Newsletter to members and friends
Newsletter to members and friends
No 13 Easter 2015 Newsletter to members and friends Sanibonani abangame, dear Friends of Partnership, liebe Mitglieder und Freunde sowie Freundinnen von This is our Newsletter No. 13, Easter 2015 greet you all in this Lenten season in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. NEWS from During the last months the committee focussed on ad justing the charter of to the challenges by the changes in its structure and by revenue regulations. We will hopefully finalize the new charter on oc- -Chairperson’s Visit to South Africa Rev Heribert Duscha has paid a visit to the South Africa partners and friends in January 2015. The main purpose of his visit was to bring forward the publication of the partnership book on the South African side. Thus, he met friends In Umngeni circuit (in Pietermaritzburg North and South, in eMtulwa and Appelsbosch) as well as in Durban circuit (Christianenburg and Chatsworth). He took the opportunity to preach in Sweetwaters, (Pietermaritzburg North parish) and Mooiriver (Pietermaritzburg South parish) and attended service in St Boniface (Christianenburg parish). He made arrangements with the Lutheran Publishing House in Durban and had the opportunity to be invited to a meeting of the Coordinating Partnership Committee of Durban and Umngeni Circuits. Moreover, he was invited to get new insights on the progress of the skill-training project in Bishopstowe, mainly by Dean Myaka, Mr Mbuyisa and Mrs Khumalo. The partnership book: You have set my feet in a broad space Because of the partnership book, there were made appointments on a working plan so that it seems to be possible to publish the English edition in October 2015. Rev. Duscha was lucky to find proof readers for the remaining chapters of the book. Mr Kleinbooie, the manager of the Lutheran Publishing House will look for a printer and negotiate on the price. As well Dean Nzama as Dean Myaka will keep an eye on the progress, and Mr Zwelihle Khumalo in the chair of the Durban circuit partnership committee and Mr Pius Mbuyisa in the chair of the Umngeni circuit partnership committee are ready to propagate the book in both circuits. casion of the general meeting on 19, May 2015. 1 Skill training centre in Bishopstowe Chicken, ducks, pigs, butternut – and five young adults Bishopstowe project started with healthier food on cheaper prices The Council of Churches in KwaZulu-Natal (KZNCC) helped by some funding with chicken, piggeries and ducks farming, still under Rev Z.I. Ntuli’s co-ordination. The project is advised by the Department of Agriculture of KZN. Thus, Rev Duscha saw a busy place where now seven people are working. 2 KZNCC again cleaned the site. There is a fence around the whole site. Water has been bin tested, there is a big water resource in a new big borehole. In February 2015, Mrs Ncami MaDlamini Khumalo sent a brief report from which we quote: 2014 Milestone: The paramount highlight of the achievement on the running of the Bishopstowe Project is a decent association between KwaZuluNatal Council of Council and the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The following projects are taking place and developing pleasingly: Skill training centre in Bishopstowe 1. Chicken free roaming and healthy chicken. This project produces remarkably and has sold more than 2000 chickens. 2.Ducks for meat and eggs. 3.Pigs are also obtainable. There are currently above 20 “pregnant” pigs to produce pork and other products. 4.Butternut first harvest. 5.Tests on other vegetables are underway. 6.5 young adults are being trained and resident on site. 7.Healthier food on cheaper prices. Friends of Partnership awaits an application from the side of the Coordinating Committee to sup- American volunteers renovated the chapel Five girls of Young Adults in Global Mission, Minnesota SouthWestern Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, came with Dean Lutter in July 2014 to Bishopstowe and renovated the chapel. They donated around R60.000 for a new roof, for win- dows and doors and paint for the walls. port the renovation of the upper cottage, mainly building a toilet and a shower. Dean Myaka explained that they soon will take care that the lower cottage will serve no longer for tenants but instead for people working in the project. At the moment there are employed four young men from Sweetwaters looking after the pigs and three congregants from Imbali who are responsible for the fowl. Besides these visits and talks Rev Duscha gained insight in the preaching places (Manqonqo, Thamboville and Sweetwaters) of Pietermaritzburg North parish, hosted by Mrs Mzila and accompanied by Messrs Mbuyisa and Sabela and two congregations of Mtulwa parish (Mtulwa and Ekhamanzi) accompanied and hosted by selfsupporting pastor SE Nxumalo. As plans for the deanery were changed – a bigger site is levelled – the circuit is still waiting for the approvement of the drawing by the municipality. 