PDF - Gear Technology
PDF - Gear Technology
--=-- -L automation Flexible, on-machine wheel dressing Imagine getting hard finish grinding quality at "green" shaving prices. The new Gleasoa" 245TWG u es infinitely variable direct-drive pindle to deliver 60MJ ec, grinding speeds - and fully integrates wheel dressing and loadl unload to cut floor-to-floor automation times to just. econds, Leave it to the Gleason worldwide Thi new affordable. high-speedinspection accurate and machine puts the 245TWG to the test on a finished 46-tooth transmission exceptional development performance team 10 put this in an extremely compact proven package that's remarkably easy to own, operate. and maintain. sun gear: Finish fast ... finish first. Call us or visitwww ..l:leason.com to learn more. Gleason Cor'po,ration I(X)OUniversity Ave., P.O. Box 22970 Rochester. NY 14607-12,82 U.S.A Phone: 585/473-1000 fax: 585/461-4348 Web site: wwwgleasoncom E-mail: ales@gIeason.com --- The Journal of Gear Manufacturing MAV/JUNE lOOJ CUTTING TOOLS ISSUE The Two-Si:ded-Ground Bevel Cutting Tool 26 New technology to reduce resharpening and coating costs P'erformance' of Skiving Hobs in Finishing lnduetinn Hardened and 'Carburized IGears Research comparing results from different types of hobs and coatings 34 FEATURES Char,acterization of R'e1ained Aus1enite iin Case ICarburiized IGears ,and Iits Iinfluence 'on fatig:ue Performance' 112 The effects of high retained austenite on surface fatigue '18 Large' Scores and Radial Cracks on Case-Hardened Worlms A research project exploring critical. loads on wonns 1,8 DEPARTMENTS iPublisher's Page Holding OIlI Breath 1 Revoilutions 48 A Giant, neared Boatlift and Gear Inspection to Detect Proces Changes lechnicall '9 Calendar Don't miss these important upcoming events 111 Pmduct News The latest products for the gear industry 24 .Advertiser Index Use this directory to get information fast... 33 Industry INews What's happening in the gear industry 42: Cla·ssifieds Services, Help Wanted, Websites and more ICover photo, courtesy 'of IBritish Waterways,Scotiandl 45, Addenduml •. A Bicycle with R_EALGears 48' THE THE MOVIE H'AS TI'-IE OSCARS. MlUSIIC IINDUSTIRY HAS THE THE US, I INDUSTRY GRAMMYS. WORL.I:) HAS T!HE 'NOBEL. PRIZE. WEL.L. In Oil mdopendont WE'VE. 'GOT THIIS CHART .. morket study Alax CONSISTENTLY I Maglll·lllc',IllI( nnd TOc( 0 W,'f,' RANKED FIRST AND SECOND Hl the Iollowrnq (Oic'gOII", Pmduct Qualify Quality Certification (150- Type) Low Pricle IR,ela,tionshipwith Sales Staff R&D Support Technical Capability Equipment Delivery lime Warranty Leng,th \Nhile it may not seem like much to look at, we're proud of what it says. And now that we are one company, we've combined ow strengths to make sure we're on top ,again next year. Because our goollis to continue to give you a superior product and excellent seNlce at a reasonable price. 50 give us a call at (800)547-1527 or visit WWrN.ajaxtocco.com to get a copy of the poll, and discuss how we can put you at tlhe top of our list. A ALABAMA INDIANA MICHIGAN PARK OHIO OHIO TEXAS COMPANY CANADA CHINA ENGLAND JAPAN ME)(ICO GEAR TECHNOL,OG'Y IEDITIORJIAIL ~blisher & EditoF·in·Chief Michael Goldstein Managing Edi:tor William R. Stott Associate Editor Joseph I.. Hazelton ssislant Editor Robin Wright Editorial Consultant Paul R. Goldstein TechnlcalEditurs Robert Errichello Don McVil1.ic Raben E. Smith DI!I!ThufI!l1!I! An Director Jean Bam ~IJVERflSIN& Advertising Monag r Patricia Flam Advertising, Coordinator Carol Tratar ................. CIRCUlA .-, flmNfslal:alt 8UCC8SS was utIizIng OU" state-of-the-art tectnlOlogles to design the gear tooth geometry and to manufacture all bevel gears in the PrO &AGB for Pratt & Whitney's PW 6000 engine. Circulation nn N oordinator Carol TI"l!U!r INTERNET 2301 Curtiss Street· Downers Grove, It 60515 Tel: (630] 96!H640 • Fax: (630] 969-0253 www.arrowg.ear.com Web Developer DI!I! MacKenzie Gear 1'IIdusiry Home Page™ Sales, Putricie Flam - powertransmiNsion.com™ ales Michael A. Gianfrancesco RANDALL PUBUSHINGSTA_FF P,l'I$ld nt VkleP,resldent Accounting Michael Goldstein Ri,chard Goldstein Dianne Borg Phone: 847437·6604 E.mail: people@geartec/mology.col!! Web: www.geartechnology ..com www.powenrausmission.com BPA IllTEllllATIOIW. W VOL 20, NO.3 GEAR T,ECHNOI.OGY. Tho Journ.1 of Cu. Monuracl'uri"l! ilSSN 0743-6&58) " published bimn""l1y by Randoll PubU.binl. Inc .• 142~ Lum Avenue. P.O. Bo. 1426, Elk Grn •• Villp.J!e. 11. 60007. (847) 4J7..(i1i().1. Cover price 55.00 U.S. P.riodlcul po ""go paid at Arlington Heights. IL. and .1 .ddiliolllll ",ailing office (USPS No. 749- 290). Rnndllli Publi~hIJl~ roak., .'Cry effort 10 .,."" ure thai the P"""""" d.",ribed on GEAR TECHNOLOGY confann to ~Dul]d engineenng prnctice. Ni!it.her tht autbOfR nor 'he publisher can be held respemsble for lIIjurie..s snetamed while fo.ltov.:ing the procedure", described. Postmaster: Send odd""" dlon.,£", '" GBAR TECHNOLOGY. The Jouma.I of Gotat MlIi'IuI>lC!IInns. 142.~!..un1 A veuue, P.O. Bw. 1426. Elk Grove Vdl.S". IlL 60007 OConlel11i CDpynglmd b~ RAN- INC. 21103. No pan of 1M publJ<'aor Irl1Jn.l1lllied In an)' fann CI" b) OIl)' mean _. eleetren It' or meeh meal, Incillding photOl;O:pyinl. reconhng. Of b)t 110) Inr~on ~wnge and rcmC'VOOSYr DALL PUBLlSj{['IIO. UDO may be ~ rem. wnhoul perml.!! Lon Cooterus of .... ore subJi'Cl 4 MAY/JUNE 2003 '.' GIEAR lElCHNIUOGY • www ..geartech.nology.c.om. 'www.powerrr,snsm'ission.com' In wrltln, [Q Pubb.,n.r from the publisher. s lippnm>l. , _1.\1\ ....rr hie a>mpreaaad tlmea and tmproved quaIHy with Innovative machine features. Our CNC hobbing machines cover the full spectrum of gears up to a diameter of 4500 mm. Over 1,000 installations of this machine concept testify to its acceptance. Couple all this with over 50 years of experience and support, and your choice for gear hobbing has to be Llebherr, - SIGMAL POOL GoaoY>;jP._oshp oll.Joblwrr. I(!!"II""""'O and O<t!fik"" Tho liebherr Gear Technolog,y Co. 1465 Woodland Drive Saline, Mil 48176-1259 734.429.7225,· Fax 734.429.2294 info@lgt.liebhe.rr.com I u Up To MACHINE MORE PARTS PER HOUR -BAR®PLUS Dura- Bar Plus is at new engineered iron that machines better than carbon and aUoy steels ... and better than competitive grades of continuous cast iron. New & Improved Dura-BarPlus gives you A LOWER COSTPERPART ••• PLUS ~ MORE PARTS PER HOUR! Decrease cycle time. Increase productivity! PLUS ~ LONGER INSERT LIFE! Reduce your downtime for tooling changes!' PLUS~ A DEFECT~FREE MATERIAL! Quality guaranteed! New Dura-Bar Plus is available in gray and ductile iron grades and in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. For more information, see web site at www.dura-bar.com. Or call I-SOO-BAR MILL (1-800-227-6455) AND SAVE MONEY WITH New Dura-.Bar Plus, IN ENGINEERED MEfAL TECHNOLOGY •. Continuous Cast Iron Bar Stock 2100 West lake Shore Drive, Woodstock, 1-800-BAR-M'ILL • 815-338-7800 E-mail: sales@dura-bar;com THE LATFST IL 60098-691, I •. FAX: 815-338-11549 Internet www.dura-bar;com • PUBUSHER'S PAGE _ rea As we si'9,n'aUon this, issue, the war has just begun in Iraq, The world seems to be holding its Ibrea,th.and wai,ting. IP,riarto the war. it had seemed that the U.S..manufacturing economy had finallv bottomed out and was beginning to sho,w signs of activity. But now,H1e world waits to see how the situation in the Middle East. will play out ,and how the war will sUect nations that have been close allies for much 01 the last century-and lIonger-but now have' very diverse viewpoints on their own best interests. II had hoped tOI be able to write about the possibility o. an economic upswing, but now I just hO,pethat. the pause caused bV the uncertainty of war won'. sap wha.ever strength and momentum (he economy was accumulating. I'm stillihopefulthat manufacturing activity will pick up by the end of summer. If actlivity does pick up. Gea.r Ex!po. October 5-8 in Columbus. IOH"could be coming at ihe perfect time, Wi~b any luck. the stars will line up just right The war will have ended, and everyone! willihave' gotten back tOImore peaceful pursuits-our lives, our plans and rebuild- ing our economy. Gear Expol only comes every'two years, and recessinn ,or not, tbe technology doesn'l. 'stand still. Even if you're not in the market to, buy any techno.logy, Gear Expo is 8, fast, easy. and inexpenslive way to see and learn about current tech· nology. You can talk to the people' who design. build, install. service and sell the equipment. You 'can meet much of the team 01 mos. every manufacturer. in one place. Going t,o the show can only help dev,elop new relationships,-and sibly new business-and pos- facUitate' the quick gatheriing lof a wide variety of information. Those of you who do your research now will know Ibest what to do when good fortune smilles on you. All of us at Gesr Technolo9ywill be there" allong with a lot of other f,olks,.looking for you to visit us. St,OP by our booth to renew your free subscription,. and you'll become eligible to win one of our wormlworm wheel clocks. We're also giving away a Grand P,r,izegear sculptllre. as we have at past shows. So makie VOUIhotellreservstions now and stan looking over the airline schedules. Hopefully, we'U have II good summer and look 'Iorward to the fall andl Gear Expo with anticipation. At the show. you'll find solutions to increasev,our productivity and teclhnolog,y, ,and I'm sure you'lII get a wa,rm weh:ome from everyone there. Michael G.oldstein, IPublisher II Editor-in-Chief www.powlrtrll,nsmission.com. www.gearlschnology.com. GEAR 1ECHNOLOGY '.' MAYlJUNE 2003 7 The Broach Mlasters~,lnc, • Gear & Spline Broaches • Special Form Broaches '. CNC Gear Grinding· • Production Broaching• Blind Ho'leBroaching Specialists- • Shank & Disk Shaper Cutters • Generated IFormwith ,ground Fillet Radius Go NoGo Spline Plug Gages "Posi-Loc" Spline Arbors Master Gears (530) 885-1939 .. Fax (530') 885-8157" (530') 885-50'75 160'5 Industrial Driv e, Aub'urrI', CA 9560'3 www.broachmasters.com·sal.es@b.roachmasters.com 'Made In USA REVOLUTII.DNS Liifting 8018'tsl, IMeasulring Gears GianI Geared WlIeellllifts.,lo,wers B'oats lin Scotland In pa t centuria .• the Forth & Clyde and nion canal were an important comm rcialtransport corridor tretching 68 miles acres central Scotland. Boars had to pa rhrough a series of II locks to go between the Forth & Clyde Canal and the higher nion Canal. Today. boal go between tile two canal amI pass througll only three locks. The remaining vertical distance is covered wuh the help oflhree large spur gears. Those gears are part of a huge rotating boatlift at the Forth & Clyde end of the waterway, by the town of Falkirk, Scotland. Called The Falkid: Whee], the boatlifl and its gears appear on Gear 1:edl1l%gy's cover. The Falkirk WI1eel j 115~eet high, liS feet wide and HIO feet long. It consist of two large arms that rotate around a giant axle. Each arm has a gondola that can c rry up to four boats at a time. The wheel itself call lift 1.32 minion pounds, 660,000 pounds at each end. One gear is attachedto the wheel's taller concrete column, one is attached to one gondola and one is attached to the other gondola. The e teel gears are . tabililt)' gears. and each nne has 88 teeth, Each gear consists of 22 segment plate . Whell it plate are asseatbled, each gear has a pitch circle diameter of 31 feet 2 inche and weighs almost.9,300 pounds, There also are two steel idler gears, one in each arm ..between a gondola gear and tile column gear, Each idler gear has 2 [ rollers !hat mesh with the teeth of it two mated • W.lcomt Revolutions, "" column fir., bring. you fire Istest, most to up-to-datelind .1I.y-to-rud informatiDIIllbolit "" people lind tecb- ,,111 nology of the ind"",.,. Revolutions welc"""" you, sub· million.. 1'1.. " lind th,m to G8.f Technology, P.O. Box ,. Elk GITWI ViII"., IL .... (M1) G1..." Of fax ,· .. il peopl ..... rttch.ology.CORI. H you'd Ilk, .,. illiDnalltioll .., .. ....." IIny of the ,ttic/. that ",.." ""., "..,,,,.., www.gurtlchnoiogy.cGlWm.htm. Tile wheel'saxl is supported by two concrete columns and is driven by 10 hydraulic motors with gearboxe that have 1,000:.1 ratios. Also .. the axle is upponed on bearings, with an integral I88-toolh ring gear at the drive end. The bearings are e en [3 feel in diameter. are Iocated in bolh concrete column and can support more than 4 million pounds. The axle rotate the wheel's two arm . As the wheel rotates, the gondola gear and idler gea rotate around the column gear. The gondola tay level becau e they're upported hy wheel that run on circular vail in The Falkirk Wheel' arm. The wheel .run 0.11 ealed, double-row, pherieal roller bearings. The Falk.irk Wheel was created all pan of The Millennium Link, a III_ajar project to reconnect and re tore the Forth & Clyde and nion canals. An importam commercial route in the past, the canals were used less and les with the rise of the railroad and later the ill.llomobile.ln 1963. the British Parliament closed the dghts to navigaIn about fi:ve minLdes. The Falkirk Wheel raises, and lowers boats almost B9feet via its geared gontion on the canals. So. the canal . weren't dola, Ipassingl the bosts, between aqueduct ,and basin DBar Fa'ikirk" ScolJand.IFiVBI minutes r,otates 'Ih w!Jeel'sllfms 1:80°',and is part of the wheel's rota I transit timBI as 151minute'.s. (The d'iagl\amis two small I maintained to keep' them navigable. "Both canals were built to carry I!lears became two :sets of roll'en Ion Ihe' a Clusl wheel.1 wWlw.power.trs'lIsmi.ssion.com.' Wlwlw.gu,.tec#Ja,o#ogy,com'·' C,EAR TEICHNOUJGY '. MAY/JUNE 2003 '9 REV,DLUTIONS, freight," Robert Jackson says. "They fell into disuse." Jackson is a mechanical engineer for British Waterway Scotland. British Waterways runs the United Kingdom's canals, Briti h Waterway Scotland isa part of that agency. The canals' disu e ended in 1998, with the start of The Millennium Link _ The canals were made navigable again and were reconnected by The Falsirk Wheel, which became operational in June 2002. With the canal's rebirth came at new use: leisure. Cruise boats. canoes and luxury boats for hire now ply the waterway. "It's used commercially for people, hut not for hauling goods," Jackson says. Now the wheel and canals are promoting commercial development along their course. The development include offices, shops, pub and restaurant . That course is new, though. With navigation right clo ed and w.ith the automobile's ri e, the canals became blocked in more Ihan 30 places by roads buill in the 196Os. To reconnect the two canals, British Waterways extended the Union Canal almost a mile westward. lowered it through two locks, then took it underground-below the main Edinburgh'GLasgow railroad and the historic Antonine Wall, a defensive trucmre built by the Roman Empire. The canal (hell emerges from its 480foot tunnel as a 99-foot-high aqueduct. The aqueduct 'end at tile top of The Falkirk Wheel. Roating in the wheel's top gondola. boats slowly wing down almost 89 feet to. New Port Downie, the wheel's boat basin. Boats then passlhrough a lock and are down iJI the Fol11l & Clyde Canal, Crowning this engineering feat is acknowledgment of The Palkirk Wheel as a machine that achieves the level of an. The Royal Fine An Commis ion for Scotland ays The FaJkirk: Wheel was "a definite attempt to design the wheel for tile 21 st century. This design is can idered ro be a form of contemporary sculpture ... , a truly exciting solution." Analyze Gears Wilhout Loc.king Out iMeasurement Vaillues The ND430 Next Dimension®! measuring analy i sy tern from Process Equjpmenl Co. of Tipp Cilty, OH, is designed to measure post-heartreatment distortion or injection molding shrinll:age. The measuring oftware develop a 10 MAY/JUNE 2003 .' G,EAR TEICHiNOUI'GY • Iwww.gBa"fu:hno.to9y.com • www.p'ow,e.rt.ransmission.,r;om _-------------11 link between loolh thickne and helWinvolute me urement. With standard anal)' i .method .. form deviations are vi ible. With th Process Equipment .analy is, Iraces are plotted to their absolute position in pace relative to a design tooth thickness, This allows de igners to see thepos:ition along the face width and involute where every measured. tooth will. be overized or undersized. With plastic and powder metal gears, ll1i data can be used to more quickly adjust manufacturing parameters for making acceptable parts. Also. if tooth thickness varies around iii gear's circumference. designers can see the effects on helix and involute forms. "If you're Dilly performing conventional helix and involute measurements {not tooth size), th effect from machine volumetric accuracy are of le er impertance, except when you are measuring a gear that is ala diameler or height different 'than the calibrati n artifact for that machine" ay Mark Cow.an. director of metrology for Proce s Equipment. "However, when you are determining tooth size, ab elute probe positioning in space becomes very important, With oux package, we have verified the accurate probe positioning in space for !he entire machine measuring volume by mapping the full. '!Javel of each of x-. '1- and 7.axes. This is unique in the industry," Normally a measuring probe moves when it contacts the tooth surface. Most ystems "lock QUI" these measurement values. These measurements. combined with their volumetric mapping, ensure Ihe machine knows the pr be' location in pace. allowing it to accurately measure loath thiekne . Data can be shared with proces equipment and .fini hing 1001. manufacturers because the program create files of the average compared helix and invo~ute traces. Similar y terns are made by other companies, uch a . KJingeloberg Co. of Saline, W. and M&M Precision Sy terns COIp. of West Carolhon, OR REVOtUnONS Federal Mogul.'sinlered processes division bought a Ie s sophisticated version of the Process Equipment sy tern :in 2001 to inspect process changes. They chose Proce s Equipment, partly beeau e of il measurement certainty .of 0'.002 mm or 2 microns, with some micron repeatability. "The main rea on Federal, Mogul bought the D43O' is because it was able to in pect an unknown root area II ing a 3-Q.probe," says Jason Barnhan, pnxe . development 'engineer at Federal Mogul. T.II UI Whit YOI Think ... Vilit www.,IInrcIrIoIofr.t:M1a • Rat. thil collllll • Rtqllllt mort infonution • Contact the clllllpUillllHlioltttl • M.Ie. llIIIfIIiOl Or ClII (.411437 .... to 11111to _ of HI Hi- IOrII NACHi 'Gllobo.11 Exp,e'rtis,e !For' Alii Ap'ipli('otions me w,IWIW.pOws,trtH1Smissi.on.com. wHh cont:inued I 8!old,erslh iPi ... Combining over 140 years 01 process. machine. aMloal el\Per1ence onables Nachi lMachining TeChnology Co. to maintain InduslJ'y leadership by iProviding;customers with ttle "best prac1ices' manufacturlng soluUons. Let us help you with all 01 your Broaching, Gear Shaving. Hobbing, Roiling', Gear Honing, and Tool Sharpening needs. tJ·"" 'rucJJ. "111$111..,,PrwlGlI Bnl£Ires ~GiA!f $(Jini GullI 8JRI~ Pot Bn»dI Simct h'hI ShIWIg CItIIn RoIDMs Hem SIIl/IIIICu/lJ1"3 IkJI FooMrI /Id3 //oms BlnmngTods 1oWtJrc., NACHI MACHINING TeCHNOLOGY 00. 