
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Superintendent’s News
Christine Carver, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent’s News
Service Learning
In This Section:
Circle of Friends Pre-School
BEF Auction Bid Catalog and Proxy Form
Public Hearing – March 23rd @ Bethel Middle School – Note Location
Military Ball
Summer's BEST 2015
COLT Poetry Contest
Education Budget Information & Next Steps
School Closings/Delays
Elementary School Lunch News
All Sports Booster Club
Parent University
Berry School News
Rockwell School News
Johnson School News
Middle School News
High School News
BEtv Schedule
Family-School Partnership
Dear Parents, Care Givers, and Community Members:
BEF Barnum Ball Auction Bid Catalog and Proxy Form now available – Click here for
the BEF Auction Bid Catalog and Proxy Form. Proxy forms are due by Midnight
tonight - March 20, 2015!
Bethel Education Foundation
BPS Flickr
Community News & Events
2014-2015 School Calendar
School Closing /Delay Info.
March 25,26,27
April 3
The Public Hearing on the budget is Monday, March 23rd at 7:30 at Bethel Middle
School. This meeting is critically important for parents and community members to
attend, as it allows input to the Board of Finance on both the town and school
budgets. The Board of Finance uses the public input to make any final budget
adjustments. It is important to note, the education budget has been reduced by the
Board of Finance by $100,000, resulting in an overall increase of 2.74% over last
year’s budget.
The Military Ball was another huge success. The Cadet’s, under the direction of
Lieutenant Commander Mark Dwinells and Master Sergeant Meehan, once again
demonstrated poise and leadership skills which demonstrate the 21st Century Skills
we strive to develop in the students of the Bethel Public Schools. The teamwork,
implementation of the program, problem solving, and formal presentations were
outstanding. A good time was had by all!
Conference Day ED-K-3
Good Friday Observed
Schools Closed
April 7, 8
Conference Day ED-JS/BMS
April 9
Conference Day ED-JS
April 9
Prof. Dev. Day ED-BMS/BHS
April 13-17
Spring Recess
Schools Closed
Summer's BEST 2015 has arrived! The Bethel Public Schools will be
offering many new and dynamic programs. We hope to create a
summertime adventure of discovery, fun, and learning that will build
knowledge and enrich your child. The goal of the summer program is to
encourage children to explore new skills, talents, and interests as well as maintain
and sharpen academic skills, boost academic confidence, and reinforce the value of
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
education. The Enrichment programs are self-funding. The cost of each program is set to cover the cost of the
teacher and the materials. You will be sending your child to a fun, safe, educational program. Save the month of
July to enroll your child in a rewarding summer experience!
How to Register: Enrichment registration is on a first come- first serve basis. Registration is in person, by mail, or
through the schools.
Wednesday April 29, 2015, 8:00 AM- 12:30 PM at the Bethel Board of Education Office, 3rd floor, Bethel Municipal
After Wednesday, April 29th Registration is Through The School Or By Mail
Use the registration form/ emergency contact form on the back of the brochure and return it with a check or
money order to the address on the form or hand it into school with your child in an envelope clearly marked
“Summer’s BEST”. Any registrations received before April 29th will be put onto class lists at noon on April 29th.
***REGISTRATION ENDS JUNE 1, 2015 . Anyone wanting to register after June 1 will need to come to Berry
School on or after June 30, 2015.
The Summer's BEST brochure and registration form/emergency contact form can be found online at at the Summer’s BEST/summer school link. If you have questions, please call Linda
Anderson at 203-794-8600 Ext. 375
Congratulations to our 2015 COLT Poetry Contest winners!
High School
• Arabic Ferdous Shaker 3rd Place
• ESOL Sidonio Figueiredo 1st Place
• ESOL Emily Ortega 1st Place
• Portuguese John Williams 3rd Place
• Spanish Lia Rodriguez 1st Place
• Spanish Estefany Tito 2nd Place
Middle School
ESOL Dixon Ponce 2nd Place
All of the participants did a fabulous job. They include:
• Yesenia Bernabe
• Molly Doman
• Emma Lutjen
• Maykel Mariano
• Wendy Xi Rodriguez
And a big thank you to Maryclaire Quine, Stacey DeVita and Mariza Davila for attending the trip! Mariza was
also a judge.
