March 2011 - Congregation B`nai Israel
March 2011 - Congregation B`nai Israel
THE MARCH 2011 Temple Chronicle C O N G R E G AT I O N ISRAEL Calendar at a Glance RABBI’S MESSAGE RABBI EUGENE LEVY B’ NA I “Variation on a Theme” The reaction to our All-Music Shabbat services over the past 7-8 years has been nothing short of phenomenal!! We have gone from a few singers and instruments to more than a dozen or so and have moved from once-a-year to 4 times a year (and often a clamoring for more). I have commented at just about every one of these services that it often takes music to lift the words of prayer off the page—into our hearts and souls and into the very heavens themselves!! Because of the overwhelmingly positive reaction to a service that focuses on one aspect of worship, I have decided that—beginning three or four times a year and possibly extending to 5 or 6 times— we'll soon begin to do an "All-Sermon" Shabbat!! We'll extend the service to about an hour and a half, omit all music entirely, and fill the glorious evening with a few readings interlacing three to four 25-minute sermons. Topics will range from "The Theological Implications of Every Verse in the Torah" to "The Mathematical and Chemical Prowess of Every Medieval Jewish Philosopher in the Germanic Territories" to "An Analytical De-Construction of the Entirety of the Biblical Sacrificial and Priestly System" to "The Structure of the Lunar Calendar and Its Relation to All Other Calendrical Systems Since the Beginning of Time." There will be—from time to time—other such stimulating sermons that I know the congregation is dying to hear--in increments of three or four per Shabbat eve. And to be sure we can accommodate at least 4 in a night, we'll omit all the music for that night and may even follow each of the All-Sermon Shabbat evenings with a multihour discussion group. This is sure to add new popularity to our Life Long Learning Program. And after we have experimented with these on a quarterly basis--and taken a survey to see how many additional Shabbat eves the Congregation will want to devote to an "All-Sermon Shabbat," we will then be able to wish each of you "Be happy —It's Adar" and in case a few of you have not already guessed, this article/message is your first Purim spoof of the season... Don't forget to checkout our website: You can make reservations and pay for Temple events, make donations and check out the calendar for detailed descriptions of events. WORSHIP SERVICES: Kabbalat Shabbat at 5:45 All services begin at 6:15 unless otherwise noted. Friday, March 4 SHABBAT SERVICES AND BAT MITZVAH OF DANI KAISER “FOR WHOM WAS I NAMED?” Oneg Sponsors: IN HONOR OF THE STORRIE FAMILY BIRTHDAYS: BRIAN, MURIEL, ELIOT, SARAH, AND DAVE BY: MURIEL LEDERMAN AND BRIAN STORRIE; AND IN HONOR OF DANI KAISER'S BAT MITZVAH BY: HER FRIENDS Friday, March 11 CLASSICAL-STYLE SHABBAT A MIDDLE EASTERN DINNER AND LECTURE ON "THE RADICALLY CHANGING MIDDLE EAST AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR ISRAEL" --SEE PG 4 FOR MORE DETAILS Oneg Sponsor: SISTERHOOD Friday, March 18 "TASTE OF JUDAISM" DINNER AND SERVICE AROUND THE TABLE Oneg Sponsor: CAROL FIELDS Friday, March 25 TRADITIONAL SHABBAT SERVICE RABBI LEVY WILL LEAD "TEACHING TORAH" Oneg Sponsors: IN HONOR OF JEFFREY NEUHAUSER'S BIRTHDAY BY: TERRI MOORE; AND IN HONOR OF SHIRLEY REINES'S 90TH BIRTHDAY BY: BONNIE & BILL JACOBSON Friday, April 1 TRADITIONAL SERVICE WITH GUEST SPEAKER RABBI PETER GRUMBACHER CLASSMATE AND COLLEAGUE OF RABBI LEVY'S. SEE PAGE 4 FOR MORE INFO ABOUT RABBI GRUMBACHER Saturday Morning Shabbat Services will be held in the Chapel at 11:00 AM. All are invited to join in and participate. President's Message THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 2 Since spring is right around the corner, I’ll start by going out on a sturdy limb to say that this January and February at our Temple were the busiest start to the secular year that we have had in at least 50 years! Most of the additional activities this January and February came under the umbrella of Lifelong Learning with our first ever adult Sunday school consisting of 2 classes: “Godshopping” taught skillfully by Carmen Arick and “Making a Comfortable Jewish Home…Notes from a Jewish Mother” taught by our professional educator Ellyn Polsky. These classes created a wonderful opportunity to learn and socialize together. Don’t worry if you were not able to attend these classes--there will be an additional mini-mester of classes taught on Sunday mornings later this spring. Please pay attention to the Chronicle for the announcement of these new classes including their descriptions and times. On January 9, Nina Krupitsky spoke at Temple about her experiences during World War II. This was a well attended event but had to be cut short because of the deteriorating weather. It is my understanding that it will be continued at a future time which will be announced. Then, on January 28, we had the Jacob’s Camp Shabbat Dinner and service. Special thanks to Rita Fagan and crew for preparing the camp-style dinner for all who attended. On February 20th, thanks to the generosity of the Storthz Fund, we enjoyed Jewish Musician Craig Taubman in concert in the Sanctuary. This was a wonderful event and very much enjoyed by those who attended. The Strategic Planning Committee, under the tireless leadership of Leah Elenzweig, has been hard at work the last several months planning ahead for almost every area of Temple life. Leah is doing an amazing job and we are making real strides. We will be reporting more to you on that project as we progress. Also, Chris Stratton, our Temple Treasurer, is convening a budget committee to begin planning for our new fiscal year which begins on June 1. We are working on an exciting fundraiser that promises to be new, unusual, and a lot of fun. It will take place at Temple on April 9th at 7:00 P.M. Please look elsewhere in this edition of the Chronicle for more information. You should receive an invitation to the event in mid-March. As you all know, so much of what we do at Temple is energized and “staffed” by volunteers. There is so much going Yizkor Eloheim We record with sorrow the death of... SELMA KOENIG Mother of Carole Weisbly & Ellen Koenig Moore, Grandmother of Lori Shemper, Sister of Mary Lou Cohn, Eleanor Gross, & Ruth Itzkowitz, Aunt of Nancy and Judy Pearlstein on at Temple right now that the volunteer opportunities are practically endless. We couldn’t do what we do without YOU! If you are not currently involved and have the energy and interest in participating, please let me know. We would love to have you involved, and I am sure that we can find the perfect spot for you! See you at Temple. JACK GRUNDFEST ARCHIVE SUNDAY Draws Many Volunteers There is nothing that makes one more proud to be a Jew than spending time looking into our Jewish past. On Sunday February 13th about fifty congregants spent time volunteering to preserve and organize the 145-year-old Temple archives. We organized boxes, which linked our congregation to the hardships and terrors of previous generations – the Holocaust, anti-Semitism in our community and the Soviet Union, and hard battles in Europe and the Far East. We organized material about our congregants, which spoke loudly of their amazing accomplishments in the community and their honors in every field. We saw before us letters of commendation and awards for our Rabbis, and we read of the dedicated efforts of our board leadership for nearly a century and a half. It is a remarkable history, carefully preserved by Charles Elias, a faithful congregant for decades, and we are working to try to organize and protect the now fading documents by placing them in archival containers for future generations to learn from – in the beautiful room provided by the Tenenbaums. We played, we ate (thanks Leah, Judy, Julie, Kathy, Robynn, Meg, and several others for the amazing breakfast and lunch) and we actually got a whole lot accomplished. Stacks of loose and deteriorating items were catalogued and placed in the right kinds of containers. Thanks to Mac and Marie for agreeing to be honorary chairs and for working so hard. We made great headway (Thanks to all who came!), but there’s much more to do. We are going to try to open the archives most Sundays from 9-noon and continue the projects. You are welcome to stop in and help for a while. (Drop an email to to make sure we will be there). HERMAN BERGER Husband of Sue Berger DOROTHY GAILLIARD Mother of Esperanza Gailliard PEARL LEVIN DOUG SMITH Husband of Ruby Thalheimer Smith LOIS TOWNLEY Mother of Larry Townley & Grandmother of David Townley Mother of Barbara Behnke ROSE SCHECHTER Cousin of Corky Schroeder DEBBIE FRIEDMAN Lifelong Learning - Ellyn Polsky, Director CONFIRMATION CLASS participated in the Bernard and Audre Rapoport L’Taken Social Justice Seminar in Washington, D.C. The program is one of several developed by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism ( headquartered in Washington, especially for teens. The weekend was a whirlwind of touring the sites of our capital, expanding our Jewish selves, and understanding the RAC’s positions on campaign finance reform, climate change and energy, economic justice, immigration, global human rights, Israel, reproductive rights, stem cell cultivation and use, and global HIV/AIDS programming. All 250 of the student participants, representing Reform congregations throughout the country, were taught how to prepare “chai-powered” speeches. Gracen Grundfest, Adam Korenblat, Lexie Levin, Cameron Matson, andKy Stevens concentrated on the topics of climate change and reproductive rights. They constructed powerful speeches according to the RAC’s rubric and delivered them directly to Senator Boozman and his administrative aide, to Senator Pryor’s administrative aide Jason Bockenstedt, and to Rep. Tim Griffin and his administrative aide. At each office, the students were warmly greeted and graciously engaged. When you see these fine young people, please ask them about their experience. PB AND JAM Many thanks to everyone who made the February 20th PB and Jam event so successful!! The mitzvah brown bag lunch was most appreciated by the 90 residents at Our House, and you know that Craig ‘n’ Co. loved being with us here in Little Rock. STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE The strategic planning process is moving full steam ahead! The results of last year’s Congregational Survey are being used to create a working plan of action that reflects the desires of the Congregation. The plan has been divided into six areas of focus: Worship, Lifelong Learning, Community, Membership Services, Administration/Governance, and Finance. Over the next few months, the planning process will continue. Look for more information about the process and the plan in future issues of the Chronicle and in other updates to the Congregation. THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 3 Adult Lifelong Learning Survey 1.What class(es) are you currently participating in? 2.What do you like about the class(es)? 3.How could it (they) be improved for the next time? 4.What days/times are best for you? 5.What topics would you like to study in the future? _____ Comparing streams in American Judaism _____ The Zohar _____ Basic Reform Judaism _____ Intro to Kabbalah _____ Conversational Hebrew _____ The Siddur _____ Love and Marriage in the Torah _____ Heroes of the Holocaust _____ Holiday Prep- Jewish Times and Seasons _____ Women in the Bible & Midrash _____ “Who Gets Mom’s Blue Pie Plate“ (What Judaism says about ethical wills, preparing for assisted living, death, and dying) _____ “We’re having a Jewish baby” Preparing for the baby, establishing a Jewish nursery, being new Jewish parents, etc. _____ Olam Haba (The World to Come) _____ Blessings _____ History of Anti-Semitism Your ideas: ___________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 6.What topics would you like to teach? Comments about the program:____________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Please clip and return to: Ellyn Polsky, c/o Congregation B'nai Israel 3700 Rodney Parham, Little Rock, AR 72212 Announcements THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 4 JEWNIVERSITY IS A BIG HIT! EUGENE H. LEVY, Rabbi SHERI SIMON, Educator/Administra DAVID BAUMAN, President KENNON GOLDSHOLL, Executive JACK GRUNDFEST, Admn. V.P. MAC LYONS, Treasurer JO LAWTON, Secretary As Rabbi Winnick’s enormously successful Talmud class winds down for now, he will enlighten us further with a three class series about Pesach (Passover) entitled Haggadah Insights...Really Interesting Ones, to be held at Temple B’nai Israel on three consecutive Sundays: March 27th, April 3rd, and April 10th from 11:30 am - 12:45 pm. Coming sooner, Emily Lewis and Eti Biton will dissect The Heart of Women’s Midrash with us. We will experiment with developing our own Torah-informed interpretations, and we may find ourselves in the spaces in the text. At Agudath Achim on three Wednesdays: March 16th, March 30th, and April 6th from 6:00 pm - 7:15pm. THE TEMPLE CHRONIC ADDRESS SERVICE REQ PLIES Main THE RADICALLY CHANGING MIDDLE EAST & ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR ISRAEL To register: please call Shannon at 225-9700 or email Following Shabbat worship, hear Dr. Robert Jeff Williams present his understanding of the political and social changes rapidly taking place in the Middle East. Williams will present a historical overview of the region from 1969 to the present, provide insights into the grass roots uprisings occurring since January in that region, and discuss how all of this may impact the State of Israel now and in the future. Congreg B’nai Isr oom oom is called to the Torah on Saturday, the fifth of March Two thousand eleven at four o’clock in the afternoon Temple B’nai Israel • Little Rock, Arkansas Sharon Kiel and Jeff Kaiser Dinner and Discussion with Dr. Jeff Williams, UCA Asst. Prof. of Philosophy and Religion 3700 Rodney Parham • Little Roc (501) 225-9700 http://bnai-israel.shorturl.c Drive Drive 467 467 Dani e lle Whitney Then, at the end of April, Rabbi Levy will join us for three classes entitled Delving Into Midrash on consecutive Wednesdays: April 27th, May 4th, and May 11th at Agudath Achim at from 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm. LaFTY participates at the recent Jacobs Camp Shabbat Song Session with David and Annie Bauman ARKANSAS MEDICAL SUPPLY Suppliers for Ostomy, Urologicals, Incontinence, and Wound Care 300 S. Rodney Parham, Ste. 18 • Little Rock, AR 72205 support Please 501-227-8220 • Fax (501) 227-6260 Arkansas Foot & Ankle Clinic 8 convenient locations Little Rock, Maumelle, NLR, Conway, Benton, Jacksonville (501) 372-7377 501-224-1501 Friday, March 11th Dr. Williams is a visiting assistant professor at UCA. He specializes in and teaches Comparative Religion, History of Religions, Religion and the Humanities, and Islam. SPONSORS e e Café Café We invite you to join us as our daughter Dinner, catered by Layla's Lebanese Restaurant, will cost $10.50 per person. Dr. Williams' discussion will begin following dinner in the Tenenbaum Center. Please call the Temple office to make reservations by March 8. our generous sponsors Dyke, Henry, Goldsholl & Winzerling, p.l.c. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW SCOT P. GOLDSHOLL BLOCK LANDSCAPE Glenn Block, ACN 663-8388 office • 951-1074 cell (501) 376-2081 For all you landscape needs. Need seasonal color? David H. Shindler Senior Vice President PHONE (501) 661-1000 FACSIMILE (501) 661-1100 555 PLAZA WEST • 415 NORTH McKINLEY LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72205 For all your Photography needs: Benjamin Krain 501-960-3355 Doris Krain 501-247-7034 Announcements THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 5 EUGENE H. LEVY, Rabbi JACK GRUNDFEST, Admn. SHERI SIMON, Educator/Administrator MAC LYONS, Treasurer DAVID BAUMAN, President JO LAWTON, Secretary KENNON GOLDSHOLL, Executive V.P. JACK GRUNDFEST, Admn. V.P. MAC LYONS, Treasurer JO LAWTON, Secretary ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP SHABBAT Friday, April 15, 2011 5:45 - Kabbalat Shabbat (snack) 6:15 - Fabulous All Music Shabbat Service Shabbat Dinner following the Service EUGENE H. LEVY, Rabbi SHERI SIMON, Educator/Administrator DAVID BAUMAN, President TEMPLE KENNON CHRONICLE GOLDSHOLL, Executive V.P. V.P. Temple B’nai Israel is a charter supporter of this organization. When I retired a few years ago, I wondered what I would do with my time. I knew my Temple volunteer work would continue, but I felt it was time to do something else too. Jimmy Sachs invited me to attend LifeQuest. I really had no idea what it was all about, but I agreed to go. Miraculously, I even got Jerry to go along with the idea. It has been a rich and rewarding experience for us both. All new members and prospective members will be guests of the congregation for this special evening in their honor. Adults $12.00, children ages 5 to 12, $6.00, children 4 & under free ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE Each eight week session of LifeQuest offers Wednesday and Thursday classes called “Adventures in Learning.” Now, I am not a “student,” but this is really fun and interesting. It’s a liquid agenda…you can sign up for one class and then move into another if you don’t like it. There is no attendance taken, and no homework. You just attend, and absorb information. (without reservations, adults $15.00 & children 5-12, $6.00) 3700 Rodney Parham • Little Rock, AR 72212 (501) 225-9700 Dinner reservations required by April 13th. Temple office (225-9700) Congregation B’naiADDRESS Israel SERVICE REQUESTED Take this opportunity to meet new people. Each new member and prospective member will have a “buddy” for the evening. Call to be a “buddy” to someone new. Little Rock, AR Permit No. 1306 PAID 3700 Rodney Parham • Little Rock, AR 72212 (501) 225-9700 Membership/Hospitality committee Trudy Jacobson • 227-8543 PAID Little Rock, AR Permit No. 1306 Jerry and I love the 9:00 class featuring John Brummett entitled “Behind the Headlines.” It is always an interesting insight into the current news and political scene. There are so many choices—there are seven or more different classes offered each hour. The subject range is all over the place—from Sports Talk, Watercolor, and Mah Jongg to Spanish American War, Horticulture, Arkansas History, and so many more. I am constantly surprised by the wide range offered each session. Babysitter provided during service − Please reserve! Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Congregation B’nai Israel Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage OUR CHRONICLE SPONSORS Bobbye and Gene Levy invite you to Little Rock, AR Permit No. 1306 "AARKANSAS Meet and MEDICAL Greet Tea" SUPPLY for Ari Levy and his new bride Anne PAID OUR CHRO Tenenbaum Center ThomasApril Termite 1:30-3:30 pm • Sunday, 3, 2011 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage The eight week Spring session begins Wednesday, April Thomas Termite 6th and ends Thursday, May 26th. The price for all this is Pest Inc. $35.00—a realControl, bargain and a wonderful place to learn and 7701 Cantrell • P. O. Box 7292 socialize. LifeQuest bulletins containing information and class Little Rock, AR 72217 schedules can be picked up in our Temple lobby. And, by the HENRY THOMAS 225-2119 / 225-1463 way, Temple is a founding Protecting yourB’nai homeIsrael and family since 1952 supporter of LifeQuest! Suppliers for Ostomy, Urologicals, Incontinence, and Wound Care 300 S. Rodney Parham, Ste. 18 • Little Rock, AR 72205 501-227-8220 • Fax (501) 227-6260 Coffee Pest Control, Inc. Arkansas Foot Coffee Beanery Café We look forward to seeing 7701 Cantrell •y'all P. O. there! Box 7292 Beanery Café & Ankle Clinic I hope to see PSYCHIATRIC you there. CLINIC, P.A. ARKANSAS Providing Services for Adults, Children, Adolescents & Seniors Trudy Jacobson HRONICLE SPONSORS 52 ors W 060 THE FOR ALL AGES BRITT BOSWELL, LCSW BRADLEY C. DINER, M.D. JANE FORD, LCSW CARLENE LYLE, M.D. SUSAN REASONER, LCSW CARLTON BURGE, Psy.D CHRISTOPHER A. LAMPS, M.D. 28 Rahling Circle 448-0060 HARRY L. EHRENBERG & ASSOC., INC. SUITE 312 • 1405 N. PIERCE LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 (501)663-6321 1429 Merrill Drive 1429 Merrill Drive 501-225-5467 501-225-5467 Meeting Room Meeting Room 1429 Merrill Drive 9816 Rodney Parham Rd. • 227-5000 • FAX 223-3166 1429 Merrill Drive 227-5000 • FAX 223-3166 501-225-5467 email: 501-225-5467 email: website: website: Catering Catering Meeting Room Meeting Room since 1952 Thomas Termite ARKANSAS PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC, P.A. Pest Control, Inc. Providing Services for Adults, Children, Adolescents & Seniors Cantrell BoxBOSWELL, 7292 LCSW BRADLEY7701 C. DINER, M.D. • P. O.BRITT Suppliers for Ostomy, Urologicals, Incontinence, CARLENE LYLE, JANE FORD, LCSW M.D.Rock, AR 72217 Little and Wound Care SUSAN LCSW CARLTON BURGE, Psy.D HENRY THOMAS 225-2119 REASONER, / 225-1463 Bats Rats Raccoons Squirrels Skunks Snakes Opossums Chipmunks Bees CHRISTOPHER A. LAMPS, M.D. 300 S. Rodney Parham, Ste. 18 • Little Rock, AR 72205 Protecting your home and family since 1952 (501)Circle 376-2081 448-0060 501-227-8220 • Fax (501) 227-6260 28 Rahling Experienced and Professional Humane Capture and Eviction Coffee BENNETT’S MILITARY Arkansas Coffee Relocation and AnimalSUPPLIES Proofing Foot Beanery Café Free Written Estimates Arkansas’ Oldest Since 1870 • 302 Main Beanery Café RiverCit y PRINT & IMAGING HENRY THOMAS 225-2119 / 225-1463 ARKANSAS MEDICAL Please support our generous sponsors SUPPLY Catering Catering OUR CHRO Little Rock, AR 72217 8 convenient locations Little Rock, Maumelle, NLR, Conway, Benton, Jacksonville Protecting your home and family (501) 372-7377 & Ankle Clinic Work Guaranteed! Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 • 372-2944 8 convenient locations Bennett’s Military Supply Animal Evictions by Ky Stevens • 501-773-8448 Little Rock, Maumelle, NLR, Still Open-Just Remodeling Conway, Benton, Jacksonville (501) 372-7377 ARKANSAS PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC, P.A. Providing Services for Shindler Adults, Children, Adolescents & Seniors David H. HARRYSenior L. EHRENBERG Vice President & ASSOC., INC. BRITT BOSWELL, LCSW BRADLEY C. DINER, M.D. JANE FORD, LCSW CARLENE LYLE, 5800 “R”M.D. Street SUITE 312 • 1405 N. PIERCE Little Rock, AR 72207 SUSAN REASONER, LCSW CARLTON BURGE, Psy.D SUITE 312 • 1405 N. PIERCE Phone (501) 661-7778 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 CHRISTOPHER Fax (501) 661-7380A. LAMPS, M.D. LITTLE ROCK, AR 72207 28 Circle (501)663-6321 (501)663-6321 448-0060 HARRY L. EHRENBERG & ASSOC., INC. BEN Adar I 30 Adar II 7 Adar II 14 21 Adar II 21 No Religous School Spring Break 27 28 Adar II 8 Adar II 1 Adar II 15 10:00 Coffee, Cake and Conversation at Woodland Heights 14 7 MONDAY Adar II 22 No Religous School Spring Break 11:00 Purim at Agudath Achim 6:30 pm Adult Purim 1:30 pm Mah Jongg / Bridge at Dinner & Program Agudath Achim 20 9:00 am Religous School 9:30 am JFAR Baking Session 1:00 Confirmation Class and 9th Grade −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ 13 9:00 am Religous School 10:00 am Adult Hebrew I 11:30 am Jewniversity Talmud Class 1:00 pm LaFTY 6 March 14 for APRIL CHRONICLE DEADLINE: SUNDAY Adar I 25 Adar II 9 Adar II 2 Adar II 23 Adar II 16 7:15 pm Basic Judaism 29 22 7:00 pm Temple Board Meeting 15 8 7:15 pm Basic Judaism 1 TUESDAY MARCH 2011 2 Adar II 3 Adar II 10 Adar II 17 Adar II 24 6:00-7:15 pm Beginning Yoga 30 6:00-7:15 pm Beginning Yoga 23 6:00-7:15 pm Beginning Yoga 16 6:00-7:15 pm Beginning Yoga 9 6:00-7:15 pm Beginning Yoga Adar I 26 3 Adar II 4 Adar II 11 Adar I 28 Adar II 5 Adar I 29 Adar II 6 9:30 am Shabbat Book Group 11:00 am Shabbat Service 12 9:30 am Adult Hebrew II 9:30 am Shabbat Book Group 11:00 am Shabbat Service 4:00 pm Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Kaiser (Havdalah) 5 SATURDAY 18 Adar II 12 19 Adar II 13 NFTY-SO Jr. Youth Group Retreat (Jacobs Camp) ←−−−− 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Reception 6:15 pm Classical Style Reform Shabbat Service 11 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Reception 6:15 pm Traditional Reform Shabbat Service led by Danielle Kaiser 4 FRIDAY Adar II 25 Adar II 18 7:00 pm JFAR Event 31 24 Adar II 19 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Reception 6:15 pm Traditional Reform Shabbat Service 25 Adar II 20 9:30 am Shabbat Book Group 11:00 am Shabbat Service 26 11:30 am 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 9:30 am Shabbat Book Group Torah & Lunch Reception 11:00 am Shabbat Service 5:30 pm Purim Carnival 6:15 pm Possibilities of Shabbat Dinner & Service 17 7:30 am Executive Board Meeting 11:30 am Torah & Lunch 7:00 pm Shlicha Program at Agudath Achim 10 11:30 am Torah & Lunch Adar I 27 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ADAR I - ADAR II 5771 11 Lana Bogoslavsky 10 Ron Bara A’ John Goldman Jerry Smart Robert Greenberg Shayna Levy Victor Nachmann 24 Ed Figarsky A’94 Charles Friedman Eleanor Gross Len Johnson Jacob Hooks 19 Chris Harkins A’91 Laura Bushman Tony Mobly Susan Strauss 12 5 Dora Levin Ed Revere TUESDAY 25 26 Michael Gastman A’98 Gene WeinsteinA’67 Luke Kramer A’98 Jamie McGarry Hollis Pruitt Marilyn Robison Phyllis Storthz James Hart 17 18 Ellen Kaufman Goldman Ralph Hyman John-Paul Urban Gege Thalheimer Hallie McGarry 4 Joy Williams MONDAY 3 Karla Back Glenn Block Anna Moses SUNDAY 27 Kurt Deininger Ann Storthz 20 Leon Marks Hunter Hausler Seth Stevens Sara Weinberg Sofia Weinberg 13 Wm. Siegel A’86 Gayle Ponder Isolene Shindler 6 Lynn Zoldessy WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8 1 Richard Bronfman FRIDAY 28 29 21 22 Hirsch/Goldberg A/90 Bill Eiseman Darcy Axelroth Rachelle Sanders Will Finkelstein 30 Weinstein/Baskin A’77 Dorian Stuber Marshall Cohen 23 Perry Young A’05 Steve Weinberg Anne Margaret Mulkey 16 Brock Jacobs Larry Jacobs Rachel Levine 9 Kathy Bauman Serene Stevens 2 Helen Kaiser Sherry Weinberg SATURDAY APRIL 14 15 Don Mann A’84 Bettye Korenblat Mike Ronnel A’02 Robert Vogel Rachel Blackburn-Parish 7 CALE NDAR BIRTHDAY/A NNIVERSARY Temple Funds A LEAF ON THE TREE OF LIFE IN HONOR OF: The 50th Wedding Anniversary of Ruthe & Phil Kaplan Alice & Robert Korenblat Bonnie & Sam Nickol Judy Pearlstein Nanci Goldman & Bob Rivner The 85th Birthday of Wilma Diner Emily Adams & Carmen Arick Terri Angtuaco Ruth Fein Lynn Greenberg Ginger Goodman Trudy Jacobson Gina Kokes Bobbye Levy Arleen Marshall Meg Marion Janet Matthews Clarice McGrew Corky Schroeder Ros Snyderman Annabelle Tuck THE BAUMAN MUSIC FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: The Beautiful Bat Mitzvah Music by Steve Bauman David Bauman Charlie Friedman Lynn Greenberg Silvana & Ariel Berlinski IN MEMORY OF: Barbara Grundfest Bauman Diane Roosth & Amos Hall Stanley “Bud” Bauman, Jr. Jana & Perry Cohen Carol & Scott Schwab Sara Beth, George, Cole & Nathan Silverman Diane Roosth & Amos Hall Lynda Zionts Arlene Marshall Susan Forsyth Bauman Jana & Perry Cohen Lynda Zionts Norris Wayne Moses Jana & Perry Cohen Betty Nash Jana & Perry Cohen THE MAYERSOHN LEADERSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: The Speedy Recovery of Norma Jean Lockwood Loris & Jay Fullerton THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 8 THE ENDOWMENT FUND IN HONOR OF: The Birthday of Velma Block Nina Krupitsky The Birthday of Aniko Diamant Nina Krupitsky The Birthday of Wilma Diner Nina Krupitsky The Birthday of Phil Kaplan Nina Krupitsky The Birthday of Linda Pfeifer Nina Krupitsky The Birthday of Rosalyn Snyderman Nina Krupitsky The Marriage of Flavia and Steven Jacobs Nanci Goldman & Bob Rivner The 50th Wedding Anniversary of Ruthe & Phil Kaplan Nina Krupitsky Shirley & Sam Strauss Sue Stroock & Chris Hackler Carole & Gary Weisbly The Birth of the Grandson of Doris & Mark Krain Sue Stroock & Chris Hackler Steve Bauman Leonard Hasson Allan Mendel Heidi & James Williams IN MEMORY OF: Stanley “Bud” Bauman, Jr. Carole & Rabbi Jerome Fox Ginger Goodman Sylvia E. Green Deborah & Lou Jacobs Susan Forsyth Bauman Ginger Goodman Shirley & Sam Strauss Jane B. Mendel Nina Krupitsky Selma Koenig Marlene K. Bush Carol & Allan Mendel Brooks L. Rosen The Rosen Family Lou Samuel THE HALLIE COHEN MILLER ARCHIVE FUND IN HONOR OF: Mac Lyons Amanda Lewis The Generousity & Kindness of Mac Lyons The Lewis & Levinson Family THE RABBI'S FUND FOR YOUTH & CAMP IN APPRECIATION OF: Help for Daniela’s Bat Mitzvah, Jan Alman Martha Alman Jill Bauman Kathy Bauman Rita Fagan Bobbye Levy Dave Polner Silvana & Ariel Berlinski Rita Fagan for All That She Does for Us Meg & Michael Marion IN HONOR OF: The Birthday of Robert Oliva Trudy & Jerry Jacobson The Bat Mitzvah of Daniela Berlinski Meg & Michael Marion The Birthday of Wilma Diner Meg & Michael Marion The Adoption of Caroline An Goldsholl Lynda Zionts IN MEMORY OF: Jeff Blumsack Barbara & Jerry Stern Robert Landfair Lynda Zionts THE VOGEL CARING & SHARING FUND IN HONOR OF: The 50th Wedding Anniversary of Ruthe & Phil Kaplan Ellie Koenig Moore IN MEMORY OF: Dan Schwartz The Vogel Family-Robbie, Sam, Robert & LuAnne THE HARVEY LUBER YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: The Temple Support for L’taken Debbie & Ky Stevens IN MEMORY OF: Rose Schechter Drs. Mickey & Sheri Simon THE PRESIDENT'S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN MEMORY OF: L. Jay Tenenbaum The Tenenbaum Family THE YAHRZEIT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Sol Alman Martha & Charles Alman Blanche Alman Harry Schneider Dena Schneider Bock John F. Bolts Sharon & Greg Bolts Jenny Book Diner Wilma Diner Stanley Falk Carol Fields Lillian Brenner Gealt Michael Gealt & Maryjanet McNamara Ruth Goldsholl Kennon & Scot Goldsholl Elsie Axler Lynn & Bruce Greenberg Harry S. Lasker Harriet Katz & Family Leo Lansky Judy Lansky Moses Stern Bobbye & Gene Levy Salene Lyons Mac Lyons Annette J. Sanders Sue & Keith Maddison Hyman Reifer Judith & Ken Reifer Fannie Safferstone Klein Byron & Susan Rosenthal Kantrow Hyman Reifer The Sanders Family Edward Meyers Corky & Paul Schroeder William (Billy) Stern The Stern Family Dorothy Blass Storthz Larry Storthz & Rosetta Urbach Eloise Hackler Sue Stroock & Chris Hackler Sylvia Schwartz Sue Stroock & Chris Hackler Sam Schwartz Sue Stroock & Chris Hackler Ida & Louis Laner Beverly Whittenberg & Barbara Phillips Herbert Wolf, Sr. Herbert H. Wolf, Jr. Eva Wolff Eleanor & George Wolff Temple Funds / Announcements THE RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Eugene Levy David Forsyth IN HONOR OF: Andy Lawton for Conducting the Funeral of Norma Z. Mendel Kenneth Mendel The 50th Wedding Anniversary of Ruthe & Phil Kaplan George Wittenberg The Marriage of Ari & Anne Levy Lynda Zionts Altar Flowers THE STORTHZ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: The 50th Wedding Anniversary of Ruthe & Phil Kaplan Ann Storthz Phyllis Storthz THE YOUTH GROUP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Rita Slutsky Diane Roosth & Amos Hall YAHRZEITS - MARCH 2010 MARCH 4 William Back, Sr. HowardFeinstein Rachel Frank Felix Gans Edward Leonard Gealt Max Gold Daniel P. Ottenheimer Elijah Ezekiel Palnick James J. Pfeifer Clara Goldenblank Raff Abe S. Rosen Arthur O. Sanders Eduard L. Scharff Dorothy Cone Sherman Samuel J. Spitzberg Lewis Alexander Storthz Louis Wolsey David G. Falk Joseph Earl Flowers Joseph Geller Irene Goldman Arnold S. Goodman Al J. Goodman, Jr. Rose Besser Gould Nell Gray Greenbaum Edna Kahn Kempner Carolyn W. Kramer Harry Lasker, Sr. Elizabeth Levinson Levin Gus Ottenheimer Edna L. Roberts Arthur D. Rosenthal Israel Louis Safferstone August Simon Vogel Etta Louchheim Wolf MARCH 11 Sara Kempner Goodman Virginia Harris Dan Levin Abraham J. Louchhein Olivia Lyons Ruby Siesel Pfeifer Edith Ottenrider Sachs Nathan Ehrlich Steppach, Sr. Eleanor Pfeifer Strauss Tracye Altschul Strauss Mathilde Zwirn MARCH 25 Hortense Rudolph Back Lena Koff Bresler Sophie Cohn Nathan H. Ehrlich Alfred Fendler Theodore R. Fox Dave Grundfest, Sr. Sophie Kempner Daniel B. Kohn Roland Joseph Lanoue Rosa H. Lasker Mervin L. Leibs Alma Jacobs Scott Lilyan Stern Fanny Thalheimer MARCH 18 Rose Balkin Nathan Borrok Rosa Cohn Gerladine DeFrance Herman Ehrenberg THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 9 March 4, 2011 In memory of Jean Farrell By: Gene and Roxanne Loftin March 11, 2011 In memory of Dr. Arthur D. Rosenthal By: Susan Rosenthal Kantrow and Family March 18, 2011 In memory of Dr. Sidney Jacob Fields & Gerald de France By: Carol Fields March 25, 2011 Sisterhood Rabbi Peter Grumbacher to speak April 1st Rabbi Grumbacher served Congregation Beth Emeth, beginning as Assistant Rabbi and Director of Education upon ordination from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 1972. In 1982 he became Senior Rabbi. He retired after 37 years at the end of June 2009. During his years in Wilmington he served on numerous boards and organizations and was senior chairperson of the former National Conference of Christians and Jews, Delaware Region, which designated him a “Community Builder.” He served as chair of the Delaware Interfaith Coalition on Aging. He continues to serve on the National Commission on Rabbinic-Congregation Relations and was president of the Mid-Atlantic Region, Central Conference of American Rabbis. Rabbi Grumbacher received the annual Gerald Kandler Award of the Delaware chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, as well as the annual award of the Delaware Region, Jewish National Fund. He and his wife, Suzy, were recognized by the Delaware Region, State of Israel Bonds, for their work on behalf of the State of Israel. In recent years Rabbi Grumbacher has traveled the country speaking to varied audiences on the subject, “Sharing the Silence: The Child of a Survivor Tells His Father’s Story,” dealing with his father’s internment in the Dachau concentration camp during the Holocaust and his subsequent service in the U.S. Army. He hopes to continue lecturing and writing. Sisterhood Speaks Make your reservations now for the Sisterhood benefit Thursday, April 7 • The Weekend Theater during its run of The Last Night of Ballyhoo. Heavy hors d’oeuvres at 6:00, show at 7:30 $20 per person, limited open seating Make reservations through the Temple office 225-9700. Written by the author of Driving Miss Daisy, The Last Night of Ballyhoo won the 1997 Tony Award. The comedy is set in the upper class German-Jewish community of Atlanta in December 1939. Hitler is invading Poland, but the highly assimilated Freitag family is more concerned with the right escort for Lola to the lavish social event of the season. The story explores Southern Jewish identity (or lack thereof) and social discrimination within the Jewish community. Mark your calendar for the Third Annual Miriam’s Seder Tuesday evening, April 12 (time to be announced) $10 per person with advance reservations. Call the Temple office to reserve. If you haven’t already returned your 2011 Sisterhood and/or Men’s Club Membership Dues, please do so at once. Did you know that all the tables and chairs in the Social hall/Tenenbaum Center were purchased by Sisterhood? Or that many of the prayer books you use in services were donated by Men’s Club? Sisterhood and Men’s Club are two vital service arms of our Temple that support our congregation in more ways than you probably realize. We’re counting on you to help! Judaica Shop extensive selection of High Quality Judaica many products made in Israel ………………………………………………….. Open Sundays of Religious School 9-12, THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 10 ATI’DAY PRESCHOOL NEWS We would like to share some of the exciting changes we’ve made at the school during the past few months! We have redesigned the curriculum with the help of our dedicated teaching staff. These changes promote child independence, social development, and intellectual growth. The areas of study focus on basic language skills with emphasis on Hebrew and Spanish, Jewish Studies, time spent reading with a librarian, and basic math and science skills using a special computer program. We have achieved these enhancements while maintaining a low child-to-staff ratio. Ati’Day is also progressing toward opening an Alef class for infants ranging in age from 6 weeks to 18 months. We are very enthusiastic about this development and are looking forward to opening by July 2011! Seven families have already expressed their interest and we are continuing to get new applications! Our lunch program has been extremely successful since its launch in February, and the students enjoy kosher, healthy, and delicious lunches on a daily basis! Please visit us on Facebook where you can view our curriculum and lunch menu. I also welcome your calls and emails! Yours Truly, David Hazan, Director (501) 221-1614 • GILL HOFFMAN "AN ISIDER'S LOOK AT MIDDLE EAST POLITICS" March 31 - Little Rock 7:00 PM Place TBA Gil Hoffman is the chief political correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post. Well-connected to Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Hoffman has interviewed every major figure across the Israeli political spectrum, has been interviewed by top media on six continents and is a regular analyst on CNN, Al-Jazeera and other news outlets. Called “The most optimistic man in Israel” by Israel Television, Hoffman’s writing and TV appearances provide a behind the scenes look at the intrigue and humor in the Israeli political arena. weekdays 9-4 ask office staff to open shop, for special requests, call Bonnie 247-4050 For more information, please call 501-663-3571 or email Announcements & Events THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE / MARCH 2011 PAGE 11 WEDNESDAY YOGA CLASS CAN ISRAEL & PALESTINE COEXIST? 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. • Teen Lounge (back entrance) Each class $8, pay as you go. Babysitting available with advance notice. Questions, call Bonnie 247-4050. EUGENE H. LEVY, Rabbi SHERI SIMON, Educator/Administrator DAVID BAUMAN, President KENNON GOLDSHOLL, Executive V.P. JACK GRUNDFEST, Admn. V.P. MAC LYONS, Treasurer JO LAWTON, Secretary Presented by Pratt Remmel from the Coalition for Peace and Justice. March 27, 9:00 a.m. at the Synagogue. Breakfast followed by the program, sponsored by the Synagogue and Temple Men's Clubs. Everyone in both Congregations is invited. Minyan at 8:30 a.m. MAZEL TOV to Cherry Landfair & David Goldsholl on the adoption of Caroline An Goldsholl. TORAH STUDY & BYO LUNCH THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE is now about half-way through the Book of Joshua. Our plans are to meet every Thursday in March, at 11:30 am, except the 24th and 31st. All are invited. JO LAWTON, Secretary BASIC JUDAISM to Jade Pfeifer, daughter of Dr. Robynn Zinser and Jim Pfeifer, whose artwork was selected to be on display in the Governor's mansion. Jade is one of only 40 students whose work was selected from over 2,000 student submissions to be displayed. Only ten art pieces will be displayed at one time, each for four months at a time. Jade's work will be on display starting in September. MAC LYONS, Treasurer ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Classes are entering the last third of our studies, although we are meeting twice - on March 1 and 29. EUGENE H. LEVY, Rabbi 3700 Rodney Parham • Little Rock, AR 72212 SHERI SIMON, Educator/Adminis (501) 225-9700 DAVID BAUMAN, President KENNON GOLDSHOLL, Executiv JACK GRUNDFEST, Admn. V.P. COFFEE, CAKE & CONVERSATION will meet at Woodland Heights on Monday, March 14 at 10:00 am. Guest speakers are: Justice Annabelle Tuck and Rev. Ray Higgins on a most requested topic: “The Limits of Free Speech.” Tell your friends. Congregation THE TEMPLE CHRONI B’nai Israel MAH JONGG/BRIDGE ADDRESS SERVICE RE Sunday, March 20 at 1:30 pm Congregation Agudath Achim co-sponsored by Temple & Synagogue Sisterhoods to Darcy & Eugene Krupitsky on the February 18. birth of their daughter, Rylee Clare Krupitsky. Proud grandparents are Galina & Michael Krupitsky, Susan & Phil Axelroth, and Gerri Axelroth. DIRECTORY UPDATE Bruce Thalheimer, Jr. • 73 Robinwood • Little Rock, AR 72227 Joel Speirs • Home: 251-8262 • Cell: 553-8184 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Karin & Ron Bara 16 Forest Brook Court • Little Rock, AR 72211 Ron is retired, but volunteers at Harmony Health Clinic. Ron Cell: (501) 515-2017 Karin Cell: (501) 366-0444 3700 Rodney Parham • Little R (501) 225-9700 http://bnai-israel.shortu SAVE THE DATE SPONSORS CHRONICLE Congreg B’nai Is c. 2 -1463 2nd Night Passover Seder Smith • (501) 743-0408 ARKANSAS Jealene MEDICAL Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 6:00 pm 11 Linwood Drive • Cabot, AR 72023 SUPPLY Temple Members ($32), Non-Members ($38), JealeneIncontinence, is a Senior Administrative Customer Service Suppliers for Ostomy, Urologicals, Children 5-10 ($10) at Entergy Arkansas. and WoundAssistant Care 300 S. Rodney Parham, Ste. 18 • Little Rock, AR 72205 501-227-8220 • FaxEllyn (501) 227-6260 Polsky • (501) TODAH RABAH nce 1952 515-7205 Coffee 115 Foot South Martin • Little Rock, AR 72205 Many thanks to our office volunteers: Coffee Mary Biondo, Arkansas ts & Seniors Beanery Café Our own Lifelong Learning & Religious School Director. Silvana Berlinski and Bill Cohn. Beanery Café LL, LCSW Aniko Diamant, Rita Fagan, & Ankle Clinic P.A. , LCSW NER, LCSW PONSORS 448-0060 OC., INC. 207 afé Catering Catering 1429 Merrill Drive 1429 Merrill Drive 501-225-5467 501-225-5467 8 convenient locations Little Rock, Maumelle, NLR, Conway, Benton, Jacksonville (501) 372-7377 Please support our generous sponsors Meeting Room Meeting Room ARKANSAS MEDICAL SUPPLY Suppliers for Ostomy, Urologicals, Incontinence, and Wound Care 300 S. Rodney Parham, Ste. 18 • Little Rock, AR 72205 501-227-8220 • Fax (501) 227-6260 Arkansas Foot BENNETT’S MILITARY SUPPLIES (501) 376-2081 David H. Shindler Senior Vice President Lunch Mon-Fri 11am - 2pm Dinner Thurs-Sat 5:30pm - 9pm 405 W. 7th St. Little Rock, AR 72201 501-372-0238 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Congregation B’nai Israel PAID Little Rock, AR Permit No. 1306 3700 Rodney Parham • Little Rock, AR 72212 (501) 225-9700 ADDRESSRETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE REQUESTED THE TEMPLE CHRONICLE EUGENE H.H. LEVY, Rabbi EUGENE LEVY, Rabbi JACK GRUNDFEST, President SHERI SIMON, Educator/Administrator AMANDA FERGUSON, Executive V.P. DAVID BAUMAN, President LEAH ELENZWEIG, Admin. V.P. KENNON GOLDSHOLL, Executive V.P. CHRIS STRATTON, Treasurer JACK GRUNDFEST, Admn. V.P. SUZI DAVIS, Secretary MAC LYONS, Treasurer ELLYN POLSKY, Director of Lifelong Learning JO LAWTON, Secretary TRACIE SPIVEY, Administraor FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE IN MAKING DONATIONS ENCLOSED IS MY GIFT OF $_______________________________ DONATED: q In honor of q In loving memory of q Wedding q ______ Anniversary q ______ Birthday q Bar/Bat Mitzvah q Speedy Recovery q Confirmation FOR: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE SEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO: _____________________________________________________________ FROM: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE APPLY THE DONATION TO: ___________________________________________________________________ q q q q q q q Endowment Fund Mayersohn Leadership Fund Grundfest Fund Vogel Caring & Sharing Children’s Library Fund General Fund Pfeifer-Isacson Youth Scholarship Fund q q q q q q q Sustaining Fund Cemetery Fund Bauman Music Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Salinger Landscape Fund Lois G. Stern Library Fund Harvey Luber Fund ADDED INSTRUCTIONS: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ q q q q q q Storthz Religious School Fund Memorial Fund for Education & Youth Pfeifer Community Outreach Fund Memorial Fund for Prayerbooks President’s Discretionary Fund Rabbi’s Fund for Youth & Camp CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL 3700 Rodney Parham Road Little Rock, AR 72212-2498 “Thou art the living God, Thy words bring life and light to the soul.”
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