offerte eures europa e non
offerte eures europa e non
In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE EURES Germany La clinica Klinik Bavaria Kreischa è situata a 5 km da Dresda, il capoluogo della Sassonia. L’ospedale specialistico privato e la clinica di riabilitazione sono considerati tra le cliniche più grandi a livello nazionale. Nell’ambito di speciali programmi terapeutici l’ospedale si occupa individualmente di pazienti che hanno subito ictus, incidenti, insufficienze organiche multiple o che si sono sottoposti a terapie anticancerogene particolarmente aggressive. Ricerchiamo infermieri professionali per i settori: neurologia, medicina interna, psicosomatica ed ortopedia con Diploma di laurea in scienze infermieristiche. Da parte dell’Ospedale verrà fornito tutto il supporto necessario per iniziare a lavorare in Germania nell’ambito del Progetto Cooperazione Internazionale. Supporto nelle pratiche sul riconoscimento del titolo di studio universitario (comprese le traduzioni del titolo) e all’omologazione del titolo per lavorare in Germania - titolo tedesco “Gesundheits - und Krankenpfleger” (riconoscimento della professione) Questo progetto della Klinik Bavaria Kreischa esiste da due anni e ha avuto molto successo. Finora una cinquantina d’infermieri provenienti da paesi dell’Europa del Sud hanno ottenuto il riconoscimento del diploma d’infermiere professionale per mezzo del progetto e già lavorano in diversi reparti della Klinik Bavaria Kreischa. Requisiti richiesti Laurea in Scienze Infermieristiche o diploma d’infermiere professionale equivalente alla laurea disponibilità a lavorare su tre turni come anche ad assumersi attività dell’infermieristica specializzata e complessiva orientandosi al paziente (infermieristica di base e curativa) motivazione per integrarsi in un’altra cultura e in un altro ambiente lavorativo impegno ad imparare una nuova lingua Benefits un periodo d’inserimento nell’ambito del progetto con supporto pratico e assieme a colleghi provenienti da diversi paesi supporto nella lingua italiana da parte dei traduttori in Germania finché non si supera l’esame linguistico al livello B2 in conformità del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento (QCER), l’assunzione prevede nell’ambito del progetto sopracitato un contratto per un massimo di 14 mesi alla fine del contratto si può ricevere una proposta di assunzione per infermiere professionale a tempo indeterminato una retribuzione adeguata sin dall’inizio un corso di tedesco pratico finanziato e organizzato dalla clinica fino ad arrivare ad un livello linguistico B2 conforme al QCER alloggio gratuito per il tempo iniziale in Germania supporto da parte degli infermieri professionali tedeschi nell’inserimento in reparto, corsi di formazione specialistici e buone possibilità di sviluppo e affermazione professionale l’ospedale si occupa delle pratiche sia in quanto alla verifica dell’equivalenza del Vostro titolo universitario (le traduzioni vi comprese) che in quanto all’autorizzazione a portare il titolo tedesco “Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger” (riconoscimento della professione) I candidati interessati devono inviare i documenti sotto indicati (1, 2 e 3) per e-mail all’indirizzo e per conoscenza a: o per posta al recapito: Klinik Bavaria Kreischa, Personalabteilung, An der Wolfsschlucht 1-2, D-01731 Kreischa/Sachsen. Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 1 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE 1. una lettera di motivazione (in Italiano, Inglese o Tedesco) dove il candidato spiegherà perché vuole lavorare presso quella clinica e in quale reparto vuole inserirsi (neurologia, medicina interna, psicosomatica ed ortopedia). 2. un CV (in Italiano, Inglese o Tedesco) 3. la scansione del diploma della Laurea scienze infermieristiche. - Dal 1-5. Sett. 2014 c’è una settimana informativa presso l’ospedale. Per quelli hanno meno di 30 anni, si fa il rimborso dei costi del biglietto aereo con la YFEJ Cliclavoro – massimo 300€ –. Informazioni sul link: Video: Scadenza 20/08/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 2 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Netherlands Local Reference WBS3126514 All-round Electrical maintenance Engineer for hydrographic and oceanographic equipment in The Netherlands General tasks and responsibilities include: • Performing preventative, periodic and corrective maintenance on hydrographic and oceanographic equipment for our clients. • Supporting hydrographic survey activities, for example, making survey instruments operational, within the Netherlands and abroad. • Assisting with survey activities. • Working within a team to develop and support hardware products for sale and in-house applications. • Troubleshooting defective instruments and carrying out on-site repairs/overhauls. We are looking for a candidate with: • A bachelors degree in Electronic Engineering with an affinity for control and measurement engineering. • Work experience in the operation and maintenance of hydrographic instruments. • The ability to think on your feet and the motivation and initiative to get the job done. • A willingness to spend short periods working abroad. • Good communication skills for effective consultations with colleagues and external parties. • The ability to speak and write well in English: this is a prerequisite. • Preferably living in the vicinity of Utrecht. We offer: • An independent, variable job in an open and informal work environment. The company is small and independent. Look at • A temporary position (6 months) with the possibility of a permanent position. • A competative salary and good secondary employment benefits. • Work location Utrecht/Nieuwegein. How to apply: • Send a cover letter with CV in English to Mr. Peter Meijer and cc: This is an EURES-vacancy from the Netherlands published under number: WBS3126514 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 3 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE EURES Germany Physiotherapist (m/f) Fisioterapista This is an advertisement from EURES Germany. We can assist you in finding a job in Germany. Please be informed that all employers expect German language skills. If you think that you are suitable for the position advertised, please get in touch with us. On behalf of several German medical practices for physiotherapy as well as a few hospitals and rehabilitation centers all over Germany we are looking for: Physiotherapists Your profile/ you bring: • a diploma in physiotherapy • some work experience as physiotherapist • a good command of the German language (A2 and better) • a driver's license (necessary) • Skills in manual therapy and lymphatic drainage are of advantage • the ability to work autonomously Your responsibilities: • cooperation with treating physicians • communicating with patients • preservation/ reestablishment of patients bodily functions and motility What we offer: • Before your received recognition as licensed physiotherapist in Ger-many, you will be employed as an assistant nurse (1,600. to 1,800. € gross monthly income) • After your diploma has been officially recognized, you will receive a gross monthly salary between 2,100. and 2,600.€ • Support in searching an appartement and applying for the recogni-tion of foreign diploma Please send your application (CV, Diploma, Transcripts) via e-mail to the following address: Keyword: Physio For more information please contact: Bundesagentur für Arbeit Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV) Villemombler Str. 76 53123 Bonn Hotline: +49 (0) 228 713 2132 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 4 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE EURES Germany Physiotherapist (m/f) Fisioterapista This is an advertisement from EURES Germany. We can assist you in finding a job in Germany. Please be informed that all employers expect German language skills. If you think that you are suitable for the position advertised, please get in touch with us. On behalf of several German medical practices for physiotherapy as well as a few hospitals and rehabilitation centers all over Germany we are looking for: Physiotherapists Your profile/ you bring: • a diploma in physiotherapy • some work experience as physiotherapist • a good command of the German language (A2 and better) • a driver's license (necessary) • Skills in manual therapy and lymphatic drainage are of advantage • the ability to work autonomously Your responsibilities: • cooperation with treating physicians • communicating with patients • preservation/ reestablishment of patients bodily functions and motility What we offer: • Before your received recognition as licensed physiotherapist in Ger-many, you will be employed as an assistant nurse (1,600. to 1,800. € gross monthly income) • After your diploma has been officially recognized, you will receive a gross monthly salary between 2,100. and 2,600.