3 News from Melle-Georgsmarienhütte circuit It seems, there are plans for 2016 to invite South African partners. In former times it was a rule, to invite delegations biannually on circuit level. New regional bishop in Osnabrück Church District since 1 Feb 2015 Oldendorf parish Dean Wolfgang Loos renounced to be re-elected after ten years of duty and was called to take the post of a pastor in Göttingen circuit and of serving in the Head Office in Hannover. Melle-Georgsmarienhütte Circuit and St Petri Parish will bid farewell to him on 19 April at 5 p.m. in Melle St Petri church and parish hall. 015 r Gottesdienste und mehr Uhr imthere März 2015 On 7 March, was workshop in Hilter for new beginners in the stewardship ministry, which means in this case doing visitations. Organizators expected 20 volunteers to take part. i! r ziehe r alt f l e i te V chritt nsam r BuEnin neeumerWSeg zur Uhr auf d KLUSION IN Land Oldendorf parish is still raising funds. Pastor Karsten Keding retired in the beginning of 2015 and left Oldendorf after 22 yours. In St Mary's Church, the Kedings made a touching farewell gift to their parish and continued with a program of music and art in the Hallmann'schen House. The Kedings moved east of Hanover, close to Gifhorn. Oldendorf will have a new pastor on 1 June, Rev Ralf Hallbrügge. Dr Birgit Klostermeier was for twelve years a pastor in Wunstorf near Hanover, thereafter she worked as director of studies in the pastoral institute of the Church of Hanover for 12 years and 4 years in the Institute of Social Sciences of the Evangelical Church of Germany, before she was voted Dean of Berlin-Schöneberg of the Evangelical Church of Berlin- Brandenburg in 2010. She looks forward to gradually meet the 114 parishes of her district with about 160 pastors. Glandorf-Bad Laer parish Fotos, Gestaltung: EILERS-Media, Bad Essen Melle-Paulus parish In March, eight parishes in Osnabrück area celeberate services under the motto “diversity – inclusion enriches all”, among them are partner parishes Bad Laer, Bad Rothenfelde, Oesede, Hilter, MelleNeuenkirchen. Oesede and Schledehausen parishes Both parishes, Oesede (partner of KwaDukuza) and Schledehausen (partner of Otimati) will soon have new pastors, as the current pastors will retire. 4 They are preparing to host their partners from KwaMashu parish in October to take part in the 50 years celebrations of the parish. In Glandorf-Bad Laer, partner of Enhlanzeni parish, there is a new pastor, Stephan Jannasch (picture). News from Durban circuit Another recent pastor of Elim parish, Rev ZI Nzuza, was elected Dean of the Eastern Cape Circuit of ELCSA-Cape- Orange Diocese, based in Stutterheim. Pastor Chundran Chetty (picture), recently in St John Newlands East and St John Reservoir Hill started his new post as a lecturer at the Lutheran Theological Institute in Pietermaritzburg. There is already a new pastor appointed for St John Newlands East and St John Reservoir Hill Bishop MD Biyela returned to the Lutheran Thelogical Institute after he was serving for one year Ntuzuma. As well for Ntuzuma a new Pastor is on duty. Since Jan 13th, Rev. Khumbulani Brian Maseko (picture) is the new pastor of the parish. Mr Zwelihle Khumalo, describes him as young and forceful. Arenshorst shares the joy! Pastor Dr Joe Lüdemann (picture), recently the parish pastor of Durban Central has got new duties being the link between the ELM coworkers in South Africa and ELM Head Office in Hermannsburg. As he is still responsible for students’ ministry in Durban, he is not able to be further on the parish pastor of Durban Central, he well, however continue preaching at St Michael’s in Milne Street. Dean Nzama became the parish pastor Mr Z Khumalo (picture), Ntzuma parish, in the chair of Durban Circuit Partnership Committee and as well chairing the Co-Ordinating Committees of Durban and Umngeni Circuits, and Mr Robin Ramiah Rev Z Kambi, recently the pastor of Marburg-Gamalkhe parish, was transferred to Pinetown. This parish is still fundraising in order to build a church in KwaNdengezi congegregation. The plot is already purchased. In August 2014, Pastor L Victor Qhele (picture), Elim parish, who served for some years as well in eMtulwa and Oebisfelde parishes passed away. (picture), head of the Chatsworth partnership committee, went on 21 Feb to see their partners or as the Americans they their compagniongs in the Great River Conference of Minnesota Southwest Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 5 News from Umngeni circuit Appelsbosch parish Noodsberg congregation in Appelsbosch parish is building a new church (picture). Pastor D. Hadebe is on at time on duty in Appelsbosch. There are ideas for better serving the parish either by diving or by installing a second pastor. End of May, the bishop will pay a visit to the parish. Nhlangakazi parish Nhlangakazi has got a new parish pastor, the Rev Zongezile Ernest Ntoma. In progress: Noodsberg Church with Mr Nyathikazi and Mrs SE Nxumalo, eMtulwa eMtulwa parish There is no pastor in eMtulwa parish: Pastor Sibuso Mosia from neighbouring Oebisfelde parish keeps an eye on it. Ekhamanzi congregation needs help to renovate its old church (right picture). 