2015 Geokartenbrief Spring


2015 Geokartenbrief Spring
allen Themenbereichen
der regionalen Geographie, zugleich Nachtragedienst zum GeoKatalog 2.
comprising all
subjects of regional geography, at the same time
supplement service to
GeoKatalog 2.
No. 372
May 2015
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GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 1 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
Welcome to GeoKartenbrief 372 which lists new general and geoscientific maps and atlases made
available since December 2014.
All items contained in GeoKartenbrief are available from ILH. You either will receive them
immediately from our stocks of more than 100,000 titles, or we will procure them for you from any country
whatever (which, however, may take time, depending of the area). When ordering observe the minimum
amount of 25 EUR (for new customers, 125 EUR). Otherwise apply to your local bookseller, please.
GeoKartenbrief is issued twice a year. In the interval we publish "Monthly Selections" containing the
Top Ten or so of our fresh arrivals. If you wish to receive them contact us, please. You may view them as
well in the Internet ("http://www.geokatalog.de/mosel.htm"). Please add the “Title-ID” on your order.
Sie erhalten den GeoKartenbrief 372 mit den geowissenschaftlichen Neuerscheinungen, Karten und
Atlanten, die seit Dezember 2014 bei uns eingegangen sind.
Alle im GeoKartenbrief angezeigten Veröffentlichungen sind beim ILH (für Buchhändler zum Teil
auch bei GeoCenter) erhältlich. Wir liefern entweder ab Lager, das über 100 000 Titel umfasst, oder
besorgen sie aus den jeweiligen Land, wobei wir um Verständnis für oft längere Lieferzeiten bitten.
Beachten Sie den Mindestbestellwert von 25 EUR (bei Neukunden 125 EUR). Sonst wenden Sie sich
bitte an ihre örtliche Buchhandlung.
Der GeoKartenbrief erscheint zweimal jährlich. In der Zwischenzeit bringen wir zusätzlich "Monthly
Selections" heraus mit den wichtigsten aktuell eingetroffenen Titeln. Bei Interesse nehmen wir Sie gerne
in den Verteiler auf. Sie finden die Monatsauswahl auch im Internet
("http://www.geokatalog.de/mosel.htm"). Bitte bei Bestellungen die „Title-ID“ hinzufügen.
Please observe: GeoKartenbrief supplements
GeoKatalog 2. In case of known map series,
serials and loose leaf editions a
bibliographical description is only given when
differing from the basic description in
GeoKatalog 2.
Bitte beachten Sie: Die GeoKarten-briefe
gelten als Nachträge zum GeoKatalog 2. Bei
Kartenwerken und sonstigen Reihen werden
biblio-graphische Angaben nur gemacht,
wenn sie von der Grundbeschreibung im
Katalog abweichen.
Haack Weltatlas (211)
"Weltatlas Medienpaket"
Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart & Gotha 2015
291 pp., col., more than 500 maps, 180 graphs & diagrams,
regional & thematic chapters, topics the 21th. Century
(energy transformation, migration and integration, climate
change, Landgrabbing), thematic & place name index,
statistical tables, references, endpaper maps, 24x34 cm,
hardcover, encl. CD-ROM & workbook “map reading"
28,95 EUR
Title ID: 101538
100 Earth / Erde
Atlante Landscape De Agostini (235)
De Agostini, Novara 2013
368 pp., col., 100 pp. satellite images, air photos &
panoramic shots, physical continent maps (1:12 500 - 1:25
000), political regional maps (1: 2 500 000 - 10 000 000),
contents: Landscape, Cartografia, Europa, Asia, Africa,
America Settentrionale, America Meridionale, Oceania, Il
mondo a confronto, Indice die nomi, 27,5x37,5 cm, bd.
40,00 EUR
Title ID: 100781
Atlante geografico della Terra (235)
De Agostini, Novarra 2013
527 pp., col., num. world, continental & Italian thematic
maps, phys. - reg. maps (1:1 250 000 - 1:66 000 000), num.
diagrams & satellite images, notes, contents: Il Mondo,
Italia, Europa, Asia, Africa, America Settentrionale, America
Meridionale, Oceania e Terre Polari, Oceani, Indice,
28x37,5 cm, bd., slip case
115,00 EUR
Atlante delle isole remote
"Cinquanta isole dove non sono mai stata e mai andrò"
Bompiani, J. Schalansky, Milano 2013 / 2014
143 pp., col., 50 islands, for each island 1 map 1:125.000:
shading, places, roads, landscapes, names; 1 page expl.:
geographical-historical notes, translations of island names,
geographic position, size, number of inhabitants, distance &
time scales; general maps, glossary, index, endpaper maps,
19 x 26,5 cm, bd.
28,00 EUR
Original Germ. Edition "Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln"
Title ID: 100780
Calendario Atlante De Agostini 2015
De Agostini, 111th ed., Novara 2014
1200 pp., tables, graphs, maps; annex 52 pp. (col., maps &
flags, col.), 8x16 cm, bd.
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 182
Title ID: 100782
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
372 • page 2 • May 2015
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
World Geomorphological Landscapes Series
Springer, Dordrecht & al. 2014num. vols., chiefly col., num. maps, diagrams, graphs &
tables, c. 180 – 350 pp., 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
“Each book contains details on geomorphology of a
particular country or a geographically coherent region. The
content is divided into two parts. Part one contains the
necessary background about geology and tectonic
framework, past and present climate, geographical regions,
and long-term geomorphological history. The core of each
book is however succinct presentation of key
geomorphological localities (landscapes) and it is envisaged
that the number of such studies will generally vary from 20
to 30. There is additional scope for discussing issues of
geomorphological heritage and suggesting itineraries to visit
the most important sites”. Please refer to individual areas.
New vols.:
 Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil (-> 681), 2015
 Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia (-> 542), 2015
 Landscapes and Landforms of South Africa (-> 551),
"Dynamics, Morphology, History"
Wiley-Blackwell, A. Warren, Chichester 2013 (RGS-IBG
Book Series)
236 pp., col., num. figs., Part One <10 m2; <10 years (1.
Wind and Sand, 2. Ripples, 3. The Form and Behaviour of
Free Dunes), Part Two 1000 to 10,000 m2; 100 to 1000
years (4. Pattern in Free Dunes, 5. Forced Dunes, 6. Dunes
and Plants, 7. Coastal Dunes), Part Three >0.3 mm;
<2,200,000,000 years (8. Sand Seas, 9. A History of Dune
Sand, 10. A History of Inland Dunes, 11. A History of
Coastal Dunes, 12. Mars, Venus, Titan) Part Four Care, (13.
Local, Short-Term Care (<1000 m2; <10 years), 14.
Sustainability (>100,000 m2; >10 years)), References,
Index, 15,5x23 cm, softcover
33,90 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101131
Karst Aquifers - Characterization and Engineering
Springer, Z. Stevanović (ed.), Dordrecht & al. 2015 (Series:
Professional Practice in Earth Sciences)
xx, 692 pp., chiefly b&w, 437 illus., contents: Part I
Characterization of Karst Aquifer (1. Historical Overview on
Karst Research, 2. Karst Environment and Phenomena, 3.
Characterization of Karst Aquifer, 4. Overview of Methods
Applied in Karst Hydrogeology), Part II Engineering Aspects
of Control and Protection of Karst Aquifer (5. Surface
Waters and Groundwater in Karst, 6. Budget and General
Assessment of Karst Groundwater Resources, 7. Evaluating
Discharge Regimes of Karst Aquifer, 8. Vulnerability to
Contamination of Karst Aquifers, 9. Physical Modeling of
Karst Environment, 10. Mathematical Modeling of Karst
Aquifers, 12. Monitoring of Karst Groundwater, 13. Catalog
of Engineering Works in Karst and Their Effects), Part III
Regulating and Protecting Karst Aquifer - Case Studies (14.
Managing Karst Aquifers - Conceptualizations, Solutions,
Impacts, 15. Karst Groundwater Availability and Sustainable
Development, 16. Prevent Leakage and Mixture of Karst
Groundwater, 17. Hazards in Karst and Managing Water
Resources Quality), bibl., list of keywords, 21,5x28,5 cm,
213,99 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 101625
Lithological Map of the World / Carte lithologique du
Monde 1:35 000 000
CGMW / CCGM & al., N. Moosdorf & J. Hartmann, Paris &
al. 2015
col., 16 lithological, explanatory & introduction notes, scales
of regional data, Eckert IV proj., 118x80 cm, fd. or flat
20,00 EUR
Title ID: 101634
Die Welt der Rohstoffe
"Lagerstätten, Förderung und wirtschaftliche Aspekte"
Springer, F. Neukirchen, & G. Ries, Berlin & al. 2014
xiI, 355 pp., col., maps, tables & photos, contents: 1
Einführung, 2 Die Welt der Metalle, 3 Magmatische
Lagerstätten, 4 Hydrothermale Lagerstätten, 5 Lagerstätten
durch Sedimentation und Verwitterung, 6 Fossile Energie, 7
Industrieminerale, Steine und Erden; Glossar,
Weiterführende Literatur, Stichwortverzeichnis, 21,5x28,5
cm, hardcover
39,99 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 100402
World Soils Book Series
Springer, A.E. Hartemink (series ed.), Heidelberg & al.
2013num. vols., chiefly col., num. maps, diagrams & tables, c.
180 – 350 pp., 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
The World Soils Book Series contains details on soils of a
particular country, including sections on soil research
history, climate, geology, geomorphology, major soil types,
soil maps, soil properties, soil classification, soil fertility, land
use and vegetation, soil management, soils and humans,
soils and industry, future soil issues.
Status of planning. :
The Soils of Antarctica, planned for 2015
The Soils of Germany, planned for 2015
The Soils of Slovenia, planned for 2016
The Soils of Poland, planned for 2015
The Soils of Serbia, planned for 2016
The Soils of Slovenia, planned for 2016
Climate Change
"Past, Present, and Future"
Wiley Blackwell, M.-A. Mélières & C. Maréchal, Chichester
xvii, 416 pp., col., contents: Part I: The climate engine of the
earth: energy, Part II: More on the energy balance of the
planet,; Part III: The different causes of climate change, Part
IV: Learning from the past ... , Part V: Climate change in
recent years, Part VI: Climate in the 21st century: different
scenarios, Summaries, Notes, Further reading, Conclusion,
References, Index, softcover
51,90 EUR
Title ID: 102954
- ditto hardcover
Title ID: 102955
135,00 EUR
Description preliminary
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 3 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
Géographie des mers et des océans
Armand Colin - Sedes, P. Deboudt, V. Morel & C. MeurFérec, Paris 2014
324 pp., b&w, num. maps, diagrams & graphs, contents;
Partie 1 Mers et océans en mouvement (1. Mers et océans:
les données physiques d'un espace mouvant, 2. Maritimité
et maritimisation du monde, 3. Les géographies du transport
maritime, 4. Les «Gens de mer»), Partie 2 Mers et océans
en partage, (5. Ressources vivantes de la mer, 6.
Ressources énergétiques et minérales de la mer, 7.
Tourisme de la mer et de la haute-mer, 8. Territorialisation
des mers et des océans), Partie 3. Mers et océans en
devenir (9. Géopolitique des mers et des océans, 10. Le
retour des pirates: coupeurs de route, guérilleros,
terroristes? L'impossible police des mers au XXIe siècle, 11.
Puissance maritime et puissance navale: la marque du
passé, les évolutions au présent, les territoires de la
mondialisation, 12. De la protection du milieu marin aux
politiques maritimes intégrées), Conclusion générale, bibl.,
index, 16x24 cm, softcover
30,00 EUR
Title ID: 101505
Vegetation der Erde
"Grundlagen, Ökologie, Verbreitung"
Springer, J.S. Pfadenhauer & F.A. Klötzli, Berlin &
Heidelberg 2014 (Springer Spektrum)
xiv, 644 pp., 4 col., 848 illus. (incl. maps & graphs),
contents: 1. Grundlagen zum Verständnis der Pflanzendecke, 2. Die immerfeuchte tropische Zone, 3. Die
sommerfeuchte tropische Zone, 4. Die Zone der tropischsubtropischen Trockengebiete, 5. Die warm-gemäßigte
(subtropische) Zone, 6 Die kühl-gemäßigte (nemorale)
Zone, 7. Die kalt-gemäßigte (boreale) Zone, 8. Die polare
Zone, Literaturverzeichnis, Stichwortverzeichnis, Verzeichnis der Gattungen und Arten, 19,5x26 cm, bd. 79,99 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101310
L'Atlas global
Kontinuität der Ressourcenkonflikte und kommende
Klimakriege; Staatszerfall oder Staatsbildung? Zur Politik
bewaffneter Gruppen in afrikanischen Bürgerkriegen;
Gewaltkontrolle ohne Staat. Raumzeitliche Variationen von
Konflikt und Sicherheit in Somalia, 1990–2009; Gewalt,
Raum und Resilienz: Handeln im Kontext bewaffneter
Konflikte; Flüchtlingslager im Ausnahmezustand: Nahr alBared im Libanon; Gewalt und räumliche Fragmentierung in
brasilianischen Großstädten: favelas als exterritoriale
Enklaven des Drogenhandels am Beispiel Rio de Janeiros;
Die Territorialisierung pastoraler Konflikte im Nordosten
Äthiopiens, Die Territorialität der Rebellion: eine Enklave
lokalen Friedens im kongolesischen Bürgerkrieg; Nachwort:
Zur Geographie des Krieges; Literatur, Stichwortverzeichnis,
14x21 cm, softcover
29,90 EUR
Title ID: 102919
Atlante storico del mondo De Agostini (235)
De Agostini, P. Fornara (ed.), Novara 2013
248 pp., col., over 200 maps, c. 600 illus., contents: La
preistoria e l'età antica, Il Medioevo, L'età moderna, Verso il
mondo contemporaneo, Il XX secolo, Dal passato al futuro:
il XXI secolo, Linee del tempo e Indice dei nome,
27,5x37,5 cm, bd.
50,00 EUR
Title ID: 1817
Tabula Imperii Byzantini 1:800 000 (TIB)
ÖAW, H. Hunger (ed.), Wien 197619 vols., single overlapping sheets, each 2 maps (1. modern
top. base map; 2. base map with overprint of Byzantinian
roads and places etc., by periods), each col., very detailed,
53x46 cm; Germ. expl., figs., extra maps, index etc., pb.
New vol.:
 15 Syria (Syria Prōtē, Syria Deutera, Syria
Euphratēsia), 3 vols., in all 2696 pp., 2 maps,
1 CD-ROM, 2015
400,00 EUR
Title ID: 1902
Atlas mondial des femmes
"60 cartes inédites un autre monde émerge sous nos yeux"
Editions des Arènes, C. Grataloup & G. Fumey (dirs.), Paris
143 pp., col., 60 maps & graphs, contents: Avant
L'Occident, Le roman inachevé, Les derniers feux, La
course folle, Le monde global, Lire le monde, 27,5x26 cm,
29,00 EUR
"Les paradoxes de l'émancipation"
Autrement & Institut national d’études démographiques
(INED), I. Attané & al., Paris 2015 (Collection Atlas / Monde)
96 pp., col., c. 120 maps & graphs, contents: Introduction,
Disposer de son corps, Sphère privée, Socialisation et
stéréotypes, Travail et (in)dépendance économique, La lutte
contre les inégalités, bibl., 17,5 x25 cm, softcocver
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 101658
60 unpublished maps - another world is emerging before our
Geographien der Gewalt (Geographies of terror)
"Kriege, Konflikte und die Ordnung des Raumes im 21.
Jahrhundert (Wars, conflicts and the reorganization of
national borders in the 21st Century)"
Boerntraeger, B. Korf & C. Schetter, Stuttgart 2015
(Studienbücher der Geographie)
246 pp., partly col., 23 figs. (incl. maps, diagrams, graphs &
photos), 5 tables, contents: Einleitung: Geographien der
Gewalt; Der allgegenwärtige Krieg; Unregierte Räume, „kill
boxes“ und Drohnenkriege: die Konstruktion neuer
Gewalträume; Zur Politischen Ökologie der Gewalt;
Title ID: 100776
Atlante dei luoghi maledetti (An Atlas of accursed
spots )
Bompiani, O. Le Carrer & S. Le Carrer, Milano 2014
134 pp., col. c. 60 maps & num. graphs, 40 spots, contents:
Nel cuore della vecchia Europa, Tra mondo mediterraneo e
Africa australe, Dal mare di Barents all'oceano indiano,
Intorno al golfo del Bengala, Tra l'oriente e l'oceania, da una
costa all'altra dell'America, Nelle isole del Nuovo Mondo,
19x26,6 cm, bd.
30,00 EUR
"This atlas offers a world tour of the planet's most disturbing
spots, past and present." Orginal French edition: Atlas des
lieux maudits"
Title ID: 101775
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 4 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
"Globalization's New Urban Form?"
Edward Elgar Publishing, J. Harrison & M. Hoyler,
Cheltenham 2015
xi, 270 pp., 22 figs. (incl. maps & diagrams), 11 tables,
contents: 1. Megaregions: Foundations, Frailties, Futures, 2.
Megaurban Regions: Epistemology, Discourse Patterns, Big
Urban Business, 3. Megaregions and the Urban Question:
The New Strategic Terrain for US Urban Competitiveness,
4. Beyond Globalization: A Historical Urban Development
Approach to Understanding Megaregions, 5. Five Reasons
Why Megaregional Planning Works Against Sustainability,
6. Conflicting Spaces of Governance in the Imagined Great
Lakes Megaregion, 7. Brave New ‘Megaregional Worlds'?
Reflections from a North European Perspective, 8.
Globalization and the Megaregion: Investigating the
Evolution of the Pearl River Delta in a Historical
Perspective, 9. Towards a Megaregional Future: Analysing
Progress, Assessing Priorities in the US Megaregion
Project, 10. Megaregions Reconsidered: Urban Futures and
the Future of the Urban, bibl., index, 16x24 cm, hardcover
125,00 EUR
Princeton University Press, P. Knox, Princeton & Oxford
256 pp., chiefly col., num. maps, plans, graphs, diagrams &
photos, contents: The Foundational City, The Networked
City, The Imperial City, The Industrial City, The Rational
City, The Global City, The Celebrity City Elizabeth, The
Megacity, The Instant City, The Transnational City, The
Creative City, The Green City, The Intelligent City,
Appendices (Glossary, Contributors, Index,
Acknowledgements), 23x29 cm, hardcover
54,00 EUR
Title ID: 100799
World Atlas of Sustainable Architecture
"Building for a Changing Culture and Climate"
DOM publishers, U. Pfammatter, Berlin 2014
584 pp., chiefly col., c. 2 000 illus. (incl. maps, plans,
drawings & photos), contents: 1. Genius Loci - Unique
Places in a State of Change, 2. Building in Extreme
Situations, 3. Space, Structure and the Climate Challenge,
4. The Nature of Materials - and the Future of Materials
Technology, 5. Architectural Memory: Industrial Culture and
Transformation Strategies, Appendix, Glossary, Literature &
Sources, Project Index, 22,5x 28 cm, hardcover 98,00 EUR
Title ID: 101556
Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems
Springer, W.K.D. Davies (ed.), Dordrecht & al. 2015 (Series:
GeoJournal Library, Vol. 112)
xviii, 615 pp., num. illus. (incl. maps, plans & graphs),
contents: 1. Introduction, 2. New Urbanisms: From NeoTraditional Neighbourhoods to New Regionalism, 3.
Progress Towards Just Cities, 4. Green Towns and Cities,
5. Background to Sustainable Cities, 6. Sustainable City
Policies, 7. Transition Towns and EcoDistricts: Local
Sustainable Initiatives, 8. Winter Cities, 9. Resilient Cities:
Coping With Natural Hazards, 10. Creative Cities, 11.
Developing Knowledge Cities, 12. Safe Cities and
Communities, 13. Healthy Cities: Old and New Solutions,
14. Festive Cities: Multi-Dimensional Perspectives, 15. Slow
Cities, 16. Conclusions: Creating More Liveable and
Sustainable Urban Places, bibl., index, 21,5x28,5 cm
181,89 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 101629
Atlas of Cities
Title ID: 101638
Atlas of the Functional City
"CIAM 4 and Comparative Urban Analysis"
Thoth Publishers & gta Verlag, E. van Es & al. (eds.),
Bussum & Zürich 2014
480 pp. chiefly b&w, 750 illus. (incl. maps, plans, graphs &
photos), tables, contents: Essays (Thematic Mapping as an
Analytical Tool. CIAM 4 and Problems of Visualization in
Modern Town Planning; In Search of a Better World.
Cornelis van Eesteren and the Rise of Urban Planning;
Function and the Comparative Method. An Essay in
Reconstructing Theory; The Conception, Production and
Language of the Maps, A Clear Message to the Outside
World. Drawing Conclusions and Publishing the Results of
CIAM; Zoning Bien Défini; Mediterranean Recreation), City
Analyses (Model map I-III; Key to maps I-III; Belgium;
Czechoslovakia; The Dutch East Indies; France; Germany;
Great Britain; Greece; Hungary; Indochina; Italy; The
Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland;
The United States; Yugoslavia; The Unrealized Analyses),
Results (Conclusions of the Fourth Congress; The
Exhibition 'Housing, Working, Traffic, Recreation in the
Contemporary City. A Reconstruction; The Historische
Tabelle des Städtebaus; CIAM 4 Chronology), Indexes
(Geographical Index. CIAM; Geographical Index. City
Analyses; Analytic Panels Index; Index Map I. Housing,
Working, Recreation; Index Map II. Traffic; Index Map Ill.
Region), sources, 24,5x30,5 cm, bd.
89,50 EUR
"The atlas brings together all of the surviving materials of
the conference (Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture
Moderne) from 1933 for the first time. 34 cities are recorded
cartographically using a predefined scheme to allow
comparative analysis”.
Title ID: 102880
Urban Geography
Wiley Blackwell, A.E.G. Jonas & al. (eds.), Chichester 2015
(Critical Introductions to Geography)
xvi, 384 pp., col., num. figs & tables, contents: 1
Approaching the City, 2 Cities for Whom? The Contours and
Commitments of Critical Urban Geography, 3 Production,
Economy, and the City, 4 A World of Cities, 5 Labor and the
City, 6 The City and Social Reproduction, 7 Governing the
City: The State, Urban Planning, and Politics, 8
Experiencing Cities, 9 Molding and Marketing the Image of
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 5 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
the City, 10 Nature and Environment in the City, 11 Urban
Arts and Visual Cultures, 12 Alternative Urban Spaces and
Politics, 13 Urban Crises, 14 Epilogue: Critical Urban
Geographies and their Futures, Glossary, References,
Index, softcover
32,90 EUR
Title ID: 102951
- ditto hardcover
Title ID: 102952
87,90 EUR
Description preliminary
The Changing World Religion Map
"Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics"
Springer, S. Brunn (ed.), Heidelberg & al. 2015
5 vols. (not available separately), xivii, 3926 pp., chiefly col.,
889 illus., contents: vol. 1 (Part I: Introduction, Part II:
Nature, ethics and environmental change, Part III: Sacred
spaces and places), vol. 2 (Part IV: Pilgrimage landscapes
and tourism, Part V: Education and Changing Worldviews,
Part VI: Business, finance, economic development and law,
vol. 3 (Part VII: Globalization, diasporas and new faced in
the global north, Part VIII: Globalization, diasporas and new
faced in the global south), vol. 4 (Part IX: Secularization,
Part X: Megachurches and architecture, Part XI: Culture:
museums, drama, fashion, food, music, sports and science
fiction, Part XII: Organizations), vol. 5 (Part XIII: Identity,
gender and culture, Part XIV: Politics, reconciliation and
advocacy, Part XV: Virtual worlds and the visual media),
21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
total 961,93 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100797
Fracking - Die neue Produktionsgeografie
Springer, C. Habrich-Böcker, B.C Kirchner & P.Weißenberg,
2nd. ed., Heidelbarg & al. 2015
145 pp. 40 figs. (incl. maps), contents: 1 Fracking – Fluch
oder Segen?, 2 Die weltweiten Fracking-Gebiete, 3 Die
Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft, 4 Die Pläne der
Energieversorger, 5 Die energieintensiven Branchen, 6 Die
Argumente der Gegner, 7 Die konträren politischen
Standpunkte; Literatur, Glossar, Die wichtigsten Websites,
34,99 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 100401
WBG, H.-M. Zademach, Darmstadt 2014 (Geowissen
kompakt )
viii, 148 pp., b&w, 15 figs. (incl. maps & diagrams), 8 tables,
contents: 1. Finanzgeographie als wissenschaftliche
Disziplin, 2. Methodische Grundlagen, 3. Globale
Finanzsysteme im Wandel, 4. Finanzsysteme,
Kapitalströme und regionale Entwicklung, 5. Finanzzentren:
Knoten im Netz globalisierter Finanzmärkte, 6.
Herausforderungen der Finanzialisierung,
Literaturverzeichnis, Register, 16,5x24 cm, softcover
19,95 EUR
Title ID: 100436
Paradigms in Cartography
"An Epistemological Review of the 20th and 21st Centuries"
Springer, P.I. Azócar Fernández & M.F. Buchroithner, Berlin
& al. 2014
x, 150 pp., col., illus., contents: 1. Philosophy,
Epistemology, and Cartography, 2. A Philosophical
Framework Applied to Cartography, 3. Paradigms in the
History of Science, 4. Tendencies in Contemporary
Cartography, 5. Critical Cartography in the Context of PostModernism, 6. Post-representational Cartography, 7.
Possibilities of Paradigms in Cartography, 8. Scopes of
Paradigms in Cartography, 9. Conclusions, References;
23,5x18 cm, bd.
106,99 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100822
Location Science
Springer, S, G. Laporte, Nickel & F. Saldanha da Gama,
Francisco (eds.), Dordrecht & al. 2015
xvi, 644 pp., 94 illus. (incl. maps & graphs), contents: 1.
Introduction to Location Science, Part I Basic Concepts (2.
The p-Median Problem, 3. Fixed-Charge Facility Location
Problems, 4. p-Center Problems, 5. Covering Location
Problems, 6. Anti-covering Problems), Part II Advanced
Concepts (7. Location of Dimensional Facilities in a
Continuous Space, 8. Facility Location Under Uncertainty, 9.
Location Problems with Multiple Criteria, 10. OrderedMedian
Location Problems, 11. Multi-Period Facility Location, 12.
Hub Location Problems, 13. The Quadratic Assignment
Problem, 14. Competitive Location Models, 15. LocationRouting and Location-Arc Routing, 16. Location and
Logistics, 17. Stochastic Location Models with Congestion,
18. Demand Point Aggregation for Some Basic Location
Models), Part III Applications (19. Location and GIS, 20.
Location Problems in Telecommunications, 21. Location
Problems in Healthcare, 22. The Design of Rapid Transit
Networks, 23. Districting Problems, 24. Location Problems
Under Disaster Events), 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
139,09 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 101619
200 Europe / Europa
Atlas des mondes celtiques / Atlas ar bed keltiek
"Histoire, géographie, langues, cultures, traditions des
Celtes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui / istor, douaroniezh, yezhoù,
sevenadurioù, gizioù, ar gelted eus bed dec'h hag hiziv "
Éditions Coop Breizh, M. Bodlore-Penlaez, E. Chartier-Le
Floch & D. Kervella, Spézet 2014
141 pp., col., 150 bilingual maps, contents (only French title
is given): Histoire, Survivances celtiques, Pays celtiques
aujourd'hui, Nations celtiques, Diaspora, Monde celtique
insolite, Bibliographie, Pour aller plus loin, all bilingual
(French & Breton), 30,5x22 cm, hardcover
37,00 EUR
Title ID: 101504
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 6 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
"Geographical Perspectives"
Springer, M. Luc, U. Somorowska & J.B Szmańda (eds.),
Dordrecht & al. 2015
xi, 295 pp., chiefly col., 74 illus. (incl. maps), contents: Part I
Landscape Analysis (1. Cultural Landscape Functions, 2.