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Superintendent’s Proposed 2015-2016 Budget Presentation
Budget Process
District Staff Develops Recommended Budget
Superintendent Presents Recommended Budget
Board of Education Adopts Budget
Board of Education Presents Budget to BOF/BOS
October - January
January 29th
February 12
February 19th
Public Hearing on the Budget
March 23rd at 7:30 at *Bethel MIDDLE School
(Residents can give input to BOF/BOS regarding budget)
(*Please note location)
Annual Town Budget Meeting
April 6 at 7:30 PM at Bethel High School
(Budget can be approved or reduced at this meeting and referendum date is set)
Annual Budget Referendum
(Residents vote)
Date TBD
Want to be the first to know when school is delayed or canceled in bad weather? Follow me at:
When it is necessary to close school due to inclement weather or have an unscheduled early dismissal due to forecasted
inclement weather for the afternoon, the “Schools Closed” or “Early Dismissal” announcement will be made over the
following radio and television stations and websites in the morning:
Danbury800 on the dial
940 on the dial
600 on the dial
108 on the dial
100 on the dial
TV Channel 3, TV Channel 8, & TV Channel 6.
Bethel Public Schools Website –
Connecticut Weather Website –
Parents/Guardians who would like to receive text messages from our SchoolMessenger communication system, as per
federal law, must opt-in. Please text "Yes" or "OPTIN" or "SUBSCRIBE" to 68453 and contact your child’s school directly to
update your wireless number(s) in our student information database.
To opt out of all text messages from SchoolMessenger, reply with STOP to the message or visit
Service Learning Bethel Public Schools
Bethel Public Schools are striving to make volunteering and community service opportunities accessible and
available to all students. Community service has been proven to increase personal and social responsibility, social
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
competence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy and leadership skills. Volunteerism can also enhance problem-solving
skills, the ability to work in teams, and planning abilities. It also increases awareness of social needs in the
President’s Student Service Challenge
Bethel Public Schools are also taking part in the President’s Student Service Challenge. All students who meet or
exceed the requirements for the President’s Service Challenge will receive a Presidential Service Award certificate.
Presidential requirements are as follows:
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Criteria:
Bronze Level:
Kids: (ages 5-14) 50 -74 hours
Young Adults: (ages 15-25) 100-174 hours
Adults: (Age 26+) 100-249 Hours
Silver Level:
Kids: 75-99 hours
Young adults: 175-249 hours
Adults: 250-499 hours
Gold Level:
Kids: 100 hours or more
Young Adults: 250 hours or more
Adults: 500 hours or more
Students applying for the Presidential Service Award must use the Student Service Tracking Form to monitor their
service hours. The Tracking Form can be found at under Service Learning.
Completed tracking forms must be submitted to Linda Anderson or Kathleen DeMarco, Bethel High School
Internship Office, by Wednesday, April 1st in order to be awarded the Spring 2015 PVSA.
Please call: 203-794-8600 ext. 375 with any questions.
Any Bethel Wildcat Fan/Supporter interested in demonstrating their "Bethel Pride" can visit the link
below to purchase Bethel Spirit Wear.
All Sports Booster Club contact for Spirit Wear is Heather
You can view the items for purchase, however the website is not set up to take orders as of yet. To order, please
call Tiger Sports directly at 203-894-3286.
Circle of Friends Pre-School
CIRCLE OF FRIENDS PRESCHOOL - Has Openings for the 2014-2015 School Year!!
The Bethel Public Schools, Circle of Friends Preschool program, has openings for four year olds for the 2014-2015
school year. This integrated early childhood program provides a developmentally appropriate curriculum that
focuses on the appreciation of individual differences, building self-esteem and fostering independence.
Additionally, the staff works to develop the skills necessary for successful participation within the Kindergarten
program. Applications and additional information can be obtained by calling Bernie Bryant at 203-794-8677.
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Pre-School Screening
Are you concerned that your child might be experiencing
developmental delays?
