Seminar Program 2016 - Fraunhofer


Seminar Program 2016 - Fraunhofer
I hereby register for the following
seminars 2016* (please mark):
 3 May 2016
Design for AM of Polymers Focusing on FDM
and Polyjetting
 11 May 2016
Powder Bed Based Laser Melting Starter Training
 12 May 2016
Powder Bed Based Laser Melting Advanced Training
 8 June 2016
Basics in LMD Technology
 23 June 2016
Innovation Day Additive Manufacturing
 7 July 2016
AM for Polymers: Basics and Hands-On Training
 1 September 2016
Design for SLM – Hands-On
Training with Special AM-Software
 15 September 2016
AM Based Industrial Process Chains
 4 October 2016
Design for SLM – Hands-On Training
with Common CAD-Software
24 November 2016
Polymer Based AM for Prototype
Seminar Program
Tooling – Industrial Applications
 1 December 2016
Potentials of the Powder Based AM
Process Selective Laser Melting
 13 December 2016
Additive Fertigung in der Gießerei-Industrie
(Seminar in German only)
Steinbachstraße 15
52074 Aachen
More information at
+49 241 8906-8689
+49 241 8906-8688
Print date: 03.2016
Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing
*Each seminar: 645,- € (plus VAT), 15 % discount for ACAM Business Partners
Über uns
About us
Das Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing (ACAM) bietet
Zugang zu innovativem Know-how, Beratungs- und Schulungsleistungen, Prozess-, Software- und Systemtechnik sowie maßgeschneiderte Serviceleistungen rund um die Additive Fertigung
(engl. Additive Manufacturing, AM). Wir qualifizieren Ihre Mitarbeiter, um erfolgreich die Herausforderungen der zukünftigen
industriellen Produktion zu meistern. In starken Partnerschaften
zwischen F & E Instituten am Standort Aachen und national wie
auch international agierenden Unternehmen entwickeln wir strategische Roadmaps und unterstützen Sie darin, das Potential der
Additiven Fertigung für Ihr Geschäftsfeld auszuschöpfen.
ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing provides access
to innovative know-how, consultancy and training, process, software and systems engineering as well as customized services on
Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. We qualify your staff
to meet challenges the industry will face in the future. In strong
partnerships, we develop strategic roadmaps and place Additive
Manufacturing in your production environment.
Unser Ziel ist es dabei stets, Ihre Anforderungen bestmöglich zu
erfüllen. Möglich ist das, da ACAM als gemeinsame Initiative zahlreicher Forschungspartner am Standort Aachen auf ein einzigartiges Portfolio an Ressourcen und Expertenwissen zugreifen kann.
Als gemeinsame Plattform für die Additive Fertigung hat ACAM den
Auftrag, für seine national und international agierenden Mitgliedsfirmen ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum entlang der Wertschöpfungskette anzubieten. Je nach gewünschter Intensität der Zusammenarbeit können Unternehmen zwischen drei Mitgliedsformen
auswählen: Einer Basispartnerschaft, einer Businesspartnerschaft
und einer Kooperationspartnerschaft. Auch Unternehmen, die nicht
am ACAM Partnernetzwerk teilnehmen, können das Weiterbildungsangebot des ACAM nutzen.
Die Seminare können nach Absprache auch als Inhouse Seminare bei Ihnen Vorort durchgeführt werden. Wir freuen uns, Sie zu
einem unserer ACAM Seminare begrüßen zu dürfen.
We are driven to meet your needs in the best possible way. We
do this by providing access to the key resource: versatile knowhow. However, since this is typically spread over various entities,
users are faced with a challenge to get the information required
and to use AM processes economically. This is where ACAM
steps in. ACAM is mandated by its founding partners to provide
an integrated range of services along the entire value chain for
its member companies from all relevant industries. To help our
members choose the kind of services they need, ACAM has set
up several membership models. Members can choose between
a Basic, a Business and a Cooperation Partner status depending
on their commitment to a joint and strategic cooperation.
Seminars are also open to companies which are not participating
as a partner in the ACAM community. Beyond that, seminars can
also be organized as individual In-house training at your place.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in one of our seminars.
