CES Buzz Summer 2013 - Centre for European Schooling


CES Buzz Summer 2013 - Centre for European Schooling
CES Director: Eddie Flynn • e-mail: ces@lmetb.ie
Saint Seachnall’s National School: Principal:Jim Gilligan • Tel: 01 8259679
Dunshaughlin Community College: Principal: Shane Foley • Tel: 01 8259137
Welcome to the summer edition
of the CES Buzz. The academic
year 2012 - 2013 has certainly
been a busy one with lots of
progress and developments.
New School Building
The new school building at Dunshaughlin
Community College is advancing rapidly. I
think you will be most impressed with the new
CES section which will house six classrooms,
an office and a waiting area.
I am very pleased to inform you that we have
received a most generous budget for the new
building from the CEO of Co. Meath VEC, Mr
Peter Kierans. This funding will allow us to
fully fit out the new building with the latest
technologies including interactive whiteboards
in each classroom, digital signage systems as
well as WiFi throughout.
CES Committees
Over the past academic year we have established
four new committees in addition to the CES
Buzz Team – the Digital Signage Committee
Centre for European Schooling
Primary School Enrolment Form
Junior Infants †
Senior Infants †
3rd Class †
4th Class †
1st Class †
5th Class †
2nd Class †
6th Class †
The academic year you are applying for: 20......... / 20.........
Centre for European
Personal Details
Second Level Enrolment
Family Name:..................................................................
Male: †
The academic year
Student’s Personal
Male: †
Country of
Tel (Home):.....................................................................
Tel (Mobile):
Parents’ / Guardians’
Parents’ / Guardians’ Personal Details
First Name(s):
....................... Age:
Date of
Date of Birth:........................................... Age: .............
Nationality: ......................................................................
Address: ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Female: †
Address: .............................
First Name(s): ..................................................................
20......... / 20.........
you are applying for:
Family Name:..................
Female: †
† 6th †
† of5th
3rd †
2nd †
1st †
Parent/Guardian 2:
Maiden Name:.................................................................
Tel (Home):.....................................................................
Tel (Mobile): ...................................................................
‘Text a parent’ Number (if different from above): ..........................................................................................................
Personal Details
Emergency Contact:
Tel (Home):.....................................................................
Tel (Mobile):....................................................................
Maiden Name:..................
If (Home):...............
any Legal Orders .............................
please state:.....................................................................................................................................
Tel (Home):...............
state if
reports are to be sent to both parents/guardians separately.
Yes: † No: †
Tel (Mobile): .............................
If yes, please
provide second
address: ............................................................................................................................
(if different from above):
‘Text a parent’ Number
Emergency Contact:
If any Legal Orders
If yes, please provide
are to be sent to both
please state:....................
Please state if reports
Yes: † No: †
second address: .............................
Tel (Mobile):.............
Tel (Home):...............
(DSC), the European Affairs Committee (EAC),
the Learning and Behavioural Analysis Unit
(LBAU) and the Whole School Development
(WSD) Committee. These committees have
undertaken a considerable amount of work
over the year and have greatly added to the
on-going development of the Centre. I wish to
thank each staff member who is involved.
I am also pleased to inform you that from
September 2013 we will establish an
iCommittee. The CES has purchased a suite
of iPads and this committee will examine
ways of implementing Apple technologies
to further develop the teaching and learning
CES Website
The CES website is undergoing further
enhancement which is envisaged to keep
you more up-to-date with developments at
the Centre. Our website has been further
developed to include webpages on each of the
CES committees, Language One Projects, School
Policies as well as our new enrolment forms.
From September 2013 we will be providing
you with more regular news updates via our
homepage - www.europeanschooling.eu
continued on page 2
in the process of designing new
Forms We are currenonetlyenrolm
New Enrolmentthe
ent form for the CES Primary
CES. There will be
enrolment forms for
n to the student details on
School and another one for the CES College. In additio
each form the backgrounds will contain photos
g are taken the enrolment forms
As soon as the photos of the new school buildin
a webpage for these new forms.
will go to print. The ICT Department has
e will make it much handier for
Having the enrolm
oad online.
prospective parents / guardians
– www.e
Further information is available on our website
New Cover of the CES Student
Learner Diary
European Schools’ News update:
At the Board of Governors’ Meeting in April
2013 the decision was made that there
would no longer be a distinction made
between Type II and Type III European
Schools. These will henceforth be known
only as Accredited European Schools.
This is the new cover of
next year ’s CES Student
Learner Diary that has been
most creatively designed
by Corinne Martinez in
collaboration with the CES
Staff. The CES students and
staff have been given their
input into modifications for
next year ’s diary. We hope
that you will like the new
features and designs.
June 2013 4th Edition
Updates & Goodbyes
School Tour & Language 1 Projects 4
New Technology, iCommittee &
Continuous Professional Development
DCC & St. Seachnall’s N.S. News
Europe Day & European Hour
Digital Signage Committee
European Affairs Committee
Learning & Behavioural Analysis Unit
Whole School Development Committee
Students’ Articles
Mother Tongue Languages
Non-denominational Ethics
English as an Additional Language
Languages II & III
Comenius 2013 – 2015
The CES has submitted all the application forms to
participate in another Comenius Project with our
partner Accredited European Schools. All the Staff
and students are hopeful of a successful application
and look forward to participating in the project.
Student News
We sadly say goodbye to Jessica, Mayerli & Ville.
We wish them every success in their future paths.
They have truly been a pleasure to have as part
of the CES and they will be greatly missed!!
Good luck in the Exams
I would like to wish every success and good luck to
our Junior and Leaving Certificate students in their
exams – Daniel, Gabriella, ID, Louise and Ville.
Thank yous
I would like to thank all the members of
the Management Advisory Committee – Dr
Christy Duffy (Chairperson), Mr Shane Foley
(Principal, DCC), Mr Jim Gilligan (Principal, St.
Seachnall’s N.S.), Ms Elena Lopez (CES Parents’
Representative), Dr Róbert Takács (CES Staff
Representative) & Mr John Sheehy (Parents’
Representative, St. Seachnall’s N.S.) – for all
their hard work and commitment to the Centre
throughout the year.
I would like to say a most sincere thank you
to all the CES Staff for all their hard work, care
and dedication to our students. They do a most
professional job and it is greatly appreciated!!
Finally, I would like to say a very big thank you to
the entire CES Buzz Team for all their hard work,
time, energy and enthusiasm on the magazines
and posters throughout the academic year
– Stefania Tornambene (Chairperson), Eva
Fiebelkorn, Kiki Konstantinidou & Róbert
Takács. I think you will agree they have created
truly impressive publications.
I would also like to thank all our students for
their excellent contributions to the CES Buzz
this year. The standard reflects all their hard
work and progress throughout the year.
On behalf of all the Staff at the Centre for
European Schooling, I wish you a most enjoyable
summer and look forward to seeing you again
at the end of August.
I also wish to thank all the parents and guardians
for all their support throughout the year. This
The CES has invested in
new stationery for the
school. There are new
With Compliment Slips,
Letterheads, DL envelopes
as well as A4 envelopes.
We hope you like the new
the Ethics classes?
What are your best memories of the
about different cultures and about how
A: When we did the play
ly just because of their culture.
people can treat other people different
projects and fun games.
P: All of them with Stefania as we did
h) we learned recently.
V: The Indian folk song (Peace on the
What are you going to miss about Ethi know more people.
A: How nice ever
P: I will miss the teachers and my frien
and Liselotte and Róbert.
V: I am going to miss my classmates
secondary school?
How do you feel about going to the
A: I am definitely ready to mov
India I would already be in Third Year
P: I am excited and happy about it. In
V: Happy and sad at the same time.
Thank you for your answers!
iest transition to secondary educatio
We wish you the smoothest and happ
Eddie Flynn
CES Director
New Stationery
attending the Non-denominational
Aoife, Prathik and Vlad have been
number of years. They discuss their
Ethics classes at the CES over the last
the questions:
memories. Here are their resp
Do you remember when you joined
A: In third class.
P: Since I am in the CES.
V: Only this year.
support as well as close ties are central to the
development of the CES. We look forward to
developing these relations even further next
Here are Mayerli’s thoughts on leaving the CES in June:
I have been joining the CES for 4 years now (…) my best memory is
about the plays in which we acted. I really loved it when we were
preparing the play “Puss and Cats” during European Hour.
It was a lot of fun (…)
I adore horses and would love to work with them in my job when
I’m older. I’m very sad to leave you but looking forward to the new
school, it is near my house.
Jessica reflects on her 8 years spent in the CES:
My best memory of the CES is everything that we did on the
Comenius-Project. I really loved the play about the garden, in which I
played Flora (…)
In the future I would like to be an actress or a fashion designer (…)
I’m excited about the new school but sad to go.
Aoife, Jessica, Maya, Prathik, Semeli and Vlad
– you are going to be missed greatly by your
classmates and your teachers in the Primary
“When I read great literature, great drama, speeches,
or sermons, I feel that the human mind has not
achieved anything greater than the ability to share
feelings and thoughts through language.”
James Earl Jones
Welcome to the CES Buzz summer edition packed with lots of wonderful
contributions, drawings, photos and articles of the Director, students and
their teachers.
Another school year has come to an end and dear reader what a variety
of colourful, fascinating and entertaining information and facts we have
for you on display:
From an Easter Bunny travelling around the world to a solar car and short
stories, novels studied and reviewed or rewritten with so much imagination!
Even linguistic research has been conducted…well discover for yourself!
In this issue you will also get a glimpse into the busy life of the five CES
committees, one even looking after mental well-being, numerous events
and achievements of the CES Director, staff and students.
A dedicated and committed team of four teachers, Eva, Kiki, Robert and
Stefania have put together this summer edition.
Apart from ensuring a smooth editing we have also contributed to the
Annual Report of the CES and the Meath VEC Newsletters.
Exciting ideas have come up this school year, such as the two posters
enclosed in the magazines.