Land-use and Landscape Changes: A Methodological
Proposal for the Creation of Sustainable Cultural Tourism
Itineraries, 3. Assessment of the Exposure of TourismRelated Landscape, Values of the Silesian Beskids Based
on Computer Visualization, 4. Modelling as a Method for
Evaluating Natural Landscape Typology: The Case of
Slovenia, 5. Transformation of the Structure of the River
Catchment, Landscape Located in the Area of Intensive
Coal Exploitation, 6. The Natural Capital of Selected
Mountain Areas in Bulgaria, 7. The Landscape Research in
the Svratka-River Basin Using Ecosystem Services
According to the CICES Methodology, 8. Transformation of
Kujawy Landscape in Central Poland (1770–1970), 9.
Carbon Sequestration of Different Types of Floodplain
Forests, in the Maros River Valley (Hungary)), Part II
Landscape Planning (10. Landscape Ecology According to
Geography: A Proposal of Tools for the Analysis and
Management of the Environment, 11. Challenges to
Landscape Planning and Protection in Poland, 13. The
Landscape Plans System as a Tool for Sustainable
Development in Ukraine, 14. Assessment of an Ecological
Network at Local Scale in the Context of Landscape
Changes: A Case Study from NE Poland, 15. Landscape
Management within the Moscow City Protected Areas, 16.
Renaturalized and Recultivated Landscapes as a Result of
Sustainable Landscape Management), bibl., index,
21,5x28,5 cm hardcover
106,99 EUR
"Vers une nouvelle civilisation européenne"
Éditions Autrement, J.-L. Chappey & B. Gainot, 2nd ed.,
Paris 2015 (Collection Atlas / Mémoires)
96 pp., col., more than 100 maps & graphs, contents:
Territoire, territoires, Les dynamiques démographiques, Les
dynamiques économiques, Dynamiques culturelles et
résistances, L‘Europe du refus, Chronologie de l'Europe
napoléonienne (1799-1815), 17x25 cm, softcover
26,00 EUR
Landscape Analysis and Planning
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 101626
The Making of Europe
"A Geological History"
Dunedin Academic Press, G. Park, Edinburgh 2014
xi, 164 pp., num. maps, cross section & photos, contents: 1
Introduction; 2 The construction of Baltica - 'Proto-Europe'; 3
Lower Paleozoic growth of Proto-Europe; 4 The Caledonian
Orogeny; 5 The Expansion of Europe in the Upper
Paleozoic; 6 The Hercynian Orogenic Cycle; 7 Europe in
Mesozoic to Mid-Cenozoic time; 8 The Alpine Orogeny; 9
Neogene to Quaternary Europe; glossary, appendix, bibl.,
index, 20x25,5 cm, softcover
39,00 EUR
Encl. erratum slip.
Title ID: 102866
Atlas de l'empire napoléonien 1799-1815
Title ID: 100850
Managing Population Decline in Europe's Urban and
Rural Areas
Springer, G.-J. Hospers & N. Reverda, Cham 2015
(SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)
ix, 88 pp, 10 illus., contents: 1 Introduction: Population
Decline, 2 Demographic Changes, 3 Growth and Decline, 4
The Geography of Population Decline,. 5 Policy Reactions
on Population Decline, 6 Population Decline and Society, 7
Population Decline and Quality,8 Creative with Population
Decline, 9 Managing Population Decline Well, References,
53,49 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100410
Globalised Minds, Roots in the City
"Urban Upper-middle Classes in Europe"
Wiley-Blackwell, A. Andreotti, P. Le Galès & F.J. MorenoFuentes, Chichester 2015 (Studies in Urban and Social
264 pp., col., figs., contents: Presents new empirical
evidence collected through an original comparative research
about professionals and managers in four European cities in
three countries; Features an innovative combination of
approaches, methods, and techniques in its analyses of
European post-national societies; Reveals how segments of
Europe's urban population are adopting “exit” or “partial exit”
strategies in respect to the nation state; Utilises approaches
from classic urban sociology, globalization and mobility
studies, and spatial class analysis; Includes in depth
interviews, social networking techniques, and classic
questions of political representation and values, softcover
25,90 EUR
Title ID: 100772
- ditto hardcover
Title ID: 100773
77,90 EUR
Description preliminary
Springer, D. Chen, A. Walther, A. Moberg, P. Jones, J.
Jacobeit, & D.Lister, Dordrecht & al. 2015
vii, 1789 pp., col., 2258 illus. (incl, maps) & num. tables,
contents: 1 Introduction, 2 Data & Methods, 3 Atlas of the
Trend Analysis, 4 Summary of the Estimated Trends
5 Summary and Conclusions, Appendix, References,
139,09 EUR
La Tene Maps, 6th ed., Dublin 2015
col., wind farms >10 MW (site name, generating capacity,
owner/operator % no. of turbines) classified, wind farm
areas classified, operational/planned interconnectors, cable
routes classified, 3 inset maps (Offshore North West
Norway, Northern Gulf of Bothnia & Proposed/Planned
Farm Projects in the Mediterranean Sea), notes, illus., no
scale is given, 150x107 cm., fd.
85,00 EUR
European Trend Atlas of Extreme Temperature and
Precipitation Records
Description prelimianry
Title ID: 100400
Europe - Offshore Wind Farm Projects
Title ID: 74242
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 7 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
211 Deutschland / Germany
E. Kortmann & al. (eds.), Iffezheim 2014
12 vols. (atlas), b&w., location maps of building material
recyling plants, addresses, index, each vol. 21x30 cm, s.p.,
each 39,50 EUR
Standortkarten Baustoff-Recycling 2014/2015
Verwaltungskarte Deutschland 1:750 000
BKG, Frankfurt am Main 2014
col., places & communications, hydro., admin. bdrs.
(national and state bdrs., county and district bdrs.) & seats,
Lambert Conformal Conic proj., 136,5x 94,5 cm, flat in tube
12,90 EUR
Title ID: 100764
- ditto with rod and suspension in tube
Title ID: 100765
16,90 EUR
The vols.: are:
 Baden-Württemberg
Title ID: 3793
 Bayern
Title ID: 3794
 Brandenburg / Berlin
Title ID: 3795
 Hessen
"Namen und Abgrenzungen"
BKG, H. Liedtke, Frankfurt am Main 2014
col., shading, hydro., wood, communications & places,
physiographic bdrs. and names, (incl. some historical and
econ.), admin. bdrs., main natural units inset map, Lambert
Conformal Conic proj., 136,5x 95 cm, flat in tube 12,90 EUR
 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Title ID: 3796
Landschaftskarte Deutschland 1:750 000
Title ID: 100761
- ditto with rod and suspension in tube
Title ID: 100762
16,90 EUR
- ditto 1:1 000 000, (physiographic names index & notes),
89x102 cm, fd.
9,00 EUR
Title ID: 100763
Seismische Exploration für tiefe Geothermie (Seismic
Exploration for Deep Geothermal Energy)
BGR, H. von Hartmann & al., Hannover 2015 (Geologisches
Jahrbuch Reihe B, Band B 104)
271 pp., 171 illus., 7 tables, contents: 1 Geothermische
Energie, 2 Seismische Grundlagen, 3 Seismische
Messsysteme, 3 Seismische Messsysteme, 4
Messgeometrie, 5 Seismische Datenbearbeitung, 6
Seismische Interpretation, 21x29 cm, bd.
39,90 EUR
“The manual introduces the principles of seismic exploration
applicable to the search for reservoirs for hydrothermal
exploitation in Germany”.
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 100843
European Railway Atlas - Germany
M.G. Ball, version date 20th June 2014, Wrexham 2014
(Regional Series)
64 pp., col., 41 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are
distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of
stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 7
language legend (Incl. Engl., German & French),
21,5x 30 cm, plastic spiral-bd.
28,00 EUR
Title ID: 100766
Title ID: 3797
 Niedersachsen / Bremen
Title ID: 3798
 Nordrhein-Westfalen
Title ID: 3799
 Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland
Title ID: 3800
 Sachsen
Title ID: 3801
 Sachsen-Anhalt
Title ID: 3802
 Schleswig-Holstein / Hamburg
Title ID: 3803
 Thüringen
Title ID: 3804
212 Schleswig-Holstein & Hamburg
New abbreviation:
LVermGeoSH = Landesamt für Vermessung und
Geoinformation Schleswig-Holstein (former LVASH =
Landesvermessungsamt Schleswig-Holstein)
Topographische Karte 1:50 000
"Normalausgabe / ATKIS" (TK 50N / M745)
LVermGeoSH, Kiel c. 1962- (rev. every 5 years approx.).
chiefly revised as AKTIS version 1998-)
53 sheets (Blätter), col., contours 2,5 m, hydro, wood,
places and communications classified, Gauß-Krüger proj.,
71,5x48 cm; ATKIS version: 3 language legend (Germ.,
Engl. & Danish), UTM proj., 74x56 cm
each 5,35 EUR
New sheets:
 L 1120 Ladelund, 2014
Title ID: 100597
 L 1122 Flensburg Nord, 2014
Title ID: 100598
 L 1124 Westerholz, 2014
Title ID: 100599
 L 1318 Niebüll, 2014
Title ID: 100602
 L 1320 Drelsdorf, 2014
Title ID: 100603
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 8 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
 L 1322 Flensburg Süd, 2014
 (U3) Insel Borkum, 3rd ed., 2014
 L 1324 Kappeln, 2014
 2308 Juist Ost, 3rd ed., 2014
 L 1520 Husum, 2014
 2408 Greetsiel, 3rd ed., 2014
 L 1522 Schleswig, 2014
 2608 Emden West, 3rd ed., 2014
 L 1524 Eckernförde, 2014
 2614 Varel, 3rd ed., 2014
 L 1716 Sankt Peter-Ording, 2014
 2716 Elsfleth, 3rd ed., 2014
 L 1718 Tönning, 2014
 2811 Rhauderfehn, 2nd ed., 2014
 L 1720 Friedrichstadt, 2014
 2915 Wardenburg, 3rd ed., 2014
 L 1722 Rendsburg West, 2014
 3009 Dörpen, 2nd ed., 2014
 L 1724 Rendsburg Ost, 2014
 3011 Esterwegen, 2nd ed., 2014
 L 1918 Büsum, 2014
 3316 Diepholz, 2nd ed., 2014
 L 1920 Heide, 2014
 3416 Lembruch, 2nd ed., 2014
Title ID: 100604
Title ID: 100605
Title ID: 100609
Title ID: 100610
Title ID: 100611
Title ID: 100615
Title ID: 100616
Title ID: 100617
Title ID: 100618
Title ID: 100619
Title ID: 100624
Title ID: 100625
 L 1922 Hohenwestedt, 2014
Title ID: 100465
Title ID: 100466
Title ID: 100467
Title ID: 100468
Title ID: 100469
Title ID: 100470
Title ID: 100471
Title ID: 100472
Title ID: 100473
Title ID: 100474
Title ID: 100475
Title ID: 100476
Title ID: 100627
214 Nordrhein-Westfalen / North RhineWestphalia
Title ID: 100631
Title ID: 100626
 L 1924 Neumünster, 2014
 L 2118 Cuxhaven, 2014
 L 2120 Marne, 2014
Title ID: 100632
 L 2122 Itzehoe, 2014
Title ID: 100633
 L 2124 Bad Bramstedt, 2014
Title ID: 100634
 L 2324 Pinneberg, 2014
Title ID: 3944
 L 2524 Hamburg-Harburg, 2014
Title ID: 3946
213 Niedersachsen & Bremen / Lower
Saxony & Bremen
Topographische Karte 1:25 000
LGN, Hannover 2000410 sheets (Blätter) and 55 border sheets (Randblätter), 6
col., auxiliary contours down to 1,25 m, DEM, veg., hydro,
land cover tints, places and communications classified,
(colour-coded roads), gemeinde bdrs, reserve area bdrs.,
Gauß-Krüger proj., UTM grid, 71,5x48,5 cm, fd.
each 5,35 EUR
- flat version
each10,70 EUR
New sheets:
 2211 Langeoog Ost, 3rd ed., 2014
Title ID: 100462
 2217 Nordholz, 3rd ed., 2014
Title ID: 100464
 2213 Wangerooge, 3rd ed., 2014
Title ID: 100463
Old Maps of the Ruhr / Alte Stadtpläne des
Ruhrgebiets 1:12 500
Alan Godfrey Maps, Leadgate Consett 2008-2014 (Old Map
reprints, 18 sheets, col., reprints of top. maps taken from the
British War Office 1945, reduced to 1:19 000, on reverse
notes in Engl. & German, 60x42, fd.
each 5,95 EUR
New sheet:
 Bl.19 Hamm, 1945, reprint 2014
Title ID: 100477
With this map the series is finished.
217 Baden-Württemberg
Kulturlandschaften in Baden-Württemberg (Cultural
landscapes in Baden-Württemberg)
G. Braun Buchverlag, Landespflege Freiburg &
Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz,
Karlsruhe 2014
272 pp., col., num. photos & air photos, maps & tables,
contents: Kulturlandschaften - Landschaften der Kulturen?;
Entlang des Neckars, der zentralen Achse des Landes;
Unser urfränkisches Land im Nordosten; »Die blaue Mauer«
zwischen Ober- und Unterland; Das Alpenvorland - großer
Trog mit eiszeitlicher Kruste, Bodenseegebiet mit Hochrhein
und Dinkelberg; Wald, Schnee, Landschaft pur mit weitem
Blick; Der Oberrheingraben - reiche Ebene, mächtige
Flanken; Eigenarten quer durchs Land, Instrumente zur
Erhaltung der Kulturlandschaften; Stiftung Naturschutzfonds
Baden-Württemberg; Kurzporträts; bibl., glossary, place
name index, 25x33 cm, hardcover
44,95 EUR
Title ID: 101527
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 9 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
LVABW, Stuttgart 2001- (partly revised up to 2nd ed.)
single sheets for Baden-Württemberg, 8 col., text and illus.
on reverse, style vary, 98x67 cm, partly booklet, fd.
each 5,20 EUR
LVGB, München 2004546 sheets (Blätter) and 52 border sheets (Randblätter)
6 col., auxiliary contours down to 1,25 m, DEM, veg., hydro,
land cover tints, places and communications classified,
(colour-coded roads), gemeinde bdrs, reserve area bdrs.,
Gauß-Krüger proj., UTM grid, 77x49 cm, fd. each 6,20 EUR
Wanderkarten 1:35 000 / 1:30 000 / 1:20 000
New sheet:
 Kinzig bis Neckar (Alpirsbach, Schramberg, Oberndorf
am Neckar) 1:35 000, 2014
Title ID: 100675
Atlas Karlsruhe
"300 Jahre Stadtgeschichte in Karten und Bildern"
Emons Verlag, E. O. Bräunche, C. Kramer, P. Ludäscher,
D. Wiktorin & A. Zibart (eds.), Köln 2014
239 pp., num. maps, plans, graphs & photos, contents:
Stadtgeschichte; Stadtnatur; Planung, Wirtschaft, Verkehr;
Gesellschaft, Bildung, Kultur; bibl., 39x32 cm, hardcover
49,95 EUR
Topographische Karte 1:25 000
New sheets:
 7129 Deiningen, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 101546
 7931 Landsberg am Lech, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 101547
 8428 Bad Hindelang, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 101548
 8434 Vorderriß, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 101549
 8528 Hinterstein, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 101550
Title ID: 102882
 8626 Hoher Ifen, Ausgabe 2014
218 Bavaria / Bayern
 8627 Einödsbach, Ausgabe 2014
 8628 Hochvogel, Ausgabe 2014
Topographische Karte 1:50 000
"Normalausgabe (TK 50 N) & ATKIS"
LVGB, München c. 1950- (Serie M 745)
152 sheets (Blätter) and 16 Randblätter (border sheets), 5-7
col., contours 10 m, mainly shading, veg., places and
communications classified, UTM proj., 76x56 cm, fd. (or flat)
each 6,20 EUR
New sheets:
 L 6122 Lohr am Main, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 79531
 L 6324 Würzburg Süd, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 71719
 L 6336 Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 71720
 L 6542 Untergrafenried, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101539
 L 6744 Rittsteig, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101540
 L 6946 Hirschbach, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101541
 L 7132 Eichstätt, 2014
Title ID: 71723
 L 7148 Bischofsreut, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101542
 L 7342 Landau an der Isar, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 79547
 L 7548 Untergriesbach, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101543
 L 7738 Dorfen, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101544
 L 8126 Memmingen, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 79559
 L 8140 Traunstein, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 101545
Title ID: 101551
Title ID: 101552
Title ID: 101553
Alpensvereinskarte - Bayerische Alpen 1:25 000
DAV & LVGB, München 200722 single maps for the tour. areas of Bavarian Alps,
contours 2,5 m, tour. info, hiking & skiing routes, 8 col.,
detailed, on reverse notes, 68,5x99,5 cm, fd.
each 9,80 EUR
New sheets:
 BY 1 Allgäuer Voralpen West - Nagelfluhkette,
Hörnergebiet, 2015
Title ID: 7975
 BY 19 Chiemgauer Alpen Ost, Sonntagshorn, 2nd ed.
Title ID: 7990
Amtliche Topographische Karte Bayern 1:25 000
LVGB, München 2010- (ATK25)
c. 240 top. sheets, shading, col., contours 10 - 50 m, hiking
& biking routes, points of interest, notes, comprehensive
legend, UTM proj., chiefly 99x67 cm, fd. dbl. each 8,90 EUR
New sheets:
 B08 Bad Rodach, Weitramsdorf – Meeder – Bad
Colberg-Heldburg – Ummerstadt, 2015
Title ID: 101117
 B09 Coburg, Ahorn – Rödental – Lautertal – Meeder –
Neustadt bei Coburg, 2015
Title ID: 101118
 D02 Laufach, Weibersbrunn – Frammersbach –
Waldaschaff – Heigenbrücken – Bessenbach –
Heimbuchenthal, 2015
Title ID: 101119
 D03 Lohr am Main, Rothenfels – Gemünden am Main –
Frammersbach – Partenstein – Steinfeld – Urspringen,
Title ID: 101120
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 10 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
 E06 Volkach, Prichsenstadt – Mainbernheim –
Wiesentheid – Gerolzhofen – Schwarzach am Main,
 L11 Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Wolnzach –
Reichertshofen – Scheyern – Hohenwart - Rohrbach Schweitenkirchen2015
 E07 Schlüsselfeld, Burghaslach – Geiselwind – Ebrach
– Burgwindheim – Rauhenebrach, 2015
 L12 Mainburg, Nandlstadt – Rudelzhausen - Au in der
Hallertau – Attenkirchen - Wolnzach – Hörgertshausen,
Title ID: 101121
Title ID: 101122
 E11 Pegnitz, Creußen – Ahornta - Pottenstein –
Glashütten - Hummelta - Schnabelwaid, 2014
Title ID: 101128
Title ID: 101129
Title ID: 100574
 N10 Fürstenfeldbruck, Olching – Schwabhausen –
Puchheim – Mammendorf – Maisach – Odelzhausen,
Title ID: 100575
 N11 München-Nord, Dachau – Oberschleißheim –
Garching bei München – Karlsfeld – Unterschleißheim –
Eching, 2014
 E12 Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz, Creußen –
Kirchenthumbach – Speichersdorf – Kemnath –
Neustadt am Kulm – Grafenwöhr, 2014
 E13 Grafenwöhr, Erbendorf – Kemnath – Pressath –
Krummennaab – Schwarzenbach – Parkstein, 2015
Title ID: 101123
 F11 Auerbach in der Oberpfalz, Betzenstein – Velden –
Plech – Neuhaus an der Pegnitz – Königstein –
Kirchensittenbach, 2014
Title ID: 100576
 F12 Vilseck, Grafenwöhr – Edelsfeld – Königstein –
Hahnbach – Auerbach in der Oberpfalz, 2014
Title ID: 100577
 F13 Hirschau, Freihung – Grafenwöhr –
Schnaittenbach – Kohlberg – Mantel – Weiherhammer,
Title ID: 100578
 F14 Weiden in der Oberpfalz, Vohenstrauß –
Leuchtenberg – Luhe-Wildenau – Waldthurn Wernberg-Köblitz, 2015
Title ID: 101124
 F15 Pleystein, Vohenstrauß – Eslarn – Waidhaus –
Moosbach – Georgenberg2015
Title ID: 101125
 G12 Amberg, Sulzbach-Rosenberg – Kastl –
Ammerthal – Hahnbach – Ursensollen, 2014
Title ID: 100579
 G13 Freudenberg, Hirschau – Schnaittenbach –
Kümmersbruck – Schwarzenfeld – Ebermannsdorf –
Schmidgaden, 2014
Title ID: 100580
 G14 Nabburg, Schwarzenfeld – Pfreimd – WernbergKöblitz – Teunz – Tännesberg – Schwarzhofen, 2014
Title ID: 100581
 H14 Nittenau, Schwandorf-Ost – Wackersdorf –
Steinberg am See – Bruck in der Oberpfalz – Neunburg
vorm Wald – Bodenwöhr, 2014
Title ID: 100582
 H15 Neunburg vorm Wald, Roding – Schönthal – Rötz Neukirchen-Balbini – Stamsried – Pemfling, 2014
Title ID: 100583
 J11 Denkendorf, Altmannstein – Kinding – Kipfenberg –
Stammham – Mindelstetten, 2015
Title ID: 101126
 J12 Kehlheim, Riedenburg – Altmannstein – Essing –
Mindelstetten – Ihrlerstein – Painten, 2014
Title ID: 100584
 K11 Ingolstadt, Geisenfeld – Manching – Kösching –
Großmehring – Vohburg an der Donau, 2015
Title ID: 101127
 K12 Abensberg, Pförring – Neustadt an der Donau –
Aiglsbach – Münchsmünster – Siegenburg – Elsendorf,
Title ID: 100586
Title ID: 100587
 P13 Rosenheim, Bad Aibling – Kolbermoor – Raubling
– Großkarolinenfeld – Bruckmühl – Tuntenhausen, 2015
Title ID: 101130
 P15 Chiemsee, Bergen - Bernau am Chiemsee Chieming - Eggstätt - Grabenstätt – Traunreut, 2014
Title ID: 73943
Historischer Atlas von Bayern
Kommission für Bayerische Landesgeschichte, München
1950Vols. by parts & kreise, partly col., figs., maps, tables, bibl.,
index, col. folded maps encl.
More info. on on request.
Published parts:
 Reihe 1, Heft 66: Regensburg II (Das Landgericht
Haidau-Pfatter und die pfalzneuburgische Herrschaft
Heilsberg-Wiesent), 2014, xii, 704 pp., 2 maps
58,00 EUR
Title ID: 100500
 Teil Innviertel (Oberösterreich)
See 226 Austria.
Übersichtskarte Bayern 1:500 000
"Verwaltungsgrenzen (ÜK 500 V)"
LDBV, 9th ed., München 2014
2 col., hydro., gemeinde bdrs., 2 area tints without places
(Landflächen, Seen), Gauß-Krüger proj., 88x79,5 cm, fd.
8,90 EUR
Stand 1.1.2014
Title ID: 8594
219 Thuringia / Thüringen
Thüringen-Atlas - Ausgabe 2014
"Zahlen - Daten - Fakten"
TLS, Erfurt 2014
35 loose-leaves., col., 1 sheet notes, 34 maps, (5 maps
“Bevölkerung und Soziales”, 4 maps “Wahlen”, 7 maps
“Bildung, Soziales und Gesundheit“, 9 maps “Wirtschaft und
Arbeit“, 6 maps “Bauen, Wohnen, Umwelt und Verkehr, 3
maps “Kommunale Haushalte“), kreis data, tables, diagrams
& graphs, 42x30 cm, plastic cover
18,50 EUR
Title ID: 97384
Title ID: 100585
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 11 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
220 Saxony / Sachsen
Topographische Karte 1:50 000
GeoSN, Dresden c. 2010-2012 (partly rev. up to 2nd. ed.)
41 sheets (Blätter) and 14 border sheets (Randblätter), 6
col., contours 2,5 m, hydro, wood, places and
communications classified, trilingual legend, UTM proj.,
74x56 cm,
each 5,35 EUR
"Ausgabe" means in that case revised (2nd ed.) edition.
New sheets:
 L4946 Meißen, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 6990
 L5144 Flöha, Ausgabe 2014
Title ID: 6992
Elbingeröder Komplex 1:25 000, 1 deposit map, 1 block
diagram, 1 cross-section, 1 stratigraphic table, map "Die
Erde vor 400 Millionen Jahre", notes & photos, 100x78 cm,
8,00 EUR
Title ID: 101636
Ingenieurgeologische Karte der Stadt Magdeburg
LAGB, Halle (Saale) s.a.
CD-Rom, col, 6 maps 1:10 000, general map 1:25 000, for
each map 6 thematic sheets (Dokumentationskarte,
Baugrund (ab 2 Meter unter Gelände), Profilschnitte S – N,
Profilschnitte W – O, Oberfläche natürlicher Baugrund und
Aufschüttung, Tiefenlage und Beschaffenheit der
Quartärbasis, Oberfläche Festgestein), notes, maps as pdf
files (issue data 2003-2004)
47,60 EUR
Geologische Karte des Freistaates Sachsen 1:25 000
Title ID: 101760
SLUG, Freiberg 1997c. 150 sheets, following top. sheet plan, col., top. base,
detailed, cross sections, profiles, comprehensive legend, c.
90x65 cm; expl., figs., pb.
each 22,00 EUR
222 Brandenburg & Berlin
(GK 25 (N))
This latest version is to replace, by and by, the older
versions ("Geologische Specialkarte des Königreichs
Sachsen", "Geologische Karte der Deutschen
Demokratischen Republik", and other titles).
