Newsletter to members and friends
Newsletter to members and friends
No 4 Christmas 2010 FRIENDS Newsletter to members and friends Sanibonani abangame Dear Friends of Partnership, Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde sowie Freundinnen von . FRIENDS On Wednesday Oct 27, 2010, the partnership committee of KwaMashu parish had invited their German visitors to Bishopstowe: This is our Newsletter No. 4. 2010 Rev. Duscha visiting South Africa In October 2010 Rev. Heribert Duscha chairman of – staying in Durban and Umngeni circuits on behalf of the book about the nearly 40 years lasting partnership – took the opportunity to have a look on the site of the Bishopstowe project. The Jacaranda trees are cut (helped with a donation of 1.000 D = 9.500 Rand from , some money is still left). The youth of Pietermaritzburg North helped together with Mr. Sabela to renovate three of the classrooms. The farmer next to the site promised to put aside the cutted logs. FRIENDS FRIENDS Visiting the project site: (from left) Rev. Bernhard Julius, Melle-Paulus; Rev. D.N. Nsele, KwaMashu; Mrs Hannelore Haußer, Melle-Paulus; (behind her: Mr Ngubane, KwaMashu); Mrs „Futi“, KwaMashu; Mr Sipho Chonco, KwaMashu; Rev. Wolfgang Diekmann (retired), Mr Pius Mbuyisa, Pietermaritzburg North and member of Coordinating Committee He had the chance to take part in a meeting of the Coordinating Committee of Durban and Umngeni Ciruits with Rev. Heribert Duscha on November 14, 2010, in Mpumalanga. The main item was how to raise funds for the new dormitory which shall be built on the site to accommodate the trainees. Mr Hermann Roelker, a retired teacher from Osnabrueck, will arrive on December 14th, 2010 to assist on the project at Bishopstowe. He intends to stay for three months and wants to stay on the site, living in one of the cottages. Rev. Heribert Duscha visited a lot of partners in Umngeni and Durban circuits to ask them about their experiences with partnership during the last 40 years. There are some who can remind the begin of partnership in the early 1970s. All these experiences will be part of the partnership book which will be completed during 2011, hopefully not only in German but in English, too. News Spot On November 25th, 2010, the synod of Hanover Church elected our new bishop, the General Dean of Berlin, Rev. Ralf Meister (48). He will take over his new duty in March 2011. The Coordinating Committee members visited Melle and Pirna circuits from September 3rd to September 23rd 2010. Besides other important topics the Melle circuit committee and the Pirna circuit committee took the chance to agree with the Coordinating Committee on new Guidelines for Partnership. On the side of the Melle partners these guidelines were approved by the Circuit Assembly on September 22nd, 2010. The agreement is ready to be downloaded as pdf-files in english and german at: -> Angebote -> Partnerschaftsarbeit... Signing the agreement: (from left) Ms Rhosta Gcaba, Mr Thulasizwe Mfeka, Dean Thulani Nzama, Mr Heiko Grube (chairman of the synod), Dean Nkosinathi Myaka, Mr Eckhard Eilers; behind: Mr Musa Godfrey Ngcobo, Ms Beauty Msomi, Dean Wolfgang Loos, Rev. Elfriede Siemens. The South African partners were moreover informed that there will be new structures for the parishes of Melle circuit, starting at 1st January 2013: The seven Southern parishes will form together with most of Georgsmarienhuette circuit the new Melle-Georgsmarienhütte circuit. The eight Northern parishes (Wittlage area) will be united with Bramsche circuit. More information: see pages 4 and 5! FRIENDS Co-operate! Don’t hesitate to pass over a comment about this newsletter, news to be published or e-mail addresses of other interested persons to We wish all our friends and members a peaceful Christmas 2010 and a friendly Year 2011. Sinifisela uKhisimusi omuhle kanye na-unyka omusha osasayo 2011. We greet all with the words for 2011: Jesus Christus spricht: Euer Herz erschrecke nicht. Glaubt an Gott und glaubt an mich. Joh 14, 1 Jesus Christ says: Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1 UJesu Kristu uthi: Inhliziyo yenu mayingakhathazeki. Kholwani nguNkunlunkulu, nikholwe nayimi. NgokukaJohane 14:1 May God