262008 HYLAinternational august 2008


262008 HYLAinternational august 2008
August 2008
hyla america
54HYLA USA Importer Month Contest | 1 Q Regional Meeting
hyla asia & middle east
56HYLA DUBAI Burj Al Arab
57 HYLA KOREA Meeting & Trade Fair
HYLA international
hyla basics
»From the desk of the presidenT«
05 HYLA NEWS Natural Care Present Set »De Luxe«
10HYLA PORTRAIT Michael Hausenblas - HYLA Germany
12HYLA HIGHLIGHTS HYLA InterActive Conference Filderstadt 2008
62HYLA INTERNAL Manuela Dahlmann | Bärbel Maria Guhl
64HYLA INFO Importer’s Month Winners
65HYLA AWARDS Guidelines
HYLA europe
18HYLA HUNGARY Visit | Product Presentation
20HYLA SERBIA Meeting in Niš
22HYLA CZECH REPUBLIC Quarterly Meeting
24HYLA RUSSIA Meeting | Trip Filderstadt & Slovenia
27HYLA FINLAND Trade Fair | Summer Party 2008
30HYLA TURKEY New Country
31HYLA GREECE New Country
32HYLA GERMANY Trip Slovenia | Monthly Meeting
36HYLA AUSTRIA Grand Opening | »Open House«
39HYLA SWITZERLAND Meeting & »Open House«
40HYLA PORTUGAL New Country & »Open House«
41HYLA SPAIN »Open House«
dear HYLA associates!
hyla latin america
42HYLA CHILE General Meeting
44HYLA COLOMBIA Special Meeting
46HYLA COSTA RICA Convention
48HYLA HIGHLIGHTS HYLA InterActive Conference Latin America 2008
e all know that Michael Hausenblas is very high-flying – eventually he
was »born« at HYLA. That he is able to celebrate such a big success just
after one year clearly shows how important it is to run a well thought-out
system. He always loved to be in sales and also to deal with people and
to have people around him. »A noble human attracts noble humans and
knows how to keep them!« Remarkable is above all that – despite his purposefulness, his discipline
and his persistence – he has not lost track of humanity. And this exactly what personifies him!
Cordial congratulations, Michael Hausenblas –
Take your business to your heart and your heart to your business.
HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG
Hornbergstraße 49
70794 Filderstadt, Germany
Tel.+49 (0) 711 / 77 05 95 0
Fax+49 (0) 711 / 77 05 95 40
Editorship design &
angelina metzger
Angelina Metzger
Manuela Dahlmann
Alexandra Knupfer
Angelina Metzger
from the desk of the president
From the desk of the
Natural Care
»De Luxe«
dear hyla associates,
Liebe HYLA-Mitarbeiter/-innen,
eit der letzten HYLA TREND
Ausgabe hat sich bei HYLA
Unsere HYLA Natural Care
Serie hat sich sehr positiv am
Markt etabliert. Anwender, die mit diesen
Produkten sehr zufrieden sind, bestellen
immer wieder nach. Das zeigt uns, dass wir
mit dieser Idee auf dem richtigen Weg sind.
Nutzen auch Sie diese Chance, Ihre Kunden
als langjährige Partner zu gewinnen.
Natürlich sind in den letzten Monaten auch
wieder neue Länder eröffnet worden. Es
ist uns gelungen, einen sehr erfahrenen
Geschäftspartner für die Türkei zu
gewinnen. Die ersten HYLA wurden bereits
geliefert. Ebenso haben wir seit Mai 2008
in Griechenland und seit März 2008 auf
Madeira ein neues Büro.
Der Höhepunkt in 2008 wird mit Sicherheit
unsere »HYLA Kick-Off« Veranstaltung im
November sein. Bei dieser Veranstaltung
werden wir die neue HYLA-Generation
vorstellen. Ich freue mich, vielleicht auch Sie
unter den Top 400 HYLA-Geschäftspartnern
weltweit zu diesem Ereignis begrüßen zu
HYLA Natural care present set »de luxe« 05
ew things happened
since the last issue
magazine. Our HYLA
Natural Care Line has
established very well on the market. Users
who are very satisfied and fond of these
products reorder them consistently. This
shows to us that we are on the right track
with this idea. Use this opportunity to win
your customers as longterm partners!
Within the past months we have opened
new countries. We succeeded in winning
a very experienced business partner for
Turkey. The first HYLAs were already
shipped. Also, we have new sales offices
now in Greece (since May 2008) and on
Madeira (since March 2008).
The highlight in 2008 will certainly be our
»HYLA Kick-Off« event in November. At
this event we will present our new HYLA
generation and I am looking forward to
possibly welcome you among our top 400
HYLA business partners worldwide!
Wilfried metzger
HYLA International
Wilfried Metzger
xclusively for HYLA, the »De Luxe« Natural Care Line was designed with
Swarovski crystals. Each pot, each tube, each flacon is a single item and –
on request – can be ornamented with twinkling Swarovski crystals.
Pure luxury – for yourself or as a uniqe gift idea.
Exklusiv für HYLA wurde die »De Luxe« Natural Care Serie mit Swarovski-Kristallen designed.
Jeder Tiegel, jede Tube, jedes Fläschchen ist ein Einzelstück und wird auf Wunsch rund herum
und punktuell mit glitzernden Swarovski-Kristallen verziert. Luxus pur – für Sie zuhause oder
als einzigartige Geschenkidee.
hylapublic relations HMSC Oldtimer Rallye
hylaPublic relations
25 years
hmsc oldtimer
Great delight at HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG: the company
owner Wilfried Metzger participated at the »International HMSC
Oldtimer Rallye Wiesbaden« with his HYLA team and – among 200
participants – achieved 2nd place in the total ranking of his class!
Nevertheless the 2-day tour – an orientation drive with sportive
exercises – did not proceed without excitement. The HYLA Team
had started with two wonderful oldtimers – a Mercedes Benz 100
W21 (year of construction 1933) and a Citroen 11 CV BL (year of
construction 1952) which were kindly provided by the Stuttgart
Senator Kamran Ehsani for the famous Rallye of the Hessen Motor
Sport Club. The Mercedes was driven by Kamran and Gudrun
Ehsani as well as Wilfried and Angelina Metzger. The Citroen was
chauffeured by Alexander Ehsani, accompanied by his sister Shirin
and her friend. Wilfried Metzger: »We had great and sunny weather
and all of us enjoyed the rallye!« But at the end of the day the engine
Wir setzen Visionen um!
für ein gesundes Zuhause.
Das HYLA Luft- und Raumreinigungssystem schafft
nicht nur saubere und gesunde Luft, sondern sorgt
mit einer Design-Innovation für Furore:
Funkelnd, mit CRYSTALLIZED™ - Swarovski Elements besetzt und von
futuristischer Anmutung, ist er das Wohn-Accessoire der Zukunft.
HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG
Hornbergstraße 49 | D-70794 Filderstadt
25 years
hmsc oldtimer rallye
of the Mercedes broke down. What to do? The HYLA Team got not
discouraged and continued the rallye with the Citroen. The HYLA
Team was very happy that they even were awarded a cup in the
end. The »International HMSC Oldtimer Rallye Wiesbaden« was
held for the 25th time this year and offered – besides tours through
Wiesbaden and the Rheingau – a mixed program to the participants
from Germany and abroad. For example, a ball in the evening with
Roberto Blanco, a sightseeing tour at the champagne producer
hmsC oldtimer rallye 07
Kessler and an exclusive visit to the casino in Wiesbaden where only
play money was used.
HYLA supported the jubilee rallye of the Hessen Motor Sport Club as
one of the sponsoring partners.
hylapublic relations press conference
press conference
in filderstadt
A raving success – our first HYLA Press Conference!
On June 30, 2008 the first Press Conference in our HYLA history
took place at our HYLA Sales Headquarters in Filderstadt/Germany.
Numerous media representatives as well as radio and television
representatives followed our invitation to receive the latest news
from HYLA. »Lead story« for this press conference was the
reorganisation of the Sales Structure in Germany and – combined
with that – the search for 500 new consultants. This topic produced
big interest at the journalists and resulted in very positive and detailed
articles and stories about HYLA which were printed not only in the
leading local media (amongst others the »Stuttgarter Zeitung« and
the »Stuttgarter Nachrichten«), but also in the renowned »Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung« (FAZ), one of the few supra-regional daily
newspapers in Germany. Remarkably was also an article in the BILD
newspaper (Germany´s most famous newspaper with the
biggest circulation in Europe) which resulted in a big response
of potential new consultants already on its day of printing.
Due to this press conference we were able to reach two
million readers within a few days. Further reports and articles
are in the pipeline of the editorial departments.
Unter einem S-Bahn-Bogen werden die Tröpfle aus dem Lände vertrieben.
nicht nur als Weinhandlung, sondern auch
als Vermittler zwischen Erzeuger und Fachhandel sowie Gastronomie.
„Natürlich gibt es auch eine Schwabenconnection“, sagt Pobbig. Er meint damit
nicht nur die große Zahl der Neuberliner aus
dem Ländle, sondern auch deren Einfluss im
öffentlichen Leben der Stadt. Inzwischen
wird Württemberger auch bei etlichen offiziellen Anlässen ausgeschenkt. So wurden
zum Beispiel in diesem Jahr bei den Empfängen der Berlinale fünf Weine aus dem Ländle
präsentiert, beim kommende Woche beginnenden Poesiefestival der Berliner Literaturwerkstatt wird das ebenfalls so sein.
Auch die Gastronomieszene tut ihren Teil
dazu – in Berlin wächst die Zahl der Lokale
mit südwestdeutscher Küche, das Angebot ist
dabei nicht stumpf-spätzlelastig, sondern variiert. Auf der Weinkarte stehen dazu natürlich Württemberger. Sevim Kern vom Maultäschle im schicken Teil des Bezirks Mitte hat
dukte, die gehören in Berlin heute zum
Lebensgefühl. Dazu zählt zuallererst das
Tannenzäpfle-Pils der Badischen Staatsbrauerei Rothaus. Es ist in mehr als hundert Kneipen der Stadt im Angebot und
gilt eindeutig als ein unverzichtbares Szeneaccessoire. Auch Maultaschen gibt es als
eine Art Schwabendöner inzwischen in
sehr vielen Lokalen. Manche Restaurants
haben sich sogar ganz auf die schwäbische
Nationalspeise spezialisiert – wie die Maultaschenmanufaktur in der Lützowstraße
26) Düster sieht es in Berlin dagegen mit
schwäbischem Backwerk aus. Wer sich
einen Hefezopf nicht verkneifen kann,
weicht am besten zu Lenôtre ins KaDeWe
aus. Wer nach einer Brezel sucht, der wird
einen langen Weg der Enttäuschungen
gehen. Genießbar sind sie in der BrezelCompany (Lenaustraße 10) und im Maultäschle (Charlottenstraße 79), das die Teiglinge importiert.
gekauft und ein Buch gesehen, mit dem
man sich „begruseln“ lassen kann. Ich
selbst kämpfe ja seit Jahren für die Substantivierung von schade – das Schadige
ist aber, dass sich das einfach nicht durchsetzt. Eine Freundin spricht immer von
klugscheißerlich. Von Schnippsgummis.
Mittagsloch. Triumphalistisch. Kürzlich
hat sie in einem Brief geschrieben, die
Sache sei jetzt endgültig „notfällig“.
Eine sprachliche Herausforderung sind
ja auch Tanzkurse. Da muss der Körper im
Seitversatz stehen. Erst wird der Fuß rangebürstet,
Schritte in Richtung Tischgruppe, danach
Promenadenkreisel und 60-Grad-Drehung.
Das ist fast so schön, wie wenn mir eine
Freundin am Telefon Computertipps
„Da gehst du einfach mit den Mäusetasten
ein Stück runter oder lässt an der Seite
den Rollboppel schnalzen. Dann Rückputztaste, String plus V – und gut ist.“
Edgar Gugenhans Gartentipp: Hortensienpracht im Sommergarten
Aus Rosa wird Blau
Um diese Jahreszeit blühen überall unübersehbar Hortensien. Am bekanntesten ist die
Ballhortensie, Hydrangea macrophylla, im
Volksmund auch als Bauernhortensie bekannt, die sowohl als Zimmerpflanze geeignet ist als auch vorzüglich im Garten wächst.
