Bestellfax: 06082/924188 – Internet: www.f


Bestellfax: 06082/924188 – Internet: www.f
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Ulisses Spiele
Alderac Entertainment Group
Legend of the 5 Rings
Patrizier und Diebesbanden Q3..................30,00 €
Herkunft oder Heimat,
Durchreisestation oder ersehnter
Zielort, Hort des Wissens oder
Marktplatz für ein ganzes
Heldenleben, Hintergrund oder
Zentrum der Handlung – Städte
sind aus den meisten Abenteuern
nicht wegzudenken. Die Vielzahl
der Personen und Professionen, der
Völker und Kulturen, der Waren,
Gebäude und Einwohner eröffnet
den Helden ein Universum der
Möglichkeiten. Für den Spielleiter
bedeutet die Darstellung der Stadt
eine besondere Herausforderung,
denn er muss Dutzende von
Personen darstellen und alle
möglichen Handlungsfäden in der
Hand halten. Das Stadtabenteuer bietet eine Fülle von Chancen – und
jede Menge Fallgruben.Diese Spielhilfe gibt Hilfestellungen und Tipps für
den Spieleiter, um das Genre Stadtabenteuer meistern zu können. Sie
behandelt die aventurische Stadt und ihre Merkmale, Orte und Gebäude,
Personen und Gruppen und führt durch die Facetten des Lebens und
Spielens in Städten. Exemplarisch für drei aventurische Regionen werden
drei Städte als detaillierte Abenteuerschauplätze vorgestellt: Im
nordaventurischen Riva hat der Traum vom Reichtum die Stadt
ergriffen; im Zentrum repräsentiert Angbar das Städtewesen der
Kaiserreiche mit Stadtrecht und Patriziern; Mengbilla schließlich steht
stellvertretend für die Stadtstaaten des aventurischen Südens. Jede der
drei Städtebeschreibungen enthält Hinweise zu Mentalität und
Stimmung, Gebäuden und Vierteln, Persönlichkeiten und
Interessensgruppen sowie umfangreiche Mysterien als Aufhänger für
eigene Abenteuer. Diese Spielhilfe enthält Informationen zum Spiel in
Städten, zu aventurischen Städten allgemein sowie zu den drei Städten
Angbar, Mengbilla und Riva. Zum Spielen in Aventurien werden an
weiteren Materialien nur die Basisregeln benötigt. Die Kenntnis weiterer
Regelwerke, insbesondere der Regionalspielhilfen, ist hilfreich, aber
nicht erforderlich.
12 to Midnight Games
Savage Worlds
Skinwalker (Savage World)........................10,49 €
Erscheint im August
It seems like a serial killer is on the
loose when a string of murders rock
a small, rural community… at least
until some of the supposed victims
are spotted alive and well. Can you
track down a murderer who can look
like anyone, or will you be his next
victims? Skinwalker is a Pinebox,
Texas adventure for the Savage
Worlds system.
The Vacant Throne....................................27,95 €
Erscheint im August
The return of a prophet promised a new
age of enlightenment. Instead, his death
has doomed the ruling dynasty of
Rokugan. Now the throne of the Toturi
Emperors stands empty, and the Empire
finds itself without a master. Already
the Clans have begun to maneuver
against each other in the prelude to war.
Chaos and anarchy spread as a
civilization that has stood for one
thousand years threatens to consume
itself with selfish ambition.
The Vacant Throne sourcebook for the
Legend of the Five Rings Role-playing
game details the events and individuals
of the Lotus and Samurai eras represented in the L5R CCG. It contains
everything a GM needs to make a campaign part of the greater L5R
storyline, or to take the Empire in a brand new direction based on the
actions of their characters. The storyline has never been easier to follow,
or easier to modify.
The Adventurers........................................39,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Adventure Awaits!
At the heart of the Guatemalan jungle,
famous adventurers are about to explore
the ancient Mayan temple of the rain
god Chac. According to legend, the
temple is full of priceless archaeological
treasures and countless deadly traps!
Will the Adventurers survive these
nefarious traps together, or will they
betray each other to claim the artifacts
as their own?
The Adventurers is an exciting game for the whole family — one unlike
any game you’ve played before! Throughout the adventure, walls close in
on your Adventurers, a fast-moving river rushes towards a deadly
waterfall, and a massive boulder threatens to shut in the Temple forever!
The Adventurer lucky enough to escape with the most artifacts wins!
• Immersive game experience with figures, three-dimensional game
pieces, and more.
• Fast-paced and exciting gameplay.
• The boulder doesn’t stop, and neither can you!
Acrana......................................................19,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Each player represents one of the great guilds of
Cadwallon. The Guild of Blades, the guild of
Ferrymen, the guild of Thieves, and the guild of
Userers. Based on the number of players in the
game you have a certain number of “Stakes” areas.
Players battle for control of cards that come up in
each stakes area each turn. A major key of the
game is that the Stakes areas closest to your guilds
allow you to play your cards face down allowing you
to surprise or even bluff your opponent away from
cards during the turn. Win stakes cards to improve
your deck throughout the game.
Arcana is brilliantly illustrated by an art team lead
by the legend Paulo Parente and is a fast fun way to get both your card
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
game and fantasy fix.
Tomb: Cryptmaster Dice...............................7,95 €
Erscheint im September
Tomb Extra Dice set gives you 30
extra Tomb
10 Red. For max damage.
10 Blue. Announce your
presence with authority.
10 Green. Something for the
Don’t share your dice with the
unlucky guy. Get your own!
everything else. It’s for people who walk into a store or a gaming
convention and see the plush Cthulhus and Shoggoths, the resin models,
the games, the DVDs, and the shelves of books and wonder “What’s this
whole Cthulhu/H.P. Lovecraft thing all about, anyway?”
Modeled after such short, light-tone books as the Bluffers Guide series,
Cthulhu 101 combines clear, basic answers to common first questions:
(”What is Cthulhu?” “Who is H.P. Lovecraft?” “What is the ‘Cthulhu
Mythos’?”) with lists (”11 Best Lovecraft Stories (Not Starring Cthulhu)”
“Lovecraft’s Lineup:
10 (or 11) Members of Cthulhu’s Peer Group” “12 More Best Other
Cthulhu Mythos Stories”, “8 Best Lovecraftian Movies” “9 Surprising
Encounters With the Cthulhu Mythos”) and overviews of Cthulhu’s
presence in pop culture from games to TV to comics to music.
Savage Worlds
Atlas Games
Ars Magica 5.Ed.
Magi of Hermes.........................................23,95 €
Erscheint im September
Everyone knows what a follower of
Flambeau is like ... a master of
Ignem magic, a maestro with Pilum
of Fire. Apart, that is, from those
Flambeau who choose to wield
mundane weapons, or who control
the powers of darkness and cold.
And Tytalus magi are renowned for
weaving intricate plots in society,
manipulating those around them.
Except for those excpetional few
who live alone, testing themselves
against the natural elements, of
Go beyond the expected.
Magi of Hermes presents fifteen
fully detailed magi who redefine the norm for Ars Magica. >From the
rare to the extraordinary, you'll find them here with statistics given
every fifteen years throughout their careers. And also included are the
specifices for their magical creations, both spells and items, which are
often as remarkable as they themselves are.
A source of inspiration, allies, and enemies for your characters, Magi of
Hermes adds depth to any saga.
Atomic Overmind Press
Cthulhu 101................................................7,49 €
Erscheint im September
No?!? Never fear! Cthulhu 101 lets you in on
the mystery, and lays it all out in the open.
From “How do you pronounce Cthulhu?” to the
8 Best Cthulhoid Board Games, Cthulhu 101
has most of the questions, and all of the
answers. Do you know the shocking truth about
Hastur? Which Elder Sign is right for you?
Don’t guess — find out!
Cthulhu 101 is aimed squarely at this who are
“Cthulhu-curious” but don’t want to dive right
into a whole mass of books and stories and
The Day after Ragnarok.............................15,95 €
Erscheint im September
Submachine Guns and Sorcery!
Mighty-thewed barbarians and
grim mercenaries roam the desolate
plains of Ohio. Giant snakes, and
those who worship them, prowl the
ruins of St. Louis. Pirates battle the
Japanese invaders in the South
China Sea. Bold British agents,
equipped with experimental biotechnology, thwart the insidious
infiltration of Stalin's humanzees.
Sky-raiders strike from hidden
bases in the Sahara, deros skulk in
South American caverns, and the
Texas Rangers fight electrical death
worms to save Los Alamos.
Kenneth Hite (Adventures into Darkness, Trail of Cthulhu) presents a
world of savage swords and rocket men, of were-serpents and war-apes,
from Australia's battered Empire to the proud city-state of Chicago.
The Day After Ragnarok includes:
•Complete rules and guidelines for creating a hero suited for these dark
times, including new Hindrances and Edges.
•Dangerous ophi-tech devices built with knowledge torn from the Thing
that nearly killed the world: fiber bombs, Marconi pistols, jet-packs, and
•A grand tour through the post-apocalyptic world of 1948, from the
drowned East Coast to the Soviet empire behind the Serpent Curtain -including the Top Five Places to Be Attacked By Pirates, the Top Five
Places to Find A Remote Castle Ruled By A Madman, and much more!
•Stats for more than thirty foes to shoot, stab, or sneak past: Serpent
cultists, Spetsnaz troopers, swamp devils, and ... snakes! Giant, 80-foot
long snakes, that is!
•Over 20 pages of pure adventure: Four campaign types, each with a
sample campaign laid out in nine scenario seeds. A massive Adventure
Generator, helping you build every tale from the Hook to the Henchmen
to the Twist ending! Four worked examples, taking the Adventure
Generator's raw numbers and running.
•Plus old-school random encounters for the desolate wastelands of
America -- will you face slave-raiding Klansmen, the terrifying fly-bynight, or a desperate band of escaped Wehrmacht P.O.W.s?
And across it all lies the trillion-ton corpse of the Midgard Serpent, killed
by Truman's atomic fire but still poisoning the Earth with every night
that passes. Welcome to the world at the end of the world.
Welcome to...
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Catalyst Game Lab
Mortal Remains (CthulhuTech)...................31,99 €
Erscheint im August
The Enemy Of My Enemy Is Still
My Enemy
The New Earth Government. A place
of progress and hope. A world
carefully crafted by the powers that
be to give lives to those it protects.
The last hope of humanity in a time
when it seems as if our light will be
extinguished forever. The Migou.
Beings from a nearby world who
have always viewed the Earth as
their backyard, to be used and
abused as they will. Creatures
caught unawares by what we have
become and intent on destroying us
because of it.
Enemies bound to the mortal coil,
perhaps soon to be consumed by it – and each other.
Live in the world of the New Earth Government, exploring society from
the streets on up. Walk within the worlds of politics, religion, and pop
culture. Discover what the growing identity of the Nazzadi is all about.
Explore the dark end of the street where vice and crime dwell. Or
discover the world of the alien insects from Pluto and even explore it as
one of them. Peel back the veil and see the Migou for what they truly are
– and maybe even admire them for it.
Nowhere else will you find a setting like CthulhuTech.
This book is meant to be used with the CthulhuTech storytelling game
and requires the Core Book.
Classic Battletech
Strategic Operations..................................39,99 €
Erscheint im August
• A complete game system—
BattleForce—allows players to use
their existing miniatures and
mapsheets to play quick, fastpaced BattleTech games, from
companies to battalions and even
• Includes new aerospace
movement, combat and advanced
aerospace unit construction rules
• Comprehensive maintenance,
salvage, repair and customization
rules allows players to map out
extended campaigns
• Includes miniature rules for
playing without gridded map
sheets, in a way that is familiar to
MechWarrior: Age of Destruction players
Aerospace advanced rules requires BattleTech Total Warfare. Tactical
Operations is recommended for enhanced play. BattleForce rules are a
stand-alone game play system not requiring any other books.
Jihad Hot Spots: 3076..............................19,99 €
Erscheint im August
• Continues the current over-arcing
plotline of the BattleTech universe.
• The first products in this line—
Dawn of the Jihad and Jihad Hot
Spots: 3070—went back to print
under the combined title, Blake
• Includes game stats and images
for nine new battlefield units,
ranging from new combat vehicles
to new ’Mechs, to new WarShips.
Cthulhu Tech
Cubicle 7
Doctor Who
Adventures in Time and Space...................47,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Imagine you could go anywhere.
This world or countless others,
encountering strange alien races,
new cultures or hostile
environments. Now imagine you
could travel to any time. See the
pyramids and the Sphinx (back
when she had a nose!), discover
who (or what) really built
Stonehenge, meet the first Emperor
of Japan, or travel into the far
future as humanity spreads to the
stars. Where would you go?
With Doctor Who: Adventures in
Time and Space, the power is in
your hands! You can go anywhere
or anywhen in the universe. It’s not
going to be easy. It’ll probably be dangerous. The universe is a hostile
place, full of Daleks, Slitheen, Krillitane, Sontarans, Plasmavores,
Cybermen, Sycorax, Judoon and worse. There will be fear, heartbreak
and excitement, but above all, it’ll be the trip of a lifetime.
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space is a roleplaying game set in
the universe of the world’s longest running science fiction show on TV –
the BBC’s Doctor Who. Published in a boxed format, the core set
Player’s Guide / Gamemaster’s Guide / Adventure Book / Quick Start
Guide / Character sheets, including pre-generated characters for the
series cast / Tokens and Dice
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space has been written to appeal to
both the experienced and first time gamer.
Doctor Who: Gamemaster's Screen.............11,99 €
Erscheint im November
Packed with all the information a Gamemaster needs for easy reference
during a session of Doctor Who, this 'deluxe' thick screen will last for
years of Adventures in Time and Space.
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Savage Worlds
3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars
Thrilling Tales...........................................19,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
The pulse-pounding excitement of
the pulp magazines and cliffhanger
serials of the 1930s and 40s, for
use with the Savage Worlds rules
system. Grab your fedora and your
ivory-handled .45s, and get ready
for the adventure of a lifetime!
The rulebook contains everything
you need to add pulp thrills to your
Savage Worlds game, and
An exhaustive
guide to the pulp genre
• A timeline of the 1930s
• New pulp Edges & Flaws
• Pulp-era weapons & vehicles
• Special Savage Worlds rules
governing pulp genre elements
• A guide to pulp villains, including
cults, the Nazis and the Thugee
• A Random Adventure Generator
• A Complete Plot Point Campaign: The multi-part serial, "The
Crimson ."
• ...and much more!
Faces in the Smoke....................................19,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
They Watch…from the salons of
the rich to the darkest corners of
the tenements, they are out there in
the city. The city plays host to
countless organisations, each with
their own agenda, battling in a
shadow war for supremacy under
the cover of the smog that fills the
These groups range from the
ancient to the new, from political
activists to cultists worshipping
dark gods. Their members range
across society, inviting both
gentleman and scoundrel to their
secret meetings. So you need to
watch your step as you cross the
smoke shadowed streets. The next person you meet could be one of
them. But will they become an ally, or an enemy?
Faces in the Smoke contains:
• An array of urban based organisations to face your players with in
your Victoriana campaign.
• Full detail and statistics for the puppet masters behinds the shadows
• Secrets and adventure hooks for each order for the Gamemaster to
weave into her campaign.
Each organisation has an agenda, none are simply good or evil, so they
could be either allies or enemies of the player characters depending on
how they are approached.
3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars...............15,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
STARS is a high-octane ScienceFiction role-playing game for 2 or
more players. Your Space Troopers
will kill bugs all across the Cosmos.
You'll advance in rank, improve your
weapons, slay civilization after
civilization, and find out who you
are through an innovative ‘Flashback’ mechanic.
Terra’s plan is to kill every living thing in the Universe to protect the
home world. See where your tour of duty in the 3:16th Expeditionary
Force takes you and your friends. Revel in the kill-happy machismo and
enjoy a campaign of Carnage Amongst the Stars.
Featuring a stunning cover by Paul Bourne, and interior art by
writer/games designer Gregor Hutton, 3:16 is a bloody triumph of
games design.
Mindjammer..............................................23,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Mindjammer is a sourcebook for
the Starblazer Adventures game set
in the strange and distant future of
our own planet Earth. It is a cool
yet believable science-fiction
setting of lost worlds, incredible
technologies, and clashing
civilizations, drawing upon the far
future transhuman space stories by
writers like Cordwainer Smith, Iain
M. Banks, Dan Simmons, and Peter
F. Hamilton.
The Mindjammer setting introduces
the New Commonality, the nascent
interstellar state attempting to
dominate the Rediscovery Era, a
time when ultra-advanced technologies rub shoulders with lost and
regressed worlds.
Mindjammer contains exotic races and new careers, sentient starship
characters, far future technologies including the interstellar ‘Mindscape’
and technological psionics, new skills and stunts, new starships, rules for
interstellar cultures and cultural conflict, starmaps, worlds and a detailed
background of a huge Star Empire and its allies and foes. There's also a
complete campaign of four linked scenarios, ‘The Black Zone’, including
spectacular Starblazer action with combat walkers, mass battles, and
terrifying alien technologies!
Daring Entertainment
Savage Worlds
Dawn of Legends (Savage Worlds)..............31,99 €
Erscheint im August
Dawn of Legends is a new setting for the
popular Savage Worlds RPG, bringing four-color
super-heroic action to Pinnacle Entertainment's
award winning role-playing game.
With a new, fully-customizable effects-based
powers system designed to remain true to the
fast, furious, fun of Savage Worlds, Dawn of
Legends lets you don the cape and tights and
battle crime wherever it's needed.
Featuring dozens of new Edges and Hindrances,
over 100 ready-made powers, dozens of Power
Enhancements, Power Drawbacks, and Power
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Boosters for endless customization, and the complete rules for creating
brand new powers with the exact formula used by the Designers.
