IT Governance for Agility


IT Governance for Agility
CIONET Conference - September 18 - Diegem
IT Governance for Agility
Learn first-hand how your IT organisation can
enable business Agility!
• Get best practices from 4 case-studies
• Get the results from the latest CIONET survey on IT Agility
• Participate in a real-life working session
• Benefit from networking moments with your peers!
Contributions from: NATO, ING, Gouden Gids & Videdressing
International & Belgian Agile Consortium
Research by Erik Guldentops (Antwerp Management School)
and Georges Ataya (Solvay Business School)
September 18, 2014
Deloitte Offices, Berkenlaan 8A
1831 Diegem
Keynote speech:
Learnings from an e-commerce
startup, agile by nature.
Nuno Miller
CTO @ Videdressing
European CIO of the Year 2014
Free of charge for CIONET members. Register on
CIONET Belgium Premium Business Partners
Registration & coffee
Welcome and opening remarks
Introduction and update on IT Agility
Georges Ataya, Solvay Business School
New trends in IT Governance for Business Agility
Jan De Baere, Chairman of the Belgian Agile Consortium
Case study Gouden Gids “IT Governance in a transforming organisation and
the importance of innovation in it"
Giselle Vercauteren, Former IT Director @ Gouden Gids
Case study NATO
Velizar Shalamanov, Director Demand Management @ NATO
Coffee break
Case study ING "The imperative, hurdles and dealing with IT Agility in the
financial sector and large organisations"
Alessandro Rossi, Head of the ING ITS Shared Delivery Centre
Attaining Business Agility with IT in a young e-commerce startup
Nuno Miller, CTO @ Videdressing & European CIO of the Year 2014
Results of the CIONET survey on IT Agility
Erik Guldentops, Antwerp Management School
Break-out sessions
Moderated by Erik Guldentops, Daniel Van den Hove, Johan Van Grieken,
Luc Hendrikx, Georges Ataya
Reporting back to the group & Conclusions of the day
Georges Ataya, Solvay Business School
Drinks & networking
Breakout sessions will give
you the opportunity to work
on a concrete case with your
How to attend this unique conference
Already a CIONET Member?
Not a member yet?
If you are a CIONET member already, simply go to the ‘event’ page on your account, and register for this
event. This event is free of charge for
CIONET members!
This is your chance to join a unique European CIO community! Membership is free
of charge, but restricted to corporate CIO’s
and IT professionals:
° CIO of an IT department of +20 people;
° Direct report to a CIO of an IT department
of +200 people.
Forgot your password?
Go to the website to request a password renewal. Note: you can
now link your account with your LinkedIn
profile, this way you will never need a
password again!
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Send a request to to
get your login. After this you can request a
password renewal on the website.
IT provider interested to
build lasting relationships
with CIO’s?
If you are an ICT provider wishing to establish new, high level relationships with key
ICT decision takers, you can become a
business partner at CIONET.
Please contact to explore
all the possibilities and start benefiting from
this unique community !
NOTE that the number of business partners
is limited, so don’t hesitate to contact us
before it’s too late !
If this fits your profile and you wish to become a CIONET member, send a mail to providing this info:
° Name
° Function
° Company
° IT division size
° # direct reports in IT
° Reporting CIO (if applicable)
(we reserve the right to decline your request if you
do not meet the requirements above)
We are CIONET, the biggest community of
IT executives in Europe. With a membership
of over 4300 CIOs, CTOs and IT Directors
across Europe, CIONET has the expertise
and pioneering vision to solve or address
any IT management challenge.
These 4300 IT executives, each in charge
of a department of 10’s to 1000’s of IT experts, together form a collective, organic
brain of 100000’s IT management specialists.
See more at:
Dear IT Executive,
Agility is a key concept is virtually all businesses nowadays. Every organisation
needs to adapt quickly and constantly to
the changing business environment, or at
least be able to do so, in order to survive.
This poses some specific challenges to the
IT environment, that is increasingly required to enable this business agility, by
responding efficiently and effectively to
changing priorities and strategy. In other
words: for a business to become agile, IT
needs to become agile as well. But how do
you do this exactly? And how do you
match this new requirement into a framework of IT Governance?
Join us on September 18th to explore the
possibilities and pitfalls of Business Agility
for the ICT environment. This conference
is a unique chance to learn how to optimise your ICT organisation in order to enable business agility. I look forward to welcome you at this insightful event !
Frederic De Meyer
Program Manager
CIONET Belgium Premium Business Partners
CIONET Belgium Business Partners
Deloitte Offices
Berkenlaan 8A
1831 Diegem