16 March 2011 | @ r}q


16 March 2011 | @ r}q
Every Thursday | ISSUE 58 | RS. 20
16 March 2011 | @ r}q @)^&
Goodbye Winter
Rumba Rendezvous
Raps n Rallies
Letters from Iwo Jima
Moments in Life
The Organic Village
The Spotlight is on Nima
Rumba as we talk about music
and his life. Here’s is everything
about this singer who has
captured many hearts.
Take a look at our snap
gallery for photographs
from the various events
in town this week.Yes, we
have it all captured.
A Clint Eastwood direction
and co-production, this movie
is this week’s Fr!day Pick.
Haven’t watched it yet? Here is
one more reason you should.
What is it that you will miss
the most about winter, as
we almost bid the season
goodbye? Here is what some
people we know would miss.
Karna Shakya talks about
his new venture – Pal
and the change that he
wishes to bring with this
This time garrulous Foodie
makes his way to the organic
village – Bu Keba. Read his
findings about the place and
find his ratings before you visit!
— Prabalta Rijal
oes drama lie in extreme
exaggeration of the feelings? Is it an exaggeration that dislocates flat
everyday reality, like the French
dramatist Eugene Ionesco once
said? Or is it merely a creative
depiction of real life? Theatre
over the centuries has grown
from being just a form of storytelling to a visually enticing art
However, theatre is going
through a life and death struggle
and even amidst all the criticism
and uncertainty, and the assault
of multimedia distractions, this
art form is slowly finding its way
back into the modern world as
theatre artists and lovers work
hand in hand to revive its popularity across the globe.
In Nepal, various organisations like Gurukul, Actors Studio, Mandala Theatre, Shailee
and Shilpi Theatre, among others, are making an effort to revive its popularity and build a
theatre culture.
“There isn’t much crosspollination of theatre across
South Asia. It would be wonderful to bring together exponents of Pakistani theatre in
Nepal, along with Indians and
Bangladeshis, to work together
and to compare notes on trends
in the subcontinent that follow
social and political change and
see how this may be reflected in
theatre,” said Mita Hosali, cofounder of Nepal Shakes, before
adding that she would love to
see a vibrant theatre culture in
Issue 58
| 16 March 2011
Nepal, drawing on the richness
of South Asian traditions.
But that may be a pipe dream
that will require many more
like-minded folks to overcome
obstacles of nationality-based
complexities, theatrical temperaments and find funding and
sustained support from governments and other donors. Nepal
Shakes effort is a contribution to
this longer-term vision.
In an effort to train theatre
personnel and to take small
steps to build capacity, Nepal
Shakes is joining hands with India’s National School of Drama
in organizing a month long intensive theatre training workshop that will focus on an array
of subjects including, acting,
stage management, costumes,
sets, light, sound design, and the
history of drama.
The workshop, which is being conducted by renowned
Indian actor and director MK
Raina, who has directed plays in
13 languages including Hindi,
Kashmiri, Urdu and English will
be an opportunity for aspiring
theatre artistes to receive training from the National School of
Drama, which has trained Nepali theatre notables like Sunil
Pokharel and Anup Baral.
The workshop that has been organised in collaboration with NSD
will begin from 25 March and will
see approximately 10 members of
faculty conducting courses and
hands-on training in a variety of
theatre subjects from costumes to
lighting to set design.
“Each member of faculty
will be taking a ten day course
in their field of expertise,” said
director MK Raina, during his
short rendezvous with Friday,
the excerpts of which have been
presented below.
According to Nepal Shakes,
the response to putting out the
word was vigorous; given the
demands of such a training and
the time commitment involved,
approximately 50 people from
various backgrounds auditioned
to take part in the month long
workshop which is set to kick
off from March 25.
The enthusiasm and raw talent was remarkable and gave
Raina and Hosali an electric
charge as they had a peak into
the potential that exists in Nepal.
“ The open auditions brought
forward people from different
backgrounds, with diverse creative abilities and spanning an
age range, out of which the Director will be selecting about 25
people. These are the committed
hopefuls that the NSD team will
inspire, challenge and mould”
said Hosali while talking to Friday right before catching her
flight to Mumbai on Sunday, and
possibly a taste of that city’s vibrant theatre. !
Rendezvous with MK Raina
eteran Actor and Director MK Raina, who
known for his stunning
methods of storytelling and visualization of theatre who has made a mark not
only in Theatre but also the
silver screen since the 70’s will
be conducting a month long
intensive workshop on theatre
for anyone and everyone interested in the art form.
The freelancer,actor and director who has spent most of
his life as part of the parallel
cinema movement has worked
in developing a theatre culture
across India. Fr!day caught up
with this enchanting director
for a brief rendezvous on his
insights into theatre. Here are
a few of the excerpts from the
Your productions are known
to be visually stunning. How
strong an influence has the
environment and the context
you grew up in been?
Not much, since every play is
set in a different environment
and is designed differently it
requires a different style of acting.
But yes, growing up in Kashmir in those days was wonderful.
Those were the beautiful days
with writers visiting and national and international theatres happening around the city. That’s
the environment I grew up in.
How did your parents respond
when they found out you
wanted to become an actor?
Since South Asian parents are
always keen on making doctors
and engineers out of their
I actually come from a family of
doctors and engineers and I am
the only odd one out, but my father was a very progressive man
and he encouraged me to take up
acting. He loved it when I took
part in school plays as a child
and later in college.
How has your career been so
Its been really good and tough
at times.
Did you ever have any other
options to make money from,
while you were in a theatre?
Well , yes I mean the options
were always there but I have
never been the 9-5 person and
hate official set ups so that’s why
I was never interested in getting
a job and I stuck to free lancing.
A lot of artistes
struggle with coaxing
managers,agents and mixing
those waters did you ever
come across a situation when
you needed to do that?
Now see, I am the Hamaal,Jamaal
and Kamaal of all…..I never had
agents and I work for myself.So
I have never had to tread those
Your Association with both
rural and urban theatre across
India has helped you develop
a unique theatre style can you
tell us a little about your style?
Well, that is actually nothing,
When I left NSD I decided to buy
a military rucksack and a sleeping bag and head out travel across
the country. During my travels, I
came across various tribal and ethnic groups and their theatre styles.
And I tend to use these ethnic
styles and ideas in my dramas.
How do you look at Nepali
theatre in the regional and
international context?
Well I don’t really know about
Nepali theatre but whatever I
have seen of it mostly theatres
conducted by Sunil and Aman
are really good.
And what is you take on Nepali
Theatre artistes in terms of
Histrionic dexterity?
In terms of traditional theatre
I would say Nepali theatre artistes are good but there is room
for improvement in terms contemporary theatre.
Theatre plays a strong role
in social transformation yet a
career in theatre is not seen as
being financially viable?
Well theatre can be a part of
change but never get an idea
that it can change the world.
However If it cannot be a part
of change it is a dead theatre
and there is no use for it.
Theatre in its self is an institution for good democracy it
is what we call a safety valve
for democracy. Another thing
there is sheer madness when it
comes to the desire of wanting to be a part of theatre,
everyone wants to be part of
it, its part of human nature
there is an actor inside everyone.
How important do you think
a professional training in
theatre is?
I think its very important. Can
a dancer be a dancer without
proper training? Or, can a
singer become a good singer
without proper training?
Why do you think it is
important to introduce to the
new generation to the art of
story telling the theatre way?
In todays world no one has
time to let their imaginations
fly high, we have become like
robots only going about our
daily tasks. We have lost our
creativity and it is slowly dying away. You know something even good management
schools are adding theatre to
their management curriculum
because it ignites creativity allowing people to work better
and think out of the box.!
just asking
make your statement
What would you miss you most about winter?
— Mannat Shrestha
Since I’m big fan of jackets, I will
be missing the winter wardrobe.
I will also miss the times around
the warm bonfire in the chilly
What I’ll miss about winter is wearing nice jackets and stylish boots. I’ll
also miss the anticipation of eating
hot food, like rice and curry with
dal (I normally don’t like eating hot
food in summer). And of course,
always looking fresh, because in
summer you always get sweaty.
Mingma Shrepa, Singer
Payal Shakya
Former Miss Nepal
Well the only thing that
I will miss about winter
is wearing my long fury
boots (laughs). I’m more
of a summer person so
winter is a bummer for
Kunchang Moktan
Hmm ... I think the one
benefit about the winter is
you can cover up your fat
with multiple layers of clothes
(laughs) but I guess the best
part comes when you snuggle
up in my blanket with a nice
hot cup of tea and a book.
Nisha Adhikari, Model
Hmm let’s see actually I’m not very fond of winter but
I would miss
scarves overcoats
and hot coffee.
My jackets (laughs).
Sarun Tamrakar
Ekta Rana
I loathe winters! I don’t think I will
miss having to put on dozens of
layers to stay warm which makes
you look bulky or the “wind chills.”
Last but not the least I will not miss
riding my bike with freezing feet.
DJ Ashutosh
Director, Partynepal outdoors
One thing I’ll really miss most about
the winter season would be the
layering of clothes topped with a
long coat. One can be really jazzed
up and turn into a fashionista themselves, provided they know how to
layer it off and carry it too! Also, I’ll
miss the misty foggy mornings and
that warm cup of tea.Winter has its
own charm and I love it!
Pravat Jung Gurung,
RJ, Hits FM/ Freelance Writer
I would miss the misty walk during the foggy weather...
and hmm my hot water bag (laughs)…
Abhya Subba Weise, Singer
issues that matter
is a journalist who runs
The Writing Workshop
Real and Persistent Danger
arthquakes have colonised the thinking parts
of my brain for some
time now.
After attending a high level
symposium on disaster risk
reduction in Kathmandu last
month, it has been almost impossible to think about anything
else. Add to that news reports
on damages caused last month
by a magnitude 6.3 quake in
Christchurch, New Zealand.
The Christchurch quake
should be an eye-opener to residents of Kathmandu and Nepali
planners who want to put in
place institutions for risk reduction and emergency operations.
This is because Kathmandu is
said to be the place where the
next big one could strike. In
fact, participants at the symposium were NOT talking about
‘if ’ an earthquake could strike
but ‘WHEN’ – which means it
could be any day.
Bob Parker, Christchurch’s
mayor, was in town on 14-15
February to talk about the precautions his city had taken to
reduce risks and losses. These
measures had helped to keep injuries to three (no deaths) when
a tremor of magnitude 7.1 had
shaken the city for about 40 seconds in September 2010.
Parker’s message for Kathmandu was that one could not
plan enough for such disasters
and also there was no alternative
to planning. His words came true
sible in Nepal – without which the
situation could have been worse.
Kathmandu Valley had the
last major earthquake in 1934,
the one that killed over 8,500
people and completely damaged
over 80,000 houses. The other – more recent – earthquake
in Nepal in 1988 (epicentre
Udayapur) had killed 721 and
destroyed over 64,000 houses.
spaces in the Valley. Further,
because building codes have not
been strictly enforced it is not
sure how the new concrete structures would stand up to a major
earthquake. (Scenarios estimating what could happen after a
magnitude 8 quake suggest that
about 60 percent of the buildings could collapse.)
Further, Nepal does not have
about a week later: Despite all the
preparedness a quake of a lesser
magnitude (6.3) on February 22
had killed 145 by Saturday and
another 200 were still missing.
Christchurch had plans for emergencies – an emergency was declared immediately, which under
existing laws might not be pos-
Does the city (or government)
have a plan for facing another
one? It was not evident at the
Kathmandu Valley has grown
many folds since 1934 and is now
home to about 3 million people.
This growth has been haphazard
and has taken up almost all open
a dedicated and fully mandated
disaster management agency.
There is a National Emergency
Operations Centre at the Ministry of Home Affairs but it is
also responsible for many other
emergencies including those related to law and order, unrest
and civil strife. It’s inadequa-
cies for effective disaster risk
reduction was what caused the
government to prepare a new
disaster reduction strategy,
and propose the setting up a
National Disaster Management Authority to cope with
major emergencies.
The cabinet has endorsed
a bill for putting in place the
institutional arrangements for
managing disasters, but it is
not certain when parliament
will consider it important
enough and approve it, given
the murky power politics that
has stalled legislative business.
If there is one piece of legislation that is even – perhaps –
more important than the constitution it is the one that could
help prepare the country better
to face major disasters. At this
point of time one can but hope
common sense prevails in parliament and pray that the next
big one comes only after some
preparations are put in place to
face what experts say could be
the ‘biggest disaster response
operation’ ever. !
issues that matter
spot light
Nima Rumba:
The Ms. Cat Walk fame Nima Rumba has
been causing a sensation in the Nepali
music industry for the last twenty years.
Fr!day caught up with Rumba for a brief
detour round his house where he spoke to
us about himself and his career as a whole.