€ • Support in searching an appartement and applying for the recogni-tion of foreign diploma Please send your application (CV, Diploma, Transcripts) via e-mail to the following address: Keyword: Physio For more information please contact: Bundesagentur für Arbeit Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV) Villemombler Str. 76 53123 Bonn Hotline: +49 (0) 228 713 2132 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 5 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE EURES Germany Stellenbeschreibung Berufsbezeichnung Haushaltshilfe (m/w) Assistente ad un portatore di handicap Stellenbeschreibung/Zuständigkeiten: Für den Haushalt eines 25-jährigen durch einen Unfall querschnittsgelähmten weltoffenen Mannes in Bad Sassendorf suchen wir eine Haushaltshilfe (m/w) Aufgaben: komplette Haushaltsführung (Kochen, Reinigung, Einkaufen) leichte pflegerische Alltagshilfen (Aufstehen und Zu-Bett-Gehen, Körperpflege, Kathederwechsel, Begleitung zu Terminen, etc.) Begleitung auf Reisen, bei Ausflügen und Freizeitgestaltung Voraussetzungen: etwa gleichaltrig, ca. 22 bis 30 Jahre alt (m/w) mittlere Deutschkenntnisse erwünscht oder gute bis sehr gute Englischkenntnisse Berufsausbildung in Pflege- oder Gesundheitsberuf wünschenswert gute Allgemeinbildung und vielseitige Interessen Pünktlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit Bereitschaft im Arbeitgeberhaushalt zu wohnen Führerschein Klasse B Reisepass und weltweite Reisebereitschaft erforderlich Geboten wird: unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag nach deutschem Arbeits- und Tarifrechts zwischen der Familie und der Haushaltshilfe Meldung zur Sozialversicherung in Deutschland Unterkunft und Verpflegung wird kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt Deutschkurs wird bei Bedarf organisiert und bezahlt Anzahl der Angebote 1 Anforderungsprofil Ausbildung: Pflege - oder Gesundheitsberuf von Vorteil Berufserfahrung: von Vorteil Sprachkenntnisse: Deutschkenntnisse mindestens Level A 2 (conoscenza del Tedesco A2) Führerschein: Klasse B erforderlich Zusätzliche Anforderungen: Erfahrung im Umgang mit Rollstuhlfahrern wünschenswert Bezahlung und Arbeitsbedingungen Gehalt : 1.200,- € netto Bezugszeitraum /wochentlich, monatlich/: monatlich Ausübungsort: Bad Sassendorf, Deutschland Eintrittstermin: sofort Dauer des Vertrags /befristet, unbefristet, Probezeit/: unbefristet, Probezeit 4 Wochen Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit Wochenstunden: 38,5 Stunden Arbeitsweise /Schichten, Wochenende/: 6-Tage-Woche Unterkunft / Uebernachtung wird zur Verfuegung gestellt, Hilfe für Mietwohnung/: eigene Wohnung wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt, Telefon und Internet vorhanden Mahlzeiten: kostenlos Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 6 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Reisekosten: werden bis 250,- € übernommen Andere: Gewünschte Art der Kontaktaufnahme Gewünschte Anlagen zur Bewerbung: CV Gewünschte Sprache fuer die Anlagen: deutsch oder englisch Wem sollen die Unterlagen gesendet werden/ dem EURES Berater oder dem Arbeitgeber/: EURES-Berater + Bitte bewerben Sie sich mit dem Stichwort „EURES-ZAV-Bad Sassendorf“ Zentrale Auslands-und Fachvermittlung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (ZAV) Anschrift: Villemombler Str.76 53123 Bonn Telefon: 0049 228 713 2132 Fax: 0049 228 713 2224 E-mail: Web site: Bewerbungsschluss: 30/08/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 7 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Details zum Stellenangebot - Anlagenmechaniker/in - Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik Referenznummer: 10000-1114448416-S Stellenangebot ist betreut KONTAKTDATEN Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung Biancamaria Dilonardo-Wehner Villemombler Str. 76 53123 Bonn Telefon: +49 228 7131323 E-Mail: und für WIR BIETEN Tätigkeit Fachkraft: Anlagenmechaniker/in - Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik - manutentore di impianti di condizionamento/riscaldamento ed elettrici. (alternativ: Zentralheizungs- und Lüftungsbauer/in, Klempner/in); ein offenes von ursprünglich einem gemeldeten Angebot; Sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung; Keine Führungsverantwortung Stellenbeschreibung Unsere Firma führt alle anfallenden Sanitär-,Gasheizungs - und Klempnerarbeiten im Kundendienst durch. Wir suchen für unseren Betrieb zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Anlagenmechaniker/in Sanitär/Heizung/Klimatechnik in Vollzeit zur Unterstützung des Teams. Ihr Aufgabengebiet umfasst: - Kundendienst - Tauschen von Sanitärgegenständen, Armaturen etc. - Thermenwartungen/ Austausch von Gasthermen - Arbeiten an Ölanlagen - Sanierungen von Bädern/Küchen - Verlegung von Wasser-, Abwasser- und Gasleitungen aus Kupfer, Stahl und Kunststoff - Erdarbeiten - Reinigung von Dachrinnen (Arbeiten in großer Höhe mit Sicherungsgeschirr) - Dacharbeiten, Ausbesserung von Flachdächern mit Aufschweißbahnen, Arbeiten an Erkern - Klempnerarbeiten mit Zink- und Kupferblechen Wir erwarten: - eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum Anlagenmechaniker SHK, Gas- und Wasserinstallateur oder Heizungsbauer - den Führerschein Klasse B (als 3) -zwingend erforderlich - Berufserfahrung - Kundenorientierung und - Zuverlässigkeit Wir freuen uns auf Ihre vollständigen und aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen! Incoming-Kennung ZAV131 Ausübungsorte 22179 Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland Rahmenkonditionen Unbefristet; Arbeitszeiten: Vollzeit; 40 Wochenstunden von 7:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr Bei der Besetzung des Stellenangebotes findet kein Tarifvertrag Anwendung. Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 8 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Keine geringfügige Beschäftigung/ Mini-Job Informationen zum Arbeitgeber Betriebsgröße: weniger als 6 Branche: Gas-, Wasser-, Heizungs- sowie Lüftungs- und Klimainstallation WIR SUCHEN Bildungsabschluss nicht relevant Berufserfahrung Mit Berufserfahrung Frühester Eintrittstermin ab sofort Berufs- / Ausbildungsbezeichnung Anlagenmechaniker/in - Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten Bau, Architektur Grundkenntnisse Dach- und Fassadenblecharbeiten Produktion, Verarbeitung, Technik Erweiterte Kenntnisse Heizungstechnik, Sanitärinstallation, Wartung, Reparatur, Instandhaltung Sprachen Grundkenntnisse Erweiterte Kenntnisse Gas-, Wasserleitungsbau Deutsch Mobilität Führerschein Zwingend erforderlich Fahrerlaubnis B PKW/Kleinbusse (alt: FS 3) Persönliche Stärken Entscheidungsfähigkeit, Kundenorientierung, Motivation/ Leistungsbereitschaft, Selbständiges Arbeiten, Zuverlässigkeit GEWÜNSCHTE ART DER KONTAKTAUFNAHME Folgende Bewerbungsarten sind möglich per E-Mail Gewünschte Anlagen zur Bewerbung Erwünscht sind vollständige und aussagekräftige Bewerbungsunterlagen (Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse und Foto) auch auf Italienisch Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 9 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif.Cliclavoro 0000014011000000000239694 Commerciale Telefonico Numero lavoratori 1 Descrizione Cerchiamo un consulente commerciale telefonico per per lavorare nel loro ufficio a Madrid (Spagna), terzo