More information at
Mehr Informationen unter
Fraunhofer Institute
for Laser Technology ILT
Your Partner for Laser Material
Chair for Production Engineering of
E-Mobility Components (PEM)
Your Partner for Polymer Based Additive
Manufacturing in Product Development
Fraunhofer Institute for
Production Technology IPT
Your Partner for Production Technology
Institute for Toolless Fabrication (IWF)
Your Partner for Polymer Based Additive
Chair for Laser Technology (LLT)
Your Partner for Laser Based Production
Technology and Fundamentals of
Mechanical Engineering
Access e.V.
Your Partner for Materials Modeling
and Analytics
Laboratory for Machine Tools and
Production Engineering (WZL)
Your Partner for Production Engineering
Your Partner for laboratory LBM
Equipment, Testing Facilities & Training
KEX Knowledge Exchange AG
Your Partner for Knowledge and
Information Management
WZR ceramic solutions
Your Partner for Binder Jet Printing and
AM Applications in Foundry Industry
Design for AM of Polymers
Focusing on FDM and Polyjetting
3 May 2016, Aachen
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Triebs, PEM, RWTH Aachen University
Sebastian Kawollek, PEM, RWTH Aachen University
Welcome and Short Introduction to the ACAM
Understanding the Pre-Production Step as
Basis for Design
Additive Manufacturing is a collective term for a broad variety of
different manufacturing processes. They all have the layer wise
build-up of the part in common. This is a big difference compared to traditional manufacturing processes and has to be taken
into account during part design. The huge amount of geometrical
freedom normally is to engineers and designers as unfamiliar as
the consideration of support material within the build process. In
order to use AM efficiently they have to rethink common procedures and practice the new process capabilities.
All AM design rules depend on the process and even on the different materials. Therefore, an in depth understanding of the used
AM process and the material characteristics is necessary to exploit
the maximum potential.
The additive manufacturing of parts offers many benefits. This
seminar provides design rules and guidelines for polymer based
AM with a focus on the two technologies Fused Deposite Modeling and Polyjetting. The presented guidelines are deepened with
a hands-on-training.
A seminar for…
Professional and managerial staff of technology orientated companies working in the areas of R & D, production and technical
Fused Deposition Modelling: Design Rules Deduced
From Materials and Process Understanding
rocess Overview
n Advantages and Disadvantages
n Materials and Machine Concepts
n Applications
Polyjetting: Design Rules Deduced From Materials
and Process Understanding
rocess Overview
dvantages and Disadvantages
n Materials and Machine Concepts
Lunch Break
Facility Tour
Application of Design Rules on the Example
of an FDM Part
Hands-on-Workshop Application of Design Rules
17.00 End of Event
Powder Bed Based Laser
Melting Starter Training
11 May 2016, Aachen
Dr.-Ing. Yves Hagedorn, Aconity3D
Welcome and Short Introduction of the ACAM
and Aconity3D
Additive Manufacturing (AM) gains rising interest as production
technology for complex parts in small lot sizes. In this respect,
especially the technology of powder bed based laser melting, also
known as Selective Laser Melting (SLM)*, is increasingly applied
for producing functional metal parts. At this, SLM may be applied
as pacemaker technology for prompt leverage of high potential
ideas and thus, reducing time to market for commercialization.
However, in order to benefit from the added value this production
technology brings along, in depth knowledge of the Additive ecosystem is needed. The seminar “Powder Bed Based Laser Melting
Starter Training” gives a first insight into AM of metal parts.
Why Additive Manufacturing
n Comparison of Additive Manufacturing vs.
Conventional Manufacturing Methods
n Overview of General Applications Applying AM
Additive Manufacturing for Metals
n Technology Overview
n Comparison of AM Technologies
n Benefits of Different AM Technologies
The seminar will be held by experts from Aconity3D a manufacturer for laboratory SLM equipment with long-term experience in
Selective Laser Melting.
Lunch Break
Software Input
n Which Software is Applied for Generating
Machine Data
A seminar for…
Professionals and managers of technology oriented companies,
particularly in the field of research and development, plant management, technology management and corporate development.
For this seminar no advanced knowledge of Additive Manufacturing technologies is necessary.
n Powder Materials
n Quality Assurance of Raw Material
n Mechanical Properties of AM Parts
Process Parameters
n Which Parameters Affect the Quality of AM Parts
Summary and Final Discussion
End of Event
*SLM® is a registred trademark by SLM Solutions GmbH, Germany and Realizer GmbH, Germany
Powder Bed Based Laser
Melting Advanced Training
12 May 2016, Aachen
Dr.-Ing. Yves Hagedorn, Aconity3D
Welcome and Short Introduction of the ACAM
and Aconity3D
Additive Manufacturing (AM) gains rising interest as production
technology for complex parts in small lot sizes. In this respect,
especially the technology of powder bed based laser melting, also
known as Selective Laser Melting (SLM)*, is increasingly applied
for producing functional metal parts. At this, SLM may be applied
as pacemaker technology for prompt leverage of high potential
ideas and thus, reducing time to market for commercialization.
However, in order to benefit from the added value this production technology brings along, in depth knowledge of the Additive
ecosystem is needed. The seminar gives an in depths view on the
applied steps for generating a metal AM part, offering hands-on
training on SLM equipment. The seminar will be held by experts
from Aconity3D a manufacturer for laboratory SLM equipment
with long-term experience in Selective Laser Melting.
Case Study Redesign for AM
n Introduction of Basic Design Rules
n Design for Function on an Exemplified Part
A seminar for…
Professionals and managers of technology oriented companies,
particularly in the field of research and development, plant management, technology management and corporate development.
For this seminar no advanced knowledge of Additive Manufacturing technologies is necessary.
Preparing a Metal AM Job
n Data Preparation
n Do’s and Dont’s
n Safety Requirements
Lunch Break
Hands on Training
n Laboratory Tour
n Preparing a Job on Metal Equipment
Post Processing
n Overview on Post Processing Approaches
Quality Assurance
n Overview on Quality Measures
n Comparison on Attainable Quality Standards
Summary and Final Discussion
End of Event
*SLM® is a registred trademark by SLM Solutions GmbH, Germany and Realizer GmbH, Germany
Basics in LMD Technology
8 June 2016, Aachen
Marco Göbel, Fraunhofer ILT
Welcome and Short Introduction of the ACAM
Technological Overview – LMD at Fraunhofer ILT
By use of Laser Metal Deposition (LMD), thin coating layers or
2.5D-geometries can be deposited for repair and corrosion protection. The LMD process, characterized by a low energy input, a
low thermal deflection and a wide range of processable materials,
is mainly used for local repair and simple additive manufactured
parts. LMD is nowadays successful in use for manufacturing and
repair of turbomachinery, tools or medical components.
The objective of this one day seminar is to provide an overview
of the technological specifications of the LMD process and yield
practical knowledge for application. Therefore, the participants
learn about the actual state of the art machine tools, processable
alloys, application of CAM modules and get an introduction into
opportunities for repair and simple additive manufacturing. The
distinct topics are presented by experts from Fraunhofer ILT.
A seminar for…
Professionals and managers of technology oriented companies,
particularly in the field of research and development, plant management, technology management and corporate development.
For this seminar no advanced knowledge of Additive Manufacturing technologies is necessary.
LMD Basics, Block I:
Handling System, Laser Source, Powder,
Feeding Nozzles
Lunch Break
13.30 LMD Basics, Block II:
Main Influence Parameters, Strategies,
Guided Tour Through the AM Laboratories at
the Fraunhofer ILT and Live Demonstration of LMD
Q&A / Feedback
End of Event
Innovation Day Additive
23 June 2016, Aachen
Toni Drescher, Fraunhofer IPT/ KEX AG/ INC Invention Center
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Tönissen, KEX AG
Matthias Vaterrodt, Fraunhofer IPT
Welcoming and Short Introduction of the ACAM
Additive Manufacturing – The Next Big Thing?
n Expectations on AM and its Impacts
n Current Performance Boundaries of AM
Basics and design guidelines in SLM Technology
What does additive manufacturing mean? How will additive
manufacturing influence your company’s production process and
products in the near future? Will additive manufactuing become
an opportunity or a threat within your line of business?
Materials – Processes – Process Chains
n Materials for AM
n Processes of AM – from SLM to CLIP
Applications and Markets
n Total Market of AM – Current Size and
Growth Potentials
The aim of the innovation day is to qualify you to dereviate the
applicaiton potential of additive manufacturing for your company
and to identify concrete implementation potentials. The focus of
this innovation day is on a practice-oriented introduction, which is
based on the findings from science and research, as well as years
of consulting experience of Fraunhofer IPT and KEX Knowledge
Exchange AG. With the help of case studies a methodology is
offered to you, which enables you to implement the findings obtained in your own company and therefore set free unused potential.
Lunch Break
Profitability and Identification of Suitable Components
n Methodical Component Screening
n The Setup of a Technology Study
Workshop Part 1
n Derivation of Product Based Performance Potentials
of AM for Your Components
Additive manufacturing is shaping the production and products of
the future – find out what it means for your company!
Additive manufactuting offers new performance potentials on
technology as well as on process side. We are going to point out
how you are able to include it target-oriented into your production,
products and services.
A seminar for…
Professionals and managers of technology oriented companies,
particularly in the field of research and development, plant management, technology management and corporate development.
Workshop Part 2
Summary & Lessons Learned
End of Event
AM for Polymers:
Basics and Hands-on
7 July 2016, Aachen
Dawid Ziebura, Fraunhofer ILT
Laura K. Thurn, IWF GmbH
Welcoming and Short Introduction of the ACAM
Basics of Additive Manufacturing
Classification of 3D Printing, Potentials and Boundaries
Applications and Industrial Implementation
n Basics of the Selective-Laser-Melting Process (SLM)
n Introduction of Design Rules
3D printing is about to revolve the way we design and make
products. Therefore it is essential for those technically interested
in this field to understand the capability, the challenges and the
drawbacks of this technology.
The course of lectures will give you an overview about the variety
of different 3D printing processes for plastics. You will learn to
evaluate the possibilities and disadvantages to choose the right
process, material and machine for your applications.
Best Practice:
How to Implement 3D Printing Successfully
The process chain of 3D printed parts begins with the conception and design, followed up by the data-handling, the chosen
printing process and ends up with the post processing. You will
get in touch with the different machines and processes (Handson) to print plastics. A comprehensive round-up and you will get
a feeling how to realize your own projects and applications with
the 3D printing technology.
ACAM – The Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing
n Development of an International AM Community
n Consortial and Bilateral R & D Projects
n Strategic Training and Development for Experts
and Managers
Lunch Break
A seminar for…
Newcomers in AM and Product Developers.
Hands-On: Working with the Printers
Learn the Steps to Print Your Product Idea
n Virtual Design
n Using the Software
n Handle the Printer
n Print Your Idea
n Postprocessing
Open Discussion:
How to Integrate 3D Printing in Your Company
End of Event
Design for SLM – Hands-On
Training with Special AM-Software
1 September 2016, Aachen
Alexander Schwarz, IWF GmbH
Welcome and Short Introduction to the ACAM
Introduction to SLM
n Basics of the Selective Laser Melting Process (SLM)
n Introduction of Design Rules
The use of Additive Manufacturing for the manufacturing of metal
components is only useful, if its full potential is unleashed. Therefore a new way of part design has to be established, as the production of conventional designed parts could not be economical
with AM in comparison to subtractive manufacturing methods. In
this seminar the participants will learn how special AM-software
could support their design workflow and which advantages they
offer in comparison to common CAD-Software.
This will include the design of lattice structures, as well as the
possibility of surface structuring, creation of hollow parts and data
control and reduction. To show the potential for a specific product,
the design files will be required three weeks before the seminar
takes place to plan and prepare the redesign of the specific part.
In coordination with the costumer it will be possible, that the participants bring their own laptops and change the design of a part
under the advice of an SLM* design expert.
CAD-Software which could be explained:
n Materialise Magics
n Materialise 3-matic
n Autodesk Within
n Netfabb Professional
There will be the possibility to buy the VDI guideline 3405 part 3
with special conditions.
A seminar for…
Part designers and members of the R & D department
Software for Design of AM Parts
n Materialise Magics
n Materialise 3-matic
n Autodesk Within
Examples for Redesigned Parts
n Airbus
n Fraunhofer ILT
n RWTH Aachen
Lunch Break
Redesign of an Example Part
n Demonstrating the Possibilities of Redesign for SLM
Redesign of a Costumer Part
n Redesign Done by the Speaker, or
n Redesign Done by the Participants
17.00 End of Event
*SLM® is a registred trademark by SLM Solutions GmbH, Germany and Realizer GmbH, Germany
AM Based Industrial
Process Chains
15 September 2016, Aachen
Dr.-Ing. Kristian Arntz, ACAM, Fraunhofer IPT
Semir Maslo, Fraunhofer IPT
Eike Permin, Fraunhofer IPT
Matthias Vaterrodt, Fraunhofer IPT
Moritz Wollbrink, Fraunhofer IPT
Welcome and Short Introduction to the ACAM
Additive Manufacturing – Drivers and Challenges
n Expectations on AM and its Impacts
n The Way to an Industrial Manufacturing Technology
The application of Additive Manufacturing needs the integration
in process chains to become a real competitive technology in
comparison to established technologies like CNC milling. Additive
technologies like Selective Laser Melting (SLM)* or Laser Metal
Deposition (LMD) nearly always need pre- or post-processing of a
workpiece. This means that AM, in particular in industrial environments and for technical parts, do not stand alone. Process chain
integration of Additive Manufacturing is fundamental. It takes place
on three different levels: the general trade-off between all process
chain technologies (pre-processing, AM, post-processing), clamping and referencing of workpieces as import parts for mechanical consistency between different technologies as well as digital
consistency, e. g. data formats.
The seminar “AM based process chains” summarizes the statusquo of the integration of AM technologies in process chains and
shows where the actual challenges for the industrialization of Additive Manufacturing and what is to do in the next years. It also gives
an example to generate process chains meeting the requirements.
A seminar for…
Professionals and managers of technology oriented companies,
particularly in the field of research and development, plant management, technology management and corporate development.
The Three Dimensions of an Additive Process Chain
n Balancing of Technology Performance
n Data Consistency
n Clamping and Referencing of Workpieces
Basics of Clamping and Referencing – also in Context of AM
n Difference Between Clamping and Referencing
n Clamping and Referencing Concepts
Lunch Break
Facility Tour
n Laboratories of Fraunhofer ILT and Fraunhofer IPT
Process Chain Design
n Process Chain Based on Time, Costs and Technology
Machine and Process Chain Selection (Workshop)
n Definition of Workpieces
Summary and Final Discussion
End of Event
*SLM® is a registred trademark by SLM Solutions GmbH, Germany and Realizer GmbH, Germany
Design for SLM – Hands-On Training
with Common CAD-Software
4 October 2016, Aachen
Alexander Schwarz, IWF GmbH
Welcome and Short Introduction to the ACAM
Introduction to SLM
n Basics of the Selective Laser Melting Process (SLM)
n Introduction of Design Rules
n VDI 3405 Part 3
The use of Additive Manufacturing for the manufacturing of metal
components is only useful, if its full potential is unleashed. New
approaches for achieving optimized parts designs have to be
established especially due to the fact that additive manufacturing
of conventional designed parts does not fully exploit the capability
that AM provides. In this seminar the participants will learn which
new methods and features are possible with Additive Manufacturing and how they could be created in common CAD software.
There is the possibility to discuss individual designs provided by
the participants in advanced. In order to give sufficient time for a
preparation of the seminar including a redesign of your part, the
design files is needed at least three weeks before the seminar.
To show the potential for a specific product, the design files will
be required at least three weeks before the seminar starts, to plan
and prepare the redesign of the specific part.
In coordination with the costumer it will be possible, that the participants bring their own laptops and change the design of a part
under the advice of an SLM* design expert.
Software for Design of AM Parts
n Autodesk Inventor
n Siemens NX
n Dassault Systems CATIA V5
Examples for Redesigned Parts
n Airbus, Fraunhofer ILT, RWTH Aachen
Lunch Break
13.30 Redesign of an Example Part
n Demonstration of What Could be Done
with Common CAD-Software
CAD-Software which could be explained:
n Autodesk Inventor, Siemens NX, Dassault Systems CATIA V5
There will be the possibility to buy the VDI guideline 3405 part 3
with special conditions.
A seminar for…
Part designers and members of the R & D department.