— Prashant Pratap Shah
ove, tragedy and inspiration – that’s what
Nima Rumba’s latest
album, ProstyleRangau
Ki Ma, is all about. Currently putting the final touches
on what will be his 8th studio album, the iconic pop
star believes his music has
evolved and matured with
his own experience and age.
Rangau Ki Ma comes 4 years
after Rumba’s last album
from 2006, Pride.
The album contains eight
Nepali pop, rock and dance
numbers, most of which
are his own compositions.
Renowned lyricists and arrangers Kalyan Singh, Anil
Sthapit, Manoj Acharya and
Ritesh Krish have all given
their valuable inputs to this
record. The music video
for the romantic title track,
Rangau Ki Ma, was released
amidst a function on Valentine’s Day. Another video
featuring JharanaBajracharya is currently in produc-
tion and will be released at
the album launch ceremony
on 27th April2011.
When asked what he’s
been up to all this time, he
has a lot of interesting answers: touring all over the
world, working with other
musicians on their albums,
brand promotions, and acting! Everyone must remember Nima Rumba from the
2008 hit, Kagbeni. He’s also
been doing live concerts for
Nepali audiences in US, UK,
Australia, Darjeeling, Sikkim – you name it. Even this
month, he was scheduled to
perform in America, but had
to refuse the offer due to
somepromotional work.
Twenty years it’s been
since NimaRumba started
singing. He’s seen music
come and go in the form of
cassettes, CDs and USBs.
The rise of the local music
industry with all the FM
stations, TV channels and
media groups getting estab-
Issue 58
| 16 March 2011
Rangauki Ma?
lished, and the subsequent
fall in sales due to the Internet and mobile Bluetooth
piracy. Yet, he sings of love,
romance and happiness, giving his fans morale boosters
the wet fields, until there was
a huge crowd of men, women
and kids dancing and singing
in the rain. It became one of
his most memorable shows.
From the time he was a
playing at restaurants, bars
and casinos. They recorded
their first song Ai Deu Priya
and placed second in a national talent competition
in 1992.Therewas no look-
and inspiration in the bleakest of times.
With dreamy eyes he still
talks of the Yamaha Enticer
concert at Hyatt Regency,
Kathmandu, a few years back.
The event that was planned
as a grand event with a huge
stage, brilliant sound and
lighting systems and beautiful decorations, with Yamaha executives from Japan
who had flown all the way
to Kathmandu to attend the
extravaganza nearly ended
sadly after it started raining.
The enthusiastic bikers and
their families took shelter
under tents and porches. It
poured non-stop and didn’t
show signs of stopping. The
organizers were disappointed
and were about to call the
whole thing off, when Nima
Rumba got on stage, took the
mike, and started singing in
the downpour. One by one,
people started to come out
from under the tents and into
teenager just learning to
strum chords on a guitar to
now, when his posters can
be seen all over town and
his music heard everywhere,
Nima Rumba has come a long,
long way. Back then he listened to Deep Purple, CCR,
Guns N’ Roses, AC/DC and
so on. Covering such western hits with his friends, he
sang at every opportunity he
got, from school programs
to community events. After
high school, he joined a band
ing back after that; Nima
Rumba has become one of
the brightest stars of Nepali
pop today.
Nima Rumba’s music revolves around love. Happily
married, he sure does know
a lot about love. When asked
if the romantic stuff from
hissongs actually happens in
life, he admits that most of
it is pretty much imaginary.
“But it used to happen,”he
says, “paila, when I was
With events to the left and right, Friday makes it a little bit easier for you to choose events to check out
this week and the next. Here are our top 3 picks:
get more out of your weekends
what’s on
An invitation to young and old, specialists and non-specialists, information and fun seekers, alike for
an In-house and outside activities which will present ICIMOD’s programmes and help celebrate this
year’s uN International Year of Forests. .
things to do
What would be more fun than to get lost in your own town with tough clues to solve. Join this race and Enjoy!
Come join begin a beautiful musical evening your loved ones as you enjoy the most happening music in
POST US: Listings can be sent by email – events@fridayweekly.com.np or call us at any of the following numbers 5011571, 5011639, 5011730, 5011731. Listings are free, but inclusion is not guaranteed due to limited space.
Mahotsav 2011
Opening Date: 10 March (Thursday), Closing Date: 13 March (Sunday),Time: 10 am to 8 pm,
Venue: Sundhara, Mahabuddha, Okubahal,Thapahiti,Thaina, Noudo, Kanibahal, gujibahal
he year 2011 has been marked as “Nepal Tourism Year 2011 and
through Omkuli Mahotsav 2011 we want to generate awareness
about our culture and traditions amongst youths. We want tourists
to know about us, we Nepalese who are so rich in culture yet not
known for it,” said Prayash Shakya, Chief Coordinator, Omkuli Mahotsav.
Omkuli Pasa Pucha has organized a four daylong event focusing on Nepalese traditional values, culture, arts and crafts and norms. “This event is
being organized to make impression on public for the preservation and
promotion af the sacred cultural and traditional arts in national and international levels,” said Siwali Shakya, Joint Secretary, Omkuli Mahotsav.
The Omkuli Mahotsav 2011 will incorporate Chariya dance performance,
live demonstration of production process, exhibition of handicrafts, household utensils, traditional folk musical instruments, ancient dance mask, and
chariot ornaments of Machhindranath and photo exhibition. An art workshop by contemporary artists will also be organised at this traditional fete.
The cultural carnival will also host traditional Newari food stalls, educational and tourist based stalls, industrial and business stalls, live fusion music
and concert by Nepali main stream artists. (Sheetal Singh Thakuri)
The Beginning II
Opening Date: 12 February
Closing Date: 4 June (Saturday)
Time: 11 am to 1 pm
Location: School of Creative
Communication, Kupondole
5546705, 9841242307
Eminent artists and experts
including Bidhata K C, Samjhana
Rajbhandari, Kailash K. Shrestha,
Sushila Singh and Srijana Shakya
will guide your children polish
their creativity. The Beginning II will
provide a platform for those who
dream of nurturing one’s creativity
through art. Students will learn
an array of art related skills like
drawing, painting, collage-making,
print-making, spray, clay modeling,
multimedia presentation and much
more. Hurry if you don’t want to
miss this opportunity.
Duration: 15 Saturdays
Admission Fee: Rs. 3500
Total Seats: 15 Only
Prayash Shakya
Chief Coordinator, The Omkuli Mahotsav
Festive from Patan!
Know more about ‘The Omkuli Mahotsav’ brought to you by Omkuli
Pasa Pucha, as we caught up with Prayash Shakya, Chief Coordinator,The
Omkuli Mahotsav.
How do you think this event will benefit in the promotion of
Nepali culture and tradition?
The main objective of this festival is to promote our cultural and tradition
by showcasing our cultural to every visitor who attends this event. We
have special cultural program on the first day and there would also be
a display of various traditional instruments, utensils, cultural dresses,
traditional household materials, etc.
How do you think The Omkuli Mahotsav is going to help us
promote Nepal Tourism Year 2011?
The main theme of this festival is to promote and support tourism year
2011. So, it is a sole responsibility of every citizen to make it a grand
success. Therefore, this Omkuli Pasa Pucha has come together to organize
The Omkuli Mahotsav 2011 in our own locality Okubahal Mahabuddha
with objectives to promote it as a prime destination for the tourists.
We will show our own cultural, live demonstration process of metal
handicrafts, various Newari foods, cultural dances, various informative
stalls, etc. which will attract tourist to visit Nepal again and again. And for
this festival, we have provided tourists a free entrance.
Three good reasons why one should not miss this event?
1. Live demonstration of metal production process.
2. Four day stage program comprising cultural dance & music, live concerts
by Kutumba, cobweb, zenith and many more.
3. Newari dinner (Laptya Bhwey) where you will be served with delicious
foodies from our Newari Kitchen. (Sheetal Singh Thakuri)
Note: For School Children (Age
group 8 to 12 years). The SCC will
provide students with the required
art materials and lunch as well.
Avatars & Interpretations
Opening Date: 13 February (Sunday)
Closing Date: 10 March (Thursday)
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Venue: Siddhartha Art gallery, Baber
Mahal Revisited
Here’s Erina Tamrakar’s and Asha
Dangol’s collaborative exhibition of
paintings and mixed media works.
Enjoy these works of art this
Free Entry
Opening Date: 25 February (Friday)
Closing Date: 13 March (Sunday)
Time: 5:30 pm
Venue: Indigo gallery, Naxal
www.asianart.com/indigo, indigo@
Join an exhibition on “Wangden”
yak wrap carpets of Tibet by Rupert
Smith and Divinity and Humanity:
Tibetan Rock Art. Wangden carpets
differ from other Tibetan carpets
in both structure and design:
structurally, the knotting method
is distinct and the rug backing is
Come One, Come All
Date: 12 March (Saturday)
Time: 10 am to 4pm
Venue: International Centre for
Integrated Mountain Development
(ICIMOD), Khumaltar, Lalitpur
ICIMOD will open its doors
on Saturday 12 March 2011 to
young and old, specialists and
non-specialists, information and
fun seekers, alike as ICIMOD
marks uN International Year
of Forests. Participants will get
a chance to participate in a
mountain knowledge quiz and
take home attractive prizes.
Apart from this documentaries
on different mountain topics
will also be screened followed
by demonstrations of innovative
mountain technologies. Similarly,
mountain products will be put on
display at stalls in the venue. The
Asia Pacific Mountain Network
is collaborating with the British
Council to discuss how young
people can contribute to climate
change adaptation through the
sharing of stories, and schools
will share their experiences
in ICIMOD’s Herbal gardens
Free Entry.
Selling a Ferrari
Date: 26 March (Saturday)
Time: 3 pm to 4:30 pm
Venue: British Council, Lazimpat
Himalayan Readers’ Book Club
is organizing Book Discussion on
Robin Sharma’s “The Monk Who
Sold His Ferrari”. “The monk who
sold his Ferrari” is a tale, which
provides an approach to living a
simple life with greater balance,
strength, courage and abundance of
joy. The fable format is a refreshing
change from the tiresome listing of
all the good things we could do for
For registration please contact
himalayanbookclub@gmail.com or
send an SMS as ATTENDINg with
your name in 9851076996.
Entry Fee: Rs 30
Fusion of Music
Date: 11 March (Friday)
Time: 4 pm to 7 pm
Venue: Nepal Academy Hall,
Kamaladi, Kathmandu
“Music of the Season – The Fusion
Nite” highlights the fusion of
“Melody of Cultural Music” by
Kutumba, The voice of “Classical
Touch” by Prabhu Raj Dhakal,
into the “Driving Popular Songs”
of Nabin K. Bhattarai and the
“Synchronizing Musical Base” by
the Legend. Tungna, Arbajo, Sarangi,
Percussion, Flute, Effects, Drum,
Keyboard and Electric guitars will
be used to make unique sound and
never forgetting ambience of fusion.
So, don’t forget to miss this event in
your weekly schedule.
Vocals from East
Date: 11 March (Friday)
Time: 7 pm onwards
Venue: Lhasa, Thamel
Come groove and move as you
enjoy your night with your friends
and family while Sanup Poudel and
Friends are performing Eastern
Vocals at Lhasa, Thamel.
Free Entry.
Tips on Survival
Date: 14 March (Monday)
Time: 5 pm onwards
Venue: Kathmandu Jazz
Conservatory, Jhamsikhel
Marcus Dengate, an immensely
talented bassist from Australia will
be giving a workshop on “Surviving
in the Real World of Music
Industry”. Do not miss this unique
opportunity to learn from this
virtuoso. For further information,
please call 5013554 or email
at info@katjazz.com.np.
Love for Theater
Application Deadline: 25 February
Opening Date: 25 March (Friday)
Closing Date: 25 April (Monday)
9808554122, 9841803525
This is a great opportunity for
those who are interested in
learning about different aspects
of theatre from acting to stage
management to costumes, sets, light
and sound design, and the history
of drama. You do not need to have
extensive theatre arts or acting
experience. The workshop will draw
on visiting faculty from NSD and will
be overseen by well-known Indian
director, M.K. Raina. To register you
must confirm your audition details
but please come prepared with a
2 minute presentation, and a copy
of your registration form. The final
decision will be made by the M.K.
Raina, who is also the workshop
The Challenge is Beginning
Registration Deadline: 7 March
4239509, 9808002001
Maya Animation Academy (M2A), the
only authorized Autodesk® Training
Center calls for applications from all
Nepali animators from around the
world to participate in the ‘One Film
3D Animation Challenge
2011’, Nepal’s first 3D animated
short film competition. The winning
team will receive a cash prize of
Rs.5,00,000 and their short film will
be sent to International Animation
Festival, for a competition.