portale europeo nel settore degli annunci immobiliari on-line. Trattasi di un posto di gestione commerciale telefonica completa: contatto con potenziali clienti, identificazione delle necessità, presentazione del servizio, argomentazione, proposte commerciali, negoziazione e chiusura contratto Ricerchiamo una persona con esperienza in telesales (chiamate in outbound) di almeno due anni, ambiziosa, abituata a lavorare per obiettivi, con buoni risultati in posti simili e che desideri lavorare in una ambiente competitivo Se sei interessato a vivere un’esperienza internazionale in Spagna lavorando in italiano in idealista avrai: - spese di spostamento incluse (viaggio e hotel) - incorporazione diretta nell’azienda - contratto a tempo determinato di 6 mesi + 6 mesi + contrato tempo indeterminato - retribuzione fissa di 18.000 euro lordi annui – 12 paghe lordi annui (1.207 netti + incentivi variabile in funzione del fatturato delle vendite, tetto massimo 10.000 euro lordi) - orario: da lunedì a giovedì dalle 9,30 alle 19,30 e venerdì giornata con orario ridotto - ambiente giovane, informale, multinazionale e con ufficio a Madrid centro. - opportunità di sviluppo professionale all’interno della compagnia Requisiti imprescindibili: - disponibilità per cambio di residenza a Madrid, Spagna - disponibilità incorporazione: settembre/ottobre 2014 - esperienza commerciale di 2 anni nella vendita telefonica di servizi professionali a imprese (b2b, chiamate in outbound) - marcata attitudine commerciale: buona capacità espressiva e conversazione telefonica orientata alla vendita, abituata a lavorare per obiettivi - iniziativa per scoprire opportunità commerciali e convertirle in vendite - chiarezza e precisione - padronanza degli strumenti informatici - capacità di lavorare multitasking - laurea triennale La conoscenza della lingua spagnola non è un requisito imprescindibile, né un titolo preferenziale Conoscenze informatiche Padronanza degli istrumenti informatici Altre conoscenze e capacità marcata attitudine commerciale; capacità di lavorare multitasking Conoscenze linguistiche ITALIANO C2 How to apply Letter + CV to EMPLOYER a e per cc: Data scadenza 22/09/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 10 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Apotheker/in- Diplom (Uni) Referenz-No.: 10000-1114017163-S KONTAKTDATEN Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung Team 132 / Stichwort: Pharmacist Villemombler Str. 76 D-53123 Bonn E-Mail: and copy to: Keyword: Pharmacist - Breiholz This is an advertisement from EURES Germany. We can assist you in finding a job in Germany. Please be informed that all employers expect German language skills. If you think that you are suited for this position, please get in touch with us. Marktapotheke Burghaun - Service wird bei uns groß geschrieben Für unsere Apotheke in Burghaun suchen wir zur Ergänzung unseres Teams eine/n Apotheker/in. Ihre Aufgaben: • Verkauf von Arzneimitteln • Beratung der Kunden über sachgerechte Anwendung, Aufbewahrung, Wirkungsweise und Risiken der Medikamente • Anfertigung von Arzneimitteln - Rezeptur • Wahrnehmung von Aufgaben der Personalführung sowie der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Fachkräften Vertretung des Apothekenleiters Ihr Profil: • Eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Apotheker/in wird zwingend vorausgesetzt • Etwas Berufserfahrung ist von Vorteil, jedoch keine Bedingung. • Unterstützung bei der Wohnungssuche wird durch den Arbeitgeber gewährleistet • Gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache sollten vorhanden sein; mindestens Deutschkenntnisse auf A2 Niveau • Ausländische Arbeitszeugnisse können im Rahmen der nationalen Standards eingereicht werden • Ausländische Bildungsabschlüsse werden akzeptiert unabhängig von den deutschen Standards Ihre Kenntnisse: • Produktion und Verarbeitung von Arzneimitteln • Kenntnisse der gängigen Computerprogramme • Erweiterte Kenntnisse Arzneimittelinformation • Erweiterte Kenntnisse Gesundheitsvorsorge (Prävention) • Erweiterte Kenntnisse Kundenberatung, -betreuung Wir bieten für ausländische Bewerber ohne Approbation: • Bezahlung des Deutschkurses und der für die Approbation erforderlichen Sprachprüfung • Freie Unterkunft (eigene Wohnung mit Bad und Küche) • Einen kostenlosen Internetzugang • Bezahltes Praktikum bis zur Approbation • Hilfe bei Behördengängen/Approbation Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 11 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE • Reisekosten für die Anreise zum Vorstellungsgespräch werden bis zu einer Höhe von 200 € übernommen. Ausländische Bewerber Bewerbungen aus dem Ausland sind herzlich willkommen. Allen ausländischen Bewerbern bieten wir die Möglichkeit hier bei uns ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu vertiefen. Fünf Stunden Sprachkurs pro Tag an fünf Tagen in der Woche. Wir übernehmen die Kosten für den Sprachkurs sowie für die Sprachprüfung. Um eine Approbation als Apotheker/in in unserer Region zu erhalten, sind Deutschkenntnisse auf C1 Niveau erforderlich. Bis man Deutsch als Fremdsprachler auf C1 Niveau beherrscht, dauert es voraussichtlich: ohne Vorkenntnisse: 1 Jahr von B1 Niveau: 6 Monate von B2 Niveau: 2 Monate Während dieser Einarbeitungszeit verdienen Sie ohne Approbation für 20h Arbeit in der Woche 800€. (Zusätzlich stellen wir eine Wohnung zur Verfügung, einen Internetanschluss und einen bezahlten Sprachkurs.) Sie werden so eingearbeitet und in den Beruf in Deutschland eingewiesen. Nach der Approbation werden Sie dann als Apotheker/in beschäftigt. Als Einstiegsgehalt bieten wir je nach Berufserfahrung ein monatliches Bruttogehalt von 3.500 - 4.000 €. Bitte senden Sie uns ihre vollständige Bewerbung (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse und Motivationsschreiben) per Post oder per E-Mail an die oben genannte Adresse. Ausübungsorte Marktplatz 1, 36151 Burghaun, Hessen, Deutschland Rahmenkonditionen Unbefristet; Arbeitszeiten: Vollzeit; Vergütungsangebot: Übertariflich Keine geringfügige Beschäftigung/ Mini-Job Informationen zum Arbeitgeber Betriebsgröße: zwischen 6 und 50 Branche: Apotheke Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 12 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Riferimento Cliclavoro: 0000014011000000000242530 EURES VACANCY FORM COMPANY DETAILS Company Name Kerlogue Nursing Home Full postal address/ Kerlogue, Wexford, Ireland Contact person (s) Edele Lee Morris Telephone 00353 5391 70400 Mobile phone 00353 86 8455520 Fax: 00353 53 70499 E-mail: Web site: Activity Nursing Home Tax or Social security number 6335929k Short description of Company: Kerlogue is a purpose built Nursing Home on two floors, with a lift service. It has 60 single rooms and 10 multiple rooms. Kerlogue is situated in three acres of secluded grounds with a beautiful backdrop of gorse covered rocklands to the rear and views of Wexford Harbour to the front of the building It is close to all amenities and public transport to Wexford Town is available outside the front gates VACANCY DETAILS Job title Registered General Nurse Number of posts 10 Full job description: Nursing home requires RGN Nurse preferably with Geriatric experience. Excellent spoken English required. Must be registered with An Bord Altranais. Applicants must be a good team player and have a good standard of care. REQUIREMENTS Skills Medications management, Experience needed NO √ Up to 2 More tan 5 More Education Degree in nursing care Languages skills English level B2 or higher Certificates, Licenses, etc… Other relevant information WORKING CONDITIONS Salary Minimum: 29,000 Maximum: 39,000 Gross/ Net Currency Euro Bonuses: Christmas bonus scheme in place Job location Kerlogue, Wexford, Ireland Starting date ASAP Permanent/temporary contract Permanent contract End date if temporary Full time/Part time job Full time position Number of working hours per week 40 hours per week Shifts and work on days off 12 hour shifts. 7 shifts per fortnight Employer provides/help with Accomodation will be provided in the area. Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 13 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Other relevant information Training will be provdided in Gerontology, wounds, peg feeding, medications management and dementia HOW TO APPLY phone. e-mail √ Mail Fax Other Documents required 3 references 1 from last employer. Medical certificate, garda clearance from country of origin, all training certificates, vaccination history Language of documents to be submitted English Where to send documents Other application/recruitment arrangements Skype interviews will be arranged Closing date of job vacancy none Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 14 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. Cliclavoro 0000014011000000000238160 Denominazione Primary Care Recruitment Dati per il contatto Indirizzo Eures Milano - MILANO - 20100 Recapiti Email: Profilo professionale ricercato Numero lavoratori 25 INFERMIERE - Nurses Descrizione Primary Care Recruitment Agency is recruiting Nurses for a Public Hospital (medical ward) in Wolverhampton NHS Trust (close to Birmingham) How to apply: Via email - CV in English with photo, any format accepted Send to: and in CC to EURES adviser: Esperienza richiesta NO Breve descrizione esperienza Type of contract: permanent Hour/week: 37.5 hours Salary: 1850€/month according to experience Further benefits: Perceptorship programs available Accommodation: first month for free Requisiti Richiesti Essenziali Richiesta di Nulla Osta ai sensi dell’Art.9 comma 8 del DL 28 Giugno 2013, n.76 NO Altre conoscenze e capacità NMC Registration.If the candidate does not have a full NMC pin number then they must have the PRN number. Applied to the NMC for registration Titoli studio Titolo LAUREA - Vecchio o nuovo ordinamento Descrizione Bachelors Degree in Nursing Conoscenze linguistiche Letto Parlato Scritto INGLESE LIVELLO INTERMEDIO LIVELLO INTERMEDIO LIVELLO INTERMEDIO Condizioni Lavorative Offerte Sede di lavoro GRAN BRETAGNA E IRLANDA DEL NORD Tipologia di contratto LAVORO A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Modalità lavoro FULL TIME Data scadenza 15/09/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 15 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. Cliclavoro 0000014011000000000238416 Nurse recruitment for Ireland EURES Pistoia Staff Nurse Job description/Scope of responsibilities: We require staff nurses to work in our 6 nursing/care homes in Ireland. Duties and responsibilities will include but are not limited to: - Supervise and administer medications and drugs, ensure that these are kept safe and keep good records. - Supervising staff in the course of their duties. - Supervise admission and discharge of residents. - Develop Care Plans for residents. - Ensure that Care notes and Care plans are recorded accurately. - Observe and monitor the physical and mental well-being of residents. - Work with doctors and other medical professionals. - Supervise bathing, showering, toileting and dressing of residents. - Supervise and serve residents meal times and feeding requirements. ( the list above is a sample of the duties of a staff nurse) Number of posts: 10 Employment place – Country: Ireland DETAILS OF JOB VACANCY DELIVERER Status: Employer Name: Brindley Manor Federation of Nursing Homes Address: Brentwood Manor, Letterkenny Road, Convoy, Co. Donegal. Country: Ireland Telephone: +353 74 9147700 Fax: +353 74 9147888 E-mail: Web site: Short description of business activity: Brindley Healthcare is one of the leading providers of residential care in Ireland. Brindley Healthcare operates 6 residential care homes in Donegal, Galway, Mayo and Kildare. PLACE OF WORK Location: County Kildare, County Donegal, County Mayo and County Galway. Country: Ireland REQUIREMENTS Education: Degree in Nursing ( for full details visit Professional experience: Experience of working with older people an advantage but we also employ new graduate nurses. Language knowledge Language Level English B2 or higher Entitlements/Certificates/Licenses Certificate of Registration as a nurse in your home country. Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 16 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Other relevant requirements: In order to work as a nurse in Ireland you will have to register with the Irish Nursing Board they will require many documents – We will help you with your registration. Good basic knowledge of computers also required. (Microsoft Word) REMUNERATION AND EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS Salary gross: €30,420 to €39,273 depending on experience and qualifications. Salary net: This will depend on your TAX credits and personal circumstances. Salary currency: EURO Salary period: Monthly paid directly into bank account. Bonuses: 20 days paid holiday each year plus public holidays. Extras provided Free meals on duty. We will assist with accommodation. Name of the company the contract will be concluded with Brindley Manor Federation of Nursing Homes Type of contract: Permanent Full Time Job status: Full time flexible rosters Period of employment Terms and Conditions. Indefinite as per terms and conditions of employment If temporary – the expiry date of contract: Number of hours per week: 39 HOW TO APPLY Documents required: CV with photograph( later we will require Police Clearance Certificate) Language of the documents that should be submitted: English Whom documents should be sent to: employer Where documents should be sent: We will reimburse any payments made by the applicant for their An Board Altranais (Irish Nursing Board) registration once they are successfully employed by Brindley healthcare as a Staff nurse. We would expect that once the candidate has completed the interview and has received a letter of acceptance from us that they would start applying for registration. By commencing the registration process they would be expressing their commitment to work for us. If the applicant is successful but their registration is not complete we can offer them the position of carer (auxiliary) at a salary of € 1,461 per month until such time as they are registered. If the applicant’s registration with ABA is unsuccessful for any reason, the offer of employment will be withdrawn and will render any offer of employment void. We can offer successful applicants accommodation at a cost of €80 per week. This would include all utility bills (heating light water charges etc). Payment for accommodation will be made retrospectively on receipt of wages. In some locations the accommodation is beside the nursing home so there would be no travel cost involved. We can offer this for the first month of employment. All meals are provided to staff during their working shift. Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 17 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Vacancy ID: 3754599 Title: ERTMS Signalling Project Manager Number of posts: 3 Description: Urbanisation, globalisation, and climate change represent three of today’s biggest global challenges – and they all have a profound effect on the transport area. The need to create denser, well-functioning residential transport environments within existing urban areas requires engineering solutions that are sustainable, innovative and cost-effective. In the Rail Division it is our aim to be a leader within ERTMS consultancy. We have a continuous focus on servicing and delivering on our clients’ needs and to offer the best competencies in the market within this field. We are looking for an ERTMS signalling project manager for our office in Copenhagen to support our continued growth and development within ERTMS projects. Our current ERTMS signalling projects include Europe’s largest replacement of a signaling system, The Danish Signalling Programme, where the entire signalling system on the main lines of Denmark is replaced. In collaboration with Ramboll Norway we also provide consultancy services to Jernbaneverket on signalling upgrading and ERTMS. Job description As international ERTMS signaling expert, your main responsibilities will include: • Leading the technical ERTMS development and further internationalization of our world class services • Lead and contribute to the technical work in large and complex ERTMS signalling projects/programmes in an international environment • To head supervision and be an inspiration to our less experienced engineers • Client liaison and participation in Ramboll's business development initiatives within ERTMS • To build client relationships and relationships to peers in an international signalling context • To pursue market opportunities and leads in order to build a project pipeline We expect you to set high standards for the consultancy services we provide for our clients and business partners. You should expect approximately thirty travel days a year. Your qualifications We expect you to have a strong technical background within signalling in general and ERTMS specifically. You should have a creative personality and possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. As our ideal candidate you are a team player and have: • Experience with specification and implementation of ERTMS • An interest and drive to work internationally to develop our services to new customers • Proven technical management skills on major, multi-disciplinary projects • Good commercial understanding, ability to establish and retain long term client relations and networking • The ability to gain and familiarize yourself with new knowledge and understand complex matters and technical solutions • A pro-active and energetic approach • A high level of empathy and you are able to understand and “read” the needs from other people around you • Excellent English language skills The position as international ERTMS project manager will require networking across the Ramboll organisation and good abilities for cooperation and communication are thus a prerequisite. Our team You will be part of Ramboll’s rail team that has close collaboration with the rail units in other parts of Ramboll and encompass all types of signalling systems ranging from relay based systems to ERTMS and CBTC systems. The team consists of more than 250 dedicated consultants providing Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 18 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE rail services. We cover all rail disciplines and have a close collaboration with our rail colleagues in other parts of the Ramboll Group. Ramboll's multidisciplinary services enable comprehensive solutions where our clients are offered complete packages where services on for example infrastructure, environment and management are included. Driven by a high level of ambition and a good understanding of the specific needs and requirements of individual projects, our goal is to provide internationally competitive consultancy services in close cooperation with our clients and with our colleagues in the Ramboll Group. Why you'll like working here To work at Ramboll means being part of a people organisation. We are focused on knowledge sharing and collaboration across competence areas and geography, and we aim for a strong diversity among our employees. This enables us to solve a broad range of projects, and we firmly believe that cross-collaboration leads to creative and longstanding solutions. Thus, the possibilities at Ramboll are many and diverse – we invest a lot in development of people and offer career paths tailored for each individual. How you apply If you would like to explore this position further, please contact Senior Market Director Peter I. Koch +45 5161 6442 or Head of Department Line Lundum Matthai +45 5161 7284. Please apply online by e-mailing your application to Recruitment Consultant and Eures Adviser Michel Berg from Workindenmark. Please state exactly where you heard about this vacancy We look forward to hearing from you no later than the 24. August, 2014. Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. We employ 10,000 experts and have a significant presence in Northern Europe, India and the Middle East. With close to 200 offices in 21 countries we emphasise local experience combined with a global knowledge-base. We constantly strive to achieve inspiring and exacting solutions that make a genuine difference to our customers, end-users and society as a whole. Ramboll works across the markets: Buildings, Transport, Environment, Energy, Oil & Gas and Management Consulting. Geographical Information Country: Denmark Region: HOVEDSTADEN Salary / Contract Contract type: PERMANENT + FULL-TIME Extras Requirements Education skills required: None Specified Employer Name: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S Phone: 51611000 How to apply Contact: Peter I. Koch, Line Lundum Matthai Last date for application: 12/08/2014 Source AMS, Public Employment Services, Denmark Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 19 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Codice offerta 0000014011000000000235960 Denominazione Hotel Le Splendide*** Dati per il contatto Indirizzo CRANS-MONTANA Route des Fleurs des Champs 23 - SVIZZERA - 00000 Recapiti Fax: 0041274812008 Email: Numero lavoratori 1 CHEF DE CUISINE Descrizione Nous recherchons un cuisinier sachant travailler seul, expérimenté, motivé et créatif, à l’aise avec la cuisine française et italienne et la pâtisserie. Connaissance des règles d’hygiène et de la langue française. min. 3 à 5 ans d’expérience Entrée: 15 décembre 2014 Contrat pour saisons d’hiver et d’été. Poste nourri et logé. Préférence donnée à engagement à long terme. Dossier écrit, avec lettre manuscrite, photo, certificats professionnels et de travail à adresser à l’adresse: (et aussi à: ) Salaire: selon compétences et expérience Esperienza richiesta SI Breve descrizione esperienza min. 3 à 5 ans d’expérience Requisiti Richiesti Essenziali Condizioni Lavorative Offerte Sede di lavoro SVIZZERA Tipologia di contratto LAVORO A TEMPO DETERMINATO Durata del contratto 4 MESI (STAGIONE) RINNOVABILI Modalità lavoro FULL TIME Ulteriori condizioni offerte Salaire: selon compétences et expérience Data scadenza 07/09/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 20 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. Clicalavoro 0000014011000000000236251 Denominazione Staff Medical Indirizzo Eures Milano - MILANO - 20100 Recapiti Email: Numero lavoratori : 60 Professione desiderata NURSES - INFERMIERE Descrizione : Staff Medical Recruitment Agency is recruiting Geriatric Nurses for United Kingdom. How to Apply : Please send your CV to the email and in CC to Eures Adviser: Breve descrizione esperienza: Required profile:Registered Geriatric Nurses NMC Registration . If the candidate do not have full NMC pin number then they must have the PRN number .Applied to the NMC for Registration. Type of Contract: Permanent Hour/week: 37 hour per week and overtime available Salary : average salary of £25000.00 per year Accommodation: First months rent and deposit Conoscenze informatiche :Basic knowledge Altre conoscenze e capacità :We will look at newly qualified nurses as well as experienced nurses Titolo LAUREA - Vecchio o nuovo ordinamento Descrizione :Must hold a diploma or a degree in Nursing Conoscenze linguistiche : Inglese B2 Sede di lavoro GRAN BRETAGNA E IRLANDA DEL NORD Tipologia di contratto LAVORO A TEMPO DETERMINATO Modalità lavoro FULL TIME Data scadenza 31/08/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 21 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Estonia Job offer nr 1191890. Name of employer: uressaare Hospital Foundation Address: Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Commercial registration: Registration code 90004059 Position GASTROENTEROLOGIST Vacancy description Provision of medical care in gastroenterology specialty Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’ s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Experiences required: Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Kuressaare, Estonia Estimated date of employment: As quickly as possible Type of contract Permanent, full-time work Working time/ hours per day 8 Working hours per week 40 Accommodation Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted: (official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu; e-mail:; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 22 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES - Job offer nr 1179893 Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address: Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity : Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Commercial registration: Registration code 90004059 Position EAR-NOSE-THROAT DOCTOR Vacancy description Provision of medical care in surgery. Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’ s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Kuressaare, Estonia Estimated date of employment: As quickly as possible Type of contract Permanent, full-time work Working time/ hours per day 8 Working hours per week 40 Accommodation Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted: (official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu; e-mail:; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 23 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Estonia - Job offer nr 1191889 Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address : Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity : Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Commercial registration : Registration code 90004059 Position ORTHOPEDIST Vacancy description Provision of medical care in orthopedics specialty Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Experiences required: Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Kuressaare, Estonia Estimated date of employment: As quickly as possible Type of contract Permanent, full-time work Working time/ hours per day 8 Working hours per week 40 Accommodation Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted: (official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu; e-mail:; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 24 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Estonia - Job offer nr 1191888. Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address: Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Commercial registration: Registration code 90004059 Position GYNECOLOGIST Vacancy description Provision of medical care gynecology Number of vacancies 1 Main employee's duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Language skills:The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Kuressaare, Estonia Estimated date of employment: As quickly as possible Type of contract Permanent, full-time work Working time/ hours per day 8 Working hours per week 40 Accommodation Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted: (official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu; e-mail:; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 25 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Estonia Job offer nr 1179894. Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address : Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Commercial registration: Registration code 90004059 Position EMERGENCY MEDICAL DOCTOR Vacancy description Provision of medical care in emergency medicine specialty. Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Estimated date of employment: Kuressaare, Estonia Type of contract As quickly as possible Working time/ hours per day Permanent, full-time work Working hours per week 8 Shifts and work on days off: 40 Accommodation Food: Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted:(official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu;; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 26 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Estonia Job offer nr 1179894. Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address : Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Commercial registration: Registration code 90004059 Position EMERGENCY MEDICAL DOCTOR Vacancy description Provision of medical care in emergency medicine specialty. Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Estimated date of employment: Kuressaare, Estonia Type of contract As quickly as possible Working time/ hours per day Permanent, full-time work Working hours per week 8 Shifts and work on days off: 40 Accommodation Food: Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted:(official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu;; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 27 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Estonia Job offer nr 1179892. Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address: Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Commercial registration: Registration code 90004059 Position SURGEON description Provision of medical care in surgery. Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Experiences required: Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Kuressaare, Estonia Estimated date of employment: As quickly as possible Type of contract Permanent, full-time work Working time/ hours per day 8 Working hours per week 40 Accommodation Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted: (official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu; e-mail:; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 28 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Estonia Job offer nr 1191885 Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address: Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. Position PSYCHIATRIST Vacancy description Provision of medical care psychiatry Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Experiences required: Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Kuressaare, Estonia Estimated date of employment: As quickly as possible Type of contract Permanent, full-time work Working time/ hours per day 8 Working hours per week 40 Accommodation Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted: (official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu; e-mail:; phone: 00372 5177607 Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 29 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE EURES Estonia Job offer nr 1191890. Name of employer: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation Address: Aia 25, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia Telephone number: 00 372 452 0001 Fax: 00 772 452 0005 E-mail: Web site: Type of activity: Kuressaare Hospital Foundation's general hospital and provides ambulant and inpatient services in Saare County. INTERNAL DOCTOR Vacancy description Provision of medical care internal medical specialties Number of vacancies 1 Main employee’ s duties and responsibilities Education: Masters+Degree certificate+work experience in this specialized field. Experiences required: Language skills: The Estonian language basic communication language driving-license: Others: Registered in the national register of health professionals as a doctor in surgery (Registration to be held in Italy and then people has to register in national Estonian register) Terms and conditions of hiring Basic month salary Beginning from 1500 euros per month Location of working place: Kuressaare, Estonia Estimated date of employment: As quickly as possible Type of contract Permanent, full-time work Working time/ hours per day 8 Working hours per week 40 Shifts and work on days off: Accommodation Temporary housing or assistance in finding housing. Hospital personnel specialist will help with accommodation and other thing Food: Travel costs to the country Other: The modern work environment Job vacancies for doctors with experience who would like to change their place of residence and workplace with the family or alone. Нow to apply Documents required by employer (i.e. cover letter, CV, etc.): CV Language of documents to be submitted: (official EU languages only): English, Russian Where to send documents required by employer (postal address, email, fax number, etc.) Contact person Viktor Sarapuu; e-mail: ; phone: 00372 5177607 - Vacancy is current until: 31.08.2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 30 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Local “Italy F&B 15” Work in “Tutto Italia”, “Tutto Gusto” or in "Via Napoli", typical