New sheets:
 5242 Stollberg (Erzgebirge), 2nd ed. 2014, expl. 2nd
ed. 2014
Title ID: 101770
 5441 Schneeberg, 3rd ed. 2014, expl. 3rd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101771
Topographische Karte 1:25 000
LGB & SSGV, Potsdam & Berlin 2004-2009
(chiefly revised)
251 sheets (Blätter) and 44 border sheets (Randblätter, not
listed), 4 col., auxiliary contours down to 1,25 m, DEM, veg.,
hydro, land cover tints, places and communications
classified, (colour-coded roads), gemeinde bdrs, reserve
area bdrs., UTM proj, 76x49 cm, fd.
each 5,37 EUR
New sheets:
 2836 Karstädt, rev. ed. 2015
Title ID: 71761
221 Saxony-Anhalt / Sachsen-Anhalt
 2838 Groß Pankow, rev. ed. 2015
 2937 Perleberg, rev. ed. 2014
LAGB, Halle (Saale) 1997series following top. sheet plan, 2 base versions (bedrock,
Quaternary), up to 6 more thematic sheets 1:50 000
"Archeologie, Geophysik, Rohstoffe, Grundwasser,
Baugrund, ...), chiefly expl., older sheets as CD-ROM
unless indicated 26,75 EUR
 3251 Neulewin, rev. ed. 2014
Geologische Karte von Sachsen-Anhalt 1:25 000
New sheets:
 4635 Querfurt, 2nd ed. 2014 2 maps (Grundkarte &
Karte ohne quartäre Bildung), expl. 2nd ed. 2014, 3
additional maps 1:50 000 (Geophysik, Rohstoffe &
Baugrund), encl. CD-Rom
Title ID: 6693
 3135 Leppin (Altmark), 2012 (Grundkarte), 4 crosssection on separate map, plastic jacket
15,00 EUR
Title ID: 100438
Geologisch-montanhistorische Karte Elbingeröder
Komplex (Mittelharz) 1:20 000
"Geotourismus im Elbingeröder Komplex"
LAGB, Halle/Saale 2014 (Geotourismus im Mittelharz)
col., shading, simplified geol. tints, geol. sites & points of
interest (mines, sources, wells, caves etc.), hiking routes,
roads, railway lines, places, photos., on reverse geol. Map
Title ID: 71763
Title ID: 71779
Title ID: 72005
 3252 Ortwig, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71838
 3340 Rathenow, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71840
 3352 Letschin, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71852
 3353 Genschmar, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71853
 3440 Premnitz, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 79409
 3441 Garlitz, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 79410
 3442 Wachow, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71858
 3443 Wustermark, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71859
 3451 Neuhardenberg, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 72010
 3452 Seelow, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 72011
 3453 Küstrin – Kietz, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71866
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 12 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
 3540 Brandenburg an der Havel – Plaue, rev. ed. 2014
 3952 Groß Muckrow, rev. ed. 2015
 3541 Brandenburg an der Havel, rev. ed. 2014
 3954 Wellmitz, rev. ed. 2015
 3542 Groß Kreutz, rev. ed. 2014
 4051 Lieberose, rev. ed. 2014
 3543 Ketzin, rev. ed. 2014
 4052 Jamlitz, rev. ed. 2014
 3740 Wollin, rev. ed. 2014
 4053 Kerkwitz, rev. ed. 2014
 3741 Golzow, rev. ed. 2014
 4054 Guben, rev. ed. 2014
 3743 Beelitz, rev. ed. 2014
 4145 Schönewalde, rev. ed. 2014
 3744 Wildenbruch, rev. ed. 2014
 4146 Dahme/Mark, rev. ed. 2014
 3745 Trebbin, rev. ed. 2014
 4147 Luckau – Uckro, rev. ed. 2014
 3746 Zossen, rev. ed. 2014
 4148 Luckau, rev. ed. 2014
 3747 Bestensee, rev. ed. 2014
 4149 Lübbenau / Spreewald, rev. ed. 2014
 3840 Görzke,rev. ed. 2014
 4246 Schlieben, rev. ed. 2014
 3841 Bad Belzig, rev. ed. 2014
 4249 Calau, rev. ed. 2014
 3842 Brück, rev. ed. 2014
 4345 Herzberg (Elster), rev. ed. 2014
 3843 Beelitz – Wittbrietzen, rev. ed. 2014
 4346 Schilda, rev. ed. 2014
 3844 Luckenwalde – Frankenfelde, rev. ed. 2014
 4354 Forst (Lausitz) - Groß Bademeusel, rev. ed. 2014
 3845 Woltersdorf, rev. ed. 2014
 4446 Bad Liebenwerda, rev. ed. 2014
 3846 Wünsdorf, rev. ed. 2014
 4447 Rückersdorf, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 72012
Title ID: 72013
Title ID: 71870
Title ID: 72014
Title ID: 79419
Title ID: 71899
Title ID: 71901
Title ID: 71902
Title ID: 71903
Title ID: 79421
Title ID: 71905
Title ID: 71914
Title ID: 71915
Title ID: 79424
Title ID: 71917
Title ID: 71918
Title ID: 71919
Title ID: 71920
 3847 Teupitz, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71942
Title ID: 71944
Title ID: 72030
Title ID: 72031
Title ID: 72032
Title ID: 72033
Title ID: 71960
Title ID: 71961
Title ID: 72034
Title ID: 71963
Title ID: 72036
Title ID: 71971
Title ID: 72042
Title ID: 79431
Title ID: 72046
Title ID: 72053
Title ID: 71991
Title ID: 72054
Title ID: 71921
Title ID: 71922
"Historische Landkarten - Geschichte der Mark im
Bäßler Verlag, G. Heinrich (ed.), 4th rev. ed., Berlin 2015
76 pp., chiefly col., 45 thematic maps, 32 photos, notes, end
paper maps, bibl., 30x21,5 cm
14,80 EUR
 3848 Märkisch Buchholz, rev. ed. 2014
 3851 Beeskow, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71925
 3853 Eisenhüttenstadt, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 72024
 3854 Vogelsang, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 72025
 3943 Treuenbrietzen, rev. ed. 2014
Kulturatlas Brandenburg
Title ID: 56282
 3944 Jüterbog – Kloster Zinna, rev. ed. 2014
224 Switzerland / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra /
 3945 Luckenwalde, rev. ed. 2014
 3946 Baruth/Mark – Paplitz, rev. ed. 2014
"Die ersten 100 Jahre"
Haupt Verlag, H. Haller, A. Eisenhut & R. Haller (eds.), 2nd
ed., Bern 2014 (Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz
247 pp., col., num. maps, diagrams & photos, contents: 1.
Grundlagen, 2. Rückblende, 3. Vergleiche und
Kooperationen, 4. Pflanzen, 5. Tiere, 6. Der Mensch, 7.
Forschung, 8. Szenarien und Perspektiven, bibl., glossary,
34 x 26,5 cm, hardcover
59,00 EUR
Title ID: 71933
Title ID: 71934
Title ID: 71935
Title ID: 79426
 3947 Baruth/Mark, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71937
 3948 Oderin, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 72026
 3950 Groß Leuthen, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 72027
 3951 Goyatz, rev. ed. 2014
Title ID: 71941
Atlas des Schweizerischen Nationalparks
Title ID: 89317
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 13 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz / Atlas géologique de
la Suisse / Atlante geologico della Svizzera 1:25 000
BWG (LHG), Basel/Bâle & Bern/Berne/Berna 1930222 sheets, map series following subsequent top. series,
col., very detailed, comprehensive legend, inset maps,
regional language used, partly add. sheets, regular size
97x65 cm; chiefly expl., pb., plastic jacket, partly as reprint
(in quadrichrome)
each 59,00 EUR
New sheets:
 1089 (135) Aarau, 2011, expl. 2011, encl. 3 plates
Title ID: 100826
 1163 (162) Travers, 2013, expl. 2013, encl. 4 plates
Title ID: 100827
 1170 (137) Alpnach, 2013, expl. 2013, encl. 2 plates
Title ID: 100828
 1233 (136) Greina, 2013, expl. 2013, encl. 1 plate
Title ID: 100829
Der Ozean im Gebirge
"Eine geologische Zeitreise durch die Schweiz"
vdf Hochschulverlag, H. Weissert & I. Stössel, 3rd ed.,
Zürich 2015
200 pp., col., comprehensive notes, num. figs. (incl. maps,
profiles, cross sections, photos), bibl., pb. 20x24 cm
42,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 18369
"Heute und in der Eiszeit"
Haupt Verlag, G. Wagner, Bern 2014
160 pp., chiefly col., num. maps, graphs, diagrams &
photos, contents: Erster Teil: Heutige Gletscher in Aktion (I
Allgemeines über Gletscher und Moränen, II Mittelmoränen
heutiger Gletscher), Zweiter Teil: Mittelmoränen eiszeitlicher
Gletscher (I Morphologische Typen in Abhängigkeit vom
Grundrelief, II Der Aaregletscher in den Bern-Stadien, III
Weitere eiszeitliche Mittelmoränengebiete), Dritter Teil:
Geschichte des Mittelmoränen-Modells, Anhang
(Literaturverzeichnis, Geologische Karten, Orts- und
Sachregister, Autorenregister), 21x27 cm, hardcover
46,90 EUR
Title ID: 102921
European Railway Atlas - Switzerland
M.G. Ball, version date: 247th June 2014, Wrexham 2014
(Regional Series)
26 pp., col., 16 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are
distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of
stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 5
language legend (Incl. Engl., German & French), 21,5x 30
cm, plastic spiral-bd.
14,00 EUR
Title ID: 100771
Deutsche Kriegskarten der Schweiz 1939–1945
"Ein Vademecum"
Cartographica Helvetica, M. Oehrli & M. Rickenbacher,
Murten 2014 (Cartographica Helvetica. Sonderheft 23)
100 pp., col., 50 figs, (incl. maps, sheet diagrams, illus. &
photos), contents: Teil 1: Organisatorisches; Teil 2:
Typologisches; Teil 3: Chronologisches; Teil 4:
Technisches; Teil 5: Politisches; Quellen und Literatur;
Anhang A: Gerlach Hemmerich; Anhang B: Tarncodes der
Druckereien; Anhang C: Blattübersichten 1:25000; Anhang
D: Kartobibliografie 1:25000; Anhang E: Kartobibliografie
1:100000; Anhang F: Zeittafel; Anhang G: Glossar;
Zusammenfassung; Summary; Résumé; Riassunto;
Namensregister; 21x30 cm, softcover
60,00 EUR
Title ID: 102947
226 Austria / Österreich
Österreichische Karte 1:25 000 (ÖK25V)
BEV, Wien 2000-2011 (ÖK25-UTM) (revised regularly)
357 sheets, enlarged from 1:50 000, col., contours 20 m,
shading, rocks, wood, detailed hydro., communication and
settlement features, gemeinde bdrs., Gauß-Krüger proj. &
UTM grid (BEV), UTM proj. (IMG), 83,5x57,5 cm (BEV
format) 81x58 cm (new BEV & IMG format), fd., dbl.
each 9,50 EUR
New sheets:
 3204-West / NL 33-01-04 Salzburg, 2014
Title ID: 17037
Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:50 000 /
(1:25 000 / 1:75 000) (former "Geologische
Spezialkarte" and other titles)
GBA, Wien 1955- (1:75 000: 1885-1961; 1:25 000: 1980-)
series following top. sheet plan, col., very detailed, inset
maps (tectonics, reference), c. 60x80 cm; partly expl., figs.,
plates, pb.
New sheets:
 65 Mondsee, 1989, expl. 2014
Now with expl.
Title ID: 17412
 127 Schladming, 1995, expl. 2014
Now with expl.
Title ID: 17441
 135 (6704) Birkenfeld, 2014, no expl.
Title ID: 100409
26,00 EUR
26,00 EUR
19,00 EUR
Historischer Atlas von Wien
Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv, Verein für Geschichte der
Stadt Wien & LBI, R. Banik-Schweitzer (ed.), Wien 19812015
17. instalments, maps chiefly col., detailed, partly oversizes
and/or sep. legend sheets, 40,5x50,5 cm, folders
New Instalment:
 17. Lieferung 2015: Planungskarten, 10 sheets & 1
sheet "Inhaltsverzeichnis der 1. bis 17. Lieferung"
135,00 EUR
Title ID: 101304
With this instalment, the series is complete.
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 14 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
 186 Copparo, 2014
"Teil Innviertel (Oberösterreich)"
Kommission für Bayerische Landesgeschichte, München
20144 vols., col., by „Landgerichte“ or „Kreise“ partly col., figs.,
maps, tables, bibl., index
 342 Orbetello, 2014
Historischer Atlas von Bayern
The vols. are:
 Bd.1 Das Landgericht Schärding. Landgericht, 2014,
xxxii, 537 pp., 1 map, (G. Schwentner)
48,00 EUR
Title ID: 100502
 Bd. Landgericht Braunau (Toni Brandner), i.p.
Title ID: 100503
 Bd. Ried/Innkreis (G. Schwentner & R.
Allmannsberger), i.p.
Title ID: 100504
 Bd. Landgerichte Friedburg, Mattighofen und Uttendorf
(G. Schwentner), i.p.
Title ID: 100505
229 Alps / Alpen
Alpenvereinskarten 1:25 000 / 1:50 000
DAV, ÖAV & LVGB, München & Wien 1904- (revised sheets
up to 2015 )
Single sheets for the E Alps, 2 base versions: 1:25 000
Alpenverein cartography, contours 20 m, top. features very
detailed; or 1:50 000 BEV cartography (see section 226
Austria!), tour. overprint for summer ("Wegmarkierungen"),
sizes vary, fd.
each 9,80 EUR
New sheets:
Title ID: 99963
Title ID: 100096
 351bis - 352 Isole Giglio e Giannutri, 2014
Title ID: 100676
 402 Ceccano, 2014
Title ID: 100148
Carta topografica d'Italia 1:25 000 (new series; some
early sheets: "Carta d'Italia")
IGMI, Firenze 1989- (Sezioni 25 DB)
2298 sheets, 4 col., contours 12,5-25 m, veg., detailed
settlement and communication features, comune bdrs.,
admin., inset map, UTM proj., 86x60 cm each 19,00 EUR
New sheets
 351 bis I Ìsola del Giglio, 2013
Title ID: 102932
 352 III Ìsola di Giannutri, 2013
Title ID: 102933
 352 IV Punta di Torre Ciana, 2013
Title ID: 102934
Carta topografica per escursionisti / Topographische
Wanderkarte 1:25 000
Tabacco, Tavagnacco 1982single sheets for Alpine areas, col., top. base, very detailed,
hiking routes, points of interest, UTM grid, sizes vary, fd.
each 10,90 EUR
New sheets:
 5/3 Karwendelgebirge-Ost, 2015
 008 Ortles - Cevedale / Ortlergebiet, 2014
 10/2 Hochkönig - Hagengebirge, 2015
 011 Merano e dintorni / Meran und Umgebung, 2014
 30/6 Ötztaler Alpen: Wildspitze, 2014
 014 Val di Fiemme - Lagorai - Latemar, 2014
 45/1 Niedere Tauern I 1:50 000, 2014
 017 Dolomiti di Auronzo e del Comelico, 2014
Title ID: 16572
Title ID: 16578
Title ID: 16592
Title ID: 16607
Schwandl's Tram Atlas Schweiz & Österreich
Robert Schwandl Verlag, R. Schwandl, 2nd ed., Berlin 2014
112 pp., col., num. network maps for 21 cities, basic data
tables, c. 200 photos, bilingual, 17x24 cm, pb. 14,50 EUR
Detailed Maps of all Tram, Light Rail and Underground
Networks + Trolleybus Systems
Title ID: 73945
235 Italy / Italia / Italien
Carta topografica d'Italia 1:50 000 (previous name
"Carta d'Italia")
IGMI, Firenze 1963- (Serie M792)
636 sheets (fogli), 5-6 col., contours 25 m, shading, veg.,
detailed settlement and communication features, comune
bdrs., UTM proj., partly violet grid with Engl. legend, c.
65x55 cm
each 22,00 EUR
New sheets :
 185 Ferrara, 2014
Title ID: 99962
Title ID: 14908
Title ID: 14911
Title ID: 14914
Title ID: 14917
 021 Dolomiti Friulane e d‘Oltre Piave, 2015
Title ID: 14921
 030 Bressanone - Val di Funes / Brixen - Villnöss, 2014
Title ID: 14930
 039 Val Passiria / Passeiertal, 2014
Title ID: 14939
 052 Adamello - Presanella, 2014
Title ID: 14952
 058 Valsugana - Tesino Lagorai - Cima d'Asta, 2015
Title ID: 101656
 061 Alto Garda - Ledro - Monte Baldo Nord, 2015
Title ID: 101655
Carta sentieri / Wanderkarte / Carte sentiers / Hiking
Map (titles vary)
Tabacco, Tavagnacco 1995single sheets for Alpine areas, col., very detailed, sizes vary,
New sheet:
 Seiseralm - Schlerngebiet / Alpe di Siusi - Altipiano
dello Sciliar, panoramic view on reverse, 20146,90 EUR
Title ID: 14957
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 15 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
MF, 50th ed., Madrid 2014 (rev. continuously)
Atlas, 200 pp., col., 69 fold-out map pp. 1:300 000, places
and communications classified, bdrs., nat. parks, scenic
roads, hydro., points of of interest (incl. Caminos de
Santiago en España, paradors, alojamientos rurales &
playas de España), 4 map pp. incl. Europe, Portugal,
France & Morocco, 58 city plans, 10 pp. complementary
info., 64 index pp. with c. 20 000 entries, spiral-bd., 18x32
cm; encl. Mapa oficial de Carreteras 1:1 000 000, 64x94 cm,
fd. & interactive (Spanish & Engl.) DVD (116 Vías verdes,
152 Rutas turísticas, 1100 Espacios naturales y protegidos);
slip case
29,50 EUR
I ghiacciai della Lombardia (The Glaciers of
"Evoluzione e attualità"
Hoepli Editore, L. Bonardi & al. (Servizio Glaciologico
Lombardo), Milano 2012
328 pp., col. num. maps, diagrams, tables & photos,
contents: Il Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo, Ghiacciai in
Lombardia, vent'anni dopo. I: Studi (Il valore dei ghiacciai
lombardi, I ghiacciai del passato, I ghiacciai della Lombardia
dalla PEG a oggi, I bilanci di massa, Il bilancio di massa
regionale 2007-2011, Cenni geologici, Meteo-climatologia
dei ghiacciai lombardi, Criocarsismo e speleologia glaciale,
La ricerca glaciologica. Stato attuale, problemi e
prospettive) II: Atlante dei ghiacciai lombardi (I ghiacciai
dello Spluga-Lej, I ghiacciai del Codera-Masino, I ghiacciai
del Disgrazia-Mallero, I ghiacciai del Bernina, I ghiacciai
dello Scalino-Painale, I ghiacciai del Dosdè-Piazzi, I
ghiacciai della Valle di Livigno, I ghiacciai dell'OrtlesCevedale, I ghiacciai dell'Adamello, I ghiacciai delle Orobie),
Guida alle schede e alla cartografia glaciologiche, Elenco
dei ghiacciai e dei glacionevati, Elenco delle forme glaciali
minori, Bibliografia generale, 24x29 cm, softcover
50,00 EUR
Title ID: 100778
European Railway Atlas - Italy
M.G. Ball, version date: 1st August 2014, Wrexham 2014
(Regional Series)
32 pp., col., 20 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are
distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of
stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 4
language legend (Engl., Italian, French & German), 21,5x 30
cm, plastic spiral-bd.
14,00 EUR
Title ID: 100770
236 Spain / España / Spanien
Mapas provinciales de España 1:200 000
IGNE, Madrid 1992-2002 (rev. continuously) (Institucional)
48 sheets, col., contours 100 m, shading, wood, places and
communications classified, 2 location inset maps, sizes
vary, index on reverse (from 2011 onwards
each 10,00 EUR
The provinces of Álava, Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya make up
one sheet. The province of Ceuta is included in the map of
Cádiz, the province of Melilla is included in the map of
New sheets:
Mapa oficial de carreteras - España - 2015
Description preliminary
Title ID: 10457
Mapa comarcal de Catalunya 1:50 000
ICGC (ICC), Barcelona 1990-2001 (partly rev. up to 10th
ed.) (former Col-lecció 1:50 000)
41 sheets, col., contours 20 m, shading, veg., detailed
settlement and communication features, bdrs. down to
municipis, admin. insets, stat. info., UTM proj., sizes
depend, fd.
each 11,00 EUR
New sheets:
 02 Alt Empordà, 10th ed. 2014
Title ID: 11561
 10 Baix Empordà, 10th ed. 2014
Title ID: 11569
 13 Barcelonès, 6th ed. 2014
Title ID: 11572
 26 Pallars Sobirà, 7th ed. 2014
Title ID: 11585
Mapa topogràfic de Catalunya 1:25 000
ICGC (ICC), Barcelona 199784 sheets (Capitals Comarcals (41 sheets), Espais Naturals
Protegits (19 Sheets), Unitats Geogràfiques (24 sheets)),
col., contours 20 m, shading, veg., detailed settlement and
communication features, tour. info., UTM proj., 148x98 cm,
each 14,00 EUR
New sheets:
 08 Cervera (Capitals Comarcals), 2013
Title ID: 100419
 09 Falset - Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant
(Capitals Comarcals), 2014
Title ID: 100785
 19 Montblanc - Paratge Natural d'Interès Nacional de
Poblet, l'Espluga de Francolí, Serra del Tallat (Capitals
Comarcals), 2014
Title ID: 11610
 Cuenca, 6th ed. 2014
 30 Solsona – Cardona - el Miracle (Capitals
Comarcals), 2014
 Girona, 5th ed. 2014
 34 Tortosa (Capitals Comarcals), 2013
 Huesca, 7th ed. 2014
 38 Vic (Capitals Comarcals), 2013
 Lleida, 5th ed. 2014
 49 Parc Natural del Montseny (Espais Naturals
Protegits), 2014
Title ID: 10390
Title ID: 10391
Title ID: 10396
Title ID: 10402
Title ID: 100420
Title ID: 100421
Title ID: 100422
Title ID: 100423
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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372 GeoKartenbrief
 65 Moianès (Unitats Geogràfiques), 2014
Title ID: 101733
 69 el Montnegre i el Corredor - Alt Maresme - Baix
Montseny (Unitats Geogràfiques), 2014
Title ID: 100424
 72 Alta Anoia - Serra de Castelltallat - Serra de Pinós Segarra Calafina (Unitats Geogràfiques), 2014
Title ID: 100425
 75 Alt Gaià, Plana d'Ancosa - Santa Coloma de
Queralt, Serra de Miralles, Sarral (Unitats
Geogràfiques), 2014
Title ID: 101736
 76 Muntanyes de Prades – Montblanc, Paratge Natural
d'Interès Nacional de Poblet, 2014
Title ID: 100786
 77 Serra de Llaberia, Vall de Llors - Tivissa, Vandellòs,
l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, l'Ametlla de Mar (Unitats
Geogràfiques), 2014
Title ID: 100787
Mapa - Guia Excursionista 1:10 000 / 1:20 000
/ 1:25 000 / 1:30 000
Editorial Alpina, Granollers 2002- (Sèrie E-25 / Serie E-25 /
alpina 25 / alpina 10)
map series for walking areas, col., top. base, detailed tour.
overprint, sizes vary, fd., partly guide booklet ("Guía"), 30100 pp., illus., pb., 1-4 languages
unless indicated 15,90 EUR
New sheets:
 Montserrat 1:10 000 / 1:5 000, 2015
Title ID: 100796
 Serra de Tramuntana 1:25 000 (Mallorca) 1:25 000, 4
maps on 2 sheets, 2015
29,90 EUR
Title ID: 102868
 Serralada de Marina 1:25 000, 2014
Title ID: 100795
 391-2-1 (70-29) Castellolí, 2013
Title ID: 100417
Mapa per a la prevenció dels riscos geològics
1:25 000
IGC & ICC, Barcelona 2010- (Mapa geològic de Catalunya /
Geotreball VI.)
c. 300 sheets, col., series following 1:25 000 top. sheet plan,
detailed on slope, landslip, etc., comprehensive legend,
inset maps, notes, bibl., 99,5x49,5 cm, fd., dbl.
each 18,00 EUR
New sheets:
 296-1-2 (77-24) Sarrià de Ter, 2014
Title ID: 101753
 327-2-2 (64-26) Os de Balaguer, 2014
Title ID: 100418
 334-1-1 (77-25) Girona, 2014
Title ID: 101754
 363-1-2 (71-28) Manresa, 2014
Title ID: 101755
Mapa geològic de Catalunya 1:25 000
ICC & SGC, Barcelona 1994- (Geotreball I. / former Collecció 1:25 000 ) c. 300 sheets, series following top. sheet
plan, col., detailed, cross sections, comprehensive legend,
115x85 cm, fd. / 113x63 cm, dbl., fd.
each 18,00 EUR
New sheets:
 255-1-2 (71-22) la Pobla de Lillet, 2013
Title ID: 100411
 333-1-1 (75-25) Anglès, 2014
Title ID: 101739
 360-1-1 (65-27) Bellcaire d'Urgell, 2014
Title ID: 101740
 364-1-2 (73-28) La Garriga, 2014
Title ID: 101741
"Mapa geològic dels processos actius i recents i de l'activitat
ICC & SGC, Barcelona 2010- (Mapa geològic de Catalunya
/ Geotreball II.)
c. 300 sheets, series following top. sheet plan, col., detailed,
6 inset maps 1:50 000 with thematic overprints, 2 satellite
images, 1 graph, 1 table, notes, comprehensive legend,
113x70,5 cm, dbl., fd.
each 18,00 EUR
Universidad del País Vasco, A. Bodego & al. 2014
251 pp., chiefly col., maps, cross sections, profiles, block
diagrams & photos, contents: Evolución geológica de la
Cuenca Casco-Cantábrica, Hitos geológicos singulares de
la Cuenca Casco-Cantábrica, Recursos geológicos:
Explotación, sostenibilidad y geoconservación, bibl.,
21x30 cm, softcover
54,00 EUR
Mapa geoantròpic 1:25 000
New sheets:
Geología de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica
Title ID: 100647
 213-2-2 (64-20) el Pont de Suert, 2012
 251-2-1 (64-21) Areny, 2012
ICGC (IGC & ICC) & ACA, Barcelona 2010- (Mapa geològic
de Catalunya / Geotreball V.) c. 300 sheets, col., series
following 1:25 000 top. sheet plan, detailed, comprehensive
legend, inset maps, cross sections, diagrams, tables, notes,
bibl., 100x73 cm, fd., dbl.
each 18,00 EUR
Title ID: 100412
Title ID: 100413
 255-1-2 (71-22) la Pobla de Lillet, 2013
Title ID: 100414
 294-2-2 (74-24) Santa Maria de Corcó, 2013
Title ID: 100415
 331-2-1 (72-25) Olost, 2013
Title ID: 100416
 360-1-1 (65-27) Bellcaire d'Urgell, 2014 978-84-3939222-4
Title ID: 101744
Mapa hidrogeològic 1:25 000
New sheets:
 258-1-2 (77-22) Navata, 2014
Title ID: 101749
 296-2-1 (78-23), 297-1-1 (79-23) L'Escala, Cala
Montgó, 2014
Title ID: 100589
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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GeoKartenbrief 372
Mapa de sòls 1:25 000
IGC & ICC, Barcelona 2009- (Mapa geològic de Catalunya /
Geotreball IV.)
c. 300 sheets, col., series following 1:25 000 top. sheet plan,
detailed, comprehensive legend, 10 inset maps, on reverse:
photo profiles, table, notes, bibl., 153,5x75 cm, fd.
each 18,00 EUR
New sheet:
 360-2-2 (66-28) Ivars d'Urgell, 2014
Title ID: 100588
Atles de la catalunya senyorial
"Els ens locals en el canvi de règim (1800-1860)"
ICGC, J. Burgueño & M. M. Gras, Barcelona 2014
(Col·lecció "Cartoteca", 2)
238 pp., col., more than 80 maps, 22 tables, contents: 1. El
mapa jurisdiccional de Catalunya a la fin de l'Antic Règim, 2.
El primer mapa municipal constitucional. Una transició
complexa. 3. La definitiva configuració del mapa municipal
constitutional. La Llei d'ajuntaments del 1845, 4. El mapa
eclesiàstic català (segles XVIII – XIX), 5. L'organització
territorial del serveis públics, de l'Antic Règim al liberalisme,
bibl., sources, indexes, 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover, encl. 1
CD-Rom with 5 annexes
39,00 EUR
Title ID: 101729
L'Atles Manual de la Història de Catalunya
"Del paleolític a la unió amb Aragó"
Rafael Dalmau Editor, V. Hurtado Cuevas, Barcelona 2014
302 pp., col., num. maps (the vast majority completely
unreleased), some graphs & tables, sources & bibl., index,
14x20 cm, softcover
50,00 EUR
Title ID: 102881
240 Western Europe / Westeuropa
European Railway Atlas - France & Benelux
M.G. Ball, version date: 20th June 2014, Wrexham 2014
(Regional Series)
50 pp., col., 29 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are
distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of
stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 7
language legend (Incl. Engl., German & French), 21,5x 30
cm, plastic spiral-bd.