Nur wenige wichtige Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt werden, damit Ballhortensie auch
alljährlich ihre prächtigen ballförmigen Blütenstände entwickelt. So liebt sie einen
nicht allzu sonnigen Standort im
Garten und ist deshalb für
Ost- und Westlagen besonders geeignet. Wichtig ist
auch ein humoser, tiefgründiger und vor allem mäßig
saurer Boden. Ballhortensien zählen nämlich zu den
kalkfeindlichen Pflanzen. Der
ideale Reaktionsgrad liegt zwischen einen PH-Wert von fünfeinhalb und sechs. Sollen von Natur
aus rot oder rosa blühende Sorten
blaue Kelchblätter ausbilden, wird eine
schöne Farbe nur erzielt, wenn der Boden
stärker sauer ist und der pH-Wert bei fünf
oder tiefer liegt. Dieser saure Reaktionsgrad
ist von Natur aus meistens in Moorböden,
manchmal auch in Sandböden vorhanden. In
kalkhaltigen Böden kann er durch reichliches Zumischen von saurem HochmoorWeißtorf oder Spezialsubstraten wie Rhodo-
hum gesenkt werden. Die Blaufärbung der
Blüten kann durch eine gelegentliche Anwendung von Aluminiumsulfat oder Alaun gefördert werden. Die Aluminiumionen sind nämlich für die Umwandlung der rosa oder roten
in eine blaue Blütenfarbe verantwortlich.
Bei der Pflege sollte besonders darauf
geachtet werden, dass Hortensien stets reichlich Nährstoffe und Wasser benötigen. Es
gibt noch einige weitere Arten,
die sich für den Garten hervorragend eignen. Zu den schönsten
sommerblühenden Sträuchern
gehören die Rispenhortensie, Hydrangea paniculata, die Schneeballhortensie, Hydrangea arborescens, und die eichenblättrige
Hortensie, Hydrangea quercifolia, die alle weiß blühen. Eine Besonderheit ist die China- oder Samthortensie, Hydrangea aspera, mit ihren weißlichen
Rand- und zartvioletten Mittelblüten. Die
Standortbedingungen dieser Hortensien sind
ähnlich wie bei der Ballhortensie. Eines ist
aber zu beachten: die Triebe der Bauernhortensie sollten sofort nach dem Verblühen
geschnitten werden, damit sich noch im
gleichen Jahr neue Austriebe mit sicherem
Knospenansatz entwickeln. Bei den anderen
Arten kann ein Rückschnitt im Winter erfolgen, da sie ihre Knospen am einjährigen
Holz ausbilden.
Zeichnung Wiebke Trunk
Ein voller Erfolg – unsere erste HYLA-Pressekonferenz!
Am 30. Juni 2008 fand in unserer HYLA-Vertriebszentrale in
Filderstadt die erste Pressekonferenz in der Geschichte von HYLA
statt. Zahlreiche Medienvertreter der Presse sowie von Funk und
Fernsehen folgten unserer Einladung und erhielten die aktuellsten
News aus dem Hause HYLA. »Aufhänger« des Pressegespräches
war die Umstrukturierung des Deutschland-Vertriebes und die damit
verbundene Suche nach rund 500 neuen Mitarbeitern. Ein Thema,
das bei den Journalisten auf großes Interesse stieß und äußerst
positive, ausführliche Berichterstattungen nach sich zog. Neben
den großen lokalen Medien, darunter u. a. »Stuttgarter Zeitung«
und »Stuttgarter Nachrichten« berichtete auch die renommierte
»Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung« (FAZ), eine der wenigen
überregionalen Tageszeitungen in Deutschland. Bemerkenswert
war zudem der Artikel in BILD, der
bereits am Tag des Abdruckes eine
große Resonanz bei möglichen
neuen Vertriebsmitarbeitern auslöste.
konnten allein durch die Printartikel
innerhalb weniger Tage auf einen
Schlag weit über zwei Millionen
Leser erreicht werden. Weitere
Berichterstattungen sind in den
Redaktionen bereits in Vorbereitung.
Staubsauger mit Kristallen
Für reiche Russen
Oh doch, er kann auch staubsaugen! Und die
Luft reinigen oder sogar erfrischen, wie es im
Verkaufsdeutsch heißt. Man sieht das dem
Strass-Hyla allerdings nicht unbedingt auf
den ersten Blick an. Schuld daran sind die
38 000 Swarovski-Kristalle, mit denen das
Gerät bestückt ist. Die halten angeblich auch
das eine oder andere Anecken beim Saugen
aus, was alles in Labors getestet wurde.
Stolze 18 500 Euro kostet der Luxusstaubsauger, rund 350 Exemplare – alles
Einzelstücke und ganz nach
den Wünschen der Kunden
gefertigt – wurden bisher
laut Angelina Metzger von
der Hyla International GmbH
und Co. KG verkauft. Die Idee
dafür sei in Russland entstanden, erzählt sie. Dort
hätten Kunden wiederholt
nach Luxusmodellen des in
Hightechgeräts mit Wasserfiltersystem gefragt. „Das war damals eine völlig
abgefahrene Idee“, sagt Angelina Metzger,
deren Mann von der Vertriebszentrale in
Filderstadt aus das weltweit tätige Unternehmen lenkt. Die meisten Strass-Hylas werden
auch nach Russland verkauft, dicht gefolgt
von Dubai – wo vermutlich eher die Lufterfrischungsfunktion gefragt sein dürfte.
Mann trägt wieder Vollbart
Keine Zeit zur Rasur
Was ist das liebste Werkzeug des Metromannes? Nicht die Bohrmaschine, nicht die Stichsäge, nein, der Rasierapparat. Der Metromann schert sich die Schenkel, trimmt sich
das Brusthaar, enthaart die Achseln und
erlaubt sich bestenfalls ein scharf konturiertes Bartstreifchen am Kinn. Nach so viel Ordnung und Perfektion war eigentlich schon
klar, dass Mann alsbald die Trendwende
einläuten würde. Nicht nur des Mannes Kopfhaare trägt man inzwischen wieder lang,
nein, auch Vollbärte sind im Kommen. Ist
daran Multikulti schuld? Spiegelt sich darin
die heimliche Bewunderung für männlichzugewachsene Muslime? Einer der Trendsetter war in jedem Fall – wie so häufig –
ein Künstler: Jonathan Meese. Der schaut
schon seit Jahren aus wie Struwwelpeters
kleiner Bruder mit seiner langen Matte
und dem rupfigzipfeligen Vollbart. Aber
wann soll ein so dermaßen gefragter
Künstler auch Zeit zum Rasieren finden?
Auch der Künstler Julian Schnabel trägt
Vollbart, ebenso der Schauspieler Vincent
Gallo. Und auch auf deutschen Straßen sieht
man immer häufiger Männer, deren Gesicht
man eben nicht mehr richtig sieht. Ist Mann
nun schöner mit oder ohne? Der Fußballer
Christoph Metzelder hat behauptet, dass
Männer seinen Vollbart für absolut cool
halten würden. Frauen dagegen, so musste
er enttäuscht konstatieren, mögen – vermutlich nicht nur seinen – Vollbart nicht.
hylaPublic relations
press conference 09
Hyla sucht 500
neue Mitarbeiter
Spezialbrille zum SchminkenWeltweit operierender Raumreinigungsgerätehersteller mit Sitz in Filderstadt will Marktanteil erhöhen
Mitten ins Auge
BONLANDEN – „Entscheidend ist, was hinten raus
Eigentlich ist so eine Schminkbrillekommt“,
ja einehat bereits Alt-Kanzler Helmut
ziemlich gute Idee. Denn jede Frau,
die Kohl einmal gesagt.
fehlsichtig ist und sich trotzdem gerne
Anwenden lässt sich dieses
ab und an ein flottes Augen-Make-up verpasZitat
gewisser Weise auch
sen möchte, kennt das Problem: Man steht
die Raumreinigungsgevor dem Spiegel und sieht nichts.auf
des in Filderstadt ansäsman die Brille ab, muss man die Nase
sigen, weltweit operierenden
auf den Spiegel drücken, damit man anschlieUnternehmens Hyla. Denn
ßend nicht aussieht wie ein Deutschlandmit dem Staubsauger, der
EM-Fan, lässt man die Brille auf, stellt
statt mit Filtertüten mit einer
die Frage, wie man mit Pinsel undWasserfilter-Technologie
arums Glas ans Lid kommt. Bei der Schminkbeite, lasse sich nicht nur der
brille lässt sich
Teppichboden, sondern auch
nun das Glas
die Luft reinigen, sagt Wilhochklappen
fried Metzger, geschäftsfühund um 180
render Gesellschafter des Unternehmens. Das wiederum
umbiesteigere nicht nur die Lebensgen, so dass
qualität von Allergikern.
man schön ein
„Raus kommt sozusagen gewaAuge nach dem anderen bequem schminken
Luft.“ Die beiden slokann. Leider funktioniert das nur für
sichtige und leider ist der Spaß auch
noch Ingenieure, die
Luft- und Raumreiniziemlich teuer. Billiger kommt mandas
gungsgerät entwickelten,
wenn man sich zwei Lesebrillen mit Einheitsmachten deshalb den Laubstärke im Supermarkt kauft und jeweils
frosch zum Symbol ihrer ErGlas wegbricht. Und Kurzsichtige findung.
müssenLebt der „Hyla Arbonach wie vor nah ran an den Spiegel
doch in den Feuchtgebieeben anstatt der Augen lieber den
der grünen Wälder
betonen. Denn beides zusammen ist
ja lautund ist somit quasi
Meinung der einschlägigen Frauenzeitschrifein Synonym für saubere und
ten ohnehin zu viel.
apf Das Konterfei des
reine Luft.
49,95 Euro, www.prodidee.de
Angelina und Wilfried Metzger, Direktorin international und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Unternehmens Hyla, mit den Schmuckstücken ihrer Raumreinigungsgeräte.
Foto: Eichert
dings weiterhin in Slowenien.
Weltweit sind bei dem Unternehmen, das auf den Direktvertrieb spezialisiert ist,
nach eigenen Angaben 6000
Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Der
Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2007
lag bei 60 Millionen Euro.
„Wir sind in mehr als 40 LänLaubfrosches ziert auch das
dern erfolgreich tätig“, sagt
Firmengebäude der Bonlän- Angelina Metzger, Direktorin
der Niederlassung, in der 15 international von Hyla. In dieMitarbeiter beschäftigt sind sem Jahr seien zudem drei
und wo laut Metzger „das
neue AuslandsrepräsentanHerz von Hyla schlägt“.
zen in Europa eröffnet worWerden doch sämtliche Ver- den.
kaufsaktivitäten neuerdings
Hauptmärkte sind nach den
zentral von Filderstadt geWorten von Angelina Metzger
steuert. Produziert wird aller- Russland, die USA, der asiati-
sche sowie der arabische
Raum. Vor allem namhafte
Hotels wie das Burj-al-Arab
in Dubai würden sich mit
dem Raumreinigungsgerät
buchstäblich schmücken. Allerdings nicht mit der Standardversion für knapp 1000
Vielmehr wird in den Nobelsuiten mit dem Hyla DeLuxe Staub gesaugt, der über
und über mit 38 000 Swarovski-Kristallen besetzt ist
und 18 000 Euro kostet.
In Deutschland sieht Wilfried Metzger noch ein „erhebliches Entwicklungspotenzial“. „Der Marktanteil liegt
hier bei einem Prozent“, sagt
der Hyla-Geschäftsführer.
Weil sich daran alsbald etwas
ändern soll, wurden in den
vergangenen Monaten bereits
187 Berater am Standort in
Filderstadt geschult, erklärt
Vertriebsdirektor Michael
Insgesamt sollen 500 neue,
freiberuflich tätige Verkaufsmitarbeiter die Marke Hyla
in Deutschland bekannter machen.
Werden derzeit monatlich
bundesweit rund 400 der
Staubsauger mit Wasserfilter
verkauft, sollen laut Wilfried
Metzger im kommenden Jahr
bereits 1000 Raumreinigungsgeräte abgesetzt werden. de
Es ist je
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Der D
„Herzlichen Da
Die Leser des Stuttgarter Wochenblatts haben krebskrankem Marc geholfen – 13-Jähr
Im Mai haben wir über Marc
(Name von der Redaktion geändert) berichtet.
Der Dreizehnjährige kämpft
gegen den Krebs, seine Familie mit finanziellen Problemen. Den Lesern des Wochenblatts ging das Schicksal
nahe. Sie haben die Familie
tatkräftig unterstützt.
sprochen. Diese war sehr er- Freiberg?
freut über die Anteilnahme
A. Rimmele: Sehr gut. Mittder Leser:
lerweile ist alles schön eingerichtet, nicht zuletzt Dank
STW: Wie waren die Reakder Sachspenden der Leser,
tionen auf den Artikel?
die wir gemeinsam mit Marc
Andrea Rimmele: Großar- abgeholt haben.
tig! Die Familie hat viel emotionalen und finanziellen ZuSTW: Wie geht es Marc gespruch erhalten.
sundheitlich? Was sagen die
Neben Anrufen, E-Mails, fi- Ärzte?
S-SÜD – Was hat sich seit
nanzieller Unterstützung
A. Rimmele: Seine StrahVeröffentlichung des Artigab es auch viele Sachspen- lentherapie ist beendet, nun
kels getan?
folgt ein erneuter Block CheWir haben mit Sozialpädamotherapie.
gogin Andrea Rimmele, die
STW: Wie geht es der FamiIm Anschluss an die Bedie Familie unterstützt, gelie in der neuen Wohnung in handlung ist eine Reha- Maß-
bis zu
nahme geplant.
STW: Wie sieht Marcs Alltag aus?
A. Rimmele: Nach wie vor
unverändert. Er darf weder
in die Schule, noch in den
Marc gewinnt aber zunehmend an Kraft, kann zum Beispiel wieder mit seinem Vater Fahrrad fahren oder Basketball spielen. Marc hofft
sehr, dass die Therapie im
Sommer zum Abschluss
kommt, er dann wieder gesund ist und zu Kräften kom-
men kan
seinen F
zur Schu
A. Rim
nicht. De
such mög
dessen e
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press release
Outlet Shopping in Ihrer Nähe · A3 Frankfurt – Würzburg · Ausfahrt 66 (W
Montag bis Samstag 10 – 20 Uhr · Tel: (09342) 91 99 100 · www.Wer
hylaportrait michael hausenblas - hyla germany
hylaPortrait michael hausenblas - hyla germany
the hyla
or nunmehr 11 Jahren habe ich meinen ersten
HYLA verkauft. Meiner erster Kunde war ein
Versicherungsvertreter. Nachdem ich eine Hundehaftpflichtversicherung bei ihm abgeschlossen hatte
und meine Knie zitterten, verkaufte ich meinen
ersten HYLA an ihn, obwohl er anfangs noch nicht einmal meine
Demo sehen wollte!
Rekrutieren – der Schlüssel zum Erfolg!
Auch wenn Sie in anderen Bereichen Fehler machen – das Rekrutieren
gleicht vieles aus.
Errechnen Sie Ihre selbstgesetzten Ziele:
Schon damals wusste ich, welch riesiger Markt dort draußen auf mich
wartete. Heute, 11 Jahre später (Jahre in denen ich einige Hochs und
Tiefs erlebt habe), glaube ich ein wenig mehr darüber zu wissen,
wie man sich das Geschäft stabil aufbauen kann. Man unterscheidet
mehrere Arten von Menschen. Ein »Gewinner« scheitert auch oft,
allerdings zeichnet ihn aus, dass er dennoch niemals aufgibt! Der
Gewinner wandelt eine Niederlage in eine lehrreiche Erfahrung um
und macht weiter.
Egal ob Sie glauben, dass Sie eine Sache können oder nicht
können – Sie haben in jedem Fall Recht!
Nach jeder Niederlage werden Sie enttäuscht sein, aber wenn Sie
aufgeben, werden Sie unglücklich werden. Sie brauchen viel Arbeit
und Geduld, um Ihre Strukturen aufzubauen, viel Energie, um Ihre
Leute zu trainieren. Sie werden erleben, dass Ihre besten Leute und
Hoffnungsträger aufgeben, abspringen oder Sie enttäuschen. Beißen
Sie sich durch!
Setzen Sie sich Ziele und erarbeiten Sie einen Plan, wie Sie diese
Ziele erreichen wollen. Der Tag wird kommen, an dem Sie Ihren Lohn
dafür bekommen. In jedem Land weltweit haben wir die Möglichkeit,
das Geschäft erfolgreich aufzubauen. Dazu benötigen wir aber ein
System, um zu wissen, wie ich neue Leute rekrutiere, wie ich sie
richtig ausbilde, und wie ich sie letztendlich in die Haushalte bringen
kann, um unseren HYLA vorzuführen.
Es muss ein hierarchisches und multiplizierbares System zum
Verkauf unseres HYLA an den Endverbraucher sein. Die Aufteilung
der mehrstufigen Vertriebslinien muss über einen klar definierten
und erfolgsbezogenen Vergütungsplan und die Bezahlung und der
Aufstieg in die nächste Stufe nach klaren, transparenten und gleichen
Regeln für alle erfolgen.
Zu den wichtigsten Elementen in unserem Vertrieb gehört das
Anzahl Demos pro Land : Abschlußquote pro Land = Verkaufszahl
11 years ago I sold my first HYLA and I can remember very well that
my first customer was an insurance agent. He did not even want
to see a HYLA demo from me. After I had concluded a liability
insurance for my dog with him, I sold my first HYLA to him with
shivering knees.
At that time I already realized that a huge market was waiting out
there for me! Today, 11 years later – years in which I went through
many ups and downs – I think I can say that I know how to set up
the business in a stable way. There are different kinds of persons.
»Winners« also fail very often, but – a winner never gives up. A
winner is able to transform a defeat into a beneficial experience and
he always proceeds.
Of course, you will be disappointed after each defeat, but if you give
up, you will become unhappy. Hard work and patience is needed
to build up your sales structures and you will definitely need a lot
of energy to train your people. You will see that some of your best
people and people you had great hope in will give up or will leave.
Fight it out!
Set yourself goals and develop a plan how to achieve these goals.
The day will come when you will harvest the fruits of your labour.
In each single country we have the chance to build up the HYLA
business successfully. But for this we need a system to know how to
recruit new people, how to train these people professionally and how
to bring these people into the households to present the HYLA.
The system to sell the HYLA to the end customer has to be a
hierarchical system and it should offer the chance to be multiplied.
The split-up into multilevel sales lines has to be effected by means of a
clearly defined and success related compensation and the promotion
to the next level according to clear, transparent and identical rules
for everyone.
number of sales persons : number of sales quote = sales figure
It doesn´t matter, if you believe that you are good at something
or if you believe that you are bad at something – at any rate:
you are right!
The most important element in our business is RECRUITING – the
key to success!
Even if you make mistakes in some areas – recruiting is a compensating
factor. Calculate your goals you set by yourself:
Michael Hausenblas
Sales Director HYLA Germany
hylahighlights interactive conference filderstadt 2008
hylahighlights interactive conference filderstadt 2008
Interactive conference
jari janetzko, hyla finland
Aleksandra hohluka
hyla latvia
olena kondratenko
hyla ukraine
angelina & wilfried metzger
hyla international
HYLA International was glad to welcome 26 participants from 15 countries to this year‘s
InterActive Conference in Filderstadt/Germany which took place from April 17 through April 20, 2008.
hartmut gassmann
hyla u.s.
hyla turkey
davide zanatta
hyla italy north
hyla turkey
murat gürbüz
hyla switzerland
iac 2008
michael hausenblas
hyla germany
otto braun
hyla austria
hyla turkey
ignazio lapeschi
hyla italy south
hyla turkey
istvan seres & zita peczely
hyla hungary
tamara hribar
hyla dubai
tatyana golitsyna &
andrey shikin, hyla russia
hyla turkey
Anita Krepcárová
hyla slovakia
sarai cardona & fernando horcajo
hyla spain
jaroslav richter & zuzana klecková
hyla czech republic
doro erjavec
hyla d.o.o.
vedat kilic
hyla turkey
janez pocagar
hyla d.o.o.
jose antonio caminata
hyla madeira
polona golob-jamnik
hyla d.o.o.
hylahighlights interactive conference filderstadt 2008
hylahighlights interactive conference filderstadt 2008
Interactive conference
As always, the conference was opened and moderated very
competently by Int. Sales Director Andreas K. Luckner. First of all, Mr.
Luckner gave a short retrospect on our HYLA Natural Care Products.
the speakers
at mink‘s
After that the conference was proceeded by two training modules,
led by Sales Director Michael Hausenblas. After lunch guest speaker
Sabine Hübner made clear to her audience why excellent customer
service is so fundamentally important for a successful company.
After this Bernd Sautter explained to his audience very clearly and
vigorously why HYLA needed a new HYLA Corporate Design and
why HYLA has decided for the colours white (background) and
silver (HYLA logo). Alexandra Knupfer closed this first IAC day with
her presentation by explaining the idea behind the HYLA TREND
Magazine and how this magazine should be applied and used.
olena kondratenko (hyla ukraine)
& jörg mink (starcook)
andreas k. luckner
hyla international
sabine hübner
guest speaker
michael hausenblas
hyla germany
bernd sautter
guest speaker
alexandra knupfer
hyla international
original swabian
In the evening all attendees could relax with Swabian specialties as
well as Swabian red and white wine from this exhausting first IAC
day – to be fit for the second day!
jaroslav richter & zuzana klecková
hyla czech republic
first day of iac
iac 2008
1 day
istvan seres & zita peczely
hyla hungary
hartmut gassmann (hyla u.s.) &
jari janetzko (hyla finland)
hylahighlights interactive conference filderstadt 2008
hylahighlights interactive conference filderstadt 2008
da tonino
Interactive conference
the speakers
Jari janetzko
hyla finland
michael hausenblas
hyla germany
doro erjavec & janez pogacar
hyla d.o.o.
andreas k. luckner
hyla international
wilfried metzger
hyla international
n the evening all participants enjoyed
delicious Italian cuisine while listening
and dancing to Italian music, before
everybody returned back home on
angelina metzger
hyla international
2nd day
The second conference day was opened by Michael Hausenblas with another training
module. By means of practical experiences from Spain, Austria and the Ukraine he was able
to demonstrate the success of these countries after the »Open House« had been implemented
there. After this, HYLA Importer Jari Janetzko from Finland presented his concept of Businessto-Business which he has been running very successfully with his team since several months.
hyla u.s.
italian evening
istvan seres & zita peczely
hyla hungary
Thereafter Presidents Janez Pogacar and Doro Erjavec informed all attendees about the
present state of development of the new HYLA Generation and then President Wilfried
Metzger announced to all HYLA Importers the HYLA »Kick-Off« which is going to take place
in Stuttgart on November 15-2008 with a sensational and unique supporting show program.
This IAC was closed in a fulminant way by the Awards Ceremony – which was, as always,
professionally led by International Director Angelina Metzger.
vedat kilic (hyla turkey)
with his daughter
tamara hribar (hyla dubai) & jose
antonio caminata (hyla madeira)
christof sage (star photographer), angelina metzger,
hartmut gassmann (hyla U.s.) & wilfried metzger
hyla germany
hyla ukraine
hyla russia
alexandra knupfer, murat gürbüz (hyla switzerland),
bärbel guhl & jari janetzko (hyla finland)
otto braun
hyla austria
sarai cardona & ferran jacobo (hyla spain) together
with angelina metzger
hylaeurope hyla hungary | Visit
hylaeurope hyla hungary | product presentation
Hu ngary
hyla cake
happy birthday katika
HYLA would be good for
Our excellent dealers, Hordósné Koczka Mariann and Vasvári Gyula
hold product presentation at the countryside. They popularize HYLA,
carry out customer service, and make demos for the inquiring people.
Provincial people like to take part on these presentations, because
they can hear a lot of interesting and new facts about health protection
and waterfilter cleaning with HYLA.
hyla is the best!
Két kiváló munkatársunk, Hordósné Koczka Mariann és Vasvári Gyula
vidéken tartanak termékbemutatókat. Népszerűsítik a Hylát, ellátják a
vevőszolgálati teendőket és bemutatókat tartanak az érdeklődőknek.
A vidéki emberek szívesen járnak ezekre az előadásokra, hiszen
jó hangulatban érdekes, új információkhoz jutnak a Hylával történő
egészségvédelemről és a vízszűréses takarítási technológiáról.
További jó munkát kívánunk!
trip to italy
Kesztyűs Sándor and his
wife, Timi
in the hyla production
let‘s go into the cave
successful group
This year started with hard work, but dealers were motivated.
Successful dealers, who won the contest, could visit the HYLA
production and spent a few days in the beautiful country of Slovenia
and Italy. Kesztyűs Sándor, Kesztyűsné B. Tímea, Bárdics László,
Bárdicsné Katika, Szalay Lajos, Szalayné Edit, Endrész György,
Endrészné Ica fulfiled the competition sponsored by HYLA Hungary.
Their hotel was in Isola, they visited the Skocianskoje cave and
Triest. They are not only hard workers, but they like and trust each
other. The group surprised the most successful dealer Bárdicsné
Katika with a HYLA cake for her birthday.
Their leader is Kesztyűs Sándor, and hopefully he will lead them to
further success!
Kemény munkával indult az idei év, de munkatársaink motiváltak
voltak, hiszen azok, akik teljesítették a kiírásokat, gyárlátogatáson
vehettek részt, utána pedig kirándulhattak Szlovénia festői tájain
és Olaszországban. Kesztyűs Sándor területi vezető, felesége
Kesztyűsné B. Tímea, Bárdics László, Bárdicsné Katika, Szalay
Lajos, Szalayné Edit, Endrész György és Endrészné Ica tanácsadók
vehettek részt ebben a kalandban!
Szállodájuk a tengerparton, Isolában volt, túráztak a Skocianskaja
barlangban és ellátogattak Triestbe is. Ezt a csapatot azonban nem
csak a kemény munka köti össze, hanem szeretik és becsülik is
egymást. Főtanácsadójukat, Bárdicsné Katikát egy HYLA tortával
lepték meg születésnapján!
Mindez persze nem teljesülhetett volna régió igazgatójuk, Kesztyűs
Sándor nélkül, kinek vezetésével további eredményes munkát
hyla would be good for everybody!
What is more, it‘s vacuum cleaning
They never heard of such an interesting cleaning machine
How can I show the Hyla in
the best way
hylaeurope HYLA Serbia | meeting in niŠ
hylaeurope HYLA Serbia | meeting in niŠ
new dealers
meeting in Niš
andreas k. luckner
HYla international
sasa filipovic
importer - hyla serbia
sasa & Dubravka
YLA Serbia held its first meeting in Niš. Besides
the Importers Sasa and Dubravka Filipovic, the
Distributor in Niš and most of his successful
Dealers participated at this meeting.
ila Srbije je organizovala svoj prvi sastanak
u Nišu. Osim distributera Saše i Dubravke
Filipović i niškog distributera, učestvovali su i
najuspešniji saradnici.
fter a very informative meeting, also
various awards were handed over to
the »best of the bests« and to some
brand new Dealers.
osle informativnog dela sastanka
dodeljene su nagrade »najboljima
od najboljih«, ali i nekima od novih
one of the best dealers
were awarded
1st meeting in Niš
hylaeurope hyla czech republic | quarterly meeting
hylaeurope hyla czech republic | quarterly meeting
czech re public
quarterly meeting
jaroslav richter
hyla czech republic
zuzana klecková
hyla czech republic
guest speaker
hyla czech republic
Česká republika –
čtvrtletní meeting
guest speaker
hyla czech republic
n April 2008 the quarterly meeting in the Czech Republic took place. After
many informative presentations by the Importers Jaroslav Richter and Zuzana
Klecková, different guest speakers and Andreas K. Luckner (HYLA - Int.
Sales Director), the meeting was closed with a terrific dinner at an exquisite
Everybody enjoyed this evening very much and the time was used to exchange
ddubnu 2008 se v České republice konal čtvrtletní meeting. Po
mnoha informačních prezentacích importérů Jaroslava Richtera
a Zuzany Klečkové, dalších přednášejících včetně Andrease K.
Lucknera (HYLA - Int. Sales Director) byl meeting završen pro mnohé
nezapomenutelnou večeří v exkluzivní restauraci.
Všichni si tento večer velice užili a společně strávili čas sdílením zkušeností.
HYla team czech republic
hylaeurope hyla russia l CONFERENCE
Conference for the regional directors
Конференция для региональных представителей
Two days conference for the regional directors took place
in a nice hotel not far from Moscow in May.
Main topics of the meeting were:
- the unique HYLA business system,
- getting references
- recruiting
- »Open House«.
hyla russia l TRIP
trip germany - slovenia
Путешествие Германия –
Visit of the HYLA sales team from Russia and Latvia in Filderstadt
and Ljubljana in June. Alexandra and Juri Brigardin accompanied the
group to Ljubljana in order to translate into Russian.
HYLA Importer Aleksandra Hohluka and her son Aleksander who is
also in the HYLA business and the HYLA Russia team with Salima
Utyasheva, Nadezda Markelova, Sergey Byakhov, with Presidents
Doro Erjavec and Wilfried Metzger as well as Polona Pogacar.
Визит команды ХЬЮЛЯ из России и Латвии в офис HYLA
International в Фильдерштадте (Германия), а также на завод
HYLA в Любляне в июне.
Александра и Юрий Бригардины сопровождали группу во время
всей поездки, чтобы помочь с переводом и, конечно, еще раз
поделиться своим опытом.
Импортер в Латвии Александра Хохлюк, ее сын Александр,
который также работает в бизнесе ХЬЮЛЯ, команда ХЬЮЛЯРОССИЯ: Салима Утяшева, Надeжда Маркелова, Сергей Бяхов
с президентами и владельцами компании: Доро Эрьявиц,
Вильфредом Метцгер, а также с Полоной Погачек.
В мае в подмосковном доме отдыха прошла
двухдневная конференция для региональных
Главными темами встречи были:
- работа по единой системе,
- получение рекомендаций,
- приглашение в бизнес,
- проведение «Дней открытых дверей».
regional directors
hylaeurope hyla ukraine l VISIT
Ukraine Finland
trade fair
group of young & the most perspective managers from different regions
of Ukraine visited HYLA International & HYLA d.o.o. from May, the 4th to
May, the 8th. It‘s too little for the whole TREND to describe our positive
emotions. Truly, that trip is worth enough to start a business in HYLA.
Everybody was surprised with such a warm, kind
& simultaneously luxurious welcome. We were the closest relatives
during our visit. That‘s one of our business secrets.
The secret‘s formula is:
Janez + Doro x Angelina + Wilfried = HYLA
Thanks a lot! We appreciate your help so much!
HYLA was literally the shining star of the exhibitions in April and June!
There the unique HYLA Purple Matrix – made of thousands of SWAROVSKI
Crystal Elements – was revealed the first time to the grand audience.
The professional HYLA exhibition team could make appointments with
hundreds of interested guests.
четвертого по восьмое мая группа
самых молодых и перспективных
менеджеров из разных городов
Украины посетили HYLA International
и HYLA d.o.o. Для того, чтобы описать
все наши эмоции, будет мало всего этого журнала.
Если коротко, то в этот бизнес можно прийти только
ради такой поездки. Никто из новичков не ожидал такого
теплого, душевного и одновременно очень дорогого
приема. Всю поездку нас не покидало ощущение, что
мы в гостях у самых близких родственников. Это один
из секретов успеха нашего бизнеса.
Формула этого секрета выглядит так:
Janez + Doro x Angelina + Wilfried = HYLA
Большое Вам спасибо и низкий поклон!
HYLA loisti kirjaimellisesti Kuopion Rakenna ja Asu messuilla huhtikuussa,
sekä Karjalan Suurmessuilla kesäkuussa, kun upea SWAROVSKIkristallein koristeltu HYLA paljastettiin ensimäistä kertaa suurelle yleisölle.
Ammattitaitoinen messutiimimme sai sovittua satojen ihmisten kanssa
henkilökohtaisen HYLA-esityksen tuleville viikoille!
via futura
hylaeurope hyla FINLAND l SUMMER PARTY 2008
finla nd
summer party 2008
Activities, great company, even some sumo wrestling and a lot of joy.
Thus HYLA Finland celebrated their Annual Summer Party in June.
All 130 guests were very happy to be there as even the weather was
favourable to HYLA.
Rantakilpailuja, iloista seuraa, jopa sumopainia ja kosolti hyvää
mieltä. Sellaiset olivat Via Futuran Kesäjuhlat 2008, joita juhlittiin
7. kesäkuuta Kalajoen Hiekkasärkillä 130:n iloisen kutsuvieraan
voimin. Kun jopa sää oli suotuisa HYLAlle, ei parempia juhlia olisi
voinut pyytää!
wilfried metzger & jari janetzko
hylaeurope hyla turkey l NEW COUNTRY
new office
new office
For establishing HYLA on the Turkish market, we were able to win a very
experienced business partner. The first HYLAs were already shipped to Turkey!
Mr Vedat Kilic has been working in Direct Selling and lived in Germany for
many years – during the last years he was Importer for Turkey of Pro-Aqua.
Vedat will build up and operate his sales team for Turkey based
in Istanbul. Please welcome Vedat cordially to our HYLA Family –
a couple of you got to know him already during the last IAC in Filderstadt. We
wish Vedat and his sales team much success in Turkey!
Türkiyede ekip oluşturup Eğitim verecek grup Çalışmalarını Organiza edecek
çok Tecrübeli bir Meslektaşımızı HYLA Ailesine kazandık.ilk HYLA larımız şu an
İstanbulda.Vedat Kılıç uzun yıllar Almanyada aktif Pazarlamada (Satış,Eğitim,
Organiza)da mesleğini Başarıyla icra etmiş olup Mesleğini Türkiyede devam
ettirmektedir. Pro-Aqua ile gitti ve HYLA ile devam ediyor.
angelina metzger &
thenia ampatzi
Vedat KILIÇ ve ekibi İstanbuldan başlayıp idare ve Organizayı oradan
yönetecek. KILIÇ Beye HYLA Ailesi olarak Ailemize Hoş geldin diyoruz.
Bazılarınız onunla IAC Filderstadt da tanıştınız.Biz KILIÇ Bey ve Ekibine
Türkiyede Başarılar diliyoruz.
vedat kilic
hyla turkey
visit hyla production - mr. ampatzis & his associate
dimitri with polona pogacar & president janez pogacar
President Wilfried Metzger and International Director
Angelina Metzger visiting the newly appointed HYLA
Importer Stefanos Ampatzis, his wife Thenia and their sales
team in the new HYLA Sales Offices in Thessaloniki.
Ο Πρόεδρος Wilfried Metzger και η διεθνής Διευθήντρια
Angelina Metzger επισκέφτηκαν τον πρόσφατα διορισμένο
εισαγωγέα της HYLA Στέφανο Αμπατζή, την γυναίκα του
Θένια Αμπατζή, την ομάδα πωλήσεων και τα καινούρια
γραφεία της HYLA στην Θεσσαλονίκη.
stefanos ampatzis, newly appointed hyla importer for greece and wilfried metzger
hyla greece
hylaeurope hyla germany l SLOVENIA TRIP
germa ny
team deutschland
slovenia trip
In June 2008 another production tour was made with new HYLA business partners.
More than 50 persons participated at this trip. At our HYLA production these new
business partners could assure themselves about the professional handcraft, accuracy
and quality our HYLA is made.
All participants were offered an exclusive ambience: accommodation in a luxury hotel
with casino and spa in Ljubljana, jovial get-together at a Mediterranean gourmet
restaurant at the waterside of Portorož etc. etc.
Im Juni 2008 wurde mit neuen Vertriebspartnern wieder eine Werksbesichtigung
durchgeführt. Über 50 Personen nahmen an dieser Reise teil. Unsere neuen
Vertriebspartner konnten sich im Werk selbst davon überzeugen, mit welch professioneller Handarbeit,
Sorgfalt und Qualitätsbewußtsein unser HYLA produziert wird.
Angefangen von der Übernachtung im Luxushotel mit Casino und Spa in Ljubljana, bis hin zum
gemütlichen Beisammensein im mediterranen Gourmet-Restaurant an der Küste Portorožs wurde
den Teilnehmern ein exklusives Ambiente geboten.
mark lange & volodymyr tkachenko
ralf kubitschek & Michael pilloni
harry bauer, jonatan freude & armin lelleck
michael hausenblas, alexandra & juri brigardin,
waldemar delzer & Rudolf wiest
angelina metzger &
Alexandra Brigardin
hylaeurope hyla germany l MONTHLY MEETING
germa ny
monthly meeting
The number of active business partners is increasing steadily – our Monthly
Meetings are a good leveling rule on this for Sales Director Michael Hausenblas
and his team. We are very pleased that during the last Monthly Meeting in
June we were able to announce and implement the consolidation of Horst
Dickreuter´s sales group into the HYLA Sales Headquarters Filderstadt.
Our tightly organized system has become accepted. Sales Director Michael
Hausenblas strives for recruiting 500 business partners within the next months.
Also international business partners showed interest in our Monthly Meeting.
We were pleased to welcome Jari Janetzko, Importer HYLA Finland, Istvan
Seres & Zita Peczely, Importers HYLA Hungary, as well as Ferran Horcajo & Sarai
Cardona, Importers HYLA Spain, at our Monthly Meeting in June.
Die Anzahl der aktiven Partner steigt von Monat zu Monat – das Monatsmeeting ist für
Vertriebsdirektor Michael Hausenblas und sein Team immer eine gute Messlatte dafür.