Italian Restaurants located in Florida, U.S.A!!! Positions are currently available in the Italian restaurants of Epcot Center – Florida (U.S.A): Tutto Italia, Via Napoli and Tutto Gusto!!! We are currently looking for: • Waiters/Waitresses • Hosts/Hostesses • Sales Clerks • Cooks • Bar Servers Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. during 12 Months! As a Food and Beverage Cast Member with the International Program at the Walt Disney World Resort, participants can travel to the United States and represent their country, culture and heritage to Guests from around the world while gaining invaluable Food and Beverage Experience in typical Italian restaurants: "Tutto Italia Ristorante", “Tutto Gusto”, and "Via Napoli", all part of the Patina Restaurant Group! This position may be indoors or outdoors. Heavy volume and high guest contact are key elements of this role. Qualifications: To qualify for the International Program as a Food and Beverage Cast Member, you must: • Be at least 18 • Have an Italian Passport • Be willing to live in the US for 12 months • Have good conversational English • Be outgoing, enthusiastic, and flexible • For Cooks and Bar Servers, previous experience in the position is required. Interviews will be held in Rome and in Milan in October for departures between February and May 2015 For more information please visit our websites: & If you are interested please send your complete application (CV + Photo) in English AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to: International Services email : and cc: (Quote “Italy F&B 15” in the subject line of your email!) Application to download on link: personale+per+ristoranti+italiani Applications that are incomplete will not be considered. Any applications that are not completed in English will not be considered. Deadline: 30/09/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 31 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. EURES Local “Italy Merchandise 2015” Positions are currently available for Merchandise Host & Hostess in the Italian Pavilion of Epcot Center – Florida (U.S.A)!!! Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. during 12 Months! Merchandise Host & Hostess Positions Italian Shop of Epcot Center! As a Merchandise Cast Member with the International Program at the Walt Disney World Resort, participants can travel to the United States and represent their country, culture and heritage to Guests from around the world while gaining Professional Experience in a typical italian shop!! This position may be indoors or outdoors. Heavy volume and high guest contact are key elements of this role. Qualifications To qualify for the International Program as a Merchandise Cast Member, you must: • Speak fluent English, • Be at least 18 years of age, • Be able to authentically represent the Italian Culture, • Be willing to share their culture, heritage, customs and language with Guests of all ages from around the world, • Have previous experience or educational background in the field of Tourism, Sales, Hospitality… Interviews will be held in Rome in October for departures between February and May 2015!! For more information please visit our websites : & If you are interested, please send your complete application (CV + Photo) in English as soon as possible to: email : and cc: Application to download on link: erchandise+Host+e+Hostess International Services 9 Rue Dupleix 56100 Lorient France Fax : +332 97 84 04 22 Quote “Italy Merchandise 2015” in the subject line of your email! Applications that are incomplete will not be considered. Any applications that are not completed in English will not be considered. Deadline: 30/09/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 32 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. Clic 0000014011000000000234744 Jaguar Land Rover email: JLR - Cost Estimator/Cost Engineer Numero lavoratori 20 TECNICO DEGLI ACQUISTI Descrizione JLR - Cost Estimator/Cost Engineer As a Cost Engineer, you’ll focus on a specific vehicle commodity - from Exterior to Interior, through Power Train, Chassis, and Electrical. You’ll be responsible for: • Delivering ‘should cost’ estimates for a specific sub-set of parts. • Supporting the Purchase team in their negotiations with suppliers. • Working closely with Design Engineers as a business advisor. • Identifying and supporting the implementation of opportunities to reduce costs. • Influencing relevant programs and commodity directions. • Supporting cross-functional, cross-brand and supplier charge outs. Providing more than hands-on technical support, you’ll also be accountable for: • Leading or supervising teams. • Acting as a senior business analyst. • Actively leading technical negotiations with suppliers. Significant manufacturing experience OR experience gained by a similar role Technical awareness is essential at both the production process and cost driver level as well as a range of relevant manufacturing process knowledge. Some experience of project management is necessary, as is experience in a major tier1 automotive supplier. Strong process or manufacturing knowledge in a specific industry type of manufacturing technology. Cost estimating or commercial experience in OEM or Tier 1 Significant manufacturing experience, not strictly automotive although it is preferred Well experienced in the following commodity groups: Engine’s, Transmissions, Interior trim including Seats, Electrical and Body in White Willingness to travel is essential Excellent communication skills are vital, together with a proven ability to think on your feet and make appropriate decisions. 6 Sigma qualification (preferred) A highly proficient and versatile Cost Estimator with a wealth of skills, knowledge and background in manufacturing and processes Well versed and comfortable in all levels of organizations and cultures. Well experienced in the following commodity groups: Engine’s, Transmissions, Interior trim including Seats, Electrical and Body in White A well organized and analytical problem solver, adept at identifying areas of cost saving and process improvement with a proud record of employer and client satisfaction. Negotiation skills Able to build relationships with suppliers and cross functional groups Good communication and negotiation skills to explain cost structure to both internal personnel and external suppliers. Requested Experience: Significant manufacturing experience OR Experience gained by a similar role Technical awareness is essential at both the production process and cost driver level as well as a range of relevant manufacturing process knowledge. Requisiti Richiesti Titoli studio Titolo LAUREA - Vecchio o nuovo ordinamento Language knowledge English B1 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 33 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Work placement: GRAN BRETAGNA E IRLANDA DEL NORD Type of contract: LAVORO A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Modalità lavoro FULL TIME Retribuzione annua lorda 35000 How to apply: please send your CV with photo in English, format Europass accepted to EURES Adviseremail: Durata della richiesta Data scadenza 30/08/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 34 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. Cliclavoro 0000014011000000000234742 Jaguar Land Rover email: Purchasing - Supplier Development Numero lavoratori 6 IMPIEGATO ADDETTO ALLA GESTIONE DEGLI ACQUISTI Job Description JLR - Purchasing - Supplier Development - The Supplier Development Team within Purchasing/ STA manages the development of JLR suppliers, to enhance supplier capability. The role shall report to the Manager –Supplier Development, and shall be an instrumental member of the Supplier development team to deliver, Quality, Cost, Delivery improvements, in a collaborative approach. This is a new position to JLR and a role that offers potential development over time within a unique and challenging environment with business-wide exposure and development You will plan and allocate supplier development resources You will be responsible for managing, monitoring and reviewing the performance of employees You will ensure the application, development and improvement of supplier maintenance processes Key Responsibilities: Research and analyse new and existing technologies and procedures and make recommendations for designing/redesigning production processes in support of best practice sourcing. Work to resolve manufacturing quality and/or capacity issues in related suppliers within sphere of specialism. Consult to others on all major tasks and considerations of the full manufacturing process in that specialism. Participate in selecting and optimising specific methodologies for specific products in support of sourcing and PD. Contrast benefits, drawbacks and appropriateness of alternative processes and technologies. Make use of industry experience and benchmarks for methodology effectiveness. Participate in the development of best practices documentation and process standards for all major activities and tasks. Participate in measuring and monitoring new processes and technologies. Practical knowledge of lean thinking is essential Able to demonstrate specialism in one or more of the following areas – Injection Moulding, Painting, Metal Joining, Casting, Machining, or Electronics. Proven ability to lead and manage specialist teams. Demonstrated passion for process design and continuous improvement. Confident and assertive with the ability to build strong working relationships and influence a wide range of stakeholders at all levels in the business. Business acumen, personal initiative and a passion to succeed, together with the influencing skills to manage supplier activity with a good level of independence. Competent user of MS Office: Word, Powerpoint and particularly Excel Must be familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures. Requested Experience: "At least 8 years of experience in the field or in a related area Effective crossfunctional team working experience. Adaptable to changing circumstances, with experience managing conflicting priorities; find problem solving a rewarding experience Rely on extensive experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Already have used lean tools and processes as part of logistics development initiatives. Ability to combine first-hand experience of logistics systems with manufacturing process knowledge." Practical knowledge of lean thinking is essential Able to demonstrate specialism in one or more of the following areas – Injection Moulding, Painting, Metal Joining, Casting, Machining, or Electronics. Proven ability to lead and manage specialist teams. Demonstrated passion for process design and continuous improvement. Confident and assertive with the ability to build strong working relationships and influence a wide range of stakeholders at all levels in the business. Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 35 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Titoli studio Titolo LAUREA - Vecchio o nuovo ordinamento Descrizione Language knowledge: English B1 Condizioni Lavorative Offerte Sede di lavoro GRAN BRETAGNA E IRLANDA DEL NORD Tipologia di contratto LAVORO A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Modalità lavoro FULL TIME Retribuzione annua lorda 35000 How to apply: Please send your CV with photo in English, format Europass accepted to EURES Adviseremail: Durata della richiesta Data scadenza 30/08/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 36 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif.Cliclavoro 0000014011000000000236037 BECS Ltd E-mail: Numero lavoratori 45 Sede di lavoro GRAN BRETAGNA E IRLANDA DEL NORD AUTISTA MACCHINE MOVIMENTO TERRA Descrizione YFEJ- Autista di Macchine Scavatrici BECS LTD Recruitment Agency is recruiting for the company HAWK Plant Hire Ltd - Plant operators - also referred to as machine driver, heavy plant driver and earthmoving equipment driver 'drivers of excavartors, dozers, cranes etc'. Place of work: Variable UK locations. Successful applicants will be expected to travel to jobs around the UK for the employer’s blue chip clientele. Deadline for applications: Ongoing Description of the task: Applicants must have site experience in works relating to Civil Engineering, Earthworks or Drainage and be able to operate plant including; tracked and wheeled 360° excavators above and below 10 tonnes, crawler- tractor/bull dozer and rear tipping articulated dump trucks. • Candidates successful at interview stage will be required to undergo final training and assessment to ensure they are able to gain the relevant operating licences/ cards to work in the UK before employment. • Candidates will operate a range of earthmoving plant and equipment, such as 360° Excavators, all terrain dump trucks and compaction equipment. • Candidates will work within a supervised, highly motivated team, working towards deadlines, bringing the project in on programme and budget. Type of contract Temporary Renewable: If applicable Full time Approximately 50 hours per week including shifts and weekends when required; Salary (currency): sterling £ .Hourly rate will be based on individual Skill level/experience; The company pays above and adhere to UK government natiohnal minium wage guidlines i.e age 21 +£6.31/age 18-20 £5.03 Accommodation: Advice only, on local lodgings close to sites. Candidate’s requirements: Educational level: Good communication skills essential. English is desirable as all employees are required to undergo training and assessment to ensure they have the relevant operating licences/ cards to work in the UK. UK operating licences and cards establish a competent and safe industry by improving quality and safety, based on an independent assessment of competence. It includes a Health and Safety Test, a theory test, a technical test and a practical test. Professional experience: Applicants must have site experience in works relating to Civil Engineering, Earthworks or Drainage and be able to operate plant including; tracked and wheeled 360° excavators above and below 10 tonnes, crawler- tractor/bull dozer and rear tipping articulated dump trucks. Driving license: Yes; How to apply: In the first instance please provide a CV, detailing your ability to meet applicant requirements, to:, Previous employer reference and/or client testimonial evidence will be considered as part of the selection process. Candidates showing that they have the relevant experience, training and qualifications will be contacted for interview. CV (In English, with photo, Model CV Europass accepted) Send to: BECS LTD e-mail: And CC to EURES adviser: Esperienza richiesta SI Breve descrizione esperienza: .Type of Contract TEMPORARY Hour/week FULL-TIME .Tipologia di contratto LAVORO A TEMPO DETERMINATO .Modalità lavoro FULL TIME Data scadenza 30/08/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 37 In pubblicazione nella settimana del 12/08/2014 AFOL MILANO – SERVIZIO EURES OFFERTE IN EUROPA E ALTRE Rif. Cliclavor 0000014011000000000226069 IGM Personal Recruitment Dati per il contatto Eures Milano Email: Numero lavoratori 20 INFERMIERE Descrizione: IGM Personal recruitment, azienda di ricerca e selezione del personale sanitario cerca infermieri per una residenza a Yeovil, Sumerset (UK), specializzata in Geriatria. Prestito Modalità di presentazione della candidatura: email CV (idioma, c/ foto, Europass accetto): CV in inglese, anche Europass Invia a: email: indirizzo di posta: e email per conoscenza a .Tipo di contratto:Tempo determinato; N.ore sett:33 Retribuzione: £11.48-£11.53 .Viaggio:Accoglienza e transfer dall'aeroporto .Allogio: £310 al mese altri informazione: Aver iniziato il processo di iscrizione all'NMC .Titolo di studio : Laurea Infermieristica .Conoscenze linguistiche:Inglese livello intermedio .Sede di lavoro GRAN BRETAGNA E IRLANDA DEL NORD .Tipologia di contratto : Lavoro a Tempo determinato Modalità lavoro : FULL TIME Durata della richiesta Data scadenza 30/08/2014 Agenzia per la formazione, l’orientamento e il lavoro della Provincia di Milano Via Soderini, 24 20146 Milano Eures Tel 02 7740 6416- Fax 02.7740 5094 C.F. - P.I. 05694280966 REA Mi - 1841114 38