company profile - American Chamber Of Commerce in Italy


company profile - American Chamber Of Commerce in Italy
October 23rd – October 27th
Roberta Anati
Roberta Anati was born in Italy in 1964 and today lives with her husband and their 5 children in Tel Aviv.
Since September 2013 she is VP at Italia Brand Group based in Turin – Milan, CEO of Italia Brand Group
in Israel and President of the same company in Turkey and the United States. Italia Brand Group is a
leading Italian group with more than 25 years of experience in the communication business with an
holistic approach. The group provide an integrated platform that meets the need of the brands in a very
competitive market. The company is a group of eleven structures, each of them with a strong vertical
competence, in its specific communication discipline, with specialist know-how and individual expertise
that can provide a complete innovative consultancy strategy and implementation.
Among many roles she has covered during her long career, she has been Vice President of Israeli Italy
Chamber of Commerce in Tel Aviv since 2007 to 2010, Founder and General Partner of Ogiva Capital
since 2012 until 2014. Founder and CEO of Euroisrael since 2000 until January 2014. Managing Director
for Israel and International Development for Fondazione Bancaria CRT – Jstone since 2009 until 2011.
She received a Certificate for Board of Directors in 2008 at Bar Ilan University in Israel, a
Entrepreneurship Business Development Diploma in 2002 at Mati JDC, Raanana, Israel; a B.A. in Business
Administration in 1995 at City College, Tel Aviv, Israel and DEUG in Archeology and Historyu of Art in
Strasbourg, France in 1986. She speaks Italian, French, Hebrew and English.
Italia Brand Group is a leading Italian group born 27 years ago. With headquarters based in Turin and
Milan, the group consists of eleven structures, each with a strong vertical specialization in various
disciplines of communication: Advertising, Branding, Product Design, Digital, E-Commerce, Internal
Communication, PR&Events, Video, E-Technologies, Architecture, Media, all under the same singular
mission: to discover all possibilities of contact between a brand and its target audience and turn them
into opportunities of communication, with the objective to increase the quantity and quality that the
brand is able to portray to the consumer.
Italia Brand Group opened its structure in Israel, Turkey and United States, and having in pipeline
opening of UK, France, Canada, China and Brazil. Specifically, the ItaliaBrandGroup U.S. is a mediaagnostic communications agency resulting from a joint venture between NY-based Starfish Brand
Experiences and Milan- and Turin-based ItaliaBrandGroup. Our value proposition is simple and unique –
we combine decades of experience and a deep knowledge of the US market with thousands of years of
Italian cultural immersion and creativity to deliver the Italian sensibility through an American strategic
framework. Italia Brand Group counts among its portfolio of hundreds of clients: Maserati, Alfa Romeo,
Fiat, Jeep, Pininfarina, Ferrero, Lavazza, Eni, Deutsche Bank, Intesa San Paolo, IW Bank, Expo 2015,
Rolex, Juventus, Sky.
Valentina Aprea
Valentina Aprea was born in Bari on 17 July 1956. She holds an honour degree cum laude in Pedagogy
from the University of Bari. She took up an executive role in Department of Education at the early age of
27. Married with one son, she currently lives in Basiglio (Milan).
A member of Parliament since 1994, she has built up considerable political experience, and has always
dedicated her attention to education and training.
She has held various posts in the course of her parliamentary career. In the 14th Parliament, under the
second and third governments of Silvio Berlusconi, she was Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of
Education, Universities and Research, with special responsibility for Education (schools). She worked
with Minister Letizia Moratti in drafting Law 53/03 and the enacting decrees for the implementation of
school reforms. She has introduced many innovative principles to the Italian legislation, including: the
right and duty to education and vocational training in lieu of compulsory schooling; the customization
and differentiation of educational curricula; flexibility in the choice of educational paths; the
establishment of a vocational education and training system and a National Assessment Service; the
introduction of two EU languages to curricula; compulsory English lessons from the first year of primary
school. She also campaigned for a new legal status to be accorded to teachers, and helped get the
relevant law on the statute books.
In the 15th Parliament, she held the post of Secretary of the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies. At
the same time she was an acting member of the Culture Committee of the Forza Italia political party.
She was returned to the 16th Parliament as a member of the Popolo della Libertà political alliance from
the Lombardia I constituency. In 2008, she became Chair of the Seventh Parliamentary Committee on
Culture, Science and Education and was also a member of the Documentation Oversight Committee.
During her time in the different legislatures, she has taken charge of managing relations with students
on behalf of the Chamber of Deputies, and promoted a series of initiatives such as student visits to the
Chambers and parliamentary training courses.
On 8 February 2012 she became a member of the Governing Council (Giunta) of the Region of
Lombardy, where she was appointed as head of the Department of Education, Training and Culture. On
22 October 2012, she took charge, on an interim basis, of the Department for Employment and Labour
Policies of the Region.
She has collated her policies for school reforms in a book titled La scuola che non c’è, published in 2001
by Liberal Libri. Valentina Aprea’s life mission, ambitions and her successes from an early age are also
explored in a piece called “Una vita in anticipo” in 40 e più donne per Milano, a publication edited by
Federico Motta that looks at the top most influential women in Milan.
Since March 2013 she has been a member of the Governing Council (Giunta) of the Region of Lombardy,
where she heads the Regional Department of Education, Training and Employment.
Irena Bednarich
Irena Bednarich is Director of Corporate Affairs for the EU and Western Europe at Hewlett-Packard. In
this role, she is driving HP’s corporate affairs strategy on a broad spectrum of digital economy issues,
ranging from copyright to standards, data protection, cloud services and infrastructures and
Irena is responsible for the development of corporate viewpoints on key regulatory and thoughtleadership issues for Hewlett-Packard in EMEA. In her role of Head of EU Public Affairs, she is charge of
the overall coordination of HP's senior relationships and Senior Executive Engagement programs with
the EU Institutions. Irena has a very broad experience in representing the tech sector at European level.
She is currently Chair of the Digital Economy Policy Group (DEPG) in DIGITALEUROPE - the advocacy
group of the European digital economy acting on behalf of the information technology, consumer
electronics and telecommunications sectors.
She is also chairing the Copyright Working Group in DIGITALEUROPE and is the President of EURIMAG,
the voice of the printing industries in Brussels.
Copyright policies were always at the center of her expertise. For her work and efforts on copyright
levies, both in Brussels and internationally, she has been awarded the European Counsel Award for
Intellectual Property 2009, granted by the International Law Office, in collaboration with the Association
of Corporate Counsel.
Irena is fluent in Italian, Slovenian, French, English and German. She has working knowledge of Spanish
and is currently studying Arabic.
HP was created in 1939 from two Stanford’s students, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard.
The first product being realized in a Palo Alto garage was an audio oscillator – a test instrument used by
sound engineers. The first customer was Walt Disney studios, purchasing eight audio oscillators to test a
brand new sound system for “Fantasia”.
Since then, HP has been creating new possibilities and innovative solutions for technology to have a
meaningful impact on people, businesses, governments and society. With the broadest technology
portfolio spanning printing, personal systems, software, services and IT infrastructure, HP delivers
solutions for customers most complex challenges in every region of the world.
Tradition and innovation are part of our history and our future.
2014, 50 years of HP in Italy, 75 years of HP innovation around the world.
Giovanni Bocchieri
Gianni Bocchieri is the current Director-General of DG Education, Training and Employment of Lombardy
In the past he held several relevant positions, such as Director-General of the National Institute for the
Evaluation of the Education and Training System (INVALSI), Advisor of the National Institute for the
Development of Vocational Training of Workers (ISFOL) and Head of the Technical Secretariat of the
Ministry of Education, University and Research.
His interest is focused on employment issues and innovative tools and programmes aimed at promoting
placement success. In this regard, he launched Dote Unica Lavoro in Lombardy Region, a new model of
employment and training policy, designed to accompany every person throughout his/her whole active
life and applicable also to the Youth Guarantee.
Giosetta Capriati
AmCham has appointed Giosetta Capriati as its Honorary Representative for New York City for her
“prestigious experience” in relations between Italy and the United States.
Giosetta Capriati was born and raised in Rome, where she attended Rome University and got a Degree
in Humanities. She later went to Brandeis University in Massachusetts, both as a Fulbright and Wien
Scholar, specializing in Sociology.
After three years at USIS in Rome, she moved to New York, where she started her own Public Relation
firm in 1982, working for American companies in Italy and Italian companies in the US and dividing her
time between New York and Rome.
She has worked in fields ranging from Publishing (Rizzoli Editore Corp.) to Art (the Solomon R.
Guggenheim Foundation in New York and in Venice; Sotheby’s; Philip Morris International), from Space
(Italian Space Agency) to Yachting (she has done PR for international yachting projects on behalf of the
Yacht Club Costa Smeralda in connection with America’s Cup, the Blue Riband of the Atlantic and the
New York Yacht Club), from Banking (Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Morgan Stanley) to Management
Consulting (Booz Allen Hamilton), from the United Nations to the Aspen Institute etc.
She is currently the Advisor to the President of the Foreign Policy Association (the oldest American think
tank), does PR work for Pirelli Tire N.A. and promotes in the US the research projects of CER (Centro
Europa Ricerche), a European think tank based in Rome, started thirty years ago by the Hon. Giorgio
Ruffolo, to whom the Italian Government has endowed a Fellowship at Harvard University in 2008.
Giosetta Capriati is a Supporting Member of Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimo’ of New York University, of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, of the Museum of Modern Art, of The Morgan Library and Museum, of the
Museum of Art and Design, of the Rubin Museum of Art, of the American-Scandinavian Foundation, of
the Korea Society and the China Institute.
Davide Cefis
Davide Cefis was born in Chicago (USA). He is partner of the Rome office of Eric Salmon & Partners, the
international leading firm specialized in executive search and management assessment.
He joined Eric Salmon & Partners in 2006 and since then he has conducted several searches for
managerial positions in industry, services, healthcare and media sectors.
For five years he has been Head of Communications and External Relations at Banca Nazionale del
Lavoro Group (BNL BNP Paribas today) and has previously worked within the EMEA organization of
Microsoft Corporation as Head of Government Affairs for Southern Europe responsible for managing
and coordinating public affairs of the American multinational in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece.
In the previous fifteen years, he worked in communication consulting as a Senior Manager and Partner
at Italian and international leading corporate and financial communications consultancy firms including:
Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi, Barabino & Partners.
He studied Modern Literature and Philosophy at the University of Milan and has taught Corporate and
Financial Communications at MBA courses of academic centers in Rome and Milan.
Eric Salmon & Partners is an international leading firm specialized in search and selection of top
managers and senior executives as well as independent board members and executives’ assessment.
Established in 1990 by Eric Salmon – who, in the previous twenty years of his professional career worked
at the international executive search firm, Egon Zehnder, at the beginning as Managing Partner Italy and
then as Senior Partner, in charge of the Western Europe Region – the Firm nowadays covers both the
European and Asian markets from seven offices in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Paris, Rome and
In total, the Firm employs over eighty professionals. In Italy Eric Salmon & Partners operates through
two offices in Milan and Rome with a total staff of fifteen professionals. Among the clients there are
international Italian groups and multinational market leader companies as well as family-owned
Eric Salmon & Partners is a member of AESC (The Worldwide Association for Retained Executive Search
Consulting Firms) and abides by the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for the implementation of the
profession issued by the Association.
Roberto Chitelotti
Roberto Chitelotti was born in 1966 in Guidizzolo (Mantova, Italy). In 1985 earned a diploma in
Accountancy and in 1992 a degree in Economy at Bologna University. In 1993/1994 earned a Master in
Financial Analysis at Profingest school for manager in Bologna.
Since 1994 he has been a speaker at conference on the topic “corporate check in”. During this
conference the public was composed by fiscal consultant and entrepreneurs (618 conferences done).
This conference was made mainly under the approval and certification of the register of the fiscal
consultant. CEO of Rationetwork srl, one of the main corporate consulting firms in Italy and Coordinator
of consulting project in Italy, Emirates, Morocco, France, Turkey.
Logica e valore offers consulting services for companies and its mission is to assist the entrepreneur to
structure the business in a logic and worth way. The services are: management control, analysis of the
investment, corporate services such as planning, restructuring, finance; scouting of small/medium
society that are good business opportunity, training human resources management control and
company law.
Vito Cozzoli
Vito Cozzoli is the Chief of The Cabinet of The Ministry of Economic Development.
Graduating with a Bachelor of Law at Rome University “La Sapienza”, Rapporteur Prof. Leopoldo Elia. In
1991 he won a Public Competitive Examination as a Parliamentary Councilor at the Chamber of Deputies
of the Italian Parliament. He was the Officer at several parliamentary committees and then headed the
staff of the Secretary General of the Chamber for seven years. Since 2006 he has been the General
Counsel and as acting lawyer defends the Chamber in all courts. Since 1991 he has been teaching at
University LUISS Guido Carli in Rome, Professorship for Public Law at the Faculty of Political Science and
at the School of Government. In addition to conducting academic endeavors within the most important
Master Programs in parliamentary law at several Italian universities, in 2009 and 2010 he lectured at the
Law School of Fordham University in New York and at George Washington University in Washington DC.
He took part in The International Visitor Leadership Program in 2008 sponsored by U.S. Department of
State. President of Association Amerigo International Cultural Exchanges Programs Alumni c/o U.S.
Embassy in Rome. Honorary Fellow of The Foreign Policy Association in New York.
He has published numerous books and essays on parliamentary law, privatization, telecommunications,
and public services, including “Parliamentary groups in transition of the political-institution” and
“Procedures of privatization: the sale of Telecom Italy”, for Giuffre. Publishing house.
Simone Crolla
Simone Crolla joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy (“AmCham”) as Managing Director in
April 2009. Simone Crolla is able to support US companies’ accreditation and investment strategies in
Italy, offering his political, economic and institutional skills. Thanks to AmCham’s global presence and
networking, Simone Crolla can guarantee a broad coverage to companies’ needs.
Simone Crolla is Executive Vice President Italian Operations of the American consortium “Friends of the
USA Pavilion”, which has awarded the Request for Proposal for the US Pavilion construction and
management at Expo 2015. In the first phase, Simone Crolla will be among those responsible of fund
raising the financial resources necessary to the realization of the; in the second phase, he will be the
Chief Italian Operations, engaged in the activities and operations management of the Pavilion.
Simone Crolla joined Weber Shandwick – one of the largest public relations firms worldwide – as Senior
Vice President for Public Affairs in January 2007.
From February 2012 to March 2013, Simone Crolla was a Member of Parliament (“MP”), involved in the
foreign affairs committee.
From October 2003 to May 2006, he assumed the position of Deputy Head of the Office of the Prime
Minister at Palazzo Chigi (Rome). Simone Crolla advised the Prime Minister on all current government
affairs involving - as counterparts - other offices, Italian and foreign institutional investors and business
During his professional career Simone Crolla was an advisor for various Italian multinational groups
among which Bacardi Group (Martini & Rossi) and Gruppo Ferrarini-Vismara.
In 1997 he worked for the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General of the United Nations in
New York.
Fabio D’Aniello
Fabio D’Aniello is a lawyer, founding partner and managing director of LEGAM International Law Firm.
Within the corporate finance, administrative Law department and operations of the company, he
focuses on mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, private equity, venture capital, joint- ventures
and national and international contracts. He also assists banks and financial institutions, private equity
funds, industry groups and family businesses, at all stages of their business. Fabio has developed his
professional experience in Italy and abroad, particularly in New York and London. After graduating from
the University of Naples in 1996 was authorized to practice law after being Italian civil judge of the Court
for a short period. He has also participated as a function of Real Estate in Italy, Poland, Turkey and the
United States.
He is the Honorary Representative of the Campania Region for the American Chamber of Commerce in
Italy, author of several publications on corporate and restructuring and has been a speaker and lecturer
in several conference in Italy about TTIP together with the Diplomatic Mission of the United States in
Legam offers its consulting activities Legal and Tax both in Italy and in the United States through its
Headquarters in Milan and New York and through the offices of Washington and major Italian cities with
the help of a team of approximately 30 professionals with decades of experience.
The firm aims to be configured, with the figures of the Lawyer and Accountant of the present, as a
partner for customers able to share the same projects through a comprehensive and personalized
assistance level appropriate to the needs of the business issues and subjects:
• Litigation, Restructuring and Insolvency
• Administrative Law
• Banking, Tax Law and Project Financing
• Energy, Gas and Natural Resources Law
• Real Estate Law
• Tax Law
• Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Law
Gabriele Fava
Gabriele Fava was born in Milan in 1963. He is a lawyer and an expert in labor law and labor and
industrial relations. Member of American Chamber of Commerce in Italy. Elected member as Probiviro
from 2012 to 2016 at Ordinary General Assembly of the members of Confindustria Monza and Brianza.
Finalist of the “Premio Internazionale Le Fonti 2013” as best professional and best Law Firm in Labor
Law. Winner of the “LegalCommunity 2012” as the Top Management Assistant Lawyer. Winner of the
"Premio Internazionale Le Fonti 2012" as the best Law Firm in Labor Law. Finalist of the “Top Legal
Award 2011” as best professional of the year in Labor Law. Winner of the "Premio Internazionale Le
Fonti 2011" as the best professional business in Labor Law. Columnist of "Il Sole 24 ore" and of “Il
Giornale” and guest, as an expert on labor law, at television and radio talk show. Member of the
“Coordination group of Legal” and “July 23 Group” of Confindustria Bergamo. Scientific coordinator of
the "Welfare Foundation of the "Collegio delle Università Commission" Confindustria Monza and
Brianza. President of the Supervisory Board of the Milanesi". Member of the Supervisory Board of
Nestlé and San Pellegrino. Lecturer on contract of Foundation of the “Collegio delle Università
Milanesi”. Lecturer and member of the “University of people” Bologna. Teaching and scientific
coordinator of the Master in Human Resource de "Il Sole 24 ore ". Professor of Law and Master of
Business de "Il sole 24 ore ". Lecturer and consultant for leading national associations and personnel
management. Spokesman of the courses, conferences and seminars organized by "Il Sole 24 ore", "ITA",
"Paradigma" and other leading schools of education. Author of books, publications, articles and
monographs on issues of labor law.
Fava & Associati is one of the most successful Italian firms specialized in Labor Law. Since its foundation
in 2003, the Firm has been assisting Italian and multinational leader companies in Banking, Financial,
Food & Beverage, Industry and Construction, Commercial, Transportation and Infrastructure, Media and
Trade Associations. The Firm operates in particular in the strategic and operational management of
restructurings, transfers or sales of business units. The Firm has a solid expertise in managing
negotiations and reaching agreements with unions and in concluding settlement agreements with the
relevant Labour Offices. The firm is recognized by its customers as an advisor to Senior Executives and
Members of the Board of Directors. Fava & Associati is composed of 5 associates and 9 employees
(including an Office Manager and a Head of Marketing & Communication) and has an average annual
turnover of € 5.5 million. Fava & Associati also has a network of qualified correspondents all over Italy,
Europe, USA, China, Japan, Russia and the United Arab Emirates in order to ensure the direct presence
of their lawyers all over Italy and abroad.
Andrew Mallinson
Andrew Mallinson is the CEO and Owner of Multicraft International with whom he has enjoyed a 27
year association. Originally from London, England, Andrew was formerly a Consulting Manager with
Ernst and Young in Toronto and an Executive at Magna International of Canada. He is a Chartered
Accountant in England and in Canada and was degreed at Loughborough University in England.
Multicraft International is a full-service manufacturer of technologically advanced electronic and
electromechanical components, complex wire harnesses and metal tube assemblies.
The business has been supplying world class OEM products to the consumer products, automotive and
outdoor power equipment industries, since 1978.
Boards on which Andrew has served have included the Society of International Business Fellows, Young
Presidents Organization, the MMA Workmen’s Compensation board and he was Board Chair of St.
Andrews Episcopal School.
In addition, he is a World Presidents Organization member, a Mississippi Manufacturers Association
board member and Chairman of The Board of The Walker Companies.
Born in 1978 in Mississippi from its founder and sole owner Mr. Andrew Mallinson, Multicraft
International is a full-service manufacturer of technologically advanced electronic and
electromechanical components, complex wire harnesses and metal tube assemblies. Its business has
been supplying world class OEM products to the consumer products, automotive and outdoor power
equipment industries, since 1978. Multicraft capabilities include insert and injection molding / CNC
machining / welding / cutting /crimping and robotic manufacturing design and manufacture. The main
application market is represented by the Automotive Outdoor power equipment, the Residential and
commercial heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), the Electric vehicle electrical systems.
The excellent management team’s technical background translates into high quality products which
satisfy the expectations of the most demanding customers, Multicraft primary focus is to provide
excellent products and services to customers worldwide.
Roberta Marcenaro
Roberta Marcenaro is an expert on introducing European companies into the US market. She is adept at
managing large, multifaceted projects in complex international business environments and identifying
solutions to increase company performance. She has extensive experience working in the United States
and Europe, assisting clients with entering or expanding into markets throughout North America,
Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. As co-founder of IMARK, she has provided business
management and marketing services to organizations in a wide range of fields: oil & gas, construction,
healthcare, manufacturing, military, hospitality, and fashion. Published author of the seminal book
Mobile City, she developed and introduced the concept of Smart Camps: an integrated approach to the
installation and management of remote work camps to increase company productivity and employee
satisfaction. She serves as Adjunct Professor at the Politecnico of Milan in the Department of
Engineering; as the Local Representative in Washington, D.C. and Texas for the American Chamber of
Commerce in Italy; as roundtable member of Sistema Italia at the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C.,
and as a member of the Society of Military Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American
Planning Association, and the American Marketing Association. She earned her Ph.D. in Urban Planning
at the Politecnico of Milan, and her M.S. and B.S. in Territorial Marketing and Economics, respectively, at
the University of Genoa.
Founded in 2008 by Italian business leaders Roberta Marcenaro and Pietro Raugi, IMARK is the leading
boutique consultancy and business accelerator dedicated to building strategic alliances with US and
European companies.
IMARK is a trusted adviser to top private and public sector organizations across multiple industries. From
the company headquarters in Washington D.C., IMARK provides an unparalleled network of private,
public, and social connections to position clients for vibrant new opportunities.
Leveraging a dynamic business structure that allows us to scale from local to international levels, IMARK
has the resources readily available to help clients execute even the most complex challenges and create
strategic results.
Embracing a philosophy of visionary problem solving, teamwork, integrity, quality, and professionalism,
IMARK is focused on helping you accelerate your business. At IMARK, we win when you win.
Anna Matteo
Anna Matteo, 48, earned a degree in electronic engineering.
After graduating, then earning a Ph.D. in optoelectronics, she worked for about 10 years in advanced
scientific research for fibre-optic communication networks with prestigious Italian and international
research laboratories.
In 2000, she joined the Etnoteam Group and began devoting herself to the Internet world, developing
professional skills with a marketing-oriented management profile, complemented by knowledge in
innovative technology on digital channels.
In January 2008, she joined Mondadori as Marketing Director of Digital Publishing Italia, with the
primary goal of developing Mondadori’s female Hub on the Internet.
In April 2010, she joined Condé Nast Italia and, in six months only, took on the role of Vice President
Digital & Technology, reporting to the President of Condé Nast Italia, and, in dotted line, to the President
Digital of Condé Nast International based in London.
She joined Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. in October 2012, becoming general manager of the Digital Area. Starting
from November 2013 she became General Manager, Marketing & Product development, responsible for
both print and digital marketing activities for Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper, digital product development on
web and mobile, content strategy and product development of professional products targeting mainly
professionals, companies and public administration. She is also responsible for marketing activities of
Radio 24 and press agency 24 ORE Radiocor.
The 24 ORE Group is the leading Italian multimedia publishing organization, operating in the economic,
financial, professional, and cultural information sector. The Group has been listed on the Italian Stock
Exchange since 6 December 2007.
Il Sole 24 ORE is the leading newspaper in business, financial and regulatory information — a key driver
of the Group’s high brand profile — edited by Roberto Napoletano. Il Sole 24 ORE is Italy’s third
newspaper and the first digital national newspaper.
The information offering is completed by the specialized digital newspapers, which cover subjects such
as taxes, law, labor regulations, real estate, education and finance; the news website and the news & talk radio station, Radio24, on air since October 4th 1999.
In the field of services tailored to professionals and businesses, the Group is positioned competitively
thanks to its databases, online services and training programs. In addition, 24 ORE Cultura, has become
one of the most prominent organizing entities of art exhibitions and cultural events.
Antonio Maurizio Gaetani
Antonio Maurizio Gaetani began his career in the publishing world evolved. In 1985, he deals with the
creation of the first Encyclopedia on CD-Rom in Europe, the encyclopedia Einaudi then partecipate to
the creation and distribution of the first Tax data bank "Fiscovideo" realized by Giurinformatica S.p.A.
with the publisher ETI-Il Fisco. In 1998 he began his collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore as Director of
Strategic Marketing and Sales for the entire sector of innovative publishing. His collaboration ended in
1995 to coincide with the position of Director of BU Electronic Publishing and Strategic Marketing at the
Maggioli Editore SpA
In 1998, deals with complex management software with the position of Director General Maggioli
Informatica S.r.l., where he made his first management software complexes in web technology. In 2001
he became, alongside the assignment in Maggioli Informatica, the Vice President of Studio K S.r.l., a
position he held until 2005. In 2003 he was appointed Director of Strategic Development Maggioli Group
S.p.A., a position he held until December 2005. In 2006, at the same time he assumes the Presidency of
the publishing house Legal Web Officine SpA and the position of Director of Strategic Development of
the company AIPA S.p.A. In 2008 he founded the Task Force Management Ltd. Taste of Italy and S.r.l.
Italia di Gusto S.r.l. was created with the intention to promote the «Italian good life" which represents
the true value of our country. This is the idea that convinced Antonio Maurizio Gaetani, as manager of
publishing companies and advanced technology companies and start a long and careful search of the
most hidden and forgotten reality of Italian food. An exploration that goes on for 8 years and that
continues, founded by one of his old passions and that led to the discovery of the original and almost
unknown excellence of the oldest and most authentic Italian food tradition.
Italia del Gusto was founded in 2008 and established for the selection of Italian fine food, where the
term value is determined by the refinement of the product, the method of production used, by the
shortness of the chain, the quality of the raw materials and the adherence to tradition that the place of
origin of the products expressed for their achievement and retention. A real enterprise, carried out with
conviction and dedication. The belief to have a unique proposition and inimitable, the absolute
dedication that we put into the research of the best things made ​by our small producers, to whom we
are bound by a passion for excellence, a passion that we share with other talented entrepreneurs with
us to disclose a story, through a franchise network, which makes our country unique in the world, a
culture that shows everything that is produced in our country, a culture that expresses itself through our
excellent food.
Luca Patanè
Luca Patanè was Born in Milan in 1961. He studied Political Science and Economics and started working in
the tourist sector getting ahead at Uvet S.p.A in 1989. When his father (founder of the travel agency)
died, Luca took the lead of the family business as the head of sales and then, since 1995, as Managing
Director. Under his leadership Uvet Travel Tourism he became one of the top leaders in corporate travel.
In 1996 he aggregated the largest independent Italian travel agencies in the first network specialized in
business travel. In 2001 Uvet and American Express founded the JV Uvet American Express
Corporate Travel S.p.A. where Luca Patanè became Chairman. Uvet Group has become the most
important distributor of tourist services in the Italian market and is also located in the French, Swiss,
Romanian and Northern European markets after a recent acquisition of an important Swedish OLTA. In
2011 he promoted the “Fondazione Atlante” together with Travel IT company Amadeus (President since
2013). In 2012 he became President of Federviaggio, the Tourism Organized Federation in the
Confcommercio range. Since June 2013 he holds the position of President in Confturismo
(Confcommercio), the coordinated organizational structure for the tourism trade.
The Uvet Group is the tourism’s pole distribution channel leader in Italy with a turnover of 2,2 billion
euros, active in Italy since 1950. The Group is leader in services and solution for Travel Management,
Fleet Management, DMC, Leisure, Expenses Management, Incentives & Events, Incoming. The Group is
made of different companies such as Uvet American Express, TKT, TraxAl, Jakala Events, Congress Lab,
UvetLab, Avexia Voyages, Traxall International. Uvet is also the network of Travel Agencies leader in
Business and Leisure Travel services.
Adriano Perotta
Adriano Perotta’s current roles and responsibilities are: Vice President Legal Services, Italy &
Mediterranean at Deutsche Post - DHL Group; Managing Director at DHL Holding (Italy) S.r.l., the
Deutsche Post – DHL Group holding company for Italy and Director at Giorgio Gori S.r.l., holding
company of a multinational group operating in the wine & spirits logistics business. Adriano is graduated
in Law at Università Statale di Milano and has refined his professional education in business law at
Università Bocconi di Milano (Post Graduated Course for Business Lawyers) and then attending to the
Professional Mediator Master at ADR Center (Alternative Disputes Resolution). Adriano has also
competed his managerial education attending the Executives Master at CFMT of Milano.
After having completed his professional education and after a short experience in a law firm in Milano,
Adriano started his career as In-house and then as General Counsel, holding positions of increasing
responsibility in Italian and foreign multinational groups, among which RCS Mediagrup (Editorial),
Teconolgistica Group (Supply Chain - Contract Logistics), TNT Group (Express and Supply Chain Contract Logistics) and Danzas Group (Freight Forwarding). From 2003 he is serving as Executive at
Deutsche Post – DHL, holding various professional responsibilities within the Global Business Services
Division, as well as some managerial roles as Director of Group’s controlled companies.
Among others, Adriano developed a wide range experience in leading complex projects in the following
areas: international business negotiations, mergers & acquisition, corporate reorganization and
restructuring, enterprise risk management, regulatory and compliance.
During the last fifteen years, Adriano has the opportunity to build up a unique knowledge of the
Logistics market, having served companies operating in almost all sectors of the same, such as Express
Courier, Supply Chain - Contract Logistics, Freight Forwarding and Transportation.
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and “The logistics company for the world”. DHL
commits its expertise in international express, national and international parcel delivery, air and ocean
freight, road and rail transportation as well as contract and e-commerce related solutions along the
entire supply chain. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and
about 315,000 employees worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to
satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting
environmental protection, disaster management and education. DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The
Group generated revenue of more than 55 billion euros in 2013.
Mile Perris
Mile Perris was born in Trento (Italy) in 1964. He graduated in Economics in 1989 at Università degli
Studi di Trento with a thesis titled: “L’attività di investment banking delle banche commerciali
statunitensi” (“Investment banking activity of US commercial banks”) which was published in “Economia
e Banca”, edition 1/90.
He specialized in corporate tax at SDA Bocconi in 1990 and was admitted to the Association of Chartered
Accountants in 1992. He is also Italian Accountant Auditor since 1995. He is specialized in corporate and
M&A, tax for M&A and corporate restructuring, tax planning for high value assets and property,
definition of tax controversies through settlement procedures.
He is also author of a number of works on corporate tax matters in specialist press such as the financial
newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
Studio Legale Tributario is an Italian legal, tax and corporate finance advisory firm. Its partners have over
twenty years of experience in the field. The firm is specialized in corporate finance and M&A advice,
M&A and Corporate Restructuring Tax, Tax Planning for High Value Assets and Property, Tax litigations.
The firm offers to its clients the highest standard of professional advice. With its consolidated experience
and its skills, the firm is able to tackle the most complex cases and to guarantee best results for its
Enrico Maria Rosso
Enrico Maria Rosso was born in 1968. After university he began to work in the family business, company
leader in the Automation and Robotics. After he became Managing Director of an important Branch of
TOTAL Group for 15 years, which chose him as a member of its own Board in Paris when he was only 30
years. From November 1998 to December 2013 he was in charge of the management of their Adhesives
and Sealants Division. In the first time he dealt with the start up of the entire Italian structure and the
international organization following in first person all the problems of the Group. He has reached in few
years the turnover of the leader Countries in Europe, positioning immediately after Germany. He
created a new product range from the international level point of view creating and pursuing an
innovative marketing strategy that in few years has been acknowledged from the whole world
organization. For this intuition he has been awarded with the PRIX du President as Best Innovative Idea
in the World in 2006.
From February 2013 he is CEO and Owner of REWEN Enterprise, a company specialized in strategic
advice for the companies which are passing through the crisis and not. Restructuring, are the main
guide lines which are integral part of Experience, Wealth Business, Empowerment, Networking: these
are the activities. REWEN is born from the experience of a group of TOP Managers with a high profile
and different experiences that, as a “soccer team”, believes in the power of the team, in networking, in
the in-depth analysis, in the internationalization and passion as main indicators in order to be able to
reach every kind of results. From the half of 2013 he deals with Strategic Managing Development for
Sargomma srl Group, company operating in the Rubber sector for the automotive market.
He is currently Honorary Representative of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy for Piemonte.
The Honorary Representation of Piemonte defines an important and fine role either for FIAT/CHRYSLER
relations or for all those American companies which have developed their business in Piemonte such as
TRW, JCI, Lear, GM, Delphi. The Piedmontese Managing Committe also includes important Italian
companies which have invested in America.
In these years he developed significant personal relations with the most influential American
institutions which identify him as a point of reference for the region of Piemonte.
Silvia Salamone
Silvia Salamone was born in Forlì (Italy) in 1957. She studied foreign languages (English, French and
German) and economics and finance management in the area of export and interpreter. She has a
lower Cambridge certificate achieved in London after a period of study of one year. In 1979 she started
her work experience as interpreter firstly working for a multinational American company dealing in the
field of day old chicks export and after, in the role of interpreter and export manager for an important
Italian company dealing in the field of aluminium profiles extrusion.
In 1984 she started her own business. She constituted an import-export company dealing with middleeast countries. Later, after a chance meeting with a Danish businessman she bought the brand of a
Danish company producing special construction aluminium profiles for shop fittings exhibition booths
etc. and she settled a new company. Since then she has developing and expanding the production and
enlarging her markets. She currently has the role of export manager for one of the two companies and
of Financial manager for the other one.
Cifralluminio was founded in 1990 by partners having great experience in the same fields since 1984
and developed its production in the field of advertising and visual communication. Cifralluminio has
been a partner for important projects in Italy: MILANO PALPENSA AIRPORT – (large format led lighted
advertising billboards), BOLOGNA AIRPORT (large format led lighted advertising billboards), VENICE
AIRPORT (led lighted advertising billboards), MILANO SUBWAY (led lighted advertising billboards),
SMART car tower in Brescia, BIG MALLS TOTEMS and many other projects.
Following the development of technology and markets evolution and customers demand they have
invested in a new led lighting system of our own invention.
Therefore starting from 2008 they have opened a branch activity taking care of this market.
Here comes the idea of “Folio Panel” a led lighted panel having high quality standards, homogeneous
distribution of light, very low consumption in a light and slim shape, completely different from those
present in the market nowadays.
New markets reached thanks to this new products are: Interior design, House fittings, Yacht flooring and
lighting panels, Shops wall lighted decorations etc.
Cifralluminio aims at creating solutions to satisfy the customer needs offering a taylor made product.
We take care of the whole customer’s project starting from the original idea, drawing project,
production, testing, installation and maintenance. This chain of services all inside our organization
allows us to provide and grant a complete high quality service to our customers. All our products are:
CE certificated, UL certificated. In both kind of markets, traditional lighting and led lighting.
Brigitte Sardo
Brigitte Sardo was born in 1965 in Turin. From almost 30 years she is an entrepreneur in SARGOMMA.
Her education is mainly economical, but the whole experience and the fund of knowledge she has
gained, have been built directly “in the field”. She has begun to work in Sargomma in 1985, since
university years, first in the administrative office, then in the sales field and now she manages the
company in autonomy and holds the reins of the entire progress with energy and persevering
innovation. Thanks to her ability and deep growth, she has signed important Joint Ventures together
with consolidated companies located in Turkey and USA, powerful cooperations which can offer to
Sargomma’s existing and potential customers a higher productive capacity, more flexibility and logistic
efficiency, and above all can gain more and more opportunities to award new businesses. But Brigitte’s
accomplishments do not end here. In the recent years she has awarded important social offices for
different Associations, as a matter of fact she is now Councillor of APID (Female Entrepreneurs
Association), API (Small and medium Enterprise Association), CAFID (Female Entrepreneurs and
Directors Association), CONFIMI IMPRESA CHIMICA (Italian Manufacturing and Private Chemical
Enterprise Confederation) and she also deals with External Relations of Piemonte for the American
Chamber of Commerce. A high energy, dynamic and goal-driven business woman, Brigitte Sardo
approaches each new business challenge with her intrinsic flair of innovation, creative problem solving
and her excellent communicational and management skills in order to lead her company through the
challenging of competition. Her own life encourages and teaches to persist in reaching one’s goals, no
matter how great they are.
Sargomma designs, develops and produces elastomers and plastic materials for companies of the
industrial field, developing specific applications based on usage, characteristics, duration and cost.
Flexibility, dynamism and passion characterize the work of more than 30 years of a company that is
more than just a supplier: it is a team of female engineers using professionalism, expedience and
competitiveness which guarantees one of the best understanding of customers’ needs. A designated
office also manages products manufactured in co-design with the customers. The capacity of
establishing a tight collaboration with its customers, the know- how already acquired on the products
industrialization, on the tooling realization, to which we should add also the prototypes developed and
realized in short times, are the fundamental aspects of Sargomma activity. Quality is surely one of the
most careful aspects of the company; as a matter of fact SARGOMMA has a quality system appropriate
according to ISO Standard of Automotive Industries (ISO/TS 16949 and UNI EN ISO 9001) which allows it
to create and keep successful partnership with major industrial sector brand. Now Sargomma can boast
a significant increasing of the product range together with a high improvement of their quality, and a
production being able to support high volumes need, satisfying in this way the most different
requirements of the customers and bringing Sargomma itself towards always more ambitious goals.
Pier Luigi Sarzi Amadè
Pierluigi Sarzi Amadè works at the Chamber of Commerce and the Province of Mantova. The Chamber of
commerce, industry, handicraft and agriculture is a public body with functional autonomy, carrying out
functions of general interest on the area of its jurisdiction, the same of the province, in the economic
sphere. The Chamber of commerce is recognized to have a statutory power and regulatory, financial and
administrative autonomy. Recent rules coming from an administrative reformation, include the
Chamber of Commerce among functional autonomies, meaning public subjects whose autonomy
depends exclusively on the functions they carry out. Commerce among economic sectors is the one that
has undergone the most relevant structural change because of the fast development and spread of the
large scale distribution with an establishment of a great number of new commercial centres that
innovate the urban asset of the hinterland, of the town and also of the biggest villages in the province of
Commerce and trading, big or small, plays a very important role in economic landscape in Mantova:
almost 50% of enterprises working in services has a commercial activity. In the Register of Enterprises of
Mantova one can see that commercial activity characterizes the 21,9% of all registered enterprises with
more than 9.200 firms (30th June 2014). Under the territorial point of view, most commercial enterprises
are established in Mantova, followed by Castiglione delle Stiviere (north of Mantova province). Tertiary
is also very important in Mantova province: accommodation and catering are the main ones, with a big
growth in the very last years.
Gianluca Settepani
Gianluca Settepani was born in Ravenna, 25 January 1970. Chartered Accountant, admitted to the
‘Association of Chartered Accountants of Bologna’ in 1995 and to the ‘Association of Auditors’ in 1999.
He joined Studio Gnudi in 1999 and has been a partner since 2007. He offers consultancy on company
matters (accounting and taxation), extraordinary transactions (mergers, spin-offs and contributions of
assets), corporate debt restructuring and assistance in the preparation of balance sheets (ITA Gaap and
IAS/IFRS). He is also Statutory Auditor to several companies and independent director or liquidator of
corporations. He has also contributed to the journals Milano Finanza, Italia Oggi, Giustizia Tributaria
Giurisprudenza Tributaria and Bollettino Tributario. He is a lecturer on a post-graduate specialization
course on taxation issues and member of Alma Graduate School management committee (Business and
Administration Master). He is Honorary Representative of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy
for Emilia Romagna. He speaks fluent English.
Studio Gnudi was set up in the early 1960s in Bologna by Dr. Piero Gnudi and from its earliest days has
been closely involved in consultancy work on taxation and corporate matters on behalf of numerous
companies in the area.
Over the years the firm has continually expanded its operations; it was initially focused on business
mainly within the Bologna area, but thanks to the opening of offices in Rome and Milan it has been able
to offer its consultancy services on a national level.
The firm is also the founder and member of ‘acb group’, a network of professional practices with a
widespread representation throughout Italy; the group also operates through a specific consultancy
firm dedicated to corporate issues.
a partner in ‘Gnudi e Guatri Consulenti Associati’, a company which brings together the prestige and
competence of two of the most important professional firms in Italy.
It should also be mentioned that the firm was one of the first professional firms in Italy to obtain the
‘certificazione di qualita uni en ISO 9001’ , a certification recognising the achievement of high
professional standards and conduct in company practice.
Since its foundation Studio Gnudi has acted as advisor to its client companies, assisting them in each
strategic choice regarding the taxation, corporate and financial matters of company life.
Over the years the firm has acquired the expertise of various professionals in specialist areas in order to
be able to offer assistance even in very complex transactions.
A description of the range of specialist services offered can be accessed by clicking on the relevant item
in the menu.
Stefano Spennati
After his two Master's Degree in International Relations - European Integration and in Adult Education,
he studied in US at the Tulane University of New Orleans and in Australia at the Catholic University of
After an experience in Berlin in the Cultural Activity he started working in Brussels in the European
Institutions, as Blue Book Stagiaire in the Cabinet of the Vice President of the European Commission,
then as parliamentary assistant to the Vice President of the EU Parliament.
He was personal Advisor for the European Affairs to the Italian Minister of Education, University and
Currently he is a lobbyist to the EU Institutions.
He is also Expert of Adult Education at the Catholic University of Milan and Visiting Professor in EU
Universities. He wrote two books about the EU Funding Opportunities and just ended a research at the
Columbia University of New York about the Transformative Learning.
Donatella Treu
Donatella Treu was born in Milan, where she lives. Graduated in Economics at Bocconi University, fluent
in English. She began her career in 1982 in IPSOA, an Italian publisher. When acquired by the
international Group Wolters Kluwer, she became Editorial Director, then General Manager and finally
Managing Director. She carried Italian holding of WK to be one of main players in professional market in
Italy and in 2009 she also became WK Regional Manager for Central Europe and Russia and Legal
Division worldwide CEO.
In 2007, Donatella was awarded of the honour of “Commendatore dell’Ordine al Merito” from the
President of the Italian Republic and “Marisa Bellisario Apple Gold” prize for her success in business
management. Since March 2010 she is CEO of 24 ORE Group, one of the most important publisher in
Italy. Her management succeeded in strengthening internal synergies among all media in the Group:
newspaper, radio, professional publishing, business school and all of them with digital assets. She
currently serves as board member in the following institutions: ANSA (National Agency Associated
Press); AUDIPRESS (collecting and publishing spread data of Italian press); FIEG, Italian Federation of
Newspaper Publisher, as Treasurer; Foundation for the Memorial to the Fallen of Peace; Associazione
PROSPERA, a non-profit organization aiming to forming a new management class; MARISA BELLISARIO
FOUNDATION, non-profit organization enhancing women’s professionalism and promoting culture of
gender balance; Italian Chapter of Women Corporate Directors. Great energy, passion, innovation,
optimism and innate sense of the leadership mark Donatella at work, while her hobbies are skiing,
football and cooking. Her larger passion remains her family: two daughters to whom, despite so many
professional engagements, she dedicates all her available time.
The 24 ORE Group is the leading Italian multimedia publishing organization, operating in the economic,
financial, professional, and cultural information sector. The Group has been listed on the Italian Stock
Exchange since 6 December 2007.
Il Sole 24 ORE is the leading newspaper in business, financial and regulatory information — a key driver
of the Group’s high brand profile — edited by Roberto Napoletano. Il Sole 24 ORE is Italy’s third
newspaper and the first digital national newspaper.
The information offering is completed by the specialized digital newspapers, which cover subjects such
as taxes, law, labor regulations, real estate, education and finance; the news website and the news & talk radio station, Radio24, on air since October 4th 1999.
In the field of services tailored to professionals and businesses, the Group is positioned competitively
thanks to its databases, online services and training programs. In addition, 24 ORE Cultura, has become
one of the most prominent organizing entities of art exhibitions and cultural events.
Massimo Vitali
Originally from Bergamo, born in 1969, Massimo Vitali is the President of Vitali SpA. He graduated in
Economy and Business at the University of Bergamo and did various specialist courses in the field of real
estate development, marketing and finance at the Bocconi University Business School and the University
of Bergamo. After some professional experience in the marketing division of the FIAT Group, Massimo
Vitali turned to the family firm and dedicated his energies to its growth and development. Thanks to his
contribution, the company Vitali Spa has been transformed over a 25-year period into a diversified and
innovative Group, which is developing projects of international dimensions.
Founded in 1989, Vitali SpA is a company active in the real estate sector, specializing in three principal
business areas: real estate development, infrastructure and special demolitions.
Vitali Spa heads a diversified and innovative Group which is a leader in its benchmark market because of
its ability to cover the entire range of the sector (from acquisitions and improvements in urban areas to
planning, construction and real estate management), because of its high technological profile (proven by
its advanced range of equipment) and because of its firm commitment to ecological building.
Thanks to the experience gained in the sector and the continuity of corporate management, backed up
by a tradition over three generations, Vitali is able to offer personalised support to the specific
requirements of the customer. The Group adopts an approach which goes from drawing up the project
to turnkey delivery: it operates as a General Contractor. Vitali introduced the most advanced
professional standards and innovative business model. To these can be added the assets of engineering
and production, which have a strategic and transversal value.
Stefano Venturi
Stefano Venturi serves as Managing Director of HP Italy and Corporate VP Hewlett-Packard Inc. In this
role, Venturi is responsible for overseeing HP’s activity in Italy, leveraging the strengths of the
company’s broad hardware, software and services portfolio to drive growth in this market.
Prior to joining HP, Mr. Venturi was VP for European Public Sector at Cisco; before this, he spent 15
years as Managing Director for Cisco Italy. Mr. Venturi has also held the role of Country Manager at Sun
Soft and Managing Director EMEA South at Wyse Technology Inc.
Venturi is President of American Chamber of Commerce in Italy and member of the Board of Directors
of Confindustria Digitale leading the Working Group “Piattaforme di filiera per le PMI”. He’s also
Member of the Governing Council and of the Executive Council of Assolombarda, leading “Investment
Attraction and Start Up Town”.
HP was created in 1939 from two Stanford’s students, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard.
The first product being realized in a Palo Alto garage was an audio oscillator – a test instrument used by
sound engineers. The first customer was Walt Disney studios, purchasing eight audio oscillators to test a
brand new sound system for “Fantasia”.
Since then, HP has been creating new possibilities and innovative solutions for technology to have a
meaningful impact on people, businesses, governments and society. With the broadest technology
portfolio spanning printing, personal systems, software, services and IT infrastructure, HP delivers
solutions for customers most complex challenges in every region of the world.
Tradition and innovation are part of our history and our future.
2014, 50 years of HP in Italy, 75 years of HP innovation around the world.
AmCham Team
Barbara Cremaschi
Marketing & Events Manager
cell. +39.349.3950990
Davide Burani
Business Services & Public Affairs Manager
cell. +39.348.7532894
Roberta Marcenaro
Local Representative AmCham Italy in Washington D.C.
Tel. 001 2022852475