tractors over the frozen lakes. Each winter a ''freight haul" takes place, but none so great as the original hauls of 1928 and 1929, MOOD lE'S Denare Beach, Beaver Lake CANO£S, BOATS and MOTORS FOR HIRE WITH or WITHOUT GUIDES FISHING or ·cAMPING TRIPS ARRANGED -ANGLING EQUIPMENT- DENARE BEA.CH· HOTEL 15 Miles from Flin Flon . ~ ROOM or CABINS FOR .~.·~·~,, · ,f, R~NT~WJTH .... or WITHOUT MEALS Wire for Reservations to:DENARE BEACH HOTEL CO. FLIN FLON, MANITOBA Joe's Place "Where Good Fellows Meet" SPECIALIZING IN CAMPERS and FISHERMEN'S EQUIPMENT. -CANOES and MOTORS FOR HIRE- Guides· on Request-Rates Rensonnb!{l BEAVER LAKE lA NLY FIFTEEN MILES from Flin Flon, .Beaver Lake is considered ~ one of the most delightful summer resorts to be found in the Northland. A gem of beauty, it is situated in Saskatchewan and is accessible by a scenic winding, all-weather highway. Denare Beach (named for the Department of Natural Resources) is a virile stummer colony.. The beach is of fine sand and the shallows extend out hundreds of feet, providing excellent bathing accommodation for children as well as adults. Beautiful camp sites can be found anywhere on the lake and ft presents attractions to campers for day's, week's or month's vacation trips into virgin hinterland. The lake abounds with fine lake trout, pickerel .and pike, and the waters of the big lake provide the ideal outing for the vacationer who enjoys good fishing. A fishing trip on Beaver Lake is one you will never forget. The lake provides a waterway for miles into the heart of Saskatchewan's Northland with scenery that would be hard to surpass. Boats are for hire at reasonable rates·, whether by the hour, day, or longer. Reliable guides are also obtained and excellent hotel accomodation is offered. Beaver Lake is that natural and unsullied beauty spot that you have been looking for--the ideal place for the ideal vacation. fi "Ct\LLS Of THE NORTH" . . . made easy by telephone! Ever-increasing, the help of the telephone continues to be a vital factor in the march of progress in l'.Ianitoba's "North". For all occasions and for all of the Le~ telephone is unparalled. For "Calls of Wo requirem ~nts , the convenience the North" your TELEPHONE is BEST. The Manitoba Telephone System is yours-for it is u self-supporting public n.ip N. utility, maintaining the highest standards of efficien-cy. re Manitoba Telephone SJstem LJ ea an sa FACTS ABOUT CRANBERRY PORTAGE, Mun. It has been used by the voyageurs of old-Indians, trappers, freighters and prospectors, as a stopping place, this due to its ideal location and its great water facilities when the only mode of travel was by canoe, dog teams and horse and sleigh. It's history as a town only dates as far back as 1928 when the steel on the Flin Flon Railway was laid from The Pas to Flin Flon and then up to Sherridon. POPULATION-Three hundred. INDUSTRY-Mining, prospecting fishing and trapping. TRANSPORTATION-Rail (C.N.R.), air, fine water routes, proposed extension of No. 10 highway, now some 22 miles distant. BUSINESS-Hotel, post-office, hardware and grocery stores, oakery, barber shop, pool-room and modern talkies. ORGANIZATIONS-Board of Trade, Branch No. 37 Canadian Legion B.E.S.L., Ladies' Auxiliary Legion, W.M.S., Red Cross Society, Women's Institute and School Club. SCHOOL-Teaches up to grade X inclusively; 2 teachers. LOCATION-Five hundred and twenty-two miles N.W. of Winp.ipeg; 55 miles north of The Pas, junction point for Flin Flon, 36 miles N.W. and Sherridon, 42 miles north. LAKES-ATHAPAPUSKOW, with more than 1,800 miles of shore-line and some 1.100 islands, has the finest of water, clear as crystal and reaching a depth t(( over 300 feet in some places. CRANBERRY LAKES (3), three-quarters of a mile east of town are l'eached by a good road. SIMONHOUSE, ISLAND LAKE, GOOSE LAKE, MYSTIC LAKE- and several others can all be reached quite easily and abound with fine fishing and varied scenery of wilderness and grandeur. Quite a variety of fish are found in the above lakes: salmon_and speckled trout, pickeTel, whitefish, pike, jackfish, etc. NOTE-Trout fishing, May to July and September till freeze-up. I' THE