If so, you and your child (3-5 years old) are encouraged to
participate in a Circle of Friends screening. While meeting the staff to discuss concerns or ask questions regarding
your child’s development, your child will take part in informal play activities that include songs and motor
The preschool team includes the Supervisor of Special Education, Preschool Special Education Teachers,
Speech/Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist and School Social Worker.
Screening dates for the 2014-2015 school year are
Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30
March 25, 2015
April 22, 2015
May 20, 2015
Pre-registration is appreciated but drop-ins are welcomed.
For more information please contact Kate Coffey at 203-794-8679.
The Pre-school screen is open to Bethel residents only.
Kindergarten Registration – 2015-2016 School Year
If your child will be five years old on or before January 1, 2016, he/she is eligible to start kindergarten in
August, 2015, in the Bethel Public Schools. The pre-registration process has
begun. Please start the process by calling Sue White at 203-830-7355 any
weekday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. We will ask you for basic contact
information so we can provide you with details after the first of the year
about our online registration procedure.
School Newsletters
The BHS Key Club will be hosting its 6th annual Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 29th. The hunt will begin
promptly at noon and again at 1 p.m. Admission is $5 that will be donated to Key Club charities. Bring a
Basket and get ready for fun. Face painting and games will accompany the event.
Berry School News
Johnson School News
Berry School Newsletter – Dandy Lines
Johnson School Newsletter – Weekly Bulletin
Rockwell School News
Middle School News
Rockwell School Newsletter – Peek at the Week
Middle School Newsletter – Tiger Times
High School News
High School Newsletter – BHS Newsletter Published quarterly.
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Please save the date!
You are invited to attend Bethel High School's "Zombie Prom" - March 27th at 7pm, March 28th at
2pm, and 7pm, and March 29th at 2pm. Intrigued? Buy your tickets now!
Ticket Order Form
Bethel Public Library Board of Directors Offer Scholarship
The Bethel Public Library Board of Directors is offering a one-year $1,000 scholarship to a high school
senior who is a resident of the Town of Bethel and who plans to attend an accredited degree-granting
institution. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving student who has demonstrated a high level of
academic achievement, involvement in extracurricular and community activities, and financial need.
Applications are available at the Bethel Public Library and at Bethel High School, Immaculate High
School, Henry Abbott Tech, and the Wooster School, as well as online at
Applications must be completed carefully and printed legibly, and all required supporting documents
must be submitted to the student’s school guidance department no later than 3:00 pm on Wednesday
April 8, 2015.
For more information, go to the Library’s website or call the Library at 203794-8756 x6. The Library is located at 189 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel, CT.
April 6-10: WCSU Writing Placement test. All Juniors (and some seniors) will take this annual writing
test in their Junior English class. Seniors who plan to attend WCSU will take the exam at a separate time
and location.
April 29-May 1: Accuplacer-Math. All juniors in Geometry or higher and any seniors who are applying to
WCSU will take this assessment in their math classes.
May 4-15: AP Testing. All students enrolled in AP classes will take their AP exam on the assigned date.
May 19-20: SBAC Testing. All Grade 11 students will take the Smarter Balanced Assessments in
Mathematics and English Language Arts during the morning testing period. All 9th and 10th grade
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
students will attend extended period lessons in the four core areas during the testing period. All 12th
grade students will arrive late to school after the testing period is over. Time to be announced.
June 12, 15, 16, 17: Final Exams. All students will take their final exams in their Semester 2 courses
(unless they receive an exemption). These dates may change if we have another snow day.
BEtv – Comcast Channel 97
Here's what's on BEtv this weekend. We have more installments of Parent
University. Find out what the Future is for Bethel Public Schools! Only ion BEtv!