23,00 EUR
Title ID: 91754
241 France / Frankreich
Carte Topographique - TOP 25 1:25 000
"Carte de Randonnée"
IGN & al., Paris & al. 1988- (revised continuously)
c. 350 sheets, 6 col., contours 5-10 m, shading, detailed
hydro., veg. and settlement features, commune bdrs. and
pop. figs., detailed tour. overprint, Lamberts conform conical
proj., GPS compatible, partly with notes, c. 130x90 cm, fd.
each 13,90 EUR
 0821 OT Presqu‘île de Quiberon - Auray – Carnac, 4th
ed. 2015
Title ID: 100931
 0822 OT Belle-Île - Îles d'Houat et d'Hœdic, 4th ed.
Title ID: 100932
 0921 OT Vannes - Golfe du Morbihan, 4th ed. 2015
Title ID: 100933
 1022 ET St-Nazaire - PNR de Brière, 4th ed. 2015
Title ID: 100934
 1022 OT La Roche-Bernard - PNR de Brière, 4th ed.
Title ID: 100935
 3444 OT Brignoles - le Luc - Lac de Carcès, 3rd ed.
Title ID: 100977
Série bleue 1:25 000
IGN, Paris 2014682 sheets, col., contours 5-10 m, shading, detailed hydro.,
detailed land use & cover, built-up areas, communications
classified, commune bdrs., hiking routes, points of interest,
trilingual legend (French, Engl. & Germ.), Lamberts conform
conical proj., UTM grid, 131x95,5 cm, fd. each 14,90 EUR
New format, series is replacing the former "série bleue". For
most of the maps (84%), the area covered is the assembly
of the former East and West map. In 2018 the series will be
complete. At present are 92 sheets published:
 0920 SB Elven - Grand-Champ, 2015
Title ID: 100879
 1020 SB Malestroit - Peillac, 2015
Title ID: 100880
 1021 SB Questembert - la Roche-Bernard, 2015
Title ID: 100881
 1516 SB Domfront - Lassay-les-Châteaux - Bagnolesde-l'Orne, 2015
Title ID: 100882
 1517 SB Mayenne - le Hops, 2015
Title ID: 100883
 1518 SB Évron - Montsûrs, 2015
Title ID: 100884
 1519 SB Meslay-du-Maine - Vaiges, 2015
Title ID: 100885
 1618 SB Sillé-le-Guillaume - Conlie - Ste-Suzanne,
Title ID: 100886
 1619 SB Loué - Brûlon - Noyen-sur-Sarthe, 2015
Title ID: 100887
 1716 SB Alençon - Sées, 2015
Title ID: 100888
 1718 SB Beaumont-sur-Sarthe - Ballon, 2015
Title ID: 100889
 1719 SB le Mans - la Suze-sur-Sarthe, 2015
Title ID: 100890
 1816 SB Mortagne-au-Perche - le Mêle-sur-Sarthe,
Title ID: 100891
 1817 SB Mamers - Bellême - le Theil, 2015
Title ID: 100892
 1818 SB la Ferté-Bernard - Bonnétable, 2015
Title ID: 100893
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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372 GeoKartenbrief
 1819 SB Bouloire - le Grand-Lucé, 2015
Title ID: 100894
 2442 SB Belmont-sur-Rance - St-Sernin-sur-Rance,
Title ID: 100895
 2524 SB Nevers - Jouet-sur-l'Aubois, 2015
Title ID: 100896
 2525 SB la Guerche-sur-l'Aubois - Sancoins - MagnyCours, 2015
Title ID: 100897
 2625 SB Decize - Imphy, 2015
Title ID: 100898
 2910 SB Rethel - Tourteron, 2015
Title ID: 100899
 1915 SB Verneuil-sur-Avre - Bourth, 2015
 3026 SB Chalon-sur-Saône - St-Germain-du-Plain,
 1916 SB la Loupe - Rémalard, 2015
 3321 SB Port-sur-Saône - Fresne-St-Mamès, 2015
 1821 SB Château-du-Loir - Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, 2015
 1826 SB Vouneuil-sur-Vienne - Archigny - JaunayClan, 2015
 1827 SB Poitiers - Chauvigny, 2015
 1828 SB Gençay - Persac, 2015
 1829 SB l'Isle-Jourdain - Charroux, 2015
Title ID: 100900
Title ID: 100901
 1919 SB St-Calais - Droué, 2015
Title ID: 100924
Title ID: 100925
Title ID: 100926
Title ID: 100927
Title ID: 100928
Title ID: 100929
Title ID: 100930
Title ID: 100902
Title ID: 100903
"Touristique & Randonnée "
IGN, Paris 2011- (partly revised)
single sheets, col., road map 1:75 000 (extract from TOP
100), 5 top. maps (extracts from TOP 25), index, trilingual
legend, each 109x99,5 cm, fd.
each 11,90 EUR
 1923 SB Bléré - Chenonceaux - Veigné, 2015
 1924 SB Loches - Ligueil, 2015
Title ID: 100904
 1925 SB Preuilly-sur-Claise - le Grand-Pressigny, 2015
Title ID: 100905
 1926 SB le Blanc - Pleumartin - la Roche-Posay, 2015
Title ID: 100906
 1927 SB la Trimouille - St-Savin, 2015
TOP 75
New sheets:
 001 Massif du Vercors, 2nd ed. 2015
Title ID: 70894
Title ID: 100907
 002 Chartreuse - Belledonne, 2nd ed. 2015
Title ID: 100908
 003 Massif de la Vanoise, 2nd ed. 2015
Title ID: 100909
 004 Beaufortin - Massif du Mont Blanc, 2nd ed. 2015
Title ID: 100910
 038 Île de Ré - Île - d'Oléron - Marais Poitevin, 2015
 2017 SB Illiers-Combray - Bailleau-le-Pin, 2015
 2025 SB Buzançais - Mézières-en-Brenne, 2015
 2026 SB St-Gaultier - Rosnay, 2015
 2117 SB Voves - Sours, 2015
Title ID: 100911
 2125 SB Châteaurouy - Levroux - Villedieu-sur-Indre,
Title ID: 100912
 2126 SB le Pointçonnet - Velles - Luant, 2015
Title ID: 100913
 2225 SB Issoudun - Neuvy-Pailloux, 2015
Title ID: 100914
 2226 SB Ardentes - la Berthenoux, 2015
Title ID: 100915
 2324 SB Bourges - Mehun-sur-Yèvre, 2015
Title ID: 100916
 2325 SB Châteauneuf-sur-Cher - Levet, 2015
Title ID: 100917
 2421 SB Briare, 2015
Title ID: 100918
 2422 SB St-Satur - Léré - Vailly-sur-Sauldre, 2015
Title ID: 100919
 2423 SB Les Aix-d'Angillon - Sancerre, 2015
Title ID: 100920
 2424 SB Nérondes - Avord, 2015
Title ID: 100921
 2425 SB Dun-sur-Auron - Blet, 2015
Title ID: 100922
 2441 SB Réquista - Villefranche-de-Panat, 2015
Title ID: 70892
Title ID: 70893
Title ID: 70890
Title ID: 100878
Les fonds marins côtiers de Corse
"Cartographie biomorphosédimentaire"
Éditions Quæ, P. Clabaut & C. Augris, Versailles 2014
(Collection: Atlas & cartes)
79 pp., chiefly b&w, num, maps, photos & graphs
(sonograms), contents: I. Caractéristiques générales du
domaine marin côtier de la Corse (Cadre géologique,
Nature des fonds du plateau insulaire, L'herbier de
Posidonies, Régime hydrodynamique), II. Moyens de
reconnaissance et données utilisées, III. Nature et
répartition des formations superficielles, (Le substratum
rocheux, Les sédiments meubles, L'herbier de Posidonies,
L'herbier sur les substrats meubles, L'herbier sur les
substrats rocheux, Morphologies d'herbier aux
embouchures de fleuves, Influence des facteurs
hydrodynamiques sur la répartition de l'herbier, Les traces
anthropiques, IV. Images acoustiques des fonds marins,
Conclusion, Références bibliographique; 21x29,5 cm, soft
cover, encl. CD-Rom (25 maps Cartographie
biomorphosédimentaire 1:25 000, var. data files)
45,00 EUR
Title ID: 100565
Title ID: 100923
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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May 2015 • page 19 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
Carte pédologique de la France 1:100 000
INRA, Paris 1969series following old top. map, col., very detailed, 4 thematic
inset maps 1:500 000 (carton pluviométrique /
géomorphologique / lithologique / du couvert végétal), col.,
location and reference maps, c. 100x70 cm; expl., 50-200
unless indicated 27,00 EUR
pp., num. figs., pb.; cover
New sheet:
 H22 Auch, 2013, expl. 2014
Title ID: 101657
Atlas de Paris au Temps de Napoleon
Parigramme, I. Delage & C. Prévot, Paris 2014
223 pp., chiefly col., num. maps, plans, graphs & photos,
contents: La «Première capitale de l'univers», Introduction,
Visages d'une capitale, Vivre à Paris, L'organisation de
Paris, Paris, capitale du monde, Les lieux de pouvoir et de
savoir, L'Empereur et le cercle impérial, Conclusion,
Annexes: index des noms et sélection bibliographique,
25,5x31,5 cm, bd.
52,00 EUR
Prix Premier Empire 2014 de la Fondation Napoléon
Title ID: 101303
Atlas de Paris
"Évolution d'un paysage urbain"
Parigramme, D. Chadych & D. Leborgne, Paris (2007) 2011
219 pp., chiefly col., c. 500 illus. (incl. maps, graphs &
photos), contents: La Géographie, La Préhistoire,
L‘Antiquité, Mérovingiens et Carolingiens, Le Moyen Âge,
Le XVIe siècle, Le XVIIe siècle, Le XVIIIe siècle, Le Premier
Empire, La première moitié du XIXe siècle, Le Second
Empire, La fin du XIXe siècle, Le XXe siècle, Conclusion,
Bibliographie, Index, 25,5x32 cm, hardcover
55,00 EUR
Title ID: 101642
Une ville face au climat
"Metz à la fin du Moyen Âge (1400 - 1530)"
PUN – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, L. Litzenburger,
Nancy 2015 (Collection «Archéologie, Espaces,
viii, 487 pp., chiefly b&w, 111 + 26 figs. (incl. plans, maps,
diagrams & photos), contents: I. Partie – Climat messin et
Petit Âge Glaciaire: sources, méthodologie, bilan (1. Apports
et limites des sources messines pour l'Histoire du climat, 2.
Les indicateurs vendémiologiques et phénologiques, 3.
Reconstruction du climat messin (1420-1537), 4. Les
événements extrêmes dans le Pays messin, Conclusion de
la première partie), II. Partie – La vulnérabilité climatique de
Metz à la fin du Moyen Âge (5. La vulnérabilité de
l'approvisionnement urbain, 6. La vulnérabilité de la société
messine, 7. La capacité de résilience de la société urbaine,
Conclusion de la deuxième partie), III. Partie – Les
représentations sociales et les attitudes face au climat: une
culture du risque climatique? (8. Dire, prévoir et prédire le
temps: pratiques paysannes et savantes de la météorologie,
9. Les représentations sociales liées au climat: une vision
de la nature et du monde, 10. Temps de fêtes, temps de
prières: les pratiques culturelles liées au climat, 11. les
procès de sorcellerie, marqueurs de la vulnérabilité et forme
de résilience sociale, Conclusion de la troisième partie),
Conclusion générale, indexes of places & personnes, 23x30
cm, softcover, encl. CD-Rom (sources et bibliographie,
publication de séries fiscales, bases de données)
50,00 EUR
Title ID: 102922
European Railway Atlas - France & Benelux
See area 240 Western Europe
L'Atlas de l'élevage herbivore en France
"Filières innovantes, territoires vivants"
Éditions Autrement, L. Rieutort, J. Ryschawy, A. D. & C.
Guinot, Paris 2014 (Collection: Atlas/Monde)
96 pp., more than 90 maps & graphs, contents: L'élevage
dans le monde défis et diversité, Des élevages français
ancrés dans les territoires, Des filières sources d'économie
et d'emploi, Des enjeux environnementaux au cœur des
pratiques de filière, Un rôle social, culturel et patrimonial,
L'élevage et ses filières, demain, glossary, bibl., 17x25 cm,
26,00 EUR
Title ID: 100849
Les cartes de notre enfance
"Atlas mural Vidal-Lablache"
Armand Colin, J. Scheibling & C. Leclerc (eds.), Paris 2014
157 pp., 69 reprints of wall maps for pupils, which are
published between 1885 and 1969 by the geographer VidalLablache, notes for each map, 2 chapters: La France et son
empire, Les continents, annexe, 25x29 cm, hardcover
38,00 EUR
Title ID: 102942
242 Belgium / België / Belgique / Belgien
European Railway Atlas - France & Benelux
See area 240 Western Europe
243 Luxembourg / Lëtzebuerg / Luxemburg
Bildungseinrichtungen im sozialen und räumlichen
"Zur Integrationsfunktion von schulischen und
außerschulischen Institutionen in ausgewählten Vierteln der
Stadt Luxemburg"
Peter Lang - Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, M.
Lehners, Frankfurt am Main & al. 2015 (Luxemburg-Studien.
Bd. 8)
236 pp., chiefly col., 40 illus., 4 tables, contents:
Theoretische Grundlagen zu Ungleichheit, Bildung und
Integration; Zur sozialräumlichen Entwicklung Luxemburgs;
Sozialer undräumlicher Kontext von Grundschulen in ausgewählten Schulbezirken der Stadt Luxemburg; Fallstudien
Cessange und Bonnevoie,15x28 cm, hardcover 42,95 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100825
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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GeoKatalog 2
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372 GeoKartenbrief
European Railway Atlas - France & Benelux
See area 240 Western Europe
244 Netherlands / Nederland / Niederlande
Topografische kaart van Nederland 1:50 000
TDN, Emmen 1993-2001 (rev. every 4 years approx.)
63 sheets, 6 col., contours 5 m, detailed morphological,
hydro., veg., settlement and communication features,
gemeente bdrs., legend also in Engl., stereographic proj.,
60x57 cm, flat or fd.
each 9,00 EUR
Revised sheet:
 30 's-Gravenhage, 2014
Title ID: 63769
Topografische Atlas 1:25 000
Uitgeverij 12 provincien, T. Termeulen, Landsmeer 201212 province vols., col., xv intro (notes, maps, illus. &
legend), each c. 100 - 230 pp., with top. map pp., index,
each 22,5x32,5 cm, cloth
each 29,95 EUR
Survey of maps c. 2009 - 2012.
New vols.:
 Drenthe, 2015
Title ID: 89087
 D Gelder Ijssel 1:25 000 - 2014/2015, 2014 15,50 EUR
Title ID: 24530
 M Limburgse Maas 1:25 000 - 2014/2015, 2015
15,50 EUR
Title ID: 24531
 W Noord-Brabant 1:50 000 - 2015/2016, 2015
19,90 EUR
Title ID: 24532
 Z Zeeland 1:50 000 - 2015/2016, 2015
Title ID: 24533
 Staande Mastroute - Harlingvliet <-> Ems-Dollard
1:50 000, 2015
21,90 EUR
Title ID: 24534
245 Great Britain / Großbritannien
South West Coast 1:25 000
Geographers' A-Z Map Company, Sevenoaks 2013 (A-Z
Adventure) (Partly revised)
atlas series, 5 vols., col., 52-68 pp., containing Ordnance
Survey Explorer mapping, footpaths, bridleways, trails, long
distance routes, points of interest, index (places & features),
route planner, notes, 13,5x24 cm, stapled each 15,90 EUR
The atlases are:
 1. North Devon & Somerset, 2013
Title ID: 101660
 Groningen, 2014
 2. North Cornwall, 2nd ed. 2014
 Zeeland, 2014
 3. South Cornwall, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 89091
Title ID: 89097
Atlas van de wederopbouw in Nederland 1940-1965
"ontwerpen aan stad en land"
Nai010 Uitgevers, A. Blom (ed.), Rotterdam 2013
322 pp., chiefly col., notes, num. maps, plans & photos on
the reconstruction in the Netherlands 1940-1965, bibl.,
index, 25,5x35,5 cm, hardcover
54,00 EUR
Title ID: 100478
ANWB Waterkaart Nederland 1:320 000
ANWB, Den Haag 2015
col., 6 waterway classes, ports classified, locks, petrol
stations, 2 tables (Beweegbare spoorbruggen, Beweegbare
kunstwerken langs de Staande Mastroute), roads, places,
notes, dbl., 93x107,5 cm
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 24527
ANWB Wateratlas
ANWB, Den Haag 2006- (irregularly revised)
single atlasses of Netherlands water areas, col., c. 20-60
pp., wood, built-up aeras, reeds, wetlands, dykes,
communications, bdrs., detailed, symbols for navigation,
orientation, and facilities, partly fold-out maps, partly
bilingual legend (Dutch, Engl.), sizes & styles vary, o-wire
bd. or stapled
Revised atlasses:
22,50 EUR
Title ID: 101661
Title ID: 101662
 4. South Devon, 2nd ed. 2014
Title ID: 101663
 5. Dorset, 2013
Title ID: 101664
abc British Railway Atlas
Ian Allan, M.G. Ball, 4th ed., Hersham 2014
96 pp., col., 55 pp. maps, Passenger and freight-only lines,
All passenger stations, Enlargements of major centres,
Preserved railways, Disused and mothballed lines,
Proposed lines, Full gazetteer of stations, 12,5x18,5 cm,
19,00 EUR
Title ID: 23992
European Railway Atlas - Britain & Ireland
M.G. Ball, version date: 20th June 2014, Wrexham 2014
(Regional Series)
36 pp., col., 23 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are
distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of
stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 3
language legend (Engl., German & French), 21,5x 30 cm,
plastic spiral-bd.
15,00 EUR
Title ID: 90717
 A Groningen & Drenthe met Eems-Dollardgebied
1:50 000 - 2014/2015, 2014
22,90 EUR
Title ID: 24529
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
246 Ireland / Éire / Irland
Irish Historic Towns Atlas (IHTA)
RIA, J.H. Andrews & A. Simms (dir.), Dublin 1986single vols., following the guidelines of the "International
Commission for the History of Towns", for each town text
(12-16 pp., illus.) and map plates (1st Ordnance Survey
map 1:50 000, reconstruction 1:2 500, recent Ordnance
Survey map 1:5 000, air photos, views, figs.), partly col.,
30x40 cm, folder
New vol.:
 - Dublin 1847: City of the Ordnance Survey 19,00 EUR
This volume accompanies the vol. no. 26, Dublin, part III
Title ID: 102946
European Railway Atlas - Britain & Ireland
(Regional Series)
See area 245 Great Britain.
Ireland – Mineral Exploration, Mines and Quarries s.s.
La Tene Maps, Dublin 2013
col., active and inactive pits and quarries, deposits active
and disued, operators, mineral occurences, prospected &
offered licence areas, condont colour alteration index, urban
areas, bdrs., 69,5x100 cm, fd.
55,00 EUR
Title ID: 22733
252 Iceland / Ísland / Island
4. Vegetation and Ecosystems, 5. Andosols - Soils of
Volcanic Regions, 6. Classification and the Main Soil Types,
7. Physical Characteristics, 8. Chemical Characteristics, 9.
Genesis and Mineralogical Characteristics, 10. Frost and
the Soil Environment, 11. The Volcanic Aeolian
Environments of Iceland, 12. Collapse, Erosion, Condition,
and Restoration, references, index, 21,5x28 cm, hardcover
106,99 EUR
Title ID: 101509
253 Norway / Norge / Norwegen
Norge 1:50 000
SK, Hønefoss 2011212 sheets, data base "N50 Kartdata", col., contours 20m,
supplementary contours 10m, land use & cover, hydro.
detailed, built-up areas, communications classified, Fylke,
Kommune & Statsallmennings bdrs., nat. parks, places of
interest, symbols, bilingual UTM proj., 105x69,5, dbl., jacket,
each 46,00 EUR
Some older sheets exists in a paper version, this kind of
New sheets:
 010 Byglandsfjorden, 2013
Title ID: 101766
 056 Gjovik, 2013
Title ID: 97108
 082 Engerdal, 2013
Title ID: 97128
 121 Lierne, 2013
Title ID: 97157
"Ferðakort / Touring Map / Touristenkarte / Carte
MM, H.H. Hansen (comp.), 17th ed., Reykjavík 2014
col., shading, land cover, places and communications
classified, points of interest, text on reverse, illus.,
100x70 cm, fd.
16,90 EUR
NGU, Oslo & Trondheim 1972- (partly revised)
series following top. map M 711, col., very detailed, partly
profiles, cross sections or insets, comprehensive legend,
partly bilingual (with Engl.), sizes vary, fd., partly with expl.
unless indicated 22,00 EUR
Ísland / Iceland / Island / Islande 1:600 000
Title ID: 21892
Dunedin Academic Press, T.Thordarson & Á. Höskuldsson,
2nd. ed., Edinburgh 2014 (Classic Geology in Europe 3)
xv, 256 pp., col., num. figs. (maps, cross sections, profiles,
photos) & tables, contents: The geology of Iceland, The
southwest, The south, Vestmannaeyjar (the Westman
Islands), The central south, The southeast and east, The
northeast, The north and northwest, The west, The
Highlands, bibl., index, GPS coordinates, 14x21,5 cm, pb.
39,00 EUR
Title ID: 102865
Berggrunnskart 1:50 000
New sheets:
 1823 II Gjevsjøen, 2013
Title ID: 21461
 2136 III Kjæs, 2014
Title ID: 21576
Kvartærgeologisk kart 1:50 000
GI & NGU, Oslo & Trondheim 1972series following top. map M 711, col., very detailed,
comprehensive legends, partly notes, c. 65x75 cm, partly
unless indicated 22,00 EUR
Available sheets:
 1320 III Åndalsnes, 2006
Title ID: 99431
 1521 III Løkken, 2011
Title ID: 99438
The Soils of Iceland
Springer, O. Arnalds, Dordrecht & al. 2015 (World Soils
Book Series)
xii, 183 pp., chiefly col., 186 illus. (incl. maps, diagrams &
photos), some tables, contents: 1. Introduction, 2. High in
the North - Climate, People, and Agriculture, 3. Geology,
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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372 GeoKartenbrief
254 Sweden / Sverige / Schweden
Schweden / Suède / Sweden / Sverige 1:800 000 /
1:900 000
KF, 2nd. ed, Bern s.a. (KF 1157)
col., shading, hydro., communications & places detailed,
inset map ("Stockholm & environs"), nat. parks, points of
interest, 6 language legend, 136,5x100 cm, fd., index
booklet, 33 pp., stapled
11,95 EUR
Title ID: 20583
Motormännens Sverige vägatlas 1:250 000 /
1:400 000 - 2015
"Camping & ställplatser, Sevärdheter, Stadskartor, Register
& avståndtabeller, Över 500 uppdateringar"
Nordstedts Kartor, Stockholm 2015
290 pp., 185 map pp. (road maps 1: 2 000 000, 1:400 000,
1:250 000 and 1:100 000, plans, 6 thematic Sweden maps),
col., distance table, 7 thematic maps (incl. tourist sites),
notes only in Swedish, trilingual legend (Swedish, Engl. &
Germ.), index, endpaper map, 20x29,5 cm, plastic bd.
39,00 EUR
Title ID: 20584
260 Eastern Europe / Osteuropa
Cycling map of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia /
Radwanderkarte Lettland, Litauen, Estland
1:1 200 000
Lauku ceļotājs / Baltic Country Holidays, Rīga 2014
col., road map base, communications, places, 9 numbered
cycling routes, other cycling routes, 240 tourism objects,
photos, notes & legend in Engl. & Germ., 99x69,5 cm, fd.,
dbl., encl. catalogue "Country holidays", 101 pp., practical
information, photos, trilingual (Latvian, Engl. & Russian),
15x24,5 cm, softcover, plastic jacket
9,50 EUR
Title ID: 102867
Landscape Analysis and Planning
"Geographical Perspectives"
With case studies of: Czechia, European Russia, Poland &
See 200 Europe.
Confronting Suburbanization
"Urban Decentralization in Postsocialist Central and Eastern
Wiley-Blackwell, K. Stanilov & L. Sykora (eds.), Chichester
2014 (Studies in Urban and Social Change)
360 pp., num. figs. & tables, contents: 1. The Challenge of
Postsocialist Suburbanization, 2. Urban Sprawl on the
Danube, 3. Confronting Suburbanization in Ljubljana,
Suburbanization of Moscow's Urban Region, 5. Prague, 6.
Sprawling Sofia, 7. Suburbanization in the Tallinn
Metropolitan Area, 8. Lessons from Warsaw, 9. Postsocialist
Suburbanization Patterns and Dynamics, 10. Managing
Suburbanization in Postsocialist Europe, index, 16x23 cm,
71,90 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100784
261 Poland / Polska / Polen
Studies of Historical Earthquakes in Southern Poland
"Outer Western Carpathian Earthquake of December 3,
1786, and First Macroseismic Maps in 1858-1901"
Springer, (eds.), B. Guterch & J. Kozák, Dordrecht & al.
2015 (Series: GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences)
xiii, 179 pp., chiefly col., 45 illus. (incl. maps), contents: 1
The Earthquake in the Outer Western Carpathians, Poland
on December 3, 1786; 2 First Macroseismic Maps in
Southern Poland in the Late 19th Century; 3 Seismicity in
Poland: Updated Seismic Catalog; 4 Seismicity of Polish
Part of the Western Carpathians in the Light of Recent Data;
5 Source Materials to the Outer Western Carpathian
Earthquake of December 3, 1786; bibl., 21,5x28,5 cm,
85,59 EUR
Description preliminary:
Title ID: 101624
Historyczny Atlas Polski
P.H.W. Fenix, Kluki 2014
272 pp., chiefly col., num. maps, diagrams & photos,
contents: Czasy prehistoryczne, Polska za panowania
Piastów (ok. 960-1370), Polska za panowania Jagiellonów
(1386-1572), Polska w dobie rządów królów elekcyjnych
(1573-1795), Polska pod zaborami (1795-1918), Polska v
okresie międzywojennym (1918-1939), Polska w czasie II
wojny światowej (1939-1945), PRL i polska współczesna,
25x33,5 cm, hardcover
25,00 EUR
All in Polish.
Title ID: 101653
Wielki Atlas
"Kampanii Wrześniowej 1939 Roku (September 1939
Taktyka i Strategia, W. Zalewski, Warszawa 20097 vols., num. thematic maps, chiefly col., 32x42,5 cm,
New vol.:
 Tom V 9-19 września 1939 r., Armia Poznań, Armia
Pomorze, Armia Łódź, Armia Warszawa, 2014
98,00 EUR
Title ID: 75618
Atlas wykorzystania wód termalnych do skojarzonej
produkcji energii elektrycznej i cieplnej przy
zastosowaniu układów binarnych w Polsce / Atlas of
the possible use of geothermal waters for combined
production of electricity and heat using binary systems
in Poland
Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energia, W.
