Curriculum vitae - Krebsliga Schweiz


Curriculum vitae - Krebsliga Schweiz
Curriculum vitae
THALMANN George Niklaus
Marital status:
May 11, 1959
October 2010
Married, 3 children
English, German, French, Italian
Department of Urology
CH-3010 BERN
tel. (031) 632 21 11
fax. (031) 632 21 80
Fuchshalden 7
CH-3033 Wohlen b. Bern
tel. (031) 829 48 70
Primary School St. Ignatius of Loyola, New York City.
Schools in Bern, Switzerland.
Graduation and immatriculation at the Medical School of the University
of Bern, Switzerland.
Medical School of the University of Bern, Switzerland.
Matura Typ B
Graduation from the Medical School of the University of Bern, Switzerland.
Medical Doctors Degree from the Medical School, University of Bern:
Thesis: The electrodermal orientation reaction to auditive stimuli with
and without signal character in children with minimal cerebral
dysfunction in comparison to a healthy control group.
Swiss Board (FMH) of Urology
Fellow of the European Board of Urology
Venia docendi for Urology (Associate Professor), University of Bern,
Titularprofessur (Professor of Urology), University of Bern, Switzerland
Postgraduate Education
Resident at the Policlinic for Child Psychiatry, University of Bern,
Switzerland (Prof. W. Züblin).
Replacement of a general practitioner in Göschenen, Switzerland.
Swiss Army Medical Officer in Thun and Moudon.
Surgical resident Cantonal Hospital Obwalden, Switzerland ( Dr. C. Müller).
Surgical resident and chief resident Regional Hospital Thun,
Switzerland (Dr. C. Ghielmetti and Dr. H.P. Müller).
Resident at the Department of Urology, University of Bern,
Switzerland (Prof. E.J. Zingg).
Postdoctoral research fellowship Urology Research Laboratory
(Prof. Leland W. K. Chung, Ph.D.), Department of Urology
(Prof. Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D.) The University of Texas M. D.
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Resident at the Department of Urology, University of Bern,
Switzerland (Chairman and Director: Prof. U.E. Studer)
Oberarzt (Assistant Professor) Department of Urology, University of
Bern, Switzerland (Chairman and Director: Prof. U.E. Studer)
Oberarzt I (Senior staff, Assistant Professor) Department of Urology,
University of Bern, Switzerland (Chairman and Director: Prof. U.E. Studer)
Leitender Arzt (Permanent staff, Associate Professor) Department of Urology,
University of Bern, Switzerland
(Chairman and Director: Prof. U.E. Studer)
Stellvertretender Chefarzt (Vice-chairman, Associate Professor) Department
of Urology, University of Bern, Switzerland
(Chairman and Director: Prof. U.E. Studer)
Chefarzt ad personam (Professor, designated chairman), Department of
Urology, University of Bern, Switzerland
Ordinarius für Urologie (Professor and Chairman), Department of Urology,
University of Bern, Switzerland
Travel Award of the European Society for Urologic Oncology and
Endocrinology Meeting in Bern, Switzerland.
Travel Award of the Joint Meeting of the Society for Basic Urologic Research
and the European Society for Urologic Oncology and Endocrinology Meeting
in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
First Prize in the Laboratory Research Category of the American Urological
Association Prize Essay Contest: "Androgen-independent and osseous
metastatic progression of human prostate cancer: Model development and
roles of osteopontin."
Travel Award of the European Society for Urologic Oncology and
Endocrinology, Joint meeting SBUR/ESUOE 1997, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
CaPCURE Research Award: „Targeting Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis By
Mimotopes“ in the amount of 100’000.-$
European Association of Urology (EAU) Matula Award for young
urological academicians in the amount of 10'000.- Euro
Theodor-Kocher Award of the University of Berne, Switzerland, in the
amount of 50'000.- sFr
Award of the Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs de la Prostate
(ARTP), European Society for Urological Research (ESUR), Trento, Italy
First Poster Prize of the Swiss Urological Association
President of the European Society for Urological Research
Board member of the European Society for Urological Research
2005Member of the Scientific Office of the European Association of Urology
2006Board member Bernese Cancer League
Pfizer-Research Prize (C.A. Rentsch et al., Am. J. Pathol. 2007)
Poster Prize American Urological Association
2008Board member European Society for Urological Oncology
2008Member of the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science
Foundation (Forschungsrat Abteilung III und Fachausschuss Interdisziplinär)
Prize for the second best abstract of the European Association of Urology
Prize for the best abstract of the European Association of Urology (EAU)
Best reviewer award of the Journal of Urology
Reviewer of the Month European Urology
Supportive grant Dr. Arnold U. und Susanne Huggenberger-Bischoff
Stiftung zur Krebsforschung
Supportive grant Swiss National Foundation
Research grant Swiss National Foundation # 11-795 (3 years)
Title: Osteopontin: (OPN): A mediator of prostate cancer progression and
potential therapeutic target. 297’000.- sFr.
SmithKline Beecham European Urological Scholarship
To: Dr. Ö. Adsan, Ankara, Turkey. Project: Molecular staging of prostate
cancer with the use of reversed transscription polymerase chain reaction.
33’000.- Euro. Institute: Univeristy of Berne, Switzerland. Dr. G.N. Thalmann
Research grant Krebsforschung Schweiz (Swiss Cancer Research
Foundation) Title: Molecular staging of prostate cancer with the use of the
polymerase chain reaction. 75’000.- sFr
Research grant Bernische Krebsliga (Bernese Anticancer League)
Title: Molecular staging of prostate cancer with the use of the polymerase
chain reaction. 150’000.Research grant Swiss National Foundation # 11-795 (Prolongation 6 months)
Title: Osteopontin: (OPN): A mediator of prostate cancer progression and
potential therapeutic target. 34’000.Research grant Niels und Desirée Yde Stiftung. Title: Targeting renal cell
carcinoma by mimotopes. 75'000.- sFr
Research grant Swiss National Foundation # 32-57118.99.
Title: Markers and gene regulation of prostate cancer progression. 235'000.sFr
NFP-37 Project 4037-044804/1: „Targeting the tumor vasculature with
mimotopes“. Prolongation for 2 years (co-investigator). 240’000.- sFr
Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität
Bern. 15'000.- sFr.
Josephine Clark-Fonds für Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Medizin. 1251.- sFr
Novartis-Stiftung 01B32: “Identification of molecular mechanisms underlying
prostate cancer progression and metastasis” 31’900.- sFr (co-investigator)
Research grant Swiss National Foundation #3200-068409.02.
Title: Osteomimetic peptides in prostate cancer progression and metastasis
sFr. 296'000.- sFr
Research grant Bernische Krebsliga: “From Bench to Bedside –
Prevention, Detection and Treatment of Micrometastases” (Principal
Investigator), 500’000.- sFr
EC 6th Framework 1.1- HEALTH: “PRIMA: Prostate cancer integral
management approach”. Contracts under negotiation (group leader).
EC 6th Framework 1.1- HEALTH: “EMIL: European molecular imaging
laboratories”. Contracts under negotiation. (Co-applicant group leader)
Research grant Bernische Krebsliga: “From Bench to Bedside –
Prevention, Detection and Treatment of Micrometastases” (Principal
Investigator), 200’000.- sFr (Continuation)
EC 6th Framework LIFESCIHEALTH-5: “PROMET: Prostate cancer
molecular-oriented detection and treatment of minimal residual disease”.
Contracts under negotiation (Primary investigator), 4’000’000.-€.
CANCURE project funded by the European Commission Marie Curie actions
(group leader)
Oncosuisse Research grant OCS-01752-08-2005: “Impact of therapeutic and
preventive strategies in prostate cancer on prostate-specific antigen (PSA),
gene expression and tumor cell survival
Prolongation Research grant Swiss National Foundation #3200-068409.02.
Title: Osteomimetic peptides in prostate cancer progression and metastasis.
Research grant Swiss National Foundation # 3100A0-116237 / 1.
Title: The role of stroma in prostate cancer development and progression.
250'877.- sFr
PRO-NEST Marie Curie Action "Initial Training Networks" (ITN). FP7PEOPLE-ITN-2008 (group leader). Funding A, under negotiation
Research grant Swiss National Foundation # SNF 31003A_127513.
Title: Locoregional treatment of prostate cancer metastase to bone using
implant-mediated hyperthermia 132’803.- sFr (Co-applicant)
Research grant Swiss National Foundation # SNF 320030_130862.
Title: Detection and Targeting of Lymph Node Metastases in Prostate Cancer
370’000.- sFr (Prinicipal investigator)
Clinical Research Protocols
EORTC Protocol 30071: Double blind randomized Phase II Trial in patients with advanced
urothelial tract cancer (T3b, T4/N+/M+) of Gemcitabine and Cisplatin with Sorafenib or
Placebo (Co-Chairman)
Schweizerisches Institut für angewandte Krebsforschung: „A prospective randomized study
for the comparison of two BCG strains (Bacille Calmette-Guèrin) in the prophylaxis of
papillary tumors stage Ta and T1 and the treatment of carcinoma in situ“ Principle
investigator. Closed.
„Prospective, randomized, open-label pilot study for the clinical evaluation of intravesical
iscador instillation in superficial tumours of the urinary bladder.( Co-investigator in
collaboration with the „Kollegiale Instanz für Komplementärmedizin KIKOM“ and the
„Arlesheim Klinik for anthroposophical medicine“). Closed.
European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and Secretary
of the Superficial Bladder Cancer Disease Oriented Group
European School of Urology (Staff)
American Urological Association (Corresponding member)
European Society for Urological Research (board member)
European Society for Oncological Urology (board member)
Association of Academic European Urologists (full member)
European Urological Association (full member)
Society for Basic Urological Research (member)
American Association for Cancer Research (member)
Urological Research Society (member)
American Society for Gene Therapy (member)
Swiss Urological Association (member)
Swiss Society for Oncology (member)
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in Medizin und Biologie
Editorial Boards
British Journal of Urology International
Journal of Urology International Editorial Committee
Der Urologe
Annals of Urology
Journal of Urology
European Urology
British Journal of Urology
The Prostate
Der Urologe A
Nature Clinical Practice Urology
American Journal of Epidemiology
Clinical Cancer Research
Cancer Research
Molecular Cancer Research
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
International Journal of Cancer
Annals of Human Genetics
Biomed Central Cancer
The ScientificworldJOURNAL
Gynecologic Oncology
Critical Reviews in Hematology/Oncology
Swiss Medical Weekly
Asian Journal of Andrology
British Journal of Cancer
Frontiers in Bioscience
World Journal of Urology
International Journal of Surgery
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
Free Radical Biology & Medecine
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B
Cancer Treatment Reviews
International Urology and Nephrology
Human Pathology
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
Prostate and bladder cancer
Urological oncology
Urological oncology
Prostate cancer
Urological oncology
Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate and bladder cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Bladder cancer
Bladder and prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Bladder cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Urological oncology
Bladder cancer
Prostate cancer
European Association of Urology 1998 Meeting Barcelona (basic research prostate cancer)
European Association of Urology 1999 Meeting Stockholm (basic research prostate cancer)
European Association of Urology 2000 Meeting Brussels (basic research prostate cancer)
European Association of Urology 2001 Meeting Geneva (basic research prostate cancer)
European Association of Urology 2002 Meeting Birmingham (basic research prostate cancer)
European Association of Urology 2003 Meeting Madrid (basic research prostate cancer)
European Association of Urology 2004 Meeting Istanbul (basic research prostate cancer)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2002 (Bladder cancer; basic and clinical
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2003 (imaging techniques)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2004 (prostate cancer basic research)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2005 (prostate cancer basic research)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2006 (prostate cancer basic research)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2007 (prostate cancer basic research)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2008 (prostate cancer basic research)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2009 (prostate cancer basic research)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie, Annual Meeting 2010 (prostate cancer basic research)
Expert Opinion
Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Urological Association.
Member Editorial Board British Journal of Urology Section Investigative Urology
Gene Therapy Working Group, Interdisziplinäre Schweizerische Kommission für Biologische
Sicherheit in Forschung und Technik, Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft, Bern,
Switzerland 2001-2006
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) for the Protocol
Review Committee (Genito-Urinary Cancers)
Interkantonale Kontrollstelle für Medikamente der Schweiz (1999)
MD-PhD Thesis Jury T. Tawadros, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, May 2002
Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant review)
Association for International Cancer Research (Grant review)
Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (Grant review)
Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank (Grant review)
Oncosuisse (Grant review)
Schweizerische Krebsliga (Grant review)
AKF-Programm der Universität Tübingen (Grant review)
Dutch Cancer Society (grant review)
Deutsche Krebshilfe (Grant review)
MA 40 Med.-Wissenschaftl. Fond d. BM Österreich (Grant review)
The Cancer Research Society, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada (Grant review)
Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale, France (Grant review)
The Prostate Cancer Charity research, UK (Grant review)
Organisation of Meetings
Prostate cancer meeting of the Swiss Cancer League, Swiss Urological Society, Swiss
Medical Association, Interlaken, 14. September 2000.
Member of the organizing committee of the 2nd International Conference on Prostate Cancer
Research, University of Iowa, Iowa City, October 12-15, 2002
Urologie Arena, Treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma, Bern, November 28, 2003.
Scientific committee, Annual Meeting of the European Society for Urological Research in
Athens, November 4 – 6, 2004
Urologie Arena, Treatment of testicular cancer, Lucerne, November 19, 2004.
Urologie Arena, Diseases of the penis, Priapism, Bern, November 25, 2005.
17th Meeting of the European Society for Urological Research (ESUR), Malmö, Sweden, 1416 September 2006.
Fortbildung in Allgemeinmedizin Urologie. CME accredited education for general
practitioners. Bern, February 1, 2007.
Fortbildung in Allgemeinmedizin Urologie. CME accredited education for general
practitioners. Bern, January 24, 2008.
SAMO Interdisciplinary Workshop on Urogenital Tumors, Lucerne January 9-10, 2009
Fortbildung in Allgemeinmedizin Urologie. CME accredited education for general
practitioners. Bern, January 29, 2009.
Fortbildung in Allgemeinmedizin Urologie. CME accredited education for general
practitioners. Bern, March 4, 2010.
The Second World Congress on Urological Research 1997 (joint meeting of the Society for
Basic Urologic Research and the European Society for Urological Oncology and
Endocrinology) Interventional Biology Session (December 13th)
The Royal Society of Medicine Section of Urology Winter Meeting 1999, Adelboden,
Switzerland, Kidney Cancer Session
The European Association of Urology XIVth Congress 1999, Stockholm, April 7-11, Poster
session: „Prostate cancer: Molecular Genetics“.
Swiss Urological Society Annual Meeting 1999, Freiburg, September 2-4, „Free
The European Association of Urology XVth Congress 2000, Brussels, Belgium April 13-15,
Poster session: „Prostate cancer: Basic research“.
European School of Urology Black Sea Meeting, Odessa, 2-3 November 2001, Stone
16th Congress of the European Society for Urological Research, Basic Research in Prostate
Cancer Session, Trento, Italy, October 24-26, 2002
2nd International Conference on Prostate Cancer Research, Epidemiology, Prevention and
Control. University of Iowa, Iowa City, October 12-15, 2002
The European Association of Urology XVIIth Congress 2002, Birmingham, Great Britain,
February 23-26, oral session: „Urological Imaging“.
Urologie Arena, Treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma, Bern, November 28, 2003.
5th World Congress on Urological Research, Imaging in Urology Session, London, Great
Britain, September 24-27, 2003.
The European Association of Urology XVIIIth Congress 2003, Madrid, Spain, March 12-15,
Poster session: „Prostate Cancer: Molecular Tumour Profiling“.
Prostate cancer basic research: androgen receptor/apoptosis.
19th Congress of the European Association of Urology, Vienna, March 24 – 27, 2004.
Urologie Arena, Treatment of testicular cancer, Lucerne, November 19, 2004.
Gene therapy: the future of tumour therapy or dead end?
European Society for Urological Research (ESUR) Section meeting March 16, 2005
The European Association of Urology XXth Congress 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, March 17-19,
Poster session: „Prostate Cancer: Tumour cell biology – target discovery“.
The European Association of Urology XXth Congress 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, March 17-19,
Debate: „Is preservation of the prostate at radical cystectomy an appropriate option?“.
Prostatakarzinom – Freie Mitteilungen. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Urologie. Geneva,
September 8-10, 2005.
German Urological Association 57th Congress, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 21-24,
Prostatakarzinom – Therapie lokalisierter Tumoren I
Urologie Arena, Diseases of the penis, Priapism, Bern, November 25, 2005.
4th Engadin Prostate Cancer Winter Symposium, Zuoz, March 15-19, 2006
Prostate cancer session 9
European Society for Urological Research Section meeting, Paris, April 5th, 2006
“-omics in Urological diseases”
The European Association of Urology XXI Congress 2006, Paris, France, April 5-8
Oral session: „Bladder Cancer: Urothelial tumors: Management of infiltrative/advanced
tumours I“.
The European Association of Urology XXI Congress 2006, Paris, France, April 5-8
Subplenary Session 7.
The European Association of Urology XXI Congress 2006, Paris, France, April 5-8
Oral session: „Bladder Cancer: Urothelial tumors: Management of infiltrative/advanced
tumours II“.
The European Association of Urology XXI Congress 2006, Paris, France, April 5-8
European School of Urology Course: Management of infiltrative/advanced urothelial cancer.
Forschung – Freie Mitteilungen. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Urologie. Geneva,
September 7-9, 2006.
Keynote lecture Prof. M. Rubin, Boston, US. 17th Meeting of the European Society for
Urological Research (ESUR), Malmö, Sweden, 14-16 September 2006.
Epidemiology of Urological Cancers. 17th Meeting of the European Society for Urological
Research (ESUR), Malmö, Sweden, 14-16 September 2006.
German Urological Association 58th Congress, Hamburg, Germany, September 20-23, 2006
Postersitzung: Prostatakarzinom – Therapie lokalisierter Tumoren II
The European Association of Urology XXII Congress 2007, Berlin, Germany, March 21-24
Subplenary Session 6.
The European Association of Urology XXII Congress 2007, Berlin, Germany, March 21-24.
European School of Urology Course: Management of infiltrative/advanced urothelial cancer.
Swiss Society of Urology. Basel, September 27-29, 2007.
Neues aus der Forschung.
Session de la prostate et du rein. 2nd Rencontres Pratiques en Uro-oncologie d’ AlsaceLorraine. December 1-2, 2007
Joint Winter meeting of the Department of Urology, University of Bern and The Royal Society
of Medicine Section of Urology, Zermatt January 26 – February 1, Switzerland, Prostate
Cancer Session.
Swiss Society of Urology. Davos, Switzerland. September 4-6, 2008.
Chirurgische Techniken.
Swiss Society of Urology. Lausanne, Switzerland. September 3-5, 2009.
Prostatakarzinom, Diagnostik und Forschung.
Management of Advanced Prostate Cancer. The 6th Engadin Prostate Cancer Winter
Symposium, Zuoz, Switzerland. 03. – 07. March 2010
The European Association of Urology XXV Congress 2010, Barcelona, Spain, April 16-20
Plenary Session 2; Prostate cancer: From prevention to risk calculation
The European Association of Urology XXV Congress 2010, Barcelona, Spain, April 16-20
Moderation Poster Session 54: Prognostic biomarkers
The European Association of Urology XXV Congress 2010, Barcelona, Spain, April 16-20
Moderation EAU Section Meetings; Superficial TCC: New chemotherapeutics in sight
Swiss Society of Urology. Lausanne, Switzerland. September 1-3, 2010.
Moderation Poster Session 2: Experimentelles Forum
German Urological Association 62nd Congress 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 22-25
Moderation Forum F1: Kontroversen beim Blasenkarzinom
German Urological Association 62nd Congress 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 22-25
Moderation V17: Urothelkarzinom Therapie
German Urological Association 62nd Congress 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 22-25
Plenum II: Kontroversen in der Urologie: Zystektomie offen vs. Laparoskopisch vs. robotic
Invited Talks
Screening in 2010. In whom and how?
International Symposium Update in Uro-Oncology 2010, MD Anderson Cancer Senter,
Santiago, July 8-9, 2010
Localized prostate cancer in a young patient: oncological, functional and QOL issues. Which
is the best option? Open radical prostatectomy
International Symposium Update in Uro-Oncology 2010, MD Anderson Cancer Senter,
Santiago, July 8-9, 2010
Extended pelvic lymphadenectomy: a new standard?
International Symposium Update in Uro-Oncology 2010, MD Anderson Cancer Senter,
Santiago, July 8-9, 2010
Biochemical recurrences after treatment with curative intention: What to do? When? Clinical
International Symposium Update in Uro-Oncology 2010, MD Anderson Cancer Senter,
Santiago, July 8-9, 2010
Conservative management in high risk tumors: When to move along?
International Symposium Update in Uro-Oncology 2010, MD Anderson Cancer Senter,
Santiago, July 8-9, 2010
Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: difficult cases
International Symposium Update in Uro-Oncology 2010, MD Anderson Cancer Senter,
Santiago, July 8-9, 2010
Postgraduate Courses
Basic Course Osteosynthesis, Davos, Switzerland
Basic Course Gastroenterologic Surgery, Davos, Switzerland
Small Fragmentary Osteosynthesis Course, Waldenburg, Switzerland
Medical Statistics Course, Berne, Switzerland
Basic Course Laparoscopic Surgery, Berne, Switzerland
Urologic Laparoscopic Surgery Course, American Urological
Association, Houston, Texas, USA
Technique of Scientific Presentations
Management Course, Interlaken, Switzerland
Organisation of the operating theatre
Strahlenschutz für Ärzte, Paul Scherrer Institute