GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 21. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part n: The General Records The National Archives National Archives and Records Service General Serv4ces A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Washington: 1961 This finding aid, prepared under the direction of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced by the National Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in its custody. The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archives by the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy No. T-81, rolls 331-R637. ^ ^y b® consulted at the National Archives. A price list appears on the last page. Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and Publications Branch, National Archives, Washington 25>, D. C. Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other guides of the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure is not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights in them. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permission of their authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OP WAR DOCUMENTS GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. 21« Records of the Deutsches Aasland-Institut, Stuttgart Part II: The General Records THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (AHA) COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR DOCUMENTS GUIDES TO &BRMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA» This is part of a series of Guides prepared by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project* An American Committee for the Study of War Documents was established in 1955 as a private group of scholars, interested in documentary research and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories* In 195&, the American Committee became a committee of the American Historical Association* Its present Chairman (I960) is Professor Oron J* Hale, University of Virginia, who was preceded by Dean Reginald H* Phelps, Harvard University, and Professor Lynn M* Case of the University of Pennsylvania* An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided by the Old Dominion Foundation, Lilly Endowment, and Avalon Foundation enabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declassified German records in the custody of the World War II Records Division of the National Archives (previously TAGO, Departmental Records Branch) at Alexandria, Virginia* The plans for screening and microfilming of these materials were prepared by a Subcommittee on Microfilming under the Chairmanship to the end of 1956 of Professor E. Malcolm Carroll, Duke University, and his successor, Dr. Fritz T. Epstein, the Library of Congress* She microfilming team at Alexandria was under the direction of Professor Oerhard L. Weinberg of the University of Michigan in 1956/57, of Dr. Dagmar Horna Perman from 1957 to September 1959> of Mr, James &. McDowell from September 1959 to August 19^0, and is now under the supervision of Dr. Willard Allen Fletcher of the University of Colorado. The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee for the Study of War Documents by the staffs of the Rational Archives, especially its World War II Records.Division, as well as the U.S. Department of the Army. Washitgton , D.C., October 1960 Dr. Boyd C. Shafer Executive Secretary, AHA III PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. 1. T- 71, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium). 1958. 75 P* 2. T- 7*4-, Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengtehning of Germandom (Reichskommissar ffbr die Festigung Volksturns). 1958, 15 p. 3. T- HI, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). Part I. 1958. 5. T- 76, Records of the Organisation Todt, 1953. 2 p. 5. T- 84, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I). 1958. 15 p. 6. T- 82, Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Par 7. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part I. 1959- 222 p. 8. T- 84, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II). 1959. 203 p. 9. T-253, Records of Private German Individuals. 1959. 23 p. 10. T- 73» Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministerium fiStr RiSlstung und Kriegsproduktion). 11. T-178, Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices. 1959* 19 P« 12. T- 78, Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 1959* 19 P» 13. T-177, Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium). 1959. 3^ p. lU. T-312, Records of German Field Commands, Armies (Part I). 1959. 6l P» 15. T-179» Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates 1890-19^5. 1960. 63 p» 16. T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement. I960. 105 p. 17. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forcas High Command (Oherkommando der VTehrmaeht/OKW) Part II. 1960. 213 p» 18. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part III, 1960. 118 p* 19. T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part IV. 19§0. 76 p. 20. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part II. 1960. deutschen 1^1 p. East. 1958* l6l p. 1959» 109 P« ^5 p. IV P R E F A C E This Guide is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the World War II Records Division, National Archives, that have been microfilmed by the Microfilming Project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association* The Guide contains the text of data sheets identifying records filmed. A copy of the data sheets has been filmed as a target sheet at the beginning of each roll of film. This Guide describes 307 rolls of film which, together with the 67 rolls described in Guide 16, comprise the filmed selection of records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart* This organization came into being in 1917* for the purpose of promoting German trade abroad, regaining lost markets, and counteracting the effect of anti-German war propaganda* During the Weimar era the Institute devoted itself largely to the encouragement of research on problems related to German emigration, and also sought to aid potential emigrants with advice and help* The Gleichschaltung after 1933 gave a new direction and purpose to the work of the DAI and made it an instrument of National Socialist policies and propaganda* During the Second World War, the Institute performed many functions, including those of an information gathering agency, and came to play a large part in the resettlement program carried on under the auspices of the Reichskommissar fttr die Festigung deutschen Vo Iks turns, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsftthrer-SS and Chef der deutschen Polizei* The records cover essentially the years The records of the Institute, consisting of correspondence, files, reports, memoranda as well as publications have relevance for the study of German emigration, Nazi resettlement schemes in eastern Europe, the history of the ethnic minorities in central Europe, and allied topics* They also contain a wealth of background materials, detailed reports and histories pertaining to German minorities in those areas* Correspondence files provide a major source of information for the study of Nazi propaganda effects on German colonies in many parts of the world* Of particular interest are the files of the Porschungsstelle Russlanddeutschtum, which shed light on the fate of the Volga German colony, the vast impact of the collectivization of agriculture in Russia, and sundry other topics* The wide variety of the DAI records is reflected in the existence of materials pertaining to the research activity of the Hauptabteilung fttr Sippenkunde und Volksforschung, to genealogical studies, to documentation on public opinion in German-held areas, to the administrative supervision of foreign labor in Germany, and to numerous other matters* References to the volume and location of other DAI records were initially given in: Gerhard L* Weinberg, Guide to Captured German Documents* War Documentation Project Study No* 1* Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University. Human Resources Research Institute, 1952* The reader, therefore, should also consult the additional references in Gerhard L. Weinberg* Supplement to the Guide to Captured German Documents* Washington, D.C.: The National Archives, 1959* Finally, attention is directed to Guides 2 and 16 of the "List to Previously Published Guides.n The abbreviations most commonly used in the descriptions are as follows: DAI - Deutsches Aus land- Ins ti tut; YOMI - Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle; E2 - Einwandererzentralstelle; VDA - Yolksbund fttr das Deutschtum im Ausland; AO - Auslandsorganisation of the NSDAP. Records in this collection which were not filmed consist mainly of genealogical material, duplicates, and miscellaneous financial statements* Continued V The terms "Serial" and 'ftoll" in this Guide refer to the secuence of film. The "Item" number is the identification symbol on the original folder within the captured records collection* "Provenance" indicates, where ascertainable, the archival origin of the documents whose description follows. The symbol "FT" means that the folder has been filmed throughout; the symbol "PS" denotes that the folder has "been filmed selectively. "1st frame" gives the frame number of the first page of the folder. Every .'exposure has "been given a frame number consecutively throughout the filming operation. The "Notes" provide a general idea of the nature of the materials but should not be taken as exhaustive descriptions. Apart from a few minor rearrangements folders were filmed in numerical order. Although, on the whole, subjects tended to appear coherently and in numerical sequence, it is still necessary to check the whole Guide for any one subject. The original records have been returned to the Federal Republic of Germany. The microfilms are deposited in the National Archives, Washington 25, D.C., as microcopy T-81, rolls 331-&637» ^^ snoul<* ^e requested by adding "T-81" to the rolls desired. 1959 Helen P. Liebel Miriam Haskett VI Serial Roll 331 Filmed 1st frame Provenance FT 50550140 FT FT 5055056 5055628 DAI 12 FT 5056213 DAI 16 FT 5056575 DAI 1? FT 5056825 FT 50572*18 FT FT 5057550 5095335 Deutsches AuslandInstitut 5^9-550 331-332 550 332 551 333 Wflrttembergischer DAI Verein fttr Handelsgeographie, Stuttgart 551-552 333-33U Deutsches Ausland552 33U Institut Continued DAI 19 DAI 20 Notes 1 A folder from the files of Deutsches Aualand-Institut, Stuttgart, containing lists of personnel, indicating the divisions they were employed in, their poisitiOB, salaries, etc., 1932-3U; also a "Stellenplan" listing positions in the organization and corresponding monthly salaries. Two folders from the files of Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart, marked "Protokolle Vorstand,11 containing the proceedings of the instituted Vorstand for 1917-22 and 1922-1933, respectively. Items of interest include in folder 9 "GreschAftsordnung fitr den Vorstand des Deutschen Auslandmuseums Stuttgart," and in folder 10 "Niederschrift fiber die Vorstandssitzung des DAI am 11.3*33 iro Kultusministerium in Stuttgart, unter Zuzietoung der Herren Strfllin und Schott,11 onTCSDAPcontrol of the same. Folder of the DAI containing correspondence pertaining to Verwaltungsrat personnel (A. von Koltzendorff; and Warnholtz of the HamburgAmerika Linie) and DAI position on Auswanderung; the affairs of Zweckverband (der freien Deutschtumsvereine); and Deutscher Pfennig, "eine Volkssammlung fttr das gefflhrdete Deutschtum, M 1922-25. Folder of the DAI containing correspondence and printed material on currency reform by William A. Gatzen (Bonn), 1922-23. Most of the correspondence is with DAI'a Kommerzienrat and Konsul Dr. Wanner. Included are copies of Gatzen's reform plan: autographed, Gullivers Wahrungssanierung; Die fehlende Spezialwissenschaft des Wert-Messwesens und ihr heilender Einfluss auf Politik, Finanz, und Wirtschaft (MflnchenGrtlnwal^, 1923), end "Der 'nationale Buchfuhrungskreis1 und seine wirtschaftliche, finsnzielle und politische Sanierung. Bin konkreter WeltSanierungsplan," Sonderabdruck aus der Kdlnigchen Volkszeitung, Hr, 119» 120, 121 of Feb. 15-16, 1923. Folder of the DAI containing routine correspondence pertaining to emigration of Wttrttembergers to various countries including Poland, Rumania, Soviet Russia, Palestine, the United States, etc., arranged alphabetically according to countries, 1920-2U. Folder of the Worttembergische Verein fur Handelsgeographie, containing general correspondence and correspondence alphabetized according to individuals, pertaining to the activities of the organization, including Pressenotiz of a speech made by Albert Schweitzer on equatorial Africa (1929); also relevant to polar and other explorations, 1929-32. Two folders containing correspondence of Dr. Carl Uhlig (Tflbingen) of DAI. Folder 19: correspondence with DAI in Stuttgart, especially with the secretary general, Dr. Vertheimer, on DAI business and interests, 1918-28. Folder 20: correspondence of Uhlig, mostly with Konsul Serial Roll 553 335 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed DAI 21 FT 5059211 DAI 22 FT 506032U DAI 23 FT 5060987 DAI 2U FT 5061369 DAI 25 FT 5061916 1st frame 553-555 335-337 555 Continued 337 Notes Wanner of the Vorstand, on DAI affairs and interests, 1917-31. A folder from DAI files pertaining to emigration and consisting of 1) miscellaneous circulars of the Reichsamt f. Deutsche Einwanderung, Ruckwanderung und Auswanderung explaining the purposes of sub-offices, procedures for making reports, etc., 1919-2H; 2) copies of quarterly and annual reports of Auswendererberatungsstelle Karlsruhe in Baden, 1928-1938; 3) copies of quarterly reports of Auswendererberatungsstelle Bayern, Mttnchen, 1926-1937. The quarterly and annual reports of the Beratungsstellen contain summary statistics and extensive analyses of job opportunities for German emigrants in various countries of the world, as well as information on how previous emigrants adjusted there, etc. Reports dated after 1933 have value in relation to Jewish emigration and contain analyses of emigration to Palestine, the US, etc., and provide information on difficulties of Jewish emigres in obtaining employment; difficulties in Deviseribeschaffung, etc. Folders of the DAI containing information circulars of the Reichswanderungsamt (later Reichsstelle fflr das Auswanderungswesen), many of which are marked "Nicht zur Verbreitung durch die Presse," "Nicht fttr die Presse," "Fur fur den Dienstgebrauch," etc. The circulars contain information and analyses on employment opportunities, or the absence of them, for Germans in various countries of the world (especially South America, South Africa, Canada, Russia, etc.), also information on the dangers of failure of business and agricultural colonial enterprises, etc., and include such subjects as: 1) in folder 22, "Fttrsorge fttr ostmflrkische ^tlchtlinge," "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Auswanderervereine und Siedlungsunternehmungen,tt "Anstellungsbedingungen fttr Ingenieure in Hiederlandisch-Indien," 1917-1920; 2) in folder 23, e.g. "Schicksal einer ostpreussischen Siedlergruppe in Russlpnd," etc., and material on opportunities for farming in South Africa, South America, etc., 1921-1932; 3) in folder 2U, besides the usual reports, "Statistischer Jahresbericht fiber die Auswandererberatung im Haushaltsjahr 1935-36, the fate of German miners in Siberia, discrimination by Chilean authorities against Jewish immigrants, and a few circulars relevant to Jewish emigration, including a reprint of a letter written from Haifa in 193^» describing conditions in Palestine, and a circular of May 23, 1933* "Auswanderung nach Palftstina," 1933-36; U) in folder 25, information on VOMI /Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle/" activities* e.g. "Zuzug von Deutschen nach Krakau (Generalgouvernement)," Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 26 FT 5062363 DAI 2? FT 5063091 DAI 28 FT 5063377 556r557 33^-339 557 339 DAI 29 DAI 30 DAI 31 FT FT FT 5063737 506U561 50652U6 558-559 559 DAI 32 DAI 33 DAI U FT FT FT 5065810 5066828 5067655 555 337 556 338 Continued Deutsches AuslandInstitut Notes several circulars on the cost of living in Slovakia, Switzerland, France, also circulars on taxation in occupied countries, a report (N.f.d.D.) "Reisebericht uber Sftdwestpfrika und die Sudafrikanische Union," 1939, "Statistischer Jahresbericht tlber die Auswandererberatung," 1937/38, circulars on discrimination against Jewish immigration by Paraguay, Chile, Venezuela, and Colombia (1938); "Verhinderung der Auswanderung von Arbeitskr&ften," (Vertraulich) 1938; and two reports of Assessor Dr. Wilmann on conditions in Palestine: "Die Einordnung der judischen Auswanderer in Palastina" and "Palflstina-Transfer," (1937), etc., 1937-19^. A folder of the DAI containing statistics on emigration and immigration, also reports, correspondence, clippings, pertaining to statistical analysis of the same, for Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Japan, Norway, Austria, Palestine, Poland, Paraguay, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Spain, Yugoslavia, Sweden, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, United States, Uruguay, etc., 1922-UO. Some of the statistical material covers inmigration in general for a period including the 19th century. A folder from DAI marked "Siedlungsgesellschaften,M containing correspondence, circulars, clippings, memoranda, etc., pertaining to the activities of various German colonization societies interested in founding settlements in Europe, South America, Canada, etc., 1927-36. A folder from DAI marked "Innensiedlung," containing circulars, clippings, memoranda, reports, etc., pertaining to the founding of single and corporate farm settlements (Genossenschaftssiedlungen) within Germany, especially in Pornmerania, Mecklenburg, Sast Prussia, etc.; also memoranda on the desirability of corporate Colonization activities, etc., 1920-32.11 Folders from DAI files marked "Aufgelflste Siedlungsgesellschaften, containing circulars, clippings, memoranda, reports, correspondence, pertaining to the activities of German colonization societies (mostly agricultural), reports on various colonies established predominantly in South America, and also copies of the Satzungen of some societies. Most of the societies aimed at establishing colonies in South America and Mexico, but a few also concerned themselves with Africa, Canada, and Soviet Russia (see folder 30). The material is alphabetized and dated A-J (1920-36), K-R (1919-27), end S-Z (1920-27), respectively. Folders from MI files marked "Brasilien, Kolonien? and containing reports on German agricultural settlements (colonies) in Brazil; reports of visits to same; circulars, correspondence, and clippings on the same, etc., discussing all problems of colonization including housing, climate, Serial Roll 560 561 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 35 FT 5068110 DAI 36 FT 50687** DAI 37 FT 50693*9 DAI 38 FT 5069850 DAI 39 FT 5070130 DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI FT FT FT FT FT 5070510 5070969 5071697 5072050 507232U 3*3 561-563 3*3-3*5 562 563 3** *0 *1 *2 *3 ** Notes agriculture, financing, etc. The folders are alphabetized and dated A-M (1922-37), P-B (1921-37). and S (1920-38), respectively. Two folders of DAI containing reference material (clippings, reports, etc.), on German agricultural settlements in Brazil, and on matters relating to emigration there. The folders are subdivided: 35» "Gesetzliches" (social welfare and immigration laws in Brazil), "Handel," "T*ygiene," "Industrie," "Kolonisetlon i. verach. Stapten" of Brazil, 1922-38; 36» "Landwirtschaft," "Lebensverhaltnisse," "Mission und Kirche," "Militar," "Nachforschung," "Politisches," "Postalisches," "Reise," "Siedlungen," 1927-38. Two folders from DAI files containing clippings, correspondence, pamphlets, memoranda, reports, etc., constituting reference material on German settlement opportunities, emigration, etc., in Canada. The folders are subdivided: 37, D-L, "Deutschtum," "Erwerbsmflglichkeiten," "Finanzliches," "Gesetzliches," "Handel," "Industrie," "Kolonisation," "Landwirtschaft, Lebensund Gehaltsverh<nisse," 1920-39; 38, M-Zt "Mission und Kirche, Mennoniten, Duchoborzen, Hutteriten,fl "Hachforschung," "Reise uria Verkehr," "Siedlung" (Siedlungsmdglichkeiten, etc.), "Schule," "Statistik," "Unterkttnfte," "Vereine u. Beratungsstellen, Adressen, Vertrage," "Winke u. Warnungen," "Zeitschriften, Literatur, Karten," 192* (?)/39. A folder from DAI files containing clippings, reports, etc., constituting a reference file on German settlement opportunities, on the German settlements in and emigration to Chile, alphabetized K-Z (including Kolonisation, Landwirtschaft, Politisches, Siedlungsmdglichkeiten,etc.)» 1921-35 O). Folders of DAI containing clippings, reports, memoranda, correspondence, etc., constituting reference material on the countries named with standardized subheadings which include "Auswanderung," "Berichte und Briefe," "Deutschtum," "Erwerbsmdglichkeiten," "Finanzliches,11 "Gesetzliches," "Handel," "Jtygiene," "Industrie," "Kolonisation," "Klima," "Lebensbedingungen," "Mission," "Politik," etc. The folders are marked and contain material on: "Mexico," A-Z, 1920-*!. "Paraguay," A-Z, 192*-39. "Peru," A-Z, 1920-37, "Uruguay," A-Z, 192*-38. "Venezuela," A-Z, 1920-*0. Serial 563 56H-565 Continued Provenance Deutaches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI Ug FT 5072521 DAI 1*9 IT 5072995 DAI 50 FT 5073522 DAI 51 FT 5073583 DAI 52 FT 5073823 DAI 53 FT 507^101 DAI 5U FT 5071^66 DAI 53-57 Notes 5 A folder from DAI files marked "Auswanderung," containing clippings, circularst Denkschriften, reports, etc., pertaining to German emigration and immigration in general, and also to that of other nations (Italy, Japan, England, etc.) including discussions of the problem of emigration, emigration policies of various countries, and historical material, 192519^1. The folder is alphabetized according to countries; also note under Palestine scattered clippings, etc,, on Jewish emigration there, 192^-38. A folder from DAI files containing clippings, reports, etc., constituting statistical materiel on German emigration, Germans in various parts of the world, German emigration from Schwaben, etc.; and also scattered material on Jewish emigration after 1933; 1922-^1. A folder from DAI files containing mostly clippings on statistics relevant to Deutsenturn im Ausland, 1928-29; also an essay on German schools in Hungary (no date) and the text of a speech on the German settlement in Satmar, Hungary (1925). A folder of MI containing mostly material of the Presse-Abteilung and its director, Dr. Hermann Rftdiger, 192H (?)-3^« It includes a memorandum on the history and function of DAI, 193^1 a memorandum outlining the "Neue Aufgaben des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts,M coordinating its work with activities of the Reichspropagandaministerium, Aaslendsorganisation of the NSDAP, Aussenpolitisches Amt of the NSDAP, "^S Lehrerbund, and Deutsche Studentenschaft; business reports of the DAI Presse-Abteilung 19^-32); miscellaneous manuscripts of Dr. Rttdiger's speeches (including radio talks) on polar exploration and a Northeast passage to Asia; also manuscripts of newspaper articles, etc., on DAI and historical essays on the cultural achievements of Auslandsdeutsche. A folder from DAI files marked "Organisationen im Ausland, l&ndermflssig," containing lists of German political organizations and parties, schools, religious organizations, social clubs of leading German personalities, of German newspapers and periodicals in various countries of the world; 1936(?)-UO, and alphabetized A-U, not including the US. Folders of the DAI containing "Dankbriefe ftir Btlcher u. Calender," 19^2. Letters are from party officials and individuals in various countries of Europe, Argentina, the G-rossdeutsche Reich, and the General Gouvernement, and sometimes reflect the indoctrination of the Volksdeutsche by Nazi propaganda. The folders are subdivided! Groesdeutsches Reich, General Gouvernement, Argentina and Europe to Denmark; Finland to Netherlands; Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed let frame MI 55 5075331 5075^33 Ml 65 MI 66 MI 67 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5075670 5075990 5076251 5076523 5076830 50771U7 5077618 5077918 5078211 MI 68 FT 5078^59 MI 69 5T 5078916 MI 58 5075182 MI 59-66 565-567 565 566 507H852 FT FT FT FT DAI 56 MI 57 .3U? 568 Continued 350 DAI 59 DAI 60 MI 61 MI 62 MI 63 MI 6U Notes /• Norway to Spain; Rumania; Hungary. A folder of MI containing the correspondence of MI with the Abteilung fflr zeitdokumentarisches Schrifttum bei der Deutschen Bucherei (Leipzig), 1936-M. Folders from DAI files containing Lebenslftufe of historically prominent Germans, leading volksdeutsche personalities* presidents of deutsche Volksgruppen abroad, professional people and journalists for German language publications abroad, etc,, alphabetized according to countries, from material compiled approximately 1930-^2. The folders are subdivided: Argentinien - Bulgarien; Chile - Frankreich; Grossdeutsches Reich - Generalgouvernement; Griechenland - Niederlande; Norwegen - Portugal; Rumanian; 33. Salvador - Sud-Tirol (including Sow jet-Union and Sudslawien); Sfldwestafrika - Venezuela. A folder from MI files consisting of a personnel file of MI employees, including also biographical information on Abteilungsleiter and some leading DAI personalities, approximately 1920-U2. tt A folder from DAI files marked Organisationen im Ausland (alpha-be tisch nach Arten),' 1 containing names and addresses of German organizations of all kinds located abroad including, for example, a list of Akademischer Austauschdienst (deutscher) und Zweigstellen; Auslandsdeutsche Arztevereinigungen; Anschriftenliste, Fersdnlichkeiten fur Gluckwunschbriefe; Anschriften der Landesgruppenleiter der AO (Auslandsorganisation der NSDAP), 19^0; Verzeichnis der dem Deutschen Ausland-Institut bekannten Ortsgruppen und Stiltzpunkte der NSDAP im Ausland (1936); list of German Botschaften und Gesandtschaften; Buchereien und Deutsche Vereine mit Buchereien im Ausland; Deutschtum in Europa (statistics, 193S-UO); Frauenorganisationen (deutsche) in Europa; Handelskammern (deutsche); Katholische Vereinigungen im Ausland (deutsche); Kulturaustauschverbfinde im Reich u. Ausland; Literarische Gesellschaften im Ausland; Seemannsheime; Volksgruppen (deutsche) in Europa, in the NSDAP; Zeitschriften, etc.; 1933-Hl. A folder from MI files marked "Schulwesen,M containing lists of German schools and German school systems (of Volksdeutsche) in various Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 568 350 BAI 70 FT 5079372 569 351 DAI 71 FT 5079889 DAI 72 FT 5080^31 BAI 73 FT 5080791* BAI 7k FT 5081236 Deutsches AuslandInstitut, Archiv 570 352 Continued Notes countries of the world; lists of statistics of enrollment in G-ennan schools in various countries (arranged alphabetically according to countries; and including considerable information on Silesia and Poland); lists of student organizations and academic organizations in various countries, 1932-UO. A folder from MI files marked "Beutsche Schule, A-Z,H containing letters received from various German schools in South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, etc., thanking for the receipt of calendars, but often containing extensive reports on the condition, curriculum, etc., of German schools, and also on attitudes toward Germany in the country in question; filed alphabetically according to cities, mostly 193^-36. A folder from BAI files containing essays, memoranda, minutes of meetings, Benkschriften, Gutachten, and excerpts of letters, correspondence pertaining to Germans in the United States; and including material on the history of German immigration to the United States from earliest times, considerable information on the Pennsylvania Batch language, German-American culture in general, etc., and including essays such as: "Benkschrift ttber Mflglichkeiten weltanschaulicher Werbung be! den Angelsachsen, besonders bei den Anglo-Amerikanern,rt by Heinz Kloss; also "Gutachten fiber das Vortragsmanuskript von Prof. Dr. Eduard Brenner, Nttrnberg, !Beutschtum in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika*, * also a separate correspondence between BAI and American universities and German-American groups (including the Bund); 1938-39* Duplicates omitted. A folder from the archive of the BAI containing correspondence of BAI with German emigration societies in Germany and abroad, and with the Reichswanderungsamt, pertaining to German colonization and settlement in Germany, South America, Mexice, etc., 1920-2U. A folder from the archive of the BAI containing correspondence with German organizations, government agencies and societies, etc., also reports, minutes of meetings of societies, etc., relating to the treatment of Auslandsdeutsche in Germany, the study of Auslandsdeutsenturn in German schools, education of end scholarships for the study of Auslandsdeutschtum and for Auslandsdeutsche, problems of Fluchtllngsfftrsorge deutsche u. Grenzlandvertriebene), etc., 1917-28. Also a copy of Richtlinien zur Handhabung der Fttrsorge for die aus den abgetretenen Grenzgebieten Preussens stammenden Hiichtlinge iro Beutschen Reich, 1920. A folder from the archive of BAI containing miscellaneous cprre«* spondence of BAI with leading personalities, mostly academic, in Germany, the US, and elsewhere, 1916-33• Subjects covered Include social gatherings, Serial Roll Provenance 570-571 352-353 Deutsches AuslandInstitut, Archiv Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 75-79 75 76 77 78 79 FT FT FT FT FT 5082016 5082102 5082216 5082517 5082735 571-572 353-35** Arbeitsgemeinschaft DAI 80 der Deutschen aus BAI 81 572 35* FT FT 5083002 5083908 DAI 112 FT 508^98 DAI 113 FT 508U732 DAI llU FT 508U870 570 352 571 353 DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI Bus si and und Pol en e.V. Deutsches AuslandInstitut 573-57H 355-356 DAI 112-llU Notes financing of DAI publications, affairs of the DAI in general, matters pertaining to the history and present state of Auslandsdeutschtum, opinions of volksdeutsche refugees in favor of the Poles, and minority questions arising from the Versailles treaty. Folders from the archive of DAI constituting the fragment of a file (volumes 3-5» 7-8) of correspondence with newspaper and magazine editors, academic persons, cultural societies, individuals, etc., pertaining to the history of the overseas Germans, activities and education of overseas German groups, German language newspapers, etc., abroad, economic conditions and political treatment of Volksdeutsche, descriptions and accounts of German colonization (particularly in Africa and South America), missionary activities, etc. The folders are subdivided: Gibraltar - Italien (Tirol), 1920-2U. Lettland - Mexiko, 1918-21*. Niederlande (und Miederl&ndisch-Indien) - Portugal, 1919-2U. Schweiz- Tschechoslowafcei, 1919-2U. Ungarn - Venezuela, 1921-27; including a stray correspondence relevant to volksdeutsche affairs in Danzig, Canada, US, etc., 1936-38. Two folders from the files of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen aus Russland und Polen e.V. containing routine correspondence consisting mostly of material of a genealogical nature (i.e. evidence of the German origin of ancestors); questionnaires; form letters on resettlement in Brazil, etc., 1932-37. The folders, alphabetized A-C, D-12, respectively, have been filmed as a sample. Three folders of the DAI containing correspondence and form letters (with information on occupation, place of birth, etc.) relative to the renunciation of German citizenship by naturalization elsewhere of GermanJewish emigres and German nationals. The folders are arranged alphabetically according to countries as follows: marked (barely legible) "Afrika, Verkartete Ausbiirgerungen 1938-Hl." (Egypt, South Africa, etc.). marked (barely legible) "Sfld-Amerika II, Verkartete Ausbttrgerungen 193919Ul." (Argentina, Venezuela). marked (barely legible) "Suropa II, Schweiz-Z, Verkartete Ausbtlrgerungen Versch.(iedener) Lender 1937-^1." (Mostly Switzerland to 19^2, also Spain and Turkey). Folders from DAI files marked "Haus Archiv" and containing reports, correspondence, etc., relative to these subheadings: "Eundschreiben an die Vorstandsmitglieder," circular letters and other Serial 573 Roll 355 356 57*4-579 356-361 356 357 358 359 360 579 361 580 362 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 116 DAI 117 FT FT 50858^5 5086308 DAI 118 FT 50S6856 DAI 119-128 DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI 119 120 121 122 123 12U 125 126 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5087358 50879^8 5088573 5089072 5089810 5090377 5091253 50§2027 DAI DAI DAI DAI 12? 128 129 130 FT FT FT FT 5092613 5093202 5093730 509^830 Notes correspondence marked "Vertraulich" and constituting reports on DAI activities; financing of the DAI; DAI propaganda work (Lichtbilder, 3ii~ cherei, etc.); reports on trips in Germany and abroad "by DAI personnel, often including ideological discussions; information on German domestic politics, etc., 1922-25. "Vorstandsrundschreiben," a continuation of folder 115, 1925-23. "Rundschreiberi an die Vorstandsmitglieder," a continuation cf folders 115-116, including also material reflecting on jfezi ideology, 1928-35* "Tagung 1933* Zu- u. Absageri" routine social correspondence consisting of positive and negative replies to an invitation to the DAI annual convention of 1933. Folders from DAI files containing the correspondence mostly of the Leiter of DAI, Konsul Dr. Wanner, with various high ranking government officials and agencies, representatives of the press, publishers, academic persons, philanthropists (e.g. >T.Y. Committee for the Relief of Distress in Germany and Austria), and individuals in Germany and abroad. The contents deal with the work of DAI; cultural and educational matters involving DAI; and general comments on the political, economic, social, and intellectual life of the times in Germany and elsewhere. mhe folders are alphabetized according to persons: A-Be, 191S-2U. (Note: Frames 50879^7A-5087989A also on Serial 57*0. Bi-Bu, 1Q16-2H. E-F, 1918-23 (note a letter from Reichsprftsident Sbert). G-Ha, 1Q18-23. He-Hi, 1918-2U. Le-Ma, 1917-2U. Me-P, 1917-2U. 0,-H, 1918-2U (especially relevant to the constituent assembly at Weimar and problems of Auslandsdeutsche). Sa-Schm, 1918-2U. T-We, 1916-2U. Two folders, a fragmentary DAI file, marked "Geschaftlich-Privat," containing DAI GeneralsekretUr Dr. Fritz Wertheimer's correspondence with high ranking government officials and agencies, publishers and editors, schools, and persons in Germany, also with Germans abroad, regarding DAI publications or publication of articles relevant to DAI affairs, Auslandsfragen, DAI finances, relations with other Ausland organizations, emigration, cultural and educational activities; and many individual comments on the political and economic conditions of the day in the Weimar Republic, Provenance 363 58? 583 365 366 Filmed 1st frame Deutsohes AuslandInstitut DAI 132 FT 5095600 Deutsche a AualandInstitut, Dr. Hermann Rftdiger DAI 1H8 FT 5096288 DAI 1U3 FT 5096S33 Deutsches Ausland- DAI Ins titut, Pfarrer Manfred Grisebach, Abteilungslei ter, Auswandererberatung; Deutsches Ausland- DAI 157 Institut, Eauptkartei FT 50975^ FT 5097701 DAI 156/1 FT DAI 156/2 FT 5098093 5098^5 DAI 150 FT 5093972 DAI FT 5099109 Deutsches AuslandInstitut 581* Item 355-367 Continued Notes 10 Bolshevism, Anti-Semitisra, Asia, etc. The folders are organized alphabetically according to persons, A-G and Sch-Z, respectively; both 1918-25. A folder of the DAI marked "Bewerbungen, A-Z,H consisting of job applications (of professions! people), curricula vitae, etc., 1930^-35. Filmed as a sample. A folder of correspondence of Dr. Hermann Rfldiger, Leiter d. Presseabt. of the DAI, pertaining to emigration questions, the affairs of DAI, press matters, cultural and educational work with eastern IDuropean Volksdeutsche, etc., 1919-25. A folder of correspondence of Dr. Hermann Rttdiger, Leiter d. Presseabt. of DAI, containing "^rivatkorrespondenz," alphabetized I-M, with individuals, business firms, publishers and editors, etc., relevant to Grenzland-Politik, economic geography of various countries. German polar explorations, publication of articles and books, etc., 1923-32. A folder of correspondence of Pfarrer Manfred Grisebach, Abteilungsleiter Auswandererberatung of DAI, with schoolteachers, officials, etc., alphabetized A-Z according to persons, relevant to Schftlerbriefwechsel (pen psls) between German schoolchildren and schoolchildren in German schools abroad, particularly in South America, 1935-38. A folder of correspondence from the Hauptkartei of DAI, containing correspondence with persons in the Deutsche Reich, General Gouvernement, and Protektorat, pertaining to various activities of the Hauptkartei, including some social correspondence, information on German schools abroad, correspondence with Dr. Gradmann of linwanderer-Zentralstelle at Litzmannstadt, etc., 19^0-^2. Two folders containing social correspondence of MI with high ranking government and party officials, societies, dignitaries, etc., refusing the DAI invitation to attend its annual convention in 1938» and marked "Absagen A-K,M and "Absagen L-Z" respectively, 193&Folder of DAI marked "Parteitag, 1938H containing correspondence with Auslandsdeutsche in Germany and abroad about securing tickets for the HSDAP Parteitag, 1938. Several DAI folders containing material pertaining to publication matters subdivided as follows: "DAI," internal correspondence (some external), minutes of meetings, discussion of books, and correspondence about books of DAI interest, bibliographical material on Auslandsdeutsche, German newspapers, holdings of the library of DAI, 1939- Provenance Serial Deutsches AuslendInstitut 585 586 368 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 137 FT 5099HU6 DAI FT 5100073 DAI 1H7 FT 51002U7 DAI 158 FT 5100515 MI 136 FT 5100656 DAI lUl FT 510101*0 DAI lUO FT 5101188 Notes 11 "Publikations-Ausschuss,w containing proceedings (Protokolle), agendas* correspondence, memoranda of the Publikatione-Ausschuss of DAI pertaining to the publication of works on Auswanderung and on the history and culture of Auslandsdeutsche, 19UO-U3. Correspondence of Presseabteilungsleiter Rfldiger, who was also Professor of Geography at Munich, with various academic persons (mostly geographers) and dignitaries, including Leon Amundsen, the brother of Roald, about Roald1 s activities, with royalty, with Deutsche Spitzbergen-Expedition 19251 with Graf F. von Zeppelin, etc., about professional matters, polar explorations, publications (books, articles), slides and movies, 1913-31Correspondence and Aktennotizen, typed and printed obituary notices, etc., 19^2-UU. The11folder has the following subdivisions: "Dokumente, Inhaltsverzeichnis (presumably of an unknown Jahrbuch); "Korrespondenz Enfce, M mostly of Dr. Pichler with the well known publishing house Ferdinand Snke, 19^2-1*3; "Zeitschriften u. Jahrbticher, Volks turns s tat is tik;" Hochschulnachrichten;" "Von Institutionen u. Tagungen;" "Rinweise auf Aufsfttze;" "Nachrufe11 including an obituary of DAI Direktor Dr. Richard Gsaki who was killed in an airplane crash in Dec. 19^3• an<i also about various DAI members killed at the front, as well as about leading academic persons. Correspondence of DAI Geschflftsfuhrer Klein predominantly with ObeliskVerlag G.m.b.H., Berlin, also with Friedr. Krupp, Essen, other publishers, some government agencies on the publication and sale of Kalender dea Auslandsdeutschtums, 1936-37• "Korrespondenz mit Stuttgarter Zeitungen" pertaining to articles about DAI affairs, Litzmannstadt, etc., including often the manuscripts of articles released for publication, ig^JO-US. A folder from DAI files containing Rechnungsabschltlsse, Haushaltsplfine, and other correspondence, memoranda, handwritten notes, etc., pertaining to the financial and budgetary affairs of DAI, 1933-37• Note: Frames 5101187Ar-5101187E also on Serial 585. A folder from DAI files marked "Mietskonto-Abschltlsse, M containing financial statements, auditor's statements, etc., pertaining to DAI Vermdgensaufstellungen, Abrechnungen des Mietkontos, Geb&udeverwaltung, income from the Haus des Deutschtums, etc., 1925-37. A folder from DAI files marked "Jubilflen u. Geburtstage," containing an indexed calendar, covering the years 19U2-ty5» listing the 25-• 50-, 100-, 150-, 200-year, etc., anniversaries of German schools, singing clubs, cultural societies, etc., located abroad; also a calendar, January- Serial 586 Roll 368 586-588 368-370 587 369 588 370 588-591 370-373 589 371 590 372 591 373 Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsches AuslandInstitut (?) DAI 161 FT 5101277 Deutsches AuslandInsti tut DAI 162/1 FT DAI 162/2 FT DAI 162/3 FT 5102150 5102873 5103761 DAI 5101*287 FT FT FT FT FT DAI 163/5 DAI 163/6 FT DAI 163/7 FT DAI 163/8 FT DAI 163/2 DAI 163/3 DAI 163/^ 510U893 5105^53 510613^ 5106530 5107183 5107653 5108120 Notes 12 December, listing birthdays of German government and party officials, and dignitaries of all sorts, including renowned volksdeutache poets» etc. A folder, probably more recently from DAI files of DAI Leiter Prof. Dr. Richard Csaki when he was director of Deutsches Kulturamt in Rumanien, and then Verband der Deutschen in Rumflnien, consisting of correspondence between Csaki and the DAI about cultural and educational activities common to both DAI and Csaki's groups, Csaki1s private affairs, and about publications, books, newspapers, etc., of relevance to the promotion of German culture, 1921-33. Three folders of correspondence of DAI Leiter Dr. Richard Csaki with government agencies; business firms; editors and publishers; museums; libraries; German cultural, religious, and political societies in Germany and abroad; philanthropic organizations; etc., pertaining to educational and cultural activities of DAI, stipends for Volksdeutsche; student and university affairs; cultural and literary activities; publication of articles and books on subjects of DAI interest; political opinions of DAI personnel and persons in Csaki1s circle; manuscripts of articles and speeches on subjects of DAI interest; etc. The folders are alphabetized and dated: D-G 1933-36, H-K 1933-35. I-M 1933-35- Of special interest is the correspondence between Csaki and Reichsministerium fttr Volksaufkltrung und Propaganda (filed under Demann), seeking new employment for the former Leiter of DAI, Dr. Fritz Wertheimer, a Jew, who was forced to resign by the Nazis. Eight folders of correspondence of Dr. Csaki, Leiter of DAI, 19361937 (and stray items of earlier dates) covering a wide range of subject matter. The correspondence pertains mostly to the Kulturpolitifc of DAI: the problems of German minorities abroad (particularly in Rumania); the publication of books, articles, and periodicals; economic, educational, religious, etc., matters; policies and programs of DAI; policies and programs of the NSDAP; etc.; also much private comment on cultural policies* political and economic matters on the condition of Volkedeutsche, etc.; of special interest are some items pertaining to the 1936 Nobel peace price which was awarded to the exiled Ossietzki (see correspondence of Deutsche Kongress-Zentrale in folder 163/1)? also scattered manuscripts of speeches, articles, etc., on DAI subjects; Satzungen and brochures of German cultural organizations such as Deutscher AuslandClub, Deutsche Weltwirtschaftliche Gesellschaft, etc. The correspondence is with private persons, many of whom are academic and professional people; party officials and party organizations of all sorts; government officials; Serial 591 Roll 373 Provenance Item DAI 16*4 Filmed 1st frame FT 5108657 Notes 13 diplomatic officials; the Gestapo; scientific societies and institutions; religious organizations; German cultural clubs; publishers end editors, newspapers, etc.; business firms and chambers of commerce; in Germany and with Volksdeutsche and their organizations abroad. The folders are alphabetized D-F, G-H, IJ-M, N-Q, R-S, Sch-U, V, W-Z, respectively. A folder from DAI files marked "Reiseberiehte Dr. Ktfnekamp, Dr. Quiring, Dr. Rtldiger, Dr. Stumpp, Korrespondenz O.B. (Oberbflrgermeister) Strfllin betr. N,(achrichtenstelle) Dokumentation," 1939-142. It contains: "tTbersicht ilber11die hinsichtlich der Polsnkommission des DAI geftthrte Korrespondenz, consisting of correspondence among Oberb^rgermeister Strtilin of Stuttgart and BrigadefiSihrer Greifelt, Strdlin and Dr. Behrends of VOMI, Aktennotiz of Dr. Kttnekamp, and correspondence of Strfllin with SS-Grut>penfflhrer Koppe, Gauleiter Greiser, SS-Brigadefuhrer Berger, 1939* pertaining to a Chronik for the proposed Ruckftihrung der Auslandsdeutschen into the Reich (Ostgebiete). The folder also contains Reiseberiehte of- trips to Poland made by Dr. JT8nekamp in 1939» entitled "Allgemeines zur Umsiedlung im Osten, Programm der Dienststelle Greifelt, Auszug aus dem Bericht von der Kflnekamp (sic), t t and "Umsiedlung der Polen aus dem neuen Reichsgebiet, Auszug aus dem Bericht von Dr. Kflnekamp, Polenfahrt vom 29.11. bis 9.12.39?" correspondence of Dr. Quiring (mostly from Litzmannstadt, Vomi's E¥Z) with DAI in Stuttgart, DAI's Btlro Berlin, on transport of Galician and Volhynian German, photographic documentation of the same, etc., 19UO; reports and copies of reports by Dr. Quiring on SS Umsiedlungen in Lithuania, reports from Lublin, account of a dinner with SS- und Polizeif&hrer, Brigadefiihrer Globocnik (later one of the chief administrators of mass exterminations of Jews), reports from Litzmannstadt on resettlement of Germans from the General GouVernement, etc., about the securing of archives, libraries, and other documentation pertaining to the history of the resettled Germans as well as to the resettlement activities themselves, reflecting also on the administration etc. of resettlement, 19*40; reports of DAI Presseabteilungsleiter Dr. Riidiger, including "Bericht ilber die bisherigen Arbeiten der Kommission des DAI, fttr die Dokumentetion der Umsiedlungen" (Geheim), charts depicting the organization of Umsiedlung, and other extensive reports on Umsiedlungen in Poland in general, 19*40; reports of Dr. Stumpp (Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschtums) on Umsiedlungsdokumentation, also reports on resettlement activities in the Ukraine, and on Volhynian Germans in Lager Dresden, etc., Serial Provenance Item FT 51089^ MI 167/1 FT stitut, Fors chungsDAI 167/2 FT stelle des Russlanddeutschturns, Berlin; FT Deutsches Ausland-Insti- DAI 135 tut, Presseabtellung 5110062 5110752 592 Deutsches AuslandInstitut 593 375 Deutsches Ausland-In- MI 165 376 Deutsches Ausland-Insti- MI 152 Continued Filmed 1st frame tut, Fachrichtenstelle, Dr. FT 5111U7S Notes llj. A folder from the files of Dr. R. Csaki, Leiter of MI, marked "Dr. Csaki, Reise- u.a. Berichte," containing his extensive reports of Dienstreisen (mostly Streng Geheim) in Hungary, Rumania, the front in the Ukraine (19^3). Czechoslovakia, Berlin, Paris, Munich, AlsaceLorraine, the Baltic and the northeastern front (Leningrad area), Netherlands, Horway, Denmark, Sweden, France, Generalgouvernement, Switzerland, Austria, many cities of Germany, etc., 1939~^3» ^e reports contain information about Siedlungsgeographie, social life and customs, political and economic conditions, the relationships among Volksdeutsche, indigenous populations, and Jews; cultural and propaganda matters; battle conditions, accounts of military situations (Russia); analysis of social structure; Umsiedlung, etc. Many of the places named were visited several times. A folder from DAI files marked "Dr. Csaki, Schriftwechsel 1, 1 III, 1 fj und MI," containing: Deutsches Ausland-Institut Innerdie nstliche Mitteilungen, mimeographed, 19U1-U3 (incomplete), includes personnel changes; correspondence with various persons and agencies, e.g. Oberbflrgermeister Strdlin of Stuttgart, DAI Berlin BtLro; "Verzeichnis der Gefolgschaftsmitglieder," 1939t of DAI; reports of Dr. Otto Isbert on "Besprechungen mit Herrn Sandier von der Tolksdeutschen Mittelstelle" (Fov. 7, 19^1)» and of a "Dienstreise nach der Slowakei und nach Ungarn" (Oct. U-2g, 19^1)J reports of Dienstreisen by Dr. Rfldiger (under L, Leitung), 19U1-U3; &nd related correspondence and reports pertaining to museum activities, propaganda matters exhibitions of German Volkstum; mimeographed newsletters to DAI personnel in the Wehrmacht; and various Wochenberichte of DAI, 19^1-^3. Two folders of correspondence of the Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutsenturns, Berlin, of MI, pertaining to the acquisition of documentation of German parentage or descent of various persons, alphabetized according to names, A-L, M-Z, 19^0-^1. Filmed as a sample, A folder of correspondence of the Presseabteilung of MI, Stuttgart, with the DAI Bilro, Berlin, pertaining mostly to the publication of articles and pictures in the MI publication Deutschtum im Ausland (DIA), censorship regulations pertaining to the same, objections by government agencies and others to published articles, etc., and including the draft of a ghost-written article to be published (19^1) under Reichsftihrer SS Himmler's name: "Deutschtum im Ausland;" 19UO-U3. A folder from the files of Dr. Kloss, Nachrichtenstelle of MI, Stuttgart, containing correspondence with and reports from the DAI Euro Berlin relating information pertinent to DAI affairs, on government Serial 59U 595 Roll 376 377 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed let frame DAI 153 Deutsches AuslandDAI 151 Institut, Hauptabt. Wanderungsforschung u. Sippenkunde (HS) FT 511203U Deutsches AuslandInstitut, Nachrichtenstelle Dr. Kloss DAI FT 5H2617 Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 1U2 FT 5113106 FT FT 511UOOU 595-596 377-378 Deutsches Ausland596 378 Institut, Pfarrer Manfred Grisebach 5113391 Notes regulations, on 70MI, Umsiedlung in general, jurisdictional disputes "between organizations involved in resettlement activities, copies of Anordnungen of Reichsftihrer SS RKf ,dBDV, on the DAI publication of Aussendeut scher Wochenspiegel (a vertraulicher Inf ormationsdienst) , and other material in the nature of press releases although some are marked Vertraulich, 1939-UO. A folder of DAI, Stuttgart, containing correspondence, mostly of Dr. Schneider, with DAI Bflro Berlin, and also with Einwandererzentralstelle Litzmannstadt pertaining to Umsiedlung activities, documentation of resettlement, information on resettlement policies, reports of visits to Litzmannstadt, etc,, 19^0-^3. A folder of correspondence from the files of the Hauptabt. Wanderungsforschung und Sippenkunde (HS) of DAI, including a table of the organization of HS, and pertaining to the administration of HS; also including memoranda, Dienstreiseberichte, etc., relevant to the plans and policies of DAI, resettlement, etc.; also social and other correspondence relevant to propaganda activities (films, publications, speeches); alphabetized A-Z, 1939-^0. A folder of correspondence of Dr. Kloss, Nachrichtenstelle of DAI, with various academic and other persons and institutions within Germany and abroad, with AXIS war tiges Amt, with government and party agencies, cultural exchange societies, publishers (Enke), Litzmannstadt (Dr. W. Gradmann) , etc., also contains reports of Kloss1 Dienstreisen, memoranda, etc.; and pertains to the confidential newsletter of DAI Aussendeut scher Vochenspiegel, also to publication of material on Auslandsdeutsche in general, information on the numbers and activities of various Auslandsdeutsche, and similar matters pertaining to the business of a Nachrichtenstelle; 19UO. A folder of DAI marked "Kriegstagebuch des DAI," and containing the war diary or chronicle of the activities of DAI and of DAI personnel (trips, policy planning meetings, consultations, etc.) during the war, particularly relevant to resettlement, Aug. 19, 1939 to January, 19^3 (a general report). Two folders of miscellaneous correspondence of Pfarrer Manfred Grisebach of DAI with individuals, institutes, government agencies* archives, etc.; pertaining to Sippenforschiing, publication of material relating to Auslandsdeut sen turn, correspondence with POW's and internees abroad, etc., each alphabetized A-Z, and dated 19U2-U3* and 19^3* respectively. Provenance MI 170 Deutsches AuslandInstitut, Dr. Rfldiger 596 597 511H131 MI 168/1 FT MI 168/2 FT DAI 168/3 FT 511U902 MI 169/1 FT DAI 169/2 FT 5115130 5115^01 Deutsches AuslandMI 171/1 FT Institut, Hauptkartei MI 171/2 FT MI 171/3 FT 51157^1 5116031* 5H6295 DAI 172/1 FT MI 172/2 FT MI 172/3 FT 5116719 5117^97 5118321 DAI 173 5118993 379 Continued 382 Filmed 1st frame FT 59S-599 380-381 Deutsches AuslandInstitut, Presse599 381 abteilung 600 Item Deutsches AuslandInstitut 511^7 511^989 ITotes 16 Correspondence of Dr. Rttdiger of DAI with academic and other persons and institutes, societies, etc., pertaining to the publication of books and articles of interest for DAI matters and also for geographers, on polar explorations, professional work of geographers, and including Rttdiger's travel reports and the proceedings of Deutsche Mittelstelle fur Volks- und Kulturbodenforschung, 1923-32, alphabetized A-H. Three folders containing the private correspondence of Dr. Rttdiger of DAI, with German embassies abroad, geographical institutes, private persons, organizations of Auslandsdeutsche, etc.; about the publication of books and articles, polar exploration, the position of German minorities abroad, political questions, etc., all 1932-3^ ^ne folders are alphabetized A-G, I-M, P-Z, respectively. Two folders of correspondence of Dr. Hermann Rfldiger of MI, mostly with publishers, periodicals, newspapers, etc., also with government agencies, academic persons and institutes, private persons, etc., relating to the publication of material such as Volkstumskarte, books on settlement geography, colonization, polar exploration, cultural achievements of Germandom abroad, etc.; alphabetized A-L, M-Z, respectively, 1937-^0. Three folders of correspondence of the Hauptkartei of DAI with Germans, German schools and clubs, etc., located abroad, and not including those in the U.S.; consisting of Dankschreiben and descriptions of the conditions of the schools, also information on the opinion of the German population in these countries (particularly South America) about the war, descriptions of the circumstances of the Germans living abroad during the war, etc., 19^0-^2. The folders are alphabetized according to countries: Afghanistan-Dflnemark, Ecuador-Portugal, and RumftnienVenezuela, respectively. Three folders of correspondence of the Presseabteilung of DAI pertaining to the publication, editing, etc., of the DAI monthly magazine Deutsenturn im Ausland, 19^0-^5. The correspondence is with authors of articles, government and party officials, German organizations abroad, German schools abroad, academic persons and institutes, etc., and includes also occasional manuscripts of articles; alphabetized A-J, K-Q, and R-Z, respectively. A folder from DAI files marked "Haus/Rathaus," containing correspondence, memoranda, Aktennotizen, circulars, agendas, proceedings of Publikationsausschuss meetings, reports on Dienstreisen, manuscripts of articles, etc., pertaining to the administration, policies, programs, and work of DAI, 19l|0-UU. Items of interest include: "Auftrag der Vomi auf Planung Serial 600 Boll 382 600-606 3S2-388 Provenance Item Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 17^ Deutsches AuslsndInstitut, Bucherei des Deutschtums im Ausland DAI 175/1-15 383 602 603 385 60*4 386 605 387 606 388 607 389 Continued FT FT FT FT DAI 175/2 DAI 175/H FT DAI 175/5 FT DAI 175/6 FT MI 175/7 FT DAI 175/8 FT DAI 175/9 FT DAI 175/10 FT DAI 175/H FT DAI 175/12 FT DAI 175/12 FT DAI 175/1^ FT DAI 175/15 FT FT DAI 176 DAI 175/1 601 Filmed 1st frame DAI 175/3 51197^ 5120106 5120U76 5120S78 51213^1 5121723 5122196 5122853 5123219 5123875 512HU09 512^773 5125267 5125971 5126513 5126999 5127812 Notes eines vollsdeutschen Geschichtsbuches," a memo* 19^1; "Zur Umsiedlung der Volksdeutschen Bessarabiens,11 a note, 19^0; "Einige Gesichtspunkte ftLr die DAI Arbeit,11 19^3; "Kommission zur Bewahrung von Zeitdokumenten, Arbeitsausschuss zur Durchfuhrung der Bestandaufnahme der Presse,11 a description, no date; "25 Jahre Deutsches Ausland-1nstitut," 19U2; "Sud~ ostbericht fur 'Bdhmen-Mflhren," includes political information; letters from soldiers (former DAI staff members ?) from Russia, containing extensive descriptions of the "bolshevization" of Russian-Germans, etc., 19^1; bibliography of books and articles in French and German on the southern Ukraine, also on the German settlements there; etc. Correspondence folder of DAI, consisting of correspondence with three publishers: Buchdruckerei Karl Bfllzle in Tttbingenj Ferdinand Enke in Stuttgart; and Rudolf M. Rohrer in Brttnn, about the publication of articles and books pertaining to Volksforschungen, Honorarregelung for the authors, subscriptions and examples of periodicals, etc., 19^1-^3 Fifteen folders of correspondence of the Bflcherei des Deutschtums im Ausland of DAI, relevant to the administration of its business and including many bibliographical references to books, articles, etc., on the history of German emigration, German culture overseas, the geography, history, and economic life of countries in which Germans settled, etc., 193g-ll5. Included also are some especially compiled bibliographies, e.g. on the Germans in Chile, etc. The folders are alphabetized: folder DAI 175/1 A, folder DAI 175/3 G—E, folder DAI 175/2 B, folder DAI 175/U F, folder DAI 175/5 G, folder DAI 175/6 H, folder DAI 175/7 I-J, folder DAI 175/8 K, folder DAI 175/9 L, folder DAI 175/10 M, folder DAI 175/H folder DAI 175/12 R-S, folder DAI 175/13 Sch-St, folder DAI 175/lU T-U, folder DAI 175/15 V-Z. A folder from the files of the Zeitungsstelle of the Bucherei des Deutschtums im Ausland of-DAI, cojata-ining correspondence pertinent to Serial 60? Boll 389 Provenance Item Deutsches AuslandDAI 177 Institut, Bucherei des Deut sen turns im Ausland Ml 178 608-626 390-U08 Deutsches Ausland- Filmed 1st frame FT FT 512852U 5128581 DAI 181/1-50 Institut 60S Continued 390 DAI 181/1 FT DAI 181/2 FT 51292U9 5130168 Notes 18 subscriptions to newspapers, also to how these were obtained in wartime by DAI to perform intelligence functions for OKW and OKM, etc., and including a list of newspapers subscribed to; and a report "Bericht iiber den Aufbau des Deutschen Auslands-Presse-Archivs;" 1939-U2. A folder from the files of the Bttcherei des Deutschtums im Ausland of DAI containing correspondence (incomplete), alphabetized P-Z, pertaining to the acquisition of books and periodicals for the library, 1937-39. The material is particularly relevant for Poland end Hiingary. A folder from the files of the Bflcherei des Deutschtums im Ausland of DAI containing correspondence with DAI Bittro Berlin pertaining to Nachrichten of interest to the library, publication of books and other material of interest to the library, relations between the DAI Bilcherei and Grenzbdchereidienst, the Ausland-Presse-Archiv, etc., 1939-^3. A folder from the files of the Btlcherei des Deutschtums im Ausland of DAI containing correspondence with Grenzbttchereidienst e.V., also with Dr. W. Gierlichs of Ausschuss fur Volksforschung an der UniversitUt Kfiln, etc., including also memoranda, e.g. on: "Einschaltung der Universitat K8ln in die wissenschaftliche und grenzpolitische volksdeutsche Arbeit unter bes. Berucksichtigung der Westgrenze," 1937; Beitrage zur raumund planungswissenschaftlichen Forschung (als Manuskript gedruckt), 1935? various Reiseberichte; a copy of the proceedings of "Sitzung ilber grenzund volkspolitisches Schrifttum am 29. April 1937, ..." including DAI personnel; minutes of various Besprecbungen between Direktor Scheffen of Grenzbilchereidienst, Dr. Kruse of DAI and others, 1937; printed reports for 1936 and 1937 of the activities of Grenzbuchereidienst; etc., 1937-39. -Correspondence of the Deutsche Ausland-Iretitut with individuals and German societies of all sorts in Germany and abroad, German and other diplomatic agencies, NSDAP agencies, German government and police agencies, academic institutions, etc., much information on the ideology of Germandom in the world, German politics, politics of other nations (the US, South America, etc.), Anti-Semitism, German expansion, etc., 1935-^0. Folders are alphabetized and include: Correspondence with Auswftrtiges Amt, 1935-37t 1937-^1* respectively. It consists of correspondence between DAI and AA, and via AA with German embassies and consulates, on routine matters (tracing Germans abroad), and mostly on matters of a cultural and political nature of relevance for German foreign policy, German pr-,pa£a:jda. Specific material covered includes information on German school« abroad» reviews of books on German affairs (especially colonial history) in the foreign press, copies of Serial Eoll 609 391 610 392 611 393 612 613 395 396 Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 181/3 DAI 181/U DAI 181/5 DAI 181/6 DAI 181/7 FT IT FT FT FT 5131U61 5132157 5132317 5132791 DAI 181/g FT 5133730 DAI 181/9 FT 513^26 DAI 181/10 FT 513522U DAI 181/11 FT DAI 181/12 FT 5135896 5136885 5130556 Notes consular reports to AA, reports "by DAI on information received by it of interest to AA, status in Germany of American citizens of German birth, etc. Bo, Deu A, contains among other material extensive correspondence of DAI with the Deutsche Akademie in Mttnchen which includes material on Karl Haushofer, a memo on the closer cooperation of DA and DAI (Jan. 22, 1937) t a "Vertraulicher Bericht fttr Rerrn Oberbflrgermeister Dr. Strfllin" (March 18, 1935) on DAI's position in NSDAP eyes compared with that of VDA, etc.; also correspondence with Deutsche Antioquia Bank AG, Bremen, Includirg reports on economic conditions in Colombia and Venezuela. Folder 181/8 Deu Gem, Ar-2: correspondence with Deutsche Gemeinde, Deutsche Gesellschaften, and Deutsche Gesandtschaften abroad. The Gesandtschaften are alphabetized Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) to Wien, and include a report from Addis Abeba (1936), describing conditions (relevant to the Ethiopian War); some confidential information on German newspapers abroad; sending propaganda material abroad; and also the report of the embassy in Vienna (Jan. 8, 1937) on political trends for and against a Greater Germany within the Austrian Verband f, Volksdeut. Auslandsarbeit. Folder 181/9 D6^ &&&'• correspondence with Deutsche Generalkonsulat(e) including reports on political matters, propaganda activity, etc. Of note is the correspondence with Addis Abeba on economic conditions there; and that with the German General Consulates in Chicago and New York which has information on the difficulties encountered by DAI and consular and other agencies in arousing German nationalism and pro-Nazi sympathies among German-Americans. Folder 181/10 Deu Vo: includes correspondence with Deutscher Volksblock fur Schlesien; Deutscher Volksbund fflr Paraguay; and extensive correspondence with Deutscher Volksbund fur Argentinien, including many accounts of its history and activities; Deutscher Volksrat in der Bukowina; and with the German-American newspaper Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter. Two folders Deu Kon: containing correspondence with German consulates (not general consulates) all over the world, alphabetized according to cities, A-L, and M-H3, respectively. Most of it pertains to Deutschtums- Serial Roll 396 615 616 397 398 617 399 618 Uoo 619 Hoi 620 U02 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns titut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 181/13 FT 5137761 DAI DAI MI DAI DAI 5138003 5138308 5138501 5138697 5139005 181/lU 181/15 181/16 181/1? 