Should you still be looking for a destination for your summer holidays, we
have beautiful locations on offer for you to be inspired! We wish you a
most enjoyable read!
Your CES Buzz Team
Stefania Tornambene (Chairperson), Eva Fiebelkorn,
Kiki Konstantinidou and Róbert Takács
We would like to thank Anne, the proprietor
of A&J Print, and Tomáš, the designer, for
their valued commitment towards the CES
magazines over almost the last decade. We
are looking forward to further prosperous
collaboration with them in the coming years.
School Tour December 2012
On the 11th of December the CES primary children had the
wonderful opportunity to go to the Gaiety Theatre to enjoy the
Christmas panto, which this time featured the well known and
very popular fairy tale Cinderella. They also had the chance to
visit Dáil Éireann and the Oireachtas for much more serious
business in the Irish government buildings in Kildare Street in
Dublin. We had a fantastic day, both in terms of entertainment as
well as for education. The panto really succeeded in bringing alive
the old theme of Cinderella in a modern twist with brilliant jokes
and chart music adapted to our time. The actors and the stage
properties, costumes and make-up were so well chosen, that we really
felt with Cinderella and other characters and hoped for her to find
Prince Charming in the end. In the Dáil however, we learnt some
very important facts about Irish history as well as about famous
politicians and people who contributed to form the Irish State and
we were allowed inside to get a glimpse of Leinster House in its glory
and during a parliamentary session on the day!!
LI Projects Primary & Secondary Levels
It’s June again, the school is finishing, the weather is getting
“better” and our students are finishing another school year with
their heads packed with wonderful new content.
One of those could be these amazing trips their parents
make around the world which we bring to school through
our LI Primary level projects. The skills we try to promote,
researching, autonomous learning, curiosity, writing summaries,
displaying information and oral presentations, are highly important and
necessary in our demanding society.
The students in the secondary level love “discussing”, as we all know, so the debate has
proven a great opportunity for them to express themselves. As in previous years, we
worked on different skills prior to the debate: researching reliable information in an
autonomous way, writing descriptive, informative and argumentative texts, expressing
one’s opinions and convincing others of their views in an appropriate way! The topic this
year: “The average student does not need schools or teachers to learn”, the conclusions…I’ll let you guess…
As always, we all enjoyed working together, sharing activities, methods as well as
Rosa Rocchia
Keeping up with New Technology
CES’ first Attendance System
The academic year 2013 – 2014 will see the
introduction of a student attendance system at the
CES called eChipmunk.
iCommittee September 2013 will see
the establishment of a new committee at
the CES - the iCommittee. The members of
the committee are Corinne Martinez, Eva
Fiebelkorn, Liselotte Ameye, Róbert Takács
& Stefania Tornambene.
We are delighted to announce that the school has purchased
a suite of iPads for use in the CES primary school as well as
the College. Apple technologies are being increasingly used by
schools to develop the teaching and learning environment and
the CES greatly looks forward to exploring their many uses.
You will soon be able to see more information about this
committee on our website: www.europeanschooling.eu
eChipmunk is being used by a large number of
primary schools in the Republic of Ireland. The
system boasts a number of features (including
data security) that will be very useful for the
development of the CES.
We look forward to using this technology from
Further information on eChipmunk can be found
on www.echipmunk.ie
Interactive Whiteboard Technology at the CES
Last year Co. Meath VEC was most generous and provided the CES with an interactive
whiteboard in every classroom in the primary school. Since then interactive whiteboards
have become part and parcel of day-to-day teaching at the CES.
The CES has received even more great news – each classroom in the new CES College building
will also have an interactive whiteboard!!
At the CES we believe in maintaining the highest standards in teaching. And to ensure
that the new technology is used to its maximum, the CES staff have continued the Interactive
Whiteboard Training sessions over the course of this school year.
With each IWB session, we are getting more and more to grips with this new technology.
We are getting a better insight as to how to use the different aspects of the technology in
our classes. Result, teaching has become even more interactive at the CES.
Methodology Sharing Sessions
At the CES we believe
that each teacher
possesses a wealth
of knowledge in their
subject area and is
therefore a great
source of information
on how different
aspects of languages
should be taught.
With the introduction of the Methodology Sharing Sessions last
year, we created a forum where teachers have the opportunity
to discuss best practice in teaching and learning techniques,
a forum where we can share knowledge and professional
approaches, ask questions and learn from one another.
This year the CES Staff have been divided in two teams. Over
the course of the year four methodology sharing sessions have
taken place:
• Listening Skills
• Student Autonomous Learning
• Student Self-Evaluation and Assessment
• Student Motivation
As a result of the Methodology Sharing Sessions, best practice
is shared and teachers can choose to try out new approaches
in their classes. At the end of the sessions a wealth of
knowledge is gathered and documented in folders for future
Construction is now well underway on
the re-development of Dunshaughlin CC
Phase 1 of the refurbishment works on the existing
building has just been completed and Phase 2 is
underway. Significant works will be carried out over
the summer on this building which will include a
new entrance foyer, re-designed offices, new toilet
blocks, a makeover for all teaching spaces as well as
some new specialist rooms.
The new building is at a considerable stage of
advancement. The roof is currently being installed
as well as the windows. This building which is a twostorey construction will include new specialist rooms for science, construction studies,
engineering, technical graphics, computer studies, general purpose classrooms as well as a
new staff room.
Significantly this new building will also become our new home for the CES. There will be
6 general purpose classrooms as well as an office and a modern foyer/waiting area.
The grounds of the college are also being redeveloped. Significant work is also well
underway in this regard. Parking restrictions are now in place and will continue to be in
place until the end of August.
We all very much look forward to this state-of-the-art building.
Shane Foley, Principal DCC
Fingal League Double Success
During the spring months the boys’ and girls’ Gaelic Football teams of St. Seachnall’s
competed in the Fingal League. Both teams reached the finals in Parnell Park on Thursday
16th May. The boys were up first against St. Patrick’s N.S. Donabate in the Division One Final
and despite dominating for long periods found it hard to show this dominance on the
scoreboard. It was level at half time but a more determined attitude saw the Seachnall’s
boys come out on top on a scoreline of 3-9 to 1-6. Team captain Matthew Moyles lifted
the cup in front of a delighted Dunshaughlin crowd. The girls were up next against a
very strong Holy Trinity side from Donaghmore in the Premier Division Final. They say
goals win matches and this surely applies to this match as the girls ran out winners on
a scoreline of 5-0 to 0-4. Team captain Petra Reilly accepted the cup on behalf of the team and thanked her mentors Ms.
McCormack and Ms. O’Brien in her victory speech.
The school received further great sporting news when both the boys’ and girls’ junior Gaelic teams qualified for the knockout
stages of the Fingal League. The girls came up against a tough St. Oliver Plunkett’s side from Malahide in the semi final and
despite a late comeback were defeated by four points. The boys recorded a comfortable victory in the quarter final against
Donabate which set them up nicely for their semi final against old rivals Ratoath. In a ding dong battle played in the neutral
setting of Ashbourne, there wasn’t much to separate both teams at the break with Seachnall’s leading by just two points. It
was more of the same in the second half but a penalty awarded for Seachnall’s late on set the Dunshaughlin boys on their way
to the final on a scoreline of 3-9 to 3-3. They will now Pope John Paul N.S. Malahide in Parnell Park on Tuesday 11th June. We
wish the team, their captain Seán O’Connor and their mentors Mr. Slack and Ms. O’Dwyer the very best of luck.
Barry Slack (St. Seachnall’s NS Coach)
Europe Day 9th May 2013
This year the CES students marked Europe Day in both the primary school and
Dunshaughlin Community College. In the primary school the CES students
worked on a presentation that they each presented to their mainstream class
all about ‘What it means to be European?’ and ‘How much do you know about
different countries in Europe?’ They found out lots of
interesting facts about each of the countries that they
come from and then they shared this information
with their class peers. The general answer to the
question ‘What it means to be European?’ was that
while we are all different we can celebrate and learn
about other countries and cultures and we are ‘United
in Diversity’. The CES students along with their
mainstream classes also worked on preparing a large
collage which became a map of Europe. Every student
was asked to find a picture that they associated with
Europe, all these pictures were then put together to form a collage and
make up a large map of Europe representing all the different images
collected. The final product is on display in the CES in the primary
In DCC the CES students marked Europe Day by preparing slides
with facts about various European countries and displaying these
slides on the Digital Signage System in the college.
European Hour
As usual we are dividing
European Hour up into different modules and at the
start of January we began to work on Module 3. The
theme of this module was Fairy Tales and the students
were divided into two new groups of ten ranging
in classes from Junior Infants to Sixth class, thus
giving all the students a chance to work together. Each
group chose a country and an author to work on. The
countries chosen were France and Italy and the authors Charles Perrault, a French author
who is famous for tales such as Cinderella and Puss and Boots and Carlo Collodi an
Italian author who wrote Pinocchio. The students decided they wanted to prepare two short
plays where they adapted the stories of Puss and Boots and Pinocchio. These plays were
very successfully performed for the end of module presentation and well done to all the
students for their hard work and enthusiasm.The final module of the year is focusing on
a simple board game based on the map of Europe and involves the students making and
playing a game all about a Journey through Europe.
Digital Signage
The Digital Signage Committee comprising of Nollaig Gavin (Chairperson),
Rita Jorge, Kiki Konstantinidou and Eva Fiebelkorn have been working
on ways to further enhance the use of this system in the Primary School.
We have recently implemented some changes which we hope will increase
the students’ involvement and contribution to the slides on a regular basis.
It was agreed that all the slides prepared for the DSS would also be shown
on the IWB in Room 2 in the morning time between 8.10 and 8.25 when
students are arriving. This allows some time for informal discussion on
the slides and the information presented.
One of the first changes was to introduce a weekly quiz, the quiz question
or questions are displayed on a Monday and are based on the slides shown
that week. The students are then asked to submit the correct answer to a
post box by Thursday. On Friday mornings the correct answer is displayed
on the IWB and the DSS and the names of the student or students who
answered it correctly are also shown. As a reward the students are given
points when they answer correctly and at the end of the school year prizes
will be given to the students who earn the most points.