Bujakowski & B. Tomaszewsk, Kraków c. 2014
305 pp., col., num. maps, cross sections, tables & diagrams,
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
contents: 1. Wstęp (lntroduction), 2. Przegląd warunków
geologiczno-złożowych odpowiednich dla wykorzystywania
wody termalnej w skojarzonej produkcji energii elektrycznej i
ciepta (Review of the geological and reservoir conditions
required for the use of geothermal water in the combined
production of heat and electricity), 3. Przeglląd technologii i
elektrowni geotermalnych (Review of technologies and
geothermal power plants), 4. Charakterystyka głównych
struktur hydrogeotermalnych perspektywicznych dla
technologii binarnych (Characteristics of the main hydrogeothermal structures which are prospects for the use of
binarytechnologies), 5. Ocena uwarunkowań geologicznozłożowych wytypowanych struktur hydrogeotermalnych
(Assessment of geological and deposit conditions of the
selected hydrogeothermal structures), 6. Metodyka badań
dla oceny stref perspektywicznych (Research methodology
for assessment of the prospect areas), 7. Strefy
perspektywiczne dla skojarzonej produkcji energii
elektrycznej i ciepinej przy zastosowaniu układów binarnych
w Polsce (Prospective areas for the combined production of
electricityand heat in binary systems in Poland), 8.
Klasyfikacja potencjalnych obszarów perspektywicznych
(Classification of the prospect areas), 9. Podsumowanie
(Summary), bibl., only chapter summery in Engl., 51x30 cm,
99,00 EUR
Title ID: 102883
262 Cesko / Tschechien / Czechia
European Railway Atlas - Czech Republic & Slovakia
M.G. Ball, version date: 7th December 2014, Wrexham
2014 (Regional Series)
30 pp., col., 17 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are
distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of
stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 5
language legend (Incl. Engl., German & French), 21,5x 30
cm, plastic spiral-bd.
14,00 EUR
Title ID: 100767
263 Slovakia / Slovensko / Slowakei
Gagauziya (Gagauz Yeri) Avtonom Bölgesi / Atlasul
UTA Găgăuzia (Gagauz Yeri) / Atlas Аto Gагаuzija
(Gаgаuz Eri) / Atlas of ATU Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri)
Editura "ProArt", V. Chiurcciu & D. Lozovanu, Chișinău 2014
72 pp., col., 47 maps of state of the Gagauz autonomous
region (administrative maps, physical maps, geological
maps, climatic maps, economic maps, maps of the
population, ethnic & historical maps, maps of educational
systems, maps of health, culture & physical culture & sports,
and maps of religious organizations), 14 historical admin.
maps, num. diagrams, 4 language legend (Gagauzian,
Moldavian, Russian & Engl.), 21x29,5 cm, stapled
80,00 EUR
Title ID: 101759
Atlas Ukraїns'kykh Istorychnykh Mist / Ukrainian
Historic Towns Atlas
Kartographia & National Academy of Science, M. Kapral
(ed.), Kyiv 2014single vols., num. plates (original plans & maps, graphs &
panoramas of the city). text booklet, bilingual Ukrainian &
Engl., 31x 43 cm, folder
First vol: available:
 Vol. 1 Lviv, text booklet 96 pp., 42 plates (25 original
maps of Lviv, 11 maps of reconstructions, and 6
panoramas of the city)
90,00 EUR
Title ID: 100431
268 Belarus / Belarus’ / Weißrussland
Avtomobil'nych dorog ... oblast' 1:250 000
Belkartografija, Minsk 2013-2014 (revised continuously)
6 oblast sheets, col., places & communications classified,
hydro., land use/cover, admin. (oblast & rajon) & nat. park
bdrs., sizes vary, fd., dbl.
each 9,50 EUR
All in Cyrillic. The sheets are:
 Brestskaja oblast', 2014
Title ID: 95350
 Gomel'skaja oblast', 2013
Title ID: 95351
 Grodnenskaja oblast', 2013
Title ID: 95352
European Railway Atlas - Czech Republic & Slovakia
 Minskaja oblast', 2013
See area 262 Czechia.
 Mogilë'vskaja oblast', 2013
(Regional Series)
267 Ukraine & Moldavia / Ukraïna &
Moldova / Ukraine & Moldawien
Title ID: 95354
Title ID: 95353
 Vitebskaja oblast', 2014
Title ID: 95355
Respublika Belarus' - Karta Avtomobil'nych dorog
Deržkomstat Ukrajiny, Kyjiv 2013
551 pp., col., num. stat. tables, some diagrams, index,
17,5x25 cm, bd.
120,00 EUR
Belkartografija, Minsk 2014
communications & places classified, admin. bdrs., hydro.,
forests, nat. bdrs., distance table, index, 66,5x109 cm, fd.,
9,50 EUR
Title ID: 100646
Title ID: 101651
Statystyčnyj Ščoričnyk Ukrajiny 2012 (Statistical
Yearbook of Ukraine)
All in Cyrillic
1:500 000
All in Cyrillic.
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
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GeoKatalog 2
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372 GeoKartenbrief
Belkartografija, Minsk 2007-2011
6 vols., c. 30-60 pp., col., detailed communications, built-up
areas, oblast & rayon bdrs., forests, nat. parks & reserves,
hydro., oblast capital plan, index, 17x28 cm, stapled
each 9,50 EUR
Belkartografija, Minsk 2007col., veg., land use / cover, height points, no contours,
hydro., lakes partly with depth points, built-up areas,
communications classified, tour. sites, partly inset maps,
notes, illus., all in Cyrillic, partly Engl. notes, map names &
legend, sizes & styles vary, dbl.
each 9,50 EUR
Obščegeografičeskij Atlas Belarusi 1:200 000
(general geog. atlas of Belarus)
New vol:
 Brestskaja oblast', 2013
Title ID: 96304
Turistskaja Karta (Titels vary)
New sheet:
 Braslavskie ozera – Karta dlja rybaka 1:50 000, 2014
Title ID: 94801
Belkartografija, Minsk 2014
col., road map base, hydro., oblast tints, rajon bdrs., 1
admin. table, 70x58 cm, fd., dbl.
10,00 EUR
1:200 000 (Atlas for Hunters and Fishermen)
Respublika Belarus' 1:1 000 000 (administrative map)
All in Cyrillic.
Title ID: 100435
Respublika Belarus' 1:400 000 (administrative map)
Belkartografija, Minsk 2009-2013
6 oblast sheets, col., rajon tints, communications & places
classified, hydro., nat. parks, admin. table, on reverse index
& city plans, sizes vary
each 9,50 EUR
All in Cyrillic.
The sheets are:
 Brestskaja oblast', 2012
Title ID: 101645
 Gomel'skaja oblast', 2009
Title ID: 101646
 Grodnenskaja oblast',2013
Title ID: 101647
 Minskaja oblast', 2011
Title ID: 101648
 Mogilë'vskaja oblast', 2012
Title ID: 101649
 Vitebskaja oblast', 2011
Title ID: 101650
Respublika Belarus' - Atlas Ochotnika i Rybolova
Belkartografija, Minsk 2006-2013
6 vols., c. 50-70 pp., col., detailed communications, built-up
areas, oblast & rayon bdrs., nat. parks & reserves, veg.
hydro., symbols, maps with lake areas 1:50 000, notes,
address tables, graphs, 19,5x28 cm, stapled
each 10,50 EUR
All in Cyrillic. New vol.:
 Minskaja Oblast‘, 2013
Title ID: 96300
269 European Russia / Evropejskaja Rossija
/ Europäisches Russland
Landkarte Nord-Ostpreußens 1:100 000
BLOCHPLAN, Berlin 20134 sheets, col., communications & places classified, points of
interest, hydro., wood, admin. bdrs., restricted areas, partly
insets, Russian place names in Cyrillic and Latin, historical
places names, index on reverse, dbl., sizes & styles vary
each 8,95 EUR
The sheets are:
 NOP 1 Südosten – Insterburg, Gumbinnen, Rominter
Heide, mit Detailkarte vom Hauptgestüt Trakehnen,
Title ID:
Plan Goroda (City Plan)
 NOP 2 100845Samland – Königsberg, Cranz,
Rauschen, Pillau, mit Karte der Kurischen Nehrung
(russ. Teil), 2014
All in Cyrillic.
Available plans:
 NOP 3 Norden – vom Kurischen Haff zur Szeszuppe,
Belkartografija, Minsk 2002plans, col., tour. info., inset plan, photos, notes, index, on
reverse rajon map, sizes & styles vary, fd. each 9,50 EUR
 Slonim 1:15 000 / Rajon 1:100 000, 2014
Title ID: 94777
 Soligorsk 1:10 000 + Krasnja Sloboda Starobin
1:15 000 / Rajon 1:110 000, 2014
Title ID: 96315
Minsk 1:19 000
Belkartografija, Minsk 2013
city plan, col., points of interets, 3 inset plans, location inset
map, index, 68x90 cm, fd., dbl.
9,50 EUR
All in Cyrillic.
Title ID: 100434
Title ID: 100846
Title ID: 100847
 NOP 4 Mitte, 2015
Title ID: 100848
Atlas osobo ohranjaemyh prirodnyh territorij SanktPeterburga (Atlas of protected areas of St.
Marafon, W.N. Hramzow, T.W. Kowaljewa & N.Ju.
Nazwaladsje, Sankt-Peterburg 2013
175 pp., col., num. maps, diagrams, tables & photos,
contents: data on geomorphology, geobotanic zonation,
flora and fauna of 12 protected areas on the territory of St.
Petersburg, 29x38 cm, softcover
80,00 EUR
All in Cyrillic.
Title ID: 101652
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 25 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
272 Latvia / Latvija / Lettland
Latvijas novadi 1:100 000 (Latvia districts)
Jāņa Sēta, Rīga, c. 2009num. sheets, col., communications & places classified,
admin. bdrs., land cover / use, protected nature areas,
forests, hydro., morph. features, points of interest, plans &
notes (only in Latvian), 4 language legend (Latvian, Engl.,
Germ. & Russian), sizes vary, fd.
each 9,50 EUR
New sheet:
 Valmiera, Beverīnas, Burtnieku, Kocēnu, Mazsalacas,
Naukšēnu, Rūjienas novads 1:75 000, 2015
Title ID: 102850
280 Southeastern Europe / Südosteuropa
Landscape Analysis and Planning
"Geographical Perspectives"
With case studies of: Bulgaria, Slovenia & Hungary
See area 200 Europe.
281 Hungary / Magyarország / Ungarn
"autóatlasz 1:250 000 - városatlasz 1:16 000"
Térkép-Center & Esporlate, 14th ed., Budapest 2013
204 pp., col., 2 pp. Budapest transit, 2 pp. distance table, 81
road map pp., communications classified, built-up areas,
county bdrs., nat. parks, places of interest, hydro., wood, 36
pp. index, 17 pp. reg. maps (top. base) 1:27 000 /1:64 000,
53 pp. city plans 1:16 000, 6 pp. Budapest 1:15 000, 10
language legend, 15x24 cm, spiral-bd.
19,50 EUR
Title ID: 78559
Velencei-tó - Velencei-hegység 1:25 000
"turista-, kerékpáros- és vízisporttérképek / Rad-,
Wassersport- und Wanderkarte"
Szarvas & Kovács, Budapest 2013
col., top. base, 2,5 / 5m contours, land use & cover, points
of interest, hiking, biking & shipping routes, reserve &
settlement bdrs, relief map inset, trilingual legend
(Hungarian, Engl. & Germ), notes only in Hungarian, photos,
93,5x67,5 cm, fd., jacket
9,50 EUR
A Kárpát-Pannon térség változó etnikai arculata /
Changing ethnic patterns of the Carpatho-Pannonian
MTA CSFK Földrajztudományi Intézet & HAS RCAES
Geographical Institute, K. Kocsis Károly & P. Tátrai (eds.),
2nd. ed., Budapest 2013
10 col. folded maps "Ethnic Patterns of the CarpathoPannonian Area", main map 1:500 000 - 2012;
supplementary maps 1:2 200 000 (1495, 1784, 1880, 1910,
1930, 1941, 1960, 1990 and 2001) with distribution of ethnic
groups; accompanying text, 27 pp., 20,5x30 cm, stapled;
jacket, all bilingual (Hungarian & Engl.)
75,00 EUR
"This is a collection of maps that visually introduces the
changing ethnic patterns of the ethnically, religiously,
culturally unique and diverse Carpathian Basin and its
neighbourhood, the Carpatho-Pannonian area."
Title ID: 84982
Magyar Várostörténeti Atlasz / Hungarian Atlas of
Historic Towns
Sub-committee for Urban History of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences & al., A. Kubinyi, K. Szende & I. Tringli (dirs.),
Budapest & al. 2010single vols., following the guidelines of the "International
Commission for the History of Towns", for each town text
(plans, maps, illus. & tables) and map plates (maps, plans,
air photos, views, illus.) partly col., 30x42,5 cm, folder, encl.
New vol.:
 No 3. Szeged, B. László, 2014
Title ID: 102950
120,00 EUR
European Railway Atlas - Hungary
M.G. Ball, version date: 1st January 2015, Wrexham 2015
(Regional Series)
12 pp., col., 9 map pp., all passenger, freight and proposed
lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some
metros are excluded or simplified, main lines are
distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple,
electrification systems and track gauges, full index of
stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks, 3
language legend (Engl., German & French), 21,5x 30 cm,
plastic spiral-bd.
12,00 EUR
Title ID: 100769
Title ID: 100443
282 Romania / România / Rumänien
Springer, D. Loczy, Dordrecht & al. 2015 (World
Geomorphological Landscapes)
xv, 294 pp., 205 illus., (incl. maps, diagrams, cross-sections
& photos), contents: Part I Physical Environment, Part II
Landscapes and Landforms, Part III Geoheritage,
References, Index, 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover 139,09 EUR
Höfer, Dietzenbach 2009single sheets for tour. areas, col., roads, places, hydro.,
forest tints, shading, nat. parks, district bdrs., tour. info, bipartly trilingual toponymy, legend trilingual, sizes vary, encl.
index booklet and magnifying glass, fd.
each 12,90 EUR
Landscapes and Landforms of Hungary
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 101524
Straßenkarte Rumänien 1:200 000
New sheet:
 Westbanat - Banater Bergland (RO 802), c. 2015
Title ID: 102953
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 26 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
România 1:850 000
Schubert & Franzke, Cluj-Napoca 2014
col., communications & places classified, county bdrs.,
points of interest, hydro., forests, nat. parks & reserves,
bilingual legend (Romanian & Engl.), on reverse: index,
notes in Romanian & photos, 98,5x70 cm, fd.
9,50 EUR
Title ID: 100656
Hărți Drumeţie / Hiking Map
Schubert & Franzke, Cluj-Napoca 2013- (Colecţia Munţii
single sheets for mountain areas, col., top. base, contours
50 m / 250 m, shading, trails based on GPS tracks, tourist
trails diagrams, points of interest, nat. parks & reserves,
county bdrs., notes, photos, bilingual (Romanian & Engl.),
sizes vary, fd., dbl.
each 10,50 EUR
Available sheets:
 MN 01 Bucegi 1:35 000, 2013
Title ID: 100649
285 Western Balkans / Zapadni Balkan /
Westlicher Balkan
Montenegro & North Albania 1:200 000
Gizi Map, Budapest 2014 (Geographical Map)
col., communications & places classified, hydro., hyps. tints
200 m, bath. tints 20 - 50 m. nat. parks, points of interest, 6
City plans (Podgorica, Cetinje, Kotor, Herceg Novi, Budva,
Shkodër), 8 language legend, index on reverse, 84,5x107
cm, fd., dbl.
11,95 EUR
Title ID: 101169
Podgorica 1:19 000
"Plana grada / City map"
Magic Map, Novi Beograd s.a.
plan, col., contours 20 m, points of interest, notes, on
reverse index & useful addresses, bilingual, 67x47 cm, fd.
9,50 EUR
 MN 02 Piatra Craiului 1:40 000, 2014
Title ID: 100674
 MN 03 Rodnei 1:55 000, 2014
 MN 04 Ciucaş 1:25 000, 2014
"City Map / Plani i qytetit"
Trimaks, Skopje, c. 2014
col., built-up & industrial areas, points of interest, forests &
parks, 4 language legend (incl. Engl.), on reverse map of
Kosovo, environs of Prishtina, index, 66,5x95,5 cm, fd.
10,50 EUR
Title ID: 100650
Title ID: 100651
Title ID: 100652
 MN 05 Postavaru, Piatra Mare, Baiului 1:45 000 /
1:50 000, 2014
Title ID: 100653
Prishtina / Prishtinë 1:9 000
Title ID: 100783
Schubert & Franzke, Cluj-Napoca 2010 (Cycling and
Mountain Biking Map MB 01)
col., top. base, contours 50 m / 250 m, shading, trails, points
of interest, nat. parks & reserves, county bdrs., location
inset map, notes, trails descriptions, photos, bilingual.,
89,5x68,5 cm, fd., dbl.
total 9,50 EUR
Republika Makedonija – Topografska Karta 1:100 000
100 Excursii cu bicicleta in zona Clujului / 100 Bike
Trips Around Cluj 1:75 000
Title ID: 100654
Trasee Cicloturistice in Munţii Banatului / Cycling trails
in the Banat mountains
Schubert & Franzke, Cluj-Napoca 2014 (Cycling and
Mountain Biking Map MB 02)
map set, 1 general map, 19 trail maps around towns and
villages, 5 thematic maps (ethnic, lakes, mines), top. base,
var. scales (1:50 000 – 1:100 000), contours 50 m / 250 m,
shading, trails, points of interest, nat. parks & reserves,
county bdrs., location inset map, notes, trails descriptions,
photos, bilingual, chiefly 23x38 cm, fd., dbl., jacket
total 15,50 EUR
Title ID: 100655
Geomap & Trimaks Kartografija, Doo-Skopje s.a.
17 sheets (list), col., contours 100 m, hydro.,
communications & places classified, symbols, all in Cyrillic,
chiefly 49x72,5 cm, flat
each 30,00 EUR
set price
476,00 EUR
Title ID: 100830
The sheets are (Numbers only for location on sheet
 680 Prizren
Title ID: 97031
 681 Urošewac
Title ID: 97032
 682 Kumanovo
Title ID: 97033
 683 Kriva Palanka
Title ID: 97034
 684 Ćustendil
Title ID: 97035
 730 Gostivar
Title ID: 97036
 731 Skopje
Title ID: 97037
 732 Veles
Title ID: 97038
 733 Štip
Title ID: 97039
 734 Berovo
Title ID: 97040
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 27 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
 780 Ohrid
Title ID: 97041
 781 Bitola
Title ID: 97042
 782 Prilep
Title ID: 97043
 783 Demir Kapija
Title ID: 97044
 784 Strumica
Planinarska karta / Wanderkarte / Carta alpina /
Mountain Map
SMAND, Z. Smerke, Vidovec 1995single sheets for hiking areas, col., top. base, 12,5 m
contours, roads, places, land cover, nat. park bdrs., notes,
tour.info., chiefly 4 lingual legend (Croatian, Germ., Italian &
Engl.), mainly dbl., sizes & styles vary, fd. each 11,50 EUR
New sheets:
 830 Korča & 831 Lerin
 14 Gorski Kotar IV (NP Risnjak, Snježnik, Platak, ...)
1:30 000, 2014
 832 Kajmakčalan
 16a National Park Sjeverni Velebit VI 1:30 000, 2014
Title ID: 97045
Title ID: 97046
Title ID: 97047
KARTA 1:100 000
Title ID: 31234
Title ID: 31236
Istra, Kvarner 1:100 000
"Turistično-Navtična Karta / Nautical Tourist Map"
KartoGrafija, Ljubliana 2014
col., shading, contours, depth points, bath. tints, vegetation,
communications classified, built-up areas, places of interest,
67,5x98,5 cm, fd.
9,90 EUR
Title ID: 85895
287 Slovenia / Slovenija / Slowenien
Slowenien / Slovenija / Slovenie / Slovenia 1:200 000
F&B, Wien 2014
col., shading, hydro., forests, communications detailed,
built-up areas, prov. bdrs., places of interest, 5 language
legend, 123,5x86 cm, fd., index booklet 46 pp,
9,99 EUR
Title ID: 77288
Turistične Karta 1:75 000 & 1:50 000
286 Croatia / Hrvatska / Kroatien
Kroatien / Hvratska / Kroatië / Croatia / Croatie /
Croazia 1:500 000
"Autokarte / Autokarta / Autokaart / Road Map / Carte
routière / Carta stradale"
F&B, Wien 2014
col., shading, hydro., roads & places detailed, tour. symbols,
4 Dalmatian Islands inset maps 1: 275 000, 10 language
legend, 130,5x93 cm, fd., index booklet with postal codes &
15 city plans
9,99 EUR
Title ID: 74326
Kroatien Nord / Hrvatska sjever / Kroatië Noord /
Croatia North / Croatie du Nord / Croazia della Nord
1:200 000
f&b, Wien 2014
col., built-up areas, communications classified, places of
interest, shading, hydro., 10 language legend, 123,5x95,5
cm, fd., dbl., index booklet 48 pp.
9,99 EUR
Range Istria - Zagreb - Slovania
Title ID: 84993
Kartografija, Ljubljana 2009-2010 (partly revised)
10 sheets, col., contours, shading, built-up areas,
communications classified, tour. symbols, 4 language
legend, bilingual text on reverse, sizes vary, fd.
each 9,90 EUR
New sheets:
 7 Primorska 1:75 000, 2014
Title ID: 69824
 9 Triglavski Narodni Park
 1:50 000, 2014
Title ID: 69826
Turistično-navtična karta / Nautical tourist map
1:100 000
Kartografija 2014single sheets, col., top. base, contours, shading, biking &
hiking routes, marinas, anchorage, harbours, points of
interest, notes, photos, bilingual, sizes & styles vary, fd., dbl.
New sheets:
 Črnogorsko primorje / Montenegrin Coast, 2014
9,90 EUR
Title ID: 100449
 Istra, Kvarner / Istra and Kvarner, 2014
Title ID: 100450
9,90 EUR
 Severna in Srednja + Juzna Dalmacija / Northern and
Middle Dalmatia and Southern Dalmatia, 2014 (2
11,90 EUR
Title ID: 100451
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 28 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
Turistično-navtična karta / Nautical tourist map
See 1220 Tourist Topography
289 Shqipëri / Albanien / Albania
Montenegro & North Albania 1:200 000
See 285 Western Balkans.
Albania 1:25 000
IGjU, Tiranë c. 2007- (Series M7020)
c. 170 sheets, col., contours 10 m (on land & sea),
woodlands, vineyards, orchards, scattered trees, sands,
detailed hydro. features, built-up areas, communications
classified, bdrs., slope guide diagram, symbols, 3 insets
(Elevation guide, Boundaries & Adjoining sheets), glossary,
Mercator proj., bilingual (Albanian & Engl.) 58,5x81,5 cm,
each 35,00 EUR
New sheets:
 2976 I NW Divjake, 2007
Title ID: 100789
 2976 IV NE Karavastra, 2007
Title ID: 100790
 2977 II NW Kavajë, 2007
Title ID: 100791
 2977 II SW Gosë e Madhe, 2007
Title ID: 100792
 2977 III SE Rreth-Greth, 2007
Title ID: 100793
 3077 I SW Bizë, 2007
Title ID: 100794
300 Asia / Asien
Silk Road
"Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
Kyrgyzstan, China"
ITM, Vancouver 2014 (Travel atlas)
iii, 73 pp., col., var. scales, communications & places
classified, prov. bdrs, nat. parks & reserves, military
reserves, points of interest, hyps. tints., hydro. detailed,
deserts, index c. 3 700 entries, 14x21 cm, stapled
14,95 EUR
Title ID: 100446
Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience
in Asian Mega Cities
Springer, R.B. Singh (ed.), Tokyo & al. 2015 (Advances in
Geographical and Environmental Sciences)
xi, 488 pp., chiefl. col., 151 illus. (incl. maps), contents:
Introducing Asian Mega City Environment.- Analysing Asia's
mega-cities and mega-urban-region dynamics using
Geopolis database.- Future of Asian Mega Cities.- Urban
Water Risk in Asian Mega Cities.- Urban Planning,
Governance and Management Dealing with Climate Change
in Indian Mega Cities.- Japanese Experiences.- Spatial
changes in the socioeconomic aspects of the Tokyo
metropolitan area after the 1980s.- Urban heat islands in
Tokyo.- Osaka as the nation's second-largest mega city.distinctive trajectories of industrial, commercial and
consumer city.- Indian Experiences.- Chennai: Questioning
the sustainability of an emerging mega-city - economy,
environment and governance.- Local Action Planning for
Pro-Poor Urban governance in the Southern Mega City of
Chennai, India.- Population Dynamics in Calcutta
Metropolitan Region: Implications for Planning and
Governance.- Changing Environment, Physical Landscape
and Emerging Heat Islands in Kolkata Metropolitan Region.Role of local level relative humidity on the development of
urban heat island across the Delhi Metropolitan Region.Urban Political Ecology in megacities: The case of Delhi's
waste water.- Spatial Correlation of Changing Land Use,
Surface Temperature (UHI) and NDVI in Delhi Using
Landsat Satellite Images.- Housing in Hyderabad.Nutritional Status of Men and Women in Mumbai: Is There
Any Imbalance across Slums and Non-Slums.- Chinese
Experiences.- Spatio-temporal evolution of urban structure
in Shanghai".- The Population Distribution and Urban
Development polices in Shanghai.- Urban Expansion in the
Yangtze River Delta in a High Economic Growth Period-A
Comparison between Wuxi and Kunshan in Metropolitan
Fringe of Shanghai.- Urban restructuring of Beijing City after
the reform and open policy.- Changing Climate and Air
Quality in the Fast-urbanization Pearl River Delta region of
Southern China.- Urban growth in a rapidly urbanised mega
city –Wuhan, P.R.China.- Other Asian Mega Cities
Experiences.- Singapore's Global City Challenges: National
Identity, Cosmopolitan Aspirations, Migrant Requirements
Urban Development in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.- Spatial
Dynamics of the Automobile Industry in the Extended
Bangkok Metropolitan Region.- Jakarta Megacity
(Jabodetabek): from City Development toward Urban
Complex Development System,
106,99 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100396
311 Turkey / Türkiye / Türkei
Turkey Central including Cappadocia 1:550 000
ITM, Richmond 2015
col., hyps. tints 500 - 3 000 m, bath. tints 200 - 1 000m,
hydro., salt lakes, places & communications detailed, nat.
parks, points of interest, notes, glossary, index, Lambert
conformal conic proj., 99x68,5 cm, fd., dbl.
8,95 EUR
Title ID: 102945
Caspian & Black Sea 1:1 857 000
"Oil and Gas Activity and Concession Map"
Includes Turkey, see 781 Mediterranean Sea
313 Lebanon / Lubnān / Libanon
The Geology of Lebanon
Scientific Press, F.H. Nader, Beaconsfield 2014
x, 108 pp., col., num. maps, cross sections, profiles,
diagrams, & photos, contents: 1. Introduction, 2. Plate
tectonics and regional setting, 3. Structural elements,
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 29 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
4. Lithostratigraphy, part 1: Jurassic Carbonate Platform,
Cretaceous Carbonate Platform, 5. Lithostratigraphy, part 2
Drowning of the Cretaceous Carbonate Platform, The
Miocene emergence of Lebanon, 6. Elements of
Hydrogeology, 7. Mining and Petroleum Exploration, 8.
