

China is Guest at the ProWein Trade Fair
A total wine consumption of 14 million hectolitres and growth rates of 73%
among the wine importing companies1 – China makes increasingly great
strides to join the top nations on the international wine market and is highly
visible at ProWein, the leading international trade fair for wines and spirits, in
When you think of top wines, you think of countries like Germany, France, Italy or Spain. For
a long time, China did not really play a role either as a wine importing or a wine exporting
country. But the fact that the most populous country of the world increasingly establishes
itself as a wine nation has been on the horizon for some time and is increasingly reflected in
current statistics. The organisers of ProWein, the leading international trade fair for wines
and spirits, also feel this trend, as China extends its presence at the fair.
China as a wine producer
It is hard to identify the country where wine actually comes from. There is no doubt, however,
that researchers found a more than 9000-year-old vessel with fermented grape residue in
China.2 The foundations of modern Chinese wine production were laid by Zhang Bisi, the
successful entrepreneur3, who set up the “Zhang Yu Wine Company” in 1892, a company
now known by its present name Changyu. Economically, the company fell on hard times
especially during the civil wars. Today it is the biggest wine producer in the People‘s
Republic of China. 4
Wines from China often have to overcome prejudices regarding their taste and quality. But
meanwhile, some of them have joined the ranks of the world’s top wines. This success is
Weinwirtschaft [Wine Industry]: China wächst zweitstellig [Chinese double-digit growth], in Edition 12/2012
Höschgen, Eva: In China war´s schon vor 9000 Jahren feucht-fröhlich [Merrymaking was the Custom already
9.000 Years ago in China]. Available at: http://www.wissenschaft.de/wissenschaft/news/247209.html [as of 13
June 2012], http://www.pfalz.ihk24.de/international/Greater_China/China/China__Services/Analysen_und_Branchenberichte/581268/Weinmarkt_China.html [13 June2013]
Martin, Bernd: Grenzüberschreitende Identitäten: Nationalismus und Chinesische Diaspora [Trans-border
identities: nationalism and Chinese diaspora]. In: Rehbein, Boike; Rüland, Jürgen; Schlehe, Judith (ed.),
Identitätsbildung und Interkulturalität in Asien. Multidisziplinäres Mosaik [Identity building and interculturality
in Asia. A multidisciplinary mosaic]. Lit Verlag, Berlin, 2006, pp. 73-93.
Shiyun, Wu: Changyu und seine internationale Weingut-Allianz [Changyu and its international vineyards
alliance], Available at: http://german.cri.cn/1833/2012/04/02/1s174318.htm [as of 13 June 2012],
Capital China: Der China-Aktienbrief. Changyu [The Chinese Shares Newsletter. Changyu]. Available at:
http://www.capitalchina.de/?xmls=German/web/newsshow.html&id=216, [as of 17 June 2012]
primarily due to a steady professionalisation of Chinese vineyards. And in recent years, the
Chinese have increasingly imported expertise, i.e. mostly oenological consultants and highly
trained winemakers from European countries. Chinese wine producers celebrated an initial
major success, when Cathay Pacific, the Chinese airline, served red wine from China to its
first-class passengers from December 2008 to February 2009.5
In September 2011, a Chinese wine was the first to win a prize at the Decanter World Wine
Awards, an important international competition. The winner in the “Red Bordeaux Varietal
over £ 10” category was the 2009 vintage of the Jia-Bei-Lan Cabernet Cuvée from the He
Lan Qing Xue winery. The jury found this red wine to be “supple, graceful and ripe but not
flashy, with excellent length and four square tannins“.
Chinese consumer power
China‘s wine consumption is growing steadily. With 14.3 million hectolitres in 2010, the
People‘s Republic currently ranks no. 5 worldwide. And the country’s winegrowing acreage is
at the same level.6 Irrespective of its large domestic winegrowing acreage, China has also
developed into an important and exciting market for wine imports by international suppliers.
In 2011, the share of imported wines (in bottles) was 17% of total wine consumption - which
corresponds to approx. 241 million litres. And a 65% increase between 2010 and 2011.7 In
the first half of 2012, Chinese wine imports reached a new record high: 200 million litres of
wine were imported with this figure corresponding to an increase by 12% year-on-year.8 The
Chinese buy most of their imported wine from France, our European neighbour, followed by
Australia. Market researchers from the Dutch Rabobank think that the average price the
Chinese are willing to pay for French wines is particularly remarkable. After a plus of 20%
year-on-year, this price now stands at USD 5.99. 9
Firlus, Thorsten: Rotwein. Chinesen mischen den Weinmarkt auf [Red wine. The Chinese boost the wine
market], in: Wirtschafts Woche, Available at: http://www.wiwo.de/politik/ausland/rotwein-chinesen-mischenden-weinmarkt-auf/6193226.html [as of 13 June 2012]
Deutsches Weininstitut [German Wine Institute] (a): Deutscher Wein. Statistik 2011/2012 [German Wine.
