US DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES baterías deep cycle
US DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES baterías deep cycle
ERIES US DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES baterías deep cyclee - uss %:/0&6301&%FFQ $ZDMF CBUUFSJFT BSF B OFDFTTJUZ GPS BQQMJDBUJPOT XIJDI SFRVJSF EFFQ EJTDIBSHFT PG UIF CBUUFSJFT MJLF FMFDUSJDBM TDJTTPS MJGUT BFSJBM EFWJDFT JOEVTUSJBM DMFBOJOH NBDIJOFT y %ZOP &VSPQF VTFT IJHI EFOTJUZ PYJEF UP DSFBUF B GJSNFS DPIFTJPO PG UIF BDUJWF NBUFSJBM XIJDI SFTVMUT JO B MPOHFS CBUUFSZ MJGF JO TQJUF PG EFFQ EJTDIBSHFT %:/0&6301&64%&&1$:$-&#"55&3*&($$ $ZDMJOH"NQ%JTDIBSHFUPWQDDFMM5FTUSFTVMUMJGFDZMFT4"&DZDMFT%*/ -*'&$:$-&4 4"& -BT CBUFSÓBT %:/0 &6301& %FFQ $ZDMF TPO VOB OFDFTJEBE QBSB BQMJDBDJPOFT RVF FYJHFO EFTDBSHBT QSPGVOEBT DPNP DBSSFUJMMBT FMFWBEPSBT DBNJPOFT DPO FTDBMFSB NÈRVJOBT EF MJNQJF[B FUD %ZOP &VSPQF VUJMJ[B VO ØYJEP EF BMUB EFOTJEBE QBSB DSFBS VOB DPIFTJØO NÈT GVFSUF EFM NBUFSJBM BDUJWP RVF SFTVMUB FO VOB WJEB NÈT MBSHB QFTF B EFTDBSHBT QSPGVOEBT %*/ %ZOP&VSPQF($$ $PNQFUJUPS %ZOP&VSPQF%FFQDZDMF %FFQDZDMFDPNQFUJUPS 4FNJUSBDUJPO M24D(H) W M24D(H)-W 57 WWW.BATTERYSUPPLIES.BE $ZDMFT M27D(H) W M27D(H)-W 30H W 30H-W SSW W SSW-W SSWH W SSWH-W GC2C W GC2C-W GC2B W GC2B-W US DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES BATERÍAS DEEP CYCLE - US V REF "II "II 3$ ) : 9 X 25: 1"--&5 ,( -":065 10-&4 10-04 130 &:& Y ) " UT / 6DCS195 GC2C-W 181 " UT / GC2B-W 132 181 " UT / GC2H-W 210 181 " UT Y S3H-W 301 180 " UT / S3HH-W 228 301 180 " UT / S4H-W 180 " UT Y S4HH-W 280 180 " UT Y L16-W 210 180 " UT Y L16H-W 320 180 " UT Y 8VGC-W 8 181 283 B UT Y M24D-W 12 283 238 B UT Y M24DH-W 12 283 238 " UT Y M27D-W 12 238 B UT Y M27DH-W 12 238 B UT Y 30H-W 12 32 B UT Y 31H-W 12 110 238 32 B UT Y 4DCS118-W 12 130 283 $ UT Y SSW-W 12 18 $ %1 Y SSWH-W 12 210 110 18 $ %1 Y POLES -POLOS " 8/ 8OM %1 %5 65 LAYOUT L W (A) GC2H W GC2H-W L W S3H W S3H-W (B) S3HH W S3HH-W W (C) S4H W S4H-W W S4HH W S4HH-W L (D) L16 W L16-W W (E) L16H W L16H-W 58 DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES BATERÍAS DEEP CYCLE 4 3 6 3 2 5 We put more in our Deep-Cycle batteries... so you can get more out of it... better performances, higher productivity and less maintenance. Hemos puesto más en nuestras baterías de ciclo profundo... para que pueda sacar más de ella... mejor rendimiento, mayor productividad y menos mantenimiento. 1) Z3 Plate Construction : 5IF ; QMBUF EFTJHO DPN CJOFT GPVS JOUFHSBUFE GFBUVSFT GPS TVQFSJPS QFSGPSN BODF BOE EVSBCJMJUZ 5IF TJHOBUVSF i%JBNPOE ;w HSJE BSDIJUFDUVSF "O JOTFU MVH QPTJUJPO 5IF FYDMVTJWF BDUJWF QBTUF NBUFSJBM )FBWZ%VUZ o DPOTUSVDUJPO NPSF MFBE NPSF QPXFS 1) Construcción enrejado Z3 : &M EJTF×P EF MB QMBDB ; DPNCJOB DVBUSP GVODJPOFT JOUFHSBEBT QBSB VO SFOEJNJFOUP Z EVSBCJMJEBE TVQFSJPS -B BSRVJUFDUVSB i%JBNPOE ;w FTQFDJBMNFOUF EFTBSSPMMBEB 1PTJDJØO EFM QVFOUF EF DPOFYJØO 1BTUB SFWPMVDJPOBSJP "DUJWF -JGF 1MVT )FBWZ%VUZ $POTUSVDDJØO `NÈT QMPNP NÈT QPUFODJB 2) Posi-Wrap Envelope Separators 1PTJ8SBQ TFQBSBUPST SFEVDF NBJOUFOBODF BOE QSF WFOU GBJMVSF EVFU P TIPSU DJSDVJUJOH BOE QMBUF TISFE EJOH FOTVSJOH SFMJBCJMJUZ BOE EVSBCJMJUZ 3) Rigid Connectors )FBWZ EVUZ 551 $04 BOE 1PTU DPOOFDUPST EFMJWFS NBYJNVN FMFDUSJDBM FGGJDJFODZ BOE EVSBCJMJUZ 4) Pro-eye level indicator " TJNQMF TBGF BOE SFMJBCMF TZTUFN GPS JOTQFDUJOH FMFDUSPMZUF MFWFMT UIBU TJHOBMT XIFO XBUFSJOH JT SFRVJSFE 5) X-TEND Container Design 95FOE QSPWJEFT NPSF FMFDUSPMZUF BCPWF UIF CBUUFSZ QMBUFT TP CBUUFSJFT DBO QFSGPSN MPOHFS CFUXFFO XBUFSJOH JOUFSWBMT 6) Good handles "M PVS EFFQDZDMFT BSF FRVJQQFE XJUI IBOEMFT PS IPJTUJOH IPPLT XIJDI FBTFT UIF MJGUJOH PG UIF CBU UFSJFT 59 WWW.BATTERYSUPPLIES.BE 1 2) Posi-Wrap Separadores &TUPT TFQBSBEPSFT SFEVDFO FM NBOUFOJNJFOUP Z FWJUBO DPSUPDJSDVJUPT BTFHVSBOEP MB EVSBCJMJEBE EF MB CBUFSÓB 3) Conectores rígidos y terminales $POFDUPSFT )FBWZ%VUZ 551 $04 Z UFSNJOBMFT EBO VOB FGJDJFO DJB FMÏDUSJDB NÈYJNB Z EVSBCJMJEBE 4) Indicador de nivel Pro-eye 6O TJTUFNB TJNQMF TFHVSP Z GJBCMF QBSB DPOUSPMBS MPT OJWFMFT EF FMFDUSPMJUPT 5) Diseño de contenedores X-tend $PO FTUPT DPOUFOFEPSFT IBZ NÈT FMFDUSPMJUP QPS FODJNB EF MBT QMBDBT EF MB CBUFSÓB EF FTB NBOFSB MBT CBUFSÓBT GVODJPOBO EVSBOUF NÈT UJFNQP TJO MMFOBSMBT 6) Manijas rígidas 5PEBT OVFTUSBT CBUFSÓBT EF DJDMP QSPGVOEB FTUÈO FRVJQBEPT DPO BTBT P HBODIPT EF J[BEP RVF GBDJMJ UBO FM MFWBOUBNJFOUP EF MBT QJMBT DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES BATERÍAS DEEP CYCLE PRO-EYE Nobody produces Deep-cycle so powerful, so strong and so heavy... Nobody... Nadie produce baterías de ciclo profundo tan poderoso, tan fuerte y tan pesado... Nadie... Because nobody invests in the heaviest, strongest and thickest plates that exist in the world of the Deep-cycle batteries. Porque nadie invierte en las placas más pesadas, más fuertes y más gruesas que existen en el mundo de las baterías de ciclo profundo. Our plates are minimum 10% thicker than the plates of our competitors! ¡Nuestras placas son al menos un 10% más gruesas que las placas de nuestros competidores! This combined with the characteristics of “PROeye” and the “Low Maintenance Container”, you receive a battery that lasts longer and performs better than any other brand: that’s what we guarantee you! Esto en combinación con las características de “PROeye” y “ Low Maintenance Container”, y reciba una batería con una vida más larga y un mejor rendimiento que cualquier otra marca: ¡es lo que le garantizamos! Battery life (cycles) of a traction battery (pos. Tubular plates & Deep Cycle) in relation to the depth of the discharge La vida (en ciclos) de una batería de tracción (placas tubulares pos. & Deep Cycle) en relación con la profundidad de la descarga 1&3$&/5"(&0'$"1"$*5:"7"*-"#-& %FQUI PG %$)( /P PG DZDMF %*/ -JGF TQBO ZFBS 80 20 3200 %0% %0% %0% %0% /6.