Note: For further information
please contact Maya Animation
Academy, Jamal, Kanthipath,
4239509, 9808002001, 1film3d.mayaanimation.com
Opening Date: 27 February (Sunday)
Closing Date: 14 March (Monday)
Time: 9 am to 7 pm
Venue: Dhukuti, Kupondole
Dhukuti brings you a grand sale this
February on different products such
as knitwears, ceramics, felt items,
wooden Products, and textile items
such as cushion covers, bed covers
etc. The discount offer will range
from 10% to 20%. Be there and cash
in on this opportunity!
Time: 5 pm to 1 am
Venue: Moksh, Jawalakhel
9803503676, 9803968377,
A Visit to America
Join the launch party of ILoveEnt.
com where there will be
live performances by Lyrics
Independence, Nepsydaz, DJ sessions
by DJ Niral, DJ Finzok and DJ Rabbit
as well as a fashion show. This
fashion parade will not only display
designer clothes but it’s also a
display of the ways of styling clothes
accessible in Katmandu’s market.
This show is based on ‘street wear’
because of the remarkable cult of
street fashion emerging in our city
these days. Keeping this in moind,
ILoveEnt.com intends to present
ready-to-wear recent trends in this
fashion parade. Besides the ramp
show, the event will also be a good
social atmosphere for fashion icons
and people involved in the fashion
industry. So, grab a drink, enjoy the
rest of the party and shimmy the
night away. A certain percentage of
the funds raised will also be given
to a local charity firm that helps the
needy people.
Date: 10 March (Thursday)
Time: 3 pm onwards
Venue: nepa~laya ‘r’ sala, Kalikasthan
Join this day of success with Prakash
Subedi, on the release of his long
waited book Chori-Jwain Bhetna
America. The book will be introduced
by eminent poet – writer, Manjul.
Tented Camp
Opening Date: 10 March (Thursday)
Closing Date: 17 March (Thursday)
Time: 6 am to 6 pm
Venue: Trisuli River
Events cost: Rs. 4000/person
(Includes: Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast,
Accomodation and Transportation)
Enjoy 2 days of white-water rafting,
organized by Alternative Nepal Pvt.
Ltd. This trip, which will take you to
the banks of the Trishuli River, will
surely leave you feeling rejuvenated.
For more informations, contact
Alternative Nepal P.Ltd.
Sagarmatha Bazar, 1st floor, Thamel,
4700170, info@alternativenepal.com
Enjoy Khasa
Date: 11 March (Friday)
Time: 2 pm onwards
Venue: Samakushi Tourist Bus Station
4700866, 4700894, 4701067
Break the monotony of everyday
routine and come to Borderlands
for a rejuvenating and enriching
experience. The Borderland Eco
Adventure Resort, a popular
destination for adventure and nature
lovers offers ‘Borderlands weekend’
with a visit to Tatopani hot springs
and trip to the Friendship Bridge at
Khasa. Scheduled regular departure
every Friday from Kathmandu
features an overnight at Borderlands
with DJ & BBQ and shopping in
Khasa bazaar.
A Walk of Colors
Opening Date: 11 March (Friday)
Closing Date: 12 March (Saturday)
Ticket Price:
Rs. 900/- Including a drink and
snacks (Advance Sale)
Rs.1000/- Including a drink (At
Ford Chase
Date: 12 March (Saturday)
Time: 9 am to 2 pm
Venue: Nepal Academy Hall,
“Ford City Chase,Version 2.0”
is a Car Treasure Hunt where
participants have to follow a trail of
clues placed at different locations
within the city. Participants are
required to solve the clue and
reach the corresponding task point
to perform the task placed at that
point. A time limit of three hours
will be allotted. The team which
solves all the clues and complete all
the tasks fastest will be declared the
winner. Those teams which fail to
reach the finish line within the time
limit will be disqualified. Come Join
this race and enjoy!
Issue 58
| 16 March 2011
Battle of the Titans
Opening Date: 5 March (Saturday), Closing Date: 2 April (Saturday),Venue:
QFX Kumari, Kamal Pokhari
ouse of Innovation, in association with QFX Cinemas (the official venue
partner) and DishNepal
(the official dish partner) announces the showcasing of “ICC
Cricket World Cup 2011”.
The ICC Cricket World Cup is
the premier international championship of men’s One Day International (ODI) Cricket. This tournament is the world’s fourth largest
and most viewed sporting event,
which is also followed religiously
by cricket-lovers in our country.
House of Innovation has created a platform for all Nepali cricket
lovers in Nepal by organizing this
event where everyone can enjoy
the matches and hoot for their
favourite team. With the rising
hype of the World Cup and the
prevalent amount of power-cuts,
this will be a great opportunity to
witness the clash of the different
teams on the big screen. Selected
matches of the Group Stage and
all the matches of Semi-Finals,
Quarter-Finals and Finals will be
showcased. So, if you are a cricket lover, be sure not to miss this
golden opportunity to watch any
of the matches, on the big screen.
Be there, without fail at any of
the times given below.
Ticket Price: Rs. 500
Screening Schedules
Date: 5 March (Saturday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Sri Lanka vs. Australia
Date: 6 March (Sunday)
Time: 9:45 am onwards
England vs. South Africa
Date: 6 March (Sunday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
India vs. Ireland
Date: 8 March (Tuesday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
New Zealand vs. Pakistan
Date: 9 March (Wednesday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
India vs. Netherlands
Date: 10 March (Thursday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Sri Lanka vs. Zimbabwe
Date: 12 March (Saturday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
India vs. South Africa
Date: 20 March (Sunday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
India vs. West Indies
Quarter Finals
Date: 23 March (Wednesday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Group A-1 Vs Group B-4
Date: 24 March (Thursday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Group A-2 Vs Group B-3
Date: 25 March (Friday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Group A-3 Vs Group B-2
Date: 26 March (Saturday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Group A-4 Vs Group B-1
Semi Finals
Date: 29 March (Tuesday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Winner of Match 43
Winner of Match 45
Date: 17 March (Thursday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
England vs. West Indies
Date: 30 March (Wednesday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Winner of Match 44
Winner of Match 46
Date: 18 March (Friday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
New Zealand vs. Sri Lanka
Date: 19 March (Saturday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Australia vs. Pakistan
Date: 2 April (Saturday)
Time: 2:45 pm onwards
Winner of Match 47
Winner of Match 48
get more out of your weekends
mark your calendar
events during the next few weeks
Out of the Box
Date: 2 April (Friday),Venue: Borderland Resort, 4422089, Membership Registration
Fee for 1 Year – Rs.10,000
Cycle 5:The Elements
Date: 13 March (Sunday)
Time: 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Venue: galleria CuC, Momomagic,
5539379, mail@cucweb.org
artyNepal, just celebrated their 8th anniversary with a huge
bang, and at the same time launched their subsidiary, PartyNepal Outdoors, which gives everyone a chance to get out
of the box. Now they are planning for the first event under
PartyNepal Outdoors, which will take place at the Borderlands Resort.
This is your chance to jump in on the bandwagon, heading for
this adventure spot where you can have the time of your lives, forget about all your work and just chill. From your transportation to
the recreational activities you take part in at the venue, you have an
option for everything. You can start off by choosing to cycle all the
way to Borderlands, if you’re up for a little adventure, or you can
take the easy way out and go in a bus.
Then you can choose to play games such as tug-of-war or mini
golf and even try out karaoke at the resort. If you want to go for
other activities such as rafting and kayaking, you’ll have to pay a
little extra, but it will surely be worth it. You can go with a group
of your friends, or your family but whatever you do, you’re sure to
have a lot of fun.
And in the evening, enjoy yourselves and step into the world of
music as Bijaya Vaidya, who heads the internationally renowned
band Rocksitar, serenades you with the tunes from his sitar. DJ
Mash, the resident DJ for MTV 2011 and F-Bar, in Delhi, will then,
help you rock and just dance away the night. So go ahead and make
sure you mark this event on your calendar and get ready to step out
of the box! (Shreeya Joshi)
with Robin Sitoula
Director, PartyNepal
Adventure Partying
Parties, adventure sports, team building exercises, music, concerts,
open-mike sessions – all this and more, in an exotic venue, far
away from the crowded city; this is what PartyNepal Outdoors
is all about.The first event is happening soon enough. Catch the
specialties of this scheme, as told to us by Robin Sitoula.
Why should corporate houses indulge in PartyNepal Outdoors?
PartyNepal Outdoors creates an avenue for corporate houses to look for
new opportunities and come across people working in different areas of
Nepal. Corporate houses will also be able to use our event as an incentive
to their employees. Once a company becomes our member they can send
8-10 employees to our events. Suppose they choose the best 10 employees
and send them to our event it will work as an instant gratification for the
Since the launch of PartyNepal Outdoors, how has the response,
for this subsidiary, been so far?
The response has been overwhelming and people are showing a lot of
interest in this project. We already have 55 members in two weeks and
we expect the number to grow before the first event. The expat society
is showing a lot of interest and is inquiring about the project on a regular
basis. Corporate houses are also showing a great deal of interest.
What are the advantages a person will get by signing up for
PartyNepal Outdoors, and becoming a member?
From affordable prices to being able to attend well-organized parties to
meeting new people and experiencing new venues – people who sign
up for this project will get all these advantages and more. groups from
corporate houses will also be able to indulge in team building workshops
and also be able to get away from office, even if it’s for only a while.
Members will also get access to discount membership cards, which can be
used at various places within Kathmandu. (Shreeya Joshi)
opportunity for various organisations
in working for the ecosystem to
raise awareness and interest about
what they do and also to provide
information to a captive audience.
and 2nd Enfield Rendezvous and
Poker Run, then here’s news
that you’ll surely be interested
Note: Entry Form for participation
should be filled and submitted to the
Inking It
Opening Date: 22 April (Friday)
Closing Date: 24 April (Sunday)
Time: 10:30 am to 6 pm
Enjoy a unique photo exhibition
featuring the works of five
photographers, Sneha Shrestha,
Prajwal Bhattarai, Nikhil gurung,
Shikhar Bhattarai and Kushal goyal.
Each of their works is based on
the five elements Sky, Metal, Earth,
Water and Fire. The photographs
will portray the artistic depictions of
the five elements to mark the fifth
Cycle of galleria CuC.
Date: 25 March (Friday)
Time: 4pm to 9:30 pm
Venue: garden of Dreams, Keshar
Mahal, Thamel
FAITH (Friends Affected & Infected
Together in Hand) and uNODC
(united Nations Office for Drugs
and Crime) brings to us “Bodhhana
– Proud, Inspired and Envisioned”,
a program to support marginalized
women such as women infected
and affected by HIV, women using
drugs and women living in prisons.
This program will be implementing
a therapy to help such women talk
about their problems and express
themselves. Six renowned female
artists and two male artists will
use ‘Expressive Art Therapy’ to
depict social issues and problems
by colouring their canvases with
illustrations of the problems faced
by marginalized women. They will
also be using installations and
common artistic and non-artistic
materials, at the event which is being
organized to mark International
Women’s Day.
The first Nepal Tattoo Convention
is an attempt to bring together all
ink and skin art, piercing and body
alteration, art and sketch lovers and
last but not the least music lovers.
The convention will include wellknown guests from the international
tattoo community, showcasing
different tattoo art forms. The
vision of the program is to create
a platform where artists can share
their common zeal for body art
under the same roof. So, if you are
a tattoo lover, come join the best of
tattooing in Nepal!
Booth registrations are now open.
To secure your own booth, contact
the organizers or log on to www.
Mountain Madness
Opening Date: April 12 (Tuesday)
Closing Date: April 24 (Sunday)
Go Eco!
Nepal, our country that boasts a
rich heritage and a colorful and lively
culture, snow capped peaks, spiritual
history and vibrant people, is all set
to host the 2011 edition of Mountain
Madness. Be a part of the pleasant
mayhem in April where you can enjoy
the vast Himalayan experience while
dancing to the beats of audio wizards
from the world over. Come take part
in a quest that promotes love and
understanding for each individual,
come and preach – universal Religion.
The British School, Sanepa has been
working on Eco programmes for
the last 18 months now and all the
school pupils, staff and parents are
involved in the initiative of making
the school as eco friendly as possible.
To ensure this, the school will, now,
be holding the first ever British
School Eco Festival. At this fest
expect to enjoy, stalls selling food
and other items, games, music, and
other activities. It will be a fantastic
Digital Om Productions, through
this festival, aims to bring together
a community of music and art
enthusiasts to share a mind blowing
journey with supersonic sound
geniuses, visually delightful décor,
other activities in a divine location.
Come and dance and celebrate music
and once your feet are tired from
all that dancing choose from plenty
of options to relax. Whether you’re
looking for an adrenalin rush and
wish to plunge from sky-high peaks
and dive into fierce rivers or you’re
looking to enjoy mother nature’s
natural beauty at the lush national
parks, you can find it all here.