17500 lwell)'- Th'oo Mole RoIld. Macomb. Phone IWIWIW•.YIIBrtechao.lo{}y.com (~1·26J.l11DO Fa_ (~1·263-45)1 -OlEAR TECillNllIlI.lIGY 4lIIJ4~-1103 _JlOChMTICcom Mod'Igan •. MAY/JUNE 20ij3 11 , Characterization of Retained Austenite in Case Carburized Gears and Its Influence on Fatigue Performance I I I I I foua.d B. Abudaliul, J. lerry IEvans and Brian A. Shaw Carburized helical gears with high retained austenite were te sted for surface contact fatigue. The retained austenite before te sting was 60% and was associated with low hardness near the c ase's surface. However, the tested gears showed good pitting re sistance, with fatigue strength greater than 1.380 MPa. Detailed examination carried out on a gear that had been te sted by contact on one flank: on each tooth in a back-to-hack te SI revealed that about 50% of the initial retained austenite was tr ansformed to martensite during the test. Transformation was st ress- or strain-assisted and was limited to a thin layer of 10 urn tilIckness or less at the surface. The increase in surface contact fa tigue strength is attributed to the iacrea ed compressive residu a1 stress and hardness in the mechanically transformed layer. Introduetinn High performance gears are case hardened to increase the hardness of the urface layer and thereby impart resistance to su:rface contact fatigue. ! I I I I, I: I Tab'le 1-Chemical composition of the, investigated (percenta ge by weight). c I I I I I I 0.17 5i Mn 0.5 0.008 0.0039 1.66_ 0.28 p S II II I , I I I I Mo Ni Cu 0.15 0.011 0.023 0.007 10.004 Sri AI I I Gear -Property Helix an Ie degrees) Number of teeth Module (mm) 'Gear ratio Center distance (mm) DIN quality Base circle diameter(m-m-)-----Add en durn(mm) -Tip diameter (mm) Root diameter (mm) Base pitch error (\Jm) 12 steel Case carburizing is extensively used for this purpose in gears and bearings .. Carburization of the case increases the carbon content to levels between 0.8% and l%. Also, sub equent heat treatment is used to produce a tempered martensitic structure with some retained austenite. A number of standard heat treatments in gear applications require the retained austenite to be in the range of 15-20%. On the other hand, in aerospace applications, other standards require the retained austenite to be reduced to less than 4% by sub-zero cooling. Generally. the effect of retained a:u tenite on fatigue is 110t entirely clear. Zaccone et al. (1989) showed thai. high levels of retained austenite increased fatigue strength in bending fangue in the low- to medium-cycle regime but reduced fatigue strength in the high-cycle regime. One explanation is; Retained austenite, being . ofter than tempered martensite, imparts a high level of fracture toughness, which is beneficial in the low-cycle fatigue regime, where much of the fracture life is taken up with Stage n crack growth. Relatively little information has been published on the effect of retained austenite on the surface contact fatigue performance of gears. In this paper, we present the results of back-to-back tests on case carburized gears with high retained austenite contents. Despite the tact that.the hardness of the material in the case was significantly lower than in gears with normal retained austenite contents, the pitting fatigue resistance of the high austenite gears is good. It is believed that stress-induced transformarion of retained austenite to martensite in a thin layer close ito the surface is responsible for the relatively good p~tting fatigue resistance. Value 30 23 6.,0 1:1 160 5 - MAY/JUNE 2003 • GEA!R UCHN,OlOGiY. 150.35 6.0 H2.0 142.7 7.0 Method and Materials The performance of helical test gears made from low alloy steel containing 11 high level of retained austenite in (he carburized case was investigated. The chemical composition of the gear material prior to case carburization is given in Table I. The dimensions of the gear are given in Table 2. The contact fatigue SN curve for the e gears was determined by testing in a recirculating power. back-eo-back te t rig. Gears are considered failed when 4% of the involute flank areas contain pits or when obvious fracture took place. The SN curve is compared with that of low alloy steel containing a normal amount of retained austenite as shown in Figure L www.gfJ'artechno'lo'gy.,co'm • www.powe.rtransmission.,com The loaded flank wru run for 32 million cycle with a contact tre . of 1,455 MPOi.The contact tress i the maximum tre operating inlhe area of contact between !he lnvol.llte N<xmoI. m.:uneil 2.OOl ···· .. ·0 ",1 1Il6I.0I11: High mAll!ed ll.L..rcrul~ -I I.!!llll flanks. ". J1 fatigue Les!. were conducted. a gear, which was run by contact of one flank of each lootIJ, was elected For examination. Teeth from !.he selected gear were removed, and tests were carried out on both the run and the un-run flanks. Microhardnes . profile on tooth C1"O section were carried out with a 300 g load. The fIrSt indentation was taken at a distance of 50 um from the surface. Retained austenite wa .measured by X-ray diffraction with a K~ radiation beam using. AST~ Stres tech' X tre s 3000 re idual stress analyzer. Profiles up to a depth of 50 um were made on both flank sides. The Xstress 3000 residual stress analyzer was also used for residual stre s measurement . Measurements were made on two orthogonal direction, th longitudinal direction or grinding direction and th direction tran verse 10 the grinding direction. Note that the gear are ground in a direction parallel to Ihe axi of the gear. The direction parallel 10 the grinding direction will be referred (0 as the 0° directien and the direction normalto this as the 90,° direction. Profile of the re idual tre e in the marten ite and the nsienite phase were obtained to a depth of After the i ::!; 1.600 i:l .M '" 1.400 ! ! .200 ..I..-_'-- ........................ .o.L.._-'- ............................. I..---''-- ......................... .-.I 10' 10' Ill" Cycles Figur.e 1- tJ';tS lIumberojcyclesforpiltillgJaliguf! V-. calles. gears ..(T/Je arroHl illdicate if! I,eli· run o.ut.) 70 ... o SO/lm. Vickers macrohnrdnes was used to measure the hardness of the run and. un-run surfaces. One tooth was cut into two part . Both parts were tested in the same manner, except thai one part was tested after the removal of a 1I) /.LID layer by etching. Loads of I.kg. 2.5 kg ..5 kg and 10 kg were used on each side. The penetration depth of the indentor decreases as the testing loads decrease. Under maller loads, the te t could be confined to layers near ·10 the urfa e. In addition, microhardne profile were obtained in metallogmphic sectien of the gear teeth. In order to obtain more evidence for me changes that 'took pia e at and near the urfcce, optical microscopy examination was carried out on .3 mctallographic eetion of a cut tooth, ResllUS The retained au tenite and the microhardne s profile for the un-run flank are shown in Figure 2 and 3. re pecth ely. These figures show the high level of the retained austenite ociated with the low hardnes values. at a depth down to 0.8 mm below the . urface, Figure 4 hows the retained austenite profile in the run flank side. The level. of the retained austenite was substantially decreased at the surface and near the surface compared with the un-run flank The change from 60% in the un-run flank to 34<Jl in the run flank was limited to a shallow depth. Figure- 5a and 51>·how the surface macmhardne .measurement versus depth of indenlation (or lite un-etched and the etched pan . of the te led tooth, re pectively. The depth of indentation was varied by changing the applied load 'between I and 1.0kg. The hardJlle "of the run and un-run flanks wa clearWWiW.po'Wflr'rausmissio·u.com. 20 - o 100 200 300 ~oo 400 600 Depth below the surface (~ml Il.igure 2'-.lletained IJlutenile profile I'll the Ull-nm ./ltmk. Fouad lB. Abudaia i 0 doctora! studeru in the mechanical and systems ~llginft'rinK II:hool.ar rhe Unil'ersit)' of NI!....castle llpon· 7}'ne. United Kingdom. He holds a master S degree in material .cience and i~peifonning n! search 011rht microslrue/1I1l' WId faliglll! stf"lmgth of high peifonlt(Jllt:t' 81'01" steels. JI. Terry E.vans is a professor of materlal s ellgilItering and acting head of lire mechanica! and systems ,(;'1Igilleerillgschool ill the University of Newcastle upon TYII . He Irolds papers C/ doctorate ill !II!' ill 1J1f!ll1l1urgyand has published mort! 1111111 200 field of deformation. fatigue and fracture of materia!«. IB'rian A .. Shaw is l] senior materiats engineer wilh Design Unit. a pari th« mechonica; and engineerillg schoolat University of Newcastle 111'011 TYIlt'.it selffunded agency. De igll Ullir erve indwtr)' Ihrough N! earcn and onsullane:l: mainly in the field of gearing and mechanical power transmissions. systems Shaw hold a doc/orale in material I'ngineerillg and has expt'ri m:e in metallurgical characterization of gear materials and faligrle falllln!s. Also. Ill! has cOlI.Sulll!d in areas related 10 N! sidunl SIll' ·S. fatl I~ pt'ifomwnu and materia Iqua/il)' control il! gear steels. WIWw.gUr,ted'Ro.lo9y.COm • 'GIUH IEICIHNlllllOGlI' .•. MAY/JUINE 2003 13 l 700 - 1 o 1 0°°0 0- (H) o 0 e ..e 000 0 ~ cD 0 ~ I GOG ..Q - I I , --"-~-.l 1: 'j----.r------ 600 ..2 ;> :c :c " I I - g I o ~- :> ""---f _---.-I--~- 700 ..8 'D 600 , 800 800 1 .:l ... " 400 ~ ] 300 Run 11m. 0- -. 00-- .... :c Un-run lIonk 400 i~ 0 0 1,000 2llOO 30 10 3000 tndenrauon depth (j.Lm) Depth below 'lhe SUfl'CC (!llnl F,igure 3-Ml'c'ro'wrdlless F,igure Sa-Surface hard"es as a jrm,crio.n' o.f illdtmtatUJII depth, before Imrjace .la}'er ~el1lo."al profile for the UIl-rUlIflalllr.. Wr' ~----~----~----~----~----~----~ \ I gOO I I ~'O"-_-o. 's ~-~ -"- : 40 !! ..8 ... , 700 ~ "I!I_ ... I I 1 1 -~_~ ............. : e ... -0... ............_ ... ... - ....... i!i ~ .......... ,600 .2 a:> ""'!J :J: n .500 It- - .... Ruo lIank Un-run nank 0--. ~ :!:: 10 ........-'u -........ I. -'-- 100 2l1O -'-- __ -'-- __ -'-- 400 .L.J SOO 0 600 5 10 De,plh 'below the urface Oun) Figure 4--Re.tainedauslellite Figr,,-e Sb-Sllr/aCe hardmu,s a ,Q function. sho.wing the effect of surface layer removal; in ,tI,e nm fl~',lk after 3.2 nlillioll cy.cles at a surjace contact s~ess of 1,455 MPa. Iy different for the un-etched specimen (Fig. 5a). However, after etching were 10 1J.m, the hardness values of the run and un-run flanks de,pths were al at shallow 0 noticed for residual tress measurements. Residual stres profiles were measured in the run andun-run flanks in both the martensite and the retained austenite. In addition. residual stresses were measured in the 0° and 90° 91)° directions, Residual stresses in phase in an-run flank exhibited phase on both flanks and 6c and 6£1. the OQ direction, the run flank: stress at the surface" whereas only a small compressive 0 in the 90 direction. -500 there was little difference the un-run flank (Fig. 6d). near the run and un-run ides of the same in Figure 7aand 7b, reo pectiveIy. The micro tructure wa t.ypical of material with large au tenue grain size. Plates of marten ite were clearly visible ite matrix. A higher marten ite plate content the surface of [he run flank. This supports during or strain-assisted stress. In A greater difference (Fig. 6c) ..However, MA'I'/J'UNEZ003. a maller difference GUR IECHNO''LOGY. austen- the idea thai. stre transformation - occurred urface contact. Hiscussion The high retained au tenite content in the case of the carburized gear teeth produces a relatively low hardness down to a depth of 0.5 mm (Figs. 2 and 3). Despite the substandard hardness level, the gears with high retained austenue have good pit- 108 cycle . Certainly, bowed a resid- tress di tributions in the austenitie the was evident. near the between the run and uri-run flanks. in the residual martensite within ting fatigue re istance, with strength greater than 1,380 MPa at MFa. At depths greater than 10 urn, to a greater depth was observed direction are shown ,0/ illde1ltaIWn depth, the tre s of just less than -400 MFa while 'the run flank showed a tress just greater !han 14 the the austenite are shown i.n'F.igures the martensite martensite profiles:in respectively. hawed a large compressive ual Microstructures phase for the run and un-run flanks on the 0° and the martensite In the 90° direction assisted d:irections. The results are shown in Figures 6a-6d. Figures 6a and 6b compare the residual stres directions in tooth en iDly the same (Fig. 5b). Changes 20 15 Indentation depth (11m) down phase in the 0° was observed tempered if fully martensitic specimens to produce a similar low hardne were over- ,Olle would expect to ee a ·gnifican.IJy reduced pitting fatigue strength. The evidence from hardness tests, X-ray diffraction allographic examination suggests ance i .due to either stress- or strain-induced formation and mel- that the good fatigue in a thin layer near the surface flanks. www.gea,te'cIHlo.fogy ..com • www.powflflransmission.com resist- martensitetransoflhe run involute ·F,ig.ul'f! 6-ReS"idualstress distribution in the marlf!flile and Qustenite phases. 200 J i e ~ C 0 .... L r .... - ......... I ~ 11'-_ .... , ,, -200 I , I --100 g,: -600 i. --_·------11 f. -:-"-1--':-':; zi: --- ---"1 1 i -200 " -fj -'100 /, - // '8 ,, ,, I 'C I.,- III :g.. , rI " I r • O!: -..a Run:l1&nk -8 Ua-lUllliUok -tal "--1;1 Rlln Ow "--9 0 20 n·"", flull 80 Depth below 'lhe surface (!lm) Depth below 1M wfllCe (JilII) Figur:e 6B-M'artensite phase. 90° direction' 200 I 200 ~ ; g ,J".- '---1---.-.- -•... '---1! ,, " ~ .., - f '~ 011 :'11 - II -600 1 ... -. .---e Un-run nau: Run fimk -~J o i:F-. I!!!·-- 10 20 30 4U -0 n-nml1&nli. R"" nom. I 50 7Q 80 Depth below the surface (!lml .F(gUTf There is, dear evidence iliat urface contact in the back-toback 'tests, reduces the retained au I.enite content at the . urface by OJ factor of two. In the un-run flanks, the retained! all tenite conteru i of the order of 5.5-63% (Fig. 2). After cycling urface contact in UiJeback-to-beck tests. lite retained! all lerute content at the surface was found to be reduced to me level, of 30-35% (Fig 4).. The thin layer of contact-reduced retained all te'nite is of the order of 1,0111m. This conclu ion is supported by the Uliface Ilardne _ results in Figure: Sa and 50 .. In Figure Sa, the un-run surface shows a lower hardness than the run flank: at penetration depths between 12 and ]8 microns, Also in Figure Sa, at greater penetratica depth. the hardnc value convel\ge. At the mane t penetratinn depth of 7 J,lm. me hardnes value for the run and un-run flank again converge .. It is believed that. at the man indentor depth. the influence of train hardening Irom grinding during manufacture is dominant. i.e, both run and un-run involute flanks were ground in Ithe final stage of manufacture. After the 10 I1murface layer was removed by etchlng, the hardnes res of run and un-run flank were en ibly identical at all indentor penetration depth. in the range 7-25 11m (Fig. 5b). This latter evidence upparlsthe li.dea that igaiflcant hardne IWlww.po':wer,traasmi.ssion.c,o.m ,6D-Auslmile phtue. 