The Committee felt it would be effective to include the students’ news in
the slides and now every Wednesday all the slides shown are dedicated to
news items that come directly from the students. These include everything
from marking birthdays, to recognising successes in various activities and
informing everyone of the arrival of a new pet or visitor!
On Fridays a variety of the student’s work from all subject areas is
displayed and this has proved successful as a platform for the students
to proudly show some of the great work they do both at home and in
class. With the help and creativity of our students we look forward to
coming up with plenty more interesting and exciting uses for the DSS in
the future.
European Affairs Committee (EAC)
The European Affairs Committee has been set up to promote the European Profile
of the Centre for European Schooling.
Since Christmas the team has worked on a logo for the Committee. After gathering
ideas and looking at several possibilities, the team is really happy with the outcome.
It represents perfectly the European dimension of the Committee.
CES Christmas Card
The Committee designed a Christm
, all
card which was sent out to the FVO
other European Schools, Meath VEC
the staff of St. Seachnall’s Nation
School and the staff of Dunshaughlin
Community College. All the langua
taught in the CES were included in
Christmas wishes.
Comenius Preparatory Visit
On behalf of the EAC Eva Fiebelkorn travelled to Heraklion, Crete, Greece to take part in the Comenius
preparatory meeting. The meeting took place from the 16th to the 19th of January. Besides the hosts from
Heraklion (School of European Education), 3 other European Type II Schools were represented: Ecole
Européenne de Strasbourg, Ecole Internationale Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur à Manosque and Scuola per
l’Europa from Parma. Not represented were the Schools from Finland, the Netherlands and Germany but
they had signalized interest to take part in the Comenius project.
The three days were very intense and a lot of work was done: firstly, all partners exchanged their ideas
for the project (topic on European identities), secondly all activities and actions had to be planned and
discussed in detail and finally the extensive application form was filled in. All participants were delighted
when on the third day of work most of the application form had been completed.
The hosting school was very welcoming and offered a great programme for their visitors in the evening.
Besides a tour around Heraklion city at night, they had also organized an authentic Greek dinner and
All participants returned to their schools with an application form that had to be finalized. The application
forms have been submitted and we are hopeful of a successful response.
CES Document Wallet
ng on the design and conten
The EAC has also been worki
an end product, we aim to
of a Document Wallet. As
ck for current students an
compile an information pa
parents and students of the
a welcome pack for future
llet will contain essentia
The CES Document Wa
dent enrolling at the CES, St
information for any new stu
d Dunshaughlin Community
Seachnall’s National School an
rview of the CES as well
College. We will give an ove
tem. We will also provide
as the European Schools’ Sys
about the education system
general useful information
el to junior and senior cycles
in Ireland, from primary lev
at secondary level.
t wallet we will insert stude
At the back of the documen
ssions of the CES.
comments of their own impre
ly in the next academic yea
version will go to print ear
and we hope that you will like
As part of their meetings, the team also
checks learning gateway on a regular
basis and updates staff with slides on
the Digital Signage System about any
news. Learning gateway is a sharepoint
server commonly used with all other
European Schools.
Budai, Rita Jorge and Kiki Konstantinid
Eva Fiebelkorn (Chairperson), Zsuzsa
Learning and Behavioural Analysis Unit (LBAU)
Mitt välmående ä betydelsefullt
Mijn geestelijke gezondheid telt
Mein Gemüt ist wichtig
its work
In the last newsletter the Learning and Behavioural Analysis Unit introduced
on mental well-being of students. The CES
given the supports they need to develop and
Mijn geestelijke gezondheid telt
Moje zdanie ma naczenie
L’anima è importante
Mi mente importa
Mon bien-être est important
A Minha Mente Conta
Η ψυχική μου υγεία είναι σημαντική Why is mental well-being important?
1. It helps you live a much more fun and enjoyable
life – whether it is working,
learning, taking care of your family, enjoying
the outdoors, or whatever is important to you.
2. It is of central importance to your success in
school and life in general.
3. It supports you handling the natural ups and
downs of life.
4. It helps you discover and grow towards your
5. It helps you to develop a sense of who you are;
your identity values and beliefs.
6. It makes you accept responsibility for your own
7. It helps you to express what you are thinking
8. It can lead you to greater self-confidence and
thoughts and actions.
and how you are feeling.
better grades.
Eva Fiebelkorn (Chairperson), Zsuzsa
Budai and Frida Concannon
Whole School Development
We introduced you to the Whole School Development (WSD) Committee in
December, 2012, in the CES BUZZ Christmas edition and we have been very busy
working since. Our duties include carrying out various tasks assigned by our Director
for the overall development of the school.
All the members, Liselotte, Kiki, Stefania and myself, have worked on a number of projects
– sometimes individually and other times in teamwork. We have studied the guidelines and
instructions provided by the Department of Education and Skills in Ireland in relation to school
self-evaluation and the new approaches in the Junior Cycle education. Our Committee prepared
presentations and questionnaires for the CES Staff about these new initiatives.
Liselotte, having the most expertise in IT and computers, drew up the ICT Policy for the CES. Kiki took
on the assignment to liaise with external LGBT agencies to create an LGBT Policy. Stefania, having been
teaching and preparing students for the Junior & Leaving Certificates in numerous languages for more
than a decade, is going to make a presentation for the CES Staff on the current system of the Irish
Junior Cycle education so we can compare and contrast the current system with the new initiatives and
We have not only studied and got familiar with the Guidelines for School Self-Evaluation, but we
are already planning out the process for September. The Team has reviewed the Inspection and
Audit Reports from the past and also proposed strategies and various methods for gathering and
analyzing important evidence and information.
The Whole School Development Committee took on the duties of the Social Committee, too. We
marked several occasions; staff members being on sick leave as well as our dear retired associates
receiving small gestures from the CES as a sign of holding them in our thoughts.
We devised more detailed and comprehensive CES Enrolment Forms, too, and we hope that parents
of our future students will like them as much as we do.
This was the first year of our Committee at the CES. We believe that we have contributed valuably to the
development of our school, and as we outlined, we have lots of plans for next year, too. Apart from carrying out the School SelfEvaluation we will devise more policies as well, such as the Data Protection Policy, Social Media Policy and the Substance Abuse Policy.
We, in the Whole School Development Committee, will continue to do our best, and by our work and proposals we keep aiming at developing the
Centre for European Schooling into a constantly improving alma mater where our students not only feel the CES is their second home, but also a place
where they can reach their highest linguistic potentials.
Róbert Takács (Chairperson), Liselotte Ameye, Kiki Konstantinidou and Stefania Tornambene.
LGBT Awareness Training and Policy
The Centre for European Schooling is a safe and supportive environment for all young people
irrespective of their sexual orientation. The CES is fully inclusive of all persons who identify
themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT). Complying with the Education and
Equal Status Acts, we are currently designing our Appreciation of Sexual Orientations Diversity Policy.
Current Irish Research on LGBT youth highlights the importance of an LGBT inclusion policy in
schools since homophobic bullying is a clear risk factor. At the Centre for European Schooling we
feel the responsibility to inform students, teachers and parents on this issue and to make sure that
our school is a safe environment that doesn’t tolerate any form of homophobic bullying.
In addition to the policy the CES promotes staff development and training. On October the 10th, I attended the LGBT Awareness
Training organised by BelongTo, a national youth service for Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland.
BelongTo provided us with guidelines on policies and gave us information on how to make our service more LGBT friendly
and how to face homophobic-bullying in a school environment. For more information about the organisation please visit their
website www.belongto.org
Kiki Konstantinidou
This year, Diane immersed herself in the world of medieval French literature. She presents to you a recipe containing all
the fundamental elements of the wonderful fabliaux which brought laughter to the 12th,13th and 14th centuries.
This year, Diane immersed herself in the world of medieval French literature. She presents to you a recipe containing all
the fundamental elements of the wonderful fabliaux which brought laughter to the 12th,13th and 14th centuries.
Recette du fabliau du Moyen Âge à la sauce Diane
 Allumez le feu de bois et remplissez un chaudron de parchemins puis
suspendez-le au-dessus du feu.
 Dans un grand bol en bois, ajoutez quelques jeux de mots, une pincée
et surtout du
pas un bon
du fabliau
la sauce Diane
 Si vous voulez faire rire le public pendant 10 minutes, ajoutez 200 à
500 le
de 8 syllabes
appelés aussi
octosyllabes. puis
 Allumez
de «de
et remplissez
un chaudron
de parchemins
Pour 20 à 30 minutes de rire, il vous faudra 1200 vers.
suspendez-le au-dessus du feu.
 Versez le contenu dans le chaudron, laissez reposer pendant 20 minutes.
 Dans un grand bol en bois, ajoutez quelques jeux de mots, une pincée
 Écrasez bien un curé, un paysan et un seigneur dans un mortier.
d’hyperboles et surtout n’oubliez pas un bon gros quiproquo.
Appliquez-vous afin d’obtenir une belle satire, versez dans le chaudron.
 Sivous
voulez faire rire le public pendant 10 minutes, ajoutez 200 à
Donnez le chaudron à un jongleur placé sur une estrade et laissez-le
vers (pas
8 syllabes
avec le
obtenus. appelés aussi octosyllabes.
Pour 20 à 30 minutes de rire, il vous faudra 1200 vers.
Diane (L1 deuxième année du secondaire)
 Versez le contenu dans le chaudron, laissez reposer pendant 20 minutes.
 Écrasez bien un curé, un paysan et un seigneur dans un mortier.
Appliquez-vous afin d’obtenir une belle satire, versez dans le chaudron.
 Donnez le chaudron à un jongleur placé sur une estrade et laissez-le
Tierra el único
jongler avec le mélange de¿Es
planeta del sistema
Diane (L1 deuxième année du secondaire)
solar con vida?