181/18 FT FT FT FT FT Notes 20 forschung, political matters, German schools abroad, National Socialism, etc., and includes correspondence with the German consulates in Boston, Cleveland, Denver, Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Seattle, St. Louis, Mo. Note also the extensive Wirtschaftsbericht from Sofia on the Bulgarian economy, 1935* Folder 181/13 Ger: see under German Youth, correspondence and other material on distribution of German propaganda in American colleges and schools affiliated with religious groups having congregations of German origin, in the US. Folder 181/lU Gua-Gue, folder 181/15 Hall-Hamburg-Am, folder 181/16 Hane-Hanz, folder 181/17 Herz-Het, folder 181/18 Heu-Hez, includes a chart depicting "Organisation der Gaustudentenfilhrungen u. 6*rtl. Studentenfuhrungen," and also a brief correspondence with Prof. Theodor Heuss. Folder 181/19 Hi-Hil, folder 181/20 Him-Hinz, folder 181/21 Hip-HL, folder 181/22 Ho-Hochsch, DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI 181/19 181/20 181/21 181/22 181/23 181/21* 181/25 181/26 181/27 181/28 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI 181/29 181/30 181/31 181/32 181/33 1S1/3U 181/35 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 511*2112 511*2180 511*2391* 511*2762 5ll*318l* DAI 181/3* FT DAI 181/37 FT DAI 181/38 FT 511*1*060 511*1*885 51115190 folder 181/23 Hochst-Hflm, folder 181/2U Hfin-Hofe, folder 181/25 Hoff, folder 181/26 Hofg-Hoh, folder 181/27 Hoi-Honer, folder 181/28 Ih-Ind, includes correspondence of the Industrie- und Ha ndelskammer Karlsruhe and S tut tgar t, etc.; folder 181/29 Junk-Iz, folder 181/30 Kak-Kapf, folder 181/31 Kaph-Kar, folder 181/32 Ke, folder 181/33 Knod-Kochs, folder 181/31* K»p-Kok, folder 181/35 Kon, includes correspondence with foreign consulates in Germany; folder 181/36 Ku, folder 181/37 Lan-Landt, folder 181/38 Min, Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 621 Filmed 1st frame FT 51^5795 FT FT FT DAI ISl/itf FT DAI 181/UU FT DAI 181/1*5 FT 51U6617 511*7668 51*18587 51U8971* 511*91*23 5150100 DAI 181/U6 DAI 181/U7 DAI 181/U8 FT FT FT 5150l*8l* 5151212 51518U9 DAI 181/1*9 DAI 181/50 FT FT 5152169 5152*492 182/1 182/2 "?T FT 515^998 5153368 DAI 182/3 DAI 182/U DAI 182/5 DAI 182/6 DAI 182/7 DAI 182/8 DAI 182/9 DAI 183 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5153785 515^0^5 515^506 515U881 5155329 51551*80 51561^9 5156679 DAI 181/39 MI i8i/Uo DAI 181/lH DAI i8i/te 622 623 62i* 625 626 1*08 627-629 H09-U11 627 Item 1*09 630 Continued U12 DAI 182/1-9 DAI DAI Notes 21 folder 181/39 Ba, consists of correspondence with various agencies of the NSDAP in Germany and abroad, including Reichsleitui^, Aussenpolitisches Amt, Rassenpolitisches Amt, etc,; folder 181/1*0, 181/1*1 Na, correspondence with the Leitung of the Auslands-Organisation of NSDAP. folder 181/1*2 Qu, folder 181/^3 Re, folder 181/tfU Ro, folder 181/^5 Sen, correspondence with the Carl Schur? Memorial Foundation in the U.S. and with Vereinigung Carl Schurz e.V. ,in Berlin; folder 181/1*6 Schw, Stu, folder 1S1/1*7 folder 181/US Verb, correspondence with various VerbAnde; also copies of the official newspaper of the Guatemalan Republic, DUrio de Centre America, vol. XXVI, numbers 61-66, September U-9* 1939* Folder. 181/1*9 Wa-Wei, folder 181/50 Correspondence with Geheime Staatspolizei (Stuttgart), and Wttrttembergisches Politisches Landespolizeiamt, containing information on Germans in Germany and abroad who opposed Nazism. Folders of the DAI containing the correspondence, largely of Dr. Kloss, with academic persons, institutes, authors, publishers, periodicals, party and government agencies, museums, etc,, in Germany and abroad, pertaining to publication of books and articles on the history and activities of Germans abroad, research on DAI subjects, discussion of books and academic questions, etc., 191*0-1*3. *hey are alphabetized: A-C, D-B (includes correspondence with Deutsche Akademie Mttn- A folder containing miscellaneous correspondence of the 41, including especially correspondence with Germans residing in the & which reveals their impressions.,-of .Nazi Germany., information on their Attitude Serial 630 Continued Roll U12 Provenance Deutsches AuslendInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI ISk FT 51563U3 DAI 185 FT 5156917 MI 186 FT 5156980 DAI 18? 3T 5157080 DAI 188 FT 5157159 DAI 188A FT 5157235 Notes 22 towards US policy towards Germany, their activities in the US concerning the spreading of Nazi propaganda veto. , 1936-HO; also letters addressed to officials and academic persons announcing a confidential report on Rumania to be given at DAI, 19*40. A folder containing correspondence of the Arbeitsstelle fur deutsche Musik im Ausland of DAI, also other subdivisions of DAI, pertaining to folk music, language sounds, music, records, etc., 19^1. A folder from DAI containing correspondence with Germans in the US, relevant to the propagation of the study of German larguage and literature, and especially of Nazi propaganda, sentiments of Nazi sympathizers in the US, etc., 193i*-3^. A folder from DAI files containing address lists, reports, memoranda, and mimeographed circulars of the series "Volk und Reich," and "Kommunalpolitischer Schulungsbrief , " pertaining to propagation of Nazi activities and ideology among the Germans of North Schleswig, the history of Germans in Schleswig, 1935, 1937. 19U1-U2. A folder from DAI files containing: a list of German Missionen, Ge sand tschaf ten, and consulates, propably 19^U; a copy of a confidential report (DAI initials Wzl.) "Politischer Bericht fiber das Mandatgebiet Neuguinea, " Sept. 22, 193^, with Anlpgen: 1) excerpt of a review of The Official History of Australia in the War 191U-1Q18; 2) report of a debate held at Port Moresby on that "The Ex-German Colonies Should be Returned to Germany; " 3) "A Bill for an Ordinance to amend the Shipping Ordinance 1936;" U) a census of missionaries; 5)a confidential list of German nationals residing in New Guinea (non-missionaries); 6) copy of a letter to the German consul (in New Guinea?) from the German Halbblutdeutschen in Rabaul, 1936. ^he folder also contains three reports by Dr. Csaki: "Inform^tionsfahrt nach Rumanien 12-16. Juli 19^0," "SfldostFahrt vom 12. -16. Juli 191*0," "Bericht iiber Aufenthalt in Budapest 3.~5. August 19l|0.. n Correspondence of DAI with Auswartiges Amt including AA circulars, a copy of Urkunden zur letzten Phase der deutsch-polnischen Krise (Berlin, 1939) t also a list of "Englandfeindliche Artikel Franzflsicher Autoren," A folder of uncertain provenance, probably DAI files, containing: an essay (typewritten) "Die deutsche Leistung in der Welt," no date; a report stamped Geheim and marked "Aus Geheimakten, Zur Ostarbeiterfrage, " with initials "An L( eiter?) " and "R(tLdiger?) , " 19^3; a similar report "Far AZ" "R(udiger?) » stamped Geheim and marked "Aus Geheimakten, Berichte Serial Roll 630 Continued Provenance Various Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 189 FT 5157271* DAI 190 FT 5157380 Notes 23 aus dem Osten," pertaining largely to the activities of General Wlassow and the Smolensk Committee, anti-Bolshevik Russians collaborating with the Germans, probably 19^2-^3; numerous short notices stamped Geheim, including translations of Soviet "Aufrufe," "Zur Firchenfrage," information on the illegal Communist party (UKP) in the area of Nowo-Odessa, "Abzeichen der Russischen Befreiungsarmee," etc., 19^3* A folder containing miscellaneous reports, mostly from DAI, some of uncertain provenance (possibly VDA); "Denkschrift uber die Zusammenfassung eines Teils der deutschamerikanischen Kriegsgefangenen in einem eigenen Lager," mimeographed, issued by Publikationsstelle StuttgartHamburg; provenance uncertain; "Die Kbtwendigkeit der Griindung eines Fordarnerika-Instituts im Reich," mimeographed, issued by Publikationsstelle Stuttgart-Hamburg, provenance uncertain; "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Koloniegemeinschaft fttr das Jahr 19^0," Callao, Peru, from DAI; carbon copy of a confidential directive issued by Reichsftihrer SS, Reichskommissar ftlr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums (RKFDV), August 20, 19^0, signed by SS-Brigadefuhrer Greifelt, containing Erlauterung of accompanying Anordnung Kir. 20/11 (also carbon copy) of Aug. 19, 19^0, issued by the same authority and signed by Reichsfuhrer SS H, Himmler, pertaining to the treatment of Reichs- und Volksdeutsche from Estonia applying for entry permits to the Reich; reports, Streng Vertraulichi "Bericht(e) tlber vierwfichiges Erteilen von deutschcm Geheimunterricht in Stldtirol, an 9 verschiedenen Stellen, durch reichsdeutsche Junglehrer, Studenten und SchtLler/August 1937»" probably DAI; from DAI files, copy of a confidential report "Erfahrungs- u. Tfltigkeitsbericht des Feldw. Dr. Hermann Maurer (O.A.) liber Aufbauarbeit in den deutschen Dflrfern des Kutschurgener Bezirks bei Odessa vom 13.8.U1 - 28.8.Hi;" "Denkschrift zur Lage des Deutschturns in Kanada und zu der dort zu leistenden Volkstumsarbeit," probably from DAI archive; correspondence (typewritten copies?) evidently from a Russian German in Wosnessensk (USSR), 1938* from DAI files; related to the foregoing and probably from DAI files, an extensive report on the history and contemporary conditions of the German minority of Russia, about 193^1 correspondence from DAI, between Dr. Drascher of DAI and Rudolf Hillmann of lilies Co. in Tokyo, 1937. A series of folders containing material relating to planning, programming, performance, etc., of concerts and other musical activities in relation to the propaganda work of DAI. Most of the material seems to- be from DAI files, some from uncertain provenances, some from records Serial Roll 631 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item MI 191 Filmed FT 1st frame 5157SOS flbtes of the city of Stuttgart, which however worked in close collaboration with DAI, 1937-to.- Included are Programmvorschlfige; correspondence "between DAI and the Abt. Volksaufkl. u. Prop, of Amt d. Generalgouverneurs f. d. bes. Poln. Gebiete; correspondence between DAI and other party and government agencies including DAF, on concerts; correspondence addressed to the Leiter der Arbeitsstelle f. deut. Musik im Ausland, Stuttgart, from Heinr. Polloczek in Breslau, 19^1; miscellaneous material on Volkslieder, the influence of German music abroad, etc.; press notices about Kulturarbeit and concerts; miscellaneous mimeographed and printed circulars of the Amt fttr Konzertwesen, with related correspondence, 1939-^0. A series of folders from DAI files, all filed under the heading "Allgemeine Kriegschronik," containing propaganda leaflets, posters, reports, and related material, marked as follows, with material as indicated: "Schaustucke/Belgien, Mappe: Verschiedenes," includes propaganda material, a copy of Verktlndungsblatt des Oberfeldkomroandanten fflr die Departments du Nord und Pas-de-Calais, July 16, 19*&» and also a correspondence between Hubert Winners, SS-Oberscharftlhrer of Eupen, of I!arch 7» 19^1. including a list of "Eupener Volksverrater" and copies of correspondence of Belgian officials (1939) °n the activities of Eupen Germans loyal to Belgium and treated as renegades by the Germans; "Schaustncke/Brit. Reich, Nappe: Zeitungen," miscellaneous clippings, cartoons, maps, etc., and also copies of the Guernsey papers Evening Press (July 6 and Aug. 7, 19^0), end The Star (August 8, 19*10); "Schaustucke: Danzig-Westpr., Mappe: Bilder," contains a list of pictures, 1939; "Schaustucke: Dt. Reich, Mappe: Propaganda," contains miscellaneous posters and leaflets, also printed circular of a letter to VDA of 1915» pertaining to Baltic Germans, reprinted about 19^0, and Nicht f. d. Presse, Vertraulich, etc., "Sinsatz des VDAGauverbandes Sachsen," in Volksbund fflr das Deutsenturn iro Ausland, Gauverband Sachsen (probably 19UO); "Schaustucke:Dt. Reich, Mappe: Tereinsmarken," 19^0; "Schaustncke/ELsass-Lothr., Mappe: Formulare," brochures on Strassburg, probably 19UO-U1; "Schaustncke: Frkr. a (Eleass-Lothr.) Mappe: Zeitschriften," contains a mimeographed leaflet "Pages d'Auteuil," no. 2, Dec. 1939; filed as "Schaustncke Italien," etc., a brochure on South Tyrol, and stray "Auszug aus der Hiederschrift uber die Besprechung des Verwaltungsausschusses am 16. Januar 1936," of DAI; miscellaneous propaganda material on "Schaustilcke: Norwegen;11 "Rumanien,M posters, programs, etc., of the Landestheater der Deutschen Volksgruppe in Ruma'nien, 19^2-^3* etc.; "SchausttLcke/Ungarn," miscellaneous programs, 19^1» etc.; "Schaustucke/ USA," miscellaneous items including program of Pennsylvania Dutch festival Serial Roll 631 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 192 Filmed 1st frame FS DAI 193 631-633 Continued DAI 19H-230, 20 2A 5158072 Notes 25 (1939)» calendar by the National American of the anti-semitic Zenger Press (1936)» photostats, clippings, and reports of propaganda in English issued "by pro-Nazi groups, some of it anti-semitic, 1939* A series of folders from .DAI containing miscellaneous leaflets, posters, programs, correspondence, etc., mostly on theatrical activities, Feste, etc., 1939-^2: "Allgem. Kriegschronik, Schaustucke/Protektor. Bfihm. Mahren, Mappe: Programme^" the same "Danzig-Westpreussen, Mappe: Briefe," correspondence; the same "Dt. Reich, Mappe: Anweisungen," on sending parcels and letters to POW's, etc., and a directive to all doctors in the Sudetengau: "Einfuhrung des Gesetzes zur Verhiltung erbkranken Nachwuchses" (19^0); the same, "Dt. Reich, Mappe: Ijlugschriften," includes correspondence of Deutscher Fichte-Bund, anti-British propaganda, anti-semitic leaflet aimed at Reuter, etc., 19^0; the same, "Ehem. dt. Kolonien, Mappe: Briefe,'1 letter from an interned German, 1939l t*16 same, "Generalgouv." brochures etc., Warsaw theater; the same, "Schlesien, Mappe: Plskate;11 the same "Slowakei, Mappe: Plakate," announcing Feste of the Deutsche Partei; the same, "USA, Mappe: Flugschriften," anti-semitic and pro-Nazi propaganda, also anti-Nazi leaflet, etc. Empty folders and one folder of blank identification cards omitted. A series of folders containing miscellaneous leaflets, posters correspondence, etc., from DAI files, "Allgem. Kriegschronik, Schaustncke/...' as follows: "Brit. Reich," leaflets and clippings (from the N.Y. Daily News), British leaflet in German describing German atrocities, etc., 19UQ; "China," reprint from Deutsche Zeitung in North China, map of Germany's strategic position lyib and 1939? "Finnland," passenger lists, etc., Germans evacuated from Finland, 1939-^0; "Generalgouv^" forms of application for Kennkarte for Yolksdeutsche; "Generalgouv.," poster; "Jugoslawien," private letter, 19^1, describing among other things conditions Cepidemics included) in a VOMI Lager, also mimeographed "Anweisungen fur die Gemeindewahlen in der Banschaft Kroatien am 19. Mai 19^0" and "Gauverlautbarungen" Nov. 3^t 1939; "Jugoslawien," leaflets, etc.; "Schweiz," Bundesbrief of 1921; "Slowakei," leaflets; "Slowakei," programs; "Wartheland," miscellaneous including proof of an article "Der Stand der Forschung fiber das Deutschtum in Wisconsin," "Material vom Reichskommissar fttr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums," (19^0), and miscellaneous (duplicates omitted). Miscellaneous incidental leaflet material omitted. A series of blue folders, some with yellow tabs, constituting what seems to have been an administrative file, containing correspondence, Serial 631 6132 Roll U13 Provenance Beutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 19^ FT 5158^91 DAI 195 FT 5158505 DAI 196 FT 5158558 DAI 197 FT 5158578 DAI 198 FT 5158589 DAI 199 FT 5158615 DAI 200 FT 5158622 DAI 201 FT 515867U DAI 202 FT 5158718 DAI 202A DAI 203 FT FT 5158838 5158868 DAI 204 FT 515^^77 DAI 205 DAI 206 DAI 207 FT FT FT 5158922 5158927 5158931 Notes 26 The folders internal memoranda, Aktennotizen, reports, and statistics. are marked as follows: "Auskunft u. Vermittlung," memoranda, etc., on DAI information service, Besucherdienst, etc., 1937-Ul. Yellow tab. "Auswartiges Amt," correspondence, etc., pertaining to AA's financial contribution to DAI activities, 1936-HH. "Badisches Kultministerium," correspondence pertaining to Staatsbeitrag (financial) to DAI activities, 19UO-U3. "leihilfen ab 19^0," tables indicating sources of financial aid given DAI, statistics, etc., 19^1. "Beitrage der Lander," correspondence with Ministers of German states pertaining to "inancial contributions made to DAI by the states, 1936-HU. "Berlin. Bei.ilfen," correspondence pertaining to the city of Berlin's contribution to DAI, 19UO-U1. "Berliner ^ro Dr. Kruse,11 correspondence with DAI's Berlin office, 19^0-1*3. Items of special interest include carbon of a letter from Dr. Quiring to Dr. Kruse, Dec. 19t 19UO, about a report written by Leiter, Obersturmbannfuhrer Crumey, of Umwanderer-Zentrale Litzmannstadt, about UWZ Mitwirkung regarding Umsiedlung der Polen und Juden which had been sent to Obersturmbannftthrer Eichmann (later the chief administrator of mass exterminations). Further information is available in T-81, E.G. 1035, folders VOMI 895, VOMI 321-32U (especially 323), VOMI 326-327, VOMI 330-332. Also of interest is a letter to Dr. Fruse, Dec. 21, 19^0, relating to jurisdictional disputes between DAI and VOMI, on which see also T-81, E.G. 1035, folder VOMI 939. "Bibliothek. Zeitschriftenstelle," correspondence, reports, etc., pertaining to the affairs of the DAI library, 1Q36-U1. Yellow tab. "Bild- u. Film-Abteilung," contains also material on Lichtbilder, programs, etc., 1937-H2. "Buchversand,M correspondence pertaining to the same, 1936-Ul. "Deutsche Akademie Manchen," correspondence relating to the Deutsche Akademie's financial contribution to DAI activities, 1939-^"Deutscher Gemeindetag," correspondence, memoranda, etc., on Deutschtumfonds des Deutschen Gemeindetags, 1936-UU. "Dienststelle Wien," correspondence with DAI, Stuttgart, 19^3. "Direktor Dr. Csaki," one misc. office note, 19^1. "Forschungsstelle fur das Busslanddeutschtum" contains a copy of the contract between DAI and Verband der Russlanddeutschen (Berlin) establishing the Forschungsstelle, 193&; correspondence; and a copy of "Erlebnis- Serial 632 633 Continued Roll Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 208 FT 51589^9 BAI 209 FT 5158968! DAI 210 FT 515*5976 DAI 211 FT 5159012 DAI 212 DAI 213 FT FT 51590HU 5159106 DAI 2lU FT 5159199 DAI 215 FT 5159211 DAI 216 FT 5159219 Notes 27 bericht nber die Rflcksiedlung der Russlanddeutschen in Bessarabien, Gemeinde Posttal, Kreis Akkerman" (19^0). 1938-UO. Yellow tab. "Forschungsstelle Schwaben," correspondence, reports, etc., of Schwaben im Ausland, Forschungsstelle des DAI, 1936-Hl. Yellow tab. "Hauptkartei," includes Monatsberichte der Hauptkartei, for Oct. 19^1, Nov. 19UO, April 1939, and memoranda, etc., 1938-Hl. "Jugend-Referat," correspondence and reports pertaining to activities of DAI with youth groups, etc., 193^Ul. Yellow tab. "Kartenabteilung," miscellaneous correspondence, Aktennotizen, etc., pertaining to maps, and a report "Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der neuen G-renze im Osten fur das Reich," 1Q37-U2. Yellow tab. "Kasse," Anweisungen, 1938-^3. "Museum," correspondence, reports, etc., pertaining to exhibitions and other cultural propaganda activities of DAI, 193^-^3- Yellow tab. "Musikabteilung," reports, memoranda, etc., of the music division of DAI, 19UO-ld. Yellow tab. "Preussisches Staatsministerium," correspondence with the same concerning its financial contribution to DAI, 19^1-UU. "Presse, Machrichten," memoranda., reports, etc., pertaining to the work and organization of the press division of DAI, 19^0-U2. Yellow tab. "Reichsarbeits-Ministerium," one item, pertaining to the former's financial contribution to DAI, 19^1. "Publikationsstelle Stuttgart-Hamburg," administrative correspondence and memoranda, Kassenanweisungen, etc., 19^1-^2. Yellow tab. "Reichsministerium des Innern," correspondence and reports concerning the former's financial contributions to DAI, 1936-^5. "Reichsministerium ftlr Volksaufklftrung u. Propaganda," correspondence etc., concerning the former's financial contributions to DAI, 1935-^5« "Reichskriegsministerium," correspondence, etc., concerning the financial contribution of the former to DAI's cartographic division, 1938-39» "Reichswirtschaftsministerium," correspondence, etc., concerning the financial contribution of the former to DAI, 1937-^3. "Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart," correspondence, etc., concerning the city of Stuttgart's financial contribution to DAI, 1936-UU. "Statistische Abteilung," a brief correspondence between DAI and Verband der Russlanddeutschen concerning DAI support of the latter, 193919*40. Yellow tab. Serial 633 Roll 415 634 Continued Filmed FT Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut let frame 5159631* FT 515965S DAI 227 DAI 228 FT FT 5159703 5159705 DAI 229 FT 5159716 DAI 230 FT 5159800 DAI 231-234 FT DAI 231 FT 5159811 DAI 232 FT 5159820 DAI 233 FT 5159869 DAI 234 FT 5159885 See "below DAI 2S6 FT FT See below 5161302 DAI 287 FT 5161321 DAI 288 FT 5161360 Notes 28 "Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle," correspondence, etc,, pertaining to financial support for DAI made from VOMI funds, 1939-42. "Volksforschung," memoranda, internal correspondence, etc., concerning the administration program etc., of the DAI division Volksforschung, 1937-41. "Werbeabteilung," filmed in order to maintain continuity of the file. "Werberat der Deutschen Wirtschaft Berlin,fl correspondence of the same with DAI concerning the former!s financial contribution to DAI, 1939-41* "Wflrtt. Kultministerium," correspondence, etc., concerning the state of Wflrttemberg's financial contribution to DAI, 1936-42. "Zentralkartei," memoranda, etc., pertaining to the administration of the same, 1940-41. A series of folders from DAI files, consisting of a fragmentary file of the Yerwaltungsabteilung, alphabetized according to persons as follows: "Schmidt, Hugo u. Schmidt, Genieve,M contains a draft of the DAI Satzung, with many annotations; also correspondence pertaining to the salary of Schriftleiter Hugo Schmidt, 1941. "Scholl, Hermann," correspondence including reports, with memoranda, Aktennotizen, etc., pertaining to the reports of Hermann Scholl of SSAnsiedlungsstab in Samter, Warthegau, 1941. It reflects on the Polish sympathies of some Volksdeutsche. "Urban, Margarethe," correspondence, memoranda, etc., pertaining to employment of the afore-named, her Lebenslauf, training by DAI, and a report made by her on political and cultural matters in Kflsmark, 1941. "Dr. Vfagner (Berlin-Treptow)," correspondence pertaining to Mitarbeiterhonorar of the same, 1940-42. NOTE: Frames 5159898 - 5161301 are not used. A series of folders subdivided as follows: "Reichsministerium," correspondence with Reichsministerlum des Innern on DAI policy matters, finances, appointment of Dr. H. Riidiger as DAI Leiter (1941), etc., 1937-41. One stray item 1943. "Reichsministerium ftir Volksaufkl&rung und Propaganda," correspondence with the former, also circulars from the same, pertaining to financial aupport of DAI and use of abbreviations, "Papierkontingentierung," "Arbeitstagung auslandsdeutscher Zeitschriften,tt etc., 1936-42. "Reichspropagandaamt Mrttemberg," correspondence with the same pertaining to an exhibition called "Der Ehein - Deutschlands ewiger Strom," 1941. Provenance Serial Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 292 FT 5161412 DAI 296 FT 5161451 DAI 300 FT 5161630 Hotes 29 NOTE: Frames 5161376 - 5l6l4ll are not used. tt Schriftverkehr," directives pertaining to DAI correspondence procedures, including one entitled "Vertraulicher Briefverkehr mit dem Ausland" (1937), 1936-42. NOTE: Frames 5161435 - 5161450 are not used. "Stfldt. Rechnungsprflfungsamt," correspondence with, remarks on the Prttfungsamt's report on audits of DAI accounts, memoranda on auditing of DAI books etc., 1940-42. NOTE: Frames 5161501 - 5161629 are not used. "Umsiedlung," memorandum (Sntwurf) on the same, signed "1 IIIW (Dr.Ko'nekamp?), Oct. 7, 1939* 634636 63** 416418 416 DAI 311,314, NOTE: Frames 5161634 - 5161660 are not used. "Volk und Reich Verlag," business correspondence with the same, 1938-42* NOTS: Frames 5161799 - 5161829 are not used. ''Vortragswesen; Veranstaltungen,lf correspondence with various military, 5161830 party and government agencies pertaining to the same; including the expanded text of a lecture by DAI's Dr. Isbert held before the Luftwaffe in Rumania, "Die Heuordnung im Sfldosten seit 1938" (19^1); 19^1-42. NOTE: Frames 516189! - 516198! are not used. "Zeitungs- und Inseraten-Wesen," correspondence with newspapers, circulars 5161982 regulating press releases, etc., 1941-43* NOTE: Frames 5162005 - 5162045 are not used. A series of folders subdivided as follows: See below DAI 311 5162046 DAI 302 FT DAI 301* FT DAI 309 FT FT 5162301* DAI DAI 315 5l6l66l FT 5162321 "Aufbau," memoranda describing the Aufb&i, organization, administrative procedures; also a description of DAI's Aufgabengebiet (1937)* &&& & pamphlet Vorstand, WJssenschaftlicher Beirat, Ehrenausschuss, Verwaltungsrat, Berliner Delegation, Ausschuas, Bhrenfdfrderer, Stifter, Lebenslflngliche Mitglieder (l^lBot DAI. HOTE: Frames 5162150 - 5162303 are not used. N "Leiter, miscellaneous memoranda, also a description of "TAtigkeit des Deutschen Auslandinstituts11 (19^1), and "DAI-Besprechung,« etc., 1937-42. 'Museum,n miscellaneous memoranda, correspondence, reports, descriptive outlines, etc., relating to "Slowakei-Ausstellung" (1941-42); "Verschiedenes" (193S-41); HBemerkungen zu der Denkschrift (tfber die zukflnftige Stellung Stuttgarts)11 Streng 7ertraulich4 (1940), with material on "Das Ehrenmal der deutschen Leistung im Ausland" (193b); "Ehrenmal-Stiftungen11 (1936); Akten (of Stuttgart Stfldt. Hauptaktei) on "Umbau des Wilhelmspalastes f^r das Deutsche Ausland—Ins ti tut in Stuttgart" (1935"*36)i'and miscellaneous similar material. Serial Deutsches AuslandInstitut Continued Notes Provenance DAI 316 FT 5162702 DAI 317 IT 5162715 DAI 318 FT 5162765 DAI 319 FT 51627S9 DAI 321 FT 5162829 DAI 322 FT 5162976 DAI 323 FT 5163091 DAI 32U FT 5163137 DAI 325 FT 5163206 DAI 326 FT 51632U8 30 "Organisation," miscellaneous pertaining to the administrative procedures (e.g. "Regelung der Bekanntga"be von Umlaufen und wichtigen Fachrichten im innerdienstlichen Betrieb des DAI11) etc., 1939 and ? "President," consists of miscellaneous stray material including DAI membership list, correspondence, etc.; stray administrative directive of VOMI (19&3); Aktenvermerk (copy) on "Schulordnung fur Lagerschulen (19^2); and Aktenverraerke of the President (Oberbttrgermeister Strfllin of Stuttgart) of DAI, 1936, 19^0. Unmarked folder containing memoranda, agenda, minutes of meetings of the Publicationsausschuss of DAI, 19UO-H2. Unmarked folder containing memoranda, Aktennotizen, etc., marked variously "Arbeitslage im MI," "Arbeitsprogramm, etc.," and pertaining generally to the scientific work of DAI, 1937-39. Unmarked folder containing memoranda, Aktennotizen, correspondence (some from Reichstreuhflnder f, d. flffentlichen Dienst) pertaining to Vertrauensleute and Vertrauensrat matters, 1937-^0. t! RS,te des D.A.I." containing correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, etc., subdivided as follows: "Beirat ftlr das Ehrenmal der Deutschen Leistung im Ausland," 1936; "Wissenschaftl. Rat," 1937; "Wirtschafts-Rat," 1937-UO; "Kultur-Rat," 1937; "Rate (allgemein)," 193U, 1936-37, 19^1-U2. Some of these documents are stamped StaMt. Hauptaktei Stuttgart and Der Oberburgermeister, for President Strfllin of DAI was Oberburgermeister of Stuttgart. "Referenten Sitzgn" containing memoranda, Aktennotizen, agendas, minutes of DAI Abteilungsleiter (some Strang Vertraulich), etc., relevant to Mi's jurisdictional disputes with VOMI and others, Umsiedlung, DAI's propaganda activities, etc., 1937-Ul. "Schulung," mostly memoranda and lists of books relevant to NS-Schulungsbtlcherei im DAI, Gefolgschaftsschulung, Gefolgschaftsbtlcherei im DAI, etc., 1937, 1939. "Symbole," miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, clippings, propaganda material, some of it relevant to the DAI symbol "Das glflckhafte Schiff," Russland-D.eutschtum, etc., 1936-39. "Stellvertreter des Pr&sidenten," miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, etc., pertaining to the affairs of President Dr. Alfred Eisenmann, 1937-^3"Stiftungen," correspondence and other records pertaining to bequests left to DAI, 1928, 1936-^3. Filmed Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 1st frame 5163325 DAI 322 DAI 329 636 DAI 330 DAI 331 FT 5163750 DAI 332 FT 5163781 DAI 333 FT 5163803 DAI 331* FS 5163B27 DAI DAI DAI DAI 335 336 337 338 FT FT FT FT 5163335 516U066 DAI 339 FT 516UU57 516^315 Notes 31 "Terminologie - auslandsdeutsch/volksdeutsch, " contains correspondence with various ministries, Gauleiter, Kreisleiter, etc., and also e.g. with Sudetendeutscher Heimatbund e.V.; Akademie fur Deutsches Recht, etc., copies of correspondence, AuswSrtiges Amt directives, various press releases, etc., memoranda, reports pertaining to the definition of the concepts Auslendsdeutsche and Volksdeutsche, 1936-39 • Some of the material is marked Vertraulich. "Versichsningen, " correspondence pertaining to DAI's insurance policies, copies of policies, etc., 1936-H3. "Versorgung, " correspondence, miscellaneous memoranda, etc., pertaining to Ortskrankenkasse, Gefolgschaftsversicherung, etc., 1936-H0. "Verwaltung, " miscellaneous memoranda pertaining to a conference on Verwaltungsfragen, Hauptabteilungsleitersitzungen, etc., also minutes of a meeting of Dr. Csaki, the DAI's Abteilungsleiter, OBM Dr. Strfilin, Dr. Kdnekamp, and Ratsherr Gb'tz, of Jan. 10, 19^1; 1937-38, "Verwalt. Ausschuss," various memoranda pertaining to, and minutes of the Verwaltungsausschuss of DAI, 1937-^2. "Vorstand, " various memoranda, correspondence, etc., relating to Vorstandssitzungen, organization of the Vorstand, Vorstand affairs, etc., 1937-^0. An unmarked folder containing primarily a carbon copy of the text of a speech made by OBM Dr. Strfllin in Tabingen, Sept. 28, 1938 (annotated) entitled "Das Reich und die Sudetendeutschen. " An unmarked folder containing DAI correspondence with Tefi-Apparatebau, office memos, etc., relevant to recordings of a Himmler speech, 19^0. Other correspondence with Tefi of a more technical nature omitted, Three folders from DAI files containing correspondence, etc., pertaining to "Uk-Antr^e" of various leading personnel of DAI, A folder from DAI files containing weekly lists of "Auswfirtige Besucher" at DAI, for parts of 193^-35A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous memoranda; manusscripts of articles about Volksdeutsche of historical significance; and in general relating to radio and press propaganda; Zeitungs-Archiv; "Kirche und Auslandsdeutschtum" (193*0; "Nachrichtenwesen; " "Die Schulstelle im DAI, Aufgaben und Bedeutung;" "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sathmar und Buchenland im Deutschen Ausland-Institut Stuttgart 9»-12. Februar 1939;" "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Litauen im D.A.I., 11-lH. Mai 1938" (Vertraulich), etc., 1936-38. See also folder DAI Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 3Ui FS MI 3^2 FT DAI 3^3 FT MI 3UH FT 516U829 Mi 3^5 FT 516US65 DAI 3^6 FT 516U999 516U637 637 Continued Notes 32 A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous correspondence between DAI and Reichsstudentenftihrung (1937-39)? miscellaneous memoranda; "Denkschrift zur Lnge des Deutschtums in Fanada und zu der dort zu leistenden Volkstumsarbeit" 1931*. Duplicates of previously described material omitted. A folder from DAI files containing a "Verzeichnis der Gefolgschaftsmitglieder" as of August 20, 1939* a»d related documents. A folder from MI files containing correspondence with Wissenschaftliches Archiv Berlin, and also listing Nachlass Gross, etc., 1938-39A folder containing miscellaneous material from DAI including: carbon copy "Reisebericht - Dr. Kloss - 20. Marz "bis 1. April Ul" (Vienna to Pressburg, Vienna to Breslau) including Anlagen entitled "Das MI und die Volksdeutschen Forschungsgemeinschaften (VFG)," "Die Lage der Volksforschung im Siowakei-Deutschturn (BD), f l "Die Zusamnenarbeit zwischen dem DAI und der Deutschen Akademie," "Das Institut fttr Deutsche Ostarbeit (IDO) in Krakau," "Die Judenfrage im General-Gouvernement," "OrtschaftsVerzeichnisse des DAI und dsr Publikationsstelle in Wien." Also of interest is a German translation of an article which appeared in Isvestia, J\me 15, 1937* "Das Stuttgarter Zentraun der faschistischen Spionage." A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous correspondence including a lengthy circular from Reichspropagandaamt Wttrttemberg on "Aufklarung tlber die Judenfrage," Dec. 19, 1938; "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Slowakei im Deutschen Ausland-Institut Stuttgart 21.-23. Dezember 1938" (see also folder DAI 339); differently annotated copies of Vereinbarung der Deutschen Reichsregierung und der Regierung der Union der Sozialistiechen Sowjetrepubliken iiber die U r n s i e d l u n g der deutschstammigen Bevdlkerung aus dem zur Inters sen zone der UdSSR und der ukrainlschen und weissrussischen Bev^lkerung aus dem zur Interessenzone des Deutschen Reiches gehflrenden Gebiet des fruheren polnischen Staates, Nov. 16» 1939 (text in German and Russian), etc. Miscellaneous press clippings from DAI files including copies of Father Coughlin's Social Justice, Dec. 12, 1938, and April 17, 1939; also Presse-Korrespondenz des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart, Jg. 20, Nr. 2, Jan. 20, 1938, and Nr. 3, Jan. 30, 193S, with anti-semitic lead articles. A folder from DAI files containing correspondence addressed to Gustav Moshack, formerly Leiter of the DAI's Amerika Abt 0 (dissolved 19^); also carbon copies of 'Tatigkeitsbericht, Teil I" Feb. 19, 19HO June 10, 19to, and "Zweiter Tatigkeitsbericht," June 9, 19UO - July 22, Serial Roll 637 Provenance Item Filmed 1st freme Deutsches AuslandInstitut MI FT DAI 3^9 FT 51651HO DAI 350 FT 5165280 DAI 351 Continued 5165331 DAI 352 FT 5165^75 DAI 35*1 FT 5165513 DAI 355 FT 5165521 DAI 356 FT 5165537 Notes 33 pertaining to Feindlage, Propaganda, Abwehr, Spionage, etc,; The correspondence is with private persons, party agencies, private organizations (Vereinigung Carl Schurz, DAI? etc.) A folder from DAI containing a memo "Aufbau einer Kammerrnusikvereinigung der Stadt Stuttgart" (19^0) and also a report on Monatsbesprechung of Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart with representatives of Standort Stuttgart der HJ (19^0). Duplicates omitted. A folder from DAI files marked "Auslandskundliche Vortrage des DAI mit T.H., Sommersemester 19^2," containing correspondence, posters, newspaper clippings, etc., pertaining to speeches mads "by DAI personnel on rt Die grossen Raume der Weltpolitik," e.g., the Soviet Union, the Orient, The British Empire, etc. A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous correspondence with and pertaining to G-ermandom, primarily in Argentina, 1939-^3. A folder from DAI files containing correspondence of Dr. R&diger on polar explorations and including a Denkschrift Tby Dr. Herbert Kflnig "Plan einer deutschen Polarexpedition," 1929. 1937-39, A folder from DAI files containing notes, Denkschriften, memoranda, etc., of Dr3 W. G-radmann pertaining to organization of the Kartei, organization of the archive, "budget for the Aa.-ch.iv- und ITaehrichtenabt., and material relevant to Gerinandoffl in eastern Europe, mostly 1936-37• A folder.from DAl files containing miscellaneous material including an organizational chart of DAI; :and various memoranda including "Das Zeitungsarchiv des DAI und der technische Aufbau seiner Arbeiten," "Zehn Jahre Haus des Deutsenturns," and also including lists of DAI RAte, etc., societies cooperating with DAI, etc., 1936. Miscellaneous material from DAI files on Czechoslovakia, also photostats of proclamations of the convention of Verband d. deut. Volksgruppen in Europa, 1939. Duplicates omitted. Folder from DAI files containing a mimeographed biliography "f)bersicht tlber das v/ichtigste, seit Kriegsbeginn erschienene politische (und landeskundliche) Schrifttum, soweit es das G-renz- und Auslanddeutschtum berflhrt," by Dr. Isbert, 19^0; and a bibliography of the German Volkslieder of Iglauer Volksinsel, 1939* A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous correspondence, also a copy of Ereilia, Semanario Illustrado Para Toda America, Santiago (Chile), March 19T, 1930; Chilean political magazines Topazo, March 18, April 2g, May 5, May 12, May 19, 1939. and also Los Limes for Serial 637 Roll Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 357 Filmed FT DAI 35S DAI 359 51657U1 5165837 FT DAI 360 Continued 1st frame 5166333 5166U06 DAI 361 FT DAI 3^2 FT 51665^9 DAI 363 FT 5166599 Hotes May 15, 1939, supplement no. 18; IndAstria Textil, XI, J>n. 19U2 (Rio de Janeiro); Revista Textil, XII, Jan. 19^2 ( Sao Paulo). Miscellaneous correspondence from DAI files, 1917-21, also 1931t 1935. Items of interest include a letter addressed to Dr. Walther Rathenau (1917) requesting his cooperation with DAI's activities; correspondence "between DAI and Prof. Hoffmann, Marine-Oberstabsarzt in Wilhelmshaven, containing descriptions of the latter1 s observations on the Germans in the Ukraine and southern Russia, 1919-20; correspondence of Pa.ul Kuhnemann of Budapest and DAI pertaining to treatment of Germans in Hungary, 1921; correspondence with Dr. Hans Otto Roth, Abgeordneter in Hermannstadt, Rumania, 1922; etc. Correspondence of Dr. Fritz Erfurth, Beauftragter der Reichsstudentenfuhrung bei DAI, with various student organizations, party and other officials, Reichsstudenterifiahrung, etc., pertaining to student affairs, DAI Jahresta^ung, etc., 1939• Two folders from DAI files containing mostly the manuscripts of what seem to have been radio plays, the bulk of them written by Lisa Heiss of Stuttgart, and including such themes as "Hundert Jahre Email! Die Erfindung eines Sudetendeutschen," "Der Leidensweg einer deutschen Frau, Aus dem Tagebuch einer Beltin" (Ingeborg v. Hubatius-Himmelstjerna, bearb. Heiss); and also in folder 360 a list of the most important German newspapers abroad (1939)t manuscripts of plays "Bilder aus unsern Kolonien" (by Heiss) and similar material. Mostly 1936-39* Folder 360 contains a letter from Fritz Kuhn of the German American Bund, 1937 • A folder of Dr. W. Gradmann of DAI containing mimeographed material including "Deutsches Blut in den ftthrenden polnischen Kreisen," (streng vertraulich!) issued by Mittelstelle f. auslandsdeutsche Volksforschung, 1937; bibliographical lists M2ur Arbeitsgemeinschaft P.-11. Februar 1939." on Sathmar, Buchenland, Slovakia and Carpathian-Ukraine; miscellaneous. Mostly 1937-39. A folder from DAI files, includes a list of the works of composer Eduard Lucerna of Bozen-Gries, also of Ludwig Schmidts of Kaschau, Hungary, 19UO. A folder of uncertain provenance, probably DAI, containing miscellaneous material including "Gutachten des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts ttber die 18 wichtigsten fur den !Volksdeutschen Schrifttumspreis der Stadt der Auslandsdeutschen1 1938 in Betracht koirmienden Werke" (mimeographed); mimeographed "Rundschreiben fflr die Auslandsamter der Dozentenschaft und an alle Stiitzpunktleiter, Nr. U6" (Sept. 19^1); mimeographed and Vertraulich, Serial Roll 63S Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Deutsches AuslandInstitut 639 Continued Ob er b&rgerme i s t er der Stsdt Stuttgart Item Filmed 1st frame DAI FT DAI 365 FT DAI 366 FT DAI 367 FT DAI 369 FT DAI 370 FT DAI 371 FT DAI 372 FT 5167062 DAI 373 FT 5167190 DAI 37U FT 5167^63 Notes 35 "Richtlinien fur den Verkehr mit dem Ausland," June 19^0; memoranda on Volksdeutsche activities in Chile, Russia, etc. (19^2), and also miscellaneous stray correspondence, 1938. A folder from DAI files containing correspondence between DAI and Parteiamtliche Prttfungskommission zum Schutze des NS.-Schrif ttums, 19^1. A folder from DAI files, translation of an article in Contemporary Review, "Nazi-Intrigen in Latein-Amerika, " 1939 • A folder from DAI files containing copies of invitations to a confidential talk given by Senator Hans Otto Roth of Bukarest, 19HO. A folder from DAI files containing lists of officials and dignitaries, etc., invited to DAI ! s 25th Jahresfeier, 19^1. A folder containing correspondence of Dr. Erfurth, Beauftragter d. Reichsstudentenfuhrung beim DAI, 1939 • A folder containing "Vierteljahresbericht des t)~bersee- u. Kolonialreferenten. Januar bis Marz 1938." "by DAI's Dr. Drascher. A folder of uncertain provenance, probably DAI, containing mimeographed "Kurzberichte" (Briefe an die Austauschstudenten) of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, 1932-33 (incomplete), including extensive Anlagen including Hitler speeches, text of correspondence between Dr. G-oebbels and conductor Wilhelm Furtwflngler, texts of laws, etc. A folder containing miscellaneous organizational material mostly from the files of Dr. W. Gradmann of DAI, including the "Halbjahresbericht" of DAI for July-Dec. 1936 (mimeographed), also the "Vierteljahresbericht" for January-March 1937 (mimeographed); various memoranda on the Vereinskartei, the Vereinsarchiv, Nachrichtenwesen, etc.; 1936-37* A folder from the files of Frl. Dr. Reimann of DAI containing correspondence, clippings, memoranda, reports of Dienstreisen to Slovakia, etc., pertaining to Germandom in Slovakia, 19UO-U1; and including as items of interest: reports of various Dienstreisen to Pressburg and other parts of Slovakia, 19^1; Slowakische Rundschau, Zeitschrift fflr Pol i t i k W i r t s c h a f t und Kultur, 1 Jg., nos. 1 and 2,"~3ul7~7, Jul. 14, an extensive repoTt on the Deutsche Partei in Slovakia, 19*40; carbon copy of a report "Beitrag des Hofkammerarchivs Wien," listing documents pertaining to Germandom in Slovakia, Hungary, etc., also listing missing photocopies, etc. A folder from the files of the Oberburgermeister der Stadt Stuttgart (OBM Dr. Strdlin was president of DAI) pertaining to the publication of a propaganda newsletter, Der schwfibische Heimatbrief, a type- Serial 639 Roll Item Deutsches Institut, abt eilung Deutsches Institut Filmed 1st frame AuslandMI 375 PresseDr. Sudiger; AuslandMI 377 FT MI 378 MI 379 FT FT 5167^97 516750U MI 380 FT 5167556 MI 381 FT 5167577 MI 322 FT 5167619 MI FT 5167716 FT 5167736 BAI 38U MI MI MI MI MI DAI Continued 385 386 387 388 3S9 390 FT FT FT FT FT FT 51677^9 516780H 5167886 5168005 5168050 5168079 Rotes 36 written copy of the text of the first included, 1936. Correspondence of Dr. R&diger of ths Presseabt. of MI pertaining to and including the correspondence of the Petrovgrad (Banat) writer and editor G-eorg Floritsch, a German nationalist, 1939* Letter addressed to DAI, from Dr. Hfilzle of Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Erforsehung der bolschewistischen Weltgefahr, reauesting information on Theodor Marburg, advisor to Woodrow Wilson, 19UU. Miscellaneous correspondence of MI, 1939Lists of DAI personnel indicating their Uk-Stellung and related Uk-Stellung material, 1939-Hl. Duplicates omitted. Lists and reports from DAI files, on leading volksdeutsche personalities, including information on their political reliability, in the Zips area of Hungary, 1938. Miscellaneous reports and correspondence from MI files, 1938-39• Items of interest include translation from Swedish of a review of Hermann Rauschning's Revolution des Mhilismus (Svenska Dagbladet, 1939); report from Erika Senff, Mttncheii, on the treatment of Volksdeutsche in Yugoslavia, 1938, etc. Correspondence of DAI with various Volksdeutsche in eastern Europe, and with organizations such as the Landesbauernschaft Kurmark, SuUostdeutsches Institut (Graz), etc., pertaining mostly to press and publication matters, 1938-HO. Correspondence of DAI with the Regierungsprasident in Oppeln, with Armeeoberkommando, Der Chef der Zivilverwaltung Techenstochau, concerning Volksdeutsche in Poland, 1939A report from DAI files marked "Bericht uber die volkswissenschaftliche und landeskundliche Arbeitstagung am 9. und 10. Marz 19^ in Prag," with Anlage. Miscellaneous and correspondence of DAI's president, OberMrgermeister Strfllin, with Volksdeutsche pertaining to his gift of radio sets to them, 1938-39. A folder containing correspondence, mostly from the files of MIfs Dr. Mdiger, but also miscellaneous material including clippings, bibliographical lists, etc., pertaining to statistics of Germans abroad; mostly the correspondence of Dr. Rfldiger pertains to polar exploration, especially to the International Polar Year 1932-33* and includes also considerable correspondence with publishers and geographical institutes, with personalities Serial Roll 1*22 Provenance Item Notes Filmed 1st fra,me DAI 391 MI 392 FT FT 5168H1S 5168H87 DAI 393 FT 5168U91 DAI 39^-397. 1*08 DAI 39U FT 5168503 DAI 395 jr 5168533 DAI 396 FT 51.6866! DAI 397 FT 5168692 DAI U08 FT 5168707 DAI 397A FT 5168811 DAI 398 FT 37 such as Admiral Byrd, etc. , 1932-1*3. Note: Frames 5168^17 A - 5i68**17 L also on Serial 639. Folders from DAI files. Folder 391 • Copies of correspondence of Reichsministerium des Innern with the Wtlrttemberg Kultusministerium, pertaining to the Satzung of DAI, 193^5 an& also various differently annotated mimeographed and carbon copies of the revised Satzung, 193^Duplicates omitted. Folder 392: Farther correspondence pertaining to the Satzung, 1933* Memoranda from DAI files listing documents relevant to the early history of DAI, 193&-39Correspondence and memoranda of Dr. Erfurth, Reichsstudentenfuhrung Beauf. b. DA!. Folder 39** contains correspondence exchanged with G-austudentenfuhrung Wien, 1939; Folder 395 contains general correspondence relevant to Deut sen turn im Ausland, etc., and includes mimeographed propaganda material pertaining to Volksdeutsehe in Hungary, correspondence with various NSDAP offices, etc., 1939; Folder 396 contains correspondence relevant to Deutschtum im Ausland, 1939; Continued Folder 397 contains correspondence with Reichsstudentenfiihrung, Organisations- und Personalamt, and mostly with RSF Aussenamt (Innsbruck), 1939; Folder 1*08 contains miscellaneous correspondence with Deutsch-Flamische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Studentenbund Gauleitung Sudetenland of NSDAP, and other student organizations, 193&-39 » A compilation from DAI files (for Dr. Kloss), made mostly from Swedish newspapers* describing the development of the Finno-Russian crisis and outbreak of war between Finland and Russia; also compilations from Svenska Dagbladet pertaining to American and British affairs, etc., 1939A folder from DAI files containing correspondence between DAI and the Hauptschriftleitung of Per Hoheitstrftger, the confidential magazine of the FSDAP, pertaining to DAT contributions to the same, 1939; also Per Koheitstrfiger (Hur f. d. Dienstgebrauch-Vertraulich) , Folge IV, April Miscellaneous, Statist ischer Monatsbericht der Vereins- und Personenkartei, memoranda, notes, etc., of the DAI ! s Eauptkartei, 1936-U2. A folder from DAI files containing correspondence between DAl's Hauptschriftleitung Deutschtum im Ausland (Dr. Rttdiger) and Parteiamtliche Serial 6**0 Roll Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Continued 1st frame DAI U02 FT 51689**! DAI 1*03 FT 5168971* FT 5169151 FT 5168280 FT 5169572 DAI 1*07 FT 5169628 DAI DAI 1*10 FT FT 516986U DAI Ull FT 5169995 DAI 1*12 FT 517005^ DAI Hi 3 FT 5170229 Reichsfuhrer SS, DAI Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt ; Akademie fiSlr DeutDAI sches Recht, Mftnchen; Deutsches AuslandDAI Institut Deutsches AuslandInstitut, Buro Berlin; Deutsches AuslandInstitut Filmed 5169832 Notes PrtLfungskommission zum Schutze des NS.-Schrifttums, Reichsleitung der NSDAP, 1939. Duplicates omitted. Manuscripts of plays, poems, and similar Volksdeut sches propaganda material from DAI files, probably 1937. A folder from DAI files containing "Sfldaraerikachronik vornehmlich von 19H1," "by Irene Schulze, consisting of a compilation of newspaper articles and stories from North and South American papers, relating to South American affairs, Nazi activities in South and Central America, matters of interest to DAI, etc., translated into German, and covering most of the South American and Central American states. Correspondence, Aktenvermerke, etc. , of the Rasse- unl Siedlungshauptamt of Reichsfflhrer SS (RuSHa) pertaining to the collection of Reichsalterttoer in der deutschen Landschaft, 1937-^1. Miscellaneous correspondence of the Akademie fflr Deutsches Recht, alphabetized A-Z, 19^0-1*3. Folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous and correspondence with Volksdeutsche in Lisbon and Barcelona concerning conditions there, Folder from DAI files containing the manuscript of a book or a lengthy Denkschrift by Dr. Heinz Kloss entitled "Volks turns- und Rasse nfragen der Yereinigten Staaten, " probably 19^*2. Two folders of correspondence of the DAI's Berlin Bilro, some of it dealing with routine administrative, some with policy matters, 1938, 1938-39, respectively. A folder from DAI files containing a carbon copy of "Protokoll tlber die Verhandlungen zwischen dem Verein fttr das Deutschtum im Ausland und dem Deutschen Ausland- Institut in Mnchen, U. Oktober 1920," also variously, annotated copies of the "Abkommen zwischen V.D.A. und D.A.I.," and variously annotated copies of "Das Studium der Auslanddeutschen, der Deutsch-Auslfinderund der Ausl&nder an deutschen Hochschulen, " Duplicates omitted. Earlier private correspondence of DAI's Presseabteilungsleiter, Dr. Rddiger, 1919-21. A folder from DAI files containing a letter addressed to the general public and also a description of Mi's newspaper activities, pertaining to the proposed publication of Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenz, no date; "Kurzer Bericht tlber die Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der kolonial interessierten Verbflnde und Vereine Berlins am lU. Juni 1921," and also drafts of the foregoing item; "Presse-Korrespondenz (Deutsche Serial Roll U23 6H-2 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame 5170305 DAI UlU DAI Hi 5 FT 5170367 DAI Hi 6 FT 5170529 Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart, Oberbflrgermeister DAI FT 5170533 Bautsches AuslandInstitut DAI FT 51705H6 Stadt. Hauptaktei Stuttgart DAI H20 FT 51705U9 Deutsches AUBlandIns ti tut DAI H21 FT 517063U DAI U22 FT 5170687 Notes 39 Hachrichten),M concerning DAI's Zeitungswesen; several reports concerning DAI policies, financing DAI activities, relations of the government with DAI, etc., probably 1920-21; copy of a letter sent by the Wttrtt. Staatsministerium to Reichsministerium d. Innern on DAI, Oct. 21, 1921; fragment of a mimeographed newsletter containing information on assistance to Auslsndsdeutsche, tariffs, etc., probably 1921; "Niederschrift liber die Besprechung der Abordnung des Vorstandes /of DAf/, mit der Abordnung der Herren Abteilungsleiter, 5» Oktober,11* Duplicates omitted. Correspondence of DAI with Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, Potsdam, and others, pertaining to the publication of a Handbuch der Deutschen G-eschichte of which Dr. R&diger of DAI was a co-editor, 1937Correspondence of DAI's Dr. Mdiger with F.A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, pertaining to polar explorations, literature in that field, Mdiger1 s professional work, etc., 1926-33. DAI folder containing a description of the tasks of the Arbeitsstelle f. Deutsche Musik in DAI, no date. A folder from the files of the office of the OEM, Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart, containing correspondence of Kapellmeister Karl Mnchinger /Tater conductor of the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra/with Dr. Kflnekamp ITStadtrat and member of DAI) pertaining to concert~matters, 19^0. Mttnchingerfs letters are in longhand. A folder from DAI files containing a mimeographed description of the tasks of Arbeitsstelle f. Deutsche Musik in DAI, no date. Duplicates omitted. A folder of DAI's Dr. Kflnekamp, Stadtrat, from the files of Stadt. Hauptaktei Stuttgart, entitled "Akten betreffend Allgemeines (Bestellung des Eeichssenders Stuttgart zu einem Sender der Auslandsdeutschen), 1935*" and subtitled "Sinschaltg. d. Reichssenders Stgt. i. d. Aufgabenprogramm d. Stadt Stgt. als Stadt d. Auslandsdeutschen," containing largely drafts of correspondence with Reichsministerium f. Volksaufklftrung u. Propaganda, " and various extensive Gutachten, memoranda, etc., pertaining to the Reichssender and its programs, 1935~38» A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous; circulars pertaining to "Werbewoche f&r unsere Zeitschrift 'Deutschtum im Ausland,* 27.U. bis 4.5*1939;" a pamphlet Wehrgedanken des Auslandes, 15. Jg. Heft U, April 1Q39 (Privatdruck d. OKW) (stray item?), etc. A folder from DAI files containing material pertaining to ceremonies held at DAI Jahreshauptversammlungen including the original text of a speech given by Generaladmiral Dr. tuc0 Raeder at the DAI's Jahres- Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI U23 FT 51707^9 St&dt. Hauptaktei Stuttgart DAI FT 5170932 DAI U25 FT 5170950 DAI 1*26 FT 5170955 DAI H27 FT 5170963 Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart Deutsches AuslandInstitut Continued Item DAI U25-26 Notes versammlung, 1939• Also news clippings of: text of a speech given "by Reichsminister d. Innern Dr. Frick at Gleiwitz, Nov. 26t 1937; reports of a speech given by Reichsstatthalter G-auleiter Konrad Henlein in Prague, Feb. 23, 1936; reports on speeches made at a convention of the AuslandsOrganisation of NSDAP in Stuttgart, 1936; report of a speech made by Reichsstudentenfflhrer SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Scheel at DAI Jahresversammlung 193^; reports of speeches by OBM President Dr. Strblin and Ministerprflsident Mergenthaler at the DAI Jahresversammlung 1939; clippings of a speech by Ministerpr&sident Siebert in DAIf 19^0; report of a speech made at the opening of the Ehrenmal der deutschen Leistung im Ausland by Gauleiter Bohle, 1936; text of a speech given by Beichsstatthalter General Ritter von Epp at DAI Jahresversammlung, 1939» A folder from DAI files containing: a brief report of the activities of the Rundfunkreferat f. d. deutschen Reichssender u. Kurzwellensender, July 1937 - April 193^; various DAI Wochenberichte; Monatsbericht d. Abteilungen for J?n, 1936; Vorstandsrundschreiben Nr. 1 (May 1935)» Fr. 5 (Sept. 1935), Nr. 6 (Oct. 1935); Monatsstatistik d. Abteilungen, Feb. 1936; Vierteljahresbericht of DAI, Jan.-March 1936; Vierteljahresbericht of DAI, Jan.-March 1937; "Aufbau der Zentralkartei der Deutschen ira Ausland, -ZK- und Ausfertigung der Karteikarten (Heue Fassung)," 19^0, a lengthy mimeographed description; a mimeographed list marked Vertraulich of "Ftthrung der deutschen Yolksgruppe: NSDAP Uordschleswig" in Denmark; and also mimeographed "Verzeichnis tLber die bis zum Jahre 1917 geborenen, in Stuttgart sich aufhaltenden Juden, Abgeschlossen Ende Dezember 1937," 193S; etc. A folder from the Stfldt. Hauptaktei Stuttgart containing miscellaneous permits, assignment lists, correspondence, etc., relative to Abhflren auslandischer Sender," by LAI personnel, 19*40. Folders from the files of Stadtverwaltung Stuttgart containing in folder U25, VDA Presseraitteilung Nr. 1, 193S "Fttnf Jahre volksdeutsche Rundfunkarbeit," a report by Fritz Heinz Reimesch, Leiter d. Volksdeutschen Rundfunkrefersts, and a related clipping; in folder U26» miscellaneous memos, etc., on Rundfunk matters for Dr. Reimesch, 19^0. A folder from DAI files c^r:*:-;iring manuscript drafts of an article whose final title was ;'I)ie Ausi a ic.