Number of households, information, and forms for


Number of households, information, and forms for
Table of contents
Prospektservice 2009 Number of households, information, and forms for posting Postwurfsendung items (unaddressed mail). Version: 2009, December 31, 2008 1 Table of contents
1. Welcome 2. Main window 2.1. Menu bar 2.2. Toolbar 2.3. Main window 2.4. Status bar 3. Working with Prospektservice 3.1. Create order 3.2. Load order 3.3. Order settings 3.3.1. Items tab 3.3.2. Customer data tab 3.3.3. Acceptance tab 3.3.4. Order management tab 3.3.5. Information tab 3.4. Selection of destination areas 3.4.1. Selection in Destination selection mode 3.4.2. Selection in the Map mode 3.5. Pallet optimization 3.6. Print 3.6.1. Blank forms 3.6.2. Posting lists 3.6.3. Address labels and distribution notes 3.6.4. Pallet labels 3.6.5. Other 3.6.6. Print statistics 3.7. Save order 4. Menue commands 4.1. File 4.1.1. New 4.1.2. New sub‐order 4.1.3. Load 4.1.4. Save 4.1.5. Save as 4.1.6. Convert 4.1.7. Compress/repair 4.1.8. Merge 4.1.9. Pallet optimization 4.1.10. Prospektservice Online 4.1.11. Delete 4.1.12. Import 4.1.13. Export 4.1.14. Export for Mailingfactory 4.1.15. Export for Prospektservice Online 4.1.16. Create Pack & Go 4.1.17. Print 4.1.18. Set up printer 4.1.19. Close 4.2. Edit 4 5 6 6 7 9 10 11 11 13 15 16 18 18 18 23 36 37 38 38 40 46 47 49 49 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 55 60 60 61 61 61 61 63 63 2 Table of contents
4.2.1. Towns/town districts 64 4.2.2. Town districts 64 4.2.3. Delivery offices 64 4.2.4. Collection offices 64 4.2.5. Individual selection 64 4.2.6. Circle selection 64 4.2.7. Polygon selection 64 4.2.8. Routing region selection 64 4.2.9. Delete selection 64 4.2.10. Undo selection change 64 4.3. Settings 64 4.3.1. View 65 4.3.2. Language 65 4.3.3. Options 65 4.3.4. Map view 69 4.3.5. Enlarge map 69 4.3.6. Reduce map 69 4.3.7. Move map 69 4.3.8. Zoom on search result 69 4.3.9. Zoom on selection 69 4.3.10. Information window 69 4.3.11. Legend 70 4.4. Order 70 4.4.1. Items 70 4.4.2. Customer data 70 4.4.3. Acceptance 70 4.4.4. Order management 70 4.4.5. Information 70 4.5. Mode 70 4.6. Prospektservice wizard 71 5. Prospektservice Online 72 5.1. Login and registration 73 5.2. Delivery districts 74 5.3. Retail outlet selection 77 5.4. Communication menu 81 5.4.1. Send/retrieve message 81 5.4.2. Release orders 82 5.4.3. Cancel registration 82 5.4.4. Disable message receipt 83 5.4.5. Automatic saving 83 6. General Terms and Conditions 84 7. Special terms and conditions for the “Zustelltermin” (Delivery date) service for POSTWURFSENDUNG items 88 A. Annexe 89 A.1. Summary of the structural criteria integrated in Prospektservice 89 A.2. Define display criteria with Microsoft Access 90 A.3. Detailed overview 92 B. Index 94 3 2 M a i n window
1. Welcome We are pleased that you have chosen “Prospektservice 2009” (Brochure Service 2009). Place Postwurfsendung items fast and inexpensively. That is no problem with Prospektservice. With this innovative software you select your distribution areas (postcode areas, towns, town districts) by clicking on it. You can keep an eye on the numbers of items and the costs of your unaddressed mail at all times ‐ clear cartography and list windows make this possible. The printing of posting lists and address labels is also quickly completed with Prospektservice. 4 2 M a i n window
2. Main window Contents 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Menu bar
Main window
Status bar 5
7 The main window of Prospektservice is divided into four areas: • Menu bar (on this page) • Toolbar (on the next page) • Main window (on the next page) • Status bar (cf. page 7) 2.1. Menu bar 5 2 M a i n window
You can reach most of the program functions of Prospektservice via the menu bar. You can open the relevant menu (Menü) by a mouse click on a menu name. This is activated or performed by an additional click on a menu option (Menüpunkt). If a menu option has a small arrowhead at the right‐hand edge, this signals that a sub‐menu will open when you select this menu option. Menu options which cannot be selected are shown in light gray. 2.2. Toolbar g The toolbars are under the menu bar. Here you find the most important menu options as buttons. When you point to a button with the mouse, a tooltip is displayed to you. General toolbar On this toolbar, buttons for general program functions and order settings are provided for you. Destination selection (Zielwahl) toolbar If you are in the Destination selection mode (on the next page), the Destination selection toolbar (Zielwahl) is shown below the general toolbar. Here you find all the required menu commands for determining the destination areas by selection list as buttons. Map (Karte) toolbar If you select the destination areas cartographically (see also the Map mode (on the next page)), then instead of the Destination selection toolbar, the Map toolbar (Karte) with the appropriate functions is available to you. 2.3. Main window 6 2 M a i n window
In the main window of Prospektservice, you select the destination areas for a Postwurfsendung item. There are two procedures for this: • List selection (Destination selection, Zielwahl)) • Map selection (Kartenauswahl) In order to choose between these two methods, you will find two register tabs at the top margin of the main window: Prospektservice always starts in the Destination selection (Zielwahl) mode. In order to change over to Map selection, click on Map (Karte). Destination selection In this mode you select the destination areas for your Postwurfsendung items from a list. You can select by • Towns • Town districts • Delivery offices or • Collection offices. Map With Map selection you choose the destination areas simply by mouse click. The map can be zoomed as desired, and colored in accordance with selection criteria such as population density or election results. 7 2 M a i n window
2.4. Status bar At the lower edge of the program window is the status bar, where you can always check the current status of an order. The information in the status bar depends on the selection method. If you are in Destination selection (Zielwahl) mode, then you receive the following information: • Serial number of the data record • Tariff zone (A, B, or C) • Number of items • Product option (see Order (Auftrag), cf. page 11)) • Total costs • Active selection level (see Selection in the Destination selection mode (Auswahl im Modus Zielwahl), (cf. page 18)) Since for example there are no data records with the Map selection and the selectable destination areas can cross the boundaries of tariff zones, the status bar contains other information in this mode: • Active type of selection • Number of items • Product option (see Order (Auftrag), cf. page 11)) • Total costs • Active selection level • Size of the Map window in kilometers 8 3 Working with Prospektservice
3. Working with Prospektservice Contents 3.1. Create order 3.2. Load order 3.3. Order settings 3.3.1. Items tab 3.3.2. Customer data tab 3.3.3. Acceptance tab 3.3.4. Order management tab 3.3.5. Information tab 3.4. Selection of the destination areas 3.4.1. Selection in the Destination selection mode 3.4.2. Selection in the Map mode 3.5. Pallet optimization 3.6. Print 3.6.1. Blank forms 3.6.2. Posting lists 3.6.3. Address labels and distribution notes 3.6.4. Pallet labels 3.6.5. Other 3.6.6. Print statistics 3.7. Save order 9 10 11 11 13 15 16 18 18 18 23 36 37 38 38 40 46 47 49 49 In this chapter we show you how Prospektservice works ‐ from the creation of an order through the selection of the destination area to the print‐out of the address labels and posting lists. Proceed in the following order when doing this: • Create order (on this page) • Load order (on the next page) • Order settings (cf. page 11) • Selection of the destination areas (cf. page 18) • Pallet optimization (cf. page 36) • Print (cf. page 37) • Save order (cf. page 49) The help that Prospektservice offers you with the additional functions can be found in the chapter on menu commands (Menübefehle) (cf. page 51). 3.1. Create order If you start Prospektservice, the program begins with a new, blank order. If you have edited an order and select this command a warning will appear: 9 3 Working with Prospektservice
Click on yes (Ja) if you wish to set up a new order without saving the modifications. All new inputs of the opened order will be lost if you do this. Click on no (Nein) in order to abort the process. Save the modifications and set up the new order afterward. New sub‐order Prepare a so‐called sub‐order on the basis of the current order. Particularly with smaller Postwurfsendung orders, it is standard practice to post all items of an order at Deutsche Post for transport at the same time. For large orders, however, you may also post parts of your Postwurfsendung items on different days. Staggering the postage times may, for example, save time and space at the storage site and relieve the call center responsible for recording the response with large Postwurfsendung orders. If you plan several postings with a Postwurfsendung order, you should avoid duplicate deliveries to the same area. If you operate with sub‐orders, destination areas from other sub‐orders are highlighted in color and cannot be selected a second time (see also Selection of the destination areas (Auswahl der Zielgebiete) (cf. page 18)). You can create sub‐orders as soon as you have selected at least one destination area in the basic order. You switch between the individual sub‐orders by using the arrow on the right beside the New sub‐order (Neuer Teilauftrag) button. The currently loaded sub‐order is displayed in the title bar of the program window behind the name of the order file. 3.2. Load order (Auftrag laden) g By using this command you open a saved order. 10 3 Working with Prospektservice
1. Select Load order (Auftrag laden) in the dialog window by clicking on an order with the mouse and 2. then click on Open (Öffnen) Tip: Prospektservice stores in the File (Datei) menu a list of the last five projects on which you have been working. By using these menu entries you have quick access to the orders. The saved orders from Prospektservice 2009 have the ending .p09 in the file name, which is how you recognize the program version. Orders starting from Prospektservice 2005 can be opened without having to be manually converted. The conversion of the selection dates takes place automatically during the first loading of the order. In order to load orders from older program versions, these must first be converted into the current file format. The Convert (Konvertieren) command is in the File (Datei) menu for this purpose (cf. page 52), and can be used to convert several orders into the current format at the same time. 3.3. Order settings g You reach Order settings (Auftragseinstellungen) either via the Order (Auftrag) menu or the appropriate buttons on the toolbar. All the required information on the items themselves and their preparation in containers or bundles is provided on the four tabs in the Order settings (Auftragseinstellungen) dialog window. Here you also enter the poster and sender and select an acceptance office. If the information on a tab is complete, then the relevant tabs and buttons on the toolbar are ticked. 3.3.1 Items tab 11 3 Working with Prospektservice
Postwurfsendung to (Postwurfsendung an) In the Postwurfsendung to (Postwurfsendung an) area, you first state the product option. The possibilities are • all households(alle Haushalte): Dispatch to all households, except for those objecting to advertising • households with daily mail (Haushalte mit Tagespost): Dispatch to all households that receive letter mail on the delivery day • P.O. boxes (Postfächer): Dispatch to all letter mail collectors (P.O. box owners) Presentation (Darstellung) The Presentation (Darstellung) area is shown only if you have created sub‐orders. Here you can then determine the color in which the destination areas of this sub‐order are presented in the map selection, if you edit another sub‐
order. The specification for all sub‐orders is yellow (see also Selection (cf. page 33)). Weight of the items (Sendungsgewicht) The weight of the items must not amount to more than 1,000 grams. How a change of weight affects the charge per 1,000 items in the respective tariff zones is immediately displayed in the overview below. The weight, calculated precisely to the gram, is extremely important in order to ensure the charge is calculated correctly. You reach the calculating device for the item weight by using the button beside the input field. 12 3 Working with Prospektservice
You can use it to calculate roughly the weight of your Postwurfsendung item on the basis of the paper thickness and size. Note: You have to add the weight for printing to the item weight calculated. Number of items for each packaging unit The stated quantity of items for each packaging unit enables the number of bundles necessary for each delivery or collection office to be calculated and the appropriate number of address labels for the respective distribution offices to be printed. Tolerance with the last packaging unit (Toleranz bei letzter Verpackungseinheit) This function enables you to reduce the number of packaging units to be dispatched by entering a number of items beyond the actual packaging size that fit in the cardboard box. A dispatch box designed for 500 advertising folders can normally fit in another 20 items. This function is applied to the last packaging unit for the distribution office. Note: Example: For a certain distribution office you supply 2,020 Postwurfsendung items to the Deutsche Post office. The packaging size permits 500 items in each cardboard box. First with 500 Second with 500 Third with 500 Fourth with 500 Fifth with 20, total 2,020 While the program without tolerance data calculates 5 packaging units, you can use the tolerance at a figure of “20” to reduce the number of bundles to be dispatched, in this example to 4. First with 500 Second with 500 Third with 500 Fourth with 520, total 2,020 Round down items/distribution offices A further possibility of designing dispatch more rationally is provided by the Rounding function (Rundungsfunktion). The detailed number of items always accurate without being rounded can thus be rounded down for each distribution office ‐ at most to the number required for filling up a full packaging unit. Usually, rounding down to a full 50 or 100 figure is appropriate. In case of rounding down during posting, the charge is for the quantity actually posted. In the address labels and distribution notes, which are printed by Prospektservice to mark the bundles, the rounded down figure is mentioned accordingly. There is also a method to indicate the rounding differences for printing the overview of the distribution offices (annexe to the posting list). In the Print (Drucken) dialog window (cf. page 39) on the Posting lists tab, activate the “Overview of the distribution offices” Übersicht der Verteilstellen) check box and use the button below to open the print settings (Druck‐Einstellungen). Select Merge rounding differences (Zusammenfassung Rundungsdifferenzen) there. Order name The order name appears in the title bar of the program window and in the selection menu of the New sub‐order (Neuer Teilauftrag) button (cf. page 10) and can also be printed out on the address labels if desired (see also Print (Drucken) (cf. page 37)). 13 3 Working with Prospektservice
3.3.2 Customer data tab The data on the right hand side of the tab is required for the creation of the posting list. Activate the Sender = poster (Absender = Einlieferer) check box if you are using Prospektservice for your own requirements. The selection field for the deliverer is disabled in this case. You have to indicate the possibility of a payer being a different person from the sender and poster. All three roles (sender, poster or payer) must be specified. If no card number is stored in the customer data of the payer selected, posting may only be performed against a cash payment. A note will be displayed. Note: As default This button is used to give you the possibility of storing a default setting for the customer data that is loaded whenever the program is launched. Master data administration Save address data by using the Save key, so that you do not have to enter these again for later orders. The data fields that absolutely must be filled out for saving the data record are indicated by a red border. For posting Postwurfsendung items you need a customer/card number (Kunden‐/Kartennummer) from Deutsche Post. If this field has a green border after the input, then the number has been entered correctly and a check has been made whether you are authorised to post Postwurfsendung items. A plausibility check of the bank account details then takes place as default. This involves a check of the bank code and account number. The bank name is determined automatically from the bank code (see also Options (Optionen) (cf. page 67)). 14 3 Working with Prospektservice
Note: The new master data administration replaces the old address memory. It is always individual customer data records that are saved. These can then be used for all roles (sender, poster, or payer) in the settings for the individual orders. Customer data from old orders is transferred to the new master data administration (Stammdatenverwaltung), but must be saved in Orders again before first use, in order to ensure that all data was transferred correctly. Use the Save key also if you want to save modifications to a data record. Click on the key, in order to create a further data record. This clears all the fields on the tab. In order to call up a data record, you enter the relevant first letters of the name or the customer number in the appropriate search field, in whole or in part. If there are multiple data records for the letters or the number, click on the Forward key, in order to navigate through the data records in alphabetical order. You can of course also go Back again in the search . With the Delete key you delete the data record displayed. Note: If you create a new order, the saved data record of the last order remains loaded. 3.3.3 Acceptance tab With the print‐out of the posting documents, the selected acceptance office is noted in the heading of the address labels for dispatch. The following options exist: • with specification of the acceptance office (mit Angabe der Annahmestelle) • without specification of the acceptance office (ohne Angabe der Annahmestelle) (only if OM (Order Management) disabled) • Request collection (Abholung beantragen) (only if OM activated) 15 3 Working with Prospektservice
Select the acceptance office that suits you best for posting Postwurfsendung items. After clicking on an acceptance office, the appropriate data record is highlighted in color and appears at the same time in the field above the list. Enter the first digit of your postcode in the “Search” (Suche) field, or the first letters of the town name in order to reach an acceptance office near you in the table more quickly. You also have to the opportunity to choose between posting and collection. For collection, please state the address and time of the desired collection by Deutsche Post AG. 3.3.4 Order management (Auftragsmanagement) tab If this function is activated in the Options (Optionen) (cf. page 65) and the necessary information is provided, you can prepare the necessary settings on this tab and send the order to Order Management (OM). You receive the log‐
in for using the OM via the hotline (cf. page??). The following options are available: • Specifying a delivery date (Angabe eines Zustelltermins) (only if the shipment is collected and for a mail volume of over 250,000 items) • Create order (Auftrag erstellen) • Modify order (Auftrag ändern) • Delete order (Auftrag löschen) 16 3 Working with Prospektservice
Delivery date (Zustelltermin) By specifying a delivery date, you can arrange the timely delivery of your items. The information regarding the delivery date is also stated on the address labels on the bundles. Specifying a delivery date is only possible starting from a mail volume of 250,000 items. Order management (Auftragsmanagement) The OM status gives details of the processing status of an order: • Order not yet sent (Auftrag wurde noch nicht übertragen) • Order has been sent and can be printed (Auftrag wurde übertragen und es kann gedruckt werden) • Order was sent but modified, so that it has to be resent before the print‐out (Auftrag wurde übertragen aber verändert, so dass er vor dem Ausdruck erneut übertragen werden muss) Before you send an order to the OM system, you must save it. If you save the order under a different name, you must send it to the OM system again. After sending the data, you receive either a confirmation of success or a notification about errors that have occurred. 17 3 Working with Prospektservice
3.3.5 Information tab (Registerkarte Information) On this tab you find a summary of the basic information on the current status of the order. Under File name (Dateiname) you see whether the order has already been saved and if yes, under what name. 3.4. Selection of the destination areas g For the selection of the destination areas for your Postwurfsendung item, there are two possibilities for you in the main window. 3.4.1 Selection in the Destination selection mode (Auswahl im Modus Zielwahl) In this mode you select your destination areas from a list. On the left‐hand and the middle lists you find the destination areas available for selection, on the right‐hand list those already selected. 18 3 Working with Prospektservice
You can use four buttons in the toolbar to call up different selection lists: Button Description The option of “Towns/Town districts” (Orte/Ortsteile) is available to you for the dispatch of Postwurfsendung items to all households, or to households with a daily mail service. Use this option for Postwurfsendung items into precisely selected destination areas at the level of towns, town districts or postcodes (see also Selection by delivery offices (Auswahl nach Zustellstützpunkten)). In the list you see the towns which are available for selection (politically autonomous towns or town districts) with the first (EPLZ) and last (LPLZ) delivery postcode for the area around that location. You can use the “Town districts active” (Ortsteile aktiv) check box to display the town districts of the town selected on the left in the middle list box. A selection is now only possible on this list. Use the selection via “Town districts” (Ortsteile) for distribution areas where you do not know if it is a politically autonomous community. Here you find all postally registered town districts in the Federal Republic of Germany (see also “Town district groups” (Ortsteilgruppen)). The “Delivery offices” option is recommended if you plan an across‐the‐board mailing of Postwurfsendung items to everyone, all households or to households with daily mail. In this option, for the distribution of Postwurfsendung items, the responsible delivery offices (ZSPs) of Deutsche Post AG are always provided with a complete set of Postwurfsendung items. The logistical preparation for such a mailing is appropriately simple. For the delivery offices on the list, the postcodes of the distribution offices are displayed with map reference, delivery office number if required and the appropriate recipient numbers for the relevant distribution office. If you would like to know which towns or town districts are served by this ZSP, open a detailed window with the appropriate information by double clicking on the appropriate data record. This option is activated if you have selected the “P.O. boxes” (Postfächer) product option in the “Order” (Auftrag) dialog window. In the list you can see for every collection office the postcode, the town name, and the number of P.O. boxes occupied. If you activate the “Co‐users active” (Mitbenutzer aktiv) check box, then the number of items
for each P.O. box is increased by the number of co‐users; for example, these are the individual companies of an office community which share a P.O. box. The green tick in the button (Schaltflächen) symbol indicates the mode in which the selection was made. 19 3 Working with Prospektservice
Town district groups On the town district list you also find data records of the following type: In these cases, town district data records have been merged. This is the case whenever many town districts with very small numbers of households are involved. This is frequently the case in rurally structured but sprawling areas, mainly in Bavaria. In the context of destination area selection, the town district group can be only completely selected there. The town districts contained in the town district group and the relevant recipient numbers can be seen by a double click on such data records in a separate window. This overview can be transferred into an Excel table by using the Export button. Select destination areas In order to select a destination area, you highlight it with a mouse click and operate the Add (Hinzufügen) key If you would like to select several sequential data records, click on the first and last data records and press the shift key (Umschalttaste). In order to select several non‐adjacent data records, click on each data record and press the CTRL (Strg) key. Note: With activated town districts (the View towns/town districts option) Ansichtsoption Orte/Ortsteile), selection is possible only in the middle list. If you would like to remove selected destination areas from the order again, highlight these on the selection (Selektion) list and click on the Delete (Entfernen) button. 20 3 Working with Prospektservice
Click into the heading line with the column headers, in order to highlight all entries on the selection list. Tip: Use the key combination Ctrl (Strg)+ Z to undo the last 10 selection modifications one by one. After 10 deletions, the individual steps are completely reset and cannot be undone any longer. Sub‐orders If you operate with sub‐orders (Teilaufträge) (cf. page 10), then all destination areas already selected are displayed in red and cannot be selected a second time, and as a result it is not possible to perform a duplicate delivery to a destination area by mistake. Search By using the Search (Suche) function, you can jump to particular destination areas in the relevant active selection list. You can search both by postcodes and by place names. The search begins automatically when you enter the first letter or the first digit. The list is sorted by entering a postcode in ascending order according to the PLZ (postcode) or EPLZ (first postcode) column, by entering letters according to the Ortsname (Place name) column. Sorting In order to sort a list according to a particular column, click on the appropriate column heading. 21 3 Working with Prospektservice
The list is sorted in ascending order according to the column, i.e., in the direction A‐Z or 0‐9. An arrowhead pointing upwards in the column heading displays the fact that the list is sorted according to this column in ascending order. A repeated mouse click in the column heading changes the sort sequence to descending. In this case the arrowhead points downwards. Individual selection Apart from the search function you find the Individual selection (Individuelle Auswahl) button in the toolbar, and you use it to open the Options (Optionen) dialog window. Limit the selection here to • federal states (Bundesländer) • town sizes (Ortsgrößen) • tariff zones (Tarifgebiete)
22 3 Working with Prospektservice
Note: With the federal states and the tariff zones, multiple choice is possible, but for town sizes you can only state minimum and maximum sizes. Information window If you opened the information window (Infofenster), information such as tariff zone, number of households and much more that relates to the relevant destination area highlighted is displayed. If you operate in the Map view (Kartenansicht), the data are displayed for the destination area where the mouse is at that time. Tip: Always leave the information window opened when selecting the destination area, in order to see the data on the relevant destination area highlighted at once. 3.4.2 Selection in the Map (Karte) mode The selection levels on the map are basically complete postcode areas. Distribution areas at a lower level can only be selected or removed in the Destination (Zielwahl) selection mode. 23 3 Working with Prospektservice Navigation Click in the toolbar on the map navigation (Navigation Karte) key in order to see different map views displayed. By using this navigation window, you can switch between the complete map of Germany and the individual routing zones (the first place in the postcode). Select the relevant routing zone here by mouse click. The map is then displayed on the level of the postcodes for the selected routing zone: In the selection window, the selected routing zone is highlighted in blue; there are also two keys for selecting the Map view (Kartenansicht): Complete map of Germany (Gesamte Deutschlandkarte) This button is used to display a complete map of Germany at the level of the postcodes. The map section of the routing zone last displayed is saved when you switch to the complete map of Germany, so that it is displayed directly when the routing zone is shown again (see also Zoom (Zoomen) (cf. page 26)). The same applies for the section of the map displayed from the complete map of Germany: 24 3 Working with Prospektservice
If you change into the view of a particular routing region, then this zoomed map section is also stored. In this way a view can be stored for each routing region and for the complete map of Germany. Germany map for the selection of urban and rural districts (Deutschlandkarte für die Selektion von Stadt‐
/Landkreisen) This key shows the complete map of Germany for selection at the level of urban and rural districts. The last view is also stored here, if you switch to the complete map of Germany or to a routing region. Map view For the selection of the destination areas, Prospektservice offers different tools, which you can use to jump directly to a particular destination area or to zoom in on the map. 25 3 Working with Prospektservice
Search In order to reach a particular destination area directly in the current view, proceed as follows: 1. Enter a complete postcode in the “Search” (Suche) field. 2. Cross hairs display the destination area on the map for you: 3. In order to enlarge the map view on the destination sought, click on the relevant key in the toolbar: You can also search by towns. A selection of the towns found is displayed, arranged according to the size of the towns. The larger towns are always displayed at the top. A maximum of 25 entries are displayed. Note: The search function can find only postcodes and towns in the current view. If, for example, you are in the view for routing zone 5, then no postcodes from other routing zones can be found (see also Navigation (cf. page 23)). Zoom (Zoomen) Enlarge or reduce the Map view with the following keys: 26 3 Working with Prospektservice
Key Description Operate the button and use the pressed mouse button to draw a rectangle for the map section where you wish to enlarge the view. This function remains active until you press the button again or select another Map function. Click on this button in order to reduce the Map view gradually. With this button the map is enlarged automatically so that all selected destination areas are visible. Move map window The cursor is changed into a hand by clicking the mouse on this button: With the mouse key pressed down, you can now move the map in any direction, so that areas outside the map window become visible. This function remains active until you press the button again or select another Map function. Legend (Legende) You can fix the map to be displayed individually in the Legend dialog window. In the header of the tab you can indicate • rivers/highways,(Flüsse/Autobahnen) • towns, (Orte) • Deutsche Post routing regions, (Postleitregionen) • urban/rural districts (Stadt‐/Landkreise) and • constituencies (Wahlkreise) by activating the check boxes. The “Display criterion” (Anzeigekriterium) area also provides you with a large number of specific destination area criteria: 27 3 Working with Prospektservice
The visual structural data integrated cartographically in Prospektservice provides background information on the distribution areas intended for Postwurfsendung items. The cartographic display of different demographic structural criteria is thus possible at the selection level of the five‐digit postcode. The display in up to 5 classes permits (to a certain extent) a qualitative evaluation of the complete area postcode. The more important a display criterion is in a destination area, the darker the area is shaded on the map: 28
3 Working with Prospektservice
Note: Apart from the display criteria integrated in Prospektservice you find in the Individually imported (Individuell importierte) display criteria (cf. page 55) and self‐created display criteria (Selber erstellte Anzeigekriterien) (cf. page 31). Activate the Gray shading (Grauabstufung) check box in order to color the non‐selected destination areas in shades of gray, and the selected (ausgewählte) ones in shades of green (cf. page 33). Note: With Prospektservice it is unfortunately not possible to execute target group‐optimized deliveries exclusively for the households which correspond to the desired criterion. The delivery of Postwurfsendung items always takes place across the board to all households or to all households with daily mail or P.O. boxes in the selected destination area. Selection tab The Map representation (Kartendarstellung) tab is used to color the destination areas according to only one criterion. On this tab the destination areas can be colored according to the features of two combined criteria and be selected automatically according to these criteria. 29
3 Working with Prospektservice
The selection takes place in three stages: 1. Existing selection (vorhandene Selektion) In the first step you determine what is to occur with the destination areas of this Map view selected up to now: • You can either keep them whether or not they meet the criteria, or • They are deleted before selection. Note: Destination areas from other sub‐orders remain selected in any case and this selection method also prevents them from being written to twice. 2. Combine (Kombinieren) Here you determine in the drop‐down menus which display criteria you would like to combine. Then state the maximum and minimum extent for these criteria and click on Color (Einfärben). In the above example, all destination areas are to be colored if their purchasing power and car ratio amounts to between 2 and 3. The result then appears as follows: 30
3 Working with Prospektservice
The destination areas for which the first criterion (purchasing power) applies are colored blue, those to which the second criterion (car ratio) applies are colored red. Areas where both criteria are met (intersection areas), are presented in red and blue stripes. 3. Select (Selektieren) In the third step you select the colored destination areas. With All (Alles), you select the areas to which at least one criterion applies, but you can also target your selection on only the blue or red destination areas, or the intersection area of them both. Click on Select (Selektieren) to opt for the relevant destination areas. The Transfer (Übertrag) toolbar button imports the selection into your project. Settings (Einstellungen) tab On this tab you have the possibility of preparing or editing user‐defined display criteria. 31
3 Working with Prospektservice
1. Select the user‐defined display criteria (Anzeigekriterien benutzerdefiniert) option. 2. Click on the New (Neu) button. 3. Provide a name in the “Name of the display criterion” (Bezeichnung des Anzeigekriteriums) field. 4. The “Explanation/sub‐title” (Erläuterung / Untertitel) field offers scope for additional information. 5. Then provide the class definition. Before a line, always activate the check box and enter a name. A color field displays the color on the map for this feature. 6. Click on Save (Speichern). 32
3 Working with Prospektservice
7. If you now select destination areas in the section of the map with one of the types of selection (Selektionsarten) (on this page), then the class selected in the Set class … in map field (Klasse … in Karte einstellen) is assigned to them. A different selection is used to cancel an assignment. 8. This is how to assign different classes to the destination areas. 9. Click on the Update (Aktualisieren) button on the toolbar in order to save the class assignments. 10. Close the process by activating the Selection (Selektionsmodus) mode option in the Legend (Legende) dialog window. 11. In order to display the individual display criteria on the map, switch to the Map presentation (Kartendarstellung) tab and activate the “Individual” (Individuell) option in the “Selection criterion” (Auswahlkriterium) area. 12. If you have set multiple criteria, select the appropriate one in the drop‐down menu. Selection To select destination areas on the map by mouse click, you have to activate one of the Selection types: Key Description Individual selection: With Individual selection you must click each destination area with the mouse separately. A repeated mouse click on a destination area cancels the selection again. Close Individual selection by operating the button again. 33
3 Working with Prospektservice
Circle selection: If you operate this button, you can draw a circle on the map by pressing the left mouse key. A display in the status line tells you the selected diameter in kilometers. If you release the mouse button again, then all destination areas situated completely within this circle, or whose delivery and collection offices are within it, are selected. By using the drop‐
down menu, you can switch between the possibilities of selection and deselection. Polygon selection: In this mode you can highlight a polygon on the map. Each mouse click is then defined as a corner point. With a double click the polygon is closed. As is the case for the circle selection, all destination areas situated completely within the circle, or whose delivery/collection offices are within the circle are selected. You can switch between the selection and deselection options by using the drop‐down menu. Selection of routing regions (only available when the “Delivery offices”(Zustellstützpunkte) or “Collection offices” (Abholstützpunkte) selection level is activated in the “Destination selection” (Zielwahl) mode): This selection mode operates like the Individual selection, with the difference that you select the complete routing region with one mouse click. Tip: A click on the space bar of your keyboard resets the type of selection last chosen. Selected destination areas are shown as green on the map. If you have set sub‐orders (Teilaufträge) (cf. page 10), the destination areas already selected are colored yellow there and cannot be selected. This prevents unintentional duplicate deliveries. Tip: In the order settings, on the Order (Auftrag) tab (cf. page 11), a different color can be allocated to each sub‐order. If you operate with display criteria of the legend (Legende) (cf. page 27), selected destination areas are provided with dotted hatchings. 34
3 Working with Prospektservice
Make the selected destination areas more clearly visible by activating the Gray shading (Grauabstufung aktiv) option in the Legend (Legende) dialog window. Non‐selected destination areas are now colored in shades of gray and selected ones in shades of green with hatchings. Delete selection (Selektion löschen) Operate the Selection delete (Selektion löschen) button if you want to cancel the selection for all destination areas in the current Map view. 35
3 Working with Prospektservice
Transfer This key is used to transfer the areas currently highlighted on the map to the list of selected destination areas (ausgewählte Zielgebiete) (cf. page 18). After you add or remove destination areas on the map by Individual selection, as soon as you move the cursor to the Update (Aktualisieren) button a so‐called tool tip is shown which displays • the total number of items added, • the total circulation which can be expected and • the total new costs arising Note: If you use the navigation window to change to a different map without updating, this selection is canceled again. Tip: By using the Print file menu (Datei drucken) on the Other (Sonstiges) tab (cf. page 47), you can print out the current map views. 3.5 Pallet optimization g Starting from a total weight of 500 kg, the shipments (e.g., cardboard boxes or bundles) are merged on Euro pallets. You can reach the pallet optimization function via the File ‐ Pallet optimization menu (Datei ‐ Palettenoptimierung). By using the dialog window you calculate the distribution of the bundles of your Postwurfsendung items on pallets and print out pallet labels. Tip: The table can be sorted by individual columns in ascending or descending order. You can find more detailed information on this in the Sorting (Sortierung) chapter (cf. page 21). 36
3 Working with Prospektservice
You can have the pallets charged by weight in kilograms. Depending upon the weight of your item and the number of items per bundle, the adjustable values for minimum and maximum filling quantities are calculated automatically by the program in accordance with the guidelines of Deutsche Post AG. Note: Euro‐pallets A Euro pallet must weigh at least 100 kg. The maximum weight may not exceed 700 kg (gross). For up to 600 kg, the Euro pallets must be stackable. The maximum height is 1.80 m. After you have adjusted the minimum and maximum filling quantities as desired, you can start the process by using the Calculation (Berechnung) button. Prospektservice now calculates within the filling quantities indicated by you an optimal distribution of your bundles on as few pallets as possible and creates a table with the following columns: Column Description PalZiel (Pallet The destination of the pallet. This can be either a postcode, a routing destination) region, or a routing zone.
PalNr (Pallet number) The sequential number of the current pallet Postcode The postcode of the delivery office to be supplied ZSP The name of the delivery office to be supplied Weight Depending upon the mode set, this column contains the number of bundles or the weight of the items for the current delivery office
Number The number of items for the current delivery office These different pallet preparations are possible: Pallet Explanation Postcode or ZSP 5‐digit postcode (delivery office) pallet at least 100 kg net under 100 kg ‐ > routing region pallet Routing region pallet First two digits of the postcode at least 100 kg net under 100 kg ‐ > routing zone pallet Routing zone pallet: First digit of the postcode at least 100 kg net
If the weight is not sufficient for a postcode or a delivery office pallet, a routing region pallet must be formed; if a routing region pallet does not reach the minimum weight of 100 kg, then a routing zone pallet must be formed. By using the Export button, Prospektservice offers the possibility of exporting the pallet list for other applications as a text file (with a semicolon as separator). By using the Print (Drucken) button you print out the pallet labels and the pallet list on your printer (see also Set up printer (Drucker einrichten) (cf. page 61)). Tip: You can also print out the pallet labels by using the Print file (Datei – Drucken) menu on the pallet label (Palettenleitzettel) tab. A click on Back (Zurück) closes the dialog window. 37
3 Working with Prospektservice
3.6 Print This menu command opens the Print (Drucken) dialog window, where you start on the five tabs the print‐outs of the posting lists (Einlieferungslisten), address labels & distribution notes (Aufschriftzettel & Verteilhinweise) and the pallet labels (Palettenleitzettel) for the current (sub‐)order. 3.6.1 Blank forms By using this tab you print out the posting lists and address labels as blank forms irrespective of the current order. With the blank forms you can produce templates for address labels (Aufschriftzettel) and distribution notes (Verteilhinweise) in advance and later you can use the Address labels and distribution notes tab (cf. page 41) to print out only the changing contents of the address labels and distribution notes by activating the check box Druck variable Angaben auf Blankoformulare (print variable information on blank forms). In particular with large print jobs, this procedure is very well suited to accelerating considerably the handling of a distribution order. Activate the check box All (Alle) in order to print out all the forms required. Print the information for the posting lists entered in the order settings at the same time by activating the check box With address information (Mit Adressinformationen). The check box Indicating the posting list with “KOOP” (Kennzeichnung der Einlieferungsliste mit “KOOP”) is only required by customers with special conditions for Postwurfsendung items. 3.6.2 Posting lists On this tab you start printing the forms required for posting. The forms are filled out in accordance with the information you have provided for the current order. 38
3 Working with Prospektservice
Activate the Complete (Komplett) check box, in order to print out all the forms required. The check box indicating the posting list with “KOOP” (Kennzeichnung der Einlieferungsliste mit “KOOP”) is only required by customers with special conditions for Postwurfsendung items. Print settings For an overview of the distribution offices, you can perform additional print settings by using the button Druck‐
Einstellungen). Page change/intermediate totals (Blattwechsel / Zwischensummen) for each routing region (je Leitregion) When you change a routing region, a page change also takes place upon printing the overview of the distribution offices. You can find the intermediate totals at the end of each page or in the transfer to the following page. 39
3 Working with Prospektservice
Page change/intermediate totals for each routing zone With the print‐out, a page change also takes place with the change of a routing zone. You can also find the intermediate totals at the end of each page or in the transfer to the following page. Merge on last page (Zusammenfassung auf letztem Blatt) With this option you print the intermediate totals of the Postwurfsendung items for each routing region on the last page. If you activated Page changes/intermediate totals for each routing zone (Blattwechsel / Zwischensummen je Leitzone), the intermediate total of each individual routing zone is printed out. Summary of rounding differences If you activated the Round down number/distribution office (Stück / Verteilstelle abrunden) in the Order settings (Auftragseinstellungen) dialog window (cf. page 13), you receive an overview here of the extent to which this function has led to a reduction of numbers for each distribution office. Print out additional fields at the same time (Zusatzfelder mit ausdrucken) This option can be activated if you imported additional fields on the basis of the delivery postcode in the context of an import (cf. page 58). If you activated this field, Prospektservice prints not only the quantities per distribution office and postcode, but also the additional fields which you have specified in the context of the import. Additional storage in file (Zusätzliche Ablage in Datei) By using this option it is also possible to export the quantities, distribution, and packaging information compiled in the overview of the distribution offices and to process it further in other applications. Specify the export format (Dbase (*.dbf) or Excel (*.xls) are possible) and allocate a file name. If you made your destination area definition on the basis of import functionality, it is also possible to export additional imported fields at the same time. The export starts with the print‐out. 3.6.3 Address labels and distribution notes (Aufschriftzettel und Verteilhinweise) By using this tab you start the print‐out of the address labels for the bundles (e.g. cardboard boxes or bundles).
3 Working with Prospektservice
Print variable specifications on blank forms (Druck variable Angaben auf Blankoformulare) Only the information is printed which is not contained on the previously printed blank forms. Print order name on the address labels (Auftragsbezeichnung auf Aufschriftzettel drucken) If this check box is activated, the order name specified in the Order settings (Auftragseinstellungen) dialog window (cf. page 13) is printed on all the address labels. Print pallet number on the address labels This check box can only be activated if Pallet optimization (cf. page 36) has been performed beforehand. If this option is selected, the address labels are printed out in the order of the pallet numbers. Imprint in the pallet sequence During Pallet optimization (Palettenoptimierung) the data for the address labels is sorted by delivery offices for reasons of database technology. However, this sorting does not always correspond to the pallet sequence. Activate this option (particularly with very large projects) in order to ensure sorting in the pallet sequence. However, note that ‐ depending on the project size and the computer speed ‐ sorting the data can take a great deal of time. Suppress diagonally shaded graphics With this option the graphics and backgrounds on the address labels and distribution notes are not printed, which saves time, among other things. One‐off prints If this check box is activated, ‐ irrespective of the number of the packaging units for each delivery or collection office ‐ only one address label (and if necessary a distribution note) is printed out for each distribution office. In the overview of the distribution offices (Verteilstellen) (cf. page 38) (Annexe to the posting list), the number of the bundles calculated is not printed out. 41
3 Working with Prospektservice
Address labels for summary by routing region If the P.O. boxes (Postfächer) product option is selected, (see Order settings (Auftragseinstellungen) dialog window (cf. page 11)) the check box can be activated here. This reduces the number of the bundles which are submitted to Deutsche Post for transportation. The packaging units are combined to make a uniform dispatch bundle for the area of the routing region (the first two digits of the postcode), which is indicated by using the printing option as follows: Print from file This option is available only in the Advanced mode (Erweiterten Modus) (cf. page 70). With the help of this function you can use Prospektservice to select destination areas. However, you do not need to print these using the program but you can export the data into a text file which in turn can be imported into other applications. The exported TXT files contain data records with variable field length and use a semicolon as separator. They contain all order‐specific contents • the address label (AZ.txt), • the distribution notes (VH.txt), • the address label and distribution notes as a data record (AZ_VH.txt), • the overview of the destination areas (PLZ_SEL.txt) and • the posting lists (proof for customers EL_AG.txt, sales receipt EL_KB.txt). 42
3 Working with Prospektservice
Custom text address label (Freitext Aufschriftzettel) In the “Custom text address label” field (only available in the Advanced mode (Erweiterten Modus) (cf. page 70)), you can enter text which is shown on the right next to the address label. Individual/All (Einzeln/Alle) Depending on the selection of Individual (Einzeln)or All (Alle), when you activate the print button, a different dialog window appears: • Print individual address labels and distribution notes (cf. this page) • Print all address labels (cf. next page) Print individual address labels and distribution notes Highlight a line by mouse click and enter in the Number (“Nr.”) input field the current number of the bundle for which you wish to print the address label (and if necessary the distribution note). Below the table the number of the bundles and items with respect to this delivery office is displayed. Click on Print (Drucken), in order to print out the address label (and if necessary the distribution note) for the distribution office highlighted. 43
3 Working with Prospektservice
Tip: You can indicate not only individual address labels but also areas and several non‐sequential numbers. Entering 2‐9 prints out the sequential numbers 2 to 9. 2,9,10‐14 prints the numbers 2 and 9 as well as area 10 to 14. If you want to print out all the address labels for this distribution office, select the Total (Gesamt) option instead of Bundles (Gebinde). Thus all address labels (and if necessary the distribution notes) are printed out for the distribution office highlighted. Tip: In the Delivery offices (Zustellstützpunkte) and P.O. boxes (Postfächer) selection modes, you can ensure that only one address label is printed out for each page by pressing the Shift key and the Print (Drucken) button at the same time. Print all address labels In the upper table you see the address labels which are to be printed, in the lower table the distribution notes (only at the “Towns/town districts” or “Town districts” selection levels). Print consecutively Prospektservice assumes that ‐ for printing the DIN A6 address labels and the distribution notes ‐ for each distribution office a new page will be required (new distribution office = new page). With the usual 44
3 Working with Prospektservice
Postwurfsendung packaging sizes, this may lead to increased paper consumption; this affects particularly the distribution of Postwurf items to letter mail collectors where the Deutsche Post collection offices only receive comparatively few Postwurfsendung items. By activating the check box to print consecutively (Hintereinander drucken), this increased paper consumption can be avoided by preventing the change of page. Ready for cutting and stacking In the basic setting, the pages for address labels and distribution notes are sequentially printed, i.e., the address labels in sequence from the top left down to the bottom right and the distribution notes from top to bottom. However, the address labels are not available in sequential numbering after cutting into 4 batches. In order to avoid this, when pressing Print consecutively (Hintereinander drucken) , also activate the Ready for cutting and stacking (Schneid‐ und stapelfertig) function. Here, for example, the address labels are only printed at the top left of all pages. Afterward the items follow from top right through bottom left and bottom right. Thus, after cutting the address labels the sequential address labels are placed consecutively on the batch. You receive a precise overview of which address labels or distribution notes are printed on which sheet when you activate the Details button. After the print‐out you will see small black triangles with a number between 1 and 4 at the top left‐hand margin on some distribution notes. After cutting and stacking the distribution notes, this highlighting shows you an assignment to the 4 batches of the address labels which have been produced after cutting. All distribution notes between two of these highlighted areas belong to the batch of address labels indicated with the number. The batches of the address labels are numbered as follows: • top left ‐ batch 1, • top right ‐ batch 2, • bottom left ‐ batch 3 and • bottom right ‐ batch 4. With this help, all 4 batches can be processed separately, since an allocation of the distribution notes to the address labels has taken place. Print bundles with additional items at the end Activating the Print bundles with additional items at the end (Spitzgebinde am Ende drucken) check box will automatically also activate the Print consecutively (Hintereinander drucken) option. Both options together ensure that all address labels for bundles with fewer items than the maximum possible for each packaging unit (Items tab (Registerkarte Sendungen) (cf. page 11)) are not printed until the end. This saves subsequent sorting of the address labels for producing bundles with additional items. Only one of the two options is possible: • either Print consecutively (Hintereinander drucken) • or Print bundles with additional items at the end (Spitzgebinde am Ende drucken) Print By using the Print (Drucken) button you reach a dialog window where you can select which address labels are to be printed out. The distribution notes are part of the address labels and are no longer printed separately. 45
3 Working with Prospektservice
In the top area you can see how many pages are printed out for the address labels. The current printer is indicated to you below. If you would like to use another printer, switch by using the Set up printer (Datei – Drucker einrichten) menu file (cf. page 61). Indicate also whether you wish to print all the pages or particular parts of the pages. 3.6.4 Pallet labels Pallet labels can be printed only if a pallet optimization (cf. page 36) has been performed. Note: Through entering the numbers, you can print the pallet labels for all exterior surfaces of a pallet at once in the correct order. 46
3 Working with Prospektservice
The pallet list is not needed for posting Postwurfsendung items, but is created by Prospektservice as an internal aid in setting up pallets for dispatching. In the “Custom text pallet label”(Freitext Palettenleitzettel) field (only in the Advanced mode (Erweiterten Modus) (cf. page 70), you can enter text which is then printed out on the pallet labels under “Additional specifications” (Zusätzliche Angaben). If you ordered collection (Abholung) (cf. page 15), you can also prepare the documents for the storage of your items at Deutsche Post AG. The necessary information can be provided here. 3.6.5 Other (Sonstiges) By using this tab you can prepare the detailed overview (Detailübersicht) (cf. page 92), statistics regarding the distribution areas and the recipient numbers for the Postwurfsendung items and if necessary send them to your customers as a proposal, both as a print‐out and by electronic mail. 47
3 Working with Prospektservice
Activate the Print‐out of card contents with additional information check box (Ausdruck des Karteninhalts mit Zusatzinformationen) in order to print out the current view in the Map (Karte) selection mode (cf. page 23). With the Save map in file format option (Speichern der Karte im Dateiformat), you also have the opportunity to export the current Map view as an image file. By using the Print map for Postwurfspezial (Druck Karte für Postwurfspezial) option you launch the import wizard to import addresses from a file and to visualize their frequency in the destination areas as a display criterion. After the import this Map view can be printed out together with a cover letter (see also Import (cf. page 55)). 48
3 Working with Prospektservice
3.6.6 Print statistics The print statistics give an overview of the distribution and frequency of bundles with additional items with the current selection of packaging size and rounding /tolerance values. You also see the pages to be printed in the different modes. 3.7. Save order (Auftrag speichern) Using this command saves the current order. In the Save order as (Auftrag speichern als) dialog window, assign a file name and click on save (Speichern). Save as This command saves the current order under another name. Use Save as (Speichern als) if you wish to prepare an order on the basis of an existing (loaded) order. 49
4 Menu Commands
Contents 4.1. File 4.1.1. New 4.1.2. New sub‐order 4.1.3. Load 4.1.4. Save 4.1.5. Save as 4.1.6. Convert 4.1.7. Compress/repair 4.1.8. Merge 4.1.9. Pallet optimization 4.1.10. Prospektservice Online 4.1.11. Delete 4.1.12. Import 4.1.13. Export 4.1.14. Export for Mailingfactory 4.1.15. Export for Prospektservice Online 4.1.16. Create Pack & Go 4.1.17. Print 4.1.18. Set up printer 4.1.19. Close 4.2. Edit 4.2.1. Towns/town districts 4.2.2. Town districts 4.2.3. Delivery offices 4.2.4. Collection offices 4.2.5. Single selection 4.2.6. Circle selection 4.2.7. Polygon selection 4.2.8. Routing region selection 4.2.9. Delete selection 4.2.10. Undo selection change 4.3. Settings 4.3.1. View 4.3.2. Language 4.3.3. Options 4.3.4. Map view 4.3.5. Enlarge map 4.3.6. Reduce map 4.3.7. Move 4.3.8. Zoom on search result 4.3.9. Zoom on selection 4.3.10. Information window 4.3.11. Legend 4.4. Order 4.4.1. Items 4.4.2. Customer data 4.4.3. Acceptance 4.4.4. Order management 4.4.5. Information 70 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 55 60 60 61 61 61 61 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 50
4 Menu Commands
4.5. Mode 4.6. Prospektservice wizard 70 71 In this chapter you can find help on the individual menu commands. Some commands can be called up using a key combination which is next to the menu command (e.g., Ctrl + N for a new order). 4.1. File Menu commands (Menübefehle) • New (Neu) (cf. page 9) • New sub‐order (Neuer Teilauftrag) (cf. page 10) • Load (Laden) (cf. page 10) • Save (Speichern) (cf. page 49) • Save as (Speichern als) (cf. page 49) • Convert (Konvertieren) (on the next page) • Compress/repair (Komprimieren/reparieren) (cf. page 53) • Merge (Zusammenfassen) (cf. page 53) • Pallet optimization (Palettenoptimieruing) (cf. page 36) • Prospektservice Online (cf. page 54) 51
4 Menu Commands
• Delete (Löschen) (cf. page 54) • Import (Importieren) (cf. page 55) • Export (Exportieren) (cf. page 60) • Export for Mailingfactory (Export für Mailingfactory) (cf. page 60) • Export for Prospektservice Online (Export für Prospektservice Online) (cf. page 61) • Create Pack & Go (Pack & Go erstellen) (cf. page 61) • Print (Drucken) (cf. page 37) • Set up printer (Drucker einrichten) (cf. page 61) • Close (Beenden) (cf. page 63) 4.1.1 New cf. page 9 4.1.2 New sub‐order cf. page 10 4.1.3 Load cf. page 10 4.1.4 Save cf. page 49 4.1.5 Save as cf. page 49 4.1.6 Convert You can use this function to import orders from old versions of Prospektservice. With Convert (Konvertieren), you can convert all orders in a folder at once. 52
4 Menu Commands
In the Convert orders (Aufträge konvertieren) dialog window, firstly select the source folder and the import format of the old orders. You can use the Delete (Löschen) button to remove a highlighted order from the list. This will not delete the file from your hard drive. Start the process by clicking on OK. The converted files will be saved in the standard folder for your orders (see Options (cf. page 65)). Tick the Replace existing files (Vorhandene Dateien ersetzen) check box if orders with the same file name are to be replaced in the target folder. By ticking the Log check box (Protokoll), an error log (*.err) is created for each converted file in the target folder. 4.1.7 Compress/repair The more intensively an order file is used, the more its size increases. This is because the space that has been freed up is not re‐used again immediately after data records have been deleted. You can compress an opened order file using this menu command. If an order file is damaged (e.g., as a result of the computer crashing), this command repairs it at the same time. 4.1.8 Merge With this function, you can consolidate several orders into one file. Select the relevant orders using the Add (Hinzufügen) button and decide whether these are to be merged in a single sub‐order or whether you want to merge the files individually as sub‐orders (als Teilaufträge zusammenfassen), i.e., each file and each sub‐order it contains constitutes a sub‐order in the new merged order file. Likewise, it is possible to merge the sub‐orders of a single order. To do so, only select the order in question that contains sub‐orders. Then press the Start button. 53
4 Menu Commands
When merging orders, please note that this is only possible with orders for which you have selected destination areas according to the same criteria, i.e., only according to towns/town districts or delivery offices. It is not possible for example to merge orders for which a selection was made according to delivery offices and collection offices. In such a case, the warning “Different display mode” (Abweichender Anzeigemodus) appears in this dialog window. You can use the Remove (Entfernen) button to delete orders from the list (i.e., only the list entry and not the order file). If all of the data are transferred to a sub‐order, only the order settings of the first order are included in the list. You can only merge orders that have the same selection mode (towns/town districts, delivery offices or collection offices). Once you have clicked on the Start button, the data are merged in a temporary file (merged.p06). You should then save the new order under a new name. 4.1.9 Pallet optimization cf. page 36 4.1.10 Prospektservice Online You can start Prospektservice Online using this menu item. In doing so, the program window for Prospektservice 2009 is minimized; the program itself not closed. (see also Prospektservice Online (cf. page 72)) 4.1.11 Delete You can remove orders using the Delete (Löschen) button. Select the relevant order file in the Delete order (Auftrag löschen) dialog window and click on Open (Öffnen). Delete sub‐order By using the File ‐ Delete sub‐order (Datei – Teilauftrag löschen) menu entry, you can delete the sub‐order currently loaded from your order. Delete sub‐orders The File – Delete sub‐orders (Datei – Teilaufträge löschen) menu entry opens the follow dialog box. 54
4 Menu Commands
It displays all of the sub‐orders in the order currently loaded. By checking the checkboxes, you can select the sub‐
orders that you want to be deleted. Your original order remains unchanged and you can save the order created in this way under a new name. 4.1.12 Import The Import function replaces the manual selection of destination areas in Prospektservice. During the import, a postcode matching process is carried out which selects all destination areas whose postcode can be found in the import file. The prerequisite for the use of the Import function is activated selection levels; either towns/town districts, town districts or delivery offices. Note: Postcode hit rate With the Import function you have the option to include the postcode hit rate as the display criterion in the legend for the map selection for which the frequency of a postcode in the import table is shown in color on the map. You have 5 color gradations within which the hit numbers can range. The limits of the individual classes are freely selectable by you. You can then have the criterion specified here displayed under the Individual (Individuell) display criterion using the map legend. Select the import file in the Import data dialog window. The following file types are possible: • Text files with separators (txt, csv) • dBase files (dbf) • Microsoft Access files (mdb) • Microsoft Excel (xls) 55
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As soon as you open a file, the import wizard will start. Importing text files If you import text files, the wizard starts with the following dialog window: In the bottom section you can see a preview with the import data in the table. Check whether the format for the file origin is correct and click on Next (Weiter). In the second step, specify the separators and the text qualifiers, whether the first row has column headings and from which row the data are to be imported. You can check your information using the preview. 56
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Continue the process by clicking on Next (Weiter). Importing Excel and Access files When importing Excel and Access files, select the workbook table in the first step of the wizard. In the same way as for text files, also specify from which line the data import is to start. With Excel files, tick the check box if the first row contains column headings (1. Zeile enthält Spaltenüberschrift). You can check your information using the preview window. Then click on Next (Weiter). Postcode and district municipality key field selection The next step of the import wizard is the same for all file types. Here, you need to select the postcode field in your import file so that Prospektservice can select the destination areas. Activate the Postcode (PLZ) check box and select the relevant field in the import file from the drop‐down menu. Alternatively you can also make the selection using a field with the eight‐digit district municipality key (of the German Federal Statistical Office). 57
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Importing additional fields Here, you can also define up to three additional fields for the import. The contents of the fields must be the same for a postcode in each case. Use these fields for example for criteria for dispatch preparation or follow‐up or for ordinal numbers. The additional fields can be printed out later on in the overview of the distribution offices (annexe to the posting lists). See also Print settings (Druck‐Einstellungen (cf. page 40)). Click on Import to complete the process. If you perform the import from an Excel file, this dialog window displays the Next (Weiter) button instead of the Import button. Clicking on Next (Weiter) gives you an additional step in the import process. Cartographic depiction Here you can define the frequency of a postcode from the import file as a display criterion for the map selection (Kartenauswahl (cf. page 27)). 1. First, tick the Display postcode hit rate cartographically (PLZ‐Treffer kartografisch darstellen) check box. 2. Enter a meaningful name for the display criterion and a subtitle, if necessary. 3. Define the classes in the next step. The greater the frequency in a destination area, the darker the coloration on the map (see also Legend (cf. page 27)). 4. Click on Import (Importieren) to complete the process. 58
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Import status After completing the import process, you will be given statistics under Import status. Activate the Detailed (Im Detail) check box to have the number of data records for the postcodes and town districts found or not found displayed in a table. You can also print an import log (Importprotokoll drucken) or save it as a text file (Speichern). Close the import wizard by clicking on End (Ende). Postwurfspezial map If the import was started using the Print map for Postwurfspezial option (Druck Karte für Postwurfspezial) (cf. page 47), the map will be printed out using the printer that has been set up (cf. page 61). Once the map has been printed out, you can save the image for your own use. Note: You can change the note text in the bottom margin of the map printout yourself. Enter the text in the relevant field on the last window of the import dialog. 59
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4.1.13 Export By using the Export command, you can export the delivery offices, collection offices, postcodes, postcode/federal state, and postcode area database tables of Prospektservice to dBase, Excel, and Access file formats. 1. Tick the check boxes for the tables that you want to export. An individual file is created for each table. 2. Under Folder (Verzeichnis), specify a target folder for the export files. 3. Start the process by clicking on OK. Note: Advanced mode In Advanced mode (Erweiterter Modus) (cf. page 70), the towns/town districts, town groups and destination areas tables are made available to you for the export. The tables contain the following information: Table Columns Delivery offices Postcode of the delivery office, delivery office, first postcode, last postcode, number of households for tariff zones 1, 2, and 3 Collection offices Postcodes Postcode, collection office, first postcode, last postcode, number of collectors and co‐users
Postcode, tariff zone, number of households, postcode of the delivery office, name of the delivery office Postcode/federal state Postcode, federal state Postcode areas Postcode, number of households, tariff zone Towns/town districts Postcode, town district, number of households with/without advertisement with daily mail, postcode directory, town, district municipality key, postcode of the delivery office, delivery office, tariff zone Postcode, town district group, town district, number of households with/without advertisement and with daily mail, district municipality key, postcode of the delivery office, delivery office Postcode, town, town district, postcode of the delivery office, name of the delivery office, number of households, rate zone Town district groups Destination areas 4.1.14 Export for Mailingfactory By using the Export für Mailingfactory command, you can save your prepared destination area selection as a file and upload it again within Mailingfactory. This is extremely advantageous for the following reasons: • Rapid printing, packing, and posting • Use of your own print templates (PDF) is possible 60
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• Full service from a single source • Use of Deutsche Post’s innovative online order platform Website: 4.1.15 Export for Prospektservice Online By using the Export für Prospektservice Online command, you can save your prepared destination area selection as a file and import it again within Prospektservice Online. In so doing, the household numbers are updated. You thus combine the normal convenience of selection with Prospektservice Online 2009 with the up‐to‐date household numbers from Prospektservice Online. Website: 4.1.16 Create Pack & Go By using the Create Pack & Go command (Pack & Go erstellen), you can use all of the order files, print files, or export files merged in a ZIP archive if the Use project‐related file folder option (projektbezogene Speicherung verwenden) (cf. page 65) is enabled. 4.1.17 Print cf. page 37 4.1.18 Set up printer Using this dialog window, you can choose the printer to which documents are to be sent. All documents can optionally • be sent to the printer, • be displayed in the preview window, or • exported to a PDF document (with the exception of map content (cf. page 47)). With print output as a PDF document, you can also enable an option for the PDF documents to automatically be converted into a new document from 500 pages. This creates several small print files per print job which are easier to process. 61
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Standard printer The standard printer set up for all documents is displayed next to the printer symbol. Click on the button on the right to select another printer or configure the printer that has been set up. Preview window With the output shown in print preview, the print data are not sent directly to the printer but is firstly shown as a preview. A new window opens in which you can navigate through the printed pages, zoom in, and zoom out. Under Print (Drucken), you can specify the pages that are to be printed out: • All pages • Current page: the content displayed in the preview window • Selection: Specify a range of pages in the “from” (von) and “to” (bis) fields. 62
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Output as a PDF document With this option, all documents (with exception of map content (cf. page 47)) are exported as a PDF file. To this end you must firstly specify a save location for each document in the Save printout as PDF (Ausdruck speichern als PDF) dialog window. 4.1.19 Close (Beenden) Here, you close your work in Prospektservice; if you have not yet saved changes to the current order, click on No (Nein) in the confirmation message to return to order processing. Save the order and then choose the Close (Beenden) command again. If you do not want to save the changes, click on yes (Ja) to close the program. 4.2. Edit Menu commands • Towns/town districts (Orte/Ortsteile) (cf. page 18) • Town districts (Ortsteile) (cf. page 18) • Delivery offices (Zustellstützpunkte) (cf. page 18) • Collection offices (Abholstützpunkte) (cf. page 18) • Individual selection (Einzelselektion) (cf. page 33) • Circle selection (Kreisselektion) (cf. page 33) • Polygon selection (Polygonselektion) (cf. page 33) • Routing region selection (Leitregionselektion) (cf. page 33) 63
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• Delete selection (Selektion löschen) (cf. page 35) • Undo selection change (Selektionsänderung rückgängig) (cf. page 20) 4.2.1 Towns/town districts cf. page 18 4.2.2 Town districts cf. page 18 4.2.3 Delivery offices cf. page 18 4.2.4 Collection offices cf. page 18 4.2.5 Individual selection cf. page 33 4.2.6 Circle selection cf. page 33 4.2.7 Polygon selection cf. page 33 4.2.8 Routing region selection cf. page 33 4.2.9 Delete selection cf. page 35 4.2.10 Undo selection change cf. page 20 4.3. Settings Menu commands • View ((Ansicht) on the next page) • Language (Sprache) (on the next page) • Options (Optionen) (on the next page) • Map view (Kartenansicht) (cf. page 23) • Enlarge map (Karte vergrößern) (cf. page 26) 64
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• Reduce map (Karte verkleinern) (cf. page 26) • Move map (Karte verschieben) (cf. page 27) • Zoom on search result (Zoom auf Suchergebnis) (cf. page 25) • Zoom on selection (Zoom auf Selektion) (cf. page 26) • Information window (Infofenster) (cf. page 23) • Legend (Legende) (cf. page 27) 4.3.1 View You can set a window size for Prospektservice using this menu item. Possible settings are (width x height in pixels): • 800 x 600 • 1024 x 768 • 1280 x 1024 By holding down the mouse button on the corners, you can drag the program window to set it to any other size. Prospektservice always launches with the window size that was last used. 4.3.2 Language With this menu option, you can set the language to be used in Prospektservice. All menus, commands, dialog windows, and the detailed overview (Detailübersicht, cf. page 92) are then displayed in the selected language. Prospektservice is also available in English. If you want to use the English interface, please choose Language ‐ English. We are working on an English manual. This should be available for you soon at 4.3.3 Options With this dialog window, you can adapt the Prospektservice settings to your requirements on three tabs. 65
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Folders tab In the Options (Optionen) dialog window you can set the standard folder where the orders are to be saved. Click on the key and select a new save location or create a new folder in the Locate folder (Ordner suchen) window. You can also delete the standard folder using the ‐ key. In this case, the folder that was last selected is always used. Tick the Use project‐related file folder (projektbezogene Speicherung verwenden) check box if you want to save all data that belongs to an order in a separate sub‐folder. In so doing, the order file and the print files are saved in a folder whose name is analogous to the order name. By activating the Save path last used (letzten benutzten Pfad speichern) check box, the program records the last path that you have used to save orders and then activates this when you next open or save an order. 66
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In the Viewer/browser used (Verwendeter Viewer/Browser) field, you can select another program to open the online help, if necessary. Online services tab With the search for updates on launch (beim Start auf Updates prüfen) option, Prospektservice checks whether all of the program components installed are up‐to‐date and notifies you of available updates each time it launches. You can also start this check manually by pressing the Update button. The toolbar also has a button that shows you whether your program version is up‐to‐date. You can also use this button to check your program version. If your program is no longer up‐to‐date, this button turns red. If a newer version exists, you can directly launch Prospektservice’s update program. Wait for the program to indicate that the update process has been completed before closing it. You can optionally have Prospektservice re‐open following this. 67
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Note: Important note for Windows Vista users: With Windows Vista, you are asked when user account management is enabled if you want to allow update.exe to run. You should confirm this by clicking on Allow (Zulassen), otherwise the program cannot be updated. Should you receive the following message when subsequently launching Prospektservice, close the program and run it as administrator. To do so, right click on the icon and select Run as administrator (Als Administrator ausführen) from the menu. If the Check EPOS status (EPOS‐Status prüfen) check box is activated, a check is carried out online in relation to whether you are authorised to post Postwurfsendung orders using this number when the customer/card number is entered in the order settings. By using the Use order management (OM) (Auftragsmanagement (AM) verwenden) option, you enable the use of the corresponding functions in Prospektservice. You can obtain the data needed to login from the IT Customer Support Mail (IT CSB) hotline (cf. page ??). Other (Sonstiges) tab If the Bundles according to delivery office function (Gebindefertigung nach Zustellstützpunkten) is enabled and the program is restarted, the bundle labels are addressed to delivery offices. If the function is disabled, the bundle labels are addressed to delivery districts. By disabling the Always display messages (Meldungen immer anzeigen) option, certain tips regarding the operation of Prospektservice will not be displayed in the future. Tip: This option is particularly helpful if there is a change of user on a computer whereby an experienced Prospektservice user needs to be replaced with a user who does not have a lot of experience with the program, for example due to deputization in the event of vacation. 68
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When selecting the destination areas, you can undo up to 10 actions using the key combination Ctrl + Z. However, this puts a strain on system resources and may have an effect on the operating speed of your computer. Disable the undo function (Rückgängig‐Funktion) in this case. If, when entering bank details in the master data administration process, you do not want to check the postcode and account number (Customer data tab (Kundendaten) (cf. page 13)), disable the Check bank details function (Bankdaten prüfen). Disable the Display map on program launch (Karte beim Programmstart zeigen) function to display the Destination selection tab (Zielwahl) as normal (Selection in Destination selection mode (Auswahl im Modus Zielwahl) (cf. page 18)) when launching the program. If you disable the Display selection dialog on program launch (Auswahldialog beim Programmstart zeigen) function, the selection dialog will not be displayed when the program is launched. Using the selection field you can specify the selection mode (Selektionsmodus (cf. page 18)) in which Prospektservice will launch and create new orders. 4.3.4 Map view cf. page 23 4.3.5 Enlarge map cf. page 26 4.3.6 Reduce map cf. page 26 4.3.7 Move map cf. page 27 4.3.8 Zoom on search result cf. page 25 4.3.9 Zoom on selection cf. page 26 4.3.10 Information window cf. page 23 69
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4.3.11 Legend cf. page 27 4.4. Order Menu commands • Items (Sendungen) (cf. page 11) • Customer data (Kundendaten) (cf. page 13) • Acceptance (Annahme) (cf. page 15) • Order management (Auftragsmanagement) (cf. page 16) • Information (Informationen) (cf. page 18) 4.4.1 Items cf. page 11 4.4.2 Customer data cf. page 13 4.4.3 Acceptance cf. page 15 4.4.4 Order management cf. page 16 4.4.5 Information cf. page 18 4.5. Mode The scope of functions of Prospektservice is continuously developed for bulk posters of Postwurf orders, special user groups such as advertising agencies, printing companies, lettershops, and other service providers. Currently the Advanced mode (Erweiterter Modus) for this software can be arranged with Deutsche Post for the following possibilities: • Exporting detailed raw data at town/town district level for processing on your own EDP (see Export (cf. page 60)) • The further processing of Prospektservice order data by third parties (Print from file (cf. page 42)) • Custom text entry for label note (see Custom text for address label (cf. page 42)) If you only work in standard mode and are interested in concluding a corresponding agreement, please complete the form available under the Mode (Modus) menu item and send it to the specified address. Installation of additional modules When you purchase an additional module, you are given an activation number by Deutsche Post. Proceed as follows in order to activate an additional module: 70
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1. Close Prospektservice. 2. Insert the Prospektservice installation CD into your CD‐ROM drive. 3. Launch the Establish.exe program from the Prospektservice program folder (usually C:\ Programs\ Deutsche Post AG \ PS2009). 4. Check in the Advanced mode ‐ Installation of additional functions (Erweiterter Modus – Installation Zusatzfunktionen) dialog window whether the CD‐ROM drive has correctly recognized the Prospektservice CD. 5. Enter your activation number in the input fields and click on Activate (Freischalten). You can use the additional module the next time you launch Prospektservice. 4.6. Prospektservice wizard The Prospektservice wizard supports you in creating a complete Prospektservice order. Just go through the necessary information step‐by‐step. At the end, you can print the finished posting documents that you need in order to post items with Deutsche Post AG. 71
5 Prospektservice Online
5. Prospektservice Online Contents 5.1. Login and registration (Login und Registrierung) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.2. Delivery districts (Zustellbezirke). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.3. Retail outlet selection (Filialselektion). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.4. Communication menu (Menü Kommunikation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 5.4.1. Send/retrieve message (Nachricht senden/abholen). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 5.4.2. Release orders (Aufträge freigeben) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 5.4.3. Cancel registration (Registrierung aufheben) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 5.4.4. Disable message receipt Nachrichtenempfang deaktivieren). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 5.4.5. Automatic saving (Automatisches Speichern) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Prospektservice Online is the web‐based solution for planning and organizing your Postwurfsendung orders. Compared to local options, Prospektservice Online has the following benefits: • You can work flexibly and save your order data online. • You can continue with order processing online regardless of your workplace or location. • One for all: Your data are saved on a central server. There, your orders can be opened by the authorised users and be processed together online. • History displays your orders’ current processing status. You are always informed of the last person who processed and saved an order. • Insider chat: You can exchange information and messages with other Prospektservice Online users. Messages can be sent to and received by all of the registered users by means of the integrated messaging system. • You no longer need to send data carriers which means that your fulfillment partners can implement the plans for your distribution campaigns without a loss in time. 72
5 Prospektservice Online
• Up‐to‐dateness as a success factor: With Prospektservice Online, you are always kept up‐to‐date. Program modifications are implemented after logging in, current changes to the number of recipients of Postwurf orders are posted on the network by Deutsche Post in real time or short update periods. Orders already saved are adjusted automatically. • Multi‐platform capability: Compared with the local version, the online version can be used on multiple platforms. This means that you can operate Prospektservice Online using Windows, Linux, or Mac OS. 5.1. Login and registration You must be connected to the internet in order to work with Prospektservice Online. This is checked when the program has launched and if you are not connected to the internet, a corresponding message appears. The login window appears once the program has launched. Enter your user name and password here. When you launch Prospektservice Online for the first time, you first need to register. The fields with blue borders are mandatory fields. Under user data, enter a user name and password for logging in. The registration window appears after successful registration. You can edit your user data by clicking on the Change (Ändern) button. 73
5 Prospektservice Online
The account information tells you when you last logged in, how often you have logged in and whether other Prospektservice users have sent you any messages (see also Send/retrieve messages (cf. page 81)). Clicking on the Next (Weiter) button takes you to the program’s main window. Prospektservice Online has the same functions as the local version, with a few exceptions. Therefore, this chapter only focuses on the additional functions. 5.2. Delivery districts In addition to destination area selection at town, town district, delivery office, and collection office level, the online version also offers the detailed selection of delivery districts, both with the destination area selection from the list (cf. page 18) and on the map (Karte (cf. page 23)). 74
5 Prospektservice Online
Selected delivery districts are highlighted in yellow with a click of the mouse; you can also use the circle or polygon selection. Note: To be able to work with delivery districts when selecting destination areas on the map, you need to activate this selection level either by using the Destination selection (Zielwahl) toolbar (cf. page 6) or via the Edit (Bearbeiten) menu. If you right click on a () delivery district symbol on the map, you can select or deselect neighboring districts in five distance classes. Locations In this mode, destination area selection on the map also provides the function of defining locations by right clicking on a () delivery district symbol and selecting the Set location (Standort setzen) command in the context menu. Locations are used to quickly relocate delivery districts in which your retail outlets are situated for example, and for whom you regularly distribute Postwurfsendung orders in a particular radius. 75
5 Prospektservice Online
The selected postcode area is displayed in the context menu. Locations are marked on the map with a red flag. If you have defined locations, you can quickly switch to a particular location in the map view via the context menu (right click). All of the locations can also be deleted at once or individually via the context menu. 76
5 Prospektservice Online
5.3. Retail outlet selection If you have activated destination area selection at delivery district level (Zustellbezirke (cf. page 74)), you can also add your selection of destination areas via Retail outlet selection (Filialselektion) under the File (Datei) menu. Retail outlet selection has two modes: • Direct entry (on this page) • Import from file (on the next page) Direct entry 1. Select specific delivery districts by entering the postcode, town, and street. 2. If you now click on Next (Weiter), the relevant delivery district will be included in your selection. 77
5 Prospektservice Online
Import from file Delivery district selection can also be carried out by importing a (text) file. 1. Activate Import from file (Import aus Datei) mode. 2. Clicking on the Browse (Durchsuchen) button takes you to the Select (Auswählen) dialog window. Click on the relevant drive in the “Search in” (Suchen in) drop‐down menu and then, in the window below, choose the folder in which your import file is located. CSV files (*.csv) and text files (*.txt) with separators can be used as file types. Mark the file by clicking on it and click on Select (Auswählen). 3. If the import file contains delivery district numbers or column headings in the first row, tick the relevant check boxes and click on Next (Weiter). 78
5 Prospektservice Online
4. In the next step, specify the separator for the data records and click on Next (Weiter). You can check your information in the preview table displayed at the bottom of the dialog window. 5. In the next dialog window, you need to assign the address fields. Activate the Postcode (PLZ) and Town (Ort) check boxes and assign the relevant fields from the import file using the drop‐down menu. 6. Start the import process by clicking on Next (Weiter). The delivery districts identified will be included in the list of selected destination areas in the main window. Options You can specify different options for retail outlet selection in the bottom third of the dialog window. Generate import log If this option is selected, statistics regarding the incorrect addresses and the imported addresses are displayed at the end of the import process. If several output addresses are in the same delivery district either in whole or in part, the following dialog window appears after the import is complete: 79
5 Prospektservice Online
Here you can decide to which address from your import file the delivery district is to be assigned. Then click on Next (Weiter) to be shown the import statistics. The incorrect addresses can be saved as a CSV file using the Export unincluded addresses (Nicht aufgelöste exportieren) button. Specify locations only If this option is enabled, no delivery districts are added for target selection and only the delivery districts that have been found are specified as locations (Standorte) (cf. page 75) on the map. Please note that if the Selection in a radius of option (Auswahl im Umkreis) is selected, a selection is always in the radius specified and a location is only set for the delivery districts that have been specified directly. Selection in a radius of If this option is selected, delivery districts that are situated in the radius specified for the addresses that have been found are automatically added to target selection. Optimization You can choose between an upper limit for the total of all data records imported and retail outlet or budget optimization. 80
5 Prospektservice Online
With retail outlet optimization, you specify the maximum number of households or households with daily mail per imported address/retail outlet. The available amount of finances that was specified for budget optimization per imported address/retail outlet. You can choose between four different selection modes. In each case, the number of households of the delivery districts are identified in the radius specified and are added until the maximum value is reached. You can find a detailed description of the relevant options in the Retail outlet selection dialog if you select an option or mode. Please note that radius selection generates large volumes of data, particularly in connection with fuzzy searches on a postcode basis, and it can take a while for the program to process this data. 5.4. Communication menu The Communication (Kommunikation) menu can be used to exchange messages with other Prospektservice Online users and release orders to them. 5.4.1 Send/retrieve message In this dialog window, a messaging system is made available to you with which you can exchange messages with other Prospektservice users. You can also use this system to invite other users to jointly use orders that have been created. You can retrieve your new messages from the server using the Retrieve (Abholen) button. The messages are not deleted from the server however. To read the message, select it from the list. Messages in blue are ones that have been sent and messages in black are ones that have been received. By clicking on the Delete (Löschen) button, all of the messages you have sent are deleted on the Prospektservice server. If you have already loaded the messages, they will be retained locally. To write a new message to a user, 1. click on the New (Neu) button, 2. select the user in the Prospektservice users (Prospektservice‐Nutzer) drop‐down menu, and 3. enter the subject and the message text in the relevant fields. 4. Click on Send (Senden) to send the message. 81
5 Prospektservice Online
The message will be transferred to the Prospektservice server and will appear in blue at the end of your message list. If you want to reply to a message, click on the Reply (Antworten) button instead of New (Neu). The three buttons below are used to jointly process orders. This requires a mutual declaration of consent. Button Description Invite To invite other Prospektservice users to jointly use your saved orders, select the desired user from the list. Then press the Invite (Einladen) button. This user is then sent a corresponding message to which he can reply. Accept If you have received an invitation to jointly use orders from another user and you want to accept this invitation, select this user from the list and press the Accept (Annehmen) button. The user receives a message stating that you have accepted his invitation and he can then either make some or all of the orders he has created available to you. You can release your orders to this user in exactly the same way (see also Release orders). Withdraw You can stop the joint processing of orders at any time by withdrawing the invitation invitation. Select the user again and click on the Withdraw (Widerrufen) button. All releases will then be invalid. 5.4.2 Release orders If you have agreed to jointly process orders with another Prospektservice user, you need to release these orders. Once you have selected the user, you will see a list of your own orders in which orders that have already been released are shown in green. Here you can release or lock the desired orders for each user with whom you are in contact. 5.4.3 Cancel registration You can cancel your registration with Prospektservice Online using this menu item. In so doing, you remove all data from the Prospektservice server. This also includes any and all orders that you have created. You can register again at any time but the orders you have created up to that point will no longer be available. 82
5 Prospektservice Online
5.4.4 Disable message receipt If you do not want to receive messages from other users, you can remove your name from the list of possible recipients or re‐add it using this menu item. If the entry was removed from the list, you are “invisible” (unsichtbar) to other users. You can however continue to work with Prospektservice. 5.4.5 Automatic saving With this dialog window, you can specify a time at which the current order is to be saved. Enable the function by activating the check box and enter a time. We recommend an interval of 5 to 10 minutes. The active order will be regularly saved under the name Autosave. If the network connection is interrupted or you close the program without saving, you can restore the last processing state by loading the Autosave order. You can save this as a new or existing order using the File – Save (Datei – Speichern) menu command. 83
6 General Term and Conditions
6. General Terms and Conditions General Terms and Conditions Valid from July 1, 2005 General Terms and Conditions of Deutsche Post AG on the use of the Prospektservice CD‐ROM software and the use of the Prospektservice Online software which in turn, are divided into a section on access software and section of application software. 1 Scope Deutsche Post AG, hereinafter referred to as “Deutsche Post,” shall, at its discretion, provide the Customer with the “Prospektservice CD‐ROM” software as a CD‐ROM copy, the “Prospektservice Online” access and application software, and/or if requested by the Customer, software updates via subscription pursuant to the following Terms and Conditions of Use. 2 Object of use (1) Prospektservice CD‐ROM and/or Prospektservice Online enable Deutsche Post customers to obtain information and help on the preparation of Postwurf (unaddressed advertising mail) orders for dispatch. The relevant system requirements of the Customer’s computer can be found in the Service Specifications. (2) Currently, no charge is invoiced to the Customer for the use of Prospektservice Online. However, Deutsche Post reserves the right to exclusively provide Prospektservice Online for a charge in the future following prior announcement. 3 Revocation instructions Right of revocation The Customer may rescind the Agreement in writing (letter, fax, or electronic mail) within 14 days without stating the reason. The notice period shall begin upon receipt of these instructions at the earliest. The revocation deadline shall be deemed to have been met if the notice of revocation has been sent within it. Notices are to be addressed to: Deutsche Post AG DiQuIS Kastorhof 2 56068 Koblenz Germany E‐mail address: Consequences of revocation In the event of effective revocation, any service exchanged between the Parties as well as any benefit drawn by either of them (e.g., interest) shall be returned. If the Deutsche Post customer is unable to return the service received in full or in part, or only in an inferior condition, he must provide Deutsche Post with compensation for the value lost, as necessary. This shall not apply to the provision of products if the damage to the product is solely attributable to its testing ‐ as would have been possible for the Customer in a shop, for example. In all other respects, the Customer can avoid the duty to pay compensation by not treating the product as fully owned and by refraining from any activity that could have a detrimental effect on the value of the product. Products that can be sent as a parcel shall be returned at Deutsche Post’s expense and risk. Special notes Your right of revocation shall expire prematurely if Deutsche Post has commenced service provision with the express consent of the Customer prior to the revocation deadline or the Customer has arranged this himself (e.g., through downloads etc.). 4 Terms and conditions of use (1) The Prospektservice CD‐ROM and Prospektservice Online software are copyright protected. Deutsche Post shall grant to the Customer the non‐exclusive right to use the Prospektservice CD‐ROM and/or Prospektservice Online software for his own purposes, including the associated user documentation. The Customer shall not be entitled to sublicense the Prospektservice CD‐ROM and/or Prospektservice Online software, i.e., make it temporarily available 84
6 General Term and Conditions
for a fee. The right of use to the Prospektservice Online software, including the associated user documentation, shall be non‐transferrable and be limited to the term of this Agreement. The right of use to the Prospektservice CD‐
ROM software, including the associated user documentation, shall be granted to the Customer upon payment of the remuneration specified in Section 8, it shall be permanent, and transferrable in accordance with the two sentences below. The Customer may only transfer the software in full and in the condition that was provided to him, i.e., the original CD‐ROM with the user documentation, with the simultaneous transfer of the right of use. In order for this to be carried out, the party to whom the software is being transferred must consent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (2) The right of use shall entitle the Customer to use the Prospektservice CD‐ROM and/or the Prospektservice Online access software on a computer which is available to him. The Customer shall be entitled to switch to a different computer, but in doing so he must delete the Prospektservice CD‐ROM and/or Prospektservice Online access software from the computer used up until this point. The Customer should install the Prospektservice CD‐
ROM software and/or the Prospektservice Online access software so that it is not possible for more than one user to use it at the same time. (3) The Customer shall be entitled to download the Prospektservice CD‐ROM software and/or the Prospektservice Online software from the original data carrier or from Deutsche Post’s web server, to install it on the hard disk, and to load it on the main memory, provided that this is required for the use of the software. (4) The Customer shall be entitled to reproduce the Prospektservice CD‐ROM and/or Prospektservice Online access software provided that the relevant reproduction is required for the use of the software as per the Agreement, including fault clearance. Otherwise, the Customer shall not be entitled to reproduce the access software and/or the associated documentation. (5) The Customer shall ensure that the reproduced Prospektservice CD‐ROM and/or Prospektservice Online software and/or the associated documentation cannot be accessed by third parties. (6) The Customer shall be authorised to make a machine‐readable copy of the Prospektservice CD‐ROM software and/or the Prospektservice Online access software and the associated documentation for back‐up purposes. When creating copies it must be ensured that a copyright notice for Deutsche Post is printed on the copies in machine‐
readable form. (7) The Customer shall be prohibited from reverse engineering the different production stages of the Prospektservice CD‐ROM software and/or the access software, including program modifications; this shall apply in particular to decompilation of the programming code supplied into other code forms. If the Customer requires interface data to ensure interoperability with other software, he shall be entitled to act in accordance with the abovementioned sentence for his own use if, despite a written request by the Customer, Deutsche Post is either unwilling or unable to provide the necessary information. Insofar as the Customer acts in accordance with the abovementioned sentence, only the Customer and his employees may use the information obtained solely for internal purposes. Any further use, particularly commercial use or transfer to a third party, shall be prohibited. (8) The right of use described in the previous paragraphs shall also be granted to the Customer for updates that are made available to the Customer by Deutsche Post as part of the subscription service. 5 Prospektservice Online software only: rights of Deutsche Post (1) Deutsche Post shall be entitled to block access to the Prospektservice Online server if the Customer uses the service contrary to the Agreement or if the security of the system is no longer guaranteed, in particular due to of the loss or theft of access data (password). (2) Deutsche Post also reserves the right to interrupt the availability of the Prospektservice Online server in order to carry out repair and maintenance work as well as changes to the Prospektservice Online server, or to other hardware and software required for the performance of the services covered by this Agreement. Deutsche Post shall make every effort to keep such repair and maintenance work to a minimum, to complete the work as quickly as possible with professional care, and to restore access to the service. (3) The communication connection between the Prospektservice Online server and the Customer’s computer is not included in Deutsche Post’s scope of service. 85
6 General Term and Conditions
6 Prospektservice Online software only: the Customer’s duty to co‐operate (1) The Customer shall ensure at his own expense that the necessary hardware, any additional software that may be required, and an internet connection are available. (2) The Customer shall be obliged to take into account established basic principles of data protection, particularly to keep passwords secret and to change them immediately, or allow changes to be made if it is suspected that unauthorised third parties have gained knowledge thereof. (3) Deutsche Post shall be notified without undue delay on the hotline referred to within the software or by electronic mail ( if it has become known that defects and disruptions have occurred, or access data (passwords) has been stolen. (4) The Customer undertakes to install updates for the Prospektservice Online access software that are made available by Deutsche Post. 7 Subscription service customers only: the Customer’s duties to co‐operate The Customer shall immediately inform Deutsche Post in writing of any changes and additions that may affect the performance of services (e.g., relocation) and the contractual relationship (e.g., bank details, change of name). 8 Charges The Customer shall pay the usage charge specified in the valid price list for the Deutsche Post service. Deutsche Post shall invoice this charge to the Customer following the provision of the software or update in each case and this charge shall be payable by the Customer within 14 days of receipt of the invoice. Payment must be made to the account specified on the invoice, specifying the invoice number. 9 Liability (1) Deutsche Post shall be liable for damage only in cases where Deutsche Post or one of its vicarious agents violates a significant contractual obligation (cardinal obligation) in such a way as to jeopardise the purpose of the Agreement or if the damage can be attributed to gross negligence or wilful intent on the part of Deutsche Post or one of its vicarious agents. If a significant violation of a significant contractual obligation (cardinal obligation) cannot be attributed to gross negligence or wilful intent, Deutsche Post’s liability shall be limited to the type of damage that could reasonably be foreseen at the time the Agreement was entered into. (2)The liability limitation shall apply to contractual and non‐contractual claims. Liability subject to mandatory statutory requirements shall remain unaffected. (3) If data are destroyed and/or lost, Deutsche Post’s liability for recovery shall be limited to the level of effort that would have been involved if the Customer had correctly created back‐up copies for reconstruction purposes. (4) The Customer shall be fully liable for any consequences and disadvantages incurred by Deutsche Post and third parties as a result of misuse or illegal use of the software or that are caused by the Customer failing to comply with his duties under this Agreement and is responsible for this failure to comply. 10 Prospektservice CD‐ROM software only: warranty (1) Deutsche Post shall warrant that the Prospektservice CD‐ROM software corresponds to the functions agreed upon. However, use according to the terms of the Agreement shall be a prerequisite for this warranty. (2) The Customer shall notify Deutsche Post of any obvious faults within the Prospektservice CD‐ROM software within two weeks. If the Customer fails to notify Deutsche Post within this deadline, the Customer’s warranty rights shall no longer apply as regards these faults. 11 Prospektservice Online software only: data protection Deutsche Post undertakes to comply with the applicable statutory data protection provisions. Deutsche Post shall oblige its employees as well as its vicarious agents and their employees to comply with these provisions. Deutsche Post shall collect, process, and use personal data, or individual usage data, to the extent necessary to operate Prospektservice Online. 12 Prospektservice Online software and subscription service only: term of the Agreement and termination The Agreement on the use of the Prospektservice Online software and/or the subscription service shall be concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated by either Party by giving one month’s notice to the end of a calendar quarter. The right to terminate the Agreement for good cause shall be unaffected. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular in the event of a default in payment by the Customer amounting to at least two months and a violation of the terms and conditions of use listed in Section 4. 13 Other provisions 86
