Academy for New Special Education Leadership Academy for New
Academy for New Special Education Leadership Academy for New
Academy for New Special Education Leadership August 4-5, 2015 Crowne Plaza For 1st and 2nd year Directors of Special Education, Special Education Coordinators or Designees Conference Program Schedule Tuesday, August 4 7:30 - 8:15Registration, Continental Breakfast and Networking 8:15 - 8:30 Welcome 8:30 - 9:15 Reading Drives Achievement: Success with Literacy Barb Van Haren, State Director of Special Education Julia Hartwig, Asst. Director, Special Education Team Terry Ehriobo, Asst. Director, Special Education Team Room: Odana I 9:15 - 10:00 Reading in Wisconsin Barb Van Haren, State Director of Special Education Julia Hartwig, Asst. Director, Special Education Team Terry Ehriobo, Asst. Director, Special Education Team Room: Odana I This interactive session will push participants to better understand what they don’t even realize they don’t yet know about reading standards, instruction, and assessment. We will discuss a variety of ways of thinking about how one learns to read and consider how these paradigms are reflected in national research, professional organizations, and Wisconsin schools and districts. The session will also include an overview of ready-to-use DPI-created professional learning resources for literacy. 10:00 - 10:30 RtI: An Integrated Multi-Level System of Support Lynn Winn, Consultant, Special Education Team Room: Odana I Information about the Special Education Director’s role in a district’s RtI framework will be clarified. Specific topics include: Integrating academic/behavioral systems, impact of RtI on special education referral rate and student success, and ways to maximize the Special Education Director’s role in a district’s RtI framework. 10:30 - 10:45 Break 10:45 - 11:30 Family Engagement Daniel Parker, Consultant, WDPI Room: Odana I “When it comes to a breakfast of ham and eggs, the chicken is involved but the pig is committed.” True family engagement, where families are partners with educators in the student’s education, results in improved student outcomes. When families are engaged, more time is spent on proactive problem solving and collaboration and less time on dispelling misinformation and external or non-productive communications. We will discuss several family engagement systems which assist in engaging ALL families as well as Wisconsin resources which assist in improved Indicator 8 outcomes. Schedule 11:30 - 12:15 Disproportionality 101 Vaunce Ashby, Consultant, WDPI Room: Odana I This presentation will explain IDEA’s legal requirements and Wisconsin’s criteria for significant disproportionality. 12:15 - 1:00 Networking Lunch for New Directors Room: Prairie Cafe Meet us in the Cafe for Lunch! This is a great time to meet the consultants. They are your resource and are looking forward to meeting and assisting you in your new position. 1:00 - 1:45IEP and Evaluation Timelines Paula Volpiansky, Consultant, WDPI Marge Resan, Consultant, WDPI Room: Odana I Marge and Paula will provide a brief overview of the IEP team evaluation, and IEP development and placement process and timelines. Documentation tips will be provided and there will be time allocated for questions. 1:45 - 2:00Break 2:00 - 2:30The Early Childhood Indicators: An Overview Jenny Giles, Consultant, WDPI Nancy Fuhrman, WDPI Room: Odana I This session will provide an overview of the early childhood indicators: Indicator 6, Indicator 7, and Indicator 12. Information shared will include a description of the indicator as well as data reporting requirements and tips. 2:30 - 3:15Special Education Disciplinary Requirements Patti Williams, Consultant, WDPI Room: Odana I This presentation will cover the special education disciplinary requirements under the Individuals with Disability Education Act. Topics will include manifestation determinations, what is considered a disciplinary removal, and when a student may be removed to an alternate setting to receive services. 3:15 - 4:00Top Ten Reasons to Join WCASS and “30 Tips in 30 Minutes” Gary Myrah, Executive Director, WCASS & Kurt Eley, WCASS President Room: Odana I Schedule Wednesday, August 5 7:30 - 8:00 Continental Breakfast & Networking 8:00 - 9:00How to Navigate Special Education Web Applications & Data Collections Nancy Fuhrman, WDPI Yvette Johanson, WDPI Nancy F. Molfenter, WDPI Room: Odana I This session will focus on the what, where, when, who and why of Special Education data collections and web applications. The topics that will be covered include: • An overview of the Indicators and their data sources • District Profile – the location to see how your district compares to the statewide results and targets for each indicator. • Security and Application Access Overview • Special Education Leadership Directory • The Special Education Web Portal where users access cyclical applications, IDEA Budgets and Indicator 7: Child Outcomes • The Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – a workflow based web application to gather all the necessary requirements to complete the transition plan during a student’s IEP meeting. • Post School Outcomes – Indicator 14 Post School Outcomes survey website and data collection. • Overview of several other applications that collect or display data on students with disabilities that are administered by the Division for Libraries and Technology. 9:00 - 9:15Networking Break 9:15 - 11:15 WISExplore: Using Data to Identify & Monitor Achievement Gaps Mary Ann Hudziak, CESA 6 Room: Odana I State data can be used to identify achievement gaps. This session will provide training in identifying gaps using State data resources. We will also look at other data sources along with a data inquiry process that school leaders can use to develop a deep understanding about achievement gaps in school. 11:15 - 12:00 Lunch Room: Prairie Cafe 12:00 - 2:00 Introduction to IDEA Funding Rachel Zellmer, Consultant, WDPI Room: Odana I Funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are provided to school districts on an entitlement basis for programs and services to children with disabilities. In general, the grant is to support the excess cost of providing special education instruction and related services. This session will provide the participants with information on how IDEA grant allocations are determined and when and how the funds may be used. There will be a focus on the application process, allowed costs and common funding errors that have occurred. Schedule 2:00 - 2:30Final Remarks Barb Van Haren, State Director of Special Education Gary Myrah, Executive Director, WCASS Room: Odana I We will finish the conference giving you the chance to voice your questions and get answers for anything not covered during the past two days. Viterbo University Graduate Credit Viterbo University is offering graduate credit for the Academy for New Special Education Leadership. Cost is $220, payable to Viterbo. Here’s how it works: 1. Register to participate by turning in the registration/payment form before the end of the conference. Please note, due to the short duration of the course, once you complete and submit the Course Registration form to Viterbo or WCASS, it is not possible to drop or cancel your participation in the course. By completing and submitting a Course Registration form, you are obligated to pay the associated course fee to Viterbo University and complete the assigned coursework. 2. Attend all time slot sessions and complete the course credit validation form and the assigned reading. 3. Hand in the completed course credit validation form at the conference or send it to Diane Gyorog at WCASS before Aug. 19 by mail, email (, or fax (608.249.4973). If coursework is not received by the deadline, the instructor will enter a grade appropriate to the coursework received. Wireless Information Free wireless internet is available for your use through the conference. To use the wireless internet login with the passcode 5DQH5V FUTURE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES State Superintendent’s Conference on Special Education & Pupil Services Leadership Oct. 20-21, 2016 Wisconsin Dells WCASS Winter Conference Feb. 2-5, 2016 Appleton WASBO/WCASS/DPI Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference Feb. 15-17, 2016 Wisconsin Dells WCASS Spring Conference May 2016 To Be Determined Speakers Vaunce Ashby Consultant Wisconsin DPI Vaunce.Ashby@dpi. Vaunce Ashby was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. She began her teaching career there 31 years ago and moved to Madison in August, 1993 to work in the Madison Metropolitan School District. During the 15 years she was employed there she held a variety of positions including special education teacher, program support teacher, assistant principal, and principal. During the summer of 2007 she worked as an LTE at DPI coordinating the development of materials and facilitating activities related to Early Intervening Services and Disproportionality. During her last tenure with the Department of Public Instruction she co-authored the new Specific Learning Disabilities Criteria for the state and was instrumental in getting this criterion passed through the State Legislature. Most recently she worked in the Evansville Community School District as their Director of Student Services. Terry Ehriobo Assistant Director, Special Education Team Wisconsin DPI Kurt Eley Director of Student Services Waunakee Community School District Kurt is the Director of Student Services in Waunakee. He is an adjunct instructor for Viterbo University’s Special Education Program and for Cardinal Stritch University. Kurt currently serves on the WCASS Board of Directors as President. Nancy Fuhrman Consultant Wisconsin DPI nancy.fuhrman@ Jenny Giles Consultant Wisconsin DPI jennifer.giles@dpi. Kay Guberud Consultant WI DPI Kay.Guberud@ Kay Guberud is a Literacy Consultant for the Special Education Team at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. She holds licensure in general education, special education and as a Principal. She also holds her master’s degree as a Reading Specialist. Prior to her work at DPI, Kay worked as a Special Education teacher and as a Reading Specialist. Julia Hartwig Assistant Director, Special Education Team WI DPI Julia.Hartwig@ Mary Ann Hudziak Coordinator of ESA & Title 1 Support & WISEcoach CESA 6 mhudziak@cesa6. org Mary Ann is the Coordinator of ESEA, Title I, Gifted & Talented, and Secondary Mathematics instructional services for CESA 6. She is also one of six CESA consultants, statewide, working on the WISExplore Team. This team, in collaboration with the Department of Public Instruction, develops professional development and training for data use and data inquiry in Wisconsin. Mary Ann also serves on the Wisconsin Math Council Board. She has teaching experience in middle school and high school mathematics and science. Mary Ann has experience in technology integration, and administration in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Yvette Johansan Consultant Wisconsin DPI Nancy Molfenter Consultant Wisconsin DPI Nancy. Molfenter@dpi. Gary Myrah Executive Director WCASS garymyrah@ Gary is the Executive Director of WCASS. He retired from the Port WashingtonSaukville School District in 2011 after 27 years of service. Prior to that, he served as the director for the Adams-Friendship Area Schools for seven years. Gary graduated from UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI in 1977 with a Masters of Science in Education: School Psychology. He has been active in WCASS since the merger of WCAPS and WCASE in 1994. Gary has served as the Speakers chair of the WCASS conference committee as well as the president of association. He received the Dan O’Sullivan award twice and the John Melcher Award (now referred to as the Administrator of the Year Award) once in his career. He was formerly the Professional Development Chair, and is currently President-Elect, for CASE International (Council of Administrators of Special Education). Barb Novak Consultant Wisconsin DPI Barbara. Novak@dpi. Daniel Parker Consultant Wisconsin DPI daniel.parker@ As Family Engagement and Autism Consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Special Education Team, Daniel provides professional development across the state of Wisconsin. He has a unique blend of home based, general and special education teaching, and administrative background at the school, district, and statewide levels with a focus on data, social peer mediated interventions, and instructional design. Daniel is the facilitator of DPI’s Next Generation IEP work group which is developing updated guidance to Individualized Educational Program teams to assist them in writing IEPs tied to improved student outcomes for students with disabilities. Daniel received a Masters Degree in Human Development and Family Life and a Masters Degree in Special Education both from the University of Kansas. Marge Resan Consultant Wisconsin DPI margaret.resan@dpi. Marge is a School Administration Consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Her work focuses on issues of legal compliance in special education. Marge was a special education teacher in the Madison Metropolitan School District for several years, where she taught many students with various disabilities in classroom, community, and vocational settings. She holds a law degree from the University of Wisconsin and has experience working as an attorney in the areas of disability and elder law. Barb Van Haren State Director of Special Education Wisconsin DPI barbara. vanharen@dpi. Barb has over 20 years of experience in working with students with disabilities and in the professional development of those entrusted with their education. Educational leadership and adult education positions have provided many experiences for her professional growth and development in special education, including the coordination of programs and initiatives, development and implementation of policies and procedures, supervision and evaluation of staff, budget preparation, and successful grant writing and oversight. Barb has recently accepted the position of Director on the WDPI Special Education Team. Previously, she served as the Director of Special Education Services at CESA #1 in Brookfield, WI, and as the Regional Service Network Director, working with the 45 school districts, including Milwaukee Public Schools in CESA #1. She also serves as Ad Junct Professor of Special Education at the UWOshkosh, specializing in diagnostic and prescriptive assessment, IEPs, inclusive practices, and special education collaboration and leadership. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from the UWOshkosh with a double major in Elementary Education and Learning Disabilities. While teaching students with learning disabilities in grades 3-8, she went on to achieve her Master’s Degree from UW-Oshkosh in Special Education with an emphasis in Emotional Disturbance. Barb received a Specialist’s Degree from the UW-Superior in Educational Administration. She earned her Doctorate of Philosophy from the UW-Madison focusing on inclusive practices. In the past, she has served as a Director and Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Pupil Services and as an Assistant Professor of Special Education. She is a past president of Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services and co-chairperson of WCASS’s research and special projects committee. Barb has provided numerous statewide and national workshops and presentations and a number of publications and professional papers. Paula Volpiansky Consultant Wisconsin DPI paula. volpiansky@ Paula is a School Administration Speakers Consultant at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction dealing primarily with IDEA compliance and complaints. She has also coordinated several major WDPI initiatives including REACH and READs and served as the WDPI Specific Learning Disability consultant for 7 years. Prior experience includes elementary and secondary teacher, special education administrator, and university faculty. Paula has developed technical assistance materials, papers and reports on variety of special education related topics. Patti Williams Consultant Wisconsin DPI Patricia is a School Administration Consultant with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. She is co-chair of the Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Workgroup and is the coordinator of the special education complaint process. Lynn Winn Consultant Wisconsin DPI Lynn. Winn@dpi. Lynn is an Education Consultant at the WDPI in the area of Response to Intervention. She coordinates the work of the WDPI funded