900 directioll increases occur as a result of surface contact, but only to a depth of 1.0 J,lm or les .. We note, however. that the relation between hardness and depth of indentation (Fig. Sa) does not gilve 3. direct relation between the measured hardness and the hardness gradient in the material urface layers. because the harder layer near the surface coruinues to influence measured hardness al penetration depths greaterthan the hardness of the layer. The mechanism of stress- .or strain-induced austenite to martensite transformation 'II lhegear urface remains to be understood in detaiL It is known that the transformation of retained austenite can be nucleated by externally imposed stress (or elastic strain) acting alone and by plastic strain (Olson. 1982). Maxwell et aJ. (1974) reported a. different morphology for marten iteproduced by the aid of Ire and plastic train, In addition, stres -3 si led and plastic- train-a si ted martensite formation operate over different temperature ranges. Stressassisted martensite transformation occurs predominantly below a characteristic temperature M/ w'hilc plasnc-strain-assisted martensite occurs between M/' anda higher temperature Md' At 'temperatures above Md' neither stress-assisted nor strain-assisted transformation of retained austenite OCCIl'rS. Neu and Sehitogh; (1991) found for carburized 4320 steel that stressinduced! tran. formation occurred between 2rC and 60°C. .' Iwww.gfllYleclJnotogy.com • IGEARfECIiNOLOG't .' MAV/J'lJNE 2,003115, Condu :ions Gear materials made from steels with high levels ofretalned austenite showed high fatigue resistance and good performance, Stress-assisted rnartensitic transformation occurred under the influence of the contact stre se . Transformation was confined. to a thin layer of about ]Q (m in depth. High compressive stresses are SCI up in the transformed layer due to constraint imposed by the austenite matrix and the core material, Martensitictransformation caused Ihe urface hardness tobe increa ed. Changes in micro tructure, residual tresses and hardne were confined to a thin layer ofabout 10 11m in depth, The e are beneficial changes from the surface fatigue point of view and resulted in improved performance. 0 Stress-assisted martenstre (Run flank) This paper was Ipres'ented at the ZD1IlI.ASM Heae Treating Society Conference', Ihel'dOcl9-112~ZOOO.in ;St. Louis. MO. ,ruso', .be paper was published bV ASMI Iln1emae,ionall in the conference'si pro· ceedings, Retained austenite (Un-run flank) Figure 7-Microstructure i" the rUII and ,lm-rollj1a.nks. A further observation is that compressive axial stress or hydrostatic stress suppresses the transformation. while axial or hydrostatic tension favor. it. Thus. little train-assisted transformation is observed when We pia lie deformation OCClJrs with a superimposed hydrostatic pressure, while the greatest amount of transformation occurred under axial tension (Neu and Sehitoglu, 1992), These observations are pertinent to 'the present results because the stress field produced by surface contact of the involute flank: i predominantly compressive. The Von Mises stre es are less than the yield trength of the material for ideally smooth urfaces, Thu , any plastic deformation in the involute flanks must occur at the cale of the surface asperities, Even 0, the uperimposed hydrostatic tre is predominantly compre sive, thereby acting to oppose straininduced martensite transformation, Surface 'contact had an effect all residual stresses onJy near the mace, As shownin Figure 6a. urface contact produced a significant surface re idual compre i.v e stress injhe OD direction. This is consi tent with tre s- or sirain-illlduoed martensite transformation. which is expected to produce residual compressive stress because of the associated 4g,: volume increase, 011 the other hand, it is believed that the surface residual stress is complic-ated by the treatment prior to testing, The last operation is surface grinding. and the different residual tres es in the 0° and the 90° directions in the lin-run flanks (Figs. 6a and 6b) aretypical of near-surface residual sire se pKlduced bYE!grinding operation. 116 MAYf.JUNE 2003, • !GEA'R lEC!ItNllIllOG¥ • Refereaee I~.Maxwell. P.e., A. Goldberg and J,e. Shyne. "Stress-As .i ted and. Strain-Induced Martensite in Fe-Ni.-C Alloys." Metallw-gical Transaction, Vol. 5, 1974, pp.. U05-131 S. 2. Neu, R.W. and H. Sehitoglu, "Transformation of Retained Austenite in Carburized 432() Steel," Metallurgical Transaction; Vol. 22A .. 1991. pp. 1491-1500, 3, Neu, RW. and H. Sehitoglu. "Stress-Induced Transformation in a Carburized St,ecl-Experiment and Analysis," Acta Melallurgica Et Materialia, Vol. 40. No., 9. pp, 2257-2268. 1992. 4. Olsen, G.B., and M. Cohen. "A Mechanism for the StrainInduced Nucleation of Martensitic Transformation," Ioumal of Less Common Metals. Vol. 28, pp.107-11.8, 1972.. 5. Zaccone. M.A.. 1.8. Kelley and G. Krauss .."Strain Hardening and Fatigue of Simulated Case MicrostructllIe in Carburized Steel," Carburizillg: Processing and Performance. ASM tnsenuuional. Lakewood. Colorado, July 12-14, 1.989, Tell Us What You Think ... Visit www.geartechnology.comto • Rate this article • Request more information • Contact the authors or organization mentioned • Make a suggestion Or call 18411431-6604 to talk to one 01our editors! www ..goBrt.eclmology.com .. IWWW.pOwlfI18nsmis.sion,com 1 11 TECHNICAL ICAIIJEND'.AR: _ May 20-22-f'undameo&.als or Parallel Ax! Gear Manufacturing.. Pheasant RUIl Rc~oJ1. St. Charles. 1 , This erninar, with a limited class size of 35, focuses on gear nomenclature. automation ystems, basic gear mathematics, bobbing, skiving, fixruring and blanks. as well as other topics. $750, including meals, For more information, contact Koepfer America LL.C. at (847) 931-4121 or on the Internet al www.koepJeramenca.com. June 8-12-100.3 InU:~rnational 'Conference on Powder Metallurgy &I ParliculaCe Materials. Mandalay Bay Re on & Casino. Las Vegas, NV. PM2JEc-2003 will offer an exten ive technical program mat include eminar for delegate in the powder metallurgy. powder injection molding and particulate material industries. Costs range from $40-$1.175. depending on the package selected, For more information" contact the Metal Powder [ndlJ. tries Federation by telephone at (609) 4527700 or by e-mail at in/o@mpijorg. Jun 9-l2,-:Basic GeM Fundamentals. Gleason Corp", Loves Park. Il., Thi four-da.yprogram con isis of lecture given by engineering. production and inspection staff members to provide an understanding of gear geometry. nomenclature. manufacturing and inspection to people new to the field. Attendees are taken n a tour of Gleason's facility and given demonstrations. Contents of the seminars include gear history, type and ratios. involute gear geometry, gear tooth systems and gear cutting methods. 895 includes a handbook. c1as material. lunche and ne group dinner. For more information, contact Gleason by telephone at (815) 877-8900 or on the Internet ,at wWl4~gleason.com. I1Ilo,ving precision June 9-.l3-A.GMA. .:2003 Da it Cenrse, Daley College. Chicago, [L. Offers classroom and hands-on training in gearing and nomenclature. principles of inspection. gear manufacturing methods, and hobbing and haping.650 for AGMA member, $775 for non-members. .or more information, contact AGMA by telephone at (703) 684-02U or bye-mail at fentress @agm~t.org. JUDe .23-2S-A.GMA's Regional Gear Manufactu.ring TeChnology Course. Star-SU, Hoffman Estates, Il; $750 per attendee. Three-day course pre ented by the Gear Consulting Group LLC. For more infermation, call (866) 202-1699 or end !IJ message 'to gearconsulting@aol.com. Ten Us What You Think ... VisitllllWW.,,,nschnDlogy.com to • Rate this column • Request more infonnation • Contact the organizations mentiOfled • Make. suggestiOfl Or call (141) 431-&604 to IIlk to one of our editors! IWIWW.,f10'W'''''''rJsmi.ssion.co,m., To miniGears, preciSJOil Is the anention given 10 deveJoptng gears designed for the specific needs of e'lllP1 application. It IS the reliability of iii sole supplier. y"ho is able 10 offer a vaIlety of different soiyllOllS: bevel. helical and spur gears. all 01 whICh are avaJlable H1 CU1metal, powder metal or plastic. in add Ilion. complete 1ransmISSlOl"lS and motors are also offered. II IS 'the flexlbi ty 01 a company that is accustomed 10 dealing with internal1011ally rel""1O'M'l6dcustomers. n IS a Quality based OIl more and more restrictive parameters. granbng. miniGears world-WIde competitiveness. PrecIsion is everylh ng to mlniGears. mlrdCh_dIortft." am.rIca 2505 lnIernatlOIlII ~ay Virginia Beacn VA 23452 • USA ph. (757) 627-4554 lal'l (757) 627..()944 e-maIl mg.J.!saGm1n1gears eorn InterneL _ nlInlgearscom IWiww.gUdfU;II'O,olog,.c,om ~ GEAR, TECIII'NDL10'GY'· MAY/JUNE 2003 11' Large Scores and Radial Cracks on 'Case-Hardened Worms Wolfgang Predki, 'Friedr,ich Jarchow, Ralf iDinter and AI!exander Rhode the worm wheel made of bronze, This material has a lower strength than the worm made of steel. Critical loads are reached if pitting. sliding wear, tooth breakage, scuffing or high oil temperatures occur. However, in the last couple of years, defects such as radial cracks or large scores have increased on the casehardened worm surface. These detects can cause an increased wear on the wonn wheel, which can lead to a premature loss of drive. This report shows a way to determine the maximum permissible load thai.leads to these defects. as well as te ting new methods which increase the load carrying capacity. Test Conditions The test runs to examine score marks and cracks on hardened worm flanks were executed separately on two electrically strutted test stands. The mating materials are case-hardened worms made of 16MnCr5 steel and worm wheels F,ig. I-Test stand for scori,lgdamage, made of GZ-CuSn12Ni bronze. 'tests for center distance a = 1(/0 mill. scoring were executed with gear sets with a oenter distance 0'1' a = 100 rnm, a gear ratio of i= 41: 2, a worm shaft arranged below the worm gear am:! splash lubrication ..Figure 1 shows the test stand that was employed for scoring tests. After assembly and adjustment of the contact pattern, the worm gear sets were loaded immediately with the entire F.ig. 2-Test stand Jar crackiJlgda11lag,e, torque and run for 336 hours, without any center dislafll:e a ::::250 111111. running-in process. The rotational speeds of the tested WOlTIlS were: nl = 400,: 650; 1;030 and 1,470 lImin. The torque varied from l.0 to 1.75 times the nominal torque that is given by the gear manufacturer (Ref. 7). Cracks 011 the worm flanks were tested on larger gear sets with a center distance of a == 250 rnrn, a gear ratio of i ""39:2, a WOIDl shaft arranged above tbe worm gear and a combined splash/circulating lubrication Fig. 3-Large score marks on ,a casewith an external oil cooling system. That hardened Klorm. Abstract In the last couple of years, many research projects dealt with the determination of load limits of cylindrical worm gears. These projects primarily focused on the load capacity of the worm wheel, whereas the worm was neglected. This contribution present investigations regarding damages such as large scores and cracks on the flanks of case-hardened worms. Introductlnn The load-carrying capacity of cylindrical worm gears is generally limited by 18: MAY/JUNE 2003 -GEAR lECIHNI(I'LOGY • www.geartechdology.com test stand is shown in Figure 2. The testing period is limited to a maximum of 1,650 hours. The rotational speeds are 1,500 and 2,200 Ilmin. During the tests, the applied torque exceeds the nominal torque 1.75 and 2.00 times. The employed lubricant for each case is a poly glycol called FVA-reference-oil PG4 (Ref. 4) with additive combination LPI.655. Test Results: Scoring Figure 3 illustrates a worm. gear damaged by score marks, Compared to new, never-run worms, the flanks show a rough surface within the area of contact. These score marks are transferred during operation to the flanks of the worm wheel and cause excessively increased wear that often leads to, a premature failure of the entire gear set. In order to register the amount of scoring damage, measurements of the surface are carried out in the complete mating area of the wonn shaft. The measurements are taken in the radial direction, perpendicular 10 tile expected score marks (Fig ..4). In the radial direction, parts of the teeth are separated intQo fOQoI, center and tip. Tests with a low rotational speed of nl "" 400 lImill and J.25 times the nominal torque show the largest scoring damage. The distribution of the measured arithmetic mean roughness Ra after testing is given with Figure 5. The measured values for each position from the beginningto the end of the contact area are plotted. The roughness of the flanks ill the initial state is the standard of comparison ..New worms have an average arithmetic mean roughness of R(J = 0.4 !-lm. The distribution shown is typical for worms that are damaged by score marks. The greatest roughnes alway occurs at the end of the contact area.close to the tip of the tooth. Towards the beginning of 1 • www.puwertransmiss;oll.com tlIe mating area, the values of the roughne s decrease. Similar tendencle can be OD erved in the center of th teeth. bul the maximum values are lower. In the area of the foot, the measured value. catter; but they reach comparatively large value . Comparative measurement of the worm shaft. and the worm wheel how a good representation IOf the coring damage of \he worm flank DYmeasurement at the whee! tooth center. At this poirn, 1 the malle 1 lubricant film thickness and 1 the smallest relative motions directed: toward the height of the tooth occur during operation between worm and wheel. :[ Score marks of the worm are reflected ~ 011[0 the center of the wheel teeth. ,~ Therefore, score marksat the wheel are ~ uitable for the qualitative de cription of ~ the coring damage at the worm flanks. [ Figure 6 shows the measured arithmetic 1 mean roughne s at the wheel after sepa- ~ role test NOS with different load . All ~ tests were executed with case-hardened 1 worms made w.ith 16Mn r5 steel and ~ wheels made of GZ·CuSnl2Ni bronze. l The te t result show Eli ignificaJlt! dependence on rotational speed and torque. The amount of scoring damage j increases with an increase in thetorque applied and decreases with the mtatiomlli 1 peed of the worm hafl (Fig. 6). On the j one hand, increased load lead to an increased coring damage. On the other ~ hand. an increased rotational peed lead ' '10 Ie coring. Tile . tronge t coring damage can be observed at rotational peed. of III = 400 ]lmin. At rotational -peeds of more than n, = ]'030 l/min, no core marks result, even in the case of high overloads. The roughness of tlle flanks after testing is almost the same a in the beginning, The arithmetic mean ~ roughness represents the amount of scor- 1 ing damage. A regre ion analysi quantifie the 1 dependence of the expected arithmetic ~ mean roughne on the worm wheel on ~ differenl load a rotational peed n I' : torque T2 and oil 'Sump 'lelIl:pera~ure t}s by four coefficients Q14' j i l i l l l R.... ., al + (112 - II)·· 11, + a4··" ) • Tz ~ 0 IlJTI (W) ! Figure 7 shows lite expected arim- ! ...--------------.., metic fOughllessRo..R after application of: Equation I. A data map show the ~ expeeted : coring damage for the examined material-lebricam combination depending Oil torque and rotational peed. A observed during IhetesLs, the roughness increases with increasing load and decreasing rotational speed. Mea- 1 I urement during the te ting reveal an . , www.pow.erIr8nsmfss;olJ'.com. 4 = increased wear for Ra.R 1-2 um, and excessively increased wear if greater roughne s applies. In some cases, the mea ured wear exceed the value precalculated by Dm 3996 (Ret. 3) I.Ipto 20 . time . For this reason, an arithmetic mean roughness above R,. = 2 um has to be particularly regarded as critical. For operation with constant torqu.e directly after gear set assembly, the loads should be cho en in a way that the expected arithmetic mean roughness lays below I um, :in order to avoid damaging score marks. The presented approach can only be used to predict the behavior of the tested malerialJlubricant combination and the given geometry of the gearsei, A prediction for operating points which are not represented byjhe examined range of torque and rotational peed is Illghly uncertain and not verified by practical inve tigations, A tran fer of the results to djfferent. size and another tooth geomeIII}' just by conversien of the dependent factors 'II' T2, Os to other factors such as sliiling velocity Vgm and meat! contact . Ire 0H", Jack of lest. re ults for these coadinon . Method to Avoid Seere Marks Scoring on the worm flanks can be avoided by the use of PVD-coated worms such as tho e coated with BAUNIT C (Ref. 1) or !he use of the additive GH6. Compared to the basic test runs,even higher torque can be applied. No score marks appear during these tests. on erted oil change after 48 and 144 hou.rshelp to reduce the scoring damage, However. scoring cannot be avoided completely by this particular means. Compared to the basic gear set , no www ..gesrtfu:lmoio(1y [!] Roughness Measuring Length 8 1'--__ - ----_-' Fig..4--Posi/jon~ wbere measurement of tIle surface are tak,m to .repr-esentscoring damage. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang IPredkii is Ihf' head OIl/If' chair of ml!c/wnical components. indu tria! and aU/olllo,il!C' power ,Iransmission 01 R!lltr Uni"f'rsily ..Iocaled ,'11 Bochum, Germany. The chair's research focuses all wear optimiunion of I!'orm gears, plastic ana sintered '~orm f(l'ars and bl1Ol!~eoptimization • Prof. em, Dr;-!Ing. IFriedrich J'an:'how is lireformer head of rht' chair of mechanical C:OflJt'()nem.I'.industrial altd automotive power transmission elf Ruh» University. . Dr,-Ing'. Ralf IDinter is employed at Winergy II G. a leading pTrJloitltr of drive systems for wind turbines, located ill VOl!rtielFrjl'driclLgeld.Germany. Willergy AG is II subsidiary of A.. Friedt: Flmdu GmbH. based in BCI<;Jwlr. Germany, Dipl ..·I'ng', AI!exander Rhode is a research assistant ar the c:iJlliroflfJl'c:himj· indus/rial and automotive po ....er transmission fIf Ruhr Univer. iry. Hi work focuses on the inve ,jg.IJJionof large score OIl .. -orms. cal components. ..com • IGEAIRnCHNOLOGY • MAV/JUNIE 2003. 19 up 'the results of everai tests, The testing period by thelengtll of indicates is represented bar. Different each hatching several defects on the worm flanks, The e 112.0 employed WOI'm 10 ..0 hardening processes materials a we:1I as the are given with this figure. 8.0 The nominal torque must be exceeded :::Ii. by far to produce cracks. High load lead to heavy pitting excessi ve and, in some cases, wear on the worm wheel . The cracks on the worm flanks always occur at the end of the mating area and radial alignment. how a There are two di fferenl areas for the origin of the cracks and their direction of growth. On the one hand, cracks start at the inner delimitation the contact Roughness Measuring Length NIEW towards the tip of the worm tooth (Fig. 9). On the other hand, crack .Fig. 5-Arilllmetic mean roughness after testing (336.hOllrS). TIl.....16MnCrS case-b.ordened/GZ-CuSn12Ni.. 11/=400 = 1.2S' 11min, T2 - tip and grow toward the tooth (Fig. 10) . located within geous lubrication an area observed the in these areas. examinations (Ref. 2, 6) how the smallest lubricant film thickness at the inner delimitation of the worm 3.0 mating area. Compared 2.5 to other areas on the flank, higher friction factors apply lor this region. The combination 2.0 400 1.5 of high fric- lion factor and the existing particularly towards peed lead, the end of the mat- ing area, to high temperatures I on the 0...5 flank. 0 ..0 Cracks that start at the tip, of a worm tooth can be observed if large pitied areas 1.25 T'2l are 1.5 r; 1'.75 with center distances application High sliding speeds and incornplete polished or crowned worms made of 1.6MnCr5 case-hardened above a::: 400 mm. tart- ing contact patterns lead to high specific steel. Spelling can be observed within the loads on the tooth flanks of the e gear nitrided fringe of gas nitrided worms. drives. For economical Test. ResuWfs: ,Cracking Radial cracks on the flanks of caseworms can be encountered gear sets with center distances above 200 mm, but. they predominantly MAV/JUNE on Ci ::: occur 2003: • G'EAR IEC,HINOUIGY on the wheel teeth and wear commence . The tooth 'face tip of the worm "digs" into the feot of the wheel tooth. The development of a sufficient lubricating film in this area i improvement should be expected bythe of located increased .F!·g.6--ATitJlmetic mean .~ol~glmessof the wl,ee' after.336 hours. 201 After of bronze can be Theoretical 3.5 hardened cracks is of disadvanta- conditions. tests, a local transfer 1..0 tart at the For both cases, the origin ofthe 4.0 of field with a growth direction bench te ts, gear by the sharp-edged tip of the worm tooth and the prevailing conditions restrained of motion. A theoretical analysis of the mating process show a contact or wear between drives of the size a ::: 250 mm were the tip of the worm tooth and the foot of examined, the wheel tooth at the end of the worm These with overloads, drives were charged up to twice the nominal torque. Figure 8 shows a. bar chart that sums mating area, which eorre pond to the test results. As metallogrsphic • www.ge.ar •• choology.com.wwlw.powertrlJ.osmissio.o·.com examination show, the flanks of the worm were stressed by very high temperatures within the mating area. The fringe texture i. thermally influenced. Even rehardening of the Hank urfaces occurred. Rehardening require temperatures above the au tenite temperature of at lea t a'CI .. 723°C'. lruemal stress analyses reveal, that the loads applied to the wonn flanks lead! to high tensional internal stresses within the fringe. A new worm shows compressive internal stre se: within the same areas, The change in the stale of iaiemal stresses by high surface temperatures is shown in igllre U. In this example. 'there is no internal stress at the beginning. A short application of a temperature field to the surface of a part causes compre ive tre ses within areas cia e to the urface becau e a free, temperaturecaused exten ion i prevented by tile orrounding colder areas. An increase of the temperature causes higher compressive internal stre es, If these stresse reach the hot-strain limit. pennanem 'trains 'OCCIIf. The value of the hot strain-limit depends on the temperature. After removal. of the thermal Ire , the deformed area cool down and the SIXain . are . aved as lensional internal tres e . Hertzian contact stresses and tangential loads caused by friction promote this effect If the local trength of the material is exceeded by tensional internal stre eS,Lhe growth of a cruck commences. Test 'Conclusion The nominal torque ha to be exceeded by far to produce cracks on, the worm flank. For thi reason, Lhese defects sheuld not be expected under normal working condition with worm gear dri ....e of the tested size. The defects are cau ed by high thermal loads in combination with a. local transfer of bronze, In particular. cracks occur in combination with heavily pitied worm wheels. Tha.t is another reason wily !pilting should be avoided. Gas mtridcd worms tend to . pan within the nitrided layer. In order '10 reduce 'the risk of cracks on case-hardened worms, the specific load 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 BOO 700 600 SOO - C :5 o C') 0 IQ 10 o s .- 0 0 .- 0' 0 0 0 I') II) - 0 0 CD '0 0 ... ..... ,0 '0 1"1 N 0 0 N 400 300 200 100 s..... s 101 '0 0' 10 N IN N Rotational worm speedi n, [min"] Fig .. 7-E timatedscoring damage,. calculated b>,equation .1. GeaHet: a = 100 mm, ; 20.5, 161~1nCr5ehIGZ·CuSIl12 it operoJion will. "omillat wad; flO' running-in',. nominal torque Tl•V taken/rom mauuJactur;er data (Ref, = n T1 1500mn .. 8O'C n .. T .. 81501 10000Nm T2 1500 min 13 tOOOO'Nm 2200 22tIO rrun I11III 'IOOOONm T7 16MnCl'5 case-hardened + MllkIed T8 HSMnCr5 ,case-hardened =======:::....-..:.... '* n:iIride<I nitride<I 34CtNiMc8 T9 1110 o 500 3OCrMoV9 1000 ' n" + polished regrinded 1500 2200 mIIiI 1 .. 10000' Nm n" 2200 rrIn 1 .. 10000' Nrn 20001 l'esthlgl period [h] S _1m; Pit1!1l11 Fig. 8-Tes, results cracking .. Wheel is GZ-C"S,112Wi; lrtbricant: FVA·PG4 '" LPl655 on the flanks. lIould be reduced and me loud-capacily again I cuffing should! be increased. Ia general, this can be reached by !he following means: • Largest. possible starting contact pattern; • Fasr running-m by use of a bronze with low 'Iccnglh in combination with a mineral oil. subsequent oil change and use of a more efficient polyglycol: ., Use of a lubricant with high loadapacity against scuffing in order to pre- WWW.p'ow,flfflansmission,com. www..gearteclmology ..com. vent local transfer of bronze: • Prevention of pitting on th wonn wheel (for precalculatioa, ee Ref. 5). Conh .. ions This research project explores the criticalloads of hardened worms that are combined with wheels made of bronze, Two different types IOf defects, large scores and radial cracks. are examined eparately . A map for score damage can be created. It show that all increased amount of GEAIR TlEC.HNOLOG,y • MAY/JUNiE 2003 21 This paper was printedw:ilh the permissian of the, publiisher'rom VOl· Gesellschaft Entwicklung,IKonstruktiolJ. Vertrieb '(iEd.I,; International' Conference on G'ears. Vot 1. VDI-Barichts 1665. Dilsse'ldorf: VDI-Verl.ag 2002, Ipp. 435-449!. Fig. 9-Worm t~ken from test T3. Origin, ,o/the crack,alll,e imlerdelimitaliOll o/the eontac: field (cracks redrawn for bet1,er illustraJion)., Fig. 1000Worm takenfllom ret Tl. Origin o/,tlle crack at Ihe tip o/th'l! tooth,. Rd renees 1 .Balzers AU: "Fi rmenschrift" • Del' Weg lU :,u\·er.liissigeren Bauteilen, Liechtenstein, 1.993. 2. Bouche, B.: Relbungsl.ahlen lion Schneckengetrieben Temperature J;ensJon »J !~ t ... "10· • Compression im Mischreibl.lllgsgebiet. Dissertation RuhrUniversitiil Boch-um, 1991. 3. DlN·Entwurf 3996: Tragfiilligkeitsberechullg von Zyi'illder-Sclmeckengetrieben mit Achsenwinkel ;E;90°. Entwurf 1195• 4. fV A-Porschungsheft 316: Synthetische Re}erellzole, /ar Datensal1lmlung Syntheseole,. 1990. 5. FVA-Al'beilsblatt zum Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 1.2f1V: Versuche ,zUI" GrfJbchentr:agflihigkeil ,.",.... Compression Fig . .ll-Changeso/,illternal -- MAV/JUNE Perma.nent strain stresses by tliermalloads. scoring is to be expected with an increased load. An increase in rotational speed reduces [he expected damage. However, even high overloads do not produce score marks if high rotational speeds apply. An effective way to prevent scoring is tile use of PV[).,coated worms or the use of a lubricant with the additive GH6. To generate cracks on the worm flanks. the nominal torque must be exceeded greatly. For this reason, cracks are not to be expected under normal working conditions with worm gear drives of the tested sire. The defects are caused by high thermal loads in combination with a local transfer of bronze. The origin of the cracks is located within 22 =:' Hot-strain limit 2003 • G,EAR TE'CHINOL'lJ'GY areas of disadvantageou lubrication conditions and consequently higlt thermal loads. Material tests showed thermally-influenced fringe texture and, in orne cases, even zones where rehardening occurred .. Internal stress analy e indicate a change from initially compressive to high tensional internal stresses, caused by high nash temperatures, These stresses lead to cracks. if the local strength of the material is exceeded, In particular .. cracks occur in combination with heavily pitted worm wheel . That is another reason why pining should be avoided. Further information can be obtained from the final report on research project 237 of the FVA (Ref. 5).0 Vorl Schneck- engetrieben, Stand Juni 1996. 6. fVA·Pbrschungsvorhaben 237. Schneckenrrag{iiJligkeitsgrenun ermitteln lind erilollen, Heft 518 der Forschungsvereini; gung Antriebstechnik. 1996. 7. Kalalog der Firma Thyssen: MUTAX Schneckenrodsatze, 1-750. 8. Kltiber Finnen chrift, Kliibersyntli GH6Ole, Produktinformation S.UScI, Ausgabe 03.93. 9. Predki, W.: Hertz'selle Driicke, Schmierspalthohen und Wirku'lgsgrade von Scbneckengetrieben, Dissertation RuhrUniversitiit Boehum. 1982. Tell Us What You Think ... Vi.it WWIIfI.,flrtet:."""",. .. ta • RIll dli. Irticle • Req .... more infonlllltiDil • ConllCt the .1IIIon or OIJIIizItiaa .... tionld • Mike I ....gestioa Or cln (147)CJ1-6IM to tllk to OIl of our tori! • IWlww.g,stulec/mo/og,.c,om '. www.powertuJnsm;.ss;on.co,m H'- -- Greater Columbus Convention Center • Columbus. Ohio • October 5~8. 2003 - I 'Crllciib~l!e':sCPMI high ~-peed steels can giy,e you the edge y,o'u're lookiingfor! r--------------~.......,-- fI you WLIII beHllr,perlormanc. f""m,our brw!che .. hob., mfllin., cutt.,.. ..., The CPU (Crucible IWIidII uryy) Proc_ resuIIs, III a honIiogIIIoeouI~" 'WIth a IrIifDrm cisIribuIXI<1 01atremoIy rIM carbides as s/'iiown below: ""venl or of"'" clltLlnfllooI .. 1l'J' ow CPlI'.hIgh ."..,. mJII_, ~ CPM M4HC A booslln 'ePiM CobaII grade klr higler reel hart:iless and be1!eI' woaar resiS1ance 'than M35 or M42. IC'" C-"1111 HI9!' SpMd ~ CPU R 11 20 CPU Rex T15 . . High Spoood CPM offers real advantages tor: TIOCi'U-: CPU Rex 76 '~_--.oe'8!'Id'~l.a1gorloal" TooIm.Ir ..... ' ~!1s' I0OIP'''''''manooI E...... ' re-sharpenillg. IrT'fl!'CMId~~ __ ~ _ .. ""'""'lIe SIiIbIo, sbsIraIIt lor aBlInIIL wear resistal'1()8 over M2 and M3. M4plus oobalt lor ,added reel hardness. Cd:leII-lree but pertorrns Ike CPM Rex 45. Hlghvanadlum provides abrasiof1l resis'lanoe - 'Ib!' ,edge relentionin cutting difficult matenala Superior red hardness 'lor high culling speeds with abrasion resistance like 115. CPM Rex 1211 The ultimate In wear resistance and red hardness. 'HRC;70. Su.~able lor d.ry cutting. AHemalMl to carbiIle. ,ep ggdfl. II.. 11'.0 111 til_ "HS" (HI.,,. SulfUr} modfflC6flon lor aU.r mIIcll'INI"II", II eM.l ... rI. .".II.bl. Crucib~le••• TIle Too" Steel Pros· IWWW.pOIWSE'Tlnls.mission,COffl" 45 Rex 54 Rex .',,'a: To find the CrllJclbl'e Service Cent'er nearest you pl'ea.se call: 800..365-1185 or visit www ..cruc:lbieserlllce.com ,www.gsartsc.hn,ologr.c,om. GiEAR TEICHINOUJGY ,,. MAY/JUNE 2,[103 23 __ IIPRODUCT NEWS _ N'ew Thr,eaded Wheell Grinder trom GI,eason Ulltr,a Precise Hobs RUSSEtt. Act.uracy Class: AAA, AA,. A Materials: Carb[de/Brl'dge/HSS Technology: 'Drv/IHlgh Speed/Hard Hobbing Range: 10- 500 DiametralPitch ttOtBIROOK& ttIENDIERSON,IIN'C. 11-11 RQ~I.lDl! North. foir !.awn. Ntw I.rsor 07~·!O Telephone: 201-196-5445 'Fax: 201-196-5664 .STOCK.AVAI.LAB.I.E The 400GX threaded wheel. grinder from. Gleason meets the need for finish grinding of gears for aero pace and other applications up to 400 mm in diameter and 8.0 module. According 10 the company's press release, improvements in overall cycle time have been achieved through use of direct drive pindles for the grinding wheel and worktable spindles. Grinding surface speeds of 60 meters per second i!LMDIiBEIIDF~'iliMAGICUII' Visit our website at: http://www.lru-volule_com are also possible, The grinder was designed to conserve Hoar pace and for ease of use by installing a FANUC CNC controller with a Windows-based software interface . .For more information, coni act Glea on Corp. of Rochester, NY, by telephone at (585) 473-[1)00 or on the Internet at www.gleason.com .. New IGearheadlfr,om HD Systems The CSF-XIiJ Size 5 gearhead from HD Systems delivers 3 are-mimae positional accuracy in at package ize '!hat is 22 mm x 26 mm long. The rated torque of the gearhead isS lb.-in. and the maximum torque can reach 24 lb.-in, The input of the gearhead provides a direct connection motor, according to the company's to any press release. Available in gear ratios from 30. 50 and 1.00: 1, the high preci ion miniature gearhead includes a haft output For more information, contact HD Systems of Hauppauge, NY, at (63l) 231, -6630 'Or on the Internet at H/WII'.HDSI.lIel. 24 MAV/JUNE 2003 • IGEAIR IEC!IINIOllOGlf • www ..gearlecbnology.com • www.powsnr'.f1smissi,on.c,om _-------------1 INew G,earmo1:orsfrom Orientall P,RODUCTINIEWS 1--------- PowerGear has a rigid design and an optimized gear tooth contact pattern of 4,.800-m torque performance from the smallest. size envelope, These gearboxes require no external shaft couplings or flange . enabling the u er and OEM to save on both installation space and external equipment. costs. For more infonnation. contact ZF Great Britain of ottingham, U.K., by e- _ mail al rob.pearsoll@if-group'.co.llkor the Internet at. H'ww,;Jgroup.co.uk. on Tell Us What You Think ... Visit www.g8'lffcllnology.comto • Rete this column • Request more jnformation • Contact companies mentioned • Make a suggestion Or call (8471437.-M to talk to one of IU ediIon! IMotor Corp. The V Series quiet AC gearmotor from Oriental Molor Corp. provides strengthened shafts tlmt mate to a series of long life (lO,OQI!) hours) OVgearheads. Among their noise reduction techniques area special tooth processtechnologythat removesmachining mark of 1-2 microns from the surtace of motor pinions, an optimized quiet running design and new as embly techniques thai ensure trigll accuracy assembly down to the micron level. According to the company's release, these gearheads achieve a threefold increase in maximum penni ible torque levels. Output power levels of 6W 15W. 25W, 40W and row are available depending on motor frame size. Induction. reversible and electromagnetic brake motors are available as options. For more information, contact Oriental Motor U.S.A Corp. of Torrance, CA, at (800) 406-7484 ext, 836 or on the Internet at THE PURDY CO.PO ~T.ON ISO 9002 CERTIFIED wwworiemalmotozcom: N'ew G:earboxes from :ZIF IGreat Britalin The Grae sner range of bevel gearboxes and gear sets i designed for power transmission and automation applications. With a 98% efficiency rate. (he range has graduated performance with units thai offer superior precision, ,lIrigll torque and. rigidity. and excellent levels of mounting flexibility, The Va1ueGea.r is Ute entry-level unit and designed for OEMs. This product is packed with ynthetic grease for lifetime lubrication and integrates 'T' slots that provide adapti n possibilities for mounnng, 'www,power,traasmissit1Il.c:t1m 586.Hilliard StJ"eet,. P.O. Box 1898, Manchester. cr 06045-1898 U.S:A. Telephone: 860 649'~OOOO'• .Fax:860' 645-6293 Home Page: http://www.purd}rtransmissions.com .f-Mail: sales@{Jurdytransmissions.com C19!1!1THEPURIIlY • www.gearlechoolo9y.com • GEAR TECIINOUIGY • MAY/JUNE 2003 25 Hermann J. Stadtfel!d Introduction In the past.the blades of universal face hobbing cutters had to. be resharpened on three faces. Those three faces formed the active part of the blade. In :face hobbing, the effective cutting direction changes dramatically with respect to the shank of the blade. Depending on the individual ratio. it was fOU31d that optimal conditions for the chip removal action (side rake, side relief and hook angle) could just be established by adjusting all major Figure I-Pr:ocess-releva1lt .angles on a bevel gear cutting blade. Forward Moving Shear Crock Chip Thickness Equi valent 10 HSSCutting front Face Coated Carbide Substrate 10% Cobalt 90% Tungsten Carbide Figure 26, .2-C/lip MAY/JUNE forming mechanisms and specij'icatiotlS. 