Date: 18 March (Friday)
Time: 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Venue: The British School,
Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur
5521794, 552201, kerry@tbs.edu.np
Enfield Rendezvous & Poker
Run 2011 is on its way, and
this time it’s going to be bigger
and better. People have already
started signing up to be a part
of this grand trip, some from
germany, some from Australia
and even local expatriates
from Switzerland, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, uSA and uK. Join
this voyage, from Kathmandu
to Pokhara, on your classic bike
enjoying poker along the way
and you might even win a prize
if you have the largest poker
hand at the end of the journey.
Admission Fee: Rs. 3500
Conferring on Culture
and Tourism
Opening Date: 27 April
Closing Date: 30 April
Venue:Yak and Yeti Hotel,
Durbar Marg, Kathmandu
Following the success of the
two international conferences
on culture, events and
sustainable tourism, a 3rd
international conference will
be held from 27 April to 30
April at Yak & Yeti Hotel. The
conference aims to provide a
forum for academics, emerging
researchers, policy-makers,
industry practitioners, and
destination management and
marketing professionals to
discuss and debate key issues in
the planning and management
of more sustainable special
interest tourism.
Musical World
Date: 25 March (Friday)
Venue: Comfort Zone, Thamel
Rocksitar will be launching their
newest album soon. If you’re
a fan of this band, then join
the pre-launch party where
Rocksitar will be giving a live
performance and take the first
step into the world of music.
Date: 26 March (Saturday)
Venue: Hotel Radission,
Don’t forget to mark your
calendar this March with Estyle
– a fashion show by designer
uttam Banepali. Rocksitar
will be performing live in this
fashion sequence.
Bikes and Poker
Rock On!
If you’ve participated and know
about the huge success of the 1st
Join the album launch of
Rocksitar, where there will be
diplomats, artists, academicians,
corporate personalities and
media. Alliance Francaise will
present this event.
Opening Date: 13 April (Thursday)
Closing Date: 15 April (Saturday)
Venue: Kathmandu, Pokhara
4428778, 4426695, 9841224103,
Date: 8 April (Friday)
Venue: Patan Museum, Patan
the week that was
event reviews of
the past week
Divinity Excels
oung and upcoming DJs of
Kathmandu battled it out,
at the Satdobato Swimming
Pool Complex, on 5 March.
While the results were being calculated, Sunil Singh Thakuri, Avinash
KC and Max-Zone entertained the
DJ Divine was crowned the King
of DJs 2011. DJ Newa and DJ
g-tesh became the first and
second runner-ups respectively.
DJ g-tesh also bagged the Best
Performance award while DJ San
got the title of Best Crowd.
The fun filled event that had the
crowd going gaga in the scorching
Saturday sun saw the best of Djing
in Kathmandu. (Prashant Pratap Shah)
Women on Wheels
n 5 March women drivers
took over Kathmandu’s
road. Toyota women’s motor rally was back and this
time with a bang!
In what can be called perfect
weather; sunny 68 degrees Fahrenheit with a hint of breeze, the
premises of Vaidya’s Organisation
of Industries and Trading Houses
(VOITH) buzzed with musical
beats encouraging women racers
to drive off the limits.
82 women participants from different walks of life roared down
the road with confidence their
and killer sunglasses and Sunsilk
gift hampers and mineral water
bottles nestled in their back seats.
Malvika Subba, former Miss Nepal
who had arrived slightly late for
the start with her partner Nilu
Doma Sherpa showed no lack
of buoyancy. “I’m all set to win,”
exclaimed Sherpa.
However it was not a race for
pace but rather a battle of the
brains. According to Ritu Vaidya,
Executive Director,VOITH the
contestants were to follow rules
based on time, speed and distance.
“There is an average speed one
must travel at. The Marshall Points
or controls, will note the time
one arrives at the location, so any
team exceeding the speed limit or
using shortcuts will be penalized.
The team (driver and navigator)
who scores the lowest points with
minimum errors wins the race”,
explained Vaidya.
Though men were allowed to
take part it was visible that it
On 24 February, poet and writer
Buddhisagar Chapain engaged in an
interesting discussion with scriptwriter
Prawin Adhikari at the Nepal Bharat
Library in front of a packed audience
at the ‘12th Tavern Tales: Buddhisagar
in Conversation with Prawin Adhikari’.
Organized by the Nepal Bharat Library
along with Quixote’s Cove – a bookshop
in Jawalakhel – the discussion was held on
Buddhisagar’s first novel– ‘Karnali Blues’.
The event began after a reading from the
critically acclaimed book by its author,
Adhikari, inquired about the author’s
writing techniques, the plot of the novel
and some specific interesting scenes
in the book itself. In the course of
conversation, Buddhisagar confessed that
certain incidents in the novel have been
inspired by his own real life experiences.
“But it is important to remember that
Karnali Blues is, in the end, a work of
fiction. When I tell some people that
I have a brother, they are surprised –
“But he isn’t there in the book!” they
complain.” Buddhisagar shares.
The audience went wild dancing in
the bright lights around the pool
as various participants showed off
their skills on the turntables in
limited time sets.
The winners would be chosen on a
range of criteria from song-selection
and style to arrangement and smooth
transition by a panel of experienced
judges that consisted of DJ Sakar, DJ
Bikas and DJ Jazy-Joe (India).
Talking Karnali Blues
was women that dominated the
navigator’s seat. “Since men are
integral part of a woman’s life
we permitted them to be in the
navigator’s seat but in the end it
is the women who get to preside
over the driver’s seat,” said Susan
Vaidya, Executive Director,VOITH.
When asked by the audience about what
the title ‘Karnali Blues’ meant, the author
said, “People are usually attracted to
names that they are either familiar with
or to names that they have never heard
of. In this respect, I think this is a very apt
title. The title came to be because this
novel is almost like a Blues song and the
story is related to the Karnali.”
The discussion was enjoyed by
everyone and definitely helped to give
a deeper insight into this beautifully
written novel. (Yukta Bajracharya)
Da unity
It was hip-hop night at iClub,
Durbarmarg, on Friday, March 4
2011, with da unity’s power-packed
performance and a sizeable crowd
showing off their sleek new dance moves.
Consisting of Da 69 (Sudin Pokharel) and
The unity band consisting also of Aidray
and Asif Shah had the crowd at Iclub
moving to their every beat, on 4 March.
A lot of English and Nepali rapping,
melodic singing by the artists and
energetic stage performance by the
group made it an enjoyable event for
hip-hop lovers.
The group has toured many parts of
the country and is recognized for the
initiative to promote hip-hop music
and a culture of self-expression in rural
areas of Nepal. (Prashant Pratap Shah)
Women Writers of
Jagdish Rana painted the beauty of
Nepali women through his words during
the launch of his book ‘Women Writers
of Nepal, Profiles & Perspectives’,, on 26
February, at The Siddhartha Art gallery;
Babermahal Revisited
“When people think of Nepal the first
thought that comes to their mind is the
Himalayas but there is more to Nepal
than that, they need to be aware of
our women writers, whose words are
just as beautiful as the Himalayas,” he
said, before talking about their struggle
against the male domination and
financial catastrophe.
The judicious author further explained
that his new book promotes women
writers who pen works outside
The book, which is written in English,
features 54 women writers like Lalita
Tripura Sundari,Yoga Maya, Ambalika
Devi, Chandrakanta Devi,Vidya Devi
Dixit, Prem Rajeshwori Thapa, goma,
Intellectual Wars
With Celebrities and well known
faces like Malvika Subba, Nalina
Chitrakar, Sugarika KC, Samyukta
Rana and many more the locals
looked very interested to witness
the race. “We love you Malvika”
was heard from one of the locals
while Subba was parking at the
pit stop. The intense race came to
an end at gokarna Forest Resort,
which was followed by a lunch
Binita M Agrawal managed to get
the lowest Marshall points and
thus emerged as the winner taking home a purse of Rs 30,000.
The first and Second runner
ups Reshma ghale gurung and
Kamala gurung walked away with
cash prizes of Rs 15000 each.
(Mannat Shrestha)
| 16 March 2011
Parijat and Sita Pandey, who have
contributed to0 Nepali literature from
the year 1860-1980.
Many of the invited guests and
audiences eagerly bought copies of the
book, which has been priced at Rs.800,
and rushed to get it signed by the
Sangeeta Thapa, Soshu, usha Thakur and
Rajhi Malla, and Jeetu Rana were few
well-known figures spotted at the event.
(Mannat Shrestha)
Boom Shiva!!!
The Third Eye Music Festival at the
Bhrikutimandap Fun Park marked
Shivaratri on 2 March. A tribute to the
Hindu deity, Lord Shiva, the festival was
a celebration of music. The gig started
with Déjà vu and Stairs of Cirith playing
their sets.
It was then Albatross’ turn to heat up
the crowd. Playing some of their classic
hits as well as numbers from their
recently released album AttiBhayo, they
got the crowd singing along to their
tunes. Next up was Mukti n Revival who
performed many of their memorable
songs. Evergreen rockers Cobweb then
got the crowd head banging to their fast
and heavy tracks.
As dusk fell, it was Jindabaad’s time to
get on stage. Starting off with a trance
version of their sensational youtube hit
Rewind, the band got everyone shouting
at the top of their voices.
Amidst rumors that the Third Eye Music
Festival was going to be their last gig,
Jindabaad pulled off hit after hit with
Shades of You and Big F***ing Mess.
The organizers of the festival plan to
make this an annual event that will get
bigger and better with each Shivaratri.
BomBomBhole! (Prashant Pratap Shah)
Find your Key
hat is the key to success?
The one day workshop,
Success Mantra, held
at Hotel Himalaya on 4
March aimed to help people walk on
the right path to success.The eighty
something participants spent ninehours inside the Rato Baithak of Hotel
Himalaya learning the keys to success
from entrepreneur Ranjit Acharya.
Their journey started from
Tinkune took a ride around the
town including places like Ekantakuna, Kalanki, New Baneshwor,
Balkhu, New Road, Narayan
gopal Chowk and Budhanilkantha
among others.
Though it is considered that there
is a reduced number of traffic
jams on a Saturday, the jam at
Kalanki Chowk managed to affect
the timings of participants. Car no
81 which had cross the pit stop,
first ended up with penalty points.
Issue 58
he Kathmandu College
of Management (KMC)
compound was abuzz with
nervous and excited collegegoers, each from various colleges
around the valley all ready for
Battle of the Brains organized by
the Career Club at KMC. Once
the emcee announced the officially
starting of the fifth edition of Battle
of the Brains and the cake was cut
in celebration, the eager soldiers
all rushed to their respective battle
fields. Some fought the battles with
their speaking skills, some with
their advert-creating skills while
others with their team-building
spirits, their recycling projects,
analytical abilities, human resource
management proficiencies and their
mental sharpness.
‘Puff the Cuff’ – the extempore competition saw enthusiastic
speakers talking on the spot about
various lottery-chosen subjects.
The adverts which were designed
for Fr!day - events and entertainment weekly saw some good TVCs
and radio commercials but the
judges seemed to be disappointed
with the print ads. The ‘Quiz-Biz’
challenged four teams and their
knowledge on everything related to
the biz world.
Altogether 10 colleges participated
in the various unique competitions that went on all afternoon
on 4 March. The competitions
were judged by reputed panels of
judges from different fields. Apart
from individual participants for the
various competitions, points were
also given for the college itself.
Kathmandu College of Management
and College of Applied Business
were declared the overall winners
of Battle of the Brains. (Yukta Bajracharya)
“I had earlier been to Ranjit Acharya’s workshop myself and had found
it very helpful.Then, together with
Ranjit Acharya, we organized similar
workshops in various colleges. Seeing
that they were very effective, we
thought of making it available to the
wider public” says Merojob.com
managing director, Shailendra Raj giri.
Through slide-show presentations,
video clips and open floors for
questions from the audience, the
workshop completed successfully.
Some of the key points to success
that Acharya highlighted were the
need for determination, passion,
knowledge, and networking.
Anil Shah, CEO of Mega Bank, was
also invited as a guest speaker. At the
workshop he shared his own experiences and strategies to his success.
“We invited Shah because he is
one such person who has followed
the strategies that Acharya talked
about today.” shared giri.
Acharya has held more than 100
success workshops with thousands
of participants getting privy to Acharya’s success mantras. (Yukta Bajracharya)
Fundraiser by Child Reach Nepal,Comfort Zone,
4 March, Performance by Raju Lama and Kutumba
A minute with
Malvika Subba
Miss Nepal 2002 at
Toyota Women’s Rally
Why’d you choose to become a navigator
rather than a driver?
Because I feel I’m good at it.
You’ve participated in the previous Toyota
Woman’s Motor
Rally, how was that experience?
I participated with Nalina Chitrakar last time, and
we got lost!