Concluding Comments, References, Index, 21x28 cm,
94,00 EUR
315 Israel / Yisra’el / Falisţīn
"Oil and Gas Activity and Concession Map"
Title ID: 102949
Atlas géopolitique d'Israël
"Les défis d'une démocratie en guerre"
Éditions Autrement, F. Encel, 3rd ed., Paris 2014 (Collection
Atlas / Mégapoles)
96 pp., col., more than 90 maps & graphs, contents: Du
sionisme a l'État d'Israël; Démographie, sociologie et
politique; Questions énergétiques et économiques; Aspects
stratégiques et sécuritaires; Aspects diplomatiques;
glossary, chronology, bibl.; 175,5x25 cm, soft cover
25,00 EUR
Title ID: 80079
319 Caucasia / Zakavkaz’e / Kaukasien
Armenien / Armenia / Arménie / Armenja 1:250 000
Reise Know-How, Bielefeld 2015 (World mapping project)
col., contours, 300-500 m hyps. tints, tints, hydro. places &
communications classified, points of interest, nat. parks,
admin. bdrs., some names in Armenian, 5 language legend,
index, UTM proj., 100,5x70 cm, fd., dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 101264
Georgia - Topographic Map 1:50 000
GeoLand, Tbilisi 2013- (all published sheets are revised)
129 sheets, col., contours 20m, shading, hydro. detailed,
veg., morph. features, land use & cover, built-up areas,
communications classified, admin. bdrs., nat. park bdrs.,
places of interest, grid, no proj. is given, 61x55,5 cm, plot
each 27,00 EUR
New sheet:
 I-04, 2014
Title ID: 101637
Azərbaycan respublıkasi mıllı atlas / National atlas /
Nacional'nyi atlas
Bakı Kartoqrafiya Fabriki, Bakı 2014
443 pp., col., c. 800 state and regional maps of various
scales, num. diagrams, tables & photographs, notes,
contents: I. General description, II. History, III. Caspian Sea,
IV. Geological structure and resources of Earth bowels, V.
Relief and geomorphology, VI. Climate and agroclimatic
resources, VII. Surface water and hydrological conditions,
VIII. Soil and land resources, IX. Vegetative cover, X.
Fauna, XI. Landscapes, XII. Population, XIII. Industry, XIV.
Agriculture, XV. Transport, XVI. Social sphere, XVII.
Education, culture, sport, XVIII. External relations, XIX.
Tourism, trilingual, 40x49,5 cm, bd.
790,00 EUR
Vsë oTbilisi (All about Tbilisi)
"Atlas-spravočnik (Atlas-guidebook)"
AO Kartografia, Tbilisi 2014
68 pp., chiefly, col., c. 40 plans, some photos, notes on
history & geography of Tbilisi, index, 20x25 cm, softcover
32,00 EUR
Title ID: 102884
Caspian & Black Sea 1:1 857 000
See 781 Mediterranean Sea
321 Saudi Arabia / al-’Arabīya as-Sa’ūdiya /
Saudi Arabia & Kuwait 1: 1 750 000 / 1:390 000
ITM, Vancouver 2014
col., hyps. tints 500-1000 ft, bath. 650-3250 m (1:390 000
hyps. 20 m, bath. tints 1-10m), places and communications
detailed, hydro., nat. reserves, symbols, points of interest, 2
inset plans (Central Riyadh 1:25 000, Kuwait City 1:15 000),
glossary, Lambert conformal conic proj. (1:1750 000), index,
99x68 cm, fd.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 101757
323 Oman / Umān
Oman / Omán 1:850 000
Reise Know-How, 7th ed., Bielefeld 2015 (World mapping
col., contours, hydro., hyps. tints 100-250 m, bath. Tints
500-1000m, roads & places classified, admin. bdrs., nat.
reserves, points of interest, symbols, some names also in
Arabic, index, 4 language legend, Lambert conformal conic
proj., 100x75 cm, dbl., fd.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 29187
324 Gulf States / Duwal al-Khalīj /
Saudi Arabia & Kuwait 1: 1 750 000 / 1:390 00
See area 321 Saudi Arabia.
329 Iran / Irān
Road Map of Iran 1:2 250 000
GS, Tehran 2015 (Country Maps GS 486)
col., shading, hydro., deserts, communications & places
detailed, points of interest, Tehran inset plan, distance table,
illus., 97,5x67,5 cm, fd.
unless indicated 11,00 EUR
All in Engl.
Title ID: 28360
Title ID: 100426
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
372 • page 30 • May 2015
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
GS, Tehrān / Tehran 2002single sheets of provinces, col., hyps. tints, partly shading,
roads and places classified, partly insets, partly plans, tour.
info., distance table, illus., notes, partly bilingual (Persian
and Engl.), style, size & scale vary, fd.
each 12,00 EUR
GS, Tehrān 1989col., points of interest., built-up areas, land use & cover,
illus., notes, partly insets, partly bilingual, partly glossy
paper, style & size vary, fd.
unless indicated 12,00 EUR
Naqsheh-e siyāhati ostān-e ... / Tourist Map of ...
Province (titles vary)
New sheets (only Engl. title is given):
 Ardabil Province 1:300 00, 2014 (553)
Title ID: 100507
 Gilan Province 1:270 00, 2014 (558)
Title ID: 100506
 Seman Province 1:530 000, 2014 (544)
Title ID: 100508
Tourist Map of / Guide Map of / City Map ... / ... (titles
New sheets (Only Engl. Name is given):
 Ahvaz / ... 1:20 000, 2014 (GS 556)
Title ID: 100563
 Esfahan (Greater) 1:12 500, c. 2015 (GS 361)
23,00 EUR
Title ID: 91718
 Karaj Municipality Area 1:19 000, 2015 (GS 517)
23,00 EUR
Title ID: 63212
 Mashad City / ... 1:22 000, 2014 (GS 337)
NCC, c. 2012
col., communications & places classified, points of interest,
shading, hydro., 7 insets (trip routes, location, country
divisions, distance), photos, notes, Lambert conformal proj.,
on reverse city plan of Gorgan 1:9 250, 68x48 cm, fd.
13,50 EUR
 Sadra New Town / … 1:15 000, 2015 (GS 561)
11,00 EUR
... / Tourist Map of Golestan 1:400 000
All bilingual.
Title ID: 28533
Title ID: 101555
 Shiraz Metropolis / ... 1:16 500, 2015 (GS 481)
23,00 EUR
Title ID: 28538
Title ID: 101554
Gitashenasi, Teheran c. 2010 (partly revised) (GS 301-322)
22 sheets (areas), col., land use & cover, places of interest,
hydro., admin. table & inset map, 100x7 cm, fd.
each 12,00 EUR
Atlas-e Rah-ha-ye Irān / Road Atlas of Iran
1:1 000 000
Gitashenasi, S. Bakhtiyari, Tehrān 2014 (GS 555)
311 pp., col., communications & places classified, province
bdrs., shading, hyps. & bath. tints, hydro., land use & cover,
deserts, points of interest, photos, notes, index, end paper
maps, 16x24,5 cm, hard cover
40,00 EUR
All in Persian.
Title ID: 82667
Rahyab-e Jibi-ye Irān 1: 1 000 000 (Iran Pathfinder)
Gitashenasi, Tehrān 2014 (GS 554)
174 pp., col., 104 map pp., shading, hydro., communications
& places classified, bdrs., points of interest, bdrs., hydro.,
notes, distance table, photos, 17x24 cm, spiral.-bd.
26,00 EUR
All in Persian.
Title ID: 82690
Aṭlas-i shahrī ustānī-i Īrān / City & provincial atlas of
GS, Tehrān 2014 (GS 557)
143 pp., col., 31 province maps, 31 province capitals maps,
8 thematic maps, communications & places classified, bdrs.,
hydro. detailed, land use & cover, points of interest, notes,
distance table, 23x34,5 cm, hardcover
26,00 EUR
All in Persian.
Title ID: 100564
... (Tehran Municipality Area)
All in Persian.
New sheets :
 Area No. 3 - 1:10 000, c. 2012 (GS 303)
Title ID: 100511
 Area No. 11 - 1:7 000, c. 2012 (GS 311)
Title ID: 100512
 Area No. 12 - 1:7 000, c. 2012 (GS 312)
Title ID: 100513
 Area No. 13 - 1:8 000, c. 2012 (GS 313)
Title ID: 100514
 Area No. 22 - 1:18 000 (GS 322)
Title ID: 100531
... / Municipality Map of Tehran, Area No. 3 - 1:10 000
Gitashenasi, Tehrān, c. 2014 (GS 303)
col., land use & cover, points of interest, hydro., admin.
table & 2 inset maps, 9x70 cm, fd.
12,00 EUR
All in Persian.
Title ID: 100509
Atlas-e gitāshenāsi-ye ostānhā-ye Irān (geog. atlas of
the provinces of Iran)
Gitashenasi Geographic & Cartographic Institute, Tehrān
2014 (GS 395)
207 pp., col., num. maps, tables & photos, notes, contents:
1. Chapter: Consisting of History of Iran from the beginning
up today along with six historical maps, 2. Chapter:
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 31 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
Including Political, Physical, Human, Economical,
Transportation, Education, Hygiene, Tourism & Cultural
Geography, 3. Chapter: 18 Thematic Maps such as Water
Resources, Agriculture, Energy, Industry, Historical
Monuments, Geology, Map of Iran Position in the World and
etc.) ,4. Chapter: Introducing 31 provinces of Iran based
upon the statistics of 2013-14 containing 22 considerable
titles of each province as Area, Human resources,
Agricultural products, Tourist attractions and Administrative
division to Population & etc., 22,5x30 cm, bd.
40,00 EUR
All in Persian.
Title ID: 28452
331 India / Bhārat / Indien
New Abbreviation:
Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales
Sri Lanka & South India 1:450 000 / 1:2 380 000
See 332 Sri Lanka
The Territories and States of India 2011
Routledge, J. Brian (ed.), 2nd ed., London & New York 2010
(Europa Territories of the World series)
392 pp., b&w, 36 maps, contents: Part 1: Introduction (The
Centre and the States: Evolution of a Union, Chronology of
India, Statistics, The Government of the Republic of India).
Part 2: Surveys (Map of India, States, Territories). Part 3:
Select Bibliography, Part 4: Indexes (Alphabetic List of
Territories and States, List of Alternative Names), 16x24 cm,
245,00 EUR
Title ID: 101529
Geography of India
Access Publishing, S. Singh & J. Saroha, Delhi 2014
552 pp., col., illus., contents: 1. Introduction, 2. Geological
Structure, 3. Physiography, 4. Climate, 5. Drainage, 6.
Natural Vegetation and Wild Life, 7. Soils 8. Mineral and
Energy Resources, 9. Water Resources, 10. Agriculture, 11.
Industry, 12. Transport, Communication and Trade, 13.
Planning and Development, 14. Population and Settlement,
15. Political Aspects, 16. Environmental Problems and
Hazards, 18,5x24 cm, softcover
20,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 102927
Resource Planning Atlas of Jammu and Kashmir
"People Land and Forest: Jammu"
Bookwell Publications, G. Singh (ed.), New Delhi 2013
xxi, 246 pp., chiefly col., num. illus. (incl. maps), contents:
Environmental Settings, Population, Intensity of Irrigation,
Landuse Pattern, Cropping Pattern, Agricultural
Regionalisation, Levels of Agricultural Development,
Forests, bibl., 21x29 cm, hardcover
110,00 EUR
A Manual of the Geology of India
"Chiefly Compiled from the Observations of the Geological
Cambridge University Press, R.D. Oldham (ed.), Cambridge
626 pp., 43 b&w illus, 5 maps, contents: 1. Physical
geography, 2. Metamorphic and crystalline rocks, 3.
Transition systems, 4. Older Palaeozoic (Cuddapah and
Vindhyan) systems of the peninsula, 5. Older Palaeozoic
systems of the extra-peninsular area, 6. Carboniferous and
triassic rocks of extra-peninsular India, 7. The Gondwána
system, 8. Mountains of the Gondwána system, 9. Marine
jurassic rocks, 10. Marine cretaceous rocks of the Indian
peninsula, 11. Deccan Trap, 12. Creataceous rocks of the
extra peninsular area, 13. Tertiary deposits (excluding those
of the Himalayas), 14. Tertiaries of the Himalayas (including
the North-Western Punjab), 15. Laterite, 16. Pleistocene
and recent deposits (exclusive of the Indo-Gangetic
alluvium), 17. The Indo-Gangetic plain,18. The age and
origin of the Himalayas, 19. Geological history of the Indian
peninsula, index, 17x24,5 cm, softcover
90,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101820
Coal and lignite basins of India
"Development, resource and multidimensional utilisation
GSI, S.K. Acharyya & G. Mukhopadhyaya, Bangalore 2014
ix, 168 pp., chiefly b&w, num. illus. & maps, contents: 1
Introduction, 2 History of Coal and Lignite Exploration, 3
Development of Gondwana Basins in India, 4 Time Slots
and Gondwana Stratigraphy, 5 Development of Cenozoic
Coal and Lignite Basins of India, 6 Gondwana Coal Basin
and Coal Character, 7 Resources Scenario of Coal and
Lignite, 8 Coal and Lignite Production, 9 Coal Beneficiation,
10 Coal Bed Methane, 11 Coal to Oil, 12 Underground Coal
Gasification, 13 Future Roadmap: Exploration, Exploitation,
Utilization of Coal and Lignite Resources; bibl., 22x28 cm,
38,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 102926
Circulation et territoire dans le monde indien
EHESS, V. Dupont & F. Landy (eds.), Paris 2010
(Puruṣārtha. Sciences sociales en Asie du Sud, 28)
340 pp., num. illus. (incl. maps, graphs & photos), some
tables, contents: I. Logiques religieuses et symboliques
autour de «l'hindouisme», II. Logique économique des
ménages et circulation dans le sous-continent indien, III.
Ouverture à de nouveaux espaces: circulations
transnationales, bibl., softcover, 16x24 cm
39,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 102920
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 102925
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 32 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
Economic geography of India
Rawat Publications, T.C. Sharma, Jaipur 2013
742 pp., num. illus. & tables, 1 fold-out map, contents:
Indian Agriculture: Problems and Prospects; Land and
Water Resources; Irrigation Development; Foodgrains,
Commercial Crops; Plantation and Garden Crops; Livestock
Sericulture and Fisheries; Agricultural Regions; Survey of
Mineral Resources; Fuel Minerals; Metallic Minerals:
Ferrous and Alloys Group; Metallic Minerals: Non-Ferrous
Group; Non-Metallic Minerals; Power Resources
Development; Development of Manufacturing Industries,
Textile Industries; Metallurgical Industries; Engineering
Industries; Chemicals and Allied Industries; Food
Processing Industries; Other Raw Material-Based
Industries; Transport; Foreign Trade; 15,5x24 cm, softcover
45,00 EUR
Description preliminary
17. Afghanistan Environmental Degradation, 18.
Afghanistan Environmental Protection, 19. Afghanistan
Water and Climate Change, Part IV: Afghanistan in Future,
(20, Pessimistic Scenarios: Incessant War in Afghanistan,
21, Optimistic Scenarios: Successful Resource Corridors),
bibl., index, 19,5x24 cm, hardback
180,00 EUR
Title ID: 100442
National Atlas of Afghanistan
Scientia Bonnensis, A. Dittmann (ed.), Bonn 2014
iv, 114 pp., col., 59 figs. (incl. maps, diagrams & photos), 19
tables, contents: General, Natural Conditions and
Resources, Economy and Agriculture, Public and Private
Services, Culture and History, Human Dimension, Major
Cities, bibl., index, 30x42,5xcm, bd.
198,00 EUR
Title ID: 100788
Title ID: 102928
335 Kashmir / Kashmīr / Kaschmir
332 Sri Lanka / Ilangai / Ceylon
"Glacial Environments, Processes, Hazards and Resources"
Springer, K. Hewitt, Dordrecht & al. (Series: Advances in
Asian Human-Environmental Research)
xx, 363 pp., chiefly col., 144 illus., contents: The Regional
Context.- Snow, Ice and Verticality in the Karakoram.Karakoram Glaciers: Types and Terrain.- Glacier Mass
Balance I: Snowfall and Glacier Nourishment.- Glacier Mass
Balance II: Ablation.- Mass Balance Regimes.- Dynamics of
Snow and Ice in Glacier Basins.- Landforms of the
Karakoram and Glacierized Areas.- Surge-Type Glaciers.Glacial Impoundments and Outburst Floods.- Rock Glaciers
and Related Phenomena.- Glaciers and Climate Change.Glaciers in Human Life, hardcover
139,09 EUR
Sri Lanka & South India 1:450 000 / 1:2 380 000
ITM, 3rd. 2015, Vancouver 2015
col., communications & places classified, bdrs., hyps. tints
(feet), hydro., nat. parks, points of interest, 3 inset plans
(Colombo 1:13 000, Mumbai 1:12 000, Kolkata 1:10 000),
index, illus., 68,5x99 cm, fd.
10,50 EUR
Title ID: 37515
333 Pakistan / Pākistān
Pakistan 1:1 500 000
Nelles, München 2015 (Nelles Map)
col., shading, tour. info., 3 town plans, trilingual legend, dbl.,
90x50 cm, fd.
9,90 EUR
Glaciers of the Karakoram Himalaya
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 100406
Title ID: 60196
336 Nepal / Nepāl
334 Afghanistan / Afgāhnestān
"Topographic Trekking & Planning Guide Map"
Himalayan Map House, Kathmandu 2014 (Trekking Map
700 Series, N701)
col., shading, hydro., places and roads classified, trekking
trails, reg. & nat. bdrs., places of interest, 4 inset maps
(Langtang & Helambu, Manaslu & Ganesh, Around
Annapurna, Jiri Everest), tables, max & min. temperature
profiles, notes, index, distance tables, 89x95,5 cm, fd.
12,50 EUR
Natural Resources in Afghanistan
"Geographic and Geologic Perspectives on Centuries of
Elsevier, J.F. Shroder, Amsterdam & al. 2014
xix, 572 pp., num. maps, diagrams, graphs, tables & photos,
contents: 1. Introduction: Historical Overview of Afghanistan
at War, Part I: Overview of the Geology and Geography of
Afghanistan (2. Rock and Landform Jigsaw Puzzles, 3.
Terrains of Torment, 4. Soils and Vegetation In extremis, 5.
Watersheds of Want, 6. Ethnic Patchworks, 7. Silk Road
Nexus, 8. Hazards and Disasters in Afghanistan), Part II:
Introduction to Resources: Bones of Contention or Solutions
to Interminable War?, 9. Afghanistan Border Fixing, 10. Lost
Resource Opportunities, 11. Discovery of Rich Resources,
12. Rich Resource Exploitations, Resource Curses, and
Resource Wars, 13. Air and Space Technology in Resource
Delineation: Peace and War, 14. Resource Rushes in
Afghanistan, 15. Resource Corridors), Part III: Overview of
Environment and Development of Afghanistan, 16.
Afghanistan Environment and Development Issues,
Nepal 1:900 000
Title ID: 60063
Nepal 1:500 000
"Large Format Map of Nepal Himalaya"
HMH, Kathmandu 2014 (Country Map - N705)
col., shading, places and communications classified, bdrs.
down to districts, points of interest, Major domestic air
routes inset, 4 tables (NMA peaks, National Parks &
reserves of Nepal, Relative oxygen rate at different
altitudes, World heritage sites), index, 195x69 cm, fd., jacket
26,50 EUR
Title ID: 60071
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 33 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
Nepal 1:500 000
"Trekking - Great Himalaya Trail - National Parks"
HMH, Kathmandu 2014 (Country Map Series - NP301)
col., shading, hydro., glaciers, sands, communications &
places classified, Great Himalaya Trail (GHT) routes, trails,
points of interest, GHT High Route Campsite Profile with
Walk Times from East to West, 3 tables (Heading towards
nature, Relative oxygen rate at different altitudes, Principal
peaks), photos, 200x69,5 cm, fd., jacket with notes
26,50 EUR
Title ID: 100488
City Maps
Himlayan MapHouse, Kathmandu 2007- (City Map 300
plans, col., partly top. base, points of interest, inset plans,
notes, index, styles & sizes vary unless indicated 9,50 EUR
New plans:
 Kathmandu City - Patan & Bhaktapur (CT302) 1:15 000,
Title ID: 80198
of Neighboring Regions, Part III Lesser Himalaya, Part IV
Higher Himalaya, Part V Tethys Himalaya, Part VI Siwaliks,
Part VII Terai, Intermontane Basins, and Neotectonics, bibl.,
index, 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
139,09 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101622
337 Bhutan / Druk-Yul
Bhutan 1:400 000
"The Land of Thunder Dragon"
HMH, Kathmandu 2014 (Country Map 700 Series - CR703)
col., communications & places detailed, Dzongkhag tints,
Geog bdrs, hydro., trekking trails & footpaths, nat. park &
reserves bdrs., points of interest, notes, Thimpu City & Paro
City insets, road distance table, index, 88,5x59,5 cm, fd.
17,50 EUR
Title ID: 37356
338 Himalaya
 Kathmandu - Patan & Bhaktapur (CT305) 1:20 000,
 Pokhara City – Lakeside & Damslide(CT304) 1:13 000,
7,50 EUR
Springer, R. Joshi, K. Kumaret, L.M.S. Palni (eds.),
Dordrecht & al. 2015 (Society of Earth Scientists Series)
xii, 204 pp., chiefly col. 80 illus. (incl. maps & diagrams),
contents: Part I Dynamics of Snow and Glaciers in NorthWest Himalaya Variations in the Seasonal Snow Cover Area
(SCA) for Upper Bhagirathi Basin, India (Investigating
Impacts of Global Change on the Dynamics of Snow,
Glaciers and Run-off over the Himalayan Mountains;
Identification of Glacial Lake and the Potentially Dangerous
Glacial; Lake in the Himalayan Basin; Assessment and
Simulation of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods for Dhauliganga
Basin in Northwestern Himalayan Region; A Model Study of
Dokriani Glacier, Garhwal Himalaya, India), Part II
Assessment of Climate Change Patterns (Critical Evaluation
and Assessment of Average Annual Precipitation in The
Indus, The Ganges and The Brahmaputra Basins, Northern
India; Climate Change in the Northwestern Himalayas;
Aerosols and Temperature Rise in the Northwestern
Himalaya, India; Measurement of Atmospheric Carbon
Dioxide Levels at Dokriani Bamak, Garhwal Himalaya,
India), Part III Consequences of Changes and Flow Regime
(Hydrological Management of Glacial and Non-glacial River
Systems; Variable Response of Glaciers to Climate Change
in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India; Declining Changes in
Spring Hydrology of Non-glacial River Basins in Himalaya: A
Case Study of Dabka Catchment; Chemical
Characterization of Meltwater from East Rathong Glacier
Vis-à-Vis Western Himalayan Glaciers; Socio-economic
Dimension of Snow and Glacier Melt in the Nepal
Himalayas), bibl., subject index, hardcover
149,79 EUR
Title ID: 80199
Title ID: 80200
Trekking & Touring Maps (Titles Vary)
Himalayan MapHouse, Kathmandu 1997- (Nepa Maps)
col., top. base, contours, mainly shading, partly wood,
cultivated land, trekking routes, points of interest, partly
inset maps, partly notes, index, style & size vary, fd.
In brackets code numbering.
New sheets:
 Chitawan National Park 1:125 000 (NR753), 2014
12,50 EUR
Title ID: 80155
 Everest Base Camp (Kalapatthar – Gokyo – Renjola
Pass – Chola – Kongma La) 1: 50 000 (NE519), 2013
17,50 EUR
Title ID: 100479
 Jiri to Everest – Khumbu 1:100 000 (NE508), 2014
12,50 EUR
Title ID: 60128
 Kailās Mānasarovar 1:200 000 (NS503), 2014
19,50 EUR
Title ID: 60126
 Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park 1:30 000 (NR758),
12,50 EUR
Title ID: 100483
Geology of the Nepal Himalaya
"Regional Perspective of the Classic Collided Orogen"
Springer, M.R. Dhital, Dordrecht & al. 2015
xxiv, 498 pp., chiefly col., 304 illus. (incl. maps), contents;
Part I Geological Setting and Physiography, Part II Geology
Dynamics of Climate Change and Water Resources of
Northwestern Himalaya
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 100398
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 34 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
341 Japan / Nihon
Japan / Japon / Japón 1:1 200 000
Reise Know-How, 6th ed., Bielefeld 2015 (World mapping
col., contours, hyps. tints 300-600 m, bath tints 100-1000 m,
roads classified, tour. info., admin. bdrs., nat. parks, detailed
hydro., location, Sakishim & Ryukyu isdlands inset maps,
index, 4 language legend, Lambert conformal conic proj.,
69,5 x100cm, dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 75353
342 China / Zhongguo
Tibet 1:1 500 000
HMH, Kathmandu 2013 (Trekking Map 700 Series - CR713)
col., shading, hydro., places and communications classified,
trekking routes & trails, nat. reserves & parks, points of
interest, index, 98,5x60cm, fd.
19,50 EUR
Range: Kathmandu - Lhasa - Kailash
 J43 C 004004 / I43 C 001004 Mazha Fu Sheet of
Mazha / Shenxianwan Fu (Sheet of Shenxianwan),
Title ID: 91276
140,00 EUR
The China Continental Scientific Drilling Project
"CCSD-1 Well Drilling Engineering and Construction"
Springer, D. Wang & al., Dordrecht & al. 2015 (Series:
Springer Geology)
xxiii, 362 pp., chiefly col., 302 illus., contents: 1.
Background, 2. Drilling Engineering Design, 3. Well Site and
Drilling Equipment, 4. Construction Situation, 5. Hard Rock
Deep Well Core Drilling Techniques, 6. Diamond Core Drill
Bit, 7. Reaming Drilling Techniques of Hard Crystalline
Rock, 8. Well-Deviation Control Techniques for Strong
Dipping Strata, 9. Drilling Fluids and Solids Control
Technology, 10. Casing and Well Cementation, 11. Drilling
Data Acquisition, 12. Technical Economical Analysis, bibl.,
21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
139,09 EUR
Jointly published with Science Press Ltd., Beijing, China.
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 101623
Title ID: 100485
"Urban Governance and Urban Development Trends in
Tianjin' s Coastal Area"
Borntraeger Science Publishers, H. Gebhardt, Stuttgart
2015 (Urbanization of the Earth, Volume 13)
xiii, 203 pp., b&w, 40 figs. (incl. maps & plans), 14 tables,
contents: 1 Introduction: China's economic development
zones and eco-cities, 2 Researching drivers of urban
development, 3 Decision-making and urban space creation
at TEDA and Tianjin Eco-city, 4 Analysis of governance
mechanisms, 5 Evaluation of the governance systems at
TEDA and Tianjin Eco-city, 6 Concluding remarks, 7
Epilogue, 8 Appendix, 9 Bibliography, 10 Index, 17x24cm,
44,80 EUR
The Territories of the People's Republic of China
Routledge, L. Chun & H. Hendriscke, 2nd ed., London &
New York 2006 (Europa Territories of the World series)
392 pp., b&w, 34 maps, contents: Part One Introduction
(Economic Regionalism in the People's Republic of China;
Governing China: Unity, Control, Decentralization and
Global Integration; Chronology of the People's Republic of
China; Statistics; The Government of the People's Republic
of China), Part Two Surveys (Provinces; Autonomous
Regions; Special Municipalities; Special Administrative
Regions), Part Three Indexes (Index of Alternative Names;
Index of Areas), Appendix Taiwan, 16x24 cm, hardcover
206,00 EUR
Title ID: 101531
Beijing Chengshi Dituji / Beijing City Atlas 2014
SinoMaps Press, Beijing 2013
220 pp., col., plans var. scales,5 general maps (Regional,
Tour, Urban district, Ring road & Subway), 140 plans of
urban & suburbs (county), index c. 8600 entries (streets,
points of interest, etc.), chiefly bilingual (Engl.& Chinese),
endpaper maps,15x21 cm, pb.
10,00 EUR
Title ID: 85949
Zhonghua Remin Gongheguo Quyu Dizhi Diaocha
Baogao (Regional Geological Survey Report of the
People's Republic of China) 1:250 000
GGS, GPH & CUGP, Beijing & Wuhan 2010num. sheets, col., comprehensive legend, morph. features,
diagram, cross sections, contours 100 m, hydro., names, on
reverse notes, 100x69,5 cm, fd., expl. c. 200-250 pp., chiefly
b&w, diagrams, graphs, profiles, tables, bibl., some col.
photos, 20,5x29,5 cm, pb., slip case
All in Chinese.
New sheet (see right column above):
From Economic Zone to Eco-city?
Title ID: 100408
343 Taiwan / T’aiwan
The Soils of Taiwan
Springer, Z.-S. Chen, Z.-Y. Hseu & C.-C. Tsai (eds.),
Dordrecht, Heidelberg & al. 2015 (World Soils Book Series)
xiii, 127 pp., chiefly col., 78 illus. (incl. maps, diagrams,
graphs & photos), 57 tables contents: 1 Factors and Soil
Formation, 2 Soil Survey, Information System, and Soil
Classification, 3 Alfisols, 4 Andisols, 5 Entisols, 6
Inceptisols, 7 Other Soils, 8 Spodosols, 9 Oxisols and
Ultisols, 10 Soil Degradation, bibl., index, 21,5x28,55 cm,
85,59 EUR
Title ID: 102956
345 Korea / Tae Han
Map of Seoul 1:50 000 / 1:25 0000
Sung Ji, Seoul 2014
col., hyps. tints. contours 20 m, shading, tour info., nat. park,
inset map (subway linemap), notes, indices, district names
bilingual, 91x62 cm, fd., dbl., jacket
23,50 EUR
Title ID: 35200
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 35 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
DAMDI Publishing, D. Yim & R. Luna (eds.), Seoul 2014
646 pp., col., num. maps, plans, graphs, diagrams & photos,
contents: 00. North Korean Atlas, 01. Introductory Essays,
02. Background Data (02-1 Fact Sheets, 02-2 Geographical
Facts, 02-3 Infrastructural Facts, 02-4 Industrial
Geography), 03. North Korean Cities (03-1 Tables of North
Korean Cities, 03-2 8 Major North Korean Cities, 03-3 19
Supporting North Korean Cities), 04. North Korean
Typologies, 05. Future Scenarios, References, 19,5x26 cm,
54,00 EUR
ITM, 6th ed., Vancouver 2015
col., places & communications detailed, hyps. tints, province
bdrs., points of interest, 2 plans, indexes, dbl., 88x69 cm, fd.
9,95 EUR
North Korean Atlas
Title ID: 101639
350 Southeast Asia / Südostasien
South East Asia 1:4 500 000
"Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malysia, Singapore,
Brunei, Indonesia, East Timor, Philippines, Taiwan"
Nelles, München 2015 (Nelles Map)
col., shading, hydro., communications & places classified,
points of interest, location inset, 3 language legend (Engl.
French & Germ.), 101x50 cm, fd., dbl.
9,90 EUR
Title ID: 35004
South East Asia 1:4 000 000
ITM, 6th ed., Vancouver 2014
col., hyps. tints 100 - 500 m, communications & places
classified, nat. parks & reserves, detailed hydro. features,
rich toponymy, province bdrs., points of interest, Manila &
Jakarta inset, index, 68x99 cm, fd., dbl.,
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 35005
Australasia 1:5 500 000
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map"
Coverage includes Timor Leste & Southern parts of Papua
New Guinea
See area 400.
Cambodia and Laos 1:750 000 / 1:1 200 000
Title ID: 34759
Kambodscha 1:500 000
Reise Know-How, 5th ed., Bielefeld 2015 (World mapping
col., contours, hyps. tints 150-300 m, communications &
places classified, points of interest, prov. bdrs., hydro., nat.
park , conversation areas, 3 inset plans (Angkor, Siem Reap
& Phnom Penh), index, 5 language legend, Conformal conic
proj., 70x101 cm, fd., dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 98777
355 Vietnam / Viêt Nam
Vietnam 1:900 000
ITM, Richmond 2015
col., hyps. tints 100 - 1000 m, bath. tints 20 - 50 m, hydro.,
communications & places classified, province bdrs., points
of interest, nat. parks, bird grounds, 7 insets (Hanoi, Ho Chi
Minh City, Hue, Hoi An, Da Nang, Can To, Phu Quoc
Island), trilingual legend (Engl., French & Vietnamese),
index, 68x99 cm, fd., dbl.
10,50 EUR
Title ID: 34527
Tâp ban ðô hành chinh Việt Nam
"Administrative Atlas"
NXBBÐ, 3rd. ed., s.l. 2013
123 pp., 4 intro. maps, polit. province maps, var. scales,
col., huyên tints, xa bdrs. and names, plans of capital, stat.
data, roads, places, hydro., index, all in Vietnamese,
21,5x30,5 cm, pb.
65,00 EUR
Title ID: 34539
353 Cambodia / Kampuchea / Kambodscha
356 Malaysia & Brunei
Nelles, München 2015 (Nelles Map)
col., shading, hydro., communications & places classified,
points of interest, 13 insets (Angkor Thom (Central Part),
Angkor Wat, Angkor Wat City, Bakong, Bangkok Vicinity
1:555 000, Banteay Srei, Bayon, Preah Khan, Ta Prohm,
The Temples of Angkor 1:135.000, Phnom Penh 1:47 000,
Siem Reap 1:12 000, Sihanoukville 1:28 000), trilingual
legend (French, Engl. & Germ.), notes, 79x50 cm, fd.
9,90 EUR
Nelles, München 2014 (Nelles Map)
Cambodia 1:1 500 000
Title ID: 34756
Malaysia - Brunei 1:1 500 000
4 col., shading, hydro., communications & places detailed,
points of interest, 6 plans (Bandar Seri Begawan 1:18 000,
George Town (Penang) 1:23 000, Kota Kinabalu 1:18 000,
Kuala Lumpur 1:20 000, Kuching 1:15.000, Melaka
(Malacca) 1:11500) , 4 inset maps (Around Kuala Lumpur
1:500 000, Brunei - Muara 1:250 000, Pangkor 1:135.000,
Penang 1:300 000), 4 language legend, dbl., 79x50 cm, fd.
8,90 EUR
Title ID: 33856
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 36 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
358 Philippines / Pilipinas / Philippinen
Routledge, D. Heaney (ed.), 16th ed., London & New York
2015 (Europa Territories of the World series)
335 pp., b&w, 85 maps, contents: Part 1: Introduction
(Topical essay on the region, Chronology of Russia,
Statistics, The Government of the Russian Federation), Part
2: Territorial Surveys (Map of European Russia. Map of
Asian Russia, Notes, Acronymes of Political Parties used in
the Territorial Surveys, Disputed Territories), Part 3: Select
Bibliography, Part 4: Indexes (Index of Principal Cities;
Gazetteer of Selected Alternative and Historical Names;
Territories Abolished, Created or Reconstituted in the PostSoviet Period; Alphabetical List of Territories; Federal
Okrugs; Economic Areas), 16x24 cm, hardcover
350,00 EUR
"Land der Extreme"
C.H.Beck, K. Mielke & C. Schetter, München 2013
(Beck'sche Reihe 6116)
256, pp., col., contents: 1. Land am Fluss: Der Natur-und
Kulturraum, 2 Land der Jugend: Die Bevölkerung, 3. Land
der Reinen: die Geschichte, 4.Lande der Gegensätze:
Politik und Kultur, 5. Land der Gegensätze; Zeittafel,
Pakistan in Zahlen, Literaturhinweise, 20 figs., 2 maps,
19x24 cm, pb.
14,95 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100395
359 Indonesia & East Timor / Indonesien &
Ost Timor
Bali & Lombok 1:145 000 / 1:130 000
ITM, 4th ed., Vancouver 2015
col., hyps. tints, hydro., communications & places classified,
points of interest., admin. & park bdrs., 9 insets (Denpasar,
Gili Island, Kuta-Legian, Lovina Beach, Mataram, Nusa Dua,
Sanur, Singaraja & Ubud), index, 99x68 cm, fd., dbl.
8,95 EUR
Title ID: 32741
Papua-Neuguinea, Indonesien: West-Papua,
Molukken 1:2.000.000
Incl. East Timor. See area 440 Papua New Guinea
The Territories of Indonesia
Routledge, I. Brown (ed.), London & New York 2011
(Europa Territories of the World series)
x, 346 pp., b&w, 39 maps, contents: Part One Introduction
(Shaping the Indonesian State; The Government; Time Line;
Map of Indonesia; Statistics; Notes), Part Two Territorial
Surverys (Java; Kalimantan (Borneo); Lesser Sunda
Islands; Maluku Islands and Papua (Moluccas and New
Guinea); Sulawesi (Celebes); Sumatra), Part Three Select
Bibliography (General; History and Politics; Economy), Part
Four Indexes (Alphabetical List of Territories; Alternative
Names of Territories), 16x24 cm, hardcover
260,00 EUR
Title ID: 101530
370 North Asia / Severnaja Azija / Nordasien
Atlas Avtomobil'nyh Dorog Rossija 1:700 000 /
1:1 400 000 / 1:2 800 000 - 2014-2015
"+ Karty gorodov"
Mercurij Čentr Karta, Moskva 2014
251 pp., col., places & communications classified, state &
region bdrs., points of interest, nat. parks & reserves,
hydro., swamps, salt flats, forests, 16 town plans 1:100 000,
index, legend bilingual (Russian & Engl.), map names only
in Russian, 21,5x30 cm, hardcover
26,00 EUR
Incl. Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
The Territories of the Russian Federation 2015
Title ID: 101528
Environmental Change and the Social Response in
the Amur River Basin
Springer, S. Haruyama, Shigeko & T. Shiraiwa (eds.), Tokyo
& al. (International Perspectives in Geography, Vol. 5)
viii, 262 pp., chiefly col., 121 illus. (incl. maps & photos),
num. tables, contents: 1 Amur Region of Russia — Natural
Resources, Population and Economy, 2 Land-Cover
Change and Climate Change Analysis of the Amur River
Basin Using Remote Sensing Data, 3 Wetland and Flooding
in the Amur River Basin, 4 Changes in Wetland and
Floodplain Sedimentation Processes in the Middle Reach of
the Amur River Basin, 5 Water Chemistry of the Middle
Amur River, 6 Droughts in North Eurasia and Climate
Warming: Regional Changes and Consequences, 7
Geographical Information System for the Amur River Basin,
8 Characteristics of Irrigation and Drainage Development on
the Sanjiang Plain: A Case Study of State Farms, 9
Developments of Sino-Russo Timber Trade in the Amur
River Basin, with Special Reference to the Transition Period
During 1995 – 2005, 10 Development Process of Timber
Harvesting in the Khabarovsk Region, Russian Federation,
11 Land-Use Dynamics in the Amur River Basin in the
Twentieth Century: Main Tendencies, Driving Forces and
Environmental Consequences,15,5x23,50 cm, hardcover
106,99 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 100397
Family Urban Agriculture in Russia
"Lessons and Prospects"
Springer, Dordrecht 2015 (Series: Urban Agriculture)
xvii, 215 pp., chiefly col., 58 illus., tables, contents: 1.
Introduction, 2. The Palimpsest of Urban Gardening in
Russia, 3. A New Civil Right Won Under the Soviet Regime,
4. A Post-Soviet Phenomenon, 5. The Russian Urban
Grower: Representations and Practices, 6. In Favour of a
New Perspective, 7. A Continental Rhizome: Gardening
Policies and Visions of Society, 8. Western and Southern
Europe viewed from a Russian Perspective, 9. Universal
Meaning, annexes, glossary, bibl., 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
128,39 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101620
Title ID: 101654
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 37 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
380 Central Asia / Srednjaja Azija /
selected new discoveries; 6 inset maps, 2 tables, 4
diagrams, 15x106 cm, fd.
325,00 EUR
Title ID: 96582
The Central Asian Orogenic Belt
"Geology, Evolution, Tectonics, and Models"
Borntraeger Science Publisher, A. Kröner (ed.), Berlin 2015
(Beiträge zur regionalen Geologie der Erde, Band 32)
313 pp., chiefly b&w, 109 figs. (incl. maps, diagrams &
photos), 2 tables, contents: The Central Asian Orogenic Belt
– Present knowledge and comparison with the SW Pacific,
Geology and evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in
Kazakhstan and the western Tianshan, Palaeozoic
palaeomagnetism of the southwestern segment of the
Central Asian Orogenic Belt – A critical review,
Neoproterozoic accretion of the Tuva-Mongolian massif, one
of the Precambrian terranes in the Central Asian Orogenic
Belt, Tectonics and geodynamics of the Altai–Sayan
Foldbelt (southern Siberia), Palaeozoic–Mesozoic geology
and tectonics of the western Transbaikalian segment of the
Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Development of the NorthEastern Segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,
Structure and Evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Orogenic
Belt, Tectonic synopsis of the Altaids of Central Asia, Late
Cenozoic crustal reactivation and mountain building in the
Gobi Corridor region of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,
References, Location & Subject index, 18x25 cm, bd.
118,00 EUR
Title ID: 102948
Coverage includes besides Australia Timor Leste, Southern
parts of Papua New Guinea & New Zealand.
430 New Zealand / Aotearoa / Neuseeland
Neuseeland 1:1 000 000
Reise Know-How, 12th ed., Bielefeld 2015 (World mapping
col., contours, 200-1 000 m hyps. tints, 200-12 000 m bath.
tints, communications classified, populated areas, points of
interest, regional bdrs., nat. & maritime parks, 7 inset maps,
location map, index, 5 language legend, Lambert conformal
proj., 70x100cm, fd. dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 98785
Geological Map of New Zealand 1:1 000 000
GNS, R.P. Suggate & G.W. Grindley (dir.), Wellington 1972
(Mms 24, 26)
2 sheets (N, S Island), col., very detailed, 6 island insets,
69x106 / 81x107 cm, fd.
total 39,00 EUR
Title ID: 40717
-- ditto DVD (GnsGm1), digital GIS vector data + all 21
QMAP texts as PDFs, D.W. Heron, (custodian), 2014
35,00 EUR
Title ID: 101311
Caspian & Black Sea 1:1 857 000
See 781 Mediterranean Sea
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map"
Coverage includes New Zealand.
"Oil and Gas Activity and Concession Map"
Australasia 1:5 500 000
See area 400.
The Caspian Sea Oil & Gas Activity and Concession
Map 1:1 857 000
Clarkson Research Services, London 2015
col., major cities, ports and supply bases and fabrication
yards, depth below sea 200-1 000 m, on and offshore data
includes: fields and prospects, concession blocks and
operator names, blocks on offer, under negotiation, recently
awarded and open, existing and proposed pipelines, well
names, type and location, oil refineries, gas processing
plants and pipeline terminals, fixed platform locations; 2
diagrams, 3 tables, 5 inset maps, 150x106 cm, fd.
325,00 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 86721
400 Australia / Australien
Australasia 1:5 500 000
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Held and open
concession blocks; Oil and gas fields; Selected well
locations; Oil and gas pipelines; Major cities/towns and
ports; Oil refineries and gas processing plants; Oil and gas
terminals; FPSO and FPS locations; Fixed platform
locations; Bathymetry up to the 5000 m contour; Names of
440 Papua New Guinea / Papua Niugini /
Papua-Neuguinea, Indonesien: West-Papua,
Molukken 1:2 000 000
Reise Know-How, Bielefeld 2015
col., contours, 100 - 1 000 m, hyp. tints, 50 - 2 000 m, bath.
tints, swamps, coral reefs, communications & places
classified, admin. bdrs., nat. & maritime parks & reserves,
bird sanctuaries, points of interest, index, 5 language
legend, 100x69,5 cm, fd., dbl.
9,95 EUR
Incl. East Timor
Title ID: 101507
500 Africa / Afrika
Africa Western 1:3 400 000
ITM, Richmond 2015
col., hydro. detailed, places and communications classified,
admin. bdrs., points of interest, notes, nat. parks, country
bdrs., index, dbl., 99x68 cm, fd., dbl.
10,50 EUR
Range: Senegal - Benin, Algeria - Ivory Coast
Title ID: 102943
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 38 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
Un atlas du Sahara-Sahel
"Géographie, économie et insécurité"
OCDE, L. Bossart (dir.), Paris 2014 (Cahiers de l'Afrique de
251 pp., col., num. maps, tables & diagrams, contents: I.
Réactiver un espace de circulation fragmenté (Espaces et
géographie saharo-sahéliens, Indicateurs socioéconomiques des pays du Sahara-Sahel, Pétrole et réseaux
d'influence au Sahara-Sahel), II. Sécuriser le Sahara-Sahel
en intégrant ses mobilités sociales et spatiales (Circulations
anciennes et nouvelles au Sahara-Sahel, Migrations et
Sahara, Nomadismes et mobilités au Sahara-Sahel,
Frontières, coopération transfrontalière et libre-circulation au
Sahara-Sahel, Enjeux sécuritaires, circulations et réseaux
au Sahara-Sahel, Économie des trafics au Sahara-Sahel,
Le point de vue des institutionnels sur les enjeux saharosahéliens), bibl., 21x28 cm, softcover
95,00 EUR
Title ID: 102939
An Atlas of the Sahara-Sahel
"Geography, Economics and Security"
OECD, L. Bossard (dir.), Paris 2014 (West African Studies)
251 pp., col., num. maps, tables & diagrams, contents I.
Reactivating a space of fragmented circulation (SaharaSahelian space and geography, Socio-economic indicators
within Sahara-Sahel countries, Petroleum and networks of
influence in the Sahara-Sahel) II. Securing the SaharaSahel by integrating its social and spatial mobility (Ancient
and new mobility in the Sahara-Sahel, Migrations and the
Sahara, Nomadism and mobility in the Sahara-Sahel,
Borders, cross-border co-operation and freedom of
movement in the Sahara-Sahel, Security issues, movement
and networks in the Sahara-Sahel, Trafficking economies in
the Sahara-Sahel, An institutional point of view on the
challenges of the Sahara-Sahel), bibl., 21x28 cm, softcover
95,00 EUR
For French version see above.
Title ID: 102940
"Nouvelle frontière du XXIe siècle"
Editions Ellipses, A. Nonjon & A. Pautet, Paris 2015
188 pp., chiefly b&w, 50 maps, num. tables, contents:
Histoire, Géopolitique, Développement durable,
Géographie, Économie, Connaître autrement, Sujet HGG,
glossary, index, 17x21 cm, softcover
19,00 EUR
Title ID: 100775
African Energy Atlas 2014/2015
African Energy, Hastings 2014
83 pp., col., power maps by country, oil & gas maps by
country, other maps and charts (Africa transport map,
Africa's energy infrastructure overview, Economic indicators,
Key trends: Reserves, production, consumption & exports,
Economic Africa map, Climate, population, income, fossil
fuels, power, FDI inflows into Africa, ODA into Africa,
Energy investment in Africa, Installed generation capacity,
Percentage of population with access to electricity,
Hydrological basins and water towers, Photovoltaic solar
electricity potential), 21x30 cm, softcover, incl. DVD with pdf
files (eps images)
390,00 EUR
Title ID: 100494
510 North Africa / Nordafrika
Wielki Atlas Kampanii Afrykańskiej 1939-1943
"Działania wojenne w Afryce Północnej od Sidi Barrani do
Półwyspu Bone. Tobruk, El-Alemein, Mersa Matruh, Gazala,
Linia Mareth, Kasserine, Tunezja, Libia, Egipt, Algieria"
Taktyka i Strategia, W.Zalewski, Warszawa 2013
s.p., chiefly b&w,c. 90 maps containing the war in North
Africa from Sidi Barrani to Bone Peninsula (Tobruk, ElAlemein, Mersa Matruh, Gazal, Mareth Line, Kasserine,
Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria), 32x42,5 cm, screw-bd.
98,00 EUR
Title ID: 100491
514 Algeria / al-Jaza’ir / Algérie / Algerien
Plan de Ville / Plan de Rue / Plan de Ville et
Agglomérations(titles vary)
INCT, Alger 1988col., built-up areas, cultivation, tour info., partly insets, on
reverse 1 or more indexes, size & style vary
unless indicated 10,00 EUR
New sheet:
 Oran 1:7 5000 (2 sheets), 2013
Title ID: 39929
20,00 EUR
515 Morocco / al-Maghrib / Maroc / Marokko
Morocco / Marokko / Marcoc / al-Maghrib 1:1 250 000
"Geographical Map"
Gizi, Budapest 2014
col., hyps. tints 100-1000 m, bath. tints 50 - 1000 m, hydro.
detailed, communications & places detailed, bdrs., points of
interest, admin. & nat. bdrs., inset map (Western Sahara 1:2
500 000), index, 6 language legend, 98,5x87 cm, fd.
11,95 EUR
Title ID: 39038
Marokko / Morocco / Marcoc / Marruecos / Marokko
1:1 000 000
Reise Know-How, 9th ed., Bielefeld 2015 (World mapping
col., contours, 300-650 m hyps. tints, 200 - 1 000 m bath.
tints, hydro. detailed, places & communications classified,
points of interest, prov. bdrs., some place names in Arabic,
inset map (Western Sahara 1:2 500 00), 5 language legend,
index, Lambert Conformal proj., 100,5x70 cm, fd., dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 39040
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 39 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
Marokko / Morocco / Maroc 1:800 000 / 1:2 500 000
MairDumont, (7th ed.), Ostfildern 2014
col., shading, communications & places detailed, bdrs.,
parks, points of interest., admin. bdrs., prohibited areas, nat.
parks, oil wells & pipelines, mines, hydro., coral reefs, 5
inset plans (Tanger, Fès, Marrakech, Rabat & Meknès),
inset map (range: Canary Islands - Western Sahara
1:2 500 000), 8 language legend, 119x97 cm, fd., index
booklet 24 pp.
9,99 EUR
Title ID: 101115
Marokko / Morocco / al-Maghrib / Maroc / Marocco
1:800 000 / 1:2 000 000
"Autokarte / Road map / ..."
f&b, Wien 2014
col., shading, communications classified, prov. bdrs., nat.
reserves, hydro. detailed. desserts, points of interest, 10
language legend, 135x37 cm, fd., booklet, 21 pp., index, 5
plans (Casablanca, Fès, Marakech, Rabat / Salé, Tanger
9,99 EUR
Title ID: 101116
Gestion durable des eaux et des sols au Maroc
"Valorisation des techniques traditionnelles
IRD Éditions, É. Roose, M. Sabir & A. Laouina, Marseille
343 pp., chiefly b&w, num. illus., graphs, tables & maps,
contents: Partie I. Aspects généraux de la lutte antiérosive
(1. La dégradation des terres et l'érosion des sols, 2.
Évolution historique des stratégies de lutte antiérosive, 3. La
lutte antiérosive conventionnelle en fonction des processus
et des facteurs de l'érosion hydrique, 4. Les aspects socioéconomiques de la lutte antiérosive), Partie 2. Le Maroc,
terre de tradition agricole (5. Le contexte de la lutte
antiérosive au Maroc, 6. Les techniques traditionnelles de
gestion de l'eau, de la biomasse et de la fertilité des sols, 7.
Intégration des structures de GCES à l'échelle du versant,
du terroir ou du bassin versant), Partie 3. Améliorations des
techniques traditionnelles (8. Zones de cultures:
amélioration des techniques culturales traditionnelles, 9.
Zones de parcours, 10. Zones forestières: l'arbre et la
GCES, 11. Les milieux imperméables, urbains et routiers,
12. Choix de techniques de GCES par zone agroécologique au Maroc), Conclusion générale, Bibliographie,
Glossaire des termes techniques, 16x24 cm, softcover
50,00 EUR
Title ID: 101301
"Patrimoine socio-écologique de l'Atlas marocain"
IRD Éditions & Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe, M.
Alifriqui & L. Auclair, Marseille & Rabat 2012 (Colloques et
séminaires n° 29)
647 pp., 24 photos, 45 tables, 36 figs., 20 maps, contents:
Partie 1: Écologie des Agdals, Partie 2: Regards des
sciences humaines et sociales sur l'Agdal, Partie 3: L'Agdal
dans la dynamique des systèmes de production et d'activité,
Partie 4: L'Agdal et l'intervention publique, bibl., 17x24 cm,
40,00 EUR
Title ID: 100832
535 Nigeria
Le développement du lac Tchad / Development of
Lake Chad
"Situation actuelle et futurs possibles / Current Situation and
Possible Outcomes"
See area 567 Chad.
Violence in Nigeria
"Patterns and Trends"
Springer, P. Taft & N. Haken, Dordrecht & al. 2015 (Series:
Terrorism, Security, and Computation)
xiv, 136 pp., 53 illus. (incl. conflict risk heat maps of each
state), contents: Introduction, Niger Delta Overview, North
Central Overview, Middle Belt Overview, Northwest
Overview, Southwest Overview, Conclusion, 21,5x28 cm,
85,59 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101618
536 Niger
Le développement du lac Tchad / Development of
Lake Chad
"Situation actuelle et futurs possibles / Current Situation and
Possible Outcomes"
See area 567 Chad.
542 Ethiopia & Eritrea / Etyop’ya & Ertra /
Äthiopien & Erythräa
Ethiopia 1:2 000 000 / Eritrea 1:900 000
ITM, Vancouver 2014
col., hyps. tints, hydro., roads & places detailed, nat. parks
and reserves, points of interest., 2 insets (Addis Ababa &
Asmara (Asmera), notes, illus. conversions diagrams, index,
99x68 cm, fd.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 43878
Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia
Springer, P. Billi, Dordrecht & al. 2015 (World
Geomorphological Landscapes)
viii, 389 pp., chiefly col., num. illus. (incl. maps, graphs,
cross-sections, (block-) diagrams & photos) & tables,
contents: Part I General Introduction to the Geomorphology
of Ethiopia, Part II Local Studies, Part III Applied Aspects,
References, Index, 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
139,09 EUR
Title ID: 93073
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 40 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
546 Tanzania / Tansania
Serengeti – Masai-Mara – Ngorongoro – Lake
Manyara – Safari Handbook 1:250 000
harms-ic-verlag, Klingenmünster 2014
Touring atlas of the greater Serengeti ecosystem, 60 pp.,
col., general map of Tanazania 1:5 700 000, 36 pp.
1:250 000, top. base, contours 100m, shading, morph.
features (crater, steep slope, kopje & rock), land cover
(forest, bush, sand/mud, soda flat, swamp), points of
interest, UTM grid, 2 pp. map of the Ngorongoro crater
1:120 000 (top. base), 4 city maps (Arusha, Mwanza,
Nairobi & Mombasa), 5 pp. animals & East African trees of
the Serengeti (photos), notes on the big migration (of
animals), 1 dbl. p. of the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem,
indexes, general legend trilingual (Engl., Germ & Swahili),
15x21 cm, spiral-bd.
each 12,50 EUR
Title ID: 100667
551 South Africa / Suid-Afrika / Südafrika
Landscapes and Landforms of South Africa
Springer, S. Grab & J. Knight, Jasper (eds.), Dordrecht & al.
