UR. (O - Universität Bonn


UR. (O - Universität Bonn
Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn
JProf. Dr. Anne Sanders, M.Jur
Associate Professor for Civil
and Comparative law
WORK EXPERIENCE Dates 2015 Organisation Council of Europe, Consultive Council of European Judges (CCJE) Position Expert for Opinion No 18 (2015) “The independence of the judiciary and its relations with the other powers in a modern democratic state” (working title), first CCJE expert appointed twice Dates 2015 EEEI (European Expertise & Experts Institute) German member in the jury of the EGLE-­‐Project that works on the establishment of common guidelines for judicial experts of cross-­‐border litigation Dates 2014 -­‐ 2015 Organisation Council of Europe, European Union Position Expert for evaluation of judges in the “Support to Efficiency of Justice” (SEJ) project in Albania. In the Explanatory notes on the “Draft Law on the Judges’ Performance Evaluation System in the Republic of Albania” the Albanian Ministry of Justice wrote about my report: “A thorough analysis on the evaluation system of judges has been conducted in the framework of the EU/Council of Europe "Support the Efficiency of Justice -­‐ SEJ" project, which resulted in a draft report on "Individual evaluation of judges in Albania ', the findings of which are reflected in the spirit and the content of the law.“
Dates 2014 Organisation Council of Europe, Consultive Council of European Judges (CCJE) Position Expert for Opinion No 17 (2014) “On the evaluation of judges’ work, the quality of justice and respect for judicial independence” Dates September 2013 – present Organisation Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität Bonn Bonn University Position Associate Professor Dates January 2012 – September 2013 Organisation University of Cologne, Germany Post doc, Lecturer Dates Organisation October 2009 – December 2011 Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany) 1
Rechts- und
Juniorprofessur für Zivilrecht
und Rechtsvergleichung
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Tel.: 0228/73-9252
Fax: 0228/73-9273
Bonn, 17.06.2015
Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn
Date Organisation Position Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (law clerk) for Justice Christine Hohmann-­‐Dennhardt (2009-­‐Feb. 2011, Feb. 2011-­‐
Dec. 2011 law clerk for Justice Gabriele Britz, Erster Senat (First Senate) www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de 2009-­‐2012 Federal Ministry for the Family, Women, the Youth and Elderly People Member of the Working Group for a Reform of the German Marital Property Law Dates Organisation Dates Organisation Dates Organisation Dates Organisation Dates Organisation Dates Organisation November 2006 – November 2008 Oberlandesgericht Köln (Court of Appeal of Cologne) Referendariat (two years of practical work and training before the Second State Examination). November 2006 – March 2007 clerk at the 7. Kammer für Handelssachen Landgericht Köln (7. Chamber for Commercial Cases at the High Court of Cologne) trainee of the chief judge. April 2007-­‐ June 2007 Clerk at the Staatsanwaltschaft Köln, Wirtschaftsstrafsachen (Public Prosecution Office Cologne, Unit White Collar Crime) Work as public prosecutor on small cases, trainee of the deputy head of unit July 2007-­‐September 2007 Stagiaire at the European Commission, Brussels, Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection, Unit B 4 (Head of Unit: Dirk Staudenmeyer) for legal, economic and other consumer interests. Work on the Common Frame of Reference, retail financial services and collective redress October 2007-­‐July 2008 Trainee Lawyer at Taylor Wessing LLP, Düsseldorf, Practice Group Private Client, work in the area of “Private Clientes”: family law, law of succession, law of charities, litigation August 2008 –October 2008 Law Commission, Team Property, Family and Trust Law, London, UK Dates Organisation Position Dates October 2002-­‐December 2004, University of Cologne, Institute for Civil Law, Company Law, Commercial Law, Labour Law and European Private Law (Prof. Dr. Barbara Dauner-­‐Lieb) Research and Teaching Assistant October 1998 – April 2002 2
Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn
Organisation Position Humboldt-­‐University, Berlin, Institute for Civil Law, Modern and Contemporary Legal History (Professor Dr Rainer Schröder) Student Assistant Doctorate Date Organisation Title of qualification 31 May 2007 University of Cologne Doctor iuris, PhD (Summa cum laude) Thesis: “Statischer Vertrag und dynamische Vertragsbeziehung – Wirksamkeits-­‐ und Ausübungskontrolle von Gesellschafts-­‐ und Eheverträgen” (Contracts for Developing Relationships – validity and enforceability of prenuptial agreements, articles of association, and partnership agreements”) published as Vol. 244, Schriften zum deutschen, europäischen und vergleichenden Zivil-­‐, Handels-­‐ und Prozessrecht, Gieseking Verlag, Bielefeld, 2008, 398 pages Reviewed by: Meder, NJW 2009, 133; Grziwotz, FamRZ 2009, 1206; Münch, DNotZ 2009, 236 Magister Juris Date Organisation Title of qualification July 2006, Graduation 4 November 2006 University of Oxford, Brasenose College, UK Subjects:Trusts (70), Restitution (68), Global Comparative Financial Law (70), Dissertation (67) Magister Juris (Distinction) Undergraduate -­‐ First State Exam Date Title of qualification Dates 17.6.2002 First State Examination (Erste Juristische Staatsprüfung) “good“ (12,19 points “gut”) rank 6 of 668 candidates October 1997 – July 2002 Studies of Law at the Humboldt-­‐University of Berlin Bar Exam – Second State Exam Date 3.12.2008 Title of qualification Second State Examination (Zweites Juristisches Staatsexamen), German practitioners’ exam. Qualification to practice as a judge, public prosecutor or advocate in Germany, mark: 10,72 points (“vollbefriedigend”), best 8% of the year. TEACHING EXPERIENCES Dates 2013-­‐215 3
Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn
Organisation Studientstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Foundation) Title; Subject “Recht als dynamischer Prozess” Gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Kolleg” Dates Organisation Title, Subject “Law in Development” four courses, each one week long on recent developments in the law, together with Professor Dauner-­‐Lieb and Professor Markus Ogorek Summer 2014, 2015 Bonn University Family Law – Basic Principles Dates Organisation Title, Subject Winter 2014/2015 Bonn University Family Law for Advanced Students Dates Organisation Title, Subject Winter 2013/2014 Bonn University Comparative Family Law Dates Organisation June 2012, 2013, 2014 University of Cologne, Duquesne School of Law Title, Subject Summer School Law in Europe, Corporate Law from a European and Constitutional Perspective Dates Organisation Title, Subject Dates Organisation Title, Subject October 2012-­‐February 2013, October 2013-­‐ February 2014 University of Cologne Family Law and the Law of Succession for Advanced Students Dates Organisation Ttle, Subject April 2012-­‐July 2012 University of Cologne Arbeitsgemeinschaft BGB AT, Schuldrecht AT, Contract law Dates Organisation Title, Subject January 2011 IRZ, Constitutional Court of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo Constitutional procedural law and practice at the German Federal Constitutional Court Dates Organisation May 2009 Lecturer for German Private Law for the DAAD German/Georgian LL.M. programme of the University of Cologne and the Ivane Javakhisvili State University, Tbilissi, Georgia November-­‐December 2012 University of Cologne Review Class for Exam Candidates 4
Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn
Title, Subject The German law of contract, tort, negatorio gestio and unjust enrichment Dates Organisation Title, Subject October 2002 – February 2005 University of Cologne Introduction to German Civil law, Lecture on the German law of contract, tort, property and unjust enrichment for ERASMUS and LL.M. students Committees/Positions (Selecetion) Dates 2013-­‐present Member of the Society of Family Law (Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Familienrecht) Dates 2012-­‐present Organisation Fellow of the Young Academy of the Academy for Science and Art of Nordrhein-­‐Westfalia (the young academia support 30 young researchers from all fields who work in Nordrhein-­‐
Westfalia Dates 2012-­‐present Organisation Member of the Society of Comparative Law (Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung) AWARDS (SELECTION) Date Organisation Type of award 2007 Ehrhardt-­‐Imelmann Award Award of the University of Cologne, € 5.000 awarded every five years by the Faculty of law of the University of Cologne for a PhD-­‐thesis Date Organisation Type of award 1999 ZEuP-­‐Preis (ZEuP =Journal for European Private Law) Annual award for the best student paper on legal history for the paper: “The Japanese Reception of European Private Law – A Model for the European Unification of Private Law?” SCHOLARSHIPS Date Organisation Type of scholarship Date Organisation 2012-­‐present Junges Kolleg der Nordrhein-­‐Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste (Academy of Arts and Science of the State of Nordrhein-­‐Westfalia), Mercator Stiftung, The State of Nordrhein-­‐Westfalia Member and Vice-­‐Spokesperson of the Junges Kolleg, an honour society that supports 30 young researchers from all academic disciplines working in Nordrhein-­‐Westfalia October 2009 – October 2011 Robert Bosch Stiftung 5
Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn
Type of scholarship Date Organisation Type of scholarship January 2008 Johanna-­‐und-­‐Fritz Buch Gedächtnis Stiftung Scholarship to support the publication of the PhD-­‐thesis (Durckkostenzuschuss) Date Organisation Type of scholarship 9/2005-­‐7/2006 Bucerius-­‐Foundation Scholarship granted to cover University and College fees and living expenses for the participation in the M.Jur.-­‐ programme of the University of Oxford. I was also offered scholarships from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service, www.daad.de) and the Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung Internationaler Forschungs-­‐ und Studienvorhaben (Hamburg-­‐Scholarship for International Studies and Research managed by the German National Academic Foundation) Date Organisation Type of scholarship Date Organisation Type of scholarship Fast-­‐Track Programme Excellence and Leadership for young women in science 12/2004-­‐7/2005 German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) see http://www.studienstiftung.de/english/index.html Research Scholarship to support work on PhD thesis 2/1999-­‐6/2002 German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) Undergraduate Scholarship LANGUAGES - German (native) - English (fluent) -
French (basic knowledge, Niveau 4/10 Eurocentre) - Japanese (basic knowledge, Japanese Language Proficiency Level 4, 1996) -
Russian school) Publications (selection) Original Title 1. Die Japanische Rezeption europäischen Zivilrechts -­‐ ein Modell für die europäische Rechtsvereinheitlichung?, ZEuP [2002] 96-­‐121 (basic knowledge, 3 years at English translation The Japanese Reception of European Private Law – A Model for the European Unification of Private Law? In: ZEuP (Journal for European Private Law edited by Prof. Reinhard Zimmerman et all) 6
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2. Die Ausdehnung der Durchbruchsregel auf Mehrstimmrechte -­‐ ein verfassungsrechtliches Problem?, Der Konzern [2003] 178-­‐185 3. Eheverträge, was hat noch Bestand? FF [2003] 117-­‐118 (zusammen mit Dauner-­‐Lieb) 4. Eheverträge -­‐ wenn es anders kommt als gedacht, ZFE [2003] 200-­‐202 5. Die untreue Hausfrau. Zugleich Anmerkung zu BVerfG, B. v. 20.05.2003 -­‐ 1 BvR 237/99 -­‐, ZFE [2003] 324-­‐326 6. Eheleitbilder, Ehemotive und Eheverträge im Spiegel der Literatur In: Festschrift für RA Dr. Ingrid Groß, Bonn (2004) 39-­‐60 (mit Dauner-­‐Lieb) 7. Ein bisschen sittenwidrig? – Rechtsfolgen der Sittenwidrigkeit von Eheverträgen, FF [2004] 249-­‐
251 The Expansion of the Break Through Rule on Multiple Voting Rights – a Constitutional Problem? (with Jörg Schumacher) Prenuptial Agreements – What Will Endure? In: FF (Forum Family Law) 2003 (with Prof. Dauner-­‐Lieb) Prenuptial Agreements – If Everything Changes The Unfaithful Housewife – Case note on the Federal th
Constitutional Court´ s decision of May 20 2003 Concepts, Motives and Contracts: Marriage in Literature In: Essays in honour of Dr Ingrid Groß, Bonn 2004, (with Professor Dauner-­‐Lieb) A Little Immoral? – Legal Consequences of Unconscionable Prenuptial Agreements, FF 2004, quoted by the Federal Supreme Court (BGH) in 2005 8. Die Verletzung ehelicher Pflichten und ihre Folgen, Legal Consequences of Marriage and Their Legal FF [2005] 12-­‐19 Consequences 9. Unwissende Ehegatten -­‐ Sittenwidrigkeit und Ignorant Spouses -­‐ Immorality and Duties of Disclosure at Aufklärungspflichten beim Abschluss von the Conclusion of Prenuptial Agreements Eheverträgen, FuR [2005] 104 -­‐ 112. 10. Abdingbare Teilhabe -­‐ unabdingbare Sharing or Needs? Limits of Prenuptial Agreements with Verantwortung? Grenzen güterrechtlicher respect to the waiver of rights to marital property (with Vereinbarungen im Lichte der Rechtsprechung des Professor Dauner-­‐Lieb) BVerfG und des BGH", FPR [2005] 141 -­‐ 146 (zusammen mit Dauner-­‐Lieb) 11. Einführung in das japanische Recht, in: Humboldt Introduction to Japanese Law, Humboldt Forum Recht Forum Recht HFR 2005/6 http://www.humboldt-­‐
2005 forum-­‐recht.de/6-­‐2005/index.html http://www.humboldt-­‐forum-­‐recht.de/6-­‐
2005/index.html 12. Schwangere Braut und Karrierefrau, FF [2006] Pregnant Bride and Career Woman – Case note on two 242 -­‐ 245 decisions of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) of th
May 25 2005 13. § 817 BGB und der heimliche Vater, FF [2007] Illegality, Unjust Enrichment and the Secret Father, 158 -­‐ 160 14. Teilweise sittenwidrig? -­‐ Zur Teilnichtigkeit von Partly Immoral? – Void Prenuptial Agreements Eheverträgen insbesondere von Güterstandsvereinbarungen, FPR [2007] 205 -­‐ 21 15. The Mystery of Public Benefit, CL&PR (Charity Law and Practice Review, London) Vol. 10/2 (2007) 33-­‐57 16. German and English Public Benefit, CL&PR (Charity Law and Practice Review, London), Vol 10/3 7
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(2008) 27-­‐52 17. Statischer Vertrag und dynamische Vertragsbeziehung – Wirksamkeits-­‐ und Ausübungskontrolle von Gesellschafts-­‐ und Eheverträgen, Band 244, Schriften zum deutschen, europäischen und vergleichenden Zivil-­‐, Handels-­‐ und Prozessrecht, Gieseking Verlag, Bielefeld, 2008 Erhardt-­‐Imelmann-­‐Preis der Universität zu Köln 2007 Besprochen von Prof. Dr. Meder in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 3/2009,133 “Anne Sanders hat ein überzeugendes Modell entwicklungsorientierter Vertragskontrolle konzipiert. Die Lektüre ihres inhaltlich anspruchsvollen und flüssig geschriebenen Werks ist jedem zu empfehlen, der sich mit Grundsatzfragen des modernen Vertragsrechts befasst” Weiter besprochen von Grziwotz, FamRZ 2009, 1206 f. Sowie Münch, DNotZ 2009, 236 Static Contract and Dynamic Contractual Relationship – Formation and Enforcement of Prenuptial Agreements and Company Contracts published as Vol. 244, Schriften zum deutschen, europäischen und vergleichenden Zivil-­‐, Handels-­‐ und Prozessrecht, Gieseking Verlag, Bielefeld, 2008, 398 pages Erhadt-­‐Imelmann-­‐Award of the University of Cologne 2007 Reviewed by Professor S Meder in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (the biggest German legal journal, total number of copies 43,000 each edition, read by approximately 100,000 readers) “Anne Sanders has developed a convincing model of judicial control. This elegantly written and challenging book is recommended to everyone who is interested in the big questions of modern contract law” Reviewed by Dr Dr Grziwotz, FamRZ (Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht, Journal for Family Law, most important German family law journal Dr Münch, DNotZ 2009, 236 18. Statischer Vertrag und dynamische Static Contract and Dynamic Contractual Relationship Vertragsbeziehung, Lecture at the ceremony in honour of the PhD students Akademischer Festvortrag zur Doktorandenfeier der of the faculty of law of the University of Cologne, January th
juristische Fakultät der Universität zu Köln am 25 2008 25.1.2008, in: Verein zur Förderung der Rechtswissenschaft (Hrsg.) Fakultätsspiegel der Universität zu Köln Wintersemester 2007/2008, Köln, 17-­‐21 19. Eine Lanze für die Teilhabe im ehelichen Arguments in favour of marital property distribution Güterrecht in: Bundesfamilienministerium, Max-­‐Planck-­‐Institut Published by the German Ministry of Family, Max-­‐Planck-­‐
für ausländisches und internationales Sozialrecht Institute for Foreign and international Social law (Hrsg), Forschungsreihe Band 3, Dokumentation der Tagung: „Familienrollenbilder in Europa“, 4-­‐
6.10.2007, Villa Vigoni, Italien, 99-­‐113, Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden, 2008 20. Die geplante Hausfrau – Anmerkung zum Urteil A prearranged housewife -­‐ – Case note on the decision th
des BGH vom 9.7.2008 ZR XII 6/07 of the German Federal Supreme Court of July 9 2008, 8
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FF 2009, 111-­‐113 21. Familie als Wirtschaftseinheit -­‐ Privatautonomie im Familienrecht und Parallelen zum Gesellschaftsrecht in: Bundesfamilienministerium, Max-­‐Planck-­‐Institut für ausländisches und internationales Sozialrecht (Hrsg), Dokumentation der Tagung: “Rollenleitbilder und –Realitäten in Europa: Rechtliche, ökonomische und kulturelle Dimensionen” 20-­‐22.10.2008 Villa Vigoni, Italien, Baden-­‐Baden, 2009, 161-­‐178 22. Kommentierung §§ 1582-­‐1585c BGB in Dauner-­‐
Lieb/Heidel/Ring (Hrsg.) Nomos Kommentar zum BGB, 3. Auflage, 2014 23. Das neue Charity Law in England – Englisches und deutsches Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht im Vergleich, ZSt (Zeitschrift für Stiftungswesen) 2009, 80-­‐89 24. Anmerkung zum Urteil des BGH vom 18.3.2009, FF 2009, 209-­‐210 25. Private Autonomy and Marital Property Agreements, ICLQ 59 (2010) 571-­‐603 July 2010, peer reviewed 26. Vermögensausgleich bei Solidargemeinschaften: Trust, Ehegatteninnengesellschaft und Bereicherungsrecht in Deutschland und England, ZEuP 1/2011 65-­‐92 27. Die neue Ehevertragsfreiheit in England und ihre Grenzen -­‐ Radmacher v. Granatino, NJW 4/2011, 182-­‐186 28. Das Ehebild des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zwischen Gleichberechtigung, nichtehelicher Lebensgemeinschaft und Lebenspartnerschaft, in Emmenegger/Wiedmann (Hrsg.) Leitlinien der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, Berlin 2011, p. 359-­‐372 29.Eheschließung Gleichgeschlechtlicher: Noch nicht, aber bald? Zur Entscheidung Schalk und Kopf v. Österreich des EGMR, StAZ 6/2011, p. 175-­‐179 30. Marriage, Same-­‐Sex Partnership, and the German Constitution, 13 German Law Journal 911-­‐
940 (2012), peer reviewed http://www.germanlawjournal.com/index.php?page
ID=11&artID=1448 31. Auf dem Weg zur Ehe: Lebenspartnerschaften vor dem BVerfG – zugleich Anmerkung zu den ZR XII 6/07 The family – an economic entity? Freedom of contract in family-­‐ and company law Published by the German Ministry of Family, Max-­‐
Planck-­‐Institute for Foreign and international Social law Commentary on sections 1582-­‐1585c BGB in: Dauner-­‐Lieb et all (eds), Nomos Komemntar on the German Civil Code, 3rd edition, 2014 The new English charity law: A comparative view on English and German charities law ZSt (journal for charity law), 2009, 80-­‐89 Case note on the decision of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) 18.3.2009, FF 209-­‐210 The distribution of family property: trust, partnerships and unjust enrichment in Germany and England The new freedom of marriage contract in England and its limits – Radmacher v. Granatino, a decision by the UK Supreme Court The notion of marriage in the case law of the German Federal Constitutional Court between gender equality, cohabitation of unmarried couples and civil partnership Case note about the ECHR decision Schalk und Kopf v. Austria Case note about two decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning same sex partnerships 9
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Beschlüssen des BVerfG v. 19.6.2012 – 2 BvR 1379/09 und v. 18.7.2012 – 1 BvL 16/11 FF 2012, p. 391-­‐395 32. Anmerkung zu BVerfG Urteil vom 11.7.2012 – 1 BvR 3142/07, 1569/08 -­‐ Delisting, JZ 2012, 1070-­‐
1073 33. „Absence of Basis: A German Perspective“ in: Restitution of Overpaid Tax, Steven Elliott, Birke Häcker and Charles Mitchell (eds) Oxford: Hart 2013, p. 213-­‐237 34. Lernlust statt Examensfrust – Strategien und Tipps erfolgreicher Absolventen, JuS 4/2013, 380-­‐
384 35. Inhaltskontrolle eines Ehevertrages bei geänderten Verhältnissen – zugleich Anmerkung zum Urteil des BGH vom 31.10.2012 – XII ZR 129/10 – erscheint demnächst in FF 2013, 239-­‐243 36. Ehegattensplitting für Lebenspartner vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht, NJW 2013, 2236-­‐2239 37. Familie mit Kind: Die Sukzessivadoption von Lebenspartnerschaften vor dem BVerfG, FF 2013, S. 350-­‐355 38. Nuptial Agreement and the Notion of Contract: A. Popovici, R. Tremblay and L. Smith (Hrsg) Les intraduisibles en droit civil, (Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 2014) (peer reviewed) 39. Cohabitants in Private Law: Trust, Frustration and Unjust Enrichment in England, Germany, and Canada, 2013 ICLQ 629-­‐665 (peer reviewed) Case note about a decision of the of the Federal Constitutional Court 11.7.2012 – 1 BvR 3142/07, 1569/08 – concerning the influence on constitutional law on corporate law (Delisting) Learning strategies for Law Students, JuS 2013, p. 380-­‐
384 Prenuptial agreements in changing circumstances, Case note, FF 2013, 239-­‐243 Income taxes, civil partnerships and the Federal Constitutional Court, forthcoming NJW 2013 Family with child: Case note on a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court on the Rights of homosexual couples to adopt children, 2013 40. Kämpfer für das Recht oder Querulant – Unbequeme Parteien im Spiegel der Literatur, in FS Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Gerd Brudermüller, München, 2014, S. 631-­‐642 41. Company Law and the Law of Succession in: Martin Schmidt-­‐-­‐-­‐Kessel (Hrsg) German National Reports on the 19th International Congress of Comparative Law, Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung e.V., Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtsvereinheitlichung 24, Tübingen, 2014, 461-­‐
517 Unpleasant Parties in Literature, forthcoming in a collection of essays in honour of Judge Gerd Brudermüller, 2014 10
Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn