Curriculum Vitae Tore Dobberstein *1974 in Eutin


Curriculum Vitae Tore Dobberstein *1974 in Eutin
Curriculum Vitae
Tore Dobberstein
*1974 in Eutin, Germany
Graduated in business administration
Several years working experience in urban development
with focus on public space, contemporary culture and
Several years teaching experience: moderation in
planning processes
+49 (0) 30 97 89 42 71
Köpenicker Straße 36/38
10179 Berlin Kreuzberg
Activities and engagements:
complizen Planungsbüro Berlin
Partner, responsible for communication and urban development
Institute for European Urban Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus University Weimar
Teacher for “Introduction to Moderation” (in planning processes)
Fields of professional career
Tore Dobbersteins work has focused on communication in urban transformation processes.
Strategies for public spaces include urban interventions and the moderation of development processes.
Special interests of different target groups and unique challenges as a result of vacancies and declining
populations are in the center of Tore Dobbersteins practical work with complizen Planungsbüro.
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Education and work placements:
Studies in psychology, sociology, business and economics at Philips University Marburg, Germany -1998
Work placement at “International Centre of Entrepreneurship and Career Development” in Ahmedabad,
Gujarat, India 1999
Studies in management, economics and ethics at the Martin Luther University Halle, Germany -2003
Erasmus exchange at the University of León, Spain 2000
Scholarship placement at “Economic Development” of the City of Toronto in Toronto, Canada 2001
Project participation:
Sozialraumorientierung Berlin
Social spaces as core parameters for the municipal urban development strategy
Internal communications - Municipal administration
Berlin 2010, 2011
AmaZOOnasBar Jugend baut Zukunft
Building workshop with high school students
In cooperation with Bauhaus Dessau and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and
Spatial Development
Dessau, Germany 2010
Sportification Luchtball Habitat Stadion
Interactive intervention with Speed Boat Racing, Tables Space Tennis and indoor soccer stadium
Habitat Festival for spatial interventions, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium 2010
International Building Exhibition Urban Redevelopment Saxony-Anhalt 2010
Public relations and communication
Support of the city planing offices, marketing, the organization of events, coprorate publishing, integrated
Halle Saale and Dessau-Roßlau, Germany 2008-2010
Wriezener Freiraum Labor
Neighbourhood moderation, cooperative planning related to sports and the development of a public park.
Model project in the federal program for experimental housing development and city planning (ExWoSt)
Berlin, Germany 2007-2009
Reitbahnviertel – Ganz schön Chemnitz!
Urban planning, moderation and urban development
In cooperation with Büro für Urbane Projekte Leipzig, Stadt Land Fluß Berlin, urbanframe Halle Saale.
Chemnitz, Germany 2007-2009
Wohnen im Glashüttenpark
Public planning workshop for an old industrial complex
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Düsseldorf, Germany 2008
Kieler Ostufer – Sport-und Bewegungspark Gaarden
Creation of a communication concept for the cooperative development of a public sports park
Design, public workshops and implementation of park design
Kiel, Germany 2008
Airfield Tempelhof
Planning Workshop of the city planning department of Berlin
Berlin, Germany 2008
upload your city
Video competition and presentation of the centre for contemporary culture (ZfzK) at the Festival of
Florence, Italy, 2007
ZfzK light O7
Urban interventions
Halle, Germany 2007
Sportification 07 - Real wall contest Vienna
Workshop and competition on urban interventions with BMX-riders, photographers and architects
At symposium „Die Deutschen kommen“ in cooperation with „Architektur in Progress“
Vienna, Austria 2007,
Architecture, Communication and Urban development, Sportification and Wonderland
University of Kiev, Department of Architecture
Kiev, Ukraine 28.11.2007
Sportification 06
Interncultural street soccer tournament
Halle, Germany 2006
Shrinking Cities Exhibition
Marketing, public relation, management of exhibition,
Renovation and maintenance of exhibition site
Communication and management of complimentary culture program
Halle, Germany 2006
IBA Stadtumbau 2010
Marketing concept for international buidling exhibition (IBA)
Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 2006
sportification Halle-Neustadt
Urban interventions with Skateboardings, Mini-Golf, Frisbee-Biathlon for the German federal culture
Halle, Germany 2005
ZfzK – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kultur Bahnhof Halle-Neustadt
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Study to examine the development options for train station building
Halle, Germany 2005
„Skatehalle Leipzig Grünau“
Workshop with managers of skateboarding facilities in Germany
Leipzig Grünau, Germany 04.2005
sportification 04
Series of urban sports events in Berlin, Palace of the Republic, Disk Golf, Wolfen Nord, Video Battle (Skate,
BMX, Inline) and Halle, King of Foam Pit.
In cooperation with Sophiensäalen Berlin, Mellowpark Berlin, Thalia Theater Halle
Berlin, Wolfen, Halle, Germany 2004
IBA Stadtumbau 2010 - Doppelstadt Halle
Research study in the concept phase of the international building exhibition Urban Redevelopment SaxonyAnhalt 2010 for the city of Halle
In cooperation with Letztefreivogel Architekten
Halle, Germany 2003
sportification 03
Sport events during Hotel-Neustadt theatre festival with High rise Frisbee Race, Downstairs competition,
Tag Master Biathlon
In cooperation with Thalia Theater Halle
Halle, Germany 2003
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Lectures and Guest Critique
Changing Urban Images in Saxony Anhalt, Halle Saale and Dessau-Roßlau
Lecture at the 11th International Model Project Forum
Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU)
Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
Sport – Architecture – Form
Lecture at the faculty of Architecture, "Basics of Design," TU Dresden, in co-operation with: International
Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS), the International Union of Architects - Sports and
Leisure Working Group (UIA) and the CIA, Copenhagen
Dresden, Germany, 29.10.2010
Sportification, Space and the City – Kooperative Planung und informeller Sport
Institut für Stadtentwicklung und Bauwirtschaft der Universität Leipzig
Leipzig, Germany 09.04.2010
Aktuelle Aufgabenfelder der Freiraumplanung
Technische Universität Berlin
Berlin, Germany 25.05.2009
„sportification, space and the city VII”
Urban Design Center of northeast Ohio
Cleveland, 02.2008
"Informelle Sportarten und Trendsport-Strategien, Prozesse, Anlässe zur Integration“
"Sport- und Begegnungspark auf dem Kieler Ostufer"
Kiel, Germany 16.02.08
Konversion in Osnabrück – Spielerisch(e) Lebensräume entwickeln
Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Department of Landscape Architecture
Osnabrück, Germany 10.01.2008
“Popupcity Cleveland “
Workshop on shrinking and urban development in Cleveland
Urban Design Center of northeast Ohio
Cleveland 02.2008
„Sport erobert die Stadt“
Stadtforum Berlin
Berlin, Germany 10.2007
„going public“
Chamber of Architects
Porto, Portugal 10.2007
Lecture at republikken
Kopenhagen, Denmark 10.2007
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„BMX – Nischennutzung oder Vorbild für eine aktivitätsorientierte Freiraumplanung“
Fachhochschule Osnabrück
Osnabrück, Germany 05.2007
„Schrumpfung in Halle – Chancen und Risiken“
University of Halle Ringvorlesung „ Zeitfenster – die Zukunft der Brache“,
Halle, Germany 04.2007
„sportification, space and the city VI”
Universität Innsbruck, Austria 12.2006
„ -the World Formula”
Architekturzentrum Wien, Austria 06.2006
Guest critique in the class of Patrik Schumacher Chetil Thorsen
University of Innsbruck, Department of Architecture
Innsbruck, Austria 12.2006
Peacha Kucha
Berlin, Germany 07.2006
„sportification, space and the city IV“
Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany 04.2006
Akademie für Bildende Künste Wien, Austria 04.2006
„sportification 03”
AEDES Architketurgalerie Berlin, Germany 12.2006
„sportification, space and the city III”
Architekturgalerie Framework Berlin, Germany 05.2005
„Matinee der brennenden Beamer”
Architekturgalerie Framework Wien, Austria 04.2005
„sportification, space and the city VI”
UIA –World Congress of Architecture Istanbul, Turkey 08.2005
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Urban core areas, Landscape Zones
International Building Exhibition Urban Redevelopment Saxony-Anhalt 2010 in Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau, 2010
Communication and Public Relations (in the planning process)
P. 88ff
Weniger ist Zukunft – 19 Städte 19 Themen
Published by: International building exhibition urban redevelopment Saxony-Anhalt 2010
Jovis Verlag Berlin, 2010
P. 488ff, Vermitteln, Stadtumbau erzählen, a.o. Tore Dobberstein
„SPACECRAFT – Fleeting Architecture and hideouts”
Gestalten Verlag, 12. 2007
Published by Robert Klanten und Lukas Freireiss
P. 198/199 „sportification“
Catalouge for the exhibition in the German Architecture Museum, Frankfurt
Seemann Verlag, 10.2007
Published by Ernst A. Busche, Oliver G.Hamm, Peter Cachola Schmal, Wolfgang Voigt
P. 190/191, skatebar and ZfzK Halle-Neustadt
„Die Deutschen kommen“
Architektur und Bauforum
„Die anderen Städte“
IBA Stadtumbau 2010
Jovis Verlag Berlin, 2007
IBA Büro
P. 158/162, “Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kultur“
„sportification – Raum und Stadt”
in Instant Urbanism, The situationists in the contemporary architecture and urbanism
Christoph Merian Verlag, 2007
P. 76/77, Autor: Tore Dobberstein
„Wachgeküsst - Das Buch zu den halleschen Stadtinterventionen”
culturtraeger Verlag, 12.2007
Published by: Andreas Haase and Brigitte Beiling
„going public”
Wonderland # 3, 2007
Published by: Wonderland - platform for european architecture
with A10 – new European Architekture
P. 45/47: Tore Dobberstein
„Young european achitect“
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daab Verlag, 2006
Published by Ralf Daab
P. 108/109, Kappa Marketingagentur
„Convertible City“
Catalouge to Architecture Biannual, Venice
arch+ 180, 09.2006
P. 1:4, „Reclaiming the Street“ by Lukas Feireiss
„Shape the future of European architecture”
Blueprint- The Magazine for Leading Architects and designers, 11.2006
P. 32, Tore Dobberstein on Wonderland
„Räume finden statt sie zu bauen“
Bauwelt 31, 08.2006
P. 20/23 ein Interview mit Tore Dobberstein
Hantje Katz Verlag, 1.2006
Catalogue for shrinking cities Teil 2
Published by Philipp Oswald
P. 350/353, Interview with Tore Dobberstein und Andreas Haase
„crisis communication”
Wonderland # 2, 2006
Published by: Wonderland - platform for european architecture
With A10 – new European Architekture
P. 47/50,: Tore Dobberstein
„Architetto, impara la danza del Marketing”
Il Giornale dell'Architettura 11.2006
Architektur und Marketing
Author: Tore Dobberstein
„Getting Started – Follow the white rabbit“
Wonderland # 1, 2006
Published by: Wonderland - platform for european architecture
With A10 – new European Architekture
P. 47/51, Autor: Tore Dobberstein
„Sportliche Zukunft für die Städte“
Garten+Landschaft - Zeitschrift für Landschaftsarchitektur 02.2006
P. 21/24,: Tore Dobberstein und Andreas Haase
„complizen – ein Büro aus Halle“
„Der Architekt“ - Zeitschrift des Bundes Deutscher Architekten, 06.2005
P. 74/77, Office portrait
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„Find the Gap – Neue Köpfe und Wege in der Architketur“
Catalogue for the exhibition at AEDES Galerie, 2005
P. 36/41 Office portrait
„What the hell is sportification“
Alexander Verlag, 2004
Catalogue to theatre festival Hotel Neustadt
Published by Thalia Theater Halle
P. 386/397, sportification 03
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„Instand Urbanism“
DAC - Danish Architecture Centre Copenhagen
Galerie UFO Halle/ Saale
02.2008, Projekt skatecity Leipzig und exxteritories
Deutschen Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt
06. 2007, Projekt skatebar im ZfzK – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kultur
„Instand Urbanism“
Schweizer Architekturmuseum Basel
„the story of sportification”
SPACES Gallery Cleveland (USA)
11.2006, part of „shrinking cities II“
„the story of sportification”
Van Alen Institute New York und dem Pratt Institute in Manhattan
11.2006, part of „shrinking cities II“
St. Veit/Glan
09.2006, wonderland group exhibition
„complizen Planungsbüro”
Eighth Belgrade Triennial of World Architecture, Belgrad
06.2006, Office presentation
„Wonderland Finale”
Architekturzentrum Wien
09.2006, wonderland group exhibition
Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig
12.2::5, im Rahmen der Ausstellung „shrinking cities II“
Group exhibition Ljubljana 03.2006
Group exhibition, Zagreb 01.2006
„Find the Gap"
AEDES Architekturgalerie Berlin
12.2005, AEDES Galery „Junge Köpfe in der Architektur“
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Group exhibition, Paris 09.2005
Group exhibition, Amsterdam 06.2005
Group exhibition, Berlin 03.2005
Nike Spirit Room
04.2005, urbane Sport equipment, with Uli Schneider
„sportification 2003“
Architecture biannual Venice, Italy
08.2004 sportification German Pavillon
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complizen Planungsbüro Berlin
Partner, responsible for communication and urban development
Institute for European Urban Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus University Weimar
Teacher for “Introduction to Moderation” (in planning processes)
Urban Passion
Network for progressive urban development, communication and research
platform for european architecture
Advisory board member
Lebenshilfe Berlin
Association for people with intellectual disabilities
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