Redesign of a Costumer Part
n Redesign Done by the Speaker, or
n Redesign Done by the Participants
17.00 End of Event
*SLM® is a registred trademark by SLM Solutions GmbH, Germany and Realizer GmbH, Germany
Polymer Based AM for Prototype
Tooling – Industrial Applications
24 November 2016, Aachen
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Triebs, PEM, RWTH Aachen University
Sebastian Kawollek, PEM, RWTH Aachen University
Welcome and Short Introduction of the ACAM
AM Processes for Polymerswith Regards to Tooling
Creating molds in 12 hours
The fast progress in AM materials and production enables the use
of additively manufactured tools for polymer processing. Even
injection mold tools can be manufactured additively and used for
the production of prototypes and small scale series. Therefore, it
is possible to use Prototype Tooling to create value in an industrial
environment of molding and casting. Particularly with regard to
small scale series of polymer parts AM offers a broad variety of
possibilities to save production time and costs.
In this seminar different AM processes are compared regarding
their capabilities in the application area of Prototype Tooling for
various polymer production technologies. Polyjetting is a very
suitable process for different production processes and tooling
applications. Therefore, the process will be used as a reference
and compared with other polymer based AM techniques. Besides
the manufacturing of tools for thermoforming, vacuum casting and
injection molding are discussed. Throughout the seminar the impact of the AM material characteristics on molds and tool design
will be demonstrated.
A seminar for…
Professional and managerial staff of technology oriented companies working in the areas of R & D, production and technical
Choosing the Right Material:
n Molds and Tools for PUR-RIM, Thermoforming and
Injection Molding
Lunch Break
Facility Tour
Design of AM Tools and Molds
Improving Tools:
Coating Technologies and Texturing
Workshop on New Ways of Tooling –
Creating Molds in 12 h
Summary and Final Discussion
End of Event
Potentials of the Powder Based AM
Process Selective Laser Melting
1 December 2016, Aachen
Sebastian Bremen, Fraunhofer ILT
Daniel Heußen, Fraunhofer ILT
Stephan Ziegler, Fraunhofer ILT
Welcome and Short Introduction of ACAM
Introduction to the Powder Based Additive Manufacturing (AM) Process Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
n Basics and Process Principles
n Procecssability of Materials
n Application
Additive manufacturing methods, like Selective Laser Melting
(SLM)*, can be a main driver for producing individualized products
for nearly the same costs as mass produced products. The basic
principle of Additive Manufacturing is to manufacture a part layerby-layer, utilizing e.g. metal powder. Hereby, a three-dimensional
manufacturing task can be reduced to two dimensions, so that
the manufacturing costs do not depend upon the geometric complexity, but rather only upon the volume of the component to be
built. This way, SLM provides a range of systematic advantages
when is it compared to conventional manufacturing processes
such as primary shaping or machining, like the opportunity of
light weight construction, mass individualization or quick Time-tomarket reaction.
The seminar “Potentials of the powder based AM process Selective Laser Melting (SLM)” contains an overview of the process and
the processable materials, main application, (economically and
technological) potential of the technology as well as the freedom
for the component design.
The seminar will be held by experts from Fraunhofer ILT, which has
long-term experience in Selective Laser Melting.
A seminar for…
Professionals and managers of technology oriented companies,
particularly in the field of research and development, plant management, technology management and corporate development.
Potentials of Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
n Design
n Manufacturing
n Business
Lunch Break
Design and Redesign Possibilities
for Selective Laser Melting (2)
n Topology Optimization
n Design Rules
n Lattice Structures
n Innovative Design Opportunities
n Software
Facility Tour
n Laboratories of Fraunhofer ILT
Summary and Final Discussion
End of Event
*SLM® is a registred trademark by SLM Solutions GmbH, Germany and Realizer GmbH, Germany
Additive Fertigung in
der Gießerei-Industrie
13 December 2016, Aachen
Dr.-Ing. Kristian Arntz, ACAM, Fraunhofer IPT
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kollenberg, WZR ceramic solutions GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Weisheit, Fraunhofer ILT
Michael Mathes, ACCESS e. V.