^rung s&chsischer Lutheraner nach dem nordamerikanischen Mictolwesf:en5 :: also correspondence between the author, Fr^ulein Dr. Kat.herlnr- H^imann of DAI, with Weltwacht der Deutschen, a newspaper, and Reichsseuder Leipzig pertaining to the same; a copy of Serial Item Roli Deutsches AuslandInstitut Filmed Notes 1st frame DAI 1*28 FT 5U1067 DAI 1*30 FT 51712U1 DAI FT 517136^ DAI U33 FT 5171*160 DAI U32 FT 5171513 DAI U3U FT 5171655 DAI U36 FT 5171891* Weltmacht der Deutschen, Zeitung ftlr das Deutschtum der Erde, no. 11, June 193S, etc.; Folders from the files of DAI containing; In folder U28, correspondence of Rundfunkreferent Nollau with the Auswfirtige Amt, the Auslands-Organisation of NSDAP, and with the Reichsrundftinkkammer pertaining to the radio model "Stuttgart" and also to distribution of radio sets to various Germans (individuals and party chapters) overseas, a gift of OBM Strttlin, 1937-39; in folder tyjO » further correspondence of Nollau with AO of NSDAP and individuals and organizations abroad, etc., 193&-HO; in folder if31 » miscellaneous radio scripts on deutsche Weltleistung, etc., probably 1939; in folder ^33» miscellaneous correspondence, etc., regarding the shipment of OBM Strfilin's 100 radio sets, including lists of proposed recipients, 1937-38. Folders from DAI files concerning radio "broadcasting, long and short w»Te, and containing: in folder U^2, correspondence and memoranda, program planning material, etc., pertaining to short wave radio broadcasts, also on concert planning, etc., 1939-^1; Deutsches AuslandInstitut ? DAI U39 Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 5171922 FT 517197S in folder U3U, copies of the mimeographed "Politische Zeitungs- und Rundfunkschau, " a weekly newsletter, copies from Dec. 1939 - Jan. and also transcripts of short wave radio broadcasts concerning the Ehevermittlung activities of DAI, also Sippenkunde, etc., 1936-39; in folder U35» mimeographed "Zonenberichte des Deutschen Kurzwellensenders," for June, July, and August 1939; in folder ^37» miscellaneous Aktennotizen, press releases, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the program "Stunde der Musik," 19^0; in folder ^36, "Zonenberichte des Deutschen Kurzwellensenders, " for November, December 1Q39» and also miscellaneous correspondence of DAI Bundfunkreferent Dr. Nollau with Reichsrundfunk, 1939. A folder of uncertain provenance, probably DAI, containing what appears to be the transcript of a radio play portraying Swabian emigration to eastern Europe and South America, no date. A folder of private correspondence of Dr. Rudiger of DAI, containing his correspondence with the publisher of his earlier works, Verlagsbuchhandlung Georg Reimer, 1913-1919; and with Vereinigung Wissenschaftlicher Verleger, 1919-1922, 1913; also one item, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1930. Serial 6U3 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes H2 Folders from MI files containing material pertaining to MI budget and finance matters: in folder l&7» "Haushaltsplan" 1937* in longhand, also a summary of the Haushalt, Sept. 30, 1937; in folder U^g copy 1, "Haushaltsplan fur das Rechnungsjahr 1937 (I.April 1937 bis 31. Marz 1938), mimeographed; in folder M*8 copy 2, "Entwurf des Haushaltplanes 1937;" Deutsches AuslandInstitut MI FT Ml copy 1; MI U^g copy 2 MI FT MI FT MI FT MI H52 FT MI H53 FT MI U5U FT T)AI FS 5172632 MI UUU FT 5172838 FT FT in'folder i&5» "Gegenaberstellung der Einnahmen und Ausgaben des Haushalt s and der Kasse in der Zeit vom 1.U.1939 - 31.10.1939;" in folder ^50, memoranda pertaining to, and the text of the Haushaltsplan for 19^0, also the Rechnungsabschluss for 19**0; in folder U51, memoranda pertaining to and text of "Kontenplan der Volksforschung far das Haushaltjahr 19^1/^2" with duplicates omitted; in folder U52t the Haushaltsplan for 19^1/^2 with various relevant memoranda, etc.; in folder H53» MSonder-Haushaltplan der Hauptabteilung Wanderungsforschung und Sippenkunde fttr das Scchnungsjahr 19Ul;H and in folder U5&, marked "Haushalt- u. Kontenplan," including the nHaushaltplan der Hauptabteilung Wanderungsforschung und Sippenkunde fttlr das Rechnungsjahr 19^." "Kontenplan" for the same Abteilung for 19^0, "Haushaltsplan der Hauptatrteilung Sippenkunde und Vblkspflege des DAI und der angeschlossenen regionalen Auswanderer-Forschungsstellen fur das Rechnungsjahr 1939," MI Haushaltplan for 1939t 19^0 (duplicates omitted), Rechnungsatschluss for 1937t "Verzeichnis der dem Deutschen Ausland-Institut angeschlossenen Forschungsstellen"( 19^0), "Termdgensaufstellung" for 19^*0» and similar material. A folder from MI files containing: a draft of the MI Haushaltsplan for 1938; Tatigkeitsbericht for 1937/38; Vierteljahresbericht for Jan. to March 1936 and for April to June 193^; "Vorllfcef%es Programm fflr den Aufenthalt des Vorsitzenden und des Leiters des deutschen AuslandInetituts in Berlin" (no date); "Vorschlag ftlr eine aktive Amerikaarbeit des DAI," 193&» a long memorandum; and miscellaneous memoranda, correspondence, etc., pertaining to DAI ! s work with and on behalf of overseas Germans (policies and principles of), radio propaganda policies, 1935-**0. Duplicates of previously described material omitted. A folder from DAI files containing an outline of the Hauptziel, Aufgabengebiete, etc., of MI, probably 1938. Serial 643 644 Roll Provenance 1*25-426 Deutsches Ausland425 Institut Item Filmed DAI 455 DAI 457 458 459 460 461 FT FT FT FT FT FT 5172g43 5172929 5172957 5173001 5173150 5173275 DAI 466 FT 5173300 DAI 467 FT 5173376 FT 5173562 DAI DAI DAI DAI 426 Stadt Stuttgart, Amt fiir auslandsdeutsche Angelegenheiten; ? DAI 462-64 DAI 462 5173628 DAI 463 Deutsches Ausl^ndInstitut 1st frame DAI 464 FT 5173707 DAI 473 5T 5173793 DAI 470 FT 5173904 DAI 472 FT 5174266 Notes k_ Folders from DAI files containing DAI memoranda and correspondence with Volk und Reich Verlag regarding the publication and distribution of DAI's Kalender der Auslanddeutschen, DAI policies to be reflected, policy making, Besprechungen, changes, material to be used, etc. 1937-38. A folder from DAI files containing memoranda, lists of persons, etc,, pertaining to Ehrungen of volksdeutsche individuals and groups, 1939» A folder from DAI files marked "Empfehlung," listing persons to whom letters of recommendation addressed to various German organizations and persons in the world were given, 1921-34. A folder from the files of the Fachaktei of the Amt fttr auslandsdeutsche Angelegenheiten, Stadt Stuttgart, containing "Akten betreffend Auslandsdeutscher Komponistenwettbewerb," 1938. Folders of uncertain provenance, probably DAI or Stadt Stuttgart, containing the following mimeographed material: in folder 462, "Arbeitsbeziehungen des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts im Reich," listing names and addresses of official agencies, NSDAP agencies, and others connected with it, April 1937 (duplicate omitted); in folder 463f "Arbeitsbeziehungen des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts im Inland," names and addresses of government agencies, TTSDAP agencies, private professional and academic agencies, etc., May 1938; in folder 464, "Arbeitsbeziehungen des Ueutschen Auslandinstituts im Inland," July 1939. A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous "Monats-Mitgliederstatistik" and summary membership statistics of DAI for 1918-22. A folder from DAI files containing "tJbersicht -fiber die Auskunfttatigkeit der Zweigstelle Stuttgart" for Auswandererberatung (which was assigned to DAI) containing extensive statistics on persons requesting information and the province or country in which domiciled, etc., consisting of monthly and some annual statistics for 1920-27; also copies of scattered monthly reports "Uebersicht etc." for Beratungsstelle Bremen, 1924-26; and "Statistik der Auswanderer-Beratung 1. Halbjahr 1928." A folder from DAI files containing numerous clippings from the Deutschtum im Ausland archive relating to the Auswandererberatung activities of DAI, 1920-33; miscellaneous printed material relating to emigration; summary statistics on Auswandererberatung, 1929-32; a series of quarterly and annual reports of the Abteilung fur Auswandererberatung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts, 1921-31. Note: Frame no. 5174985 not used at the end of Serial 644. Serial Provenance Item MI kll FT 517*986 H68 FT 5175129 FT 5175206 MI 61*6-667 Filmed 1st frame MI U7H/1-52 Ml U7U/2 ?T Continued 51T616U Notes ifa A folder from MI files containing miscellaneous clipping a, printed materials, relative to the economic and commercial (work and trade opportunities) Austunftdienst rendered by MI, 1917-1936. A folder from the files of the fleutsehtum im Ausland archive (DIA) of Mt containing miscellaneous clippings pertaining to the lives of famous German emigrants, 1919-36. A folder from the files of the DAI's archive and the archive of its magazine, DIA, containing numerous clippings from various newspapers in German, French, etc., relevant to foreign comment on Germany's nationalism and its attempts to nationalize and propagandise overseas Germans* the activities of MI, cultural matters, etc., 1918-33. Folders froat the Beriehts-Archiv of MX containing numerous reports, with only a few missing, made either to Ml or made to various private organfeations and government ageseies and sent to MI for their files. They pertain especially to questions of relief, German national honor, reparations, the Versailles peace, the problems of the Weimar republic, the condition of German minorities in the world, etc., and are subdivided as follows: *BA (Berichte-Archiv) 1-MQ (1 fehl* 1),* includes as items of special interest: no. 2 "Berieht fiber die deutsch-evangel. Siedlung GlogovachSchutzberg, Bezirk rrnjavor, Bosnian,* 1920; no. 16 "Sin Entwurf eines Vortrages ftbr den deutschen1 Klub in Buenos Aires. Sozialdemokratie, Buergertum und Vatarlaadsliebe, * by F. Behr, no date; no. 19 Dr. Hugo Lieber's Report of conditions in Germany and Austria, as disclosed to him during h^s sojourn there froa Septeaber^ 1920, published by Central Committee for the Relief of Distress in Germany and Austria (Hew York, K.Y.); no. 21 "Das Saargebiet und die FraakenwShrung,'» 1921; no. 2J "Die Wirkung der Sanktionen auf das Hheinland," made by Staatseekretar a.d. Dr. August Mftller, April IS, 1921* to Geeellschaft der Freunde zu Berlin; no 26 "Deutsche Forderung «ur AUT010MIB der S»OWAKEI,W 1921; no. 31 "Kurzer Bericht fiber die lage des Deutsch turns in Estl?»nd," probably 1921; no. 37 "Vorsohlftge for die Abwicklung der Auslandsschulden und fftr die ^ntschAdigung der dureh die Zvangslinuidatlon von im fcindlichen Auslande betroffenen deutschen Staatsangehdrigen,* from Handelsfcawaer Hamburg, 1919; etc. Bxcept for the missing report no. 1 the file is complete. "BA Ul-80," Including as items of special interest: no. U2 "Bcpos* tlber Oberachlesien, w by Dr« V. Schotte with an English translation, and also "Princlpes de la formation des Btats, I.ettre ouverte a M. le President des Etats-Unis," by Dr. W. Schotte, 1919; no. U7 "Benkschrift tlber die Serial Roll 647 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 47U/3 FT 5176804 DAI 474/4 FT 5177481 Notes genossenschaftliche Organisation der deutschen Kolonisten in Russland," 1917J no. 51 "Was sind die Krebssehaaen des deutschen Vereinslebens in Amerika, und wie kfinnen sie gehoben werden? " by Georg von Skal of New York, probably 1919-20; n°* 62, a letter from Gen. d. Inf. Frh. v.d. Goltz in Konigsberg to Kais. Geheimen Baurat, Hitter BLO., Herr von Kapp v. Gtilstein in Stuttgart, Oct. 6, 1906; no. 68 "For die Tsehechisierung der jttdischen Kultusgemeinde in Prag," 192L; no. 69 "Vorschlftge zur Organisation des Wei tdeut sen turns, " 1921; nos. 58-60 "Politische Mitteilungen" no. 50. Anlage, no. 56. June 1920, containing reports on the Russian revolution evidently gathered from Germans (some POW's) having come from Russia; no. 72. a report on the Germans in the Crimea, 1920; no. 78 Commission Internationale de Immigration, Rapport de la Commission, Geneva, Bureau International du Travail, 1921. "BA 80-120" including as items of interest: no. 86 "Der Windauer Hafen," elaborate statistical and other descriptions of the Russian port; no. 87» a manuscript "Die Rueckgabe der Deutschen Kolonien, Eine Europaeische Frage," by Robert von Schenk; no. 89 "Bericht des Legationssekretars Pflnsgen von der Deutschen Gesandtschsft zu Bern uber die Lage der Deutschen in der Schweiz," 1922; no. 97 "Deutsche und tschechische Minderheiten," statistical reports on the numbers of Czechs and Germans, and of Czech and German business and industrial enterprises in the German and Czech parts of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, 1910 census, about 1921; no. 98 "Nationalitatenkampf und Vfilkerbund," by Dr. Ernst Wittermann (Nach einem im Deutschen Ausland-Institut gehaltenen Vortrag.)" probably 1920; no. 106 "Bilder aus dem heutigen Russland," 1922; no. 11 "Ernste Gedanken eines Ausland-Deutschen, Ein Weckruf an alle pflichtbewussten Deutschen," 1922; no. Il6» a biographical sketch of David von Landauer, probably 1921; no. 119 Die Erhaltung des Deutschtums la Galizien und in der Bukowina (Streng vertraulich) "Aus der Kriegszeit.M "BA 121-lbO," items of interest include: nos. 121-122, a series of Politische Wochenbriefe" (VertraulichI), published and circulated by Ring-Verlag, 1922; no. 127 "Ueber die heutige wirtschaftliche Lage in den Wolgakolonien" 1922; no. 130 "Zur Lage des Deutschtums in Estland, Die politische Vertretung der Deutschen in Estland," 1922; no. 135 Minderheitenschutz in Polen Ende Juni 1921; no. 137. a letter from the Lithographic Co. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, abouc working opportunities in the US for Germans, 1920; no. 138 Denkschrift des Auswartigen Amtes fiber das deutsche Auslandsschulwesen, 19lU (Nur zum persdnlichen Gebrauch, Serial Roll 6*48 ij-30 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item MI Filmed FT 1st frame 5177931 MI H7U/6 FT Continued MI FT 517S730 MI FT 5179070 Notes G-eheim); no. 150 "Die Lage der Deutschen in Ungarn," probably 1922, "barely legible and retyped. "BA 161-200" including as items of interest: no. 161 "Tagebuch der Expedition in die Ukraine vom 10. August bis 1. November 1922," includes also other remarks and summaries on the same expediton; no. 163 "Minderheitenschutz in Polen," probably 19??; no. 17^ "Wirtschaftliches aus der Ukraine," by the Deutschrotkreuz-Ukrainische Hilfsexpedition, 1922, see also report 161; no. 182 "Niederschrift Tiber die Sitzung des Beirats der Auskunftstelle Vereinigter Verbande im Reichstagsgebaude," Jan. 18, 1916 (gez. Dr. Pflnsgen. gez. Dr. J. Heumann); no. 183 "Mflglichkeiten der deutschen Industrie in der Manchurei und in der ostsibirischen Republik einschliesslich KUstengebiet," 192?, retyped for legibility; no. 192, Reichsministerium des Inner n, Wissenschaftliche Gruope, Denkschrift tlber die deutschen vermfigensrechtlichen Ansprflche gegen das feindliche Ausland, Stand vom 1. Januar 1919, Gehelm; no. 196 "Die deutsche Philosophie und der Krieg," Prof. R. Kita, manuscript of an article appearing in Das neue Japan, 1916; no. 200 "Bericht ilber das Deutschtum in Lit?uen," (Vertraulich), 1923. "B-A, 201-2^0," items of special interest include: no. 201 "Das Deutsche Ausland-Institut und die Hot der Wissenschaft," probably 1923; no. 20U "Zur Lage in Russland - was sollen wir tun?" April 5» 1919* mimeographed, by Sylvio Broedrich-Kurmahlen; no. 205 "Leitsfttze zum Frieden nach Osten," June 2, 1917» *>y Silvio Broedrich-Kurmahlen; no. 210 "Der Zusammenschluss der Deutschen in Russland," 1923; no. 221 Internationale Wissenschaftliche Kongresse 192P-23. Vertraulich; no. 223 "Die v81kischen Minderheiten im Wirtschaftsleben Lettlands," 1923; no. 22U, press release from Pressestelle des Senats der Freien Stadt Danzig, 1923. "BA 2^1-280," includes as items of special interest: no. 257 G-rundsfttze eines Welt-Minderheitenrechts, by Dr. leo Epstein, reprinted from La Societe des Nations, May 1923; no. 259 "Denkschrift uber die Tschechisierung der Stadt Olmfltz (Mahren) (verfasst etwa 1922) flbergeben vom Deutschen Volksrat in Olmtltz an Dr. Rttdiger Cktober 1923 filr D.A.I.;" no. 261, Dr. Rtldiger's report on his trip to Moravia, Oct. 1923; no. 273 "Brasilianischer Wirtschaftsbericht," Oct. 31, 1923; no. 276,"Bericht des Sekretaers beim Gouvernement fuer Deutsch-Ostafrika,Westhaus, tlber seine Taetigkeit waehrend der letzten Dienstverpflichtung bis zum Austausch aus Kriegsgefangenschaft," Aug. 2, 1918. "BA 281-320," items of special interest include: no. 289 Die Lage in Sfldtirol 1918-1923, Denkschrift verfasst von den Vertrauensmannern der DeutschBn-Partei (Als Manuskript gedruckt); no.1 295 "Denkschrift uber die Serial Roll 6U9 650 Continued Filmed 1st frame Provenance Deutsches AuslpndInstitut DAI U?U/10 FT 5180236 BAI 518097S FT Notes Grflndung einea deutsch-sibirischen Wirtschaftsverbandes" (Vertraulich), 1921; no. 30U, Abschrift of a Denkschrift about German schools and the German colony in Trans-Caucasus addressed to the Reichsministerium d. Innern, Vertraulich, 192^; no. 311 "Das Deutschtum in Argentinlen, seine Geschichte und seine Bedeutung mit einem einleitenden Abriss der argentinischen Staats- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte," probably 192U; no. 316 "II Deutsches Ausland-Institut di Stuttgart e La Mostra Viaggianto de 1'Emigrazione," 192?; no. 318 "Bericht an die Handelskammer zu Frankfurt am Main tfber M E X I C O - umfassend den Zeitraum vom 10. November bis 1^. Dezember, 1923. "B.-A. 321-325," items of special interest include: no. 322 "Presseberichte des Auswartigen Amts. 192U, Febr.-Juni," mimeographed reports on the opinions of the Belgian. Dutch, Czechoslovak, etc., press; no. 323 "Burgenlandische Landesregierung, 192^, Presseberichte Hr. 50152;M no. 32U Das Meroelabkommen. W B.-A. 326-380," items of special interest include: no. 33^ U. Denkschrift fiber die Besatgungskosten mit einem Anhang tiber die Ausgaben Deutschlands ftlr Ale Interallilerten Kommlsslonen I Stand: jl. Dezember 1923)t issued by der Reichsminister fflr die besetzten Gebiete, April 1, :192^; no. 353, a report on Turkish affairs, 192U; no. 35U "Die Entnatlonalisierung Deutschbdhmens durch Verpflanzung Nationaltschechischer Beamten in dieses Gebiet und Durchfilhrung der Bodenreformgesetze," probably 192U; no. 368 "Der Memeler H&fen," history and analysis, 192U; no. 369 "Bericht tlber die Tagung der Mittelstelle ftlr zvischeneuropaische Fragen in Bautzen," Sept. 192U; no. 371 rtMeine Unterredung mit dem ungarischen Ministerprasidenten Grafen Bethlen am 18. August 192l|. Niedergeschrieben am 22./23. August 192U," DAI!s Prof. C. Uhligfs meeting with Bethlen, also marked "Streng vertraulich zu behandeln;11 no. 379 "Amerikareise desM Leiters der Evengeli. Auswandererfttrsorge in Bremen," 192U; no. 380 Der russische Kolonistenkongress in Moskau," Abschrift, probably 192U. "B.-A. 381-U20," items of special interest include: no. ^02 "Zum deutschen Autonomieprojekt in Lettland," issued by Vertretung Berlin, der Zentrale fttr Deutschbaltische Arbeit in Lettland, 1925; no. 1403 "Jugoslamen (Kftnigreich der Serben, Kroaten und Slcwenen)," 192U; no. 1*05 "Das Deutschtum in Lettland vor und nach dem Weltkriege," 1925; no. Ul5 "Die Deutschen und die Schulen in Kurland seit der Russifizierung der Ostseeprovinzen," mimeographed, probably 1925; no. Ul6 "Die Besiedlung Kurlands," by Dr. Valerian Tornius, no date, includes a pamphlet Die Serial 650 Roll 1*32 651 652 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI DAI UjU/13 FT 5181986 DAI UjU/lU FT 5182735 DAI 5183179 FT Notes Besiedlung Kurlands, including texts of ordinances pertaining to settlement, 1918, description of agriculture, etc.; no. Ul9 "Deutsche Zentralbank zur Fttrderung des Auslandsdeutschturns," 1925* "B.-A. 421-^80," items of special interest include: "Leitsaetze zu dem zusammenfassenden Bericht ue"ber die ausl^nddeutsche Kulturorganisation," probably 1925; no. U2U "Denkschrift, Yorgelegt der Deutschen Akademie in Mtlnchen urn einige wirtschaftliche und soziale BedfLrfnisse des Auslanddeutschturas darzustellen," Zusammengestellt v. Dr. Gustav Peters, Prague, Fay 1925; no. H26 "Bericht des Oberlehrers am ehemaligen deutschen Realgymnasium in Tiflis, Friedrich Baumhauer," 1925j no. ^3^ "Gesichtspunkte ftir die Behandlung des Gutachtens der Sachverstandigenkommission des Vfllkerbundes in der Frage der Tatigkeit der polnischen Post im Hafen von Danzig," 1925; no. UU7 "Entwurf zum Gesellschaftsverein der 'TirolerweinImport-Gesellschaft' mit beschrankter Haftung Berlin," 1925; no. ^56 Ungarische Kulturpolitik nach dem Kriege, Rede des Grafen Dr. Kuno KleBelsberg, held at the Friedrich-Wilhelm Universitat in Berlin, Oct. 21, 1"9'25» and also a typewritten account of "lilmpfang "beim ungarischen Unterrichtsminister Graf Kuno Klebelsberg," Oct. 23, 1925; no. U66 "Vertrauliche Sitzung deutscher Minderheiten-Vertreter am 22. Mai 1925 im Haus des Deutschtums in Stuttgart;" no. U67 "Niederschrift tlTDer die kommissarische Beratung vom 19. November 1925* betreffend HSufung von Deutschtumstagungen," Abschrift, issued by Reichsminister des Innern. "B.A. ^81-520," items of special interest include: no. U83 Zur kulturellen Organisation der deutschen Minderheiten, Bericht erstattet am 19. Juli 1925 vor der Vollversammlung der deutschen Minderheitentagung,Dr. Richard Csaki; no. 489 "Antwort auf den Frpgebogen tlber die Jugendbewegung in den deutschen Minderheiten und ihre Bedeutung fur diese," 1925; no. 513 "Die Deutsche Kolonie in Neapel bis zum Weltkriege," 1919; no. 515 "Die Gefahren des tschechischen Fa sell isms, " 1926; "B.A. 521-536»" items of special interest include: no. 530 "Auszug aus dem Tagesbericht des Ausschusses zur Vorbereitung des Kongresses der organisierten nationalen Gruppen im Jahre 1926;" no. 537 "Magyarische Siltnden der Vorkriegszeit wider das Deutschtum, " 1926; no. 5^3 "Konstantinopel und ttlrkisches Leben," 1926, handwritten; no. U56 "Die deutschen Kolonien von Aserbeidshan," 1926; "Oberschicht und Nation," by Heinrich von Gleichen, mimeographed, probably 1926. "B.-A. 561-600," including as items of special interest: ^ n o . 565» Sericht tlber die weitere Entwicklung der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Verhaltnisse bei den Schwaben in Jugoslawien," 1925; no. 5^7 personnel Serial Roll 652 653 Provenance Deutsches AuslpndInstitut Item DAI U7U/16 FT 5183869 DAI 518^305 DAI Continued Filmed 1st frame FT Notes reports on the German leadership in various parts of Poland, about 1930. and cencus information on Germa.n towns in the districts of Wojewodschaft Tarnopol, Wojewodschaft Lemberg, Wojewodschaft Krakau, Wojewodschaft Stanislau, 1926; no. 59H "D( ie) Wahlen in Polnisch-Ob(erschlegien),« 1926; no. 595 "Zusammenstellung der Wahlergebnisse vom lU. November 1926," appendix to report no. 59^. "B.-A. 601-^30*" including as items of special interest: no. 601 "Denkschrift zur Grundung eines deutsch-chilenischen land- und forstwirtschaf tlichen Industrie- und Handels-Unternehmens in Stid-Chile," 19?3; no. 605 "Das ¥irtschaftsjahr 1923 in Brasilien;" Liste der Deutschen Firmen in Japan und Korea," 1926; "Die Zukunft des Nordamerikanischen Deutschtums, Gedanken und Vorschla'ge," by Dr. Martha Schreiber, als Manuskript gedruckt, 1927. "3.-A. 631-670," including as items of special interest: no. 632 "Nachweisung der mit evangelischen Landeskirchen pp. Deutschlands in Verbindung stehenden Auslandsgemeinden," 1920; no. 63^ "Bericht uber eine Reise slowenischer Pfadf inder durch Sild- und Hitteldeutschland," 1925 (Streng vertraulich); no. 637 "Aus einer Tfltigkeit bei der South Manchurian Railv/ay Co. bis zum Jahre 192U. Normung in China;" no. 6UO "Sudtirol im Monat Jflnner 1927t" Dringend and Vertraulich; no. 6^7 "Bas Werk des Untersuchungsausschusses der Verfassungsgebenden Deutschen Nationalversammlung und des Deutschen Reichstags, 'Dritte Reihe im Werk: Yfllkerrecht im Weltkrieg.1 Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Eugen Fischer und Dr. Berthold ifidmann im Auftrage des 3- Unterausschusses. Herausgegeben von Dr. Johannes Bell, M.d.R., Vorsitzender des 3- Unterausschusses. Berlin 19?7, Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und G-eschichte m.b.R.," a description of the work of the committee as well as of the books in the Dritte Reihe, with accompanying cover letter, 1927; ao. 6^9 "Das G-enossenschaftswesen in Sftdtirol im Kampf mit dem Faschismus," 1927 (2ur vertraulichen Behandlung); no. 653 "Der Einfluss der Liquidation deutschen Vermo'gens auf das Virtschaftsleben Polens," 1927; no. 660 1fMaterialien zum Thema der deutschen ITulturpolitik gegemttber dem ibero-amerikanischen Kulturkreis," 1Q27; no. 667 "Das landwirtschaftliche Kreditwesen in Sttdtirol und die landwirtschaftliche Zentralk?»sse in Bozen," 1927. "B.-A. 671-710," including as items of special interest: no. 671 "Wirtschaft und Politik in Sftdamerika nach dem Kriege," l°/27; no. 687 "Die Geographische Verbreitung und Struktur der Deutschen in Litauen," 19271 Vertraulich; no. 696 "Kolonial- und Auswanderungsprobleme, Vortrag gehalten von Dr. Alfred Zintgraff auf Einladung des Vorstandes im Reichs- Serial Roll Provenance Deutsehes AuslandInstitut ^37 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI UyU/19 FT 5185397 DAI W/20 FT 5185765 DAI FT 518623U DAI UyH/22 FT 5186621 Notes klub der deutschen Volkspartei in Berlin am 26.1.1927;" no. 699 "Besichtigungsreise durch Ostpreussen und Pommern in Fragen der Inneren Kolonisation," 1926; no. 70U "Denkschrift flber die Wirtschaftliche und Kulturelle Lage des Deutschtums in Rumftnien, " 1927. "B.-A. 711-7^0," including as items of special interest: no. 713 Protection des Minorites en Roumanie. Observations du G-ouvernement Roumain a la Petition Supplementalre des Eglises Reformfees, Unitaires et Catholiques de Transsylvanie au Sujet du Project de Loi Roumain sur L'Enseignement P r i v e . 1 9 2 5 . G-eheim; no. 725» "Ernteergebnisse der im Herbst 1926 und FrffEJahr 1927 in Ungarn angelegten Dtingungsversuche;" no. 726 "Ungarn und seine deutsche Finderheit," 1926-27; no. 737 ""Reiseeindrflcke aus Palflstina," 1927. "B.-A. 7U1-770," including as items of special interest: no. 7UU "Die tschechoslowpkische Forst- und Bodenpolitik," 1928; no. 7^5 "Die Entscheidung des dreigliedrigen Jiiristenkomitees des Vfllkerbundsrates am 18. September 1927 in Genf und die tschechoslowakische Bodenreform," 1928; no. 752 "Der Stand des deutschen Landbesitzes in der Wojewodschaft Pommerellen und die Agrarreform," 1928, Vertraulich; no. 753 "Notizen fiber die lettl&ndische Landvdrtschaft mit spezieller Bezugnahme auf die deutschen Landwirte in Lettland," 1928; no. 76U "Bericht ueber meine Studienreise nach Kanads und den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika vom 5« Mai bis 21. August 1923." "B.-A. 771-800," including as items of special interest: no. 786 "Die deutsche Propaganda unter Brasilienern," 19?S; no. 792. "Peter Sinner, Leningrad, Lebenslauf," 1928, handwritten autobiographical account of Sinner's life containing the story of his rise from humble origins as a Volksdeutscher peasant's son to Oberlehrer and journalist in Russia, with first hand accounts of his secret socialist activities, social life in Russia in the late 19th century of the lower and lower middle classes, the revolution of 1905* how he prevented a pogrom, the revolution of 1917» "the great famine in the Volga republic, etc., and including a bibliography of his works, 1928; no. 79^» a memorandum (Vertraulich) addressed to the Deutsche Reichsarbeit s-Ministerium, on "Die Lage des sudetendeutschen Arbeitsmarktes und deren Auswirkung auf den reichsdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt," 1928. "B.-A. 801-8UO" including as items of special interest: no. 801 "DeutschTJvangelische G-emeinden in Griechenland urn 1850 und heute," 1929; no. 817 "Beschlagnahmen und Presseprozesse deutscher Zeitungen in Polnisch-Oberschlesien im Jahre 1927 und 1928;" no. 819 "Protokoll der Sitzung des Provenance 655 Item Deutsches Ausland- MI i+yU/23 Institut DAI 656 FT 51869^9 FT 5187^65 MI W/25 MI Continued Filmed 1st frame 5187893 FT 518850Q Notes 51 Zentralwahlausschusses in Windhuk am 6. Febr. 1929." Vertraulich, pertains to the former German colony of Southwest Africa; no. 828 "Entwtirf einer Statistik des Auslandsvolksturns der Erde," 1929. "B.-A. 8^1-880," including as items of special interest: no. 8^9 "Unsere Reise durch China, Korea und Japan und die politische und wirtschaftliche Lage dieser Lender," by Dr. C. Duisberg, "als Manuskript gedruckt," 1929; no. 850 "fiber Hinterindien nach Java und Bait,11 by Dr. C. Duisberg, (als Manuskript gedruckt), 1929; no. 851 "Entwurf zu kritischen Betrachtungen iiber Java," by Dr. C. Duisberg, (als Manuskript gedruckt), 1929; no. 852 "Kritische Betrachtungen fiber Ostindien," by Dr. C. Duisberg, 1929; no. 853 "Bemerkungen der Deutschen Regierung zur Frage der Garantie des VoMkerbunds fur die Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Minderheiten," 1929; no. 858, a report (Streng Vertraulich) on the organization and activities of MI, 1929; no. 868 "Deutsches Mitteleuropa oder Slawische Wirtschafts-Entente?" by Dr. Karl Janovsky, probably 1929; also scattered copies of Ausw&rtiges Amt communications on the movements of the cruiser Emden, and other German naval vessels. "B.-A. 881-920," including as items of special interest: scattered reports on the movements of German naval vessels, 1929; no. 900 "Denkschreiben An den Herrn Ministerprfisidenten der Republik Litauen." Vertraulich, 1929; no. 908 "Eine Denkschrift der deutschen Minderheit in S&dslawien," 1929; no. 918 "Wirtschaftsumschau," by Otto Auhagen, concerning the USSR, 1929. rt B,-A. 921-980," including as items of special interest: no. 9^2 "Aufzeichnung," a report on the effects of collectivization on German peasants in Russia, 1929; no. 96l 1th>er das Ergehen der Kaukasusdeutschen, Briefabschriften," 1930* pertains to collectivization, etc.; no. 975 "EfatVergleich deutscher und polnischer Agrarentwicklung," 1930. H B.-A. 981-1050," including as items of interest: scattered Ausw. Amt reports on the movement of German naval vessels (especially the cruiser Emden), 1930; no. 1000 "Denkschrift des Bflrsenvereins der Deutschen Buchh&ndler tlber die Lage des deutschen Buchhandels in den Minderheitsgebieten Polen, Litauen, Baltikum und Sudtirol," Streng vertraulich, 1930; no. 1010 "Uebersteigerte Minorit&tenpolitik, Die f]?ationalit§tenkundef als Afterwissenschaft und politische Gefahrenquelle," by Percy Meyer, Riga, 1930; no. 1013 "The Unsolved Minority Problem and the Peace of Europe," mimeographed copy of a talk given at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London by Dr. Ammendo of Vienna, 1930; no. 102U "Ruma*nien als Landmaschinenmarkt," by Dr. Wilhelm Staudinger, an extensive Provenance 656 657 658 Deutsches AuslandInstitut ^39 Item Filmed 1st frame DAI UyH/27 FT 5129011 DAI U7U/28 FT 51^9530 DAI W/29 FT 5189991 DAI UyU/30 FT 5190532 DAI H7U/31 FT 5191185 Notes 52 report on Rumanian agriculture, government policies, etc., 1930. "B.-A. 1051-1100," including as items of special interest: no. 1055 "Die Lage des Deutschtums in der Slowakei," 1930; no. 107U "Das Deutschtum in der Slowakei und Karpathenland. Denkschrift der Zipser Deutschen Partei, 1930; no. 1076 "Die Schutzpolizei der Freien Stadt Danzig," 1930; no. 1081 "Denkschrift betreffend Rtickwanderer aus Amerika nach dem Kriege," Streng Vertraulich, probably 1930; "Die Verbreitung der deutschen Besiedlung und des deutschen Rechtes in Polen," 1916; no. 109^ "Agrarreform und Ostmarken-Politik," probably 1930. "B.-A. 1101-llUl," including as items of special interest: no. 110U "Mein Wirken in Stidslawien, sein Ende und meine Fluent aus Sudslawien," 1930; no. 1130 "Die Lage in Stidtirol," Vertraulich, 1930; no. 1136 "Die franzflsische Kulturpropaganda. Lichtbildervortrag in Uj Bildern," consisting of the commentaries to the same, probably 1930. "B.-A. 11H2-1180," including as items of special interest: no. 1162 "Dienstreise des Konsuls Dr. Dittmar in Florianopolis ueber das Hochland des Staates Santa Catharina in das Tal des Rio do Peixe (1929),»1930; no. 116U "Jahrhundertfeier Deutscher Einwffnderung im Staate S. Catharina Brasilien," 19^9; no. 1169 "0-esichtspunkte zur Deutschen Nationalitatenpolitik," 1930; no. 1180 "Ungarn fur das Versailler Friedensdiktat?" 1931. "B.-A. 1181-1200," including as items of special interest: no. 1186, court records of the case of the state vs. the Brunner Montagsblatt, which was censored and banned under the Habsburg monarchy and under the Czechoslovak Republic, 1917-2U, and also no. 1178, court records pertaining to censorship and banning of the SMmahrerblatt, Bnttnn, 1920-2U, both cases being interesting for the history of freedom of the press; no. 1188 "Mfiglichkeiten, deutsohe Einwanderer in U.S. Amerika helfend zu ffirdern," 1928; no. 1199 "Andreas Thaler (flsterreichischer Politiker; christlich-sozial)," 1931. "B.-A. 1201-1260," including as items of special interest: no. 1201, "Landwirtschaftlicher Arbeitermangel und Kolonisation in Chile, Zona Central, Provinz Colchagua," 1930; no. 1210 "Bericht tlber die wirtschaftlichen Yerhaltnisse und die wirtschaftlichen Organisationen der Deutschen in Bessarabien," Abschrift, Vertraulich, 1930; no. 1220, "Das Schicksal der russlanddeutschen Flflchtlinge," 1931; no. 12^7 "Schleswig-danischer Grenzbericht fur die Zeit vom 1. April bis 30. Juni 1931;" no. 1250 "Sehlussrede des Abgeordneten Graebe beim Deutschtumsbundprozess in Posen am 28. Juni 31?" no. 1256 "Bericht von meiner Pennsylvanienreise 1930-31." Dr. Kloss. Provenance 660 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsches Ausland- MI UyU/32 Institut FT 5191738 DAI U7H/33 FT 5192311* DAI 5192986 DAI U7U/35 FT 5193^79 DAI U7U/36 FT 5193728 Notes 53 "B.-A. 1261-1310," including as items of interest: no. 1265 "Danzigs Wirtschaft im Jahre 1930* Ein Rflckblick an Hand des 1. Jahrgangs des Danziger Pressedienstes;" no. 1275 "Schleswigscher Grenzbericht vom 1. Juli bis 30. September 1931" (see also no. 12^7 in folder U7U/31); no. 1276 "Bericht fiber die deutsche Kulturarbeit in Nordschleswig von Ostern 1930 bis Ostern 1931." Ale Handschrift vervielfaitigt. Nicht fttr die Presse bestimmt; no. 1277t covering letter for no. 1281, "Allgemeiner Bericht uber die T&tigkeit der Akademie der Wissenschaften der U.d.S.S.R. im Jahre 1930." "B.-A. 13H-1360,'1 including as items of special interest: no. 1328 "Lagebericht Oktober-Dezember 1931* Schleswigsches Grenzgebiet," Nicht zum Abdruck (see also no. 1275 in folder l*7U/32 and no. 12^7 in folder 47U/31); n°- 13**S "Lagebericht J^naar-MMrz 1932, Schleswigsches Grenzgebiet," Wicht zum Abdruck; no, 13'-!-9 "England und Deutschland. Denkschrif'fc aus Anlass meiner dissjelhrigGn PJn^landi else (Marz 1932)»" Dr. Lore Liebenam (sic), Vertraulich; no, 1352 "Der Arbeiter- und Solda.tenrat in Posen vahrend des Umsturzes in den Jahren 1918-19." Dr. Adam Prochnik, translated article from Niepodloges6,V (1931)' "B.-A. 1361-1U20," including as items of special interest: no. 1369 "Das Minderneitenproblem als ^erkzeug der deutschen Politik," by Andrzej Moykowsky, translated from the original which appeared in Straznica ZachodnJa, VII (1928); no. 1388 a report (circular letter) from DeutschpolitTsches Arbeitsamt Prag, Zentralstelle aller sudetendeutschen national en Parteien, concerning the trial of Sudetendeutsche National Socialists: 193?; not 1U02 "Lagebericht April-Mai-Juni 1Q32, Schleswigsches Grenzgebiet," Nicht zuia Abdruck (see also folder ^7^/33» report no. 1328). "B.-A. 1^21-1^50," including as items of special interest: no. 1^25 "Schwerer Stand des Deutschtums in der Ukraine, Bilanz des letzten Jahres des Fiinf jahreplans." Vertraulich, 1932; no. 1^33 "Vertrauliche Berichte vom 29. September und vom U. November 1932 an einen Ereis privater Smpffinger," about the political situation in Danzig. "B.-A. 1U51-1500," including as items of special interest: no. 1^52 "Schleswigscher G-renzbericht Juli-Dezember 193?" (see also folder U7U/36, report no. lU02); no. 1^5^ "Die Krise in der Sftdtiroler Frage," 1933, Vertraulich; no. 1U68 "Die Kriegstaetigkeit der Deutschen in Argentinien," 1921 (?); no. 1^77 "Bericht <lber den Stand des Deutschen Schulwesens im Mandatsgebiet Tanganyika Territory, frtther Deutsch-Ostafrika," 1932; no. 1^95* circular of the Reichskommissar f. d. freiwilligen Arbeitsdienst on "Beteiligung von Auslandsdeutschen und anderen Auslflndern Serial Roll Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 662 Item 1st frame DAI U7U/37 FT 519H17U DAI 519^57 FT DAI W/39 DAI Continued Filmed 5195373 FT 5195709 FT 5196153 Notes am freiwilligen Arbeitsdienst," 1933> PersBnlich, Vertraulich. "B.-A. 1501-1590," including as items of special interest: no. 1523 "Die nationalsozialistischen Ortsgruppen in Brasilien und ihre Einstellung zur Deutschtumsarbeit hier im Lande," 1933; various reports on the movements of German naval vessels, 1933; no. 15^0 "Nationalsozialismus und Auslanddeutschtum," 1933? no. 1556 "Nachrichten des Geheimen Polizeiamtes," Geheim, October 2, 1933* on the suggestion of a Vertrauensmann for establishing a Deutsohes Haus in Italy. "B.-A. 1591-1630," including as items of special interest: no. 1599 "Rationale Gesinnung oder nationalsozialistische Weltanschauung?" issued Feb. 20, 193U, by the Auslands-Abt. of Reichsleitung NSDAP; no. 1603 "Denkschrift tlber die Behandlung staatsbtlrgerlicher Belange der deutschen Volksgruppe in Polen," Streng vertraulich, Nicht verleihen, 193^« "B.-A. 1631-1670," including as items of special interest: no. 16*4-3 "Das Deutschtum in Bosnien," 1929; no. 16UU, circular letter issued by Walther Gausst Stuttgart, on "Das Silberproblem und die Fernoestlichen Belange," probably 193*1; no. 16U6, Abschrift of a Hugblatt "Za den Litauern des Meraelgebietes ruft die Stimme des BlutesI" 193**; no. 1652 "Bericht I. von Dr. Ewald Ammendo zur Hilfsaktion f&r die in Russland Hungernden," Vertra.ulich, 193^; no. 1670 "Das Schulwesen der deutschen Volksgruppe 1919-3*1." ; "B.-A. 1671-1750" including as items of special interest: no. 1705 "Wirtschaftsbericht," on Bulgaria, resumption of diplomatic relations with Russia, etc., 193^; n°« 1713 "Religion und Kirchen in der Tschechoslowakei," 193^; no. 1725» translation of an article from Kurjer Posnanskl, Aug. 15, 193^> on "Die Entdeutschung der Westgebiete im Lichte der Zahlen:" no. 1726 nMit der Verteidigung unserer Freiheit verteidigen wir auch lure Freiheit, Polen, Lettlftnder, Estl&nderJ Die Ostpreussen verseuchen das ganze deutsche Volk und saugen seine Energie zum Zweck der Desorganisie-'' rung Osteuropas auf," Yertraulich, 193^; no. 1733 "Denkschrift zur Lage des Deutschtums in Kanada und zu der dort zu leistenden Volkstumsarbeit,H 193**; no. 17^8 "Kurzer Bericht tlber die Lage der russlanddeutschen Fltlchtlinge in China," 1933. "B.-A. 1751-1800," including as items of special interest: no. 175*1 "2*nige T^otizen ilber meine Reise durch Polen,11 193**» by Dr. ¥. Gradmann; no. 1773* Abschrift of a letter to Vizeminister des Innern in Warsaw, 1935» from Erwin Hasbach, Senator, Hermanowo; no. 177*^ "Der Kampf urn Erneuerung und Einigung innerhall) des Deutschtums in Posen und Pommerellen," Strefag vertraulich, Abschrift, 1935? no. 1778 "Landdienst in Slawonien, Sommer Serial 663 Continued Roll Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI FT 5196510 DAI FT 5197657 Notes 55 » Bericht uber unseren Weg in der Voltetumsarbeit "bis zum Landdienst, der Landdienst als Arbeitsform der volksdeitschen Arbeit, die We it er funning der Dorfarbeit in Slawonien nach dem Landdienst;" no. 1779 "Die 'Deutsche Presse 1 - Frag," 1935"B.-A. 1801-1870," including as items o^ special interest: no. 1836 "Das Deutschtum in Sftdwest- und StLdafrikf," 1935» Streng vertraulich; "no. 1338 "Bericht fiber meinen Aufenthaltin Rom," 193U, by Rudolf Danker for Reichsjugendfflhrung; no. 1SUO, apolitical report on the Germans in Brazil, "MSDAP there, etc., probeoly 1935; no. 18Ul "Grenzlandarbeit der Breslauer V&lkerkunde-Studenfen," 1933? no. 1866 "Gliederung des Deutschtums in Australien, " 1935* iKDAP there, etc. M B.-A. 1S71-1910," incliiding as items £ special interest: no. 1876, "Nationalsozialistische Bewegung ( i n P a e n ) , " 1935; no. 1880 "Deutschfranzdsische Verstandigung?" 19"52; varisus circulars on the movements of German naval vessels, 1935-36; no. $07." Die Lage des Deutschtums in Lettland seit dem 15. Mai 193*4." "B.-A. 1911-1980," including as itemsof special interest; no. 1911 "Die heutige Lage der deutschen Bauernin der Sowjetunion," 1936; no. 1912 "Volksdeutsche Rundfunkarbeitim Jahre 1935;" no. 1920 "Die Lage des Deutschtums in Litauen," 193*3 Vertraulich; no. 1969 "Die wirtschaftliche Lage in der Tschechosfcwakei," Sept. 1935; no. 1972 "Politischer Situationsbericht aus dei Tschechosloxvakei," end of June, 1936;''.'no. 1973 "Fotstand im Sudetenlaii, Elendsberichte, 1936, "and also "Notstand in Sudetendeutschland,!. Fortsetzung - Mai 1936;" no. 197^ "Zur Lage des Deutschtums inUngarn," 1936; no. 1976 "Zwischenbericht fiber den deutschen Vblkaumskampf in Ungarn nach dem Urteil gegen Dr. Basch," with Anlnge coitaining excerpts (in German translation) from Hungarian newspaper*, also from German and Austrian papers. Nos. 1928-1965 missing. "B.-A. 1981-20^0," including as item) of special interest: no. 1985 "Die gegenwartige Lage der Deutschtunpolitik in Brasilien," 1936; no. 1996 "Der Ftthrer des Deutschtums -n Ungarn, Dr. Franz Basch, im Kerker! Namensmadjarisierung ohne SndjJ Schmaliliche Behandlung reichsdeutscher Studentinnen! Wie lange nan, Ungarn?" 1936; no. 2012 "Vortrag von Professor Bohle, Berlin, ube Heimat und Auslandsdeutschtum am 15. Jan. 1937 i^ Deutschen Ausland-Institut;" no. 20lU "Das Auslandpolentum und seine Heimatverbindungen, 1936; no. 2015 "Bericht^tlber Eindrdcke von einer Reise in Sudtirol in der Zeit vom 1.-18. Marz 1937W Vertraulich; no. 202U "Die Fiamische B*wegung," 1935; Unnumbered, after Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed Notes 1st frame no. 2030 "Stand der deutschen Volksgruppen in Europa am 12.6.U1" and Grundfragen zu einer etwaigen Umsiedlung der ilberseeischen Volksdeutschen. Vom Deutschen Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart, eingereicht beim Reichskommissariat filr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums, Berlin, im Juni 19^1;rt no. 2036 "Bericht itber meine Reise nach dem Fernen Osten. Japan und China" "by Dr. Hennings, nicht zur Verflffentlichung; no. 2037 "Reisebericht des Dipl.-Ing. Heinrich Heyde flber eine Studienfahrt nach Sfldamerika," 1936. "B.-A. 20*41-2095," including as items of special interest: no. 20^1 "Lagebericht der deutschen Volksgruppe in Polen," 1937; no. 20U3 "Die Tschechoslowakei, Politischer Lagebericht - Mitte Oktober 1937;" no. 2052 "Allgemein wirtschaftliche - soziale und politische Eindrflcke auf einer Reise durch China, Hawai-Inseln, Neuseeland, Australien & Stidafrika, Jamiar bis November 1936," by Karl Zehender; nos. 205U-95 missing. r B.-A. 2096-2120" contains a series of reports on the movements of the Linienschiff "Schlesien" and of the Linienschiff "Schleswig-Hoistein," 1936-37"B.-A. 2121-2160" including as items of special interest: no. 2121 "Auslandsreise des Linienschiffs fSchleswig-Hoi stein*," 1936-37t by Schiffspfarrer Georg Finke; no. 2127 "Analogien zwischen SMtirol und dem Elsass," no date; no. 2130 "Das Deutschtum im Ausland und seine Erhaltung," from "Nachlass Lehmann, Mnch., urn 1900;" no. 2131 "Deutsche und Tschechen in Bflhmen: Reiseeindrtlcke und Betrschtungen, urn 1900;" no. 21U9 "Kulturbericht Mr Herrn Dr. M. Ilgner, Vorstandsmitglied der I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin," pertains to Mexico, 1937. "B.-A. 2161-2200" including as items of special interest: no. 2163 "Warum die Ratsel raten? (Von einem Sudetendeutschen)," Feb. 20, 193^; no. 216^ "Das Sudetendeutschtum im Brennpunkt politischer Betrachtung. (Bin Stimmungsbild)," May lU, 1938; no. a 65 "Kurt Schuschnigg und das Grenzlanddeutschtum," Feb. 1938; no. 2167 "Sttdtirol und der Anschluss," March 29, 1938. Zur vertraulichen Unterrichtung!; no. 216S "Italienische Stimmen zum Anschluss," March 29» 1938. Zur vertraulichen Unterrichtung I• no. 2169 "MoskauB Reaktionen auf den Anschluss Oesterreichs," Carlos von Kugelgen, April 1938?; no. 2176 "Die von der Sudetendeutschen Partei zur Verwirklichung des Grundsatzes der Gleichberechtigung eingebrachten Gesetzesantrfige," "Vortrag in der Akademie filr Deutsches Recht B 66U 665 Continued Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI U7U/H6 FT 519*857 DAI FT 5199126 DAI FT 5199506 DAI U7U/U9 FT 5199875 Serial Roll Provenance 666 Filmed 1st frame DAI *47*4/50 FT 5200215 DAI 147*4/51 FT 5200930 MI U714/52 FT 52015914 DAI 513, DAI 511 FT FT 5201600 5201806 Karlsruher Lebensversicherung, A.G. DAI 519 FT 5202015 Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 522, FT 520,521 on Serial 673; MI 525 FT 5202702 667 66S Item 1*50 5203090 Notes 57 am 2*4. Mai 1937»" *>y Prof. Ernst Swoboda of the University of Prague; no. 2179 "Bericht tfber vierwdchiges Erteilen von deutschem Geheimunterricht in SMtirol, an 9 verschiedenen Stellen, darch reichsdeutsche Junglehrer, Studenten und SchtLLer, August 1937t" Strong vertraulich; no. 2186 "Hit dem Linienschiff ^chlesien1 nach Stldamerika," "Reisebericht fur den Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, Kapitflnleutnant Hermann," Oct. 1936. "B.-A. 2201-2?70" including as items of special interest: no. 2210 "Sudtirol von Mitte Mai bis Pfingsten 1938," ?tar zum vertraulichen Unterricht!; no. 2250 "Tatsachenbericht Hber den verstarkten Druck auf die deutsche Volksgruppe in Stldslawien," 1938. No. 2?6l "Schaffung eines SttLtzpunktes fttr das Deutschtum in Brasilien durch Zusammenschluss der deutschen Kolonisten," 193^^ "3.-A. 2271-2350" including as items of special interest: no. 2312 "Innervfllkische Lage des Deutschtums in Sfldslawien," Vertraulich, 1937; no. 2311 "Manifest des Slowafcischen Re.tes an die Zivilisierten Vfllker der Welt," 193^; various reports on the movements of German naval vessels, 193«. A stray photostat of a report, unnumbered, from SS Kriegsberichter Dr.. Heribert Huber on "Vom Schicksal Gnadenburgs. (Ergflnzende Information zum Bericht 'Deutsches Schicksal im Kaukasus')," Jan. 28, 19*43Two folders from MI files containing DAI's correspondence with DAI Mro Berlin, Aussenstelle Feuenbtlrg and Dienststelle Wien, 19*43 and 19H3-UU, respectively. A folder from the files of the Karlsruher Lebensversicherung A.G. containing correspondence and "Verftigungen" of all sorts pertaining to the regulation of working hours, office procedures, "Gewinnanteil der aufgewerteten Versicherungen," and various directives of the firm to its office staff and its branches, mostly 19*40-143. Three folders from the files of the MI containing Reisekostenberechnungen for the Dienstreisen of DAI Abteilungsleiter and others, etc., 19**2-l43, 191*3.45, 19U3-*4U, respectively. A folder from DAI files containing directives, brochures, pamphlets, memoranda, etc., pertaining to the regulation of wages, hours, social insurance, etc., 1937-*4*4. Included are copies of Reichs-Lohntabelle einschliesslich Kriegszuschlag for monatliche, 2-wflchentliche, wflchentliche, tflgliche und J4~sttindliche LohnzahlungenT Giiltig ftlr das gessmte Reichsgebiet, for S t a n d : O c t . 1941, April 19^1, Feb. 1941. Provenance 668 668-669 669 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 527 FT 5203UU3 DAI 531 DAI 532 FT FT 5203FU3 520U250 DAI 533 FT 5201*277 DAI 53*4 FT 520U907 DAI 535 FT 520H975 DAI 537 FT 5205277 DAI 538 FT 5205289 669-671 669 Notes eg A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, etc., pertaining to DAI expenditures, financing of its budget, accounts, etc., 1937-^. Two folders marked "DAI und Regierung," from the files of the DAI archive containing, in folder 531» newpaper clippings; mimeographed memoranda; a copy (Senderdruck) of an article from Der Auslandsdeutsche, Jg. IV, 1921, "Zur Organisation des Auswanderungswesens," by Dr. Fritz Vertheimer, Secretary-General of DAI; a copy of the proceedings of the 59. Sitzung of the Reichstag, I. Wahlperiode, 1920/21 (Vertraulich) relevant to DAI affairs; copies of the proceedings of the S5th and 87th sessions of the Wttrttemberg Landtag, 1926, relative to financing DAI; various printed and typewritten Benkschriften and memoranda pertaining to government support for DAI, 1917-1931• Folder 532 contains newspaper clippings pertaining to a F&hrer-Besuch at DAI, also visits by other leading Hazi officials, 193^-38. A folder from the files of the DAI archive containing mostly newspaper clippings pertaining to visits in Stuttgart and to DAI of Auslandsdeutsche and/or their organizations, distinguished visitors to DAI, etc., 1921-36. The folder also contains a Vorabdruck from Der Auslandsdeutsche, Jg. XIII, Nr. 17t 1930, "Deutsche Handwerker- und Gewerbepolitik im Aus~ land und ihre Erfordernisse," a "Sonderheft aus Anlass der Tagung des Verbandes der Deutschen Volksgruppen in IDuropa vom 28. August bis 2. September 1930," Vertraulich bis 1. September 1930. A folder from the files of the DAI archive containing mostly newspaper clippings pertaining to"Auslandsdeutsche Meisterabende," reports of concerts, etc., given in Stuttgart, 1936-37. A folder from the files of the DAI archive containing newspaper clippings and a few memoranda, posters, etc., pertaining to "Preisausschreiben," of DAI, 1919-38. A series of folders from the files of the DAI archive containing the following: Miscellaneous newspaper and magazine clippings on the DAI as such, Haus des Deutschtums, etc.; and also a manuscript "Die Bedeutung des Auslandsdeutschtums fflr die Wiederaufnahme unseres Aussenhandels," by Dr. Hans Goldschmidt, 1918?; etc. 1918 (?) - 1926. Clippings and a manuscript "Das Deutsche Ausland-Institut Stuttgart" by Hans von Kierling, describing the DAI, why it was established, etc., 1920. Newspaper clippings on the program and work of DAI, clippings from French papers on DAI's propaganda function, various manuscripts including one by Serial Roll 6?0 671 672 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 539 MI 5UO FT FT 5205336 5205368 DAI 5U1 FT 5205376 DAI 5^2 FT 5205505 DAI 5^3 FT 5205953 DAI 5UU FT 5206039 DAI DAI FT FT 5206156 5206270 DAI 5^7 FS 5206362 DAI DAI 5^9 FT FT 5206*188 5206525 DAI 550 FT 5206558 DAI 551 FT 52067^6 DAI 552 FT 5206822 DAI 50U, DAI 510 FT FT 5207230 5207931 Notes 59 DAI's Dr. Fritz Wertheimer, describing DAI's work and raison d'etre, 1921. Clippings and manuscripts describing DAI's work, 1922. A clipping "Hundert Millionen Deutsche," and a handwritten manuscript "Ein Besuch im Deutschen Ausland-Institut in Stuttgart," by J. Grengenbach, 1923. Duplicates omitted. Clippings, manuscript articles, etc., describing the origin and function of the DAI, the Haus des Deutschtums, etc.; also clippings from French newspapers on DAI's propaganda work, 192M-. Cippings, manuscript articles, magazines, etc., pertaining to DAI affairs and to the opening of the Haus des Deutschtums, 1925. "Das Deutsche Ausland-Institut im Jahre 1925" (Rundfunkvortrag), and other clippings, 1926. Various clippings, manuscripts of articles, magazine clippings, etc., describing DAI, and written in commemoration of its tenth anniversary, 1927. Clippings, manuscripts, etc., 1928. Clippings, manuscripts, etc., and a booklet Das Deutsche Ausland-Institut in Stuttgart by Dr. Fritz Wertheimer, 1929. Duplicates omitted. Clippiags, etc., 1930. Catalog of the Wttrttembergische LandwirtschaftsHochschule omitted. Clippings, etc., 1931 • Clippings, etc., 1932t and an article "Das Deutsche Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart," by Dr. Wertheimer, reprinted from Kultur und Politik, IV, 1932. Clippings, etc., 1933; also the "Schwftbischer Heimattag Stuttgart, Pfingsten 1933" issue of Unser Schwabenland, Heft 6. 3. Jg.t June 1933. Clippings, also from Hungarian papers, on Hitler's Magyar propaganda, Clippings, including originals and translations from articles appearing in the Russian, Bulgarian, French, Polish, etc. press on the propaganda work of DAI; also manuscripts and periodicals including among the latter "Sorge des heutigen Deutschlands fur seinen ehemaligen Kolonialbesitz. Das Deutsche Ausland-Institut in Stuttgart," by Dr. ¥. (Jradmann in Pfldagogische Warte, July 15, 1935, Jg. U2. Clippings, etc., 1936t including a letter, typewritten, to the Times (London), Sept. 7> 1936; correspondence and manuscript relevant to the Export-Ausgabe of the "ftS-Kurier (Stuttgart), 1935. Two folders from the files of the DAI containing Abrechnungen (of the DAI publikat ions st ell e) 19UU; numerous Betriebs-tfbersichten and Serial Roll 673 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame FT 5208U69 FT DAI 520 FT DAI 521 DAI 522 on 5209009 5209026 DAI 5lU Notes 60 Hauptbilanzen; lists of creditors; Personal stand; Abrechnungen, etc., 1937_UU; 1938-19^, respectively. A folder from DAI containing correspondence pertaining to, and extensive reports on audits of DAI accounts, 1936-^3. Three folders from the files of the DAI containing Reisekostenberechnungen for the Dienstreisen of DAI Abteilungsleiter and others, etc., 3, 19U3-U5, 19H3-HU, respectively. Serial 667; 67^676 H56-U58 Ml 551^-567 DAI 55^ DAI 555 5210030 DAI 558 FT FT FT FT FT DAI 559 FT 5211065 DAI 560 FT 521137^ DAI 561 FT 5211559 DAI 562 DAI 563 5211651* 521171*9 5212126 5212297 DAI 567 DAI 568 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5212375 5212753 5212903 DAI 569 FT 5212993 DAI 556 DAI 557 675 676 DAI 56^ DAI 565 DAI 566 5210083 52103U5 5210621 5210839 677 Continued A series of folders from DAI files containing newspaper clippings, Einladungen, etc., pertaining to Vortr$ge held in DAI, divided chronologically as follows: 1919: 1920-23; 1923-25; 1927-3^» including also "vertrauliche Vortrage," duplicates omitted. Clippings and manuscripts on speeches a"bout DAI, emigration, etc., 1917-25. Clippings, memoranda, etc., pertaining to speeches on DAI topics made by DAI members and others to clubs, etc., outside of the Institut, 19261932. Many by Dr. Wertheimer. Clippings, correspondence, etc., pertaining to Vortrage held in DAI Schloss, 1922-23, 192^-25, one item 1926. Clippings, manuscripts, etc., relevant to" vertrauliche Vortrage11 held in DAI's Kleiner Saal which were for a select audience only, 1925-26. Also a printed copy of Politische Schulung und Hochschulen, by Oberreg.-Rat Dr. Hans Simons, 1926, a confidential lecture. Clippings, etc., pertaining to DAI Lichtbilder- Vortrage 1925-26; a continuation of the same for 1926-30; a continuation of the same, 1930-32. "Vortrage ausserhalb DAI," 1933-38, clippings, "Vortrage im DAI," 193^-38. clippings and mimeographed circulars. "Rundfunkvortrage, " 192^-32, clippings, manuscripts, printed matter, etc. A folder from DAI files containing statistical information and quarterly reports on the DAI's Auswandererberatungsstelle; also memorranda on Dienstreisen made, Vortrage held and before whom, etc., 1937-38. Folders from DAI files containing: "Bericht des Wirtschaftsarchivs tLber das Jahr 1919 un& die ersten drei Monate 1920" and various "Mo natliche tlbersichten»of Osteuropa-Abt. , Lichtbilder-Abt., etc. ,. 1920, Provenance 677 67S Continued Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed DAI 570 FT 5213069 573 MI 571 FT FT 5213112 521317U DAI 572 FT 5213361 DAI 57U FT 5213^76 DAI 575 FT 5213598 DAI 577 FT 5213638 DAI 578 DAI 579 FT FT 5213255 DAI 576 FT 521^182 DAI 581 FT DAI 582-83 DAI 582 FT 521UU53 521U559 DAI 583 521U707 FT Notes 1st frame 5213819 61 Various statistical"Monatliche tfoersichten"about Auskttnfte, Bestande, etc., 192P. Continuation of the same, etc., 1925-26. A folder from DAI files containing statistics on Auswandererberatung, Auskunft, and Vermittlung of DAI, 1Q20-25; Unterlagen to Jahres"berichte; Bericht tlber die Grundsteinlegungsfeier zum Hause des Deutschtums, fiber die Sitzungen iies Verwaltungsrats, Ausschusses und wissenschaftlichen Beirats am 28, und 29. Mai 1924 und flber die Tfltigkeit des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts 1m Jahre 1923-2^ erstattet durch den Vorsitzenden des Vorstands, G-eneralkonsul Dr« phil. h.c. Theodor Gr. Wanner, and also Berichte uber die Sitzungen des Yerwaltungsrats, etc., for 1923 (DAI report 1922/23), and for 1922 CDAI report 1921/22), and manuscripts of various other reports. A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous memoranda reporting on internal matters, e.g. the library, map section, Lichfbilder-Abt., etc., and also a copy of a circular letter sent out "by DAI on the work of DAI's Ostasien-A"bt., improving relations with Japan, etc., 1920. A folder from DAI files containing clippings and copies of articles, particularly from the foreign press, on DAI and on the dedication of Haus d. Deutschtums. 1925» marked "Kritische Notizen," some not so critical; In folder 575* further material on the dedication, on the DAI Tagung of 1925. etc.; Miscellaneous clippings, handwritten notes, etc., on the dedication, 1925; In folder 578 more of the same; Bxtensive reports (clippings) of the dedication, Stresemann1s speech, etc., 1925; Program material for the dedication of Haus des Deutschtums, and also considerable correspondence and telegrams from dignitaries, etc., unable to attend the same, 1925 (duplicates omitted); "Einladungslisten zur Einweihungsfeier, 1925." Folders from DAI files containing: "Pressekorrespondenz, Besprechungen in Zeitungen u. Zeitschriften, Kritiken, Erwahnungen," etc., consisting of clippings, circulars, manuscripts, 1922-38; Per Auslandsdeutsche, spater Deutschtum im Ausland, "Besprechungen einzelner Kefte (und) in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften," 1920-38, mostly clippings, translations of clippings, etc., from newspapers and magazines, Serial Roll Deutsches AuslpndInstitut 679 679-680 680 Provenance 1*61-462 U62 Item DAI 586 Filmed 1st frame FT 5215702 DAI 591 DAI 592 FT FT 5216272 52163^3 DAI 593 DAI 59U FT FT 5216366 5216565 DAI 595 FT 5216695 DAI 596 FS 52167^9 DAI 597 FT Notes 62 and also "Vertrmiliche Bemerkungen und Vorschlftge zur Ausgestaltung des Auslanddeutschen, " no date. A folder from DAI files containing clippings, manuscripts, a "Bericht uber die Sitzung mit Geheimrat Professor Dr. Volz, Leipzig, am 9. Januar 1927" concerning establishment of the Mittelstelle f. Yolks- und Kulturb ode nfors chung in Leipzig aimed at uniting all "wissenschaftliche Spezialforschung" relevant to publication of DAI works; also reviews of various scientific books (clippings), publication announcement of the DAI's Handwo'rter'bucb. des Grenz- und Ausland-Deutsch turns, 1932 f f . , etc., Folders from DAI files containing material on Jahresversammlungen of DAI: Clippings, invitations, official reports, etc., of DAI Jahresversammlungen for 1922-2U; Correspondence, programs, invitations for the Jahresveraammlung of 1929, and a printed copy (als Manuskript gedruckt) of the DAI's VerwaltungsBerjLcht 1928/1929 (duplicates omitted); Newspaper clippings on the Jahresversammlung of 1929; Mimeographed copies of speeches given at the DAI's Hauptversammlung in 193** ("by OBM Strttlin, etc.), also excerpts from Dr. Csaki's Jahresbericht. Folders from DAI files containing clippings, etc., pertaining to the "Stuttgarter Festwoche" of 193^» which featured a Jahresversammlung of the DAI and many festivities honoring Auslandsdeutsche, much Nazi propaganda, etc. A folder from DAI files containing clippings about members of DAI councils, 1933-3*4; a list of the members of DAI's Wirtschaftsrat (193*0 and a description of its tasks; a list of the members of DAI's Kulturrat and a description of its tasks (193*0; a draft of the Kulturrat 1 s taskdescription, no date; a list of the Satzung , probably 193^; a list of the DAI's Vissenschaf tlicher Rat members and a description of its tasks (193^)- Duplicates omitted. A folder from DAI files containing clippings about Vortrftge held at DAI, 1917-23. Omitted were miscellaneous invitations, posters, admission tickets, etc. Folder from DAI files containing various reports on the activities of DAI's archive (newspaper library), memoranda on its administration and organization, numerous statistics on its compilations and its work in general, etc., 1919-38. Provenance Serial Deutsches AuslandInstitut 680 681 Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 598 FT 5217033 DAI 599 FT 5217H9 DAI 600 FT 5217256 DAI 602 FT 5217^31 DAI 60U FT 5217897 DAI 605 FT 521807^ DAI 606 FT 5218U82 DAI 607 FT 521859U DAI 611 FT 521S629 DAI 613 DAI 615 FT FT 5218730 5218756 DAI 616 FT U63 681-682 Continued Notes 63 Miscellaneous clippings of book reviews, Gutachten of books on Auslandsdeutsche, etc., from the files of the DAI's archive, 1923-37; filmed as a sample. Miscellaneous reports from DAI files including "Zu Briands Plan einer Europaischen Zusammenarbeit," 1930; copy of a letter to the German embassy in Moscow, 1930; copies of various circulars of the Ausw£rtige Amt (consular reports) on the visits of German naval vessels at various ports of call, 1930. Miscellaneous clippings about DAI's library; bibliographical lists including Mr den Schulunterricht geeignetes Schrifttum uber das Deutschtum der Oststaaten, probably 193^; "Volksdeutscher Sonder-Buchdienst. Bestandsverzeichnis (nach Landern geordnet)," 193**; miscellaneous clippings, etc., 1920-38. Duplicates omitted. Excerpts from letters, Dankschreiben, received by DAI for receipt of the Reichsbahn-Kalender and the Reichspost-Kalender distributed by DAI, 1929-35. Miscellaneous clippings, etc., pertaining to the Deutsche Volksheim in Stuttgart, established by DAI, from DAI files, 1936-38. Folders from DAI files containing clippings, typewritten manuscripts of speeches, newsletters, etc., pertaining to Stuttgart as "Stadt der Auslanddeutschen," and subdivided as follows: Miscellaneous material on the city itself including "Verwaltungs- und Betriebsstatistik der Stadt Stuttgart," July-September 1937; "Stuttgart, die 'Stadt der Auslanddeutschen," a printed excerpt of "Aus der Beratung mit den Ratsherrn vom 3« September 1936;" text of a speech by OBM Strtilin, 1938, etc. A collection of clippings on the dedication of the "Ehrenmal der deutschen Leistung im Auslsnd," 1936. Clippings, mimeographed material, etc., pertaining to the city of Stuttgart itself, 1936-37. Miscellaneous general clippings pertaining to Stuttgart, 1935-37Folders from DAI files containing na terial on Ehrungen, etc., subdivided as follows: Clippings, manuscripts, etc., on the Ehrenmal der Deutschen Leistung im Ausland, 1936-38. Drafts of DAI's "Richtlinien fur Ehrungen," 1936-37. "Ehrungen, Vorschlage und tinterlagen," memoranda, correspondence, 19361937. Drafts of Sbren-Urkunden, correspondence, memoranda, clippings, and a Serial Roll 681 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 617 Filmed 1st frame FT 5218953 MI 618 682 6S2-683 H6U-U65 683 Continued 5218857 5219031 5219051 5219055 DAI 619 DAI 620 DAI 621 FT FT FT DAI 622 FT DAI 623 FT DAI 62H FT DAI 628 FT DAI 630 FT DAI 625 FT DAI 626 FT 5219553 DAI 627 FT 5219606 DAI 629 FT 5219699 DAI 631/1 FT DAI 631/2 FT Hotes copy of Jahrestagung und 20-Jahrfeier des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart (August 11-15, 1937)* 1936-37. Miscellaneous clippings, memoranda, etc., pertaining to DAI's awarding of its Deutscher Ring (received by Dr. Stresemann in 1927t by Hitler in 193*0. 