- SpanSet


- SpanSet
Under tension for
more than 50 years
New Joker hook
A success story continues
The Joker hook product
family was extended by
a 10-t variant
SpanSet presented itself on the 44th Business Forum.
Page 3
UK is the first to celebrate
The aim of the Business Forum, after nearly 20
years of tradition, is to shine a public spotlight
on companies that represent the region on the
global markets almost unnoticed in spite of
their position as a global leader.
On April 11th, 2016 the two SpanSet managing
directors Hans-Josef Neunfinger and Patrick Schulte
took up the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (IHK) and of the Aachener Zeitung and
presented the corporate group, the products and the
company history of SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG.
For more than 50 years, SpanSet GmbH has been
manufacturing and developing products at its headquarters in Übach-Palenberg, and has gone from
being a small manufacturer for car safety belts to an
internationally successful company. Today, the car
safety belt is no longer part of its core business, the
two managing directors Hans-Josef Neunfinger and
Patrick Schulte said at the start of their presentation
at the IHK forum
„The safety belt co-developed by the
SpanSet founder Erik Ehnimb in Sweden
has been a mature product for many years
and offers virtually no opportunities for
further development. Furthermore, the high
price pressure means that this segment is
no longer very interesting for us.“
(Patrick Schulte)
SpanSet celebrates its 50th anniversary
Between history and innovation –
SpanSet UK looks back at 50 years
of successful work.
Page 5
New section
Hans-Josef Neunfinger and Patrick Schulte at the start of their presentation at the IHK forum.
Good conditions in Übach-Palenberg
The decision to establish the headquarters in
Übach-Palenberg was a very conscious one, said
Hans-Josef Neunfinger. Back then, in addition to
the proximity to logistical hubs such as Düsseldorf,
Rotterdam and Antwerp, the good reputation of the
textile industry in the region was a decisive factor in
choosing the location. The crisis-prone coal industry
in the 1960s also offered the perfect conditions
for finding specialised employees. „Back then the
industry was starting to close a gap that had been
left behind by the coal industry“, Patrick Schulte said
during the forum, which was moderated by Thorsten
Karbach, business editor of the Aachener Zeitung.
The arguments that spoke in favour of choosing
Übach-Palenberg as the company headquarters back
then remain valid today, as the IHK general manager
Michael F. Bayer was able to demonstrate with
current figures from the chamber district during the
44th Business Forum held by the Aachen Chamber of
Industry and Commerce and the Aachener Zeitung.
Unlike the overall situation in North-Rhine Westphalia, the revenues of the manufacturing industry
have increased in the Aachen chamber district, said
Bayer, „even 3.9 % to nearly 18 billion Euros.“ In his
opinion, the weak domestic demand in particular
is the main reason for the domestic decline. But
he also emphasised the contrary trend in the region,
which has recently seen an increase in demand
amounting to even 3.6 %.
Tips and Tricks: The sharp edge
When is an edge considered sharp and what
has to be taken into account in day-to-day work
when lifting sharp-edged loads?
Page 7
Further highlights:
■■SpanSet Switzerland
introduces IDXpert
Page 6
■■Patrick Schulte‘s anniversary and
Page 9
Page 10
Mr. Neunfinger‘s birthday
continued on page 2
2016 already has lots to offer and promises even more!
Dear readers,
In the first months of 2016 we have already witnessed
many things at SpanSet, and the rest of the years
still holds a few exciting events and news.
As most of you already know, this year SpanSet is
celebrating its 50th anniversary and the company is
already full of anticipation for the many things that
are still to come. Celebrations are being held not
only here in Übach-Palenberg. In March, SpanSet
UK already launched its anniversary celebrations by
taking a look not only at the past, but also at the
But celebrations are not all this year has to offer.
Many exciting advancements of our products await
you in this edition. The Magnum-X round sling with
a load capacity of up to 450 t underwent a strength
test, and in June the Joker hook product range will
be expanded and offer a 10-t variant in the future
which offers a number of improvements, also in terms
of its construction.
It was also on the occasion of the anniversary that
SpanSet was invited to present the company at the
44th IHK Forum. In a pleasant atmosphere we gave
the interested visitors an opportunity to take a look
behind the scenes at SpanSet and answered the
visitors‘ questions.
As usual you will also learn some interesting facts
about the developments of our partners all over the
globe. RUD is celebrating 35 years of inspection
service, our colleagues in Australia are moving into
their new factory building, we congratulate Henrik
Schliesshahn to 20 years of RUD-SpanSet Hungary
and bid farewell to Mike Braddell on the occasion of
his retirement after 37 years at SpanSet International
and SpanSet France. Brand new in this edition: the
section TIPS AND TRICKS, this time all about the
„sharp edge“.
We hope you enjoy this new edition.
Hans-Josef Neunfinger
Patrick Schulte
IHK Forum Aachen provides
a look behind the scenes
Hans-Josef Neunfinger and Patrick Schulte in a conversation with the host, Thorsten Karbach,
from the business editorial office of the Aachener Zeitung.
Safety as top priority!
From the car safety belt to the specialist in
height safety, lashing and lifting technology.
This year, SpanSet is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the company. After half a century
there is a lot to look back onto. Patrick Schulte
and Hans-Josef Neunfinger dug deep into the
photo box for their presentation and showed
the visitors of the IHK Forum some heavy testimonies of successful projects.
With some pride they showed pictures, for example,
of how the Quadriga was hoisted back onto the
Brandenburg Gate by SpanSet in 1990 after extensive
restoration work. Still today, the German Emperor
William keeps watch in his ancestral place above
the „German Corner“ in Koblenz thanks to SpanSet.
The roof of the BC Place Stadium in Vancouver was
yet another special project for the two managing
directors. For this project, an innovative solution
was developed in cooperation with the general contractor to allow the roof to be opened and closed
with specially developed SpanSet straps.
These and other elaborate projects would have
been impossible just a few years ago, Hans-Josef
Neunfinger remembered.
Fritz Rötting, managing director of the IHK Aachen,
in a conversation with Hans-Josef Neunfinger.
„As little as ten years ago we were proud
to manufacture round slings with load
capacities of 50 t – today, we can offer
our customers round slings with a load
capacity of up to 450 t.“
(Hans-Josef Neunfinger)
SpanSet has been continuously developing its products since the company was founded. Where pure
polyester fibres were previously used, the company
now relies increasingly on high-performance fibres.
Two examples of this are the NoCut product range,
which offers protection from sharp edges, and the
Magnum-X round slings.
Patrick Schulte with IHK
general manager Michael F. Bayer.
secutex managing director Boris Franke, Michael Weinhold from
MERA and Jörg Scheilen from SpanSet also attended the IHK Forum.
The two managing directors spoke about the standards
that have been set by the company. For many years,
SpanSet has also been relying on the cooperation
with universities and institutes to further develop
its products. Furthermore, the company maintains a
continuous dialogue with people who use its products
in practice. For example, this is how the ant-belt
slip procedure was developed which is used, among
others, in the Ergo ABS pull ratchet and sets standards in load control. This innovation has made it
possible to gradually release lashing straps and
prevent serious accidents. Conventional lashing
systems, on the other hand, are released in one
single step, which can make unstable loads tip over
or fall down and hit the driver.
Companies often look inconspicuous at first
glance, and one drives or walks past them
without giving them any further attention.
However, it is not uncommon for the factory
gates and office doors to conceal companies
that are successful and well-known far beyond their location. Some companies even rank
among the global market leaders in their field
of business, but hardly anybody is aware of this.
For this reason, up to three times a year the
IHK Aachen invites selected companies from
its district to the IHK Forum in cooperation
with the Aachener Zeitung. The companies are
given the opportunity to present themselves to
an interested audience and allow the visitors
to take a look behind the scenes. The visitors
also have the opportunity to ask questions
about the company and its location in the region.
Until now, 44 companies have presented themselves at the IHK Forum.
SpanSet weltweit
„Today, our systems are present on every continent
– except in Antarctica“, Hans-Josef Neunfinger said
when looking at the virtual sales map of the world.
While in the past there were reservations about the
performance of textile lashing and lifting equipment,
these have meanwhile become generally accepted
around the world and have over the years replaced
the need for chains and wire cables.
Towards the end, a visitor even gave the two
managing directors a tip on how SpanSet could
perhaps also be present in Antarctica in the future.
His daughter works at a research station there, and
all necessary supplies are delivered by air cargo.
After all, the cargo has to be secured in some way.
However, we did not find out whether contact
details were exchanged directly.
An informative presentation, an
interesting hands-on product display
and a lively exchange in a comfortable
atmosphere. The 44th IHK Forum had
plenty to offer for the trade specialists
from companies based in the region
and for private persons.
Magnum-X with a load capacity of up to 450 t
... tested safety.
Higher, further, faster is one motto of the sporting world. Higher load capacities, on the other
hand, have become a trend in lifting technology.
Structural elements and loads are becoming
increasingly bulky and heavy. Equally an opportunity and a challenge for manufacturers of
lifting gear.
Not too long ago, round slings with nominal carrying
capacities of several hundred tons were practically
non-existent. In the meantime, however, they are a
permanent fixture in the range of round slings offered
by SpanSet. Special manufacturing technology
and the use of increasingly sophisticated highperformance fibres allow for increasingly high load
Beyond the aspect of manufacturing technology, the
products have to pass a strength test before they
can be introduced onto the market. Today, in consideration of the safety factors, this calls for machine
tensile forces of several thousand tons. Against this
backdrop, the number of possible tensile testing
machines is drastically reduced.
To ensure that such a test can, in fact, be carried
out, a number of parameters have to be taken into
account in addition to the maximum tensile force of
such a machine:
■■ Clamping length
■■ Travel of the hydraulic cylinder
■■ Type and condition of the specimen holders
The round sling prototype under nominal load,
ready for the measurement of the contact geometry.
■■ Inspection speed
■■ Control options
The round sling prototype on its way to being clamped.
that are indispensable for the utilisation were tested
and passed, including the material thickness and
width under load. In consideration of the test capacities of up to 24,500 kN or 2,500 t, the capacity of
the test machine has become nearly exhausted in
the meantime, which will become a new challenge
for the SpanSet engineers in the future owing to the
trend to increasingly higher load capacities.
Impression mark of the test bolt after the fracture test.
Among others, SpanSet carries out strength tests
in cooperation with the DNV GL. Just recently,
at the end of last year, round slings made from
hard-wearing polyester and high-performance fibres
were tested together. The last in a predefined test
sequence was the fracture test, which confirmed
the anticipated strengths. At the same time, the data
The successful tests have meanwhile led to an
increase in the load capacity of the Magnum-X
slings of up to 450 t.
For more information about
Magnum-X round slings please visit
Joker hook –
a success story continues
Now also for round slings with (8 and) 10 t load capacity.
The special features of the Joker hook are in the
detail. The protruding hook tip and the large hook
opening make it much easier to hook the Joker into
attachment points. In addition, while developing the
textile lifting, gear, its colour code was based on
the standard for textile lifting gear. This is meant
especially to prevent „dangerous“ mix-ups, because
safety always has the top priority in every product
development at SpanSet.
To further meet the demands of our customers and
to cater to the general market trend to increasingly
higher load capacities, the product range of the
Joker hook was recently expanded by a 10-t variant.
The geometries of the 10-t Joker hook are also suitable for use with round slings with a load capacity
of 8 t. The same applies to the universal 6-t Joker,
which can also be combined with 4- and 5-t round
slings and for which a weight-reduced version in the
Skeletto principle is now also available.
Mix-ups can result in dangerous accidents. To prevent this, the colour code of the Joker hook is in line
with the standard for textile lifting gear. The hook can also be used universally for other round slings.
For many years now, the Joker hook has proven
to be a useful accessory and a sophisticated
component of multi-leg slings for our customers
around the world.
Its robust design in accordance with DIN EN
1677-2 in special grade with a drop-forged safety
catch and the perfect fine-tuning of its geometry
to the SpanSet polyester slings are the Joker
hook‘s major advantages. The construction according to the Skeletto principle also reduces the tare
weight. The Joker hook offers our customers a
wide range of utilisation options for extending and
combining round slings or for quickly „upgrading“
a round sling to a multi-leg sling. A tool that deserves a place in every workshop in both industry
and trade and that has proven its worth time and
time again.
The 10-t Joker hook will be available starting in
June. Our colleagues in the Sales Department look
forward to taking your orders.
Joker hook 1 to 3 t – save 25 %!
Valid from 01/01/2016 to 31/05/2016
For more information visit www.spanset.de
The design based on the Skeletto principle, the new design
of the hook tip and the large hook opening make it even easier
for our customers to use the Joker hook.
35 years success story - Inspection service
RUD were the first ones worldwide.
of paint with magnetic crack detection instruments.
This test option was found to be 100 % accurate, as
a result of which the entire inspection service was
switched to the much safer inspection compared to
the 50 % test load. In these 35 years, many thousands of chain slings, components and attachment
points have been tested in terms of their operational
fitness and certified.
Seit 35 Jahren mobiler Prüfservice mit magnetischer Rissprüfung, mit dem Mann der ersten Stunde: Herbert Schmidt.
When the first new Mercedes delivery van
was finally delivered to the lifting gear department 35 years ago, in 1981, it marked the end of
three years of preparation for a mobile inspection service and the start of a unique success
Back then, the regulation governing the regular
inspections of hoisting chains still called for a stress
test with 1.5 times the load capacity of the respective
chain sling. For this reason, a heavy construction
for a mobile, foldable, hydraulic pulling device was
provided. At RUD, this stress test had always been
viewed with criticism, because the low overload
could not really guarantee a safe evaluation of the
chain. Intensive tests were carried out in parallel to
assess whether it was also possible to detect cracks
in the chain in the rounded area and under the coat
Relocation in Australia More room for more success.
This recipe for success was adopted by all RUD
dealers, so that today, more than 100 vehicles make
their way to the companies in Germany every day to
ensure that safe lifting gear is being used on site.
In the meantime, this mobile inspection concept is
used not only throughout Europe, but has become
the recipe for success around the world, e.g. in
China, Mexico and Brazil.
Henrik Schliesshahn celebrates his 20-year anniversary
20 years of growth at RUD-SpanSet Hungary.
Shortly after taking on the role of managing director,
he made a joint decision with the shareholders RUD
and SpanSet Germany to move the company headquarters to Budapest. The central location and the
capital city‘s position as a centre for logistics and
trade were two of the main reasons for his decision.
At the beginning, the company was comprised of
only two employees - including Mr. Schliesshahn. In
this very small team, he visited his customers during
the day, and in the afternoon he went down into the
basement to assemble multi-leg anchoring slings.
The company soon had to hire new employees, and
already in 1999 the company moved again, this time
Our colleagues at SpanSet Australia recently moved
into a new building in Emu Plains, a small town
around 60 km west of Sydney. To ensure that the
company can continue to grow, a new building was
erected that was designed to meet the increasing
demands on site. The building was designed with
a view to both ecological and economic aspects.
The office rooms are modern and bright, and there
is now nearly twice as much space available for
the manufacture as before. The warehouse was
also built to offer about twice as much room as the
old building. Already during the planning phase it
was taken into account that vehicle and forklifts
could move around inside the halls without any
problems. Should space become an issue again
in the future, this is no problem: the building was
designed such that it can be expanded with relatively little effort.
We wish our colleagues lots
of success in their new building.