Statistics 2011/2012]. Available at: http://www.deutscheweine.de/icc/Internet-DE/med/dad/dad858bb-39533100-6c0c-f16f135e25d9,11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111.pdf.
Weinwirtschaft [Wine Industry]: China wächst zweitstellig [Chinese double-digit growth], in Edition 12/2012
Marketwatch: Rabobank Report: China Wine Market – „Mind the gap“,Available at:
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/rabobank-report-china-wine-market-mind-the-gap-2012-05-29 [29 May
Weinwirtschaft [Wine Industry]: Import stark gewachsen [Strong import growth]. Available at:
http://weinwirtschaft.de/19284716-aWQ9MjM4MjUwMzc-~Redesign2010~Aktuell~meldungen_detail.html [as
of 20 August 2012]
Weinwirtschaft [Wine Industry]: China wächst zweitstellig [Chinese double-digit growth], in Edition 12/2012
German wines are also very popular on this Far East market. Between 2002 and 2009, wine
imports from Germany to China increased by 886.7 %.10 According to the data of the German
Wine Institute (Deutsches Weininstitut), exports to China showed a value increase by 19%
and held position no. 8 among the most important export markets for German wines in 2011 replacing Japan as the most important Asian export market of previous years.11
In spring of this year, ProWein published the results of an international study on the “Ideal
Wine” it had commissioned from Wine Intelligence, the London-based market research
company. The study analysed the attributes, which are of special significance for consumers.
And to what extent consumer preferences vary from country to country. For this study, the
British researchers interviewed wine consumers in the United Kingdom, the United States of
America, Germany and China on topics such as price, packaging, favoured grape variety and
preferred alcohol content.
The international trend goes to wines with lower alcohol contents. China is no exception
here. According to the study, 91% of the surveyed Chinese wine consumers pay attention to
the alcohol content when purchasing wine, and most Chinese consumers prefer wines with
alcohol contents in a range between 8.5 and 10.5%.12
Red wines are most popular in China. 79% of the survey’s participants opt for their country‘s
traditional “lucky colour”. Their preferred grape variety is Cabernet Sauvignon. Lagging far
behind were rosé wines (Cabernet Sauvignon rosé) with 10%; white wines (Chardonnay)
play an even smaller role. Next to the colour of the wine, which is very important for the
purchasing decision of 94% of the survey’s participants, their decision to buy is primarily
determined by packaging (100%) and price (98%).
IHK Pfalz [Palatinate Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce]: Volksrepublik China –
Branchenberichte. Weinmarkt China [The People’s Republic of China – Industry Reports. The Chinese Wine
Market]. In: IHK Pfalz online. Available at:
http://www.pfalz.ihk24.de/international/Greater_China/China/China__Services/Analysen_und_Branchenberichte/581268/Weinmarkt_China.html [as of 13 June 2012]
Deutsches Weininstitut [German Wine Institute] (b): Weinexporte 2011 nach kleiner Ernte
erwartungsgemäß gesunken [2011 Wine exports fall as expected following a small harvest]. Available at:
http://www.deutscheweine.de/icc/Internet-DE/nav/eb8/eb8708fd-e785-7401-be59267b48205846&uCon=83e5e1e0-e0eb-5318-0ca3-ed46f135e25d&uTem=d5304ee7-4f03-d212-517b6624c41ed8b2&currentpage=3 [27 February2012]
Wine Intelligence 2012: What is your ideal wine? Research in the UK, USA, Germany and China, Reporting for
ProWein, 2012.
China and the ProWein trade fair
The Chinese continue to expand their trade relations to position themselves as attractive
business partners and a lucrative import market. ProWein, the industry’s annual leading
trade fair in Düsseldorf, offers an ideal platform. International experts have met for
transnational discussions and transactions at this leading trade fair for wines and spirits since
1994. In March, the ProWein 2012 trade fair brought together almost 4,000 exhibitors from
approx. 50 countries and more than 40,000 trade visitors from around the world. All
internationally relevant winegrowing nations were represented, and Chinese wines were also
shown at the trade fair, just like Moutai, the traditional Chinese luxury spirit, which was
presented to international trade visitors at the joint exhibition stand of Guizhou province. And
we expect both Chinese producers (as exhibitors) and numerous trading and importing
companies from the “Middle Kingdom” in Düsseldorf for the next ProWein event.
At the same time, the ProWein trade fair also takes a big step to the Far East. In a
cooperation with Meininger Verlag, the Düsseldorf organisers host a high-level tasting and
seminar programme in the wine Hall of the “Wine & Spirits” fair at FHC China 2012, China‘s
leading specialist fair for imported foods. On approx. 500 square metres in the “ProWein
Tasting Zone”, Chinese importers have an opportunity to taste approx. 300 international
wines, which have all won prizes at the international ‘MUNDUS VINI 2012’ wine competition.