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir beim letzten Monatsmeeting im Juni die Zusammenführung
der Gesamtgruppe Horst Dickreuter und der HYLA- Vertriebszentrale Filderstadt
verkünden und vollziehen konnten.
Unser straff organisiertes System hat sich durchgesetzt. Vertriebsdirektor
Michael Hausenblas strebt in den nächsten Monaten das Ziel von 500
Mitarbeitern an. Auch internationale Vertriebspartner zeigten Interesse
an unserem Monatsmeeting. Jari Janetzko, Importeur HYLA Finnland,
Istvan Seres & Zita Peczely, Importeure HYLA Ungarn, sowie Ferran
Horcajo & Sarai Cardona, Importeure HYLA Spanien, waren beim
Monatsmeeting im Juni unsere Gäste.
hyla germany
hylaeurope hyla austria l GRAND OPENING
hyla Austria l GRAND OPENING 37
aus tria
grand opening
In March 2008 Wilfried Metzger (HYLA - President) and
Andreas K. Luckner (HYLA - Int. Sales Director) had the
great pleasure to participate at the opening of the brand
new HYLA Training Center in Austria. Besides many
interesting lectures, this special event was celebrated with
attendees from all over Austria.
Jürgen Malle
hyla austria
otto braun
hyla austria
wilfried metzger
hyla international
Andreas k. luckner
hyla international
Im März 2008 hatten Wilfried Metzger (HYLA - Präsident) und
Andreas K. Luckner (HYLA - Leiter Vertrieb Int.) die große Freude,
an der Eröffnungsfeier des brandneuen HYLA-Schulungszentrums in
Österreich teilzunehmen.
Neben interessanten Vorträgen wurde dieser besondere Anlass mit
allen Teilnehmern gebührend gefeiert!
the opening
hyla team austria
hylaeurope hyla austria l »OPEN HOUSE«
“open house”
End of April the »Open House« was held – like
every Monday in Austria. Due to the very positive
development in Austria which was definitely due to the
introduction of the »Open House«, the HYLA Importers
of Czech Republic, Slovakia and Switzerland decided to
attend this info meeting in order to get an impression
on the course of such a meeting.
Ende April 2008 wurde wie jeden Montag in Österreich
das »Open House« abgehalten. Aufgrund der äußerst
positiven Entwicklung in Österreich, was grundlegend
auf das »Open House« zurückzuführen ist, entschieden
sich HYLA Tschechische Republik, HYLA Slowakei und
HYLA Schweiz an dieser Informationsveranstaltung
teilzunehmen um einen besseren Einblick zu
hyla Switzerland | MEETING & »OPEN HOUSE« 39
meeting & “open house”
In June 2008 two events coincided at one day. On
the one hand the Monthly Meeting for Dealers, on
the other hand the »Open House« was held –
as every Monday. Besides numerous valuable
contributions, new Dealers were enthused for our
business at the »Open House«.
Im Juni 2008 fielen in der Schweiz gleich zwei
Veranstaltungen auf einen Tag. Zum Einen fand
das Mitarbeiter-Monatsmeeting statt und zum
Anderen wurde wie jeden Montag Abend das »Open
House« durchgeführt. Neben zahlreichen wertvollen
Beiträgen, konnten zusätzlich beim »Open House«
wieder einmal neue Mitarbeiter für unser Geschäft
begeistert werden.
hyla team switzerland
Jürgen Malle
hyla austria
murat gürbüz
hyla switzerland
hyla czech republic
& Hyla slovakia
hylaeurope hyla portugal l »OPEN HOUSE«
“open house”
Since March 2008 HYLA Spain has been accomplishing the »Open
House« at their HYLA Headquarters in Barcelona. According to their
experience the »Open House« proved to be a full success, not only
in recruiting but also with regard to the integration of the total sales
Of course, the »Open House« is a major tool for recruiting and for
bringing the business to a higher sales volume as the system of
the »Open House« keeps you in a constantly, weekly dynamic of
recruiting and training new people and this is the base of our HYLA
In June, the first »Open House« was successfully implemented on Madeira with the
support of Sales Director Michael Hausenblas and International Director Angelina
É com prazer que anunciamos o nosso novo Importador na Madeira. O Sr. José
António Caminata iniciou o seu trabalho com a HYLA em Março de 2008 e – com
o apoio da HYLA Internacional – criará uma Organização de Vendas Profissional
na Madeira.
O Sr. Caminata está na Venda Directa há muitos anos e como tal, traz consigo
uma vasta experiência para dirigir o negócio
HYLA. É com enorme satisfação que damos
as boas vindas ao Sr. Caminata e à sua
Equipa de Vendedores à família HYLA! Nós
desejamos-lhe um bom começo e muito
sucesso na Madeira.
Em Junho, o primeiro »Open House« foi
implementado com sucesso na Madeira,
com o apoio do Director de Vendas Michael
Ausenblas e da Directora Internacional
Angelina Metzger
“open house”
We are pleased to present to you today our new HYLA Importer for Portugal. Mr
José Antonio Caminata has already started to work for HYLA in March 2008 and
he will – with the support of HYLA International – build up a professional HYLA
sales organisation in Madeira.
Mr. Caminata has been in Direct Selling for many years and therefore he brings
extensive experiences with him for running the HYLA business. We ask you to
welcome Mr. Caminata in our HYLA family! We wish him and his sales team a
good start and a lot of success in Madeira!
hyla Spain | »open house« 41
On behalf of HYLA Spain we invite all those Importers who are still
not using the »Open House« to start practicing this system. We are
absolutely sure that you will have great success with it!
En HYLA España estamos realizando desde el mes de Marzo del 2008 el
Open Housse en sus oficinas centrales de Barcelona, la experiencia está
siendo todo un exito, no solamente en reclutamiento, sino también en la
integración de toda la estructura de ventas.
Ciertamente el Open Housse es la mejor herramienta para reclutar y
dimensionar el negocio a un volumen de ventas mucho mayor, ya que el
sistema Open Housse, te mantiene en una constante dinámica semanal
de reclutamiento y formación de nuevos vendedores y esta es la base
principal de nuestro negocio.
Desde HYLA España invitamos a todos aquellos importadores que aún no
estén realizando el sistema Open Housse, a que lo pongan en práctica.
!!Seguro que será todo un exito!!
José António Caminata
hyla portugal
Hyla spain
hylaLatin America hyla chile l GENERAL MEETING
hylalatin america
hyla chile | GENERAL MEETING 43
uring his business trip through Latin America, Andreas K. Luckner
(Int. Sales Director) visited in July the RD‘s for Latin America and
Importers for Chile Fernando López and his wife Yrene Sattlecker
in their headquarters in Santiago de Chile. Besides a general
review and strategic planning concerning the HYLA business in
Latin America, a general meeting with the HYLA TEAM CHILE was held. Different
kinds of topics were discussed and it was great that – out of a contest – the best
consultants could be awarded for their outstanding performance with a trip to our
HYLA »Kick-Off« event in November in Germany!
Durante su viaje de negocios a Latinoamérica, El Sr. Andreas K. Luckner (Director
Internacional de Ventas) visito en julio a nuestro Director Regional e Importador para
Chile Sr. Fernando López y su esposa Sra. Yrene Sattlecker en sus oficinas de Santiago
de Chile. Después de realizar una revisión y un plan de estrategia
relacionado con el negocio de HYLA Latinoamérica, se realizo una
reunión general con el equipo de HYLA CHILE. Diferentes tópicos
fueron discutidos en forma eficiente – Un concurso – los mejores
agentes podrían ser galardonados por su eficiente trabajo con un
viaje a nuestro evento HYLA »Kick-Off« a realizarse en noviembre en
Hyla team chile
hylalatin america hyla colombia l SPECIAL MEETING
colom bia
Locally and temporally close to the IAC Latin America in
Bogotá, Fernando López (RD Latin America) and Andreas K.
Luckner (Int. Sales Director) used the opportunity to visit the
HYLA headquarters and the most successful Distributor‘s office
in Colombia. During this visit many interesting topics were
discussed and it was wonderful to notice with which high level
of enthusiasm all associates follow up their targets. Further
and especially because of that, it was great that – out of a
contest – around 20 consultants could be awarded for their
outstanding performance with a trip to our HYLA »Kick-Off«
event in November in Germany!
En la zona y temporalmente cerca de realizarse la IAC
Latinoamericana en Bogotá, El Sr. Fernando López (Director
Regional de Latinoamérica) y el Sr. Andreas K. Luckner (Director
Internacional de Ventas) aprovecharon esta oportunidad
Federico Echeverri & adriana duarte
hyla colombia
para visitar la oficina principal de HYLA y a su distribuidor más exitoso
de Colombia. Durante esta visita se discutieron temas muy importantes
y a su vez fue maravilloso ver que
tan entusiasmados estaban todos los
agentes por haber alcanzado sus metas.
!A pesar de que la competencia fue
todo un éxito, cerca de 20 agentes
participaran de un excepcional viaje a
nuestro gran evento de HYLA »Kick Off«
a realizarse en noviembre en Alemania!
Rene MuÑoz & Lorena Vasques
hyla colombia
hylalatin america hyla costa rica l CONVENTION
costa rica
In July, our business partners for Costa Rica held their regular convention.
Because of their stable growth and due to their positive results during
the HYLA Importer‘s month, Andreas K. Luckner (Int. Sales Director)
travelled to San Jose to participate at this important event. In addition to
the main topics of this convention and different open rounds of questions
– everybody was looking forward to the HYLA Importer‘s month trophy!
En Julio, nuestros socios en el negocio de Costa Rica, realizaron su
convención regular.
A causa de su crecimiento estable y debido a sus resultados positivos
durante el mes del Importador, el Sr. Andreas K. Luckner (Director
Internacional de Ventas) viajo a San José para participar en este
acontecimiento tan importante. Además de los asuntos principales
de esta convención y la ronda de preguntas – cada uno esperaba con
impaciencia el trofeo HYLA del mes del Importador.
Francisco mack léon & francisco mack durini
hylalatin america interactive conference l 2008
hylalatin america interactive conference l 2008 49
Latin america
In the evening prior to the IAC, all Importers and Distributors were invited to have dinner
together with President Wilfried Metzger, Int. Director Angelina Metzger and Int. Sales Director
Andreas K. Luckner.
La noche anterior a la IAC, todos los Importadores y Distribuidores fueron invitados a cenar
con nuestro Presidente Sr. Wilfried Metzger la Directora Internacional Sra. Angelina Metzger y
nuestro Director Internacional de Ventas Sr. Andreas K. Luckner.
ecause of the very successful first Latin America IAC
last year, we decided to hold a second one in July
2008. The IAC took place in Bogotá, Colombia and
around 90 business partners from HYLA Ecuador,
HYLA Chile and HYLA Colombia participated and
enjoyed a very fruitful conference.
Debido al gran éxito de nuestra primera IAC Latinoamericana el año
pasado, Nosotros decidimos realizar nuevamente este año en el mes
de julio la segunda conferencia.
La IAC se realizo en Bogotá, Colombia y cerca de 90 asociados
de HYLA Ecuador, HYLA Chile y HYLA Colombia participaron y
disfrutaron de una conferencia muy fructífera.
hylalatin america interactive conference l 2008
hylalatin america interactive conference l 2008 51
Latin america
Angelina Metzger
Andreas K. Luckner
fernando lópez
René MuÑoz
Federico Echeverri
Adriana Duarte
Lorena Vasquez
Wilfried Metzger
a Conferencia fue profesionalmente dirigida por
el Sr. Fernando López (Director Regional para
Latinoamérica) Durante la primera mitad de la
conferencia, escucharon atentamente diferentes
temas muy interesantes – como por ejemplo, la
revisión de los resultados del 2007/2008, objetivos para el 2008/2009
y una demostración de HYLA.
HYLA demo
HYLA Colombia
he conference was profesionally
moderated by Fernando López (RD
Latin America). During the first half of
the conference, the particpants could
listen to very interesting topics – like
for example, review 2007/2008, targets 2008/2009,
track records and the HYLA demo.
HYLA Ecuador
HYLA Chile
HYLA Colombia
hylalatin america interactive conference l 2008
hylalatin america interactive conference l 2008 53
Latin america
At the end of the conference, awards and gifts were handed over and
HYLA Importers, Distributors and consultants from all present countries
like Ecuador, Chile and Colombia were awarded for different kinds of
outstanding performance and received gifts for their loyalty and efforts.
During the second half of the conference, the associates of HYLA Colombia
presented their country and its regions by different typical dances.
Durante la segunda mitad de la conferencia, nuestros socios de
HYLA Colombia presentaron bailes típicos de su país y sus regiones.
