Michael O. Woodburne1,* Alberto L. Cione2,**, and Eduardo P. Tonni2
Michael O. Woodburne1,* Alberto L. Cione2,**, and Eduardo P. Tonni2
73 Woodburne, M.O.; Cione, A.L.; and Tonni, E.P., 2006, Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange, in Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H., eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico and the Great American Biotic Interchange: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias, Publicación Especial 4, p. 73–101. Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange Michael O. Woodburne1,* Alberto L. Cione2,**, and Eduardo P. Tonni2,*** ABSTRACT The age and phyletic context of mammals that dispersed between North and South America during the past 9 m.y. is summarized. The presence of a Central American province of cladogenesis and faunal differentiation is explored. One apparent aspect of such a province is to delay dispersals of some taxa northward from Mexico into the continental United States, largely during the Blancan. Examples are recognized among the various xenarthrans, and cervid artiodactyls. Whereas the concept of a Central American province has been mentioned in past investigations it is upgraded here. Paratoceras (protoceratid artiodactyl) and rhynchotheriine proboscideans provide perhaps the most compelling examples of Central American cladogenesis (late Arikareean to early Barstovian and Hemphillian to Rancholabrean, respectively), but this category includes Hemphillian sigmodontine rodents, and perhaps a variety of carnivores and ungulates from Honduras in the medial Miocene, as well as peccaries and equids from Mexico. For South America, Mexican canids and hydrochoerid rodents may have had an earlier development in Mexico. Remarkably, the first South American immigrants to Mexico (after the Miocene heralds; the xenarthrans Plaina and Glossotherium) apparently dispersed northward at the same time as the first Holarctic taxa dispersed to South America (sigmodontine rodents and the tayassuid artiodactyls). The main (Phase One) Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) bipolar episode transpired from about 2.7–1.8 Ma, with laggards lasting until about 1.0 Ma. A later phase occurred from about 0.8 Ma to virtually modern times and resulted in mainly southern enrichment. Key words: Great American Biotic Interchange, vertebrate paleontology, dispersal, provinciality. RESUMEN Se presenta en forma sucinta la edad y el contexto filético de los mamíferos que se dispersaron entre América del Norte y del Sur durante los pasados nueve millones de años. Se explora la posible presencia de una provincia Centroamericana de cladogénesis y diferenciación faunística. Un aspecto relevante de tal provincia es el retardo en la dispersión de algunos taxones hacia el norte, de México a los Estados Unidos de América, principalmente durante el Blancano; como ejemplos de ello se tiene a los diversos xenartros y los artiodáctilos cérvidos. El concepto de una provincia Centroamericana de tales características ya ha sido tratado en investigaciones pasadas; en el presente estudio, dicho concepto es afinado. Department of Geology, Museum of Northern Arizona, 3101 N. Fort Valley Rd., Flagstaff, AZ 86001 *E-mail address: mikew@npgcable.com 2 Departamento Científico Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, 1900 La Plata, Argentina **E-mail address: acione@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar ***E-mail address: eptonni@museo.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar 1 Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 74 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni Quizá los dos ejemplos más convincentes de cladogénesis en América Central sean el de Paratoceras (artiodáctilo protocerátido del Arikareeano tardío al Barstoviano temprano) y el de los proboscídeos ryncotherinos (Henfiliano a Rancholabreano); adicionalmente, esta categoría incluye roedores sigmodontinos del Henfiliano y, quizá, una diversidad de carnívoros y ungulados de Honduras en el Mioceno medio, así como de pecaríes y équidos de México. Para América del Sur, los cánidos y los roedores hidrocoéridos pueden haber tenido un desarrollo más temprano en México. Es notorio que los primeros inmigrantes sudamericanos a México (después de los precursores del Mioceno: los xenartros Plaina y Glossotherium) se dispersaron hacia el norte, a la vez que los primeros taxones holárticos se dispersaron a Sudamérica (roedores sigmodontinos y artiodáctilos tayasuidos). El episodio bipolar principal (Fase Uno) del Gran Intercambio Biótico Americano (GABI, por sus siglas en inglés) transcurrió durante el intervalo 2.7–1.8 Ma, con rezago que subsistió hasta hace cerca de 1.0 Ma. Una fase posterior ocurrió hace aproximadamente 0.8 Ma, en tiempos virtualmente modernos, y tuvo como resultado un enriquecimiento principalmente meridional. Key words: Gran Intercambio Biótico Americano, paleontología de vertebrados, dispersión, provincialismo. INTRODUCTION Studies of land mammal dispersal between North and South America usually focus on the Great American Interchange or Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) which began about 2.7 Ma and lasted into virtually modern times. The dispersal episodes are populated by suites of animals that display taxonomic facies which differ not only geographically, but temporally. The GABI events are summarized here before moving on to a discussion of faunal provinciality, evolution, and dispersal with which participants in the GABI must have been associated. The Great American Biotic Interchange reflects the end of the Cenozoic isolation of South America with respect to the land mammals and birds of that region in contrast to those of Central and North America (Marshall et al., 1979). This episode witnessed land mammal dispersals across the newly established Isthmus of Panama, and resulted in faunas of both areas being enriched by taxa from the other. In South America, North American mammalian immigrants included tayassuids, rodents, canids, gomphotheriids, camelids, cervids, felids, and ursids, although not all at the same time. For North America, newcomers were largely edentates, but also included rodents and marsupials. It is well known that these dispersals took place at different times in the past 9 m.y. and that certain taxa (procyonids, gomphotheres) reached South America by 7–9 Ma (Table 1) well in advance of 2.7–2.5 Ma (e.g., Campbell et al., 2000; Carranza-Castañeda and Miller, 2004; Morgan, 2005), at least in part coincident with the earliest immigration of ground sloths (Pliometanastes, Thinobadistes) to North America (ca. 8–9 Ma; Hirschfeld, 1981; Webb 1985; Morgan, 2005). After procyonids, the first North American taxa are sigmodontine rodents in Montehermosan beds perhaps at 5–6 Ma. For many years, a classical view that prevailed among workers maintained that representatives of two families of North American origin occurred in Chapadmalalan beds of southern South America and eight in post Chapadmalalan-pre-Ensenadan beds (the “Uquían”; see Marshall et al., 1984; Webb, 1985). However, a new emphasis on biostratigraphical studies demonstrated that the first occurrences of different species of North American families in the south are distributed in beds that encompass more than 4 million years (one in the Chapadmalalan, one in the lower Marplatan, two in the middle Marplatan, one in the upper Marplatan and four in the Ensenadan [Tonni et al., 1992; Cione and Tonni, 1995, 2001, 2005]). In addition there are other species of five families of North American origin in very recent beds or with no fossil record at all (Webb, 1985; Cione and Tonni, 1995). More recently, Carranza-Castañeda and Miller (2004) and Flynn and others (2005) showed that Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange Neotropical immigrants to NorthAmerica, Glossotherium and Plaina, were present in the vicinity of Guanajuato, central Mexico, by 4.6–4.8 Ma, and that Glossotherium reached the USA somewhat later (3.0 Ma, Table 1), but still prior to the beginning of the late Blancan and the GABI. According to Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995), Plaina occurs between 3.3 and 5.0 Ma in the Chapadmalalan SALMA (South American Land Mammal Age) of Argentina. Whether this reflects an evolutionary role for Central America and southward dispersal cannot be solved at present (and the genus seemingly does not occur in the USA in any case). Megalonyx also is known from the early Blancan sites at Guanajuato but rather than being designated as an immigrant at Guanajuato by Carranza-Castañeda and Miller (2004) and Flynn and others (2005), Megalonyx is considered as an endemic North American descendant of Pliometanastes (e.g., Morgan, 2005). The reason(s) for the delayed dispersal of these and other taxa (Neochoerus, Glyptotherium) from central Mexico to the USA remain cryptic, as discussed further below. From the southern South American perspective, a number of workers in the past decade have made considerable advances relative to the composition and timing of the units that contain North American immigrants. Chief among these are Tonni and others (1992), Cione and Tonni (1995, 2001, 2005), Cione and others (2001), and references cited therein. Other students of the GABI also have made significant advances in synthesis and interpretation (e.g., Marshall and Sempere, 1993; Webb and Rancy, 1996; Carranza-Castañeda and Miller, 2004; Morgan, 2005). The following is designed to bring these data and inferences into a general synthesis and to offer suggestions as to implications for the continuity of dispersal between the Americas. The dispersal history is summarized in Table 1 which shows the taxa in North and South America that pertain to land mammal families that participated in the faunal exchanges between them. In some instances the South American record includes notation regarding the North American record of certain genera. Not all South American taxa are immigrants, but are included to provide an impression of endemic radiations. Appendix I provides comments on the timing and contextual aspects of the taxa involved, including endemic genera. 75 TECTONIC/GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND Coates and others (2004) indicate that the Panamanian region was progressively uplifted from about 12 to at least 4.8 Ma, with concomitant disruption of formerly confluent marine depositional environments and faunas, and reflected in the overland dispersals across the Panamanian region at 8–9 Ma. Continued tectonic activity raised the region still more, coincident with the mammalian dispersals at ca. 4.8 Ma and subsequently (GABI), after a brief episode of eustatic sea level rise that breached the peninsula at 6–7 Ma. According to Haug and Tiedemann (1998) and Haug and others (2001) the Panamanian isthmus was a firm barrier to Caribbean-Pacific circulation from 4.7–4.2 Ma, and Hoernle and others (2002) show how the Caribbean plate presented an overland dispersal route in the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene as well as in the Pliocene. For central Mexico, the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (Figure 1) experienced a significant episode of bimodal volcanism in the Hemingfordian-Barstovian interval (Carranza-Castañeda and Miller, 2004) but the effects of this activity were followed in the Hemphillian and Blancan, at least, by erosion and basin filling with intermittent deposition of air-fall tuffs (e.g., Flynn et al., 2005). There seems to be no obvious or convenient geological barrier between central Mexico and the United States to account for the temporal disjunction of dispersals between those places. The Basin and Range Province, that extends from Arizona and New Mexico into northern Mexico (Henry, 1989; Kowallis et al., 1998) likewise had largely ceased activity by the Hemphillian and in any case also provides no boundary setting. ECOLOGIC FACTORS Webb and Rancy (1996) summarize the ecologic context of Central America and adjacent areas. Prior to and coeval with the GABI, the region supported a general savanna setting with relatively open conditions. This also continued during the interval of glacial cooling (from about 2.5 Ma) with concomitant lowering of sea level (Figure 2). Recent research confirms that the onset of significant glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni 76 TMVB Scale Figure 1. Map of Mexico-Central America showing fossil localities discussed in the text. A = Aguascalientes; G = Guanajuato; H = Honduras; M = Mixson’s Bone Bed, Florida; P = Panama; O = Oaxaca and Chiapas; Y = Yepómera. TMVB = Transmexican Volcanic Belt. began at 2.7 Ma (Haug et al., 2005). This climatic event must have had a remarkable influence on the vegetation as well as opening up areas of coastal habitat not previously available, and surely favored the dispersals in the Pliocene that formerly were not so facilitated. The first and main episode of interchange transpired from late Blancan (ca. 2.7 Ma) into the Irvingtonian (ca. 1.4 Ma), and was populated mostly by savanna-dwelling forms living under perhaps climatically somewhat cooler conditions than had obtained in the Hemphillian. This is also reflected in the immigrants largely being drawn from ancient South American stocks and is demonstrated in the diversity of such taxa appearing in Central America: descendants of Oligocene rodents and primates, and older stocks such as marsupials and xenarthrans (armadillos, anteaters, and sloths). By about the beginning of the middle Pleistocene (ca. 0.8–0.6 Ma), rainforest conditions extended from South America to Central America, and contributed to the diminished dispersals from that time onward (Figure 2). Webb and Rancy (1996) point out that elevational partitioning of subtropical versus more savanna-like conditions in the Andes played a part in facilitating the main GABI dispersals into North America of temperate South American taxa on one hand, and on the other promoted provincialism in the later Pleistocene and Recent (see also Cione et al., 2003). In South America the mid- to late Pleistocene record shows diversification of groups having arrived earlier from North America, with remarkably wide distribution. Clusters of endemism are recorded by the north temperate mastodon, mammoth, Bison and Camelops restricted to Central America. A component of south temperate forms also shows regional endemism (pampas deer, pampean glyptodonts and armadillos) in southeastern Brazil. DISPERSAL SCENARIO Pre-GABI, Late Miocene and Early Pliocene A summary of recent literature results in the following reconstruction of dispersal participants and timing (Table 1; Appendix I). As indicated above, megalonychid and mylodontid edentates (Pliometanastes, Thinobadistes) apparently swam across the Caribbean Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange 77 Figure 2. Chronology of North and South American immigration episodes. South American record is after Cione and Tonni (2001). North American episodes are as in the text. For North American dispersals taxa in () are younger USA occurrences subsequent to an earlier record in Mexico. GABI = Great American Biotic Interchange. Relative chronological sequence in the late Blancan record is comparable to ages in Table 1. Arrows show H (high) and L (low) sea levels, after Gradstein and others (2004). * = immigrant from USA. Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni Table 1. First occurrences of taxa involved in the Great American Biotic Interchange. 78 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange about 9 Ma, possibly coincident with the Peruvian gomphothere Amahuacatherium. Gutiérrez and others (2005), and Alberdi and others (2004) express reservations about the age and taxonomy of this genus. López and others (2001) consider proboscideans to first appear in the Sanandresian of Argentina, or at about 2 Ma. A procyonid carnivore followed at about 7 Ma (Cione and Tonni, 2001; Baskin, 1989), resulting in the endemic genus Cyonasua. The North American xenarthran Megalonyx apparently evolved endemically from Pliometanastes by about 7 Ma, so its presence in central Mexico at 4.7 Ma (Carranza-Castañeda and Miller, 2004; Flynn et al., 2005) has no bearing on the early development of the Panamanian isthmus (also Morgan, 2005). The central Mexican record of Glossotherium and Plaina (Carranza-Castañeda and Miller, 2004; Flynn et al., 2005) at about 4.8 Ma appears to reflect geological evidence (above) regarding the establishment of the Isthmus of Panama. In that the earliest record of Plaina in South America appears to be of Chapadmalalan age (within about 3.3–5.0 Ma), the Mexican occurrence may be the oldest for that genus. Baskin (1986) summarizes evidence in favor of the Hemphillian origin and diversification of sigmodontine rodents in North America prior to their diversification in Mexico in the late Hemphillian (CarranzaCastañeda and Walton, 1992) and dispersal to South America in the early Blancan. As revised here, these rodents arrived in the late Montehermosan, considered (Pardiñas and Tonni, 1998) as about 5.8 Ma (Figure 2), and about contemporaneous with their record in Mexico. Endemic members of this immigrant group (Auliscomys, Necromys) are sparse but present in the type Montehermosan in southern Buenos Aires province (Table 1). Diego Verzi (2006, personal communication to Cione) considers that an indeterminate sigmodontine from possibly coeval deposits in northern La Pampa Province (Argentina) is more primitive than Auliscomys or Necromys (see also Montalvo et al., 2000). Sigmodontine rodents are well represented (and phyletically diverse; Table 1) by the Chapadmalalan at ca. 4.0 Ma. Their presence in South America is consistent with the Clarendonian and younger record of sigmodontines in North America. According to Baskin 79 (1986), Abelmoschomys, from the latest Clarendonian Love Bone Bed of Florida, is an early sigmodontine. Antecalomys (Korth, 1998) is a contemporaneous form from Nebraska. Baskin (1978) described the late Hemphillian Bensonomys from Arizona and placed it as a subgenus of the living South American genus Calomys (but see Pardiñas et al., 2002, for a different opinion). Bensonomys also occurs in the late Hemphillian Yepómera Fauna, northern Mexico (Lindsay and Jacobs, 1985), and the Rancho El Ocote Fauna of Guanajuato, central Mexico (Carranza-Castañeda and Walton, 1992). Other North American sigmodontines include Repomys (late Hemphillian to late Blancan; Tedford et al., 1987) and Jacobsomys (early Blancan Verde Fauna, Arizona; Czaplewski, 1987). The Chapadmalalan tayassuid Platygonus is an additional immigrant at about 4 Ma in association with the endemic genus Argyrohyus. Wright (1998) indicates that this peccary group occurs in late Hemphillian faunas of North America. At about 3.5 Ma, Capromeryx apparently entered the USA from a slightly earlier presence in Mexico, and whereas this has nothing to do directly with the GABI, it does address the question of dispersal barriers between the continental United States and districts to the south (see below). In any case, another precursor of the GABI, Neochoerus, is found in central Mexico about then (3.3 Ma) also attesting to the likely presence of the Panamanian isthmus at that time. If it had a southern source, the dispersal of Neochoerus to Mexico apparently transpired at about 3.3 Ma, coeval with the latest Chapadmalalan (Figure 2). The question of source stems from the observation that the earliest occurrence of Neochoerus in South America apparently is in the Ensenadan, at levels younger than about 2.0 Ma (Table 1). The early Marplatan saw the immigration to South America of camels (Lama) at about 3.0 Ma. Glossotherium and the other taxa discussed next have their earliest or an old occurrence in Florida, but many also are found in other sites in the continental USA (Morgan, 2005). At about 3.0 Ma, Glossotherium is found in the USA subsequent to its Mexican earlier occurrence. The USA record is part of the enigma of dispersal delay from Mexico (along with Capromeryx, Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 80 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni Neochoerus, and perhaps Glyptotherium) and the absence of certain taxa found in Central Mexico (Plaina). The GABI The regional basis for the main immigration episode in North America indicates that it likely began about 2.8 Ma with the first occurrence of Glyptotherium in central Mexico, and an entry into the United States very shortly thereafter, along with Neochoerus. Most taxa involved in the beginning of the GABI in the USA are members of late Blancan faunas in North America (2.7–1.6 Ma) and of mid and late Marplatan (Vorohuean and Sanandresian) and Ensenadan faunas in South America (from about 2.6 Ma; Figure 2; Table 1; Appendix I). Beginning about 2.6 Ma or somewhat later, middle Marplatan (Vorohuean) immigrants include mustelids (Galictis and Stipanicicia), canids (Pseudalopex), and equids (Hippidion, Onohippidium). Late Marplatan (Sanandresian) immigrants include the first gomphothere (López et al., 2001). Cervids (Epieuryceros, Antifer) appear in the Ensenadan. Appendix I indicates that North American stocks from which the dispersants derived were present prior to the time of the GABI. For the GABI in the USA, the porcupine Erethizon apparently has no Mexican precursor, but accompanies the above other two taxa to the USA at about 2.7 Ma. Erethizon was recently identified in Sanandresian beds in the Uquía Formation of northwestern Argentina (Reguero et al., 2006). The new South American presence of this taxon, if endemic, implies a record in South America equal to or older than 2.7 Ma. If a South American immigrant, this event could have transpired at about 2.0 Ma from North American Erethizon. In any case, the interval from about 2.5–2.1 Ma saw the North American immigration of the pampatheres Pampatherium and Holmesina, the armadillos Dasypus and Pachyarmatherium, the megathere Eremotherium, and the rodent Hydrochoerus. In South America, Ensenadan immigrants include the tapirid Tapirus; the gomphotheres Cuvieronius and Stegomastodon; the ursid Arctotherium; the canids Cerdocyon (with a Mexican progenitor) and Chrysocyon (with a Blancan record in North America; Berta, 1987); the felids Smilodon, Puma, and Panthera; and the camel Palaeolama. Catagonus is known from the late Hemphillian of North America and the Blancan of Mexico, as well as the Ensenadan to Recent of South America (Wright, 1998). As indicated in Appendix I all of these taxa, possibly except Palaeolama, have a prior occurrence in North America. Depending on the age of the Ensenadan SALMA the GABI in South America recorded its major pulse from about 2.6–about (or older than) 1.0 Ma, fundamentally similar to the late Blancan to early Irvingtonian in North America. For North America, this “Phase One” (Webb and Rancy, 1996) of the GABI appears to be largely over by the end of the Blancan, at about 1.8 Ma, with later gasps apparently represented by the megalonychid Paramylodon (Morgan, 2005), the megathere Nothrotheriops (ca. 1.5 Ma), Myrmecophaga (El Golfo Local Fauna, about 1 Ma; Webb, 1991), and Didelphis (about 1.2–0.8 Ma in Florida and Texas; Morgan, 2005). As indicated above, a second wave of North American taxa entered South America between about 1.8 and 1.0 Ma. If those correlations of Ensenadan taxa are accurate, it appears that both these and the later North American immigrations are in the terminal part of “Phase One”. The late Pleistocene phase begins about 0.8 Ma, with the Bonaerian (the Lujanian is restricted to the latest Pleistocene; Cione and Tonni, 2005) faunas experiencing a number of immigrants (Marshall et al., 1979). These include the procyonid Nasua, the mustelids Galera and Lutra, the rodent Calomys, the peccary Tayassu, and the cervid Ozotoceros, among others (Table 1). If most of these are Lujanian as restricted by Cione and Tonni (2005), then they would be about contemporaneous with those of Rancholabrean age in North America, with taxa such as Cryptotis, Sylvilagus, Lycalopex, Mustela, and Mazama. For North America, the late Pleistocene invaders mostly do not seem to have come directly from South America, but reinvaded North America in the Rancholabrean after having moved southward in the late Irvingtonian: Glyptotherium, Eremotherium, Desmodus, Neochoerus, and Hydrochoerus (Morgan, 2005, p. 300L). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange THE PANAMA-MEXICO FAUNAL PROVINCE Figure 3 summarizes the record of taxa in central Mexico and in Panama that seem to pre-date their counterparts in the USA, in addition to those found on Table 1. If the timing disjunction is accurate and pertinent, it suggests that some factor or factors seem(s) to retard the dispersal to the USA from this southern region, on the order of 1 m.y. in most cases. If the Panamanian example is not one of dispersal lag, but one of prior lineage development, that pattern also is not recognized in the USA at this scale for the groups involved. Rhynchotherium provides another likely example of the endemic development of a lineage with only subsequent manifestation in the USA, as well as implications for dispersal southward. Webb and others (2003) review the history of the Protoceratidae and 81 indicate that the group was present in Central America (Chiapas, Mexico) from about 26 Ma (Paratoceras tedfordi), with the genus representing a ‘southern branch’ of the “Protoceratinae” and Kyptoceras the ‘southern branch’ of the Kyptoceratinae. Kirby and MacFadden (2005) evaluated the mammals of the Panamanian Gaitán Fauna (Cucaracha Formation) regarding the question of whether the body size of these taxa reflects regional isolation of islandlike dimensions, or is within the ranges expected for taxa that were not isolated from counterparts in distant locations. The goal of the investigation was to evaluate whether Central America was a series of isolated islands, of which Panama was one, or whether the region was an interconnected landscape at least during the medial Miocene (ca. 15 Ma). They concluded that the Cucaracha mammals were not isolated bio- Figure 3. Age of selected early occurrences of taxa in Mexico and Central America relative to their USA record. Boldface numbers refer to those used in the text. Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 82 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni geographically from North American congeners, but that genetic interchange occurred readily between and within populations at both ends of the zoogeographic extremes, north and south, at least for members of the Canidae, Oreodontidae, Protoceratidae, Equidae, and Rhinocerotidae. In this context the mammals surveyed suggest that Central America was not a series of isolated islands in the medial Miocene. In their survey of mid- to late Pleistocene faunas in South and Central America, Webb and Rancy (1996) show clusters of endemism, recorded by the north temperate mastodon, mammoth, Bison and Camelops occurring no farther south than Honduras, in Central America, with the same faunas recording the northernmost occurrence of the South American notoungulate, Mixotoxodon. A component of south temperate forms also shows regional endemism (pampas deer, pampean glyptodonts and armadillos) in southeastern Brazil and other areas of South America (see papers in Tonni and Cione, 1999). In general, however, Webb and Rancy (1996) find little other regional endemism in this part of the time scale, as well as earlier. MacFadden (2006a) provides a stimulating summary of faunal and ecological evolution in Central America and the northern part of South America, but notes no major provincial differentiation within that region or relative to adjacent areas to the north or south during the past 25 m.y., except for the above-noted late Pleistocene pattern that the Mexican-Central American province records the southernmost limit of Bison and Odocoileus virginianus (Mexico) and the northernmost limit of toxodonts from South America (Costa Rica; Lucas et al., 1997). The evidence from some of the late Cenozoic faunas in the Mexican-Central American region suggests a somewhat more complex pattern, on the other hand. These examples are numbered for easier reference in Figure 3. recovered from amber-bearing beds of the Balumtum Sandstone (Webb et al., 2003). This unit is considered to be early Miocene in age, and generally considered to range from 22–26 Ma. In Figure 3 the site is correlated on that basis with the ‘late Arikareean.’ As reviewed by Prothero (1998), the Protoceratidae originated in North America in the Uintan (medial Eocene, ca. 46 Ma), underwent a modest radiation until the end of the Eocene (33 Ma), and persisted in diminished numbers until the end of the Hemphillian (ca. 4.5 Ma). One genus, Pseudoprotoceras, is present in the Duchesnean and Chadronian (ca. 40–33 Ma.) and founded the “Protoceratinae” which also contains Protoceras (Whitneyan to late Arikareean, ca. 32–19 Ma) and Paratoceras now known to range from late Arikareean (ca. 26–22 Ma) to early Clarendonian (ca. 10 Ma). Kyptoceratine protoceratids (Syndyoceras [23–18 Ma], Kyptoceros [ca. 5 Ma]) comprise the Kyptoceratini. According to Webb and others (2003), both the “Protoceratinae” and Kyptoceratini are represented by forms in a northern (High Plains) and southern (Gulf Coastal Plain) region, including Central America. In both cases the southern region taxa persist after the extinction of the northern forms, and are characterized as having retreated southward “in apparent association with humid subtropical habitats” (Webb et al., 2003: 363–364). In that Paratoceras was present in the Chiapas region of Mexico as early as perhaps 26 Ma, is recorded in the Cucaracha Fauna of Panama at about 17 Ma (Kirby and MacFadden, 2005), as well as about 15–13 Ma in southern Texas and at about 10 Ma in the Texas Panhandle (Prothero, 1998), the Central American record for the genus supports an interpretation that it represents a group that has been endemic to this region since the late Arikareean and that subsequent to its apparent earlier immigration to this area from the USA it was a member of an endemic Mexican-Central American biota. Mexico 2. Early Hemingfordian. Aguascalientes (A, Figure 1) 1. Late Arikareean. Chiapas (O, Figure 1) Zoyatal Local Fauna. First nominated as early Barstovian by Dalquest and Mooser (1974), this fauna is considered to be early Hemingfordian in age (Tedford et al., 2004:201R). The fossils occur in the Simojovel Local Fauna. The protoceratid artiodactyl Paratoceras tedfordi is the sole taxon from this site, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange Zoyatal Tuff (not dated), that contains Merychyus cf. elegans, Aguascalientia wilsoni, Dyseohyus cf. stirtoni, and Menoceras. Tedford and others (2004) base the age largely on the oreodont Merychyus, which is a common early Hemingfordian taxon. If the peccary actually is Dyseohyus, it is an oldest occurrence of that genus, even if D. stirtoni is regarded as “Prosthennops” xiphodonticus (Wright, 1998). Dalquest and Mooser (1974) gave measurements of the M3 of MU 8686 (not 8696 as stated by them) as 16.0 and 15.8 mm long and 16.2 and 15.9 mm wide. The length, but not the width of these teeth is comparable to Dyseohyus stirtoni and substantially greater than for D. fricki or any species of Cynorca (Woodburne, 1969). The Mexican teeth also seem to have a more attenuated posterior portion of M3 than in Dyseohyus or Cynorca. At this point they are unlikely to be referable to any of these species or genera, even if D. stirtoni is considered as a member of “Prosthennops” xiphodonticus, as in Wright (1998). Nevertheless the specimens do suggest that they represent an early population of the group to which these genera pertain and suggest the presence of such a radicle in Mexico that is unknown in coeval deposits in the USA. As summarized by Wright (1998), the Tayassuini begins with “Cynorca” occidentale of late Hemingfordian age in North America (also Woodburne, 1969), which forms a polytomy with Dyseohyus, first known from the late Barstovian or ca. 15 Ma. If future research shows that the Zoyatal specimens pertain to this group rather than to lineages known from early Hemingfordian faunas in the USA (Hesperhys, Floridachoerus), then an early tayassuine evolutionary theater is suggested for at least the northern part of the Mexican-Central American province. 3. Late Hemingfordian, Oaxaca (O, Figure 1) Suchilquitongo Local Fauna. This fauna is from the Suchilquitongo Formation which occurs stratigraphically 80 m above tuffs dated at 19.2 ± 0.3 and 20.6 ± 0.6 Ma (Ferrusquía-Villafranca, 2003). The taxa include Merychyus minimus, Merychippus sp., a protoceratid referred to Paratocereas, and a kyptoceratine protoceratid more evolved than Syndyoceras cookei, according 83 to Ferrusquía-Villafranca (1990, 2003), who assigned the fauna an early late Hemingfordian age (Tedford et al., 2004:202L). Syndyoceras cookei is from the Harrison and Marsland formations (Prothero, 1998) or Ar3 and 4, and Paratoceras is known elsewhere from faunas of late Arikareean to Clarendonian age (Webb et al., 2003; Prothero, 1998). The Suchilquitongo protoceratids are not otherwise age-diagnostic. Merychyus minimus (if this is the same as M. elegans minimus in Lander, 1998), is listed by him from the Martin Canyon beds (early Hemingfordian to early Barstovian), the Lower Cady Mtn. L.F. (early Hemingfordian), possibly from the Garvin Farm L.F. (early Hemingfordian), and Tick Canyon Formation (Ar4). Woodburne (1998) removed M. calaminthus (= M. elegans minimus of Lander, 1998) from the Lower Cady Mts. Local Fauna and indicated its age as Ar 3 (late early Arikareean). In the context of Lander (1998), M. elegans minimus ranges from early Arikareean to early Barstovian, of little use in close correlation. Even if the material designated as Merychippus pertains to another taxon of comparable hypsodonty, such as “Merychippus” or Cormohipparion (Woodburne, 2003, in press), it is unlikely to be older than 17 Ma, even if specimens from the Box Butte Fm. (Galusha, 1975) are so assigned (Hulbert and MacFadden, 1991). The Suchilquitongo Local Fauna is most useful in supplying a likely late Hemingfordian age for its record of Paratoceras. 4. Late early Barstovian, Chiapas (C, Figure 1) Ixtapa Local Fauna. Ferrusquía-Villafranca (1990), and Jiménez-Hildago and others (2002) indicate that the Ixtapa Local Fauna is from the Ixtapa Formation in the Ixtapa Graben, in Chiapas, Mexico. The site is from the lower part of the formation about 200 m below tuffs that yielded K-Ar ages of 15.02 ± 0.35 and 16.02 ± 0.53 Ma on biotite and plagioclase, respectively. These ages suggest that the fauna is not younger than early Barstovian. The fauna contains Cormohipparion, apparently near C. quinni, cf. Teleoceras and Gomphotherium. Ferrusquía-Villafranca (1990, 2003) compares the Cormohipparion with C. occidentale, but this is presented as C. quinni in Tedford and oth- Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 84 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni ers (2004). As reviewed by Woodburne (in press), the oldest member of the C. occidentale group (C. occidentale, s.l.) is at about 12.5 Ma, in the Burge Member of the Valentine Formation. Cormohipparion quinni is first represented in the Cornell Dam Member of that formation, at about 14 Ma. If the Cormohipparion material proves to be referable to C. quinni (C. sphenodus in Ferrusquía-Villafranca, 2003), it would pre-date the earliest occurrence of that taxon in North America by about 2 m.y. (Woodburne, 1996). The record of Gomphotherium is one of the oldest in North America, and indicates faunal continuity with the west coast of the United States (late early Barstovian North Coalinga Local Fauna), another early occurrence of the genus (ca. 15.2 Ma; Tedford et al., 2004). 5. Late early Barstovian, Oaxaca (O, Figure 1) Nejapa Fauna. As summarized in Tedford and others (2004), the El Cameron Formation contains a late early Barstovian fauna. The fossiliferous beds are interbedded with the Yautepec Tuff dated at between 15.08 ± 0.8 Ma (biotite) and 16.7 ± 0.71 Ma (plagioclase) and contain material from the El Gramal Fauna site referred to “Merychippus,” Gomphotherium, cf. Miolabis, cf. Protolabis, and a protoceratid, plus two other small horses. One of these is a small hipparionine comparable to Hipparion shirleyi otherwise known from late Barstovian faunas of Texas (MacFadden, 1984). The other equid may be referable to Calippus. Webb and others (2003) indicate that the protoceratid is Paratoceras. At the correlative El Camarón site taxa include the mustelid, Plionictis oacacensis, Gomphotherium, a small protohippine horse, a merycodont, small to medium-sized camels as well as members of the Canidae and Felidae (Tedford et al., 2004) who estimate a late early Barstovian age for these sites. The Nejapa Gomphotherium seems to correlate with that from Ixtapa, and the presence of this proboscidean in these two sites is pertinent to the early Hemphillian occurrence of Rhynchotherium blicki from Honduras (see below). The late early Barstovian occurrence of Paratoceras adds to this taxon’s presence in the endemic biota of Mexico-Central America. 6. Early Blancan (Bl1), Guanajuato (G, Figure 1) San Miguel de Allende Fauna. Capromeryx (Artiodactyla: Antilocapridae). Jiménez-Hidalgo and others (2004) report the occurrence of Capromeryx tauntonensis from early Blancan sites in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. Previously the species was known from the Taunton Local Fauna (early Blancan) of Washington, and tentatively from the Sand Draw Local Fauna (“mid” Blancan) of Nebraska, correlated to about 3.05 to 2.7 Ma (Bell et al., 2004). The Mexican occurrence is about 0.5 m.y. older than that from Taunton, and is compatible with a possible southern center of origin and diversification of the genus. Janis and Manning (1998) indicate that Capromeryx is one of the more derived antilocaprids and has a sister-group relationship with a clade that produced Hayoceras, Stockoceras, Hexameryx, and Hexobelomeryx, with an earliest record in the early Hemphillian (ca. 9 Ma). The intervening gap (early Hemphillian to early Blancan) in the USA illustrates a significant absence of a record there which is compatible with a Central American evolutionary center leading to Capromeryx in Mexico, as well as to Tetrameryx in the United States. Panama 7. Late Hemingfordian or early Barstovian (P, Figure 1) Gaillard Cut Local Fauna. Kirby and MacFadden (2005) review the fauna from the Cucaracha Formation of Panama. This fauna contains Texomys stewarti, Tomarctus brevirostris, cf. Cynorca, Merycochoerus matthewi, Paratoceras wardi, Anchitherium clarencei, Archaeohippus sp., Menoceras barbouri and Floridaceras whitei. Based on the analysis of MacFadden (2006b), the assemblage is a coherent fauna of contemporaneous taxa which in North America occur in faunas of Hemingfordian (Merycochoerus matthewi, Menoceras barbouri), Barstovian (Texomys stewarti, Tomarctus brevirostris, Paratoceras wardi) or of Hemingfordian-Barstovian (Anchitherium clarencei, Archaeohippus sp.) age. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange Whereas it could be straightforward to choose the youngest of the potential ages involved, and presume that taxa of Hemingfordian affinity are locally persistent or undiagnostic (Archaeohippus sp.), the possibility still exists that the earlier age is correct and that the taxa of Barstovian affinities point to an earlier pattern of cladogenesis than would be recognized from North America. If one presumes that the Gaillard Cut Local Fauna is of late Hemingfordian age, and that this carries a correlated age of about 17 Ma, then the allegedly Barstovian taxa would pre-date their North American counterparts by about 1 m.y. Honduras and El Salvador 8. Early Hemphillian (H, Figure 1) Gracias and Corinto faunas. Webb and Perrigo (1984) describe two early Hemphillian faunas from Honduras and El Salvador, respectively. The Gracias Fauna is composed of Rhinoclemmys, Geochelone, Osteoborus cyonoides, Rhynchotherium blicki, Hipparion placatile, Pliohippus hondurensis, Teleoceras cf. fossiger, Prosthennops cf. serus, Protolabis cf. heterodontus, Procamelus cf. grandis and Pseudoceras skinneri. The most age-significant taxa, O. cyonoides, H. plicatile, T. fossiger, indicate an early Hemphillian correlation for the fauna, with the Mixson’s Bone Bed Fauna of Florida being a strong correlate, suggesting a date of about 8–9 Ma (Morgan, 2005) for these Central American faunas. Webb and Perrigo (1984) discuss the phyletic position of Rhynchotherium blicki and point out that it is not only more primitive than its chronologically next counterpart (R. edensis) from the Mt. Eden and Warren local faunas of California (correlated at about 5.2 Ma; Tedford et al., 2004), but that this is the oldest American occurrence of the genus. Lambert and Shoshani (1998) posit a Central American origin for the group which then dispersed northward to North America, including the Blancan of Mexico (CarranzaCastañeda and Miller, 2004). This is shown on Figure 3 as Rhynchotherium tlascalae. Lambert and Shoshani (1998) indicate that Rhynchotherium is the basal member of a clade including Stegomastodon (early record is Hh 4), and Cuvieronius 85 (Bl 1). This clade is part of a trichotomy (New World forms) that phyletically precedes a clade composed of ‘shovel-tuskers’, of which Gomphotherium is the basal member and has an early occurrence of early Barstovian in both the USA and Mexico (Nejapa, Ixtapa; Figure 3). Tobien (1973) indicates that Rhynchotherium has affinity with Cuvieronius and Webb and Perrigo (1984) conclude that subtropical North America (= Central America) was an evolutionary center that resulted in the notiomastodonts Cuvieronius, Haplomastodon, and Notiomastodon dispersing from there to South America. The presence of Gomphotherium in late early Barstovian faunas of Mexico indicates its presence in the Central American realm, compatible with a hypothesis of the provincial derivation of Rhynchotherium. DISCUSSION The proposal that the Neogene fossil mammal record of Central America contains examples of endemic evolution is discussed by Webb (1974), FerrusquíaVillafranca (1984), Lindsay (1984), Webb and Perrigo (1984), Slaughter and Ubelaker (1984; CarranzaCastañeda and Walton, 1992), and Jiménez-Hidalgo and co-workers (2002), among others. All are consistent with the suggestions made herein based in part on more recent information. Many of the examples cited here are based on fragmentary or otherwise only generally diagnostic material, but the published taxonomic allocations are taken as stated for the purpose of this discussion. Whereas some of the examples may be solved by upgrading correlations (numbers 3, 4, 7; and Figure 3) others seem to definitely indicate the likely presence of evolutionary provincialism in the Central American region. The late Arikareean occurrence of Paratoceras tedfordi in Chiapas seems to herald the presence of a protoceratid clade that underwent a distinct endemic evolutionary radiation in Mexico-Central America that persisted to within the early Barstovian (numbers 1, 3, 5, 7; and Figure 3). The Zoyatal “Dyseohyus” (number 2; and Figure 3) either represents a major range extension of pre-tayassuine taxa from the USA, or is evidence favoring an early development of the tayassuine clade not identified to the north. Perhaps the most compelling example in addition to Paratoceras Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 86 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni is number 8, where the presence of Rhynchotherium blicki nearly demands that the origin of this group (and its notiomastodont descendants) were unique to this region. The example of Capromeryx tauntonensis (number 6) speaks favorably for there having been a Central American center of origin for this group of antilocaprids, for which there is no record in the USA. At the moment, the potentially earlier age of Plaina in Mexico versus the Chapadmalalan of South America (Table 1) also permits consideration of the role played here by the MexicanCentral American province. In addition to Cerdocyon, immigrant to South America in the Ensenadan from a prior apparent ancestor in Mexico, Berta (1987) reviews the remaining South American canids and comments as to a possible Central American center of diversification for the group. In that context it is informative that new taxa appear in both the Marplatan and Ensenadan on Table 1, suggesting at least two separate dispersal episodes. Regarding rodents, Carranza-Castañeda and Walton (1992) point to a late Hemphillian diversification of sigmodontines in Mexico prior to their dispersal to South America, and the Mexican occurrence of Neochoerus pre-dates its Barrancalobian record in South America. At this point, it is obvious that with the potential exception of the late Pliocene and Pleistocene canids (if they had a Central American radiation), and the earlier record of Tomarctus in Honduras, the groups involved all are herbivores and mostly ungulates. But mesodont to early hypsodont horses (merychippines and Cormohipparion) are not likely to have been members of the same ecologic or adaptive facies as were peccaries, proboscideans, antelopes, or sigmodontine and hydrochoerid rodents, even if all were basically savanna-dwellers (e.g., Webb, 1991). Preceding sections recall numerous references attesting to changes in climate and tectonic setting in this region over the past 9 m.y., as well. Thus it is unlikely that whatever kinds of provincialism operated, there was no single cause for the patterns articulated above. Whatever their causes, patterns of secular evolution as well as chronologic disjunctions in dispersal demonstrate the importance of Central America’s role in the Neogene faunal development of North and South America. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This manuscript was initiated at the invitation of Drs. Oscar Carranza-Castañeda, Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Querétaro, and E.H. Lindsay, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson; the first author thanks them for not only the invitation, but also help and encouragement along the way. Other colleagues who provided assistance include Drs. Gary Morgan, New Mexico Museum of Natural History, Albuquerque, and Bruce J. MacFadden, Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, with especial insight into Neotropical faunas both north and south of the Panamanian isthmus. 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APPENDIX I Time and Entry This summarizes the evidence for the timing and taxa involved in the dispersal. *Underlined taxa are immigrants to South America (also on Table 1). Taxa indicated as e are endemic to South America, having been locally derived after immigration. All chronologic references to Vrba (1993) reflect only the earliest record of the taxon in question, not its entire geochronological range. M&B 00 refers to McKenna and Bell (2000), the searchable version of McKenna and Bell (1998). SALMA units are underlined. Early Hemphillian, ca. 9 Ma Pliometanastes (Xenarthra: Megalonychidae) is known only from North America, but the subfamily Megalonychinae is known from coeval deposits in South America (Megalonychops) according to M&B 00. Morgan (2005) indicates that Pliometanastes has its earliest occurrence in the McGehee Local Fauna of Florida, of early Hemphillian (Hh 1) age, or at about 8–9 Ma. Thinobadistes (Xenarthra: Mylodontidae) is only known from North America. Its earliest occurrence is in the McGehee Farm Local Fauna at ca. 8.5–9 Ma (Morgan, 2005), but the tribe Thinobadistini is known from approximately coeval Huayquerian deposits of South America (M&B 00). Morgan (2005) indicates that Thinobadistes is only distantly related to Glossotherium. The >8 Ma age for the McGehee Farm and Mixson’s Bone Bed sites advocated by Morgan (2005) is older than in Tedford and others (2004; ca. 7.5–8 Ma). Morgan (2005) suggests an age of 8.0–8.5 Ma for the Mixson’s site, following Hulbert (2001). Megalonyx (Xenarthra; Megalonychidae). This sloth is endemic to North America (Morgan, 2005), and apparently evolved from Pliometanastes. It is known only from North and Central America (M&B 00). Megalonyx curvidens is recorded in the Aphelops Draw Fauna of early Hemphillian age (Hh 2; Tedford et al., 1987:171L; Tedford et al., 2004; Fig. 6.2; ca. 7.2 Ma). Morgan (2005) shows Megalonyx present in the Palmetto Fauna of Florida (ca. 5.2 Ma), comparable to its 5.2 Ma age in the Pinole Local Fauna of California (Hh 3; Tedford et al. [1987, 2004]). Flynn and others (2005) report Megalonyx as occurring at about 4.8 Ma in the Guanajuato area of Mexico. Contrary to Flynn and others (2005), the Mexican record does not represent a pre-USA element of GABI. Kraglievichia (Xenarthra, Pampatheriidae). Chasicoan to Huayquerian of South America. Contrary to other opinions, the North American records are dismissed (Edmund, 1987; Scillato-Yané et al., 2005). Huayquerian ca. 9.0–6.8 Ma Flynn and Swisher (1995) indicate an age from 9.0–7.0 Ma. Butler and others (1984) and Marshall and others (1992) present evidence that the Huayquerian-Montehermosan boundary is about 6.0 Ma. Cione and others (2001) summarize evidence in favor of an upper limit of about 6.8 Ma. See Cione and Tonni (2005), and discussion under Cyonasua. *Cyonasua (Carnivora: Procyonidae). Cyonasua is known from the Huayquerian to the Chapadmalalan of South America (Cione and Tonni, 1995; Cione et al. 2001). Chapadmalania is a closely related taxon that is known from the Chapadmalalan to Vorohuan and perhaps Montehermosan; the Huayquerian record is erroneous (Cione and Tonni, 1996; Daniel Berman, 2006, personal communication). The subfamily Procyoninae Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange is recorded from the early Miocene of North America (M&B 00; Marshall et al., 1983). Butler and others (1984) correlated northwestern Argintinian specimens of Huayquerian age referred to Cyonasua as between 7.0 and 7.5 Ma. This appears to be the oldest known record of carnivores in South America and the oldest known representatives of the interchange in South America. Fossils attributed to the more advanced endemic genus Chapadmalania by Butler and others (1984) and Marshall and others (1979) from Corral Quemado, Cataqmarca, northwestern Argentina, are correlated to an age of about 5.4–5.8 Ma. However, the provenance is uncertain because the material was “collected between units 15 and 32 (probably from unit 21) of the Corral Quemado Formation” (Marshall et al., 1979, p. 276). Units 15 to 32 have radioisotopic dates that range from 6.7 Ma to less than 3.54 Ma. Chapadmalania is certainly known in the type upper Chapadmalalan in beds dated approximately as old as 3.3 Ma and in correlative beds in the Huayqueras de San Carlos, Mendoza Province, Argentina (Cione and Tonni, 1996; Schultz et al., 1998). Late Hemphillian ca. 6.8–4.9 Ma and Montehermosan, ca. 6.8–5.0 Ma Traditionally, Chapadmalalan and Montehermosan were considered as separate units (Kraglievich, 1934; see discussion in Cione and Tonni, 1995, 1996). However Pascual and others (1965) incorporated the Chapadmalalan into the Montehermosan, mixing the faunal lists. Marshall and others (1984) recognized the Chapadmalalan as a separate unit, but the faunal list was mixed and included taxa from units of Huayquerian, Montehermosan, and Chapadmalalan age (see Cione and Tonni, 1995). Reliable Chapadmalalan and Montehermosan lists appear beginning in papers by Tonni and others (1992a, b), Cione and Tonni (1995, 1996, 1999, 2005), Deschamps (2004). Marshall and Sempere (1993) combined the Chapadmalalan and “Uquían” in a single unit; this view is not followed here. The upper boundary of the Chapadmalalan is at about 3.3 Ma (Schultz et al., 1998). However the age of the lower boundary of the Chapadmalalan is unknown as is the duration of the Montehermosan. The 4.0 Ma age for the Chapadmalalan-Montehermosan boundary shown in Cione and Tonni (2005) is conventional. Actually little is known of the ages within the interval from about 7.0 to 4.0 Ma. It is highly probable that Chapadmalalan faunas could be older than 4.0 93 Ma, with paleomagnetic evidence suggesting a 4 Ma age for the base of the upper Chapadmalalan (Orgeira and Valencio, 1984). Bolivian sediments with mammals were considered to be Chapadmalalan sensu lato by Cione and Tonni (1996), and could be as old as 5.4 Ma according to radioisotopic ages obtained from underlying tuffaceous beds (Cione and Tonni, 1996). On this basis the lower Chapadmalan should be older. In Puerta de Corral Quemado, Catamarca Province, Argentina, a specimen of Chapadmalania, Chapadmalalan genus, “probably” comes from a level dated at 5.4–5.8 Ma (Butler et al., 1984, p. 634). The 5.0 Ma age chosen in Figure 2 reflects these uncertainties. Furthermore, Montehermosan taxa derive only from the type of that unit near Pehuencó, Argentina, where it is about 2-m thick and underlies the type Chapadmalalan. All other sections considered to be Montehermosan in age are doubtful or appear to be Chapadmalalan (Cione and Tonni, 1996). *Sigmodontine rodents. According to Baskin (1986) Abelmoschomys, from the latest Clarendonian Love Bone Bed of Florida, is an early sigmodontine rodent from the USA. Antecalomys (Korth, 1998) is a contemporaneous form from Nebraska. McKenna and Bell (1998) include Abelmoschomys in the subfamily Cricetodontinae, however. Baskin (1978) described the late Hemphillian Bensonomys from Arizona and placed it as a subgenus of the living South American genus, Calomys. Bensonomys also occurs in the late Hemphillian Yepómera (Lindsay and Jacobs, 1985) and El Ocote (Carranza-Castañeda and Walton, 1992) faunas of Mexico. Other North American sigmodontines include Repomys (late Hemphillian to late Blancan; Tedford et al., 1987), and Jacobsomys, early Blancan Verde Fauna, Arizona (Czaplewski, 1987). Jacobsomys is tentatively assigned to the sigmodontines by McKenna and Bell (1998). Baskin (1986) summarizes evidence in favor of the origin and diversification of sigmodontine rodents in North America prior to their dispersal to South America in the Montehermosan at about 3.5 Ma (modified here to about 5.7 Ma; Figure 2). Sigmodontine records are extremely rare in the Montehermosan (Pardiñas and Tonni, 1998). Remarkably, all South American cricetids pertain to endemic genera. Reig (1981) proposed that cricetids entered South America in the late Miocene. New evidence from the Cerro Azul Formation in La Pampa Province (central Argentina) could bring Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 94 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni new insights regarding the problem (Montalvo et al., 2000). The South American genus Calomys is not a synonym of Bensonomys according to most recent authors (Pardiñas et al., 2002), who consider Bensonomys to be a peromyscine, not a sigmodontine. Recognizing that the North American genera Abelmoschomys and Bensonomys are older than the oldest-known South American sigmodontines, it is important to establish their phyletic affinities (Pardiñas et al., 2002: 240). *Auliscomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). Cione and Tonni (2005) indicate this genus is characteristic of the Montehermosan Trigodon gaudryi biozone in Argentina (see also Pardiñas and Tonni, 1998; M&B 00. See also Necromys. Necromys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). Cione and Tonni (2005) indicate this genus is characteristic of the Montehermosan Trigodon gaudryi biozone of Argentina. It was cited as Bolomys by Vrba (1993) and M&B 00. Bolomys is currently considered as a junior synonym of Necromys (Wilson and Reeder, 2005). e Early Blancan (Bl1, ca. 4.8–3.5 Ma), and Chapadmalalan, ca. 5.0–3.3 Ma See the discussion above regarding the Montehermosan. As indicated in Figure 2, the Chapadmalalan is considered to range in age from about 5.0 to 3.3 Ma, but its base is not calibrated. An “escorias” bed near the top of the upper Chapadmalalan near Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, is dated about 3.3 Ma (Schultz et al., 1998). Cione and Tonni (1995) indicate that the Chapadmalalan is pre-Uquían in the sense that the Uquían is replaced by the Marplatan, which begins about 3.2 Ma in their correlation (Cione et al., 2001). Glossotherium (Xenarthra: Mylodontidae). Glossotherium is known in South America from the type upper Chapadmalalan, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, to uppermost Lujanian in different locations in the Pampean region, according to Cione and Tonni (1995; but not Cione and Tonni, 2005), or from levels somewhat older than 3.3 Ma to 0.01 Ma. The genus Glossotherium Kraglievich, 1934 is a junior synonym of Glossotherium Owen, 1839. In North America Glossotherium typically is found in the Blancan. According to Flynn and others (2005) Glossotherium occurs in early Blancan (4.7–4.8 Ma) deposits in Mexico, but not until the late Blancan, about 2.8 Ma (Lower Cita Canyon and Blanco faunas; Bell et al., 2004:268) in the United States. Morgan (2005) shows Glossotherium as present in the late Blancan Macasphalt Shell Pit, Kissimmee River and Haile 15A local faunas in Florida considered by him to be at about 2.2–2.7 Ma. Tomida (1987) reported Glossotherium from the 11 Mile Wash Local Fauna in Arizona, correlated to about 3.5 Ma (revised to about 3.0 Ma in Bell et al., 2004; Country Club fauna). Esteban (1996) considers that all North American specimens referred to Glossotherium (including those of the Hemphillian of Mexico) are referable to the genus, Paramylodon. According to this study, Glossotherium should be an endemic South American genus. Thus Esteban (1996) considers that the specimens identified as Glossotherium chapadmalensis from North America do not belong to this genus and/or species. This Ph. D. dissertation remains unpublished, however. Plaina (Xenarthra: Pampatheriidae). Scillato-Yané and others (2005) consider Plaina a valid genus. Morgan (2005) indicates that Carranza-Castañeda and Miller (2004) have distinguished as Plaina material from Mexico formerly referred to Holmesina or Pampatherium. Flynn and others (2005) record Plaina from the Guanajuato district in late Hemphillian faunas at about 4.6–4.7 Ma. Cione and Tonni (1996, 2005) indicate its oldest South American record is in the type early Chapadmalalan near Pehuencó, southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Neocavia depresidens biozone; about 4 Ma or older; Figure 2), and the younger beds of the type late Chapadmalalan near Mar del Plata, both in southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Paraglyptodon chapadmalansis biozone; somewhat older than 3.3 Ma). It also occurs in Chapadmalalan beds of the Tunuyán Formation, Mendoza Province, Argentina, and at Inchasi, Bolivia (Cione and Tonni, 1996). Pampatherium and Holmesina (Xenarthra: Dasypdidae). M&B 00 consider Pampatherium as a junior synonym of Holmesina which Morgan and Hulbert (1995) show as having a first appearance in the Santa Fe River Local Fauna correlated as about 2.4 Ma and late Blancan. Scillato-Yané and others (2005) suggest that both Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange Pampatherium and Holmesina are valid genera, the latter probably derived in North America from Plaina or Kraglievichia and dispersed to South America in the latest Pleistocene (Lujanian; Cione and Tonni, 1999). Flynn and others (2005) consider Pampatherium as a synonym of Kraglievichia. Kraglievichia is restricted to South America according to Edmund (1987). Flynn and others (2005) may believe that Kraglievichia pertains to Holmesina floridanus. Edmund (1987) and Scillato-Yané and others (2005) retain H. floridanus as separate from Kraglievichia. Pampatherium is a South American taxon with an Ensenadan oldest record. It probably descended from Vassallia and dispersed to North America during the Pleistocene (Scillato-Yané et al., 2005). The only certain North American Pampatherium appears to be P. mexicanum from the Pleistocene beds of Puebla, Hidalgo, and Jalisco, Mexico (Scillato-Yané et al., 2005). However, Carranza-Castañeda (2006, personal communication) indicates that scutes closely resembling those of Pampatherium occur at Arroyo Belén, Guanajuato, in early Blancan beds dated at about 3.6–3.9 Ma. Pampatherium may have dispersed to North America in the late Blancan. *eChapadmalania (Carnivora: Procyonidae). Chapadmalania is a descendant of Cyonasua. Chapadmalania appears to be exclusive to the Chapadmalalan (Cione and Tonni, 1995). *eAkodon (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). This genus ranges from the late Chapadmalan to Recent, following Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995). Akodon apparently is an endemic taxon. M&B 00 agree. Vrba (1993) lists the genus as early Chapadmalalan. *eDankomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). This genus ranges from Chapadmalalan to Vorohuean (Tonni et al., 1992; Cione and Tonni, 1995). M&B 00 extend the range to Sanandresian. Vrba (1993) lists the endemic genus as early Chapadmalalan. *eGraomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). This endemic genus ranges from the late Chapadmalalan to Sanandresian (M&B 00; Cione and Tonni, 1995, 2005). Dankomys, Graomys, Reithrodon, and Zygodontomys were included incorrectly in the early Chapadmalalan by Vrba (1993). In Table 1 a late Chapadmalalan age is shown. 95 *eReithrodon (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). Reithrodon ranges from Chapadmalalan to Recent (Tonni et al., 1992; Cione and Tonni, 1995; M&B 00). This is an endemic genus. Ptyssophorus (in Vrba, 1993) is a subgenus of Reithrodon in M&B 00, but is considered a junior synonym of Reithrodon in Pardiñas and others (2002). *eZygodontomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). The taxon ranges from Pleistocene (only in Aruba) to Recent of South America, and Recent of Central America according to M&B 00. *eArgyrohyus (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae). M&B 00 list this endemic genus as Chapadmalalan, consistent with Cione and Tonni (1995). It first occurs in the late Chapadmalalan Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis biozone of Cione and Tonni (2005), correlated as about 3.3 Ma or somewhat older. *Platygonus (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae). Platygonus occurs in the upper Chapadmalalan to Ensenadan according to Cione and Tonni (2005). It is present for the first time, along with Argyrohyus in the late Chapadmalalan (see above). Tedford and others (2004) indicate the genus is present in Hh2 faunas of North America at about 7.2 Ma. Marplatan, ca. 3.2–2.0 Ma The chronology follows Cione and others (2001) and Cione and Tonni (1995, 2005) and effectively replaces the Uquían SALMA, which Flynn and Swisher (1995) correlate to about 3.0–1.5 Ma. The Marplatan is composed of three subages, the Barrancalobian (about 3.2–3.0 Ma), Vorohuean (about 3.0–2.4 Ma) and Sanandresian (about 2.4–2.0 Ma). *Dusicyon (Carnivora: Canidae). Berta (1987; see also Prevosti et al., 2005) indicates that this genus (as Pseudalopex) ranges from Uquían to Recent in South America, with Uquían here refined to Marplatan (Vorohuean), and correlated to about 2.5 Ma in Cione and Tonni (2001). Vorohuean is represented by the Akodon (Akodon) lorenzinii biozone in Cione and Tonni (2005). The reference to Canis in the Marplatan by Tonni and others (1992) corresponds to Dusicyon. Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 96 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni *eStipanicicia (Carnivora: Mustelidae). This endemic genus is known in Sanandresian and Ensenadan deposits according to Cione and Tonni (1995), followed here. *eGalictis (Carnivora: Muselidae). M&B 00 show it as from the Recent of North, Central and South America, with a probable record in North and South America (Ensenadan) into the early Pleistocene. Cione and Tonni (1995) show it in the Vorohuean to Recent. The Vorohuean is the oldest record of the genus in South America (a Chapadmalalan record was considered as highly dubious by Cione and Tonni, 1995). Scapteromys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). M&B 00 indicate an Uquían to Recent range for this endemic genus. Vrba (1993) lists it as “Uquían.” Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995) show a Vorohuean to Recent range, followed here. e *Lama (Artiodactyla: Camelidae). Cione and Tonni (1995, 2005) indicate a Marplatan (Barrancalobian) to Recent age for this immigrant genus of a Holarctic family. The genus Vicugna is shown as Ensenadan to Recent in M&B 00, and as Ensenadan in Vrba (1993). However it is included within Lama in Marshall and others (1983) and Cione and Tonni (2005). *Hippidion (Perissodactyla: Equidae). Alberdi and Prado (1992, 1993) consider Onohippidium as a junior synonym of Hippidion. Other authors consider it a valid genus (MacFadden and Skinner, 1997; MacFadden, 1997). Cione and others (2003) list the immigrant equid as Marplatan to uppermost Lujanian. MacFadden and Skinner (1979) record the genus in the early Hemphillian of Texas (ca. 9 Ma) as well as in the Irvingtonian of California (Tedford et al., 2004). *Onohippidium (Perissodactyla: Equidae). Specimens assigned to Onohippidium in Vorohuean beds near Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, represent the oldest record of Equidae in South America (see Reig, 1957; Tonni and Cione, 2000; Cione and Tonni, 2005). Prado and others (1998) mistakenly proposed that the oldest material of Equidae in South America came from Sanandresian beds in the Uquía Formation, in Jujuy, northwestern Argentina (see Tonni and Cione, 2000). Erethizon (Rodentia: Erethizontidae). The genus is known from the Wolf Ranch Local Fauna of Arizona (Bell et al., 2004), at about 2.7 Ma. Other occurrences cited in Bell and others (2004) are younger than that. M&B 00 show its range from late Pliocene to Recent. Morgan (2005) indicates that the oldest known record of Erethizon dorsatum is from the site Haile 16A, correlated at about 1.6 Ma, but other (extinct) species in Florida are late Blancan, ca. 2.2–2.7 Ma, compatible with the Wolf Ranch record. Reguero and others (2006) reported the occurrence of Erethizon from Sanandresian beds of the Uquía Formation of northwestern Argentina. This is the only record of the North American genus in South America, and might reflect a dispersal about 2.0 Ma, but also could imply an earlier record in South America with dispersal northward. Late Blancan ca. 3.0–1.8 Ma Glyptotherium (Xenarthra: Glyptodontidae). M&B 00 indicate a range of late Blancan to Rancholabrean for this Central and North American genus, consistent with Bell and others (2004) and Morgan (2005), who note that Glyptotherium appears about 2.5 Ma in the Upper Cita Canyon Local Fauna and in the 111 Ranch fauna of Arizona. The first occurrence of about 3.6 Ma in Figure 7.2 (Bell et al., 2004) apparently is a drafting error (E. Lundelius, 2-17-06, personal communication). Flynn and others (2005) indicate that Glyptotherium first appears at about 2.8 Ma in the Guanajuato district of Mexico. Morgan (2005) notes the presence of Glyptotherium in early Blancan faunas of North America (nominally the USA) at about 2.5–2.7 Ma. At the level of resolution, the geochron of Glyptotherium is the same in Mexico as in the USA. Kraglievichia (Xenarthra: Pampatheriidae). Although it has been cited for North America, it is not present in this region (see comments on Pampatherium, above). Holmesina (Xenarthra: Pampatheriidae). This genus is known from deposits in Florida at ca. 2.4 Ma (Bell et al., 2004). Morgan (2005) cites the presence of Holmesina in the Macasphalt Shell Pit and Haile 15A local faunas correlated by him at about 2.2–2.7 Ma (Haile 15A is correlated at 2.3 Ma). See comments on Pampatherium, above. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange Dasypus (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae). Species of Dasypus inhabit South and North America today. This genus is known from deposits in Florida at ca. 2.4 Ma (Bell et al., 2004). Morgan (2005) cites the presence of Dasypus bellus in the Macasphalt Shell Pit and Haile 15A local faunas correlated by him at about 2.2–2.7 Ma (Haile 15A is correlated as 2.3 Ma). If this generic assignment is correct, Dasypus would be older in North America than in South America. The species D. bellus actually should be referred to Propraopus (Alfredo Carlini, 2006, personal communication). Propraopus is known from the Ensenadan (Cione and Toni, 2005), but it might also occur in Chapadmalalan or Marplatan strata (Ameghino, 1908). Pachyarmatherium (Xenarthra: Glyptodontidae). Morgan (2005) records this apparently immigrant glyptodont in the Kissimmee River, Haile 16A and Leisey Shell Pit local faunas at about 2.4–1.4 Ma in Florida. Paramylodon (Xenarthra: Mylodontidae). Morgan (2005) records this North American taxon (P. harlani) from faunas at about 1.8 Ma in Florida (Inglis 1A, 1C, Haile 16A, Leisey Shell Pit, Haile 21A). Eremotherium (Xenarthra: Megatheriidae). Bell and others (2004) indicate that Eremotherium occurs in Florida faunas at about 1.77 Ma (De Soto Shell Pit; Inglis 1A). Morgan (2005) concurs in the late Blancan age, but apparently considers it to be somewhat older, from The Kissimmee River Local Fauna (2.2–2.7 Ma). Neochoerus (Rodentia: Hydrochoeridae). The genus is known from the 111 Ranch Local Fauna in Arizona (Bell et al., 2004), about 2.6 Ma. Morgan (2005) cites the presence of Neochoerus in the Macasphalt Shell Pit Local Fauna correlated by him at about 2.2–2.6 Ma. Flynn and others (2005) indicate that Neochoerus is recorded in Mexican deposits at about 3.3 Ma. In South America Neochoerus is known from the Ensenadan and Lujanian (Deschamps, 1998; Cione and Tonni, 1999, 2005). It is tempting to consider a Neotropical source for the South American record, although it may turn up in the Marplatan. Hydrochoerus (Rodentia: Hydrochoeridae). The oldest record of this rodent is from the late Blancan Haile 15A site, Florida, by Morgan and Hulbert (1995). This 97 is correlated as about 2.2 Ma by Bell and others (2004) and about 2.3 Ma by Morgan (2005). Tremarctos (Carnivora; Ursidae). This genus is known from two species, T. floridanus (Gidley) from the late Pliocene and Pleistocene of North America, and T. ornatus in the Recent of South America, where it is the only living tremarctine. It has not been found as a fossil in South America. Ensenadan, ca. 2.0–0.7 Ma This follows Cione and others (2001). Flynn and Swisher (1995) correlate the Ensenadan from about 1.2 to 0.7 Ma. MacFadden (2000) indicates an age for the Ensenadan/ Lujanian boundary as 0.7–0.6 Ma. This does not include the Bonaerian (e.g., Cione and Tonni, 1999, 2001, 2005) which relegates the Lujanian to very late Pleistocene. The Bonaerian is ca. 0.7–0.125 Ma, whereas Lujanian ranges from 0.125–0.08 Ma (Cione et al., 2003; Verzi et al., 2004). Many taxonomic references to the Lujanian in prior literature use the Lujanian as the interval next after the Ensenadan. *Chrysocyon (Carnivora: Canidae). Berta (1987) lists this genus as Ensenadan to Recent. However there are only a few fossils from the Tarija Formation of Bolivia of this age. Now known as the Tolomosa Formation, the unit is composed of two parts. The lower interval consists of poorly fossiliferous clays, and the upper, highly fossiliferous, interval is composed of conglomerates. The basal age of the lower unit is about 1 Ma and could be regarded as Ensenadan on that basis, but not on its fossil content. The upper unit is younger than 0.78 Ma (Soibelzon et al., 2005). Chrysocyon was not listed in Tonni and others (1992) or Cione and Tonni (1995) because it is not present in southern South America until late Platan (Prevosti et al., 2004). Berta (1987) groups this genus with ‘true’ wolves of South America: Canis gezi, Canis nehringi and Canis dirus (see comments below). Chrysocyon is also known from the early Blancan of North America, so is an immigrant to South America. *Cerdocyon (Carnivora: Canidae). Marshall and others (1983) show this apparently immigrant taxon is Ensenadan and Lujanian to Recent. M&B 00 indicate it has a late Pleistocene to Recent record in South America, but also a late Miocene to early Pliocene record in Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 98 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni North America (USA, Mexico; late Hemphillian and early Blancan, respectively; Torres and Ferrusquía, 1981; Berta, 1987). R.H. Tedford (2-21-06, personal communication) indicates that the USA record of Cerdocyon is from the late Hemphillian fauna of Rentfro Pit 1, Ogallala Grp., near Channing, Texas. Torres and Ferrusquía (1981) consider the Mexican species closest to the South American C. thous. The genus apparently arose in North America. It is not listed in Tonni and others (1992) or Cione and Tonni (1995) because the genus is not recorded in southern South America. *eTheriodictis (Carnivora: Canidae). Vrba (1993) indicates an Ensenadan age as do Cione and Tonni (1995) for Theriodictis. The species Canis gezi actually is a junior synonym of Theriodictis platensis (Prevosti, 2001). Berta (1987) records Theriodictis from the Lujanian of Ecuador, but Prevosti (2004) considers that this material probably is assignable to Protocyon troglodytes. *Protocyon (Carnivora: Canidae). Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995) show the genus as present in the Ensenadan and Lujanian. “Uquían” references (Vrba, 1993) are erroneous. *?Conepatus (Carnivora: Mustelidae). This genus is known from Ensenadan to Recent deposits in South America, according to Cione and Tonni (1995), who rejected an early Chapadmalalan age (Vrba, 1993). In any case, the genus is known only from Irvingtonian and younger times in North America (e.g., M&B 00, Bell et al., 2004). At present, it appears that the northern and southern first occurrences might be coeval at the available level of resolution. extinct during the early Holocene, approximately synchronous with their extinction in North America (Soibelzon et al., 2005). *Smilodon (Carnivora: Felidae). Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995) show that the genus ranges from Ensenadan to Lujanian. Smilodontidion is a junior synonym of Smilodon based on juvenile material (Cione and Tonni, 1995). It was referred to Vorohuean (M&B 00), but this is an error. * “Felis” (Carnivora: Felidae). Vrba (1993) records this immigrant genus from the Ensenadan. Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995) show it from Ensenadan and Lujanian to Recent. However, the only certain reference to Felis in South America is based on Felis cattus from latest Holocene sediments of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, a probable result of Hispanic immigration (Prevosti, in press). “Felis” vorohuensis and “Felis” sp., both of uncertain systematic position, occur in the Ensenadan of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Prevosti, in press). Tedford and others (1987, 2004) record Felis rexroadensis from the Hh3 Upper Bone Valley Local Fauna, Florida. *Felis (Carnivora: Felidae). Vrba (1993) records the genus from the Ensenadan. Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995) show it from the Ensenadan and Lujanian to Recent. This is consistent with M&B 00. It also is listed by M&B 00 from the early Pliocene (= early Blancan). *Puma (Carnivora: Felidae). The Puma is known from the Ensenadan in southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Marshall et al., 1984; Pomi and Prevosti, 2005). *eLyncodon (Carnivora: Mustelidae). This endemic genus is known from the Ensenadan of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, to Recent (Cione and Tonni, 2005). *eLynchailurus (Carnivora: Felidae). This South American genus is known from Ensenadan beds at Camet, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Prevosti, in press). *eArctotherium (Carnivora: Ursidae). The Tremarctinae in North America range from Hemphillian (Plionarctos sp., Hh 3, Tedford et al., 2004) to Rancholabrean (P. floridanus and Arctodus simus). In South America the first record corresponds to the Ensenadan (Arctotherium latidens) and continues to the present as Tremarctos ornatus, but the short-faced bears become *eCalomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). See comments on Sigmodontinae. M&B 00 cite Marshall and others (1984) for an Ensenadan-Lujanian duration of this endemic genus. Vrba (1993) cites an “Uquían” age. It does not occur in the Marplatan but is known from the Ensenadan according to Cione and Tonni (1995). Carranza-Castañeda and Walton (1992) record Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange Calomys (Bensonomys) from the late Hemphillian El Ocote Local Fauna. *eLundomys, Oxymycterus, Phyllotis, Holochilus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). All these genera occur in the Mesotherium cristatum biozone (Ensenadan) to Recent (Pardiñas, 1993, 2004). *eCatagonus (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae). This endemic peccary is listed as Ensenadan to Recent in Marshall and others (1983), Vrba (1993), M& B00, and Cione and Tonni (2001; 2005). *Hemiauchenia (Artiodactyla: Camelidae). Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995) show an Ensenadan to Lujanian age for this immigrant taxon. M&B 00 show a middle Miocene (early Clarendonian) to late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) record in North America, late Pliocene to Recent in South America. Meachen (2005) discusses Hemiauchenia species from Florida (1.8–2.5 Ma) and their possible relationship to the ancestry of lamines in South America. *eVicugna (Artiodactyla: Camelidae). This endemic camel is shown as Ensenadan to Recent in M&B 00, is listed as Ensenadan in Vrba (1993), and included within Lama in Marshall and others (1983) and Cione and Tonni (2005). *Palaeolama (Artiodactyla: Camelidae). This genus is recorded in Inglis IC Fauna of Florida, correlated to about 1.8 Ma (Bell et al., 2004; Morgan, 2005). The genus ranges from the Ensenadan to Lujanian (Cione and Tonni, 1995). It is not present in the Marplatan, contra Marshall and others (1983). Nevertheless, Morgan (2005) noted Paleolama as a native North American genus. At this time it appears that the northern and southern first occurrences might be coeval at the level of resolution available. In any case it is an immigrant to South America. *eEpieuryceros (Artiodactyla, Cervidae). Churcher (1966) considers Epieuryceros as a junior synonym of Blastoceros (see also M&B 00). However, Bagnalasta (1980) validates Epieuryceros as a distinct genus. It is exclusive to the Ensenadan (Cione and Tonni, 2005). It represents the first record of the Cervidae in South America. 99 *eAntifer (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). Bagnalasta (1980) considers Antifer as a valid endemic genus. It ranges from the Ensenadan to Bonaerian (Cione and Tonni, 1999). *Tapirus (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae). This genus is listed as “Uquían” in Vrba (1993), and Ensenadan to Recent in Tonni and others (1992), Cione and Tonni (1995, 2005) and M&B 00, who also point out that the genus is represented in the late Miocene of Holarctica. *Stegomastodon (Proboscidea: Gomphotheriidae). Cione and Tonni (1995, 2005) report Stegomastodon from the Ensenadan and Lujanian. Prado and others (2003) synonymized Notiomastodon with Stegomastodon (see Cione et al., 2005 and references therein). An indeterminate gomphotheriid was reported from the Sanandresian beds of the Uquía Formation in Jujuy Province, Argentina (López et al., 2001). M&B 00 report Stegomastodon from the early to late Pleistocene of South America and from the early Pliocene to late Pleistocene of North America. Bell and others (2004) indicate that Stegomastodon is limited to the Blancan (ca. 3.5 Ma) and Irvingtonian (ca. 1.2 Ma) in North America. *Cuvieronius (Proboscidea: Gomphotheriidae). Marshall and others (1983) report this genus from the Uquían to Lujanian. It is not listed in Tonni and others (1992) or Cione and Tonni (1995) from the Marplatan = Uquían. Cuvieronius is not present in Argentina. Alberdi and Prado (1995) report it from the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene to late Pleistocene. Here it is listed as Ensenadan to Lujanian (see MacFadden, 2000). This genus is recorded in late Hemphillian/early Blancan faunas of North America, ca. 4.9 Ma in age (Pañaca; Bell et al., 2004), 3.0–3.6 Ma (Camp Rice Fm., New Mexico), as well as late Blancan sites in Arizona, Florida and Texas (Lambert and Shoshani, 1998). It also occurs in late Pleistocene sites in Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico (Lucas et al., 1997; Jackson and Fernández, 2005). Irvingtonian, ca. 1.8–0.25 Ma Didelphis (Marsupialia: Didelphidae). Vrba (1993) lists this didelphid immigrant as early Irvingtonian. Bell and others (2004) show an Irvingtonian and Rancholabrean Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006 Woodburne, Cione and Tonni 100 to Recent range for Didelphis and indicate (p. 282) that the genus first occurs in early Irvingtonian faunas, such as Fyllan Cave, Texas, with a likely age of 0.78–1.77 Ma. Table 1 shows a correlated age of about 1.2 Ma. Nothrotheriops (Xenarthra: Megatheriidae). Vrba (1993) lists this member of an otherwise South American megathere as early Irvingtonian, but Bell and others (2004) indicate a latest Blancan age. Lundelius and others (1987) cite an age of about 2.1 Ma for Nothrotheriops in the Vallecito Creek L.F. of California, corroborated by Bell and others (2004, fig. 7.2). Morgan (2005) suggests that this record is of Megalonyx, so the earliest record of Nothrotheriops is ca. 1.4–1.6 Ma (Leisey Shell Pit, Florida). Myrmecophaga (Xenarthra: Myrmecophagidae). The sole occurrence of this genus is in the El Golfo Fauna of Sonora (Bell et al., 2004). The association of Megalonyx wheatleyi in this fauna suggests an age of about 1.0 Ma based on typical occurrences of that sloth elsewhere in North America. Bonaerian, ca. 0.7–0.125 Ma *eParaceros (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). Paraceros was considered a synonym of Habromeryx (Cabrera, 1929) and M&B 00 indicate that Habromeryx is a junior synonym of Morenelaphus. However it is presently considered a junior synonym of Paraceros (see Ubilla and Perea, 1999; Cione and Tonni, 1999). It is known from the Bonaerian of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Cione and Tonni, 1999, 2005). *eArctotherium (Carnivora: Ursidae). The tremarctines Arctotherium vetustum, A. bonariense and A. tarijense occur in the Bonaerian (Soibelzon et al., 2005), according to whom the genus does not occur in North America. *eHerpailurus (Carnivora: Felidae). A probable specimen of this genus comes from Bajo San José, southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Prevosti, in press). *Pecari (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae). This peccary ranges from Lujanian to Recent in Marshall and others (1983), with an ?Ensenadan record. It begins in the Ensenadan per Vrba (1993). Cione and Tonni (2005) indicate that Pecari tajacu (= Dicotyles; Woodburne, 1969) first occurs in the Megatherium americanum biozone, or Bonaerian SALMA, or about 0.6 Ma. *Morenelephus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). Morenelephus is known from the Bonaerian Cione and Tonni (2005). Webb and Rancy (1996) indicate that this name includes Hippocamelus of previous literature, but Adriana Menegaz (2005, personal communication) notes that this is not the case. Lujanian, ca. 0.125–0.08 Ma This follows Cione and Tonni (1995). Cione and Tonni (2001, 2005) separate Bonaerian from Lujanian, with Lujanian being late Pleistocene. *Lutra (Carnivora: Mustelidae). The genus is immigrant in the Ensenadan according to Vrba (1993) and extends to the Recent (Marshall et al., 1983; M&B 00). The first record of this genus in Argentina is in late Lujanian beds of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Tonni et al., 1985). Other records of the genus are in the early Pliocene of Europe and Asia. Tedford and others (2004) list the genus from the late Hemphillian (Hh4) of North America. Lontra is a synonym of Lutra according to McKenna and Bell (1998). *ePteronura (Carnivora: Mustelidae). This endemic South American genus of a Holarctic family occurs in Lujanian beds of Entre Ríos Province, Argentina (see Carlini et al., 2002). *Nasua (Brachynasua) (Carnivora: Procyonidae). Marshall and others (1983) record this immigrant genus as Lujanian and ?Ensenadan to Recent. M&B 00 suggest it is known from the early Pleistocene (= Ensenadan). Vrba (1993) lists it as Ensenadan. M&B 00 list Brachynasua as possibly from the early and middle Pleistocene of South America. The genus is not present in southern South America (Cione and Tonni, 1995). Eira (Carnivora: Mustelidae). This genus is restricted to the Pleistocene according to M&B 00. Marshall and others (1983) list the genus as Lujanian to Recent. *eDusicyon (Carnivora, Canidae). See comments on Dusicyon under the Marplatan. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología and Centro de Geociencias Publicación Especial 4 Central American provincialism and the Great American Biotic Interchange *eOncifelis and Leopardus (Carnivora: Felidae). These South American genera are known from late Lujanian beds of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Prevosti, in press). *eOryzomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). The range is ?Pleistocene to Recent of South America according to M&B 00. It is apparently not found in the Marplatan; not listed in Cione and Tonni (1995). Tonni and others (1992) show Recent only. Vrba (1993) lists the genus as early Chapadmalalan. This is an endemic genus. *eEuneomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). M&B 00 cite Marshall and others (1983) for a Lujanian occurrence of this endemic genus. Vrba (1993) indicates an “Uquían” age. Tonni and others (1992) and Cione and Tonni (1995) do not list this genus. *eHippocamelus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). M&B 00 suggest the most likely age is Lujanian to Recent, as Tonni and others (1992) also consider. Vrba (1993) lists this endemic genus as “Uquían.” Webb and Rancy (1996) offer that this taxon is misidentified, and should be Morenelephus. * Ozotoceros (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). Cioni and Tonni and others (2005) indicate a Lujanian to Recent age. M&B 00 are inconclusive except for a Recent age. Vrba (1993) lists the endemic taxon as “Uquían,” which is an error. e Sylvilagus (Lagomorpha: Leporidae. This immigrant rabbit entered South America in the Lujanian. *Canis (Carnivora: Canidae). The first certain record of Canis in South America is C. dirus in indeterminate Pleistocene beds from the northern part of the continent (Berta, 1987). In southern South America, the first known definitive Canis entered with Homo sapiens in the latest Lujanian. Another species, C. nehringi, known from indeterminate levels of latest Lujanian to Platan age in northeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (Kraglievich, 1928), appears to be a junior synonym of C. dirus (Francisco Prevosti, personal 101 communication). Lundelius and others (1987) note the genus is present in late Hemphillian (Hh 3, ca. 5 Ma) and younger faunas of North America. See also Munthe (1998). Carranza-Castañeda and Miller (2004) list Canis from late Hemphillian faunas of Mexico, but some of these (Guanajuato) are likely early Blancan (ca. 4.8 Ma). *Equus (Perissodactyla: Equidae). This immigrant equid is listed as Ensenadan to Lujanian in Marshall and others (1983) and M&B 00. Cione and Tonni (2001, 2005) indicate that equids first occur in the Vorhuean, or about 2.7 Ma. Equus is recorded in the Lujanian in southern South America (sensu Cione and Tonni, 1999, 2005). Specimens of Equus occur in Bolivia in levels assigned to the Ensenadan (MacFadden et al., 1983). However, the stratigraphic level with the specimens, of normal magnetostratigraphic polarity, does not include typical Ensenadan taxa. Alberdi and Prado (1995: 299) mention the same species in the middle Pleistocene beds in the Río Chiche. However, these beds are currently assigned to the late Pleistocene (Hoffstetter, 1986). Homo (Primates: Hominidae). Man entered South America in the latest Lujanian. Recent Several immigrants do not have a fossil record. Some of them are actively expanding their geographic ranges. Cryptotis (Soricomorpha: Sorididae). Heteromys (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). Orthogeomys (Rodentia: Geomyidae). Microsciurus (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Sciurillus (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Sciurus (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Carranza-Castañeda, Óscar, and Lindsay, E.H. eds., Advances in late Tertiary vertebrate paleontology in Mexico 2006