Begrüßung und kurze Vorstellung ACAM
Additive Fertigung – Einführung (ACAM)
n Einflüsse im industriellen Umfeld
n Anwendungsfelder, derzeitige Grenzen und
ökonomische Aspekte
Eine Technologie, die potentiell jeden Schritt
der gießtechnischen Herstellung betrifft
Es gibt viele offene Fragen für einen Gießer, wenn es um die
additive Fertigung (Additive Manufacturing, AM) geht: Sind die Teile
so gut wie Gussteile? Ist AM wirklich teurer und wenn ja wie lange
noch? Für welche Teile rechnet sich AM? Ist das Pulverhandling
ein kritischer Punkt? Abgesehen vom direkten Metalldruck können
auch Sandformen, keramische Kerne, Wachs- und Kunststoffmodelle direkt aus dem CAD System gedruckt werden. Eine Wachspritzform kann heute für weniger als € 500,- additiv hergestellt
werden. Auch hybride Fertigung als Kombination aus Guss und
AM ist eine Option.
Das Seminar „Additive Fertigung in der Gießerei-Industrie“ umreißt
den Stand der Technik der additiven Fertigung und bewertet diesen in Bezug zur Gießerei-Industrie: Bedrohung oder Chance? Die
relevanten Technologien werden vorgestellt und im Detail diskutiert. Eine Gießerei berichtet über eigene Erfahrungen bei der Einführung der Additiven Fertigung in der Produktion. Eine Tour durch
die Labore des Fraunhofer-Institutes für Lasertechnik gibt Einblicke
in die Anlagentechnik und zeigt Beispiele des AM von Metallen.
Das Seminar wird gehalten von Experten von ACAM, ACCESS
e.V., WZR, Fraunhofer ILT und einem Industrieunternehmen.
Ein Seminar für…
Fachleute und Manager von Gießereien, speziell im Bereich
Forschung und Entwicklung, Fabrikplanung, Produktionsplanung,
Technologie Management und Unternehmensentwicklung.
Binder Jet Printing, Sand-, Keramikdruck und mehr
n Drucken von Sandgussformen
n Druck anderer Formen und Kerne
Additive Fertigung mit Metallen
n Verfahren (SLM, LMD und EBM)
n Pulver und Pulverhandling
Besichtigung der Labore des Fraunhofer-ILT
Potential und Synergie-Effekte
n Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Gießerei
n Wachs- und Kunststoffmodelle
Additive Fertigung – Erfahrungen aus der Industrie (NN)
n Motivation
n Bereiche in denen additive Technologie eingeführt wurde
17.00 Ende des Seminars
Street / P.O.Box*
Name* / First name*
Zip code / City*
Accommodation arrangements can be made at:
aachen tourist service e. v.
Postfach 10 22 51
52022 Aachen
Phone+49 241 180-2950
Fax +49 241 180-2930
Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing
Steinbachstraße 15
52074 Aachen
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Witzel
Managing Partner
Phone+49 241 8906-8686
Your contact
Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing GmbH
Steinbachstraße 15
52074 Aachen
Phone+49 241 8906-8689
Fax +49 241 8906-8688
just by E-Mail
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Dr.-Ing. Kristian Arntz
Managing Partner
Phone+49 241 8906-8687
also by E-Mail
You are a provider of AM machines, materials, software or services and you would like to support the ACAM with your capabilities? In this case, let us talk about the opportunity to become a
Cooperation Partner.
Kindly register by using the attached form or do so informally via
E-Mail: You will find more information
at The number of participants is limited.
The registrations will be considered by the order of their reception. The organiser reserves the right to change or cancel at short
notice the time or the venue of events or parts thereof.
You are an expert in AM and you wish to establish a strategic
cooperation with the Aachen Network? You want to actively cooperate with the research partners in bi- and multilateral projects
and you would like to decide on the ACAM R&D roadmap as a
steering committee member? In this case the Business Partner
status is the right one for you.
*Input requested
You want to experience how ACAM works?
Choose the Basic Partner status.
I hereby agree that my name and business address will be registered. Exclusively for the purpose of the organisation of the
645,- € (plus VAT)
15 % discount for ACAM Business Partners
The fee includes conference documents, break refreshments
and lunch. Please do not pay prior to receiving the invoice. In
case of cancellation of the registration until one week prior to
the event, a fee of 100,- € will be charged for administration
efforts. For no-shows and late cancellation, the full price will
be charged.
seminar my name and address will be electronically processed and saved at ACAM and Campus Forum.
Becoming a Partner of the ACAM
The information will be used to deliver similar offers to your address unless you request not to:
If you don`t want to get any further information, please send an email to