2003 • G,EAR TECHNOLOGY. parameters independently. This. in turn. results automatically in the need for thegrinding or resharpening of the front face and the two relief surfaces in order to control side rake. hook angle and the relief angles of the cutting and clearance side. Figure 1 explains the nomenclature of the process-relevant angles on a cutting blade fora face cutter head. The effective hook angle was also manipulated to control the bias condition of the tooth contact, which seemed to make it impossible to avoid front face grinding, since the front face differs from one job to the next. The face bobbing cutter head has the following de ign specifications: • Slot radius • Slot offset • Number of blade groups • Blade spacing • Built-in hook angle • Cutter height At the time, it seemed to beimpossible to replace the bias control using hook angle changes by other geometric alterations in blade or cutter head. Gleason Corp. found that a cutter head offset that allows for a permanent front face along the blade shank could be chosen. This would accommodate a wide range of different gear set designs with small deviations from the theoretically optimal side rake angle. This relationship. together with an additional idea. that also controlsthe bias condition, will be explained in the following sections and is the key for the two-sided sharpened cutting tool. Three-sided sharpening not only introduces higher tool co t per manufactured part, it also prevents the application of a permanent coating on any of the active blade surface . The front. face is the most exposed to friction, pressure and the heat resulting from the drip removal action. Therefore, a coating of blade front faces with a protective layer enhances tool life and allowable cutting speeds significantly. Coating of the side relief surfaces could also be considered, but shows far less improvement in the performance of the cuttingproeess. In cases of carbide blades applied for high-speedbevel gear cutting. it was imperative to use coatings on the front face for protection of the carbide grid from deterioration. The mechanical effect of the friction as well as the temperature generated by it is isolated from the carbide by the protective layer. The coating reduces friction and has a high temperature resistance compared to the raw carbide material, Figure 2 schematically shows the chip fanning action. Pigure 2 makes clear that the front face of the blade i exposed to compressive stress, friction and temperature. The cutting edge has its. highest exposure in the metal removal 'W'W'W.gealtechnolo9y.com- www.poweltlansm;ss;on.com _------------,CUnING,TOOLS _ process during the start, of"<I cut, when it penetrates in the surface and plasticizes the steel. generating the forward moving shear crack that forms the chip. The comer around the cutting edge :is partially relieved from the contact 'to the workpiece material as oon as the shearing of a chip begins. Instead of coating. the cutting edge can be rounded, with a IO-micron radius. This reduces wear and chipping. Teol life similar tothe case of an all-around coating can be achieved. The Relationship between Cutting Vefocity Direction and Effective Side Rake Angle In. face bobbing. each bevel or bypoid gear set requires a certain blade offset or offset angie ..The offset angle Sw determines the differencebetween the circumferential cutter velocity and the direction of the effective cutting velocity. The following formula shows all parameters that have an influence in the value of .X Relali ve Cutting Velocity I Relative CUlting Velocil?' 2 Sw: Ow .. arcsin] lw' mj2Rw I number of blade group wbere:zw mil normal module Rw'" radius, curter center to calculation point 01'1 blade Figure 3-Optimalblade posiJions !or two dif/erent-sizedjob. . using the same cuJt:er radius and an idelltical number of blade' groups. The formula above hows that changes of the number of blade groups (starts). the module (or pilch) and the cutter radius influence the offset angle. Provided that the number of starts as well as the cutter radius cannot change in one given cutter design, the module or the ize of the teeth to cut will have the only influence in Ow- To e tabu h a new cutter design. the average tooth size expected for that cutter is u ed to calculate the value of mil' which leads to a number for OW" The relationship between tooth si..ze and normal module is: mIl .. circular pitchl1t The conclusion of the formula relations above is an increased Ow fora coax e-pitch job and a decreased Ow for a fine-pitch job, wherethe average job that was used to design the face hobbing cutter requires exactly the nominal va'lue of l>w Figure 3 gives an example. Job #1 requires an offset 1. derived from OWl' Figure 3 also shows that the inclination between the cutter speed vector (circumferential velocity) and the relative cutting velocity (effective cutting velocity) is labeled o'w If a cutter head is de igned according to the parameters of Job #1. then the blade lots have to be machined in the position of the upper blade. For easier explanation. a front face with no side rake angle was chosen; the cutting velocity vector is therefore perpendicular to the blade front faces in Figure I. If a cutter with the same radius and an identical number of starts should be used to cut fine pitch lob #2, then il. would be required to. machine the blade slots with a much smaller offset 2 of the lower blade in Figure 3 into the cutter body. This would accommodate the smaller inclination x Cutler Speed Vec'ro!" Relative Cutting Velocily I z Figur:e4-Blade witlJ Offset 2 accommodoJes offset ,angle I by front face modification. Dr. H'e:rmann J!. Stadtfled started his career as head of engineering research and developmem aI Oerlikon Geartec in Switzer/and. From /992-2002. he worked as via president of research and ,developmenJ'jor Tile Gleason Works of Rochester, NY. Statirfeld established Beve! Gear Industries (.8GI) ill Eisenach. Gem:lall)l. iTI2002. IWWW.,tHJ'Wflr,t"tlsm;ui,o'o.com .. www.g,e,artecbl1ology.com .. GiEAR TE'CHNO'LIDGY. MAY1J!IJNE 2.003 27 _ Grind Depth S2 Grind Depth S I Blade l1,2 Length R.educ.tion by { Reshaping Required Slot Inclination S --2 Blade Shank Required Built-in Slot Inclination (5 , I Figure 5-Blade lengtll reduction after resharpening as a funetion of slot inclination. I Cutter Axis t I Slot Inclination Figure6-Cutter hook angle. with slot inclination and zero effective blade om' between cutter speed vector and cutting velocity 2, If a cutter head with slot offset 2 should be used to cut Job #1, a larger offset angle would be required, which presents a problem. This problem can be solved with a modification of the front face angle (side rake) as shown in Figure 4. The front face inclination in Figure 4 provides a front face orientation perpendicular to cutting velocity 1. The front face manipulation in Figure 3 simulates an offset, different to the built-in offset of the cutter head. The three-face-ground blades have the freedom to change the front face orientation in a wide range and therefore realize correct front face orientation for a broad spectrum of pitch vari28, ------- - CUTTIN'G TOOLS •••••••••••• MAY/JUNE 2003 • GEAR iEC'lmOLOGV ation. But do the jobs that cut with one specific cutter size in fact vary from pitch significantly? Relationship between Cutter Slot [ndinationand Effective Hook Angle All surfaces on a cutting blade need to have an inclination to the shank surfaces of more than 10°. Below 10°, the amount of material removal to clean up a worn cutting edge becomes too high. Figure 5 has a comparison of two different cutter slot inclinations. To result in a zero hook angle, the front face must be ground in about the same angle relative to the blade shank as the slot inclination of the cutter. Figure 5 demonstrates how a higher slot inclination allows a higher angle between front face, and blade shank and leads to a smaller amount of blade length reduction. Figure 6 shows a blade front face with a zero hook angle (connection of points AI-BI-CI is co-linear with cutter axis). The blade is held in the cutter slot that shows a significant slot inclination. After resharpening, the blade is moved in the slot against a stop in location A I. •. The blade shank gets shorter with each resharpening, but the geometry above the face of the head remains identical throughout the life of the blade stick. The angle between front face and blade shank is reduced, if a blade has a positive effective hook angle Like shown in Figure 7. It is possible to increase the slot inclination in the cutter head within limits ..The highest realized slot inclination is 20° in the Oerlikon Spirapid® cutter system (Ref. 1). In most cases, a zero-effective hook angle is desired for an optimal cutting action. In this case, the relationship between the effective hook angle and the slot inclination of the cutter head is simple. It is only dictated by the requirement of an economical and effective resharpening. The 20" angle in the case of the Oerlikon Spirapid cutter system was a good choice for easy and economical resharpening of the stick blades ..The measurement of 20° also left enough room for slight modifications of the effective cutting hook angle, e.g. to accomplish some bias modification of the flank form. Blade System with Permanent Front Face The Gleason Works introduced a new stick blade system in the I970s, which did not require any resharpening or reconditioning of the front face (Ref. 2). Gleason called the cutter and the cutting system Relief Sharpened Roughing (RSR@)and later Relief Sharpened Completing System (RSR-C®). Figure 8 shows a three-dimensional graphic of an RSR-C blade with permanent front face. If resharpening of the blade front face is not required, then the rules for defining the cutter geometry are quite different. Since the effective hook angle now depends only on the pressure angle of the blade and the slot inclination in the cutter.the cutter slot is calculated in such a manner that the cutting edge with the highest possible pressure angle does not show a negative hook angle, when assembled in the cutter. The blade in Figure 9 shows a constant cross section and was • www ..geartech.no.logy.com. www.powertransmission.com •••••• _ CUTTIING TOOLS 11 •••• _ the next developmental! step that converted the friction seating of the blades 1n the cutter in a positive form seating condition. Those blades are called PENTAC® because of their pentagonshaped cross section (Ref. 3). The variations of the hook angles from job to job caused by different blade pressure angles have only a very small geornetrical!influence on the generated flank surface in the single index face m:illing process. Those first order influences are compensated by a pressure angle correction. To.use the permanent-front-face blade system for the continuous face hobbing method causes two additional problems (Ref. 4). The effective side rake angle (first problem) might vary from job to job (discussed in Figures 3 and 4) caused by the different offset angles Ow The side rake problem can be solved with the bIade in Figure 8 by defining a cutter slot offset that is exactly in the center ofall jobs expected for the particular cutter; This means that a study of the different jobs cut with previous systems can tell very accurately what the average offset angle Ow for a new cutter system should be and what the maximally accruing side rake deviations for the extreme jobs are. It is therefore possible 1.0 find an optimal slot position for each designed cutter with less than 2° variation of the effective side rake angle. The second problem is the influence of the effective hook of the cutting edge on the generated flank surface. This influence is a flank twisting (bias effect). A flank twisting changes the direction of the path of contact and therefore causes a different orientation of the contact pattern, but also influences the motion graph amplitude significantly. In case of the three-Sided-ground blades. it was possible to control. the hook angle of the cutting edge such that it is always zero (or a predetermined desired angle). The following sections will explain the flank deviation effect by hook angle change analytically and present an interesting mathematical solution for this problem. GEAR Burnishing . •.. from the Source: Remove nicks, burrs, heat treat scale 800 Improve gesr tooth surf8CB. 09IIr 30 J&lI'I ago. er 1taIr1IInI: danloped the gear bumlaIllJIg 1'fOC"S'. Pot your tna! In the .pt!Oplo who InYontO<!the PrQ0800. MACIw. FEAJI8a IHCWDl: • ~ullVautomated Il.'{$tems. • H~h speed machines .. Potentec Oeroc OscHlafion System. • Automatic sphsrlcol p<>sIllonlng. • TrI~va,labledie design .. HOlilontol Of vernecr axis rnocrmas. ot gea. type s. - VO~.. ty For additional inionnation 011 li.I!IIc Burnfshlog rmd/or funct!onal.im( Lnspectlpn: visit our WItlls1rlt at: WWW:frwgears.com Heartland 1205 36th A~ Ww! Alodndfbl. MN S630B U S III Ph l320l162-8182 ... (J2017!l2.!12!10 E·ri'ItI1.lfWONlfIoOi"*"-aIp.'IXI'I'I Analysis of the Geometric Effects to the Flank Form by Contrelllng tbeFmnt Face Orientation The publications of Kotthaus (Refs. 1 and 5) teach that to maintain a sufficient side rake angle,especially to control the flank.surface twist, the front face has to be variable in two angular directions, the side rake angle and the hook angle. The effective hook angle is the inclination around the normal cutter radius (Figure 10) between the cutting edge and the cutter head axis (Figure 7). The blade in Figure 7 is oriented such that the relative cutting velocity vector lies :in the presentation plane. The effective hook angle is a function of the front face orientalion with respect to the blade shank •.as well as the angle of the blade slot in the cutter head (built-in hook angle) and the pressure angle of the cutting edge. A change of the blade pressure angle has a direct influence onto the pressure angle of the manufactured tooth flank. A change of the hook angle in a face hobbing cutter blade causwww.p,owe'I',rfa.n'smission.c,om. GROUND GEARS- ren or ren lhousan,d i For small to medium quantities of spurs or helicals that have to meet close-tolerance AGMA or DIN specs, our Relshauer grinders and M&M gear analysis systems are the perfect combination. For Long runs, we offer the unique Liebherr CBN grinding process with full SPC quality control and documentation. So whether your needs are for ten or tens of thousands, we invite you to join the growing list of INSCO customers who rely on us for consistent quality, reasonable costs, and reliable delivery. PHI)NE:978~448~6368 FAX:978-448~51'55 _ rnsco www.getUlechnology.com WEB:lnscecnrp.cnn 412 Main St~..eet: Groton. Massachusetts 01450 RPOIlATION ISII 90011 IRegistered • GEAR tECHNOLOGY • MAY/JUNE 2003 29 _------------CUTTIINGiTOOlS------------crowning !cutter Axis as a rather complex. flank form modification, The blade systems that allow a change of the hook angle use 'this freedom for flank form and contact movement ~ I ty) optimizations. Studying tor of those systems found same optimizations the literature it physically byavoiditng (adjustabili- shows that the invenimpossible to allow the the individually controlled during the past 30 years to' develop a front. face cutter system with the same freedoms of front face. All attempts permanent the one with front-face-ground blades failed. New SPIROFORMTM Cutter and Blade System A~ interesting technical challenge was the attempt to devel- op a cutter and blade system that allows al1 the freedoms three-face-sharpened sharpened Figure'" Cutter with slot inclination and positiveeffectiJ!e blade hook angle, on the two ide relief surfaces only. a discovery Finally, generated of the blade, yet using a blade that is shaped and by different was made that relates the epicycloids, hook and side rake angles .. The idea is to find the radial location of one point along the cutting edge of a given blade that lies on the same epicycloid, generated by a blade with different hook and side rake angle, It is assumed the given blade consists of a permanent that front face, no hook angle and a side rake that is constant along the shank. The hook angle of this system is created by an inclination of the slot in the cutter head. Figure 11 shows the two different blade types with the roll circle-base circle kinematic "attached" to the front-face-sharp- ened blade. B [ of the two blade types are identical to solve is to find the locations of the Points At and Ct. along the existing front 'face of the simplified blade. The geographic height of the blade, with respect to the The Points Band Blade Shank (Figure 10). The problem cutter head front face. remains constant. To find the location of Point A ['the epicyclical kinematics with roll circle and base circle are rotated clockwise.until A con- tacts the front face of the new blade ..This is the location of A l' Figure 8-RSR'-C stick blade witl:permauent front face and TeetangUJIUCTOSS The movement from A to A[ circle center, superimposed section. requires 'by the base circle. The relationships es a flank twist and a change in profile crowning and pressure a rosatioa rotation around the roll around the center of for the solution of this prob- lem are shown in Figure 6 and expressed by the following for- mulas: angle. Figure 10 shows a blade with the Points A, Band cutting a edge that has a positive C along a hook angle. The figure also (1) shows acuning edge without any hook angle (Points AI' B, and path generated by A is different than the by A [' The curve associated with A I has a simitar, but not identical, shape to the one generated by A. Thetwo curves are inclined and shined. relative to each other in z-direction, That means the spiral angle of curve A decreases relative to A r The opposite happens for curve B relative to B I. C,). The epicyclical or: one generated So sin (-4lo-j Thecoaclusion of 'Ihe last paragraph is that the hook angle where: Rb(jx' .. 