Dawn of Legends also brings comic book role-playing to life with new
uses for Bennies, new Combat Maneuvers, mechanics for creating
Super-Teams with their own personality, and Popularity rules: governing
a Hero's or Team's Public Image with the people and media.
With a complete campaign setting and free online support, Dawn of
Legends provides gamemasters and players with endless role-playing
Stadthaus III..............................................34,95 €
Eden Studios
Erscheint im August
Conspiracy X
Extraterrestrials Sourcebook.......................28,00 €
Erscheint im September
Project Bluebook lied to you.
THEY are among us, and have been
for some time. Although sightings
of UFOs have increased since that
fateful crash in Roswell, aliens have
been on Earth for longer than we
could have imagined. Witnesses
have described three distinct types
of aliens—the diminutive “Greys”
with their powerful psychic
abilities, the shapeshifting
lizardmen that fill conspiracy
theories, and the perfect
humanoids. Although Project
Bluebook told the public that UFOs
were not real, Aegis knows that for
the smokescreen it is. The reptilian Saurians manipulate their bodies to
infiltrate society, becoming emotionless, authoritarian “Men In Black.”
The mind-boggling Greys abduct and experiment, seeking to hybridize
and to control. Those perfect humanoids, dubbed the Atlanteans, use
advanced technology to wield near godlike powers and manipulate
humanity from behind the scenes. Humanity has long considered itself
the dominant species on Earth. Faced with three potent alien races, that
position has never been more tenuous. Aegis may well be humanity’s
only hope against extinction. The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook is a
supplement for the Conspiracy X 2.0 roleplaying game. In it, you will
• Details on the history, culture, biology, psychology, and technology of
three distinct alien races.
• Secrets of the Grey abductions, Atlantean nanotech, and the ancient
Saurian clans.
• Rules for creating alien Cast Members, including hybrid meta-humans,
displaced Atlanteans, and
peaceful Dreamspeakers.
• Powerful alien technology, weapons, equipment, and starships.
• The complete chronology of alien activity on Earth, dating back to
65,000,000 BC and revealing
shocking truths!
Compatible with All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Terra Primate,
CJ Carella’s Witchcraft and other
Unisystem games.
ESLO Hobbyartikel & Modellbau
Alle Geländestücke sind, wie auf den Fotos zu sehen ist, vollständig
gefertigt. Sie werden in einem eigenen Karton ausgeliefert. Die
Geländestücke können problemlos auf ein bestehendes Spielfeld gesetzt
werden, weil die Bases nur 2,5 mm hoch sind. Die Kanten sind
abgeschrägt und mit elektrostatischem, abriebfestem Gras beflockt. Weil
alles reine Handarbeit ist, ist jedes Modell ein Unikat, das kein anderer
hat. Selbst bei gleichen Modellen sieht jedes etwas anders aus. Soweit
nicht anders beschrieben, sind die Geländestücke sofort einsatzbereit.
Die Lieferung erfolgt ohne Figuren. Natürlich stehen alle gezeigten
Figuren unter dem Copyright der jeweiligen Hersteller.
Pflasterstrasse.............................................3,45 €
Erscheint im August
Pflasterstrasse Kreuzung.............................3,95 €
Erscheint im August
Grab............................................................6,95 €
Erscheint im August
Fantasy Flight Games
Battlestar Galactica
Pegasus Expansion (engl.)..........................31,95 €
As the battered colonial fleet limps
toward an uncertain future, supplies
dwindle, taking humanity’s
remaining morale with them.
Suddenly, salvation appears as if
delivered by the gods: Battlestar
Pegasus, nearly twice the size of
Galactica and boasting upgraded
defensive capabilities, appears to be
the fleet’s savior. But will its arrival
prove a blessing or a curse? How
will the crew react to a new
admiral, with a drastically different
leadership style? And what dark and malevolent plots are being devised
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
by their sinister Cylon pursuers? Battlestar Galactica: Pegasus Expansion
includes many new game features give fans tons of new ways to play
including: two supplementary game boards representing Battlestar
Pegasus and the planet New Caprica, as well as seven new characters
from the popular series!A powerful new character type, the Cylon leader
(which can be either sympathetic or hostile toward humanity) utilizes the
“treachery” skill type, and inventive rules introduce mechanics for
executing characters and escaping New Caprica.
Warhammer Fantasy
Chaos in the Old World (engl.)....................47,95 €
Erscheint im September
The time of woe is upon us. —
Grimoire Daemonicus In the
Warhammer world, four Gods of
Chaos battle for supremacy:
Khorne, the Blood God; Nurgle, the
Plaguelord; Tzeentch, the Changer
of Ways; Slaanesh, the Lord of
Temptations. In the Chaos in the
Old World board game, 2-4 players
take on the roles of the malevolent
Lords of Chaos. Each god’s
distinctive powers and legion of
followers give the controlling player
unique strengths and heretical abilities with which to corrupt and enslave
the Old World. As the powers of Chaos seek domination by corruption
and conquest, they must vie not only against each other, but also against
the desperate denizens of the Old World who fight to banish the gods
back to the maelstrom of the Realm of Chaos…for now.
Midnight Chronicles...................................11,95 €
Erscheint im September
It has been a hundred years since
the Shadow fell… The legate Mag
Kiln has been ordered to travel to
the small town of Blackweir to
investigate the disappearance of a
fellow priest.There he begins to
uncover not only the mysterious
and forbidden legacy of the town,
but also the malevolent, prophetic
force that grows within him.
feature film from Fantasy Flight
Studios, based on the award
winning roleplaying game
“Midnight,” published by Fantasy
Flight Games. In the world of
MIDNIGHT, the dark god Izrador
reigns victorious. The MIDNIGHT
enjoying wide success throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The
US DVD release continues the adventure, packed with special features
including a behind-the-scenes “Making of” documentary, a featurette on
visual effects, deleted scenes, director’s commentary, shooting script,
storyboards, and an all new exclusive adventure for the Midnight
roleplaying game, based on locations and characters from the film.
Warhammer 40K
WH40K: The Radical's Handbook...............39,95 €
Erscheint im September
The most extreme and zealous
Inquisitors of the Warhammer
40,000 universe, the Radical
factions, walk a dark and dangerous
path. Now, you and your acolytes
can walk among, or against them,
with the knowledge contained in the
latest sourcebook: The Radical’s
Handbook. From the mysterious
Ragged Oracle of Seedworld
AFG-218 to the horrors of the
Maletek Stalker, The Radical’s
Handbook contains a wealth of
background information and game
mechanics to enrich your Dark
Heresy campaign. Dark Heresy:
Radical’s Handbook features:
Detailed information on Radical factions of the Inquisition. • Advice on
running a Radical campaign for Dark Heresy. • Radical background
packages, character options, and careers for Dark Heresy characters,
including the Hive Mutant and Penal Legionnaire. Tons of options for
Radical characters and enemies, from blasphemous allies and tainted
psychic powers to the dark arts of sorcery and daemon weapons. Details
on alien equipment and heretical gear plus expanded information about
WH40K: Rogue Trader Core Book..............47,95 €
Erscheint im September
In the Rogue Trader roleplaying
game, players take on the role of a
Rogue Trader and his most trusted
counsellors, empowered by an
ancient warrant of trade to seek out
profit and plunder amongst
unexplored regions of space. Fame
and fortune reward the bold, but the
unwary find only an anonymous
death. Rogue Trader features: Fast
character creation to get players
into the game quickly, including a
lifetime of possibilities with • an
expanded origin path system.
Dynamic rules let players handle
everything from social interaction
to deadly fast-paced combat, •
starships and psychic powers to a system of profit and influence.
Comprehensive background on Rogue Traders, written by Warhammer
40,000 novelist and GW • Design Studio member Andy Hoare.
Compatibility with Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Dark Heresy RPG. •
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Fantasy Productions
Feder und Schwert
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Der Erste Kaiser - DSA Band 110.................9,00 €
Die ›Schöne Kaiserin‹ und brillante
Erzmagierin Hela-Horas hat sich
zur Göttin ausrufen lassen. Wer
immer es wagt, gegen sie
aufzubegehren, wird brutal zum
Schweigen gebracht.
Der heldenhafte Krieger Raul
al’Ahjan kann diesen Frevel an den
Göttern nicht akzeptieren. Als sich
in Gareth und in anderen Provinzen
des Reichs Widerstand regt,
wenden sich die Menschen an Raul,
auch wenn dieser sich nicht als
Anführer sieht. In Bosparan forscht
die Kaiserin derweil nach dem
Ritual, mit dem ihr Vorfahr FranHoras einst die Erzdämonen selbst
– eine Beschwörung, die das
sichere Ende für jeden Aufstand
bedeuten würde. Wird es den
Aufständischen gelingen, ihre Freiheit zu erstreiten, ehe es für sie zu
spät ist, und kann Raul die Rolle ausfüllen, die ihm vorherbestimmt zu
sein scheint?