1927-3^. Drafts of Ehren-Urkunden, Ehren-Urkunden, clippings pertaining to the same, etc., 1927-33. Drafts of Ehren-Briefe, 1929-36. Copies of the silver and gold Ehrenplakette des DAI, 1937• Clippings, mimeographed material, manuscripts of speeches, etc., pertaining to the "Volksdeutscher Schrifttumspreis," 1935-38. Clippings pertaining to the exhibition "Deutsches Volk - Deutsche Arbeit,'1 held in the Shrenmal, 193U. Two folders from DAI files containing in folder 623 "Protokoll der Sitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats am 25. Mai 1927," of DAI, a typewritten copy; and in folder 62^, a handwritten manuscript of the same. Two folders from DAI files containing: "Protokoll der Sitzung am 16. Oktober 1927 der Kommission der Herausgeber der wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihen," of DAI; and "Protokoll der Sitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats am 22. Juni 1928," and related material. Folders from DAI files containing: "Protokoll der Wirtschaftstagung im Deutschen Ausland-Institut am 27. und 23. Mai 1927," carbon copy and handwritten notes; "Protokoll der Wirtschaftstagung im Deutschen Ausland-Institut am 27. und 28. Mai 1927 (mit Anwesenheitsliste), Anlage: Je eine Rede von Ferrn Generalkonsul Wanner und Herrn Dr. Peters, Prag;" Miscellaneous material pertaining to the DAI's Wirtschaftsbesprechung, May 28-29, 1927t including memoranda, reports, correspondence, clippings, and also a copy of "Bericht der Deutschen Handelskammer fur Spanien, Barcelona, -fiber 'Deutsche wirtschaftliche Tfltigkeit in Spanien' fttr die Ta^ung des Deutschen Ausl and institute Stuttgart," 1927; "Sitaung des Wirtschaftsbeirats des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts am 16. November 1927," with Anlagen. Two folders from DAI files marked "Personalien, auch Vertrauensleute," alphabetized A-G and H-Z, respectively, and dated 1923-38 and 1920-1938. They contain clippings, correspondence, memoranda, etc., pertaining to the work and lives of various outstanding personalities including among them DAI administrators, like Ratsherr Karl Goetz, Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 683-68H U65-U66 Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI DAI DAI DAI 632 633 63U 636 68U FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5221506 5221563 52217S7 5221930 DAI 635 FT 5222150 DAI FS 5222227 68U-685 U66-U67 H66 685 Continued U67 DAI 6^2 FT 5222908 DAI 6U3 FS 5222959 DAI 6UU FT 522310** DAI 6^5 FT 5223221 Notes Pastor Manfred GrisebPch, and such distinguished personalities as Carl Duisberg of I.G. Ferben, Generalkonsul Wanner, Dr. Stresemann. Among the newspaper clippings are some from Russian newspapers, as well as announcements of Trauerfeiern. A series of folders from DAI files containing clippings, correspondence, printed and unprinted material relating to the Kurland Ausstellung held in various German cities in 1918, and subdivided as follows: Leipzig, 1918; Stuttgart, 1918; Mttnchen, 1917; various: Darmstadt, Dresden, Dttsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Strassbourg, etc., 1918; Hannover, 1918; Berlin, 1918; Breslau, 1918; Miscellaneous pertaining to the organization, advertisement, etc., of the exhibition, clippings, pictures, etc., 1918. Duplicates omitted. Folders from DAI files containing clippings and miscellaneous material relating to various exhibitions, some sponsored by DAI: . Ostasiatische Ausstellung, 1921, also on the Deutschtum in the Ukraine and Crimea, 1917. Clippings and reports pertaining to "Auswanderungs-Ausstellung," in various German cities, 1921-22. Duplicates and architectural drawing omitted. Miscellaneous exhibitions on Deutsche Siedlungen im Ausland, 1921-21*. Correspondence, reports, and miscellaneous posters, etc., pertaining to "Ausstellung Schwaben im Ausland," 1925. Duplicates and technical brochure omitted. Reports, clippings, advertisements, etc., for the "Grosse Ausstellung Dusseldorf 1926 fflr Gesundheitspflege, soziale Fflrsorge und Leibesubungen," also called Gesolei, Duplicates omitted. Miscellaneous clippings, printed material, memoranda, etc., pertaining to the Danzig-Woche of Studentenschaft Heidelberg 1930» Kolonial-Ausstellung Stuttgart 1928, Deutsche Volkskunst-Ausstellung Dresden 1929, Deutsche Theater-Ausstellung Magdeburg 1927» etc. Duplicates omitted. A folder from DAI files containing brochures, Denkschriften, the catalog of, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the "Internationale PresseAusstellung" in Cologne, 1928, the executive committee of which was presided over by the Bttrgermeister of Cologne, Dr. Konrad Adenauer. Dupli- Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 686-688 H68~^70 Deutsches AuslandInstitut 686 U68 687 688 DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI 6^7 6U8 6U9 650 651 652 653 65*4 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 DAI 66U FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT DAI 665 DAI 666-668 DAI 666 FT Continued 522U109 522U626 522*1876 52P5121 52251406 5225511 5225576 52256U8 5225795 522593^ 5226010 5225357 5226092 5226281 5226331 5226U86 5226683 Notes 66 cates omitted. A series of folders from DAI files containing clippings, correspondence, telegrams, reports, memoranda, "brochures, programs, pamphlets, texts of speeches, posters, etc., pertaining to a travelling exhibition on Danzig, "Danzig Ausstellung," sponsored "by DAI, and subdivided as follows (duplicates omitted): Stuttgart, 1928; Mttnchen, 1929; Dresden, 1929; Berlin-Charlotteriburg, 1929. clippings. Berlin-Charlottenburg., 1929, memoranda, speeches, etc. Leipzig, 1929. Breslau, 1929. Hamburg, 192§. Hannover, 1929. Dtlsseldorf, 1§29. Magdeburg, 1929. Barmen-Elberfeld, 1929-1930. Sssen, 1930. Aachen, 1930. Wien, 1930. A folder from DAI files containing material pertaining to the founding of DAI and including: "Protokoll der ersten Sitzung des Verwaltungsrates am 30. Juni 1917;" texts of speeches made at the time of the first meeting of the DAI, June 30» 1917; clippings pertaining to the establishment of DAI, 1917* etc. A folder from DAI files oo ntaining material relating to the administration of DAI and including: "Zweite Verwaltungsrats-Sitzung des Deutschen Auslands-Museums und -Instituts in Stuttgart am 1. Juni 1918," and speeches and clippings relevant to the same; "Protokoll iHber die dritte Sitzung des Ausschusses des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts am Sonnabend, den 31. Mai 1919," and clippings pertaining to the seme; clippings pertaining to the Verwaltungsrat-Sitzung of 1920; clippings pertainiig to the Verwaltungsrat-Sitzung and Jahrestagung of DAI, 1921. Duplicates omitted. Folders from DAI files containing: clippings pertaining to the VDA Tagung in Passau, 1933; also a mimeographed "Bericht iHber die im Rahraen der Ostlandtagung des VDA Pfingsten 1935 veranstaltete Tagung des Volkswissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreises Provenance 688 689 *470 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item FT FT FT 5226975 5227061 5227272 FT 5227323 FT 52273^ DAI 671* IT 5227811 DAI 675 FT 5228305 DAI 667 DAI 668 DAI 669 471 Continued Filmed 1st frame Notes zu Warnicken an der Samlandkuste. " Clippings pertaining to the VDA Tagung in Mainz-Trier, Various clippings on VDA activities, 1932-35* A folder from DAI files containing clippings on the VDA aid to starving Germans in Russia, "Bruder in Not," 1933-3^. Miscellaneous clippings about DAI, Auslandsdeutschtum, and VDA, 193^-36; also memorandum on the preparation of exhibits on Auslandsdeutsches Volkstura. A folder from DAI files containing miscellaneous texts of speeches made at DAI Jahrestagungen, lectures, programs, administrative planning of activities, memoranda, minutes of staff meetings, clippings, correspondence, leaflets, "brochures, etc., relevant to DAI activities in 1935-36. A folder from the Vereins-Archiv of DAI containing material relevant to VDA affairs (Verein fur das Deutschtum im Ausland), and including numerous reports on VDA Jahrestagungen and other activities, 1933-^« Items of special interest include: "Berichte fiber die Tagung des Volkswissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreises im VDA,rt Vertreulich, mimeographed, for Jan. 1935» June 1935» May- 193^» January 1937; numerous leaflets, brochures, programs, etc., of VDA Tagungen; VDA Jahresbericht 1933; mimeographed reports of the meetings of various subgroups, e.g. Bauern, Kpufmanner, Frauen, Studenten; Schlussbericht, etc., at the VDA Pf ings ttagung in Passau, 1933; portrait of Crown Princess Cecilie (Hohenzollern) , 193^; "Die Presse der Baltischen Stasten uber die VDA Tagung in Kttnigsberg," 1935; Protokolle of VDA Sitzungen; Volksdeutscher Ruf, 1. Jg., 1» 1935; a press release, Passau 1933* "VolksJan. 15. 1935» an<i tumspolitik im Rahmen der Gesamtpolitik des neuen Deutschlpnds;" and many similar leaflets and reports* Duplicates omitted. Miscellaneous material from DAI files, dealing mostly with DAI's work in promoting volksdeutsche festivities, but also containing many leaflets, mimeographed and other reports, etc., 1Q2U-36* and including as items of special interest: Berichte (printed) of sessions of the DAI Verwaltungsrat, etc., for 192^/25, 1925/26, 1926/27. 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933; also, "Stuttgart, die Stadt der Auslanddeutschen,tt speech of OBM StrOlin at Ratsherrnsitzung, Sept. 3, 1936; "Stuttgart, die Stadt der Auslanddeutschen, Stiftungsbrief, " 1936; a printed brochure on Das Ehrenmal der deutschen Leistung im Ausland, 1936; printed brochure Deutsches Ausland-Institut Stuttgart gegrundet 1917» describing DAI and its work; a pamphlet Stuttgarter Festwoche 8. -16.""September 193^» Deutsches Serial 690-697 690 691 Continued Roll 1*72-^79 1*72 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 676 FT 5229071 DAI 677 FT 5229198 DAI 678 FT 52292U7 DAI 679 DAI 680 FT FT 522Q352 5229U17 DAI 681 FT 5229617 DAI £82 DAI 683 FT FT 5229756 DAI 68U FT 5230017 DAI 685 DAI 686 FT FT 5230073 5230156 DAI 687 FT 5230330 DAI 688 FT 5230339 DAI 689 FT 52305C2 Notes 68 Kulturschaffen des Reichs. containing the program of the Festwoche and also many articles on Volksdeutsche; miscellaneous invitations, clippings, mimeographed and typewritten reports, etc., pertaining to the Festwoche, 193^; etc. Duplicates omitted. A series of folders from DAI files containing material relevant to DAI Jahrestagungen and subdivided as follows: "D.A.I. Jahrestagungen (sic) 1925 und Einweihung. Ausschnitte aus der Stuttgarter und der flbrigen schwa"bischen Presse." Miscellaneous handwritten notes of meetings of DAI Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, etc., elections, mostly for 1925, some items 1930. Minutes of the annual meeting of the DAI Verwaltungsrat 1926 and of the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat 1926; also proceedings (Protokolle) of the 1926 meeting of the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, a draft of the same, also handwritten notes relevant to the same (Vertraulich). "Tagungen 1926, Drucksachen und Ausschnitte." "Jahrestaeungen 1927 (Stresemann-Rede), etc.," clippings, including text of Reichsaussenminister Dr. Stresemann's speech on the occasion of DAI's tenth anniversary. "Tagungen 1928, Drucksachen, Einladungen," including text of a speech made to the DAI Ausschuss-Sitzung "by Dr, Theodor Wanner, Vorsitzender des Vorstands 1927 (sic), Jahresbericht 1927/28, etc. "Tagungen 1928, Presseberichte und sonstige Ausschnitte." Proceedings (Protokoll), minutes, agenda, handwritten notes, Referate, and other material pertaining to the 1929 meeting of DAI's Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, Protokoll, handwritten notes, etc., of the Wirtschaftstagung of DAI, 1929. Protokoll, etc., of the Wirtschaftstagung of DAI, 1930. Protokoll, handwritten notes, etc., of the meeting of DAI's Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, 1930. Miscellaneous printed material, program, etc.; annotated carbon copy of the speech of Reichsaussenminister Dr. Curtius; speech of Ambassador a.D. Dr. Wilhelm Solf, excerpt of a speech "by Bundeskanzler a.D. Streeruwitz, Vienna; Verwaltungsrats-Bericht 1929/30; etc., pertaining to Jahrestagungen of DAI, 1930. Clippings from German and foreign newspapers, magazines, mimeographed press release, etc., pertaining to DAI Jahrestagungen, 1930. Protokoll of the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat meeting of 1931; various relevant handwritten notes (shorthand), copies of reports, agenda, etc. Serial Roll 691 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 690 FT 5230530 DAI 690A DAI 691 FT FT 5230571* 5230860 FT FT DAI 695 FT FT 5231039 523113!* DAI 696 FT 5231278 DAI 697 FT 5231370 DAI 698 FT 5231612 DAI 69U 692 693 Continued Notes 69 Duplicates omitted. "Protokoll nber die Besprechung von Wirtschaftsfragen anl&sslich der Jahresversammlung des Deutschen Auslsnd-Institute 15. Mai 1931»" at which the DAI Vorstand, DAI Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, DAI Verwaltungsrat (including Dr. C. Duisberg, Director of I.G. Far"ben), etc., were present. The subjects discussed were mainly Auswanderungspolitik and Siedlungspolitik. Press reports pertaining to the DAI Jahrestagungen, 1931. Miscellaneous material pertaining to the DAI Jahrestagungen, 1931» including invitation lists, agendas, etc., the text of a speech by Konsul Wanner, Jahresbericht of the Archiv-Abt., and the printed Verwaltungsrats-Bericht 1930/31- Duplicates omitted. "Protokoll zur Tagung des Verwaltungsrates und Ausschusses des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts am 16, Mai 1931»" with related material. DAI Verwaltungs-Bericht 1931/32, invitations, correspondence, etc., pertaining to DAI Jahrestagungent 1932. Duplicates omitted. Press reports etc., pertaining to DAI Jahrestagungen, 1932. Agenda, Protokoll (two copies, differently annotated), various appendices to the Protokoll, etc., of the DAI's Wissenschaftlicher Beirat meeting, 1932; duplicates omitted. Protokoll of the DAI's Yerwaltungsrat and Ausschuss meeting, 1932, attendance list, and the text of a speech by Kapt. z.S. Boehm. Material pertaining to the DAI Jahrestagung, 1933* including invitations, text of the speech of OEM Strfllin, TStigkeitsbericht 1932/33 by Dr. Csaki, press reports, etc. Material pertaining to the Jahrestagung of DAI, 1933i including proceedings of the Ausschuss-Sitzurg, Vorstandssitzung, etc., speeches, Kundgebung, attendance lists, etc.; duplicates omitted. Press reports pertaining to VDA Tagung, 1935. Material pertaining to the DAI Tagung of 1935 including a carbon copy of the Jahresbericht 193^/35t minutes of the Vorbereitende Sitzung 1935* press reports on the Tagung. Duplicates omitted. Material pertaining to the DAI's Wirtschaftsrat-Sitzung 1935* and. including mimeographed booklet "Die Vertretung deutscher Wirtschaftsbelange im Ausland durch Volksgenossen, Berichte und Aussprachen in der Sitzung des Wirtschaftsrats des DAI am 3. Juni 1935*" Nicht zur Weitergabe, nicht zur Verdffentlichung (two differently annotated copies); draft of the same and related material. Serial 693 69*+ 695 695-696 696 697 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed DAI 702 FT 5232627 DAI 703 FT 523292^ DAI 70H FT 5233026 DAI 705 FT 5233219 DAI 706 FT 52336S6 DAI 707 FT 5233839 DAI 70S FT 5231*1*32 DAI 709 DAI 710 FT FT 523U755 523Hg21 DAI 7H» DAI 71? DAI 713 FT FT FT 523U879 5235201 52353^6 DAI JlU FT 5235391 5236721 DAI 715 DAI 716 DAI 717 1st frame FT FT 5236806 52368U3 Notes 70 Material pertaining to the DAI's Jahrestagung 1935* consisting mostly of reports and speeches made by academic persons and including especially "Berichte Auslanddeutscher Gelehrter" including reports such as "Die Dichtung der Auslandsdeutschen, Bine neue Sammelaufga"be des Deutschen AuslandsInstituts in Stuttgart," "by Prof. Dr. Heinz Kindermann of Danzig (later Vienna), "Die Lage des Deutschtums in Ungarn, " "by Prof. Huss, etc. Also proceedings of the "Sitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates," and the minutes of the "Vorbereitende Sitzung der Jahrestagung. " press reports pertaining to the tenth anniversary of DAI's Haus des Deutschtums, 1935. Press reports' pertaining to the Tagung of the Deutsche Weltwirtschaftliche G-esellschaft, 1935; also invitations to DAI's Wirtschaftsrats-Sitzung of 1935. Duplicates omitted. Press reports, mimeographed texts of speeches, etc., pertaining to DAI's Tagung fur auslanddeutsche Sippenkunde, 1936. Press' reports of DAI's Jahrestagung 1936, including text of a speech of Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg read to the convention. Press reports, magazine articles, mimeographed and typewritten material pertaining to the Auslandlehrertegung 1936. Duplicates omitted. Material pertaining to the DAI Tagung of 1936 including press reports etc. , relating to the official opening of the ""^renmal der deutschen Lei stung im Auslsnd" at the convention; also various drafts of texts of speeches made at the convention; mimeographed press releases; memoranda and minutes of meetings. Press 'reports pertaining to the Jahrestagung of DAI, 1936. Press reports pertaining to the DAI Tagung of 1936 and the Stuttgarter Auslandsdeutsche Woche, 193 6. Press .reports pertaining to the Jahrestagung 1936. Invitations, program, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the Jahrestagung and 20th anniversary celebration of DAI, 1937Contains a booklet Jahrestagung und 20-Jahrfeier des Deutschen Auslandan extensive collection of Instituts Stuttgart 11.-15. August 193t» press reports on the same Jahrestagung and anniversary celebration. Press reports, invitations, mimeographed material, etc., pertaining to the Sippenkundliche Arbeitstagung at the DAI Jahrestagung, 1938. Press reports pertaining to the DAI Jahrestagung 1938. Press reports, invitations, etc., pertaining to DAI's Jahrestagung, 1938. Item Filmed DAI 718 FT 5236973 DAI 719 FT 5237197 DAI 720 FT 5237260 DAI 721 FT 5237397 DAI 722 FT 5237558 DAI 723 FT 5238304 699 DAI 724/1, FT DAI 724/2 FT 5238800 5239295 700 DAI 725/1, FT DAI 725/2, FT DAI 725/3 FT 5239736 5240372 5?40817 Provenance Serial Deutsches AuslandInstitut 697 1st frame 697-70^ 479-^86 697 698 480 482 701 702 484 Continued DAI 726 FT DAI 727 FT 5241761 DAI 728 FT 5242199 DAI 729 FT 5242317 DAI 730/1, FT DAI 730/2 FT 5242745 5243261 Notes 71 Press reports including texts of speeches made, the Presseausstellung und Pressetagung, etc., of the DAI Jahrestagung, 1938. Press reports pertaining to the Jahreshauptversammlung im Neuen Schloss of the DAI Jahrestagung, 1938. Press reports pertaining to the Jahrestagung, 1938, and typewritten "Tfttigkeitsbericht des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts 1937/38*" and a typewritten report of the convention. Press reports and mimeographed material pertaining to the DAI Jahrestagung (including reports of the Arbeitstagungen of related committees), 1939A group of folders containing correspondence, telegrams, reports, memoranda, etc., pertaining to DAI Jahrestagungen, subdivided as follows: Pertains to Jahrestagung 1936 and includes correspondence and telegrams signed by Rudolf Hess, Stellvertr. d. Fflhrers, Reichsinnenminister Frick, etc., Jahresbericht 1935/36* extensive memoranda and reports pertaining to the Volksbund d. Deut. Sippenkundl. Vereine, also to the Auslandlehrertagung. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, etc., invitation lists, and Jahresbericht 1936-37* pertaining to Jahrestagung 1937* 20. Jahresfeier. Correspondence consisting of Absagen from party and state officials, private persons, etc., to invitations for the Jahrestagung, 1937. Alphabetized A-L, M-Z, respectively. Correspondence with German party and state officials, private persons and organizations, German national organizations abroad, German cultural organizations abroad, etc., pertaining to the Jahrestagung 1937. Alphabetized A-J, K-R, S-Z, respectively. Correspondence pertaining to the 5*n Reichtagung der Auslandsdeutschen in Stuttgart, 1937. Note: Frames 5241760A-5241771A also on Serial 700. "Anmeldungen zur Teilnahme an der V. Reichstagung der Auslandsdeutschen in Stuttgart," 1937. Miscellaneous programst booklet, draft of OBM Strftlin's speech, correspondence, memoranda, etc., pertaining to 5*h Reichstagung der Auslandsdeutschen in Stuttgart, 1937Correspondence, programs, memoranda, etc., pertaining to DAI's Sippenkundl iche Arbeitstagung, 1938. Note: Frames 5242744A-524274SA also on Serial 701. Correspondence consisting of "Zusagen," to invitations to DAI's Jahrestagung, 1938. Alphabetized A-G, H-M. Incomplete. Provenance 704 705 706 487 488 Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 730/3 FT 52H3813 DAI 731 FT 5244135 DAI 732 FT 5244692 DAI 733/1. ?T DAI 733/2 FT DAI 734 FT 5245131 5245485 5245804 DAI 735/1. FT DAI 735/2 FT 5246531* 5247234 DAI 736 FT 52^7639 DAI 737 FT 5248116 DAI 733 FT 5248657 DAI 739.740 DAI 739 Continued FT 52*48710 Notes 72 "Vorlfiufiges Programm fflr die VI. Reichstagung der Auslandsdeutschen," Vertraulich, 193&, and a "Schlussbericht AO-Tagung;" and extensive correspondence, A-Z, pertaining to the Reichstagung. Memoranda, invitation lists,program planning and correspondence A-Z, pertaining to the DAI Jahrestagung, 193^. Correspondence consisting of "Zusagen" to invitations to the DAI's Jahrestagung, 1939. Correspondence consisting of "Absagen11 to invitations to the DAI's Jahrestagung, 1939; alphabet!zed A-L, M-Z, respectively. Correspondence, invitations, mimeographed material, programs, etc., pertaining to the Jahrestagung 1939. Two folders from DAI files consisting of correspondence of DAI's Rundfunkreferent Dr. "Mollau with German academic institutions and individuals, NSDAP, German cultural organizations in Germany and abroad, etc., pertaining to DAI's radio propaganda activities among Auslandsdeutsche, alphabetized A-M (l936-40)and N-Z (1936-39), respectively. Folder 735/1 also contains "Politische Eeitungs- und Rundfunkschau" (mimeographed), Dec. 21, 1939» Dec- 23, 1939. A folder of correspondence from the files of DAI's Rundfunkreferent Dr. Nollau containing correspondence with Reichssender Berlin, Breslau, Deutschland-Sender, Reichssender Frankfurt, Hamburg, K61n, Kflnigsberg, Leipzig, Mttnchen, Saarbrtlcken, Stuttgart, Wien, Reichssendeleitung, etc. pertaining to DAI's radio propaganda activities, 1935~39» A folder of correspondence from the files of DAI's Rundfunkreferent Dr. Nollau pertaining to DAI!s activities in providing radio receivers to Auslandsdeutsche and their organizations, gift of radio sets by OBM Strfilin, etc., A-Z, 1938-40. A folder of correspondence from DAI files, mostly of Dr. Schneider, with Reichsministeriura f. Volksaufklftrung und Propaganda and Reichspropagandaamt subordinate offices concerning "Urnsiedlungsdokumentation," 19^-219*43. Two folders from DAI files containing material pertaining to its Auslandspressearchiv. Folder 739 is marked Auslandspressearchiv, JCorresponden?, Sachbestandsberichte," containing mostly circulars and Schnellbriefe, some correspondence received by the Archiv from Reichsministerium t. Volksaufkl. u. Prop., 19UO-UU; and also correspondence, Schnellbriefe from R.f.V.u.P., memoranda on "Tatigkeitsbericht wflhrend des Krieges," also Arbeitsberichte, Geschflftsberichte, budget memoranda, etc., 1939-^0. pertaining to the Serial Roll 706 U88 707 JOB Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes ____ , r Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 7^0 FT 52U8852 DAI DAI 7^1 FT 5?U9226 DAI 7U2 FT 52U9622 DAI 7U3 FT 52U96UO DAI FT 52U9832 DAI 71*7 FT 5250HS2 DAI 7^5 FT 5250562 DAI 7^8 FT 5250808 L *7TI heading "Sachbestandsberichte." Folder 7^0 is marked "Auslandspressearchiv Etat, Korrespondenz, Statsabrechnungen, Haushaltsvorschlfige, " 1938-^. Correspondence is mostly with R.f.V.u.P. Two folders from DAI files containing: in folder 7^1 circulars and directives of R.f.V.u.P., 1QU1-U2, and ffachrichtenblatt des Reichsministeriums ftlr Volksaufklflrung und Propaganda, NO. lU, May 19, 19^2; No. 2, Jan. 2^1, 19^5; and in folder 7^2, miscellaneous correspondence, 19UU-U5, and Nachrichten"blatt, etc., No. 3, Feb. 10, A folder from the files of DAI's Dr. Beyer containing correspondence with the Studentenfuhrung at various German universities and technical institutes pertaining to their participation in DAI propaganda activities, Jahrestagungen, trips abroad, etc. , 1937-38. A folder from the files of DAI's Rolf Wilkening containing correspondence with the Reichsstudentenftthrung, Mttnchen, pertaining to its and DAI's joint cultural propaganda activities, 1938. A folder from the files of DAI's Dr. Fritz Erfurth with Reichsstudentenftthrung, Volksbund f. das Deutschtum im Ausland, and much of it with his predecessor at DAI, Rolf Wilkening (see preceding folder 7UU), Volkstumsreferent of RSF and Studentenabt. of VDA, 1938-39. The material pertains to DAI cooperation with student groups in cultural propaganda activities. A folder from the files of DAI's Dr. Erfurth containing correspondence with Deutsche Akademische Auslandsstelle Mnchen, Deutsch-Fl&mische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Reichsleitung NSDAP, etc., pertaining to DAI cooperation with student groups in cultural propaganda activities, 1939« A folder from DAI files containing "Berichte" of Dr. Erfurth, etc., nevrsletters, articles, and other reports pertaining to German student activities, the cultural propaganda work of DAI and student groups, trips, "Tatigkeitsbericht" of the Verbindungsamt d. Reichsstudentenftihrers at DAI (1937-38), and extensive reports also on yolfcsdeutsche questions: Eup en-Mai medy, German- Americans, Luxemburg, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, etc., also Schulungsbriefe, material on FlemishWalloon frictions, anti-semitism in France, etc., 1938-39A folder from DAI files containing memoranda, reports, correspondence, circulars, etc., mostly of DAI's Pressepbt. (Dr. Rttdiger) , 1935-^0. Items of special interest include: discussion of plans for a "S&dostWoche" (Vienna), 19UO; bibliographic "Italienkundliches Schrifttum;" Serial Roll 70S Continued 490 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 7^9 Filmed FT 1st frame 5251287 Notes DAI1s Berlin Buro.Dr. Kruse's "Besuch bei Min. Dir. Dr. Vollert," Vertraulich; "Protokoll ttber die 1. Sitzung des Publikationsausschusses am 26.11.19^0;" a report, Vertraulich, "Generalgouverneur Dr. Frank vor der Auslandspresse," Feb. 10, 19^0; descriptive memorandum on VDA personnel including information on Herr Dolezalek; report describing the establishment of the Eeichskommissariat f. d. Festigung d. deutschen Volkstums, 19^0; "Die Presse- und Nachrichtenarbeit im Deutschen Ausland-Institut wahrend des Krieges;" memorandum, Dec. 5» 1939» on preparing material for the visit of "Sowjetkommission zur Urasiedlung der G-alizien- und WolhynienDeutschen in Krakau;" "Beschaffung und Auswertung auslandischer Zeitungen ftlr den Nachrichtendienst cies Deutschen Ausland-Instituts und des Deutschen Auslands-Presse-Archivs," 1939; memorandum to Leiter Dr. Csaki and to Dr. Rndiger signed by Dr. G-radmann, describing a conversation he had in the Bulgarian G-esandtschaft about plans allegedly had by Rumania and Turkey for the partition of Bulgaria before the signing of the GermanSoviet Non-Aggression pact, dated Sept. 20, 1939; "Tatsachen fiber Polen,fl 1939; "Behandlung von Geheimsachen," 1939; "Die Lage des Deutschtums in Bessarabien, 1939; Abschrift of a letter from VONI to DAI "Tatigkeit des Federal Bureau of Investigation, HTberwachung der Korrespondenz des Amerikadeutschen Volksbundes," July 15i 1939; Protokoll Cber eine Besprechung im Reichssender Stuttgart am ?6. September 193#;" DAI's "Aufgabengebiet," Streng vertraulich, 1937; "Vorschlag zum Reichsieistungskampf," 1937; etc. A folder from DAI files marked "Durchschlage von Berichten, Reden, Beschreibungen, usw.," 193^-39* a^cL including as items of special interest: nos. 1-10, "Tatigkeitsberichte" of Dr. Hopf in Warsaw, Feb/17 - May 23, 19^0; report of April 19, 19*40, from Dr. Quiring of the DAI Kommission at Litzmannstsdt, G-eheim; report on Dr. Csaki's "Sudostreise" to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, made August 9 - Sept. 5» 1939» an(i marked Streng vertraulich; an unidentified report "Bericht," Streng vertraulich, containing information relating to the Austrian Anschluss, South Tyrol, the relations between Dollfuss, then Schuschnigg and Mussolini, dated July 1P39; numerous rei>orts by Dr. RUdiger of his trips within Germany and abroad; "Protokoll der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Prager und Briinner Studenten," Feb. 25, 1939; a report, Vertraulich, by Dr. RUdiger, including a description of a Ftthrer-Empfang f. d. deutsche Presse in Munchen at which Hitler spoke freely concerning the annexation of Czechoslovakia, revealing the hitherto disguised war aims, of the need to avoid public criticism of the Nazi leadership, etc., Nov. 193^ (cf. also the text of Hitler's remarks printed in Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, 6. Jg., 2. Heft, April Serial Roll 709 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 750 FT 5251812 DAI 751 FT 5252176 DAI 752 FT DAI 753 FT Notes 195*0; "Probleme der deutschen Presse im Ausland," Vortrag held by Dr. Rttdiger, 1938; "Niederschrift ttber die Besprechung mit Generaladmiral Dr. h.c. Raeder am 3» September 1938 im Sitzungszimmer des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts;11 Rttdiger's "Bericht tlber meinen Besuch in Prag und Eger," Aug. U-7, 193&» includes information on the Sudetendeutschen political parties, press, the general political situation, etc., numerous reports on the influence, appeal, effectiveness, limitations, etc., of the German press abroad. •> A folder from the files of DAI's Dr. Oskar Hartung containing correspondence mostly with Volksdeutsche in eastern Europe pertaining to press and propaganda matters, the Volksdeutsche Press, etc., A-Z, 1938-39- Continued 5252H96 75 A folder from DAI's Dr. Rtidiger containing the manuscript of "Prof. Dr. Hermann Hasck, Physikalischer Wandatlas, Eine Sammlung von Karten und Tafeln zur allgemeinen Erdkunde fur den Unterricht, Erlfluterungen - VII. Abteilung, Rassen, Vdlker, Staaten, Das Deutschtum der Erde, bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. H. Haack und Dr. H. Rttdiger, Unter Mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. Freiherr von 3ickstedt, Erlftuterungsheft von Dr. F. Rttdiger, Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1933t" two copies, one of which is annotated in>Dr. Bfldiger's hand; correspondence with NSDAP Reichsleitung, Amt ftlr Schulungsbriefe im Hauptschulungsamt der NSDAP, 193^; correspondence with Justus Perthes Verlag; Abschrift of "Richtlinien fur die Umarbeitung der vorliegenden Erdkundelehrbuch-Entwttrfe fur die Klassen I-V," Nov. 193^; » roemo "Richtlinien der pprteiamtlichen Prttfungsstelle fttr die erdkundlichen Lehrbtlcher an Hoheren Schulen." Duplicate omitted. A folder from the files of DAI's Dr. Rttdiger containing correspondence with Volksdeutsche journalists, with party and government agencies, newspapers, etc., pertaining to "Weiterbildung volksdeutscher Schriftleiter," and including reports on the two week Lehrgang held at Hubertushflhe, house of the VDA; also information on VOMI, a memo on "Hachausbildung der volksdeutschen Schriftleiter in Berlin," 1939, etc.; 1932-39. A folder from DAI files containing memoranda, reports, program plans, etc., of various conventions, Schulungswochen, Lehrgfinge, etc., sponsored or affiliated with DAI, 1936-39* Items of interest include: Jahrestagung 1938 Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Zeitungen und Zeitschriften vora 1U.-17. Juni;" Schulungswoche "Auslandsdeutsche in der deutschen Wirtschaft," July 12-17, 1937; Auslandlehrertagung, Aug. 1936; "Vorschlag zur Eupen-Malmedy Arbeitsgemeinschaft," 1939; "Richtlinien fttr die Serial 709 Item Rpll 1*91 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Filmed 1st frame DAI 755 IT DAI 755a-m DAI 7551 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5252682 5252693 5252701 5252710 5252717 5352725 5252732 5252738 52527U5 5252756 5252776 525278! DAI 755m FT 5252791 DAI 756 FT DAI 757 FT DAI 758 FT 525292*4 5253050 Volksbund fur das DAI 759 Deutschtum im Ausland (VDA),Wur t tembergHohenzollern FT 5253^26 DAI 755& DAI 755b DAI 7550 DAI 755d DAI 755e DAI 755f DAI 755g DAI 755h DAI 755i DAI 755J DAI 755* 710 Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Schenk, Sachbearbeiter far Grenz- und Auslandsarbeit 1m Gauschulungsamt der NSDAP, Stuttgart," 1937; Vertraulich, "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Litauen," 1938; report on Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nordschleswig," 1938t etc. A folder from DAI files containing a collection of small poster announcements of DAI sponsored "Auslandkundliche Vortragsreihe," held at the Technische Hochschule in Stuttgart, 19^3-^14. A series of folders containing correspondence with the press and small poster announcements, etc., pertaining to Auslandskundliche Vortrflge given in the T.H. in Stuttgart, also other lectures, by DAI personnel and subdivided: "Vortrag 2^.7.^2 Dr. Rttdiger, DAI" "Vortrag 10.7.19^2 Dr. Kloss, DAI" "Vortrag 3.7.19U2 Stud. Rat Dr. Kurz, Stuttgart" "Vortrag 26.6.19^2 Prof. Dr. Weber, University Tttbingen" "Vortrag 19.6,19^2 Prof. Dr. Gredner, T.H. Mttnchen'1 "Vortrag g.5.19*42 Dir. Dr. Csaki, DAI" "Vortrag 15.5.19^2 Prof. Dr. Hennig, Universitat Ttlbingen" "Vortrag 5.6.19^2 Prof. Dr. von Wissmann, Universitflt Tdbingen" "Vortrag 12.6.19U2 Prof. Dr. Machatschek, Universitat Tttbingen" "Vortrag 1.5.19^2 Dr. Gauss, DAI" "Vortrag 17.^.19^2 Dr. Mdiger, DAI" "Vom DAI bezahlte Jtechnungen, Rumflnische Volkskunstausstellung und Auslandskundliche Vortrflge" "Vortrag 17.7.^2 Prof. Dr. Kflhn, DAI" Of. folder DAI ~$0k. A folder from the files of DAI's Dr. Fritz Erfurth containing his correspondence with the Aussenamt of the Reichsstudenteiifdhrung, 1938-39. Also Included is a copy of Die Ostkartei, Grundriss des Heuaufbaus im Qsten, June 19^3, Heft 1. Correspondence of DAI's Dr. Erfurth with Aussenstellen of Reichsstudentenftthrung, 1938-39. A folder, probably from DAI files, marked "England im franzflsischen Urteil," containing a collection of excerpts from French authors of the 19th and 20th centuries (in German translation) of negative statements made by them about England. Mimeographed, A-Z, probably 1939-^0A folder of correspondence from the files of the Volksbund fttr das Deutschtum im Ausland (VDA), Wttrttemberg-Hohenzollern, relating to Kreisverbandstagungen, NSDAP-VDA Veranstaltungen, etc., Provenance 710 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed MI 760 FT DAI 761 711 1st frame 5253^ 5253961 MI 76*4 FT 525U193 Ml 765 FT 525^591 DAI 766 FT 525^723 DAI 767 FT 525U886 DAI 76S FT 5255319 711-712 711 Continued Notes 77 A folder from DAI files containing its correspondence with DAF; Merkblatter, directives, information brochures, etc., of DAF; Krankenkasse matters, memoranda, statistical information, etc., 1933-^« A folder from MI files containing numerous reports, 1937-*40. Items of interest include: "Die Volkstumsarbeit des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts," "by Dr. tfollau of DAI Presseabt., probably 19UO; a description of the Ehrenmal der deutschen Leistung im Ausland, probably 19*40; "Stuttgart, die Stadt der A-uslandsdeutschen," probably 19*40; "Jahresbericht des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts," Dr. Csaki, 19&0 (?); Geheim, report on "Ungarn," discussing political situation, etc., probably 19*40; Abschrift of a letter constituting "Bericht von den Wolhyniendeutschen," sent to Dr. Stumpp of Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschturns, probably 19*40; various reports on the Germans in South America, 19*40; carbon copies of Abschriften of letters received from Germans abroad, e.g. in Chile, last Africa, China, in various internment camps, etc., reporting on local opinions of Germans reflecting their own opinions, etc., 193q; Abschrift, "Dr. Kruse: bei Herrn Abetz (Dienststelle Ribbentrop)tf 10*40, etc. A folder from MI files containing memoranda describing the work and organization of the Presseabteilung and containing the correspondence of the Presseabteilung (Dr. Spaeth), A-Z, 19UO-^3. A folder of correspondence from DAI files containing the private correspondence of Dr. Rttdiger, Presseabteilung, pertaining to arctic exploration, publication of articles, private communications, geographers1 conventions, etc., 1932-UO. A folder from DAI files containing copies of Presse-Korrespondenz des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart, Jg. 20, Jan. 10, 193#» to Jg. 21, October 1939. A folder from MI files containing: memoranda pertaining to Umsiedlungsdokumentation, inventory and budget matters, Hauptarchiv der NSDAP, etc., 19^2-1*3; mimeographed circular letters to DAI Kpmeraden bei der Wehrmacht, 19*42; "Innerdienstliche Hitteilungen" mimeographed, 193719^3*. Presse-Korrespondenz des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart, Jg. 21, January 30, 1939, to Jg. 2U, January 19*42; carbon copies of "Nachrichten fiber Urasiedlung," numbers 1-12, 19UO-U1, some stamped Geheira, compiled mostly from the foreign press in Europe and elsewhere. Folders from DAI files containing: in folder 768, a list of abbreviations (L, A?, etc.)» telephone numbers, etc., of DAI personnel; Dienstanweisung for Hauptabteilungsleiter, Serial 712 Roll U9*4 712-71*4 712 *49*4 713 1496 715-716 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslsndInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 769 FT 5255391 DAI 770 FT 5255528 DAI 771/1 FT 5255711 DAI 771/2 FT 5256998 DAI 771/3 FT 52583^1 Notes 78 Abteilungsleiter, Sachbearbeiter and Aseistenten, 1938; and "Innerdienstliche Mitteilungen" (fragmentary), 1937-UO; in folder 769, "Innerdienstliche Mitteilungen" (incomplete), 1936-*40, in part supplement ir I.M." of previous folder; in folder 770, "Innerdienstliche Mitteilungen," 1935-19*43 (fragmentary for earlier years). Folders from DAI files containing: Folder 771/1. copies of Deutscher Wochendienst for Nov. 7» 19*11 (nos. 5638-5652) to March 20, 19*42 (nos. 6*425-6*446) giving information on the general situation, "book published, articles, bibliographical information, etc., and instructions to the press on what material to stress and what to suppress or ignore, suggestions for reviews of books and films, and also copies of Zeitschriften-Dienst, Streng Vertraulich! and l\Fur zur persfinlichen Kenntnisnahme, (of which DW was evidently a supplement), for January 2*4, 19**1 (Ausgabe 91, nos. 3879-392U) to October 31, 19^1 (Ausgabe 131, nos. 5601-5637)» and scattered among the Deutscher Wochendienst, copies of Zeitschriften-Dienst for Nov. 7, 19^1 (Ausgabe 132/1, 563S-567H) to March 20, 1942 (Ausgabe 150/19, nos. 6^25-6*470). The ZD contains elaborate instructions on the Nazi propaganda line, discussions of leading subjects for feature articles, discussions of books published, surveys of the enemy press, etc. Folder 771/2, copies of ZD for March 27, 19^2 (Ausgabe 151/20, nos. 6*471-6502) to June 11, 19*43" (Ausgabe 21*1/83, nos. 8928-8959) and copies of DW for March 27, 19^4? (Ausgabe 151/20, nos. 6*471-6*488) to June 11, 19^3 (Ausgabe 21*4/83, nos. 8928-8959) and copies of DW for March 27, 19*42 (Ausgabe 151/20, nos. 6*471-SU88) to June 11, 19*43 (Ausgabe 21U/83, nos. 892889*42). Folder 771/3, ZD copies from June 18, 19*13 (Ausgabe 215/8*4, nos. 89618996) to Sept. 17 19*4U (Ausgabe 278/1*47, A63*4-A^52), and DW from June 18, 19*43 (Ausgabe 215/8*4, nos. 8961-8979) to Sept. 1, 19*4*4 (Ausgabe 278/1*17, nos. A<^A£*43). Folders from DAI files initialed H R" for Dr. Mdiger, containing a file of the DAI's weekly newsletter 12-Uhr-Nachrichtendienst, Vertraulich and War f. d. innerdienstlichen Gebrauch bestimmt, which contain regular reports subdivided among the following headings: 1. Innenpolitik, 2, Aussenpolitik, 3« Deutsche Volksgruppen in ISuropa, U. ftberseedeutschtum und Kolonien, 5« Reichsdeutsche im Ausland und AO, 6. Volkstumsarbeit im Reich, 7. Volkstumsarbeit der Anderen, 8. Stuttgart und Deutsches Ausland-Institut. The folders contain the following issues: Serial Roll 715 **97 716 717 **98 Proven ance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 772/1, copy 2; DAI 772/2, copy 2; DAI 772/3, copy 2; DAI 772/1*. copy 2; FT 5259686 FT 526017** FT 526071*3 FT 5261301 DAI 773 FT 5261723 DAI 77V1' FT 5261739 copy 1; DAI 77b/I, FT copy 2; DAI 77**/2, FT 5*438163 5**38925 DAI 77**/3» DAI 763 5**37988 FT 52620**5 526211*6 Continued Notes 79 772/1 copy 2, No. 1, Dec. 1, 1937 - no. 200, Nov. 23, 1938. 772/2 copy 2, No. 201, Nov. 2**, 193S - no. 220, Dec. 22, 1938, and no. 1, Jan. 2, 1939 - no. 7**, May 19, 1939. 772/3 copy 2, No. 75. May 23, 1939 - no. 130, Aag. 31, 1939. 772/1* copy 2, No. 131, Sept. 1, 1939 - no. Igg, Dec, 1**, 1939. A folder from the files of DAI marked "Archiv Prospekte Werbeschriften," containing miscellaneous correspondence and clippings (including an anti-Nazi cartoon, 1920), 1920-23. Four folders from the DAI files containing copies of the Aussendeutscher Wochenspiegel, Vertreulich, Nur fur den Dienstgebrauch, mimeographed newsletter circulated by the DAI containing a lead article on a DAI theme, a survey of news affecting the G-rossdeutsche Reich (e.g. Kulturpflege, Umsiedlung, etc.) divided by geographic regions. Later issues include documentary appendices. Folder designations with dates: 77**/lt copy 1 No. 36, Sept. 25, 1939, to No. ****, Nov. lg, 1939. 77**/l» copy 2 No. 38, Oct. 9, 1939, to No. Ul, Oct. 30, 1939. Note: Frame 5^37988 follows frame 52620**3 consecutively. 77V2, No. 8, Feb. 2U, 19*K>, to No. 1**, April 6, 19**0; No. 17/Z(wischenfolge), April 2*1, 19**0, to No. 23/Z, June 5, 19**0; No. **2, Oct. 26, 19*40; and No. 51/52, Dec. 21, 19^0. 77**/3. *TO. It Jan. 16, 19^2, to No. 3/**. Feb. 13, 19**2j also "Bericht der Presseabteiluns des Devtschen Ausland-Instituts, Europa,u March 51**, 19**2, and the same for "Ostasien und ffoersee," iMarch 16, 19**?, both marked: an Personen ausserhalb des Hauses verboten. Duplicate omitted. Note: Frame 52620**5 follows frame 5*43920** with which Serial 717 ends; frame 52620**U was not used. A folder from MI files containing "Anweisung fflr die Lektoren des Informationsdienstes," (duplicates omitted) and containing reports prepared by DAI from foreign newspapers (some Geheim) on troop movements, espionage, political matters, etc., and marked "Informationsdienst,n II/U/1 April 1, 19**0, to H/5/** May 9, 19**0. A folder from DAI files containing copies of Sonderdiens t fur Aussenhandel und Auslandswirtschaft (Vertraulich, Nicht f. d. Presse): Serial Roll 718 Provenance 500 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Deutsches AuslandInstitut 719 Continued 501 Item Filmed 1st frame MI 776 FT 5262205 MI 777 FT 5?62701 MI 778 FT 5262706 MI 780 FT 52627H2 MI 781 MI 782 FT FT 5262926 5263009 DAI 783 FT 526305U Notes 80 issue, 7. S. No. 119, Sept. 30, 1939» containing "Die britische !Schwarze Liste1 and "Die franzflsische 'Schwarze Liste'" issue No. 129, Oct. 30, 1939» containing NachtraVge and Berichtigungen to the British and French "black lists; issue No. 130, Nov. 23, 1939* containing second Nachtra'ge to the British and French "black lists; issue No. lUO, Dec. U, 1939» containing the third French, the fourth British "black lists and additions to the first and second British "black lists; issue No. lU6, Dec. lU, 1939* Nachtra'ge, Berichtigungen, Streichungen in the British black list; issue No. 26, March 9, 19*10, Nachtrag 19^0 to the French black list of German, Japanese, etc., firms in the world. A folder, probably from DAI files, containing various press reports entitled: "S&dost-Suropa im Spiegel der Englisch-Franzflsischen Presse, 7. Sonderbericht," Oct. 11 - ^ov. 17, 1939? "Pressestelle, Vertrauliche Mitteilungen," pertaining to Stldosteuropa, including the 27. to 30., 32. to 3U. Wochenberichte, Oct. 19-26, 1939, to Dec. 7-1 **> 1939. A folder from DAI files (initialed G-RI for Grisebach), containing Der Evangelische Beobachter, Jg. 3» ^°. 7&» July 18, 1936, issued by Evangelisch-So*ialer Presseverband f. d. Provinz Sachsen, a mimeographed newsletter containing information about Protestant anti- and pro-Nazi conflict. A folder, probably from DAI files, of Nachrichtenblatt des Danziger Roten Kreuzes, No. 2, February 1930, and Nos.3/U, March/April 1930, containing reports about "Aussendeutsche Fltlchtlinge," A folder containing copies of the Mi's "Innerdienstliche Mitteilungen," No. 3, Dec. 31, 1935 - >Tov. 7. 1939 (incomplete). Two folders from DAI files containing memoranda, Denkschriften, miscellaneous directives, notes, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the administration of DAI affairs. Of special note are: in folder 781, "Denkschrift fttr das 'Ehrenmal der Deutschen Leistung im Ausland1," 1936, also directive of the Reichsminister des Innern (Abschrift) defining "Deutscher Zugehflriger," 1939t form letters of OBM Strdlin, etc.; in folder 782, a Streng vertraulich! "Niederschrift der Verhandlungen auf der Jahrestagung der gesamten Westdeutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft am 9.-11. Ma*rz 1939 ^n Sad Mitnster a.St.," mimeographed, and miscellaneous. A folder probably from MI files, containing the following copies of Kolonialpolitik in der V/eltpublizistik (Kolonial-Archiv), issued by Reichsleitung der NSDAP, Presseamt des Kolonialpolitischen Amtes, ttbersicht Nr. IY/U2 of July - September 19^2 (pages missing) and ftbersicht Nr. IV/^2 of Oc'tober - December 19*42, containing newspaper and magazine Serial Roll 719 501 720-723 502-505 720 Provenance Deutsche* AuslandInstitut Item MI 78U IT 5263321 DAI 786 FT 5263380 DAI 787 FT 5263^93 DAI 788 FT 5263983 DAI 791-800 502 DAI 792 Continued Filmed 1st frame FT 526U9UO Notes commentary "Die Weltpolitische Lage," "Die amerikanische Weltagreesion," etc.* and also appended maps nos. 10-2U. A folder from DAI files containing "Inhaltsverzeichnis zu den Niederschriften fcber die Sitzungen und zu den 'Laufenden Mitteilungen1 der Schutzgemeinschaft," Dec. 31» 1932, end a copy of "Laufende Mitteilungen NP. 2i*,w Vertraulich, HOT. 20, 1931*. A folder from DAI files containing press reports from English, Finnish, Swedish, ?fcngarian, etc., newspapers commenting on the German resettlement program (Umsiedlung), 19UO-U2. The Finnish, Swedish, etc., articles have "been translated into German. A folder from DAI files containing: "Bundbriefe an die DAI Kameraden bei der Wehrmaeht," nos. 16-32, Dec. 21, 19^0 to March 31, 19^5; "Innerdienstliche Mitteilungen,11 no. 1, February 11* 19Ul to no. 1. March 1, 19**3» "Bandschreiben an alle Forschungsstellen," 193^-Hl; circulars of the Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschtums; "Anfbau der Zentralkartei des Deutschtums im Ausland - ZK - und Ausfertigung der Karteikarten,n Oeheim, 19^0; "Form und Schreibweise der USA-Anschrif ten, w 19^0; "Mitteilungsblatt der Hauptabteilung Sippenkunde und Volkspflege," Jg. 19^0; "Bericht u"ber die geschlossene Sitzung dep Forschungsstellenleiter 5«-7. /Tun£7l939 im DAI;" and similar material. "~ A folder from DAI files containing DAI's correspondence with newspapers in Germany and abroad, A-Z, 1938-^3* A group of boxes containing material from DAI files, evidently a continuation of DAI«s Berichtsarchiv (see folders DAI WA-W/52) consisiting of a collection of correspondence, memoranda, press reports* etc., pertaining to DAI policies and programs, reaction to German expansion in the foreign press, letters of cultural historical interest from Volksdeutsche describing their attitudes towards Germany, etc., 1939- The boxes are subdivided: "Aeg. Afr. Sfldafr., Alb. Antarktis, Austr., 1T.A.M.-U.S.A., Kanada, 1939." Of special interest is a considerable collection of clippings and translations of newspaper articles, etc., relating to anti-Nazi sentiment in the US, pro-Nazi sentiment in the US, the activities of German-Americans, Fritz Kuhn, head of the German-American Bund, Communists in the US, Nazi propaganda in US; also clippings, Abschriften of letters from Germans in Africa and in English internment camps, impressions of the outbreak of the war, etc. The letters report on the degree of censorship, "Belgien, Brit.Reich, Bulgarien, China, Dftnemark, Deutsch.Reich, 1939," containing clippings and translations of items reported in the British Serial Notes Roll 720 502 721 503 Continued Deutsches AuslandInstitut MI 793 FT 5265^29 DAI 79^ FT 5265S9U DAI 795 FT 5265987 82 press pertaining to Germans in England, emigres in England, Thomas Mann, English fascists, reprint of an article by Reichsminister Goebbels "Die abgehackten Kinderhande;" on Belgium, "Bericht von einer Besprechung mit Rerrn Anton Costima, Antwemen, " Dec. 1939* an& also excerpts from Belgian and other newspapers; "Die Lage der Deutschen an der Westkilste Afrikas," Dec. 1939, Nicht f. d. Presse; miscellaneous clippings on Bulgaria; on China,, "Bericht von Missionar Ernst Fischle, Lilong (China)" of 1939, various Mitteilungen der Basler Mission, a vertraulicher report from Ostasiatischer Verein in Hamburg-Bremen on "Bericht der Deutschen Botschaft in Shanghai vom 30. Oktober 1939 uber die Internierten in Hongkong und die Liquidierung des deutschen Eigentums," etc,; clippings and Berichte pertaining to the Germans in North Sleswig» in Denmark, Deutsches Reich, includes clippings and reports, etc., pertaining to: the volksdeutsche program of DAI; VDA; the outbreak of the war, etc.; "VDA Geschichte in Stichworten;" "Entjudung der Wirtschaft in der Ostmark;" "Deutschland im Kriegsjahr 1939" personal observations written by a German-American; Satzungen der Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft fttr Raumforschung;" "Bericht des Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Institutes ftlr 1939;" "Schrifttum liber Raumordnung;" and miscellaneous clippiigs on the German economy. "Eur., Frankreich, Gg., Griechld., Jap., Italien, Irak, Irland, Jugoslawien, Kroatien, 1939 »" including clippings, etc., on Europe and southeastern Europe, some dealing with economic matters; clippings and reports on the political situation in France, internment of Germans in France, France in the early days of the war, emigres in France, etc.; also various clippings and reports on political and economic affairs of Iraq, Yugoslavia, etc., and on the administration and reorganization of Germandom in Poland, Germans in Japan, etc. Clippings and reports pertaining mostly to Germans, etc., in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, 1939, and including an Abschrift of "Bericht Dr. Drascher" describing a proposed eastern border for Germany with Poland, territorial additions to Czechoslovakia, rejected idea of the establishment of a Jewish state around Lublin, etc., 1939. "Mittelamerika, Sttdamerika, 1939," clippings, reports, copies of letters, etc., relevant to the political and economic situation of Germans in Central and South America, their nationalism, their ideology, etc., and containing as items of particular interest: numerous letters (copies and originals) from Germans in Chile, Paraguay, Ecuador, and Mexico relevant to their ideology, copy of an article "Die nationale Idee als Kraftquelle" (Paraguay, 1939); numerous letters from Germans in Argentina, material on Serial Roll 721 503 722 50U 723 Continued 505 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 796 FT 5266275 MI 797 FT 52667^ DAI 798 FT 5267392 DAI 799 FT 5267835 Notes Argentine economic affairs; an extensive report on political conditions, emigres, etc., in Brazil and the author's (Heinrich Wilhelm Klack) impressions of Germany after a 16^ year absence (193&-39); numerous letters, reports, clippings, etc., pertaining to German-Brazilian relations, Sntdeutschungspolitik in Brazil, etc. Clippirgs, translated newspaper excerpts, circulars and letters, reports, clippings from privately circulated newsletters, etc., pertaining to the political condition of Volksdeutsche in Ost-Oberschlesien, Schlesien, Posen, Warthegau, etc., Polish atrocities, political and economic condition of Danzig; various clippings, etc., pertaining to political and economic affairs, Volksdeutsche, etc., in Eupen-Malmedy, Elsass, Frankreich, Sudetenland, etc., 1939. Clippings, excerpts, and translations of newspaper clippings and articles, copies and originals of private letters received from Germans abroad, circulars, reports, etc., pertaining to the political and economic life, the diplomatic relations, the effect of the war on, the treatment of German minorities in, governments of, labor in, cultural historical matters pertaining to: Brazil, Poland, Portugal, Palestine, Huigary, Bohemia, Moravia, Rumania (including Bessarabia, Banatt, and Siebenbilrgen), 1939» Clippings, excerpts, and translations of news articles, etc., copies of private letters, reports, and excerpts from privately circulated newsletters, etc., 1939» pertaining to: Russia, its railway building program, economic life, "ErnMhrungslage," Russian administration of its part of occupied Poland pnd economic policies introduced there, treatment of Jews, Komintern activities, etc.; "Zur Diagnose des Bolschewismus" by Prof. Beyer, Prague; international organizations including a news report on the Zionist Congress (August 28, 1939)5 clippings about MI; Hungary, material pertaining to Umsiedlung of Germans, organization of Hungarian economic life, etc., and alsottals vertrauliche Handschrift: Die Lage der Deutschen in Rumpfungarn in statistischer Beleuchtung," by Dr. Alajos Kovacs of the Vorstand, Ktinigl. Ungar. Statistischen Zentralamtes, Budapest 1936; material on the Ukraine; material on Spain, including clippings, etc., on German-Spanish relations, Spanish commentary on the invasion of Poland, etc.; Turkey, including mostly material on Turkish foreign policy and foreign trade. Clippings, reports, correspondence, etc., containing information on the foreign affairs of, the internal political and economic life of, German minorities in, anti-semitism in, Switzerland, Sweden, Scandinavia, Slovakia, 1939• Note the "Bericht unserer Vertrauensleute" Stockholm, Serial 723 Roll 505 72M50 506-532 506 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI SCO Filmed 1st frame FT DAI 801-869 526S153 Notes Sept. 5, 1939* on Swedish reaction to the war, England's position, etc., issued "by Aufklfirungsausschuss Hamburg-Bremen (Vertraulich, N.f.d.D.). Contains clippings, newsletters, private correspondence, etc., mainly on Volksdeutsche matters, 1939- Of special interest is a folder containing material pertaining to Germans in North and South America, but primarily in the US and including a copy of a covering letter written to the Reichsminister f. Volksaufkl. u. Prop. Oct. 23, 1939, for a report (included) of a meeting of anti-Nazi Germans (Social Democrats) in NY; also a letter from the German Consulate in New Orleans, a copy of "The Kiplinger Washington Letter" (a private newsletter) on the European crises and US neutrality and US preparation for war production (Oct. 1938); and several letters and excerpts from letters sent by Germans in the US and South America to DAI expressing pro-Nazi sentiments; also clippings, etc. The remainder of the box contains miscellaneous clippings, correspondence, etc., pertaining to Volksdeutsche (political and economic activities, their pro-Nazi sentiment, etc.) in Eupen-Malmedy, in Bulgaria, Danzig, Rumania, Denmark, Hungary, etc., copies with supplements of the French and British Black Lists, copies of letters from OKW/ Reichsversorgung of Volksdeutsche (1939-^0)» "Bericht tlber den Besuch des Herrn Rimann von der Volksdeutschen Mittelstelle - Berlin am Donnerstag, den 21. September 1939 im Deutschen Ausland-Institut," also various reports on "Zur Lage in Sftdafrika," etc., and a copy of Deutscher Volksbote, Wochenblatt ftlr Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft, 1. Jg,, Budapest, May 7» 1939. A series of 69 boxes from DAI files, constituting a continuation (19HO) of the series described in folders 791-800 (1939) and evidently also of the Berichts-Archiv, subdivided as follows: Box no. l t contains clippings, private newsletters, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the situation of Germans in, and the internal domestic politics of, economic life oft public opinion towards Great Britain and Germany, etc., in, foreign policies of: Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Canada, Australia, and also miscellaneous on Tangiers, Turkey, Afghanistan, Arabia, Inter-American affairs, 19^0. Items of special interest include two circulars from the Auswflrtige Amt, Nov. and April 19^0, respectively, on the condition of Germans in England and Australia; also "Unterredung am 2ij. 8.1939 in der Volksdeutschen Mittelstelle fiber die zuktlnftige Deutschtumsarbeit in Australien;" several circulars of the Ostasiatischer Verein Hamburg-Bremen on the Germans in Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific islands, conditions in Serial Roll 72U 506 725 507 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 802 FT DAI 803 FT DAI SOU FT 5268983 52700U6 Notes internment camps, etc.; many clippings also deal with the policies of Central American countries towards emigres. Box no. 2, (USA, 1-U), clippings, private newsletters, copies of letters written by DAI correspondents (and Vertreter) in the US, also "by private citizens, etc., pertaining to the political situation in the US, proand anti-Nazi sentiment among German-Americans and also other Americans in the US, clippings on emigration, reports, etc., on the travels of members of the Habsburg family in the US, reports on treatment of Nazi sympathizers, political opinions of Negroes in the US, Germans in US colonies, etc., 19^0. Of special interest are reports entitled "Bin SchuTbeis ?iel fur die Deutschenhetze in USA. Der klflgliche Zusammenbruch der 'Enthtlllungen' des Kongressabgeordneten Martin Dies und seines Untersuchungsausschusses;" Abschrift of "tyirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklung in den Vereinigten Staaten seit Beginn des Krieges" (by Dr. E.E. Wachsmuth, March 19^0); "Kesseltreiben gegen das Reich und die deutsche Volksgruppe in den Vereinigten Staaten," etc. Box no. 3» (USA 5-9)» clippings, copies of correspondence, reports, etc,, consisting of a. continuation of folder 802 and pertaining especially to the German-Araerican organizations in the US, opinions of German-Americans, loyalties, etc., 19*40. Note the report "Wird die britische Propaganda in USA erfolgreich sein?;" also clippings, etc., relative to the Carl Schurz Foundation's assistance to Jewish emigres; "Was geschieht f«Lr die Flttchtlinge in USA?;" "Die Landwirtschaftlichen Vernaltnisse in den Vereinigten Staaten;" "Der Lehensgang des Prftsidentschaftskandidaten tyilkie;" and various biographical data on leading pro-Nazi and anti-Nazi personalities. Box no. U (StLdamerika), clippings* correspondence, reports, etc., on Nazi propaganda, Germans in, political and economic conditions in, etc., Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela, 19^0. Note especially: (under Argentina) "Deutsche Bauer norganisationen in StLdamerika," the Graf Spec's sinking; "Sudamerika. flbersicht fiber seine politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturpolitische Lage. Stellung zum Reich und zum Sudamerika-Deutschtum" (by Franz Kilhn of DAI); (under Brazil) copies of report by Oberacker, Abschrift of "Gedanken tlber die Deutschlf»ndreise von Gustavo Barroso, dem illegalen Integral is tenftlhrer in Brasilien," "Die des Deutschtums in Sao Paulo," etc.; (under Uruguay) various items relating to the Graf Spec affair. Serial Provenance Item Filmed 726 Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 805 FT 5270856 DAI 806 FT 5271539 DAI 807 FT 5272219 DAI 808 FT 5272&A 727 Continued 509 1st frame Notes gg Box no. 5 (Belgien), clippings, correspondence, reports, etc., pertaining to the political and economic condition of Belgium, the war and early German occupation of Belgium, German propaganda among the Flemish, Flemish nationalist affairs, the Belgian-Congo, etc., 19^0. Note the report "Erlebnisbericht tlber die Fahrt des deutschen Diplomatenzugs aus Belgien" (June 19^0, by Dr. Kruse of DAI's Berlin Btlro), "^allonische Begriffe gegenttber Slandern vor "unl nach dem 10. Mai 19UO," "Reorganisation der belgischen Kulturr&te," nit fir fl&mischen Fationalisten und der katholische Klerikalismus," "Deutsche Fflrsorge fHir die Zivilbevfllkerung," and various materials on the Flemish nationalist leader Dr. August Boras. Box no. 6 (Brit. Reich), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to England and the war; England and her colonies; England and the US; England and France; England and her other allies; England's trade in the Balkans; Welsh, Irish, and Scottish nationalism; Zionism; internment of Germans and internment camps in England; emigres in England; effects of German bombings on England; German espionage agents in England; etc., 19**0. Hote also "Die letzten 20 Jahre der englischen FlottenpolitiV transl. from Magyar Nemzet (1S.H.UO); "Die Fttnfte Kolonne;" "Das britische Imperium und das Judentum;" "Deutsche Schwa1 che und deutsche Brutalit&t. Die Bauptthesen der anti-deutschen Propaganda" by 0. F. Raum in Natal; etc., 19^0. Box no. 7 (Brit. Besitzung./China), clippings, reports, etc., 19^0, pertaining to: Britain's Channel islands under German occupation; Scottish, Irish, etc., opposition to the war; Africa and nationalism of colonial peoples, colonial economy, desires for independence, etc.; Palestine, and emigration of Jews there, Arab nationalism there (and in Jordan), English policies towards Zionism, a N.f.d.Presse circular from Ausw. Amt "Lage der Deutschen in Palftstina" (Dec. 19*40); India, Indian troops, English policies in India and "Die Raumpolitik der Parteien Indiens" by K. A. Bhatta, Malaya; Singapore as a naval base for the British and American fleets; internment in Singapore, Hongkong, etc.; anti-English sentiments in Burma; Gibraltar, other islands including the Bahamas, Malts, Cyprus, etc. Box no. 8 (Bulgarien), clippings, reports correspondence, etc., pertaining to Bulgaria in 19^0, including informption on: Bulgarian occupation of the Dobrudja, establishment of an administration, the economy there, etc.; Macedonia; cultural relations with Germany; Judengesetze; Bulgaria's economy, industry and agriculture; Danube river trade, shipping, etc. Provenance Deutaches AuslandInstitut 728 729 730 511 512 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 809 W 5273039 DAI 810 FT 5273255 DAI 811 FT 5273855 DAI 812 FT DAI 813 5275032 DAI 811* 5275^70 Notes 87 Box no. 9 (China-Mandschuk.), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to China; German economic penetration in China; Chinese in Germany; conditions in Shanghai; Jewish emigres in Shanghai; German communities in Chinese cities; China's economy and economic development; and a copy of Vertraulich, H.f.d.Presse, "Die wirtschaftliche Lage Chinas im Jahre 1939," Sonderdienst fflr Aussenhandel und Auslandswirtschaft, no. 59, June 3* 19**0« also material on Manchuria, its cities, etc. Box no. 10 (D&iem./Nord. Grtfnld., Farfler), clippings, reports, correspondence pertaining mostly to the political situation of North Slesvig, including considerable information on the activities of the NSDAP in Horth Slea wig, several reports, etc., on the German invasion, information on the German occupation, material on the political and economic life of Denmark, etc., 19^0* Box no. 11 (Deutsches Reich, 1-2), clippings, correspondence, reports, pamphlets, etc., pertaining to Germans in Africa (east and west) and mostly on their internment and treatment in internment; also similar material for Samoa, New Guinea, the British-owned Caribbean Islands, etc.; and miscellaneous material on Volksdeutsche in Finland, the Baltic, etc.; articles, etc., on colonialism and possession of colonies in general, 19^0. Box no. 12 (Deutsches Reich, 3-5)t clippings, reports, etc., pertaining mostly to foreign workers from the Netherlands, Croatia, France, Ostarbeiter employed in Germany; prisoners of war; social welfare of foreign workers; miscellaneous on German cultural relations with Flemings, Bulgarians* Hungarians, Japanese, etc., 19^0. Box no. 13 (Deutsches Reich, 6-9)» clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to German capital exports; Ostsiedlung and the economic exploitation of the east; materials on scientific and academic institutes in Germany concerned with Auslandskunde, Russian studies, Oriental studies, etc.; Bericht des Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Institute, Sonderdruck from Jahrbuch 1938 of the same (DAF); student and cultural exchange programs with Latin America, Japan, etc.; biographical data on various industrialists and also on Fritz Thyssen's flight, etc. 19*10. DAI folder containing miscellaneous materials: booklet, Verdeutschungsheft fflr Handel und Gewerbe und Amtsstellen, 1917» issued by Allgemeiner Deutscher Sprachverein; booklet, Die dsterreichische Kanzleisprache, Verdeutschung der wichtigsten fremdsprachigen Kanzleiausdritcke im Verwaltungsdienste und Gerichtsweaen, 1917» copiea of letters written by German Serial Roll 730 512 731 513 Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 815 FT 5275729 DAI 816 FT 5276093 DAI 817 FT 5276703 Notes colonists from South America in 18^-1; map showing distribution of German populations in Europe, 1938; Deutsche Monatshefte in Polen, November 1936; list of abbreviations and personnel in "Abteilungen des DAI," about 19^; questionnaire concerning a Stuttgarter communist who allegedly returned to Germany, 19^1; "Stand der deutschen Volksgruppen in Suropa am 12.6.