301 mentioned change in profile, represents x-Componeni of Cutter Radius Vector (Blade without Hook) Rblx". causes a positive flank twist. between heel and toe. This, together with the already + 3..,) + Roo ° sin (0..,) ",S' sin (-¢lo- j + 3",+ !Pit) + RBo sin (0", + CPHwk + CPt') (2) x-Component of Cutter Radius Vector (Blade with Hook, rotated into zero Hook Plane) EXOx ... MAY/JUNE 2003 • IGEAR IECHN:IJ,lIJGY • www.geartechrro.logy.com x-Component of Vector from Machine " www.powerlra.nsmiSSio.n'.com Center to I-~~~~-~-~-- --- ------------------~~~~~~~~~--------------------------- .-- --- CUTTIIN'GTOOLS, _ Cutter Center (Blade without Hook) x-Componem of Vector from Machine Center to Cutter Center (Blade with Hook, rotated into zero Book Plane) Radial Distance (Scalar of EXfu) Cutter Phase Angle Swivel Angle Offset. Angle (Face Bobbing) Scalar Cutter Radius (without Hook) Rotation of Cutter Center around Base Circle Scalar Cutter Radiu (willi Hook) EX3x'" s... 'clio'" j ... '0",... Roo'" 'IP" ... RB• .. Angle between R.8 and RBO Rotation of Blade with Hook Angle around Roll Circle (Cutter Center) <PHook"" <!le'" Between 'P'", and 'Pc is the following relation hlp: (3) where: l.gMuut;ng g~ar' , • lOlllltr ••. Number of Teeth 'Generating 'Gear Number of Starts Cutter Figure .9-Pentac Wanted i 'P". out of formula (2). The mathematical olution is conducted w,ith an iteration algorithm. The difference 'between AI and A2 i.s!l. !l.is calculated as shown: (4) stick blade with perma.nentfront face ,and pentago".shaped cress section, I !lis the displacement of the normal radiu (along z-axis) of 'e,IB=~.IB.' -, Il,.. --. .... AA Normal Radius point Az to come to point A I that cuts the arneepicycloid as Il I,.B" -, . C point A. The epicycloid cut by AI wiU differ [Q some extent from the de ired one, cut by A. The hown approach i the physically closes I. possible approximation, that infinitesimally observed still repre ents a mathematically precise solution. In z practice, it causes difference over the entire Hank surface of only a few microns and therefore can be neglected. I The analog scheme is applied to find point CI (Figure.7),o. I f'ig.ure J,(J-RelatUmsllip ,between' hook ,angle and Icycloidal path rotation of the epicyc!ical kinematic in counterclockwise direc- I (If diffeumt .blade poi"ts. tion brings C (Figure 7) to the front face of (he new blade. The possibility to influence the blade spacing in the cutter According to the above shown solution. any desired number head by grinding the front face of either inside or outside blade of points along the cutting edge with one particular book angle further back results in a tooth thiekne s or slot width change. The SP[ROFORM blades call. account for that feature, too. A can be converted into a point on a cutting edge without hook tooth thickness adjustment is done by splitting the required angle 0, a:ny other chosen hook angle. Depending on the mathematical function of the new cutting arneunt and, for example, inereasing the radius of the outer ledge (circle, ellip e or higher order). three, five or more points blade cutting edge and decr-easing the cutting edge radiu of the can be tran formed from the original tothe new cutting edge. inner blade by half the amount each. Three points, one on the tip, one in the center and one on the Summary end of the cutting edge, deliver a sufficient definition of the cutA method was found to, convert a. side relief and front-faceting edge function to capture lite characteristics of the different sharpened blade, held in a face hob cutter head into a blade that front face hook angles. has a permanent front face and is profile shaped or re-sharpened www ..pow,e.fuansm.iss.ion' ..com. www.gesrtechn%gy;,com • ,GEA!RnCHN'()LOG,V • MAV/JUNE 2003 311 _-------------CUTTIIN,GTODlS------------- Figtl"'/! ll-Epicyclical kinematics '(J/ two diffenllt blade types. on Lite side relief surfaces. The advantage of replacing the old style three-face-sharpened blade i in particular the permanent character of the front face and its coating. The new carbide high-speed cutting depends to a large extent on the correct fronl face coating. AU gear sets, designed with a system using three-face- harpened-blades can hardly be manufactured using high peed carbide cutting by replacing the high speed steel blades with carbide blades of the same geometry. To send a set of blades to a coating facility after resharpening requires more expensive carbide blades in torage and includes the cost of up 10 J 00 recoadngs of each blade. Thi. procedure increases the tooling co I by a factor of eight. The new SPlROFORM blades allow conversion of all older "three-face-ground" jobs. into a two-face-sharpened blade system with a permanent front face coating. Gear sets do not have to berequalified after d1e conversion inee the flank surface geometry tays identical to the original. Figure 12show a photo of a SPIROFORM cutter with 1.60nun radius and 13 starts. The SP[ROFORM system 111 es no bottom blades. This provides, a very solid and stiff cutler coastruction The blades used (TRJ-A ® or PENTA:C) provide sufficient roughing action onthe secondary cutting edges (clearance sides). rent face coated blade provide good surface finish and improved productivity. The SPlROFORM blades are stepped in their building height. uch that the tracks from outside blade and in ide blade blend mootWy together in the root fillet, Figure J 3 shows an example of a conventionally cut ring gear. The gear to the right is cui. using a SPIROFORM cutter and a Phoenix" free-form machine. Surface finish and root blend are superior for the new cutting sy tern. Cutter heads and blades of the newly developed system are not limited to a certain machine tool brand, but can be applied on CNC bevel gear generators of The Gleason Works, Oerlikon Geartee A:G and Modul-SU with no limitations. 0 R·derences Figure 12-Tlle Sp.ir%rm cutter head witt: a 160 mm radius and 13 starts. I. Konhau . E. MWutsch!dllichcs Herstellen von Spiralkegelrddern in kleinen lind gro/3en Seriell", MaschinenmQrJa. 83. Jg. Hefl 13. Sepl. 1977. Wiinb!U8. Germany. 2. Ryan, A. and C. Thomas. Cunerhead Assembly for Gear Cutting Machines. U.S. Patent #4.060,881. December 1977. 3. Stadtfeld, H. PENTAC: .Ii New Cutter Sy.fll'm for Face Hobbing and Face Millin.g. Gleason publication, Rochester. NY. April 1998. 4,Krenzer, T. Cutter and Method for Gear Manufacture, U.S. Patent 14,525.1 Og, June 198:5, 5. Kouhaus, :E.. End Cutter Head, U.S. Patent 13,760.476. January ore: RSRGII TRY-Ace. PENTAC'I. SPIIROFORMTW nee trademarks Gleason Works. Spirapid~ is a trademark of Oerlikon Geartec AG. Tell Us What You Think ... Visit www.• IIltfIChnology.cDlflto • RIle this article • Request more infonnation die author or organizltions mentioned • Mike I suggestion Or c81118471437-1i604 to tllk 10 ona of OUt editors! • Contact Figure 13-LeJt side-conventiorlal, right slde~cut willi Spir%rm cutter head. 32 MAY/JUNE 2003 • IGEAIRIECiIlN:·lIl0GV • www.gea,.teclmology ..com • www.p,ower,ransmissio.n.com 1%3. of The ADVERTISER INDEX USE IRA'PID IREADER RESPONSE to contact any advertiser iin this issue www.geanechnology.com/rrr.htm RSlpid Reader IResponse: It's FAST! It's EASY! It's ONLY ONLINE! Advertiser' Page [-!!I.lil P~on8 AGMA lolarnal (925] 285-3926, Lmupli@agileitp8I1nel'$.~Qm ww.ueCUJllirajs.com (703) 614-11211 geafaKpo@agma.org WWW.gluexpa.£Dm (8QO] 342-1571 www.aia1l1occo.coml (216) 431-4492 bruce@emerielnmerallrelting.CQm \NWW.l!!mericanlMll.llrtlling.com (1i3Ol'!169-16401 bevel,@arrowg,ear.com 'www.IITOWQall;co:m (241) 314-&155, IIlls@asbgelr:cam www.l.haur.com A~J M!!:thin'!y Co. (704) S2I-09Q2 e.simlcbi:nery@aol.com NW Systems Co. (241) 544-3152 Arrow Gear Co. Ash Gear a Supply B '" IR Maebine 8I1dl'Gear &01]1. (800)2JI-Il6511 inquirygt@brgea(.com www.brgtucom Baril, Intemationa'i COI]I. (147]m-"28 pilople@bniL,com www.hrilcOlll Boum 5 Koch Machin.e, Tool '1:0. (,15)'96HO'3 bogr:n~Qch@Wolildn.L"n.".t TIIelBrolch MlrIiIrs l'ncJUill.lrsal Gt., CII. 8 Dr.IKliser (S.L Munlon] Dragon Precision Tools Co. 1lId.(Grll sal,s@brnchmaslel'S.com 'WWW.broachmal!all_com (8001 365-U85, c!i!!cil!le@c!i!!cibfeservice.com www.crucibleservicl.·com (800) 175-13911 inlo@slmunson.com (440)331-1)038 gallenco@msn,com 18001 563-3442. (530) 885--1939' A1lm Co.I www.dragon.co.kr ·www.ga·llenco·.com (8001221-6455. (815) 338-7800 (4141769~OOn www.dunl-bar.com sales@d!f!a-bar.com usa@Iaessler-ag,'ch (586] 323'!m1 Fonnu Precision Gear IRC. (3151488,0100 tOhwri@ntlCQngear.·com (2116)762,3333 Illas@theUllerworks.com Gleason CoI]I. (5I5).t73-tOOO dmellon@gl'eason.com G1'150n Cuttingl Tools Corp. 11151811-8900 dllNlton@gl'eason.comi Th' Gteasonl Works 1585H73- 1000 dm<llD@gl'elsQ~.com I'ndllll TecbnologiH, IIIe. (440] II95-462l lI'ndiana, Tool/lndiana Gllr (574Il136-,Z112 InKO Corp_ 19781441-63&1 l'nttlSUlt' TQoll'CQ'1!. 121616711-1011 The Gear Works-Seanle Inc. www.'gleason.,eom www ..gallenca.com IIIH@;nSCDCOI]I.CO!!! www.inl.lllltltooICDJ.com IlWg •• rs@na-alp.eom I1W Hurtllllld ICarDSharpenlng www ..gearmotiolll.com www.itwge.rs.com www:k.oroind.'com :S" rviCl www.lecountcom LeCollll1inc. IIles@llIcount.com Ullb a'rr Gear Teclmology Co. (ml429-122S iinlo@lgtlillb'her~Co!!! mG ,milliGem Nonl!-AlMrlcl 1151)621-4554 www.minige.l'S.c", www.mwgear.com {3llO1425-4419 Midwesl Gear IIITool Inc. Nacbi Machining Tecbnol'olY Co. 11."" Niagara Gllar CoI]I. 45,47 [5161154-11923 IrllSSCr@atlglobal.nllt '[5861 263-0100 sales@nachimlc.co!!!l inlo@niagaragBlr.com _"'MIID,rege.,.com IIBC 111601138-2525 $ales@penyg.ear.com www.plnygllf.com. Process Gtlf/BIDDlllndusttill 41 ,(841)67'1-1631 jhelfl@prOC8ssgear.com The Purdy CoI]I. 25 '18601649-l1000 sBles@purdytransmis.sions.com Ruuall. Holbrook 81 Handerson Inc. 2f 12011196-5445 ules@tru-voIUla.com www.lru-valulu:om 45.0BC '18471649-1450 slles@sI6l·su.com www .• lar-Iu.com P'eny TnlmoloD¥ CoI]I, Slar-SUI ilnc. (800) 441-2l92. (7161In-3131 www -,f1owsr,transmission.com. www.geartflchnolo!J'y.com. GEAR TH:HNOUIGY '. MAY/JUNE 2003 n _------------.,CUTTl:NIGT'OIOLS------------Perfnrmanee of Skiiv!ing Hobs in Fiinishlin'g lnductien Hardened and Calrburize'ldGears Ta'keji Sugiimoto, Akira Ishibashi, and Masataka Yonekura In order to increase the load carrying made from. carbon and alloy steels, The able to use hardened gears. The quench- capacity of hardened gears, the distortion gears to be skived were hardened by two ing in the hardening process of the gears of gear teeth caused by quenching different methods: inductionhardening brings about heal treatment distortions, resulting ill a reduction in the accuracy of must be and (skiving) carburizing. The induction hardened gears the case of large gears the gears. To effectively hobs with and without coated TiN [ayers with a hardness of about 600 Hv can be finished easily by a carbide skiving hob without coating. However, the carburized gears with a hardness of about 750 Hv were very difficult to finish due to the severe flank wear and/or chipping at the cutting edges were used for finishing when a carbide hob without coating was when the hardened u ed. However, when a carbide skiving hob grinding, removed by precision In and/or grinding. cutting with Large modules, skiving by a carbide hob is more economical than grinding when the highest accuracy is not required. In the present investigation, hardened carbide gears with coated. TIN layer and the flank 011 was used, the tool 10. only, used for finishing chipping the Pressure angle occurred Carbide 011 the (carbide side) of the cutting other side (leading for accurately (mm) No. of gashes ing technique tools by coating them with a for the solid-type gear cut- ting tools made from high speed steel and , carbide has progressed remarkably. Coated carbide hobs of the solid type and In order to. increase the load carrying capacity of gear transmissions, it is desir- with a conventional. geometry were effectively used for finishing low hard- - nd skiving hobs used in the 'Bx,periments. liS 20· 20· I 120 9 150 10 1.20 10 I 8 20· 120 10 I i , (0) Hob (E) Hob (F) Hob (6) 8 20" 8 ,20· 8 20· 150 150 1501 'I I ness gears with a small module (Ref. 8). However, :it was very difficult the . olid-type carbide to make hob economically when the modules of the work gears were large. Brazed-type carbide skiving hobs with- ,12 12 il2 30• 30· P30~1 TiN ,130· hardened P30 II TiN However, a coated carbide hob with a su1- out coating have been used for finishing Inclination 0° O· 30· 30· Hob material SKH55 TiN P20 KI'O MJiO ,llP20 none none none' I none of MAY/JUNE gears Introduction cutting edge 34 hardened thin, hard material. (Refs. 5-7). The coat- which give the same tool I Coating geometry (Ref. 4), Tile lives of gear cutting side). the coated skiving hobs with ,I 1 finishing to produce 8 Outside diameter hobs with special skiving hobs) are very effective can be increased I 20· of time is highest accuracy is not required. by the flank wear which ill order to increase the lives of skiving hobs, it is strongly suggested IIIHob {c1 Ii Hob I B Module of conventional a is economical to. finish the hardened gears hardened edges with a tool angle smaller than that II Hob [BI Hob (AI finished by the gears are Large, a longperiod angle on both sides of the cutting edges. --T are by cutting using a carbide hob when the of Tablel-Specifications gears One of the authors designed bide hobs helical gashes, Kind of Mobs and/or grind- super precision gears with a mirror-like tooth surface using a CBN grinding wheel (Refs. 1-3). However, when the size of life Even Therefore, teeth. such as skiving required to finish the gears by grinding. It fixed side (trailing F.igure2-TransI!erse section o/hardened operations after finishing a factor of about 7. It was found that the tool lives of car- and/or lIobs used for culting accuracy by using additional gear grinding machine capable of making the tool life increased by gears were governed Figure I-Carbide tests, their hardening, The highest accuracy can be obtained with the skiving hob with the coated layer on the flank improve gears, ing, honing, etc. both the rake face by a factor o.f about increased we must utilizethe 2003 • ,ClEAR lEiCiHNII'LOGY • 1 , www,geartechnology,com gears with large modules. ficiently high accuracy for filnishing hard- • www.powe"Uan.smis.sioll.com _------------,CUTTINGTOOLS::. enedgears with large modules was not found :in the market recently. The progress in both coating and brazing techniques for induction carbon hardening alloy SCM420) gears while low steels were • (SCM415 used carburizing for makes it possible to produce high accuracy gears. For cutting tests, spur gears with a brazed carbide bobs with coating. module Recently, the authors have been able to obtain a coated skiving hob and con- dueted the cutting tests wi.th some interesting results. The new, unpublished of 8, a pitch circle diameter 208 nun and a face width of 60 mm were Using the gear blanks with a hardness of about 200 Hv (normalized steen, gears were produced by Hob carbide rough-cut skiving in this A. The gears were hardened will be presented paper. hardening Cutting Tools and Test Gears Specifications qf Cutting Tools. Table I shows specifications of gear cutting tools (hobs) used for the present investigation. of For induction was hardening. moved in the direction space for the alloy steel. Quenching some additives type and made from high speed steel. Hob quenching B is of the carbide, brazed type wilh no After hardening, ar a temperature ing hardened brazed for finish- gears and are called "skiv- ing hobs." No cutting action occurs at the hours a Vickers hardness temperature at a of about 1,200oK in a mixed of propane gas and for five-and-a- half hours, the temperature was decreased non-soluble 0 were tempered for two hours at a tempera- of conventional. ture of about 4700K to obtain a hardness of be finished. The carbide blades of Hob F were Figure 2 shows the transverse with a TiN layer with a of hardened of about 5J.1rn Figure 3 shows the hardness while those of gear teeth section distribution below the surface of the hardened teeth blades of Hob G were coated on the flank made from three different materials. The only ..Figure hardness was car- bide hob (Hob B), a skiving hob without coating (Hob E) and a skiving hob with coating (Hob G). Specifications of materials gears and specifications are shown in Table of test 2. A 0.45% plain carbon steel (S45C) and a medium carbon measured at an indenter load alloy steel (SCM440) were used >"' :5 500 .." 