RUD has used the occasion of the 35 years of
inspection service and has taken a month picture for
the RUD monthly calendar showing the inspection
van, the 35-year inspection service man Herbert
Schmidt and two women from our export sales
It is particularly noteworthy that the man of the first
RUD inspection van was none other than our employee
Herbert Schmidt, who still drives the inspection
van today and trains the many test engineers of our
retailers. Herbert Schmidt is thus one of the most
experienced inspection engineer and has withdrawn
many critical loads from service and significantly
increased occupational safety in his life as an inspector. The pictures from the early days are still
RUD-SpanSet Hungary was founded in June of
1993, back then it was still known as Ket Kft.
(Ket Komplett emelés-és rögzitéstechnika, or
Ket Komplett Hebe- und Zurrtechnik GmbH in
German). Already in 1996, Henrik Schliesshahn
became the company‘s managing director.
The new building of SpanSet Australia (above) with more space for
the manufacture (centre) and for the warehouse (below).
testament to the tedious work in dark, hot and dirty
halls. Today, the inspection, certification and documentation is made considerably easier with the RUD
ID system.
The company grew rapidly, and in 2003 it generated
more than one million Euro in revenues for the first
time. Due to the persistent success, the company
soon had to move again. In 2008 the company
relocated to Diósd, where it has stayed until today.
Its customers include major companies such as Audi,
Daimler, MOL, Caterpillar and Suzuki. To emphasise
its affiliation to the shareholders, in 2014 KET was
renamed RUD-SpanSet Emeléstechnika Kft.
René Tomas congratulates SpanSet Henrik Schliesshahn
on his anniversary on behalf of SpanSet.
closer to the airport outside the city limits. It wasn‘t
long before KET became well-known throughout
Hungary and expanded its line of business with conveyor chains, tools and workshop technology. Later,
under the direction of Henrik Schliesshahn, the company decided to focus more on the core business of
lifting technology again, and started developing its
inspection service, which is still successful today.
In his 20 years as managing director, Henrik
Schliesshahn helped build up the company
from scratch and made it to what it is today.
We congratulate him and wish him and his
colleagues lots of success.
Mike Braddell, a true gentleman, says goodbye
The long-time marketing director of SpanSet International retires.
Kind, attentive, helpful, likeable, empathetic,
multifaceted, cheerful, stylish, sophisticated,
not a spoilsport and a good observer. This is how
Alberto González Taracena, managing director
at SpanSet in Spain, describes his friend and
business partner „Mike“.
Mike Braddell is a fun-loving man who likes socialising
with others, appreciates pleasant banter and has a
weakness for good wine. He sings well and sometimes enjoys playing his guitar. His very intelligent
and attractive manner, combined with his 2-m stature,
his deep voice and his winning charm make him very
popular with others. No matter what country he happens to be in – he makes new friends everywhere.
As a real sports fan, Mike Braddell enjoys sailing,
skiing, rowing, playing tennis and golfing. He is also
an avid rugby fan and player, and could almost play
with the professionals.
At the age of 65 years, Mike Braddell is now about
to retire, after an impressive 37 years at SpanSet.
He was the Vice President of SpanSet International
and managing director of SpanSet in France, and
always looked after the interests and needs of each
individual employee and colleague. He is a good
listener and a versatile team player.
„I wish I had his education, his class
and - I‘ll admit it – his ability to
sing and to always be up-to-date on
all kinds of music.“
Dear Mike,
(Alberto González Taracena)
During his time at SpanSet he always felt a strong
connection to the company and to the people
working there. One could say that he was – and
will probably continue to be – proud of being part
of SpanSet.
Thank you for the many great
years you shared with us!
We wish you all the best
and hope you enjoy retirement!
secutex-Secugrip 90
The versatile protective coating with high coefficients of friction.
Die Eigenschaften von
The properties of
secuGrip 90 at a glance:
At the LogiMat 2016 in Stuttgart, the international trade fair for distribution, material
and information flow, SpanSet-secutex introduced Secugrip 90 to the specialist audience
with great success for the first time in
■■ Highly elastic and impact-resistant
■■ Seamless and smooth
■■ Extremely resistant to wear
The new thin coating from secutex is very versatile.
This product can be used not only as a coating for
beams (as a durable alternative to the anti-slip mat),
but also for coating hooks, tines and floor space in
lorries. For the first time, secuGrip 90 will soon be
offered as roll material on a double-sided adhesive
tape, and can be used for surfaces that cannot be
given a fixed coating by machine. This allows the
customer to coat his surfaces himself, which makes
for even more flexible utilisation.
Above: the secutex stand on the LogiMAT 2016 in Stuttgart.
First picture: Managing director Petra Nießen with the
area sales managers Ole Söker and Markus Flecken.
Left: a forklift and the interior of a small van
coated with secuGrip 90.
secuGrip is a sprayable, solvent- and plasticiser-free
2-K spray polyurea elastomer (two-component plastic)
with a certified coefficient of friction of 0.6 μ for
various material combinations. It has excellent
surface protection properties. secuGrip 90 enables
seamless and smooth coating even on complicated
surfaces, whereby the thickness of the coating can be
individually adjusted to the respective circumstances.
■■ Individual strengths possible
■■ Resistant to many chemicals
■■ Resistant to high and low temperatures
■■ Resistant to major temperature shocks
■■ Adhesive to nearly all surfaces
■■ Vapour diffusive
■■ Perfectly liquid-tight
■■ Free from solvents
■■ Completely harmless
and environmentally friendly
For more information about secuGrip 90
please visit www.secutex.com
UK is the first to celebrate
Between history and innovation – SpanSet celebrates its round anniversary.
Thanks to extensive investments, these now rank
among the world‘s finest and offer the following
■■ Possibility of uncomplicated online booking of all courses around the clock via the new „SpanSet Airlines“ system.
■■ Online registration upon arrival.
■■ Tailor-made reception area and three training rooms with viewing windows.
From the left: David Ehnimb (CEO), Ingo Burbach (Export Manager) and Jörg Scheilen (Product Manager Height Safety; far right)
congratulate managing director Tony Eaden (2nd from left) on the 50th anniversary.
Interactive multimedia touch screens in all
training rooms. An interactive software allows the users to take part and get involved in the training modules by means
of tablets.
Practical outdoor training areas that simulate
all situations involving work at height:
masts, telecommunications towers, roofs,
search and rope access/rescue structures,
practical lifting and loading control area,
indoor telecommunication monopoles and
rope access structure.
The event was attended by numerous colleagues,
customers, officials and other industry representatives. Peter Ward, sales manager at SpanSet,
proudly announced:
Visit at SpanSet UK in Cheshire.
From the left: Tony Eaden (Managing Director SpanSet UK),
Jane Freeley (Head of Controlling) and Peter Ward (Sales Manager)
cut the anniversary cake.
On the occasion of half a century at the top of
the safety industry, SpanSet recently hosted
an unusual event during which the company‘s
tradition was highlighted and its commitment
as a market leader for innovations was presented at the same time.
Within the scope of an anniversary party in SpanSet‘s
British branch in Cheshire, the company‘s 50th
anniversary was celebrated on March 10th, 2016.
During the all-day event, some of the noteworthy
milestones of the corporate group since 1969 were
first highlighted, for example the launch of marketleading products, training courses and other key
developments. Afterwards, David Ehnimb, managing director of SpanSet, presented the impressive,
new in-house training facilities.
„If you work here, the achievements we have
made as a corporate group and company over
the years can be considered a matter of course.
To host this event, to speak to other industry
stakeholders and to look at the past events from
up close makes us aware of the leading position
that SpanSet has always had.
In the past 50 years there have been countless
changes and developments that have helped
SpanSet assert its position as a leader within
Tony Eaden (Managing Director SpanSet UK) welcomes the
visitors with some introductory words about SpanSet‘s history.
At the evening gala, a band wearing SpanSet
outfits provided a great atmosphere.
For more information about
SpanSet UK please visit
the sector and pave the way with innovations.