7/8 March there is an amaDoda (Men’s Prayer League) revival in the parish. On 10 May, Bishop PP Buthelezi will visit the parish. Georgenau parish On 17 May, Bishop Buthelezi will dedicate anew the church of KwaHlwemini which was renovated from the ground by donation of a former member who worshipped there already with his grandmother and now returned to ELCSA. Pietermaritzburg South Pietermaritzburg South will be devided within the next years, Imbali with Willowfountain and Mpumelelo will be a parish on its own. In April Mrs Ncami MaDlaminiKhumalo (picture) from Imbali congregation will again visit Melle on invitation by Diakonia in town and county Osnabrück. Ms Nqobile Mayaba from Mooi River congregation – well known as a singer by Melle St Petri – got married on 14 Feb to Ntobeko Chamane from Appelsbosch in 6 Renovation: Ekhamanzi Church with 4 congregants: M Gila +TQ Gila (abaSizikazi ), TJ Gila, and E Zondi Pietermaritzburg. Next day there took place the cultural wedding in Appelsbosch. The couple will worship in Imbali from now. Mr NM Khumalo from Mooi River congregation wrote: “We had an Ash Wednesday last week; the service was conducted by Rev M Nzama here in Mooi River.” During Easter the congregation will host 1.300, maybe even 1.500 on Good Friday. Thereafter they will prepare to celebrate in October the 10th Take off to Germany: Ncami MaDlamini anniversary of their church with about 20 visitors from Melle St Petri. Mpumelelo (France/Unit 18) preaching place is on the way to become a congregation on its own. They 18 are considering to have an own building. Khumbulani congregation is still looking for a site while Pinneberg partners are ready to build the church. News from Umvoti circuit Pastor Mthethwa from eMtulwa was transferred to Hermannsburg parish Retired Pastor Reinhard Keding, recently Bad Laer parish (MelleGeorgsmarienhütte circuit), visited the partners in Enhlanzeni parish. News from Umngeni circuit Pietermaritzburg North There is a soccer team in Sobantu (picture). Mr Mbuyisa wrote: "Some of the members are our Youth. Somebody is trying to keep them away from the streets. We need some sponsors. The jersey they were wearing is my company sponsor." There are new preaching places in Maqongqo near Table Mountain and Bishopstowe (Thamboville) (Pietermaritzburg North). Maqongqo willgrow fast and become a congregation on its own. They are already look ing for a site to build a church. In need for sponsering: Soccer team in Sobantu News from Mpumalanga There is a new phase of renovation of the crèche in Mpumalanga, they took off the old covering to put a new one. (picture with Mrs Mpume Luthuli) Although no longer staying in Mpumalanga but being there in the beginning of partnership in the 70s. Mrs Bhengu, the widow of Pastor SE Bhengu, passed away in Durban. She was one of the first South African visitors to then Melle circuit in the 70s. Mr Boy Ndlovu, not only as a choir leader a pillar of the Mpumalanga congregation, Unit 2, passed away in January. The funeral function (picture) took place on 14 January with parish pastor Rev Mamba and and former parish pastor K. Ntuli, now lecturing at LTI, and self-supporting pastors Nsibande and Makhanya from Pietermaritzburg. New preaching place called Maqongqo: The area near Table Mountain (left) Colourful and new roof: Mrs Luthuli presenting the renovated crèche proudly A practice to be followed... ... is to be seen in Mpumalanga church: They print the newsletter of Friends of Partnership and put it to the wall in order that congregants can have a view of it. Last Good Bye: Funeral function for Mr. Boy Ndlovu from Mpumalanga congregation 7 News from Pirna circuit Partnership Service Pirna Circuit on one side and eMtulwa and Pietermaritzburg North parishes on the other side are preparing to celebrate their annual partnership service on 22 March. Mrs Ina.Maria Vetter wrote: "Our working team has prepared a CD with freshest pictures for alle parishes. The CD includes as well scraps of/for sermon by Dean Uta Krusche-Räder and prayers, addresses and information. We will have a collection in all parishes for the bursary fund as the circuit synod decided like this already last year.” Meeting Pirna – MelleGeorgsmarienhütte partnership committees "On 21 March, our working team will meet with the Melle-Georgsmarienhütte partnership committee here in Sebnitz to discuss the matters which arose by the new structures." Planning for the year 2016 In 2016, the year theme within the Luther decade will be "Reformation and the One World". The Church of Saxony plans to hold a large partnership meeting in Meißen, the so-called cradle of Saxony in June 2016. All Saxon partnerships by Russia over Prague, Netherlands, United States and Tanzania, India and Papua New Guinea – and of course to South Africa – will be invited to experience a global meeting. Two guests and a Saxonian will be invited from each partnership. The meeting will end with a trip to the meeting of the Lutheran World Federation in Wittenberg, where the participants will work on the theme. Mrs Ina-Maria Vetter i spart of the team which prepares the meeting from the side of the Church of Saxony. pays regards to all members and friends with words taken from the epistle at Easter: 1. Cor 15,1-5 Now I would remind you, brothers and sisters, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. 8 Kepha, bafowethunodaduwethu, ngiyanikhumbuza ivangeli enganishumayeza lona nenalamukelayo nenimi kulo, nenisindiswa ngalo, nxa nibambelela ezwini enganishumayeza lona, uma kambe ukukholwa kwenu kungabanga yize. Ngokuba okokuqala nganinika lokho engakwamukela nami ukuthi uKristu wafa ngenxa yezono zethu njengokwemibhalo, nokuthi wembelwa, nokuthi wavuswa kwabafileyo ngosuku lwesithathu njengokwemibhalo, nokuthi wabonwa nguKhefase; wayesebonwa ngabayishumi nambili Ich erinnere euch aber, liebe Brüder und Schwestern, an das Evangelium, das ich euch verkündigt habe, das ihr auch angenommen habt, in dem ihr auch fest steht, durch das ihr auch selig werdet, wenn ihr's festhaltet in der Gestalt, in der ich es euch verkündigt habe; es sei denn, dass ihr umsonst gläubig geworden wärt. Denn als Erstes habe ich euch weitergegeben, was ich auch empfangen habe: Dass Christus gestorben ist für unsre Sünden nach der Schrift;und dass er begraben worden ist; und dass er auferstanden ist am dritten Tage nach der Schrift; und dass er gesehen worden ist von Kephas, danach von den Zwölfen. Co-operate! Don’t hesitate to pass over a comment about this newsletter, news to be published or e-mail addresses of other interested persons to Association „Friends of Partnership“ e.V. Membership application Hereby I apply for a membership in „Friends of Partnership“ beginning with ____________. I agree with the aims of the association as mentioned. Maybe... ...some body wants to join our Maybe... association partner...some body“Friends wants toof join our ship”. These are our objectives: association “Friends of partnerThe development association ship” These are our objectives: “Friends of partnership“ works an The development association the conviction that partnership “Friends of partnership“ works between people of different an the conviction that partnerculture shouldpeople be encouraged ship between of diffein order to achieve justice and rent culture should be encourapeace in this world. So our asged in order to achieve justice sociation supports partnership and peace in this world. So our on circuit level as well as on conassociation supports partnership gregational level in the circuits of on circuit level as well as on Melle-Georgsmarienhütte, Bramcongregational in the circusche, Durban, level Pirna, Umngeits and of Melle, Durban, und ni Umvoti. Our Pirna association Umngeni. Our association backs backs and develops constituent and develops projects, doesconstituent promotion proof pujects, does promotion of publiciblicity, fund raising, and other ty, fund raising, other meameasures on thisand concern. sures on this concern. To apply for membership please To apply for membership please print and fill in the application print and in the form, andfill send it toapplication our treasurer, Hesse, c/o form,Mrs and Franziska send it to our treasuDiakonia, Riemsloher Straße rer, Mrs Elke Eilers, Sonnenweg5, D-49324 Germany. 3, D-49152Melle, Bad Essen, Germany. You well simply You may may as as well simply send send aa mail encluding your details mail encluding your details to to Annual Annual subscription subscription in in Germany Germany is at least Euro 12.00. For rates is at least Euro 12.00. For rates in Franin South South Africa, Africa, please, please, ask ask Elke. ziska. Annual subscription (1,00 Euro/month = 12 Euro/year) (10,00 Rand/month = 120 Rand/year) other subscription amount _____ Euro/month = _______ Euro/year name. family name ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________ pysical address __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ postal address __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ email __________________________________________________ for German only: Account Nr.: ____________________________________________ Bank and Bank Code: ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ I will set up a standing order to the account of "Friends of Partnership” place, date ______________________________________________ signature ________________________________________________ FRIENDS Eingetragener Verein zur Förderung der Partnerschaft der Ev.-luth. Kirchenkreise Durban, Melle, Pirna und Umngeni / Registered Association for the Promotion of Partnership by the Evangelical Lutheran Circuits Durban, Melle, Pirna and Umngeni Vorsitzender/ Chairman: Heribert Duscha, Parkstr. 5 31707 Bad Eilsen, Tel.:(0949/ 0) 5722/892469, E-Mail: Bankverbindung: Konto-Nr. 101 493 Kreissparkasse Melle (BLZ 265 522 86) 9 This edition of the Friends of Partnership newsletter was published with the support of Mediengestaltung für Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und die Bewahrung der Schöpfung Media design for justice, peace and integrity of creation Eckhard Eilers Sonnenweg 3 D-49152 Bad Essen Tel.: ++49 (0) 54 72 94 93-0 Mail: