en convocazione - Standesbeamte eV
en convocazione - Standesbeamte eV
Europäischer Verband der Standesbeamtinnen und Standesbeamten e.V. European Association of Registrars (registered association) Fédération Européenne des Officiers de l’État Civil Europese Vereniging van Ambtenaren van de Burgerlijke Stand EVS Co-funded by the European Union OGGETTO: Civil Status International Residential Course Castel San Pietro Terme, 2nd-6th, 9th-13th December 2013 Dear Sirs, as previously disclosed by phone, the second seminar of 10 days in english language and reserved to 20 officers, following the renounce of Bad Salzschlirf Academy for organizational reasons, will take place at the Academy in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna) from 2nd to 6th and from 9th to 13th December 2013. The participation is FREE remembering that the costs (lessons, teaching materials, hotel FB accommodation in double room, drinks excluded) is on EVS Association charge, included in the co-financing of the EC (Call Operating Grants 2013 JCIV – JPEN). The lessons will be organized following this schedule: Date nd Morning Afternoon Monday 2 /12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 I module Tuesday 3rd/12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 I module th Wednesday 4 /12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 I module Thursday 5th/12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 I module 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 I module th Friday 6 /12 th Monday 9 /12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 II module Tuesday 10th/12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 II module Wednesday 11th/12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 II module th Thursday 12 /12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 II module Friday 13th/12 9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00 II module The total duration of the course is 60 hours, structured in the above mentioned 10 days, following this program: FIRST MODULE Day n. 1 - Registration of civil status events in the European countries - General principles of registration of acts of civil status and legal significance in different jurisdictions; - Essentials and indispensable elements for writing civil status acts; - The registrar’s role and the requirements for the citizen; - The possible solutions in case of conflict with the citizen during the registration of a life event; - The transmission of civil acts following the multilingual model: the IT solutions already working. Präsident: Paride Gullini – Generalsektretär: Franco Stacul – p.A. – c/o A.N.U.S.C.A. Via dei Mille, 35 E/F 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme ITALY Email: segreteria@anusca.it - Telefon: 0039 51 94 46 41 – Telefax: 0039 51 94 27 33 – Bankverbindung: Konto 4001270 Sparkasse Fulda BLZ 530 501 80 IBAN: DE32530501800004001270 BIC-Code: HELADEF1FDS AG Fulda 55VR1690 Mitgliedsverbände aus: Belgien, Deutschland, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Schottland, Schweiz, Slowakei, Slowenien Europäischer Verband der Standesbeamtinnen und Standesbeamten e.V. European Association of Registrars (registered association) Fédération Européenne des Officiers de l’État Civil Europese Vereniging van Ambtenaren van de Burgerlijke Stand EVS Day n. 2 - The identification of the citizen at the time of birth registration - ID Documents and recognition for the correct identification of the citizen; - Documentation of civil status necessary for recognition in the foreign country of immigration; - Checking of the validity of documents and administrative controls between different countries; - The exchange of information and the circularity of data between different countries; Day n. 3 - The European Union law and the registrar. - Introduction to European Union law: sources, regulatory actions and the primacy of EU law; - The recognition of judgments and other public European acts in matter of family and civil status in Italy; - The limit of public order in the European perspective; - The right to a name into the European Union set of rules and in the Court of Justice; Day n. 4 - European Union law and the registrars. - The jurisdiction of the EU in matter of immigration; - The principle of free movement of persons within the European Union and its exceptions; - The documentation required for EU citizens’ residence; - The documentation required for residence of EU citizens’ family members; Day n. 5 - Private International Law and the registrar. - The validity of foreign public documents into national law; - The limits to the application of foreign law or to the recognition of a public act; - The international conventions on civil status: analysis of the main texts; - Legalization and translation of documents at European and international level; SECOND MODULE Day n. 6 Private law, family law and Italian civil status law; Day n 7 Private law, family law and civil status law in country "B" (Germany) Day n. 8 Private law, family law and civil status law in country "C" (Romania) Day n. 9 Private law, family law and civil status law in country "D" (Netherlands) Day n. 10 The future EU rules on the circulation of civil status documents Präsident: Paride Gullini – Generalsektretär: Franco Stacul – p.A. – c/o A.N.U.S.C.A. Via dei Mille, 35 E/F 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme ITALY Email: segreteria@anusca.it - Telefon: 0039 51 94 46 41 – Telefax: 0039 51 94 27 33 – Bankverbindung: Konto 4001270 Sparkasse Fulda BLZ 530 501 80 IBAN: DE32530501800004001270 BIC-Code: HELADEF1FDS AG Fulda 55VR1690 Mitgliedsverbände aus: Belgien, Deutschland, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Schottland, Schweiz, Slowakei, Slowenien Europäischer Verband der Standesbeamtinnen und Standesbeamten e.V. European Association of Registrars (registered association) Fédération Européenne des Officiers de l’État Civil Europese Vereniging van Ambtenaren van de Burgerlijke Stand EVS The hotel accommodation is foreseen in the Anusca Palace Hotel, double room with another participant (Viale Terme, 1058 – 40024 – Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna), tel: +39 (0)51 948824, fax: +39 (0)51 941499 web: www.anuscapalacehotel.it, email: info@anuscapalacehotel.it). For the single room accommodation is requested a surcharge of 10,00 € a day, to be paid by the participant. The hotel accommodation will start from the dinner on 2nd December till lunch on Friday 6th December, and will restart from the dinner on 8th December till the lunch on Friday 13th December 2013. For the people interested in the accommodation on their charge on 6th (dinner), 7th and 8th, the Association will organize a trip to Dozza “The City of the painted wall” with dinner in a typical restaurant, and a visit to the town of Bologna. The total amount, in charge of the participants that will stay, is 160,00 € all included. To sum up the only costs in charge of the participants are: - Travel costs - Possible surcharge for Single accomodation: 10,00 € a day. - Beverages at meals The above mentioned costs related to the sojourn, must be paid directly to the ANUSCA Palace Hotel. Since you have already confirmed your participation to this 2nd seminar by phone, we kindly ask you to confirm that using the attached form, to be sent to the EVS Association Secretary by fax to the number +39 (0)51 942733, or by email, to the email address segreteria@anusca.it within 31th October 2013. The Secretary of the EVS Association will reserve the room you requested at the Anusca Palace Hotel, specifying the solution you chosen. Präsident: Paride Gullini – Generalsektretär: Franco Stacul – p.A. – c/o A.N.U.S.C.A. Via dei Mille, 35 E/F 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme ITALY Email: segreteria@anusca.it - Telefon: 0039 51 94 46 41 – Telefax: 0039 51 94 27 33 – Bankverbindung: Konto 4001270 Sparkasse Fulda BLZ 530 501 80 IBAN: DE32530501800004001270 BIC-Code: HELADEF1FDS AG Fulda 55VR1690 Mitgliedsverbände aus: Belgien, Deutschland, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Schottland, Schweiz, Slowakei, Slowenien Europäischer Verband der Standesbeamtinnen und Standesbeamten e.V. European Association of Registrars (registered association) Fédération Européenne des Officiers de l’État Civil Europese Vereniging van Ambtenaren van de Burgerlijke Stand EVS Below, how to reach the Academy: By car By plane By train By taxi By bus Motorway A14 Aeroporto On the website www.tper.it you’ll find the time table: Guglielmo Marconi On the website www.ferroviedellostato.it is possible to find the timetable of the line Bologna - Rimini. Alt the railway station of Castel San Pietro Terme is possible to use the shuttle (112 and 113), getting off to the bus stop Terme. Time table on the website www.tper.it. TAXI At the exit of Castel San Pietro Terme turn on the left (SP San Carlo). At the traffic light straight on follow Viale Roma and at the crossroad turn on the right in Via Marconi. Alt the first traffic circle take the second exit, at the second roundabout take the first exit. You’ll arrive in Viale Terme, continue till the n. 1056. Bologna A shuttle (from 6 to 23.40) connects the Airport to the Railway station in Bologna. From here you can reach ANUSCA by train, by taxi, by bus. Castel San Pietro Terme - 101 tel. +39 051 6951286 (Bologna/Castel S. Pietro/Imola) - 94 (Bazzano/Bologna/Castel S. Pietro) (Ass. TAXI Castel San Pietro Terme) tel. +39 051 6951286) (www.bologna-airport.it) We stay at your complete disposal for any further information. Kind regards The President Paride Gullini Präsident: Paride Gullini – Generalsektretär: Franco Stacul – p.A. – c/o A.N.U.S.C.A. Via dei Mille, 35 E/F 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme ITALY Email: segreteria@anusca.it - Telefon: 0039 51 94 46 41 – Telefax: 0039 51 94 27 33 – Bankverbindung: Konto 4001270 Sparkasse Fulda BLZ 530 501 80 IBAN: DE32530501800004001270 BIC-Code: HELADEF1FDS AG Fulda 55VR1690 Mitgliedsverbände aus: Belgien, Deutschland, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Schottland, Schweiz, Slowakei, Slowenien Europäischer Verband der Standesbeamtinnen und Standesbeamten e.V. European Association of Registrars (registered association) Fédération Européenne des Officiers de l’État Civil Europese Vereniging van Ambtenaren van de Burgerlijke Stand EVS To the Secretary of the European Association of the Civil Status Officers (EVS) Viale Terme, 1056 40024 - Castel San Pietro Terme Bologna Fax: +39 (0)51 942733 The undersigned _________________________________________________________________________________ born in _______________________________________________________________ on ______/______/_________ living in _____________________________________________ street ____________________________ n. ______ working in the Municipality of ________________________________________________________ Province _______ in the position of ________________________________________________________________________________ (Tel. ___________________________ Fax ___________________________ Mobile _________________________ e-Mail ________________________________________________________________________________________) DECLARES that he will participate to the Civil Status Residential Course by the Academy of Civil Status Officers in Castel San Pietro Terme from 2nd to 6th and from 9th to 13th December 2013. Realizing that the accommodation is foreseen in double room, requires the following hotel accommodation: In double room (without any cost) In Single room (with a surcharge of € 10,00 a day) I don’t need any hotel accommodation He also asks to stay on his charge from the dinner on Thursday 6th to the lunch on Sunday 8th December, participating to the excursions foreseen, paying the amount of € 160,00 Attachments Date _____ /_____ /__________ Signature __________________________________ Präsident: Paride Gullini – Generalsektretär: Franco Stacul – p.A. – c/o A.N.U.S.C.A. Via dei Mille, 35 E/F 40024 Castel San Pietro Terme ITALY Email: segreteria@anusca.it - Telefon: 0039 51 94 46 41 – Telefax: 0039 51 94 27 33 – Bankverbindung: Konto 4001270 Sparkasse Fulda BLZ 530 501 80 IBAN: DE32530501800004001270 BIC-Code: HELADEF1FDS AG Fulda 55VR1690 Mitgliedsverbände aus: Belgien, Deutschland, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Schottland, Schweiz, Slowakei, Slowenien