This became even more noticeable when the
new training facilities were presented. The incredibly practical instructions, in combination with
ultramodern IT systems and customer service are
very impressive and I am certain that many of
our customers will allow their employees to take
advantage of these opportunities. If you look at
what we have achieved since 1966, rest assured
that you can look even more forward to what can
still be achieved in the next 50 years.“
The police calls round at SpanSet
Know-how for more cost-effectiveness
Exchange of experiences at SpanSet.
SpanSet at the NORTEC 2016.
At the NORTEC trade fair, which is held every
two years, SpanSet presented the company
oat a mutual stand with RUD, Hansatec and
Lash + Lift for four days in January.
Ralf Schmitz (far left) and Jörg Scheilen (second from left) with the seminar participants
of the Lower Saxony Police Academy – multipliers in the field of load control.
About 70 % of all goods in Germany are transported by lorry. Every day, thousands of lorries
travel throughout the country with their load,
be it pallets of fruit or construction equipment
weighing several tons.
Whenever so many goods are being transported,
professional load control is indispensable. Even
though this should be a matter of course, about
1,000 accidents with personal injury happen in
Germany every year. According to the Federal
Statistical Office, these accidents can be attributed
to inadequate load control.
To prevent as many accidents as possible, the police
regularly checks whether the guidelines for load
control are observed by the transport companies
and their drivers. Experiences are exchanged on
a regular basis with SpanSet to find out what the
officers experience in their daily work and to find
ways to respond to problems. However, attention is
also paid to the problems and needs of the forwarding
companies and drivers. This exchange took place
again on 26 November 2015, when SpanSet visited
the Police Academy of Lower Saxony with the multipliers in the field of load control.
Together with Ralf Schmitz, Development Engineer in
Product Management and expert, and Jörg Scheilen,
Training Manager, Occupational Safety Expert and
experienced Application Engineer, the seminar
participants intensively discussed the subjects of
standardised lashing equipment, inspection of lashing
equipment and discard criteria within the scope of
the further training. The problem of counterfeit
lashing equipment and ways of discovering these
products were also a subject of the discussions with
the police.
The insights gained from the exchange of experiences
with the police – and of course with other users with
practical experience – help SpanSet to develop new
products and services, always with the aim of making
our roads a little bit safer.
NoCut: high-tech cut
protection for more safety
Textile lifting equipment has to be protected from
damages caused by sharp edges. The NoCut sleeves
and NoCut pads developed by SpanSet are made
SpanSet AG Switzerland introduces IDXpert 2.5.
As an alternative, the more powerful IDXpert system
was able to convince the responsible persons, not
least because of the individual customisation options
that allow the system to be perfectly integrated into
existing inspection processes.
IDXpert simplifies the identification, registration,
inspection and administration of products that are
subject to inspections, e.g. for load control, lifting,
height safety or personal protective equipment.
The transponders are both readable and writeable.
Important data, such as the date and the result of
the last inspection, can thus be readily accessed
right on the inspected product even without a connection to the database.
Renowned customers from all a variety of fields
have been taking advantage of the IDXpert
system for many years. This includes reputable
companies such as Voigt, Senvion, Eurogate, BP
and Baker Hughes. Medium-sized companies in
particular are introducing the system more and
more frequently.
SpanSet AG Switzerland carries out recurrent
inspections on behalf of several hundreds of customers. Until now, the software „Control Service“ was
used for this. However, the software, which is based
on an Access database, soon reached its limits.
At the trade fair, SpanSet presented new as
well as tried-and-tested products and services
Magnum-X sets standards
in lifting technology
With its heavy-duty sling Magnum-X, SpanSet
now has an extremely robust and compact round
sling in its portfolio – for standard load capacities
of 10 to 450 t. The most prominent feature of the
Magnum-X is its particularly compact design.
Thanks to the internal load-bearing fibre structure
made from high-performance fibres and a compact
outer sleeve, the Magnum-X is up to 50 % narrower
and lighter than comparable conventional textile
round slings. The Magnum-X offers the highest level
of safety and a long service life even under the most
extreme conditions.
Efficient inspections
The system supports the inspection service
in the planning and performance of recurrent
product inspections for several hundreds of
With around 450 companies from 16 countries, the
NORTEC trade fair achieved a new exhibitor record
this year, thus highlighting its position as the most
important information and distribution platform
for the industrial production technology and metal
working sectors in northern Europe. The trade fair is
accompanied by the NORTEC Forum. Here, the trade
visitors can attend interesting presentations and
take part in discussions about current subjects all
about production technology.
IDXpert is expandable
and modular
IDXpert was designed such that it can be adjusted
to the users‘ requirements at any time. For example,
standard interfaces can be used to exchange data
with other programs, or individual requirements can be
added by means of modules. SpanSet AG Switzerland also wants IDXpert to meet its specific requirements. „The further development of IDXpert by far
exceeds the limits of regular updates. All users will
benefit from the new features“, said Markus Kaupp,
managing director of itranspond GmbH, the developers of IDXpert.
Oliver Keller (external sales Lash + Lift Lübeck) present the SpanSetproduct advantages to a interested visitor on the joint stand.
from textile high-performance fibres that are particularly resistant to cuts and abrasions. The choice
between the two products depends on the intended
application: the NoCut protective sleeve is fitted to
the lifting gear before the lifting procedure. It allows
for balancing movements of the lifting gear during
lifting applications. The NoCut pad, on the other
hand, can be mounted and retrofitted rapidly – even
when the lifting equipment is already hooked into
the crane hook.
ErgoMaster: high pre-tensioning
force with little effort
SpanSet developed the ErgoMaster lashing system
for tie-down lashing in close cooperation with its
customers. The pull ratchet achieves a pre-tensioning
force of 720 daN in the standard compliance test
with 50 daN of hand force (in a straight pull) and
has a lashing force of 2,000 daN. The ErgoMaster
is supplied with the tension force indicator TFI as
standard, which can be used to demonstrate higher
pre-tensioning force and to calculate the necessary
load control.
The next NORTEC will be held
from 23-26 January 2018.
IDXpert 2.5 – the most important new features
IDXpert was upgraded to version 2.5 to meet the demands of the professional inspection service in
consultation with SpanSet AG Switzerland. The current version offers many interesting improvements
and new features for all IDXpert users:
Untraceable products
If products that should actually be at hand
cannot be found during an inspection, this
can now be documented in the IDXpert
database. This allows for a target/performance comparison of the inspected or not
inspected products at any time
■■ Freely definable,
unique number ranges
A unique number can now be automatically
assigned to products that are not fitted
with a unique traceability code as standard
from the IDXpert database.
Even simpler planning
The software makes it even easier to plan
future inspections simply by selecting
the products that were inspected the
year before.
Simplified invoicing
The assignment of service order numbers
for each inspection performed allows for
a simple allocation of tests performed
during the invoicing process. Performed
inspections can be filtered on the basis of
the service order number.
Administration of any number
of customers
Simple filter to select customers. SpanSet
AG Switzerland manages more than 800
customers with IDXpert.
Products can be grouped as desired
Effective immediately, products can be
assigned to any number of categories (e.g.
length, load capacity, etc.). This makes it
easy to filter and display products.
One-click replication
Even after performing an inspection
without internet access, all data can later
be synchronised with the central database
with a simple click.
Arbitrary classification
of product groups
Product groups can be arranged into any
structure, which makes it easier for users
to keep a clear overview.
The complimentary IDXpert online customer portal
Customers can optionally view all data online at any
time using the IDXpert portal. „For customers and
users of IDXpert, the safety of the information is of
utmost importance. Of course access to the IDXpert
portal is always encoded and presupposes an
authorised access“, Mr. Kaupp, managing director
of itranspond GmbH, emphasised.
1, 2, 3 – start
SpanSet AG Switzerland will start introducing and
training IDXpert 2.5 in the middle of the year. With
IDXpert 2.5, continued successful growth with satisfied customers is guaranteed.