bless all of us. iNkosi busisa sonke! Maybe... Association „Friends of Partnership“ e.V. ...some body wants to join our association "Friends of partnership” These are our objectives: The development association "Friends of partnership work an the conviction that partnership between people of different culture should be encouraged in order to achieve justice and peace in this world. So our association supports partnership on circuit level as well as on congregational level in the circuits of Melle, Durban, Pirna und Umngeni.. Our association backs and develops constituent projects, does promotion of publicity, fund raising, and other measures on this concern. Hereby I apply for a membership in „Friends of Partnership“ beginning with ____________. I agree with the aims of the association as mentioned. To apply for membership please print and fill in the application form, and send it to our treasurer, Mrs Elke Eilers, Sonnenweg 3, D-49152 Bad Essen, Germany. You may as well simply send a mail encluding your details to Annual subscription in Germany is at least Euro 12.00. For rates in South Africa, please, ask Elke. Membership application Annual subscription (1,00 Euro/month = 12 Euro/year) (10,00 Rand/month = 120 Rand/year) other subscription amount _____ Euro/month = _______ Euro/year name. family name ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________ pysical address __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ postal address __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ email __________________________________________________ for German only: Account Nr.: ____________________________________________ Bank and Bank Code: ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ I will set up a standing order to the account of "Friends of Partnership” place, date ______________________________________________ signature ________________________________________________ FRIENDS Eingetragener Verein zur Förderung der Partnerschaft der Ev.-luth. Kirchenkreise Durban, Melle, Pirna und Umngeni / Registered Association for the Promotion of Partnership by the Evangelical Lutheran Circuits Durban, Melle, Pirna and Umngeni Vorsitzender/ Chairman: Heribert Duscha, Parkstr. 5 31707 Bad Eilsen, Tel.:(0949/ 0) 5722/892469, E-Mail: Bankverbindung: Konto-Nr. 101 493 Kreissparkasse Melle (BLZ 265 522 86) On the way to new structures and better contents The lutheran church in the circuits of Osnabrück county and town The start for renewed structures in Hanover Lutheran Church The Start of the process in Osnabrück region At 23rd November 2005 the 23rd synod of Hanover Lutheran Church decided and agreed about paper Nr. 98A with the headline “Creating the future – perspectives and priorities for the acting of the Hanover Lutheran Church”. Beside other topics this paper contains the following basics under the knowlege of a decreasing number of church members in the future: ■ A circuit should have a membership of 45,000 registered members at least. ■ The number of 42 circuit administration offices has to be reduced by 50 per cent. ■ In a first step the expences for stuff member has to be reduced by 15 per cent until 2013. In 2006 the lutheran circuits Bramsche, Georgsmarienhütte, Melle und Osnabrück elected four delegates each to join in a so called steering group working on solutions to fullfill the tasks the synod had given. The four circuits have been choosen as one group as they are identic to the area of the county Osnabrück and the town Osnabrück. The steering group is accompaned by a professional company for management consulting, named Dr. Dithmar & Partners from Stuttgart. The members of the steering group have been: A: for Bramsche circuit: Dean Dietmar Rehse Carsten Krabbenhöft (leader circuit adm. office) Wolfgang Deffner (member circuit council) Armin Trigloff (chairman circuit synod) B: for Georgsmarienhütte circuit: Dean Doris Schmidtke Eckhard Kallert (chairman circuit synod) Rev. Frieder Marahrens (member circuit council) Peter Heemann (member circuit council) C: for Melle circuit: Dean Wolfgang Loos Helmuth Beek (leader circuit adm. office) Heiko Grube (chairman circuit synod) Manfred Hugo (member circuit council) D: for Osnabrück