Das Rundschreiben - The Georgia Chapter of AATG
Das Rundschreiben - The Georgia Chapter of AATG
Das Rundschreiben A Publication of the Georgia Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German Neue Folge No. 24 Kalendar 24 Oktober 2008 Vortrag: “The Unification of Europe.” Center for European Studies. Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA. 18.30 Uhr. Voranmeldung 404-875-1211 30 Oktober 2008 Vortrag/Seminar: Im Gespräch mit dem zeitgenössischen Autor Egon Gramer. Goethe-Zentraum Atlanta. 18.30 Uhr. Voranmeldung bis 28 Oktober 31 Oktober 2008 Einsendeschluss für National German Test. http://www.aatg.org/content/ view/149/35/ 18 November 2008 Ausstellung: “Economy Meets the Arts.” German-American Chamber of Commerce. Atlanta, GA. http://www.gaccsouth.com/en/ 20-23 November 2008: ACTFL/AATG Tagung, Orlando, FL. http://www.actfl.org/i4a/pages/ Index.cfm?pageID=4730 7 Dezember 2008: Gedenkkonzert: Brahms and seine Zeit. Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta. 18.30 Uhr. http://www.goethe.de/INS/us/ atl/ver/en3670690v.htm 15 Dezember 2008: Anmeldeschluss furs Sprachbad Tybee Island (fotyrgesetzt auf Seite 6) Frühling 2008 Meine Erlebnisse in Deutschland 2007: Ein Bericht von unserer AATG-PAD Preisträgerin “Um…langsamer bitte?” These were the first words I said to my exchange sister after stepping out of the airport in Nuremberg, Germany to begin my stay as the AATG/PAD study scholar for the state of Georgia, and they were a fitting characterization of my time in Germany. This is not to say that I didn’t understand anything (In fact, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I could actually follow most of what was being told to me). My response to her easily spoken words meant instead, I soon came to realise, that I had actually won two trips to Germany: one as an American tourist and the other as a temporary member of German society. The duality took me by surprise. I had fully prepared myself to act completely unobtrusive, so as not to be a burden upon my exchange family, and to reserve my questions solely for my trip instructors. From the outset, however, I felt welcome not only as a guest but also as a member of the family. (fortgesetzt auf Seite 5) Neuer Stammtisch gegründet bei Georgia Tech University Jede Woche treffen sich zwischen sechs und 10 Mitglieder des deutschen Klubs bei Georgia Tech, um ein Gespräch zu führen. Obwohl fast immer eine Lehrerin dabei ist, wird das Gespräch nicht von ihr geleitet. Die Mitglieder dürfen jede Art von Thema besprechen, solange sie Deutsch reden. Bei jedem Treffen gibt es etwas zu essen, das einer der Studenten mitbringt. Bei dem letzten Treffen gab es Erdbeerknödel. Wir essen einmal pro Monat in einem Restaurant. Letztes Semester besuchte der Klub das Oktoberfest in Helen, Georgia. Wir sahen trad itionelle deutsche Sänger und Tänzer. Wir probierten auch deutsches Essen und Bier. Später im Semester trafen wir uns, um zusammen Paintball zu spielen. Am Ende des Semesters gab es eine große Weihnachtsparty. Die Mitlieder bauten ein Lebkuchenhaus, während sie Fondue genossen. Dieses Semester trifft sich der Klub, um die Sat1Sendung „Der Bulle von Tölz“ anzuschauen. Wir haben auch Pläne, bei dem German-American Cultural Center deutsche Filme zu sehen. Es wird auch jeden Monat einen deutschen Film mit englischen Untertiteln bei Georgia Tech geben, den der Klub anschauen wird. Ein Gespräch auf Englisch wird danach stattfinden, damit die Leute, die kein Deutsch sprechen, daran teilnehmen und mehr über deutsche Kultur lernen können. Es gibt jedes Schuljahr im Herbst eine Neuwahl. Joey Shepard ist dieses Jahr der Präsident. John Payne ist der Vizepräsident. Jackie Banas ist die Sekretärin. Frank Kreikebaum ist der Werbe-Manager. Professorin Dr. Bettina Cothran ist der Faculty Advisor des Klubs. — Joey Shepard (International Affairs and Modern Languages) SEITE 2 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 Das Rundschreiben is published twice yearly and distributed free of charge to all Georgia-AATG members as well as friends of the chapter. Any claims made by the writers or advertisers are not necessarily those of the editor(s) or officers of AATG Georgia Chapter. Reproductions are welcome; if so, a complimentary file copy is requested. Contributions such as these are welcome: announcements and/or reports of events (conferences, symposia, seminars, meetings, ceremonies, films, concerts etc.) * news concerning pedagogy, didactics, methodology, technology * teaching material and tips * introductions of (new) colleagues * interviews * student (German Club) reports * publications or papers presented at professional meetings * reviews (books, films, software etc.) * photos and graphics * games, riddles, jokes * literary, creative work (maybe your own?) * any other matter of professional interest. Send contributions, preferably in electronic form to the editor. Usual deadlines for submission are 15 September for the Fall Issue; 15 March for the Spring issue Das Rundschreiben Edward J Weintraut Mercer University 109 Knight Hall Macon, GA 31207 478-301-2894 weintraut_ej @mercer.edu AATG-Georgia Executive Committee President Janet Ward Wardj@walkerschool.org Vice-President Edward Weintraut Weintraut_ej@mercer.edu AATG-Georgia Chapter Website http://georgia.aatg.org AATG-Georgia ListServ Anmeldung http://ga-aatg.org/aatggaforms/ listservsignup Membership Margita Haberlen Margita_m_haberlen@fc.dekalb.k12.ga.us Treasurer Michaela Claus-Nix Nix@bronline.com Secretary Robin Huff Amisua@aol.com NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 3 Wir gratulieren: AATG Preisträger 2008 Teacher of the Year Robin Huff Georgia State University 2008 Student of the Year Kate Hardin Parkview High 2008 Langenscheidt Award Ryan Price Walker School 2008 AATG/PAD Study Trip Recipient Benjamin Townsend Brookwood High School 2008 Duden Award Recipient 2008 GLOW Award Recipient Janet Ward The Walker School Travis Richardson Starr’s Mill High School 2008 Post K-12 Scholarship Award Recipients 2008 State German Convention Officers Monica DiBella University of Georgia David Jernigan North Gwinnett High School Katherine Jennings Taylor Kyles Connie Park Lakeside High School Amber Bell Fayetteville High School Rachel Peacock, Joseph Colwell Mercer University NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 4 Wir gratulieren: AATG National German Test Preisträger Atlanta International School Lakeside School German Language School Emile Buchheister Laetitia Butler Lucas Fornasini Arianne Kaldewey Martin Lucic Keanu Mitanga Myrtil Mitanga Tiffany Diebold Mark Haddad Melissa Huston Katherine Jennings Aida Metasebya Vivian Vaupel Daniel Williams Jacob Yount Vanessa Aguilera Caroline Alting Hannah Beyer Benjamin Bizot Antonia Boeckle Leah Branson Carolyn Callahan Oliver Clark Naomi Daniel Annika Dell Vivienne Emde Flynn Faber Robin Goverdham Adah Griesbach Pauline Kriegler Anastasis Sprick Levie Katharina Loske Erik Mauer Alexander Perez Carol;yn Perez Ralf Popescu Billy Porter Darie Raschidfarrokhi Marianne Richter Fidi Rosenstiel Philip Mitchell Nicolas Seidler Screven County High School Brookwood High School Emily Foote Justin Hancock Benjamin Townsend Laura Beal Perfect Score on National German Test Collins Hill High School Steven Bevels Rachel Bevels Katelyn Bryant Hannah Drum Catherine Gu Matthew Joiner Mounir Nessim Melisa Puzic Stephanie Rary Hillary White Zachary White North Gwinnett High School Devon Drew Northview High School Sebastian Czech Brandon Ramos Grayson High School Matthew Tyndale Travis Richardson Starr’s Mill Road Tiffany Diebold Lakeview High School Parkview High School Starr's Mill High School Devayani Bhusari Glenn Branscomb Katherine Hardin Jacqueline Hutton Sanober Ismaily Allison Kuester Louis Leonidas James McDowell Jeffrey McLaren Patrick Najjar Courtney Reed Travis Schneider Taylor Westrick Kimberly Bacon Christina Graves Michael Jones Katherine Ledbetter Travis Richardson Matthew Waples Amanda Wilson The Walker School Katherine Ragan The Westminster Schools Sean Crews NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 5 Ein Bericht von unserer AATG-PAD Preisträgerin (fortgesetzt von Seite 1) I helped to cook, clean, run errands, and yes, was even at times subjected to rapidly fired phrases in German, the meaning of which I did not even begin to comprehend. The fact that my family spoke normally to me seemed to indicate that I was being treated as if I was a member of the German community instead of a simple tourist. This was an experience which I consider vital to not only the cultural lessons that I took away with me, but also the amazing time that I had. I learned where the best döners were served and just how I would ask for tickets at the local movie theatre; that St. Lorenz Kirche was not only a fantastic piece of history, but also an important meeting place in preparation for shopping in the inner city. With every passing minute, I learned things that could not ever be given full justice to in a textbook or even a guidebook, things that only the Germans themselves would know. At the same time, however, I was still a tourist, eager to learn everything that our instructor could offer me. Nothing brings history to life like seeing it, as I was fortunate enough to do. I have since realised that there is a vast difference between seeing a picture of the Roman bridge in Regensburg and ex- periencing the Roman bridge in Regensburg, consequently understanding that there is a reason humans are given five senses to make use of. Equally important, at least to those waiting at home in America for me, was the fact that after witnessing these architectural marvels, I could walk over to the gift shop and buy the miniature or a postcard in commemoration, something that a German citizen might not do on a daily basis. communities that one participates in influence what one learns. There is more to be experienced in Germany and the rest of the world than one can possibly learn in the limited circles one chooses to take part in. I feel very fortunate, therefore, to have been able to participate in this particular trip because it is extremely unique in its approach to cultural understanding. By allowing me to be both a tourist as well as a German, I saw Germany as few others are able to see it. If there is anything that I have learned from this trip, it is how differently the — Devon Drew North Gwinnett High School Interviews for the AATG/PAD Study Trip are held each March in Atlanta, GA. The minimum requirements for applicants are: • must be placed in the 9oth percentile or higher on the AATG National German Test • must earn minimum of B grade-point-average in high school; • must be 16 years old by 31 December 2008 • Must not live in a household where regular conversation is in German; • Must not have visited a German-speaking country for more than two consecutive weeks since the age of six; and • Must be a US citizen or US permanent resident (“green card” holder) Governor’s Honors Finalists 2008 Devayani Bhusari (Parkview) Tiffany Diebold (Lakeside) Sarah Freeman (Chamblee) Addison Hamilton (Chamblee) Katherine Isaf (Marist) Colin Korbisch (Northview) Katherine Ledbetter (Starr’s Mill High) Medha Marsten (Lovett) Sanjay Menon (Chamblee) Blair Robinson (McEachern) Charlotte Steininger (Union Grove) Robert Stone (Central Gwinnett) Thomas Travis (LaFayette) Jessie Trawick (Chamblee) Jonathan Trebble-Greening (Starr’s Mill) Julie Tremblay (Norcross) NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 Kalendar (forgesetzt von Seite 1) 27-30 Dezember 2008 MLA Tagung. San Francisco, CA http://www.mla.org/convention 16-19 Januar 2009 Sprachbad, Tybee Island, GA http://georgia.aatg.org/ sprachbad.html 16 Januar 2009 Einsendeschluss für Student of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Post-K-12-Stipendien. Anfragen bei Dr Gary Schmidt (678-839-5967) 21 Januar 2009 Einsendeschluss für National German Exam 30-31 Januar 2009 State German Convention Ende Februar/ Anfang März 2009 PAD/AATG Interviews. German Cultural Center. Atlanta, GA. Anfragen bei Dr Gary Schmidt (678-839-5967) 5-7 März 2009 SCOLT/FLAG/SEALT Tagung, Atlanta, GA http://scolt.webnode.com/ a2009-scolt-flag-sealltconference/ D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 6 State German Convention 30-31 January 2009 The AATG Georgia 2009 State German Convention will be held on Friday and Saturday, January 30 & 31, at the State FFAFCCLA Camp in Covington. The convention schedule will be similar to last year’s, with registration from 12:30 – 2:00 pm on Friday and the closing Awards Ceremony finishing around 4:00 pm on Saturday. Please make travel arrangements now so you can attend the entire convention. As always, the State German Convention is conceived as a co-curricular activity, encouraging and motivating students at all levels in their study of German. It is a wonderful, funfilled way to encourage interest in your German program. The theme this year is *Es lebe die DDR: Zwanzig Jahre nach der Wende*. Each school needs to select a topic from the list at the end of this message. Please notify Kevin when you make your selection. All selections are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. German. The price for the weekend, including the overnight stay in heated cabins, dimmer on Friday, and breakfast and lunch on Saturday is $55 per person. However, teachers, required chaperones, and bus drivers will not have to pay. The State German Convention is open to all high school students currently enrolled in German during the 2008-2009 school year. German exchange students are also welcome, although the competitions are for nonnative speakers only. Native speakers may take part in all interest sessions, may observe competitions, and are welcome to participate in the cabin meetings, Neue Schule competition, and Schnitzeljagd. All current AATG members may attend. If you plan to come, please email the preregistration form, and snail mail the $15 per person deposits by Friday, October 31, 2008 to: Schools participating in the Quiz Bowl must submit 15-20 questions. Your school’s Quiz Bowl questions should be based on your school’s selected topic. Timo Snider <Timo.Snider@cobbk12.org> AATG-Georgia Treasurer Kell High School 4770 Lee Waters Road, N.E. Marietta, GA 30066 All teachers should be available to judge or help with interest sessions throughout the weekend. If you cannot find an answer to your question on the SGC Webpage, please email me at keough.kevin@fcboe.org. All projects should be based upon the overall theme, with the exception of the Video Competition, which is based on promoting Sincerely, Kevin Keough Director, State German Convention In eigener Sache Mit dieser