6 General Term and Conditions
Deutsche Post shall inform the Customer of changes to this Agreement in a suitable manner. If the Customer does not submit to Deutsche Post a written objection within one month of receipt, these changes shall be deemed to have been accepted. Deutsche Post shall make particular reference thereto when notifying the Customer of changes. Any amendments and notices of termination of the Agreement shall be made in writing. (2) German law shall apply to all legal relations between the Parties, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. (3) Bonn, Germany, shall be the exclusive place of jurisdiction for legal disputes involving merchants, legal entities under public law, or special funds under public law resulting from agreements based on these General Terms and Conditions (GT&Cs). (4) Should any of the current or future provisions of these GT&Cs be or become invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. In this case, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that most closely approximates to the intended objectives of the invalid or unenforceable provision. This same shall apply as regards filling any loopholes in the Agreement. 87
Special Terms and Conditions for the “Zustelltermin”
ITEMS 7. Special terms and conditions for the “Zustelltermin” (Delivery date) service for POSTWURF ORDERS Special Terms and Conditions for the “Zustelltermin” (Delivery date) Service for POSTWURF ORDERS (UNADDRESSED ADVERTISING MAIL) As at 05/2008 1 Subject matter of the service (1) Deutsche Post AG, hereinafter referred to as “Deutsche Post”, shall collect, free of charge, from the sender or the service provider commissioned the orders prepared and provided at the specified times by the sender in accordance with Section 2 no later than 4 working days after the delivery date, temporarily store the orders, and deliver them to all of the households or all of the households with daily mail in the destination area on the day agreed upon. The minimum quantity for the Zustelltermin service for Postwurf orders shall be 250,000 per order (posting to be invoiced according to the posting list). (2) The delivery date shall be deemed fulfilled if at least 90% of the orders provided in good time for collection and storage have been delivered in the destination area. The final scan of the bundles on the day of delivery shall serve as proof for the delivery rate. Households that do not wish to receive unaddressed or partially addressed orders and have specified this by means of stickers stating e.g., “No advertising please”, shall not be taken into account. 2 Terms and conditions for posting (1) A prerequisite for orders with a delivery date shall be participation in Deutsche Post’s order management process. Zustelltermin orders shall be placed and processed using Deutsche Post’s Prospektservice product, a special software application provided by Deutsche Post for sending Postwurf orders. (2) The sender shall ensure that the orders meet the requirements listed in the applicable version of the “Unadressierte Werbung: Postwurfsendung” (Unaddressed advertising mail: Postwurf orders) brochure. The orders must be prepared as bundles assembled for delivery districts. The bundles must contain an orange bundle label with a data matrix code and the letter “T” in accordance with the Prospektservice requirements. The prepared pallets must contain an orange pallet label, the letter “T”, and the delivery date. (3) Orders with a delivery date shall be notified electronically via the Prospektservice software no later than 6 working days before the delivery date. The order shall be binding for the sender upon notification. It shall only be possible to make cancellations or changes up to 6 working days before the delivery date agreed upon. Deutsche Post may invoice the sender for any costs it incurs as a result of changes and cancellations made by the sender after the 6th working day before the delivery date agreed upon. (4) Zustelltermin orders shall always be collected free of charge by Deutsche Post’s express logistics network (no posting via retail outlets etc.). The depot agreed upon must be notified electronically of the collection and storage order no later than 2 working days if less than 700 pallets are to be posted and no later than 5 working days prior to the first (partial) collection journey if more than 700 pallets or more than 100 pallets per routing zone (first letter/digit of the postcode) are to be posted. The binding notification must be sent no later than 12:00 on the day prior to collection and must be sent by means of fax notification (Annexe), specifying the collection address, collection date and time, contact person, telephone number, fax number, pallet destinations, number of pallets, weight, and the campaign name. If the fax notification is missing or is sent after 12:00 on the day prior to collection, the sender shall be responsible for any delays in relation to the delivery. Monday to Friday shall be deemed working days within the meaning of sentence 1; Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays shall not be taken into account. 3 Liability Deutsche Post shall be liable in accordance with Section 6 of the GT&Cs for MAIL NATIONAL, as amended at the time of posting. In deviation from Section 6 (3) sentence 2 of the GT&Cs for MAIL NATIONAL, liability due to a deviation from the agreed delivery date shall be limited to the additional charge to be levied for this service. Any further liability shall be excluded, in particular for consequential damage such as lost profit. 4 Miscellaneous Unless otherwise specified in these Special Terms and Conditions, the GT&Cs for MAIL NATIONAL, as amended at the time of posting, shall apply. 88
A Annexe
A. Annexe A.1. Summary of the structural criteria integrated in Prospektservice This Annexe provides a summary of the structural criteria integrated in Prospektservice for a total of 8,242 postcode districts with an average of 4,286 households (with advertising) and 5,172 households (with and without advertising): All information is supplied without guarantee. Information on postal basis The basis of the data for the graphical representation of the • tariff zones, • no‐advertising households, and • mail collectors structural criteria is the permanent determination of household numbers by Deutsche Post AG for HR purposes and the continuous collection of the number of mailboxes occupied (as at March 1, 2005). Note: Integrated structural data of LUTUM + TAPPERT DV‐BERATUNG GmbH The spatial territorial breakdown supplied by Deutsche Post AG often does not match the official territorial breakdown (federal states, administrative regions, districts and municipalities). However, it is possible to show data at postcode level using localized information. To this end, LUTUM + TAPPERT DV‐BERATUNG GmbH has developed allocation keys for various properties that enable the population figures, household data, and purchasing power data at district level to be converted into a five‐digit postcode level. Population density The basis of the data for the graphical representation of the population density is the population at the location of the main residence as at January 1, 2004. Purchasing power The purchasing power of the population (= disposable income) is made up of income from salaried employment, income from freelance employment and assets, and income from agriculture and forestry, minus income tax and social security contributions paid by employees. Living costs that vary from region to region are not taken into account. Purchasing power data also does not reveal anything in relation to where money is spent. The calculations made by LUTUM + TAPPERT DV‐BERATUNG GmbH as regards the 2005 purchasing power are based on various official statistics (including statistics on income tax, various statistics on transfer services and unemployment statistics) and sources (including the Federal Statistical Office, the statistical offices of the German federal states and the German Employment Agency). A purchasing power index of 121.3 for example (not possible to represent in Prospektservice) signifies that the region in question is 21.3% above the average value for the Federal Republic of Germany. Private households The basis of the data for the graphical representation of the 89
A Annexe
• household sizes, • singles, • multi‐person households, • households with children, • high income, • DINKIES, and • YUPPIEs structural criteria is the number of private households as at January 1, 2004. All private households were recorded in line with the official definition: A household is made up of any and all people who live together and in particular finance their living costs together (multi‐person household). A single person household is made up of one person who finances his/her living costs alone, even if they have a joint residence with others. Population according to age groups The basis of the data for the graphical representation of the • young people, • middle‐aged and • elderly people structural criteria is the number of people per age group as at January 1, 2004. Car density The basis of the data for the graphical representation of the car density is data of the German Federal Motor Transport Authority, Flensburg, as at January 1, 2005. Self employed individuals and freelancers The basis of the data for the graphical representation of the ratio of self‐employed individuals structural criteria is an enumeration from the pan‐adress business file as of January 1, 2005. All of the self‐employed individuals and freelancers listed in the basis file are in full‐time employment and have a net household income of at least EUR 1,500 a month. Small businesses and self‐employed individuals in the agricultural industry are not included. Retail density The data originates from the enumeration in the Consodata business file as of 2005. Retail establishments (not the companies) are listed per 1,000 inhabitants. Election results The basis for the list of election results from the 2002 Bundestag (German lower house of parliament) election at constituency level is the results from the federal statistical offices of the German federal states as of spring 2002. The results are listed in relation to a valid second vote for the parties represented in the Bundestag. The results at constituency level form the starting point for the calculation. Therefore the election data are only available for the map of Germany. 90
A Annexe
The information mapped will be updated once the election results at postcode area have been released by the Federal Statistical Office. A.2. Define display criteria with Microsoft Access The individual display criteria are saved in an Access database that you can find under the file name “individual/mdb” in the “… \PS2009\Maps” folder of the Prospektservice installation directory. The database consists of three tables: The names and subtitles of the individual display criteria are managed in the Display criteria (Anzeigekriterien) table. The ID field is an AutoNumber field, which means that each data record is automatically incremented when a new display criterion is created. The Legend (Legende) table contains the class definitions of the display criteria in question that you have either specified on the Settings (Einstellungen) tab during the import process (cf. page 58) or in the Legend dialog window (cf. page 31): The Data (Daten) table contains the imported postcodes for each display criterion (“ID”) with the manually assigned classes or the classes assigned during the import process. 91
A Annexe
As an experienced Access user you can edit existing display criteria here or create new ones. A.3. Detailed overview If this check box is activated, Prospektservice provides statistics regarding the distribution areas and the recipient numbers for the Postwurfsendung orders. Here, the distribution areas selected in Destination (Zielwahl) selection mode can be printed out to a limited extent (up to 200 data records) with quantities and the associated distribution offices. Under Print (Drucken), you can specify whether the information on the proposal (Informationen zum Angebot) and the address information (Adressangaben) from the order information are to appear on the printout. Note: These two options also can be enabled directly on the Other tab. Under Display (Anzeige), you can choose whether towns selected in full are to be displayed or printed out in detail. 92
A Annexe
Click on the Print (Drucken) button to start the printing process (see also Set up printer (Drucker einrichten) (cf. page 61)). Tip: The table can be sorted by individual columns in ascending or descending order. You can find more detailed information on this in the Sorting (Sortierung) chapter (cf. page 21). E‐mail It is possible to e‐mail the detailed overview created to your customer as a proposal. You need Microsoft Outlook to be able to do so. The detailed overview is attached to the e‐mail (PDF document). Note: If Outlook is not installed, the E‐mail button is disabled. Proceed as follows: 1. Click on E‐mail. 2. In the Save printout as PDF dialog window, enter a file name for the e‐mail attachment. 3. Click on Save (Speichern). 4. The Send e‐mail dialog window will open, in which you can then enter a recipient address, subject, and a message. The proposal is already attached. 5. You can attach more files or remove existing ones using the + and ‐ buttons. 6. Enable the Send attachment as ZIP archive option to merge the selected attachments in one ZIP archive. 7. Click on the Send (Senden) button to send the e‐mail. 93
B Index
B. Index Additional fields 58 Always display messages 68 Car density 90 Cartographic depiction 58 Check EPOS status 67 Communication menu 81 Convert bundles 68 Co‐users active 19 Define display criteria with Microsoft Access Delete sub‐order 54 Delete sub‐orders 54 Delivery districts 74 Delivery offices 19 Destination selection 7 Detailed overview 92 Direct entry 77 Disable Check bank details function 69 Disable Display map on launch 69 Disable undo function 69 Display selection dialog on launch District municipality key 57 Edit 63 Election results 90 File 51 General Terms and Conditions 84 Import from file 78 Import status 59 Importing Excel and Access files 57 Importing text files 56 Individual selection 22 Individual/all 43 E‐mail 93 Information on postal basis 89 Information window 23 Installation of additional modules 70 KOOP 38, 39 Language 65 Load order 10 Locations 75 Login and registration 73 Main window 5, 6 Map 7 Master data administration 14 Menu bar 5 Menu commands 50 Mode 70 Move map section 27 New sub‐order 10 Options 79 Order 70 Order settings 11 Output as a PDF document 63 Pallet optimization 36 Population according to age groups 90 Population density 89 Postcode and district municipality key field selection 57
Postwurfspezial map 59 Preventing bundles with additional items 49 Preview window 62 Print 37, 49 Print map 47 Print settings 39 Printout of map contents 47 Private households 89 Prospektservice Online 72 Prospektservice wizard 71 Purchasing power 89 Retail density 90 Retail outlet selection 77 Save as 49 Save order 49 Search 21, 26 Select destination areas 20 Selection of destination areas 18 Selection tab 29 Set up order 9 Settings 64 Settings tab 31 Sorting 21 Special terms and conditions for the “Zustelltermin” (D
date) service for POSTWURF ORDERS 88 Standard printer 62 Statistics 49 Status bar 7 Sub‐order 10 Sub‐orders 21 Summary of the structural criteria integrated in Prospe
89 The self‐employed and freelancers 90 Toolbar 6 Town districts 19 Town districts active 19 Towns/town districts 19 Updates 67 Welcome 4 Working with Prospektservice 9 Zoom 26 94
B Notes