SiFi Times February 2016 - International School of Stuttgart


SiFi Times February 2016 - International School of Stuttgart
Learning at I.S.S. Sindelfingen
Head of School:Sarah Kupke
Director of Academics for Learning: Rebecca Jones-Bürk
International School Stuttgart Sindelfingen Campus
Hallenser Straße 2
71065 Sindelfingen, Germany
+ 49 (0) 7031 6859780
Bilderbuchprojekt mit der Deutschklasse 8/9/10 und
dem Kindergarten
Jeden Mittwoch im ersten Semester haben sich die Kinder des Kindergartens und die Schüler
der Language Acquisition German Grade 8/9/10 getroffen, um zusammen deutsche
Bilderbücher anzuschauen und zu lesen. Jeder Schüler hatte ein oder zwei “KindergartenBuddies” und hat zusammen mit ihnen verschiedene Bücher angeschaut und vorgelesen. Die
Kindergartenkinder und die Schüler haben sich hierbei gegenseitig geholfen.
Irgendwann hatten wir die Idee, dass die Kinder selbst eigene Bilderbücher gestalten und
schreiben könnten. Gesagt getan, zusammen mit ihren “Kindergarten-Buddies” haben die
Schüler eigene, kreative, bunte, lustige, spannende und tolle deutsche Bilderbücher
gemacht. Es war immer sehr lustig und lebhaft in den Mittwochsstunden, alle hatten Spaß
und waren am Ende sehr stolz auf ihre eigenen, sebstgeschaffenen Bilderbücher, die sie
dann auch in einer Schulversammlung den anderen Schülern vorstellen konnten.
Picture book project between the 8/9/10 German class
Early Years class.
Every Wednesday in the first semester, the children of the Early Years Class and the
students of German Language Acquisition Grades 8/9/10 met to together to look at German
picture books and read. Each student had one or two "Early Years Buddies" and the Early
Years Students helped the older students with their German reading and understanding.
Eventually, we had the idea that together the students could make and write their own
picture books. Over the semester the students met to make their own creative, colorful,
funny, exciting and great German picture books. It was always very fun and lively during the
buddy time on Wednesdays. Everyone enjoyed the project and in the end were very proud
of their own, self-made picture books, which they were able to present the other students in
a school assembly.
1&2 C
Class Teacher: Amanda Clem
German Team Teacher: Andrea Haake
Learning Assistants:
Forschungseinheit über die
Ve r g a n g e n h e i t “ K ö n i g e ,
Königinnen und Schlösser”,
Mittelaltermarkt veranstaltet,
um unser Lernen zu zeigen,
wie die Vergangenheit immer
noch unsere Gegenwart
“I learned that in the Middle
Ages, if they didn’t like
someone they would throw
them in the moat.” -Clara
Im Deutschunterricht wurden
Wir haben gelernt zu sagen:
kleine Leporellos erstellt. Wir
“Um 7:00 Uhr stehe ich auf”
haben gelernt die Uhrzeiten auf
deutsch zu sagen und was wir
oder “Um 12:00 Uhr esse ich zu
zu der Uhrzeit machen.
In our last unit, Houses, we had our
class getting to know each other a little
better. During this unit, students were
introduced to the idea of interviewing
someone. With this, students created
interview questions, asked the
questions to a partner then designed a
shoebox diorama based off their
partner's responses.
“Houses are different everywhere. For
example, the houses in Germany are
different than the houses in Africa.” Julien
“During our Houses unit, I learned how
to design houses based on my partner’s
interview.” -Maya
Do you have the time? WE DO! We have been learning about parts of a clock and telling time. Some students have
even begun writing word problems related to time! For a hands-on timer activity, students put their creative hats on
and designed a timer to share with their classmates!
“Ich habe ein Papier mit ganz vielen unterschiedlichen Uhrzeiten ausgefüllt.” -Tim
“I learned that when the big hand points to the 12 it means o’clock.” -Cameron
Class Teacher: Matthew Knights
1&2 K
Exploration to
20th of January 2016
We had a lovely trip down to
Sindelfingen, exploring the old and
new buildings in our little town.
German Team Teacher: Trixi Kuballa
Learning Assistant: Sally Albarran
who gave us a tour around town
and took us to the three city halls.
The students looked at the
ausgeweitet, nicht zuletzt aufgrund
des großen Anstiegs von Branchen
wie beispielsweise Mercedes.
differences of old vs. new buildings, Wir hatten das Glück, eine kundige
we got to take a peak at the skyline Führerin vom Stadtmuseum
of Sindelfingen and looked at a few
models of what Sindelfingen used
Sindelfingen dabei zu haben, die
uns auf unserer Tour durch die
Sindelfingen was once known for its to look like.
Stadt auch die drei Rathäuser
weaving industry and only
consisted of a small area
gezeigt hat.
surrounded by the city wall. In the
past 800 years it has grown
immensely, thanks to a large
increase in different industries such
as Mercedes.
We were lucky to have a
knowledgeable guide with us from
the Stadtmuseum Sindelfingen,
Wir hatten einen schönen Ausflug
nach Sindelfingen und haben dort
die alten und neuen Gebäuden in
unserer kleinen Stadt erkundet.
Sindelfingen war einst für seine
Weberei-Industrie bekannt, und
bestand nur aus einer kleinen
Fläche, die von der Stadtmauer
umgeben war. In den vergangenen
800 Jahren hat sie sich immens
Die Schüler haben viel über die
Unterschiede von alten und neuen
Gebäuden gelernt, haben einen
Blick auf die Skyline von
Sindelfingen werfen können und
haben Modelle vom alten
Sindelfingen gesehen.
At the end of Semester I, the children of Class 1/2K put on a very special Circus Performance. Led
by our ringmaster Frau Kubacsek, children embodied many of the aspects of the IB’s Learner Profile;
among others…:
Communicators - the children expressed themselves with sound and movement.
Thinkers & Inquirers - the children considered the best way to bring their part to life.
Open-minded & Risk-takers - not all children are instinctive stage-performers, but all did their best.
Reflective & Caring - children practised, took note of feedback, and improved, taking care to help
their peers to develop also.
Balanced - both in the literal sense (!), and also in valuing physical performance as highly as
academic learning.
Principled - children did their best, and behaved well.
Knowledgeable - most children would not have visited a circus prior to now, so they increased their
knowledge of this ancient interpretive art form.
What a great show!
Class Teacher: Jennifer King
German Team Teacher: Sylvia Karaca
Learning Assistant: Ursula Sites
3&4 K
Grade 3/4 Interactive
Science Exhibition on
Electricity and
After spending some weeks
investigating both magnetism
and electricity, the children of
grade 3/4 got involved in the
design process: Their task was
to design and build a gadget,
toy or game that required
magnets or an electrical circuit.
Working in teams, the children
had to
brainstorm ideas, discuss,
compromise and find a creative
draw accurate diagrams
gather appropriate materials
measure, problem solve and
experience trial and error
write a detailed instruction
explain the science behind their
3&4 K
Buddy Reading at Fasching in Class 3/4K
February means Fasching. Here are photos of the children taking part in our weekly Buddy Reading
activity. In this activity, the children are partnered with a child who is an ‘expert’ in another language.
Through sharing reading together, the children can learn each other’s language, or help each other
learn the target language.
Class Teacher: Owen Murphy
German Team Teacher: Elke Clarus
Festivals of Light
On December 18, 2015, Grades 3, 4 and 5, gave
a performance showing the audience what the
meaning and purpose of celebrating Festivals of
Light truly is about – hope, family, friends,
peace, tolerance, prayer, celebration,
sharing, giving, and receiving.
Through the shadow silhouette plays, which
Grade 3 and 4 created, festivals celebrated
around the world were depicted, for example,
Diwali, Christmas, Chinese and Japanese New
Year, and many others. The students clearly
showed their ability to research on a topic,
create a plan and silhouettes, and perform and
present their work in small teams.
In contrast, Grade 5 performed a World Religions
play, which they devised themselves. Based on
four main religions, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism
and Hinduism, the students took us on a journey
showing those who attended the main beliefs
and rituals, which these religions practice. Each
scene consisted of one group encountering a
new religious group and passing judgment. Once
the two groups communicated with one another,
misunderstandings and clarity of the rituals being
practiced were understood and tolerated.
The final dance called “The Man in the Mirror”
truly left the audience to reflect on how WE too
can make a difference.
All Grades were focusing on a particular
Research Unit in their classes and they
interdisciplinary worked with the Arts team to
successfully present the Festivals of Light.
Grade 5’s Mosque Visit
There has been a great deal of thinking and
reflecting about the world we live in in the wake of
recent events. When people seek to create division
and fear, perhaps our best response is to be
committed to the values of tolerance and openmindedness. Certainly, the community at an
international school has a unique opportunity to
celebrate our diversity and be a force for good both
now and in the future.!
I really enjoyed watching the people pray because it was
Grade 5 are currently studying the many
interesting to see how they communicated with their God. I
religions of our world, learning about what
enjoyed when we gave them a thank you note at the end because
unites us and recognising and respecting
they were really happy - Sophie
differences. We are taking a week to
concentrate on all the major world religions
and were honoured to visit the mosque in Bad
Cannstatt. This trip is definitely one of the
highlights of Grade 5 because we meet wonderful
people and see how they practice their faith. !
As always, we were greeted with a smile and
warmth by a committee member of the Islamic
Centre Stuttgart; we were welcomed with a
Dentro de uma mesquita as pessoas respeitavam muito
handshake from the Imam; we ate food
a sua religião porque para rezares tens de lavar os pès as mãos
prepared by our hosts and were truly honoured
e os cotovelose - Lucas
to be invited to watch the midday prayers. We
certainly now know that the respect and
kindness which unites us is meaningful and
powerful. Grade 5 has taken another huge step
to being global citizens and can be proud of
being so respectful, principled, caring and openminded.!
Mr Murphy and Frau Clarus
Mir hat es gefallen, dass wir bei dem Mittagsgebet dabei
sein durften - Leon!
いました。 - Ami
Dancing - to enhance
Mr. Adrian Turner held Dance
workshops with Grades 5 , 6
and 7 to support the
students’ learning and
understanding of how dance
compliments the Arts, how
dance allows us to be
expressive and how dance
can support our
understanding of a culture
and time period. The classes
explored the following:
Grade 5: Hava Nagila – a
Jewish Dance
Grade 6: Renaissance Dance
Grade 7: Shadow Dance
Homeroom Teacher: Kathryn Goode
Drama Teacher: Pam Grimes
Grade 7
Homerome Teacher: Gudrun Egle
Language Teacher:Anja Knabe, Andrew Waskowski
Science Teacher: Carrie Scafe
Schlau Schau 2016 – Grade 7
Sea Level Rise Project
As you know, the Schlau
Schau, sponsored by the
Sindelfingen Citizen’s
Foundation (Bürgerstiftung),
took place Saturday, January
30th. The show was held in
Breuningerland, and usually
about 30,000 people see the
show during the course of the
The topic, which was chosen
by the Sindelfingen Schools
and Bürgerstiftung, was “The
Earth – Environment Sustainability.” Our Grade 7
students particularly focused
on the problem of Sea Level
Rise, which was an
interdisciplinary unit of study
for them this year.
They presented information
on this topic to Schlau Schau
visitors in a number of ways
as well as shared their
stories, in narrative form, of a
people’s plight caused by the
increasing rise in sea level
and how this problem can be
Some question which the
students discussed were:
2. How can a community be
affected by sea level rise?
This includes environmental,
economic, political, ethical
and cultural/social problems.
3.What are the most
promising scientific/
engineering solutions and/or
political solutions, which
communities are currently
applying to solve their local
sea level rise problems?
All of our students did a
wonderful job of engaging
1.What are the most
the Schlau Schau visitors in
significant causes of sea level conversations, discussing
their topics and showing their
presentations. Well done,
grade 7!
Auszüge aus den Reflexionen der Schüler nach Abschluss dieses
fächerübergreifenden Projekts, an dem die Fächer Language (Deutsch und
Englisch), Science, Kunst und Design beteiligt waren:
“…es hat mir geholfen, in vier verschiedenen Fächern über den Meeresanstieg zu lernen,
weil wir zum Beispiel Videos über die Auswirkungen des Anstiegs gesehen haben und
gesehen haben, wie das andere Menschen beeinträchtigt. Das hat mir für meine
Geschichte geholfen, da es mir dadurch leichter fiel, mich in meine Hauptperson
hineinzuversetzen, weil ich es mir besser vorstellen konnte.”
- Marvin “… dadurch, dass wir das Projekt in fächerübergreifend gemacht haben, konnten wir den
Meeresspiegelanstieg aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachten – aus der
wissenschaftlichen, aus der literarischen und aus der künstlerischen. (…)
Meine Geschichte wäre ohne die wissenschaftlichen Fakten nicht so gut geworden –
obwohl ich persönlich es am Anfang sehr schwer fand, diese Fakten so unterzubringen,
dass es passt.”
- Alex “Es war schwierig, alles, was wir in Science gelernt haben in meine Geschichte
einzufügen. Aber es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, die Geschichte zu schreiben und alles
zusammen hat mir geholfen, ein besseres Verständnis für den Meeresspiegelanstieg zu
- Felix “… noch etwas Gutes war, dass wir die Fachbegriffe immer gleich auf Deutsch
und auf Englisch gelernt haben und so problemlos hin- und herwechseln
konnten. (….) Es war viel Arbeit, aber ich fand das Projekt gut und
würde sonst nichts ändern, denn es hat so schon sehr viel Spaß gemacht.”
- Julia -
Grade 7
Drama Teacher: Pam Grimes
The Importance of Field Trips
Grades 3, 4 and 7 were all enlightened by a mixed-aged group field trip to the Linden
Museum to take part in workshops about “Shadow Puppetry” in November 2015.
The exhibition called “Die Welt des Schattentheaters”. As both classes were exploring
shadow and light in the drama classes, this exhibition could not be missed.
As the title states, there is so much students can gain by exploring outside of the
classroom. Simply walking together and taking public transportation is an experience,
which is extremely valuable. Grade 7 served as mentors and leaders for the Grades 3
and 4, talking with them reminding them of how we behave and even playing friendly
quiet games with them on the trains and during the breaks at the Museum.
The exhibition itself served the purpose for each of the Grade levels. In age and
language appropriate groups, children were guided through the world of shadow
plays and were able to also have a first- hand-on experience with the puppets, light
and screens. Our children were able to clearly, through this trip, not only gain firsthand experience about working with others, but to connect to a topic based on their
drama exploration and see the international world of puppetry at first glance – the
trip exemplified without a shadow of a doubt – the importance of field trips!
Homeroom Teacher: Chris Kraft
Art Teacher: Stephanie Langer
Grade 8 Art
In der Einheit im beschäftigten sich die
Schülerinnen und Schüler Klasse 8 mit dem
geschichtlichen Kontext der Landschaftsmalerei und
erstellten selbst ein eigenes Landschaftsgemälde
mit Acrylfarben.
Unter dem Global Context “Orientation in time and
space” und unserem Key Concept “Change”
untersuchten die Schüler zunächst die Geschichte
der Landschaftsmalerei und ihre Berechtigung im
zeitlichen Kontext. Es wurde außerdem untersucht,
welche Transformation ein solches Gemälde
durchmacht im Hinblick auf den Einfluss des
Nach den Recherchen erstellten die Schüler
Bleistiftzeichnungen unter Beachtung des
Fluchtpunktes. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde die
Acrylfarbe hinzugefügt. Zwischendurch gab es
Tipps und Kritik von Klassenkameraden und am
Ende erfolgte die kritische Selbsteinschätzung und
der Rückblick auf den kreativen Prozess.
German Teacher: Anja Knabe
Grade 9/10
Klasse 9/10 – Deutsch Language and Literature
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability
Key Concept: Perspective
Related Concepts: Purpose / Audience Imperatives
Inquiry Statement:
Sprache (im weitesten Sinn) kann Sichtweisen vermitteln und so dazu dienen, Menschen weltweit nachhaltig
zu vernetzen.
Nach den Anschlägen in Paris haben sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse 9/10 in Language &
Literature zunächst mit den negativen Folgen von Globalisierung auseinandergesetzt und unter anderem
recherchiert, was Jugendliche dazu bringt, sich zu radikalisieren.
Es gab und gibt aber auch immer Menschen, die sich (vielleicht gerade deshalb) nachhaltig für ein friedliches
Zusammenleben weltweit einsetzen.
Ihre Lebensgeschichten zeigen, wie diese Menschen zukunftsweisende Perspektiven und so die Hoffnung auf
mehr Frieden weltweit vermitteln.
Die Aufgabe der Schülerinnen und Schüler war es, jeweils die Lebensgeschichte einer Person zu
recherchieren und diese dann vor der Klasse zu präsentieren.
Die Präsentation sollte die Sichtweisen und Überzeugungen der Person zeigen und deutlich machen,
inwiefern sie/er sich für nachhaltigen Frieden eingesetzt hat.
Wir alle haben dadurch ganz unterschiedliche Lebensgeschichten von Menschen kennengelernt, die sich
weltweit aktiv für den Frieden engagiert haben und insofern ein Vorbild für uns alle sein können.
Eine Auswahl der Personen, von denen wir mehr erfahren haben:
Bertha von Suttner
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Albert Schweitzer
Wangari Maathai
Elie Wiesel
Personal Project: Carrie Scafe
Grade 10
Personal Projects
Grade 10
At the beginning of February grade 10 students celebrated the completion of their
Personal Projects and the projects were as varied as the personalities of the class. We
listened to a moving piano piece composed by Luat Bui, were astounded by the
Harrison’s knowledge of electronics as he showed us his Tesla coil and ended with the
Peter Pan Theater Performance directed by Alisz Reed with lighting by Christopher
Zerbe. Below is a list of the very successful student projects:
Alisz Reed – Directing and designing sets and costumes for the school play, Peter Pan.
Axel Alle — Developing his own recipes and publishing them in a cookbook.
Cem Ertugrul – Creating and testing a fitness program including an instructional booklet
showing the exercises.
Chase Miller — Creating Mashups (combining 2 or more songs together to create a new
Christopher Zerbe – Learning how stage lighting affects mood, applying this to Peter
Pan and creating an instructive website to pass on this knowledge and knowledge in
general on how to use the lighting system to future generations.
Elisa Dinkelacker – Creating an artistic video on the theme “hope”.
Eric Meurs – Improving his pedagogical skills by teaching another student how to
improve in a computer game and using this information to develop an instructive
website for anyone to use.
Harrison Minter-Building a Tesla coil that creates music.
Jared Denk — Writing a report about the laws and technology behind implementing
wind energy in an area in order to inform citizens of their rights and building a wind
turbine model.
Luat Bui -- Composing a piano piece with influences from different cultures.
Selina Fessel – Choreographing and filming a dance to help increase awareness of
Shannon Gibson – Learning how to draw a Manga using computer drawing tools and
publishing her own story.
Personal Project
Grade 10