^1;" confidential and mimeographed "Bericht der Presseabteilung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts, Ostasien und tfbersee, 16. M&rz 19^2;fl confidential and mimeographed "Bericht der Presseabteilung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts 27. Febr. - 5. Marz 19^2;" letter to DAI from VOMI, Hauptamt, on "Instltut fto Transdanubien," Oct. 5, 19^3; copy of a letter from Prof. Uhlig to the GeneralsekretSr of DAI, March 8/9* 1929. letter from Mtinchner Neueste l^kl^SM^JL *° DAI on the alleged Jewish and alleged Hohenzollern ancestry of Tine German-American propagandist George Sylvester Viereck, Oct. 3^t 19*4-1; copy of "Kirchen-Buch der Kolonie Lipowkuth geschrieben von Johann Hartwig Sydlitz, Schullehrer hieroselbst. ? Jahre nach Christi Geburt MDCCCI 1801, 1767 bis jetzt und Jdiaf tig zu rechnen," refers to the rebel Bogatschef (177*0; and miscellaneous archival documents; mimeographed "25 Jahre Deutschtum im Ausland;!l and a document dating possibly from the 17th century (according to the style of handwriting) of unknown provenance, which seems to be part of a community ordinance and contains regulations on inheritance, orphans, blue laws, etc. Miscellaneous and fragmentary correspondence, notebooks, photostats of birth and death registers, etc., omitted. Box no. 15 (Deutsches Reich, neue Reichsgebiete), clippings, reports, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the reorganization, exploitation, etc., of the Reich!s newly acquired eastern territoriest and including information on: Eaupttreuaandstelle Ost; Umsiediung; credit to agriculture; statistical information on the German and non-German populations of the area; copies of various official directives and decrees pertaining to the reorganization of the area; 19^0. Box no. lb (Elsass, 1-^), clippings, reports, correspondence (excerpts), etc., containing information on Alsace relevant to: the establishment of an NSDAP Ortsgruppe there; wages and prices, French espionage; refugees in Alsace; and general information on the German annexation of Strassburg and Alsace, reaction of the population, etc., 19^0. Box no. 17 (Elaass, 5~9)» clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to German culture in Alsace; Kulturtage in Strassburg; the re-Germanization of Alsace after annexation; economic reconstruction, the Alsatian economy; biographical material on the Alsatian independence leader Dr. Karl Roos; etc., Serial Roll 732 Provenanc Item Deutseiies AualandInstitut DAI 818 Filmed 1st frame FT 5277882 DAI 819 733 515 516 Continued 5277237 DAI 820 FT 527S085 DAI 821 FT 5278H87 DAI 822 FT 52791^ DAI 823 FT 5279767 DAI 82U FT 528019^ Notes Box no- IS (Lothringen, Els.-Lothr.) clippings, reports, correspondence, pertaining to German culture and population of Alsace and Lorraine, and particularly Metz; re-Germanization; NSDAP organisations in Lorraine, return of evacuees and internees; reconstruction in Lorraine, 19*400 Box no* 19 (Eupen-Malraedy, Saarpfalz), clippings, reportss etc., pertaining to the Rftskgliederung of Eupen-Malmedy; introduction of the Reich's agricultural law; the textile industry; statistical and other information on the population and its movements; miscellaneous material on the Saar, etco, 19^0. Box noo 20 (Luxemburg, Westliche Vorl&ider), clip-oings, reports, etc., pertaining to the Volksdeutsche Bewegung in Luxemburg; various directives, ordinances, etc*, policies of the G-erman authorities who administered it; Luxemburg's economy; cultural life and relations with Germany; miscellaneous material on the history, culture, politics, etc., of the German populations along the Belgian border, etc* (Gelderland)* 19HO. Box no. 21, clippings, reports, correspondence, etc., pertaining to the affairs of East Prussia, especially the area of Zichenau, and German culture, economic and political matters, administration, relations with, Lithuania and Memelland; etc»; Die Yerwaltung des Suwalki-Gebiete^s (Vertraulich, U.f.d.D,) issued by der Kegierungspr£sident des Regierungsbezirks Gumbinnen, 19^0; economic matters, trade fairs, cultural affairs, Germandom, etc., of Silesia, Sudetenland, etc.; German foreign trade in southeastern Europe, 19^0.* 22 (Danzig-Westpr.), clippings, etc., containing information bearing on Danzig's Eingliedarung into the Reich, establishment of various health and welfare agencies, education, religion, cultural life, banking:, exploitation of the Weichsel river trade, development of the harbor of Danzig,, e1:-c>, 19^0. Box no. 23 (Oberschlesien), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to Oberschlesien and its Rilekgliederung into the Reich, the economic and social progress made under the Reich, etc.; information on the economic, cultural, etco, life of Breslau, of Ereis Kattowitz, the area of Bielitz, the Dombrowaer Gebiet, etc*; agriculture, coal mining, credit, etc., in Oberschlesien, especially Ost-Oberschlesien; 19^0. Box no. 2^ (Wartheland, 1-3) clippings, etc., pertaining to the establishment of German administration in the Wartheland (Posen), including material on resettlement, cultural tasks, reconstruction of Litzmannstadt (Lodz) as a German city, including a map of the city showing the German, Serial Roll 73^ 516 735 517 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item 5280595 DAI 825 DAI 826 DAI 827 Continued Filmed 1st frame FT 5280872 5281306 Notes Jewish, and Polish quarters; also information on the economy, etc., and general development of Posen; and statistical and other information about the non-German population such as the report "Ihemals Russisch-Poinische Kreise des Reichsgaues Wartheland, " 19^0. Box no. 25 (Wartheland, U-6), clippings, etc., pertaining to the following subjects as they relate to the Wartheland and especially to the city of Litzmannstadt: Sport, Kunst, Kultur (deutsche), Mcherei (deutsche), Husik, Schulen (reorganization of school system), Deutsche Sprache (propagation), and Svangelische Kirche, 19^0* Box no. 26 (Wartheland, 7-9) f clippings, reports, etc., concerning: agriculture and the agricultural economy in Posen including information on the "ifeubildung Deutschen Bauern turns im Wartheland,'1 plans for making Wartheland the German Kornkammer, etc*, also "Protokoll tlber die 19. Ordentliche General-(Delegierten-) Versammlung der Welage" /Organisation der deutschen Bauern. . .Posen/, April 30» 19^0? also establishment of social welfare, health and hygiene, smallpox vaccination, etc.; information pertaining to the "Aussiedlung der Polen und Juden" and also considerable material on the life of the Jews in Posen in 19^0, the Ghetto in Litzmannstadt, and also an Abschrift of "Denkschrift tlber die Hotwendigkeit der Einrichtung eines Ghettos in Lodz, " issued Feb. 1, 19^0, by the Gesundheitsamt d. Stadt Lodz (Litzmannstadt); information relating to the economic, especially the industrial and commercial development of the Wartheland, Treuhandstelle Posen, Sozialpolitik, spoliation, confiscation of Polish and Jewish property, finance and credit, war industry, etc., and Geschaf tsbericht 19*11 of Bank Litzmannst&dter Indus trieller, Box no. 27 (Europa, Sfldosteur. ), clippings, reports, etc., containing information pertaining to the political, economic, and social affairs of southeastern Europe and including material on: the Danube area; the Dobrudja; Abschrift of a report TBericht tfber meine Reise nach Bulgarian und Jugoslawien. Heimholung der Volksdeutschen, vornehmlich Russlanddeutschen aus Bulgarian und einzelner russlanddeutscher Familien aus Jugoslawien,H by Adolf Frasch, Leiter des Verbandes der Russlanddeutschen (Vertraulich); "Ungelflete Probleme in Sildosteuropa, vielerlei Spannungen inf olge der Grossmfichte-Binfl€sse; " numerous copies of a mimeographed series 'feljarische Presseauszflge, " 19^0, in German translation; a group of clippings on the Balkans, including lfAuszug aus dem SD-Bericht vom 20. MSrz 19^10, " analyzing the political situation, political parties, etc., Serial Roll 735 517 736 513 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 828 FT 5281671 DAI 829 FT 5221927 DAI S30 FT 5282*1-99 Hotes in the Balkans, reluctance of the Slovaks to execute Arisierungsmassnahmen, etc.; "Bericht des V.A. Mflnchen-Land und Mttnchen-Stadt tfber die Versorgung der Deutschen in (Usterreich, Ungaro, den Balkanstaaten (ohne Tfirkei) u. Italien;" the Hanseatic cities and southeast Europe, trade and commerce, etc.; "Die SouverHnita't Europas; " "Germaniens Westmark. V6*lkische SerbstSndigkeit in germanischer Zusammengehtfrigkeit" "by Reimond Tollenaere; etc., 19^0. Box no. 28 (Finnland), clippings, correspondence, reports, pertaining to the political, economic, etc,, affairs of Finland, 19^0, and including material on: the Finno-Russian war; Finnish sympathies for Germany; ethnic Germans in Finland; "Ein Aufruf der kommunistischen Partei Finnlands;n German troops in Finland; political parties in Finland; text in German of "Aus der Erkl&rung der Volksregierung Finnlands;11 establishment of Russo-Finnish border; religion in Finland; Finnish trade, commerce, shipping, etc.; Mitteilungen der deutschen Handelskammer in Finnland" May 2U, 19^0, and June 10, 19^0, etc. Box no. 29 (Fraiikreich 1-3) t clippings, reports, etc., containing matsrial on French affairs, 19^0, including: France!s regions and peoples; de Gaulle, his propaganda, activities, movement; French military matters; emigres from France in the US and elsewhere, immigrants (including Russian) in France; Breton nationalism including the pamphlet Declaration, Programme of the Conseil National Breton, July 3t 19^5 French governments, ministries9 political personalities; German occupation, its administration, French resistance, incidents of Deutschfeindlichkeit; communism; confiscation of Jewish property, Judengesetzgebung, anti-semitism; various material on minorities, e.g, French-Flemish, Walloon, Breton nationalism, including a long letter from a German soldier stationed in Brittany to DAI's Dr. Kloss, also Alsatian, ate,; miscellaneous on the French army, Foreign Legion, Maginot Line, etc. Box no. 30 (Frankreich U-9)» clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to French affairs, 19^0, including material on: French colonies in general, French North Africa, French Somaliland, Madagascar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Martinique, Syria, the Hear East in general, Indo-China, Corsica, etc., particularly in reference to their political sympathies, strength of the Gaullists, anti-semitism, economic condition, etc.; interned Frenchmen; France's relations with other powers including the US, Great Britain, Italy; French internment camps; foreign newspaper commentary on the decline of France; German-French cultural exchanges, etc.; French Serial Roll 737 738 519 520 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 831 FT 5283056 DAI 832 FT 528362** DAI 833 FT 528^132 Fotes 92 press, students, scientists, public health, etc.; the French economy, economic relations with Switzerland, confiscation and division of Jewishowned property, ei.i.; Mc-graphic^.} i^terial on Walt or Benjamin (German emigre* author), Carl Einstein (art historian), Muai-d Fuchs (socialist and author), Walter Hasenclever (author), Georges Mandel (French cabinet officer), S tarlie iso 3 r § < ate. Box no. 31 (Generalgouvern. 1-3). clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to Polish affairs, mostly 19^» and including: map and other general information on the "borders of ihs G^eraigotiY^rpement; "Das Stacltewesen in Polen - eine deucsehe Schflpfung,M FG'ienberic'h-se Ir. 9, July Ij-, 19^9; "Polnische Presseauszittge; " various material on Volksdeutsche "beyond the Weichssl; economy and in tho cities of Cracow, Warsaw, Lublin, I-rzemysl; German!zation of Polish cities and districts; excerpt of a letter from a woman in Cracow reporting on the cost of living, etc., May 2.8, 19*4-0; Abaciirif t l!Die VolkTi-Ieutsche Geneinechaft im Generalgouvernement;" "Die heutige Lags des mitt°laiterlichsn Beutschtums in Galisien;" establishment of German administration, policies, Arbeitsprogramm, "Auf~ bau und Funktion der Menststelle des Bevollm^.chtigten des Generalgouverneurs fftr die besetzten polnischen Gebiete" (report to DAI HachrichtenAbt. from its Berlin B'flro), establishments of courts, police, etc.; evaluation of German regime after one year; statistics on the Jewish population, 19^K); reflations on ya^ea and working conditions, judiciary system; "Abschliessender Bericht Coor die Erfassung der Volksdeutschen in der Stadt Lublin-" material pertaining to L^Jsrjig der Judenf rage," including Zwang3a.twc,ncL'3rung from Cracow, the Wai-saw Ghetto, forced labor for Jews, etc., 19^0. Box no. 32 (Generalgouvernement U-7)» clippings, etc., pertaining to Polish affairs in 1£^0, including laat^rial on tlie Generalgouvernement (GG)- Russian border; archives in Poland, German documents in them, etc.; propagation of German culture, German libraries, German books, German schools* Ir&rsorge for Volksdeutsclie, vocational education, etc. Box no. 33 (Generalgouvernement 8-9)5 clippings, etc., relating mostly to the economic development of the GG-S 19^0, including material on: GG and Eandelsgessllschaften, Vierjahresplan, etc.; Cracow trade fair; Hermann Gdring Werke and the GG (see E.G. 10^0, T-83, collection of documents from the HG¥); reform of the agricultural economy; industrial monopolies in GG; oil fields in GG; Haupttreuhandetelle Ost; banking; German commercial firms in GG; tasks, goals, program of industrial and Serial 738 739 Boll 520 521 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI FT DAI 835 FT 528^7*48 DAI 836 FT 5285^22 DAI 837 FT 5285839 DAI 838 FT 52861*03 Notes 93 commercial developments, one yearfs achievements, etc.; descriptions of the Warsaw, Lublin, Cracow Ghettos, forced labor of Jews, directives pertaining to the restriction of Jewish living quarters, etc.; railways and other transportation in the GG; shipping, utilization, and development of waterways; agriculture and Volksdeutsche, etc. Box no* 3^ (Griechenldo), clippings, etc., pertaining to the political and cultural developments in Greece, the Greek Islands, on the "British, etc., 19^0* Box no. 35 (Iran, Inland, Italien, Mittelmeer), clippings, etc., pertaining to: political conditions in the Hear East, German trade fairs, economic development of Iran, etc.; Ireland and Irish neutrality, Irish sentiment against the British; Italy, the internment of Italians in other countries, Italians in German occupied areas, e,g. Greece, the political attitudes of Italians in the US; "Fittr den Srnst der italienischen Rassestudien; " treatment of Jews in Italy, "Zur Geschichte: Mussolini und das Judentum vor dem Marsch auf Rom,M Rassengesetze, etc.; higher education, culture, economic and commercial life, Italian-German relations, cultural exchange organizations, etc.; Monaco; San Marino; Vatican and Vatican Radiof s oppositon to Germany; Italian colonies in Africa; Albanians, conflict in Albania; South Tyrol, etc*, 19^0. Box no* 36. clippings, etc., pertaining to Norwegian affairs, Norwegian opposition to Germany, Norwegian industry, mining, political life, etc., Box no. 37 ( Jugoslawien), clippings, etc., containing material on Yugoslav economic, political, and cultural affairs, including report (printed Als Manuskript) Wirtschaf tsbericht Comroerzbank, Ir. 10/12, Oct. - Dec. 19^0; "Die Januar-Februar-Bilanz Jugoslawiens zeigt einen bedeutenden Ausfuhrtlberschuss; " "Die Deutschen Genossenschaf ten Stfdslawiens," Jahresbericht; Yugoslavia's economic condition in wartime; Yugoslavia's foreign trade; German spoliation; copies of "Serbische PresseauszTftge* (mimeographed); treatment of the Jews in Yugoslavia; "Jugoslawien nach dem ersten Kriegsjahr; " Yugoslavia's relationships with other countries; "Beurteilung der aussenpolitischen Lage in Belgrad und Zagreb, " 19^0. Box no. 3^ (Jugoslawien/Kroatien), clippings, etc., containing material relative to Croatian affairsz various "Kroatische Press eausztlge" (mimeographed, German translations); historical information on the Croats; political movements in Croatia; Yugoslav workers abroad; a report on Serial Roll 739 521 7^0 522 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut Item Filmed DAI 839 1st frame 52S6825 DAI S*iO FT 5237269 DAI 8lU FT 5287523 DAI 8^2 FT 5287707 Notes Croatia discussing the peasants1 party and the internal political alignments of Croatia, Dr. Ma6ek, etc. (retyped for legibility); politics in Croatia, the Germans in Croatia and their political alignments; a report issued "by Sfldostdeutsches Institut Graz "Zur Lage in Kroatien im Gktober l^lj.0; it material on the relations "between the Serbs and the Croats; nationalism in Croatia; a report "Bemorkungen zur Unterredung mit Dr. Madek, Vizepr&sidenten der jugoslawischen Regierung;M Rudolf Herceg and the Weltbauernbeweguog; cultural affairs, cultural relation with the Germans, Magyars; Croatian schools, German schools; foreign trade and foreign exchange, establishment of a Croatian Industrie- und HandelsAktiengesellschaft, trade fair at Agram, economic developments, trade with Germany, etc., 15^0. Box no. 39 (Jugoslawien/TeilgeMet), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to Croatian, Slovenian, etc., affairs and including: "Slowenische Presseauszilige11 and "Kroatische Presseauszflge,lf mimeographed, in German translation, 1939 - 19^0; Germans, German settlements, schools, etc., in Yugoslavia; attitudes of the Slovenes to a reorganization of the state, Slovene writers, relations between Slovenes and Croats; pro-German sentiment in Yugoslavia; the university and cultural life cf Ljubljana (Laibach); SiJldslawien-Berichte of S€dostdeutaches Institut Graz, 19^0, pertaining mostly to the Gottschee area; "Serbische Presseauszilge; " "Volk im Kulturbund" (mimeographed), K3-Pressedienst, "Planvolle Arbeit der Belgrader Ortsgruppe" and information on German and other foreign nationals in Yugoslavia; miscellaneous material on industrial development, property owned by Jews, etc., 19^0. Box no. UO (Jugoslaw./Teilgebiete), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to Yugoslav affairs including material on: 1fDie unzufriedene ¥ojwodina!l and other articles on the Voivodina, Magyars and Jews there, Agrarpolitik; "Die Volksdeutschen der Batschka und Syrmiens;" "Madjarische Presseauszdge;" German schools; floods in Sfldslawien, the Danube, financial credit; cultural clubs, 19^0. Box no. to. (Ostas./Osten/Orient), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to British rule in China, Manchurian affairs, Japanese affairs, Japanese nationals in the US and elsewhere, Japanese settlers in Manchuria and Brazil, IG Farben and Japan, and miscellaneous stray items on the German east, 19^0. Box no. ^2 (Niederlande), clippings, etc., pertaining to Dutch affairs and including material on: Hollflndisch-Limburg; "Der Lebensraum der Serial Roll 523 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 8^3 FT 5288200 DAI FT 528S779 Notes 95 Niederlando;" refugees in Holland; excerpts from letters reporting on Dutch conditions, history, etc.; Dutch government in exile; the Dutch royal family; Free Dutch military forces; "Massnakiien zum Schutz der inneren Sicheiheit in Holland. Ein sofcialdemokratischer Bericht;" Friesian and Flemish nationalism; Dutch trade unionism; Dutch National Socialist politics, Nkticnal Front-, etc.; material psrtaining to Dutch treatment of German-Jewish refu^oasjj the Jews in Holland, Dutch "underground railways" to assist the escape of Jews from Germany, etc«;"¥ehrdienst dor Auslandsdeutschen; " t.b** Dutch East Indies and its administration; "Die Erneuerungsbewegungen in den Niederlanden; "' Abschrift, Vertraulich, Nur f.d« internen Dionstgebrauch, "Die niederl&ndisch-indischen Mischlinge und die Rassenfrage" a Bericht of the Auslandsdienst; "Aufruf an Soziaiisten in unserem Lande;" revival of F'i'iesian culture, etc.; German law and court systems, German jurisdiction in the Netherlands; the occupation administration and its measures; economic developments in the Netherlands, etc., 19^0, Box no* ^3 (Siedorlande), clippings, etc., on Holland and Dutch possessions overseas and including copy of a directive from Reichsminister des Innern "Verbot von Umstufucgen inrarhallD dsr Boutseiien Vclksliste, " June 2U, 19UU, a stray item; circular from Ausw. Amt "Die Lage der Deutschen in niederlUndischen Besitzungen" (Ficht f«d« Presse)^ Oct. 19^0, sad a continuation of the same for Dec. 19^0, also other material on the situation in the Dutch 3ast. Indies, Germans interned there, etc.; occupation government and German cultural propaganda; Friesian nationalism; iiovies, other vehicles of propaganda; German schools in the Netherlands; the Dutch colonies, especially the Netherlands last Indies, their trade, adjustment to the occupation of the Netherlands, etc., reconstruction in Holland; organization of Netherlands industry, the Dutch economy, economic relations with Germany, foreign trade, "banking, etc; excerpts of statements made to DAI and ether reports on the situation in the Dutch Sast Indies, the condition of the Germans there, etc.; "Bine Brinnerung: Die deutsche Kolonie Hanauisch-Indien" about Johann Joachim Becher, mercantilist, 19^0. Box no. U^, clippings, etc., pertaining to Baltic affairs and including material on Soviet propaganda; shipping and economic life; Soviet military districts; Sovietization; anti-communist feelings; "Aus siner Bekanntmachung der Tass Coer die russisch-lettischen und die russischestnischen Beziehungen;" "Lettische Presseausz^ge" in German translation; Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Latvians in the US; Soviet! zation of the Latvian army; Russification of Jewish schools; land reform in Latvia; introduction of Soviet political education in Latvia; population statistics, culture, economic life, emigration of Estonians; Lithuanian refugees; Lithuanians abroad, Germans in Lithuania, etc. , 19*10. A second folder of clippings in 8HU pertaining to Lithuania and including material on: "Litauen - Die Nationalisierungsmassnahmen, " 19^0; egrarian reform; " Sowje truss i ache V/irtschaf tsmassnahmen in den ehemaligen baltischen Staaten - Wirtschaftliche Massnahmen in Litauen; " German culture in Lithuania; education, schools, churches in sovietised Lithuania; Volksdeutsche in Lithuania; culture, economic life, problems of, Poles in the city of Wilna; JiDie Politik der Befestigung des Friedens und der Freundschaf t zwischen den Vfllkern, " pertaining to Russian assignment of Wilna to Lithuania; life of the Jews in Wilna and Lithuania, the Yiddisch language and its literature, etc.; Catholic clergy (Polish) in Wilna; Jewish, Polish, and German refugees from Wilna; "Litauer in Wilna zwischen Ifeissrussen und Polen; " "Litauische Presseausz%e; " the "Karelisch-f innische Sowjet-Republik; " Russification policies in Estonia; "Estnische Pressea,uszflge; " Lithuania's industrial and commercial life, Bodenreform, trade with Germany, etc.; the Lithuanian press, films in Lithuania, etc,; position of the Jews in Lithuania; communism in Lithuania; 71*2 Continued Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut DAI 8^5 FT 52S9365 DAI 8^6 FT 5289788 Box no ^5 (Polenfrage), clippings, etc., on Polish affairs including: "Folnische PresseausziHge" relating to Poles abroad; the Polish government in exile, biographical and other information on leading Polish intellectuals, death of some of them in Nazi concentration camps; the Poles in the industrial areas of northern France; the Polish press in France, francoPolish amity; the exile-governmsntfs capital at Angers, etc.; various reports (clippings) on the activities, statements, alliances, military forces, etc., of the Polish exile government; the Polish merchant marine, agreement with England concerning it, etc.; the Polish university in Paris; Polish radio (exile government's); Poles in Lithuania; aid and sympathy for Poland in Iraq, Burma, the Netherlands, etc.; sufferings of the Poles under Russian rule; Polish emigres in Rumania; Jewish refugees from Poland in the Danube area; interned Poles in Switzerland; Polish emigres in Hungary, and Hungarian-Polish relations; the Vatican and Poland; Polish Americans, sympathy in the US for Poland, American aid; etc., 19^-0. Box no. U6, clippings, etc., pertaining to Poland, Palestine, and Portugal, including material on: "Lage der Deutschen in Palflstina, "Dec. 19^0, copy Serial Roll Provenance Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI SUj FT 5290252 DAI 8^8 FT 5290355 Notes 97 of an Ausw. Amt circular; Portugal, German trade via Portugal, refugees in Portugal, etc.; copies of letters sent "by Germans in Lisbon describing the German colony there; the Portuguese government, its relations with Germany; Abschrift and Auszug "Bericht des wfthrend des Krieges aus Port* Ostafrika heimgekehrten Jooef Mller;" Portuguese colonies; etc.; 19UO. Material on Poland includes: "Polnische Presseausztlge; " a personal report on "Das Volksdeutsche Internierungslager Bals/Rum&nien;" Polish refugees and emigrants in various countries; the composition, policies, etc., of the Polish government-in-exile; the Polish army; "Unterlagen tfber die deutsche Volksgruppe in Polen," from VDA Hauptabt. Presse u. Schrifttuin; German commentary on alleged Polish atrocities; "Christliche 'Methoden.' Der polnische Staat und die Verfolgung der orthodoxen Kirche in Polen" in Polenberichte der Publikationsstelle (of DAI), no. 18; Protestantism in Poland; German schools and their treatment by Boles; Polish treatment of German minorities during the war; mimeographed copy of "Bilanz der polaischen Morde im Wartheland;n clippings from German newspapers, some photographs, dealing with alleged Polish atrocities against Volksdeutsche; a mimeographed "Bericht von Frau Pfarrer Anni Lassahn, Eromberg-Schwedenhdhe," concerning treatment of herself and her husband when accused of espionage by the Polish authorities; etc., 19HO. Box no. *47 (Protektorat 1-5)» clippings, etc., pertaining to the Protectorate: excerpt of a letter from a Volksdeutsche; clippings from the German language press in the Protectorate commenting on the country's position in the war, etc.; German cultural propaganda activities; "Tschechische Presseauszilge11 (German translation); etc., 19^0. Box no. *f8 (Protektorat 6-9)* clippings, etc., pertaining to the Protectorate and including material on: German policies towards the Roman Catholic Church, dissolution of religious orders, confiscation of church lands, etc.; unification of the Czech Protestant Church with the Protestant Church in Germany and its Germanization; Germanization of higher education; German language instruction; German cultural propaganda; Volksdeutsche; anti-semitism, extension of German anti-semitic laws; social welfare policies; the Czech economy; spoliation, etc.; "Tschechische Presseausziige11 on economic and other subjects; development and exploitation of Czech industry and commerce, establishment of firms, "Wirtschaftliche Angleichung,fl etc.; Prague trade fair; tariffs and the "Zolleingliederung" of Czechoslovakia into the Reich; agriculture and agricultural Serial Roll 7^3 525 Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 8^9 FT 5290763 DAI S50 FT 5291321 Notes reform; railways; mining; housing program; etc., Box no. H9 (Rumftaian 1-3)» clippings, etc., on Rumania: general information on Rumania, its regions, boundary changes; ttRum#nische Presseausztfge" (German translations); reports on impressions of Rumania "by Germans; emigration of Jews from Rumania (and Hungary); German-Rumanian cultural and other cooperation; Rumanians in Allied countries,, unsuccessful efforts to establish a pro-Allied Rumanian government in London, etc.; tension in Hungarian-Rumanian relations; Judengesetzgebung; DAI memo "Notwendigkeit einer besseren Orientierung \Hber die deutsche Volksgruppe in Rumftnien;" Abschrift of "Hachrichten tlber den Transport deutscher Truppen nach RumUnien, » Budapest, Nov. 27* 19^-0; prohibition of Zionist organizations; Iron Guard and its program; "Madjarische Presseauszttge" (German translations); visits of Nazi dignitaries to Rumania; "Schutz der deutschen Volksgruppen in Ungarn und RumUnien." "Die deutsch-rumUnischen und deutsch-ungarischen Protokolle ttber die Minderheiten," Vienna, Aug. 30, 19^0, mimeographed copy; "Vorg^nge bei der Denkw&rdigen Ruma*nischen Kronratssitzung wm 29» August 19^0;" restrictive legislation pertaining to Jewish doctors, lawyers, and bureaucrats; closing of synagogues, antisemitic legislation in general, exclusion of the Jews from the National Party; anti-semitic speeches, arrests of Jews in Bucharest; Polish refugees, numbers of Germans in Rumania, Slovaks in Rumania, etc.; further information on the exclusion of Jews from professional and business ativities in Rumania, arrests, concentration camps, Jewish refugees in Russia, prohibition of emigration, coercion of emigration, "Cuza (Professor) €ber die Notwendigkeit der Lo'sung der Judenfrage; " Deutsche Jugend in Rumania and its military education; further information on persecution of Jews in Rumania; Rumania's domestic politics; General Antonescu; the Magyar minority in Rumania and its treatment, complaints pertaining to the same, etc.; Slovaks in Hungary and Rumania and their treatment; Deutschtum in Rumania; political parties in Rumania; etc., 19UO. Box nOe 50 (RumSnien 3~*0 t clippings, etc., pertaining to Rumania and including material on: Deutsche Volksgruppe, particularly the Bauernschaft, in Rumania; political life, National Party, also on Andreas Schmidt, the Ftthrer of the Germans in Rumania; Volksdeutsche in Rumanian politics; "Ruma'nische Presseauszflge" (German translation), particularly on the minority question in Rumania; emigration of Rumanian Jews, concentration camps; murder of Codreanu, Codreanu's own trial, Corneliu Serial 7^3 Roll 525 526 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 851 FT 5291771 DAI 852 FT 5292277 Notes 99 Codreanu's Iron Guard, etc.; lf?olksdeutsche und Reichsdeutsche11 Dokument from Aussendeutssher Wochenspiegel on Rumania; the Iron Guard and its loyalties, Rumanian domestic politics, etc.; "Die Rede des Herrn General Antonescu, Fuehrer des RuznSn. Staates und Ministerpraesident an die Legionare," Sept. 6, 19^0i in Rumanisches Informationsbulletin (mimeographed), retyped for legibility (includes also a speech Ijy the Iron Guard's chief, Horia Sima, Oct. 6, 19^0); Rumanian Staatsjugend; internal political readjustments after establishment of the Iron Guard supported government of Antonescu; Hungarian protests to Rumania on Rumanian treatment of a Hungarian minority; text of a speech (mimeographed) "Grundpfeiler der neuen arisch-europHischen Ordnung" "by Andreas Schmidt, leader of the Rumanian Volksdeutsche, Oct. 23» 19**0; material on the organization of the German Volksgruppe, Nov. 3» 19^°» cooperation of German Volksgruppe with the Rumanian government; "Der Schiedsspruch der Achsenmachte im Rumanisch-llngarischen Streitfall und die Volksgruppenvertrage" (mimeographed, from documents section of DAI's Aussendeutscher Wochenspiegel), establishment of USDAP in Rumania; German troops in Rumania; "Die rumUnioch-bulgarischen Verhandlungen" translations from Curentul, Aug* 6, igllO; Rumania and southeastern Europe, diplomacy, politics; Hungarian claims, Rumania as a member of the axis; etc., 19^0. Box* no. 51 (Ruminien 5~9)» clippings, etc,, on Rumania including material on: German cultural propaganda, sports, Volksgruppe, gifts of books, Nazi literature, scientists, music, etc.; German schools; Winterhilfswerk and other social welfare programs, policies, etc.; Volksdeutsche in Ruma* nian industry, economic life, etc.; expropriation of property owned by Jews; German-Rumanian economic relations; economic effects of the cession of northern Siebenbftrgen and the southern Dobrudja; development and exploitation .of the Rumanian economy, len-Year-Plan, German-Rumanian Kandelsgesellschaft, trade agreements with Germany, oil, railways, highways; Codreanu's murder, etc., 19*K)» Hote: Frames nos. 5292275 and 5292276 not used at The beginning of this Serial:* Box no. 52 (Rumo/Siebenbitrgen), clippings, etc,, including material on: general cultural and historical descriptions of Siebenbflrgen and the German population there; "Rumanische Presseauszflge" (in German translation) concerning definition of Transsylvania, minority groups, etc.; "Madjarische Presseausztlge" (in German translation) on the Rumanians in Siebenbftrgen; a manuscript, handwritten notes, and also typed material, a "Stimmungsbild.tfber Rum^nien; " various "Madjarische PresseatasziJtge" and other reports Serial Roll 526 Provenance Deutscbes AuslandInstitut Item DAI 853 DAI S5*l 527 Continued Filmed 1st frame DAI 855 5292619 FT 5293063 5293339 Notes 100 on the Magyar minority, its treatment, etc., by the Rumanians; German troops in Siebenbttrgen; the Germans in Slebenbftrgen, NSDAP there, establishment and appointment of its officials; "Slowakische Presseansztlge11 (in German translation); "Die Teilung Siebenburgens" (from Unser Beitrag, a DAI supplement, mimeographed); agrarian reforms, trade fairs, banking, industrial development, etc., in Siebenburgen; 19^0. Box no 53 (Rum. Teilgebiete), clippings, etc., containing material mostly on Germandom in various parts of Rumania: Bukovina, Temesvar, Bessarabia, the Banat, etc., their political activities, treatment as a minority, mixed marriages, influence on Rumanian politics, etc.; 19*40. Note the special report by Dr. Kpause of DAI on "Das Deutschtum in Bessarabien." Box no. 5^ (Schweden, Skandinavien, Spanien), clippings, etc., containing material pertaining to: relations between Spain and Germany; Spanish refugees from Mexico, in France, etc.p reports on the Germans in Spain; Franco's attitude toward Jews; Spain's domestic politics; the Hispanic movement; miscellaneous material on Spanish industry, reconstruction, foreign trade, economic relations with Germany; report from Zeitungsdienst, Auslandsdienst, a feature article on Serrano Suner (Spanish Minister of Internal Affairs) relative to his visit to Germany, Sept. 19^0; Scandinavia in general, a new order in the north, Greater Scandinavia, etc.; Swedes in general, Sven Hedin, Swedish "colonies" in Holland, Estonia, and other northern European countries; typewritten report from Dr. Patzelt "Racksiedlung von Estlandschweden;" "Die Finnlandschweden in,USA, "report by Prof. Helge Nelson (typewritten); Swedish politics; Swedish youth; Germans in Sweden; Sweden's anti-Nazi policies; German-Swedish cultural relations; Swedish German economic relations, trade, etc.; 19^M). Box no. 55 (Schweiz, 1-3), clippings, etc., containing material relating to Swiss affairs: "Bericht uber die Schweiz Ende Juli 19^0" by "Sr." (of DAI?); "Eindrdcke meiner Heise ilber die Meinung der Bevdlkerung in der Schweiz, in Frankreich, in I tali en und im Slsass, und Gespr&ch mit einem finnischen Gesandtschaftsbeamten," May J, 19^0i typewritten, authorship unclear; "Schweiz - Fahrbericht, September 19^0" by Dr. Csaki; emigres in Switzerland; Swiss nationals abroad, return to Switzerland; Switzerland1 a internal politics; Einburgerungs- und Ausbilrgerungsgesetse; espionage in Switzerland; Nazi propaganda in Switzerland; the "National Front" in Switzerland; Jewish congregations in Switzerland, Jewish welfare Serial Roll 527 Continued Filmed. 1st frame Provenance Item Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 856 FT 5293&L9 DAI 857 IT 52911178 Notes 101 and refugee aid organizations, etc.; 19^0. Box no. 56, clippings, etc., pertaining to Swiss affairs: copies of "Eidgenflssische Ruadschau" of Dec. 20, Nov. 10, 19^0, mimeographed; an open letter "An den Schweizerischen Bundesrat" by Franz Burri of Vienna (mimeographed); the Swiss press, censorship, etc.; Swiss commentary on works by the German conservative author-in-exile Hermann Rauschning; Swiss cultural clubs, societies, higher education; Swiss Red Cross, welfare, etc., activities for internees, emigres, etc.; Swiss trade, industry, Shine shipping, effects of war on markets; "Die Verkehrsverhaltnisse im BtLndener Land,tt mimeographed; agriculture, landholding, banking, transportation; economic activities of Jews in Switasrland; miscellaneous biographical material on Swiss, Austrian, German, etc., academic persons; 19*K>. Box no. 57 (Slowakei 1-3) clippings, etc., relating to Slovakian affairs: "Slowakische Presseauszuge" (in German translation) on various subjects; "Ermittlungen anlasslich des Slowakeiaufenthalts Anfang Dezember 19^0 in Imtern der Deutschen Partei" by DAI's Dr» Isbert; German towns and settlements in Slovakia; various excerpts from a newsletter issued by Forschungsstelle Sudetendeutscha in aller Welt, Reichenberg; miscellaneous on the attitudes of Slovaks in the US to the Slovak government; Slovaks abroad; "Bericht ilber die Deutsche Partei in der Slowakei" by Herrmann (of DAI); persecution of Jews in Slovakia; Germandom in the Zips and other areas of Slovakia; "Der Slowakische Rat an das cechische (sic) Volk," Geneva, May 1937»(pages retyped for legibility); permission for acquisition of Slovakian citizenship for Volksdeutsche in Slovakia; position, rights, etc., of Volksdeutsche in Slovakia; various reports, etc., on the Deutsche Partei in Slovakia; persecution of Jews in Slovakia; copy (signed Dr. Josef Tiso) "Die slowakische Regierung ilber die Einrichtung des staatlichen Sekretariats far die deutschen Minderheiten in der Slowakei vom 21. Juni 1939 (3 693/^.1939);u copies of correspondence of the Amtsleiter of the Germans living in Slovakia with the Slovak Minister President Dr. Tuka, and Finance Minister Dr. Pruiinsky, and with Minister Dr. Medricky, Jan. 23-31 * 19^1• complaining about non-cooperation and non-fulfillment of laws and agreements pertaining to the relations between the government and the Amt (retyped for legibility); Instruktion for Zflhlkominissar und Revisor (in German) issued by the Slowakische Republik, Volkszahlung 1940; copy of an extensive, typewritten report on the Slovak "Volkszahlung 19*40;" correspondence (copies) of the German Amtsleiter with Serial Roll 528 Jontinued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame FT Notes 102 the Grtsgruppenleiter of the Deutsche Partei; letter (copy) of the Amtsleiter to Staatssekret&r Ing. F, Karmasin on "Nationalitatenkataster," April 17, 19JJO; copy of Abschrift "Gutachten zum Sntwurf iiber einen Nationalitatenkataster in dor Slowakei zuin Gesetzentwurf;fl copy of a memorandum (unidentified) "Beraerkung zura geplanten slowakischen Staatsgesetz ffh>er den Nationalitatcnfcataster;' "copy (typewritten) of "Regierungsentwurf. G-esetz vom . . . 19^0, uber den Kationalitatenkataster und den Schutz der VolkszugehiJrigkeit slowakischer Staatsbilrger;" and a mimeographed copy of what seems to "be the same, in Slovak; report on the Slovak constitution, July 1939; copy of a letter from the FfthBer der Deutschen Volkrsgruppe in der Slowakei to DAI, April IS, 19^1, on the results of the census taken among the Germans (retyped for legibility), with statistical appendices; Verfassungsurkunde der Slowakischen Bepufrlik, 1939; etc., 1939 - 19^17 mostly 1940. A "box containing two folders consisting, in folder 1, of clippings and correspondence relative to Slovak affairs: Volksdeutsche and Deutsche Partei in Slovakia; persecution of Jews in Slovakia; copies of correspondence with Slovak state officials (one letter, in translation, from Die Kanzlei des Presidenten der Reptifclik), 1939 - 19^1, pertaining to the relations between TTolksdeutsehe and the Slovak government; labor problems, unemployment, the Arbeitsfront, etc.; a report "Die Slowakisch-Russinishe (sic) Zusammenarbeit am Horizonte" from Forschungsstelle Sudetendeutsche in aller Welt (typewritten), relations between Slovaks and Ruthenians; a copy of Instrukcia Pre Sfcitacieho Komisara A Revifeora, issued by Slovenskft Republika, S&itanie ludu To^O; correspondence (original) between the Deutsche Fartei of Slovakia and Dr. Kloss of DAI on "(resets ilber politische Parteien der Volksgruppe," "Handels- und (rewerbekammer,11 May 19^0; including "Deutsche Pressebriefe aus der Slowakei;" the remainder of the folder consists mostly of copies of the correspondence (some marked ?ertraulich) of Staatssekretar Dr. Karmasin of the Deutsches Staatssekretariat fiir die Belange der Deutschen Volksgruppe in der Slowakei, also of the Deutsche Partei with Ministerprasident Dr. V. Tuka, Die Kanzlei des Prftsidenten der Republik, Ortsleiter of the Deutsche Partei, Slovak police officials, the Slovak Justizministerturn, etc., pertaining to: "Misstande im Zentralwirtschaftsant;11 Arisierung; "Verzeichnis der Judischen (Jrossgruridbesitze mit Antragen auf eventuell einzusetsende Treuhftnder;M cooperation of the Deutsche Staatssekretar in aryanization proceedings; "Bodenamt, Yertretung der deutschen Volksgruppe im Verwaltungsausschuss;11 "Errichtupg einer Deutschen Abteilung im Zentralwirt- Serial Roll 528 529 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 859 FT 5295H59 DAI 860 FT 5295981 lobes 103 schaftsamt;" "Statut der Abteilung fftr die Angelegenheiten der deutschen Volksgruppe beim Zentralwirtschaftsamt;" correspondence with local Deutsche Partei officials; Amtsvermerke and Protokolle of the Staatssekret&r;a memorandum: J'Stellungnahme der Deutschen Partei. Der Parlamentsentwurf ilber die Bodenreform;" correspondence with the Deutsche Gesandtschaft in Pressburg on the citizenship of Vblksdeutsche in areas of Czechoslovakia annexed by Hungary; private letters addressed to Dr. Karmasin on public opinion, etc.; 19^9 - 19^1. Folder 2 in the box contains mostly clippings on the affairs of the Slovak Republic, its recognition, its German, Magyar, etc., minorities, its progress after one year, and naterial on the German Deutsche Partei including the Satzung of the IP, March 1, 19*10, and a report "Situation vor den Salzburger Bespreehungen - Empfang beim Juhrer und die slovakische Regierucgsumbil dung - Die Voraussetzungen kiinftiger vertiefter Zusammenarbeit mit der deutschea Volksgruppe - Beginn des slowakischen Nationalsozialismus*" 19^0. Box no. 59 (Slowakei 5-9)» clippings etc., pertaining to the history, culture, educational facilities, literature, etc., of the German, Magyar, and Ruthenian minorities of Slovakia; miscellaneous "Kulturpolitisches" relating to the Volksdeutsche in Slovakia, their organization in 3STSDAP groups, etc.; material on the Slovak economy, industrial development, railways, oil production, German cooperation in economic affairs, etc., aryanization of property owned by Jews, confiscation, coerced liquidations, etc., 19^0. Box no. 60 (USSR), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to Russian affairs: a confidential report by Dipl.-Ing. Erich Roeder to Dr. Csaki of DAI on his trip to Moscow, Feb. 9-19» 19^0; "Innerrussische Umsiedlung," clippings, memos, etc.; Russian territorial acquisitions 1939 19*40; copies of letters from Russia written by Volksdeutsche, including a confidential circular letter sent by the Yerein der Kaukasusdeutschen 3.Y. to its members; Russian propaganda films; various statistics on the minority peoples of the USSR; copies of letters addressed to the Verband der Russlanddeutschen in Berlin; a mimeographed DAI document "Besuch in den Volksdeutschon Dfirfern urn Schitomir" 19^1; anti-semitic policies of USSR; "Die verkehrspolitische Bedeutung des sowjetisch-finnischen Friedensvertrages;" various material on Russian-Finnish relations; various material on Russian-German relations in 19^0; miscellaneous on Russian cultural propaganda, honoring of Russian, German, Estonian, Turkmenian, etc., literary figures; various material on publication of Lenin1s and Serial Roll 529 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item MI 861 Filmed 1st frame IT 5296U95 Notes IQk Stalin's works, and other academic, scientific, etc., works by the Russians; various material on the literature, education, Russification of the alphabets of minority peoples of Central Asia, etc.; "Bericht uber russische Sowjetzeitungen;" religion in the Soviet Union; higher education in the Soviet Union; the Russian economy, development of internal waterways and other transportation, oil discoveries, steel industry, merchant marine, trade policies, etc.; translation from Ukrainian of an article "Der Plan des Wiederaufbaus der Stadt G-ori, der Heimat des Genossen Stalin," by L. S. Ssumbadse; etc., 19*K). Box no. 61 (USSR Teilgebiete), clippings, reports, etc., containing material relevant to Volksdeutsche in various areas of Russia, and including: mimeographed letter (Abschrift) addressed to the chairman of the Verein d. Kaukasusdeutschen; miscellaneous information on education and Ruesification policies of the USSR in regard to Aserbeidjan, the Caucasus, etc.; "Donlrschrift flber den Bestand und die kulturelle Bedeutung der Kaukasusdeutschen," by Theodor Hummel of the Verein d. Kauk.Deutschen sent to OBM Strfllin, Stuttgart; material on the Moldavian Soviet Republic; Buchenlanddeutsche; the Ukraine and northern Bukovina; Umsiedlung of Ukrainians to Asiatic Russia, the activities of the Russian secret police in the Ukraine, a typewritten ragport "Lage und Stimmung bei den Ukrainern (und Weissrussen) ; " Abschrift "Brief eines Volksdeutschen aus der Nordbukowina, der nach g Moneten Geffingnis in Czernowitz von den Bus sen nach Deutschland abgeschoben wurde," May 30, 19^1» Abschrift of a directive issued by Armeeoberkommando lU, Abt. I c/AO Hr./39» Kharkow, Oct. 10, 1939* on "Deutsche H&chtlinge;" clippings, excerpts of letters from Volksdeutsche, etc., on Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, on the migrations and resettlements of the minority populations there, mistreatment of Jews by Germans and Russians, Volksdeutsche, industry, sanitation, etc.; further material on Bessarabia and the Moldavian Soviet Republic including population statistics, resettlement of Germans, "Bericht fiber die Ereignisse in Akkerman und Umgebung w^hrend der Besetzung Bessarabiens durch die Russen im Juni 19^0," "Aussagen von bessarabischen Fluchtlingen" (July 19W, "Das Deutschtum in Bessarabien" by Sduard Krause of BAI, mass migration of Jews to Russia, the Magyar minority in Bessarabia, "Das deutsche Bauerntum Besserabiens und seine Wirtschaftsweise" (mimeographed Nordostberichte der Publikationsstelle), etc.; a report "Aus dem Leben der Veissrussen in Litauen, Weissrussische Organisationen und Behorden;" copy of a letter sent by DAI's Dr. Quiring to Dr, Csaki from Litzmannstadt Serial 7^7 Roll 529 530 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 862 FT 5296771 DAI 863 FT 5297016 DAI 8&1 FT 5297211 Hotes 105 reporting on the area of Brest-Litovsk, Russian occupied Poland, etc., on the "basis of information obtained from a Russian refugee including information on secret police activity, the cost of living, salaries of Russian military personnel, of GPU soldiers, economic policies; "Das Deutschtum in West-Weissrussland;" "Die Erinnerungen an die schweren Zeiten der Wolgadeutschen;" etc., mostly 19^0. Box no. 62 (Ukraine), clippings, reports, excerpts from letters and speeches, etc., on the Ukraine and Volksdeutsche in the Ukraine including the following: various reports on the Ukraine and on "Wirtschaftsratnn Ukraine," "Das Dnjepr-Kombinat;" the German settlements in the Black Sea area; "ITicht nur Suer, sondern auch unser Fohrer. - Die Ukrainer, ein Volk zwischen den Fronten;" various copies of letters from soldiers and others on the Germans in Russia, especially in the Black Sea area; etc., 19HO. Box no. 63» clippings, etc., pertaining to "Die Kurdenfrage," the Turks, the Turkish economy, etc.; the Levant; Thailand; Czechoslovakia and Czech affairs including "Das Chaos der tschechischen Emigration11 from Prager Zeitungs-Dienst, the Czechoslovak government-in-exile, CzechEnglish relations, Czechs and Czech newspapers and organizations in France, the US, etc.; 19^0. Box no. 6H (Ungarn 1-3), clippings, etc., on Hungary including: statistics of census; "Madjarische Presseauszuge" (in German translation) on various subjects; territorial changes, border adjustments with Rumania, etc.; "Die Lage Ungarns nach ftsterreichs Anschluss" by Count Stefan Bethlen (translated article); a report for DAI "Bericht uber eine Reise nach Ungarn und dem Russinski" (sic) by 6ne von Scheven; "Wie lebt der Berichterstatter des Uj Hagyarsag in London?" interview with ¥ilkie (Wendell), 19^1; Hungarians in the US and elsewhere; political party and politics of the Slovak minority in Hungary; a confidential report "Die gegenwtrtige Lage der deutschen Volksgruppe in Ungarn" covers 1933 19^0; "Deutsche in Ungarn - Abneigung gegen den Nazismus, Von unserem Berichterstatter," 19^0; copy of a letter from Volksbund d. Deutschen in Ungarn to Dr. Csaki of DAI, April 2^, 19^*0, on the Volksdeutsche Bewegung; Magyarization of names, re-Germanization of names; Partei der Ungarischen Erneuerung, Hungarian domestic politics in general, etc.; a copy of the "Sofort-Wttnsche der deutschen Volksgruppe in Ungarn" (typewritten), given the Hungarian government, 19*40; the Volksdeutsche and the Hungarian minority population law; Dr. Steyer (private) newsletter Serial Roll 748 530 531 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 865 BAI S66 MI S67 Continued Filmed 1st frame IT 5298^ 5299365 Notes 106 "Parallele zwischen dem Gesetzentwurf des Wojwodentums im Karpathentiefland und den in dem Gesetzentwurf von Hubay-Vag6 enthaltenen HuigaristenPrinzipien itber die Hegelung der Kationalitaten-IFrage, "19^0; a mimeographed copy of "Der Volksgruppengesetzentwurf der ungarischen Pfeilkreuzler-Abgeordneten Eubay und Vag6," 19^0; etc., 19^0. Box no. 65 (Ungarn 3~5)» clippings, etc., on: the minority populations, their politics, etc., in Hungary; demand for Judengesetze; various materials on Hungarian nationalism; youth movement among the Volksdeutsche; persecution of Jews, migration of Jews; "Vortrag des Univ. Prof. Dr. Karl Kugotovltz im 'Sathmarer Verein1," 19^0; Hungarian-Rumanian "border etc. disputes; "ITeue uugarische Formulierung einer Donau-Konffideration, Beitrag zur Klflrung der Frage, weshalh viele Stiramen in Ungarn eine Orientierung nach den Keststaaten fordern,lf typewritten copy; German cultural propaganda; "Madjarische PresseauszAge" on various subjects; a carbon copy of "Die Statuten der Deutsch-Ungarischen Gesellschaft und Das Protokoll ihrer Grdndungsversammlung;n Hzngarian cultural relations with Italy, "England, etc.; censorship of anti-German sentiment; etc., 19^0. Box no. 66 (Ungarn 6-9)» a "box containing letters addressed to the Archivar Dr. IFranz Zimmermann (of Hermannstadt and St. P6lten) on academic and political matters (local election results), etc., letters dating from 1S91, 1892, and 191^ (the latter including commentary on the outbreak of World War I), also clippings, etc., on Hungarian affairs in 19^0 including: "Ungarns polenfreundliche Haltung und Angst vor dem Erwachen des Deutschtums- in Ungarn;" "Madjarische PresseauszUge" and "Slowakische Presseauszuge" on various cultural, political, etc., subjects; reports on the congregation among the Volksdeutsche in Hungary; Hungarian resettlement policies; health, hygiene, social welfare, etc., in Hungary; Hungarian agriculture; the Hungarian economy, trade, effects of cooperation v/ith the Germans, etc.; persecution of Jevrs, confiscation of property owned by Jews, etc.; 19^0. Box no. 67 (Ungarn, Teilgebiete) clippings, reports, etc., on the follovring areas of Hungary: western Hungary, including a copy of an extensive report on 6denburg, especially on the Volksdeutsche there, also a report on "Das deutsche Siedlungsgebiet im Komitat Wieselburg (Ungarn)f11 etc.; miscellaneous notices on the Volksdeutsche in the Hidas area; information, also a report on Volksdeutsche in the Batschka and Naranya areas, including reports on incidents between Hungarian troops and Volksdeutsche; the Banat; extensive material on Siebenbnrgen, especially on Serial 750 750- Roll 532 532- 772 55^ Continaed Provenance Deiitsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 868 FT 5300011 DAI 869 FT 53002U2 DAI 870931 See "below Notes 10? the culture of ethnic Germans, Rumanian refugees, territorial division of the area, Huig arian- Rumanian settlement commission, German schools, property settlements, etc.; Carpathian, Ruthenian minorities, Slovaks, Ruthenian sympathies for the Germans; Sathmar, German nationalism, cultural activities of ethnic Germans in Sathinar; Kaschau, ethnic Germans there, political life, agrarian reforms, 19^0. Box no. 68 (Internat. Organ. Welt), clippings, etc., pertaining to various international organizations and their activities: the International Labor Organisation; International Danube Commission, Danube shipping, end of the commission, etc.; Der Balkanbund; Pan American Congress; Suez Canal; International Bank; International Chamber of Commerce; International Postal Union; Lutheran World Congress, Copenhagen; Red Cross; the League of Nations; Wiener Schiedsspruch (HungarianRumanian minority regulation) ; Volksdeutsche miscellaneous; Welt judentum (scattered material); the world economy; etc., 19^0. Box no. 69 (Stuttgart - DAI), clippings, reports, memoranda, etc., pertaining to DAI and its work and to Stuttgart as the city of Germandomatroad: a folder "Material IQ^O" containing miscellaneous reports on Volksdeutsche in Eastern Europe, several mimeographed reports (Vertraulich and ifur zum internen Dienstgebrauchi) on the "Verletzung des Schweizerischen Luftraumes, " on air raid shelters in England; miscellaneous material on the military strength, etc., of Switzerland VDA, the SwissItalian "border, etc,; Stuttgart, Stadt d. Auslandsdeutschen, its museums, etc.; report, "Besuch des Herrn Dr. Hans Herrschaft im Auftrag des Oberreg.