Ibai explains in a very creative way
his knowledge on the Earth.
Os voy a escribir un texto sobre la Tierra y el sistema solar. No va a ser muy largo pero
yo creo que os va a enseñar algo.
Os vais a reír pero la Tierra somos nosotros y todo lo que existe en este planeta. Este
planeta, la Tierra, no es como cualquier otro del sistema solar, este es el único planeta de
la Vía Láctea donde hay vida, o eso creemos…
Nuestro hogar es una bola sólida de color verde, azul, blanco y marrón. Es el tercer
planeta desde el sol. El mundo está rodeado por una atmósfera compuesta de oxígeno y
los científicos digan que la tierra es el único planeta en el universo que sostiene
vida, yo no me lo creo.
Me gusta pensar por la noche que en otros planetas hay como un alienígena que es verde y
no tiene ojos en la cara sino en unas antenas, y en la cara, solo tiene una nariz; y otro que
tiene, no sé… 18 ojos en la cara y dos narices en dos antenas, una para atrás y la otra
para adelante. Ahora hay un alienígena leyendo y otro escribiendo este texto.
Estaré alegre si os he enseñado algo, o si os he hecho pensar. Si no, pues no tan contento.
Estoy muy orgulloso de lo que he hecho y espero que vosotros también. Lo he creado con
todas mis fuerzas de la noche y la mañana. Gracias por leer este texto y que os lo paséis
Ibai, Español LI, 2º Primaria
Cómo leer en voz alta
Mayerli summarises the most important points to remember when reading aloud.
Os voy a dar pistas sobre cómo leer en voz alta, he elegido este tema porque me puede ayudar a entender lo
que leo.
Aquí están los seis pasos a seguir:
Las pausas, sirven para parar en los puntos y las comas.
Entonación, cambiar la voz cuando veas exclamación o interrogación.
El tono, más alto o más bajo según la puntuación.
Personajes, cambiar el tono de voz según los personajes.
Alto y claro, que se entienda.
Disfrutar, que te guste.
Para mí es muy importante porque me ayuda a entender lo que leo.
Mayerli, Español LI, 5º Primaria
Del Héroe al Villano pasando por el Caballero
Daniel summarises his study on three literary eras.
Este curso hemos estudiado la literatura española centrándonos en La Edad Media, El Renacimiento y El
Barroco. Durante estas clases he extraído lo más interesante de cada una de estas épocas, llegando a la
conclusión de que lo mejor de la Edad Media es la lírica, del Renacimiento la narrativa y del Barroco el teatro.
La Edad Media son unos siglos “oscuros”. Los primeros documentos literarios escritos en
lengua romance son las “Jarchas”, unas cancioncillas líricas que tienen un contenido
amoroso. El “Cantar del Mío Cid” fue escrito en el siglo XII, es un cantar de gesta, y el único
conservado casi en su totalidad. El “Libro de Buen Amor”, por el Arcipreste de Hita, siglo XIV,
está escrito en cuaderna vía y es un gran ejemplo del mester de clerecía.
El Renacimiento es una época feliz, una en la que la gente empieza a pensar más.
En este siglo hay hechos, como la invención de la imprenta y la Inquisición, que afectan a la
literatura directamente. Durante el Renacimiento se inventa la novela y sus distintos tipos: la de
caballería, la picaresca, la pastoril, las morisca y la bizantina. La de caballería y la picaresca fueron
las que tuvieron más éxito. La novela más famosa del Renacimiento es “Don Quijote”, por Miguel
de Cervantes, que cuenta la historia de un hidalgo loco que creía ser un caballero. Otra novela muy
conocida, de autor anónimo, es “El Lazarillo de Tormes” que habla de las aventuras de un joven
El Barroco vuelve a ser un siglo triste y pesimista, mucha gente tenía la idea de “vivir por vivir”. Críticas a la
sociedad eran frecuentes en los tres géneros literarios. En este siglo los teatros evolucionan ya
que se inventan los “corrales”, los nuevos recintos para actuar. También se acaba con la regla
de las tres unidades y se crea el Teatro Nacional. La historia de un pueblo revelándose contra
los abusos del poder del comendador del pueblo “Fuenteovejuna”, escrito por Lope de Vega, es
una crítica a la sociedad y expresa como se sentía la gente de esa época. Otra obra muy famosa
es “El Burlador de Sevilla”, escrita por Tirso de Molina, obra importante ya que aquí nace el
personaje de “Don Juan”, usado ahora como un adjetivo para describir a un cierto tipo de personas.
Daniel, Español LI, 3º Secundaria
Antoni przedszkole jezyk polski
While Antoni was getting familiar with some of the most
famous Polish legends he really likes the one about Little
Mermaid – symbol of Warsaw. He decided to draw it for us.
Spring is coming very soon, and
so are white storks returning
to Poland after the harsh
winter. Antoni decided to keep
one of the storks in our school
for a little bit longer. Isn’t it
Krystian’s biggest dream is to visit Japan some day. He’d like to
enjoy Japanese cuisine, visit fascinating landmarks and get the
most out of what the great city of Tokyo has to offer.
Bardzo chciałbym pojechać do Japonii – Kraju Kwitnącej Wiśni.
Marzę o tym, aby zobaczyć nowoczesne miasta, poznać tradycje
tego kraju i spróbować japońskich potraw. Najbardziej chciałbym
odwiedzić Tokio i przejechać
się metrem.
Planując moją
wycieczkę do tego miasta nie pominę Pałacu Cesarskiego, który znajduje się w sercu miasta,
ale od reszty świata odcięty jest zielenią parków. Chciałbym także pospacerować w dzielnicy
Ueno – miejscu licznych pomników, muzeów i turystycznych atrakcji. Myślę , że bardzo ciekawie
wygląda najnowocześniejsza, elegancka dzielnica Tokio – Ginza. Bardzo chciałbym odwiedzić
japońskie restauracje. Chciałbym spróbować różnego rodzaju dań tradycyjnej kuchni japońskiej
np. sushi, shirumono, teppan, albo okonomujaki. Wiem też, że w Tokio warto odwiedzić świątynię
buddyjską Senso – ji oraz Narodowe Muzeum Historii, a wieczorem chciałbym podziwiać miasto
z najwyższej wieży świata- Tokyo Skytree.
Krystian klasa IV jezyk polski
This article is an extract of a short story created and developed by Rafael.
Era uma vez um ladrão grande e alto, que se chamava Artur,
tinha cabelo branco e uma máscara que lhe tapava a boca.
Tinha uma cicatriz a passar pelo olho, que ele mantinha
fechado desde que nasceu, com medo que alguma coisa má
lhe aontecesse, se o abrisse. Artur nasceu sem o olho esquerdo
e por isso foi submetido a um transplante ocular, enquanto
ainda era bébé. Como o trauma da operação foi tão grande,
Artur nunca quis abrir o olho, durante a sua vida inteira.
Cada dia, Artur levantava-se cedo para se preparar para
roubar dinheiro e coisas valiosas de pessoas ricas, que viviam
na aldeia. (...) Artur vivia numa casa pacata, nos súburbios da
aldeia. A sua casa era feita de mármore, com um telhado de
madeira e uma porta de carvalho. Dentro de casa, Artur tinha
uma cozinha, sala de estar e um quarto. Em cada divisão
havia uma lareira, pra aquecer a casa durante o Inverno.
Geralmente, num dia, conseguia fazer duzentos roubos.
Para roubar as pessoas, Artur disfarçava-se de velho. Entre
a multidão, ele agachava-se e punha as mãos nos bolsos das
pessoas. Se fosse apanhado, corria até ao caixote mais próximo
e escondia-se lá. Depois, ele vendia tudo a mercadores e ficava
com o dinheiro só para ele.
Um dia, para celebrar o seu sucesso, foi à taberna local para
beber uma cerveja. Na taberna, ouviu uma conversa entre
dois ladrões, que diziam:
-Ouviste falar da taça de ouro?
-“Qu’é” isso?- Disse o ladrão, interrogativo. O mais sábio
-Nunca ouviste falar da Taça de Ouro? É o tesouro mais
cobiçado de todos os ladrões.
Ouvindo isto, Artur interveio e perguntou:
-Onde é que está essa tal Taça? – O ladrão sábio respondeu:
-Os rumores apontam para o vulcão no deserto de
Artur agradeceu e saiu em direção a uma loja de magia, onde
comprou uma poção de proteção e um tapete voador (..).
Artur sabia de magia, pois tinha estudado Artes Mágicas na
universidade, mas como não era muito bom e não gostava
das aulas, desistiu do curso e começou a sua vida como ladrão
profissional. (...) Artur partiu no tapete até ao vulcão.
Chegado à entrada do deserto, tirou um mapa da mala e
disse ao tapete as coordenadas onde o vulcão se situava. O
deserto de Khandarin ficava a Sul da cidade de Al-Kharid.
(...) No meio do deserto, existe um vulcão activo, que parece
uma montanha flamejante. Dentro do vulcão, diz-se que
existem várias câmaras secretas. O tapete, rápido como o
vento, atravessou o deserto, escaldante durante o dia e gelado
durante a noite, até alcançar o vulcão.
Ao chegar, Artur contemplou a lava borbulhenta, escaldante
e vermelha. Artur bebou a poção, disse ao tapete para ficar
onde estava e entrou no vulcão. Lá dentro estava um túnel
pequeno. O herói entrou e começou a nadar para cima, até
chegar a uma câmara. Nesta sala estava um pedestal com a
taça e um livro. Artur pegou em ambos e saiu do vulcão pelo
o túnel.
Depois regressou a casa onde leu o livro e descobriu que
a taça dava vida eterna a quem bebesse água dela. Artur
bebeu um grande golo de água da taça e desde então até aos
fins do tempo, Artur viveu feliz. Com a vida eterna, Artur
concentrou-se em desvendar os segredos da natureza. Voltou
à universidade, acabou o curso de Artes Mágicas, aprendeu
todos os feitiços que existem e também criou alguns novos.
Desde então, Artur é conhecido pelo nome Supremo ArquiMago Artur e ninguém sabe da sua vida passada.
Rafael, 2° ano, Português Língua Materna
This article describes Catarina’s Birthday Party
A minha Festa de Anos
anos este ano. A festa começou
Abril, que é o dia do meu aniversário. Fiz onze
A minha festa de anos aconteceu no dia 2 de
li, a Grace, a Rachel, a Abigail,
eu convidei foram: a Hanna, a Mayerli, a Seme
às três horas e acabou às sete. As pessoas que
mãe estava encaregue da comida
támo-nos cedo para preparar a festa. Aminha
a Ashling e a Jessica. A minha mãe e eu levan
e eu da arrumação da casa.
iro, luzes chinesas e uma
o meu quarto abrir as prendas. Eu recebi dinhe
Quando as convidadas chegaram, fomos para
i, comprei uma máquina fotográfica.
máquina de queques. Com o dinheiro que receb
lanchar. Comemos folhados de
e, quando acabámos, fomos para a cozinha
Depois fomos todas para a sala ver um filme
meus pais trouxeram o bolo
os coca cola e seven up. No fim do lanche, os
salsichas, queques, pipocas e batatas fritas e bebem
ra em forma de gato e estava delicioso!
para eu apagar as velas. Era um bolo de cenou
do as minhas amigas foram
futebol e o outro brincou no trampolim. Quan
De seguida, fomos lá para fora. Um grupo jogou
e gostei muito.
embora, eu fui experimentar as luzes chinesas
Eu adorei a minha festa e tive um bom
Catarina, 5ª classe, Português Língua Materna
Σεμέλη. Στ τάξη. Ελληνικά - Ανδρέας. Ε τάξη. Ελληνικά.
Η ελληνική γλώσσα εί
είναι τόσο σημαντική
και δύο ε (αι, ε) κ
Ορισμένα γράμματα
επηρεάστηκαν πολλέ
μιλούν ελληνικά ζουν
χώρες όπως στον Καν
άνθρωποι μιλάνε
economy (οικονομία), music (μουσική)...
Η ελληνική γλώσσα είναι μια από τις πιο σημαντικές γλώσσες του κόσμου. Παρόλο που τα ελληνικά
είναι τόσο σημαντική γλώσσα είναι αρκετά δύσκολη επειδή έχει πέντε ι (ι, η, υ, οι, ει) , δύο ο (ο, ω)
και δύο ε (αι, ε) και πολλούς δίφθογγους. Το αλφάβητο είναι διαφορετικό από το λατινικό.
Ορισμένα γράμματα φαίνονται περίεργα σε ορισμένους ανθρώπους. Από την ελληνική γλώσσα
επηρεάστηκαν πολλές άλλες γλώσσες όπως τα αγγλικά. Τουλάχιστον 12 εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι που
μιλούν ελληνικά ζουν στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Υπάρχουν πολλοί μετανάστες που ζουν σε άλλες
χώρες όπως στον Καναδά, στη Γερμανία και στην Αυστραλία που μιλάνε ελληνικά. 25 εκατομμύρια
άνθρωποι μιλάνε ελληνικά σε όλο τον κόσμο. Υπάρχουν 6,000 λέξεις ελληνικές που
χρησιμοποιούνται στα αγγλικά όπως:
Panic (πανικός), μυστήριο (mystery), photography (φωτογραφία),
ψυχολογία (psychology), Athlete (αθλητής), angel (άγγελος), theatre
(θέατρο), kilometer (χιλιόμετρο), comedy (κωμωδία), academy (ακαδημία),
air (αέρας), airplane (αεροπλάνο), anatomy (ανατομία), architect
(αρχιτέκτονας), aroma (άρωμα), astronaut (αστροναύτης), atmosphere
(ατμόσφαιρα), atom (άτομο), base (βάση), bible (Βίβλος), biology
(βιολογία), centre (κέντρο), chaos (χάος), character (χαρακτήρας), chorus
(χορός), cinema (κινηματογράφος), climate (κλίμα), clinic (κλινική), cosmos
(κόσμος), cube (κύβος), cycle (κύκλος), decade (δεκαετία), democracy
(δημοκρατία), technology (τεχνολογία),
diagram (διάγραμμα), dialogue
(διάλογος), diet (δίαιτα), diplomat
(διπλωμάτης), disc (δίσκος), drama
(δράμα), echo (ήχος), ecology (οικολογία),
economy (οικονομία), music (μουσική)...
Σεμέλη. Στ τάξη. Ελληνικά - Ανδρέας. Ε τάξη. Ελληνικά.
Recensione - Il mare non bagna Napoli - Anna Maria Ortese
(Un paio di occhiali) Edizioni Adelphi, Milano, 1994. (ESTRATTO)
“Ce sta o’ sole...”
Lorenzo has reviewed a short story about a girl, in which a new
pair of glasses can change the world for her...
Questo è l’inizio della
storia di Eugenia, una
bambina di 10 anni che riesce ad avere un paio di occhiali e a vedere il mondo in modo nitido
e chiaro.
Glieli ha comprati la zia, perché costavano la bellezza di “ottomila lire, vive vive”.
Una settimana prima di indossarli Eugenia si era recata da un oculista in Via Roma a Napoli
per commissionarli e, alla fine, erano pronti.
Con questo racconto l’autore mette in luce la paura per la realtà e la metafora degli occhiali
rispecchia appieno questo sentimento.
Infatti, mettersi gli occhiali significa poter vedere il mondo e, a volte, non è la cosa che si
vorrebbe, ma prima o poi bisogna guardare la realta’ in faccia e confrontarsi con essa.
La miopia ci copre e ci protegge da questa, talvolta anche dura, verità’.
Tuttavia, la curiosità di Eugenia sembra trionfare su questo timore.
Io penso che questo racconto sia bellissimo ed emblematico, perché in esso emergono in maniera evidente la
difficoltà ed il dolore della scrittrice nel dover fare i conti con la realtà. Ogni tanto, in periodi di tristezza o crisi, si
puo’ non vedere la realtà com’è davvero, come in una specie di miopia, ma “indossando gli occhiali” e vincendo
questa paura, si fronteggia, a mio giudizio, qualunque difficolta’. Raccomando questo libro a chiunque, perche mi
piaciono i temi.
Lorenzo, L1 Italiano, Classe 2 Secondaria
Johanna has studied “Effi Briest” a popular work by the German realist
author Theodor Fontane. This is a review of the novel.
Effi Briest- Eine Rezension
Effi Briest ist Theodor Fontanes populärstes Werk, und gehört zu den in der Schule viel gelesenen
Klassikern. Es geht um die leidenschaftliche, lebhafte siebzehnjäehrige Effi, die den 20 Jahre älteren
Baron Innstetten heiratet. Dieser wurde von ihren Eltern ausgesucht, und folglich sind sie sich
sehr verschieden: er Kunstliebhaber, sie Naturkind. Demzufolge zeigt sich schon bald, dass Effi
sich in ihrem neuen Leben schrecklich langweilt. Sie flüchtet in eine Affäre mit Offizier Crampas,
welches der Baron viele Jahre später herausfindet, und wodurch sich
dramatische Folgen entwickeln...
Fontane kritisiert in diesem Buch insofern die Gesellschaft, und erkundet Themen
die zu seiner Zeit, im 19. Jahrhundert tabu waren: die Bedeutung von Liebe und Ehe,
und die Rolle der Frau. Dieses tut er anhand des facettenreichen Charakters Effis. Die
detailreiche Sprache führt zwar zu manchen langwierigen Passagen, doch helfen diese
dem Leser sich in Effis Leben einzustimmen. Der Leser kann die Langeweile in ihrem Leben
nachvollziehen, und bemitleidet sie. Man muss also das Unausgesprochene herauslesen,
doch tut man dieses wird es ein richtiges Lesevergnügen!
Johanna, Muttersprache Deutsch, 5. Klasse (DCC)
Dina has learnt about the medieval age in Germany, and informs us about the life and work
of knights and other aspects:
Die Ritterzeit
Während meiner Deutschstunden haben wir das Thema, „die Ritterzeit“
behandelt. Ich mag das Mittelalter, besonders die Kleidung und den
zauberhaften Schmuck. Diese Fakten
fand ich sehr interessant:
Ritter lebten im Mittelalter also etwa vor 700 Jahren. Sie wurden
besonders gut als Soldaten ausgebildet, die für die Herrscher kämpften.
Nur Söhne von Adeligen konnten Ritter werden, nachdem sie eine
lange Zeit als Krieger erzogen wurden. Sie lernten als Knappen den
Kampf mit den Waffen, aber auch den Tanz. Mit dem Ritterschlag
endete ihre Ausbildung.
Das Essen
Sie aßen : gekochter Schwan, Aale, Fleischpasteten,
Schweinekopf, Kuchen und Wein. Süße und herzhafte Speisen
werden gleichzeitig gekocht. Sie bereiteten das Essen in
Kesseln zu.
Das Projekt war SUPERTOLL!
Dina Deutsch L1 4.Klasse Grundschule
Arno wrote a fable about a raven and a fox.
Der Rabe und der Fuchs
Als sich eines Tages die Söhne des Fuchses und des Raben trafen,
versuchte es der junge Fuchs wie sein Vater:„Nein, wie schön
dein Gefieder heute glänzt, Rabe!“ Der Rabe legte das Stück
Brot, das er im Mund gehalten hatte, beiseite, und schnaubte
verächtlich:„Denkst du, ich falle etwa auf den gleichen Trick
herein? Selbst ein Rabe lernt dazu!“ Der Fuchs ging unbeirrt
weiter und wälzte sich so lange im Schlamm,bis sein roter Pelz
verdeckt war und er aussah wie ein Hund. Dann kehrte er zum
Raben, der das Stück Brot wieder in den Schnabel genommen
hatte, zurück und sprach:“Da hast du es dem Fuchs ja gezeigt! Aber es stimmt, niemand könnte denken,
dass er dieses verdreckte Gefieder ernstlich loben würde!“ Der Rabe fühlte
sich in seinem Stolz gekränkt. Da fuhr der Fuchs fort: „Sicher kannst du mit
deinen kleinen Flügelstümpfen nicht einmal fliegen!“ Das ärgerte den Raben noch
mehr. Und als der Fuchs zu ihm hochrief: „Nicht einmal singen kannst du, nur ein
jämmerliches Krächzen bringst du zustande!“ da schrie der Rabe wütend: „Lass
mich in Ruhe!“ Da fiel ihm natürlich das Brot herunter, der Fuchs freute sich, fing
es auf und ging seiner Wege.