Al final de la conferencia, Premios y regalos fueron entregados y los
Importadores, Distribuidores y ejecutivos de HYLA de todos los países
presentes fueron premiados por su funcionamiento excepcional y
recibieron regalos por su lealtad y esfuerzo.
hylaAmerica hyla u.s. l IMPORTER MONTH CONTEST
The Importer Month Contest is a yearly incentive sponsored
by HYLA U.S. for all HYLA U.S. Associates.
This year HYLA U.S. will host a trip to Europe as well as a
trip to Florida. All winners including spouses are invited.
The contest period is July/August 2008.
We are looking forward to welcome all winners in
Florida or Europe.
hyla u.s. l 1 Q REGIONAL MEETING
his position as a Regional Supervisor. This year he was promoted to
Executive Regional Supervisor, which was a newly created position
for expansion. Everyone gained knowledge from his experiences.
Roy was a highly respected individual that positively impacted many
lives. Besides the many hats he wore,
he was a dedicated businessman
focused on success. He devoted his
last ten years to building an empire
in his designated region – Midwest
HYLA. His goal was for everyone to
thrive and he always extended the
helping hand!
Roy started in the HYLA business
ten years ago and acquired his
Distributorship due to his extensive expertise in direct sales. He
managed numerous offices in his organizations; therefore, he earned
If you were fortunate enough to meet such an extraordinary,
determined person like Roy – cherish the memories! There was
something you could appreciate from either a professional or
personal viewpoint. He was neither a hypocrite nor a boaster;
moreover, he was truly kind and spoke his mind with integrity. He
seemed intimidating to many but very loving to all. He had the spirit
of a beast and gentle heart of a bear. He was a great leader, an
exceptional mentor, but most of all – a special, genuine friend!
Roy will be sincerely missed~ Our deepest condolences and
sympathy is extended to Roy’s wonderful family, devoted
friends, supportive business associates, but most of all to
his wonderful wife, Carolyn. Don’t forget that we are here
for you!
1 Q regional meeting
In April 2008 hundreds of HYLA Associates attended this
meeting. This was unfortunately Roy’s last meeting he
His spirit will be with us at future Regional Meetings.
roy edwards & hartmut gassmann
troy Baier & tyrone Perry
andrew poor was awarded with a rolex
John Prock, Johnny DeBarge, Roy Edwards
& Hartmut Gassmann
Distributor & Associates of HYLA World
hyla u.s. group
hylaasia & the middle east hyla dubai l NEWS
hylaasia & the middle east
dubai Korea
Burj Al Arab has long been recognised as one of the finest hotels
in the world and offers the ultimate in luxury accommodation.
that all the suites are cleaned to the very highest level possible.
HYLA is now regularly purchased by this 6-star hotel!
egional Director Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine
and his wife Su-Tsu visiting HYLA Importer
Wan-Kyu Paik in Korea and handing over a
TOP Dealer Award to Mr. Paik.
Dr. ian s. shelmerdine & korean exhibition team
Dr. Ian s. shelmerdine training the korean
sales team
HYLA Importer Tamara Hribar with the Burj Al Arab Housekeeping Managers Mr. Praveen, Mr. Domingo and Mr. Chandran
hylaasia & the middle east HYLA Hong kong | visit
hylaasia & the middle east HYLA Hong kong | visit 59
hong kong
in Hong Kong, April 2008
n April Regional Director Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine and his wife
Su-Tsu Shelmerdine invited the Asian Importers to the HYLA
ASIA Meeting which took place in Hong Kong from April 11
until April 14. They were able to welcome Importers from
Indonesia (Youngky & Cicilia Wijaja), Malaysia (Albert Ng &
Mr. Philips), China (Joshia Chun & Raymond Li), Macau (Leung Sin
Ying) and Hong Kong (Ken Leong, Leong Wan Sing & Fanny Chan).
josiah chun & raymond li
hyla china
albert ng (importer - hyla malaysia)
& mr. philips
Leung sin ying
importer - hyla macau
youngky & cicilia wijaja
importer - hyla indonesia
ken leong, leong wan sing & fanny chan
importer - hyla hong kong
hylaasia & the middle east HYLA Hong kong | visit
hylaasia & the middle east HYLA Hong kong | visit 61
hong kong
Also Presidents Janez Pogacar and Wilfried Metzger flew in to
Hong Kong from Slovenia respectively Germany, in order to attend
this important meeting. During this HYLA ASIA Meeting a lot of
information was presented to the Asian Importers and the Importers
could exchange their own experiences among themselves as well
as with the two HYLA Presidents and the Regional Director. So, all
participants were very pleased to receive so many valuable hints and
tips which can be transferred into their daily HYLA business.
This HYLA ASIA Meeting was held in the hotel »Le Méridien« in
Hong Kong and – as always – was very professionally organized by
Dr. Ian Shelmerdine and his wife Su-Tsu. The HYLA Management
would like to thank all participants who attended this Meeting and,
of course, the hosts of this Meeting, Dr. Ian Shelmerdine and Su-Tsu
hong kong
hylainternal manuela dahlmann | bärbel maria guhl
any of you have
known me for many
years since I have
been a member
of the HYLA Sales
Headquarters in Filderstadt from the very
beginning i.e. since 1999.
As the Personal Assistant of Mr. Wilfried
Metzger of HYLA International, I assist
my boss and am responsible for the
administration of our Head Office. I greatly
enjoy working in our small HYLA Team. My
first priority is to relieve my boss of as many
jobs as possible, and to take care of the
requests and wishes of our international
business partners, our HYLA Importers.
I consider myself a »service provider« in the
truest sense of the word and I always try to
keep an eye on the human side of things.
ince January 2000 I’m a
member of the HYLA Sales
Headquarters in Filderstadt,
Every day, it’s lovely and interesting to
cooperate with you – our worldwide
business partners. It is my passion to be on
hand and support your success!
In my job as secretary of Mr. Andreas K.
Luckner (HYLA - Int. Sales Director) I’m very
proud to have the daily opportunity to be
involved in the worldwide sales operations.
Besides that, I’m your first contact at our
telephone reception and because of that,
it’s always a pleasure for me to be at your
It is great to be a part of such an ambitious,
pulsating and successful company such as
HYLA is!
I enjoy to prepare the certificates, trophies
and pins for your outstanding achievements
and take care of your queries and wishes.
hylanews shÔko restaurant & lounge | barcelona 63
For me my job a »dream-job« and I love
being part of an internationally operating
company like HYLA, with its frequent
contacts to business partners from a
variety of cultural backgrounds and diverse
I am glad to be able to assist my boss also
in the future and, of course, to have the
opportunity of cooperating on a personal
basis with all my colleagues in Filderstadt,
in Ljubljana and with our business partners
around the globe. Achieving our joint goals
with all of you out there in the HYLA world
is something I especially look forward to!
Manuela Dahlmann
HYLA International
This restaurant and lounge club in Barcelona/Spain takes you to a
modern Eastern world in a unique space. Its gastronomical proposal is
based on the fusion of cultures and flavours. You can enjoy the
beach terrace all over the year. After midnight, the restaurant becomes a lounge club with modern and stylish
atmosphere. Different kind of music is mixed, from
Tuesday to Thursday, with funky, 80s and
R&B, and from Friday to Saturday with
house. You can also enjoy thematic
parties. You can visit the Web
to be always aware of what‘s
going on. This trendy restaurant and lounge club
is cleaning its rooms
with HYLA!
Bärbel Maria Guhl
HYLA International
bärbel Maria
H Y L A Importer‘s Month
personal sales per month/year.
Only personal sales are considered!
Federico Echeverri & Adriana Duarte
Francisco Mack Léon & Francisco Mack Durini
Tamara Hribar
Youngky & Cicilia Wijaja
Sasa & Dubravka Filipovic
Anita Krepčárová
has dealers recruited by him-/herself.
Sales of the total group are considered. He/she can
qualify for “Distributor of the Month/Year“.
Provided that he/she has once achieved “Prime Club 25“!
further distributors with own office beneath.
If a distributor promotes further dealers (with own
office) to distributors and these distributors qualify for
the “Prime Club 25“.
2007 | 2008
2006 - 2008
for sales within a month
Adam, Alexander - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Armstrong, Justin - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bajenova, Olga - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bakosné, Mária - May 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Barnes, Leah - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Barnt, Michael - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Barnt, Michael - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Barnt, Michael - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Barnt, Michael - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Barnt, Michael - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bauer, Harry - June 2008 - HYLA Germany
Bean, James - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Beck, Jeffery - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Beck, Jeffery - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Beckenholdt, Ryan - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bernazzoli, Roberto - April 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernazzoli, Roberto - February 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernazzoli, Roberto - January 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernazzoli, Roberto - March 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernazzoli, Roberto - May 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernazzoli, Roberto - June 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernazzoli, Roberto - June 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernazzoli, Roberto - January 2008 - HYLA Switzerland
Bernleitner, Elfriede - December 2007 - HYLA Austria
Bezerédj, Tamás - November 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Bezerédj, Tamás - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Black, Nicolas - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Boesche, Jarrett - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - May 2007 - HYLA Russia
Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - June 2007 - HYLA Russia
Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - June 2008 - HYLA Russia
Brandon, Jonathan - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Braun, Nick - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Braun, Nick - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Braun, Nick - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Braun, Nick - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Braun, Nick - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Braun, Nick - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bucher, Amanda - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bucher, Amanda - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bucher, Amanda - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Buchannan, Vincent - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Buchannan, Vincent - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Burg, Bob - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Burkeens, Shane - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Burrow, Steve - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Burrow, Steve - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Burrow, Steve - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Camprubi Farreras, Mariam - January 2008 - HYLA Spain
Cardona Bonatti, Sarai - June 2007 - HYLA Spain
Cardona Bonatti, Sarai - January 2008 - HYLA Spain
Cardona Bonatti, Sarai - February 2008 - HYLA Spain
Cardona Bonatti, Sarai - March 2008 - HYLA Spain
Carr, Chris - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Carr, Chris - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Cherkashina, Elena - June 2008 - HYLA Ukraine
Christiansen, Carl - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Coletti, Sergio - April 2007 - HYLA Italy
Collicelli, Andrea - February 2007 - HYLA Italy
Collicelli, Andrea - January 2007 - HYLA Italy
Crowder, Melissa - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Danilov, Viktor - January 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov, Viktor - August 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov, Viktor - September 2007 - HYLA Russia
Davis, Allen - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Davis, Allen - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Davis, Allen - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Davis, Allen - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Davis, Allen - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
DeBarge, Jonny - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
DeBarge, Jonny - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
DeBarge, Jonny - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
DeBarge, Jonny - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
DeBarge, Jonny - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Dickreuter, Harry - Febraury 2007 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Harry - July 2007 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Harry - August 2007 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Harry - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Harry - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Harry - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Harry - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Harry - June 2008 - HYLA Germany
Duarte Jácome, Adriana - August 2007 - HYLA Colombia
Duggins, Lori - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Duggins, Lori - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Duggins, Lori - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Duggs, Carol - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Duggs, Carol - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Edwards, Tom - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Edwards, Tom - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Eloranta, Tiina - December 2007 - HYLA Finland
Eloranta, Tiina - June 2008 - HYLA Finland
Eppler, Betty - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Eppler, Betty - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Eppler, Betty - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Eppler, Betty - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Esslinger, Robert - May 2007 - HYLA Germany
Esslinger, Robert - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Esslinger, Robert - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Flannigan, Terry - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Flannigan, Terry - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Fry, Lyn - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gadomski, Robert - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gadomski, Robert - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gadomski, Robert - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gadomski, Robert - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gerber, Phil - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gibbs, Larry E. Jr. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gill, Doug - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gill, Doug - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Ginstersdorfer, Margarete - July 2007 - HYLA Austria
Golino, Michael - May 2008 - HYLA Switzerland
Hardy, Rodney - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hartsfield, Gene - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hartsuiker, Cynthia - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hartsuiker, Cynthia - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hawley, Jonathan - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Heine, Christian - February 2007 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - March 2007 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - July 2007 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - September 2007 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - January 2008 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Hill, Sheila - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Holland, Justin - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Holland, Justin - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hose, Joel - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hribar, Tamara - March 2007 - HYLA Dubai
Hribar, Tamara - June 2008 - HYLA Dubai
Hudson, Chez - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hutton, Brian - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Ireland, John - August 2007 - HYLA Australia
Iven, Ralf - January 2007 - HYLA Germany
Iven, Ralf - May 2007 - HYLA Germany
Iven, Ralf - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Jackson, Adam - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Jackson, Adam - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Johnson, Diana - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Joslin, Donald - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kamper, Harald - May 2007 - HYLA Austria
Kamper, Harald - January 2008 - HYLA Austria
Kamper, Harald - March 2008 - HYLA Austria
Kamper, Harald - April 2008 - HYLA Austria
Kee, Brandy - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kesztyüs, Sándor - May 2008 - HYLA Hungary
Kiefer, Andreas - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Kilgore, Pat - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kilgore, Pat - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kinderknecht, Natalja - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
King, Lyndsay A. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kinnaugh, Norman - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kinnaugh, Norman - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kinnaugh, Norman - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kirkpatrick, Heather - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kiss, Èva - April 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Kiss, Èva - March 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Kiss, Èva - May 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Klassen, Alexander - May 2007 - HYLA Germany
Kohl, Kristina - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kohl, Kristina - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kosakovsky, Oleg - February 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Krejcí, Lukáš Januar 2008 - HYLA Czech Republic
Krepcárova, Anita - March 2007 - HYLA Slowakia
Krepcárova, Anita - May 2007 - HYLA Slowakia
Krepcárova, Anita - October 2007 - HYLA Slowakia
Krepcárova, Anita - December 2007 - HYLA Slowakia
Krepcárova, Anita - April 2008 - HYLA Slowakia
Krepcárova, Anita - June 2008 - HYLA Slowakia
Kühnle, Ute - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Kühnle, Ute - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lange, Marc - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lau Choon Kit - June 2008 - HYLA Malaysia