What do you think of your performance this
Nlu Doma Sherpa and I arrived late, started late,
but we still secured
the 19th position. So I think we did pretty well.
Toyota Women’s Rally that was organised by
VOITH, saw women on wheels cruising
around the Kathmandu valley
What: Shuba Arambha Music Launch
Spotted: Rambhakta and Itu Jojiju, Khagendra Prasad Luintel, Prakash
Sayami and Deep Shrestha.
Take a look at who our cameras caught at the FNCCI
Excellence Awards at Soaltee Crown Plaza
King of DJ’s 5 M
Saatdobato Swim
ross the
Complex, DJ’s ac
valley battled to
of DJ’s
the reinging ki
s cheered
as the audience
d to their
them and groove
Performence by
The Unity Band
Spotted: DJ Knoxx, DJ
Cman, DJ Tantrik, and The
unity Band
let the good times begin
Dhaka Topi on Ray
— Yukta Bajracharya
hat would the famous Bengali filmmaker Satyajit Ray
look like if he was
a Nepali? The answer to this
was the pencil sketch made by
Sworup Nhasiju for the film
festival dedicated to Satyajit
Ray. Nhasiju’s sketch of Ray
wearing a Dhaka topi became
the icon for this festival titled
‘Satyajit Ray: Diversity of Vision’ which was organized by
Film Southasia at Yala Maya
Kendra throughout 21-25
February 2011.
“I had always been fascinated by Satyajit Ray and
his works. It just so happened that Film South Asia
was organizing a festival of
Ray’s works and they needed someone to sketch him for
the posters”, Nhasiju reveals
the purpose
behind the
making of
the innovative art
piece. The
task was
to make
Ray look Nepali. It took
Nhasiju two days of intense
research to make the final
piece, which he finished in a
“There were no prior pictures in which Satyajit was
donning a Dhaka topi or any
other Nepali attire. Plus,
there are individual styles to
wearing the topi itself. So I
had some research to do”, said
Nhasiju. Nhasiju paid careful
attention to Ray’s personal
style while researching and
actually making his sketch.
The sketch gathered many
positive comments and remarks. “People who knew Ray
and his movies seemed especially fascinated by the idea”,
shared Nhasiju.
Nhasiju is a creative art
director and specializes in
and writing. His contributes
mainly for The Kathmandu
Post and Himal South Asian.
He loves Ray and his realism.
“There is no fiction, no fantasy (in Ray’s movies)”, Nhasiju
comments, “He works with
real people and creates movies of what is real.” !
friday pick
Letters from Iwo Jima
— Prasanna K.C.
‘Letters from Iwo Jima’ is the
story of the battle of Iwo Jima,
between the united States and
Japan, during World War II, as told
from the perspective of two good
friends serving in the Japanese
forces, who watch helplessly
throughout various battles as
their comrades are killed.
The movie, however, is not a
chronicle of victory against the
odds, but rather of inevitable
defeat. When word comes from
Imperial headquarters that
there will be no reinforcements,
no battleships, no air support
in the impending fight with
the united States Marines, any
illusion of triumph vanishes, and
the stark reality of the mission
takes shape. The job of these
soldiers and their commanders, in keeping with a military
philosophy they must embrace
whether they believe in it or
not, is to die with honor, if necessary by their own hands.
The cruelty of this notion of
military discipline, derived from
long tradition and maintained
by force, is perhaps less startling
than the sympathy Clint Eastwood extends to his characters,
whose sacrifices are made in the
service of a cause that is known
to be bad as well as doomed.
Runtime: 2 hrs. 21 min
t, 2004
Starring: Ken Watanabe
NiTsuyoshi Ihara, Kazunari
nomiya, Ryo Kase
Director: Robert Rodri
Director: Clint Eastwo
Historians estimate that 20,000
Japanese infantrymen defended
Iwo Jima; only 1,083 of them
survived. The Americans sent
77,000 Marines and nearly
100,000 total troops, of whom
close to 7,000 died and almost
20,000 were wounded. The Japanese commander was Lt. gen.
Tadamichi Kuribayashi, whose illustrated letters to his wife and
children, recently unearthed on
the island, were a source for
Iris Yamashita’s script.
If you’re sick of the Hollywood’s version of World War II
movies where only the Americans are depicted as heroes,
you’ll like this one.
Kathmandu Chapters
Ugh! Men
Issue 58
| 16 March 2011
iPhone iPad Gyani
Every bit of Kathmandu’s zingy-zany soul as it unfolds every week
— Samriddhi Rai
eah like seriously. If I
hear one more bellyaching against having
a Women’s Day to celebrate as opposed to not having a Men’s day, dear Men, we
wouldn’t care less if you went
and kissed a tiny rat’s ass. Like
right now.
But before I proceed further
here is a disclaimer. I am neither
a sexist nor a feminist. Definitely
not a man hater, if anything I love
men; I think they’re the best people
to go out on dates with (smiles).
And most importantly I am
of course not generalizing.
There is no denying that many
of you out there may be absolute sweethearts but a selected
few deserve more disgust than
just an “ugh” and here is why.
So the last time I tuned into
an FM station, there was this
idiot blabbering away as to why
there is a Nari Diwas to celebrate and a not a Purus Diwas.
Oh well, everybody knows this
ain’t a new idea that just popped
up either. This phrase has been
around ever since I was a little
girl. As to why just a Women’s
day? And that if we believed this
world, at this time should be based
on equality how is it fair?
I hate myself for saying this.
But, yeah there were times when
I used to hover around
this idea a lot and questioned maybe it is unfair
to men after all. Or maybe us women are subtly
accepting that we’re the
weaker sexes by celebrating such a day.
Only to come to a realization that the “ugh
men” had me swooning
to their idealism already.
And therefore, this is my
attempt to shut them up
for once and for good with
three simple points.
So Dear Men, Do you bleed
for 5 days every month, carry
a human inside of you for 9
months and shoot a baby out
of you? Didn’t think so.
The patriarchal society that
is ours, do you know that we
are still scorned at for voicing
bold opinions, staying out late
with friends and are expected
to follow stricter norms. Unlike you.
So before demanding a Men’s
Day, how come you easily forgot days like Bhai Tika and
Rakshya Bandhan where we
(are made to) worship you. Or
all that fasting every month of
Shrawan and that cruel sun to
endure all day while standing
iLove Simplenote because:
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2. It completely cuts down on your need for paper, helping you save
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and everything that I note down is right here. In one device!
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in a line with empty stomach
on Teej; only in aspirations
for the mighty lord to grant
YOU with a longer life?
And yet you are of the opinion that we cant have one day
dedicated to us compared to
oh-so-many of yours? Really?
If you just nodded yes then it’s
safe to say that you righteously
fall in the “Ugh Men” category
after all.
Rest of you and rest of us,
we all know, that what’s fair
is to women to have their one
special day and having celebrated the 100th women’s day
this week we seek to celebrate
a hundred more. Cheers!
4. I can choose whether I want to share and publish my notes or not.
Private ones – they’re only for my eyes; grocery lists are shared with
my family members, and public ones – an idea that came to me, is
published for all to see.
5. I was never an organized person. What with all my notes on small
chits, that I kept losing, I always used to forget one thing or the other.
Now – be it a to-do-list for the day or an idea I wanted to share with
someone – I remember everything.
6. Nothing gets erased (unless and until I erase it). It’s so fun to go
through notes, that you’ve written ages ago. Admitted, going through
to-do-lists are not fun; but try going through the ideas and the
thoughts you came up with and quotes that you picked up, a year ago
and you’ll have the time of your life.
7. I can sort out my notes based on importance by using tags and pins.
It makes everything so much easier.
8. If I’m looking for a specific note, I just type in a key-word and tap the
search button. And I’ll find it. Now imagine trying to look for a small note
written on bits of paper, inside your pocket. It completely saves time!
9. It’s free, free, free! You don’t have to spend a rupee.
10. It’s such a useful app, yet so simple to use.
let the good times begin
epl diaries
Race is wide open ......again
— Dr. Banu Sharma
he week ended with a high
for Chelsea, with both
Arsenal playing a goalless
draw against Sunderland and
leaders Man utd in shreds after a
Kuyt hattrick at Anfield. Chelsea may
just stage the greatest comeback
ever with 9 games to go. Tottenham
played the last game of the weekend
away from Wolves. A thrilling game
that resulted in a well-fought draw.
Spurs played with one eye on
the return leg of the Champions
League round of 16 on Wednesday,
at home to AC Milan. Arsenal have
a very important match this Tuesday, at the Nou Camp, should they
win, they could go all the way to
the finals at Wembley come May.
City won their game against a better
Wigan thanks to a single goal courtesy
by Silva. Surely this win will cement
their champions league place for the
next season. How you win does not
matter, as long as you bag 3 points.
Referee rant took a new turn this
week with SAF in the firing line. His
rant was telecast by the club’s in-house
tv station... He refused an interview
post the 3-1 thrashing by Liverpool. He
is banning all interviews post or pre
match for sometime, I doubt we will be
hearing from him in MuTV for quite
finally got their first 3 points under
new manager Hodgson.
They will be sorely tested come
Saturday when they welcome
Arsenal, whose performance will
depend upon the outcome of their
Chelsea host Man City.They won
over the red half of Manchester, will
they manage the same against the blue
half? This reverse fixture was won due
to a solitary Tevez strike.There is bad
blood between the two sides not in
a while. He has appealed his case, and
if he is found guilty, he will be banned
from the dugout for 5 games.
Similarly, Andy Carroll finally got
his Anfield debut, when Liverpool
cruised on at 3-0. Manager Daglish
proclaimed this win to be the
highlight of his second tenure at
Anfield. Chelsea play Blackpool on
Monday, as their confidence have
increased post the win over united
at Stamford Bridge, they should
overcome Blackpool who were
battered by Wigan 4-0 in their last
game. West Ham got a deserved win
over Stoke, as did West Brom who
midweek clash with Barcelona in
the Champions League.
Will Avram grant be able to keep his
players in a winning mode when the
Spurs come visiting?
Precedence has shown that Spurs
tend to lose points post the European match. Man utd welcome
Bolton to OT, a home game which
they have to win, a draw is not
good enough, after dropping 6
points in a week.
Sunday night blockbuster stars the
mega rich clubs against each other.
the pitch , but off it due to the scandal
involving Terry and Wayne Bridge,
remember the handshake, or the
absence of it last season?
Liverpool play Sunderland at the
Stadium of Light, not an easy trip
for any team.... But with the squad
almost all fit and Andy Caroll well
and raring to go, who knows? Carroll was in Newcastle when they
romped off a thrilling 5-1 derby win
against Sunderland in the first half
of this season. Everton welcome
Fulham, who hold the record of the
maximum number of draws this
season, a total of 14 .
With Spurs drawing against Wolves
leaves them joint 4th place with
Chelsea who have a game in hand
and a much superior goal difference.
City are third having played 2 games
mire than Chelsea, Arsenal 3 points
behind united in second, but with
a game in hand. Birmingham at the
bottom third, but have 2 games in
hand, one they play midweek against
Everton, who need a win after being
unceremoniously being dropped out
of the FA cup by Reading.
The woes of the W’s continue. The
top teams are all set to fight it out
for the trophy, anything is possible,
and like the title if this piece, the
race is wide open again, any of the
4 teams can clinch it, so enjoy the
games with all it’s twists and turns,
and may my team win!
cricket craze
— Sudin Pokharel
Batch no. 16
Tanu Weds Manu
Meet ‘Manu’, a seedha
saadha Doctor from
London.The perfect
groom which every
parent wants for their
daughter.Tanu is a smart,
intelligent girl who will
do everything that her
parents will disapprove.
With a mind of her own
and a love for rebellion,
Tanu is dead against an
arranged marriage.
Cast: R. Madhavan, Kangana
Ranaut, Jimmy Shergill
Director: Aanand Rai
The name of the film –
Batch No 16 – refers
to the 16th batch of
graduates from the
Armed Police Force. It
tells the story of two
good friends, guru and
Ram, who drift apart
when they are caught
in a web of greed and
Director: Pitamber Pandey
Producer: Bikrant Shrestha
Cast: Suman Singh, Arpan
Thapa, Anup Baral, Rubi
Bhattarai, Susma Karki and
No Strings Attached
Natalie Portman plays
Emma Franklin, a doctor
who’s not really looking
for love and is not ready
for a relationship because
of time issues and just
wants to have someone
to have sex with. She
decided to have sex with
her friend, Adam Kurtzman played by Ashton
Director: Ivan Reitman
Cast: Natalie Portman,
Ashton Kutcher, Kevin Kline,
Cary Elwes
www.qfxcinemas.com, 4442220
The IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders use this Mantra to give them
energy to play hard, fight hard
and win hard but the Bangladesh
Crowd has used this mantra in
a different way. After their team
lost to West Indies by 9 wickets
at the crowded Shere Bangla
Stadium the bus carrying the West
Indian team was pelted with
stones on its way back to the
hotel. Thank god there were no
injuries. But the security facility
has come under question.
