
34, Price Rd, Jardine’s Lookout, Hong Kong, June
13, 2015 – 9:30 to 11:30 am
Number of scanned sheets: 318
Number of members: 129
o 86 members « private »
o 42 members « corporate »
o 1 members « consulate »
o 0 members « FIS »
Number of Debenture
Grand Total
French Consulate
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Introduction: welcome word by Arnaud de Surville, chairman of the
Good morning. How do you feel this morning?
I have a confession to make. These past few days I have been quite stressed with the preparation of
this meeting. I shared this with my wife last night. She looked at me. Paused. My wife is very wise you
see. And she said: Arnaud, imagine how you would feel if you had to stand in front of all these parents
and tell them that we lost our bid for a new campus. It helped.
And this morning I feel very happy and very proud. And you should feel very happy too. After all we
won our first choice against more than 50 organizations. I say go FIS, GO! Let’s not be shy of our
success and celebrate.
Before we start we need your approval of the agenda and the minutes of our last meeting. Both
documents were sent to you along with the invitation. Do we have your approval? Thank you, your
enthusiasm is palpable.
Proposed Meeting Agenda:
Introduction by Arnaud de Surville & Speech from the French Consul General
(Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on Oct. 13, 2014 & Approval of the meeting) approval)
Vision based on the survey by Marie-Aude Stocker
Theme 1:
Academic excellence & IT by Christian Soulard
Theme 2:
Provide a world class school by Arnaud de Surville
Theme 3:
How do we finance it? Finances by Adrien Cassanet & Atul Sodhi
(Appointment of the auditor /budget review)
Theme 4:
This can’t be done without a community spirit
Legal & Governance => by Rachel Huf
Welcome journey => by Romain de Garsignies
Conclusion by Arnaud de Surville
Let’s go back to the tender and our victory. When we got the news I asked myself, what so cool about
our school that we got the best piece of land? Three things came to my mind.
First we parents own this school. We keep it affordable and have done miracles over the years
to make sure that no child is left behind.
Second we chose to run an international stream. It allowed us to open to other communities
and to enrich our own.
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Third we have year in, year out outstanding academic results and we have an enviable track
record of pedagogical innovations.
This new campus has a huge impact on our future. While we build it we ask for your patience, your
support and your renewed engagement. Patience because it will take three years to build the new
campuses in TKO and BPR. Patience because in the meantime there will be disturbances and
inconveniences. We need your support to finance these projects. The school fees will continue to
increase for another 3 years. We will multiply fund raising activities.
We also need so support as we reinforce security and discipline.
Your engagement in the school activities is a formidable engine. Please volunteer and you will get a
free fix of dopamine. We need your help also to promote our school to the outside world. Be proud and
be positive about our school, your school.
The closer integration of our two streams and the anchorage into the local community are a shared
responsibility as well. Become our ambassadors.
Talking of which I am pleased to invite Lila Berheim to say a few words on behalf of our Consul General.
Remember patience, support and engagement. Thank you for your attention
Word from Lilas Bernheim, Consul General of France
Bonjour à tous, Monsieur le Président, cher Arnaud, Monsieur le Proviseur, cher Christian, Chers
membres du comité exécutif Chers parents,
Je suis très heureuse d'être avec vous ce matin pour cette AG. Merci d’être venus si nombreux pour
partager cette bonne nouvelle : oui, le Lycée français a obtenu un nouveau site pour construire un
nouveau campus ! C’est une immense satisfaction, pour nous tous, le Consulat et la communauté
française tout entière. Président du comité exécutif et le proviseur, dans un instant, évoquent des
sujets essentiels de la vie de l'école : projets immobiliers, projets pédagogiques, résultats
académiques. Je voudrais, pour ma part, vous adresser trois messages :
1- Ce nouveau site est une reconnaissance par les autorités locales de la place occupée par la
France à HK
 la communauté française de HK est en constante croissance: elle a doublé depuis 2006
et a cru de 6% en 2014. C’est probablement la communauté qui grandit le plus rapidement à
HK. Elle compte aujourd’hui 20 000 Français, parmi lesquels on dénombre un tiers de jeunes
de moins de 18 ans. L’importance de la communauté française se caractérise notamment, aux
yeux des autorités locales, par le grand nombre d’enfants par famille (deux, trois, souvent plus).
Et dans un pays de l’enfant unique, c’est assez remarquable…
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
la communauté française de HK s’attache à HK : plus de 50% de la communauté vit à HK
depuis au moins 5 ans. C’est assez inhabituel dans les communautés françaises de l’étranger
et fait la spécificité de notre communauté comparé à Singapour, Pékin ou Shanghai où les
Français ne restent le plus souvent que 2-3 ans.
 les besoins de la communauté française en matière de scolarisation sont donc
croissants :
Le LFI dispose de 4 campus mais la demande des familles est croissante : chaque année, 400
enfants français et francophones de plus arrivent à HK alors que 300 la quittent.
On recense environ 500 enfants français scolarisés dans d’autres écoles que le LFI en raison
de ce manque de places, notamment dans les petites sections et la filière international.
Le nouveau campus permettra de les réintégrer dans le LFI.
 la communauté française contribue au développement de HK comme ville phare d’Asie
- par sa présence économique : la communauté française est entrepreneuriale et 800
entreprises françaises sont recensées à la chambre de commerce française
- par sa présence culturelle : le French May est le second festival culturel du territoire; la
langue française est enseignée dans de nombreux établissements scolaires et
- par sa présence historique : nous avons récemment célébré les 150 ans de présence
française à Hong Kong
 le LFI accueille également de nombreux enfants de la communauté expatriée francophone ou
non-francophone. L’appui que nous ont apporté les différents consulats et chambres de
commerce de pays francophones (Belgique, Canada, Suisse, Espagne, Pays-Bas, etc.)
montre bien l’utilité du LFI.
2- Ce nouveau site est le résultat d’une étroite coopération entre le Consulat, le comité exécutif,
la direction du Lycée et l’AEFE
FIS is a historic school in HK established by parents and companies looking for academic excellence,
multilingual environment and business opportunities.
From the very beginning, in the fifties, our school has been the result of the cooperation between
companies established in HK, parents and the Consulate.
Since then, a very strong link between the school, the parents and the Consulate has always existed
and has been reaffirmed in every step of development: creating FIS second site, obtaining our Hung
Hom decanting school, finding information about the New Territories’ tender, lobbying about TKO site.
This link proved, once again, to be efficient since the Consulate’s role was instrumental in the
application for a new site.
La coopération entre le Consulat et le Lycée ne s’arrête pas là : nous échangeons et coopérons sur
de nombreux autres sujets qui constituent la vie quotidienne d’une école de cette importance :
 l’aide aux familles les plus démunies avec des aides financières et des bourses scolaires,
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
 l’accès à la culture française, notamment par la participation aux programmes éducatifs du
French May,
 la sécurité des bâtiments et des enfants avec, notamment, l’organisation de séminaires de
sensibilisation dans des domaines qui peuvent comporter des dangers (drogue, alcool,
internet). La sécurité des enfants ne s’arrête pas aux portes du Lycée, elle concerne la vie de
l’enfant pris dans sa globalité. Nous sommes là pour les aider et apporter une réponse
collective aux détresses et comportements dangereux identifiés.
3- Ce nouveau site est une opportunité d’ouverture de la communauté française vers la
communauté locale
Les campus de Chai Wan et de Hung Hom ont déjà accomplis des efforts en ce sens. Avec le nouveau
campus de Tseun Kwan O, nous devons aller plus loin encore ; we need to open FIS doors to the local
Here’s the plan :
 Access to FIS’ facilities: FIS facilities would be available for local residents and public
access at certain times during the week and weekends
 English lessons for local students: FIS would provide access to FIS teachers to teach local
students on weekends
 Window to the French culture: in partnership with the French cultural institutions in HK (Le
French May, Alliance Française and Parentheses Bookshop), FIS would create a cultural
center open to the public during the weekends and organize public events
 Eco Outreach: FIS will further increase its leading sustainable development programs and
share them with local schools and residents.
Encore un grand bravo à l’équipe qui a préparé ce projet. Une phase encore plus excitante s’ouvre
maintenant : ce nouveau site doit être ouvert en septembre 2018 !
Je vous remercie de votre attention. Thank you for your attention.
Vision: based on the community survey April 2014, by Marie-Aude
One School, The French International School
 Academic Excellence
 Personality & Potential development
A unique identity which lies on 3 dimensions:
• French as a language, a curriculum, a culture,
• English as a language, an international curriculum, access to the whole world,
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Chinese as a language, a regional grounding, exposure fast changing environment,
Survey – April 2014
The survey was sent to approximately 3,000 FIS stakeholders:
2,400 parents, 190 teachers, 81 staff and 370 senior students
21 questions
32% overall response rate
800 comments to the open questions translating into 1,100 comments clustered into 16
Key finding: Change in parents profile:
3 profiles of parents:
1- International Parents:
Looking for an English education offering the IB diploma
Providing access to the best universities globally.
Attracted by the specificities offered by FIS: learning a European language in addition to
and benefiting from the French excellence in Mathematics/curriculum
2- French or Mixed Nationalities parents:
Planning to stay for min. 5 to 10 years in Hong Kong or Asia
Looking for an international education offering the French Baccalaureate (International sections)
and/or IB/A-level
Providing access to the best universities globally
Want their children to achieve proficient level in English and Mandarin in addition to French
3- French or Mixed Nationalities parents:
For +/- 3 years in Hong Kong
Looking for a French education enabling their children to re-enter easily schools in France.
Appreciate the ability to learn additional languages
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Sport & ECA
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Focus on 3 tasks:
Theme 1: Academic excellence & IT by Christian Soulard,
FIS New Campus:
Collaboration between the 2 streams
Enough autonomy respecting the specifity of each stream
A living area organized around an Agora for the activities
An architecturale organisation reflecting the pedagological project of « villas »
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
3 R’s and 4 C’s
Critical thinking
Primary School Project
Customize language teaching with a priority for French proficiency
Develop assistance for a better consideration of the heterogeneity of students
Educate students & teachers to the digital technology
Boost artistic practices with a focus on the host country
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Secondary School Project
The student and his studies: academic excellence based multilingual, multicultural and innovative
- Proficiency in French
- Language course
- Scientific and technological culture
- Digital learning
The student and his choices: build successful journey and fulfilment for each student:
- Orientation
- Help, pastoral and educational support
- Personal Support
The student and his environment: educate respectful and responsible citizens:
- Sustainable development
- School life
- Pastoral
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
France: Classes préparatoires and
Sciences Po (2014 vs. 2012 vs. 2009)
 Less students overall: 11%
compared to 28% in 2009
 Still represents nearly a
third of students going to
 In better schools on
 Stable level
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
2014 2012 2009
Sciences Po Paris 2
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
And for this year:
French Stream:
- 6 students in Sciences Po
- 3 class “prepa” Sainte Genevieve, 3 Janson de Sailly
- 1 student in Oxford
- 3 OIB students in universities of the IVY league
- 4 McGill, 2 INSA
- Numerous offers in Russel group or Highly selective universities
International Stream:
- 80% of students getting first choice universities
- 1 student in Cambridge
- 4 offers in Ivy League or Highly selective US universities
- Numerous conditional offers in Russel group or Highly selective universities in UK and in US
The student and his journey:
- Agora network
- Study fair
- Career meeting
- Workshops to prepare applications for the UK & US uni. for both streams
The student and his environment:
- Sustainable development, preparation for COP21
- Dress code
- Involved with the local community ‘Paper dress extravaganza” partenariat with Kering et le
French May
The International Stream:
- Consistency between primary and secondary
- Creation of a new management structure in primary and secondary
- Revision of the range of options for the IGCSE and for IB in the future
- Introduction of a new role for the 'form tutor‘, incl. student mentoring
- An ambitious training plan for teachers
Get the 2 streams together:
- MUN (Model United Nations) middle and high school
- Vie Scolaire / pastoral for both streams
- Workshop to assist students with their applications to English universities (essay, interviews,
motivation letters)
- PE uniform up to 5eme/ year 8
- Art week
- Shared training opportunities
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Welcome book for the new comers
Education: A co-responsibility School responsibility
- Parent responsibility
- The student is the key player for his own education
- A sustainable partnership in a spirit of openness, mutual trust and mutual respect.
Theme 2: Provide a world class school by Arnaud de Surville,
President & Chairman
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Why I am saying this?
It’s the combination of three factors: an age factor, a money factor and a strategic factor.
First our campuses are aging, Jardines is 30 already, BPR going on 20! Many of the critical
equipment date from initial construction.
Second, because of budget constraints maintenance was limited to repairs, there was never
much money left for preventive maintenance.
On average we have spent 6% of our annual budget on maintenance. This is not enough. 6%
means we assume our equipment last 16 years. I don’t know about you but if I look around my
house there are very few equipment with moving parts older than 5 years…
Thirdly strategic focus was mostly on “pushing the walls” to accommodate always more
students. Very little room for improvements besides a fresh coat of paint or and LED panel.
Add to this cocktail the fact that we have 4 separate campuses to manage and you get the
equivalent of a time bomb.
Yearly Budget 2014/2015: 13 M HKD for CW, HH, JL and BP
What has been done this year :
• CW : canteen Led Relamping
• BP : Waterproofing & LED relamping
• HH : 4 classroom renovation
• JL : Led relamping
What will be done this summer :
• JL : 5ème welcome : creation of 3 new classes, bookshop, infirmary and reception desk
• BP : Security gate and nametag system
We can do it
 We have looked at changes on three levels:
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Level 1 is increasing budget, we aim for 10% of our revenues within 2 years
On the second level we are working on 1, 5 and 10 years plans to anticipate and prioritize
Thirdly we have recruited and expert, Mrs Droniou to manage the subcontractors, our in-house
team, and the worms…
We’ve introduced this project previously so i will not elaborate too much. I will just repeat our
Create new classrooms to have more flexibility
Increase capacity of shared facilities such as canteen, library..
Improve student experience with additional rest areas.
B2 – when?
 Work permit delivered in May 2015
 Foundation works tender = now
 Target delivery = Sept 2018
 Access issues
 Gymnasium encroachment
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
OK, this is what many of you really came for.
This is our future address
let’s go there
Let’s go there
 Buckle up
 Don’t try this at home
 Actual time is 23 min
TKO where?
 As you can see from the picture our school will be right in the middle of the town center. Our
immediate neighbors will be local school and government utilities.
 From Central and without traffic it is a 20-25 minutes drive.
 Within 5 min walk from the school is one MTR station and its typical shopping/eating center.
TKO around us?
 Today TKO is mostly residential so very quiet during day time. The government is investing in
recreational areas for residents during the weekend.
 This cycle path will be a stone throw away.
 The sea is very near, less than 300m
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
TKO what?
 The piece of land we have been awarded measures approximately 8 200m2. By comparison
this is 3 times bigger than the footprint of BPR.
 It is a flat Greenfield, which means the possibilities are limitless.
 In the tender document we committed to make of this building a showcase of sustainability and
to maximize the use of outdoor areas.
 On this topic I am very pleased to inform you that our ECO school label has been renewed with
 An important feature will be the botanical garden that will be tendered by the students and
opened to the public over the weekend.
 Our aim is to anchor this new campus deeply in the local community.
 The plan is to build for a capacity of 1,000 students. There will be a gymnasium, a swimming
pool, a large auditorium and a running track (sprint only)
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
TKO who?
 Who will be the lucky ones?
 Primary and junior secondary
 French and International streams
 Now that we have this school we will open as many classes as possible in HH. Possibly one
more stream in French and one or two streams in international. It depends on you.
 These new classes will start in 2016 so you have plenty time to move to Clear Water Bay.
TKO when?
 Time wise, we plan roughly one year for design and approvals and two years for construction.
 September 2018 is the date imposed by EDB in the tender.
 Three days ago we briefed 4 architectural firms. By September we will have drawings to show
Architectural competition
June 15
Aug 15
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Design, approvals and
Sept 15
June 16
July 16
July 18
Sept 2018
Now the last question is how much will all of this cost and how are we going to pay for it? Aren’t you
surprised? To answer those prickly questions I am very pleased to call Adrien and Atul. Adrien is our
treasurer and Atul is the head the fundraising committee.
Theme 3: How do we finance it ? by Adrien Cassanet, Treasurer &
Atul Sodhi, head of fundraising committee
Approval of the Audited accounts for year 2013-14
Student number
2 362
2 490
Employee expenses
-22, 74
Other operating expenses
Operating income
Income breakdown
0% 4%
School fees
Reg &
Canteen &
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
FX Results
Expenses breakdown
1% 2%
Salaries & Benefits
Maintenance & utilities
AEFE Network
Sheung Wan Lease
Teaching & Exam expenses
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Cash Debenture Ratio
Adoption of the audited financial statements for the year 2013-2014
1. The accounts have been posted on our website.
2. Our auditors issued an unqualified opinion, without asking for significant changes to the figures
prepared by the Administration.
3. The balance sheet is very sound, evidencing the robustness of our association.
4. The income statement results in a surplus, evidencing the prudent operations of the school from
a financial standpoint.
5. We are going to submit these accounts for your approval.
6. If there is no objection we will consider the audited statements approved.
Custom has it that at the end of school year, members vote for Exco’s discharge on the accounts
presented. The vote is by a show of hands.
 If there are no objections we will consider the discharge approved.
Development Funds in M HKD)
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Total Accumulated
Carried forward
Gala Dinner
School Fair (Sales of towels)
Sales of Hermes Scarfs
Other donations (Deb. & others)
Provision for Development
Financing the development projects
Why are we fundraising?
To augment the resources of the school,
To provide resources for the upgrade the facilities,
Support the development fund
What was done this year?
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Raised awareness of the need to raise funds
Christmas campaign
CNY VIP cocktail
Pledge cards
Video at gala dinner
Debenture donations campaign
Fundraising Strategy: on-going campaigns
Gala dinner
Christmas campaign
Debenture donations
Events (gala, fairs, markets)
Targets: the efforts will continue on 2 levels
Big ticket donors/Institutions :
• Sponsorships
• Projects linked to the new campus.
• Donor schemes
• Debenture holders
Smaller tickets/Individuals:
• Community (parents, staff and students)
• Alumni
• Naming right “menu” for donors
How can you help?
Get involved in the organisation committees,
Promote school events
 Give us your time
 Give us your expertise & savoir faire
 Donate goods
 Donate your money
Theme 4: This can’t be done without a Community spirit by Rachel
Huf, co-chair of the legal subcommittee and Romain de Garsignies
leading the “Welcome Journey”
A- Legal & Governance
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Consider, report and make recommendations to the board on legal and corporate governance
Assist the school team with organization related business (e.g. contractual and employment
issues, leases and insurance)
Current projects
Conform Articles to new Companies Ordinance
Review corporate governance and management structure in preparation for increase in school
numbers and campus expansion
Streamline Articles and establish by-laws to set forth day to day functions of school
Other areas of focus
Code of conduct,
Confidentiality and data privacy
Risk assessment
B- Community building
Who is FIS Community?
Every person who is linked with FIS
Students, Parents, Teacher and Admin staff
From French and International stream
What are the FIS Community needs? The 3 “I”
How to strengthen our FIS community? 1st duty of our community
Welcome the new comers with a dedicated Journey: a Welcome Book
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Launch in Sept 2015, Format, functionalities, tools…
Sponsorship from Banque transatlantic et Calamensi Designs
Distribution & Target
How to strengthen our FIS community? “Yes OUI CAN!”
OUI can Take Part: many events are organized at FIS through the year =>Please join
OUI can Support: the school hosts different fundraising events: the Christmas Fair, the Gala
Dinner and the School Fairs => Please donate
OUI can Commit: Parents are represented at all levels of the school structure => Please get
Question about the proportion of teachers in each stream: 1/3 for the international steam
and 2/3 for the French stream. The proportion is higher in the IS as there are more than 1
teacher in for each primary grade.
Question about school bus line from Kowloon to Blue Pool/Jardines: a parent is organizing
a route and calling out interested families.
Question on the tender for the canteen supply: tender is currently processing so no
information can be given today. However, the selected supplier must be sustainable and
assist to reduce the waste (even if it has to go with less choice).
School fees increase: 8% voted for 4 years such as 5 % are assigned to the new
recruitments, daily expenses and additional HR measures and coop with the general
inflation and 3% are dedicated to the development fund.
Organization of the Chinese classes: new head of Chinese department will arrive
in September and will look at the possibilities to reinforce Chinese learning at
Question about increasing number of students to be able to increase the income
and lower the fees: not planned, quality of the teaching environment is the
priority. It is very difficult to keep a campus safe and healthy if over 1000
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
Question to know if a Lycée will opened in TKO: it is not planned and the government
is in quest of more primary school placements.
With the campus development could you consider to lower the number of students per
class? Not part of the plan. 25 students/class is healthy and qualitative.
Would OIB remain at FIS? yes it will, FIS is accredited for primary and secondary OIB
Conclusion by Arnaud de Surville, president of the Executive
Committee and Chairman
Why did we win?
Another way to phrase this question is to ask, what so special about our school?
We spent a lot of time on this question to prepare our bid for working on the TKO. we
reflected on who we are and where we want to be.
The best image I can think of to explain our school is that of a tripod.
The tripod
• As most tripods it has three legs. We named them
- parents
- government
- international
This means you, us.
Since its creation this school is owned, financed and managed by parents.
We are not driven by profits. Our commitment is to the community not to savvy investors.
Our involvement is on multiple levels. For instance more events (24 this year, 90
volunteers), class dads and class mums (180). Overall 1 volunteer in every 4 family. They
deserve our gratitude and why not a round of applause.
We count on parents to give generously through our the new fund raising initiatives driven
by Atul. Some of this money by the way will be used to help families struggling with school
fees and debentures.
We acknowledge that for some families attending our school implies making sacrifices. Our
commitment is to them as well through scholarships and instalments.
Your feedback as Marie-Aude explained, helped us realized that your expectations have
changed. For us it is a clear mandate to implement change.
The second leg is government
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
One manifestation of government is the AEFE. AEFE helps us monitoring quality. No other
similar organization operates on such a scale and with such good results.
Government also provides direct project financing, loan guarantees and scholarships. On
the subject of financing we need also to remember that the HK government, our hosts is
very generous. They provide land free of charge and interest free loans to help during
At FIS international is a verb not an adjective. 70% of our students continue overseas,
teachers organize many school trips abroad; students travel the region to participate to all
sorts of competitions, every year the number of exchange students is growing.
Our two streams cater for many different communities. Among the 494 schools in the AEFE
network, shown on the map here, FIS is the only one with French and International streams.
International means also multi lingual. As you heard from Mr Soulard languages are one
the pillars of our vision and he will drive them further in the months to come.
No Pain – No Gain
Many ambitious projects will materialize in the months to come, more are still on the
drawing board.
These projects cover facilities, organization and curriculum.
It’s not going to be easy, and it is not going to be cheap, as Adrien wisely reminded us.
To succeed we must collectively show patience and confidence.
We are aware of the limitations of our existing facilities. We have some ideas on making
the best use of them. Do not expect miracles though.
TKO and BPR will open at best in September 2018. This is a tight schedule and we are at
the mercy of some zealous government agency to miss a September opening.
During these three years construction works will cause disturbances. Yes there will be
some noise and dust in BPR and yes we will put in place all possible containment measures.
Yes we will close the gymnasium for a while and yes we have found alternative venues.
Bear with us.
Confidence in future
We need to feel your confidence. Confidence in the school and its vision, its organization
and its future.
The leadership team is both strong and enthusiastic. They have big plans and we will
continue to recruit additional talents to enable them.
This picture of a space invader sent back in space is an allegory of the miracles we can
accomplish when passion and determination exalt the best of us. The same passion and
determination drive of all us, parents, teachers, staff and obviously students. And together
there is no limit to what we can achieve.
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk
You’re invited
Three last and short points.
We invite you to consult the tender document we submitted to EDB and got us TKO. It is
an excellent synthesis of who we are and where we are going
We invite, or rather exhort you to volunteer to help with events, school activities and EXCO
committees. We need all the help we can get for the Gala, our target this year is to raise 3
million HK$.
Finally we invite you to join us afterwards in the lobby for an aperitif sponsored by our loyal
friends of Connoisseur wines.
Before this meeting is declared officially closed, I wish to thank all the wonderful persons
present on stage today. They are investing countless hours for the betterment of the school.
A special mention for Rebecca Ip, our executive director, Ian Clayton and Veronique Harrel
who managed brilliantly their first year at FIS.
Thank you to Sidney Jones and Marceau Dova, our talented MCs. You are right to say that
this is your school.
Congratulations to Romain de Garsignies, Julie Fabre and Marie Bourrut Lacouture who
orchestrated this new format of AGM. Thank you also to the director Sebastien Blessy who
assisted us at the rehearsals, merci Frederic Thierry d’Argenlieu a la technique.
And finally our thanks to agency Rewind for the fantastic movie and to all the teachers,
students and staff who contributed to it
And finally, to my favourite sponsor Connoisseurs Wines & Spirit offering us the aperitif
today and supporting many school events.
This AGM is now finished, thank you for your attention, have a great weekend. If you have
some time left, let’s meet in the lobby for an aperitif.
A special thanks to our generous sponsors for this AGM:
French International School “Victor Segalen”
165, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
T: +852 25776217 F: +852 25779658 E: info@lfis.edu.hk