Ausgabe stelle ich meine zehnjährige Tätigkeit als Herausgeber des Rundschreibens ein und trete nun das Amt als AATG-GA Präsidenten an. Ab Oktober 2008 wird das Rundschreiben Max Hiram anvertraut, einem begabten und kreativen Kollegen an der Emory University in Atlanta. Für die nächste Ausgabe des Infoblatts sind also Beiträge, Annoncen und sonstige Materialien an ihn zu schicken, Hiermit seine Email-Adresse: hmaxim@emory.edu NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 7 State German Convention Wettbewerbe POETRY A Level 4 1. Kate Hardin (Parkview) and Melissa Mattee (Union Grove) 2. Emma Farley (Lakeside) Level 5 PARTNERARBEIT Level 1 1. Melissa Rary and Lauren Miley (Collins Hill) 2. C J Uzomah and Francisco Trevino (North Gwinnett) 3. Taylor Kyles and Taylor Cunefare (Lakeside) 1. Steve Cho (Northview) Level 2 QUIZ BOWL POETRY B Level 1 1. Lakeside 2. Northview 3. Parkview 4. McIntosh 1. Julianne Slaton (Sandy Creek) 2. Tiffany Zimniak (South Forsyth) 3. Ryan Cline (Sandy Creek) 1. Sarah Prewoznik and Matthew Hiebes (McIntosh) 2. Alex Irlik and Sanober Ismaily (Parkview) 3. Jennifer Gray and Ben Wallace (North Gwinnett) SKIT Level 2 1. Screven County 2. Kell 3. Lakeside 4.Central Gwinnett 1. Lyssa Beck (Sandy Creek) 2.Courtney Reed (Parkview) 3.Kathryn Waggaman (Northview) Level 3 POETRY A Level 1 1. Hali Seman (Central Gwinnett ) 2. Shirley Hao (Lakeside ) 3. Morgan Boswell (Screven County ) Level 2 1.Blair Robinson (McEachern) 2.Vernie Lumacang (Fayette County) 3.Sarah Prewoznik (McIntosh) Level 3 1.Grant Sparks (Sandy Creek) 2.Tyler Legg (Sandy Creek) 3.Hilary Thompson (Union Grove) 1. Shannon Murray (Dacula) Levels 4 and 5 Level 3 1. Victoria Hedden and Daniel 1. Devon Drew and Madison Young (South Gwinnett) 2. Sarah Burr and Melissa Mattee (Union Grove) 3. Joseph Stinchcomb and Pamela Johnson (Fayette County) McDonald (North Gwinnett) 2. Hunter Sommers and Zachary Parker (Screven County) 3. Rachel Strumlauf and Ke Bai (Parkview) Levels 4 and 5 1. Victoria Hedden and Daniel Young (South Gwinnett) 2. Sarah Burr and Melissa Mattee (Union Grove) 3. Joseph Stinchcomb and Pamela Johnson (Fayette County) NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 8 State German Convention Wettbewerbe NACHERZÄHLUNG Level 1 1. Rachel Strain (Parkview) 2. Melissa Rary (Collins Hill) 3. Shirley Hao (Lakeside) SPELLING A Level 1 1. Taylor Kyles (Lakeside) 2. Rachel Strain (Parkview) 3. Caitlin Cassidy (South Forsyth) Level 2 1. Tiffany Diebold (Lakeside) 2. Allison Kuester (Parkview) 3. Blair Robinson (McEachern) Level 2 1. Kaitlyn Harrison (Dacula) 2. Alex Irlik (Parkview) 3. Sarah Prewoznik (McIntosh) Level 3 1. Ke Bai (Parkview) 2. Liz Kelly (Lakeside) SPELLING B Level 4 Level 3 1. Eric Boddiford (Union Grove) 2. Evan Deloach (Lakeside) 3. Kyndall Dye (Sandy Creek) 1. Kate Hardin (Parkview) 2. Lea Williamson (Parkview) 3. Soleil Robichaud (Northview) Level 4 AATG WRITTEN TEST 1. Travis Schneider (Parkview) 2. Thomas Hardy (McIntosh) Level 5 1. Daniel Williams (Lakeside) 2. Kirsten Ott (South Forsyth) 3. Merelise Rouzer (Lakeside) Levels 4 and 5 Level 1 1. Melissa Mattee (Union Grove) 2. Despina Vastakis (Lakeside) 3. Kate Hendershot (North Gwinnett) Level 2 SPELLING B Level 1 Special Recognitions: Laura Ohle (McEachern in Level 1) Alex Lembeck (Centennial in Level 3) 1. Laura Ohle (McEachern) 2. Ian Nurse (Parkview) 3. Shirley Hao (Lakeside) 1. Monique Edghill (Dacula) 2. Sanober Ismaily (Parkview) 1. Allen Mobley (Union Grove) 2. Ian Kirby (Union Grove) 3. Nathan Holdaway (Collins Hill) 3. Kekset Dahlquist (Collins Hill) Level 2 1. Devayani Bhusari (Parkview) Level 3 Vernie Lumacang (Fayette County) 2. Missy Zeagler (Screven County) and Katherine Jennings (Lakeside) - tie 2. Ke Bai (Parkview) , Ela Sehic (Central Gwinnett) , and Carlos Rendon (Collins Hill) - tie Level 3 Level 4 1. Katherine Jennings (Lakeside) 2. Jase Doyle (Screven County) 3. Hilary Thompson (Union Grove) 1. Kate Hardin (Parkview 2. Amber Matthews (Collins Hill 3. Emma Farley (Lakeside) 1. Taylor Westrick (Parkview) and NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 9 State German Convention Wettbewerbe ROLLENSPIEL Level 1 1. Tommy Daniel (Walker) 2. Doug Covey (Northview) 3. Lauren Thomas (Screven County) Level 2 EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING 1. Sanober Ismaily (Parkview) 2. Tiffany Diebold (Lakeside) 3. Rose Mikalonis (Parkview) VOCABULARY BEE A Level 1 Level 2 1. Tiffany Diebold (Lakeside) 2. Blair Robinson (McEachern) 3. Tracie Hinnant (Northview) Level 3 1. Ke Bai (Parkview) 2. Jacob McGoff (Centennial) 3. Katherine Jennings (Lakeside) 1. Shirley Hao (Lakeside) 2. Jeremy Tucker (Central Gwinnett) 3. Patricia Carlsen (Parkvew) Level 3 Level 2 1. Ke Bai (Parkview) 2. Devayani Bhusari (Parkview) 3. Alex Lembeck (Centennial) 1. Tiffany Diebold (Lakeside) 2. Taylor Westrick (Parkview) 3. Allison Kuester (Pakrview) Level 4 1. Lea Williamson (Parkview 2. Parker Kemp (Walker) 3. Travis Schneider (Parkview) Level 3 Level 5 Level 4 1. Daniel Williams (Lakeside) 2. Jessica Hormann (Dunwoody) 3. Allison Moss (Centennial) 1. Keith Holler (Kell) 2. Lea Williamson (Parkview) 3. Travis Schneider (Parkview) Level 5 1. Merelise Rouzer (Lakeside) 2. Victoria Hedden (South Gwinnett) 3. Daniel Young (South Gwinnett) 1. Katherin Jennings (Lakeside) 2. Jase Doyle (Screven County) 3. Ke Bai (Parkview) Level 4 1. Travis Schneider (Parkview) 2. Aldijana Vugdalic (Collins Hill) 3. Steve Cho (Northview) VOCABULARY BEE B Level 1 1. Doug Covey (Northview) 2. Caitlin Cassidy (South Forsyth) 3. Joel Miller (Walker) NE UE FOLGE NO. 24 D AS RU NDS C HRE I BE N PAGE 10 State German Convention Wettbewerbe VOCABULARY BEE B Level 2 1. Alex Irlik (Parkview) 2. Robert Stone (Central Gwinnett) 3. Laura Beal (Screven County) Level 3 1. Rachel Bevels (Collins Hill) 2. Taylor Edson (Collins Hill) 3. Sofia Fischer (North Gwinnett) Level 4 1. Stephanie Kemp (Screven County) 2. Emma Farley (Kell) 3. Berk Balkan (Northview) HINDERNISLAUF 1. Jessica Hormann and Michael PROJECTS Posters 1. Neal Pratt (Union Grove) 2. Danielle Patenaude (Sandy Vastakis (Lakeside) 3. Justin Robinson and Chris Rutledge (Collins Hill) 1. C J Uzomah and Francisco 3. Lindsay Pass (Oconee County) Trevino (North Gwinnett) 2. Cal Joy (Walker) 3. Lyssa Beck (Sandy Creek) Videos Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte Creek) 1. Mason Beckman, Bill Waggaman and Steve Cho (Northview) 2. Chad Cannon and Jack Frankhauser (Screven County 3. Ritesh Kumar and Jonathan Sahertian (Berkmar) T-Shirts 1. Kelsey Forehand (Screven County) 2. Sam Lawther and Jaime Breeland (Collins Hill) 3. Lindsay Pass (Oconee County) Photography Dorrill (Dunwoody) 2. Daniel Williams and Despina BAKED GOODS Apfelkuchen 1. Blair Robinson (McEachern) 2. Matthew Amor (Northview) 3. Kristen Palsson (Union Grove) Board Games 1. Marla Thompson and Lauren Thomas (Screven County) 2. Tom Hardy and LaToya Brunson (McIntosh) 3. Vicki Nicolich (Collins Hill) Informieren Sie sich über das reichhaltige kulturelle Angebot bei http://www.goethe.de/INS/us/atl/enindex.htm 1. Will Hodges (Union Grove) 2. Pamela Johnson (Fayette County) 3. Steven Glinski (South Forsyth) Stollen 1. Grant Sparks (Sandy Creek) 2. Caitlin Payne (Sandy Creek) 3. Cooper Rickels (Union Grove) Plätzchen 1. Kelsey Forehand (Screven County) 2. Allen Mobley (Union Grove) 3. Chris Heard (South