This is the ideal setting for importers to quench their thirst for international diversity - for
which ProWein is an unparalleled example.13
The next ProWein will be held at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre from 24 to 26 March 2013
and will have a new hall structure and two additional exhibition halls.
ProWein is hosted by Messe Düsseldorf and is the lead trade fair for wines and spirits. In
March of each year, it is the meeting point and the business platform for the international
wine and spirits industry. 4,000 exhibitors from the internationally relevant winegrowing
nations present themselves in Düsseldorf to more than 40,000 experts from around the
ProWein: Press Release No. 3/August 2012: “ProWein goes China: “ProWein Tasting Zone“ im November in
Shanghai“( ProWein goes China: “ProWein Tasting Zone” in November in Shanghai).
List of References:
Capital China: Der China-Aktienbrief. Changyu [The Chinese Shares Newsletter. Changyu], Available
at: http://www.capitalchina.de/?xmls=German/web/newsshow.html&id=216 [as of 17 June 2012]
Deutsches Weininstitut [German Wine Institute] (a): Deutscher Wein. Statistik 2011/2012
[German Wine. Statistics 2011/2012]. Available at: http://www.deutscheweine.de/icc/InternetDE/med/dad/dad858bb-3953-3100-6c0c-f16f135e25d9,11111111-1111-1111-1111111111111111.pdf. [as of 18. June .2012]
Deutsches Weininstitut [German Wine Institute] (b):: Weinexporte 2011 nach kleiner Ernte
erwartungsgemäß gesunken [2011 Wine exports fall as expected following a small harvest]. Available
at: http://www.deutscheweine.de/icc/Internet-DE/nav/eb8/eb8708fd-e785-7401-be59267b48205846&uCon=83e5e1e0-e0eb-5318-0ca3-ed46f135e25d&uTem=d5304ee7-4f03-d212-517b6624c41ed8b2&currentpage=3 [27 February 2012]
Firlus, Thorsten: Rotwein. Chinesen mischen den Weinmarkt auf [Red wine. The Chinese boost the
wine market], in: Wirtschafts Woche, Available at: http://www.wiwo.de/politik/ausland/rotweinchinesen-mischen-den-weinmarkt-auf/6193226.html, 26 February2012.
Höschgen, Eva: In China war´s schon vor 9000 Jahren feucht-fröhlich [Merrymaking was the Custom
already 9.000 Years ago in China]. Available at:
http://www.wissenschaft.de/wissenschaft/news/247209.html, 07 Decmber2004
IHK Pfalz [Palatinate Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce]: Volksrepublik China –
Branchenberichte. Weinmarkt China [The People’s Republic of China – Industry Reports. The Chinese
Wine Market]. In: IHK Pfalz online. Available at:
http://www.pfalz.ihk24.de/international/Greater_China/China/China__Services/Analysen_und_Branchenberichte/581268/Weinmarkt_China.html [as of 13 June 2012]
Marketwatch: Rabobank Report: China Wine Market – „Mind the gap“,Available at::
[29 May 2012]
Martin, Bernd: Grenzüberschreitende Identitäten: Nationalismus und Chinesische Diaspora [Transborder identities: nationalism and Chinese diaspora]. In: Rehbein, Boike; Rüland, Jürgen; Schlehe,
Judith (ed.), Identitätsbildung und Interkulturalität in Asien. Multidisziplinäres Mosaik [Identity
building and interculturality in Asia. A multidisciplinary mosaic]. Lit Verlag, Berlin, 2006, pp. 73-93.
ProWein: Press Release No. 3/August 2012: „ProWein goes China: „ProWein Tasting Zone“ im
November in Shanghai“( ProWein goes China: „ProWein Tasting Zone“ in November in Shanghai).
Radio China International: Webcast. Available at: mms://webcast.cri.cn/berlin/webcast/201109301.wma
Shiyun, Wu: Changyu und seine internationale Weingut-Allianz [Changyu and its international
vineyards alliance], Available at:: http://german.cri.cn/1833/2012/04/02/1s174318.htm, 02 April
Wein-ABC [Wine ABC]: Decanter World Wine Awards. Jury findet den besten Wein in … China! [Jury
finds the best wine in …china!]: Available at: http://www.weinabc.de/news/index.php?idcontent=155, 14 September 2011.
Weinwirtschaft [Wine Industry]: China wächst zweitstellig [Chinese double-digit growth], in Edition
Wine Intelligence 2012: What is your ideal wine? Research in the UK, USA, Germany and China.,
Reporting for ProWein, 2012
ProWein Contact:
Corinna Kuhn
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Stockumer Kirchstraße 61
DE-40474 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 (0) 211 4560-598