400 .§ a 300 .c ...~ 200 [) ;;: 100 0 4.55 5.5 1.5 2 2.533.54 Depth below surface (mm) (b) For SCM440 steel gear 0 0.51 Figure .3b-.Hardness of hardened teetll. 800 > 700 e 600 '"'" " 500 .§ j .~ 400 of 9.8 N. The maximum hardness of induc- ...Ii: tion hardened :>'"' gears is about 600 Hv and the thickness of the hardened layer is about of Test Gears. Kinds Hardness of hardened teeth. 700 of lest gears. Hobs C, D and E were [lot coated. The [ shows a conventional Figure 3a about 750 Hv. coated thickness I oil. After hardening, the gears skiving hobs was made smaller than that action at the tooth bottom of the gears to 0.5 1 1,5 2 2.5 3 3.5 " 4.5 5 5.5 Depth below surface (mm) (a) For S4SC steel gear III ventional cutting 6+-~~-+~~~+-~~ a of from 1,200"K to I, [20 K and quenched in hobs to prevent 100 of rake angle of -30 in the case of the conhob. The whole tooth depth of u 600 was conducted alcohol. After earburizing to a ;;: about 600 Hv (Fig. 3). gas, which consisted 0 1 ~ 200 of the heat- the gears were tempered of about 4700K for two The carourizing 600 r 600. 750, 750 -- cracks on the tooth surfaces. nation angle of the side cutting these hobs is 30°,. which corresponds of J;l to prevent occurrence to obtain I 500 using water with outside edge ofthe hob blades. The incliedges of S45C, SCM440, SCM415, SCM420 ::l 400 1:! 300 1,150oK of about ed. teeth was conducted (Fig. ] 9a). Hob A is of the protuberance geometry >" :5 The tooth surfaces were heated to a temperature therefore, Hobs C-D are of the carbide, Material 600 speed of about 300 rom/min. to heat over and to a temperature type with a special b" 60 mm 700 and of tooth trace at a angle of the side cutting edges is 0<>and, protuberance. Face width a partial coil in the tooth inserted about 1.,250oK for the plain carbon steel the tooth surface of the gears o· .1 tingedges. infinishing Helix angle or carburizing. the two facing tooth surfaces. no oblique cutting is conducted Z. = 26 Hardnsss! Hv) by induction Hobs A and B are of the conventional type with a rake angle of 0" for the outside cutThis means that the inclination No. of teeth u ed. results obtained using non-coated bobs Table, 2-Specificltions; of test gellrs and k;inds of ear materials. and 3 mm. The maximum hardness of carou- " 300 200 100 0 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 rized gears is about 750 Hv and the thickness of the hardenedlayer is about I. mm .. Depth below surface (mm) (c) For SCM415 steel gens The accuracies of test gears (rough cut gears) deteriorated www.powelu,snsm;.ssioll.com. appreciably by harden- www.g.e.lIflechllology.com F.igure 3c-Rardness • GEAR lE'CHNO,LOGV. of hande'led teeth. MAY/JUNE 2003 35, _-------------CUTTING I Top - Bottom I'>¥-rl 7) '"> r?"1rI, ~ ~ 77"'1'''' I Before hardening I 77 Y'TY'rH ,., J Hob F was used for hard finishing (Table c:: pitch errors of the test gears before and ~ r-"77?7'7"T77'7rn"", After skiving After skiving !20~~ ~amm I), Figures 6 and 7 show the cumulative 80 00 after skiving. 40 From Figures 4 to 7, it is understood 20 t !2D~~ ~~mm (a) Tooth trace to 5 0 -5 -10 Number given 10 hob blade. (b) Tooth profile Figure 4-Tooth trace and profile errors of induction hardened gears. that the decrease Bolcom Tip hard Figure 8-Wear width of all working blades of Hob E without coating used for a3- '''77'''>,17)17r rrnn;;7J/?77?' After skiving ¥77)J;;;ff;'7,~ £l />')7)'»>?h77?77n- ~ !20~~.. (a) Tooth trace -40 10 15 0 -5 -10 -15~ 25 lO 0 after finishing Tests and Tool Wear 2003 • GEAR lEICHNIlU)GY of two carburized blades E Hob gears. of the hob were ed to finish the gears. The dark: mark. len side (leading the empty mark shows the wear width at capacity diameters capable machine of finishing with a gears wi.lh up to 1,000 mm was used. The shows the flank: wear width at the the right side) cuttingedges side (tramng side) while cutting edges. in Japan. Using Hob A made from high When coated Hob F was used, ItO carburized gears could be finished before speed steel, rough hobbing of nonhard- the flank. wear reached about 0 ..1 rnm, under the fol- Figure 9 shows the flank wear width of a cutting speed of 28 a hob feed of 2 rom/rev. and a used for The conditions kiv- gears were a cutting a hob feed of all working blades of Hob F after finish- ing 10 carburized gears. Figure 10 shows the effect of the coating on the tool lives of carbide skiving hobs, indicating the tool lives increased seven when the coated instead of tile noncoated by a factor hob was used hob. of desirable to lise a coated hob such as Hob F with the coated layer on both the rake the tootli profiles and tooth traces of test face and the flank of the cutting gears before hardening However, (after rough cut- • 'Ww'W.geartechnoJogy.com that of In order to increase the tool Iives, it is Changes in Accuracy of J:est Geers. Figures 4 and 5 show the accuracies MAY/JUNE blades of carbide of test gears, a hobbing cutting fluid was applied. Fig.ure 7 Pitch errors of carburized gea.rs before and after skiving. edges) 8 shows the Hobbing Machine and Cutting ConditUms. For rough and finish cutting speed of 75 or 52m1min., Number of teeth 0.05 mm after finishing gear. Figure Twenty-three IJ gears, of the hob very important to economically improve the accuracy of the hardened gears. 2 romJrev. and a depth of cut 0.3 mm. No -60 width (side cutting iog of the hardened -50 wear ishing by carbide skiving hobs becomes direction. -10 hob (Hob E) was the carburized flank wear width on all working final depth of cut 0.3 mm in the radial -20 -30 ;;: --40 3·6 used for finishing ing (Figures 4 and 5). Therefore, hard fin- mlmin., 30 20 g ..c:: " 8 t only a single lowing conditions: 40 experiments. blades exceeded ened gears was conducted !2 to 52 rized gears. machine was made by Kashifuji Co. Ltd .. Figure 6-Pitch errors of induction hardened gears before and after skiving. ~ speed 75 mlmin. 9- Wear width o/all working blades 0/ Hob F usedfor jinishi1lg carbuFigure I -80 to 15 20 Number of teeth 5 the maximum -60 5 the cutting from When a noncoated 0 Cutting 0 reduced mlmin. in the following Number given to hob blades 0 " ~ was (b) Tooth profile 20 ;;: a single piece of the test gear. Therefore. 20 !20~~ 40 .t:! flank wear width became greater than 0.2 40 't...,5mm 0/carb.uri<.6d gears. -20 speed of "C Figure 5-.Tooth trace .and pr"Ojileerrors ~ ~ g gears. gear at a cutting mm after finishing After skiving ~10mm by induction 75 m/min, and a feed of 2 mm/rev .• the IAadiJlg 5ide f1.1..ok Tf'IIjJjh8. hide nuJlk 60 '"'"'"e"" hardening - 80 ~ After hardening the and the carburized the carburized 100 5:t ~After was improved for both the coated Hob F was used for finishing Before hardening Before hardening caused Effect o/Coating on .TooI.Life. When 120 ~. ,..,..",.,-" ;''''}/7)' finishing hardened Root ~ '";7>;-'''''7~ in the accuracy by the heat treatment -.15 finifJhing carburized gears. Top skiving) (after skiving). !100 ... -5 7'Y-r,;;,n;/J). (before For rough cutting, Hob A was used, while .....0 1'>1>'7)"7' hardening E 120 a After hardening after and after hard finishing 0 ~ ~ "",,} ting), 140 Before hardening After hardening _ isn Root Tip TOOLS 11 the coated • 'Ww'W.po'Wertransmission.com edges. layer on the rake _-------------I'CUTTI'NIG face wom i removed cUlting completely edges when the 160 are sharpened by 140 TD,DLS -K::tb E "··"Hob P HobG regrinding, Recoatiog of the reground ~120 hob may accu- 9100 racy. Therefore. addit.ional cutting tests were condu ted. using a ski \ling hob with I~ &0 bring about a reduction in the hob' only, flank wear " c: ~oo the coated layer on the flank Figure II show the :i40 width 20 of all. working blades of Hob G afler cutting seven carburized gear . By o·~·~~~~~~--~~~~~ o 5 compar- ing Figures 9' and II. it can be seen that with the coated , hardened 10). 00 " 0:::: IOf about 600 Hv, the 1001 life increa ed appreciably in campari an with that of the noncoated hob. Hob G flni h 16 gears before so ...," gears with a hard- meso could 100 IE ~ Hob G was used for fini bing the induction 40 " .c il, ~ >liI<1IanIi. -1..adlJl1 Ide On -TnilIq 20 the wear 0 IS width reached 0.05 mm. Figure 12 shows the flank wear width joo~ t 40 J 20 resemative t TiN layer. Figure]4 how ·15 afall warking - .. - 'TrIiMI :.. _. - ........... patterns on'j1ank of .hob' 16 illductioll .hardened f'igul',e IS-Wear G -after cutting gears. . 0 J-...-'--~~"""';''''-~_~.....I..--I 15 10 5 0 -S Number given 10 hob blade. -10 Cutting. edge bya Figure 12-Wear widti. of Hob' G after j1niching 16 pieces of induction Itlfrdened gears. wear patterns G after cutling flank. even onJy. It was estimated that 'the flank wear on the right ide cut- ling ed e wa increa ed appreciably th occurrence of chipping at the trailing appreciably by at the caning flank: The rea on wbythe cutting wear edge YU:i.. e ~ is edge i discus section. igure ~5 how ed in the next wear pattern flank of Hob G after cutting gears. 0 chipping on the 16 induction occurred at f'iguJlt 1J- Wearpattem ··,m rake jace andJbmlc of coated Rob .F after ~ulting .10 ca~liurizedgears. and right tiveJy induction abom of the coaled layer on the flank. The difterence lin the wear widths on left ide ' I . hardened ircumIc-renlial section - the hardnes gears 0.) i comparaof the is lower by 150 .Hv than that of carburized gears. resulting ting edge, www.powef't,ansmissio.n'.c,om' - ide cutting edge mall because verymoJl. the effectivenes. £'~-l P1 th cutting edge • and the wear width was indicating I . greater than that at the lead- ing cUlling hardened -1.0 gears, This hob bad the coated layer on th width .. gear . Both the rake fa e and flank of this hob were coated edge. .. blade of Hob F after cutting IOf Hob -5 pieces ,of cariJl4rized gears. on the rake face and the flank af the rep- carburized 0 Figure U-Wearwidlil's Weal' Pattem on Flank. Figure [3 shews wear pattems that were produced on the flank 5 blades of Hob G after /inis/,ing seven 16 indue- tion hardened gears. W carburized 10 Number given 10 hob blades on all working blades of Hob G afl.er finishing F,igure J4- Wear patterns on:flallk oJ.Hob G ofler cutting ellen carlJur{zed geal".-. 120 layer on both the rake face and the flank (Figure When by about shorter q!coatiJ.lg rJIIt(Jollife. Figure lO-Elfect with that of the hob 30% when compared 10 umber of 8= flnished the coaling on the flank only is effective, The tool life becomes _ in no chipping at the' cut- IWww.gflsrtechn'ology,com bl Normal '!eCtion FiguJ'ifJ J6-1'001 angleso! .hob wilh straig/u ga hes. • IGEA!II nC!HN:'IlLDGY con~entional • MAY/JUNE 2003 37 _------------CUTTING,TOOiLS •••----------Discussion Difference ill Wear at Leading Side and T-railing Side CUttill.g Edges. In the flank case of gear skiving, the volume of metal occur at !he trailing side. The rea on for on the tooth surface removed by the trail- wear at the trailing side cutting edges is greater than !hat of the leading side cutting edges. Chipping this may be ascribed is also apt to to the type of gash- ing side cutting edges 'is almost the same es given to the hobs used in me present by the leading side cutting edges. However, it hould be noted that the experimental results shown ill experiments. as that removed Figures 8,. 9. 1.1.and 12 indicate Although there are two repre entative types of gashes utilized hobs, the straight that the type is for gear cutting commonly used U [Q)[ffio[j&%t®rn:oo -Iprec:isi·onl Cutting edge 'Y E th,rouglh dia.lmond --- PI P1 (a) Cireu!!lfete!!!lai section PATENTED PCD R,EIIINIFORCING FOR DIRECT PLATED IDR,ESS,E.RS We will design,. build and gUBr.ant.eefrom vour gear summary charts gear dressers for Reishauer SPA andl Fassler DSA Systems-Direct·Plated or Sintered·Bolld Sillgle- or Dnuble-Sided Dressers. Figure 17 Tool anglin, of .skiving .hob witlt straigllt gashes. WE also produce gea r dressers: for • Gleason lAG, Gleason Pfauler BI.GI'eas,on Phoenix • Ueb:herr Cutting edg.e • kl,ingelnber,g • • • • • Oerlikon-Opa.1 Hoefler Hurt kapp' Nilles y • Samputensili • Mikronl -Mug • Csepel We ·ofler our customers • Highest Accuracy. Competitive Prices • Fastest Delivery- Relap & Replating Service PI (a) Cireumfere.nlial section Call Of fax us your gear dresser requirements. You will quickly discover what leading U.S. gear producers have Ilearned. W,,~ DR. KA'ISERgear dressers are the best value available'. Distributed by: S.l.Munson & Company 3:8 MAY/JUNE . ... ~ ... L. Pl .... . Y PI 401 Huger .St. IColumbia. SC 29201 Phone: 1-800-175-13901'. Fax; 1-:803·929-0501 E-mail: linto@slmunson.com 2003 • GEAR TiECHNOLOG,Y. www.geartechnology.com Figure 18-Tool angks of .recommended skilling hob wiJ11 a helica[gasl,. • www.p·owertransmiss;on,co,m • III -iICUTIING TOOLS-for the because convemional hobs. the of accuracy st.ra:ightga.shes This 8° than that of the conventional is hobs with can be improved with flank wear of the carbide 'Of a [Figures [6 and 17 show the geometrical very high, as in the case of carburized of the hob blade ill the gears (Figs, 8 and Figure 17b show a sectional view of the blade of a skiving !hob with cutting edges on a right-hand helical thread and with a straight-type cutting sides. This is easily realized by changing the types 'Of hob gear is When gashes. the spiral angle of the hob gashes is made equal '9). the lead angle of hob thread, Method to Improve Tool Lives 0/ Sldv.ing Bobs. From the present experiments, it is estimated that the tool li ve of skiving hob . when a to have the same tool angles for the leading andtrailing hob become greater when the hardness conventionalend hobs can be increased skJving hob is designed with that of the hobs with helical gashes. characteristics skiving The effect of the tool angle on the co ts iII comparison [ower manufacturing carbide hob with :9 = ()O. mum tool angles treiling side calculated the maxi- for the leading become the from Equation 10 and arne and are 3 (Fig. 18). gash. The right-side edge (trailing side tutti31g edge) • gives a smaller tool angle than that of the left-side curtiag edge (leading ide cutting edge). The greater the tool angle, the smaller the chance of chipping at the cuttingedge. The maximum tool angle is obtained in the section normal to the cutting edge. The maximum tool <PL for the leadiag side can be calculated maximum fram Equation tool angle lIl'r side is calculated l and the for the trailing from Equation 2. where, in .!'I, <II = (sin 11sin an - tan e/cos 11)cos o:.n tan. 'TJ = tan H co an tany= tan y Icos o:.n Although the these equations process for deriving is omitted, due to lack of space, numerical examples are shown as In the case of Hobs F and G, value (pre sure angIe an = 20", lead angle of hob thread Y= 3.6", relief angle E= 3.7",. nominal rake follows. ANI Systems Co. announces that it is now a manufacturing source of spiral 'gear roughing: and' finishing cutters and bodies. when given geometrical angle 81 = 30°) areintrodllced We also can manufacture new spiral cutter bodies in diameters of 5" through 12" at present. into ] and 2, ¢lL = 98.7° and '¢IT = 91.4° are obtained. For the conventional Hob B wilh 6 = 0° and E = 3.5°, ¢lL = 90.6" and <i>r = 83.3° are obtained. These calcu- Equations AJIN can also supply roughing and finishing cutters for mosI5'-12" Whether ,iI's service or manufacturing', consider us as analtemative source for cutters and bodies. You'll be in lor a pleasant surprise, lated values agree with tile measured ones. for tool angles, it is From the e value clearly understood that the chipping hardly occurs on the cutting edges of the kiving maximum hob with 19 = 30" becau e the tool angle i greater diameter bodies. i NEWI ,Hob andShaper is dOW available al 'Cutter Resharpening: AJW Systems 'Cllmparr~ by about WWW.pOW,Bf'tf'BIJ.smis.s.iolJ'.com. www ..geart.ecllnology.,com· Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Tel: (248) 544-3852 • Fax: (248) 544·3922 I GEAR T,ECHNOLOG,Y • M.AY/JUNE 11111111 2003 391 _-------------CUTTING <Pt =<Pr::: 90° + !l ¢I (3) When the given geometrical values are the same a . those of the above mentioned example excepting for the gashes, tool angle <PI.