Wisconsin RtI Center and PBIS Network. Prior to joining the WDPI in 2014, Lynn served in schools for over 20 years as a K-12 School Psychologist and Elementary Principal. Rachel Zellmer Consultant Wisconsin DPI Rachel has worked on the Special Education team for the past seven years, overseeing the funding awarded to Wisconsin through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Her expertise is federal grant law, including the Education Department’s General Administrative Regulations, Office of Management and Budget Circulars, and IDEA. In addition, she is dedicated to developing simplified risk-based monitoring systems that are collaborative among federal funding programs. QR Code for Speaker Handouts Become a WCASS Member! The Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services is a statewide organization devoted to improving services to children with special needs. If you are not already a member, consider joining other special services leaders in Wisconsin Public Schools. To learn more about our organization and member benefits and become a member, go to or call our office at 608.249.4973. Cell Phones While we understand the need to stay connected with your district, we request that all cell phones either be turned off or silenced during sessions to allow everyone an opportunity to have a positive learning experience. Thank you for your assistance. Evaluation Forms We value your input and look forward to your comments when planning future conferences. An online conference evaluation form will be emailed to you to complete following the conference. You can find all conference handouts by scanning the QR code above or by going to and going to the Resources tab. Written and oral information provided at this conference is obtained from a variety of sources. Neither WCASS nor any of its members or representatives accept liability for the contents or use of information presented at this conference. Registrants Lisa Aalgaard Assistant Special Education Director CESA #3 Shawn Donovan District Administrator La Farge Schools Lisa Huosiamaa DSE/School Psych Lakeland Union Highs School Joel Anderson Director of Special Education Webster School District John Driessen Director of Special Education/ Program Support Brown County CDEB LaurieJohnson Director of Special Education CESA #11 Alexandra Baierl Special Education Coordinator Appleton Area School District AndriaBena Special Education Director/School Psychologist Almond-Bancroft School District Molly Bever Consultant Wisconsin DPI Chad Ellefson Director of Pupil Services Hartford UHS Erin Faasuamalie Consultant Wisconsin DPI Amanda Jones Director of Special Education & Pupil Services Palmyra-Eagle Amy Kasten Special Ed/Curriculum Director Suring Public School Rebecca Felmlee Special Education Teacher/Director of Special Education School District of Thorp JanessaKatzenberger Director of Student Services Evansville Community SD JenetteFossum Special Education Director Prairie Farm School District Katie Kavanaugh Pupil Services Director Barneveld School District Mardi Freeman Director of Special Education CESA #1 Sally Kellman Director of Pupil Services Germantown School District Matthew Collins RSN & Director of Special Education CESA #9 Jen Gallagher Principal/Special Education Director Southwestern Wisconsin Kim Klister Director of Special Education Gillett School District Tammy Cooley Director of Pupil Services Potosi School District Debra Heiss Consultant Wisconsin DPI Eva Kubinski Consultant Wisconsin DPI Jonathon Dallmann Special Education Director Rib Lake Elementary School Katie Hoss Executive Director of Special Education Racine Unified School District Jennifer Ledin Assistant Director of Special Education CESA #12 Adam Boldt Director of Student Services Arrowhead UHS Neil Campbell Director of Special Education Argyle School District Registrants Julie Lidbury SPED Coordinator/School Psychologist Wisconsin Department of Corrections Brian Lundgren Special Education Director New Auburn Schools Emily Lynd Director of Special Education/ School Psychologist Wheatland J1 Kerrie McCullough Supervisor of Special Education Racine Unified School District Margaret McMurray Consultant Wisconsin DPI Kate Millan Director of Special Education Goodman-Armstrong Creek School District Nico Mittnacht Consultant Wisconsin DPI Jim Nelson Transition/Assistive Technology Coordinator Sarah Newberry Director of Special Education & Pupil Services Kaukauna Area School District Erikke Nystrom-Grothaus Pupil Services Director Monticello Public Schools Sheryl Thormann Consultant Wisconsin DPI RachelPommerening Pupil Services Director Pepin Area School District Monica Veitch Special Education Coordinator Milwaukee Academy of Science Holly Rabe School Psychologist and Special Education Coordinator CESA #6 Deb Wall RSN CESA #8 Angie Sanderfoot Director of Special Education Reedsville School District Elizabeth Simpson Director of Special Education Seeds of Health Karen Smith Director of Pupil Services Shawano School District Robyn Spencer-Beck Regional Services Network Director CESA #11 Carolyn Stanford Taylor Assistant Superintendent Wisconsin DPI Mary Stelter Director of Pupil Services Parkview School District ConnieSwantz Special Education Coordinator Sauk Prairie School District connie.swantz@saukprairieschools. org Sue Weisse Director of Special Education Slinger School District Jayne Werner Consultant Wisconsin DPI Michelle Zagozen Director of Pupil Services School District of Durand Tara Zeal Director of Special Education & Pupil Services Clintonville School District Notes