For more information about IDXpert
please visit www.idxpert.de
For more information about
itranspond and for a free test
version of IDXpert please visit
Tips And Tricks: The sharp edge
The right solution for every edge.
Many users are faced with the problem of frequently undetected or underestimated sharp
edges. But when is an edge considered sharp
for a flat sling or a round sling?
According to BGR 500 section 2.8 paragraph 5.2, an
edge is defined as sharp if its radius is equal to or
smaller than the thickness of the flat sling or round
sling (material thickness).
If the edge radius is smaller than the thickness of the flat sling or
round sling, the edge is considered „sharp“.
Using the table below you can see that we differ
sharp edge only on the basis of the radius; we define
broken sharp edges (bevelled edges), rolling edges
with a radius larger than 2 mm and „super sharp“
edges with a radius smaller than 2 mm. The radius
is thus always the decisive factor and, the smaller
the radius becomes, the higher the surface pressure
is that „cuts through“ the lifting gear. By the way,
you can find the definition of the material thickness
under load in our new catalogue 02 Lifting. Based on
this thickness and on the radius that applies to the
load concerned, you can easily determine whether
edge protection is required or not for any of our
SpanSet lifting gear.
Once it has been established that an edge is sharp
and is therefore dangerous, the next important step
The table below shows whenever an edge is considered to be sharp for textile lifting equipment.
Lifting gear
Nominal diameter, material Edge radius
thickness under load
of the load
Sharp edge
Flat sling
6 mm
5 mm
Flat sling
7,6 mm
10 mm
Flat sling
7,6 mm
12 mm
Round sling
19 mm
5 mm
Round sling
19 mm
12 mm
is to choose the right edge protection. In practice,
the wrong materials are often used as edge protectors. In addition to cleaning rags and corrugated
cardboard, old tyres or even work gloves are often
used, which are wrongly placed between flat slings
or round slings and the load to protect them from
the edges; old fire hoses are also very popular. In
other words, people use whatever they can find.
The users play not only with their own lives, but also
with their colleagues‘ lives; there‘s no telling what
would happen if something were to fall in such a
situation; these solutions are dangerous and absolutely unacceptable.
There is also a safe way. In its catalogue 02 Lifting,
SpanSet offers a wide range of protective sleeves
ready to meet the demands of any application. In
addition to NoCut sleeves or NoCut pads, the triedand-tested secutex fixed coatings or the secutex protective sleeves always find the right use. SpanSet
even offers the right solution for so-called „super
sharp edges“.
If you are ever unsure about whether you have
chosen the right protective sleeve, please do not
hesitate to ask us. Even if you need advice about
how to rotate and turn sharp-edged loads, we are
always happy to help. So please, make the right
decision and don‘t improvise; the life and health
of your employees and colleagues is only in safe
hands if you use the right edge protection from
With this in mind, we wish you
„safe lifting of loads“ at all times.
NoCut sleeve.
SF-1 protective sleeve, protected on one side.
Successful public relations at SpanSet
Creativity meets customer‘s request
The trade press appreciates SpanSet‘s contributions.
Additional label for process optimisation.
For many years, SpanSet has pursued an
open dialogue with the trade press. Many
specialised media, too many to list them all
here, appreciate the contributions about
SpanSet and its products. In doing so,
SpanSet targets both classic magazine formats and online media.
In addition to providing pure product information,
the company also writes about ongoing debates,
the exchange of ideas with customers and the
current trends in the industry. Application reports
from customers and scientific papers are part of
SpanSet‘s press relations.
The publications on new developments, industryspecific events and current questions offer users
many useful tips for their day-to-day work. This also
includes the checklists and tools that are published
by SpanSet on a regular basis and that are equally
appreciated by users and the trade press as practical guides. This appreciation is also reflected in the
high and steadily increasing publication rate.
As part of its public relations, SpanSet also offers
regular events on specific subjects in addition to its
press relations. SpanSet‘s public offering is supplemented by free apps for the fields of height safety,
load control and lifting, as well as the freely accessible SpanSet blog since the end of last year, which
serves as a platform for discussing industry-specific
The aim of the press and public relations is to promote the dialogue with specialists and users and to
thus continuously improve the safety of all persons
The free app, practical checklists,
the SpanSet blog and other helpful
tools can be found at
Transparent clip for additional labels.
Additional labels on the product facilitate
annual inspections, repairs, storage and
removal from storage, inventory management
and many other tasks for lifting and lashing
Many SpanSet customers use the product management and identification system IDXpert for this. The
IDXpert hard- and software allows users to write the
product and inspection data to an RFID transporter
that can be fitted or retrofitted to SpanSet products.
IDX-Clip is the most frequently used model for the
SpanSet transponders.
The clip is made of two white plastic platelets that
are inextricably clicked into one another and that
protect the film transporter on the inside. To attach
the clip, all items of lifting gear from SpanSet are
fitted with a fabric loop directly on the product label.
This is where Simone Zintu‘s idea comes in handy,
the future sales support manager. A customer in
Benelux needed a very robust additional label on his
lifting equipment to manage his internal workflows;
as a result, the two IDX clip halves were specially
designed in transparent plastic for this application,
Simone Zintu, future sales
support manager at SpanSet.
tested and found to be fit for use by the customer.
Among other details, the bar code and serial number
are stuck between the two halves of the clip and
thus inextricably link the necessary information to
the product. The ingeniousness of it all: the label
can be fitted later on or at the factory for old and
new products. An idea that provides benefits for
other applications and customers as well.
For more information about IDXpert
please visit www.idxpert.de
Practical report – SpanSet in use
204 t safely on the tracks
The ongoing operation had to be guaranteed.
In the middle of last year, the company August
Alborn was faced with a difficult challenge.
For the largest nuclear power plant currently
in operation in Germany, the company was
commissioned to plan and carry out the transportation of a generator rotor weighing 204 t
from the Biblis NPP to the Gundremmingen
NPP in the shortest possible time.
Due to current findings on the existing generator
rotors in Gundremmingen, a material test of the
rotor was requested in the revision. Owing to
these findings, there were fears that the entire
block could not be put back into operation again
as planned. To ensure the operation of the NPP –
and with it the supply of energy for about a quarter
of the Bavarian population – a possible replacement had to be readily available. At short notice,
the operator issued a tender for the transport
of a generator rotor weighing 204 t, measuring
about 15 metres in length and 1.50 metres in
diameter, starting from the Biblis NPP. Within as
little as twelve days, the company August Alborn
planned the transport of the rotor by rail, and only
six days later the plan was to be put into action.
Nuclear plants are subject to regulatory supervision and have to meet many strict requirements,
especially with regard to the threat of terrorism
and malfunctions. In addition to the short time
frame, August Alborn had to master many other
difficulties. The monetary risks associated with
Magnum-X in offshore operation
SpanSet round sling with the world‘s largest pile driver.
Blow after blow. Hundreds of times, the heavy
hydraulic hammer drives the huge pile up
to 40 metres deep into the ocean floor. Two
Magnum-X round slings, made by SpanSet,
securely hold the heavy hammer, which
weighs more than 420 t, on the crane.
The project really is impressive. The engineering and
service company Bilfinger successfully installed
a total of 72 foundations of the new offshore
wind farm Sandbank. 90 kilometres west of Sylt in
the German North Sea, the foundation elements
were erected at depths of more than 30 metres
by means of a special installation ship. To do
this, the world‘s largest hydraulic hammer with
a maximum punch of 3,500 kJ was used. This
hammer was newly developed especially for the
installation of the largest monopiles, which serve
as foundations for offshore wind farms. The
installed monopiles weigh up to 1,000 t and have
a diameter of more than 6 metres; a car could
easily drive through the pipe.
The two Magnum-X round slings made of
high-performance fibres were used in parallel
as a connection from the hammer to the offshore
crane on a jack-up barge. The technical parameters
speak for themselves: each round sling has a load
capacity of 350 t and a working length of 27 metres.