#&30'$:$-&4 New UT terminals Nuevas terminales UT $PSSPTJPO BOE EBNBHF PG UIF UFSNJOBMT SFTVMU JO CBE QFSGPSNBODFT PG UIF CBUUFSZ BOE UIF EFWJDF 5IF NPTU GSFRVFOU QSPCMFNT JTTVF GSPN CBE NBJO UFOBODF FYQPTVSF UP BDJE WJCSBUJPOT BOE B CBE NBOJQVMBUJPO PG UIF CBUUFSZ -B DPSSPTJØO Z MPT EB×PT EF UFSNJOBMFT SFTVMUBO FO NBMPT TFSWJDJPT EF MB CBUFSÓB Z FM EJTQPTJUJWP -PT QSPCMFNBT NÈT GSFDVFOUFT SFTVMUBO EF NBM NBO UFOJNJFOUP MB FYQPTJDJØO BM ÈDJEP MBT WJCSBDJPOFT Z VOB NBMB NBOJQVMBDJØO EF MB CBUFSÓB 5IBOLT UP UIF OFX i65w UFSNJOBMT BMM UIJT QSPCMFNT BSF FMJNJOBUFE the terminals are more robust and better resistant to corrosion and short-circuit. 8JUI UIJT OFX EFWFMPQNFOU ZPVS %FFQ$ZDMF CBUUFS JFT XJMM QFSGPSN CFUUFS BOE IBWF B MPOHFS MJGF TQBO JO UIF XPSTU XPSLJOH DPOEJUJPOT (SBDJBT B MBT OVFWBT UFSNJOBMFT i65w TF FMJNJOBO UPEPT FTUPT QSPCMFNBT los terminales son más robustos y mejor resistentes a la corrosión y a cortocircuitos. `(SBDJBT B FTUF OVFWP EFTBSSPMMP TVT CBUFSÓBT EF DJDMP QSPGVOEP IBSÈO NFKPSFT QSFTUBDJPOFT Z UFOESÈO VOB WJEB NÈT MBSHB FO MBT QFPSFT DPOEJDJPOFT EF USBCBKP 60 DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES BATERÍAS DEEP CYCLE Deep Cycle Battery Comparison Battery Profile Description Ah RC Flooded Plate Lug to Collector Inner-Cell Positive Negative Separator Carrying Liquid Level Capacity Minutes Weight Bar Fusion Method Connection Type Plate Design Plate Design Type Handle Indicator Framed Inset Rubber Leaf Type Removable None Framed Inset Rubber Leaf Type Removable None Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Removable Yes 6 Volt, 220 Ah Golf Cart Battery Profile dyno europe GC2C 225 115 @ 75 29.1 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset 6 Volt, 235 Ah Golf Cart Battery Profile dyno europe GC2B 235 125 @ 75 32,2 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset 6 Volt, 245 Ah Tall Golf Cart Battery Profile dyno europe GC2H 245 145 @ 75 32,6 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset 6 Volt, 250 Ah Battery Profile S3H 250 140 @ 75 32,7 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Removable None S3HH 275 155 @ 75 34,9 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Removable None S4H 305 175 @ 75 41,7 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes S4HH 325 196 @ 75 45,8 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes L16 350 210 @ 75 51,4 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes L16H 395 225 @ 75 55,3 Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Removable