The International Cricket Council
ICC has given Bangladesh its first
ever chance to host this prestigious Tournament after denying
Pakistan the honour, because of a
terrorist group attack on the Sri
Lankan cricket team in 2009. If this
mantra was used by the Bangladesh cricket team they might have
beaten the Windies and made their
fans happier but sometimes Mantra
works the wrong way.
Decision Review System “ Controversial ???
International Cricket Council ( ICC)
has introduced the DRS ( Decision
Review System ) system for the first
time in World Cup Cricket. The
match between India and England
brought some controversy for this
newly introduced system in the
World Cup.Yuvraj Singh struck Bell,
who was stretching for a paddle
sweeps on the pad, but umpire Billy
Bowden turned down the appeal.
The Indians turn to the decision review.The slow motion replay showed
up on the giant screen, ball striking
the wicket without a no ball, but the
decision went in his favour.
He can hit the ball outside the
stadium to any fast bowler of the
world, he has the world record of
scoring 100 in just 37 balls, he has
hit 288 one day sixes till date and in
the ongoing ICC Cricket world cup
he has already taken 14 wickets,
yes Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi is
all set to make a new mark in the
World Cricket this time.
I have never seen such a cool headed
captain like Afridi. His 14 wickets in
3 matches have proven that the hard
hitter Afridi has changed into a intelligent leg spin bowler. He led his team
to victory in their first two matches
by beating Kenya the tournament
favorite Sri Lanka at their game . In
both the matches it was Afridi who
played a vital role with his bowling.
He took 5 wickets against Kenya, 4
against Sri Lanka and 5 vital wickets
against Canada and it has given a
new height to his leadership.
Teams like Ireland and Canada
have shown a few of their best
English team had high morals
after tying the match against India
few days. However they were
in for a huge let down in their
match against Ireland. Defending
a huge target of 328 runs Andrew
Strauss had never thought that
Kevin O Brien would come out
with such a blistering knock and
sweep the match away from them.
In another match Canada nearly
gave Pakistan a huge heartbreak
with their terrific bowling, by annihilating the Pakistani batting line
up for 185.
ICC is all set to make a decision
on Changing the World Cup Format of only the test playing nations
to play, but the performance that
the Associates are showing, I think
ICC should re-think the decision!!!
Matches this week
Mar 11, 2011 27th Match group B: Ireland vs West Indies
Mar 11, 2011 28th Match group B: Bangladesh vs England
Mar 12, 2011 29th Match group B India vs South Africa
Mar 13, 2011 30th Match group A Canada vs New Zealand
Mar 13, 2011 31st Match group A Australia vs Kenya
Mar 14, 2011 32nd Match group B Bangladesh vs Netherlands
Mar 14, 2011 33rd Match group A Pakistan vs Zimbabwe
Mar 15, 2011 34th Match group B Ireland vs South Africa
Mar 16, 2011 35th Match group A Australia vs Canada
let the good times begin
maverick’s musings
The Unbearable Happiness
of Non-PC Parenting
— Mita Hosali
ne of the early best sellers
of 2011,Yale professor
Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn
of the Tiger Mother, has
unleashed vitriol and rancour over
her laudatory description of the
Chinese style of child rearing. She
has outraged fellow Americans and
alienated many in her own highly
successful minority group of Chinese Americans who feel that the
elevation of rigidity and authoritarianism to a moral superiority code
is the reason why, as one writer
complained, “Asian Americans like
me, are in therapy”.
Admittedly, I haven’t read the book
but I have scoured many of the
blogs and literary reviews that take
Amy Chua to task for her tough
love approach to bringing up her
kids in the united States. Chua is
herself American-born but decided
to emulate her parents’ model
of how they raised her – no play
dates or sleepovers, no extracurricular activities except those
handpicked by the controlling
Mum, and nothing short of hurling
abuse if her kids got anything less
than an A-minus. Sounds like a caricature? Sadly not, although Chua
has done the circuit of talk shows
and apparently back-pedalled
furiously when pressed on her
tactics of shaming, threatening and
relentless drilling. Whether Chua is
a latter-day spin-off of a Mommie
Dearest fiend or just combating
what she supposedly sees as the
excesses of a “nation of wusses”,
her how-to manual is certainly
food for thought.
Having spent some time in the uS,
my husband and I were determine
to bring our kids to Asia for a
while and expose them to a different set of values. Our concerns
were mostly cultural and political
but needless to say, a whole kitand-caboodle of parenting issues
is on our radar screen. While I
have dipped into Spock, Leach and
Brazelton and a few other modern
gurus on the do’s and don’ts of
child development, I am definitely
one who falls into that instinctive
parenting camp that Chua loves to
deride. My husband falls probably
one notch lower in her estimation because he is laid-back and
(I grimace at her obvious disdain)
indulgent of his kids.
We are both strict about certain
things – no lies, no violence, no
rudeness and no selfishness. They
are a little taken aback about how
rigorous the education system is in
Asia – and tired of me reminding
them that it will help them succeed
in life. But they have adapted and
although they try to cut corners,
they can usually be persuaded
of the merits of not just doing
homework but doing a good job,
and trying to be creative to boot.
They are also completely comfortable with amusing themselves and
do not need to be entertained
continually. This was one trait in
American society that I personally
loathed – the need to schedule
kids up the wazoo with “activities”
with the result that they become
serially attention deficit. When
I look around and see parents
indulging kids who are obviously
spoilt and self-absorbed, I envision
many monsters in the making.
I was brought up by parents who
were not exacting except in one
respect; they absolutely could not
abide any sense of entitlement,
elitism or dishonesty. No curfews,
no lies about dates or boyfriends
or where I spent the night. My
mother warned me not to think
about getting married but to build
a life devoted to public service
and philanthropy – she was in her
early-30’s when she met my father
and decided he was an acceptable
partner. My father was extremely
modern and open-minded. But he
was tough about integrity and living
within my means, and pushed me
to be financially independent by 21!
While I am scarcely the type to
extoll the virtues of my offspring,
friends tell me they are natural,
affectionate, happy and caring kids
with a multicultural perspective
of the world. I am proud to say
that my son already shows traits
that I really admire – kind, funny,
philosophical and remarkably
thoughtful, he has the makings
of a sensitive, new age male. My
daughter is a creative, bubbly,
generous, assertive creature who
may need occasional reminding
that not everyone has her level of
As for that magic formula, I don’t
necessarily have it but I am convinced of a few parameters. Kids
need guidance as they search for
the right choice of careers and
training – and not just to become
nuclear physicists or concert
pianists. They should be free to
choose their friends and spend
time with those friends – but they
need to show honesty, decency
and responsibility. On the unacceptable list is racist, sexist and
abusive behaviour – and believe
me, too many parents look the
other way even when the signs
are staring them in the face. A
fundamental sense of ethics is
non-negotiable. If that makes me
the South Asian Wimp Mother, I
wear it as a badge of pride. !
Shakya’s Vote for Change
— Yukta Bajracharya
e sat inside his office room and talked about change.
Change – the philosophy that this successful
face, Karna Shakya, lives by.
Change – the reason that led
to him producing a movie.
Change – the purpose of the
movie itself.
Karna Shakya’s first venture
in the movie industry, Pal –
moments in life, will be
uction and
Maya Prod
ents in Life
Pal – Mom es Presentation
Krishna M
Nepal Jayc
ration with
(Made in
y: Ramesh B hil Sakya/Chandrama
Directed b
by: Saju KC
Karna Sakya
twriting by:
ari, Ramesh
Anup Baral, and others
allav Koirala,
Cast: Raj B Nir Shah, Dhiren Shakya
Tripti Nadka
releasing on 12 April. The movie
tells a story of the Constituent
Assembly member Krishnaman,
his wife Champadevi, son Deepak
and daughter-in-law Sushma and
the series of mishaps and misfortunes in their lives, and how they
overcome it.
The movie is a transition
from “No, I can’t” to “Yes, I can”.
The positive attitude and change
that Shakya himself wishes to
see in our society.
A man who doesn’t really
plan anything, Shakya hadn’t
really planned on making a
movie. “Initially I was a conservationist, and then I became an
entrepreneur. After my wife succumbed to cancer, I became a social worker. Then, when I wrote
Soch, I turned into a writer and
now I am in making a movie.”
said Shakya who seems to be
constantly looking for change in
his life. He says that it was a coincidence which led him to write
the story and script of Pal.
“No law or state or constitution can bring development
in society. For that, we need to
change our mindsets,” opined
Shakya. “I wrote Soch, Khoj and
Ma Sakchhu in hopes to make
a difference in society. I did to
some extent”, Karna said expressing his dissatisfaction at
the book not reaching the masses. “But how many people read
books? Very few”, he added, “so,
I decided to make a movie. As it
is the most powerful medium for
communication and dissemination of ideas these days.”
The writer himself puts the
movie in this way: “Life is not as
simple and straight as we think
it is. It consists of many cross
roads. If we choose the right
path, make the right decisions at
the right moment, then only will
we succeed. Otherwise, we will
go down. So that moment is im-
portant and it’s crucial to realize
its importance and that’s where
the movie gets its name from.”
he answered, before I even put
forward my query about how or
why the title came to be.
Shakya claims that the movie, unlike other commercial Nepali movies, is very realistic and
practical. “The story isn’t new
or unique. Neither is the cast
and location we shot it in. What
is unique is the way we have presented the whole movie. I don’t
think such a movie has been produced yet – not only in Nepal,
but in India as well. Plus, there
are no unnatural or inappropriate scenes and settings.” Pal is
based on our society, politics
and family values. The movie
targets all Nepali people and is
set out to strike a positive difference through cinema.
An optimist, Shakya is very
hopeful about the movie. “So
far, I have got good responses.
Sushil Sharma of BBC Nepali
Service told me earlier that the
movie would be a milestone. I
have received such remarks from
other people as well” he said.
Only time can tell what kind
of change this movie will really
bring about but till then what
we can do borrow Shakya’s
optimism and positive attitude
towards the movie and wait for
Pal to hit local cinemas. !
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different strokes
Fusion Confusion
Popularized in 1970s, critics have called it “confusion cuisine,”
arguing that chefs rely on novelty to carry the food, rather than
flavor, texture, and presentation.
— Sunita Gurung
verything comes in copious amounts in this valley be it schools, finance
companies, restaurants
– you name it and there is no
dearth of it. The main criterion
needed is a wide audience to embrace the endeavor and arguably,
this also can be found in plentiful. The latest suave entrant
to tantalize our taste buds and
to confuse the palate of those
with the ‘Bideshi’ hangover is
what they call the Fusion Food.
cuisine,” arguing that chefs rely
on novelty to carry the food,
rather than flavor, texture, and
presentation. We are probably
at an infant stage to actually
detect the confusion but yes
perplexity does prevail in some
of the terms and names associated with it. Although I am
foodie I have misgivings for all
the unfamiliar names with fancy pronunciations that leave me
tongue tied literally after every effort. I prefer to enjoy the
plauding audience. Ofcourse,
it is totally wrong to sit at
the table armed with prejudices against any product of
creativity but in the world of
culinary this blend has all the
reasons to stir up a lot of controversy. While the chef with
a nuance of diabolism and a
glint in his eyes performs the
gastronomical magic to create
a masterpiece, the end product looks at times more like an
overdressed woman with an
Defined as the ethical blend of
the culinary traditions of two
or more nations to create innovative and sometimes quite
interesting dishes, Fusion Food
Fever has mutated the food scenario in Kathmandu with an increasing culturally diverse population. Popularized in 1970s,
critics have called it “confusion
food and linger on the taste and
give my tongue a much needed rest. While Fusion Food is
capitalizing infectiously in the
food vista, I am left wondering how natural it must be for
the innovative chef to goof up
and stumble upon a ridiculous
dish embroider it with an enticing name and gift it to an ap-
overtly fancy hat. Now, I don’t
mind an occasional exposure
to food influenced heavily
by international flavors but
my verdict – Fusion Food is
here to stay but I would prefer a ‘Desi’ dish anytime with
all the unhealthy trimmings!
‘Butter chicken and naan ……
Anyone?’ !
Issue 58
| 16 March 2011
off the shelf
Himalayan Voices
An Introduction to Modern Nepali Literature
— Chhoksum Bista
Very few good writers have immaculately captured modern Nepali
literary movement in their English
translations and Michael J. Hutt is one
of them. “Himalayan Voices” provides
a rare insight into the two richest
genres of modern Nepali literature,
poems and short-stories. In the first
part, the author has translated 80
valuable creations of 11 distinguished
Nepali poets such as Lekhnath Paudyal, Laxmi Prasad Devkota and Bal
Krishna Sama. They are, after all, the
founding fathers of modern Nepali
literature. These poems articulate
the emotions and opinions of the
people on the social and political
mayhem during the revolutionary period. Translations of popular
poems like Siddhicharan Shrestha’s Mero Pratibimba, Bhupi
Sherchan’s Ghumne Mech Mathi Andho Manche and gopal Prasad Rimal’s
Parivartan remain true to their soul.
