Annual report 2012 Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC


Annual report 2012 Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC
Center for Aviation Competence
University of St.Gallen
Annual report 2012
Center for Aviation Competence
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
Center for Aviation Competence
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen
Phone 071 224 25 00
Fax 071 224 25 36
Editor: Dr. Andreas Wittmer
Introduction by the president / Einleitung des Präsidenten ............... 3
The CFAC-HSG at the University of St.Gallen ....................................................................... 5
Organisation ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Staff ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Team CFAC-HSG .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Basic and Advanced Training ...................................................................................................................... 8
Seminar, Bachelor and Masters theses and dissertations .......................................... 13
Projects ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Conferences, Exhibitions, Membership ........................................................................................ 17
Exhibitions .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Presentations .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Membership .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Publications ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Press ................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Television / Radio ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Finances ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Benefactors ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
Preview .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Introduction by the President
Einleitung des Präsidenten
The Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
organized the first ”Safety, Security and Risk
Management in Aviation“ Forum at Zurich Airport in March 2012. After hearing initial thoughtprovoking presentations, around 70 participants
discussed the following issues in depth:
Das Center forAviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
konnte im März 2012 erfolgreich das erste Forum
„Safety, Security and Risk Management in Avia­
tion“ am Flughafen Zürich durchführen. Nach
entsprechenden Impulsreferaten diskutierten
gegen 70 Teilnehmer intensiv die Themen:
▪▪ New aspects of Risk Management in Aviation
▪▪ Risks in current pilot training in the light
of the Air France accident
▪▪ Audits and assessments as a means of risk
mitigation in aviation
▪▪ The “FluSs” airport security system
▪▪ Voluntary reporting in aviation
▪▪ Neue Aspekte zum Risk Management
in der Aviatik
▪▪ Risiken in der aktuellen Pilotenausbildung
unter dem Aspekt des Air France Unfalles
▪▪ Audits und Assessments als Mittel
zur Risk Mitigation in der Aviatik
▪▪ Flughafensicherungs-System „FluSs“
▪▪ Freiwilliges Meldewesen in der Luftfahrt
As a consequence, the CFAC-HSG was invited to
present some of these issues at the International
Aviation Exhibition (ILA) in Berlin, Germany in
September 2012. The specialised lectures were of
great interest at this event also. The presentations
in German can be found on the website http:// under the main menu “Publications” in the Advanced Training section.
In der Folge wurde das CFAC-HSG eingeladen, im
September 2012 einige dieser Themen an der In­ter­
nationalen Luftfahrtausstellung (ILA) in Berlin zu
präsentieren. Auch hier stiessen die fachkundigen
Referate auf grosses Interesse. Die Präsentationen
dieser Veranstaltungen sind abrufbar auf der Web­
site unter dem Hauptmenu
Publikationen im Bereich Foren/Weiterbildung.
The next CFAC Forum „Safety, Security and Risk
Management in Aviation“ will be held in October
Das nächste CFAC-Forum „Safety, Security and
Risk Management in Aviation“ wird im Oktober
2014 durchgeführt.
Next year, the CFAC-HSG will also offer its forums
in English-speaking areas of the world. In May 31,
2013 the CFAC-HSG will organize a CFAC Forum
„Finance, Risk and Liability in Aviation“ in Singa­
pore. More information about this event can be
found in the preview of 2013 at the end of this
annual report. This expansion of our activities is
the reason why the CFAC-HSG now publishes its
annual reports in English.
Im kommenden Jahr wird das CFAC-HSG seine
Foren auch im englischsprachigen Raum anbieten.
So findet am 31. Mai 2013 ein CFAC-Forum
„Finan­ce, Risk and Liability in Aviation“ in
Singapur statt. Lesen Sie bitte dazu mehr in der
englischsprachigen Jahresvorschau am Ende
des vorliegenden Jahresberichts oder in der
deutschsprachigen Aus­gabe auf der
In October 2012, the previous year’s excursion to
Asia was repeated. 17 students travelled to Dubai
(UAE), Bangalore (India) and Singapore together
with Dr. Andreas Wittmer, the Managing Director
of the CFAC-HSG. Visits were made to interesting
companies related to aviation, such as Emirates
Airlines, Dubai Airport and Bangalore Airport.
In autumn 2012, the CFAC-HSG again offered its
popular Public Lectures on Aviation at the Uni­
versity of St.Gallen (HSG). This year, four subjects
were summarized under the title “Developments
Im Oktober 2012 wurde die vorjährige Exkursion
nach Asien wiederholt. 17 Studierende reisten
zu­sammen mit dem Geschäftsführer des CFACHSG, Dr. Andreas Wittmer, nach Dubai (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate), Bangalore (Indien)
und Singapur. Es konnten interessante AviatikUnternehmen besucht werden, darunter Emirates
Airlines, Dubai Airport und Bangalore Airoport.