None dyno europe 6 Volt, 305 Ah Battery Profile dyno europe 6 Volt, 350 Ah Battery Profile dyno europe 8 Volts , 165 Ah Golf cart Battery Pofile dyno europe 8VGC 165 85@75 29,1 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset 12 Volts BCI Group 24 Battery Profile M24D 75 110 @ 25 20.0 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes M24DH 85 140 @ 25 22.2 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes M27DH 105 130 @ 25 23.1 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes M27DH 115 170 @ 25 26.3 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes 31H 140 200 @ 25 29.9 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes SSW 185 90 @ 75 54.9 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes SSWH 210 110 @ 75 59.4 Kgs Inverted Automatic COS Through Partition Framed Inset Framed Inset Posi-Wrap w/Glass Fixed Handle Yes dyno europe 12 Volts BCI Group 27 Battery Profile dyno europe 12 Volts BCI Group 31 Battery Profile dyno europe Through Partition Framed Inset 12 Volt, 185 Ah Battery Profile dyno europe 61 Plate Lug to Collector Bar Fusion Method Inverted Automatic COS Inner-Cell Connection Type Through Partition Plate Design Framed Inset Plate Design posi-wrap w/glass The plates are inverted and automatically welded into a basin. So there is no danger that there is lead between the plates (causes damage to the battery). Las placas son invertidas y soldadas automáticamente en una alberca por lo que no hay riesgo de defectos de las baterías. WWW.BATTERYSUPPLIES.BE The shortest sides between the plates. More lead is used for the capacity storage. Less internal resistance. Los lados más cortos entre las placas. Se utiliza más plomo para el almacenamiento de la capacidad. Menos resistencia interna. The connexion is located at the centre of the plates for a better energy flow. Also less sensitive to breakage. La conexión está en el centro de la placa para un mejor flujo de la energía. También es menos frágil; se rompe más dificilmente. Separator reinforced with glass fibre. Stronger and more resistant to vibration than a non reinforced rubber separator. Splitter reforzado de fibra de vidrio. Cuento de vibraciones fuertes y más resistentes frente a un separador de caucho reforzado. DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES BATERÍAS DEEP CYCLE BAT/20016: Handle / Asa OPTION Save time, batteries and moneyy : use the automatic water filling system. Reference list on demand. Ahorre tiempo, pilas y dinero : utilice el sistema de llenado automático de agua. La lista de referencia a petición. BAT/21157: Quick Release Ø 32 BAT/38794 RED Ø 30 BAT/38792 RED Ø 26 BAT/38788 RED Ø 24 BAT/38784 RED Ø 20 BAT/38780 RED BAT/38796 BLACK BAT/38285 BLACK BAT/38790 BLAC BLACK BAT/38786 BLACK BAT/38782 LACK 62