Lavrenov, Sergey - Dezember 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Laxton, Ashley - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lelleck, Armin - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck, Armin - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck, Armin - January 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck, Armin - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Leonhardt, Jürgen - March 2007 - HYLA Germany
Leonhardt, Jürgen - Juni 2007 - HYLA Germany
Lewis, David - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lewis, David - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lewis, David - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lord, Jennifer - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lowery, David - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lowery, David - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lowery, David - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lowery, David - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Malle, Jürgen - October 2007 - HYLA Austria
Malle, Jürgen - November 2007 - HYLA Austria
Malle, Jürgen - January 2008 - HYLA Austria
Malle, Jürgen - March 2008 - HYLA Austria
Malle, Jürgen - April 2008 - HYLA Austria
Mays, Charles - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mays, Charles - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mays, Charles - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McDonald, Kelly - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McGee, Patrick - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McHughes, Mac - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McNeer, Brian - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McNeer, Brian - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McNeer, Brian - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McNight, Nick - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McNight, Nick - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
McPherson - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Menke, Cory - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Miceli, Frank - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Miguel - June 2007 - HYLA Spain
Miller, Daniel - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Miller, Daniel - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Miller, Daniel - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Moser, Alexander - April 2008 - HYLA Germany
Motaghedi, Ali - Juni 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Motaghedi, Ali - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Munoz René & Vasquez Lorena - June 2007 - HYLA Colombia
Murphree, Jason - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mykhaylichenko, Sergey - Dezember 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Mykhaylichenko, Sergey - February 2008 - HYLA Ukraine
Mykhaylichenko, Sergey - March 2008 - HYLA Ukraine
Nachbauer, Olga - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Niemi, Marja-Liisa - November 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - February 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - January 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - March 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - July 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - August 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - September 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - May 2008 - HYLA Finland
Palmunen, Helena - February 2007 - HYLA Finland
Palmunen, Helena - June 2007 - HYLA Finland
Palmunen, Helena - July 2007 - HYLA Finland
Palmunen, Helena - February 2008 - HYLA Finland
Palmunen, Helena - March 2008 - HYLA Finland
Papay, Joe - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Papenburg, Yasmine - May 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Papenburg, Yasmine - October 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Parker, Jeff - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Parks, Jesse - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Payne, Shawn - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Pennington, Charlie - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Peppers, Robert - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Perry, Tyrone - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Perry, Tyrone - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Perry, Tyrone - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Perry, Tyrone - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Perry, Tyrone - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Pickett, Bobbie - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Pierson, Jason - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Pinchuk, Anne - February 2008 - HYLA Ukraine
Pinchuk, Anne - March 2008 - HYLA Ukraine
Pruett, Shelly - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Porras Blas y Clavijo Yolanda - June 2007 - HYLA Colombia
Ramos, Scott - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Reinhardt, Alex - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Ricks, Anthony - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rinderknecht, Natalja - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Roberts, Steven - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Robinson, Jessica - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Robinson, Jessica - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rodil, David - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rojas Cortes, Gabriel - June 2007 - HYLA Columbia
Runte, Petra - March 2007 - HYLA Germany
Sándor, Judit - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Sartisen, Valeriy - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Saul, Danny - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Schmidt, Sam - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Seppä, Eira - July 2007 - HYLA Finland
Seppä, Eira - September 2007 - HYLA Finland
Shears, Robbie - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Shipman, Tim - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Shipman, Tim - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Shipman, Tim - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Shipman, Tim - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Shrong, Talyn - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Simonds, Rue Ann - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Simonds, Rue Ann - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Slagle, Sam - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Smith, Dan - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Smith, Jeremy - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Spritzer, David - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Spritzer, David - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Stack, thomas - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Stefanova, Larysa - December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Stewart, R. Craig - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Stewart, R. Craig - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Strickland, Robbie - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Suarez, Clara - June 2007 - HYLA Colombia
Suhonen U. & Palmunen H. - March 2007 - HYLA Finland
Suhonen U. & Palmunen H. - August 2007 - HYLA Finland
Suhonen U. & Palmunen H. - Sep. 2007 - HYLA Finland
Suhonen U. & Palmunen H. - February 2008 - HYLA Finland
Sujanya - March 2007 - HYLA Thailand
Szabó, László - April 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Szabó, László - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Szabó, László - March 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Tappan, Randy - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Tappan, Randy - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Thompson, Michelle - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Thruman, Leroy - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Tremblay, Richard - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Trimmer, Brett - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Trimmer, Brett - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Tuominen, Kaija - March 2007 - HYLA Finland
Turner, Josh - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Ullgren, Maria - June 2007 - HYLA Finland
Ullgren, Maria - September 2007 - HYLA Finland
Velic, Hajrudin - April 2008 - HYLA Switzerland
Velic, Hajrudin - May 2008 - HYLA Switzerland
Velic, Hajrudin - June 2008 - HYLA Switzerland
Wake, Marriya - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Wake, Marriya - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Walker, Josh - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Walker, Melissa - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Walker, Melissa - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Wallis, Brad - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Wallis, Brad - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Walters, Tommy - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Weldon, Melissa - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Westman-Väyrynen, Seija - July 2007 - HYLA Finland
Westman-Väyrynen, Seija - August 2007 - HYLA Finland
White, Scott - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
White, Scott - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Whiteside, Tara - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Whitley, Justin - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Wichert, Bernhard - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Wiest, Rudolf - January 2008 - HYLA Germany
Windholz, Viktor - January 2008 - HYLA Germany
Windholz, Viktor - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Windholz, Viktor - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Witt, James - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Witt, James - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Youker, Holly - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Young, Zack - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Zapata C., Mario F. - May 2008 - HYLA Colombia
Zen, Robert - February 2007 - HYLA Italy
Zen, Robert - January 2007 - HYLA Italy
Abshier, Rachel - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Carroccio, Jesse - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bakos, Jozsefne - February 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Bakos, Jozsefne - March 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Bakosné, Mária - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Bakosné, Mária - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Bakosné, Mária - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Bakosné, Mária - November 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Bakosné, Mária - January 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Balboa, Bryan - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Beck, Sylinda - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Becker, Lisa - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Belyaeva, Natalia - August 2006 - HYLA Russia
Bezerédj, Tamás - October 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - October 2007 - HYLA Russia
Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - November 2007 - HYLA Russia
Botvinyeva, Lyudmila - April 2008 - HYLA Russia
Boucher, Mark - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Braun, Nick - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Buchannan, Vincent - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bucher,Amanda - Juli 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bucher,Amanda - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Burrow, Steve - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Carrocio, Jesse - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Coletti, Sergio - December 2006 - HYLA Italy
Collicelli, Andrea - October 2006 - HYLA Italy
Crouch, Corey - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Curr, Christopher - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Danilov, Viktor - April 2006 - HYLA Russia
Danilov, Viktor - September 2006 - HYLA Russia
Danilov, Viktor - October 2006 - HYLA Russia
Dickreuter, Harry - April 2008 - HYLA Germany
Edwards, Seve - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Fülöp, Imre - March 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Gibbs, Derrick - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gibbs, Larry E. jr. - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gillett, Stacie - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hagler, David - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hall, Jordan - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Hayward, Andy - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Heine, Christian - July 2006 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - November 2006 - HYLA Germany
Heine, Christian - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Holland, Justin - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Holland, Justin - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Holopainen, Seija - April 2006 - HYLA Finland
Barnes, Leah - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Barnes, Leah - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Botvinjeva, Ljudmila - May 2007 - HYLA Russia
Boucher, Mark - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Bucher, Amanda - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Burrow, Steve - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Carroccio, Jesse - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Danilov, Victor - December 2006 - HYLA Russia
Belyaeva, Natalya - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Hall, Jordan - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lelleck, Armin - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck, Armin - April 2008 - HYLA Germany
Sándor, Judit - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Szilvia, Szilvási - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Sándor, Judit
July 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Ireland, John - April 2006 - HYLA Australia
Iven, Ralf - September 2006 - HYLA Germany
Jackson, Adam - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kamper, Harald - July 2007 - HYLA Austria
Laslinger, Ferenc - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Laslinger, Ferenc - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Leonhardt, Jürgen - September 2006 - HYLA Germany
Lowery, David - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Martin, Anna - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mc Fann, Nicole - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Moell, Elizabeth - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Moell, Elizabeth - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Moser, Alexander - November 2006 - HYLA Germany
Moser, Alexander - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Moser, Alexander - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Moskalenko, Tatyana - December 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Niemi, Marja-Liisa - September 2007 - HYLA Finland
Nurmela, Anu - May 2007 - HYLA Finland
O‘Donnell, Mark - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Palmunen, Helena - May 2006 - HYLA Finland
Papenburg, Yasmine - June 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
Parks, Jesse - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Parks, Jesse - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
DeBarge, Johnny - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gadomski, Rob - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Grishechkina, Olga - May 2006 - HYLA Russia
Hight, Krstian - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Kamper, Harald - October 2007 - HYLA Austria
Krepcárova, Anita - May 2008 - HYLA Slowakia
Laslinger, Ferenc - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Lelleck, Armin - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Belyaeva, Natalya
December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Pennington, Charlie - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Pertseva, Marina - August 2006 - HYLA Russia
Robinson, Jessica - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Sahner, Rolf - January 2006 - HYLA Switzerland
Sahner, Rolf - February 2006 - HYLA Switzerland
Sahner, Rolf - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland
Sándor, Judit - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Sándor, Judit - August 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Saul, Danny - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Saul, Danny - June 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Saul, Danny - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Simon, Zsolt - January 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Szilvási, Szilvia - May 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Szilvási, Szilvia - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Szilvási, Szilvia - August 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Trimmer, Brett - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Walters, Tommy - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Weldon, Melissa - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Williams, Lavada - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Wingfield, Cliff - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Witt, Brenda - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Lelleck, Armin - June 2008 - HYLA Germany
Nurmela, Anu - December 2006 - HYLA Finland
Penningon, Charlie - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Penningon, Charlie - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Penningon, Charlie - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rosengrant, Glen - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Sandor, Judit - November 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Saul, Danny - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Seböck, Attila
December 2002 - HYLA Hungary
Seböck, Attila
January 2003 - HYLA Hungary
hylaprime club
hylaprime club
2007 | 2008
2006 - 2008
for sales within a month
A & A Associates - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
A & A Associates - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
A & A Associates - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
A & A Associates - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
A & A Associates - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
A & A Associates - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design, Inc. - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air Solution Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air Solution Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Blue Ridge HYLA, LLC - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Blue Ridge HYLA, LLC - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Blue Ridge HYLA, LLC - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Blue Ridge HYLA, LLC - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Botvinyeva, Lydmila - December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Botvinyeva, Lydmila - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - December 2007 - HYLA Germany
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - January 2008 - HYLA Germany
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Byakchov, Sergey - April 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - June 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - September 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - April 2008 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - June 2008 - HYLA Russia