Im Herbst 2012 fanden schliesslich wiederum die
beliebten Öffentlichen Vorlesungen zur Luftfahrt
an der Universität St. Gallen (HSG) statt. Dieses
Foto: R. Müller
Introduction by the President / Einleitung des Präsidenten
and Trends in Aviation”. A total of nine guest
lecturers including Peter Müller, Director of the
Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) who
attended one session,made a valuable contribution
to the lecture series. The presentations in German
are available on the website http://www.cfac.unisg.
ch under the main menu “Publications” in the
Public Lecture section.
A total of 18 publications were completed in 2002.
In addition, 25 papers of students at Bachelor,
Master and Doctoral levels were supervised.
A further 4 independent reports were submitted.
The professors of the CFAC-HSG gave lectures on
aviation at the following universities and colleges: University of St.Gallen, Switzerland (HSG),
University of Applied Sciences, Chur, Switzerland
(HTW), Zurich University of Applied Sciences,
Winterthur, Switzerland (ZHAW), Modul University, Vienna, Austria and the Management Center,
Innsbruck, Austria.
As a result of all these activities, the accounts at
the year end show a positive result.
In the future and in line with its intended purpose, the CFAC-HSG will continue to concentrate
on three major business activities i.e. research,
education and services. We would be grateful for
any feedback on research topics requiring further
research or teaching areas on which we should
focus. By doing so, we can help improve the image
of aviation.
Finally, I thank all employees and the academic
advisory board members for the immense efforts
and the high quality of their work. My thanks also
go to the sponsors and partners of the CFAC-HSG
who provide significant support for our center and
who constitute a cornerstone of our commitment.
Prof. Dr. Roland Müller
President of the Academic Advisory Board
Jahr standen die vier Vorlesungen unter dem
The­ma „Entwicklung und Trends in der Aviatik“. Insgesamt neun Gastreferenten bereicherten
die Vorlesungsreihe, darunter auch der Direktor
des Bundesamtes für Zivilluftfahrt (BAZL) Peter
Müller. Die Präsentationen sind ebenfalls auf der
Website unter dem Hauptmenu
Publikationen im Bereich Öffentliche Vorlesungen
Insgesamt konnten im Jahr 2012 18 Publikationen
abgeschlossen werden. Daneben wurden 25 Arbei­
ten von Studierenden auf Bachelor-, Master- und
Doktorandenebene betreut. Zusätzlich sind 4 Gut­
achten abgeliefert worden.
Die Dozenten des CFAC-HSG hielten an folgenden
Hochschulen Vorlesungen im aviatischen Bereich:
Universität St. Gallen, HTW Chur, ZHAW Winterthur, Modul-Universität Wien und MCI Innsbruck.
Als Resultat aller dieser Tätigkeiten konnte auch
im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr ein positiver Rechnungsabschluss verbucht werden.
Auch zukünftig konzentriert sich das CFAC-HSG
entsprechend seiner Zweckbestimmung auf die
drei Geschäftsfelder Forschung, Lehre und Dienstleistungen. Wir sind dankbar, wenn wir Hinweise
erhalten, in welchen Bereichen noch vermehrt
geforscht oder gelehrt werden soll. So können wir
mithelfen, das Image der Aviatik zu steigern.
Abschliessend danke ich allen Mitarbeitenden
und dem Fachrat des CFAC-HSG herzlich für
den grossen Einsatz und die hohe Qualität der
geleisteten Arbeit. Mein Dank gilt aber wiederum
auch den Gönnern und Partnern des CFAC-HSG,
welche die Tätigkeit unseres Centers massgeblich
unterstützen und einen Grundpfeiler unseres
Engagements bilden.
Prof. Dr. Roland Müller
Präsident des Fachrats
at the University of St.Gallen
University of St.Gallen
As one of Europe’s leading business universities,
the University of St.Gallen is globally recognised
as a place for thought leadership on current economic, business, and societal matters and for the development of talents able to integrate perspectives
and act both entrepreneu­rially and responsibly.
The Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
is an independent institution of the University of
St.Gallen. We offer services and basic and advan­
ced training courses in aviation and provide service projects, such as market research and studies,
using the knowledge that has been generated
through research, publications and the experience
of our academic advisory board members, partners and our Managing Director.
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
The Center for Aviation Competence is supported
by five institutes. The Center’s academic advisory
board is made up of the managing professors of
the participating institutes. The CFAC-HSG is
administratively managed by the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance (IMPHSG) and is led by Dr. Andreas Wittmer. The five
institutes which have been established are:
▪▪ The Institute for Systemic Management
and Public Governance (IMP-HSG) –
Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser
▪▪ The Research Institute for Labour
Economics and Labour Law (FAA-HSG) –
Prof. Dr. Thomas Geiser
▪▪ The Research Institute for Logistics Management (LOG-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle
▪▪ The Institute for Operations Research and
Computational Finance (ior/cf-HSG) –
Prof. Dr. Karl Frauendorfer
▪▪ The Institute of Economics (FGN-HSG) –
Prof. Dr. Martin Kolmar (till mid 2012)
▪▪ The Research Institute for International
Management (FIM-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Winfried
Ruigrok (as of mid 2012)
Additionally, the Institute for Tourism and Leisure Research (ITF) of the University of Applied
Sciences, Chur, Switzerland (HTW) is an external
partner with whom collaboration in projects as
well as in teaching and advanced education at
university/other tertiary educational level is being
intensified. AeroEx, as an associate partner, is part
of the executive education area.
▪▪ Institute for Tourism and Leisure Research (ITF),
University of Applied Sciences (HTW), Chur, Switzerland
The Institute for Tourism and Leisure Research
(ITF) of the University of Applied Sciences
(HTW) in Chur, Switzerland develops inter and
trans-disciplinary methods as well as incorporating knowledge into service and consulting
projects relevant to practical applications. The
combination of research results and methods
with a practical approach to a problem and the
close connection with teaching and executive
education/advanced training are the main
corner-stones for success in the specific area
of tourism.
▪▪ AeroEx GmbH
AeroEx GmbH is a Swiss-based company
and offers a wide range of services with particular focus on the delivery of consultancy and
support services to companies in the aviation
industry. The key competences are seminars
and workshops tailored individually to cus­
tomers’ needs. AeroEx GmbH provides high
customer value through a quality expert team
with know-how which has been gained over
a long period.
The Center provides scientific research, training
courses at university level as well as services for
private companies and public institutions. The
results of market research and consulting concentrate on the competences of the institutes involved
which employ around 100 scientific researchers.
The goals of CFAC-HSG are supported by sponsors from industry as well as from public institutions.
In 2012, the following employees worked for the
Center for Aviation Competence:
Andreas Wittmer (Managing Director)
Barbara Riegler (Research Associate)
Flurina Brunett (Junior Researcher)
Rosi Hess (Accounting / HR)
Marlis Vernier (Backoffice) until the end of 2012
All employees are involved in various projects as
well as lecture. In addition to staff directly em­
ployed at CFAC-HSG, there are around 120 employees split among the other partner-institutes at
the University of St.Gallen who can be appointed
depending on their expertise for project works of
Annual report 2012
Center for
Aviation Competence
University of St.Gallen
Dufourstrasse 40a
CH-9000 St.Gallen
Current information
about the CFAC-HSG
can be found on the
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
Basic and Advanced Training
We offer in-house seminars in the field of management and control of aviation companies. Modules
which can be boked are:
CFAC-HSG offering:
▪▪ Risk Management (1 module)
▪▪ Corporate Governance (1 module)
▪▪ Service Management (1 module)
▪▪ Human Resource Management (1 module)
▪▪ Business Model and Strategy (1 module)
▪▪ Overview of the Future Air Traffic Market and
Aerospace Industry (1 module)
▪▪ Liability and Insurance (1 module)
▪▪ Air Traffic Corporations and Air Traffic Standards (2 modules)
AeroEx offering:
▪▪ Overview of EASA Regulation (1 module)
▪▪ Documentation and Management of Records (1
▪▪ SMS Essentials (1 Modul)
▪▪ Internal and External Auditing including Compliance Monitoring (1 module)
▪▪ Industry Standards in Aviation (1 module)
▪▪ Authority & Organization Requirements for
“Operations” (Part ARO/ORO) (1 module)
CFAC Forum 2012 Safety, Security and Risk
Management in Aviation
The Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
organized the first ”Safety, Security and Risk
Management in Aviation“ Forum at Zurich Airport in March 2012. After hearing initial thoughtprovoking presentations, around 70 participants
discussed the following issues in depth:
▪▪ New aspects on Risk Management in Aviation
▪▪ Risks in current pilot training in the light of the
Air France accident
▪▪ Audits and assessments as a means of risk mitigation in aviation
▪▪ The “FluSs” airport security system (Flughafensicherungs-System)
▪▪ Voluntary reporting in aviation
We thank the following sponsors
for their support:
▪▪ Aero Insurance Service AG
▪▪ Müller-Eckstein Rechtsanwälte
▪▪ Alpine Air Abulance/Lions Air Group
▪▪ Skyguide
▪▪ Allianz Global Corporate & Speciality
▪▪ Swiss Aerospace Cluster
▪▪ AXA Winterthur
Prof. Dr. Roland Müller (standing) at the opening of the forum welcoming the attendees
Photo: Marlis Vernier
The presentations in German can be found on the
website under the main
menu “Publications” in the Advanced Training
section. The next CFAC Forum “Safety, Security
and Risk Management in Aviation” will be held in
October 2014.
Annual report 2012
CFAC Convention 2012 Safety, Security and Risk
Management in Aviation at the ILA in Berlin
As a consequence, the CFAC-HSG was invited to
present some of the issues discussed at the Forum
to the International Aviation Exhibition (ILA) in
Berlin, Germany in September 2012. The expert
presentations were followed with great interest.
We thank the following sponsors for
their support:
▪▪ BWB Holding AG, Switzerland
▪▪ RUAG Schweiz AG, Switzerland
▪▪ LR BW – Forum Luft- und Raumfahrt Baden
Württemberg E.V., Germany
▪▪ AeroEx, Switzerland
▪▪ Swiss Aerospace Cluster, Switzerland
Public Lectures
The University of St.Gallen offers a range of
lectures almost free of charge to the public. In
2012, the CFAC-HSG provided this service for the
fifth time. It organized four public lectures on the
subject “Developments and Trends in Aviation”.
On four Tuesday evenings from 6 PM until 8
PM, several external specialists spoke about the
following topics:
▪▪ Oct. 16, 2012: The development and future
of passenger air traffic
▪▪ Oct. 30, 2012: The importance of meteorology and liberalization of airspace
control and its relevance for
▪▪ Nov. 13, 2012: The technical development of
aviation from industry’s and
regulatory authority’s view
▪▪ Nov. 27, 2012: The development of demand
of aviation
We thank the following speakers:
▪▪ Oct. 16, 2012: Hansjörg Bürgi, Chief Editor and
publisher of; Rudolf
Schumacher, Managing Director,
Head of Sales Switzerland,
SWISS; Erich Rindlisbacher,
Slot Coordination Switzerland
▪▪ Oct. 30, 2012: Urs Lauener, Head of Military
Ops, Regional Airports & Lower
Airspace, Skyguide; Oliver Baer,
Meteorological Authority,
▪▪ Nov. 13, 2012: Jürg Wildi, CTO, RUAG Aviation;
Peter Müller, Director, Federal
Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA)
▪▪ Nov. 27, 2012: Björn Maul, Partner at Roland
Berger; Tomislav Lang, CEO, Skywork
HSG Master core elective: Aviation Systems
The Master core elective “Aviation Systems” was
offered for the seventh time in the spring semester
2012. The course was held by Prof. Dr. Christian
Laesser and Dr. Andreas Wittmer. Around 40
students including exchange students regularly
attended the lectures and actively contributed to
the lessons/classes. The evaluation of the course
by the attendees was very positive. Based on this,
the facultative subjects will be offered again in the
spring semester 2013. The following subjects were
considered in 2012:
▪▪ Introduction to the Aviation System
▪▪ The Environment of Aviation
▪▪ The Value Chain of Aviation
▪▪ Network Management and Business Models
▪▪ Marketing in Aviation
▪▪ Air Transport Technologies
▪▪ Regulation and Competition
▪▪ Air Transport and Tourism
▪▪ Corporate Governance in Aviation
▪▪ Introduction to Aspects of Aviation Law
HSG Marketing Exercises: Focus on Aviation,
Airlines and Tourism
Dr. Andreas Wittmer has led a marketing tutorial
group at the University of St.Gallen focussing on
air transport and tourism since the winter semester 2006/07. At the end of the event, five seminar
papers were submitted on marketing topics in
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
University of Applied Sciences, Chur, Switzerland
(HTW): Transport Major und Transport Minor
Four courses were offered on the subjects
“Transport (R)evolution” and “Air Transport
Management” by Dr. Andreas Wittmer. The
following subjects were considered within
the Transport Major:
“Transportation” Major
▪▪ Transport (R)evolutions
⁻⁻ Transport (R)evolutions: past – present –
⁻⁻ Cases: Transrapid Munich, Abu Dhabi, Zurich
Airport, Swiss climate care contribution
⁻⁻ Transport and energy
⁻⁻ Transport’s adverse impacts
⁻⁻ Ethics of mobility
▪▪ Air Transport Management
⁻⁻ Introduction to Air Transport Management
⁻⁻ The value chain of aviation
⁻⁻ Airline business models
⁻⁻ Plane technologies
⁻⁻ Human factors
⁻⁻ Aviation marketing and demand
⁻⁻ Customer value in aviation
⁻⁻ Case study ”EuroAirport Basel”
⁻⁻ Yield / revenue management at
Swiss International Airlines
⁻⁻ Slot coordination
⁻⁻ Risk Management in Aviation
⁻⁻ Corporate Governance in Aviation
⁻⁻ Aviation cases
The following guest speakers made presentations
as part of this course:
▪▪ Erich Rindlisbacher, Managing Director, Slot
Coordination Switzerland
▪▪ Karl Isler, Head of Rev Mgmt Strategy and Operational Research of Swiss International Airlines
▪▪ Margot Wittmer, College Lecturer, Business
▪▪ Roland Müller, President of the Academic
Advisory Board of CFAC-HSG
The following lectures were held as part of the
“Transportation” facultative Minor:
▪▪ Introduction to the course:
Past – Present – Future
Transport and energy
Transport’s adverse impacts
Introduction to aviation systems
Environment of aviation
Supply system of aviation
Demand system of aviation
Cruise liners
Transportation Systems and Logistics
(Part Aviation)
▪▪ Traffic Provider Air – Introduction to the Aviation Systems
▪▪ Traffic Provider Air – Environments of Aviation
▪▪ Traffic Provider Air – Air Transport Case
Studies and Introduction to Air Transport &
▪▪ Traffic Provider Air – Aviation and Tourism –
The Edelweiss Case
The following guest speaker was welcomed
for a lecture:
▪▪ Karl Kistler, CEO/Captain, Edelweiss Air AG
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW),
Winterthur, Switzerland: Air Transport Economics
This course was held for the fourth time by Dr.
Andreas Wittmer during the spring semester 2012.
The following subjects were considered:
▪▪ Introduction to the economic system
and environment of aviation
▪▪ Case study: deregulation and the
business model of Aer Lingus
▪▪ Case study: air transport and tourism,
Air Malta
▪▪ Economics and its characteristics with regard
to airlines, airports and the national economy
▪▪ The demand for air transport; forecasting and
monitoring the demand for air transport
▪▪ Yield management (costs, pricing, revenue
management) and operation of airlines
▪▪ Supply of air transport, value chain,
network management
▪▪ Aviation ethics
▪▪ Schedule planning and slot coordination
Annual report 2012
The following guest speakers made presentations
as part of this course:
▪▪ Jan Christian Schraven, Vice President Head
of Operations Planning and Steering, Swiss
International Air Lines
▪▪ Erich Rindlisbacher, Managing Director,
Slot Coordination Switzerland
▪▪ Karl Isler, Head of Rev Mgmt Strategy and
Operational Research of Swiss International
Air Lines
▪▪ Markus Maibach, Managing Director, Infras
▪▪ Philipp Fröhlich, Managing Director, Transsol
▪▪ Margot Wittmer, College Lecturer, Business
Management Center, Innsbruck, Austria: Aviation
Management Seminar
Modul University, Vienna, Austria: Aviation Systems
In 2012 we repeated the successful excursion of
2011 with students from the University of Applied
Sciences (HTW) in Chur, Switzerland. 17 students
travelled in October to Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Bangalore (India) and Singapore with the
Managing Director, Dr. Andreas Wittmer.
The following companies were visited in Dubai:
▪▪ Emirates Airlines
▪▪ Dubai Airport
▪▪ Atlantis on the Palm Resort
This course was held for the third time by
Dr. Andreas Wittmer during the autumn
semester 2012.
The following subjects were considered:
▪▪ Introduction to aviation systems
▪▪ External effects of aviation
▪▪ Value chain of aviation
▪▪ Network management in aviation
▪▪ Business models of airlines
▪▪ Aviation marketing and demand
▪▪ Customer value in aviation
▪▪ Revenue management
▪▪ Air taxis: the impact of Very Light Jets
▪▪ New airline technologies and their impact on
business models
▪▪ Deregulation and its impact on airline business
▪▪ Air transport and tourism
An excursion to Austro Control in Vienna, Austria was organized again this year. Mr. Daniel
Gschwind, Director, Austro Control Academy
acted as guide through the simulator and the
control unit of Austro Control and also provided
explanations for everything seen.
This seminar was held for the second time by
Dr. Andreas Wittmer during autumn 2012. The
following subjects were considered:
▪▪ Introduction to aviation systems
▪▪ External effects of aviation
▪▪ Value chain of aviation
▪▪ Network management in aviation
▪▪ Business models of airlines
▪▪ Revenue management
International Excursion to Dubai, Bangalore and
The following companies were visited in
▪▪ Indian Institute of Management
▪▪ Bangalore International Airport
▪▪ Infosys
▪▪ The Leela Palace Kempinski Resort
In Singapore, the students were guests of:
▪▪ Swiss Business Hub,
▪▪ Asia Capital Reinsurance Group
▪▪ swissnex
▪▪ Singapore Tourism Board
The St. Gallen Institute of Management in Asia
(SGI) provided the seminar rooms for the presentations of the Swiss Business Hub, swissnex and
Singapore Tourism Board free of charge.
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
Emirate Airlines’ training
camp for emergency exercises
Photo: A. Wittmer
Emirates Airlines A380
simulator, cockpit
Photo: A. Wittmer
Annual report 2012
Seminar, Bachelor and Masters theses and dissertations
The following theses and dissertations were completed in 2012.
Air Canada case study (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
“Air Distribution War”: Are global distribution systems being
replaced by direct agency distribution? (Bachelor thesis)
Thomas Jaeger
Andreas Wittmer
Airline Alliances and their Current Challenge in Latin America
Andreas Wittmer
Christian Laesser
Airport Charges and Travel Behaviour: How do airport charges
influence the travel behaviour of customers?
Andreas Wittmer
Christian Laesser
Air Deccan – From creating change to a downfall (Seminar
Andreas Wittmer
Airport Revenue Management
Andreas Wittmer
Christian Laesser
Berlin Brandenburg Airport
Andreas Wittmer
Boeing and Airbus – Market outlook and strategy comparison
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Business Models of Airlines: Emirates Airlines (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Benefits of Mileage Schemes. A comparison of three alliances
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Besondere Haftungssituation bei Überschreitung von Limiten
des Luftfahrzeugherstellers (Dissertation)
Philip Bärtschi
Roland Müller
Business Aviation – A holistic approach with focus on pricing
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Comparison of hubs and secondary airports (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Die Marktleistungsgestaltung des Luftfrachtdienstleisters
Swiss World Cargo (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Die Premium Economy Class - Nischenprodukt oder Standard
für Langstreckenflüge? Eine Untersuchung mit Passagieren der
SWISS International Air Lines (Bachelor thesis)
Thomas Sallmann
Andreas Wittmer,
Pietro Beritelli
Differentiation versus cost-leadership in the airline industry –
an analysis of the two major players Ryanair and Singapore
Airlines (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Do LCC‘s demand Low Cost Airports (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Financial value of miles and status levels at Oneworld
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Financial value of miles and status levels at Skyteam
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
Financial value of miles and status levels at Star Alliance
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Frequent flyer programs in the airline industry –
A critical reflection on elite status requirements within
an airline alliance (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Fussballsponsoring Emirates Airlines (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Green Thrift – Aviation as a visible target in the debate
over global warning (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Grundlagen und Grundsätze der Luftfahrthaftpflicht
(Master thesis)
Katja Meili
Roland Müller
Thomas Geiser
How can Swiss translate its brand positioning into
products and services in order to enhance the business
class traveller’s experience? (Bachelor thesis)
Stephanie Bosshart
Andreas Wittmer
How to enhance “The Fascination of Flying” at the
touristic attraction Zurich Airport (Bachelor thesis)
Nathalie Humm
Andreas Wittmer
Impact of 9/11 on the airline industry and its recovery,
The cases of United and American Airlines (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Improving quality management by introducing the next step
of Kaizen at Swiss International Airlines Ltd. (Bachelor thesis)
Milica Radovanovic,
Andreas Wittmer
Increasing the efficiency and touristic attractiveness of
airports in Brazil in anticipation of the 2014 World Cup
(Bachelor thesis)
Andrea Hochstrasser Andreas Wittmer
InterRail versus EasyJet - an analysis of the competitive
situation (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Key buying factors of an airline when selecting a suitable
ground handling company (Bachelor thesis)
Jan Resele
Andreas Wittmer
Lufthansa case study (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
NetJets’ value proposition
Andreas Wittmer
Christian Laesser
Purchase process of a plane
Andreas Wittmer
Christian Laesser
Passenger perception of airport security performance
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Porter Airlines case study (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Preisgestaltung im Personenluftverkehr (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Private jet companies (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
RyanAir case study (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Scandinavian Airlines – The green engine decision
(Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Space Tourism – Virgin Galactic (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Annual report 2012
Space Tourism – The final frontier (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Swiss Branding – Das Markenimage der Swiss
International Airlines Ltd. (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
SWISS: Increasing customer satisfaction while
simultaneously managing the strong low cost pressure
Andreas Wittmer
Christian Laesser
„Swissness“ in der Aviatik: Analyse des Herkunftslandeffekts
anhand des Fallsbeispiel Swiss International Airlines
Manuel Vogel
Andreas Wittmer
The secret of Incheon International Airport (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Treiber und Hemmer von Kundenbindungsprogrammen
in der Airlinebranche (Masterthesis)
Anja Utay
Christian Laesser
WestJet – Building a high engagement culture (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
Yield management – comparing the strategy of
British Airways and Easy Jet (Seminar paper)
Andreas Wittmer
The following theses are currently being supervised by Professors of the CFAC-HSG.
Airport Capacity Allocation Schemes and Airlines‘
Strategic Behaviour (Dissertation)
Claudio Noto
Christian Laesser
Auswahlverfahren von Leisure Kunden beim
Flugticketkauf – eine qualitative Analyse der
Entscheidungsprozesse (Masterthesis)
Viviane Grobet
Pietro Beritelli,
Andreas Wittmer
Untersuchung von Flugunfällen und schweren
Vorfällen im Spannungsfeld von straf- und
zivilrechtlichen Verfahren (Dissertation)
Daniel Knecht
Roland Müller
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
Following projects were in progress in 2012:
Business partner:
Monitoring Cockpit
Swiss Foundation of Aviation
Independent execution
Since 2006 the CFAC has been leading a monitoring system for the ”Swiss
Foundation for Aviation”. Twice a year key indicators of transport and hub
development are collected to enable the Foundation to come to an independent assessment of the development of Zurich airport in comparison with
Frankfurt and Munich airports.
Business Case and Masterplan of Engadin Airport
Kanton Graubünden, Engadin Airport AG, Gemeinde Samedan
Independent execution
Due to changing conditions, Samedan Airport will be renovated and
reorganized. In connection with the replacement and any investments for
expansion purposes, a political steering group commissioned the CFAC to
review the operating numbers of past years and to develop proposals for
future financing of the airport. A technical and economic dossier for the
derivation and specification of a business model is also to be developed.
Aerospace Database
Swiss Aerospace Cluster
Swiss Aerospace Cluster, My Sign
The Aerospace Database covers aviation, aeronautics and satellite navigation. It also includes service and industrial companies. The database is
updated regularly and represents all companies in Switzerland. The project
was supported by a survey conducted as part of an application project at the
University of St.Gallen.
Interreg IVB Project ”TransNetAero“
Interregprogramm des Kantons Zürich, der Zentralschweiz und des Bundes
ETH Zürich, Hochschule Luzern, Swiss Aerospace Cluster
The CFAC works on the “TransNetAero” Interreg project together with the
ETH Zurich, the University of Lucerne and the Swiss Aerospace Cluster.
It is an international Interreg project with one partner in the UK, Germany,
France, Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland.
The project supports small and medium enterprises in the aviation industry
in what are often called the „hidden champion“ regions of northern Europe
to enhance their international competitiveness. The goal is to create an
environment so that these companies can benefit from the highly specialized
innovation resources available in Northwest Europe.
Conferences, Exhibitions, Memberships
Conferences, Conventions
The CFAC attended the following conferences
and conventions in 2012:
▪▪ Air Transport Research Society (ATRS):
World Aviation Conference in Tainan, Taiwan
(Andreas Wittmer)
▪▪ AIEST Conference in Khon Kaen, Thailand
(Andreas Wittmer)
▪▪ German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S):
Aviation Workshop in Bremen and Berlin,
Germany (Andreas Wittmer)
▪▪ CAUTHE Conference: Melbourne, Australia
(Andreas Wittmer)
▪▪ Hamburg Aviation Conference
(Andreas Wittmer)
▪▪ ILA, Berlin (Roland Müller, Andreas Wittmer,
Barbara Riegler)
▪▪ European Aviation Conference in Berlin
(Andreas Wittmer)
Dr. Andreas Wittmer of the CFAC took part
in the Singapore Airshow.
Roland Müller at the ILA
Photo: Barbara Riegler
The CFAC made the following public
Pietro Beritelli, Thomas Bieger,
Christian Laesser, Andreas Wittmer
Andreas Wittmer
DMO’s bridging role – A perspective based on
actors’ networks (AIEST Conference, Khon Kaen,
Thailand, Aug. 2012)
Customer orientation in the aviation industry
(Hamburg Aviation Conference, Feb. 2012)
Andreas Wittmer
Andreas Wittmer, Barbara Riegler
Drivers of destination choice for day and overnight visitors (Cauthe, Melbourne, Feb. 2012)
The development of Swiss International Air Lines
as part of the Lufthansa Group – the researcher’s
view (G.A.R.S Workshop at the ILA, Berlin, Sept.
Andreas Wittmer
Customer value of purchasable supplementary
services (ATRS, Tainan, June 2012)
Roland Müller
Pilot training in the light of the Air France accident (ILA, Berlin, Sept. 2012)
Roland Müller
Pilot training in the light of the Air France accident (CFAC Forum 2012 Safety, Security and Risk
Management in Aviation)
Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)
The list below shows the organisations in which Dr.
Andreas Wittmer represents the CFAC-HSG:
▪▪ Aero Club Schweiz und Ostschweiz
▪▪ Air Transport Research Society (ATRS)
▪▪ Association Internationale d’Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme (AIEST)
▪▪ European Air Law Association
▪▪ German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S.)
▪▪ Schweizer Aviatik-Jounalisten (SAJ)
▪▪ Schweizerische Verkehrswissenschaftliche
Gesellschaft (SVWG)
▪▪ Swiss Aerospace Cluster
▪▪ Transport Research Society, World Conference
of Transport Research
▪▪ Travel Industry Club (until August 2012)
Various conference papers and articles which were
▪▪ Customer Orientation – new ways in value
creation? Hamburg Aviation Conference, 2012.
Wittmer, Andreas.
▪▪ Customer value of purchasable supplementary
services; World Conference of Air Transport
Research Society (ATRS), Tainan, Taiwan,
27th June-30th June 2012; Wittmer, Andreas
▪▪ Die Entwicklung eines Wirkungsmodells für
den Schienenverkehr am Beispiel der SBB.
In: Schweizerische Verkehrswirtschaft – Jahrbuch 2012. St. Gallen: IMP-HSG. pp. 193 – 204.
Wittmer Andreas, Gross Mirco, Bieger Thomas,
Olesen Anne.
▪▪ Differences of Ski Destination Choice Criteria
for Day and Overnight Visitors. In “ The New
Golden Age of Tourism and Hospitality”.
La Trobe University, Victoria, 2012, Melbourne,
p. 758. Riegler, Barbara ; Wittmer, Andreas:
▪▪ Drivers of destination choice for day and overnight visitors. Cauthe Conference, Melbourne,
6. - 9. Febr. 2012, (Andreas Wittmer, Barbara
▪▪ Network carrier or low cost carrier - passenger
choice factors; World Conference of Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), Tainan, Taiwan,
27th June-30th June 2012; Wittmer, Andreas
▪▪ The future of ancillary service fees in air travel
– an exploratory investigation of budget air
travellers. In “International Journal of Aviation
Management”, Vol. 1, No. 4. pp. 231-241.
Andreas Wittmer, Philipp Boksberger, Andreas
The CFAC was featured in the newspapers and
magazines listed below:
Die Volkswirtschaft, 17.09.2012
▪▪ Transportwege für den Handel zwischen Asien
und Europa: Für die Zukunft gerüstet? (Kerstin
Lampe & Wolfgang Stölzle)
▪▪ Nr. 3, Oktober 2012 – Absturz wegen Checkliste
▪▪ Landbote, 04.05.2012 – Lufthansa in der Krise:
Vulkane und Wahlen beeinflussen das Ergebnis
(Interview mit Andreas Wittmer)
▪▪ LEADER, Oktober 2012 – Die Luft- und Raumfahrtbranche der Schweiz: ein Überblick
(Standort-förderung des Kantons Zürich)
Manager Magazin
▪▪ Manager Magazin On-line, 21.03.2012 – Der
Business-Class-Kunde bezahlt das alles (Interview mit Andreas Wittmer)
Medienmitteilung HSG, 04.04.2012
▪▪ Manuelles Fliegen gewinnt wieder an Bedeutung – Roland Müller zum Air France Unfall
von 2009
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
▪▪ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 19.04.2012 – Lehren aus
dem Unglück von Air France 447
St. Galler Tagblatt
▪▪ St. Galler Tagblatt, 13.09.2012 – Luftverkehr:
Anbindung an die Zukunft
Annual report 2012
▪▪ Tagesanzeiger, 13.11.2012 –Europas Airlines im
Gegenwind (Interview mit Andreas Wittmer)
Zürcher Unterländer
▪▪ Zürcher Unterländer, 23.10.2012 – Sind auch
Airlines bald „too big to fail“ (Interview mit
Andreas Wittmer)
Zürcher Oberländer
▪▪ Zürcher Oberländer, 04.05.2012 – Vulkane und
Wahlen beeinflussen das Ergebnis (Interview
mit Andreas Wittmer)
Television / Radio
▪▪ Eco vom 15.3.12– Interview mit Andreas
Wittmer zum Thema Lufthansa gegen AUA
Schweizer Fernsehen
▪▪ SF Tagesschau 12.07.2012 – Interview mit
Andreas Wittmer zum Thema „Der Flughafen
Zürich vertraut auf das Volk“
▪▪ SF Tagesschau 22.10.2012 - Interview mit
Andreas Wittmer zum Thema „Vor acht Jahren
wurde die Charter-Fluggesellschaft Hello gegründet“
The financial year of 2012 closed with a positive
result. The independent scientific research can be
continued thanks to our generous benefactors.
The CFAC now has 25 institutional and 10 private
benefactors; four additional new benefactors
joined in supporting the CFAC in 2012:
Institutional benefactors
Crédit Suisse St.Gallen
AXA Winterthur Versicherung
Müller Eckstein Rechtsanwälte
AeCS Aero Club der Schweiz
Swiss Pilot School Association
Swiss Helicopter Association
Motorflugverband der Schweiz
Aero Insurance Service AG
Jet Aviation Business Jets AG
Lindberg International
Kessler & Co AG
SG Kantonalbank Heerbrugg
Edelweiss Air AG
Swiss Aerospace Cluster
Amt für Verkehr (AFV), Kanton Zürich
Raiffeisenbank Engelburg
RUAG Aviation
AviSwiss GmbH
AFAC – Agency for Aviation Communication
▪▪ AIEC Consulting AG
Private benefactors
Peter J. Schneider
Bruno Dobler
Markus Willisch
Felix Meier
Marc Gasser
Roland Peier
Stephan Erbe
Alexander Harte
Joachim Frick
Reto Laubscher
We would like to thank all benefactors for their
generous support and the confidence throughout
the year.
In 2013 the CFAC intends to attend the Air Transport Research Conference, the AIEST Conference,
the European Aviation Conference, the World
Transport Conference and various G.A.R.S. workshops of the German Aviation Research Society.
Applied research projects in 2013:
▪▪ Monitoring Cockpit for Swiss
▪▪ Interreg “TransNetAero project”. The project
supports small and medium enterprises in the
aviation industry in what are often called the
„hidden champion“ regions of northern Europe
to enhance their international competitiveness.
▪▪ Komitee Weltoffenes Zürich, Die Bedeutung des
Metropolitanraums Zürich für Südbaden
▪▪ Bundesamt für Migration, Optionen der
Schweiz für die Entwicklung eines Programms
für registrierte Reisende (zusammen mit Ernst
Basler & Partner)
Benefactors of the CFAC
Become a benefactor of the Center for Aviation
Competence. Your support allows us to continue
with our independent research. Benefactors obtain
a discount of 30% on our books at DIKE and fee
concessions at CFAC seminars.
St. Gallen, February 2013
Prof. Dr. Roland Müller
Dr. Andreas Wittmer
Managing Director
Together with our partner AeroEx we start
with the first educational seminar in the field of
leadership on Wednesday, 10th April 2013. The
subject of the seminar is “Leadership and control
of air traffic companies” and three topics will be
▪▪ Risk Management
▪▪ Overview of EASA Regulation
▪▪ Pilot education under the aspect of the Air
France Accident
This seminar is supported by Austro Control and
takes place in Vienna (Austria).
For further information on these seminars please
refer to our website.
We are proud to announce the first English-language CFAC Forum with the topic of “Finance, Risk
and Liability in Aviation” which we are organizing together with the SGI, (St. Gallen Institute
of Management in Asia) and the Nanyang University of Technology. The Forum will take place in
Singapore, on 31st May 2013. This is going to be a
milestone for the Center for Aviation Competence
in the Far East, a rapidly developing part of the
Center for Aviation Competence
Universität St. Gallen
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9000 St. Gallen
Telefon 071 224 25 00
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