Remember if you don't get us on Comcast cable, Channel 97, you can still see all
our programing streaming live
at Or
want to watch when you want to watch? Go to our video on Demand page at
Elementary School Lunch News
Bethel offers families the opportunity to apply for free or reduced meals. Guidelines are established by
the Federal Government and forms are available at each school. Please note: applications for free or
reduced meals are strictly confidential. Should a child qualify for either free or reduced meals, the debit
system will treat the child as if he/she has paid for lunch and no one will be able to tell that the child is
receiving his/her meals at a reduced rate. Download the Application for Free or Reduced Lunch:
Application for Free or Reduced Lunch
For information regarding
In an effort to address the growing population of gluten-free and vegetarian students, we are offering
more of these choices. You will see them marked on our menus as (V) for Vegetarian and (GF) for Gluten
Free. We will be offering Coleman's All-Natural Gluten Free Chicken Tenders every Monday as a choice
in the elementary schools, and on hamburger and hot dog day, students will have a choice of getting
their selection bun free.
If your student has a medical issue with gluten or any other dietary special needs, please contact Betty
Avery, Director of Health Services at With proper verification from a doctor,
we can make appropriate menu modifications for children with food allergies.
Lunch prices are as follows:
Elementary - $2.60
MS & HS - $3.00
Students who qualify for reduced price lunch will be charged $.40. Breakfast is offered daily at all
schools for $2.10. Students who qualify for reduced lunch will also qualify for FREE breakfast.
In an effort to be more “green,” we will no longer be printing our copies of the elementary menus.
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Please follow this link to access all school menus:
To make online prepayments to your child’s lunch account, please go to to set
up an account.
With the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act in full swing here in Bethel, we continue to encourage students
to eat more fruits and vegetables. They are an important component of our meal and we will do our
best to offer as much locally grown fresh produce that is available through our vendors.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, I am always available to help. I can be reached at (203)
794-8722 or via email at
Kind regards,
Amanda Riley
Food Service Director
Family-School Partnership
The Family School Partnership Committee and Bethel Schools
introduce the Parent Network Facebook Pages!
Questions about school policies, homework, special events, etc.,
at our schools? Join the Berry Parent Network, Rockwell Parent
Network, Johnson Parent Network, BMS Parent Network or the
Bethel High School Parent Network on Facebook. These friendly
forums, designed to support K-12 families, allow parents to post
questions, give advice and provide resources to other parents. We
encourage all to join!
How to join:
Berry Families - Facebook/Berry Parent Network
Rockwell Families - Facebook/Rockwell Parent Network
Johnson Families - Facebook/Johnson Parent Network
Bethel Middle School Families - Facebook/BMS Parent Network
Bethel High School Families - Facebook/Bethel High School Parent
Berry Families -
Rockwell Families -
Johnson Families -
Bethel Middle School Families -
Bethel High School Families -
Bethel Education Foundation
Click here for the Bethel Education Foundation Newsletter.
BPS Flickr Page
Military Ball photos now on Flicker! Check out the Bethel Public Schools Flickr page! Follow @DanDeBlois
to be notified when new photos are posted.
We have posted photos taken by our staff. The photographs are from various school events open to the
public. Sports, Concerts and Musicals are some examples. We will be regularly including more events. On
Twitter follow @DanDeBlois for updates on event postings.
Go to flickr and take a look. Click on logo.
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Community News & Events
Summer Playground Camp 2015
Registration begins Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 at the Parks & Recreation office during regular
office hours from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Non Residents may register starting Monday, May 4th, 2015.
**Please go to and the Park and Rec. Department for all necessary Summer Camp
forms (they will be available the week of Spring Break)**
Playground camps are for Bethel Residents and Non Residents for an extra non-resident fee of $15.00
per session.
The camps are available to the following age groups: Preschool (ages 3-5), Junior (grades 1-3), Senior
(grades 4-6), and Youth (grades 7-9). We also offer an Extended Day program for Pre-school (PM),
Junior( AM) and Senior campers (AM). A camp day may consist of indoor and outdoor activities, arts and
crafts, games, offsite trips, as well as onsite entertainment and activities. All participants will receive a
schedule of events, permission slips and information about the program.
Click here for flyer.
Did you know that 4 out of 5 car seats in Connecticut are used incorrectly?*
The Bethel Police Department is pleased to announce our upcoming Car Seat Clinic,
to be held on Sunday Marc h 29, 2015. Our Car Seat Clinic is designed to assist
parents and caregivers with the safe transportation of their children, including
installation of new car seats and the checking of seats already installed and in use.