-Rat Dr. Krieg vom Reichspropagandaministerium - Berlin," Oct. 28, 19^0; report and correspondence on "Schulung fftr die S S-Kri eg s"beri enter der VOMI itber Bessarabien, Bukowina und Litauen vom 8. - 10. August 19^0, im DAI;" various materials on DAI's lectures (including texts of speeches "by OBM Strfllin), on world affairs, Volksdeutsche, etc.; correspondence and related material on a SchwcToisch-Schweizer Kulturkreis; "bibliographical list of literature on Volksdeutsche in Russia and Sftdslawien; correspondence of Str&Lin with Karl and Emil Eitel of Chicago, USA; resettlement in Poland and the DAI exhibition in Kattowitz; memo to Dr. Csaki (L) on an article in Fortune pertaining to the concept of the Fifth Column held in the US; a "booklet, Die Stadt der Auslandsdeutschen, Stuttgart, im Jahr 19^0; etc., A series of boxes from what seems to have been a farther continuation of the DAI Berichts-Archiv, for 19^1, subdivided as follows: Provenance Deutsches AaslandInstitut 750 751 533 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame MI 870 IT 53006^6 DAI 871 FT 5301026 Notes 108 Box no. 1 (Aegypten, Afrika, Liberia, Afg. , Ar., Austr. , Kan., Andorra), clippings, reports, etc., on the eame, including: "Besuch von F, Ke Noltze im Deutschen Ausland-Institut, " (of Monrovia/Liberia), January 16» 19^1, including an appendix of several open letters written "by Noltze, relevant to British colonial policies, conditions in Africa, etc.; various clippings on British- Egyptian relations; Drittes Merkblatt fiber die Lage der Deubschen in Ostafrika, _Sfldund^gi-idwestafrika'lotand Juni lffi3t_ Nicht"" _ f. d. Presse, contains material on internment Ijamps evidently from Ausw, Amt; various clippings on the African economy, resources, transportation, development, etc.; Germans in South Africa, the Boers, clashes "between the British and the Boers; Afghanistan, Arab nationalism, Islam vs. communism, etc.; material on Canada includes a report from Germans who had lived in Canada and visited the DAI; material on the French population of Canada; Canadian loyalty to Great Britain; the Canadian economy; the two Americas, Pan American Union, solidarity, etc.; Pan American Jewish Congress; "Die USA wiihlten in Mitt el- und Sudamerika gegen die Deutschen;" etc., 19*11. Box no. 2 (USA, I, USA lies. Gebiete) , clippings, reports, letters, etc., on ilorth and South American affairs including: miscellaneous articles on American history, American Indians, etc. Also, a folder (one of three) containing material on Germans in the US and South America and their history; US citizens in German occupied areas; evacuation of US citizens from middle East countries, China, etc.; the Eabsburg family in the US, their anti-Nazi activities, free Austria movement; German Jewish emigres in the US, their organizations, difficulties, assistance for them; GermanAmericans with Anti-Nazi sentiments, their organizations, etc.; reports and affidavits from Germans visiting in Germany at DAI and from Rftckwanderer, also returned travellers, on conditions and communications, political circumstances abroad, their treatment by British and American authorities, their own political sentiments, etc.; letters and copies of letters received from abroad on ideological and other political matters including a lengthy report on political conditions in the US by Karl Biederbeck (June 12, 19^1), according to a barely legible pencilled notation "eingetroffen ilber Japan" Feb. 11, 19^2, commenting also on the US presidential election, public opinion in the US, etc.; the loyalties, political position, etc., of German- Americans; ant i- semi t ism in the US, Zionism, support for Zionism in the US; organizations in the US supporting the Allies; the Dies Committee, America First movement; etc., 19^1. The second folder, marked "A," contains: clippings, etc., on Italians in the US, Germans in Serial 751 Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 533 752 Continued MI 373 FT DAI FT 5302261 Uotes 109 the US and their treatment; enemy alien regulations; Germandom in the US; German-American organizations of various sorts and their attitude toward the war; emigres in the US; copies of letters received from Japanese and American senders. Propaganda sent "by DAI expressing proNazi political views, anti-semitic and other commentary; 19*41. The third folder, marked "B," contains: placement of professional emigres in US academic circles; Jeiirish research institute (YIYO) in New York; Catholic and Protestant German-American organizations; freezing of IG Farben assets, confiscation of patents; freezing of enemy alien property; "biographical material on German-Americans of note (Wendell Wilkie, Karl Schurz); US colonial and territorial possessions; etc., 19*41. Box no. 3 (USA II "bes. GeMete), clippings, reports, correspondence, relating to: US occupation of Iceland; the Panama Canal, Hawaii, the Philippines, etc.; Americans in the Canadian army; US citizens evacuated from Europe; copies and excerpts of letters received lay DAI or DAI agents from US Germans or pro-German sympathizers reporting on political and economic conditions in the US; anti-semitism in the US; US policies in regard to enemy aliens; espionage; the America First movement; "Die Verjudung Amerikas," a DAI report; isolationism in the US; "Interventionist ische Gruppen in USA und ihre EnglandMndungen," a DAI report; "Rftckwirkung des europ&iscnen Freiheitskrieges gegen den Bolschewismus auf amerikanische Volksgruppen;" US armament program; US Black List; foreign policy stand of the Republican Party; US opinion in favor of entry into the war; Pan American solidarity; US naval and air defenses in the Far last, the Pacific, etc., US policies regarding the Netherlands East Indies, leasing of bases, German press, films, etc., in the US; cultural and political information, US literary life, etc.; US support of the British war effort; Roosevelt's economic policies, raw material supplies, the US economy, etc.; 19^1 • Box no. 4 (Cuba, Cost., Hond., Hex., Dom. Rep., Guatem., Me.) clippings, etc., dealing with relations between the US and these countries and their anti-German position, treatment of Germans, strained relations with Great Britain, economic developments and resources, attitudes towards the US in these countries, etc., 19^1. Box no. 5(1. Arg. u. Bras,), clippings, etc., pertaining to: Germandom, its culture, schools, etc., in Argentina; anti-German incidents and legislation in Argentina; emigres in Argentina; copies and excerpts from letters written "by Volksdeutsche in Argentina reporting on ideological, Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 752 753 Continued 535 Item Filmed 1st frame MI 875 FT 5302931 MI g?6 FT 5303276 MI 877 FT 5303700 Notes 110 political, economic matters; Argentine diplomatic relations with Germany, intelligence, policies towards Germans, etc,; G-ermandom and its culture in Brazil; Brazilian economic development; President Vargas; excerpts, etc., of letters from Germans in Brazil reporting on political and economic matters; German churches; "Die Lage der Deutschen in Suclbrasilien;" anti-German policies in Brazil; Brazilian immigration policies; censorship, prohibition of German-Brazilian press; etc., 19^1. Box no. 6 (Sfidamsrika I u. II), clippitigs, reports, correspondence, etc., containing information on cultural activities of Volksdeutsche; emigres; economic life, foreign trade, effects of the European war on the South American position regarding the USA; confiscation of German property; Nazi propaganda, etc., in Uruguay, Peru, Paraguay, Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, South America in general. Also included is a long report on South America, "bibliography included, by F* Kilhn of MI; several items from the Deutsche Hachrichten-B&ro (D1JB) the information cf vhich vas to be treated as strictly confidential; extensive material on Chile, the FSDAP there, and a long report: "Gedanfcen zur Lage der Deutschstammigen in Mitt el- und Stldamer ika" by Carl P.oeschmann in Chile, copies of which were sent to the Ausw. Amt, Pro. Mi., 70MI, etc.; 19*41. Box no. 7 (Belgien I), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to Flanders; "Die Auslanderbewegimg in Flandern und Wallonien wahrend der letzten Jahrzehnte;'1 Belgian government-in-exile; return of internees to Belgium; Flemish nationalism; unemployment in Belgium, 19^1; persecution of Jews, spoliation; HSD^P in Belgium; extension of German law to Belgium; Belgian domestic politics; the occupation authorities, administration policies, etc.; cultural propaganda, educational system, literature, fine arts, music, etc.; reconstruction and development of various branches of the Belgian economy, German economic policies, etc.; 19^1. Box no 8 (Belgien II), clippings, etc., containing information on cultural history of the Flemish; Flemish claims to French lands; Nazi propaganda among the Flemish stirring up Flemish nationalism, dividing Flemings and Walloons; Deutschtum in Belgium and Luxembourg; Arbeitsdienst, youth movement, etc., of the Flemish; resettlement, administration of Belgium, arrest of anti-Germans, sabotage; activities of Belgian government-in-exile; report by Dr. Erfurth of MI on "Deutsch-flamische Kulturtaguig, Gent, 1^-17. August 19^1;" German cultural propagarda; German chamber of commerce in Belgium, assignment of conracts to Belgian and northern French iniustry, reconstruction and development of the Belgian economy; Merkblatt iiber die Lage der Deutschen in Belgisen-Kongo Serial Roll Provenance Item DAI 878 Filmed FT Cont inued 530^117 530^528 DAI 879 536 1st frame DAI 880 FT 530^921 DAI 881 FT 5305074 Notes 111 (Stand November 19*11) » from Ausw. Amt; etc., Box no. 9 (Brit. Reich u. Kolon. I, II), clippings, etc., pertaining to anti-British movements and sentiments in the British colonies and in the British Isles; Jewish emigration to Palestine, Zionism, a Jewish army; Sechzehntes Randschreiben der Gebietsleitung der Tempelgesellschaft, Dec. 1, 1941; miscellaneous material on the British and the Hear East; British subjects in China, Finland, French colonies, etc., internments, evacuations, etc.; relations of the Zionist movement with the British government a propos the establishment of a Jewish State (Chaim Weizmann); a mimeographed report stamped Amerika-Institut Berlin, "Vom Wesen EngLiecher Propaganda;11 the British press, British news agencies, foreign correspondents, etc.; English propaganda activities in southeastern Europe; ant i- semi t ism in Great Britain, British-US relations; British relations with governments- in-exile; internment camps; Drittes Merkblatt fiber die Lage der Deutschen in Kanada, Australien und Feuseeland (Stand Marz 1941) > Hicht f. d. Presse, from Ausw. Amt; Box no. 10 (Bulgarien I u. II, Dobr., Maz., Thraz.), clippings, pertaining to German cultural propaganda in Bulgaria; German-Bulgarian academic, scientific, industrial cooperation; "Die Zukunft Grossbulgariens. Die Auswirkungen der Gebietsver&nderungen im Rahmen der europ&ischen Neuordnung, " mimeographed, from Pressedienst Hansa; Bulgarian agriculture; Four Year Plan; communism in Bulgaria; Bulgarianization of annexed territories; Macedonian question including material from "Bulgari sche Presseauszitge" (in German translation) ; economic development of Macedonia; Bulgarian policies towards the Jews in Bulgaria; British espionage; minority populations; ethnic Germans in Bulgaria (including a report by Prof. Dr. Otto Fischer); excerpts from letters on various aspects of Bulgarian political and economic affairs; Bulgarian policies toward economic development of Thrace; German -Bulgarian economic relations, trade, etc.; 19^1. Box no. 11 (China, Manchukuo) , clippings, reports, etc., on conditions in China, and Manchuria, fate of Germans in China (especially Shanghai and Peking) , German cultural relations, economic relations with China, the Japanese in China, 19^1. ITote the mimeographed circular "Der Aussenhandel Hordchinas 19^0, " Sonderdienst fflr Aussenhandel und Aaslandswirtschaft, Hr. UU, Vertraulich, Hicht f. d. Presse (May 21, 1941). Box no. 12 (Danemark I u. II, Hordschl., Grdnld. FarSe), clippings, etc., pertaining to the Faroe Islands; Greenland, US-Danish relations regarding the US occupation of Greenland; Iceland, Iceland's relations with Britain Serial Roll 536 755 537 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI gS2 FT 5305561 DAI S83 FT 5306159 DAI ggl|. FT 5306521 Notes 112 and the US, National Socialism in Iceland, Iceland's domestic policies; Schleswig-Hoistein, copies of Korrespondenz "Hordschlesvdg" (Lediglich f. Information), mimeographed; the German minority in N. Slesvig; Volksdeutsche personalities; NSDAP in Denmark; Fazi cultural propaganda; Social Democrats in Denmark; Danish economic life, foreign trade; antiGerman sentiment in Denmark; Danish collaborationists; 19^1. Box no. 13t contains two folders on German affairs. In the first folder, marked "10," are clippings and reports pertaining to Hamburg as the gateway to German colonialism, etc.; a number of confidential internal memoranda pertaining to the Schulungs- und Propaganda-Arbeit of VDA (associated with DAI); miscellaneous material on Volksdeutsche; foreign workers in Germany (mainly Dutch and Belgian); a report "Der Krieg als deutsche Schicksalswende" by Tfalter Kappe of DAI; "Nationalsozialistische Volkstumspolitik" (Banat) by Hans Herrschaft; various material on German libraries, distribution of books, radio broadcasts, study of languages, musical life, and other types of cultural propaganda; etc., 19^-1. The second folder, narked "11," contains material on: foreign workers in Germany, their working conditions, performance, etc., and pertains mostly to workers from France, Slovakia, Italy, Denmark, Croatia, Bulgaria, the Netherlands; forced labor of, and migration of Jews; Gypsies; Ostarbeiter; Auswandererberatung; ethnic Germans overseas; "Dr. Goebbels an die Seeleute in tJbersee;" Ruckwanderung and Riicksiedlung; 19^1. Box no* lU (Deutsches Reich, I 6-9 u. Kolonien), clippings, reports, etc., pertaining to: various material on agriculture including Die Sanierung Bsterreichs durch seine Landwirtschaft by O.F.St. Staatssekretar a. D. Dr. M. F. Proksch; German industrial development, establishment of a continental Oel-Aktiengesellschaft; radio communications abroad; trade and travel (Africa, Alsace, Danube area, etc.); transportation; German property, property transfers; foreign exchange, etc., Raumordnung; explorers and exploration; trade fairs in various cities of Germany, such as Leipzig; academic exchange, institutes, musical culture in Austria; miscellaneous biographical information on ethnic Germans abroad, colonial pioneers, and similar personalities; 19^1. Box no. 15 (Deutsches Reich II Kolonien), contains a printed copy of the Arbeitsbericht 1. Jan. bis $1. Dez. 19^1 of the Deutsches Spraohpflegeamt; also clippings, reports, correspondence on the following: Dolmetscherwesen; Seegeltungsforschung; Deutsche Akademie; Osteuropa-Institut; cultural propaganda in general; Lagebericht "Wesen und Yteg volksdeutscher Jugend;" Viertes Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 113 Merkblatt flber die Lage der Deutschen in England, die Lage der Deutschen in Kanada, Australian und Heuseeland (Stand Dezember 19^1) UTicht fflr die Presse, ffachdruck verbotenl) from Ausw. Amt; Viertes""Merkblatt iiber die Lage der Deutgchen in Ostafrika, Sfld- und Sfldv/estafrika und Sildrhodes'ien {.Stand De2ember 1941), CNicht fflr die Presse! ITachdruck verbotenl)» from Aiisv/. Amt; Merkblatt flber die Lage der Deutschen in HollftndischGuyana (Surinam), Curacao und Britisch-Tfestindiea ^Jamaica).(Hicht f .d. Presse!), from Ausw. Amt; mimeographed report "Bericht fiber die Besch&ftigung und das Verhalten auslandisober Ar"beiter unter "besonderer BerftckaicH-tigong der polnischen Zivilarbei ter im Bereiche de* Staatspolizeistelle Stuttgart," 19Ul; from Zeitungsdienst, Berliner Dienst, (mimeographed) "Besteuerung auslflndischer Arbeitnehmer" by Oberregierucgsrat Dr. Oeftering, Berlin, B3K; extensive clippings on foreign workers in Germany; correspondence between DAI and the Heichstreuhander der Arbeit fftr das Wirtschaftsgebiet Sttdwestdeutschland including copies of correspondence of the Beichstreuh&nder with the Heichsarbeitsminister and other agencies (some Streng Vertraulich) on working conditions, wages, cost of living, and Auslanderarbeitseinsatz (percentages etc., of Arbeitsvertragsbrttche), 19*U; correspondence with the President des Landesarbeitsamtes Sddwestdeutschland in Stuttgart including a report summarizing "Berichte der Arbeitsflinter ilber Anwerbui^ und Betreuung auslandischer Arbeitskr&fte," 19^1; report from SS-Oberabsennitt Sftdwest on ttEindeutschurg sfMhige ehemalig polnische StaatsangehSrige;fl extensive reports (copies) of the Kriminal-Obersekretar /of Wttrttemberg fjon ausl&ndische Arbeitskr&fte in the AussendienststeTlen Tftbingen, Ellwangen, Sigmaringen, Heilbronn, Priederichshafen, 19^1; clippings on Lflsung der Judenfrage, etc.; a pamphlet gamiliendienst filr Ausgewanderte e.7., Deutsche Zweigstelle des International Migration Service, Genf, unterstellt der liS.-Volkswohlfahrt, Berlin; correspondence of Dr. RSldiger and other DAI officials with DA2P; DAI internal memoranda, Der Beauftragte des Gauleiters und Reichsstatthalters in Wflrttemberg fttr die Pragen des deutschen Volks turns, VoIk stand filr das Deutschtum im Ausland, etc., on "Eirtsatz auslftndischer Arbeitskrafte," 19^1; material pertaining to the remakixg of the East including some on Umsiedlung, Ostmesse, etc.; a booklet Das Ergebnis der Reichsmesse Leipzig im Herbs t 19^1, issued by Werberat der deutschen Kirtschaft; other trade fairs, commerce, Vienna banks, and other met erial on the economy of the Heich; miscellaneous clippings, etc., on various famous* Germans^ Volksdeutsche, and Reichsfflhrer S3 Himmler, Generalfeldmarschall von Reichenau, Gauleiter Ernst Wilhelm Bohle Serial Roll 755 537 756 538 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 885 5307267 MI 886 FT 5307768 MI 887 FT 5308030 MI 888 FT 5308522 Uotes (of the AO of NSDAP), Carl Friedrich von Siemens (1872 - 19^1), speeches made at his funeral, etc. (in Siemens-Mitteilungen Hr. 218); etc.; 19^-1. Box no. 16 (Usass I)» clippings, etc., on Alsace in 1941, relevant to: visit of Hitler; cultural propaganda; historical materials; Germanization of Alsace; employment; extension of G-erman law includiig a copy of Amtliche Mitteilungen der Stadtverwaltung Strassburg (IJhir f. d. Dienstgebrauch) March 17, 19^1 > also for June 19 and April 1, 19*41; reports on the economic progress, etc., after one year of German rule; return of Alsatian soldiers, etc., to Alsace; cultural life, education, etc., of Strasbourg; social welfare policies; reorganization of the Alsatian economy and its adjustment to that of the Reich; reconstruction; the textile industry; biographical material on leading Alsatians, 19^1. Box no. 17(Lothringen, Westmark, l),clippings, etc., relevant to: cultural-historical propaganda on Lorraine, its Germanic past, etc.; local government, 1TSDAP officials, etc., NSMP and Germanization of Metz; Lorraine industry, agriculture, transportation, commerce, taxation, its reconstruction, development; 19^1. Box no. IS, clippings, etc., pertaining to Luxembourg, Eupen-Malmedy, etc., relevant to: the work of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung in Luxemburg; institution of the Arbeitsdienst in Luxembourg; agriculture, industry (Arbed), etc., in Luxembourg; extension of German lav;, German social welfare policies to Luxembourg; German cultural-political propaganda; etc.; cultural propaganda of Eupen-Malmedy; organization of the youth of the Mosel area inclusive of Luxembourg, and also including the text of a speech made to the same by Gauleiter Gustav Simon; miscellaneous material on Luxembourg's development, etc., under German administration; etc., 19lU. Box no. 19 (ELsass, Lothringen II), clippings, etc., pertaining to: "Beobachtungen und Eindrucke aus dem Eleass," an Anlage to a Reisebericht (of a DAI official), July U, 19*41; material on the German past and cultural heritage, of the area; Arbeitsdienst, unemployment, organization of youth; trade fairs; opening of the Reichsuniversitat Strassburg including BAI's (Dr. Mdiger1 s) copy of programs, etc., also other information on the same; mimeographed, "Das Wirtschaftsleben der Stadt Strassburg" by BtLrgermeister Dr. Reuter of Strassbourg; industry and agriculture in Alsace, its redevelopment, progress under German administration, etc.; biographical material on leading Alsatians; Lorraine and the settlement of the Banat by natives of Lorraine; HJ in Lorraine; Germanization, cultural-historical propaganda, German schools, 1TSDAP and SA, social welfare; Serial Boll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame DAI 889 ** 5309093 DAI 890 FT 5309^99 5309986 DAI 891 758 Continued DAI 892 IT 5310237 Notes 115 economical reconstruction in Lorraine; Box no. 20 (Ostpr. , Danz.-Westpr., I, II), clippings, etc., relevant to: Schulwesen in Danzig and Ostpreuseen, also naterial on academic institutes and other institutions of higher learning in the area; social welfare policies, Arbeit s tagungen; the port of DanzigM and its development; NSDAP; mimeographed newsletter entitled "Osts tinmen, material on the settlement and economy of Danzig and other cities in Westpreussen; new communal and Gau organization, return to German administration; cultural-historical propaganda; German! zation policies; biographical sketch on Erich Koch, Gauleiter of Ostpreussen; etc.; 19^1. Box no, 21 (Wartheland I), clippings, etc., relevant to: the new Gau organization of the east; the German past of the Wartheland; Germanization of various cities including Leslau, Lodz, Fosen, etc. ; Wohnungsbauten; ^Polenberichte der Publikationsstelle" Nr, 28, mimeographed, on "Posen;M Reichsarbeitsdienst; "Entwicklung der Kreisstadt Kempen, n a speech by BtLrgermeister Koch of Kempen, typewritten; establishment of German administration in Lodz; Der Osten des Warthelandes, Der 'Ostdeutsche Beobachter* zur Litzmannstadter Heimatschau vom 9»-3k Mflrz 19*&1 German schools; The Reichsuniversitat Posen; various typev/ritten copies of Bekanntmachung of the Reichsstatthalter in the Reichsgau Wartheland; "Polenberichte der Publikationsstelle11 $r. 27t mimeographed, on Textilzentrum Loda - das Werk deutscher Industriepioniere;" the Wartheland as the Kornkaiamer of the Reich; agricultural laborers; etc.; 19^1* Box no. 22 (Wartheland II), clippings, etc., pertaining to the Wartheland in 19^1 including considerable material on: cultural activities; Litzmannstadt; Germanization of the Wartheland; FSDAP activities in the Wartheland; the Reichsuniversit&t Posen; trade, commerce, industry, crafts and skills in Wartheland, especially in Posen and Litzmannstadt; etc.; Box no. 23 (Sudetenld. , Oberschl., I u II) , clippings, reports, etc., including: "Kreiswaltertagung des National so zial is tischen Gau Sudetenland," 19^1; "Der Gau.verband Sudetenland des Reichskolonialbundes,n Unsere Kolonienl Sonderbeilage des US-Gaudienstes, Jg. Feb. 25, 1941; "Kulturpolitische Wirkungsbereiche im Reichsgau Sudetenland;" an essay, mimeographed, "Erich Gierach und der deutsche Kulturaufbau in der Tschechei;" the 20th anniversary (19^1) of the Upper Silesien plebiscite of 1921 with descriptions of events in 1921; material on the social, cultural, and economic life of various upper Silesian cities, e.g. Gleiwitz, Bielitz, Beuthen, Kttnigshdtte, Kattowitz; employment Serial Roll 75S Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI S93 FT 5310905 MI S9U FT 5311133 Notes 116 situation, social welfare, labor regulations; progress of Upper Silesian areas under German administration; economic development of Upper Silesia and Southeastern Europe; the iron and steel industries of Upper Silesia; Deutsche Bergwerks-Zeitung, Tageszeitung fttr Wirtschaft und Technik, Ddsseldorf, Feb. 16, 19^1» on the raining in Upper Silesia; Teschen; various materials on German Aufbauarbeit in formerly Polish areas; etc.; 19*41. Box no. 2U (Heue Reichsgebiete I u. II, Sttdm., Steiermarfc, Karnt., Krain), clippings, etc., relevant to: Karnten and Krain, their history, culture, etc.; private correspondence pertinent to political opinions and conditions; the Miesstal; administration and Eingliederung of Karnten and Krain into the Reich; "Das Bergbauernproblem in Karnten aus einer Rede des Stellv. Gauleiters Franz Kutschera;" cultural and historical material on Steiermark; "Die Zukunft der Untersteiermark, Aus einor Unterredung mit dem Chef der Zivilverwaltung, Gauleiter Dr. Uiberreither;" integration of Steiermark into the Reich; "Der Steierische Heimatbund - Die Totale Organisation der Untersteiermark;" two reports on Untersteiermark in the mimeographed newsletter "Ost-Sftdost-Stimmen" (VM Informationsdienst); "Was verlangt das Madjarentum der Sftdmark?" from Madjarische Presseauszuge, May 3» 19*&; finance and credit in Steiermark; copy of a memo issued by Dr. Kruse of DAI Bftro Berlin on "Staatsrechtliche Stellung der neuen Westgebiete;" V/ohnungsbau, etc.; 19 ^1 • Box no. 25 (loropa, Sildosteur. I u. II), clippings, etc., on Balkan affairs including! population groups, minority problems; Germandom in the Balkans; the Balkankommission of the Aussenpolitische Gesellschaft; German trade, banking, finance in southeastern Europe; "Die Bodenbesitzpolitik in Siidosteuropa und die Deutschen Umsiedlungsaktionen;" Danube shipping; private report "Sechswdchentliche Reise durch Kroatien, Ungarn und Serbien;" private report from Belgrade addressed to Herr V. D8rper at MI; "Entjudung Sildosteuropas;" migration of Jews from southeastern Europe to Palestine; "Das Deutschtum im Sttdosten" by Hans Herrschaft; a mimeographed bibliography on southeastern Europe; "Die volksdeutschen Genossenschaften;" Sonderbericht, mimeographed, of the Sildosteuropagesellschaft, "Sudosteuropa-Gesellschaft und Wiener Messe;" material on Regelung der Judenfrage including an article "Rassenpolitische Voraussetzungen einer europftischen GesamtlBsung der Judenfrage" by Prof. Dr. Gross in RAK (Rassenpolitische Auslandskorrespondenz), March 19^1, Nr. 3; European economic unity; "Der slawische Gedanke," Madjarische Presseausztlge, July 19t 19^1; "Tfeststimmen," mimeographed, "Mitkampfer gegen Plutokratie und Kommunismus" (VM Informptionsdienst); Neugestaltung of Eastern Europe; Provenance Item Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI S95 MI 896 760 let frame 5311^57 FT DAI 897 DAI 898 Continued Filmed 5312028 5312723 FT 5313015 Notes 117 Box no. 26 (Frankreich I u. Kolonien), clippings, etc., on French affairs including: German cultural propaganda in France; refugees, internees; Deutsche Bibliothek in Paris; French press, censorship; Corsica; reconstruction; "Exchange Telegraph liber den englandhttrigen General de Gaulle;11 collaborationists; the Church, church lands, etc.; economic relations between France and Germany; establishment of German economic institutions and firms in France; the French economy; domestic politics; comminists; $ Masonry; considerable material on "Die Judenfrage in Frankreich " including information on the persecution of Jews, emigration, the Jews in Vichy-France, anti-semitism in general; German occupation policies; administrative reorganization, etc.; Ausbftrgerung of Frenchmen oppos^ed to the Vichy regime; "Verwelschtes Gerraanentum in Nordfrankreich;" refugees in southern France; French diplomats; Syria, Syrian nationalists; a long typewritten report "Projet de Colonisation de L'Archipel Kerguelen" by J. A. de Backer, 19^0; Indo-Ghina, Japanese in Indo-China; 19^1. Box no. 27 (Frankreich II u. Kolonien), clippings, etc., on French affairs including material on labor questions including Arbeitsdienst and unemployment; Frenchmen overseas; de Gaulle, Free French government; the French colonies, Horth Africa, Indo-China, etc.; Syria; persecution of Jews, arrests, anti-semitic legion; communism; the new French constitution; French-German collabrortion; French POWs; German cultural propaganda in France; reconstruction, development of the French economy, etc.; raw material resources, transportation; 19^1. Box no. 28 (Finnland, Karelien, I. u. II), clippings, etc., in Finnish affairs including: Arbeitsdienst; minorities in Finland (Swedes); FinnishSwedish relations; Finnish-German economic and political relations; Finnish-Russian relations, communism; problem of a greater Finland; "Dolchstoss in der Ostkarelien-Frage" (VDA Informstionsdienst); Finnish-German cultural relations; nickel mines, Petsamo; biographical sketches of Field Marshal Mannerheim; 19*41. Box no. 29 (GeneralgoUvernement I), clippings, etc., including material on: ' Krakau; Warsaw under German administration, the Ghetto there; Przemysl; Abschrift of a letter from Dr. Hans Hopf of the Amt d. Generalgouverneurs, Abt. Innere Verwaltung, Bevolkerungswesen und Fdrsorge, addressed to DAI and dealing inter alia with the Ghetto in Warsaw, the activity of the VOMI TJmsiedlungskommission in Cracow, EWZ in Craeow, establishment of the NSDAP in the Generalgouvernement, dated Cracow, January 31» 19^1? Arbeitseiasatz in. the GG; "Deutsche Justiz im Osten;" persecution of the Jews, forced labor, expropriation, establishment of Ghettos; German administration, Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes llg administrative reorganization, occupation policies, etc., in GG; NSMP establishments! activities in GG; various Volksgruppen in GG; "Nordost"berichte der Publikntionsstelle;" "Die sozialen Yerhaltnisse im Generalgouvernement und Protefctorat, " Zeitungsdienst, Berliner Dienst, May 12, 19^1; economic reconstruction and development of the GG, Treuhandverwaltung, wage policies* social welfare; crafts, vocational education; agriculture, industry, leading "business firms, V/eichsel river shipping; etc.; 760 761 Deutsches AuslandInstitut MI 899 FT 5313656 MI 900 FT 531H079 MI 901 FT 531^239 Box no. 30» clippings, etc., pertaining to Polish affairs (Generalgouvernement), in two "bound folders of which the first includes material on: general ordinances, regulations, etc., on postal, rail, and other communications with the GG; industry in the GG; material on food and agriculture in the GG; "banking and foreign exchange; HSDAP; wages, regulation of labor, social welfare policies; cultural propaganda. The second folder includes material on establishment of German libraries and other Germanization measures; ISrlass und Richtlinien zur ITeuordnung des Museumswesens (Als Manuskr ip t gedruckt) , issued by Regierung des Generalgouvernements , Haup tabteilung Uissenschaft und Unterricht; "Dank der Ukrainer an den Generalgouverneur. Telegrammwechsel anlasslich des Xampfbeginns gegen die Sowjetunion; " "Galizien unter deutscher Verwaltuig ; " "Das Generalgouvernement und der deutsch-sowjetische Krieg;" nZ\jei Jahre Generalgouvernement" by Staatssekret&r Dr. Billiler (issued by Pressedienst des Generalgouvernements); "Proklamation an die Bevfilkerung von Galizien und Yerordnung tlber seine TFerwaltung;" "Pol en und Juden" by Hans Zimmermann; material pertaining to the Ghettos in Warsaw* Cracow, Lublin, etc. , forced labor, persecution of Jews; excerpt of a report (letter) from Dr. Hans Hopf regarding Germandom in Galicia, ?OHI, resettlement, etc. (see also DAI %JB for further information on Eopf!s activities); printed announcement issued by the Generalgouvernement on "Sinreise, Durchreise" and "Mitnahme von Zahlungsmitteln; " Flilchtlingslager (of Vblksdeutsche) ; Leaiberg, its population; the Ukrainian National Committee; 19^1. Box no. 31 (Griechenld. I u. II), clippings, etc., on Greek affairs including: typewritten report from a German refugee from Greece; Greek internment of Germans; Crete; the Greek economy; Greek government- in- exile; the German Academy in Athens; "Beilage zum Wochenbericht (of DAI). . , Zur Lage in Griechenland (Hach dem Stand von Mitte August 19^1);" 19^1. Box no. 32 (Japan/ Jap. bes. Geb. I u. II), clippings, etc., on Japanese affaira including : Japanese relations with Netherlands East Indies; the China war; Indo-Ghina; Japanese foreign trade; Japanese economic relations Serial Roll 761 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslaniInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 902 FT 531^659 903 FT 531^922 Notes 119 with southeast Asia; the Japanese economy; the Japanese army and navy; the return of Japanese nationals to Japan from various countries in the world; biographical material on Foreign Minister Togo, General Hiroshi Oshima; article "Zurn 75» Todestage des Japanforschers Philipp Franz von Siebold am lg.10.19Ul11 "by Prof. Dr. Trautz; Japanese in the US; Japanese relations vrith the US; "Die Auswanderung der Japaner nach den malaiischen Staaten," mimeographed; "Hitler-Jugend und Japan!sche Staats-Jugend," mimeographed; "Die japanische Jugendabordnung in Posen," clipping; "Die Japaner im Staate Sao Paulo (Brasilien)," mimeographed; German-Japanese cultural relations; etc.; 19^1. Box no. 33 (Iran, Irak, Indien, Isld. I u. II), clippings, etc., including material on: strained relations between Indians and the British; conflicts between Hindus and Moslems; Drittes Merkblatt liber die Lage der Deutschen in Britisch-Indien; Die InternJerungslager auf Ceylon und Jamaica (Stand Januar 1941) (Mcht f. d. Presse!) from Ausw. Amt; a mimeographed Lagebericht der Reichsjugendffihrung Grenz- und Auslandsamt, Folge 12, Sept. 2, 19U1. "Indien;n Viertes Merkblatt iiber die I«age der Deutschen in British*-Indien und auf Ceylon (Stand September 19*11) (Hicht f. d. Presse!), from Ausw. Amt; English-Irish relations; Iraq's relations with the Arab world; Iraqi-German relations; the Iraqi economy; domestic politics of Iraq; Iraqi relations with Great Britain; "Deutsche Kulturarbeit in Tabris," (Iran), mimeographed; German-Iranian economic collaboration; treatment of Germans in Iran, Germans returning from Iran; Iranian economic development; 19^1. Box no. 3^ X Italien/Eolonien I u. II), clippings, etc. on Italian affairs including: Italian cultural relations with Germany and Japan; Deutsch-Italienische Gesellschaft; Italian economic development, transportation and communication, treatment of Jewish-owned firms, demographic information; Italian refugees from other areas of the world; Italy in the Balkans; Fascist organisations; San Marino; Ethiopian affairs; "Die Albaner," mimeographed; Italian-Albanian relations; "Die Yerfassung flir die Italienische Provinz Ljubljana (Laibach)," mimeographed; Italian annexation, Italianization of Laibach (Ljubljana) and Slovenia; Montenegro; the Gottschee area and the ethnic Germans there; "Bericht des Gottscheers Johann Lackner" (typewritten); the Vatican, the Eoman Catholic Church and racial problems in South America, Vatican attitudes towards Germany; Italian internees and POWs in Allied hands; Auswanderung and Rttckwanderungi Abschrift (typewritten) "Sinweihung des ersten, von der AuslandsOrganisation der 17SMP in Sizilien erfiffneten Soldatenheimes;" Milan Serial Roll Continued , Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame DAI FT 5315580 DAI 905 IT 5316180 Notes 120 trade fair; colonization in Sicily; Box no. 35 (Jugoslawien u. Teilgebiete I), clippings, etc., including material on these subjects: TTolksdeutsche in Yugoslavia, murders of same; "Lagebericht aus der Baranya;" typewritten, "Das Protokoll itber die am 2. Januar urn 6 Uhr im Lesesaale des Kulturvereins der Grubenarbeiter von Mecsekszabolcs im Jahre 19^1 abgehaltenen Ausschussitzung;" German culture, etc., among the Gottschee Volksdeutschen; Croatian nationalism, pro-German sympathies; treatment and living conditions of the Germans in Agram; Slovenes in Yugoslavia, Slovenian participation in Yugoslav politics; Swabian Germandom in Slovenia; miscellaneous material on culture, history, nationalism of the Serbs, relations with neighboring ethnic groups, etc.; "ilucht aus Belgrad," by Dr. Otto Dttrr in Presse-Korrespondenz des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart, 23. Jg., April/May, 1941, Br. 2; translation of an article from Magyar Nemzet, April 23, 19^1, "Sttdslawische Probleme, Die Deutschen und Sudslawi en;" in is c el 1 ane ous material on Serbian anti-semitism; mimeographed report "Der Karnpf UIQ die Ffthrung im sudslawischen Staat;" "Die 3rage der drei Banschaften in Jugoslawien" in "Madjarische Presseausziige," March 1, 19^1; "Sine beachtenswerte ungarische Stimme zum kroatisch-serbischen Verhaltnis," in Dr. Steyer's mimeographed newsletter, April 5» 19^1? Magyar minority in Yugoslavia; German schools in Yugoslavia; Yugoslav economic development, banking; "Die Umgestaltuig der jugoslawischen Agrarverhaltnisse nach dem Feltkrieg," mimeographed; foreign capital in Yugoslavia; etc., 19^-1. Box no. 35 (Shem. Jugo. u. Nachfolgestaaten nach k.^l Kroa. I), clippings, etc., information and material concerning: Bosnia and Herzegovina; the Banat, a typewritten memo on "Oberburgermeister Agram;" cultural material on Croatia, Croats, Croatian nationalism and autonomy strivings; Abschrift of a typewritten report made by a DAI Gewahrsmann "Die Stimmuig im kroatischen Volke nach der Ausrufung des KBnigreichs;" persecution of Jews in Croatia, Ghetto in Agram, aryanization of business enterprises, and a mimeographed report from Zeitungsdienst, Berliner Dienst, "Die Judonfrage in Xroatien" by Dr. Kurt Ammon; a typewritten report from Ratsherr Gfltz, Stuttgart, "Die serbische Greueltat im Schwabendorf Franztal bei Semlin" and similar material; organization of the new Croatian state; position of Volksdeutsche in Croatia including "Yerordnungen und Anordnungen des Volksgruppenftthrers" in Verordnungsblatt der Volksgruppeniuhrung der deutschen folksgruppe im Unabhangigen Staate Kroatien. May 14, 1941-; foreign relations1 of the Croatian puppet governflieiit.; industrial Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 121 development, raining, German capital investment, agrarian reform, etc., in Croatia; Romanian majority in the Banat; Volksdeutsche in the Banat; typewritten report from a Volksdeutscher, "Bericht tlber meine Eindrttcke aus dem Banat und Serbien;" and similar other private reports; Serbian eulttiral life, education, public hygiene; the Serbian economy, its reconstruction, banking, German capital investment; impressions of Serbia after German occupation; arrests, resistance to the Germans in Serbia; Russian propaganda, communism; reorganization of the Serbian administrative system, purging the bureaucracy; German policies regarding the Serbian economy, especially banking; copy of a letter written by one Valentin Hoffmann to Herr Ddrper at DAI describing unhygienic living conditions in VOMI- and ITSV-ITachtlingslager for Voltes deutsche; etc.; 763 Continued Deutsches AuglandIns ti tut DAI 906 FT 5316S92 Box no. 37 (Kroatien II Liechtenstein), clippings, etc., including information on: the Croat ian-Montenegrian border; "Die Grenzen des Neuen Kroatien, " a Lagebericht of Reichs jugendfuhrung Grenz- und Auslandsamt, 9/^1 J typewritten "Bericht des Volksdeutschen Peter Kr8g aus Semi in" describing pro-Soviet sympathies among the Serbs and Jews, touching on persecution of the Jews, July 28, 19^1 » and similar short reports of other Volksdeutsche; material on the Entjudung of the Croatian economy, aryanization and nationalization of property owned by Jews, persecution, internment, etc., of Jews; considerable material on the Ustascha-Volksbewegung (Croatian national autonomy) of Dr. Ante Pavelic including text (in the mimeographed Lagebericht, Polge 9/^-1 of Reichsjugendfturning Grenz- unE Auslandsamt) of a letter on his movement sent by Pavelic to Prance in 1935; arrests, executions, etc., of elements resisting the Croatian regime and the Germans; administrative organization and personnel appointments, etc. , in the Croatian state, among the organized Volksdeutsche; organization of the Slovaks, etc.; Magyar Streusiedlungen in Croatia; a "Gesetzdekret I und II uber die Rechtsstellung des Volksgruppenfilhrers der Deutschen Volksgruppe im Unabh&ngigen Staate Kroatien,M in the mimeographed "Ost-S&dost-Stimmen" (VDA Inf ormationsdienst) ; "Das Eroatien des Poglavnik ist ein kulturelles Kroatien, ff in "Kroatische Presseauszilge;" Croatian academies of learning; the Croatian economy, economic ties with Serbia, Hungary, Germany, electrification, etc.; Liechtenstein and the Reich, economic affairs; 19^1. Box no. 33, containing three folders of material on Croatia and the Netherlands subdivided as follows. In folder 1: a collection of Serial Roll Provenance Deutsdies AuslandInstitut Cont inued Item DAI 90S Filmed 1st frame FT 531S276 Notes 122 mimeographed circulars, directives, Schulungsbriefe, and other propaganda and administrative material issued "by the Deutsche Volksgruppe in Kroatien and its sub-offices pertaining to agrarian reform, colonization in Agram, marketing grain; "Uebernahme nicht-arischer Geschafte;" German craftsmen and retail merchants, Anmeldungsbogen, German schools, organization of the Deutsche Volfegruppe's Landesstelle ftir Handel; Dienstanweisung Nr. 8, "Betreuung der Hilfsbedtlrftigen, Mitgliederaufnahme, Gewerbliche Wirtschaft, Gruss;" "Kreisbesprechung in Vinkovci am 6. Juli 19^1;" Schulungsbriefe; Kreisorganisation; regulation and organization of German craftsmen; 19*41 • Folder 2 contains material on the Netherlands: Dutch-German cultural relations; the Friesians; German schools; NSV (social welfare); Utrecht trade fair; German-Dutch economic relations, reconstruction of Dutch economy; "Hollands Politik im Neuen ICurs" from the Southeast Bureau (Budapest) of Internationale Presse-Agentur, mimeographed, May 20, 19^1; Wirtschaftsentjudung; "Holland in Europa/1 from Zeitungsdienst, Berliner Dienst; land reclamation; typewritten report "Aribauplan 19^1" (crops that could "be planted, etc.); transportation, highways; the Dutch textile industry; Rotterdam; report "by a returning Volksdeutsche on conditions she encountered on her way hack from the Dutch East Indies; Zweites Merkblatt ilber die Lage der Deutschen in den Mederlandischen Besttzungen (Stand Deseinber 19^tO) (Kicht f. d. Pressel); mimeographed newsletter "Pressedienst Hansa," "Hollands Kapitalanlagen in Niederlftndisch-Indien; etc.; 19^-1. Folder 3» on *2ie lletherlands, contains: Dutch culture; Dutch guests in Germany; Dutch nationals abroad; "Sin Hollander ilber seine Reise durch Deutschland;" "Arbeitseinsatz in den Niederlanden;" persecution of Jews; Friesian nationalism; Netherlands1 domestic politics; opposition to the Nazis; National Socialist Party in the Netherlands; mimeographed, "Eine rechtsstatistieche Ubersicht tLber die vom Reichskommissariat fiir die Besetzten Niederlandischen Gebiete geleistete Arbeit des Jahres 19^0;" German occupation government and administration, personnel; etc., 19^1. Box no. 39 (Niederlande/Kolon. I u. II), clippings, etc., pertaining to: refugees, the economy, etc., of Dutch East Indies; typewritten report of Dr. Csaki "Auslandkundlicher Bericht aus Holland," December 19^-1, containing information on the German occupation, Dutch politics, Judenfrage, etc.; Dutch National Socialism and its leader, A.A. Mussert; persecution of Jews; occupation government and administration (Reichskommissar); Dutch local government, collaborationists, administrative organization; various issues of the mimeographed newsletter "Weststimmen" on Dutch Serial Roll Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 765 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 909 FT 5318862 DAI 910 FT 5319565 DAI 911 FT 5319936 123 affairs; Batch SS volunteers; Dutch-German cultural relations; Drittes Merkblatt uber die Lage der Deutschen in Niederiandisch-Ostindisn (Stand August 19U1) (Nicht f. d. Presse) from Ausw. Amt; education, school reform; regulation of labor, social welfare, manufacturing, etc.; the Bourse, the steel industry, agriculture, etc.; the Dutch colonies; etc.; 19^1. Box no. tyl (Norwegen I u. II), clippings etc., pertaining to the Norwegian government-in-exile; Norwegian relations with Germany; Norwegian visitors in Germany; Arbeitsdienst; Norwegian resistance to the Germans; domestic politics in Norway; Qaisling; Norwegian volunteer SS troops; church and state relations in Norway, opposition of the church to the Quisling regime; the Norwegian economy, fishing industry, transportation; German occupation and administration; mimeographed report "line Unterredung des Norwegischen Telegramm-Buros mit SS-Gruppenfuhrer Generalleutnant Rediess -fiber die Aufgaben der deutschen Polizei in Norwegen," reports on speeches made by Vidkun Quisling, head of the collaborationist government; German-Norwegian cultural exchange, German cultural propaganda; biographical sketches of Quisling and others; etc., 19**1. Box no* Hi (Osten, V-asien, N-osten, Oman, I u. II), clippings, etc., pertaining to: "Deut sen turn im Osten, Bollwerk Europas. Aufbau gegen Chaos," mimeographed report, Nur fflr Schulung ai verwendenl Nov. 19^1; various materials on Baltic Germandom, resettlement, Germanization and colonization from Prussia to Estonia; printed Denkschrift of Bund Deutscher Osten (Xreisverband Trebnitz) on education and indoctrination of the youth on the German Lebensraum in the East; copy of a directive from Der Reichsminister f. Wissenschaft, Erziehung u. Volksbildung, Vertraulich, Feb. 8, 19^1* directing the press to cease describing the relations of the Masurs, Silesians, etc., with the Poles; mimeographed "Zu den Bevfllkerungspolitischen Aufgaben im Osten des Reiches;" mimeographed text of "Anordnungen ilber die VerAnderungen in der Haupttreuhandstelle Ost;!l Siedlungspolitik in the East; various material on the people and politics of the ITear East; the Far East including material mostly on Japan, Japanese economic interests, etc.; an annotat ed, typewritten report "Die vfilkische Zusainmensetzung ostasiatischer Eafenstfldte;11 copy of "Mederschrift aus den Vortr&gen der 57- Haupttagung der Ostasien-Mission in Stuttgart," May 19, 1941, discussing Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity in China; etc.; 19^1. Box no. U2 (Ostland II), clippirgs, etc., pertaining to: Reichskommissar Ostland; banking in Ostland; Wirtschaftsaufbau in the Ostland; German culture in the Baltic; Amtsblatt des Gefferalkommissars fur Weissruthenien, Serial Roll 765 766 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 912 FT 5320271 DAI 913 FT 5320365 MI FT 5320886 Hotes Jg. 1, Fr. 1, Minsk, Sept. 30, 19*41 (in German and Ifassian) ; "Ein Jahr Sowjetherrschaft im Baltikum,n mimeographed; report "Weissrussland; " "Erlass des G-eneralkommissars fur Weissruthenien betreffs der vorlftufigen Schulordnung f&r den Generalbezirk Weissruthenien, " Sept. 10, 19^1; war damages in Riga, Dorpat, etc.; internment of Jews, flight of Jews to Russia; introduction of persecution measures; German cultural propaganda; reconstruction, German occupation policies; Vilna; etc.; 19^1. Box no. ^3 (Portugal/Kolonien I u. II), clippings, etc., on Portuguese affairs including information on: Jewish refugees in Lisbon; "Lissabons Fremdenpolitik, ein Beispiel fiELr Rio;" Germans in Portugal; domestic politics; German cultural propaganda in Portugal; Portuguese colonies; etc.; 19^1. Box no. tyU (Protektorat I), clippings, etc., relevant to the Protectorate; "Die Tschechen und die neue Phase des Krieges" in the mimeographed "PZD, Prager Zeitungsdienst, " April 11, 19^1; German propaganda on the result of two years of German administration of Bohemia, and Moravia; "Die Regelung der Beamtenfrage im Protektorat" in "PZD;" Czech organizations in other countries; directive of Reichsministeriuin f. Volksaufkl&rung und Propaganda "Neufassung der passtechnischen Bestimmungen des Verkehrs mit dem Protektorat Bflhmen und Mfihren;" "Scheidung von Juden und Tschechen. Sine Srinnerung an Benesch und Petschek," "PZD;" report "Zur Frage der mahrischen Slowaken;" memo "Ifie die tschechische Intelligenz sich noch heute im Protektorat orientiert;" higher education, student exchange, German schools; "Reichspressechef Dr. Dietrich: Geistige Grundlagen des neuen Europa, V/ortlaut der Rede des Reichsleiters "bei der Festsitzung der Deutschen Akademie am 20. Jannar, Prag, " in Sonderdruck, Die Innere Front HSK Folge 17* Blatt 1, January a, 191, 19^1, Pressedienst der FSDAP; demographic information on the Czechs; the Czech economy, Prague trade fair, Czech industrial development, Danube shipping, transportation, banking, textile industry; 19^-1. Fote: Frames no. 5321836 and no. 5320826 are consecutive. Box no. ^5 (Protektorat II), clippings, etc., on the Protectorate including "Lagebericht" on Patenschaftswerk des VDA Protektorat, Patenschaftsgebiet Kreis Brtlnn" (Vertraulich) reporting on Volksdeutsche in Brunn and towns in the surrounding area; Dr. Benes, the Czechoslovak government- in- exile, etc.; Czech resistance to the Germans, arrests, executions, etc.; persecution of Jev/s; Czech domestic politics, German cultural propaganda, exchange, Germanization policies; reorganization of trade unions; "Entjudung" and aryanization of various business firms. Item Serial Boll 766 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Filmed 1st frame MI 915 3T 5321303 MI 916 IT 5321836 Notes 125 The box also contains material on Polish affairs including: mimeographed "Judenfeindliche Haltung der Polen in England;" political activities of Polish emigres; return of Poles from Eastern Europe to Poland; RussianPolish relations, Polish troops in Russia; Polish relations with the US; "flberblick itber die Entwicklung der Verhaltnisse in Polen, Zusammengestellt von der Abt. Grenz- u. Ausland nach Vortragen von Pg. Braun-Breslau," mimeographed; 19*41. Box no. ^6 (Rumanien I 1-5)» clippings, etc., on Rumania including: cultural relations with Germany, German cultural propaganda; emigration of Jews to Palestine; Russian minorities in surrounding countries, other minorities in Rumania; organization of the TTolksdeutsche in Rumania, DAI correspondence on the same, USDAP and the Sieberibiirgen Germans, etc.; report of DAI!s Dr. Isbert "Irganzungsbericht sum Einsatz in der Wehrbetreuung bei der Luftwaffe in Rumanien," May 19^1; Bflhnenblatter des Deutschen Landestheaters in Rumanien, Spielzeit 19^0/Ui, Heft 1 and 2; "Die Rechte der Rumflnen a\if das Banat" in "Rumanische Presseauszuge;11 various other material on Rumanian-Bavarian clashes and conflicts regarding their minorities in each other's countries; a clipping, "Rumanien im neuen Europa,n by General Ion Antonescu; census information on Jews in Rumania, persecutory legislation and policies; the Iron Guard, its activities, conflicts, etc.; English espionage, concentration camps, etc.; article for a private newsletter "Rumaniens Zukunftsweg," "by Valeriu Pop (Rumanian ambassador in Berlin); "Der slawische Einfluss und das Problem der Assimilation in Rumanien,n mimeographed; mimeographed report "Die Deutsche Volksgruppe in Rumanien "baut auf;" 19^1. Box no. ty (Rumanien I 6-9> Bess., Buchld, Ban., Sie"b.), clippings, etc., including: Stimmungs'berichte, Lage"berichte; "Vermerk ilber meine Reise nach Bessarabien vom 29.9^is 1.10.19^1flfby Alexander Brost, a lawyer with the German embassy in Bucharest; aryanization; the Rumanian economy; report "Die Entwicklung und Lage der innerpolitischen Yerhaltnisse der Deutschen in Bessarabien;11 oil industry; National Socialism among the Rumanian Tolksdeutsche; German-Rumanian relations; expropriation of Jews; agriculture, banking, trade; German and Italian capital investment in Rumania; the Magyar minority, clashes with Rumanians; a lengthy mimeographed report on Rumania entitled "Wirtschafts- und finanzbericht Hr. 15rt issued March 15, 19*& t>7 the Rumanian Ministerprasidium, Unterstaatssekretariat for Presse und Propaganda, Amt fur Studien und Dokumentation; German, Slovak, Rumanian schools, etc.; 767 76S 550 Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 917 FT 53221*87 DAI gig FT 5323223 DAI 919 TO 5323675 Hotes 126 Box no. U8 (Rumanien II, Ban., Buch., Sieb., Trans.), clippings, etc., including: various cultural-historical documents, particularly on Volksdeutsche; persecution of Jews; treatment of minorities in Rumania including Magyars, Volksdeutsche, Armenians; organization and program of the national Socialist Party of the Rumanian Volksdeutsche; education, cultural activities, economic achievements of Volksdeutsche; German-Rumanian trade relations; Rumanian industrial development, capital investments in Rumanian industry; Rumanian agriculture and its problems; trade fair in Hermannstadt; "Die Sowjets nisten sich in Bessarabien ein, Erlebnisbericht eines Volksdeutschen Umsiedlers,n mimeographed; excerpts of correspondence from Volksdeutsche; persecution of Jews; return of Rumanian refugees; reorganization of domestic administration; speeches "by Antonescu; economic development and importance of various regions of Rumania; Rumanian culture, nationalism; etc., igUl. Box no. ^9 (Skandinavien/Schweden, I u. II), clippings, etc., including material on: "Bin Tscheche uber Danemark und Horwegen, Reiseeindrttcke eines tschechischen Journalisten - Unterredung mit Vidkun Quisling" in "PZD;" ''Bin Briefwechsel zwischen Sven Hedin und Svinhufvud" in the mimeographed newsletter "Ifordstimmen" (VDA Informationsdienst, July 19^1); German cultural propaganda; position of Scandinavia in the Hazi order; "Die handelspolitische Heuausrichtung der skandinavischen Lander" in Pressedienst Eansa; Ifirtschaftswart FORD, Sondermitteilungen fflr die Mitgliodsfirmen der Hordischen G-esellschaft, issued "by Reichskontor der Hordischen Gesellschaft, Nr. 1, January 20, 19^1; anti-semitism, anti-free masonry, anti-communism in Sweden; various material on the pro-G-erman, Swedisch academician Sven Jledin; Swedes abroad; Swedish politics; Swedish volunteers in the German army; the Swedish economy; obituary on the eminent Swedish publisher Karl Otto Bonniers; 19*41, Box no. 50 (Slowakei I), clippixgs, etc., including material on: the Slovak people; Slovak workers in Germany; minorities in Slovakia including the Magyars, Volksdeutsche, etc.; Slovaks in the US and their relations with the pro-ilazi Slovak regime; mimeographed, "Das Nationale Glaubensbekenntnis der Slovakei," the iH-point progrem of the HLinka party; persecution of Jews, Slovakia's "Judenzentrale;" expropriation of Jews and Bodenreform, establishment of a Ghetto in Pressburg, aryanization of property owned by Jews; Zigeunerfrage; the Ruthenian settlements in Slovakia, Ruthenian nationalism; HJ, Slovakian youth organizations; German-Slovak solidarity; copies of "EPS, Deutsche Pressebriefe aus der Slowakei," mimeographed, April 20 and 21, 19^1» and others; SIovak-Oteraan-cultural relations; Serial Roll 76S 769 550 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 920 FT MI 921 FT DAI 923 FT 532^712 551 53256^ Notes 12? Slovakia and the Balkan economy, Slovak trade and commerce* 'banking, etc.; "Sloivakisches Genogsenschaftswesen;" 19^1. Box no. 51 (Slowakei II), clippings, etc., including material on GermanSlovak: cultural relations; report, mimeographed, "Staatsprasident Tiso an die amerikanischen Slovraken;" private report on Slovakia from Dr. Lindeck for DAI; a variety of material on persecution of Jews including census information, Judenkodex, forced later, aryanization and liquidation of firms, evacuation of Jews from large cities; Magyar and German minorities; Slovak relations with Volksdeutsche, with Germany, etc.; the Slovak press, position of various papers; typewritten report "Bericht fiber die TStigkeit des Institute filr Heimatforschung in Kasmark vom 1. Juli "bis 31. Dezember 19^1t" "by the director of the institute, Dr. Johann Liptak; Gerran banking among Volksdeutsche; expansion of the Hermann Gttrirg Werke interests in Slovakia; biograjMcal material on leading Slovak personalities, and on the leader of the Volksdeutsche, Karmasin; 19^1. Box no. 52 (Schweiz I), clippings, etc., including material on: Swiss history, the Swiss constitution; Swiss overseas; typewritten report "Bin Stiminungsbild der Schweiz nach Beobachtungen und Erfahruigen zusammengestellt" "by Joh. Langenegger; "Ein Vortrag des Theologie-Professors Dr. Barth -fifber "Die Stellung der Schweiz zu dem kriegerischen Geschehen" (Nur zum internen Dienstgebrauch); anti-Nazi policies in Switzerland; domestic politics; typewritten report "Die Schweiz angesichts des Krieges" "by Karl Hugo Schmidt; various reports on public opinion in Switzerland; attitude of the Swiss press to Eazl Germany; Swiss trade vrith Germany, Hussia; Swiss agriculture; development of hydro-electric power; transportation; 19^1. Box no. 53 (Schweiz II), clippings, etc., containing material on: "Die Auslflader in der Schweiz;" Swiss in Germany (also on Bund der Schweizer in Grossdeutschland e.T.); Swiss abroad; mimeographed copies of Bundschrelben issued to members by the Bund der Schweizer in Grossdeutschland e.V.; "Schweizerischer Kationalismus und Liberalismus;11 National Socialist movement in Switzerland, including texts of manifests issued by its leader Franz Burri; radio communications of Swiss police; strained Swiss-German relations; cultural-historical material; celebration of the 650th anniversary of the Eidgenossenschaft (Swiss Confederation); social welfare; the economic position of Switzerland; Swiss shipping, hydro-electric works, development of Swiss industry; 19^1. Box no. 5^«'(clippings, etc., relevant to Soviet-Russian affairs including: Serial Roll 769 551 770 552 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 92H FT 5325917 DAI 925 IT 532633^ Notes 128 copy of a letter from a soldier at the Russian front describing conditions, addressed to "Die Amerika-Deutsche Kameradschaft;" material on Russians in exile, refugees* Russian persecution of Jews under the Czars; "Die ^iquidierurg1 der Wolgadeutschen, " mimeographed (VDA Inf ormationsdienst); Russo-German economic relations; "Die Deutschen DBrfer um Kriwoj-Rog, Aus dem Russlandtagebuch unseres Mitarbeiters St.," mimeographed; copies and excerpts of letters from Volksdeutsche reporting on Russian conditions; "Die regionale Aufteilung des europaischen Teiles der UdSSR," issued by Arbeitswissenschaftliches Institut der Deutschen Arbeitsfront, June 19^1» a lengthy Denkschrift, mimeographed; material on the peoples of Russia; J. Stalin, Welche Auffassung hat die Sozialdemokratie von der nationalen frage ? - Die Klasse der Proletarier und die Partei der Proletarier, Welt-Bibliothek, Heft 1 (Stockholm, 1940}; mimeographed copy of the text of "Der Deutsch-Sowjetrussische Grenzvertrag;" 19^1. Box no. 55 (USSR und Teilgebiete II), clippings, etc., relevant to SovietRussian affairs including material on Estonia, "Wirtschaftliche Neuorganisation in Sstland;" a report "Die Sowjetisierung des Baltikums. Einige Erfahrungen SUB Lettland, " "by Woldemar Gordees; Volksdeutsche in Lithuania; mimeographed report, "Der Gang der Sowjetiesierung in den ehemals polnischen GeMeten Weissrusslands und der Ukraine," by Dr. habil. Bruno Plaetschke; clipping on "Das Dnjepr-Kombinat" (exploitation by German firms of Kriwoj-Rog, Nikopol, etc.); letter from a Volksdeutsche addressed to Hitler thanking him for liberation from Bolshevism, etc.; Crimea; copy of a "Bericht iiber die Lage in den volksdeutschen Siedlungen um Zwiahel (Howograd-Wolhynsk); mimeographed, "Wolgadeutsche, in deutsche Gefangenschaft geraten, sagen aus;" the peoples of the USSR; copy of a "Stimmungsbild aus dem Osten;" Volksdeutsche in the Black Sea area; report issued by Abwehr II, Heeresgruppe Sild, on "Lage des Deutschtums im Gebiet von Shitomir;" the Russian leadership; text of "Das Abkommen zwischen der Ratebilndischen und der Polnischen Snigranten-Regierung;" Russia's diplomatic relations with various countries; the Russian economy, including a report "Leistungsfahigkeit der Sowjetrussischen lisenbahnen;w report "Die Sklavenarbeit im Kollektiv;" 19^1. Box no. % (Tttrkei, Thailand I u. II, Spanien/Kolonien), clippings, etc., relevant to: cession of territory by Prance to Thailand; Siamese trade and political relations; Turkish regulation of Jewish emigration; TurkishGerman economic and diplomatic relations; domestic affairs of Turkey, minorities in Turkey; Tangiers; Spanish and Portuguese relations vAth Serial 770 Roll 552 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 926 FT 5326789 DAI 927 FT 53273^5 Notes 129 Germany; German cultural propaganda in the Iberian Peninsula; policy of the Spanish government towards Jews; the Falange; Spanish industry and trade; Barcelona trade fair; 19*41. Box no. 57 (Ungarn I 1-3)» clippings, reports, etc., relevant to: the minorities problem of Carpathia; the Wiener Schiedsspruch regulating the minorities conflict "between Hungary and Romania; the Hungarians in Brazil; material on Hungarian nationalism and population policy; antiseinitisia, persecution of Jews in Hungary; copy of "Erklarung des Ministerprasidenten vqn S&rdossy vor don Vertretern der Partei;11 mimeographed "Sonderfolge der ungarischen Presseausziige," on "Politischer Karpathenrauraspiegel;11 correspondence and copies of correspondence (some confidential) with DAI or passed on to DAI, mostly from Volksdeutsche in Hungary and relating to their treatment "by Bulgarian authorities; copy of a report "Die gesetzlichen Verfttgungen ttber die Sicherstellung der Kenntnis der Minderheitensprache in den 8ff entlichen Amtern und ihre Durchfihrung;" material on Greater Hungary and Magyar nationalism; Hungarian treatment of Volksdeutsche and their leaders; record of "Audiens der volksdeutochen Atgeordneten bei Ministerprasident Graf Paul Teleki am 12. Februar 19*41;" copies of correspondence, some of it confidential, of Volksdeutsche in Hungary with Hungarian authorities, Volksdeutsche leaders pertaining to the Pfeilkreuzlerpartei and the relations of the Volksdeutsche with the Hungarian government; NSDAP and the Volksdeutsche in Hungary including "Richtlinien fttr die Arbeit der Gebietsffthrer;11 confidential report "Berichte der Ortsgruppenfflhrer, bezw. Ortsjugendftlhrer, an der von Volksgruppenffthrer Dr. Basch am 2. Marz 19^1 in Bakonyjak6 abgehaltenen Ortsgruppenfflhrerschulung;" directives on education of Volksdeutsche youth; "Rechtsmeinung der Volksgruppenftthrung zur Levente-Durchftihrungs-Verordnung des kgl. ung. Honvedministers;11 19^1. Box no. 5S (Ungarn I *J-9)» pamphlets, clippings, etc., including: Blbliographisches Handbuch des Auslandsdeutschturns, issued by DAI, Lieferung 1, Stuttgart, 1932; Prof. Dr. Robert Gradmann, Wdrterbuch deutscher Ortsnamen in den Grenz- und Auslandgebieten (Stuttgart, Ausland und Heimat Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft, 1929); Berichte, Jahresberichte, brochures of the Reichsdeutsche Schule in Budapest, scattered, 1912 1932 (duplicates omitted); Hungarian relations with other nations; Greater Hungary and Magyar nationalism; anti-semitism; the German languagePTBSS, German language and literature in Hungary; ffiingarian Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 130 cultural relations with other countries; Hungarian educational policies regarding minority groups in the country; position of the Roman Catholic church in Hungary; "Wir fttrdern eine madjarische Gesundheitspolitik11 by Dr. Stefan Luka (racism); public health, hygiene, preventive medicine, sanitation; the Hungarian economy; Pfeilkreuzler Partei; German interests in Hungary; Devisenbewirtschaftung in Ungarn, 11. Auflage, Budapest, 19^1; agricultural reform, land reclamation; expropriation of Jews, aryanization; 772 Continued DAI 928 PS 5328211 DAI 929 IT 5328731 DAI 930 FT 5329332 Box no. 59 (Ungarn und Teilgebiete 1 1-3) » clippiigs, etc., on: The Szeklers (Volksdeutsche in Siebenbilrgen) , their culture, history, political party organization, economic development; politics regarding other minorities (Ruthenians, Croats), etc., especially in regard to southern Hungary; Bdenburg, Germans there, politics, Magyar settlement policies; material including excerpts of correspondence from Volksdeutsche, relating to the treatment of Volksdeutsche by Bulgarians; Wends; copies of several "Sathmarer Situationsbericht^/;11 "Das Pttnfkirchener Minderheiteninstitut zur National i tat enfrage,M a Steyer newsletter; copies of and excerpts of letters and reports by Volksdeutsche on Bingarian affairs, especially those touching on Volksdeutsche affairs* and on minorities in the Batschka/Baranya; reaction of Volksdeutsche on entry of German troops; 19^1. Omitted \irere stray items on Volksdeutsche ministers and teachers in the 19th century. Box no. 60 (Ungarn II), clippings, reports, etc., including information on: the Hungarian Rassenbegriff ; Magyars overseas; Szeklers; Magyar nat ionalism and minorities problem; Pfeilkreuzler Partei; confidential report on the Independent Magyar Socialist Party; resettlement of Jews, anti-semitism, Jews in Budapest, Judengesetze; domestic politics; Volksdeutsche; "Bericht uber die Ungarnfahrt der wttrttembergischen Hitler-Jugend; " affidavits of Volksdeutsche on their mistreatment by Hungarians; Neuordming of Europe and Hungary's place in it; German cultural propaganda; Deutsches Schulwesen; excerpts of and copies of correspondence of Volksdeutsche pertaining to their position in Hungary, their political and cultural activities; the Hungarian economy and its development, including some descriptions from private newsletters (some confidential); expropriation of Jews; agricultural reform; 19^1. Box no. 61 (Ungarn und Teilgebiete II), contains correspondence of Archivar Franz Zimmermann of Hermannstadt of 1892, see also folder no. 7^9; an^ clippings, etc., including material relevant to: "Bericht uber die Eindrttcke, die wir anlassllch eines Besuchs in der von dete Ungarn be sfetz ten Batschka Serial Roll 772 773 555 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 931 PT 533Q016 DAI 932 IT 5330595 DAI 933 FT 5331030 Hotes 131 gewonnen haben; " copies and excerpts from letters by Volksdeutsche describing political conditions, rationing, economic conditions, treatment, etc., of Germans in Hungary (the Batschka area); cultural, political, religious life, and agrarian reform among the Batschka Germans; similar material on the Germans in "Sildungarn;11 political, economic material on the Germans of Siebanbiirgen, also on the Rumanian minority; carbon copy of newsletters issued "by Vblksbund fur das Deutschtum im Ausland, Gauverband Niederdonau, Arbeitsstelle Eisenstadt, pertaining to Komi tat bdenburg, German schools* Magyar cultural propaganda; copy of a report addressed to VDA on a trip made in the Sathmar area of Hungary and on the Germans there; "Sathmarer Situationsbericht," Oct. - Nov. 19^1; 19^1. Box no. 63 (Stuttgart und Ml, 1939 - 19*10, Internationale Organisation Welt, I u. II), clippings, reports, etc., mostly 19^1. including: press releases of the city of Stuttgart Informations dienst der Stadt der Auslandsdeutschen Stuttgart, including texts of speeches "by OBM Strdlin; Stuttgart as the city of Auslandsdeutsche, DAI cultural activities; pamphlet Der Bhein Deutschlands Ewiger Strom, Ausstellung im Ehrenmal der Deutschen Leistung in Ausland, 19H1; 5 Jahre "Ibero-Amerika-Kreis in der Stadt der Auslandsdeutschen; material on the 80th birthday celebration of Robert Bosch, the founder of Bosch G.m.b.H. , an important machine tool industrialist, including biographical sketches, information on social welfare and labor policies; DAI exhibition in Litzmannstadt; information on various international organizations including the Suez Society, pen clubs, and League of Nations; miscellaneous material on Wei tjuden turn; Miscellaneous material of the DAI Vereins-Archiv including: press releases, clippings, etc., on Stuttgart as the city of Auslandsdeutsche, its cultural activities in this regard, 19^2; a folder containing reports, "Deutscher Binfluss auf das Schul- und Hochschulwesen Sudamerikas," "Deutsches Blut in Spanien, " the university at Strasbourg, 19^2; a folder containing material on higher education, libraries, cultural propaganda, in Belgium, Brazil, China, General Gouvernement, Korea, Holland, Slovakia, US; 19^2. A box containing information from the DAI's Instituts-Archiv conconcerning the establishment of the DAI in 191 7t and including: text of a speech by Dr. Bernath at the Tagung f . Denkmalspflege, 1917 "Das Deutsche Ausland-Museum in Stuttgart und die historischen Kunstdenkmaler des Deutsch turns im Ausland;11 " S tut t garter* Handel shoffuhrer . Das Deutsche Serial Roll 77^ 556 775779 557561 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitulr Item MI 93^ filmed 1st frame FT 5331236 See "below Notes 132 Ausland-Institut;" miscellaneous typewritten and printed material, newsclippings, etc., on the museum work of MI, descriptions of DAI and its work, mostly 1917; typewritten MS. "Zur Frage der Schaffung einer Eauptstelle fflr den deutschen Aussenhandel" "by Dr. Fritz Elsas; text of a speech, author unidentified, "Die rationale Bedeutung des Deutschen Ausland-iiUseuias und -Instituts," 1917; a handwritten MS. "booklet "Die nationale Bedeutung des Deutschen Ausland-Museums und -Instituts zur Kunde des Auslanddeutschtums und zur Fflrderung deutscher Interessen im Ausland, " 1918; "Die Stellung der Auslandsdeutschen; " a MS. marked "Institutsarchiv, Fftr D. Salvis"bergers (?) Halbjahresberichte, geschrie"ben 30. III. 19>" and essay "by DAI's G-eneralsekretar Dr. Fritz Wertheimer "Die fistliche Orientierung, das Auslanddeut sen turn und die Hochschulen. " The "box also contains a folder of lists of G-edenktage pertinent to the history of Auslandsdeutschtum, of a highly propagandi stic nature, 1931 - 193^* A "box containing information from the DAI's Instituts-Archiv, including: a folder marked "Angriffe gegen MI" with clippings, pamphlets, etc., pertaining to the same and including an issue of PR Franc- Tireur, 3tfov, 15» 1931 (Alsatian), and also Die 1'7elfbuhne, Per Schaubfthne XXII. Jahr, Wochenschrift fflr Politik-Eunst-tfirtschaft, March 16, 23 and 30, 1926; 1922 - 31; printed leaflets, clippings, etc., propagandizing DAI activities, 19170)1922, 1933, a- folder "Deutsches Ausland-Institut 1917. Grftndungsversammlung, Pressestimmen. " A continuation of the DAIfs Berichts-Archiv for 19^2, subdivided as follows: Folder no. 1, miscellaneous clippings* mostly about Arab nationalism, Italian interests in the Adriatic* etc., including an Ausw. Amt Merkblatt fiber internierte deutsche Seeleute in Djeddah/ Saudi Arabien (Stand Juli 1942), Hicht f. d. Pressel; alphabetized "Afghan. /Ar. , Alban. , Afr./Abess. , leg./Ly"b., Hordafr/s.a. Frz. Kol. 11), Westafr./Lib., Stidafr., Austr.," Ml 935953 MI 935 FT 5332^50 DAI 936 FT 5332571* Folder no. 3» "Arg./Boliv. , Bras/ Chile, Columb/Ecua, , Peru/Urug. , Venez." containing correspondence from Volksdeutsche reporting on conditions, clippings pertaining to World War II and the attitude of these countries toward the Axis powers, their trade relations, domestic politics, etc., MI 937 FT 5332811* Folder no. 5» 19^2/1, "Dt. Reich," containing clippings, circulars, reports, correspondence, relevant to: Auslandsdeutsche in the war; return of Germans from abroad; miscellaneous material on Reich affairs; French, Serial Roll 77! 