Moral: Manche Leute werden nie schlauer.
Arno, Muttersprache Deutsch, 1. Klasse (DCC)
Piroska in her essay explains why she likes the literature she studied.
Doesn’t her art piece display beautifully her interpretation of it?
Petőfi Sándor: János vitéz
A magyar irodalom órákon a meséken kívül az elbeszélő költeményről
is tanultunk. A János vitéz, amit 1844-ben kezdett el írni Petőfi
Sándor, 1845-ben jelent meg a Pesti Divatlapban. Nagy sikert
aratott ez az izgalmas, szerelemről szóló elbeszélő költemény, ami
huszonhét énekből áll. Ez a leghosszabb verses formában írt mű,
amit eddig olvastam.
Az én kedvenc fejezetem az első ének, amelyből megismerjük
a főszereplőket, Jancsit és Iluskát, akik első látásra egymásba
szeretnek. Egyiküknek sincsenek szülei, és életük során sok
nehézségen mennek keresztül. Szeretik egymást, és mégsem lehetnek együtt.
Robi bácsi kedvenc fejezete a hatodik ének, amikor Jancsi a zsiványokkal találkozik. Sok
próbatétel után az utolsó fejezetben Jancsi Iluskára talál Tündérországban. Az összes tündér
úgy gondolja, hogy ők a legszebb pár, és megválasztják őket királyuknak és királynőjüknek.
Szerintem a János vitéz egy nagyon szép mű, bár tartalmaz néhány (számomra) rémisztő részt. Ennek ellenére rengetegen
olvassák, és szerintem én is el fogom majd olvasni később.
Piroska, magyar nyelv, anyanyelv, 5. osztály
„Igaz, hogy eddig csak szamarat ismértem,
mivelhogy juhászság volt a mesterségem.
De magyar vagyok, s a magyar lóra termett,
Magyarnak teremt az isten lovat, nyerget.”
Viola is giving us her
opinion on the books she
read during the Easter
Holidays. Isn’t she a keen
reader for her age?
Viola, magyar nyelv, anyanyelv, 2. osztály
Lilla is a Junior Infant pupil
who enjoys the various art
and preschool activities in
Hungarian. Here are some
samples of her wonderful
Lilla, magyar nyelv, anyanyelv, óvoda
This year, the celebrations for Queen’s Day on the 30 April 2013, one of the most important secular national
holidays in the Netherlands, are cancelled and replaced by the inauguration of the new King, former Prince
Willem-Alexander. But what do we know about our new King and who was Queen Beatrix?
Koningin Beatrix
Koningin Beatrix is de Koningin van Nederland. Ze is geboren op 31 januari 1938. Ze
is het eerste kind van Koningin Juliana en Prins Bernard. Ze heeft drie zusjes: Prinses
Irene, Prinses Margriet en Prinses Christina. Beatrix is de
In 1966 trouwt ze met Prins Claus v an Duitsland. Ze krijgen drie zonen: Prins
Willem-Alexander, Prins Friso en Prins Constantijn.
Op 30 april 1980 wordt Beatrix Koningin der Nederlanden. Haar hobbys zijn
tennissen, paardrijden, beeldhouwen, zeilen en skiën.
Dit jaar wordt Koningin Beatrix 75 jaar en doet zij afstand van de troon. Haar
zoon Prins Willem-Alexander wordt koning op 30 april 2013.
Jessica, Nederlands
Koning Willem-Alexander
Willem-Alexander is geboren op 27 april 1967.
Zijn moeder is Koningin Beatrix en zijn vader is Prins Claus. Hij deed zijn dienstplicht bij de Marine.
Hij trouwt op 2 februari 2002 met Prinses Máxima Zorreguieta uit Argentinië. Hij heeft drie kinderen: Prinses
Amalia, Prinses Alexia en Prinses Ariana. Zijn hobbies zijn sport. Willem-Alexander zet zich ook in voor het
besparen van water. Hij wordt koning op 30 april 2013.
Jake, Nederlands
Jasmijn, always eager to explore different types of poetry, tried her hand at writing limericks.
A limerick is a funny little poem containing five lines. It has a very distinctive rhythm and rhyme
pattern. Jasmijn has selected this limerick especially for the newsletter.
Er was een Chinees uit Nederland,
die wilde graag staan in de krant.
Hij sprong van wat blokjes,
en slikte zijn stokjes.
Jasmijn, 5e lj, Nederlands
Er kwam een bericht op de achterkant.
M aya has recently done a project about fashion design.
She has made her own clothes collection.
Below are samples of her designs.
Maya, Svenska, Moderspråk, Klass 6
NON-Denominational Ethics
Crock helped us discovering
everything we needed to know.
Non-Denominational Ethics
Since December we have done lots of good topics in Ethics,
such as Communication, when we had to communicate without
speaking. In our topic ‘Health and Body’ we learned about
allergies and what happens after you touch or eat something
that you are allergic to. Then we had a test and we were very
happy to tell others what we learned!
One day our topic was ‘Show Me
What You Mean’ and we played
that one of us had to communicate
short sentences without speaking. It
was great fun acting, miming and
drawing while others were trying to
guess what the message was… Viola
During the topic Communication we
played a game that we had to throw a
rubber to someone and when the person
caught the rubber we had to tell one good
thing about that person. My favorite topic
was still ‘Allergies’. We not just learned
about allergies but we sang this short
rhyme as well… Itchy and sneezy
Swollen and wheezy
Keep away, please
I’ve got allergies!
Pollen and cats,
Hot air or cool,
Dustmites … perhaps
I’m allergic to school…
These are our Emotion Dices. It was great fun creating them as well
as playing with them!
We rolled the dice and had to act out the face. We
also discussed what might be the reason to be in
that mood and to have that face.
English as an Additional Language
The following poems were written by the EAL students who have been working on the concept of Text
Innovation. This is when we look at a text whether it’s a poem, a sentence, a paragraph or even a story and
we play with it to change it or innovative it and make it our own. We follow the model of the original text
and use it as a guide to help us come up with something new. I think the students did a great job and I
hope you enjoy their work.
The Gorilla
The scary gorilla all grey and black
Bananas are your favourite snack
Punching is something you’d like to do
To the people who watch you in the
I’m sure you’d rather be climbing free
Perhaps in a rainforest up a tall tree
Gorillas you are mighty and strong
Let loose in the jungle is where you belong
By Nicolas, 3 class
Lucy’s Hair
When I look at Lucy’s hair
I know that life is just not fair!
Lucy’s hair is long and strong
While mine looks so wrong!
Her hair is shiny and a fiery red
I look like I just got out of bed!
Her hair is clean and smells so nice
My hair is greasy and looks like rice!
Lucy’s hair is flowing straight
I want to be her best mate
I want my hair just the same
But my wild mane I’ll have to tame!
By Piroska, 5th Class
Dogs Eat Anything
Round and around and around and around she goes
Dogs eat anything
Inspiring people with her shows
Any sweets, a piece of string
Heavenly voice
They love to eat a juicy bone
Sometimes even a telephone
Some dogs like to eat a nail
While others prefer to eat a snail
They might even eat an old hat
Or if they can a dead cat!
Anything dogs will
Annoys my brother with her music noise
Number 1 hits, 11 so far
Nine years of age and she looked like a star
Anywhere I go I like to listen to her especially in the
By Catarina, 5th Class
Especially a piece of
By Viola, 2nd class
What makes you a
very good friend?
Is it someone who
doesn’t drive you
around the bend?
Someone you could perhaps always
And humour to cheer you up is a must!
Never sit alone at break
Friends must be real and not fake
Friends can listen and take worries
You always want your friends to stay
But sometimes when life gets hard
Can you really trust your heart?
By Semeli, 6th Class
Andrew’s Boots
When I see Andrew’s fancy football boots
But when the whistle blows
And the way he always shoots
And the ball he throws
I look at mine
It rolls and rolls
And I can’t help but whine!
But without controls
When I see his boots shine
Andrew’s kick hits the pole
They really should be mine
And I score the winning goal!
by Andreas, 5th Class
The Horse
The beautiful horse all white and brown
You never make me want to frown
Through the fields I love to ride
I am happy when you are by my side
I go to feed you everyday
I think your favourite food is hay
By day in the fields you run and leap
At night in your stable you like to sleep
Biscuit you’re a great friend
Upon you I can depend.
By Mayerli, 5th Class
Diane and Lorenzo
did a project on their
“dream room”.
They both wrote
very detailed descriptions
and did drawings …
Diane und Lorenzo, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 2. Klasse (DCC)
ID’s article is about fashion in different seasons
and what you wear in each season.
Mode in verschiedenen Jahreszeiten
Im Frühling trägt man Jeans, T-Shirts, Pullover und
Jacken. Die Farben sind hell und bunt: blau, grün, rot
und gelb.
Im Sommer trägt man T-Shirts, kurze Hosen, Kappen,
Sonnenbrillen und Bikinis. Die Farben sind auch hell: blau,
grün, rot, gelb, weiß und viele mehr. Sommer ist meine
Im Herbst trägt man lange Hosen, Pullover,
Jacken und Turnschuhe. Die Farben, die man
trägt sind rot, gelb und orange. Es ist sehr
windig im Herbst.
Im Winter trägt man Jacken, Pullover und die
warme Kleidung. Die Farben, die man trägt sind
weiß, grau und schwarz. Im Winter ist es sehr
kalt und es schneit manchmal.
ID, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 3. Klasse (DCC)
Semeli has asked Aurora to report back from her travels
about carnival in different countries:
Hallo ihr Lieben, ich bin Aurora. Dieses Jahr hab‘ ich mir vorgenommen 4 Orte am Fasching zu
besuchen. Wir werden nach Rio De Janeiro, Dänemark, Mainz und Köln reisen.
Jetzt sind wir in Rio, wo der Karneval besonders ausgiebig gefeiert wird. Der Karneval wird hier von
Sambatanzschulen veranstaltet. Samba ist eine Art Musik die zu dem brasilianischen Leben dazugehört. Hier sind
die Kostüme sehr bunt und auffällig und die Leute tanzen durch die Nächte.
In Mainz ist alles anders. Hier heißt Fasching Fastnacht. Bei dem Rosenmontagsumzug rufen alle „Helau“. Bei den
Sitzungen wird getanzt und man kann sich Büttenreden anhören.
Dänemark ist ein wunderschönes Land. Hier heißt Fasching „Fastelavn“. Am Faschingsmontag verkleiden sich die
Kinder und ziehen von Tür zu Tür. Das ähnelt Halloween sehr.
In Köln gibt es auch ein Rosenmontagszug. Diesen Umzug gibt es schon seit 1823. Hier laufen die Menschen 6-7
km durch die Stadt. Aber hier verkleiden sich nicht nur die Leute, die laufen; die Zuschauer
verkleiden sich auch.
Mein persönlicher Favorit ist Rio de Janeiro. Ich liebe ihre
Sambamusik und ihre bunten Federkostüme sind einfach toll.
Semeli, Deutsch L2, 6. Klasse
Horóscopos – ¿Verdad o Fraude?
Arno writes an article giving his opinion on Horoscopes and
predictions in general.
Muchos periódicos en todo el mundo escriben horóscopos.
Millones de personas leen sus horóscopos todavía. Pero, ¿hay
algo de verdad en ellos?
Para empezar, yo no creo en los horóscopos. Creo que los
periódicos los escriben solo para hacer dinero, y que se los
inventan sin ninguna razón. Además, las expresiones en los horóscopos son generales. Son verdaderas para
todos, por ejemplo: “Tú estás pasando un momento difícil”, o, “El lunes será un día de buena suerte.” El lunes,
la persona verá todo bueno por la “buena suerte” que profetizó el horóscopo.
Pero, hay otras maneras de profetizar, por ejemplo, leer las manos. No creo en esto tampoco, pero es más
simpático que los horóscopos. Es solo para una persona especial, no para muchas personas sin relación
excepto sus cumpleaños.
Yo no creo en ninguna manera de profetizar. Pero en esto ¡soy diferente a millones de otras personas! Y
algunas veces, ¡los horóscopos tienen algo de verdad!
Arno, Español LII, 1º Secundaria
Mi vida como saltador de obstáculos
Diane summarises a text on horse riding in a very creative way.
Me encanta saltar pero dependiendo del salto y del jinete lo paso mejor o
Los obstáculos más difíciles son los saltos “verticales”, son saltos aislados y
tengo que ir a una velocidad no muy alta para poder pasar el obstáculo de
una forma suave y sin tocarlo. Los más fáciles son los “fondos” porque
podemos ir un poco más rápido y saltamos más lejos. Mis saltos favoritos
son las “combinaciones”, salto y en seguida, otro salto, ¡Me encanta!
Tengo problemas con los colores por eso veo más la diferencia entre los saltos amarillos y azules que los saltos
amarillos y verdes. ¡Qué lío!
Como el jinete y yo somos “uno” el jinete me indica qué color saltar. Si es un buen jinete no moverá la parte
inferior de su pierna, desgraciadamente no todos son buenos, algunos tienen vicios, los principales son:
colgamiento, la pérdida de contacto y el punto de gravedad.
Me encanta mi vida de caballo, paso todo el día en el campo y cuando mi jinete viene… nos convertimos en
uno y… ¡nos vamos a saltar!
Diane, Español LII, 2º Secundaria
A taste of ice-cream, sunshine and holidays from Dina, Jasmijn, Krystian and Zara .
( Fl2 troisième,quatrième et cinquième années du primaire)
Lorenzo and Rafael ( FL2 deuxième année du secondaire) wrote beautiful poems inspired by French Polynesia and the
famous poem of Maurice Carème "L'heure du crime" .
Perles noires et sublimes
Plages paradisiaques,
Oh le beau ciel bleu
Océan bleu,
Lieu calme et paisible
Les jolies couleurs vives,
Y faire de l’escalade sur les montagnes gigantesques
Nager dans le grand océan bleu
Écouter les sons magnifiques faits par des oiseaux exotiques
Y vivre serait magnifique,
Nombreuses forêts vertes,
Émeraude comme les palmiers,
Serez-vous des explorateurs ?
Irez-vous visiter ce pays fantastique ?
Suivre les poissons sous l’eau,
Et découvrir ce lieu magique ?
Intense parfum de fleurs,
Essayer de faire du surf !
Il était minuit l’heure du crime
La porte de la cuisine s’est ouverte très lentement.
Une silhouette étrange a monté le petit escalier silencieusement.
Elle a avancé pendant quelques secondes tout doucement
et tout à coup... elle a ouvert la porte d’une petite chambre brusquement.
La petite fille a allumé sa lampe de chevet rapidement
et elle a vu sa grosse chienne qu’elle aime énormément.
Une ombre dans la nuit...
Une créature est entrée silencieusement,
Dans la chambre de la petite fille,
Dehors, dans l’obscurité, les ombres des arbres bougeaient sinistrement,
La silhouette avançait furtivement le long les murs blancs...
Jusqu'au lit, où la petite dormait tranquillement,
Pour ne pas la réveiller brusquement.
Et les doux rêves de la petite fille,
Se sont enfuis doucement...
Entre les bras accueillants de sa mère.
Daniel , Cian, Id and Louise used some of the 10 words proposed by the French government as part of its annual
pedagogical initiative "Dis-moi dix mots". Creative and FL2 juices did flow!
Dis-moi dix mots
Le projet « dis-moi dix mots » est un projet sur lequel on a travaillé dans les classes de 3e FL2 pour
marquer La Semaine de la Francophonie.
Sur une feuille, il y avait dix mots ou expressions et on devait travailler sur ces mot, on devait chercher
les mots dans le dictionnaire et après on devait écrire un texte avec ses mots ou expressions.
Je pense que ce projet était très bien parce qu’on a appris du nouveau vocabulaire. C' était utile pour
ma préparation pour le « Junior Cert ». Ça m’a aussi enseigné à écrire des choses imposées, pas
seulement ce que je veux.
C’est vrai que quelques mots étaient très difficiles à mettre dans mon texte comme « coup de foudre »
et « voilà » surtout quand j'étais en train d’écrire au sujet d’un peintre, mais en réfléchissant
suffisamment, j'ai pu les introduire.
C’est un projet que j’ai bien aimé.
Daniel (Fl2, troisième année du secondaire)
Vous ne les trouverez pas dans un atelier mais ils modèlent votre avenir.
Ils sont toujours dans votre équipe, utilisant leur savoir-faire pour vous aider et vous protéger.
Vous vous asseyez en vis-à-vis, ignorant le cachet unique qu’ils laissent sur vous.
Tout ce travail et ils ne demandent rien en retour,
Même pas un bouquet de fleurs.
Voilà ! Ce sont vos parents.
Cian ( FL2, cinquième année du secondaire)
Dunshaughlin, le 25 février
Chère Louise,
Comment vas-tu? Moi, je vais bien. J'ai une histoire intéressante à te raconter.
Quand je suis rentré de mon atelier de menuiserie samedi matin, j'ai reçu un bouquet de fleurs et une lettre avec un cachet
étrange. J'ai ouvert la lettre avec précaution.
Une fille de l'équipe nationale de natation m'avait écrit : elle m'a vu à la cantine et ça a été le coup de foudre. J'ai eu un peu
peur parce que je ne savais pas comment elle avait eu mon adresse mais il y avait aussi une photo d'elle et elle était très jolie et
Je voulais la rencontrer face-à-face alors je lui ai écrit. Dimanche après-midi, je suis aussi allé au centre-ville, je l'ai cherchée,
mais à la place j'ai rencontré mes amis. Ils m'ont dit qu'ils étaient la jolie fille de la lettre. J'étais vraiment déçu!
Et voila, mon week-end riche d'événements.
Écris-moi vite!
(FL2 troisième année du secondaire)
Paris, le 25 mai
Cher Id,
Comment ça va ? Moi ça va vraiment bien !
Je suis à Paris pour un atelier d’art. Quand je suis arrivée à l’aéroport, j’ai vu un très beau garçon, c’était
comme le coup de foudre (pour moi, pas pour lui).
Je suis allée visiter Meije la semaine dernière. J’ai joué un match de basket avec l’équipe de Meije, tous les
joueurs m’ont dit que j’avais le savoir-faire.
Après le match, j’avais très mal à la tête alors j’ai pris un cachet. Quand nous sommes rentrés chez Meije, il y
avait un bouquet de fleurs avec une note pour moi ! Il y avait <<tu es très jolie et unique>>écrit dedans. J’ai
commencé à rire car j’ai pensé que c’était vraiment drôle.
Je suis revenue à Paris hier soir et nous avons mangé des spaghettis à la bolognaise. Je devais protéger mon
assiette parce que j’étais assise vis-à-vis Daniel et il regardait ma nourriture comme s'il était un animal
Voilà ! C’est tout !
Ecris-moi vite,
Je t’embrasse,
(FL2 troisième année du secondaire)
What did Dário, Johanna, Martin and Nathan ( Fl2 cinquième année
du secondaire) do during the Easter holidays?
They had fun certainly but they knew that, once they got back to
French class, they would have to talk about their holidays, as usual.
But this time, they came back with a grin and a lot to tell ...
« Paris est toujours une bonne idée » Audrey Hepburn
Mon séjour à Paris
Pendant mes vacances de Pâques je suis allée à Paris pour quatre jours avec des amis. Le voyage
avait été organisé par une prof de français, et chaque jour il y avait des activités différentes, mais
sans aucun doute, le premier jour a été mon jour préféré.
Nous sommes partis de chez nous à trois heures du matin (quel ennui!) donc, à dix heures, on était
déjà sur les Champs Élysées. La célèbre chanson de Joe Dassin dans la tête, nous nous sommes
« baladés sur l’avenue, les cœurs ouverts à l’inconnu ». Pour déjeuner, nous avons mangé de
grandes baguettes dans un petit café, en se sentant comme de vrais français !
Bien sûr, on a vu l’Arc de Triomphe qui était beaucoup plus grand que je ne l’avais imaginé, très
Ce soir-là, nous avons fait un voyage en bateau sur la Seine. On a vu la Tour Eiffel et Notre Dame
de Paris de nuit, c’était vraiment magnifique! À ce moment-là, je ne pouvais pas imaginer être plus
heureuse que là, avec mes meilleurs amis, sur le bateau qui se balançait doucement sur les petites
vagues de la Seine…
Ces vacances étaient des vacances incroyables, et je peux dire, sans aucun doute, que je suis
tombée amoureuse de cette ville. Peut-être, avec un peu de chance, je pourrais y vivre un jour...
On peut toujours rêver, non ?
Mes vacances de Pâques
Pendant mes vacances de Pâques je suis allé en France avec ma classe. Nous sommes partis le 26 mars à six heures du
matin et nous sommes arrivés à Paris à huit heures. Nous avons pris un autocar sur les Champs-Élysées et nous avons
déjeuner. Après, nous avons fait le tour de Paris et c’était fantastique !
Le lendemain, nous avons visité la tour Eiffel. La vue du sommet était magnifique. Ensuite, nous sommes allés au Louvre
et nous avons vu la Joconde. Nous avons aussi visité la cathédrale Notre-Dame.
Le troisième jour, nous avons passé toute la journée à Disneyland. J’ai été sur toutes les grandes montagnes russes. La
meilleure était ‘Space Mountain’.
Le quatrième jour, nous nous sommes réveillés très tôt parce que nous avons dû faire nos valises. À dix heures, nous
sommes allés à Versailles et après nous sommes allés dans un centre commercial. À dix heures du soir, nous sommes
partis de Paris et nous sommes arrivés à Dublin à onze heures et demie.
Paris est une très belle ville et pendant les quatre jours que j'étais là, j’ai passé de très bons moments: j’aimerais bien y
retourner un jour.
Mes vacances de Pâques
Pendant mes vacances de Pâques je suis allé à Paris avec des camarades de classes pendant quatre jours.
Le premier jour, on s’est retrouvés à l’aéroport vers 4h30 du matin. Moi, j’étais fatigué, mais je me suis réveillé
quand j’ai vu mes amis.
On est arrivés à l’aéroport de Beauvais vers 9 heures. Il y avait un bus dehors qui nous a amenés à Paris. Le
premier endroit qu’on a visité c’était les Champs Élysées. C’était chouette! On a vu l’Arc de Triomphe qui est
magnifique! L’architecture est vraiment impressionnante. J’aime les endroits historiques mais, malheureusement, quand j’ai eu envie d’acheter un souvenir ça couté trop cher!
Après avoir marché sur les Champs Élysées, on est allés voir les autres endroits célèbres comme la Tour Eiffel,
le Louvre etc. Heureusement, on a pris le bus!
La deuxième jour, on est allés à la Tour Eiffel. Les photos qu’on a prises du sommet sont magnifiques. On est
restés là pendant deux heures! C’était intéressant de voir Paris de si haut! Après, on est allés à Notre- Dame.
C’est incroyable! L’intérieur et l’extérieur sont très beaux. Les statues sont vraiment intéressantes et l’art est
fantastique !
On est allés au Louvre pour voir la Joconde. Ce n’est pas vraiment impressionnant, à mon avis, elle est
minuscule et il y a une peinture beaucoup plus belle vis-à-vis la Joconde.
Le troisième jour, on est allés à Disneyland pour la journée. C’était chouette mais après quelques heures j’avais
mal aux pieds et j’étais épuisé. C’est surtout pour les enfants mais malheureusement, moi, je ne suis plus un
Le dernier jour, on est allés visiter Versailles. Les chambres sont magnifiques! Après on est allés faire les
magasins pour acheter des souvenirs etc. Moi, j’étais fatigué et j’avais envie de me coucher.
Quand on est arrivés à l’aéroport de Beauvais, on était tous épuisés! On est rentrés en Irlande vers 11 heures
du soir.
Mon séjour à Paris est la chose la plus chouette que j’ai faite pendant mes vacances.
Mes vacances de Pâques
Pendant la première semaine de mes vacances, je suis allé à Paris en voyage scolaire avec mes amis. On a
visité tous les monuments célèbres : Notre-Dame, le Sacré-Cœur, la Tour Eiffel, l'Arc de Triomphe, le Louvre
et le Palais de Versailles... Tout quoi!
On a aussi pris un bateau-mouche sur la Seine, pour voir Paris d'une autre perspective. C'était intéressant
d'écouter les commentaires sur l'histoire des monuments, mais la chose la plus étrange pour moi a été d'être
sur un bateau au centre d'une ville !
La dernière semaine, j'étais au Portugal, à Lisbonne pour aider ma famille avec l'ameublement de notre
maison. En fait, j'ai passé toute la semaine dans le jardin à couper des branches pour laisser entrer plus de
C'était de bonnes vacances mais beaucoup trop courtes !
Shannon did a lot of interesting things during her holidays.
As for Gabriella, well ..it was a dream of an Easter weekend.
Mes vacances de Pâques
Pendant les vacances de Pâques, j'ai fait beaucoup de choses.
Je suis allée à Nice avec ma mère. Le premier jour, nous avons pris le bus
pour aller m' acheter une belle guitare violette.
Un autre jour, nous sommes allées au cinéma voir « Le Monde Fantastique
d’Oz » et comme le titre le promet, c’est fantastique! J’ai adoré Finlay le
petit singe : c' était le personnage le plus marrant du film.
Après une semaine, je suis revenue en Irlande pour aller voir le chanteur
Olly Murs en concert. Je trouve qu’il a fait une très belle performance.
Ce que j’ai préféré pendant les vacances, ça a été d'acheter ma nouvelle
guitare: J'en suis toute fière!
(FL2 cinquième du secondaire)
Mon voyage de rêve
Hier, je suis allée aux États-Unis en
avion, en première classe. À côté de
moi, il y avait Zac Efron. Nous avons
parlé et ri pendant tout le voyage.
Nous sommes arrivés à Los Angeles
et là nous avons visité les studios de
cinéma. Après, nous sommes allés chez
lui. Il a une grande maison moderne de
pierre grise et au sous-sol, il y a une
piscine gigantesque qui va dans le
jardin. Nous avons nagé.
Le soir, nous sommes allés à la première
de son nouveau film. Je portais une
longue robe de soirée en dentelle et des
chaussures rouges à talons très hauts.
J’étais très belle! Mes yeux étaient bleus
et.... je me suis réveillée. Ce n'est
vraiment pas juste!
(FL3 troisième année du secondaire)
During the French classes Seán and Yash had some fun with the French sounds [ ] like in ‘giraf’ and
[ ] like in ‘chat’. They each produced some funny sentences with the sounds in it. Here are their
Le nuage mange.
La vache nage.
Yash et Seán, FL 2 primaire
Maya, Andreas and Prathik asked Emma the Easter Bunny to tell us about her last Easter visit, even though it
did not turn out that well…….
Je suis Emma, le lapin de Pâques. Je vais rendre
visite à ma famille dans le monde entier. C’est
Maintenant, je vais à New York chez mon cousin.
Il s’appelle Max, le lapin voleur.
“J’habite aux Etats-Unis, à New York. Je prends les
chocolats, les bonbons et les guimauves des enfants.”
Mais le lapin voleur a mangé tout le chocolat, tous les
bonbons et les enfants n’ont rien reçu!!!
Qu’est-ce qu’on fait?
Vous cachez les oeufs en chocolat et les lapins en
chocolat dans les jardins des enfants . Ils doivent les
trouver . C’est la chasse aux oeufs de Pâques.
Je vais rendre visite à ma soeur, la lapine de la mode,
Amina. Elle est en Italie.
Quatre heures plus tard:
J’entre dans le magasin de mode d’Amina!!
”Bonjour,Amina !! Voilà mon cousin, le lapin voleur,Max“.
“Bonjour, Emma. Bonjour Max. Emma,c’est ma robe de Pâques. N’est-elle pas magnifique? Et ma robe
du mois d’avril, elle est très belle? N’est-elle pas jolie?”
”Errrrrrr?? Les deux? Mais ce sont les mêmes...“
“Taisez-vous!!! Qu’est-ce-que vous faites à Pâques? Moi, j’apporte le gâteau qui s’appelle la Colomba.”
”On doit aller en Inde rendre visite à mon ami, Indiana Jones.“
Sept heures plus tard:
Le lapin Indiana Jones est très aventureux .
Je cherche le lapin voleur qui a pris l’oeuf de cristal et tous les oeufs de New York.
Errrrrr ? Uh oh ! Où est Max ?
Deux ans plus tard à Hawaii:
Le lapin voleur conduit une Lamborghini rouge et il a beaucoup d’argent.
Maya, Andreas,Prathik FL2 6ième primaire
Bonnes vacances!
Buone vacan
Schöne Sommerfe
Geniet van
een leuke
Καλό καλοκαίρι!
¡Qué pases unas buenísimas
‘Trevligt somma
Boas férias de verão!
Kellemes nyara
Enjoy your Summer!