Ofc. DiRago and Ofc. Broad have received their Child Passenger Safety Technician
Certifications through SafeKids Worldwide, and will work with parents and caregivers
to assure that their car seat is installed properly in their car and that the seat is being used correctly.
The Clinic will be held at the Stony Hill Fire Department, Route 6 / Stony Hill Rd. Bethel on Sunday March
29th, 2015.
For further information and appointment times, please contact the Officers at 203-744-7900.
Bethel Baseball Association (BBA) Free Winter Clinics
All events will be held at the Bethel Municipal Center. Check the BBA website for changes at:
Saturday March 21:
Sunday March 22:
4:30-6:00 PM Tee Ball
3:00-4:30 PM Minors Evaluations
6:00-7:30 PM Rookies
4:30-6:00 PM Majors Evaluations
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Saturday March 28:
4:30-6:00 PM Tee Ball
6:00-7:30 PM Rookies
Sunday March 29:
4:30-6:00 PM Minors
6:00-7:30 PM Majors and Babe Ruth
Tee Ball: Ages 5-6 by April 30th 2015
Rookies: Ages 7-8 by April 30th 2015
Minors: Ages 9-10 by April 30th 2015
Majors: Ages 11-12 by April 30th 2015
Babe Ruth: 13-15 and 16-18 leagues. Ages by April 30th 2015
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
 Thursday, April 2 , 2015
 Michael’s on the Grove, Bethel (formerly Capallero’s Grove)
 Time - Registration 8:30am / 9:00 – 1:30pm
Paul Weigle, MD, Attending Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Medical Staff
President, Natchaug Hospital: Video Games, Mental Health & a Parent’s ‘Call of Duty’
11:00-noon Jeremy Richman, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, The Avielle Foundation: The Science of
Violence and Compassion
Complimentary Buffet Lunch @ Noon
Panel Discussion –Drug-free Schools Committee members
Space is limited
RSVP by 3/30
203-743-7741 or
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Park & Recreations Spring Flyer is now available. Click here for Spring Flyer.
The Bethel Police Department developed a wonderful free “app” which all parents, community members and
caregivers should consider downloading on their mobile devices. The “app” has several important features that
you might find important. First, the “app” has a link to the schools. On that link a parent can click on their child’s
school and they will find all of the contact information for the School Resource Officer. The school links also have
buttons to directly call the School Resource Officer or email them directly. Lastly, there is a button which allows
you to send our School Resource Officers anonymous tips. The “app” also allows you to call the police department
directly, make reports or anonymous reports, create an inventory of your valuables, press releases, and much
We invite you to join us, and actively participate in shaping our mission by volunteering with Bethel
Arts. Through Bethel Arts, we endeavor to improve economic development and enliven Bethel through
ongoing cultural events, collaborative workshops and classes, and by connecting diverse citizens with
one another. We’re in need of not only those directly involved in the art community, but a diverse group
of individuals that can bring their expertise in fundraising, community outreach, business planning, and
marketing. If interested, please contact us at, or send us a message through our
Facebook page. We are looking forward to the year ahead, and we hope you’ll consider being a part of
the journey.
$20 Tuesdays in Bethel! Did you know that if every household in Bethel
shifted just $20 a month from online and big box store purchases to a local
merchant we could bring over $1,000,000 more to the local economy!
Imagine what that would mean for our community. The Bethel Chamber of
Commerce is excited to announce $20 Tuesdays. We are challenging you to
go out and shift just an additional $20 of your monthly spending to local
merchants on the first Tuesday of every month. On Tuesday, April 7th local
merchants will be offering special discounts to get you to spend your $20 with them! Check out for the complete list of businesses that are offering discounts.
Community Service Hours Opportunities
The Bethel United Methodist Church (141 Greenwood Avenue) holds their Pasta Dinners the 2nd
Saturday of the month. They are looking for volunteers to bus tables from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
Additional hours may be earned for setup/cleanup duties. If any student is interested, please contact
Jen Garrity via e-mail and please type Subject: Pasta Dinner, so e-mail won't go
to SPAM.
Pasta Dinner Dates 2014/15:
April 11
May 9
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Question: What’s the fastest growing support in America?