557 776 558 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 938 FT 5333298 5333616 DAI 939 DAI 9^0 Continued Filmed 1st frame FT 533U018 Notes 133 Polish, and other foreign workers in Germany including a mimeographed "AuslS-nderstatistik" sent to DAI by the President des Landesarbeitsamts Sftdwestdeutschland, 19^2; "Aus dem Bericht von Gauschulungsleiter Dr. Klett am 22.5.^2," on treatment of foreign workers, epidemic diseases, etc.; "Die Osttagung deutscher Wissenschaftler. Vom 2U.-27. Mftrz in Berlin,11 a lengthy report on subjects such as the tasks of agriculture in the occupied East, "Gesundheitsfflhrung im Osten, " "Sigentumsfragen in den besetzten Ostgebieten, " "Die Wissenschaftspolitik des Bolschewismus»•?. etc.; regulation of wages, social welfare, DAF and foreign workers, etc.; "Besprechung der AuslSnderfrage unter Leitung von Dr. Klett," Jan. 16» 19^2* with DAI representatives present, a report by Pastor Grisebach of a meeting of officials on foreign workers in Wrttemberg; Lagebericht of Der Reichstreuhander der Arbeit f. d. tfirtschaftsgebiet Sftdwestdeutschland, Jan. 2, 19^2; "Rechenschaftsbericht uber die propagandistische, kulturelle und geis tig- seelnische Betreuung der volksdeutschen Umsiedler durch die Umsiedler 2 eiturg Wir sind daheim," June 1, 19^2; miscellaneous material on the German economy, the Hanseatic traditions, banking, relations with southeastern Europe, etc. ; biographical sketches of leading political figures, poets, etc., Gauleiter Fritz Sauckel included, 19^2. Folder no. 7, 19U27lI, "Deutsches Reich U-9," miscellaneous clippings, newsletters, etc., on German cultural propaganda including "Die neue Ordnung11 by Reich sminister Dr. Goebbels, in Sonderdienst der Reichspropagandal ei tung , Sonderlieferung Fr. US/42, Hov. 10, 19^2; educational opportunities for German POVfs, German academies, Seminars, etc.; also material, cultural, political, and economic, on the Hanseatic cities; etc., 19*12. Folder no. 8, 19^2/11 "Dt.R.-Els.lothr., ELs/Lothr/¥estm, Eup-Malm/ Luxemb. , S€dm/Karnt/Krain, Stein/Schles, Obschles/Sudet. , Ostpr/DzIfestpr. , Warthl.,11 clippings, etc., including: a stray copy "Die wirtschaftlichen Verbal tnisse in Lothringen und die durch Aiissiedlungen bzw. Ausweisungen bedingten Verftnderungen,n a report, Sept. 13, 19^1; clippings, etc., from 19^2, mostly on the Germanization of, and cultural propaganda on Alsace-Lorraine and other areas as listed above; scattered material on economic affairs; Siedlungspolitik in the East; Folder no. 9» **2/I» "Fran/Kors. , Fran. Kol., Indochina/ Madag., Syrien, Uordafr. , iTordostafr. , " clippings, etc., on: the French overseas, organization against the Germans; treatment of Jews in occupied France; unemployment; the Laval government of Tichy-lTrance; Auslandsdeutsche, their Serial Roll 776 777 558 559 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI FT DAI FT DAI 9^3 FT 533^282 533^923 Notes 1TSDAP organization in France; policies of the German occupation government; anti-German activities in France; German cultural propaganda in France; various materials on political and economic conditions in French colonial areas; 19^2. Folder no. 11, U2/I, "Griechenld., Japan, Jap. bes. Get)., allg./Mandsch., Hongk/Schagh., Br.Borneo/Hied., Ind/Malaya/Philipp., Burma," clippings, etc., on: German schools in Greece; Japanese emigration and "Siedlungspolitik11 in Sumatra; Japanese in Hawaii; German pioneer work in Japan; Japanese domestic policies» the war, etc.; mimeographed, German text of "Die Ansprache des Ministerprfisidenten Tojo im Kaiserlichen Reichstag am 11. Mttrz 19^2»lf report on conquests; German text of "Rede des Ministerprftsidenten To jo vor dem Reichstag am 16. Februar 19^2 liber die bedingungslose Kapitulation von Singapore;11 l!Die Sangyo-Hokoku Bewegucg;" farther speeches of Tojo; Germandom in Japan; the war in Asia, Japanese aims; German-Japanese cultural relations; Japanese industry, banking, Japan's and Netherlands' economic interests, etc.; various material mostly on Japanese economic exploitation of and economic plans and interests concerning Manchuria, Hongkong, etc.; Japanese occupation government, administration, etc,, of Dutch East Indies; reports on demographic problems in Malaya; the Philippine economy; 19^2. Folder no. 12, H2/I "Jugosl., Irland, Iran/Iraq, Ind.s.Br.R., Italien/ Ital., Ober...(?)Dalin., Slow,, Lyb.s.Afr. Mappe, bes. Nizza," clippings, etc. on: miscellaneous on Germandom in Yugoslavia, Yugoslavian government in exile, etc.; Irish political affairs and Irish antagonism to Britain; Soviet Russian occupation of northern Iran; English policies in Iran and Iraq.; miscellaneous material on Italians abroad, internees, etc.; Italian emigration* Jews in Italy; German-Italian military relations; Italian cultural propaganda; Italian aims regarding Africa, GermanItalian cultural relations; German-Italian economic relations; domestic politics, minorities, economic development, etc., of the province of Laibach, Slovenian affairs; ITizza; 19^2. Folder no. Ik9 19^2/11 (Fr. Jugosl., Irak/Iran, Irland, Ital., Ital. Oberetsch, Slow./bes. Geb., Ind. Br. s. 3.R.), clippings, etc., on: domestic politics in Bosnia (Yugoslavia); Yugoslav regime in exile; oil resources of Iraq and Iran; Allied policies towards Iraq, and Iran; de Valera, Northern Ireland; Italians abroad; Italian cultural relations; German text of a Mussolini speech "Bilanz der ersten dreissig Kriegsmonate," Dec. 2, 19^2; achievements of the Fascist party and Fascist state Provenance 777 559 Deutscheg AuslandInstitut Item DAI Filmed 1st frame 773 560 Continued 135 in Italy; Italian policies towards the Jews; "biographical sketches on leading Fascist leaders, etc., also Christopher Columbus; 19^2. Folder no. 15, 19^2/H (Kroatien/Kr. Bosn,), clippings etc., on: material on Croatian youth and workers; Croatians in Rumania; NSDAP organisation in Croatia; "EntjudUEg Kroatiens;11 Partisan warfare in Croatia; position of Volksdeutsnhe in Croatia; education in Croatia, including German schools; "Tatigkeitsbericht" for July 19^2 of Hauptamt f. Volkswirtschaft Agram; German economic exploitation in Croatia; FT DAI 9^5 Hotes 5335539 DAI 9HS FT 5335^23 DAI 9^7 FT 53361^7 DAI IT 533^610 Folder no. ?, 19^2/11 (Hiederlande) , clippings, reports, etc., on Dutch colonial exploits; The Friesians; Batch antagonism to the Germans; Dutch volunteers in the German armed forces; Hitch settlernont of eastern Europe; policies toward Jews; social welfare policies; the Dutch economy; trade agreements with German controlled areas; 19^2. Folder no. 15, U2/I (Fjrwegen, Itfahor Csten, Ostasien, Osten), clippings, etc., on: German cultural propaganda in Horway; the Horwegian government in exile; 1TSDAP organisation in ITorway; the German puppet government, domestic politics in Norway; Kirchenkonflikt in ITorway; reports on the politics and economic affairs of the Hear East, Ostarbeiter; Yolks deutscher Riif , Schulungstlatt f. d. Amtstrager d. Yolkslmadss f. d. Deutschtiiia im Ausland, 19^2, Folge 3-^; and alao administration and policies in occupied eastern territories; 19^2. Folder no. 17, 19*42/11 (Forwegen, Hah. Osten, Ostas. Osten), clippings, etc. on: the administration and policies practiced in occupied Korway; Norwegian resistance to the Germans; persecution of Jews in Uorway; Norwegian literature; 1 position of the Church in ITorway; the economy of Southeast Asia, Japan s policy and plans for economic development of that area, etc. ; German policies, administration of the occupied East; Ostarbeiter; German resettlement in the last; German economic exploitation of the East; "Unternehmertum :<ni Osten" in Die Ostwirtschaft, Zeitgchrift ftir Wirtschaftsfragen des Patens, Jg. 1942, no. 9, XXXI Jg. , Sept., 1942; German farmers in the East; Folder no. 13, 19^2/11 (Ostl./Ost?..-Balt.t Ostl.-Estl. /Lett/Li th., Weissruth., Palastina, Folen, Port, Port Kol., Prot. Bo1, u. Ma.) clippings, etc. on: German administration and policies in occupied Eastern territories and in the Baltic states; ttfhite Russia, etc.; Jewish emigration to Palestine, Jewish military units, Zionism, etc.; Polish government in exile; report (private) from Lisbon on the de Gaulle government (Free Serial Roll 778 560 779 561 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 9^9 Filmed 1st frame FT 5336975 FT 5337506 MI 950 DAI 951 DAI 952 5337915 Notes 136 French); the Czechoslovak government in exile, its leaders; the Reinhard Heydrich-Stiftung; the Protectorate education, 19^2. Polder no, 20, 19^2/11 (Rum-Ban, Bess-Bach, Transn. , Siberib., Schweden), clippings, etc., on the Volksdeutsche, the NSDAP and school organization among them, etc. , of southeastern Europe, especially in Rumania; the economic development of the greater Romanian area, including Transnistria; Swedish affairs, HSDAP in Sweden, Swedish cultural relations with Germany, assistance to Horway, censorship; 19^2. Folder no. 2ty, 19^2/11 (Skand., SSR/SSR-Sib. , Krim/Kauk/Wolga, Thail., TBchechpr., Tttrkei), "Hordeuropa-Sudosteuropa, Eindrttcke von einer Skandinavienreise, Ende Juli-Anfang August 19^2," mimeographed, Schriften der Sfldostsuropa-Gesellschaft in Wien, A. HeinrichsTsauer, Vertraulich; copy of a letter from the soldier nephew of the Senior der Kaukasusdeutschen, reporting on conditions in the Caucasus, treatment of the population "by German authorities, etc.; Russian workers in Germany; miscellaneous material on the peoples of the Soviet Union; correspondence from ?erein d. Kaukasusdeutschen with DAI; "Bericht liber die Lage der Yolksdeutschen im Altrussischen Teil der Ukraine;" Russian security police measure; Russia and the Allies, German Kulturpolitik; miscellaneous material on the peoples of the Caucasus; Thailand, economic and political affairs; Turkey, political affairs, biographical sketches of political leaders, economic development; Folder no. 23, U2/I (Ungarn 1-5) » clippings, etc., on: the population of Budapest, also Hungary in general; Hungarian (Magyar) cultural activities; resettlement of Hungarians; Husgarians in the US; Jews in Hungary, Judengesetze, expropriation of Jews; Hungarian treatment of the German minority; Hungarian government; German troops in Hungary; collapse of the Arrow Cross Party; Magyar nationalism and its development; "Die Volksgruppenfrage in einer Urteilshegrilndung des Budapester Strafgerichtshof es, " mimeographed; Komitat Odenburg; Dr. Steyer report "Ost Oder West? Auswirkungen der Siege Japans in Ungarn;rt "Weltanschauliche Bildung des madjarischen Volkes," a Denkschrift. Folder no. 26, 19^2/11 (Ungarn), clippings, etc.; pencilled list of new members of the Akademie der Wissenschaf ten, cultural, historical background material; Rumanian and other minorities in Hungary; the Hungarian economy; domestic politics; "Levant eb ewegung ; M statistics on ownership of property "by Jews, internment of Jewish refugees, Hungarian policies towards Jews; Volksdeutsche, their politics and schools; Hungarian relations with Germany, Serial Roll 779 561 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 953 MI 95** 780782 562- Filmed 1st frame 5338312 FT See below DAI 955962 DAI 955 W 5338779 MI 956 FT 5339152 5339632 MI 957 781 563 Continued 5338*192 ML 958 FT 5339909 Notes 137 Bulgaria, Turkey, etc., the Hungarian economy, Budapest trade fair, living conditions, 19^2. Folder no. 27, 19^2/11 (ling-Ban, Bat-Sathm., Sieb./Vat., Welt., DAI, Int, Org., Paz), clippings etc. on: G-ermandom and its cultural achievements in various regions of Hungary; declaration of the Allies on the Jewish question; postwar plans of the Allies; Stuttgart as the city of Auslandsdeutschtum, exhibitions, cultural propaganda; "Bericht uber die Tagung der Amerikadeutschen Kameradschaft in Berlin am 30» August 19^2;" copy of a speech by Staatssekretftr Badauta, the Rumanian Ambassador, sent by the Rumanian legation; text of OBM Strfllin' s speech at the opening of the Slovakei-Ausstellung in Stuttgart; miscellaneous HJ circular letters, 19^2. A folder from DAI files marked "Sttdost, Pressesuszuge, 1. Jan. Zeitungsartikel-frbersetzungen,-' containing: 1) articles in translation from Magyar Nemzet on the Szekler, Hungarian settlers abroad, Hawaii, etc., 19^1; 2) a collection of the regularly appearing, mimiegraphed translation service1s "Kroatische Presseauszuge," (Jan. 6 - April 13» 19^0), "Madjarische Presseauszuge" (Jan. 6 - April 13, 19^0), "Eumanische Presseauszuge" (Jan. 13 - April 13, 19^0), "Serbische Presseauszuge" (Jan, 6 - April 13, 19*40), "Slov/enische Presseauszuge11 (Jan. 6 - March 23, 19lK)), "Slowakische Presseauszuge" (Feb. 17 - April 13, 19*K>). A series of folders from DAI files consisting of regularly organized copies of the mimeographed newsletter "Auslandsdienst" marked Vertraulich and mr fur den intern en Dienstgebrauch and containing reports organized under headings such as: Stimmungsberichte, Innenpolitisches. Militarisches, Politisches, Presse, Propaganda, Aussenpolitisches, Sozialpolitisches, Wirtschaftspolitisches* Finanzpolitisches, and also on Judenfrage, etc. The folders are subdivided as follows: "'Auslandsdienst*, Frankreich," July 3 - Dec, 15, 19^1, MI folder no. 6. "'Auslandsdienst1, Frankreich, Franz. Nordafr., Griechenland," for Dec. 16, 19*«> - June 29, 19^1; Aug. 5, 19^0 - Dec. 11, 19^1; and Jan. to Oct. 19^1* respectively. MI folder no, 7» "Auslandsdienst, Kanada, Eolumbien, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen," dated Jan. 16, 19UO, and June 25, 19Ul; March 1 - Sept. 2U, 19^1; July - Oct. 10, 19lU; Feb. 5, 19^0 - July iglU; Feb. 1 - Aug. 8, 19^0, respectively. DAI folder no. 13. "AuslandsdienBt, Niederlande," a most extensive -Collection dated Jan, 19» - Dec. 11, 19H1. DAI folder no. lU. Provens, nee 781 782 782784 564 Item Filmed 1st frame MI 959 FT 5340298 MI 960 FT 53**0657 961 FT 5341115 DAI 962 FT 5341388 564566 Ml 963972, 973/1-7 See "below 564 DAI 963 3 53^1612 MI 964 FT 53^1727 MI 965 FT 53*U9S6 Ml 966 FT 53^2055 Continued Notes 138 "Auslandsdienst, Bumanien, Schweden, ll dated Jan. 19*40 - Nov. 13, 1941; and Jan. 2, 1940 - Dec. 12. 194l, respectively. MI folder no» 16. n Auslandsdienst, Ungarn, Vatikan, Venezuela, USA," dated Dec. 31 1 July 29, 1941; Jan. 3}, 19*40 - Sept. 19, 1941; Jan. 1940 - Feb 18, 194l. DAI folder no. 20. Folder unmarked, "Auslandsdienst11 for Aegypten, Feb. 7» 19**2; Balkan, Nov. 1941, Feb. 15, 1942; Bulgarien, Jan. 15, 19*42 - Feb. 18, 1942; China, Jan.. 19, 1942; England, Dec. 26, 19*41 - Feb. 18, 1942; Finnland, Dec. 4, 1941 - Feb. 2, 1942; iTrankreich, Dec. 2lf, 19^1 - Feb. 17, 19*42. "Auslandsdienst11 for Griechenland, Oct. 29, 19^1 - Jan. 15, 19*42; Indien, Dec. 31, 19*41; Japan, Feb. 1^, 19U2; Kroatien, Jan. 7 - Jan. 28, 19*42; Niederlande, Dec. 22, 19*4-1 - Jan. 26, 19*42; Portugal, Jan. 19*42, Jan. 16, 19*42; Rumftnien, Jan. 3, 1942 - Feb. 15, 19*42; Sow jet-Union, Dec. 31, 19*4-1 Feb. 18, 19*42; Schweiz, Dec. 20, 19*11 - Jan. 13, 19*42; Slowakei, Jan. 7 Feb. 3, 1942; Spanien, Sept. 1, 1941, Jan. 1942; Tttrkei, Dec. 18, 1941 Feb. 6, 1942; USA, Dec. 18 194l - Feb. 17, 1942; Ungarn, Dec. 21, 194l Feb. 2, 1942. A series of folders containing mimeographed translations of articles appearing in non-German newspapers, magazines, etc., also background articles, prepared by tJbersetzungs- und Informationsdienst West and fiberset zungsdienst, and marked Vertraulich. The folders are subdivided: Beilagen noe. 10-23 to Ubersetzungs- und Informationsdienst West, containing summaries of books appearing in Dutch and French on: DutchGreraan relations; "Die Friesische Bewegung, M an essay; regionalism in France; "Die niederlflndische Presse im Umbruch;" Jews in the Netherlands; Flemish nationalism; and others, 1941 - 1943fiber setzungs- und Informationsdienst West Nr. 4/1943; Nr. 2/1944; Nr. 3/ 1944; Nr. 4/1944; Hr. 5/1944, Teil 1; Hr. 5/1944, Teil 2; Nr. 6/1944; Nr. 7/19^ containing extensive reports on politics, economic developments, cultural matters, Stimmungsberichte, bomb damage, social welfare, etc. in these countries: Schweiz, Frankreich, Hiederlande, Belgisches G-ebiet insgesamt. Flandern, Wallonien. "Bulgarische Presseschau, " contains: an article in translation, "Das Problem der bulgarischen Minder he it en ," by Prof. Dr. Zoltan Szende, June 14, 194l ; "Italienische Presseausziige on Bulgarian affairs, Feb. - July, 1943; "Bulgarische Presseauszuge, " May 194l - Feb. 1943 (scattered). Folder marked "Italienische Presseauszuge," containing: Ubersetzungsdienst bulletins on Italy and Italian occupied areas including book reviews, translations of articles, etc.: Nr. 9=5 (iO "Bnmflniftn und die PnTna"nen;" 1939; Serial Roll 782 7S3 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 565 566 Continued. Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 96? FT 53^2236 MI 968 MI 969 FT FT DAI 970 FT 53^91 DAI 971 FT 53^2^98 MI 972 FT 53**2983 Ml 973/1 FT 53^3087 DAI 973/2 FT 53^3125 DAI 973/3 FT 53^33^5 DAI 973A 53*6665 Notes 139 Nr. 95 (it.) "Die Rechte Ungarns auf Siebenburgen," 19^0; Hr. 186-187 (ital.) "Creorassische Forschungen - G-eschichtliche Betrachtungen zur vfilkisch-geographischen Lage in Siebenburgen,n 19*12 (duplicate omitted); Nr. 189 (ital.) "Siebenburgen und die vSlkischen Minderheiten im Vorkriegsungarn," 19^2 (duplicate omitted); similar material on Albania and on Italy itself, 19fe-^3t including also a translation of a "booklet Profrlemi alpiai. L1Italia svizzera, "breve studio sulle terre formanti gli odierni Cantoni del Ticino, dei G-rigioni e del Vallese a cura del Sottoeomitato studentesco milaene della Societa naz. Dante Allighieri, 1935; "Italienische Presseauszflge," on Albanian affairs, 19^3"Kroatische Presseaxissrflge," containing: various materials on political, economic affairs, peasantry, resettlement, minority questions, cultural and historical information, etc., relating to Croatia in "Italienische Presseausziige,1' "Slowakische Presseausziige,11 "Kroatische Presseauszuge," "Madjarische Presseauszftge," 19^2 - 19^3; also articles, statistical reports, "book summaries, in translation, on Croatia, 19*42 -< 19^5* "Lettische Presseauszuge," article "Finnland-Estland," 1939. "Slowakische Presseauszuge," June 13» 19**2; also article "Das territoriale Bewusstsein der Slow^ken und seine Kundgebungen im Jahre 1SU8-U9»" April 29, 19!^. "Polnische Presseauszuge," one essay "Polen in der westlichen Kultur," Dec. 9, 1939. "Humanische Presseauszuge," mostly translations of articles, etc. covering nationality questions, Rumanian minorities in the Balkans, economic and political matters, etc., 1939 - 19^3"Serbische Presseausziige," Oct. 3» 19^2; and articles in translation on Serbian and Yugoslav affairs, 1939 - 19^2. Duplicates omitted. 3bersetzungsdienst articles on Rumania, Rumanian minorities, regions, 1339. Ubersetzungsdienst articles on Rumania, Rumanian affairs, Rumanian minority problems, Greater Rumania, Rumanian-Hungarian conflict on border minorities, etc., translated from Hungarian sources. Duplicates omitted. fibersetzungsdienst articles on Magyar affairs, Magyars in Siebenbdrgen, treatment of Ma^rars by Rumanians, the Magyar minority in Yugoslavia, Magyars in Slovakia, the Wends in Hungary, etc., from Hungarian sources, 19Ul. Duplicates omitted. Ubersetzungsdienst articles on the "Wiener Schiedsspruch" concerning readjustment of the- southern border, of Hungary and mediation of the Item Serial Roll 78*4- 566 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Filmed 1st frame MI 973/5 FT 53^3961 DAI 973/6 FT 53^006 DAI 973/7 FT Deutsches AuslandIns ti tut DAI 97^ FT DAI 975 FT 53^765 DAI 976 FT 53^788 DAI 977 FT 53^869 Hotes population dispute "between Hungary and Rumania; various material on Magyars in other Balkan countries and the nationality question in general; a Denkschrift issued "by the Pfeilkreuzler, "Ungarischer Boden in judischer Hand," translated; Siebenbdrgen affairs; agrarian reform in Siebenburgen; etc., from Hungarian sources. Also "Madjarische Presseausztlge." 19^2. tJbersetzungsdienst articles on the origins of the Rumanians, and on Siebenbilrgen historiography from Hungarian sources, 19^3tJbersetzungsdienst, various articles from Hungarian sources on Magyars in Rumania, Sseklers, Wends and non-Magyars in Hungary, nationalities policies, Magyar nationalism, socio-economic problems, 19^. Some are "barely legible. Ubersetzungsdienst articles on: Hungarian nationalities lav;; press of minorities, migration of agricultural laborers; etc., 19^5* Also various maps of Hungary showing population densities, shifts in population, migration of "TaglBhner," distribution of industry, distribution of languages spoken, markings in Magyar and Serbian, maps dated variously, 1869-80, 1890's, A folder of uncertain provenance, probably from Aussenhandelsstelle for das Ehein-Maingebiet, containing newsclippings, copies of privately circulated newsletters, confidential reports, etc. (mimeographed), relating to Spanish trade, industry, iron ore and coal mining, other mineral resources, the Spanish textile industry, Spain as a source of supplies for Germany, regulation of working conditions in Spain, 1938 - 19^3Folder from DAI files containing a copy of "Bericht der Presseabteilung des Deutschen Ausiand-Instituts, Europa, 5. MMrz - lU. Marz. U2," confidential, for internal use only, mimeographed. Folder from DAI files containing: Rundschreiben on Kassen- und Rechnungsfiihrung addressed to Forschungsstellen, 1938; "Mitteilungsblatt der Eauptabteilung Sippenkunde und Volkspflege, Sachgebiete, 19^0;" "Richtlinien fur die Mitarbeit an der 'Bibliographic des Deutschtums im Ausland;1'" circular letter (personal) of Dr. Hearer to personnel of Forschungsstellenleiter am 17./IS. December 1938 im DAI in Stuttgart;" Bericht ilber die geschlossene Sitzung der Forschungsstellenleiter am 5. u»d 7- Juni 1939 *m 11 DAIi Stuttgart; other miscellaneous circulars, etc. pertaining to Forschungsstellen matters, 19^0. Duplicates omitted. Folder from DAI files containing copies of its"tliberseeische Presseausziige" marked Streng vertraulich! and relating to political, economic, and social affairs of countries in North, Central and South America, Thailand, Korea, 19^2 - 19^3- (Partly printed, partly mimeographed). Provenance Deutsches AuslsndInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 978 FT 53^970 Ml 979 FT 53*15063 MI 980 FT 53^5127 DAI 981 FT 53^5166 MI MI DAI MI 982 983 98U 985 FT FT FT FT 53^5227 53^5261 53^5297 53^5309 DAI 986 FT 53^5317 MI 988 DAI 990 MI 991 FT FT FT 53^21 53*15535 53^5888 Notes Folder from DAI files containing: "Sippenkundliche Fragebogen,« filmed as a sample, duplicates omitted; miscellaneous articles, some in translation, some in manuscript, some printed, some typed, on. Croats in the Reich, Burgenland, Austria, etc., dated variously 193*1 - 19^0. Folder from DAI files containing: miscellaneous clippings on Volksdeutsche in Russia; miscellaneous correspondence in translation (19m - 19^3):!) from a Russian of pro-German sympathies; 2) of Slovenians, also 3)a propaganda leaflet (draft copy included) "Sparbuchlein no. 19^2" containing Slovenian nationalist propaganda; mostly 19^2. Folder from DAI files containing various materials on Germandom in Russia including: translation of an article, source not identified, from Ukrainian, "Die Stalin1 schen 5-JshresplSne und der Stadtebau;" translation from Russian of a short history (U pages) on the development of an area in the district of Dnepropetrovsk by one of the principals, with a map; various maps of southern Russia showing Volksdeutsche settlements; no dates. Folder from DAI files containing "Mitteilungen fur den Geschaftsbereich des Reichsministeriums fur tfiederaufbau,lf issued by Presseabteilung des Auswartigen Amtes, Hr. 1J3» Feb. 1, 1921, on H.W.V. Temperley's History of the Peace Conference; the same, no. 172, Jan. 25, 1921, "Denkschrift uber den Stand des Wiederaufbaus in ITordfrankreich zu Beginn des Jahres 1921;" no. 1 JO, material on Germany's former African colonies, especially on mining laws regulating concessions,etc., Jan. 27» 1921. Duplicates omitted. Four folders containing miscellaneous clippings, from MI files, on: Ludwig Siebert, president of the Deutsche Akademie (19^0); Umsiedlung, cultural propaganda, etc. (1939 - 3-9^1); German-American and Italian-American opposition to Nazism (19^2 - 19^U); the Tillich Committee and non-cooperation of anti-Nazi German-American Socialists and Communists (19^&). A folder from MI files containing "Statistik der Zeitschriftenund 2eitungsstelle,lf 1939 - 19^3» indicating newspapers subscribed to, etc. Three folders from DAI containing the manuscripts of articles on Volksdeutsche questions written by DAI Leiter Richard Csaki and including essays on the Germans in Eastern Europe, reports of Csaki trips (e.g. to Brazil in 193*01 Germandom in the greater German Reich, and also several reprints of published articles, etc., 1928 - 19^. Some manuscripts appear in several drafts. Duplicates omitted. Item Deutsches AuslandInstitut 786 787 568 569 Films d 1st frame DAI 10i& FT 53^5999 MI 10H5 FT 53U6113 DAI 10^6 FT 53^06 DAI i(&7 FT 53^6819 BAI 10U8 IT 53^7036 DAI 10^9 FT DAI 1050 FT Continued 53^7700 Notes A folder from DAI containiig various ViertelJahresberichte, 1936 1937; HalbJahresbericht July - Dec. 1936; Jahresbericht 1935 - 1936, and also Vorstandsrundschreiben, Sept. 1935 - Jan» 1936 (some Vertraulich). Duplicates omitted. A folder from DAI containing the Monatsberichte "an die Presse ausgegebene Berichte und Artikel11 of DAPs Presseabteilung (Dr. Radiger), also Rundfunkarbeitsberichte, and clippings on Dr. Rtidiger, Ratsherr Karl G6tz, distinguished visitors, etc., 1936 - 19^0. Folder from DAI containing Halbjahresberichte, Vierteljahresberichte, 1938 - 1939, Jahresbericht 1939» of tiie Abteilung Sippenkunde und Volkspflege of DAI; also correspondence of the Abteilung with NSDAP organizations and various regional Forschungsstellen for German Sippenkunde, etc., alphabetized juz, 1939. Two alphabetized folders from DAIfs Bauptabteilurg Sippenkunde und Volkspflege marked respectively "Arbeitsgemeinschaften Berichte, Tagungen, u.a. ,M and "Tagung 1938, Vortrage, 15, Juni - 19. Juni 1938," and containing respectively: in folder 10^7, reports on Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sathmar und Buchenland, miscellaneous Jahresberichte der Forschungsstellen der DAI; Reiseberiche (visits of Forschungsstellen) "Entstehung - Planung - Auswirkung des Amtes fur Volkspflege" (1938), etc., 1938 - 1939; in folder 10**8, detailed report of remarks at "Tagung der Forschungsstellen in Jena 6. - 8. Januar 1938," "Jahrestagung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts" (1938), "AmerikaDeutschtum, Entwurf zu einem Referat far die sippenfcundliche Arbeitstagung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts am 15.6.38" (Gotth. Ackermann), Sippenkundliche Arbeitstagung: Gesamtleitung Karl Gfltz with text of remarks by Dr. Csaki (1938), etc. Folder 10U8 also contains the manuscripts of various professional articles, and also correspondence, on social history, Sippenkunde, Forschungsquellen der Volksgeschichte, etc., including "Die Sozialverfassung des frohen MIttelalters im mitteldeutschen Osten und der damalige Sippenaufbau" by the renowned historian Dr. Luetge; 1938. DAI folder, Abt. HS, containing correspondence, Rundschreiben, memoranda, etc., relevant to DAI's Forschungsstellenleiter Tagungen of 1939 DAI folder, Abt. HS, marked "Lftnder-Berichte," containing correspondence, circulars, reports, memoranda, etc., pertaining to L copy of a VOMI Rundschreiben Hr. i& on "Vernaltnis zu den deutschen Volksgruppen,'1 July 7» 1939» includes a list of Volksgruppenfohrer for North Slesvig, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia,.Hungary, South Slovenia, etc.; copy Serial 7S7 Roll 569 787-88 569-70 758 570 759 571 790 572 791 573 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1051 FT 53*7939 MI 1052 DAI 1053 DAI 105U IT FT IT DAI 1055 FT 5350750 BAI 1056 DAI 1057 DAI 105S FT FT FT 5352000 5352690 Notes "G-edanken itber die Deutschlandreise von Gustavo Barroso, dem illegalen Integralistenfflhrer in Brasilien," 19*1; translations! excerpts, copies, etc., of letters from Volksdeutsche in South America, USA, China, etc., indicating political sentiment,etc., vis""i-vis i?azism, etc., 1939 - 19*0; report on the national minorities in France; "Bericht tlber die Sitzung in der Landesplanung am 11.3.19*0," pertaining to the planned West-Ostsiedlung out of the Reich into Polish regions; "Dienstreise nach Polen vom 11.10. "bis 3»H»1939»" of several DAI personnel, reporting on Germans in Poland, Jewish migrations, effects of war; "Abmachungen mit dem Kulturamt der Deutschen Yolksgemeinschaft in Lettland," 1939; "Nachrichten aus Nordamerika Hr. 2," issued June 1, 19*1» and Vertraulich mitgeteilt (mimeographed); copy of VOMI report on Nordschleswig, 19*0; and similar material, 1939 - 19^1. DAI folder containing correspondence of DAI officials with NSDAP government, military, academic and professional agencies, archives, individuals, and with DAI Euro Berlin, Gestapo, Ratsherr and SS-Sturmbannfithrer Karl G6*tz, and SS-Untersturrafiihrer Dr. Gradmann of WZ of the Chef d. Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, with Volksgruppen, concerning Umsiedlung, collection of documentary material relating to Umsiedlung and to the history of Germandom outside Germany, DAI propaganda activities, 19*0 - 19*3. Three folders of correspondence of DAI's Hauptabteiluig Sippenkunde (mostly of Dr. Grisebach) with private individuals, Forschungsstellen, Ratsherr Karl Gfitz, SS-Untersturmfilhrer Dr. Gradmann, SS-Ansiedlungsstab-Planung (Herr Dolezalek), NSDAP agencies, publishers, various professional and academic agencies in Germany and abroad, concerning Sippenipunde, Umsiedlung, and related questions. Each folder is alphabetized A-Z, but dated differently: 1938 - 1939, 1939 - 19^0, 19llO - 19*1, respectively. DAI correspondence folder of DAI Nachrichtenstelle (Dr. Spaeth), containing correspondence of the same with Abwehrstellen, schools, universities, 1WZ, MSDAP, newspapers, publishers, etc., about publications, publicity, press, propaganda and personalities, 19*0 - 19*2. DAI correspondence folders, Hauptabteilung Wanderungsforschung und Sippenfcunde containing correspondence of the same with Reichsarchiv, Volksgruppen, NSDAP, many private individuals (Volksdeutsche) in various parts of the world, government, military and party agencies, etc. on cultural propaganda subjects, Umsiedlung, persecution of Jews, reports on political and economic conditions and political opinions by Serial Roll Item Filled 1st frame 791 573 mi 1099 FT mi 1060 FT 792 57H DAI 1065 DAI 1066 *T FT 5353901 DAI 1060 FT 5356182 DAI 1069 FT 53563^ DAI 1070 FT 5350*66 DAI 1072 FT 5357181 Continued Notes Volksdeutsche (relevant to South America, Eastern Europe, USSR), biographical information, etc. Each folder is alphabetized and dated 19*11, 19*43, 19^3* respectively. Note in folder 1058 a Denksehrift on ^Volksturas- und Rassenfragen im bBhrnisch-mfthrischen Raum" pertaining to the identification (and persecution) of persons with even remote Jewish ancestry. DAI correspondence folders containing the correspondence of Dr. Schneider and others with government, military and party agencies, academic organizations, Volksgruppen, the Ansiedlungsgesellschaft, local Volksdeutsche Lager, local offices of the SS-Ansiedlungsstab, subdivisions of RfdFDV, etc., pertaining largely to "Umsiedlurgsdokumentation," Umsiedlung and related questions, alphabetized, each folder, A-Z; dated 19*42, 191*5 - 19UU, respectively. Two folders from DAI files containing the correspondence of DAl's Hauptabt eilung Sippenkunde und Volkspflege with party agencies, private academic persons, and especially with regional research organizations such as Badener in aller Welt, Schlesier in aller Welt, Schwaben in aller Welt, etc., and pertains to jurisdictional disputes between Forachungsstellen, Auswanderungsf orschurg, etc.; also a memo on "Die Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Russlanddeutschen11 (1939); 1939 - 19**0, respectively. Both folders are marked "2. Kopien." Folder from the Volksbund fflr das Deut sen turn im Ausland files containing a list of the names and addresses of German emigrants in the US, South America and elsewhere, alphabetized acording to the districts and towns of southwestern Germany in which they originated. The compilation was made in 1935Folder from DAI containing miscellaneous correspondence of the Mi's Hauptabt. Sippenkunde und Volkspflege including letters addressed to Dr. Grisebach from Volksdeutsche; also a report "Stammesart und Lebenshaltung der deutschen Eolonisten in Transnistrien" (19^2); 19U2 - 19^3 • Folder from DAI containing Rundschreiben addressed "An alle Forpolicies, etc., 19UO Folder from DAI, Hauptabt. Wanderungsforschung und Sippenkunde, containing correspondence, minutes of meetings of the division, etc., relative to its work in collecting archival material on Germandom in areas annexed or occupied by the Germans which contained German minorities, 19^1 - 19^3. A folder from DAI files marked "Beeprechungen zur 'Volksforschung1,H contains newsclippings of book reviews, reviews from private newsletters, Serial Roll 576 795 796 797 577 572 579 520 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item filmed 1st frame DAI 1073 FT 53573H DAI 107^ FT 5357^75 Ml 1075 FT 5358117 MI 1076 FT 535S801 MI 1077 FT 5359783 MI 1078 FT 5360230 DAI 1079 FT 53^0546 MI 10S1 FT lotes etc., of "books and periodicals dealing with aspects of Volksforschung, 1938 - 19*13. A folder from MI files containing correspondence with W. Kohlhammer Verlag in Stuttgart and also the text of contracts between the former and DAI, igUO - 19^3. A folder from Mi's Hauptabt. Wanderungsforschung und Sippenkunde marked "Berichte HS, Dtttting, Hopf, Grisebach, Quiring, Roemer, Maurer, Stumpp, Slowakei, Amerika, Landerberichte," 1939 - 19^3* A considerable number of the reports deal with Polish affairs, resettlement in the Ge~ neralgouvernement, Germandom in the East etc., but others are concerned mainly with reporting inspections of various Forschungsstellen in Germany (of HS). A folder from DAI files, probably HS, "Berichte, Vortrage, Aufsatze," containing reports on the Germans in Russia and including such subjects as: "Erlebtes in Sowjetrussland, Hungersnot unter den Deutschen in SowjetRussland. Was ich selbst erlebte;11 Lag erbe such e; VOMI; "Auf stellung &ber die Landbesitzverhaltnisse der Deutschen in Bessaratten" 1939 J "Aufgaben und Arbeitsplan der Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschtum;11 1939 - 19^3A folder from DAI files, HS, containing correspondence of the HS division with Forschungsstellen (e.g. Niedersachsen in aller Welt, Schlesier in aller Welt), with VOMI, publishers, and other individuals and organizations concerned with Sippenkunde and Volkspflege, 1938 - 1939* Alphabetized A-Z. DAI folder containing minutes, proceedings, memos, etc., of meetings of the HS division, its subdivisions, and its committees, 1939 - 19^3• DAI folder, a list of doctoral dissertations in preparation dealing with Volksdeutsche subjects, 1937DAI folder containing correspondence of the HS division with the Reichsschrifttumskammer and with various Forschungsstellen in Germany pertaining to the publication of their private propaganda newsletters called "Heimatbriefe," 19*10 - 19^1. DAI folder marked "Leitung, Berichte," mostly reports and copies of reports made to Dr. Csaki, copies of correspondence (e.g. between Reichsfflhrer SS, Reichskommissar f. d. Festigung deutschen Yolkstums and DAI), copies of newspaper articles appearing in the German language and foreign language press (especially from Eastern Europe) dealing with various subjects, e.g.: Umsiedlung in general; Umsiedlungsdokumentation; England and the war and English leaders (Churchill); copies of letters Serial Roll 798 580 799 800 582 Continued Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1083 FT 5361959 MI 1081* FT 5362181 DAI 1085 FT 5362367 DAI 1086 DAI 1087 FT FT 5363290 5363U29 DAI 108S FT 5363529 DAI 1089 FT 53635*41 DAI 1090 FT 5363926 Notes from Germane in the US, South America, and elsewhere; Reiseberichte of DAI personnel; the Deutsche Partei in Slovakia; Germandom in various special regions of Poland, the former Austro -Hungarian Empire, the Balkans, the Baltic, and Russia; Rassenfr?ge; a proposed Jewish state in Poland; etc., 1939 - 19^2. The "bulk of the material pertains to Germandom in Eastern Europe, and most of the reports seem to have "been confidential or restricted to limited circulation. DAI folder marked "Korrespondenz im Hause," containing mostly memoranda addressed to L (Leitung), also P (Presseabteilung) , and other subdivisions of DAI and pertaining to the administration of its affairs, mostly relevant to cultural propaganda, 19^0 - 19^3DAI folder containing correspondence, etc., relating to the affairs of personnel of the HS division, 19^2. DAI folder "Verkehr im Hause," containing memoranda, correspondence, and other material subdivided: "Zentralkartei des Deutschtums im Ausland;11 "Aktien 'Mirbt1 DAI Bttro" (Berlin); "HS Umlauf ; " "Mitteilungen von L;" "Ratsherr Gdtz;" "Kopien von Abteilungen im DAI;" and various memoranda, etc., alphabetized according to DAI subdivisions, e.g. A (Gfitz), HS, L; 1939 - 19*11. Two DAI folders from the HS division containing correspondence, copies of correspondence, etc., mostly from consular offices, relating to renunciation of German citizenship of German nationals acquiring other citizenships; also relevant to the history of German Jewish emigres. Folder 1086 pertains to Central America and the US, 1938 - 19*11; folder 1087 pertains to countries in the Far East and the Middle East, 1938 DAI folder from HS division containing the "Sonder-Haushaltsplan*1 19U1 - 19H2, for the division. DAI folder containing a description of where materials were stored for safekeeping, and mainly correspondence, reports and memos on discussions from the HS division, alphabetized AA-ZK according to the initials of DAI divisions, and pertaining to VOMI, ftberseedeutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft, Forschungsstellen of DAI, Sippenkunde, etc., 19^1 - 19^3DAI folder containing: the correspondence and memoranda exchanged betvreen the HS division (Pfarrer Manfred Grisebach) and DAI's Berlin Btiro, 1939 - 19^3; DAI Rundbriefe (mimeographed) addressed to DAI personnel in the Wehrmacht, 19^0 - 19^3; various "Hausnachrichten" and "Innerdienstliche Mitteilungen" (mimeographed), 19UO - 19^2; "Denkschrift ftlr das 'Ehrenmal Serial SOI802 Roll 58358*1 Notes Provenance BAI 1091 FT 536H235 Ml 1092 FT 536U616 MI 1093 F? 536^796 Ml 1095 FT 536H863 MI 1097 FT 5365629 MI 1100 FT 53656US DAI 1102 FT 5365950 MI 1119 FT 5366726 MI 1123 FT MI 112U FT 536709U 53671*9^ 802 802 803 585 Continued der Deutschen Lei stung im Auslend1," 193^ • DAI folder containing the correspondence, also inter-office etc., memoranda, mostly of the Presseabteilung of DAI (chiefly of Dr. Rftdiger and Dr. flollau), 1937 - 19*10. MI folder containing correspondence and memoranda of the MI divisions HS, and Verwaltungsabteilung II, 1936 - 19^3. MI folder, miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda etc., copies of correspondence, on the tiberseedeutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft, Publikationsstelle Stuttgart (especially regarding its finances), etc., DAI folder containing the correspondence of the MI division Volksdeutscher Bilderdienst regarding requests for slides, and pertaining to Mi's propaganda activities, 1937 - 19*&« 3he correspondence covers only that filed under "E (one FS).W MI folder marked "Geplante Verflffentlichungen, n containing Denkschriften pertaining to planned encyclopedias, the organization of Um~ siedlung, etc., igUl - 19^3. DAI folder containing correspondence relevant to Auswanderungsberatung, 1920 - 1922. DAI folder containing miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, copies of reports, etc., of Dr. Quiring including: "Das Deutschtum in Polen, " by Dr. Gradmaun; copies of clippings from Isvestia, also from Hew York and London papers (1938 - 1939); Sippenkunde catalog material; biographical notes especially on Fosen, the Ukraine, etc.; reviews of books on Russian history; 1938 - 1939. DAI folder marked "Goetz - Reise nach Nord-, Mitt el- u. Sudamerika. 1936/37- Briefe u. Ausschnitte,11 containing letters written by Eatsherr Karl Goetz on his journey through the Americas, clippings, communications from local German clubs and communities visited, reports on his speeches, etc. DAI folder containing "Mustersatzung fur die sippenfcundlichen Forschungsstellen des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts, " 1939: aDd miscellaneous material. MI folder "FStn- Leiter-Tagung Marz 19^1,n contains correspondence, proceedings of the convention, texts of speeches, etc., relevant to the Tagung of the Forschungsstellen Leiter under MIfs HS division. DAI folders containing Arbeitsberichte (monthly) and Tatigfceitsberichte of the various Forschungsstellen (Baltisches Familienarchiv, Westpreussen in der weiten Welt, Niedersachsen in Auslsnd, Schwaben in aller Serial Roll 803 535 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsches Au?landIns ti tut MI 1126 FT 5367992 DAI 1132 FT 5363030 DAI 1139 FT 5368157 DAI llUO FT 5368^39 586 DAI FT 5368841 805 587 Ml 115^ FT 5369385 805811 587593 DAI 11551183 588 DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI 805 806 nAT> tinned 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 See below FT FT FT FT FT 5369915 5370232 5370382 6370620 5370976 Notes Welt, etc.) under HS of DAI, dated respectively? folder 1123, 19Ul folder 112U, 19^2 - 19^3. DAI folder, correspondence from Forschungsstellen in reply to Rundschreiben of the HS division on Archivbearbeitung and Auswanderungsforschung, 19*42. DAI folder containing correspondence,etc.,of the HS division relevant to Sippenkundliche Forschung, etc., in Posen and Prague, 19^0 - 19^1. DAI folder containing correspondence relative to personnel of the HS division (I9^1)t also a copy of the Mitteilungen des Sippenverbandes der Danziger Mennoniten~Familien Bpp - Kauenhovren - Zimmermann, 6 Jg., March, 1940, Heft 2. DAI folder containing Rundschreiben, Rundbriefe, etc. (mimeographed), sent to DAI's Forschungsstellen, 19^0 - 19^3. The folder contains also a list of the Forschungsstellen and a table of contents, DAI folder containing correspondence of the Forschungsstellen with 2AI divisions, especially with KS, on Wanderungsforschung, a speech by Ribbentrop, 03M Str8lin«s birthday, etc., 1939 - 19^0. DAI folder containing Rundschreiben, Sonder-Rundschreiben, etc,» addressed to DAI Forschungsstellen, also correspondence (especially of HS) with Forschungsstellen, 1938 - 19**0« Some Rundschreiben are Streng vertraulich! DAI folder containing records, correspondence, programs, meraos, etc.,pertaining to the DAI!s "Sippenkundliche Jahrestagung, 1939-" The following DAI folders contain the memos and correspondence of DAI's division HS with Forschungsstellen in all regions of Germany, 1937 19^. The correspondence pertains mostly to the administration of the DAIfs "Sippenkundliche Forschung," related cultural propaganda among people of German origin in all parts of the world, resettlement, 70MI, VDA, the history of emigration and research and bibliography relevant to it, texts of Satzungen of individual Forschungsstellen, texts of various agreements relevant to the work of Forschungsstellen, minutes and proceedings of meetings of Forschungsstellen personnel with DAI and government personnel, etc., reports on activities, material on publications. The folders are subdivided as follows: 11 "Schwaben in aller Welt, Augsburg, 1938 - 19^3. "Berliner und Brandenburger inkier Welt, Berlin," 1938 "Bait. Fam. Archiv, Berlin," 19^0 - 19^3. "Forschungsstelle Weser-ans, Bremen," 1938 "Schlesier in aller Welt, Breslau," 1938 - Serial Roll 80S 809 810 590 591 592 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1160 DAI 1161 DAI 1162 DAI 1163 DAI 1161* DAI 1165 DAI 1166 DAI 1167 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5371618 5371760 5372020 5372116 5372298 5372818 5372950 5373195 DAI 1168 DAI 1169 DAI 1170 DAI 1171 DAI 1172 DAI 1173 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5373^03 5373618 5371*212 537iH*35 537**870 5375165 53753S7 5375968 537651*9 5376567 537671* 5377081* 5377227 5377671 5373013 5378707 MI 1171* DAI 1175 DAI 1176 DAI 1177 DAI 1178 DAI 1179 811 593 DAI 1180 MI 1181 MI 1182 MI 1183 See below 813 812 Continued FT FT FT FT FT FT MI 1191 FT DAI 1192 FT MI 1193 FT DAI 1191* FT DAI 1195 FT MI 1196 FT MI 1185 DAI 1186 DAI 1187 DAI 1188 MI 1189 DAI 1190 See below 53791U2 . 5379239 5379^33 53795H 5379529 5379567 537S733 5379779 537981*5 5379872 5380129 5380199 Hotes "Westpreussen in aller Welt, Danzig," 1938 - 191*3. "Hessen in a!Ller Welt, Darmstadt," 1938 - 19^3. " "Schwaben (Alemannen) in aller Welt, Dornbirn," 19UO A. 19142. "Obersachsischer Heimatsdienst, Dresden," 19**2 - 19!*!*. "Obersflchsischer Heimatsdienst, Dresden," 1938 - 19!*!. "Hheinlander in aller Welt, Ddsseldorf," 1938 - 19Ul. "Schleswig-Holsteiner in aller Welt, Flensburg," 19**0 - 191*3. "Forschungsstellen Halle-Magdeburg, Halle," 1938 - 19^3, also "Zweigstelle Mageburg." "Forschungsstelle f. d. t5berseedeutschtum, Hamburg," 1938 - 19^3. "Uiedersachsen im Ausland, Bannover," 193& - 19**3« "Niedersachsen in aller Welt, Hannover," 19^*0 "Ostpreussen in aller Welt, Insterburg," 1939 "Mittelstelle Saarpfalz, Kaiserslautern," 1939 "Badener in aller Welt, Karlsruhe," 1938 - 19%. "Hessen-Nassauer in aller Welt, Kassel," 1938 "Westfalen in aller Welt, MOnster," 1938 "Niederbayern in aller Welt, Neuburg," 19^2 ~ "Forschungsstelle Sudetengau, Reichenberg," 1939 "Pommern in aller Welt, Stettin," 1937 "Schwaben im Ausland, Stuttgart," 1938 "Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschturns, Stuttgart," 1938 "0?hdringer in aller Welt, Weimar," 1938 - 19^3. "Mecklenburger in aller Welt, Warnemunde," 1938 - 19^3. "Ssterreicher in aller Welt, Wien," 1938 - 19^3. DAI folders containing correspondence, Satzungen, Abrechnungen, etc., of DAI with its various IPorschungsstellen, subdivided as follows: "FST Augsburg," 19lfl - 191*3. "Forschungsgeineinschaft Bayerische Ostmark, Bayreuth," 1939 "B(altisches) F(amilien) A(rchiv), Berlin," 19^1 - 191*3. "Berliner und Brandenburger," 19^1 "PST Bremen," (Weser-Sms), 19^1 - 191*3. "PST Breslau," 19!*! - 191*3. "FS? Danzig ^oppot," 19!*! - 191*3. "1ST Darmstadt," 19Ul - 19^3. B FST Dornbirn," 19!*! - 191*2. "FST Dresden," 1 19*H - 191*3. "FST Frankfurt,' * 19!*! - 191*2. Halle,11 19*a - 191*3. Provenance 812 813 Deutic&es AuslandInstHut 595 596 Continued Item DAI MI BA.I DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI Filmed 1st frame 1197 FT 1198 FT FT 1199 1200 FT 1201 FT 1202 FT 1203 FT 120H FT 1205 FT 1206 FT FT 1209 1210 FT 1211 FT 1212 FT 1211* FT 1216 FT 121? FT 1218 FT 1213 FT 1219-22 1219 FT 5320228 5380253 5380278 5380332 5380368 53*0395 5380551 5380700 5380881 53&L009 53S1036 5381090 5381168 532H77 5321233 5381321 5381^13 5381U61 53*1753 See "below 5382017 DAI 1220 FT 5382305 DAI 1221 FT 5382588 Notes 150 "FST Hamlyurg,11 19^1 - 19*43. W FST Hannover," 19**1 - 19*43. "FST Insterburg," 19*12 - 1911-3. "FST Metz u. Kaiser slautern," 19*12 - 19**3. "FST Karlsruhe," 19*11 - 19*K5. "FST Kassel," 19*H - 19*6. "Alt-Bayern, Mdnchen," 19*H - 19*43. "FST Mnchen,0 19^1 ~ "FST Milnster," 19^2 "FST ITeuburg," 19^1 "FST Reichenberg," 19^1 "Zwg. Schv/aben im Ausland, Stein," 1938 "FST Stein," 19*12 - 19^3. "FST Stettin," 1939 "FST "FST "FST "PST Schwaben," 19^1 Rostock-Warnenrflnde," 19^1 Weimar," 19^1 Wien," 19^1 - DAI folder "Arbeitstagung der FST-Leiter, Stuttgart," 1938. DAI folders marked "Sondermapppn" and subdivided as follows: "Sondermappen Forschungsstellen," correspondence, memos, etc., "Dr. Maurer," consisting of his correspondence, etc., relating to Umsiedlung, Judenfrage, effects of the boundary agreement with the Russians* etc. 19*10 - 191&. "Feldpostbriefe v. Dr. Maurer ilber Volksdeutsche Arbeit," 19^1. Material on "Beziehungen d. J3tn zum Gauschul. Amt," 1939. "Gebietsabgrenzung," 1939 (of individual Ibrschungsstellen), Other subdivisions: "Milltar Vernaltnis der FStn.-Leiter," 1939; "Kriegsxrichtigfceit der FStn.," 1939; "Feldpost der FSt-Leiter," 19^0. "Sondermappen," correspondence, memos, etc.: "Arbeitsbericht HS 1939-^0»" 19t*-l; "Ostern 19*11 Feldpost;" "3-Aufgabe," 19UO; "Zeitungsausschnitte," correspondence with Adolf Schustermann Vereinigte Bdros fttr Zeitungsausschnitte, 19^0; "Oeburtstag Schmflckle," 19^10; "Grisebach. Berichte iiber Forschungsstellenreise im Dezember 19^0;" "Heidehofstrasse 50," regarding office space, 19^0; "Sicherung der Archivbestande etc. bei Luftangriffen H.S.," 19U1; "Fft. ¥eihnachtszuwendung," 1939 - 19^0. "Sondermappen,11 contains correspondence, raemos: "H. Deyerlei, Helsingdr,1 (Denmark), 19*K); "Volksd^utsche D5.chter," 19^1; "Schiffahrtslisten Frankreich v. Dzbr 19^1," '"jBi-ijfWdC'-.sei Bremen Schiffahrtslisten,M 19^1; "Bremen Serial Roll 596 815 597 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1322 FT 53S2999 DAI 122U FT 53S333S DAI 1226/ See below DAI 1226/1 FT 5383*120 DAI 1226/2 FT 5383^61 DAI 1226/3 53S3501 DAI 1226/U FT 53^3611 See "below 815S20 597602 See "below 815 597 DAI 1230 FT 53S3721 DAI 1231 7S- 53SU001 Hotes 151 Schiffahrtslisten Auswertung i. Mar "burg," 19^1; "Schiffahrtslisten Bremen/ Hamburg," 19^1; "Verein 'Seemanns Leiter1 Hamburg," 19^0 - 19*12; "Dr. Gustav Sodoffsky," 19^0; "Grothe Breithaupt," 1939; "Wiepert," 1939; "Werbebriefversand V/eihnachtsversand in der Schweiz," 1939 - 19^0; "Deutsche Volksgruppe in Rumftnien," no date, a list. "Sondermappen," correspondence, memos, etc. regarding: "Reichsverband der deutschen Zeitschriften-Verleger, e.V. Berlin," 19^1; "Reise niederIftndischer Bauernfflhrer in den Osten. Von Swinden Mai/Juni 19^1" includes a bibliography on Dutch colonization in Europe; "Auswertung nordfranzflsischer Adressbucher (Frail Btlsse)," 19^1? "Anschriftensammlung t'Mrttemberg," 19^1; "Sonderauftrag Dr. Kreiner," 19^1; "Sippenkundliche Denkschrift Kloss," 19^0 - 19^1, correspondence about it; "Japan-Ausstellung Toku-Baels," 19^1. DAI folder, "Volksdeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaften, Tatigkeitsbericht(e)," 19^1 - 19^2, mimeogra-ohed, "Ifur fttr den Dienstgebrauch," from the file of Dr. H. Kloss of the Publikationsstelle Stuttgart-Hamburg of the Forschungsgemeinschaft (DAI). Four DAI folders containing manuscripts of essays and other background information on the social structure, economic life, etc., of the Germans in Hungary and Southeastern Europe: "Mappe 5» Sachgebiete Bauerntum, Handel, Gewerbe," note especially the essay "Berufsgliederung des Deutschtuins in Ungarn," about 1933. "Mappe 6, Sachgebiete Soziale Pragen," contains material on "Verelendung unter den Deutschen," "Grossgrundbesitz," and "Bodenreform," 1939» mostly on Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania. "Mappe 9» Sachgebiete Dokumente fiber deutsche Leistung im Sfldosten. Aus dem Hofkammerarchiv Tfien," an index to usable material on the diminishing of Germandom in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, no date, duplicates omitted. "Mappe 12, Siedlungsgebiete St&dte und stadt. Deutschtum im Sfldosten," material on Hungary relating to "Aufgabe von der Forschungsstelle Hessen in aller Welt, Darmstadt," no date. Folders from DAI files containing miscellaneous manuscripts, notes, background materials, newsclippings, pamphlets, correspondence, etc., relating to Germandom in various areas: Material on Slovakia, file of Dr. Catherine Reimann of DAI, covers the history of emigration (to US), bibliography, material on the Deutsche Partei in Slovakia, etc., mostly 1938 - 1939. Stray material on Slovak labor in the Reich,-Axis citizens in South Provenance 815 816 597 598 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 1232 FT 538W6 DAI 123^ FT 538U228 MI 1238 FT 538^598 MI 1239 FT MI I2lf5 FS 538^767 MI 12l& FT 538^930 DAI 1251 FT 53S5090 MI 1252 FT 53S536S DAI 1253 FS 5385658 MI 125^ FT 5385670 Notes 152 Ameriea, etc. (19^3); and mostly manuscripts on the Volga Germans and their fate under Stalin, 1936. Outline of the Soviet Constitution (1936?) omndtted. Miscellaneous marked "Eigene Manuskripte" (of Dr, Reimann)11 contains material on Baltendeutsche, Schlesiertum, Stuttgart as the city of Auslandsdeutsche, etc. Also a pamphlet Die Deutechen in der Slowakei (Sinziges parteiamtliches Lichtbildvortragsmaterial der NSDAP).Material dates from about 1939. Manuscripts, newsclippings, letters from the area, reports of trips, etc., (some items Vertraulich) pertaining to the Germans in Sathmar, 191? - 1930. Copies of letters of Germans in South America, also miscellaneous, 1938» 1935. Miscellaneous, including letters from soldiers at the front; Germandom in Bessarabia; various reprints, etc., on the German settlements in Russia; correspondence of Dr. Rttdiger and Forschucgsstelle Russlanddeut sen turn; etc., 1939 - 19^3. Miscellaneous material including; Ziele und Tatigkeit, Leipzig, 1923f a pamphlet of Verband Studierender Schwarzmeer-DeuTscher in Deutschland; Les Associations Cooperatives Agricoles en Roumanie au 31 Decembre 1923* by T. Mandru, Bucharest, 1924; "Die rumanischen Vorkriegsanleihen," mimeographed, issued by Banfccommandite jTf Siegmund Weil, 1928 (T); clippings, etc., pertaining to the change in direction of MI with the Nazi Revolution (Dr. Csaki replaced Dr. Wertheimer); 1933; stray letters addressed to Dr. Wertheimer, 1926; stray fragmentary correspondence* clippings, etc,, omitted. Report of "Arfoeitstagung der Forschungsstellen des VM,M 1936t and similar material, 1936 - Herr Kapp. Mostly letters and excerpts and copies of letters from and relating to Russl&nddeutsche describing their lot in the USSR, 1919 - 19^*0. Material including the text of a lecture "Die deutsche Fdhrerschicht in Russland," Rechenschaftsberichte of Winterhilfswerk in Slovakia (1939 19*41), material on Eastern Burope in general, correspondence with government agencies on the HandwSrterbuch des Grenz- und Auslanddeutschturns (1939). Duplicates omitted. Copies of letters from Russlanddeutsche from Umsiedlungslager, letter of a Russian farm laborer in Germany, etc., 19^3 - 19^» Lists of Russlanddeutsche, etc., omitted. Miscellaneous material relating to the history of the Germans in Bessarabia includiiqg excerpts and copies of archival material dating to the 17th century. Includes a brief history of Tarutino, 1933• Provenance 816 817 Item DAI 1255 599 Continued Notes Filmed 1st frame IT 5385838 DAI 1257 FS 5386175 DAI 1262 DAI 1259 FT FT 5386203 5386260 DAI 1266 FT 53863^8 DAI 1267 IT 5386*167 DAI 1270 FT 5386566 DAI 1271 IT 5386595 DAI 1275 IT 5386699 DAI 1276 FT 5386817 DAI 1278 FS 53868^7 DAI 128^ DAI 1287 FT FT DAI 1290 FT 53S6921 5386952 5386962 DAI 1291 FS 5386973 DAI 129U FT 538698U DAI 1295 FT 5387006 153 "Statist, u. geschichtliches Material Tiber Bessarabien," compiled about 1937 - 1938. Excerpts of letters from Russlanddeutsche, 1880, 1930 - 19^0; also clippings. Inventory of office furniture omitted. "Material ilber das Russlanddeutschtum," 1917, 19^0?; also 19^2 - 19^3. Abschriften "Aus dem Aktenmaterial der kathol. G-emeinde Krasna,M 1936 1939Miscellaneous reports, poems, correspondence, etc., from Umsiedlungslager, pertaining to Russlanddeutsche, Bessarabian Germans, etc., 19^0 Reports, mimeographed documents, also a "Bericht fiber den Besuch des Reichsministers Rosenberg, die Schulfeier in Chortitza und die Lage der Voiksdeutschen auf der Halbinsel Krim und Ostlich von Dnjepropetrowsk,rt "by Karl Stumpp (19^2), other reports from Stumpp in Ihissia, 19^1 - 19^2. Copy,and translation of "Tabellen zur Charakteristik des Landbesitzes und der Landwirtschaft der Ansiedler-Besitzer," Petrograd, 1917» Some of the statistics date back to the 19th century. "Berichte und Fotizen zur russlanddeutschen Forschung,{l compiled by D. A. Holzwarth, 1939. Mscellaneous clippings* reports, etc. on Volksforschung, includes some on Bessarabia, Odessa, etc., 1930, 1939 - 19^1. German colonists in Russia, historical material (copy of a letter, 1807), correspondence, 1937 - 1939« Typewritten copy of "Jubilaumsschrift" of the Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinde Kaisertal in the Russian Gouvernement Taurien, 1838 - 1913* describing customs, etc.; stray correspondence relating to the history of Husslanddeut sen turn, 19UU - 19^5» Omitted were genealogical materials, duplicates and clippings. A manuscript by Kloss "Tom Wesen des Sprachvolkes," no date, A list of quotations from archival material describing "Auswanderungsgriinde," covers the 19th century. Mimeographed reports "Umsiedlung aus Siidamerika, " "Umsiedlung aus den Yereinigten Staaten," 19^0. Copy of a newspaper article, "Die deutschen Ansiedler an der Volga," 1910. Genealogical material omitted. Stray general correspondence of OBM StrBlin, also of other DAI personnel, 1938 - 19^2. Lagebericht on Croatia, about 19^0; also maps of early German settlements in Bessarabia, 19th century; advertisements on BauernhBfe in Eurland, 1916; etc. Provenance 81? SIS 819 600 601 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1296 FT 53870^ DAI 1299 FS 53S7090 DAI 1300 FT 538717^ DAI 1280 FT 53^7395 MI 12S1/1 FT 5387^66 DAI 1302 FS 5387699 DAI 1306 FT «>3S7736 DAI 1309 FT 53878^2 MI 1307 FT 53*3193 MI 1303 FT 53SS210 DAI 1310 FT 53SS52U MI 1311 MI FT FT 53SS991 DAI 1315 FT 53*39219 Notes Bibliography of articles* NSDAP publications, and other printed matter on Umsiedlung appearing 19^0 - 19^3; a copy of Nation -and Staat, Deutsche Zeitschrift fttr das Europflische Hationalitatenproblem, 16. Jg., AugustSeptember 19*43. Miscellaneous material including reports on Aaslanddeutschtum from the Stuttgarter Schulungstagang der Deutschen Studentenschaft, 1930; copies of letters* reports* etc., on Germandom in Hungary, its social structure, etc., about 1936; maps indicating German settlements in Rumania. Omitted were fragmentary lists of towns, fragment of a map, etc. Mimeographed material including circulars, questionnaires, also copies of letters, handwritten notes, etc., pertaining to the activities of Forschungsstelle Schwaben im Ausland, 1936 - 1938. Reports on Switzerland, 19^0; miscellaneous Lageberichte and also the organizational outline for the Archiv fur Zeitdokumentation; 19^0 - 19^2. Manuscripts, notes, Reiseberichte, etc., on Auswanderung and related problems, mostly from the pre-Fazi era, of Pfarrer Grisebach; scattered 1920 - 1932 (?). Mimeographed "Arbeitsanweisungen" of Mi's Zentralkartei, Geheim, 19^0. Shows administrative procedure, card and filing system, etc. Blank forms and stray miscellaneous questionnaires omitted. Mimeographed directives, circulars, etc., relevant to the administration of the Zentralkartei of HS. HS Forschungsstellen, 19^0 - 19^1. A compilation of correspondence of agencies such as Ausschuss fur vertriebene Reichsdeutsche aus Grossbritannien und Irland und den britischen Kolonien, Geschaftsfuhrender Ausschuss der aus Bis si and ausgewiesenen Reichsdeutschen, Heimatdank fur heimfcehrende deutsche Kriegs- und Zivilgefangene, Red Cross, etc., addressed to a Frau KOstlin, 1919 - 1920. Correspondence, raemos, etc., on collaboration between Randfunk and Forschungsstellen, 1939 - 191*0. "Diverse Manuskripte, Rundfunksendungen & EBrspiele," some 1936» some earlier, undated. Duplicates omitted. Correspondence of Dr. Karl Stumpp, mimeographed reports, and related material on Russlanddeutschtum, 19^3 - 19^U. Reiseberichte, mimeographed reports, etc., on Swiss affairs, 1939"Begleittexte" of maps showing Volksdeutsche Siedlungen in southeastern Europe, Hungary, etc., 1930 - 19^0. Miscellaneous manuscripts on Volksdeutsche culture, politics, etc., in Natal, eaatern, Europe, Argentina (note the ant:UNazi, newsletter "Das andere Deutschland"), Reiseberichte, etc., 1935 • 1939. Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item See "below See "below 1319 1320 1321 1323 1321* 1322 FT FT FT FT FT FT 5389^95 53S9570 MI 1327 DAI 1330 FT FT 5389760 5389771 DAI MI MI DAI MI DAI 602 Continued 5339625 53896S1 5339781 DAI 1331 g20 DAI 1332 FT 5389897 MI 1333 MI 1335 FT FT 5389938 5389981 DAI 1336 FT 5390128 DAI 1337 FS 5390U85 DAI 1339 FT 53901*914- DAI 13to FT 5390575 DAI 13^1 Notes Filmed 1st frame 155 Correspondence: letters thanking DAI for the receipt of the DAI calendar, also Lesepaten work, some containing expressions of public opinion, the effect of Hazi propaganda, etc. The folders are subdivided: Belgium, 1939 - 19^; Chile, 19UO; South and Central America, 19^0; Brazil, 1939 - 19^0; Dutch West Indies, Bolivia, Cuba, etc., 1939 - igltf). Carbons of correspondence with Auswartiges Amt, Deutsche Volksgruppe Bumanien, publications, etc., also reports on Umsiedlung, 19^2. Handwritten essay on the Germans in Algeria, 1933; also miscellaneous. Printer's proofs of miscellaneous items on Ansiedlungsplanung, Flens"burg, cultiiral propaganda, etc., no date. Miscellaneous translations of news articles from Swedish and other papers, translations are signed "by DAI personnel, 1939* Miscellaneous reports on "Die Englander als Seeraubervolk,n the French imperium, history of German-Russian relations, Switzerland, etc., 1939* DAI Satzung, meraos on work plans and Kartei\vesen, 19^1 - 19^2. lliscellaneous reports, Reiseberichte, correspondence, etc., on Slovakia, the Deutsche Partei in Slovakia, and a pamphlet by Anton Ernst Oldofredi, Arbeitsdienst im Volkstumskampf, 19*40* das erste Jahr des volksdeutschen Arbeitsdienstes in der Slovakei; 1940 - 19^1. Material includingj lengthy report addressed to Mckwanderungsamt der 1TSDAP, 193S, from Oberschlesien; various circulars; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Slowakei, 1933; Teilnehmerliste DAI Jahrestagung 1938; bibliographical lists; handwritten manuscripts in Dr. W. Gradmann1s hand, one on the Weichselland; and other miscellaneous planning and calendar material; 1936 - 1939"Denkschriften aus dem Hause," on the future and development of DAI, 19^0. Omitted were lists of Busslanddeutsche and routine administrative correspondence of Forschungsstellen, etc. Letters from Volksdeutsche in Argentina, in Aldea Santa Celia, 1935 1939> containing expressions of political opinions, etc. Typevrritten and mimeographed Denkschriften, reports, etc., pertaining to Russlanddeutsche, Bessarabian Germans, Germans in the Ukraine and in the Caucasus, etc., mostly describing their general economic condition, occupations, etc., about 19^40 - 19^1. Miscellaneous correspondence from Auslandsdeutsche, 1919 - 1922, Provenance 820 Deut aches AuslandInstitut 820821 820 602603 602 821 603 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 13H2 FT 5390698 DAI 131*3 FT 5390731* MI 1314* FT 5390889 DAI 13^5 FT 5390910 DAI 13^6 MI 1350 FT FT 5391027 5391071 DAI 1352 FT 5391255 See "below See "below 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 5391365 5391682 5391929 5391970 5391975 539^071 5392121 MI 1362 MI 1363 FT 5392268 5392355 MI 136** FT 5392392 MI 1365 FT 53921J31 DAI 1366 FT 5392516 DAI MI MI MI MI MI MI Notes 156 Miscellaneous, mostly descriptions of Niedersachsische Ausvandererforschung, no date; also a report on "Eindeutschung der Sadsteiermark,n etc. Duplicates omitted. Miscellaneous correspondence, memos, pamphlets, "brochures, etc., of Forschungsstellen, 1939 - 19**2; also miscellaneous reprints from W. Rein, Encyclopadiaches Handbuch der Padagpgik, 1907. Miscellaneous on Forschungsstelle "Niedersschsen im Ausland,H including a copy of an "Aktennotiz uber die Besprechung beim Reichsfuhrer SS," 19U2; also maps. Correspondence, notes, mimeographed circulars, etc., pertaining to the Eeimatbuch des Espirito Santo Deutschturns (Brazil), 1937 - 1938. One pamphlet in Spanish on German espionage, 1918. "Das Deutschtum der '/eichselniederung," 1939* Correspondence and copies of correspondence addressed to Dr. Carl Stumpp, some from various offices of VM, on VDA work, Lebenslaufe, Oermandom in southeastern Europe, 1931 - 1938. Translations of newspaper articles, handwritten, mostly from Pravda and Hungarian papers on the Allies, 19^0. The following MI folders contain reports, correspondence, clippings, etc., as marked: "Lehrerkurse," for training teachers for foreign schools, 1928 - 1930. "Studentische Schulungstagungen, Stuttgart," 1929 - 1932. "Schulungstagung d. Bundes deutscher Frauenvereine,tt 1931 • H "Kursus f, ausl. dte. Handwerker, 1931. "Lehrertagung," 1931. "Lehrertagung," 193^. "Schulung," pertains to instruction for various agencies including HJ; Arbeitsgemeinschaften Litauen, Uordschleswig; ITS-Frauenschaft, etc., 1935 - 193S. Clippings on "Arbeitsstelle far auslandsdte. Volksforschung," 1936 - 1937. "Unterstfltzung Ausl.-Dter.," material on support of needy Oermans abroad, especially in Russia, eastern Europe, etc., 1919 - 1922. Duplicates omitted. Miscellaneous correspondence on German schools in Sofia, Kopenhagen, Paris, etc., 19l£. Miscellaneous correspondence and copies of correspondence of Auslandsdeutsche, 1936 - 19U1, etc. Miscellaneous material including "Die Srfassung der deutschen und nJchtdeutschen Amerika-Wanderer aus Sttdosteuropa," report on-the anti-semitic and anti-Maracistic position of Germans in Algeria (19^3), and "Unterlagen Serial Boll 821 603 822 Provenance Item Deutsches AuslandInstitut 1367 M 5392556 MI 13S9 FT 53925S6 DAI 1378 FT 5393006 DAI 1379-8^ See below 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1381* 1386 FT FT FT FT FT l?T FT 5393062 5393121 53931^1 53931^9 5393^ 5393^99 5393792 DAI 1387 FT 539ijl 1*2 DAI 1388 FT 539^626 DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI 823 605 Filmed 1st frame Notes 157 tlber das Deutschtum in Australien," after 1937. "Die Deutschen in Brasilien," 19^1. a mimeographed and confidential report. "!?erbeabteilung, Formulare, Vordrucke, etc.," contains pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, form letters, and related material pertaining to the founding and organization of DAI, statements of purpose, etc., requests for contriTmtions, invitations to subscription, requests for payment of dues, etc., 1916 - 1931* Also, Satzung of VDA and typewritten manuscripts on the organization of DAI's work. Miscellaneous correspondence from Auslandsdeutsche (especially in South America) expressing political sentiments, and also copies of notices from consulates on Ausbftrgerung, 1939 - 19^1 • DAI folder containing Kalenderdank correspondence from Volfcsdeutsche, some expressing political sentiments. The folders are subdivided: Bulgaria, 1939 - 19*40; China, 19^1; Manchukuo, Netherlands, Norway, Hungary, DAI folder containing copies of numerous Reiseberichte (some Geheim) of DAI personnel, some of Dr. Csaki, mostly covering trips to Berlin, Poland, and Eastern Europe, and describing social, political, and economic conditions, 1939 - 19^2. Note also the copy of a report "Bericht von Professor Dr. Walter Kuhn-Breslau uber: Staimnesgruppen, Bodenverhaltnisse, Anbaufrflchte, usw. in Galizien und 1'folhynien und die sich daraus fttr die Umsiedlung ergebenden G-esichtspunkte," 19^-0; also "Die Judenfrage in Ungarn," translation of an article, 1937? mimeographed and confidential reports on Arbeitsgemeinschaft Slowakei (1938) and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sathmar und Buchenland (1939)» File of Dr. Isbert of the DAI "G-ehaltene Vortrftge - Sudosteuropa," containing typed copies and pencil notes for talks given in universities, National Socialist gatherings and army hospitals by Dr. Isbert during 1939 - 19^2. Dfote: Frames no. 539^382 and no. 539^626 are consecutive. File of Dr. Isbert, containing pencil notes and a copy of a talk given in March 19^11 entitled: "Der gegenwartige Stand der Volksforschung in der Slowakei." Item Deutsches AuslandInstltut 823 606 DAI 13S9 IT 539*^78 DAI 1390 FT 539^736 DAI 1392/ FT 5395715 BAI 1393 1W 5396296 DAI 139^ FT 539631**- DAI 1395 FT 539631S I-II DAI 1397 Continued Filmed 1st frame 5396330 Notes 158 File of Dr. Isbert, containing copies of three talks given "by him to. the Ungarisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft in Budapest in May 191*2, on "Ungarn Volk und Raum in deutscher Betrachtung." DAI file, containing Keiseberichte of Dr. Kloss and Dr. Isbert who visited Berlin, Vienna and Slovakia during 1939 - 19^2 on various occasions, also a copy of a report written "by Dr. Isbert for Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe Uuhrungsstab Ic/VIII on "linsatz bei der Wehrbetreuung in Rumanien vom 5. "bis 16. Mai 19^1.M DAI Stuttgart file, containing copies of speeches and articles, mostly "by Dr. Isbert on the situation of Volksdeutsche in Hungary, Slovakia and Rumania and the attempts of the rural population, especially in Hungary, to prevent the formation of dubs and schools for "^olksdeutsche* The folder contains also a report entitled: "Seit dem Kriegsbeginn erschienene deutsche politische Schriften soweit sie das Grenz- und Auslandsdeutschtum beruhren.n DAI file containing statistical material on the economy, especially the production of industrial raw material of the following countries: North and South America, Australia, African colonies, Canada, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Rumania, and Greece. The material was prepared in 19^1 - 19*42. Duplicates omitted. DAI file containing mimeographed questionnaires: "Fragebogen zur sippenkundlichen Erfassung des Husslanddeutschturns," "Forschungsstelle Schwaben im Ausland - Anschriftenmeldung»" The folder contains also a "Eundschreiben an die Bessarabiendeutschen im Volksdeutschen Lager," dated January 19^1» and mimeographed letter of thanks to people who had helped in filling out the questionnaires in the Volksdeutsche Lager and had mailed them back to the institute. Duplicates omitted. Letter of the Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschturns, Berlin W.35» to all Busslanddeutsche asking them to fill out attached questionnaire giving details of their places of origin, their racial origin and former occupation. Questionnaire is attached. Duplicates omitted. DAI folder containing mimeographed letters to Lagerfflhrer asking them to cooperate in gathering information from Volksdeutsche in their camps. Two mimeographed forms: "Antrag auf Brteilung einer Heiratsurkunde" and "Antrag auf Erteilung einer Geburtsurkunde." The folder contains also printed programs for a Christmas celebration in one of the camps. Duplicates omitted. DAI file containing miscellaneous material: correspondence with people interested in research on Russlanddeutschtum in the U.S., especially Serial Roll 606 Provenance Deutsche AuslsndInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1U02 FT 5396515 Ml 1U03 is 53965S1 DAI 1*405 IT 539660* DAI 1*K)6- IT 5396S80 li*07 825 60? Notes 159 Mennonites, as well as some correspondence with German firms on the employment of Yolksdeutsche in Germany. The folder contains also lists of returning Germans and their financial status and future employment; copies of research papers on the German settlements in Bessarabia and Wolhynia; a list of the works of Dr. Krandt on the immigration to EastPrussia in the 19th century; printed material: "Bericht uber das Hilfswerk 1935/36 der deut sen- evangel ischen Gemeinde Glogovac-Schutaberg, Post Pornjavor, Bosnien, " and "Anhang zu den Satzungen des Vereins der christlichen Deutschen in der Bukowina," Finally, the folder contains historical material: Passports for German settlers to travel to Odessa, issued "by Alexander I; originals and copies of church registers of various German communities for the second half of the 19th century. DAI file containing printed material: "Das Deutschtum in Bessarabien, Sonderdruck des Rassenpolitischen Amtes d^TFs^P, "by Dr. Karl Stumpp, and another article by Stuiapp, Die Urheimat der deutschen Kolonisten in Russland, as well as the last number of the German language paper appearing in Brazil, Per Urwaldbote, for July 29, 19^1. The file contains statistical material on the population and the landholdings of Germans in Russia. DAI folder containing a report of Dr. Stumpp to the Reichsministerium fftr die besetzten Ostgebiete, Abtlg. I 7» on the German settlement and landholding in Cherson, November 19^-3 • Lists of names of early settlers have been omitted, DAI file containing various historical essays by Dr. Stumpp, descriptions by Umsiedlers of conditions in the camps provided for them in the Reich, and their experiences in Russia prior to resettlement, May 19^2. DAI file {tDer Reich sminister fttr die besetzten Ostgebiete, Kommando Dr. Stumpp, Bericht uber die deutschen Siedlungen in Wolhynien." DAI file containing "Zusammenfas sender Bericht fiber das Gebiet Imiltschino von Dr. Karl Stuinpp,n December 19^2. DAI file containing "Einwohnerlisten mit Altersauf bau, " prepared by the office of the Reich sminister fur die besetzten Ostgebiete, October DAI 1408 IT 5397012 DAI 1U09 IT 5397022 DAI IT 53970U2 DAI file "Bericht Uber die Gebiete Dnjepropetrowsk, Werchnednjeprowsk, Petrikowa, G-eneralbezirk Dnjepropetrowsk, von Dr. Karl Stumpp,tt end of DAI lUll IT 5397057 DAI file "Bericht uber das Gebiet Krivojrog, Gener albezirk Dnjepropetrowsk," prepared by Dr. Karl Stumpp, end of 19*4-2. Filmed 1st frame Provenance 825826 FT 5397072 FT 5397096 FT 5397120 FT 5397139 FT 5397158 DAI ikll/ FT 5397W DAI 1^18 FT 53977^7 DAI 1^19 FT 5397895 Deutsches AuelandInstitut 825 607608 See "below See 'below DAI ltel/1 FT DAI 1U21/2 FT DAI 1U21/ 3-lt FT DAI Itel/ 5-7-8 FT DAI 1U21/9 FT DAI 53979S5 53981U2 539932** Notes 160 DAI file containing tables showing the national origins of the population of Shitomir and Tschudnow up to 19^1. DAI file "Bericht liber das Gebiet Chortitza im Generalbezirk Dnjepropetrowsk, " prepared "by Dr. Karl Stumpp, July 19^2. DAI file "Bericht uber das Gebiet Kronau Orloff, " prepared "by Karl Stungap, June 19^2. DAI file "Bericht uber das Gebiet Korosten im G-eneraTbezirk Shitomir,1 prepared "by Karl Stumpp, October 19^2. DAI file containing two handwritten histories of German settlers who settled in Bessarabia under the guidance of a pastor Lindel (?) in the beginning of the 19th century. No indication when and by whom these histories were written, since the first page of the one, and the first four pages of the other are missing. DAI file "Arbeitsgemeinschaft a.d. Zeitschriften 1937: Vortrage und Aussprachen J 1-132 vollstftndig mit Frogramm und Teinehraerliste." DAI file containing the newsletters issued by the Sttddeutsches Institut Graz, entitled "Bericht aus Lai bach, " which were printed biweekly and contained news of cultural activities, excerpts from local newspapers and German propaganda material. The file contains newsletters from April 19^2 - Sept. 19^3 . DAI copy of article by Student der Paedagogie Paul MBller, "Mennonitische Hamen und Siedlungen im Regierungsbezirk Westpreussen und Freistaat Danzig mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Gemeinde ElMug-EllerwalA. M Ifo date. DAI copy of article by Dr. Walter Kuhn, "Die mennonitische Altkolonie Chortitza in der Ukraine, Sonderdruck aus dera Deutschen Monatsheft Zeitschrift fflr Geschichte und Gegenwart des Os tdeutsch turns, " Sept. DAI files containing information on the spreading of German settlements from the established colonies in Russia during the middle and the end of the 19th century. "Tochterkolonien von Molotschina. " "Tochterkolonien von Chortitza." "Mutter- und Tochterkolonien Am Trakt und Altsamara." "Gemischte 3?0chterkolonie in Sibirien." "Mutterkolonie Molotschnaja, Gouvern. Taurien.-" "Mutterkolonie Chortitza. ff Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame FT 5398805 DAI 11*27 FT 5399030 DAI 11*33 FS 5399053 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT FT 539915S 5399191 FT 5399 5S7 DAI ll*26/ 1-3 DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI DAI 11*58 11*62 11*63 11*6** 11*65 11*66 11*67 11*68 ll*70/ I-III 827828 609610 828 610 DAI 11*99 829 611 DAI 1500 5399283 5399332 5399361 5399^16 53991*51* 5399535 51*01690 FT 5^01977 51*0221*9 5^02311* 5402325 Notes 161 DAI Forschungsstelle Schwaben file, containing information on the Swiss press and economy for 19^*2 - 19^3• DAI, probably Forschungsstelle Schwaben, report of a member of the Forschungsstelle on a visit to Switzerland in February 19^-3* DAI file "Lieder, Dorfchroniken und Anderes," containing BessarabianGerman folksongs as well as songs written by the Volksdeutsche from Bessarabia in German repatriation camps. The file contains also a Dorfchronik of Posttal in Bessarabia, and a pamphlet by Karl Stumpp entitled: "Zur Volksbiologie des" Name lists have been omitted. DAI files containing correspondence with families trying to trace their German ancestry with the help of the institute. Mostly families living in German camps after repatriation from Russia, 191*0 - 1942. Each folder contains the correspondence and Ahnentafel of one family. DAI files containing correspondence and questionnaires, filled out by Russlanddeutsche, and Ahnentafeln, 19^0. Some interesting material is found in biographical additions to the Ahnentafeln. The files also contain a list of the Russlanddeutsche communities in South America and a description of their condition, probably from 1936 - 1937. DAI folder containing copies of letters from German emigrants to Buenos Aires, a report on the Jahrestagung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts in June 193S and a copy of the Mitteilungsblatt der Forschungsstelle Schwaben im Ausland for 1938, as well as a copy of flationalsozialistisohe Partei-Korrespondenz for May 1939* DAI file of correspondence with Germans in America, mostly their letters of thanks for magazines and other propaganda materials sent to them from Germany, 1939* DAI file containing letters of thanks and reports on work done by Maria Tirler and Paula Hess with the Umsiedler from Sudtirol, 191*0. Report on the Germans in Karpathen-Bussland, no date, probably in the early 1930fs. Entlassungsurkunde of an emigrant issued by the government of Kfinigreich Wtirttemberg in 1871*. Booklet for religious instruction and correspondence belonging to the Pastor of the German community around Sarata, 1830* Item Deutsches AuslandInstitut Filmed 1st frame MI 1509 FT 5^02360 Ml 1510 FT DAI 11U FT MI 1516 FT 5*402612 DAI 1517 FT 5*102618 MI 1520 FT 5U02636 MI 1521 ST DAI 1523 FT MI 12U FT MI 1525 FT 5402770 MI 1526 FT 5*102773 MI 1527 ?T 5^02780 51*02661* Hot 63 162 "Reiseskizzen durch das stolze Frankreich von Alexander Simon im Winter 18HS-H9»" typewritten copy, not giving any source. Copies of letters of an emigrant from Stuttgart to America to his wife, 18*49 - 1950. Folksongs and religious songs probably of Busslanddeutsche, probably "by one of them. Fo date or explanation in the copybooks in which they are written. "Abschrift der Anzeige der Hilde Isolde Heiter gegen die Polizei in Grossberetschek," report of tortures endured by Hilde Reiter, editor of a German newspaper in Grossberetschek in 193&* while in the hands of the police, who accused her of writing anonymous letters. At the top of the report the remark appears: "$ur zur Information. Ficht zur Verflffentlichung in dieser Form." Copy of a letter from the jRftckwanderer from Bessarabia, in the German camp in Litzmannstadt, defending their church against attacks by iTSMP officials by stating that the church had helped to maintain their nationality throughout the ages, 19*&. Copy of "Vier Gesuche von Kolonistengemeinden in Sfidrussland urn Freilassung aus Deutschland eingewanderter Volksgenossen," from the Danziger Staatsarchiv, Abt. ISO, Nr. 19UU.31. 11-lU. Copies of documents pertaining to the persecution of German farmers in the Ukraine and Russia in general, in 1929 - 1930. Ho source given, •Two leaflets of the German occupation forces in Lutzk in the Ukraine, calling for the establishment of a Judenrat and an Ukrainisches Hilfskomitee, 191*1. DAI folder of photographs of typical buildings and costumes of Transylvania Germans, probably prepared in 1938. Copy of 12-Uhr-Nachrichtendienat, containing reports on the treatment of German minorities in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, prepared by Dr. Csaki of the DA! in March 1939• ^r f&r den innerdienstlichen Gebrauch bestimmt. Inter-office memorandum of the DAI signed by Dr. Csaki asking employees to be sure to economize in the use of paper, 1937• List of all the major offices of the DAI in Germary and Austria, no date. Copy of a letter from the Alldeutscher Terband of EL sass-Lothringen to von Bulow complaining about the introduction of the French language and the attempt to eliminate German altogether from that area. Pencil note on the letter ssys nnm 1POO." Serial Roll Provenance 829 611 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame MI 1528 FT 5*402789 MI 1529 FT 5*4028*46 MI 1531 FT 5402862 MI 1532 FT 5*402866 DAI 1533 5140287*4 DAI 153U FT 5*402882 DAI 1535 FT 5*402895 DAI 1536 FT 5^03093 5^038*42 830 612 DAI 1537 FT 831 613 DAI 1538 FT BAI 15*40 FT 5U05160 15*41 FT 5U0551U MI 15*42 FT 5*4055*47 Hotes 163 "Biographic von Johann Christoph Kindermann, Pastor zu Ziegenhagen in Pommern, Cunersdorf, von 1777 - 1825," probably of interest to the DAI since members of the family seem to have emigrated to South America. Correspondence "between Otto Lohr of the DAI and Dr. Schdneich on the possibility of tracing other organizations of emigres and non-German organizations in the U.S.A., 1939» MI file containing article: "Rouyn-Foranda, Die Pionierstadt der Goldgraber," advocating the settlement of farmers, presumably Germans, instead of the footloose mining element. No date, no author. Copies of Romanian newspaper reports on the Germans in Crisana and Maramures, 19*40. Correspondence of Prof. Aldinger with the MI, suggesting the change of name of the George Washington Bahnhof to Edmund Kayser Bahnhof, after a Germn who was killed in 1915» apparently in an anti-German riot in Gary, Indiana, 19*4*4. Report of the Mittelstelle fur auslandsdeutsche Volksforschung, Deutsche Akademie Mlinchen, Deutsches Ausland-Institut Stuttgart, on "Deut-sches Blut in den fuhrenden polnischen Kreisen," 1937• DAI book review entitled: "Schnabels Deutsche Geschichte im 19. Jahrhundert - ein klein-deutscher Rttckschritt?" liJo date. DAI file of newspaper clippings on the development of German communities in Poland and in Palestine, 1929 - 1935* DAI folder containing miscellaneous correspondence on the Germans in Spain and Japan, as well as a suggestion from a certain Dr. Becker to bring at least the remains of those Germans who renounced Germany and died abroad back to the Fatherland, 1938 - 19*40. DAI folder containing information on the possibilities of German farming colonies in South-Africa and other parts of the African continent, as well as information on the German settlements of South America, 1920 1930. DAI folder containing miscellaneous notes and a rough copy of an article on "Auswanderung als Verlust und Gewinn unseres Volkes," no date. MI folder containing correspondence and reports on various firms and individuals of doubtful competence or honesty who wish to further German immigration to South America or Africa, 1920 - 192^. MI folder containing a report on "Das Deutschtum im Ausland als Stutze der deutschen Aussenhandelsinteressen." No date. DAI report written in answer to the question "Was muss der flberseedeutsche vom Russlanddeutschtum wissen?" Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 831 S32 Item Filmed 1st frame MI 151*3 PT 5U05665 DAI 151& FT 51*05825 MI 15HS Fr£ 51*05900 DAI 15^*7 FT 51*05935 DAI 1550 FT 51*05963 MI 1551 FT DAI 1552 FT DAI 1553 FT 5^06398 Mi 1555 233 615 5^6536 MI 1557 FT 5U07106 MI 1560 FT 5^07366 DAI 156! FT 51*07412 MI 1562 FT 51*07535 Notes DAI folder on Rumania, containing a report on the disturbances in Bucharest in 19**1» with newspaper clippings from Rumanian and Austrian papers, as well as a report on the work on Rumanian Legionare. DAI folder containing an article by Dr. W. Gradmenn entitled: "Die Arbeit der Polen fftr das Grenz- und Auslandspolentum," May 193#. DAI folder containing biography of Rudolf Faber, a German returning to Germany from Russia, 1935» DAI folder containing an article by Franz Stock entitled: "Die Deutschen und ihr Hilfswerk in Paris lgl*l*.lf DAI folder containing an article by Dietrich Wichmann entitled: "Das Auslandsd^nentura." Uo date. DAI folder containing reports on the work of the DAI from 1920 1932S especially reports on the yearly meetings and the papers given there. Correspondence of the DAI with the editors of Handwflrterbuch des Grenz- und Auslandsdeutschtums concerning the supply of promised menuscripts on Germans in the United States, as well as various suggestions for the work of the DA.I branches in America, 1936. DAI folder containing correspondence with persons interested in the development of Pennsylvania Dutch literature in the United States and Canada, as well as samples of the works published, mostly in newspapers, in the period between 1900 and 1920. DAI folder containing bibliographical material for biographies of Germans in America as well as an article "Ursachen und Ziele der Schwftbischen Auswanderung," by Dr. Max Miller from the Staatsairchiv Stuttgart, probably around 1935* DAI folder containing ballads and poetry written by German-Americans in the ISth and 19th centuries. Copies of Deutsche Nachrichten, a small mimeographed paper of the German community in last London, South Africa, issues for January and February 1931*. MI file containing extracts from newspapers showing the fate of Germans abroad, especially in Poland and South America, 1939 - 19^3• DAI file containing an article on the Germans in England, an article on the Hansa in England and an article on German contributions to the exploration of Africa. ITo date. DAI folder containing material on the German community in Canada, particularly German libraries there, 1933* Copy of the German newspaper Germania, published in Winnipeg, Man., on the 7th April Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 616 Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1567 FT 5*408220 DAI 1569 FT 5*408238 DAI 1570 FT 5*408567 DAI 1571 FT 5*409167 MI 1572 FT DAI 1573 *T 5*409528 DAI 15714 FT 5^09731 DAI 1576 FT 5*408220 DAI 1579 FT 5*409936 DAI 1580 FT 5U10057 x 835 61? DAI 158! rr 5*410215 DAI 1582 FT 5*4103*47 DAI 158U FT 5^10*483 Notes 165 Copy of Per Bote, ein mennonitisdhes Familienblatt, published in Rosthern, Saskatchewan, June 5» 1935» Survey of German language instruction in Canada, conducted "by means of questionnaires sent out to Canadian schools and colleges, 1930. DAI folder containing material on German education in Canada, especially reports on the support and concern of various Catholic orders who were taking an interest in German language instruction, 1923 - 1929* DAI folder containing material on the Poles and Bulgarians in the U.S.A., 19^. DAI folder containing some copies of the weekly Walhala, Wochenschrift filr die Deutschen in Amerika, October 1915. DAI file containing an article "Die erste grosse Cberseewanderung deutscher Bauern (1709 - 1756) » lf no date, no author, DAI file containing an article "by Otto Lohr entitled: "Grosse deutsche Auswanderer Amerika." No date. DAI folder containing correspondence pertaining to F. D. Roosevelt's ancestry particularly whether he could have "been of Jewish parentage. The file contains also a pamphlet published "by the monthly Rundschau Zweier Wei ten, March 1912 on T. R., as well as various newspaper clippings showing the transformation of Theodore Roosevelt from an admirer of Germany into a fervent anti-German, 1912 - 191*4. DAI file containing biographies, probably prepared by Otto Lohr, of some German settlers in Few York in the 17th and 18th century. DAI folder containing translations of newspaper clippings from North and South American newspapers, pertaining to German and other minority group organizations during World War II. DAI folder containiig copies of the weekly Vfalhala and correspondence addressed to Otto Lohr as its editor, chiefly concerned with founding a society to aid German-Americans wishing to return to Germany and preventing anti-German feeling arising in the U.S.A., 1912 - 1916. DAI file of bibliographies and short articles on the topic "Deutsche Technik in den Vereinigten Staaten," chiefly concerned with the biographies of Germans in various American industries. Ho date. DAI file containing an article on the German immigration into Michigan, and the influence of German religious orders and German t echnicians on the development of the state. No date. DAI file containing a report "Sin nor darner ikanischer Bericht ilber die Deutschen-Hetze in Brasilien seit 1937*" Serial Roll S35 836 61? 61S Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 15S7 FT 5410667 DAI 15S3 FT 51*10761 DAI 15S9 FT 5^10998 DAI 1590 IT 5*111053 mi 1592 FT 5^11195 DAI 1593 FT 51*11259 MI 1596 FS 51H1300 DAI 1597 FT 5*1-11311 DAI 159S FT DAI 1603 FT DAI FS DAI 1605 FS 5^12195 DAI 1606 FS 51U220U 5^11793 Notes 166 DAI file containing notes and newspaper clippings pertaining to German poetry end literature in the United States, 1912 - 191 *J. DAI file containing an article by Otto Lohr entitled: "Beziehungen zwischen deutschen und judischen Eim-randerern aus dem Reichsgebiet in den Vereinigten Staaten 1815 - 191^." DAI file containing a draft of an article "by Otto Lohr entitled: "Bayern in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten.11 DAI file containing material on the settlement of German immigrants in Indiana in the ISth and IPth centuries. DAI file containing material on the German settlement and immigration in Illinoisi as well as on the organization of the German community there, its educational work and church organization in particular. No date. DAI folder containing an article discussing the material and cultural benefits to the U.S.A. from German immigration. No date, no author. DAI file containing an article entitled: "Amerika-Deutsche Srfindung als Hauptfaktoren der U.S.A. Wirtschaftsentwicklung," trying to prove that all important economic improvements in the U.S. had "been made "by Germans. Illegible notes at the end of the folder have been omitted* Ho date, no author. DAI file containing a list of addresses of German organizations of various kinds, Volksfestvereine, Konsumverbande, etc., as well as material on the German press defending Germany against the treaty of Versailles and the policies of the statesmen carrying out its provisions. No date, DAI file containing newspaper clippings pertaining to the visit of Prince Henry (brother of Kaiser V/ilhelm) to the U.S.A., 1902. DAI file containing newspaper clippings showing the inferior status of the Hegro in the U.S. and articles justifying this position of an "inferior" race. No date. DAI folder containing an article, probably by Otto Lohr, entitled: "Das frliheste th>erseedeutschtum in seinen Ahnen und Enkeln." Illegible handwritten notes omitted. 3To date. DAI folder containing the biography of Lucas Raus, a German immigrant to Siebenbiirgen who was born in 172^4. Personal notes at the end of the folder have been omitted. DAI folder containing copies of the Mitteilungs'blatt der Forschungsstelle Schwaben im Ausland from April 193^ to May 1939» giving summaries of the work done by the Forschungsstelle in this period. Notes and unorganized newspaper clippings have been omitted. Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 837 619 Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1608 FT 5U1230U DAI 1611 FT 5U12S21 DAI 1613 FT 5*413056 DAI 1616 FT 5^13106 DAI 1617 FT DAI 1619 5^13352 DAI 1622 5^1336^ DAI 1625 FT 5^13^09 DAI 162S FT 5U13927 DAI 1630 FT DAI 1631 FT DAI 1632 FT 5JH3936 Notes 167 DA.I folder containing notes on the German immigrants to the U.S. at the time of the civil war and just after it, as well as some personal correspondence of these immigrants. DAI folder containing a report on the ^erhandlung der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Konferenz in Chicago in May 1916, a bibliography on the Slovak settlements in America, as well as copies of letters and reports of Bussland-Deutsche in the 1930fs. DAI folder containing a listing of all the published writings of Otto Lohr up to 19*40. DAI folder containing newspaper clippings pertaining to the biography of Heinrich . Christiansen of Cleve, one of the 17th century immigrants to Few York, as well as copies of Der Auglanddeutsche for November 1932. DAI folder containing notes and newspaper clippings pertaining to the first settlements of G-ermans in New York and Pennsylvania in the 17th century, particularly pointing to the moral superiority of the Germans. No dates. DAI files containing a copy of Der Landsmann, a German- American newspaper concerned chiefly with the history of German settlement in the various states. This issue is for February 1921. DAI folder containing newspaper clippings on Yon Steuben, especially from the monthly Walhala, edited by Lohr, and from other German- American newspapers, 1910. DAI folder containing notes, probably made by Otto Lohr, on the German literature and poetry in the U.S.A., as well as some newspaper clippings on German schools in America at the beginning of the 20th century. DAI folder containing a copy of a letter written by Carl Herzog von Wittemberg to prohibit companies and private persons from encouraging emigration from his domains, as v/ell as prohibiting the return of any of his subjects who had emigrated, 1790. No archival source given. DAI folder containing a leaflet describing the martyrdom of Edmund Kayser, who was killed in an anti-German riot in Gary, Indiana, in 1915 • The pamphlet was issued in 1935 s>t the 20th anniversary of his death. DAI folder containing an advertisement for the magazine Der Monat, giving a description of its aims and some details on its staff, June Two of the editors were Otto Lohr and Louis Iwald. DAI folder containing a report by 0. Sperber on "Deutschlands amtliche, reorganisationsbediirftige Vertretungen im Auslande," discussing the inefficiency of the German consular staff, blaming the lack of interest of the Germans abroad in German affairs on the consulate's. No date. Serial Roll 837 619 Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1633 W 5^13951 DAI 163$ FV 5^139*0 DAI 1638 FT 5^13991 DAI 16UO FT 5U1U003 DAI 16)42 FT DAI 16U3 IT BAI FT MI l6Ug FT DAI 16^9 DAI 1650 FT FT 5H1U122 DAI 1651 FT 5U1U152 DAI 1653 FT 5ltiLl*l6S Notes 168 DAI folder containing copy of "Nachrichten aus Kordamerlka Nr. 1, Vertraulich mitgeteilt, 1.5.19^1*M containing reports on the GermanAmerican press in 1939 - 19^0» as well as general information on the U.S. and Canada, DAI file containing the "biography of Konrad Weiser, a German immigrant to America in the "beginning of the 18th century. DAI folder containing leaflet entitled: "Appell an die USA^-Letten,M calling on them to sign a petition opposing the conquest of their home country by Bolsheviks and Jews* 19^1. DAI folder containing a copy of a newsletter of the Vereinigung Alter Deutscher Student en in Amerika for February 1918. DAI folder containing an article entitled: "Die Auslandsdeutsche Kunst," expounding the efficiency and "beauty of German construction throughout Europe in the middle-ages. No date, no author. DAI folder containing an article "by Joseph Slabey Roucek entitled: "Die Tschechoslowaken in Amerika," prepared after 1937DAI file containing the report of an expedition to study the German language used "by the Germans in the 3ukovina in 193^ • DAI folder containing material on the German community in Australia and a comparison "between, the German community there and the German community in the U.S.A. Material chiefly on the period 1930 - 19^0. DAI file containing a report on the decline of the German schools in the Banat and suggestions for immediate dispatch of teachers to those communities. 193^. DAI copy of a pamphlet "by J. Hanno Deiler, professor at Tulane University in Louisiana entitled: "Eine vergessene deutsche Kolonie," 1900. DAI folder containing a copy of a speech of Carl Schurz which was given "before a German audience in German in Chicago on the 5^h of September 1296t chiefly opposing Bryen and free silver. Copy of the Bostoner Turn-Zeitung for Saturday, Oct. 11, 1902. Copy of Deutsch-Texanische Monatshefte - gewidmet dem DeutschTexanertum, der ICunst und WissenschaftT, March 1903» Printed copy of a lecture delivered "by Professor J. Hanno Deiler "before the Germn Society of Chicago in December 1907. The lecturer dealt with the German immigration to the U.S. from 182) - 1900. (See DAI 1SU6 for article written by Deiler). Pamphlet published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft von St. Louis containing the address delivered by Hon. Charles ITagel under the auspices Serial Roll Deutsches AuslandInstitut 837 838 839 Provenance 620 Item Filmed 1st frame DAI FT DAI 1655 FT 5414196 DAI 1656 FT 5^14210 DAI 1657 FT 5414232 DAI 1661 FT 5U1HS28 DAI 1662 FT 5*415^50 DAI 1663 IT 5^15926 DAI 166U PT 5*116773 DAI 1666 FT 5*116783 DAI 1667 FT 5Ul DAI 1668 FT 5^16798 DAI 1670 FT 5U16812 DAI 1671 FT 5*416S28 DAI 1672 FT Notes 169 of that Society in January 1915» entitled: "Neutrality and Public Opinion." Pamphlet entitled: "Women of America1. Rescue the Republic and save all you hold dear.1 M published by Robert Edward Udmondson in New York, concerned chiefly with anti-semitic and anti-communist propaganda, July 1935* Two copies of Per Deutsche in fford-Amerika for December 1936. Space divided evenly between national Socialist propaganda and sport news. Constitution of the 6sterreicher Untersttttzungs-Verein in Dayton, Ohio, 191U. DAI folder containing material on the German organizations in the U.S. during World War II, as well as reports of various treason trials of Germans in South Africa and South America in the same period. No date. DAI folder containing German poetry and prose written in America at the end of the 19th century. Mostly anonymous. DAI folder containing notes, probably made by Otto Lohr, and typewritten draft of an article on the German settlement in Chicago, containing material up to 1937. DAI file containing letters, newspaper clippings and articles on Russiand-Deutsche in South America, as well as bibliographies for further study of this subject. ITo dates. Copy of the New Yorker Review and clippings from it, illustrating the contribution of Germans during the civil war, 1910. Three pamphlets of The Vigilant Citizens1 Alliance of New York advising the voters to elect Alfred E.Smith Governor of New York, 1922. DAI file containing a letter to Ribbentrop, ambassador in London, from a German in Strasbourg offering his services to the non-intervention committee as a member of the international force which was to watch the Spanish frontier. Ribbentrop declined, replying that a committee dealing with such things did not exist at that time, 1937. DAI file containing a report of Otto Lohr on his visit to Berlin and the meetings he held with various people interested in the DAI, 19^0. DAI folder containing a study of the Ukrainian spelling of various place names with their German and Russian equivalents, 19^1. DAI folder containing a "Bibliographic der auslanddeutschen Sippenkunde," by Otto Lohr, 1936. DAI file containing a copybook of German dialect poems, probably from the district of Miihlhausen in Alsace, most of them written in the late 19th and early 20th century, collected by Eugen Fallot and sent to Prof. Martin, who presumably sent them on to the DAI. Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut 622 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1673 ra 5^16897 DAI 167^ FT 5*H705i* Ml 1675 FT 5^17200 DAI 1676 FT 5^17211 DAI 1677 FT 5^17227 DAI 1678 FT DAI 1679 FT 5U17253 5^17296 MI 1660 FT 5^17308 DAI 1681 FT DAI 1682 FT DAI 16S3 DAI 1684 FT FT DAI 1685 FT DAI 1686 FT DAI 1688 FT DAI 1689/ 1-2 FT DAI 1690/ 1-3 FT 5U17325 5^7927 Notes 170 DAI file containing copies of "Volksbund fflr das Deutschtum im Ausland - Weststimmen, Herausgegeben vom Westreferat in der Bundesleitung," April to June 19^1. Strang Vertraulich und nur fttr den Dienstgebrauch bestimmtl Copies of a paper of the German community in Odessa, published in German and in Russian, July to October 1917Copy of Die ffeue Ukraine published by the Ukrainisches Informationsb€ro der Ukrainischen Rational en Yereiningung ' in Berlin, October 19^1. DAI folder containing Stammb&ume der Mennonitischen Familien in Kleinpolen. Ho date of compilation or author. DAI publication entitled: "Die Volksdeutsche Gruppe in Australien, Tatsachen und Erw&gangen, " 19^2. Geheira. Booklet entitled: Deutschlands Ostnot, published by Reimar Bobbing in Berlin. Uo author, no date of publication. Pamphlet entitled: "Dr. phil. A. Stellmacher in Higa, ein Opfer seiner deutschen Gesinning," by Burcherd von Schrenck, Riga, 1918. Pamphlet entitled: "Das Schwarzmeerdeut sen turn, Geschichte und Charakter," written by SS-Obersturmffihrer Dr. VJolfrum, 19^. Vertraulich, Nur fttr den Dienstgebrauch. Booklet 5 in *^e series Volk und Basse ~ Volk und Saum, entitled: Zur Frage der Mischehen, by A3.fred Csalner, 1937. Booklet Die Wanderung und Verbreitung der Juden in der Welt, published by the Institut zur Erforschung des Judentums und Bolschewismus, 1938. Booklet Der Fflhrer und sein Werk, published by the NSDAP, Booklet Wlr sind ein Wall vor den Toren des Seiches, published by the Schulungsdienst der Hitler-Jugend. No date. Booklet entitled: Volksgruppe im Kriegseinsatz, published by the Deutsche Volksgruppe in Ungarn, 19^. Booklet George Washington's Bodyguard, by Capt. Louis H. Schmidt, concentrating on tracing the German ancestry of the bodyguard, 1935* Booklet of the Auswflrtiges Amt containing Urkunden zur let z ten Phase der deutsch-polnischen Krise, published in Berlin 1939 • DAI copies of books Ur. 1 and 2 in the series: Materialien zur Ostfinanzforschung. 1689/1, Nr. 1 "Landflucht und Gemeinde." 1689/2, ITr. 2 "Die Verwaltungskosten im Hauptdorfbereich, " Both books were written by Dr. Hans Scheller and published in Berlin and Jena in 19^3* Three booklets in the series Schriften des Instituts fttr Auslandskande und Auslanddeut sen turn. 1 690/ 1, Heft 8 "Das nfirdliche Sildamerika- Serial Roll 622 Continued Provenance Deutsche AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 1691 FT 5U1S025 DAI 1692 FT 5U18029 DAI 1693 DAI 169*1 FT FT 51ML803U DAI 1695 FT DAI 1696 FT DAI 1697 DAI 1698 FT FT DAI 1699 FT DAI 1700 FT DAI 1701 FT 5U18181 5*118512 Notes 171 Deutschtum und Auswanderung," by Carl Schtiffer. 1690/2, Heft 11/12 "Chile und die deutsche ^Colonisation," "by Oberpfarrer Ende of Lichtensteic-Callenberg. 1960/3, Heft 13/1^/15 "Die Auswanderung nach den La Plata-Staaten, Schule und Kirche bei den Deutschen in Sudamerika, Die Sildamerika-Auswanderung und die deutsche Frau," 1919• DAI file containing the copy of a talk given at the Vereinigung Carl Schurz on the occasion of a combined Goethe and Washington Feier in 1932. Most of the talk was concerned with explaining the lack of concern Goethe had shown for the new world. Advertisement of the Vereinigung Carl Schurz explaining its organization and chief aims, mainly a cultural exchange between America and Germany. Ho date. "Tatigkeitsbericht der Vereinigung Carl Schurz ftlr 1926-27," giving details on the work of that organization chiefly in promoting the honoring of the memory of such famous German-Americans as Steuben and Schurz, as well as showing American visitors, especially newsmen, around Germany. 169U contains the Tatigkeitsbericht of the society for 1932. Pamphlet of the German Red Cross entitled: "Hot - Bilder deutschen Lebens," with a title page drawing by Kathe Kollwitz and statistics on German unemployment, famine and inflation, 192^. DAI folder containing a report by H. Meyer entitled: "Der Auslandslehrer, Eericht -fiber den Lehrgang zur Ausbildung von Lehrern fur den Dienst an deutschen Auslandsschulen in Kfipenick und Stuttgart," April 1929, Mimeographed newsletter of the Vereinigung ftlr deutsche Siedlung und Wanderung, "Jahresbericht 1938," containing reports on the German settlements in Africa. Folder 1698 contains "Jahresbericht 1939," with the same material. Folder containing publications and correspondence of the P^ng und Schutzverbend der geschadigten Auslaridsdeutschen, Kolonialdeutschen und Verdrangten, Berlin 1931 - 1933* ^e greatest part of the material pertains to criticism of the Reichsfinanzministerium and NSDAP propaganda advising the members of the Schutzverband to vote for Hitler. Folder containing publications and correspondence of the Deutscher Rhein e.V. in Berlin, 1931 - 1932. The organization seems to have been chiefly concerned with attempts at recovery of German property lost during World War I abroad, and also with NSBAP propaganda. Publication of the Reichszentralstelle fur Kriegs- und Zivilgefangene entitled: "Was ist in Deutschland geschehen?" The booklet gives Serial Roll 8*K) 622 Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item DAI 1702 Filmed 1st frame FT 5U1352U MI 1703 FT 623 DAI 1705 FT 5*418562 MI 1706 FT 5^18585 DAI 1708 FT 5*a86o6 DAI 1709 FT 5418610 MI 1711 FT 5*0.861** DAI 1712 FT 5^18622 DAI 1713 FT 5Las6S7 DAI 1716 FT 5*118716 DAI 1718 FT 5*118722 MI 1719 FT 5*a8S*K) Notes 172 a description of the political events of Publication of the Krie&sministerium (Unterkunfts-Department) und der Reichszentralstelle fttr Kriegs- und Zivilgefangene entitled: "Merkblatt fdr heimliehrende Kriegsgefangene," giving instructions on how to get back-pay, housing, transportation, etc., August 1919DAI copy of a German edition of the Falanga Exterior - Boletin informative de la Delegacion Nacional del Servicio Exterior de Felanga Espanola Tradicionalista y de las J.O.N.S.» 1933• Report on the Honduras-Siediungs- und Handelsgesellschaft Berlin, founded 1919• The report of the Reichsauswanderungsamt on this company was negative, since it did not look as if it could fulfil the promises made to the colonists. Report on the "Hilfswerk der Wolgadeutschen vom 1. August 1922 15. «Tuli 1923t" given at the yearly meeting of that society in Berlin on July 15> 1923- The society was chiefly concerned with g ettirg food and aid to the Germans in Russia. DAI folder containing a short report on the German trade relations with Ilanchukuo, no date. DAI folder containing a letter from the German community in Dairen, informing the MI of the foundation of Deutsches Hsus there, May 19*41. DAI folder containing "Satsuagen des Deutschen Schulvereins Harbin," founded in 1926. DAI correspondence with the German Protestant churches in Harbin and a Jahresbericht of the Gemeinderat der Kirchengemeinde Harbin for 1929. DAI file containing a report on the "Fttnfter Deutscher Tag in Eairo,1 in January 193&» as well as programs and invitations to the "Erster Deutscher Tag in Jigypten," held in December 1933 an<i January 193**• MI file containing a report of the German consulate in Alexandria on the activities of various branches of the 1TSDJ»? in JUgypt and particularly in Alexandria, March 193^. Folder containing mixed material on Husslpnddeutsche: lists of settlements in southern Russia, various publications of the DAI containing estimated numbers of the Eusslanddeutsche still in Russia and newspaper clippings and articles on emigration from Bessarabia and a "statistical study" of the number of wars fought by the nations of Europe in the last thousand years, with Germany in the last place with only 23 wars. DAI folder containing a recreation program of the Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirchengemeinde in Moskau for 1929- Provenance Deutsches AuslendIns ti tut Item Filmed 1st frame BAI 1J22 FT 5i4lS8¥4 DAI 172*4 FT 5*418950 BAI 1727 FT 5U19109 DAI 1728 FT 5*4191*42 DAI 173^ FT 5lfl9171 DAI 1736 FT 5^19187 DAI 1738 FT 5*419*^37 DAI 1739 FT 5^19^57 DAI 17*10 FT 5*U9537 DAI lylfl. FT DAI 17*42 FT DAI 17*43 FT DAI 17*44 FT DAI 17145 FT DAI 17^6 FT 5*41995^ Notes 173 DAI folder containing material on the Evangelisches Feldlazarett in Moskau, 1905 - 191**. DAI folder containing material on the German church community of Saratow, church programs, invitations to marriage and death services, yearly reports of the church wardens, etc., I860 - 1917* DAI file containing "Jahresbericht des Evangelischen Hftlfsvereins in Moskau fur 1910." DAI file containing "Zweiundzwansigster Bericht -fiber die ¥irksamkeit des Evangelischen Hospitals in Moskau, pro 1905." DAI file containing archival material with no indication of provenance: Edict for the protection of the Mennonite community in Prussia issued by Frederick William II in 1789» and an edict of protection and privileges for Mennonites issued "by Potemkin in 1788. Diary of the activities of the Deutscher Literarischer Verein, Moskau, for 1905. DAI file containing archival material, no indication from which German archive, probably from the 17th century, dealing with the prohibition of building new houses without authorization, disposing of foreign goods in the country and arrangements for support of the poor in villages. DAI file containing archival material pertaining to the Protestant churches and schools in the German communities of Odessa, southern Russia and "Heurussland" for the end of the 19th century. DAI file containing correspondence and documents pertaining to the move of the Hotman family from Germany to Poland in the middle of the 19th century. Kirchenchronik, probably of a community of Germans in Russia, for the year 1813. DAI file containing Revisionsliste of the Germans emigrating to Russia from Prussia in 1818. Kirchenchronik of the Protestant German community in Fere-Champenoise for the years 1818 - 1932. "Chronik des evangelisch-lutherischen Kirchspiels KlBstitz in der Provinz Bessarabien" for the years 181*4 - 1931. Folder containing correspondence and congratulations to the pastor of the Petri-Pauli Eirche in Moscow on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the church, 1883. "Seelenliste - ilber die Familien und den Bestand der Seelen in der auf Pachtland neugegrundeten Kolonie Bankendorf," 1870. Provenance Deutsches AuslandInstitut Item Filmed 1st frame DAI 17**7 FT 5^19966 DAI 17if8 DAI 17^9 FT FT 5^19997 5^20058 DAI 1750 FT 5H20239 DAI 1751 IT 5^20336 DAI 1756 FT 5^20395 DAI 175^* FT 5^20596 DAI 1757 FIT 5^20825 DAI 1758 FT 5^20867 DAI 1761 FT 5^21032 DAI 281U FT 5^21975 625 Fotes "Protocol-Bach des Damen-Comites des Ev. Yereins Junger Manner zu Moskau, " 1906 - 1911. "Chronik der deutschen Schule in Charkov, " 1826 - 1909. Hewspaper clippings, "bulletins, and advertisements of the Michel Theater in Petersburg for the years 188*1 - 1885. "Protocolle der Haupt- Direction der Libauschen Marien-Armen-Anstalt "Berichtsarchiv 1921" list of DAI (?) holdings of library and archival material as well as reports of members of the DAI on journeys of investigation to various German communities abroad, up to 19^0. DAI file containing birth certificates of Germans born in the Cherson area in the late 19th century. These are copies made out of church registers, but no indication of exact location of the churches, or by whom and when the copies were made. DAI file containing Rassian lists of German colonies in the Cherson area giving numbers of people, houses, acreage, etc., for the years 1889 1916. "Communita'ts-Sitzungs-Protocoll der Gemeinde Klein-Schellen, " for the period from January 6» 1887, to January 1896. Reports on the founding of the colony Ueu-Arcis and various other German villages in the vicinity of Klflstitz in Bessarabia during the 19th century. Material for the history of the Kirchspiel Benkendorf , covering chiefly the development of the community in the 19th century. DAI file containing material on the German communities in Bessarabia, chiefly letters and birth certificates, as well as a Zirchenchronik der Gemeinden Hoffmannsfeld and Friedensfeld for the last part of the 19th century. Material for the history of the German community in Kaschpalat, Bessarabia, a Kirchenchronik and various descriptions of land and housing facilities there. Correspondence concerning the building of the Haus des Deutschtums in Stuttgart and various estimates of costs from construction companies, 192U. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a translation made at the Publikationsstelle in Berlin-Dahlem by Dr. Curt Poralla in 19*42 of a Polish article "Wschodnie zagadnienia wyznaniowe,11 (Religious problems of the Sast) published by Gebethner u. Wolff in Warsaw, 1939. Originally found in OKW files. Fur fur den Dienstgebrauch. Serial Roll 8*4*4 Item 635 Deutsches AusiendIns ti tut 626 DAI 133 Deutsches AuslandInstitut, Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutsch turns 627 628 8*47 Provenance FT 5^22098 FT 51*22571* 5**23112 "Brtlder in Hot," Wttrttembergischer Lande sau ss chus s 5*425122 FT 5*425668 MI, Forschungsstelle DAl 998, FT Russlanddeutschtum DAI 1000 FT 5*426011 5^2653^ DAI 106*4/1, FT DAI 106*4/2 FT DAI 1082 FT 5**26772 5*427198 5*27932 DAI 109U/1 FT DAI 109**/2 FT DAI 109*4/3 FT 5*4281*88 5**298*45 Deutsches AuslandInstitut 629 DAI, Dr. Quiring DAI, (Deutsche6 Ausland-Museura) Continued DAI 1*5 Filmed 1st frame DAI 993 5^31166 Not es 175 Note: The following collection of folders deals with Russlanddeutschtum. DAI folder probably of Dr. Stumpp of the Forschungsstelle Russlanddeutschtum, containing statistics, copies of Red Cross reports, reports of other charity organizations, listing and describing the condition, care, and ultimate resettlement of German refugees from Russia, covering mostly 1917 - 1930; compiled 1939. Folder of Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschtums of DAI (FST Russlddtm) containing miscellaneous correspondence, 19^2 - 19^*4, and mostly a compilation (partly photostats) of documents from the G-eheimes Staatsarchiv Berlin-Dahiem, also Staatsarchiv Danzig, and Staatsarchiv Darmstadt relating to the history of Russlanddeut sen turn and covering the 18th and 19th centuries and including copies of decrees of Catherine II (the Great) of Russia. Four correspondence folders of the relief organization "Brftder in 11 Hot, 1933 - 193*4 and 193^ - 1936, whose files were evidently absorbed into those of DAI, probably of the FSt Russlddtm. The material deals with assistance to Germans in Russia, the victims of collectivization, and to German-Russian refugees elsewhere. Folders 159/1»2 are alphabetized A-M, N-Z, respectively; folders 160/1,2 are also alphabetized Ar-M, liJ-Z, respectively. DAI folder containing correspondence of DAI with SS-Ansiedlungsstab, Reichsministerium fflr die besetzten Ostgebiete, etc.; also bibliographies on Russlanddeutschtum, the material pertaining mostly to the resettlement of Russlpnddeutsche, 19*41 - 19^*4. Two folders from the FSt Russlddtm in DAI containing correspondence and questionnaires relative to the ancestry, residence in Russia, education, etc., of Volksdeutsche Lehrer (Russia), compiled 19*42. Two folders from FSt Russlanddtm in DAI containing its administrative correspondence, 19^1 - 19^3. alphabetized A-K, L-Z. Folder of Dr. Quiring of DAI, contains copies of correspondence addressed to him in his earlier connection with VDA, consisting mostly of letters of Verband der Russlanddeutschen and its Zweigstellen; 1938 19^0, alphabetized A-Z. Three folders of DAI containing questionnaires filled out by Russlanddeutsche, 1918, and marked "Deutsches Ausland-Museum" and "Fragebogen fur Deutsche im neutralen Ausland," The questionnaires give information pertaining to birthplace, social origin, occupation, religious confession, number of children, ..etc., .of the persons involved, and also observations . Serial Roll 850 851 852 853 632 Provenance 635 Filmed 1st frame DAI, Fofsehungsstelle DAI 1103 des Russlanddeutschtums FT 51*32050 DAI 1101* FT 51*32182 DAI HO? FT 51*32520 Verband der Russland- DAI 1127 deutschen, Verbandsleitung FS 5**33173 der Russlanddeutschen DAI 1128 FT 51*33532 DAI, Forschungsstelle DAI 1130 des Russlanddeutschtums FT 51*33822 Deutsches AuslandInstitut DAI 1131 FT 5^107 DAI, Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutschtums DAI liU3 FT DAI lll*l* FT 51*31*872 DAI lll*6 FT 51*35029 BAI 111*7 FT 51*351*10 DAI 111*9 FT 5^35981* 633 631* Item Notes 176 pertinent to the Russian Revolution. The folders are alphabetized A-Hi, Ho-0, P-Z, respectively. Folder of DAI, Forschungsstelle des Russlanddeutsch turns, containing correspondence with Russlanddeutsche who migrated further, to the US and South America, 1938 - 19^, A-Z. A folder of FSt Russlddtm in DAI containing the Arbeitsberichte of the FSt, also memoranda sent to DAI's division HS (Hauptabt. f. Sippenkunde), 19!*! - 191*3. Axfolder of FSt Russlddtm in DAI containing reports and correspondence from Bessarabian Germans concerning Umsiedlung, political conditions, containing expressions of anti-semitism, statistical information on the wealth and property holdings of Bessarabian Germans, etc., 19*40. A folder containing correspondence of the Verbandsleitung (connected with DAI) of the Verband der Russlanddeutschen, A-Z, 1939 - 19Ul. The folder also contains reports plays reflecting on the life of Germans in the Caucasus during 1923 - 1932, and stray DAI correspondence listing codewords to be used by Germans abroad (South America) in discussing politics, the war, etc. (19^0). Blank questionnaires omitted. A folder of the Verband der Russlanddeutschen, Stuttgart, containing l) attendance lists of members; 2) mimeographed Rundschreiben of the VRD Ortsgruppe Stuttgart (led by DAI personnel); 3) mimeographed Rundschreiben of the Verbandsleitung; 1939 - 1941. Folder of FSt Russlddtm in DAI containing newspaper clippings on famous Russlandsdeutsche; also scattered correspondence from Russlandsdeutsche, some routine, some describing conditions in Russia; 19^1 - 19^. Folder from DAI files containing "Verzeichnisse nach Dr. Hopf," lists of archival material (presumably in Polish archives) relating to the emigration of German settlers in Poland to Russia (19th century); lists are of names, occupations, families of emigrants; compiled 19^1. Folder of FSt Russlddtm containing correspondence on "L.V. Wur. u. Betreuung Bessarab.," 1938 - 1939. Folder FSt Russlddtm, newsclippings, letters, notices on "Berilhmte Russland-Deutsche," compiled 1927 - 19!*!. Two folders of FSt Russlddtm containing its correspondence with DAI's Hauptabt. Sippenkunde und Volksforschung, 1938 - 1939. 1939 respectively. Folder of FSt Russlddtm containing its correspondence with DAI on miscellaneous subjects, 1936 - Serial Roll 635 636 H-S55 R637 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame MI 1150/1 FT DAI 1150/2 FT DAI 1150/3 #P 5^36295 5^3675^ 5^37167 BAI 1151 FT 5^37325 DAI, Forschungsstelle DAI 1152 d. Russlanddeutschtums DAI 1^22 FT 5*67583 FT 5^37667 DAI 1135 FT 5^37710 Deutsches AuslandInstitut Notes 177 DAI folders, probably of FSt Russlddtm, "Deutsche Dflrfer - Russland," containing statistical information on the populations of German settlements in Russia, descriptions of such towns, historical information on them, lists of Russian Germans killed in World War I (in each town), etc., compiled 1931* T1*e folders are alphabetized according to town names: A-H, J-R, S-Z, respectively. DAI folder containing the correspondence, mostly of Dr, Krause, reports from Dr. Stumpp in Russia ( Sonderkommando Dr. Stumpp of Der Reichskommissar f* d. besetzten Ostgebiete), memoranda to DAI Leiter, records of Besprechungen (with VOMI e.g.)* pertaining to Stumpp1 s work, resettlement of Russlandsdeutsche, Umsiedlungsdokumentation, etc., A-Z, 19^2 19UU. Noteworthy £re: photostat of a letter signed by General Rommel thanking DAI for sending him information on his ancestors, 19^2; Stumpp1 s letters from Russia; a chart drawn up by Stumpp "Al tersaufbau der deutschen Bevdlkerung in den 11 deutschen Siedlungen des Kreises Kronau in der Ukraine 19^2»" which shows how many were "verschleppt,1* "verhungert , ft etc. ; "Bericht uber die Aussiedlung der Volksdeutschen aus Dnjepropetrowsk, w Folder of FSt. d. Russlddtm in DAI containing copies of the FSt's Rundschreiben, 1938 - 19^1. Folder of FSt. d. Russlddtm in DAI containing photostat copy of a Wanderbuch of Anton Dischner, carpenter from Munich, whose Wanderjahre covered the years 18^8 - 1857 • Folder of the PSt, d. Russlddtm in DAI marked "Schriftwechsel mit Russland," containing letters (many handwritten) from Germans in Russia describing economic and political conditions, collectivization, starvation, oppression, etc., 1930 - 1939* Tne letters were collected for the FSt and were originally sent to private persons. 179 Price List for Records of the Deutsohes Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart* tart II: The General Records National archives Microcopy ^'o. T-81, Rolls 331-636 Licrofilm copies of one or more rolls of the microfilm ciay be purchased at the prices listed belo.?. The prices are based on a charge of 8 cents for each foot of microfilm, vath all prices rounded off to the nearest dollar. A 10-percent discount is given on orders for more than •,>1,000 and a 15-percent discount on orders for more than ^3,000. Rolls containing priviledged material are designated by the symbol R before the roll number* They are not available for sale and are therefore not included in this list, Roll 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 Price $3 7 9 5 10 5 7 9 7 6 8 7 9 6 9 8 7 7 8 9 Roll Price 351 $8 352 8 353 8 354 8 355 6 356 10 357 6 358 8 359 5 360 8 361 8 362 10 363 4 3 6 4 9 365 8 366 7 367 7 368 10 369 5 370 10 Roll 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 Price $7 7 8 7 9 7 8 7 10 10 4 9 8 7 10 5 8 8 9 8 Roll *& 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 Price $$ 10 4 9 6 7 8 8 7 8 11 6 5 12 5 7 9 7 7 8 Roll Price 411 $8 412 7 413 7 414 8 a5 8 416 9 417 7 418 8 419 10 420 7 421 6 422 8 423 7 4 2 4 8 425 8 426 11 427 5 428 7 429 7 430 11 Roll Price 431 $8 432 6 433 7 434 8 435 7 436 8 437 8 438 10 439 7 440 7 441 8 442 8 443 7 4 4 4 7 445 10 446 6 447 7 448 8 449 9 450 7 180 Roll 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 Price 46 5 8 8 10 5 5 8 8 9 6 8 8 9 7 9 8 7 8 7 11 5 8 8 9 7 7 7 9 6 10 Roll 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 Price $7 5 7 8 10 5 7 8 8 7 8 7 10 8 8 6 6 9 6 11 8 6 7 5 7 8 5 10 9 7 4 Price ^6 8 9 8 7 7 7 10 9 6 8 9 9 7 9 8 8 8 10 6 8 9 8 8 10 8 7 8 8 9 9 Roll 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 Price Roll 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 Roll 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 Price $8 8 7 8 9 10 7 8 7 9 7 9 8 9 7 7 8 8 8 8 11 6 7 629 10 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 8 6 8 9 7 8 g Total #2,379 GSA-WASH DC 61-6352