Catalogue 2014
Catalogue 2014
Catalogue 2014 Welcome to the 2014 catalogue This year’s range represents a coming of age for Mojo. We have taken a look across the range and created an even broader, higher quality selection which we hope will have elements that appeal to everyone. We started Mojo with the aim of producing the very best models available and we are constantly looking at ways to achieve the highest accuracy in both sculpting and coloration. This process will become our mantra for the ensuing years. We will strive to be the best by refusing to accept anything less in terms of accuracy and quality. If we believe we can always do better, we will achieve what we set out to do… produce the finest animal figurines available. The range of models for 2014 comprises many diverse species, some rare and exotic whilst others are more easily recognizable. We are happy to present the new Male Lion and Lioness, Zebra and White tailed Doe, all having been re-modelled for 2014. Along with some more unusual species for the coming year such as the Sun Bear and Indian Pangolin 2014 will also see our first foray into the fantasy and figurine market. We thank you for your time and hope you enjoy Mojo’s 2014 collection. Thanks We would like to thank Anna for her beautiful work on the Highland Cow, Arabian Mare in Foal and Suffolk Punch and also Christophe for his help on the Black Crested Macaque, finally our old friend Rogerio for his excellent critique and assistance on the Indian Pangolin along with his enduring belief and support since our first launch in 2011. Size guide Small Medium Large Extra large Deluxe Farmland Contents Prehistoric & Extinct Woodland Wildlife Sealife Fantasy & Figurines 04 26 38 46 64 70 Did you know? The Fjord Horse, or Norwegian Fjord horse to give it its correct title, is one of the oldest and purest horse breeds in the world. Native to Norway the Fjord Horse is believed to have been first domesticated some 4,000 years ago and was used by the Vikings as War Mounts. Prized for its good temperament, character and strength this beautiful horse is one of the national symbols of Norway. 387148 Fjord Horse Fjord Pferdv 387063 Donkey Esel 5 387076 Hanoverian Stallion Bay Hannoveraner Hengst rotbraun 387071 Hanoverian Stallion Chestnut Hannoveraner Hengst fuchs 387072 Hannoverian Foal running Hannoveraner Fohlen laufend 6 387069 Arabian Stallion Black Araber-Hengst schwarz 387073 Arabian Foal eating Araber-Hengst Fuchs New 2014 387084 387194 Arabian Stallion Chestnut Araber-Fohlen fressend Arabian Mare in foal Araber Stute trächtig 7 387085 Clydesdale Horse Black and White Clydesdale-Pferd schwarz-weiß 387070 Clydesdale Horse Brown Clydesdale-Pferd braun 8 387075 Lipizzaner Stallion Lipizzaner-Stute 387074 Lipizzaner Mare Lipizzaner-Hengst 9 387108 Appaloosa Stallion Appaloosa Hengst 387150 Appaloosa Stallion Chestnut Blanket Appaloosa Fuchsbraun mit weißen Absetzern 10 387149 Andalusian Grey Andalusier (Grauschimmel) 387109 Andalusian Black Andalusier (Rappe) 11 Code: 387152 Morgan Stallion Bay Morgan Hengst (Brauner) Code: 387124 Morgan Stallion Chocolate Palomino Morgan Hengst (Palomino schokobraun) 12 387121 Quarter Horse Buckskin Quarter Horse (Hellbraunfarben) 387151 Quarter Horse Sooty Bay Quarter Horse (Dunkel Brauner) 13 New 2014 New 2014 387195 Suffolk Punch Mare Suffolk Punch Stute 387196 Suffolk Punch Foal Suffolk Punch Fohlen 14 387065 Mute Swan Höckerschwan 387051 Cockerel Hahn 387052 387053 Hen Standing Henne stehend Hen Eating Henne pickend 15 387077 Billy Goat Ziegenbock 387057 Texas Longhorn Bull Texas Longhorn-Bulle 387066 Hereford Bull Hereford-Bulle 16 387067 Hereford Cow Grazing Hereford-Kuh grasend 387083 387068 Hereford Calf looking up Hereford-Kalb aufschauend Hereford Calf standing Hereford-Kalb stehend 17 18 387061 387062 387082 Holstein Calf standing Holstein-Kalb stehend Holstein Cow Holstein-Kuh Holstein Calf laying down Holstein-Kalb liegend 387147 Jersey Calf standing Jersey-Kalb stehend 387117 Jersey Cow Jersey-Kuh 387144 Jersey Calf laying down Jersey-Kalb liegend 19 New 2014 New 2014 387199 Highland Cow 387202 Highland Calf 20 387054 387056 387055 Pig (Sow) Schwein (Muttersau) Piglet feeding Ferkel fressend Piglet Ferkel 387080 Pig (Boar) Schwein (Eber) 21 387092 Black Spotted Pig (Sow) Schwarz geflecktes Schwein (Muttersau) 387093 Black Spotted Pig (Boar) Schwarz geflecktes Schwein (Eber) 22 387094 387095 Black Spotted Piglet Schwarz geflecktes Ferkel Black Spotted Piglet Feeding Schwarz geflecktes Ferkel fressend 387081 387059 Black Faced Lamb standing Schwarzköpfiges Lamm stehend Black Faced Sheep (Ram) Schwarzköpfiges Schaf (Bock) 387058 Black faced Sheep (Ewe) Schwarzköpfiges Schaf (Mutterschaf) 387060 Black Faced Lamb laying down Schwarzköpfiges Lamm liegend 23 387097 Sheep (Ram) Schaf (Bock) 387096 Sheep (Ewe) Schaf (Mutterschaf) 24 387099 387098 Lamb laying down Lamm liegend Lamb standing Lamm stehend New 2014 New 2014 387198 387205 Golden Retriever Golden Retriever Puppy Golden Retriever Welpe New 2014 New 2014 387203 387200 Border Collie Farm Yard Cat Hauskatze 25 387039 Velociraptor crouching Velociraptor in Hockstellung 387079 Velociraptor standing Velociraptor stehend 387043 Stegosaurus 27 387040 Tyrannosaurus Rex 387192 Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex Junges 28 Did you know? Measuring some 12 meters long and standing 4 meters high at the hips, T-rex was one of the largest known land predators. With running speeds of up to 40kph (25mph) and teeth some 30cm long, this would have made T-Rex a formidable hunter. 387041 1:15 Tyrannosaurus Rex 29 387042 Triceratops 387044 Brachiosaurus 30 387045 Parasaurolophus 387046 Tylosaurus 31 387048 Smilodon Säbelzahntiger 387047 Sarcosuchus 32 387049 Woolly Mammoth 1:20 Scale Wollhaarmammut Maßstab 1:20 387050 Woolly Mammoth Calf Wollhaarmammut-Junges 33 387154 Deinotherium 34 387156 Entelodont Daeodon 387157 Hyaenodon gigas 35 387155 Brontotherium 36 New 2014 New 2014 387161 Thylacine Tasmanicher Tiger/Beutelwolf 387158 Quagga Steppenzebra 37 387146 Wolverine Vielfraß 387064 Iberian Lynx Iberischer Lux 387143 Mountain Lion Berglöwe 39 387023 European Elk/Moose Europäischer Elch 40 387025 387026 Wolf standing Wolf stehend Wolf hunting Wolf gehend 387029 387030 Rabbit Black Hase schwarz Rabbit Brown & White Hase braun-weiß 387031 387032 Squirrel standing Eichhörnchen stehend Squirrel running Eichhörnchen laufend 387028 Red Fox Rotfuchs 41 42 387078 387187 387035 Beaver Biber Stoat Hermelin Hedgehog Igel 387033 387034 Badger Dachs Skunk Stinktier Did you know? The Bald Eagle is the National Bird of America. It ranges from Canada the United states through to Northern Mexico where it can be found near large bodies of open water. The Bald Eagles nest is the largest of all North American birdsand can measure up to 2.5m wide and 4m deep. 387027 American Bald Eagle Amerikanischer Weißkopf-Seeadler New 2014 387116 Pronghorn Gabelbock 387160 Wild Boar Wildschwein 43 New 2014 387112 American Black Bear Schwarzbär 44 387201 Snowy Owl Schnee-Eule New 2014 387185 White Tailed Deer Doe Weißwedelkuh 387038 387036 White Tailed Deer Fawn Weißwedel-Rehkitz White Tailed Deer Buck Weißwedel-Hirsch 45 387003 Bengal Tiger Bengalischer Tiger 387008 Tiger Cub standing Tigerjunges stehend 387009 Tiger Cub laying down Tigerjunges liegend 47 Did you know? White Tigers are actually a rare colour variation of the Bengal Tiger. Although sometimes mistakenly thought of as a Siberian Tiger, this is not the case as to date no White Siberian Tiger has actually been recorded. 387013 White Tiger Weißer Tige Whilst extremely rare in the wild they are selectively bred due to their popularity and several hundred are currently in captivity. 387015 White Tiger Cub laying down Weißes Tigerjunges liegend 387014 White Tiger Cub standing Weißes Tigerjunges stehend 48 387165 Griffon Vulture Gänsegeier 387181 387153 Honey Badger Male Honigdachs Honey Badger Female with Cub Honigdachsweibchen und Junges 49 New 2014 387166 Komodo Dragon Komodowaran New 2014 387174 Indian Pangolin Vorderindisches Schuppentier 50 New 2014 New 2014 387173 Sun Bear Malaienbär/Sonnenbär 387182 Black Crested Macaque Schopfaffe/Schopfmakak 51 387172 Clouded Leopard Nebelparder 52 387171 387176 Giant Panda Großer Panda Proboscis Monkey Nasenaffe Did you know? The two-toed sloth, or to give it the correct name Linneaus’s two toed sloth, inhabits Central and South America. 387180 Two Toed Sloth Faultier Two-toed sloths derive their name from that fact that they have 2 toes on their fore feet whilst having 3 on their hind feet (as with all other sloths). They are unable to shiver in order to keep warm and have an extremely slow metabolic rate which results in food taking up to one month to digest. 387178 387179 Brazilian Tapir Brasilianisches Tapir Tamandua Ameisenbär 53 New 2014 387175 Lioness Löwin New 2014 387012 Lion Cub playing Löwenjunges spielend 387011 Lion Cub standing Löwenjunges stehend 387204 Male Lion Löwe 54 New 2014 New 2014 387167 387197 Female Cheetah with Cub Gepardin mit Jungtier Cheetah Male Gepard 387017 Black Panther Schwarzer Panther 55 New 2014 New 2014 387206 Male White Lion Weißer Löwe 387207 White Lioness Weiße Löwin 387018 Leopard 56 387007 387006 Giraffe Calf Giraffenkalb Giraffe 387103 White Rhinocerous Nashorn 57 387002 African Elephant Calf Afrikanisches Elefantenkalb New 2014 387001 African Elephant Afrikanischer Elefant 58 387016 387169 Zebra Calf Zebrakalb Zebra 387110 387089 African Painted Dog Afrikanischer Wildhund Hyena Hyäne New 2014 387177 387125 Ring Tailed Lemur Katta Meerkat Erdmännchen 59 387145 Giant Sable Antelope Rappenantilope 387122 387123 Thomson’s Gazelle Fawn Thomson Gazelle Kalb 60 Thomson’s Gazelle (Male) Thomson Gazelle 387111 Cape Buffalo Kaffernbüffel 387104 Hippopotamus (Female) Nilpferd 387107 Nile Crocodile Krokodil 61 387113 Arabian Camel Dromedar 387024 American Bison / Buffalo Amerikanischer Bison / Büffel 387170 Gaur Bull Gaur Bulle 62 387105 Koala Bear Koala 387106 Duck Billed Platypuss Schnabeltier 387163 Emu 387022 Kangaroo Känguru 63 64 387115 Californian Sea Lion Kalifornischer Seelöwe 387114 Male Orca Orka 65 387019 Polar Bear Eisbär 66 387021 387020 Polar Bear Cub sitting Eisbärjunges sitzend Polar Bear Cub Walking Eisbärjunges gehend 387184 Gentoo Penguin Eselspinguin 387091 387090 Grey Seal Kegelrobbe Clown Fish Clownfisch 67 387119 Humpback Whale Buckelwal 68 Did you know? The Great White Shark is the largest member of the Shark family and is the ultimate apex predator of the seas, having no natural predators. They can reach a length of some 6m (20ft) and weigh up to 2000kg with a lifespan of around 30 years. They inhabit many coastal and offshore waters with higher populations found in the United States, South Africa and Japan, preying on Fur Seals, Sea Lions, other species of sharks and larger fish. 387120 Great White Shark Weißer Hai 387118 Bottlenose Dolphin Delphin 69 70 New 2014 New 2014 387191 Unicorn Einhorn 387193 Pegasus 71 72 386501 386502 Indian Chief Squaw with Baby 386504 386505 Cowboy with Lasso Bounty Hunter 73 Innovation and reliability Craft and expertise Safety and standards We believe establishing long-term relationships is key to the future of our business. To build the very best reputation for innovation and reliability we focus on the quality of our products and services, and the excellent customer care we work hard to provide. We take heed of and value all feedback. We craft each animal in the Mojo range over a period of many months, from the initial design and sculpting through to the final processes of colouration and painting. We expertly research every detail to recreate as close to nature as possible the animals and creatures children know and love. The safety of children is of paramount importance to us in developing our products. Every animal in the Mojo range is rigorously tested and must fulfil all current worldwide safety standards before being introduced to the market. European standards EN71 Part 1, 2, & 3, EN71 Part 9, DIN53160 (German standard), Cadmium & Non-Phthalate. US Standards ASTM F963-11, CPSIA, Lead in surface coatings, Lead in substrate, Non-Phthalate, US Public Law 110-314, Assembly Bill of California AB1108 & Cal Prop 65. China CCC Mojo (HK) Limited Suite 1102, 11/F Two Chinachem Exchange Square 338 King’s Road North Point, Hong Kong F T E W (852) 2525 7381 (852) 2845 9328 Find us at ‘Mojo Fun’