In addition to their low tare weight, one major
advantage of the SpanSet round slings made of
high-performance fibres is their resistance at
deflection points, i.e. shackles or crane hooks.
Melting marks that become visible time and time
again bear testimony to the enormous frictional
heat that is generated; ropes made of HPPE with
a maximum melting point of 80 °C would fail here.
The requirements placed on the round slings are
enormous, and proof thereof had to be provided
to the DNV GL beforehand in addition to an overload test. The load test was carried out on the
own 1,500-t test bench in Neustrelitz: the image
shows the enormous forces during use.
The requirements placed on the Magnum X round slings first had
to be demonstrated on the test bench in Neustrelitz.
SpanSet Magnum-X round slings are particularly
and excellently suited for tough offshore applications. Users praise their compact design and low
tare weight especially when the round slings are
used together with the equipment or for lifting the
extremely heavy foundation structures.
the transport were also not to be underestimated.
Every standstill at the Gundremmingen NPP costs
the company several millions Euro in sales losses.
Usually, generator rotors that are transported
by rail are transported on four transport racks.
However, the suitable transport racks for this
rotor consisted of only two racks, so that it was
necessary to develop a special plan for the transportation process. In all of Europe, only one single
railborne heavy-duty carriage was available.
Heavy-duty ratchet lashing straps with a lashing
capacity of 10,000 daN were used to control
the load of the rotor. The uniqueness lies in the
low stretch of the system and the tension force
indicator TFI.
„With the Magnum-X® round slings, SpanSet has
developed a product whose contact area is about
50% narrower, that is roughly two-thirds slimmer
and weighs 50% less than standard round slings.
The significantly higher resistance to wear makes
the product even more interesting from an economic
perspective. In the entire lifting construction we
were able to use much smaller components such as
shackles, thus making it easier for our employees to
handle the load.“ (Helmut Alborn)
It was only thanks to the many years of experience
and the available expertise of the nuclear regulatory
body that August Alborn was able to complete this
order successfully and on time.
A day in the life of...
... Claudia Schillings, human resources clerk.
In 1988 I started my training to become an
industrial manager at SpanSet, which I successfully completed in 1990. I already spent
the last six months of my training in the human
resources department. With short interruptions due to the births of my two children in
1997 and 2000 I have since been taking care
of the many different interests and concerns of
the SpanSet employees and of some holding
companies together with my colleague
Christina Rohs and our HR manager Markus Kolf.
I love my work in the human resources department,
because it is so varied. Apart from the actual payroll
accounting, my work entails many other tasks, such
as time management, supporting the employees in
all questions concerning social security and labour
law, organising further training measures for the
employees, ordering and dispensing work clothing,
managing applications, employee suggestion schemes,
organising employee anniversaries, analyses and
New colleagues
We are happy to welcome three new
employees to the SpanSet corporate group:
6.00 am
The alarm rings – for the second time tonight, because
my husband, who works as a train driver for the
Deutsche Bahn, already had to get up at 2.45 am.
Take a shower, wake the children, get rolls from the
bakery, drive the son to his training centre… after
that it‘s time to take Diego, our Portuguese guard
dog, for his first walk of the day. Once the dog and
our two family guinea pigs have been taken care of,
it‘s time to head to the office – which is thankfully
only three kilometres away.
8.00 am
I arrive at the office. After unlocking all the cupboards and switching on the computer, I first check
my emails. While I do this, I enjoy (perhaps already a
ritual?) a savoury snack from the bakery and a can of
coke light. My schedule for today includes settling
the employees‘ and holding companies‘ accounts.
Many people think I simply have to push a button
and the settlement is taken care of. Unfortunately –
or perhaps thank goodness, otherwise my job would
be quite boring – this is not the case. Employee master data have to be kept up-to-date and variable
allowances (shift payments etc.) have to be entered.
Then there are always employees who are on sick
leave for longer than six weeks and who thus no
longer receive payment for sick leave.
9.00 am
The team leader comes in to empty their mailboxes
and to exchange information about her employees.
9.30 am
An employee urgently needs a new pair of work shoes,
because his old ones are completely worn out.
Without further ado, this task is delegated to the
trainee, who retrieves a new pair of shoes from the
storage room and hands them to the employee.
1.00 pm
Lunch break.
Before lunch, an update of the billing system was
installed by an external service provider. In preparation for this, a number of parameters were coordinated with the IT department and the system had
to be tested afterwards. Any outstanding bookings
were entered in the time management system.
3.40 pm
The outgoing mail is brought to the central office
for dispatch. An employee from Production comes
into the office and asks for yesterday‘s time stamps.
Apparently he forgot to book his hours.
4.30 pm
Finished – my daily workload is done! Time to go
home and prepare dinner for the family. After dinner,
a friend and I have decided to go for a shopping
spree at IKEA at short notice across the border in
the Netherlands. Always a welcome change.
The break is used to eat some lunch and to relax
with my colleague.
9.30 pm
Finally I am back at home. I spend the rest of the
evening day quietly with my family before taking the
dog for a last walk and going to bed. The next day
is sure to be full of variety in the human resources
department at SpanSet!
2.30 pm
Controlling calls and asks for information about the
number of employees of the holding companies at
short notice. No problem, the Excel sheets are prepared instantly and forwarded to Controlling. Since
a long-standing employee who is celebrating his
25-year anniversary at the company today is being
honoured at 3 pm, certificates, letters, cash rewards
and the pre-ordered bouquet of flowers are quickly
prepared. The human resources department and
executive management can thus carry out the ceremony as planned.
Checking the payroll statements with Christina Rohs.
10 years with SpanSet!
Managing director Patrick Schulte celebrates 10 years at SpanSet.
he began his professional career as an employee at
the IT and strategic consultancy company accenture.
In 1997 he changed to the GEA Group as a portfolio
analyst, a company specialised in mechanical and
installation engineering. After that, he spent another
five years as commercial managing director of a
manufacturer for painting essentials (Storch-Ciret
Holding GmbH), before finally changing to SpanSet
in 2006.
Sascha Krichel
Mr. Sascha Krichel has been working as a
machine operator in the production department
since 10/12/2015.
The lover of Jazz music and green tea has already
experienced many things since he started his career
at SpanSet. In addition to launching new products,
such as the Magnum-X heavy-duty round sling or the
NoCut product range, Patrick Schulte also accompanied the company in the establishment of new
sales and production sites all over the world, such
as recently in South Africa.
Hans-Josef Neunfinger congratulate together with Karin Hußmann (Works Council) Patrick Schulte on his 10th anniversary at SpanSet.
In 2006, together with Hans-Josef Neunfinger, Patrick
Schulte announced that the goal of their cooperation was to continue to strengthen SpanSet‘s
„leading position“ as a provider of quality products.
As the last ten years have demonstrated, we can
say without further ado that they have achieved
their goal. But Patrick Schulte still sees further
potential for growth and development for the SpanSet
corporate group in the future. As the next reason for
celebrating, he will now focus on the celebrations
for the 50-year anniversary of SpanSet.
Normally he is the one to congratulate the
employees at SpanSet Germany on their
anniversaries. This year it was his turn to be
honoured by his colleagues.
On February 1st of this year, Patrick Schulte took the
opportunity to serve a delicious piece of cake to all
his employees and colleagues in the company in the
kitchen of the administrative section.
Michael Nacken
On 01/04/2016 Mr. Michael Nacken
succeeded Mr. Jochen Mensch as in-house
technician in the engineering department.
Siegfried Gerbode
Since 16/04/2016 Mr. Siegfried Gerbode has
been supporting us as area sales manager for
PPE in direct sales for Northern Germany.