Answer: Rugby!
The USA has over 100,000 Active Players
900+ College Teams in the USA, some offering scholarships
700+ Senior Club Teams
A Competitive Youth and High School League, here in CT!
Are you a boy aged 8 through High School? Do you want to play Rugby? Come to Danbury Sports Dome
on Saturday 21st March 10am to Noon and train with Aspetuck Valley Rugby Club! NO knowledge or
experience required!
Rugby is fast-flowing game for all shapes, sizes and abilities. Everyone at Aspetuck Valley plays, everyone
touches the ball.
Aspetuck Valley Rugby Club was formed in 2012 and has
since grown to over 120 players with teams at Under 10, 12,
14, 16 and 18. We have our own home field in Redding but
players come from Wilton, Bethel, Danbury, Newtown,
Redding, Weston and many other towns in the area.
Learn From Experienced Coaches, Certified by USARugby
So, come and see us at the Danbury Sports Dome this
Danbury Sports Dome is easy to find at 25 Shelter Rock Lane, Danbury, CT, 06810
For more information about Aspetuck Valley Rugby Club or to register for the 2015 season, visit our
website at or email
We Look Forward To Seeing You There!
Where you eat, shop, and play all make our community our home! When you shop locally you are
making an investment in Bethel, in your schools, in your neighbors, and yourself.
Shopping locally is a great opportunity for you to support the merchants that support our schools, our
sports, and other school clubs and organizations.
Check out the chamber’s Bethel Bucks program. Bethel Bucks are gift certificates that can be used to
purchase many products like groceries, toys, gifts, photography. They are even redeemable at the Bethel
Park and Rec. department. They are available in $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, and $50.00 denominations. They
make great teacher gifts too! Purchase Bethel Bucks at the Chamber Office or by emailing
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Frequently Asked Questions
2014-2015 School Calendar
2014 -2015 School Calendar
School Closing/Delay Information
When it is necessary to close school due to inclement weather or have an unscheduled early dismissal
due to forecasted inclement weather for the afternoon, the “Schools Closed” or “Early Dismissal”
announcement will be made over the following radio and television stations and websites in the
800 on the dial
940 on the dial
600 on the dial
108 on the dial
100 on the dial
TV Channel 3, TV Channel 8, & TV Channel 6.
Bethel Public Schools Website –
Connecticut Weather Website –
In the case of inclement weather, every attempt will be made to operate schools. However, in our
judgment, whenever it is not safe to operate the buses, schools will be closed.
In the event that weather conditions worsen after pupils have arrived at school, it may be necessary for
an unscheduled early dismissal (click for times). Should this occur, you will be notified by telephone by
our automated voice message system, text message, email, and appropriate announcements will be
broadcast over the above media.
Parents/Guardians who would like to receive text messages from our
SchoolMessenger communication system, as per federal law, must opt-in. Please text "Yes" or "OPTIN"
or "SUBSCRIBE" to 68453 and contact your child’s school directly to update your wireless number(s) in
our student information database.
To opt out of all text messages from SchoolMessenger, reply with STOP to the message or visit
In addition to performing the opt-in process above you'll want to ensure that your child’s school has
your wireless number(s) in our student information database. If you haven't already provided that
information to your child’s school please contact them directly and provide them with that
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement”
Please note, although the district does not charge you for this service, it does not pay for text message
charges that may be incurred by you for sending or receiving text messages. Check with your wireless
carrier for possible charges.
If you have any contact information changes please contact your child's school.
Nondiscrimination Statement
The Bethel Public Schools are committed to a policy of equal opportunity/affirmative action for all qualified persons. The Bethel Public Schools
do not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age,
national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual
disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical disability or learning disability), genetic information, or any other basis prohibited
by Connecticut State and/or Federal nondiscrimination laws and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The Bethel Public Schools do not unlawfully discriminate in employment and licensing against qualified persons with a prior criminal conviction.
Inquiries regarding the Bethel Public Schools nondiscrimination policies should be directed to:
Dr. Kristen Brooks, Assistant Superintendent of the Bethel Public Schools, 1 School Street, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: (203) 794-8613 - email: