Dr. Vera Angelova - mikro.tu
Dr. Vera Angelova - mikro.tu
Dr. Vera Angelova: CV Dr. Vera Angelova Curriculum Vitae Address: Technische Universität Berlin Straße des 17. Juni 135 10623 Berlin Germany Phone: +49 (0)179 777 9964 E-mail: vera.angelova@tu-berlin.de Personal information: Born on September 25, 1981 in Sofia, Bulgaria Nationality: Bulgarian and German Married, two children, born 2011 and 2012 Affiliations Technische Universität Berlin Berlin Economics Research Associates (BERA) Program Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) Areas of Interest Game Theory, Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics Academic Positions Since 07/2012 Research associate in the team of Prof. Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel, Chair of Microeconomics, Technische Universität Berlin 08/2010-06/2012 Research associate in the research group of Prof. Werner Güth, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena 01/2009-03/2009 Visiting researcher at the Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France 04/2007-01/2008 Scientific and administrative vice coordinator of the International Max Planck Research School „Uncertainty“ (IMPRS Uncertainty) 09/2006-08/2010 PhD student in the research group of Prof. Werner Güth, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena 1 Dr. Vera Angelova: CV Education 09/2006 – 08/2010 PhD student at the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena Dissertation: „Experiments on Cooperation and Markets with Asymmetric Information“; Supervisors: Prof. Oliver Kirchkamp, Prof. Werner Güth, Grade: summa cum laude, Dr. rer. pol. since 08/2010 10/2006 – 12/2007 PhD student at the graduate school „The Economics of Innovative Change”, Friedrich Schiller University Jena 10/2000 – 11/2005 Student of Economics, Humboldt University Berlin Specialization in Econometrics and Operations Research; Thesis in Applied Microeconomics: „Costs and Benefits of Influence Activities“, supervisor: Prof. Dominique Demougin 09/2004-04/2005 Visiting student of Economics at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Kanada 09/1995 – 05/2000 German Language High School in Sofia, Bulgaria Publications Vera Angelova, Olivier Armantier, Giuseppe Attanasi, Yolande Hiriart (2014). “Relative Performance of Liability Rules: Experimental Evidence”, Theory and Decision, 77(4), 531-556. Vera Angelova, Tobias Regner (2013). "Do voluntary payments to advisors improve the quality of financial advice? An experimental deception game", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 93, 205-218. Vera Angelova, Lisa V. Bruttel, Werner Güth, Ulrich Kamecke (2013). "Can Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Threats Foster Cooperation? An Experimental Test of Finite-Horizon Folk Theorems", Economic Inquiry, 51(2), 1345–1356. Vera Angelova, Werner Güth, Martin G. Kocher (2012). "Co-employment of permanently and temporarily employed agents", Labour Economics 19(1), 48-58. Thomas Gehrig, Werner Güth, Rene Levinsky, Vera Popova (2010). "On the evolution of professional consulting", Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization 76, 113-126. Tünde Baga, Beate Kuntz, Vera Popova, Saskia Schmidt (2004). "Der Keltische Tiger - ein Vorbild für Europa?", Projekt Junges Europa, Wehrhahn Verlag, 2004. Honors, Grants, Scholarships 2015-2016 Selected for participation at the ProFiL Program: Advanced Qualification for Women in Science: Mentoring – Training – Networking 2015 Berlin Center for Consumer Policies 2 Dr. Vera Angelova: CV 2011 Otto Hahn Medal, awarded by the Max Planck Society for outstanding scientific achievements (award received under the maiden name: Vera Popova) 2006-2007 PhD scholarship, Max Planck Society 2008-2010 PhD scholarship, Max Planck Society 2004-2005 Full tuition waiver for studying at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada 2004 Travel grant, Society for Economics and Management at Humboldt University Berlin 2003-2004 Scholarship, German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) 2003-2004 Scholarship, Hertie Foundation (Hertie Stiftung) Teaching (Lectures, Seminars, Exercises) Winter 2015/16 Summer 2014 Master Exercise Advanced Microeconomics, Technische Universität (TU) Berlin Seminar Microeconomics, TU Berlin Summer 2016 Winter 2015/16 Summer 2015 Summer 2015 Winter 2014/15 Summer 2014 Summer 2014 Winter 2013/14 Summer 2013 Winter 2009/10 Bachelor Supervision of the tutorials for the lecture Microeconomics, TU Berlin Exercise Game Theory, TU Berlin Lecture Microeconomics, TU Berlin (substituting the professor) Supervision of the tutorials for the lecture Microeconomics, TU Berlin Exercise Game Theory, TU Berlin Seminar Microeconomics, TU Berlin Exercise Industrial Organization, TU Berlin Exercise Game Theory, TU Berlin Exercise Industrial Organization, TU Berlin Exercise Game Theory, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena Supervision of Master and Bachelor Theses 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Bann Ayyoub: “Deception in economic interactions: which factors lead to more honesty and trust in experimental sender-receiver games?” Saskia Bartsch: “Auswirkung der Preisgestaltung auf Sabotage in experimentellen Tournaments” Niklas Fischer: “Die Auswirkungen von Betrug auf die Verhandlungsergebnisse in Ultimatum Spielen” Arne Fröhling: “Vorteile und Nachteile von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen: eine experimentalökonomische Analyse” Mona Frommhold: “Monetäre Anreize und die Wahl der Anstrengung in wiederholten Tournieren” Mathias Ginter: “Die Auswirkung von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen auf die individuelle Leistung in Experimenten” 3 Dr. Vera Angelova: CV 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 Alf Hausmann: “Positive Diskriminierung: Die Wirkung von Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen in experimentellen Wettkämpfen” Nina Nedkov: “Lying aversion in experimental sender-receiver games” Felipe Nogueira: “Sabotage in tournaments with team-based compensation” Matias Mayobre Perdomo: “Bietverhalten in experimentellen Contests: die Rolle von Preisgestaltung und Erstausstattung” Julius Schein: “Korruption in Beschaffungsauktionen – Eine Analyse verschiedener Präventionsmaßnahmen” Birte Schmidt: “Der Effekt von Kommunikation auf den Wettbewerb zwischen Gruppen” Steffen Hölper: “Aspekte der Kartellentstehung und –bekämpfung Auswirkungen von Strafen, Leniency und Belohnungen aus ökonomischer Sicht” Invited Talks 2015 Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 9th Jena Summer Academy “The Economics of Innovative Change”: “Do voluntary payments, competition, and reputation reduce cheating in an experimental sender-receiver game?” 2015 University of Heidelberg, Seminar at the Alfred Weber Institute for Economics: “Do voluntary payments, competition, and reputation reduce cheating in an experimental sender-receiver game?” 2013 Plenary lecture, Jour Fixe of the Collaborative Research Center 649: Economic Risk, Humboldt University Berlin: “How to incentivize biased experts? An experiment” Presentations at Conferences 2015 International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Sciences, Toulouse: “Do competition, reputation, and voluntary payments reduce cheating?” 2015 European Science Association, Heidelberg: “Intertemporal Effects of Performance Incentives, A real-effort experiment” 2010 European Economic Association, Glasgow: “Treacherous Advisors – An Experimental Investigation“ 2010 European Science Association, Copenhagen: “What renders financial advisors less treacherous? On commissions and reciprocity“ 2010 International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Bilbao: “Treacherous Advisors - An Experimental Investigation” 2009 Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe, Guadeloupe: “Do investors optimize, follow heuristics, or listen to experts?” 4 Dr. Vera Angelova: CV 2009 Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe, Workshop on Experiments and Innovation, Jena: “Treacherous Advisors – An Experimental Investigation” 2009 European Science Association, Innsbruck: “Finite-Horizon Folk Theorems - An Experimental Test” 2009 European Economic Association, Econometric Society, Barcelona: “Do investors optimize, follow heuristics, or listen to experts?” 2009 International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Granada: "Can Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Threats Foster Cooperation? An Experimental Test of Finite-Horizon Folk Theorems" 2008 European Science Association, Lyon: "Co-employment of permanently and temporarily employed agents" 2008 International Association for Research in Economic Psychology/Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, Rom: "Co-employment of permanently and temporarily employed agents" 2008 International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Alicante: “Theory, Practice or Experts - Whom do Investors Follow?” Summer Schools/Workshops 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 European School on New Institutional Economics, Corsica IMPRS Uncertainty Summer School, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena (MPI of Economics, Jena) Summer school of the graduate program “The Economics of Innovative Change'', Jena (EIC, Jena) IMPRS Uncertainty Summer School, MPI of Economics, Jena Summer school of the graduate program EIC, Jena IMPRS Uncertainty Summer School, MPI of Economics, Jena Summer school of the graduate program EIC, Jena Workshop Less is More, MPI for Human Development, Berlin IMPRS Uncertainty Summer School, MPI of Economics, Jena Summer school of the graduate program EIC, Jena Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics, MPI for Human Development, Berlin Organization of Summer Schools 2007 Organization of the first four weeks IMPRS Uncertainty Summer School at the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena Participation in Committees 2015-2016 Representative of the research associates at the „Institutsrat“ at the Department of Economics and Law, Technische Universität Berlin 5 Dr. Vera Angelova: CV Stays Abroad 01/2009 – 03/2009 Visiting researcher, Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France, Scientific cooperation: “Relative Performance of Liability Rules: Experimental Evidence” with O. Armantier, G. Attanasi, Y. Hiriart, published in Theory and Decision 08/2004 – 04/2005 Exchange student of Economics at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada 07/2004 Language course in Italian (four weeks), Rom, Italy 08/1998-07/1999 Exchange student with Youth for Understanding in Göttingen, Germany Referee Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Memberships European Science Association, Deutscher Hochschulverband, Gesellschaft für Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung, Netzwerk ProFiL, Verein ProFiL Languages Bulgarian (native), German and English (fluent), French and Italian (basic) References Prof. Dr. Oliver Kirchkamp Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Carl-Zeiß Str. 3 07743 Jena Tel.: +49 (0) 3641 943240 E-Mail: oliver@kirchkamp.de Prof. Dr. Werner Güth Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Sonnemannstraße 9-11 60314 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 (0) 69 154008711 E-Mail: w.gueth@fs.de Prof. Dr. Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel Technische Universität Berlin Straße des 17. Juni 135 10623 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 31429009 E-Mail: ivanova@mailbox.tu-berlin.de Berlin, April 23, 2016 6