Sprung in die Vergangenheit – M6...............9,00 €
Erscheint KW 34
April 3112 alter Terranischer
In dieser Zeit geht die United Stars
Organisation – kurz USO – gegen
das organisierte Verbrechen vor. An
ihrer Spitze steht der Arkonide
Atlan, Perry Rhodans bester
Freund. Ein Zellaktivator verleiht
dem mehr als zehntausend Jahre
alten einstigen Imperator des
arkonidischen Imperiums die
relative Unsterblichkeit.
Auf Chonosso, der Hauptwelt der
Tarey-Bruderschaft, setzen
Lordadmiral Atlan und RisikoSpezialist Santjun alles auf eine
Karte. Es gilt, ihr Leben zu retten
und Malcher aufzuhalten, denn der
Chef der Silberherren ist nur noch
einen Schritt von seinem großen Ziel entfernt: Beherrscht er die
Monolithen, dann beherrscht er auch die Milchstraße. So sehr sich Perry
Rhodan, Reginald Bull, Gucky und die Posbis auch bemühen, das Unheil
abzuwenden – am Ende bleibt nur eine Möglichkeit. Einer muss ihn
wagen, den Sprung ins Jenseits …
Vorübergehend tot.......................................9,95 €
Sookie Stackhouse jobbt in einer
Kleinstadt in Louisiana als Kellnerin.
Sie ist still, introvertiert und geht
selten aus. Nicht, daß sie nicht
hübsch wäre. Im Gegenteil. Sookie
hat nur, na ja, eben diese
„Behinderung“. Sie kann Gedanken
lesen. Das macht sie nicht gerade
begehrenswert. Doch dann taucht
Bill auf. Er ist groß, düster,
gutaussehend – und Sookie hört kein
Wort von dem, was er denkt. Er ist
genau die Art Mann, auf die sie
schon ihr ganzes Leben lang
wartet ... Auf den Sookie
Stackhouse-Romanen basiert die
TV-Serie True Blood, deren erste
Staffel derzeit in Deutschland im
Bezahlfernsehen läuft und
voraussichtlich ab Herbst auch im
Free-TV ausgestrahlt wird. Jetzt mit neuem Titelbild.
Sookie Stackhouse 3: Club Dead...................9,95 €
Erscheint im August
Sookie Stackhouse hat nur mit
einem Vampir freiwillig Umgang,
und das ist ihr Geliebter Bill. Aber
er ist in letzter Zeit so distanziert –
und außerdem in einem anderen
Staat. Sein finsterer, attraktiver
Chef Eric hat eine Idee, wo er sein
könnte. Ehe sich Sookie versieht, ist
sie in Jackson, Mississippi, um sich
in der Unter-Unterwelt des Club
Dead umzusehen. Das ist ein
gefährlicher kleiner Laden, in dem
sich die elitäre Vampirgesellschaft
trifft, um auszuspannen und sich
einen Schluck Null Rhesus Negativ
zu gönnen.
Aber als Sookie Bill endlich findet –
und ihn bei einem schlimmen Verrat
erwischt –, ist sie nicht sicher, ob
sie ihn retten ... oder ein paar
Pflöcke anspitzen soll.
Auf den Sookie Stackhouse-Romanen basiert die TV-Serie True Blood,
deren erste Staffel derzeit in Deutschland im Bezahlfernsehen läuft und
voraussichtlich ab Herbst auch im Free-TV ausgestrahlt wird.
Jetzt mit neuem Titelbild.
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Engel: Deus vult.........................................10,95 €
Erscheint im August
Nachdem die Angelitische Kirche
die Exodus, das Brandlandfahrzeug
des Moskauer Diadochen Benren,
gestohlen hat, wird ein von langer
Hand vorbereiteter Plan endlich in
die Tat umgesetzt. Seit
Jahrhunderten versucht die heilige
Mutter Kirche in Erfahrung zu
bringen, welches Schicksal einem
ihrer Orden zugestoßen ist. Die
Bewahrer der Werte, die
Samaeliten sind für die meisten
Menschen wenig mehr als ein
Mythos, ihr Schaffen und ihr Werk
bestenfalls in den alten
Bibliotheken der Ramieliten
Doch in einer Zeit, in der es wenig
Hoffnung für das Überleben der
Menschheit gibt, muß die
Führungsspitze der Angelitischen Kirche jedem auch noch so kleinen
Hoffnungsschimmer nachgehen. So stellen sie eine Gruppe von
erfahrenen Wissenschaftlern, Templern und Abenteurern zusammen, um
das Unmögliche zu wagen – die Durchquerung des Brandlandes um
Korsika. Was mag die todesmutigen Forscher hinter den giftigen
Schleiern erwarten? Würden manche Geheimnisse besser nicht gelüftet?
Ist es am Ende die Angelitische Kirche selbst, die ihren Diebstahl und
ihre Vermessenheit am meisten bedauern wird? Finden Sie es heraus,
denn das Schicksal der Menschen ist Gottes Wille.
Warhammer 40K
Fireside Games
Castle Panic...............................................28,00 €
Erscheint im September
The forest is filled with all sorts of
Monsters. #ey watched and waited
as you built your Castle and trained
your soldiers, but now they’ve
gathered their army and are
marching out of the woods. Can you
work with your friends to defend
your Castle against the horde, or
will the Monsters tear down your
Walls and destroy the precious
Castle Towers? You will all win or
lose together, but in the end only
one player will be declared the Master Slayer!
Freebooter Miniaturen
Voodoo Witch............................................14,90 €
Handbuch des Inquisitors...........................44,95 €
Erscheint im August
Der Erweiterungsband „Das
Handbuch des Inquisitors“ zum
Rollenspiel „Warhammer 40.000:
Schattenjäger“ richtet sich weniger
an Spielleiter als an Spieler. Er
liefert viel Zusatzmaterial, um
Spielercharaktere persönlicher zu
gestalten. Das Handbuch bietet
reizvolle Erweiterungen und
Zusätze zum Karrieresystem. So
gibt es unter anderem die Karriere
der kämpfenden Schwestern des
Adeptus Sororitas und den
Gehirngewaschenen, der nach einer
psionischen ideologischen
Umpolung ins Akolythenleben
startet. Neu ist das Konzept der
Sonderränge, die neben den
herkömmlichen Karrierepfaden stehen und es etwa dem Tech-Priester
gestatten, sich stark kampflastig auszurichten. Das Buch bietet neue
Heimatwelten, unter anderem die für Tech-Priester interessanten
Fabrikwelten, und gliedert die Zusatzinformationen nach diesen. So gibt
es viele neue regionale Waffenvarianten und weltenspezifische
Ausrüstungsgegenstände, die SC das gewisse Etwas verleihen.
Besonders innovativ ist das neue Steigerungskonzept. Bei diesem erhält
man für Erfahrungspunkte ein Stück Hintergrund für den Charakter,
einschließlich passender Fertigkeitssteigerungen. Das gestaltet die
Charaktere origineller und gibt Spielern das Gefühl, das Leben der SC
gehe auch zwischen den Abenteuern weiter. Dieses Konzept und liefert
dem Spielleiter ausgezeichnete Anknüpfungspunkte für zukünftige
Erscheint im August
Hochqualitative Metalminiaturen im 40 mm Maßstab. Alle Miniaturen
werden unbemalt geliefert und können aus Einzelteilen bestehen.
Goodman Games
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
Hero`s Handbook: Eladrin - 4e...................15,99 €
Erscheint im August
The bright mirror of the fey world has
long fascinated mortals. A place of
impossibly tall snowcapped mountains,
where living mists dance among the
twilit boles and still dark pools reflect
thousands of stars in strange
constellations, the unknown lands of
the fey are as beautiful as its folk are
deadly. Unknown until now. Herein
you will find the Four Courts of the
Fey, learn legends of their timeless
magic, travel to their greatest cities,
and hear tales of their ancient
histories. For whether participating in
their famed revels, taking part in their
dread hunts, or beseeching their four courts, no hero treads lightly in the
realms of the eladrin. Rich with culture, new magic items, monsters and
character options, Hero's Handbook: Eladrin is the essential eladrin
player's resource. Second in a complete line of PC aids, each brings
character, history and new depth to your player character.
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Hero`s Handbook: Tiefling - 4e..................15,99 €
Erscheint im August
Tainted by the blood of devils.
Reviled by the world. Exiled in their
own lands. The path of the tiefling
is fraught with danger, deception
and ultimately - defeat. But you
know better. Every trial makes you
stronger, every challenge leaves
you fiercer, and every temptation
only brings you closer to victory.
Herein, players and DMs alike will
find a host of new powers, paths,
and magic that will make your
character stand above the rest,
ready to face whatever horrors the
world has in store. Third in a
complete line of PC aids, each
Hero's Handbook brings new
character, history and new depth to your player character. Hero's
Handbook: Tiefling. Embrace the darkness.
DCC #63: The Warbringer's Sone..............17,49 €
Erscheint im August
For years, the Bandit Lord has
ground the countryside under his
heel, crippling your people with his
cruel demands. The time has come
to end his bitter reign. Armed with
naught but your courage, you will
put an end to his tyranny or die
trying. But the Bandit King himself
is only a pawn answering to
Kainos, the Warbringer's Son, a
half god intent on setting the North
aflame with conflict, and
slaughtering all that stand in his
way! First run as the Fifth Annual
Dungeon Crawl Classics Open
Tournament at Gen Con 2008, The
Warbringer's Son was one of the bloodiest tournaments on record. Many
have tested their might against the Warbringer, and many have fallen.
How will you fare? A 4E adventure for character level 1.
Greymalkin Designs
Iron Wind Metals
Classic Battletech
Robinson Transport (TRO 3075)..................9,80 €
Erscheint im August
Wight (3075 - 35 Ton)...............................8,50 €
Erscheint im August
Goliath 5-D Variant ...................................11,00 €
Erscheint im August
(TRO Project Phoenix - 80 Ton)
Thunderbolt 10SE Variant ...........................9,80 €
Erscheint im August
(TRO Project Phoenix - 65 Ton)
Jackrabbit (TRO3075 - 25 Ton)..................6,80 €
Erscheint im September
Toro Mech (TRO 3075 - 35 Ton).................7,80 €
Erscheint im September
Rampage Mech .........................................11,00 €
Erscheint im September
(Jihad Conspiracies - 85 Ton)
Centipede Hover Vehicle ..............................7,95 €
Erscheint im September
(TRO 3058 - 20 Ton)
Firebee (TRO 3075 - 35 ton).......................7,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Defiance (TRO 3075 - 75 Ton)..................10,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Maultier Hover Vehicle ................................7,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
(TRO 3058 - 15 Ton)
-66 HMRV &Salvage Bed .........................15,95 €
Erscheint im November
Cecerops Proto Mech (5) ...........................10,40 €
Hollow Earth Expedition
Erscheint im November
(TRO 3075 - 3 Ton)
Desolation: Survivors.................................23,99 €
Erscheint im August
The high-fantasy world of Desolation has nearly come to an end, but
some live on after the magical Apocalypse. Survivors, the first expansion
for Greymalkin Designs’ Desolation roleplaying game, contains
descriptions of the weird and woeful communities and people that exist
in post-apocalyptic world, as well as rules for creating your own. The
book features new skills, talents and flaws, expanded scavenging and
equipment rules, and new magic traditions. Survivors also gives rules for
roleplaying the orcs, goblins and kobolds who are poised to rise now that
civilization has fallen. Desolation: Survivors uses the Ubiquity
Roleplaying System™.
XNT-30 Xanthos .......................................11,40 €
Erscheint im November
(TRO 3075 - 100Ton)
Wolfstar Warships
Charybdis Class Dreadstar.........................23,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter Casting- Length
11.9 cm, Weight 7.9 ounces, Number of
Pieces 2 (assembly required). [Note- All
ships are sold without base. We
recommend 92-801 2 inch hex base and
stem for this design.] Concept design
source Wolf Shipyard Designers: Andrew
Connelly, David Briedis, and Behrle
Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle Hubbuch
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Scylla Class Dreadstar................................23,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 11.6 cm, Weight 9.4
ounces, Number of Pieces 2
(assembly required). [Note- All
ships are sold without base. We
recommend 92-801 2 inch hex
base and stem for this design.]
Concept design source Wolf
Shipyard Designers: Andrew
Connelly, David Briedis, and Behrle
Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle Hubbuch
Zeus Class Warstar....................................16,95 €
Heracles Class Novastar.............................23,95 €
Triton Class Novastar.................................23,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 11.6 cm, Weight 10.3
ounces, Number of Pieces 4
(assembly required). [Note- All
ships are sold without base. We
recommend 92-801 2 inch hex
base and stem for this design.]
Concept design source Wolf
Shipyard Designers: Andrew
Connelly, David Briedis, and Behrle
Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle Hubbuch
Tiger Class Strikestar................................14,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 9.3 cm, Weight 3.6 ounces,
Number of Pieces 4 (assembly
required). Note: Can be assembled
with rail guns extended or
retracted. [Note- All ships are sold
without base. We recommend
92-801 2 inch hex base and stem
for this design.] Concept design
source Wolf Shipyard Designers:
Dexter Smith, David Briedis, and
Behrle Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 11.9 cm, Weight 9.3
ounces, Number of Pieces 4
(assembly required).0 Note: Can be
assembled with hangers extended
or retracted. [Note- All ships are
sold without base. We recommend
92-801 2 inch hex base and stem
for this design.] Concept design
source Wolf Shipyard Designers:
Andrew Connelly, David Briedis,
and Behrle Hubbuch Sculptor:
Behrle Hubbuch
Orion Class Novastar..................................18,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 10.3 cm, Weight 5.3
ounces, Number of Pieces 5
(assembly required). Note: Can be
assembled with hangers extended or
retracted. [Note- All ships are sold
without base. We recommend
92-801 2 inch hex base and stem
for this design.] Concept design
source Wolf Shipyard Designers:
Alexzandyr J. David Briedis, and
Behrle Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 10.3 cm, Weight 5.9
ounces, Number of Pieces 2
(assembly required). [Note- All ships
are sold without base. We
recommend 92-801 2 inch hex
base and stem for this design.]
Concept design source Wolf
Shipyard Designers: Alexzandyr J.
David Briedis, and Behrle Hubbuch
Sculptor: Behrle Hubbuch
Hades Class Misslestar...............................14,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 9.3 cm, Weight 3.6 ounces,
Number of Pieces 4 (assembly
required). [Note- All ships are sold
without base. We recommend
92-801 2 inch hex base and stem
for this design.] Concept design
source Wolf Shipyard Designers:
Dexter Smith, David Briedis, and
Behrle Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle
Phalanx Class Skirmishstar........................14,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 9.3 cm, Weight 3.6 ounces,
Number of Pieces 2 (assembly
required). [Note- All ships are sold
without base. We recommend
92-801 2 inch hex base and stem
for this design.] Concept design
source Wolf Shipyard Designers:
Dexter Smith, David Briedis, and
Behrle Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Invincible Class Gunstar.............................14,95 €
Erscheint im August
100% lead free Pewter CastingLength 9.3 cm, Weight 3.6 ounces,
Number of Pieces 4 (assembly
required). [Note- All ships are sold
without base. We recommend
92-801 2 inch hex base and stem
for this design.] Concept design
source Wolf Shipyard Designers:
Dexter Smith, David Briedis, and
Behrle Hubbuch Sculptor: Behrle
1 1/2 Inch Hex Base and Stem....................2,40 €
Erscheint im August
2 Inch Hex Base and Stem............................3,40 €
Erscheint im August
Mongoose Publishing
Golden Age Starships Compilation..............23,95 €
Erscheint im August
Compiling the Golden Age Starships, this book
features new ships for Traveller, including
deck plans, crews, variants and scenario ideas
for each. All ships can be found in the official
Spinward Marches setting, and the
Compilation features the Fast Courier, Corsair,
LSP Modular Starship, Sword Worlds Patrol
Cruiser, and a collection of archaic small craft
and stations for worlds who are just finding
their way into space.
Character Record pack..................................7,99 €
Erscheint im November
Everything you ever wanted to
know about your character can be
found in the Traveller Character
Record Pack. From your
character’s career history, to a
detailed summary of all the allies
and enemies he has collected over
the years, you will never be caught
by surprise by a new turn of
The Traveller Character Record
Pack also features pages dedicated
to equipment and other
possessions, ship maintenance,
trading, encounters, and much,
much more!
Tripwire....................................................19,95 €
Erscheint im August
In an effort to increase their control
over the Jewell subsector, the
Imperium have appointed a duke to
oversee Imperial interests. This
move has caused political friction
with the Zhodani who have since
restricted trade to their worlds.
With rumours that an archduke will
be also be selected to govern the
Deneb system, the Zhodani have
cut of diplomatic relations.
Imperial agents suspect that the
Zhodani now plan to deploy a new
super weapon forcing the duke to
strengthen his borders and military
outposts. With tensions running
high, only the bravest travellers remain in business demanding higher
fees for their services.
Making the most of this opportunity, the players take on a passenger
who pays them a handsome fee for their services. As he disembarks
their ship he is shot by an unknown assailant. In his dying breath he
whispers ‘They must be stopped. Deliver my message.’
To their horror, the players are framed for the murder and are on the run
and they are plunged into a world of conspiracy and danger. Following
the trail from one world to the next, the players unravel the mystery of
their dead passenger and a deeper plot begins to reveal itself.
Alien Module 2: Vargr................................27,99 €
Erscheint im November
Callously viewed by other races as
thieves, vagabonds and pirates, the
wolf-like Vargr are a complex and
varied race whose society is light
years beyond their stereotype. Alien
Module 2: Vargr peels back the
layers of prejudice to reveal a
fascinating race who have a
powerful effect on their region of
the galaxy.
This book is packed with
information for both players and
referees. New rules for careers
allow players to create their own
Vargr characters, which are then
well served by technology and ships
designed by and for the Vargr.
Chapters are devoted to playing a
Vargr and how their society and
culture are structured. Finally, we have also included a complete sector to
explore, meshing seamlessly with the Spinward Marches – the Gvurrdon
Spinward Marches Map Pack.......................7,99 €
Erscheint im November
The Spinward Marches awaits your
exploration in this huge poster map,
featuring every system, trade link
and starbase in the sector.
Beautifully illustrated in full colour,
this map is the first in a series that
will allow you to explore the entire
Third Imperium and beyond, joining
posters together to form one
gigantic map!
Includes a full key to aid navigation.
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Strontium Dog...........................................31,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Earth, the late 22nd century.
Following the atomic war of 2150,
Britain has been devastated by
nuclear holocaust. The survivors
rebuilt their lives, but many were
warped by the mutating effects of
Strontium 90 fallout. Unable to live
or work amongst the ‘norms’,
mutants were forced to grow up in
ghettos and take the only job open
to them – bounty hunting. These
Search/Destroy Agents hunt the
criminals too dangerous for the
Galactic Crime Commission. One
such Strontium Dog is Johnny
Alpha, whose eyes emit piercing
Alpha rays and enable him to see
through solid objects - and into
men’s minds.
Using the Traveller core rules, Strontium Dog allows players to take the
part of mutant bounty hunters, combing the galaxy for their prey – dead
or alive!
Bounties & Warrants..................................19,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Bounties & Warrants is packed full
of missions for budding bounty
hunters. From petty thieves to
genocidal maniacs, from lone
assassins to fortresses packed full
of criminals, players will have to be
cautious and inventive if they are to
maximise their profits, and bring
back their targets – alive, not dead!
organisers – those who brought the game to MC-1’s streets. Everyone is
allowed to enter Democracy Falls, even Judges…
…the only problem is getting back out again.
Democracy Falls is a scenario for the Judge Dredd: Traveller game
setting, placing several Judges in a dangerous and foreign city in the
Cursed Earth, where fast cars and faster bullets are normally the Law of
the land.
Dragon Warriors
Prince of Darkness.....................................15,99 €
Erscheint im November
The tiny fief of Glissom sits at the
northernmost tip of Ellesland,
caught between icy wastes and
warlike neighbours. Like its
mountains, its culture seems to
have been frozen by the ice: even
its busy merchant-port is a throwback to an earlier time, while bands
of bloodied reivers stalk the roads
and rivers, while folk-tales speak of
ancient giants and stranger beings
among the glaciers in the Brack
When the PCs befriend a
swashbuckling adventurer only to
discover he is the heir to the throne,
they find themselves caught up in
what looks like a power-struggle for
control of the fief. But it spirals out
of control at dizzying speed and they find themselves on a race against
time to rediscover a long-lost city buried in the ice--and its terrifying
occupants. They will face implacable enemies, bizarre monsters and
near-insane cultists set on raising the Prince of Darkness himself.
'Prince of Darkness' is for Dragon Warriors characters of ranks 5-7.
Written by fantasy author Oliver Johnson, with additional material by
Adrian Bott and Ian Sturrock, it provides Dragon Warriors' trademark
blend of classic fantasy and ancient horror. Jon Hodgson provides a
chilling cover.
Judge Dredd: Democracy Falls....................19,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Democracy Falls – a hub of
opportunity for those in the Cursed
Earth with the skills, gear and guts
to try and survive within its gangpatrolled wall. Located a few
hundred miles west of Mega City
One on the ruins of one of
America’s ancient heartland
capitals, ‘D-Falls’ is a dream for
Cursed Earthers…and a nightmare
to the Justice Department. It has
always loomed in the distance,
standing as a reminder that the
Mega Cities are not the only
civilisations to thrive in this day
and age.
The Justice Department has always turned a blind eye to the existence of
Democracy Falls, choosing to use its resources more efficiently than
laying siege to it. The appearance of a new criminal game in the lower
blocks has changed the status quo, forcing the Chief Judges to take
action. This new game, called Bloodrace, is well-known to have started in
Democracy Falls – and it just claimed its first Judge’s life.
Now the Justice Department needs a small team of Judges willing to
leave the safety of Mega City One to bring justice to the Bloodrace
Earthdawn: Ardanyan's Revenge................15,99 €
Erscheint im November
When the Scourge was imminent, the
people of the town of Ardanyan sought
shelter in an underground, kaer,
expecting only the Horrors to be a
threat. During the centuries of
confinement, small quarrels grew into
conflicts, which in turn developed into
blood feuds and racial hatred. The
Horrors would gladly have fed on Kaer
Ardanyan—if only they had found it...
For generations a secret society
betrayed the unsuspecting citizens of
Ardanyan. Now they struggle to keep
their terrible secret. The player
characters are the spark igniting a
bonfire of intrigue, deceit, and illusion.
But the heroes have to be careful not to fall victim to the flames while on
their dangerous quest to save the residents of a lost kaer!
Ardanyan's Revenge is an adventure supplement for Earthdawn Third
Edition. Intended for Novice and Initiate characters of any Discipline, this
book provides comprehensive information on starting an Earthdawn
game for kaer-dwelling characters, but integrates easily into any running
Earthdawn campaign. Requires use of the Earthdawn Player's and
Gamemaster's Guides.
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Kratas: City of Thieves..............................31,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Located in the center of Barsaive,
the city of Kratas is a veritable hub
of information and stolen goods.
Despite its location near almost all
major trade routes, few honest
merchants pass through the city,
for Kratas is ruled and run by
thieves. Its people are the clever
and desperate, the illegally wealthy,
and the horribly destitute of the
The site of an ancient citadel that
fell to the Horrors during the
Scourge, Kratas was crammed with
treasures both magical and
mundane when adventurers
rediscovered it, empty of survivors, soon after the end of the Scourge.
Rumors of its treasures led countless expeditions of heroes and treasureseekers to scour the ruins bare of wealth and monsters.
Within a few years, the dark buildings became home to bandits seeking
a home base between their raiding activities. Over time the bandits and
thieves began to feel themselves a community, though a true government
did not form in Kratas until the outbreak of the Theran War. The
legendary ork Thief, Garlthik One-Eye, controls the city through his
gang, the Force of the Eye.
Adventure and intrigue—both can be found here, in the dirty streets of
the City of Thieves!
Kratas: City of Thieves offers gamemasters and players an indepth look
at Barsaive’s most disreputable city. This book provides detailed
descriptions of Kratas, its gangs, and the characters who call this city
home, along with new and original content for adventures in the world of
Earthdawn. Requires use of the Earthdawn Player’s and Gamemaster’s
Lankhmar Unleashed..................................31,95 €
Erscheint im Oktober
City of Thieves. City of Adventure.
City of the Black Bones. City of
Seven-Score Thousand Smokes.
The Imperishable City.
Lankhmar. It is here that the
dynamic heroes of Fritz Leiber’s
tales plied their trade and used as a
base for their many adventures.
Now you too can experience the
thrill of adventure in a world
populated by thieves, madmen and
evil sorcerers.
This is a completely updated
volume covering Lankhmar and the
world of Nehwon, compatible with
both RuneQuest and RuneQuest II.
Lankhmar Unleashed provides
everything you need to explore the world of Nehwon. Contained within
are rules covering character creation, the unique creatures of the world
and for black magic, against which the heroes Fafhrd and Grey Mouser
were often in conflict. Packed full of detail it covers the city in detail
with its major factions and individuals plus many of the locations found
within the stories. The rest of the world is not neglected, from the frigid
barrens of the Cold Waste to the stinking rat-worshipping city of Ilthmar
and the grim, underground domain of Quarmall, the neighbouring lands
are all covered allowing new heroes (or scoundrels) to seek their fortunes
and create new legends beyond the city itself..
Follow in the footsteps of the two heroes and track down the fabulous
treasures of half-forgotten myths and legends!
Welcome to Lankhmar!
RuneQuest Spellbook II..............................19,95 €
Paranoia: Forms Pack..................................7,99 €
Erscheint im November
Are your players not suffering
enough in Paranoia? Change all
that with this handy forms pack!
Whether they are Troubleshooters,
Internal Security agents or High
Programmers, there is no situation
that cannot be made more difficult
with a form!
Want to requisition a new piece of
equipment? Have a form!
Want to execute Alpha Complex’s
most notorious traitor? Have a
Want to enter the mandatory
briefing room? Have a form!
The Paranoia Forms Pack. The
perfect instrument for discerning
Games Master.
Erscheint im Oktober
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Open Game Table
Universal Spielhilfen
Otherworld Creations
Savage Worlds
A Peculiar Pentad........................................9,50 €
Erscheint im Oktober
A Peculiar Pentad presents five
shops that every investigator may
want, or need, to visit: a rare book
store where the proprietor quotes
from texts that were supposedly lost
to the ages; a repair shop whose
owner can get any mechanical
device, no matter where or when it
was made, functioning as good as
new-probably better; a private social
club that caters to those who have
seen things no human ever should,
and more.
Anthology of RPG Blogs (Volume 1)...........18,50 €
Erscheint im August
Open Game Table, The Anthology
of Roleplaying Game Blogs aims to
bridge the gap between the RPG
blogging community and the
broader table-top gaming fan base
by showcasing the best talent in the
RPG blogosphere. Within these
pages are nearly fifty blog posts
from dozens of top-quality RPG
blogs chosen by the fans who read
them. An expert panel of RPG
bloggers, editors, and game
designers judged the hundreds of
blog posts that were nominated to
the anthology, but only the most
thought provoking and highest
value nominees were chosen. Open
Game Table also includes a Foreword written by RPG luminary Wolfgang
Baur, as well as an introduction to the RPG Bloggers Network. Packed
with content useable both at and away from the game table, and over 60
illustrations by a stable of talented new artists, this book is Pure Gold.
Wired Magazine's Geek Dad says its "a tome worth slaying orcs for...
The kind of brain stimulus role players need, diverse and quality
Strike Force 7............................................15,99 €
Erscheint im November
Strike Force 7 is America's highly
trained Anti-terrorist force. Its
purpose: To defend the world from
the forces of Skorpion; a global
conspiracy bent on world conquest!
Inside you’ll find is everything
you need to play as members of
America's highly trained Special
Missions force. Defend global
freedom as a rugged marine,
former special ops member, top of
his field computer expert, or even
the mysterious ninja who now
works for Uncle Sam! The
adventures are limited only by your
This Savage Worlds edition
contains new Edges, Hindrances, weapons, and vehicle enhancements,
plus an introductory adventure!
Peryton Publishing
Peryton Fantasy RPG
Peryton Fantasy RPG.................................15,99 €
Erscheint im August
With the Peryton Fantasy RolePlaying Game, you can have the
quick play and nostalgic familiarity
of a retro game without the
unwieldy inconsistencies of earlier
systems. Alongside the best
features of the original fantasy roleplaying game, the Peryton RPG
offers many innovations of its own,
including an easy, intuitive
experience system that encourages
good role-playing and makes ingame events uniquely relevant to
character development.
This revised edition of the Peryton
Fantasy Roleplaying Game is a
complete system with a full selection of classes, monsters, spells, and
treasures, featuring both old favorites and new creations. It also includes
an improvisation guide with all the material you need for several instant
adventures. Add pencils, paper, dice, and a few friends and you’re ready
to go!
Prometheus Games Verlag
Opus Anima
Ratten!! (Kompendium)..............................12,00 €
Ratten!! (Kompendium) RATTEN!! das RATTEN!-Kompendium - ist
voller Material für das RATTEN!Rollenspiel, bei dem die Charaktere
in das Fell einer Ratte schlüpfen
und auf flinken Pfoten die
Rattenburg erkunden können.
Gefährliche Zeiten brechen in der
Rattenburg an, denn neben einigen
neuen Rotten, wie den Waghälsen
oder den Wilden, haben auch neue
bösartige Geschöpfe, wie die
Vielaugen oder die Streifenschädel,
das verlassene Kaufhaus für sich
entdeckt. Doch RATTEN!! hält noch
mehr Überraschungen für den
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Rattenmeister parat, wie Gifte und Krankheiten, neue alternative Regeln,
Tricks für Gegner, ein Abenteuer, einen neuen abgehobenen Hintergrund
und vieles mehr.
Ratten! - Bissige Zeiten.............................12,00 €
Die Rattenburg ist ein gefährlicher
Ort, der voller Abenteuer steckt.
Neben den Intrigen und den
Rangeleien zwischen den Rotten,
gibt es mysteriöse Monster und
seltsame Geschehnisse, die das
Dasein der Ratten zu einem
gefährlichen Tanz ums Überleben
werden lassen.
Das RATTEN! Abenteuerband
Bissige Zeiten enthält fünf
brandneue RATTEN! Abenteuer
voller Spannung, fremdartiger
Bedrohungen und interessanter
Begegnungen, die das Leben der
Ratten bis in ihren Grundfesten
erschüttern kann.
Savage Worlds
Savage Worlds - Necropolis 2350..............29,95 €
Das Jahr 2350.
Der Planet Salus - besser bekannt
als Nekropolis - ist die einzige
bewohnbare Welt, die der
Menschheit noch geblieben ist.
Die Ritter der militanten Heiligen
Orden der Kirche der Dritten
Reformation befinden sich in einem
erbitterten Kreuzzug gegen die
Rephaim („die Toten“), eine Rasse
bösartiger Wesen, die
nekromantische Kräfte besitzen und
einzig von dem brennenden Wunsch
beseelt sind, sämtliches Leben
auszurotten. Doch obwohl die
Menschheit von der Ausrottung
bedroht ist, gelingt es ihr nicht,
zusammen zu arbeiten.
Während die Rephaim an den Türen
der Menschen rütteln, setzen die Kirche und die Konzern-Union ihren
kalten Krieg um die Herrschaft über das Leben von Millionen fort.
Nekropolis 2350 ist ein dunkles Zukunftssetting für das preisgekrönte
Rollenspiel Savage Worlds und das erste Setting der deutschen Savage
Worlds Gentleman‘s Edition.
Pulp Monsters
Pulp City
Villains: Sister Bedlam & Tangent...............12,99 €
Erscheint im August
The world first learned of Bethany
Bates when Pulp City Planet printed
a front page story “Miss
Frankenstein” accompanied by a
gruesome picture of a basement full
of bodies and by graphic revelations
from the authorities who tried to
stop the serial killer.
One year ago, Karen Tomovs decided to finally drop the remaining
pretenses of her normal life and started down the path of blood money
and revenge. Yes, it’s true that blaming Androida for the death of her
husband oversimplifies what happened, but it helps Karen to wake up
everyday, get out of the bed and do what she is best at.
Heroes: Dr. Mercury & Chronin...................12,99 €
Erscheint im August
Chronin still keeps the Shadow
Mask’s finely crafted blade. She is
fully aware that in the Green
Emperor’s court, there is always a
Shadow Mask and one day, he or
she will come to reclaim the sword
along with Yuriko’s life. But she
will be more than ready.
Reality Blurs
Savage Worlds
Realms of Cthulhu.....................................31,99 €
Erscheint im November
Whether you seek action and
adventure battling cultists in sundrenched jungle temples, a
shadowy milieu of dark words and
impossible deeds, or a twisted
mixture dredged up from the
darkest recesses of imagination and
nightmare, you will find the rules
you need and the inspiration you
desire within these pages.
Four distinct styles impact how
physical damage and mental
anguish are handled. This allows
you to effortlessly shape and direct
the focus of your campaign, from
the pulpiness of Heroic Horror to
the grim desolation of the Dark
Spiral. Insight and advice are offered to the Keeper concerning magic,
modifying monsters, and creating adventures, as well as a detailed roster
of supporting cast members, and a comprehensive bestiary. For Savage
Rogue Games
Colonial Gothic Revised..............................19,99 €
Erscheint im August
You know the history.
All have read about the founding
of America. History shows what led
to the cry for independence and
American Revolution. The history is
clear; there is no real dispute over
these events.
Or is there?
There is a secret history, dealing
with events that took place in the
shadows. These events played a
role in the history of the American
colonies and the Revolution that
few know about. The truth is
hidden, and plots are afoot. Events
are moving behind the scenes, and
agents lurking in the shadows with
their own agendas. War is coming.
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
The Siege of Boston is lifted, and General Washington is leading the
Continental Army to New York. Enemies are everywhere, but who they
are, no one knows.
Newly revised and expanded, this edition of Colonial Gothic builds
upon what has come before and also presents new options and guidelines
for running a supernatural historical horror roleplaying game set during
the dawn of the American Revolution.
Studio 2 Productions
Savage Worlds
Fantasy Companion...................................15,99 €
Erscheint im August
Hundreds of items, monsters, and
new spells await your dungeon
delvers in this Explorer’s-size fullcolor Companion for Savage
Worlds. Arm your dwarven warrior
with all-new Edges and a legendary
axe so that he can stand against
terrible dragons, loathsome
demons, and even the most-dreaded
giant bees!The Companion series
features genre material that’s ready
to be added directly to your existing
game or help you start a new one.
Expand your options and increase
your fun: get a Companion today!
Deadlands: Reloaded GM Screen.................15,99 €
Erscheint im November
Dead men tell no tales, whether
they've quit walking or not, and the
WeirdWest is filled with secrets.
This three-panel landscaped screen
helps a wily Deadlands Marshal
keep his plans close to his chest as
well as providing easy reference to
eleven of the handiest charts west
o' the Mississippi, including an
expansive list of combat options
and maneuvers. The landscape panels still let you see the action on the
table top without sealing you behind a wall of mighty redwoods, but the
heavy hardback construction is nearly that strong.
Murder on the Hellstromme Express, a 32-page new adventure by Matt
Cutter is also included in the package. Take a ride on one of the most
advanced trains of the day, barreling out of Chicago straight for the
Kansas Scientific Exposition and the cutthroat competition to win a
contract with Hellstromme Industries. After all, what can go wrong on a
train full of competitive Mad Scientists who routinely tinker until reality
has been bent (or straightened) to their will? What will your posse do
with all that time on their hands, much less the axle grease and the
Weird War Two.........................................27,99 €
Erscheint im November
In the horror of war, dark things
rise, and World War II is history's
greatest conflict. The Japanese
stalk the jungles of Southeast Asia.
Carriers battle in the South Pacific.
Tanks trundle across North Africa.
Planes duel over England. The Nazi
blitzkrieg conquers most of Europe
with a genocidal madman at the
controls. Prepare to battle the evil
of the Axis powers and the hideous
things that rise in their wake. This
isn't just war—this is Weird War!
Weird War II contains everything
you need to run horrific World War
II adventures with the Savage
Worlds game system: new powers, Edges, Hindrances, weapons, vehicles
for all the major powers, an Adventure Generator, dozens of Savage
Tales, new monsters, and an operational-scale Plot Point Campaign that
ties it all together.
Weird War II requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
Sticks & Stones Card Game.........................15,99 €
Erscheint im Oktober
Sticks & Stones is a card game romp
through a prehistory that time
forgot. Players control one of four
clans struggling for survival and
dominance at the dawn of
Humanity. To win, you’ll have to
use everything you’ve got:
shamanic powers, mighty beasts,
brutal weapons, cunning inventions,
shiny rocks, diplomatic grunts,
threatening stares, and more! Just
remember — no talking during your
Each player assembles a clan of
archaic Homo sapiens, Dino sapiens,
Neanderthals, or Troglodytes.
Archaic Homo sapiens are our
primitive ancestors. They are
physically weaker than their rivals,
but make up for it with character types that include the nimble Florz
(cave halflings) and Cave Nerds (who create amazing prehistoric
“technology”). Dino sapiens are semi-intelligent dinosaur people who
enlist fierce dinosaurs as their allies. Neanderthals have brawny fighters
and shamans who use powerful magic. Troglodytes are the most
primitive clan – making even Neanderthals look civilized – but have
fearsome creatures like Trogres and the dreaded Dragonasaurus working
for them.
Sticks & Stones is a 2 – 4 player card game. There are 110 cards,
including Characters from each clan, Woot! cards (events, gear, and
special items), and Quest cards (challenges faced by your clan). A
optional 5th player can serve as the Cave Master for the game. Players
must resort to prehistoric roleplaying as they bluff, intimidate, and cajole
each other. This leads to some hilarious moments during game play!
Your clan must overcome obstacles to be the first to succeed at two
Quests to win the game.
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Third Eye Games
White Wolf
Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.
WoD:Werewolf -The Forsaken
API Demon Codex: Lochs............................16,00 €
Erscheint im August
Swim with Fallen Overlords
We were shoved from our thrones
and poisoned with horrible magic
called the Contagion. We left
Domainya in search of a cure and
found help on Earth, but the Loch
Spandrels have been taken over by
beings far worse than us. Should we
ignore the cries for help? And if we
do... how long can we stand it?
In a Fight to Reclaim their Power
Demon Codex: Lochs is the first
racial sourcebook for Apocalypse
Prevention, Inc. It is a complete
guide for players and GMs to the
Lochs and other newly introduced
aquatic races. Details on the Loch
culture, their struggle with lost
power and fall from grace, their research into the Half-Loch
phenomenon, and their calling to return await within.
Demon Codex: Lochs Includes
- Information on all the aspects of Loch existence on Earth and in
- New Passions, Gifts and Drawbacks, and Aquatic Magic
– Playable Aquatic Races, including the power hungry Voltics and the
Scryers, creators of the Contagion
Valley Games
The Republic of Rome................................55,95 €
Erscheint im September
The Republic of Rome spans over
250 years of history. It simulates
the politics of the Roman Senate
during the republic. The players
take the part of various factions
vying for the control of the senate.
They control the various powerful
families of the time, who compete
for state offices, military command,
economic concessions and new
adherents. To win the player must
get their faction to become the most powerful in Rome. While doing this,
however, a balance must be maintained. A hostile world situation, and
the vagaries of the public of Rome means that the players must also
cooperate so that Rome herself doesn't go down under this pressure. If
Rome does not last, neither does the senate, and all players lose!
Again Valley Games gives us a quality reprint of a beloved classic. Rules
have been streamlined by the original authors and the graphics are
completely new.
Werewolf: Night Horrors Wolfsbane...........22,49 €
Erscheint im August
Those That Hunt The Hunters
When the full moon rises,
werewolves howl. The rule is
simple: hunt, or be hunted. But
what does it take to be not the prey,
but the predator? What werewolves
are strong enough to strike fear into
the hearts of their brethren — and
what else hunts the night?
A Chronicle Book for Werewolf:
The Forsaken™
• 29 terrors and beasts to plague
the Forsaken, or anyone else
luckless to become their prey.
• Creatures designed for use with
Werewolf, and antagonists suitable
for bringing the feel of Werewolf to
other games.
• Details on the idigam, the primordial horrors often whispered of but
never before revealed
Exalted Scroll of Exalts...............................19,99 €
Erscheint im Oktober
The Chosen of the Incarnae, the
Dragons, the Neverborn, the Yozis
and the Great Maker all strive to
chart the course of Creation. In their
attempts, these Exalted heroes
often come into conflict or alliance.
Within are to be found examples of
all seven sorts of Exalt, ranging
from the ancient Sidereal Chejop
Kejak to the young Dragon-Blood
Cathak Meladus and all ages (and
power levels) in between. Some aim
to destroy the world, while others
strive to save it, but regardless of
motive, the mover and shakers and
the up and comers alike are bound
to come into contact with your
characters. Whether as friend or foe is up to you to determine.
A character sourcebook for Exalted®, Second Edition, featuring:
• Write-ups for of the game’s most renowned Exalts, many of whom
have never been statted.
• More than 70 ready-made allies and antagonists for players and
Storytellers alike.
• Unique Charms and items.
WoD: Geist -The Sin Eaters
Geist: Book of the Dead..............................22,49 €
Erscheint im September
Ausgabe 09
17.08.2009 – 21.08.2009
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Langgasse 3b ● 65232 Wüstems ● Tel. 06082/9241850 ●
Bestellfax: 06082/924188
Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
Divine Power Cards: Invoker.........................6,99 €
Erscheint im Februar 2010
Divine Power Cards: Paladin.........................6,99 €
Erscheint im Februar 2010
Divine Power Cards: Avenger.......................6,99 €
Erscheint im Februar 2010
Divine Power Cards: Cleric...........................6,99 €
Erscheint im Februar 2010
Divine Power Cards Display (8)..................55,95 €
Erscheint im Februar 2010
The Plane Below: Secrets of the ...............20,95 €
Erscheint im Dezember
The Plane Below: Secrets of the
Elemental Chaos
Fiendish dungeons and elemental
battlefields await…
A hotbed of adventure opportunities
await you in the roiling maelstrom
of the Elemental Chaos—a plane of
titans, elementals, genies, slaads,
and demons. This game supplement
builds on the overview of the
Elemental Chaos presented in the
Manual of the Planes™ game
supplement and explores the
tumultuous plane is greater detail.
From the City of Brass to the
githzerai monastery of Zerthadlun
to the spiraling depths of the Abyss,
adventure lurks behind every lava waterfall, across every icy battlefield,
and beyond every raging lightning storm.
This game supplement describes the Elemental Chaos in detail, featuring
key locations throughout the plane. It also presents a multitude of new
monsters, mighty primordials, and powerful demons, as well as
adventure hooks, encounters, hazards, and everything Dungeon Masters
need to make the Elemental Chaos a featured setting in their campaigns.
Three Dragon Ante Emperor's Gambit.........10,50 €
Erscheint im Februar 2010
Star Wars
Star Wars Scavenger Guide to Droids.........24,50 €
Erscheint im November
New droids, plus new options for
droid heroes!
The Scavenger’s Guide to Droids
gives players and Gamemasters
access to a variety of droids from
across the Star Wars saga. It
includes new options for droid
characters including talents, feats,
equipment, modifications, quirks,
and prestige classes, as well as other
ways to customize droid characters,
including templates based on
different manufacturers. This
supplement also contains scores of new droids that Gamemasters can
include in adventures and campaigns set in any Star Wars era, as well as
tips for building unique droid models.
Axis & Allies
War at Sea - Flank Speed Booster..............12,99 €
Erscheint im September
Axis & Allies Miniatures
Zusammengebaute, bemalte und stabile
Plastikmimiaturen ermöglichen ein sofortiges Losspielen
Die Spielwerte und Fähigkeiten der Einheiten basieren auf
ihren historischen Leistungen in der Schlacht
Die Exaktheit und der Detailreichtum der Miniaturen
macht diese auch für Sammler interessant
Ausgeglichene, effiziente Spielfähigkeiten sprechen
Kosim-Spieler an