Christiansen Distributing - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Christiansen Distributing - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Christiansen Distributing - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - January 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - February 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - March 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - April 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - May 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - June 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - July 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - August 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - September 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - October 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - November 2007 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - February 2008 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - April 2008 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - May 2008 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Olga Jouravleva - June 2008 - HYLA Russia
Delzer, Olga - January 2008 - HYLA Germany
Delzer, Olga - April 2008 - HYLA Germany
Delzer, Olga - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Horst - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Horst - June 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dyomkina, Olga - March 2007 - HYLA Russia
Dyomkina, Olga - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Dyomkina, Olga - February 2008 - HYLA Russia
Dyomkina, Olga - March 2008 - HYLA Russia
Eastcoast Air, LLC - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Eastcoast Air, LLC - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Eastcoast Air, LLC - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Fekete Tamás - April 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Fresh Start Distribution, Inc. - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Fresh Start Distribution, Inc. - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Fresh Start Distribution, Inc. - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Gürbüz, Murat - January 2007 - HYLA Switzerland
HYLA Dreams - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme, Inc. - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Hospitalet - January 2007 - HYLA Spain
HYLA Llobregat - March 2007 - HYLA Spain
HYLA Llobregat - June 2008 - HYLA Spain
HYLA Pacific - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pacific - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pacific - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pacific - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure (White Hall) - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems, Inc. Conway - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems, Inc. Conway - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems, Inc. Jacksonville - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems, Inc. Jacksonville - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Tech - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Tech - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Tech - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Tech, Inc. - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Jung Hoon Kim - May 2007 - HYLA Korea
Kauhanen, Markus - June 2008 - HYLA Finland
KIC Distributing - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
KIC Distributing - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Konstantinova, Yulia - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Korhonen, Inkki - November 2007 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - December 2007 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - March 2008 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - May 2008 - HYLA Finland
Kravtsov, Aleksandr & Tyukalova Tatyana - December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Kravtsov, Aleksandr & Tyukalova Tatyana - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Kravtsov, Aleksandr & Tyukalova Tatyana - March 2008 - HYLA Russia
Kutuzova, Svetlana & Vorobyeva, Elena - November 2007 - HYLA Russia
Kutuzova, Svetlana & Vorobyeva, Elena - December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Lelleck Armin & Beate - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck Armin & Beate - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck Armin & Beate - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck Armin & Beate - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lelleck Armin & Beate - June 2008 - HYLA Germany
Lone Star Distributing - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Markelova, Nadezshda - December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Midwest HYLA Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mironenko, Alexandr - May 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Moser, Alexander - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - September 2007 - HYLA Colombia
Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - October 2007 - HYLA Colombia
Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - December 2007 - HYLA Colombia
Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - February 2008 - HYLA Colombia
Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - March 2008 - HYLA Colombia
Munoz René y Vasquez Lorena - April 2008 - HYLA Colombia
Mystic Air, Inc. - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mystic Air, Inc. - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mystic Air, Inc. - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mystic Air, Inc. - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Mystic Air, Inc. - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Nature‘s Intentions - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Nature‘s Intentions - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Nature‘s Intentions - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Nature‘s Intentions - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Nature‘s Intentions - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Nature‘s Intentions - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Pertseva, Maryna & Glazunova, Marina - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Pertseva, Maryna & Glazunova, Marina - March 2008 - HYLA Russia
Polischuk Anna & Gryshyn Ilya - December 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Prince Distributors, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Prince Distributors, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Prince Distributors, Inc. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Prince Distributors, Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Fort Smith - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Loves Park - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air, Loves Park - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rantakokko, Pasi - July 2007 - HYLA Finland
Rantakokko, Pasi - August 2007 - HYLA Finland
Rantakokko, Pasi - November 2007 - HYLA Finland
Rantakokko, Pasi - January 2008 - HYLA Finland
Rantakokko, Pasi - April 2008 - HYLA Finland
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - March 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - Sep. 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. (Colorado Springs) - Oct. 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rusakov Andrey & Arsenieva Natalia - March 2007 - HYLA Russia
Sándor, Judit - February 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Shasta HYLA - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Shasta HYLA - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - September 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - December 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System, Inc. - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning Sys. Union - April 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning Sys. Union - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning Sys. Union - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning Sys. Union - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning Sys. Union - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Top Notch Cleaning Solutions, Inc. - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Vasvári, Gyula - January 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Wiest, Elena & Rudolf - May 2007 - HYLA Germany
Wiest, Elena & Rudolf - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Wiest, Elena & Rudolf - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Wiest, Elena & Rudolf - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Zóna Iroda Kft - May 2007 - HYLA Hungary
Air by Design - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Air by Design - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
ASP HYLA Inc. (Rogers) - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
ASP HYLA Inc. (Rogers) - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
ASP HYLA Inc. (Colorado Springs) - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
ASP HYLA Inc. (Colorado Springs) - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - April 2008 - HYLA Germany
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - May 2008 - HYLA Germany
Brigardin, Alexandra & Juri - June 2008 - HYLA Germany
Byakchov, Sergey - March 2006 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - May 2006 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - July 2006 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - September 2006 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - December 2006 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - January 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - February 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - March 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - May 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - October 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - November 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - February 2008 - HYLA Russia
Byakchov, Sergey - March 2008 - HYLA Russia
Christiansen Distributing - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - January 2006 - HYLA Italy
D.A.M.M. s.a.s. - May 2006 - HYLA Italy
Danilov Victor & Jouravleva Olga - December 2006 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Jouravleva Olga - January 2008 - HYLA Russia
Danilov Victor & Jouravleva Olga - March 2008 - HYLA Russia
Delzer, Olga & Waldemar - October 2007 - HYLA Germany
Delzer, Olga & Waldemar - November 2007 - HYLA Germany
Delzer, Olga & Waldemar - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Delzer, Olga & Waldemar - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Delzer, Olga & Waldemar - June 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Horst - December 2007 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Horst - January 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Horst - February 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Horst - March 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dickreuter, Horst - April 2008 - HYLA Germany
Dyomkina, Olga - December 2007 - HYLA Russia
Fekete M. Noémi - Mai 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Fekete M. Noémi - June 2006 - HYLA Hungary
Gürbitz, Murat - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland
HYLA BCN - May 2006 - HYLA Spain
HYLA Extreme Inc., Parogould - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme Inc., Parogould - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme Inc., Parogould - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Extreme Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Import GmbH - March 2006 - HYLA Switzerland
HYLA Pure - September 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - October 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Pure - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Byakchov, Sergey
D.A.M.M. s.a.s.
Delzer, Olga
Dickreuter, Horst
Dyomkina, Olga
Feketené, Noémi M.
HYLA Connection
HYLA Extreme, Inc.
HYLA Tech, Inc.
HYLA World
Korhonen, Inkki
Midwest HYLA Inc.
Rainforest Air
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc.
T&T Cleaning System Inc.
Zóna Iroda Kft
HYLA Systems - February 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Systems - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA Tech, Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - July 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
HYLA World - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
KIC Distributing- April 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
KIC Distributing - May 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Korhonen, Inkki - January 2006 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - February 2006 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - March 2006 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - June 2006 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - July 2006 - HYLA Finland
Korhonen, Inkki - December 2006 - HYLA Finland
Lelleck, Armin & Beate - April 2008 - HYLA Germany
Midwest HYLA Inc. - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - May 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - August 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - November 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - January 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - March 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Midwest HYLA Inc. - June 2008 - HYLA U.S.A.
Myronenko, Aleksandr - December 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Nature‘s Intentions - October 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Popov, Aleksandr - December 2007 - HYLA Ukraine
Rainforest Air (Fort Smith) - May 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air (Fort Smith) - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rainforest Air (Loves Park) - August 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rantakokko, Pasi - September 2007 - HYLA Finland
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - January 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Rocky Mountain HYLA, Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
Sándor, Judit - July 2006 - HYLA Hungary
T&T Cleaning System Inc. - February 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System Inc. - March 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System Inc. - April 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System Inc. - February 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System Inc. - June 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System Inc. - July 2007 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System Union - January 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
T&T Cleaning System Union - November 2006 - HYLA U.S.A.
*special positions*
hyla usa
Roy Edwards
– Worldwide Top Regional Supervisor
2007 | 2008
award S
2007 | 2008
top dealer
GERMANY * * * * usa * * * * * russia * * Finland * Korea *
Austria *
top distributor by quota
usa * * * * * russia * * finland * * *
Colombia * *
March 2008
charlie pennington
April 2008
June 2008
May 2008
Germany, 25 HYLA
Germany, 24 HYLA
armin lelleck
armin lelleck
armin lelleck Germany, 30 HYLA
U.S.A., 21 HYLA
June 2008
amanda bucher
HYLA systems
U.S.A., 21 HYLA
April 2008
March 2008
February 2008
kic distributing victor danilov
& Olga jouravleva René muÑos &
lorena vasquez
November 2007
February 2008
armin lelleck
Germany, 27 HYLA
Natalya belyaeva pennington
December 2007
January 2008
Natalya belyaeva
Russia, 40 HYLA
U.S.A., 23 HYLA
Russia, 26 HYLA
October 2007
September 2007
marja-liisa niemi
charlie pennington Finland, 16 HYLA
U.S.A., 24 HYLA
justin holland
glen rosengrant
U.S.A., 16 HYLA
U.S.A., 24 HYLA
October 2007
December 2007
victor danilov
& Olga jouravleva
René muÑos &
lorena vasquez
September 2007
August 2007
inkki korhonen
inkki korhonen
August 2007
vincent buchannan
U.S.A., 20 HYLA
wan-kyu paik
Korea, 20 HYLA
July 2007
harald kamper
Austria, 18 HYLA
May 2007
June 2007
hyla tech, inc.
inkki korhonen
April 2007
Rainforest Air
March 2007
T&T Cleaning
2006 - 2008
award S
2007 | 2008
top organisation by quota
usa * * * * * * * * RUSSIA * * *
hungary *
Germany * * * usa * *
January 2008
June 2008
hyla world
February 2008
Rocky mountain
hyla, inc.
hyla extreme,
December 2007
sergey byakchov
June 2007
Rocky mountain
hyla extreme,
hyla, inc.
July 2007
May 2007
Rocky mountain
hyla extreme,
hyla, inc.
June 2008
federico echeverri
& adriana duarte
August 2007
top importer by quota
February 2008
andrey shikin &
tatyana golitsyna
russia * * * *
May 2008
March 2007
February 2007
zóna iroda kft
sergey byakchov rocky mountain Hungary
hyla, inc.
December 2006
January 2008
October 2007
September 2007
andrey shikin &
tatyana golitsyna
Colombia * *
April 2008
Hartmut &
Filiz gassmann
March 2008
January 2007
finland *
December 2007
November 2007
andrey shikin &
andrey shikin &
tatyana golitsyna tatyana golitsyna
federico echeverri
& adriana duarte
August 2007
Jari Janetzko &
ilka Liebel
July 2007
Hartmut &
Filiz gassmann
hylacompany presentation
hylaproduct presentation
Already in 1990 the founders of HYLA had the ambition to produce a
worldwide unique Air and Room Cleaning System. Already at that time
we were aware that environmental impacts would increase for people and
that those impacts would not stop outside the people´s homes. Of course,
environmental impacts and pollution outside should be regulated by politcs
and economy, but the environmental pollution in our homes is clearly our
own responsibility. This was the beginning of a great success story!
Each company needs a management. At HYLA the tasks are clearly
divided. For Sales & Marketing worldwide, HYLA International, Wilfried
and Angelina Metzger are responsible. Wilfried Metzger has been active
in Direct Selling for more than 20 years and once started his career as a
dealer. With his dynamic team in Filderstadt/Germany he looks after HYLA
business partners all over the world.
International Director
For development and production, our two Slovenian engineers, Janez
Pogacar and Doro Erjavec, Presidents of HYLA d.o.o. in Ljubljana,
Slovenia are responsible. With a lot of courage and self-confidence they
both started 1991 with their ingenious invention. Own patents, awards like
»Entrepreneur of the Year«, and the obligation to meet all requirements
necessary to sell HYLA into various countries have evoked many valuable
certificates within the past years. HYLA was granted the highest possible
security and quality standard: the ISO 9001 certificate. Quality ranks first
at HYLA and this is undoubtedly the reason why HYLA is sold in more than
40 countries worldwide at present!
Our product, the
HYLA is a unique water-bath filtration
system, which uses only water as a
filter. Its prime feature is its method
of trapping dirt, dust and allergens in
water. The system forces the air through
a water-bath. A specially designed
state-of-the-art separator separates the
air from water so only clean, fresh and
»water-washed« air is returned back in
the room.
technology, top quality, environmentfriendly and product safety based on our
worldwide, unique patented separator
Doro Erjavec
janez pogacar
President, HYLAD.O.O.
President, HYLAD.O.O.
Deep Cleaning
Room Cleaning
Air Purification
Wet Cleaning
& more...