In the second part, Hutt has selected 20 of the most interesting and
well-known short-stories like guru Prasad Mainali’s Paralko Aago, and
Ramesh Bikal’s Lahuri Bhaisi. Apart from this, he has included works of
influential writers like Indra Bahadur Rai, Bijay Malla and Shankhar Lamichane. These wonderful stories give a picture of our agrarian society
stratified by caste and class relations, status of women, and condiments
of social change. Along the lines, the readers can get the sense of motion as each story is set in different time period. For example, Mainali’s
Paralko Aago is about a mismatched marriage set in rural Nepal whereas
Rai’s Hami Jastai Maina Ki Aama is written in an unorthodox style set in
a period of social consciousness.
Hutt has been cautious as to not confuse his interpretation with the
translation while retaining the essence of the literary works. The book
is a delight for any avid literature reader in particularly, for those who
want to inspect the colourful Nepali literature. These vibrant creative
works reminds us about our history and lets us reconnect with our
roots. Personally, this book gave me one more reason to be proud of
being a Nepali.
for the adventurous palate
– Sommelier Sandeep Khatri
ine, which has been a
part of our lives for
centuries, is known
to have more components than our blood itself. This
is probably why during the last
supper, there are accounts of
Christ referring to the wine in
his grail as his blood.
Therefore, when you see a
sommelier sniffing the wine and
talking about smells representing strawberry, raspberry, green
grass, wet dog, pepper, bouquet
and tropical fruits – just know that
they are not giving you vague information. Every smell and flavour
is a result of a bonding between
ingredients which have come together in a specific temperature
and skillful handling. This is the
reason why red wine served above
the room temperature tastes harsh
and more like alcohol but delicious
when chilled.
So, what is the relation between our star signs and our
choice of wine? Well, believe it
or not, every star sign has a base
character that resembles wine.
So the next time you buy wine
and actually like its nutty and a
little sweet flavor, its probably
because that’s the way you are‘nutty and a little sweet’.
independent and possess honest
opinions. So just like the climate
during February which is neither hot nor cold, the Aquarians,
who never let you in on their
secrets and what are on their
minds love wines that are just as
exotic and fresh as them.
make sure it is not older
than 2 years and blended
with other grape varieties
as such Semillon Chardonnay. Here’s a list of white
wines that they would love
to indulge in:
The best choice of White
Wines for Aqaurians
This grape variety is a very
different compared to the Chardonnay. It doesn’t possess the
same kind of sourness as the
Chardonnay, which is exotic in
terms of citric taste. Secondly
the young good Sauvignon
Blanc provides a zesty feel of
the lemon grass and gooseberry
which resembles the fun loving
attitude of Aquarians. Similarly,
the dry-style Sauvignon may
tickle their taste buds due to its
aromas that resemble bell peppers, green olives and tomatoes
– all of which they love. For
Aquarians white wine can mostly be used to compliment their
mood as it’s easy on the palate
and has a good after taste.
Again, Aquarians tend to prefer
red wines. They love its exotic
character and flavor. On other
hand, when it comes to white
wine they like wine that is light,
refreshing and young. They are
not bothered about Chardonnay,
a grape variety, being aged in
oak barrel with dark hue.
They prefer mild fresh grass
green in colored wines. If you
are offering a Chardonnay then
Aquarians and Wine
Aquarians normally have attractive personalities though they
tend to be shy and sensitive.
Many a times they do seem to
be exhibitionist who love flaunting their ideas and the things
they love, but getting to know
an Aquarian takes a lot of patience. They are strong willed,
Sauvignon Blanc:
While purchasing white wine
for Aquarians choose:
Cloud 9 Café’ Bar
Durbarmarg Friday- Acoustic Live
music. 4438385
The Tantra garden
Restaurant Lounge Bar
Thamel, Chetrapati
Tej Bhawan, uttar Dhoka.
Ambience, good Food
& Drinks & great Music
Etempus eating Lounge & Bar
The Celtic Pub
Thamel, Happy Hour &
Live Music 4700581
Namaste Café & Bar
Thamel. Live Music and
Electric Pagoda Bar N cafe
Saatghumti, Thamel
Live Band, parties every
Saturday, BBQ Night &
Neon Pub
Thamel. Live Band every
day. 4700642
Cinnamon grill Lounge
Live Music Every Saturday
by Ciney gurung 5521339
Funky Buddha
Thamel (Near Vaishali
Hotel), Happy hour
1-8pm. Live Band. Private
club with In-house DJ.
Fusion Bar
Dwarika’s Hotel,
Battisputali, Kathmandu,
Outdoor seating beside
the Pool & Friday Night
BBQ with Live Band
Tamarind Restro & Bar
Pulchowk, Patan. Every Friday we have
unplugged acoustic bands.
Jazz upstairs
Lazimpath, Kathmandu
Live Jazz-Wednesday/
Saturday Live Blues
Malingo Restro Bar &
Durbarmarg, Kathmandu,
Each Friday- gazal Nights,
Every Friday gazal & sufi 6:30 pm onwards.
Anamnagr, 4221037
New Orlines Cafe
Jhamsikhel. Live Band
every Saturday. 5522708
Old Lhasa Restaurant & Bar
Thamel. Live music on
Friday. 984932488
Paddy Folish Irish Pub
Thamel, Live Music
Everyday 9808398079
Buzz Café & Bar
Attic Bar
BBQ every Friday &
Saturday, Live Music
every day by Inhouse
band, 4257171
Wednesday Reggae & BBQ night. 4429903
Raggae Bar and Cafe
Thamel, Live Music
Everyday with Different
Band (Wed and Fri Cob
Web), 9849294527
Cube The Club
“Dance party every
Friday” & “Free wifi zone”, Kamaladi
Vintage Café n Pub
Durbarmarg, Every Friday
& Saturday live music &
DJ 4254831.
Tipsy Bar & Lounge
Durbarmarg, Live music
by Hemant Rana Every
(Wed and Sat) 4245225.
Chicken Egg Chatamari, Rs.90
Degaa Resto-Lounge
Kumaripati (Old Campion
Building) Tel: 9849136479
Roast Battai Full Rs. 250
Samrat Cafe
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, 5525086
Sauvignon Blanc from New zeland or Australia
Sauvignon and Semillon blend
from Australia
Loire Valley wines from France
Semi Brut Sparkling wine from
When it comes to red?
Aquarians tend to be red wine
lovers. However, there are always exceptions. In fact when it
comes to red wine, the nature of
the Aquarians of wanting to be
around the friends, make them
love Port or Sherry wines which
tend to go easy and gives a good
kick later on. Aquarians are result oriented and for them process is less important than the
result, meaning they don’t care
how they get drunk. They just
care about getting drunk.
Their water bearer symbolizes the Great Spirit and fantastic dedication in friendship once
committed. Therefore, Aquarian
women prefer the masculine and
macho character in their partners so they tend to go for red
wine which has a spicy hint to
it and is easy to drink. The best
red wine for them would obviously be the Shiraz with its hint
Bacon Wrap Chicken Rs. 250
Huzzah Madz Lounge
gairidhara, Kathmandu, 4004047
of peppery spices, herbs and full
bodied character that represents
their far sightedness.
Shiraz is all about the tantalizing zesty taste on the tip and later
flows down like thirst quencher.
Just like Shiraz Aquarians may
appear as keen observers on the
first meet but once you know
them they are great people. Same
with Shiraz, it opens up slowly
providing the right taste and texture just at the right time.
Similarly, other grape varieties
like Pinot Noir may entice them
due to its easy drinking and complexity of aroma that needs to
be explored with every sip. Like
Aquarian men for whom love is
not an experience of a lifetime
and love their flirtatious ways,
Pinot Noir is a perfect choice. It
is considered as a seductive wine
due to its light yet great hue of
the colors that make it look like
fresh pomegranate juice.
Which red wine to purchase?
Australian Shiraz are the among
the best
If French, then go for Chateauneuf-du-pape ( pronounced
as satu-neff-de-paap)
Blend of grape variety of Cabernet and Merlot could work too !
Special jungle safari package program
for 2 nights 3 days. Welcome drinks,
all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner
& tea/coffee) accommodation in
deluxe room, elephant-back safari,
Tharu village visit,Visitor Center visit,
canoeing & Elephant Breeding Center
visit, sunset view, Tharu Stick dance,
nature walk, bird-watching and many
more. Foreigners - uSD $140 nett.
per person, Nepalis - Rs. 5,500 nett.
per person. Chitwan National Park,
KTM office: Thamel, 4701887,
4701888, Cell: 9841229970,
9851022652, parkland@mail.com.np,
Tandoori Prawn Nisha, Rs. 590
Third Eye Restaurant
Thamel, Kathmandu, 4260289
Issue 58
| 16 March 2011
undercover gourmet
Yum Organic
– Bu Keba
– Garrulous Foodie
ll of a sudden, a place
in Bakhundole comes to
dominate culinary conversations and everyone
I meet is talking about Bu Keba.
I decide to check this place out
and get hooked to it. Sounds like
a falling for a Lady Gaga track;
in fact, the place is as addictive.
Housed inside a red brick wall
compound with considerable
parking space, generous service staff and creative seating
arrangements, Bu Keba stands
synonym to a great food experience.
As you enter from the parking lot, a hut with floor seating
greets you on the right while a
companying pita bread is light,
undusted and not at all puffed.
Or the momos – my personal
favorite is the one with Spinach and Cottage Cheese filling. The greens have an unobstructing texture while the
mild aroma of cottage cheese
actually induces appetite. The
best part for me – there is no
awfully smelling ginger-garlic
element in the filling – not
that they’ve not used it, the
balance is stricken perfect. A
religiously non-veggie friend
gorged on the momos (p.s. he
was not hungry).
On occasions I’m not feeling that hungry, I ask for a
My Happiness Index
My rating
 Diverse and apt for all occasions; my pick – the machaan
 Bright and uplifting outdoors, warm and calm indoors
 All that you need to use
 I would hire the service staff
 Nice and clean
 They deserve every bit of it
miniature kitchen garden of celery and lettuce sprawls the left.
The wrought iron chairs under
the shade serve the purpose for
formal affairs while the wooden machaans painted black are
great for casual dining affairs
for groups of four-ish.
The first thing that strikes
you about the menu is that it
is multi-cuisine. The menu
abounds in comfort food alongside Middle Eastern, Continental and Nepali cuisine with a
great deal of inventions.
The hummus here is a far
cry from the lump of blended
chickpeas that haunts most
places in Kathmandu. The ac-
White Forest Cake, Rs. 170
bowl of Khasi ko Ras – Mutton soup with buckwheat mash.
The soup is as energizing as it is
welcoming with shreds of meat
suspended in the liquid. A minimal garnish of coriander leaves
over a suspension flavored with
cumin and pepper does great
for a typical Nepali palate. And
if you thought the buckwheat
mash meant a Dhindo, you are
partially right. The technique
involved in preparation of this
mash is the same they do in that
of potato mash, hence rendering a buttery flavor with a rich
and smooth texture.
I deem a culinary journey at
Bu Keba incomplete until you’ve
with Rs
BBQ Pork
395 Rs. 395
5 WS
Where’s it located?
Bakhundole, opposite SNV
What to wear?
Semi or casuals for the
machaan, anything else for other
Why drop in?
great steak, buckwheat pancakes and invention desserts
When to visit?
Lunch and dinners
How much to carry?
Three thousand for two with
beer and taxes
had the Buckwheat pancakes
with flambéed mushrooms. The
pancake batter is infused with
parsley and the mushroom used
is oyster mushrooms. Oyster
mushrooms have this quality
of retaining flavor thanks to
their profuse gills, hence the
extensive work done on the
food doesn’t just slip away. Add
to that mozzarella sauce and a
string of crunchy spaghetti to
top it up.
If you have a massive appetite for some meaty stuff, ask
for Chicken Breast or a steak. A
food lover will definitely fall for
the reduction – rich condensed
flavor of toil. At times you feel
whimsy and lucky, tell the service staff you want to try some-
thing. The executive chef will
strike a conversation with you
and get some of his inventions
on your plate. The other day, I
had some chicken shreds in balsamic with Buckwheat mash –
The wraps are the chef ’s specialty – light wraps served with
a delectable filling on a sizzler
pan accompanied by sour cream
and salsa dip. You have to do the
exercise yourself but the result
is worth all the hard work. I
prefer the veggie filling for its
crunchy texture and rich flavor.
An array of desserts exists
to serve a brilliant close to the
meal. I prefer the Inter-caste
marriage – citrus in yogurt, a
rare food combination prac-
tised in Nepal. The brownie is
equally good, and brings a joyful end to a joyful eating experience.
Bu Keba has, within a few
months of coming into the
scene, come to redefine organic
eating in Kathmandu – it can
both be healthy and enjoyable
now. A personal note of thanks
to the chef for preserving the
scrumptious Nepali cuisine
while making it increasingly
healthful. My mom always
said, “Never eat anything that
comes with a shelf life.” She
will bless these guys.!
Food Whiz! Winner
Congratulations to the winner of Brain Rattler, the food quiz in Issue
57 of Fr!day, Shristi Shrestha, who has won a two pound cake from Bu’
Keba – The Organic Village Café, Bakhundole.
All other participants, who responded to the quiz, are entitled to 2 free issues of Fr!day.
Contact: ECS Media Pvt. Ltd., Kupondole, Lalitpur, 5011571
Chicken Lali Pup Rs. 250
Third Eye Bakery
Yin Yang Restaurant
Sufi House
Thamel, Kathmandu, 4701510
Thamel, Kathmandu, 4701510
Bhatbhateni, 9803473896
Business Lunch Set, Rs. 425
with Beer Free
Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur, 5528362
Granedin Syurump, Rs. 600
Tipsy Lounge & Bar
Nepal’s First Complete LED Light Lounge & Bar
Durbar Marg, 4243225
markets & launches
Easy Shopping Kohkaine
hopping always means roaming around the gallis of Ason
and New Road, and yes the malls and shopping houses for
hours and at end of the day we still have a lot more to buy.
We all are picky especially when it comes to things we wear,
whether its jewelry or that silk cloth. And when we have a lot to
shop and we do not have time, and we are still running around the
city to get the apparel we want.
Fmirror, is an online shopping website where you can find everything you want. Fmirror makes it easier by giving you options on
brands, saving time. It will just take a few minutes to select what you
want and a few clicks to order the things you want to buy. You can
now fill in your closet with brands like H&M, forever21, MAC, ELF,
SOS and a lot more at reasonable prices.
“The basic idea is to avoid shopping hassle and break monopolized market where customers rarely get the product what they pay
for’, says Susan Grg.
Fmirror has different categories- dresses, tops, bottoms, jackets,
accessories, shoes, MAC, ELF and bags. You can sign up, login and
select whatever you want. You can buy different clothes, cosmetics,
shoes and many more from Fmirror.
This online shopping provides services the consumers,especially
those who have a hectic schedule and cannot find a day can shop for
everything you want with just a few clicks. Fmirror, now, brings different stylish and beautiful Vintage bags to your doorsteps.
market insight
estled discreetly in St Mary’s Lane,
Jhamsikhel, the very private, twostoried store Kohkaine has rebelled
against the banal retail moulds and
transcended it, to usher in an era of fresh and
breathable individuality and spending space,
unique for Nepal.
Ambivalent in its non-saleslike ambience
and personalized customer service, it follows
the axiom, ‘only the best will be rewarded’
This private label offers a rhythmic range
of assorted products, in arty weaves and
crafted luxury; all items value adding the urban wardrobe and upping the chic quotient.
Kohkaine offers premium women’s wear
kidswear, accessories, soft furnishings and
bespoke services with the help of its in-house
designers. International colours in trends are
Teletalk Private limited, the sole
authorized distributor of Spice
Mobile phone in Nepal has launched
two new amazing and QWERTY
phones in the market QT58 and
QT-58 is a mini QWERTY phone,
with an ultra compact and stylish
that can easily fit into small sized
Both these phones from SPICE are
ultra stylish Multi SIM (gSM+gSM)
phones and along with its
sophisticated Bluetooth.
Both QT-58 and QT-68 come with
a Track pad feature in which you do
not need to press the keys for every
function instead you can just move
it smoothly on every menu. It allows
you to customise your desktop as
per your desire.
Shrawan Shrestha
Co-owner, Fmirror
With changing fashion and lack of time, we are in need of
fashionable wears but we do not have time to run into every store
to find our favorite clothes. Fmirror.com, an online shopping store
brings you exclusive wears at reasonable prices. Shrawan Shrestha,
a proprietor of Fmirror shares his ideas with us.
People like choosing their clothes and trying them on before
buying them how do account for this?
Well to begin with, choosing and trying thing on are the basics of shopping,
we can’t deny this fact . Though our customers cannot try on their clothes
before shopping for it, we have included a return policy to avoid the
caustic rule of online shopping. Except for cosmetics and undergarments
due to hygiene and open sealed reason customers can return whatever
they buy without cash deduction.
With your kind of service people really cannot ‘bargain’. Do you
think that would work?
Since our prices are very reasonable, we do not think there is a need
for bargains. On top of that we provide free delivery and return facility
What kind of customer response have you received till now?
Our customers have liked the facility we are providing them with.
Moreover, fashion conscious people are indeed lured by the services we
have. We have received genuine feedback for each product. (Anshu Khadka)
QT-68 has Wi-Fi embedded into it
which can be activated simply with
one touch. Now you can connect to
internet easily using Wi-Fi.
Spice has launched both the models
in very affordable price. MRP for
Spice QT-68 is just Rs 6,790/- and
that of QT-58 mini is Rs 4,790/-
refined and translated to suit Asian sensibilities in couture.
The choice of natural fibres and fabric,
like luxe cashmere, pure silks, fresh crisp
linens, perform excellently as handmade
products, respecting the quality discerning
buyer’s needs and keeping the signature style
definitively authentic.
A visit to this out-of-the box prive outlet,
even if just for coffee in its serene garden
might not only indulge the senses but, like its
namesake, turn out to be truly addictive.
QWERTY 58 has features like
1.3MP Camera, 8 gB Expandable
Memory,Video Record and Play,
JAVA/gPRS/WAP, Moblie Tracker,
Phone as a modem, Smart Desktop,
Dual Speakers, Bluetooth and
QWERTY 68 comes with features
like 3.2MP Camera, Dual Expandable
Memory, Edge Support, JAVA/gPRS/
WAP, unlimited Video Recording,
Fun Spice, Smart Desktop, Stereo
Bluetooth, Music Player with 3.5mm
Audio Jack and FM Radio.
the ability to play background
music while conversing over the
Price range: Rs.4399-5099
Contact: Onida Mobiles, Cg
Electronics, 5525041
Samsung Galaxies
International Marketing Services
Pvt. Ltd, the authorized dealer
of Samsung Mobile for Nepal,
Market Price for Spice QT-68 is Rs.
6,790 and that of QT-58 mini is Rs
Cantact: Teletalk P Ltd, Tripureswor,
Six new handsets
Keeping in mind the requirements
of the general Nepali mass, Onida
has released its new range of cellular
phones in the market. The six
phones in this series come at a very
reasonable price but offer features
that are mostly found in high end
phones available in the market.
They come with free 2gB memory
card and an extendable memory
capacity of 8 gB, up to 1000 phone
book memory,camera, audio/video
recorder, Bluetooth, MP3 audio and
video player, storage of 400 MMS,
FM radio, Mobile Tracker, gPRS and
a built-in torch light, an extra feature
that will come in handy during load
Besides that, these phones boast
security functions like Phone lock
system, Message lock, History lock,
File manager lock and so forth. One
unique feature the phone offers is
has introduced Samsung galaxy
S and galaxy Pop in the market.
Both the phones are powered by
Android v2.2 operating system.
Samsung galaxy Pop is a 3g
enabled phone with 3.14 inch TFT
Capacitive touch screen. It has
600 MHz processor and consists
of customized user interface
called Touch Wiz and Swype text
input method which enhances
mobile communication on a new
level. The handset comes with an
internal memory of 160 MB and
has a micro SD card slot that
supports up to 32gB memory.
galaxy Pop comes with features
like DNSe sound enhancement,
accelerometer, 3.15 MP camera
with geo-tagging,Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Cable-ing life
Contact: International Marketing
Service, 4428378, 4441571
Lacto Fun
Jaya Confectionary, a subsidiary of
Laxmi group, has introduced Lacto
Fun Premium Malt candy from high
quality malt. The candy, which is
known as one of the oldest candies
manufactured in Nepal, has been
winning hearts of consumers for past
18 years. The candy is available in
all retail outlets across the country
at Rs.1.
Calling Cheap
Ncell has reduced the tarrif for calls
made to India. The company was
charging Rs. 6 per minute which is
now slashed to Rs. 2.99 per minute.
The company had fixed the same
rate for peak hours and off hours in
a bid to enhance its competiveness,
sated a press release.
market insight
Cables in Life
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Contact: D
Bibhor Agrawal
Marketing Director, IT Trade Revolution P Ltd.
Connecting a mess of cables always seems to make way into our lives. Belkin
HDMI brings a solution to this problem and introduces cable from Belkin that
is easy to connect, use and is not messy at all.You will not need lots of wires
hanging around to get your connection work.Belkin Cables, Marketing Director
Bibhor Agrawal, shares his opinion.
What is HDMI?
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video
interface for transmitting uncompressed digital data. Since 2003, HDMI
has pretty much become the standard for high-definition video and digital
audio. The best part about it is that both HD video and digital audio can
run through one HDMI cable without any loss in quality. This is why HDMI
ports have become integral in the backs of HDTVs. Blu-ray players, video
game consoles (Playstation 3 and Xbox 360), camcorders and even some
computers can be connected with HDMI cables.
Why should customer choose Belkin HDMI over other
established brands? –
Belkin uses the highest quality materials in all of its products that is
why it is known for its quality performance and durability. Belkin HDMI
cables have 24K gold plated connectors, which results in extra-ordinary
performance, compared to any other HDMI cable currently available in
the market. Also, Belkin HDMI cables come with a Lifetime Warranty, thus
making it a one-time investment. Lastly, the very reasonable pricing makes
Belkin HDMI cables the best value for money, and thus it is the perfect
What kind of customer response have you received till date?
The response has been overwhelming. Our first shipment is already soldout. The next shipment is scheduled to arrive by mid-March. We would
like to thank our customers, and channel partners for their support!!
(Anshu Khadka)
For promotions and listings, write to
Tel: 5011571
The details provided in the listings are tentative and are subject to change.
D.A.O. Lalitpur Regd. No.77-066/67
ECS Media Pvt. Ltd, Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal. 5011571.
No. 58  16 March 2011
galaxy Pop is priced at Rs. 16,250
and galaxy S is priced at Rs. 39,000.
cool bargains
Samsung galaxy SI 19003, that
comes with 1 gHz processor and
16 gB internal memory comes with
entirely new looks and attractive
additional features. It has a micro SD
card slot that supports a memory
card of 32gB. It comes with
accelerometer sensor, 5 MP camera
with geo-tagging, touch focus, face
and smile detection, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
FM radio, digital compass and social
networking support. Its Li-Ion 1650
mAh battery provides 15 hours of
talk time on 2g connection and
7.5 hours 3g mode. The phone has
eBook reader application, contents
of PC games and Android market
from google. Applications like
google search, maps, gmail,Youtube,
google talk, Picasa integration are
also loaded in the galaxy S.
with A2DP, Fm radio, Digital compass
and social networking support.
elkin, a leading provider of
interconnectivity solutions
across computing and consumer electronic devices,
takes HDMI to a new dimension
by launching the new high speed
HDMI cables with and without
Ethernet. Enabling delivery of both
high-definition video and multichannel, digital audio and connect
to internet options, these HDMI
cables make your Home Cinema an
unsurpassed experience.
The growing adoption of the
HDMI specification by both consumer electronics and PC manufacturers further strengthens its
position as high-definition digital
Belkin HDMI Cables facilitates smart, two-way communication
between digital source and digital display devices. With this you can
automatically find and set component compatibility and play music
and movies in your system’s finest available formats.
Present on the entire range of current HDTVs and Blu-ray players, HDMI enables all-digital connection between digital source devices, such as DVD players, DVD recorders, digital set-top boxes,
D-VHS players and A/V receivers is nearly universal in the home
video market..
The unmatchable 3D experience of the Home Theatre is up scaled
by the 24 carat gold plate connectors, tested reliably to transmit
1080i and 720p videos. Even the music and soundtracks are clear,
crisp and fully Digital in 7.1 Surround Sound. With some other features like Integrated strain relief that protects against wire damage
and Abrasion–resistant, Belkin makes a promise of wirelessly connecting any HDMI source and any HDMI TV.
With lifetime warranty Belkin’s HDMI Cables are available with
different features and price range, that varies from Rs.1450/- to
Rs.3300/Contact : IT Trade Revolution P. Ltd, Jamal, 4242855
| 16 March 2011
Issue 58
Publisher: ECS MEDIA PVT. LTD.
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