COPPER DRUG LIMITED DIS•PENSING CHEMISTS FLIN FLON, MAN. MAIN STREET ROSS LAKE Phone 123 Phone 67 VARIETY QUALITY S•ERVICE OSCAR NASSELQUIST YOUR JEWELLER 83 MAIN ST•REET - NOVELTV'S F.LI'N FI..JON, MANITOBA GUARANTEEID WATCH REIP'AIRING MACKENZIE - WRIGHT LTD. FLIN FLON'S WiESTINGIHOUS!E DEALER invites you north to THE SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE I Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. for LUMBER, BUILDERS SUPPuiES & COAL HARDWARE & PAINTS PLANS and ESTIMATES Phone 69 H. C. STEVENS, Mgr. I ~CRANBERRY PORTAGE, BOATING-Fine all-water route Cranberry to Channing (28 miles) via Schist Creek and Schist Lake, then 3 miles by taxi to the mining town of Flin Flon (Pop. 8,000) tant. To ELBOW LAKE via the scenic Grassy River, 30 miles disMany fine trips for boats and canoes optional. BEACHES-A fine beach even safe for children but 1,200 feet horn town. Many other fine beaches within short distances. CAMPING-Cottages for renting alongside lake shore, tents available if desired, fine camping grounds. POINIS OF INTEREST-The LIMESTONE ROCKS, near the Narrows of the first Cranberry lake, 4 miles from town; the GOLDEN WEST MINING PROPERT'l on Elbow Lake, 32 miles, and many other excursions can !Je ananged. CU 1DES--lte liuble guit.les are available at woderate cost. Boat::! canoes and tents can a lso be rented. CAM £ - Ht•ar , caJ·i!Jou, jt1u1plng tlet·J', 1noose, geese, dueks, grouse, prairie chickens, partridge, etc. For Fur·ther Information Apply to Secretary, Board of Trade .;CRANBERRY PORTAGE/ res• ~ TOURIST ACCOMODATIONS AT CRANBERRY PORTAGE HOTEL----10 rooms--at a rate of $1.00 per day. JOHNSON'S CAFE-4 rooms at a rate o:: $1.50 per day with board. WONG'S CAFE- 6 rooms at a rate of $1.25 per day with board. Houses and Cottages for Rental In town or by the lake shore. From 2 to 4 rooms furnished or unfurnished with moderate rates by the day, week or month. Al:Jo avail::tble, roo.::ns o:1ly o: board ::md lOOi~lS, Club Sty!J at TONAPAH LODG:C. I':ate up to $4.00 per day, boat and canoe included fo<· iot::il m:e. Special r:1te fo1· c. uises, sporting or fishing. ·, ents Ooats and Canoes with Guides Motor Boats ::;.nd pilot--4 to 10 p21 so:1s -c--r~~cs accotding to tr.p~. Canoe31 \,ith outboard and pilot or fishing guide-rates up to $10.00 per day. Also sailing cutter wH.a cabin for 4 p2nons available with pilot and crew. For chm-tcr by ch::.y or week. application. Quotation Ol1 'l'hel'e are several tents that can b2 obtained, and we have indeed iine camping grounds. Special accomodations for single person or groups can be arranged by writing or wiring to the Secretary, Board of ·rrade. NORTHERN MANITOBA- RICH in NATURAL RESOURCES M IN IN G-:ij:ncouraging geological developments at depth in widely separated mining fields. FUR TRADE-W.ild Fur Rehabilitation program adds substantially to northern Manitoba's fur production. FISHERIES- Many excellent lakes produce high quality fresh water fish in increasing abundance. PROVINCE of MANITOBA DEPARTMENT of MINES and NATURAL RESOURCES D . M. Stephens, Deputy Minister. Hon. J. S. McDiarmid, Minister CAST IRON "UNIVERSAL" PRESSURE PIPE for Water Services, Mine Drainage, etc. HARD IRON GRINDING BALLS Cast Iron and Steel Warm Air Furnaces Soil Pipe and fittings Water Service and Valve Boxes ANTHES FOUNDRY LIMITED Toronto, Ont. -:- Winnipeg, Man. \\I ~~============================~~ ~ NITU~ FREE BAGG.AGE T 'RrANSIF.E'R NEW RICHMOND HOTEL EUROPEIAN PLAN -.- TIDIJEIPHC1NE 10S HOT ANID ·OO·UD R1UNNING WATER -:. J. A. M~DONAL1D Maroager Telephone 86 L. B. FAIRBAIRN, C.L.U· P. 0. Box 867 Represen.t ing THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANA•DA Flin Flon, Manitoba -:- COMPL1ME'NTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF W. B. SCARTH 0. F. WRIGHT CAB SIR? DE LUXE TAXI THE IWOIRILD MO,VES SO DO WE SERVI10E CO•MBINED W 1IT:H EFF,J.CIENCY PHONE 142 ~ -:-:FLIN FLON, ·MANITOBA - THE WESTERN TRADING STORE MEN'S WEAR Tailored Clothing ALLAN'S DRY CLEANERS Tailors - Furriers Phone 208, Flin Flon, Man. I=======~================================~ STURLEY AGENCIES Insurance & Real Estate 104 Main St; Flin Flon, Man \