circuit vice Dean Martin Steinke (later on Dean Pannen) Detlev Kusserow (leader circuit adm. office) Michael Kirchhoff (member circuit council) Klaus Havliza (member circuit council) Current shape of the circuits in Osnabrück region Bramsche circuit Discussions and decisions Osnabrück circuit current circuits registered members of the church in the current circuits at mid of 2007: Bramsche: Melle: Georgsmarienhütte: Osnabrück: 45,273 40,889 48,066 51,082 Georgsmarienhütte circuit In November 2008 the steering group presented a solution for a new structure of the lutheran church in the area of Osnabrück to the four circuit synods. In the steering group six possible solutions had been discussed to present one. The solution include the following changes: a) The 8 northern parishes of Melle circuit and Bramsche circuit form a new circuit. b) The 4 parishes Vehrte, Belm, Gretesch-Lüstringen and Hasbergen (by own wish) of Georgsmarienhütte form a new circuit together with Osnabrück circuit. Melle circuit c) the other parishes of Georgsmarienhütte circuit and the 7 southern parishes of Melle circuit form a new circuit. This solution was discusses by the circuit synods including statements of committees and then given to elect just “yes” or “no” in April 2009. The results were: Bramsche: 70 % yes Georgsmarienhütte: 60 % yes Osnabrück: 90 % yes Melle: 25 % yes New shape of the circuits in Osnabrück region current circuits circuits after the reform Bramsche circuit Bramsche-Wittlage circuit In December 2008 the Melle partOsnabrück nership committee – after consultcircuit ing the Georgsmarienhütte partnerOsnabrück Melle circuit ship committee – invited represenregistered members circuit tatives of all four circuit’s partners- of the church in the current hip committees to meet and talk circuits at mid of 2007: Bramsche: 45,273 40,889 together about how partnership Melle: Melle-GeorgsmarienGeorgsmarienhütte: 48,066 work is done in the different circu- Osnabrück: hütte circuit 51,082 its. registered members GeorgsmarienIt was found that three of the circuit of the church in hütte circuit new circuits: have a circuit partnership relation to the Osnabrück: 61,490 Bramsche-Wittlage: 64,118 ELCSA-SED circuits: Melle-GeorgsGeorgsmarienhütte – Umvoti marienhütte: 59,702 Melle – Durban and Umngeni Osnabrück – Umfolozi ce of Hanover and Brunswick Lutheran Church for Bramsche has a partnership relation to the lutheran about 20 years. church of Estonia and is starting a relation to the Since then the group met 3 times and worked about lutheran church of Malawi. ■ excellences and debilities of the partnerships Additionally the parishes of Georgsmarienhütte and ■ Ideals of ecumenical partnerships Melle circuits perform partnership relations on ■ Co-operation with Hermannsburg mission Board parish level which are covered by the circuit part(ELM) nerships. ■ Co-operation with “bred for the world” All partnerships practice circuit delegation, in Melle ■ In the next meeting on 9th September the prothe parishes are free to realize parish delegations. ject group will work on the topics - qualification and sourcing of partnership Project group ecumenical work work, - experiences of the partners in South Africa with The committees kept on meeting until the steering structural changes in ELCSA-SED group installed project groups for the following - youth in partnership work issues: The major aim of the project group is to find a fut■ Stratec planing ure way of partnerhsip/ecumenical work in the ■ Diakonia region of Osnabrück, which might be synchronised ■ Circuit office fusion between the three new circuits. ■ Partnership and mission/ecumenical work ■ Church music Please note: In future all circuits in Hanover ■ Youthwork In August 2009 the partnership representatives have lutheran church will be faced with decreasing been ask to propose an external project leader. At budgets. This will influence all fields of work. the 15th of September they decided to ask Hermann Never the less all partnership committees of the Hartmann, a retired socialworker who worked as circuits in Osnabrück region are trying to provide the commissioner for the church development servi- the reduction of their budgets.