On 01 February 2006, Patrick Schulte entered the
SpanSet headquarters in Übach-Palenberg for the
first time as managing director. Together with HansJosef Neunfinger he took over from the previous
managing director Joachim Kipke. As a team, they
became the new dual leadership of the company. While
Hans-Josef Neunfinger took over the management
in the areas of sales and marketing, Patrick Schulte
focused on the commercial aspects and on the production. Unlike Hans-Josef Neunfinger, who was already
working at SpanSet as sales manager and authorised
signatory, Patrick Schulte was new to the company.
We continue to wish Patrick Schulte
all the best for his future.
In 1991, after completing a degree in computer
science and economics at the University of Saarland,
Yearly slogan for 2016
50 Years of SpanSet –
Your Partner in Safety
Leonie Wolf finds the right words.
Safety, quality, reliability and innovation –
values which the name SpanSet has incorporated for decades.
Since 1997, these values have been reflected in
changing guiding principles. When choosing its
slogan, the worldwide leading provider of products
and services in the fields of load control, lifting and
height safety relies on the resourcefulness of its
committed employees, who are invited to submit
their ideas for the yearly slogan. Incentives include
attractive prizes, such as smartphones, tablets or
city trips.
This year, the jury selected a somewhat longer
two-lone slogan from the many submissions:
„50 Years of SpanSet – Your Partner in Safety“.
The suggestion was submitted by Leonie Wolf.
She probably developed the slogan with SpanSet‘s
50th anniversary in mind.
„I thought it was important to draw attention to the
50th anniversary of SpanSet. That‘s where the idea
for first part of the sentence came from - ‚50 Years
of SpanSet‘. Also, I wanted the slogan to show what
the name SpanSet stands for and has always stood
for, namely to be the right partner in all things concerning safety.“ (Leonie Wolf)
The industrial manager trainee was awarded a
Zalando voucher in the amount of 300 Euro, which
was handed over to her at the winter party in the
Luna Lounge.
Patrick Schulte hands Leonie Wolf the prize for the best yearly slogan for 2016.
We wish her lots of fun on her shopping spree.
Congratulations on 60th birthday
Anniversaries 20015/16 (Q1)
10 years
Patrick Schulte
Sükrü Altintas
20 years
Muzaffer Cubukcu
Michael Krausse
Werner Schaukstat
Heidemarie Schmitz
Eva Stoll
25 years
Maria Schröder
Elvira Diaz-Chamorro
30 years
Günter Könen
Rudolf Barabasch
35 years
Hugo Flintrop
40 years
Udo Schneider
Edeltraud Bündgens
Managing director Hans-Josef Neunfinger is celebrating a round birthday.
The managing director of SpanSet Germany,
Hans-Josef Neunfinger, is celebrating his 60th
birthday on April 12th. He spent a whole 43 years of his life at SpanSet.
It‘s hard to even imagine SpanSet without HansJosef Neunfinger today. He has worked at the company for 43 years already. There is only one word
that perfectly describes his career in this time –
Already in 1972 he entered the SpanSet premises
for the first time, and back then he probably didn‘t
think that he would spend the next four decades
here. After all, at the time, SpanSet Germany had
only existed for six years and was nothing like the
company we know today.
Mr. Neunfinger started his career here as a normal
trainee to become an industrial manager. After a
brief period in the German Armed Forces, he first
worked as an application engineer. Later he changed to the sales department and already became the
head of the department in 1998. In 2006 he took over
the executive management of SpanSet with Patrick
Schulte. From a trainee to the managing director –
a truly impressive career that is not exactly common. Today, Hans-Josef Neunfinger doesn‘t „only“
manage SpanSet‘s business at SpanSet, he is also
the managing director of the SpanSet companies
MERA, Lash + Lift and secutex, as well as the spokesperson of the executive board at SiP GbR. He also
works as a seminar advisor in load control.
On April 16th, Mr. Neunfinger invited his employees
and colleagues to enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece
of cake in the training centre. In a cosy atmosphere,
they reminisced about the past, but also ventured a
look into the future. Because, even at the age of 60
years, Hans-Josef Neunfinger is far from finished.
On behalf of the entire workforce:
Short interview with
Hans-Josef Neunfinger:
From the left: Markus Kolf (HR Manager), Karin Hußman and
Uwe Schermuly (Works Council), Edeltraud Bündgens, Patrick
Schulte (Managing Director), Werner Brunke (Head of Production).
How would you summarise the 60 years
of your life in one sentence?
I am happy, satisfied and right in the middle of it.
What are you particularly
proud of in your life?
Of my family and of what I have achieved.
How do you intend to celebrate
your birthday outside of SpanSet?
On April 12th I spent a day at the North Sea
with my wife, my youngest daughter with her
husband and with my granddaughter Mathilda.
The weather was great. On April 16th I will
celebrate with my family and friends.
Do you still remember what made you
decide to start your training at SpanSet
43 years ago?
My father, a professional carpenter, advised
me to learn to become an industrial manager.
To this day I am grateful for his advice, because
I still enjoy my job.
Managing Director Hans-Josef Neunfinger congratulates
Udo Schneider on his 40-year anniversary at SpanSet.
From the left: Markus Kolf (HR Manager), Hans-Josef
Neunfinger (Managing Director), Rudolf Barabasch, Uwe
Schermuly (Works Council), Thomas Möllers (Head of Logistics).
What was on your mind on your
first day as managing director?
Our shareholders put a lot of trust in me, and I
wanted to do them justice. At the same time,
I was aware that I was now responsible for
160 jobs.
What are your private
plans for the future?
To have time for my family and
to do keep fit by staying active.
From the left: Markus Kolf (HR Manager), Uwe Schermuly
(Works Council), Hugo Flintrop, Hans-Josef Neunfinger
(Managing Director).
Trainee talk
An interview with
Christine Graf
Head of Accounting and instructor
of the industrial managers
Christine Graf has already been working at
SpanSet for 20 years and, five years ago, she
took on the task of training the industrial
managers at SpanSet.
How many professions does
SpanSet currently train?
What does the application process look
like? What should the future trainees
expect during their first interview?
SpanSet currently trains the following professions:
■■ IT specialist for system integration (m/f)
(instructor: Jörg Götzke)
■■ Warehouse logistics specialist (m/f)
(instructor: Thomas Möllers)
Patrick Damm, 22
Industrial manager trainee (1st year)
„You should have a natural
ability to communicate“
Why did you decide to start training as an
industrial manager in the first place, and
what abilities or characteristics should
one bring to this job?
I have been interested in the commercial side
of things for a long time. I suppose that‘s also
because I visited a commercial school before.
If you work in a commercial position, you
should in any case be able to deal with figures
and data. Because a job in this area frequently
involves contact with the customers, one
should also have a natural ability to communicate.
Can you still remember your
very first day of training?
Of course I was very nervous, but after I met
the other trainees – the „older“ trainees had
organised some games to get to know one
another – the nervousness quickly disappeared. On the first day we were given a tour
of the company, and Mrs. Graf gave us all the
information we needed straight away.
What do you appreciate most
in your training at SpanSet?
I like the fact that you visit each department
at SpanSet as least once during your training.
This gives you a good overview of the entire
company and shows you how the individual
steps within the company work together.
I also very much appreciate the close collaboration between the trainees, and the opportunities
we are given to assume responsibility, e.g.
when organising the vocational training fairs.
For me, the collaboration between the trainees
are SpanSet somehow makes it feel like we‘re
a family.
What are your plans for the future?
I can‘t really answer that right now. Of course I
am focused on my training at the moment. I‘m
not quite sure what I will do after that. I can
imagine doing a degree, maybe in the field of
economics or something similar. But I‘m still
in my first year of training, so I‘ll keep all my
options open for now.
■■ Industrial mechanic (m/f)
(instructor: Gerd Müller)
■■ Machine and plant operator
in textile engineering (m/f)
(instructor: Claudia Pollok)
■■ Industrial manager
(instructor: Christine Graf)
What do you consider the most important
prerequisites that a future SpanSet trainee
should have?
If you want to pursue training in this area, ideally you
should have an interest in commercial processes.
The ability to work in a team is also important,
because I find it important to make a constructive contribution when working in a team, and
one should always remain focused on the team‘s
success. This also means that the trainees should
have a certain ability to communicate. Determination
and a target-oriented approach to work are also
important prerequisites for a successful training.
For the industrial managers we start the application
process by reviewing the application documents
with Mr. Kolf (HR Manager). After that we have
personal interviews with the suitable candidates
and a mini assessment centre is carried out.
During the mini assessment centre, the potential
trainees are evaluated within the scope of a group
discussion, a short presentation, a role-play and a
recruitment test before they are finally selected.
Where can I get information about SpanSet
and about vacant training places? Is there
a preferred way of applying for a training?
You can visit SpanSet‘s website for information.
There is a special page dedicated to the training
professions and vacancies. We also advertise
in a number of online portals and in the list of
apprenticeships. The majority of applications are
still submitted in paper in the form of application
dossiers. However, in recent years, more and
more applicants submit their applications digitally
by email. We accept both ways and have no
Thank you for the
interview, Mrs. Graf.
The SpanSet trainees talk about their
previous highlights during their training.
Jacqueline Möschler (21)
3rd year of training
„I‘ve always enjoyed the many varied
tasks throughout my entire training.“
Marvin Helmons (20)
1st year of training
„The personal highlight of my training thus far is
that I was allowed to take on the responsibility
of showing our interns what the working life and
day-to-day work entails.“
Laura Pahlsmeier (20)
1st year of training
„My best experience so far was the
team building event, because the new
trainees were able to get very involved in it.“
Kevin Eßer (21)
2nd year of training
„For me it was the preparation for the ZAB.
In groups of three we developed and designed
a variety of games that were to be presented
to the potential applicants.“
Lars Jansen (22)
2nd year of training
„My training highlight so far
... the team spirit!“
The SpanSet trainees at the EDUCATION
Leonie Wolf (20)
2nd year of training
Trainees become consultants.
„My personal highlight at SpanSet is that
my idea was chosen for this year‘s slogan.“
Also this year, the trainees will be organising
and accompanying a number of vocational
training fairs in the region. The EDUCATION in
Oberbruch marked the start of this year‘s „fair
Valerie Brall (22)
2nd year of training
Every spring, the EDUCATION offers pupils of all
secondary schools in the district of Heinsberg and
beyond the opportunity to inform themselves about
the training and study options in the district of
Heinsberg and in the neighbouring regions.
Every year, the trainees of the company SpanSet
strive to present their training company in the best
possible way. They are given a certain budget for
planning, organising and designing the trade fair
and are then responsible for planning the stand, the
presentation aids such as flyers and brochures, as
well as the training professions they wish to present.
The EDUCATION was held on March 10ht, 2016
and some of the trainees as well as the instructor
Christine Graf (see interview above) were ready to
answers questions at the SpanSet stand and to offer
information about the possible training professions.
„My personal highlight during my training
so far was the team building day that
takes place every year.“
Magdalena Morys (21)
3rd year of training
Using letter punches, the visitors were able to make
their own name tag in the form of a key chain.
„My personal highlight were the visits of
different school classes that spent a day
with us to find out more about what being an
industrial manager means.“
Chris Laugs (22)
3rd year of training
„That was without a doubt my first largest fair,
the ZAB 2013. Although it involved a great deal
of work, it was also my first opportunity to take
part in such a large project.“
At this point we would like to extend our thanks
to the trainees for their active support during this
successful fair.
Keen interest at the stand of the SpanSet trainees.
Now available in hard copy
Lifting app is the award winner
New training documents.
Our lifting app was awarded second place in the „automation app award“.
In November 2015, the trade medium „elektrotechnik“ awarded the best business apps for
automation technology with the „automation
app award“ at the SPS iPC Drives. Companies
were able to submit their apps until the end of
A specialist jury first tested the submitted apps
in terms of their usefulness and user-friendliness.
The jury then selected three apps for the categories
engineering, production and catalogue from a total
of 32 submitted applications. SpanSet had also
submitted its app „Lifting Calculator“ for the
engineering category.
Since the beginning of March, new seminar
documents are being used during the seminars
offered in the field of textile lifting gear as
well as chains and wire cables.
Spanning more than 80 pages, the manuals summarise all relevant seminar contents in a compact
way and supplement them with even more useful information designed to help the participants in their
day-to-day work.
Afterwards, for a period of four weeks the readers
of „elektrotechnik“ were given the opportunity to
assess the pre-nominated apps in the three categories and vote for their favourite. In the reader voting,
SpanSet was (only) awarded second place in the
engineering category, but in view of the high quality
of the 32 submitted apps, this can still be considered
a success.
The manuals have been revised completely and are
harmonised with SpanSet‘s current corporate design.
Many illustrations have been revised and all
contents have been brought up-to-date. To make the
contents more tangible for the participants of the
seminars, more images from practical applications
have been added.
Now it‘s your turn to try our app:
Simply scan the QR code
and download the lifting app
onto your smartphone.
New training documents for height safety seminars
are also being prepared.
Whether for private or professional applications, SpanSet products are always a good solution.
Angelika Würgt disco
vered our SpanSet las
straps in a nearly cla
ssic application. A ca
workshop on the Alt
e Aachener street in
ÜbachPalenberg uses our str
aps to safely transpo
their vehicles.
on a drive
In brilliant sunshine,
rg spotted
in the coun
d truck on
discovered this flatbe
cured with
which a tractor wa
heavy duty
The best way to ce
lebrate carnival is
you don‘t have to wo
rry about anything.
make sure nothing
would come in the
of our music during
the carnival process
in Übach-Palenberg
on Carnival Monda
y, the
system was secured
with a Spannfix rat
A good idea, thoug
ht Claudia Schillings
the HR departmen
t thought, who too
k this
itive technology
Especially when sens
is it important
is being transported
ll secured.
that everything is we
ternal sales,
Markus Kiesel,
for this. During
found a good example
wer generator,
the transport of a po
any relied on
the responsible
the ABS rat
The big Ferris wheel was the
attraction of the
two-part Spannfix lashing stra
to secure the stru
that And
factory was able to simply
and enjoy the ride
Many bikers have a very affectionate relat
of this,
these bikers entrusted their motorcycles
SpanSet lashing
want is
mountains. After all, the last thing you
ted by
for the motorcycle to get dama
secutex employee
Send in your
snapshot to win!
Monika Minkenberg discov
a somewhat unusual
SpanSet straps: while the
may hav
way from its normal pur
cordoning off a
Each sighting featured in AT WORK
will be rewarded with a 50 euro voucher.
Just send your snapshot and a short description to
SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG
Responsible for the content:
Editorial staff:
Concept: Dipl. Des. Sven Aufenvenne
Jülicher Straße 49–51 . 52531 Übach-Palenberg
SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG
Hans-Josef Neunfinger & Patrick Schulte (Editorial), Christine Graf,
secutex, August Alborn,
Print: Druckerei Erdtmann
Helmut Alborn, Jörg Scheilen, Markus Kolf, Michael Feiten, René Tomás,
RUD, SpanSet Australien
Copy editing: Joseph Lammertz
Tel +49 (0) 2451 4831-0 . Fax +49 (0) 2451 4831-8191
info@spanset.de . www.spanset.de
© 2016 SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG
Werner Glasen, Willy Panhausen, Ingo Burbach, Ralf Schmitz, Boris Franke,
Brigitte Hürten, Lars Dohse, Peter Klein, Markus Kaupp, Reinhard Smetz,
Petra Nießen, Claudia Schillings, Jörg Krzoska, Patrick Damm, Jacqueline
Möschler, Marvin Helmons, Laura Pahlsmeier, Kevin Eßer, Lars Jansen,
Leonie Wolf, Valerie Brall, Magdalena Morys, Chris Laugs