2015 (World Geomorphological Landscapes)
xiii, 187 pp., chiefly col., 119 illus. (incl. maps, graphs &
photos), contents: 1. Landscapes and Landforms of South
Africa - An Overview, 2. Sandstone Landforms of the Karoo
Basin: Naturally Sculpted Rock, 3. The Mpumalanga /
Limpopo Escarpment: Geology and Fluvial Landforms, 4.
Landscape and Landforms of the Vredefort Dome: Exposing
an Old Wound, 5. Geomorphological Evolution of the
Pilanesberg, 6. The Drakensberg Escarpment: Mountain
Processes at the Edge, 7. Rocky Shorelines of the Wild
Coast, 8. The Augrabies Falls Region: A Fluvial Landscape
Divided in Flow but Magnificent in Spectacle, 9. The
Richtersveld: An Ancient Rocky Wilderness, 10. The
Cederberg: A Rugged Sandstone Topography, 11. Table
Mountain: Wonder of Nature at the Foot of Africa, 12. The
Cape Winelands, 13. The Kruger National Park: Geology
and Geomorphology of the Wilderness, 14. The Maputaland
Corridor: A Coastal Geomorphological Treasure, 15. Of
Dunes, Depressions and Dry Valleys: The Arid Landscapes
of the Kalahari Desert, 16. The Western Free State Panfield:
A Landscape of Myriad Pans and Lunettes, 17. The
Sterkfontein Caves: Geomorphology and Hominin-Bearing
Deposits,18. Military Geography: Landscapes of the AngloBoer War, 19. Geoheritage and Geotourism in South Africa,
References, Index, 15x28,5 cm, hardcover
106,99 EUR
Title ID: 94194
Urban Governance in Post-apartheid Cities
"Modes of Engagement in South Africa's Metropoles"
Borntraeger Science Publisher, C. Haferburg & M.
Huchzermeyer, Berlin & Stuttgart 2014
(Urbanization of the Earth, 12)
xiv, 337 pp., 36 figs. (incl. maps & photos), 17 tables,
contents: Part I: Urban governance in post-apartheid cities
in context, Part II: City visions and urban interventions:
engagements of the state, Part III: The fragile base of the
city: currents and dynamics at community level, Part IV:
Private sector: gaining weight, Part V: Governing through
place and space, bibl., index, 17x24 cm, bd.
49,90 EUR
Description preliminary.
Title ID: 101631
566 Cameroon / Cameroun / Kamerun
Le développement du lac Tchad / Development of
Lake Chad
"Situation actuelle et futurs possibles / Current Situation and
Possible Outcomes"
See area 567 Chad.
568 Chad / Tchad / Tschad
Le développement du lac Tchad / Development of
Lake Chad
"Situation actuelle et futurs possibles / Current Situation and
Possible Outcomes"
IRD, J. Lemoalle & G. Magrin, Marseille 2014 (Collection
Expertise collégiale)
215 pp., col., 11 figs (incl. maps & graphs), 5 tables,
contents: I. Diagnostic / Analysis, II. Options de politique /
Policy options, III. Recommandations du collège / Expert
Recommandations, bibl., annexes, encl. USB: Contributions
intégrales des experts, 16x24 cm, softcover
29,00 EUR
Bilingual edition.
Title ID: 101015
620 Canada / Kanada
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island 1:380 000
ITM, 2nd ed., Vancouver 2015
col., hyps. & bath. tints, hydro., nat. parks, points of interest,
communications & places classified, 2 inset plans (Halifax &
Sydney), inset map (Sable Island), notes, index,
99x68,5 cm, fd., dbl.
8,95 EUR
Title ID: 51214
The Regulation of Peace River
"A Case Study for River Management"
Wiley-Blackwell, M. Church, Chichester 2014
x, 296 pp., chiefly b&w, num. maps, diagrams & photos,
contents: 1. On Regulated Rivers, 2. The Regulation of
Peace River, 3. Downstream Channel Gradation in the
Regulated Peace River, 4. Tributary Channel Gradation Due
to Regulation of Peace River, 5. The Hydraulic Geometry of
Peace River, 6. Ice on Peace River: Effects on Bank
Morphology and Riparian Vegetation, 7. Post-Regulation
Morphological Change on Peace River, 8. Studies of
Riparian Vegetation Along Peace River, British Columbia, 9.
The Response of Riparian Vegetation to Flow Regulation
Along Peace River, Alberta, 10. The floods of 1990 and
1996 on Peace River, 11. The Future State of Peace River,
12. Implications for River Management, Appendix: Data
Files Online, bibl., index, color plates, 19x25, 5 cm, bd.
119,00 EUR
Peace River is a northward flowing boreal river in
northwestern Canada. Description preliminary.
Title ID: 100439
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 41 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
"A Case Study for River Management"
Petroleum Economist, 2nd ed., London 2014
shading, capitals & cities, bdrs., Major pipeline projects,
Oilsands play or basin, Heavy Oil play or basin, Oil shale
play or basin, Shale Oil play or basin, Major pipeline
projects planned or under construction, Focus on Statoil in
Bakken, Detailed table on US domestic crude oil production
and Canada domestic crude oil production, Inset map of
Oilsands project – major, Graphic comparison of
Unconventional Vs Conventional: Heavy Oil & Oil Shale,
96x9 cm, fd.
395,00 EUR
The Regulation of Peace River
See section 2010 General Physical Geography.
630 United States / Vereinigte Staaten
Route 66 - The Mother Road 1:1 000 000
"Los Angeles, Flagstaff, Albuquerque, Amarillo, Oklahoma
City, Tusla, St. Louis, Chicago"
ITM, 2nd ed., Vancouver 2015 (Travel Atlas)
65 pp., 24 map pp. roadmaps along the historic route 66,
col., 100 - 13 000 ft. elevation tints, roads & places
classified, hydro., state bdrs., notes, points of interest, nat. &
state parks, Indian reserves, military property area, num.
city plans, public transport plans, index, 14x21 cm, pb:
15,95 EUR
Title ID: 75158
Atlas & Gazetteer
"Detailed Topographic Maps"
DeLorme, Yarmouth 1986- (rev. continuously)
48 vols., 60-168 pp., col., mainly top., some general, plans,
remote lakes and streams, boat ramps, public lands for
recreation, land use / land cover – forests, wetlands,
agriculture, trailheads, campgrounds, prime hunting and
fishing spots., partly thematic maps, GPS: Grids & tick
marks, index, 28x40 cm, pb.
unless indicated 29,00 EUR
New vols.:
 Iowa 1:200 000, 5th ed. 2014
Title ID: 49160
 Missouri 1:200 000, 5th ed., 2014
Title ID: 49170
 Tennessee 1:150 000, 10th ed. 2014
Title ID: 49190
North America Unconventional Oil Map s.s.
Title ID: 100493
Die US-amerikanische Stadt im Wandel
Springer, B. Hahn, Berlin & Heidelberg 2014
xi, 196 pp., chiefly col., 130 illus. (incl. maps & graphs), 10
tables, contents: 1. Die US-amerikanische Stadt als
Gegenstand der Forschung, 2.Aufstieg und Bedeutungsverlust der Stadt, 3. Rahmenbedingungen der Stadtentwicklung, 4. Reurbanisierung und Restrukturierung, 5. Ausgewählte Beispiele, 6. Die Zukunft der amerikanischen
Stadt, bibl., index, 21x28 c, hardcover
39,99 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101309
American Cities
"Historic Maps and Views"
Assouline Publishing, P.E. Cohen & H.G. Tallaferro (eds.),
New York 2014
164 pp., 75 illus. (incl. maps & views), notes on the cities of
New York, New Orleans, Washington (D.C.), Boston, San
Francisco, Denver, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Chicago,
36,5x44,5 cm, hand-bound limited edition in a linen
clamshell case
650,00 EUR
 Utah 1:250 000, 9th ed. 2014
Title ID: 101769
 Wisconsin 1:150 000, 13th ed. 2014
640 Middle America / Mittelamerika
 Wyoming 1:250 000, 8th ed. 2014
Title ID: 49192
Title ID: 49197
Title ID: 49198
North America Shale Gas Map s.s.
Petroleum Economist, 2nd ed., London 2014
col., shale basins and shale plays, including shale-gas plays
in production, Interstate pipelines with shale access,
including those under construction, planned or proposed,
LNG export terminals, both under construction or and
planned, bdrs., capitals & major cities, Data and tables to
show the significance of shale gas as a share the region's
natural gas production, including: Proven shale gas
reserves for the top six states, Shale-gas production figures
by play, Natural gas production (1990 – 2040), by area and
type, New gas processing capacity (2014 – 2016) by play,
Selected majors with shale-gas assets, North American
independents with shale-gas assets, Inset map of West
Canada, 96x69 cm, fd.
395,00 EUR
Latin America and the Caribbean
"A Systematic and Regional Survey"
See 670 South America!
Gulf of Mexico Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map
1:784 000
Clarkons (CRSL), London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Held and open
concession blocks, Oil and gas fields, Selected well
locations, Oil and gas pipelines, Major cities/towns and
ports, Oil refineries and gas processing plants, Oil and gas
terminals, FPSO and FPS locations, Fixed platform
locations, Bathymetry up to the 5000 m contour, Names of
selected new discoveries, 1 inset map, 5 diagrams, 2 tables,
150x106 cm, fd.
325,00 EUR
Title ID: 96586
Title ID: 100492
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 42 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
641 Mexico / México / Mexiko
647 Panama / Panamá
Active Volcanoes of Chiapas (Mexico): El Chichón
and Tacaná
Springer, T. Scolamacchia & J.L. Macías (eds.), Dordrecht
& al. 2015 (Series: Active Volcanoes of the World)
xi, 180 pp., chiefly col., 71 illus., contents: 1. Geodynamic
Setting and Pre-volcanic Geology of Active Volcanism in
Chiapas, 2. Petrology and Geochemistry of El Chichón and
Tacaná: Two Active, yet Contrasting Mexican Volcanoes, 3.
El Chichón Volcano: Eruptive History, 4. Fluid Geochemistry
of El Chichón Volcano-Hydrothermal System, 5.
Comparison of the Seismicity Before and After the 1982 El
Chichon Eruption, 6. Eruptive History of the Tacaná
Volcanic Complex, 7. Fluid Geochemistry of Tacaná
Volcano-Hydrothermal System, 8. Risk Management of El
Chichón and Tacaná Volcanoes: Lessons Learned from
Past Volcanic Crises, 9. Outlook, bibl., index, 21,5x28,5 cm
106,99 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 101621
642 Guatemala
Costa-Rica - Panama 1:550 000
See area 646 Costa Rica
650 West Indies / Westindien
Caribbean Island East & South
"Virgin Islands, St. Martin, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts & Nevis,
Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St.
Vincent & Grenadines, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad &
Tobago, Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba"
ITM, Vancouver 2014 (Travel atlas)
169 pp., col., var. scales, communications & places
classified, county bdrs., nat. parks, points of interest, hydro.,
18 city plans, index, 14x21 cm, softcover
14,95 EUR
Title ID: 100672
Latin America and the Caribbean
"A Systematic and Regional Survey"
See 670 South America!
658 Guadeloupe & Martinique
ITM, 7th ed., Vancouver 2014
col., hyps. tints, departamento bdrs., tour. info., inset map
(Environs of Guatemala City), 2 inset plans (Guatemala
City, Antigua), illus., index, dbl., 100x66 cm, dbl., fd.
9,95 EUR
Guatemala 1:470 000
Title ID: 48214
645 Nicaragua / Nikaragua
Nicaragua & El Salvador - 1:700 000 / 1:250 000
ITM, 5th ed., Vancouver 2015
col., hyps. tints 500-1000 feet / 100 -300 m, communications
and places classified, province bdrs., reefs, swamps, nat.
parks, points of interest , 7 insets (Leon, Managua, San
Juan del Sur, Isla del Maíz Pequena, Isla del Maíz Grande,
Isla de Ompete, San Salvador) bilingual legend (Spanish &
Engl.), index 98,5x68,5 cm, fd., dbl.
9,95 EUR
Title ID: 47961
646 Costa Rica / Kostarika
Costa-Rica - Panama 1:550 000
Reise Know-How, 8th ed., Bielefeld 2014 (World mapping
col., contours, 250-500 m hyps tints, 50-100 m bath. tints,
roads classified, points of interest, admin. bdrs., index, 5
language legende, Ellipsoid: Sphere, Lambert conformal
conic proj., 100x69,5 cm, dbl.
8,90 EUR
Title ID: 47906
Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélémy 1:80 000
IGN, Paris 2014 (Découverte de l'Outre-mer)
col., top. base, shading, contours 20/100 m, hydro., land
use & cover, built-up areas, communications classified,
points of interest, bdrs., walking trails, 2 island inset maps
(Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélémy), 2 orthophotos images 1:8
000 (Pointe-à Pitre, Basse-Terre) with overprints, index of
beaches, bilingual legend (French & Engl.),131x99,5 cm, fd.
13,90 EUR
Replaces the former 1:100 000 map.
Title ID: 47439
670 South America / Südamerika
Latin America and the Caribbean
"A Systematic and Regional Survey"
Wiley-Blackwell, B.W. Blouet & O.M. Blouet, 7th ed., New
York & al. 2015
408 pp., num. maps, tables & photos, contents:1.
Introducing Latin America, 2. Changing Physical
Environments, 3. Cultural and Historical Geography, 4.
International Relations and Global Affairs, 5. People and
Society, 6. Diversifying Economies, 7. The Contemporary
City, 8. Transportation, 9. Caribbean Contrasts, 10.
Modernizing Mexico, 11. Central America, 12. Andean
Countries in the Tropics: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador,
Peru, and Bolivia, 13. Brazil, 14. Amazonia, 15. The
Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay,
Glossary, Further Reading, Index, softcover
225,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 47335
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
May 2015 • page 43 •
G e o s c i e n c e s
GeoKartenbrief 372
672 Colombia / Kolumbien
691 Argentina / Argentinien
ITM, 4th ed., Vancouver 2014
col., 200 - 600 m hyps. tints, hydro., communications &
places detailed, dept. bdrs., points of interest, nat. parks,
Bogotá, Medellin & Cartagena plans, 5 inset maps (major
natural regions, Bogotá and environs, 3 islands), index,
99x68,50 cm, fd.
9,95 EUR
Reise Know-How, 8th ed., Bielefeld 2014 (World mapping
col., contours, hyps. tints 100-900m, bathy. tints 2001000m, communications & place classified, detailed hydro.,
points of interest, admin. bdrs., nat. parks, index, 4
language legend, glossary, inset map, 69,5x100 cm, dbl.
8,90 EUR
Colombia 1:1 400 000
Title ID: 46639
673 Ecuador / Ekuador
Peru - Ecuador 1:2 500 000
See 682 Peru.
681 Brazil / Brasil / Brasilien
Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil
Springer, B.Carvalho Vieira, A.A Ridriguez Salgado, L.S.
Cordeiro Santos (eds.), Dordrecht & al., 2015 (World
Geomorphological Landscapes)
xix, 403 pp., chiefly col., 275 illus. (incl. maps, graphs &
photos), contents: Part I Brazil: Long-term Natural Evolution
of, Part II Extraordinary Landscapes of Brazil, References,
Index, 21,5x28,5 cm, hardcover
106,99 EUR
Title ID: 93071
682 Peru / Perú
Peru - Ecuador 1:2 500 000
"Including Galapagos Islands"
Nelles, München 2014 (Nelles Map)
col., shading, communications and places detailed, points of
interest.,12 regional & city maps insets, trilingual legend
(Engl. French & German), dbl., 79x50 cm, fd.
9,90 EUR
Title ID: 45250
683 Bolivia / Bolivien
Atlas de idiomas y pertenencia a pueblos indígenas y
originarios de Bolivia (Atlas of languages and
belonging to indigenous and native villages of Bolivia)
"Linea de base"
Plural Editores, R. Molina Barrios & X. Albó, La Paz 2012
358 pp., col., num. maps, tables, 33x21 cm, softcover
95,00 EUR
Includes errata slips.
Title ID: 101821
Argentinien / Argentina / Argentine 1:2 000 000
Title ID: 44591
730 Oceans / Ozeane
La planète océane
"Précis de géographie maritime"
Armand Collin, A. Louchet, 2nd. ed., Pais 2014 (Collection:
U - Géographie )
559 pp., b&w, num. maps, graphs, illus. & photos, table of
contents: 1. Les grands reliefs océaniques; 2.
Océanographie: les masses d'eau, étude statique; 3. L'eau
superficielle et les courants de surface; 4. Eaux
intermédiaires, eaux profondes, eaux de fond; 5. Projections
cartographiques et navigation; 6. Les grands domaines de
circulation maritime: le défi des routes; 7. Les flux
maritimes: le défi des seuils; 8. Les marines marchandes: le
défi des machines et des hommes; 9. L'armement naval et
la révolution des transports maritimes; 10. Pêche et chasse
marines; 11. L'aire atlantique, aspects physiques; 12.
L'Atlantique, aspects humains et culturels; 13. Manche, mer
du Nord et Baltique; 14. Le golfe du Mexique et la mer
Caraïbe; 15. Le Pacifique : étude de géographie physique;
16. Le Pacifique, étude humaine et culturelle; 17. La
Méditerranée, étude physique; 18. La Méditerranée, étude
culturelle; 19. L'océan Indien, étude physique; 20. L'océan
Indien, étude humaine et culturelle; 21. L'océan Glacial
Arctique; 22. L'océan Austral et l'Antarctique; 23.
Tectonique des plaques et géologie appliquée: géographie
des ressources minérales marines et sous-marines; 24.
Géographie océane et droit de la mer; 25. Observation,
télécommunications et océans; bibl., index, 16x24 cm, bd.
48,00 EUR
Title ID: 63017
748 New Caledonia / Nouvelle Calédonie /
La Nouvelle-Calédonie
"Un destin peu commun"
IRD Éditions, J.-C. Gay, Marseille 2014
283 pp., chiefly col., 28 maps & 23 figs. (diagrams &
graphs), contents: Partie 1. De quoi la Nouvelle-Calédonie
est-elle le nom? (Un territoire océanien ou ultramarin? Une
collectivité à nulle autre pareille, Des noms en question),
Partie 2. Les processus de formation du territoire (Une
occupation humaine tardive, Une mise en valeur coloniale,
Isolement ou éloignement?, La parenthèse de la Seconde
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
372 • page 44 • May 2015
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
Guerre mondiale, Du statut de TOM aux accords), Partie 3.
Les grands mécanismes socio-spatiaux (Une organisation
administrative complexe, La question foncière, Une
économie assistée, L'impossible développement du
tourisme, Ce que rééquilibrage veut dire), Partie 4.
L'organisation de l'espace (Villes, brousse, îles, Disparités
et restructuration de l'espace), bibl., place index, 21x27 cm,
40,00 EUR
Title ID: 101302
"Le DVD des communes / L'atlas numérique"
IRD Editions, C. Chauvin & J.-C. Gay, Bondy 2014 (Atlas
col., 250 maps, plans & plates, 1 400 photos, audio & video
documentations, notes & statistics on places, box
16,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100460
781 Mediterranean Sea / Mittelmeer
Russie et la mer Noire: entre récit géopolitique et
mythologie identitaire, Les tribulations de l'Union
européenne dans l'espace mer Noire, L'évolution des
enjeux américains dans l'espace mer Noire, Gazoducs: les
tubes errants de la mer Noire, references, 19x25 cm,
11,00 EUR
Title ID: 102941
Mediterranean Oil and Gas Activity and Concession
Map 1:3 015 000
Clarkons (CRSL), Ledbury 2015
col., on and offshore data includes: Held and open
concession blocks, Oil and gas fields, Selected well
locations, Oil and gas pipelines, Major cities/towns and
ports, Oil refineries and gas ,processing plants, Oil and gas
terminals, FPSO and FPS locations, Fixed platform
locations, Bathymetry up to the 5000 m contour, Names of
selected new discoveries, tabeles & diagrams, 5 regional
insets, 150x106 cm
325,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 53436
Caspian & Black Sea 1:1 857 000
Description preliminary
"Oil and Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Fields and prospects;
Concession blocks and operator names; Blocks on offer,
under negotiation, recently awarded and open; Existing and
proposed pipelines; Well names, type and location; Water
depth contours; Oil refineries, gas processing plants and
pipeline terminals; Fixed platform locations; Major cities,
towns, ports, supply bases and fabrication yards; diagrams
& tables, depths below sea level 200m – 1 000m, 5 inset
maps, 150x106 cm, fd.
295,00 EUR
"Bel tempo - Scirocco - Brutto tempo - Tramontana Maestrale-Ponente - Libeccio"
Dario Flaccovio Editore, G. Cugno, Palermo 2013
155 pp., col., num. maps & photos, contents: 1. Introduzione
agli scenari meteorologici, 2. Scenario del bel tempo di alta
pressione anticiclonica, 3. Introduzione agli scenari ventosi,
4. Scenario di scirocco, 5. Scenario di brutto tempo di bassa
pressione ciclonica, 6. Scenario di tramontana, 7. Scenario
occidentale atlantico di maestrale e ponente, 8. L'intreccio
fra scenario occidentale atlantico e scirocco-libeccio, 9. Il
libeccio e gli scenari di libeccio, 10. Caratteri d'insieme degli
scenari meteorologici: risorsa e unicità del clima
mediterraneo ed effetti ambientali, 17x24 cm softcover
35,00 EUR
"Oil & Gas Activity and Concession Map 2015"
CRSL, London 2015
col., On and offshore data includes: Held and open
concession blocks; Oil and gas fields; Selected well
locations; Oil and gas pipelines; Major cities/towns and
ports; Oil refineries and gas processing plants; Oil and gas
terminals; FPSO and FPS locations; Fixed platform
locations; Bathymetry up to the 5000m contour; Names of
selected new discoveries; 5 inset maps, 4 diagrams, 3
tables, 150 x 106 cm, fd.
290,00 EUR
The Mediterranean Sea
"Its history and present challenges"
Springer, S. Goffredo & Z. Dubinsky (eds.), Dordrecht & al.
xv, 678 pp., chiefly col., 237 illus., contents: Part I: Geology,
chemical and physical oceanography, Part II: Ecology: Taxa
and Trophic Levels, Part III: Global Climate Change and
Ecosystem Effects, Part IV: Mediterranean Man and Sea:
Myths, origins, challenges and opportunities, hardcover
139,09 EUR
Title ID: 100405
Scenari meteorologici ambientali mediterranei
Title ID: 100777
La mer Noire, espace stratégique
"Russie, Ukraine, Turquie, Union européenne, OTAN,
Crimée ..."
La Documentation française, Paris 2015
(Questions internationales n°72)
127 pp., maps, diagrams & photos, main chapters (dossier):
Ouverture – Le réveil de la mer Noire, L'espace mer Noire:
conquêtes et dominations, de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Les
conflits infra-étatiques dans la région de la mer Noire, La
Title ID: 83894
Mediterranean 1:3 015 000
Title ID: 96587
791 Falkland Islands / Malvinas / Malwinen
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) in the PermoCarboniferous
"From Icehouse to Greenhouse"
Springer, K. Horan 2015 (Springer Earth System Sciences)
xv, 174 pp., chiefly col., 72 illus., contents: 1 Introduction, 2
Materials and Methodology, 3 Analysis of Results, 4
Discussion, 5 Conclusions Summarised and Research
Opportunities Reviewed, 6 Data Postscript, bibl., appendix,
85,59 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 100798
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
G e o s c i e n c e s
May 2015 • page 45 •
GeoKartenbrief 372
920 Planets / Planeten
Introduction to Planetary Geomorphology
Cambridge University Press, R. Greeley, Cambridge 2013
252 pp., b&w, 369 illus., 12 tables, contents: 1. Introduction;
2. Planetary geomorphology methods; 3. Planetary
morphologic processes; 4. Earth's moon; 5. Mercury; 6.
Venus; 7. Mars; 8. The Jupiter system; 9. Saturn system;
10. The Uranus and Neptune systems; 11. Planetary
geoscience future; Index, 22x28,5 cm, hardcover
85,00 EUR
Description preliminary
Title ID: 102924
ILH Internationales Landkartenhaus - GeoCenter GmbH, Schockenriedstr.44 • Phone: +49-711-49072210 • Fax: +49-711-490722-11 • E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de • www.ilh-stuttgart.de
GeoKatalog 2
372 • page 46 • May 2015
G e o s c i e n c e s
372 GeoKartenbrief
The following index lists the subjects which occur in this GeoKartenbrief, with the geographical numbers of the areas
1000 GENERAL GEOGRAPHY: 1100 GEOGRAPHICAL SYNOPSIS: 100, 200, 211, 217, 236, 252, 254, 260, 267, 268, 269, 272, 281, 282, 285, 286,
287, 289, 300, 311, 319, 321, 323, 324, 329, 331, 336, 337, 341, 342, 345, 350, 353, 355, 356, 359, 370, 430,
440, 500, 500, 514, 515, 542, 546, 630, 640, 642, 645, 646, 647, 650, 658, 670, 672, 673, 682, 691, 730, 748
1200 TOPOGRAPHY: 212, 213, 217, 218, 220, 222, 226, 229, 235, 236, 241, 244, 245, 253, 268, 281, 282, 285, 286,
287, 289, 319, 336, 620, 630
1300 THEMATIC SYNOPSIS: 267, 319, 329, 331, 515, 781
1400 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY: 200, 224, 236, 260, 269, 280, 370
2200 PHYSICAL RELIEF: 100, 542, 551, 681, 920
2300 GEOLOGY: 100, 200, 220, 221, 224, 226, 236, 241, 252, 253, 261, 313, 331, 336, 342, 380, 430, 641, 791
2400 SOILS: 100, 236, 241, 252, 281, 343
2500 GEOPHYSICS: 211
2600 CLIMATOLOGY: 100, 200, 338, 781
2700 HYDROLOGY: 224, 235, 535, 536, 566, 568
3000 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: 100, 219, 331, 358, 515
3100 HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY: 100, 200, 218, 222, 226, 236, 261, 315, 500, 510, 781
3200 POPULATION GEOGRAPHY: 100, 200, 217, 241, 244, 245, 260, 267, 281, 300, 319, 342, 345, 535, 551, 630, 683,
3300 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY: 100, 243, 268
3400 TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY: 211, 224, 229, 235, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 262, 263, 281, 287
3500 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY: 100, 200, 211, 241, 246, 261, 311, 319, 350, 370, 380, 400, 430, 500, 620, 630, 640,
5200 HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY: 214, 224, 241, 630
GeoKartenbrief 372
Winfried Maigler (ed.), Stuttgart 2015
48 pp., 1 fig.
Editorial deadline: 28.05.2015
Prices subject to change.
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GeoKartenbrief 372
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ILH - Internationales Landkartenhaus
GeoCenter GmbH
Schockenriedstraße 44
Firma (Stempel) / Company
D-70565 Stuttgart
Phone: ++49 (0711) 49 07 22-10
++49 (0711) 49 07 22-11
E-Mail: ilhinfo@ilh-stuttgart.de
Fax / E-Mail / Tel.:
Kunden-Nr. / Customer no
Für diesen Auftrag
Bestellzeichen / order code
shall we record?
 ja / yes
 nein / no
Bestelldatum / order date
Liefertermin / Deadline
Menge / Qty Geokatalog Nr. (z.B. / e.g. 235/1210)
oder / or Title ID: z.B. / e.g. 70 000
Titel / Title
Account holder: GeoCenter, Bank: Echterdinger Bank
Acc: IBAN DE46600627750003575004, BIC: GENODES1ECH
Vermerke ILH / remarks:
KB 372