= $r'" 94.8° is obtained. The author estimate that application of coated skiving hobs with helical gashesis very important for finishing fully- TOOLS,I~~~~~~~~~~~~~- hardened carburized gears economically, although with some increase in the manufacmring costs for the hobs. A.dvQntages Obtained by Oblique Cutting. When the skiving hob was used, the side cutting edge conducts intermittent oblique-cutting (milling) to finish the tooth surface, as shown in Fig. 19b. Although there are some fundamen- (a) FOI conventional hob (9 = 0') Tooth being f nlshed (b) For skiving hob (9 = 30·) F.igure 19-0blique ,'llIgle ofcutlillg edges of the two different hab«. tal investigations on the mechanism of the continuous oblique cutting (Refs. 9-10), many problems must be solved to obtain effective equations 11mcalculating change in the cutting force during the intermittent oblique cutting, such as in gear skiving. Moreover, there are practical problems. For example, the effects of oblique angle on the amount of tool wear, the shape of chips, etc. The authors are conducting some basic investigation to show the effect of intermittent oblique cutting on tool wear and the finished Precision Made - Cost Effective accuracy us:ing a hobbing machine, and One Statement with Two Objectives the carbide fly tools with and without Dragon Precision Tools from Korea. coating. The results obtained will be Noticeable Different. Clearly Superior. published in the near future. Cenclusleas The present investigation was conducted u ing six kinds of carbide hobs, and the following results were obtained: DRAGON PRECISION TOOLS CO., LTD. 1. Induction hardened gears with a Vickers hardness of about 600 Hv could Represented Exclusively in the USA by: be easily finished by a carbide skiving hob without coating. 2. Carburized gears with a hardness of 21135 lorain Road Fairview Park, OH 44128 about 750 Hv were very dH'ficult to finFax: 440.331.0618 ish due to wear and chipping at the cuthttp://www.gallenco.oom tingedges when skiving hob without htIp:llwww. ..... coating were used. 3. When a carbide skiving hob with a coated TiN layer of about 5Jlmin thickMAY/JUNE 2003. I[lEAR tE.CHNOIE.OGY • www.gearteclmo#ogy.com • www.powertransmission.com GREG 440.331.0038 AuEN CoMPANY I 401 _ •••••••• II'cUnING, TOOLS ness was used, the tool life increased by a factor of 10 in comparison to the One without coating. 4 ..The skiving hob with a coated layer on the flank only was effective in increasing the tool Hie, especially in finishing induction hardened gear with a hardness of about 600 Hv. 5.. The flank wear of the trailing side cutting edge was appreciably greater than that of the leading side cutting edge when the hobs were used for finishing carburized gears. 6.. The reason for the difference in the wear isexplained by calculating the difference in the maximum tool angles of the leading and trailing sides (Fig. 17). 7.. It is estimated that the tool life of a skiving hob to be used for finishing fully hardened carburized gears can be increased by introducing coated hobs with almost the same tool angle for leading and trailing sides. 8. The tool angles for the leading side and trailing side cutting edges become the same value when the numerical value of the spiral angle of the hob is made equal to that of 'the lead angle of the hob tooth thread. Acknowmedgments The authors express their thanks to the engineers of the machine shop at Kurume Technical College for their assistance in this iIlvestigation.O --------------- Hobbing" Wear,. No. 655, 2001, pp. 45-53. 6. Matuoka. H. and Y. Tuda, "influence of Coating Films on Behavior of Crater Wear of Hobs in Dry Cutting," Transactions JSME, Series C, Vol. 67, No. 656, 2001. pp. 267-273. 7. Bouzakis, K.D" et al, "Gear Hobbing Cutting Process Simulation and Tool Wear Prediction Models," Trans. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering. Vol. 124, No. I. 2002, pp. 42-50, 8. Sakuragi, I., er al, "Carbide Hobbing Technology for Automotive Gears," Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Serle C, Vol. 67, No. 655, 2001, pp. 221-226. 9. Stabler, G.v. "The Fundamental Geometry of Cutting Tool," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London. Vol. 165. 19.51.. pp.I4-26. 10. Sharnoto, E. "Study on Three Dimensional Cutting Mechanism. (lst Rep.)." Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 59, No.3, 2002, pp. 408-414. Take.ii Sugimoto is an associate professor ill the department of mechanical engineering III Kurume Institute of Technoiogy in Kurume, Japan. He has more than 25 years of experience in gear manufacturing and is a member of JSME, JSPE and the Japan Society for Design Engineering. Akira Ishibashi is a professor and head of the graduate school ill the department of mechanical engineering at Soja University in Kumamoto, Japan. He has more than 40 years of experience in gear manufacturing. He was awarded for his research all gear grinding machines by !SME in 1970 . Ishibashi is a member of !SME. JSPE. Japan ASME. Society of Tribologists, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan and the Japanese Society of Strength and Fracture of Materials. Masataka Yo:nekura, References 1. Ishibashi, A .• S. Tanaka. and S. Ewe. "Design and Manufacture of Precision Gear Grinder with CBN Wheel and Load Carry.ing Capacity of Gears Ground," Bulle/in of JSME. Vol. 28, No. 238. 1985.pp. 718-725. 2. Ishibashi, A., S. Tanaka, and S. Ezoe, "Design and Manufacture of a C .C Gear Grinder Capable of Mirrorlike Finishing," JSME International Journal, Series Vol. 33, No.2, 1990, pp. 245...:250. 3. Ezoe, S. and A. Ishibashi. "High-Speed Mirrorlike Grinding of Precision Gears U ing a Trial Gear Grinder with a CBN Wheel," Proceedings of JSME International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions, 1991, pp. 207-212. 4. William. E. Loy. "Hard Gear Proce sing with Skiving Hobs," Gear Technology, March/April .1985, pp. 9-14. 5. Rech, J .• M.A. Djouadi, . and 1. Picot. "Wear Resistance of Coatings in High Speed Gear is a professor in the department of mechanical engineering a! Kurume National College of Technology, a technical school established by the Japanese government, He has more than 30 years of gear manufacturing experience and is a member of JSME and JSPE. Process Gear has been a. leader in the custom gear industry since 1942. Process Gear is capable of producing parts up to AGMA Class 12 with the documentation and process control that comes with M&MO Precision Gear analysis. Customer applications range from power transmissions, construction equlpment, HVAC, hydraulic pumps and printingl trade equipment Bengal .'ndustries is a precision custom injection molder speclallzlnq in gears and engineeredplastic parts. Bengal serves a. wide variety of markets including automotive, medical, industrial, HVAC and children's products. Process 'Gear 3860- T North River Road Schiller Pam, IL 60176 (847) 671-1631 Fax (B4T} 671·6840 W'IIW.processgear.com Bengallindustries 11346 53rd Street NoMn Clearwaler.FL33760 [7(7) 572-4249 ~ax(727) 573·2428 \Y'IIW.bengalinduslries.«Jm m mtact: jhe'rl'l@processgeauom Tell Us What You Think ... Visit www,'IBrttchnalagy.comto • Rate this article • Requnt more information • Contact the article mentioned • Make a suggestion Or call (8411437-&&04to talk to one of our editors! www.poweruansmlssion.com. www.geaf.tec.hnology.com. G,EAR TE'CIlINOUlGY. MAY/JUNE 2003 41 _------------INDUSTRY.NEWS KUngelnber'g.AIW Systems form AUisnce Klingelnberg Oerlikon Technology Center (KOTe) of Saline, Ml, joined forces with NW Systems Co. of Royal Oak, MI, to provide spiral bevel and hypoid bevel tooling and tooling technology services. KOTC and NW Systems will provide cutterheads, blade sticks, finished blade grinding and gear cutting technology services to the U.S. gear manufacturing market, According to AIW Systems' press release. the strategy is to offer locally a comprehensive product line of cutting tools with application engineering expertise and cutter sharpening services. Mitsubishi Giear Cen1er Panners With !Balzers The Mitsubishi Gear Technology Center of Wixom, MI, teamed up with Balzers lnc.'s Wixom Coating Center to provide local coating service for Mitsubishi brand hob cutters. Previously, Mitsubishi's coating operations took place in its Addison. [L•.machine tools facility under the name Mitsubishi SuperD.ry coaling. After econo~c consideration, the company decided the Balzers BALINIT FUTURA NAND coating was of the same quality. Also, with Balzers' nationwide coating cen- II. _ ters, large batch runs and strict quality control, Mitsubishi found thatit was not cost effective to compere with Balzers, according to Mitsubishr's newsletter. Schafer Acquilres Chioago Gear Works Schafer Gear Works of South Bend, IN. acquired the assets of Chicago Gear Works of Cicero, IL. Chicago Gear Works was a major supplier to industrial manufacturers and Schafer hopes this acquisition wiU increase its manufacturing capacity with bevel gear and worm gear technology, according to Schafer's press release. Chicago Gear's manufacturing operations have been moved to South Bend and ilS turning operations to Schafer'sprecision machining plant in Fort Wayne, IN. AGMA Releases INew Information Sheet The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) released an information sheet called Accuracy Classification Syslem-TG11gel1tial Measurement Tolerance Tables for Cylindrical Gears. The publication provides inch and metric tables of the 101er- T'he World of H1ardl Gear Finish.i. l H'onin Broach Customised .solutions Fassler Corporation, 131 W. Layton Ave., Ste 30B, Milwaukee, WI, 53207-5941 U.s.A. Phone +1 (414) 769-0072. Fax +1 (414) 769-8610, usa@faessler-ag.ch www.faessler-.ag.ch 42' MAY/JUNE 2003 • GEAR UCHNOLOGiY. www.geartechnology.com • www.powertransm;ssion ..com I'NDUST1RV INEWS _ ances dealing with tangential measurements of spur and helical gears for the different accuracy grade explained in ANSIIAGMA standard 2015- ]-AOl. According to the AGMA new letter. the sheet was developed to supplement the information contained within the tandard, While the tables may be used, to e timate the tolerances for an individual gear. the actual tolerances hould be calculated and rounded according to the formula of the parent standard. Custom. Bevel Gear Mfg. Per your Sample and/or Blueprint 1==1&11=-==_==----::----:__ Machil1e ami Gear CorporaUon s. 1)q,vid G<!llIa!l! Spiral Bi .~.: 66" PD Straight Bevel Gears:~ 80" PD Spurs,. o,elicals, Spline Shafts Gearbo-x Repair Heat Treat RacUfty In-House S. David Graham was named general rnanager of the cutting tool division at General Broach Co. of Shelby Town hip, MI. Since 1993, Graham ha worked as national sale manager of General Broach. Prior to that, he held the position of both chief tool engineerand eng ineeri ng manager: Among his new responsibillne will be developing alliances with broaching partner in Europe. -111 Shl!ron. TN New Ge:neral 'Malnager at General Brloach I Spec 1-800-.238-0651 - Fax 731-456·3073 email.: inquirYJ;lt@brJ;lear;coD1 website: www.bn:ear.com CALL FOR BROCHURE strategic Philadelphia Geair OHers Western G,ear,WesTech IRenewal1 Parts, Philadelphia Gear Corp. announced the availability of genuine renewal parts for Western Gear and WesTech gearing units. The company acquired the brand Western. Gear and WesTech in 1996 and is the only proprietary ource for tho e parts, according to the company' press release. Wi.1h these units, maintenance engineers can have their We-Iem Gear and We Tech units e:rviced using genuine pans instead of re-engineered one . In addition. Philadelphia Gearcan provide original drawings of Western Gear anel WesTech gearing units, Digitally scanned versions of these drawings and bill of material will be avail able at the company's five regional service centers by the end of 2003. JIE,IIIIL -SOUTH, KOREA 150 up 10 11,800'mm dia .. Geolr H!obbin'Q Machines Conventlonall. NC & CNC Solid cast iron. rigid and durable design. GE - Fonuc controls ... high quality at a great value - more than 270 machines installed in the USA New Plresident. Expa,nding f,aciJi;1y for Machiine, 1001 Sy-stems Jerry Rex was appointed president of Mentage Inc.'s sub idiary Machine Tool Sy tern (MTS) of Charlotte. NC. According to the company's press release, Rex ba 26 years' experience in metalworking and in the application of machine tools to manufacturing prooe es. Currently, be chairs the Machine Tool !Engineer Certification Committee of the American Machine Tool Distributors' Association (AMID'A). In other new , MTS announced plans to con olidate operations from Georgia and South Carolina into an expanded Charlotte Technical Center. 1imk.en C'ompletes: Torrington A'cquisit,i'on ASI Machinery Co .. Sole Importer to USA& Canada SI6-D River Highway #200 Mooresville. NC 28117-6830 Phone: 704-528-0902 • Fax.:704·528·0900 E-mail: asimachlnery@aol.com The Tirnken Co. of Canton . .oH,. announced Feb. ]8 the comwww.powflrtransmiss;on.,com .•.www.{JflBr.re.chnology.como GEAR: TECHNOLOGV • MAY/JUNE 2003 43 ~------------------------------~~------~~--~--____ I plenon IINDUSTRY NEWS of its purchase _ of The Torrington Co, from Ingersoll- Rand for $840' million. Of the $840 million, $700 million was paid in ca h and the remaining $]40 million was in Tirnken shares. According press release.vthis to the company's was the largest in Timken's history, increasing 50 percent and making it the world's pany, with an expanded bearing-based portfolio acquisition size by Timken' third largest bearing com- of automotive and industrial products and services. The Timken and specialty Co. manufactures steels and provides engineered bearings, alloy related services. 'New IPowder Metal Company ,in Pennsylvania, Vision Quality Components ulate Spi~al&. Stmight Beve'I'Gear M'anufacturing. 'Commercial to, airc~aft quality gearing. Spur,.helical, spline~ shafts, intemall Be eXlemaI, shaved & grou-nd g.ears. Spiral beve'Jgrinding'. Midwest 1iransmissions & Reducers. ISO compliant &. AS 9UIO compliant. material structural is a new manufacturer and multilevel transportation, industrial new company is a continuation Rochester, and consumer WJ!!T =r- • .•• ~ .' fosscr@attglolJaJ.nef The company's capabilities 200 tons, sintering, steam as vice president Vibratory according The only proven resource for gear manufacturers who want new business and their dealer networks. to its pre s release, .oH. The plan is to combine SMW's steady rests with LNS's bar feed! products to major turning machine GEMs With the alliance al and automatic LNS America can provide turnkey, manu- steady rest packages that include base systems and brackets, according to the company's press release. SMW is best known for its precision workholdlng devices. to, In Memoriam a gear machinery March 8 after specialist a. long located in Hilden, illness. I. Sign up, online or call (.a471~7·6604to find out more about I how powertransmission.com™ can work for your company. powenrensmission. com™ 1425 l.unt Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 USA Phone: (847) 437·6604 Fax: (847) 437-6618 E-mail: ptsales@powertransnllSsioll.com 2003 • GIEAR IECIINlllOGY PA. of power chucks located in Joining powertransmission.com™ is fast, easy and relatively inexpensive. Being listed costs just $1,195 per year. MAY/JUNE 20- fini hing, CNC with bar feed supplier LNS America of Cincinnati, With nearly 150,000 paqe views and more than 30,000 visitors per month, powertransmission.com™ is tbe premier portal for generating, new business. 44 of and Robert Aleksivich Marlis Tetteroo, of Teco Werkzeugmaschinen ! This Metal range from pressing between treating, a manufacturer IL, partnered puwertransmission.com more than 11,101001sales leads our advertisers in 2002. Powder of Vision, which is located in Clearfield, SMW Autoblok, Since 1997, powettrensmission.cont» has been hel,ping gear manufacturers find new customers. for the markets. SMW Auiobiok Panners wi~h lNS America Wheeling, We delivered of Innex Dennis Johns will serve as president CONTAC1 CRAIG !D'.ROSS \5861754-8923 ,FAX(:586) 754·8926, components product NY, whose assets were purchased! in January. turning and double disc grinding, M.IDWEST. GEAR ~.. lit TOOL. INC. 12024 E. Nine' Mile Road Wa~ren, IMI48089 of partic- Tell Us What You Think ... Visit www.ge.nechnology.comto • Rate this column • Request more information • CORtaerthe companies mentioned • Make I suggestion Or call (841) 431-6604 to talk to one of Our editors) • IWlWw.gesfleclJno.logy.com .. 1W1W1W.power.trafismissio.n.com GmbH & Co., Germany, died ---- CLASSIFIEDS ----- SERVICE , (7!1"1---,-"-"I~ ...t ...r; - ' ~ - WHEN IT HAS TO BE RIGHT • • BROACH SHARPENING --------------- • GeM G.rl!ldlng to' '94' • HOB SHARPENING Ground loath gallI'S· ,and IPiniDOS ta 1 D.P; and up to A.G~MA ,qualilJ class 12 "industrial ,Gearste 250· • J\Jrbo 'Compressor Gears' • SHAVING CUTIER GRIND liNG • THIN FilLM 'CIQATING I • CUllo!'!'! Drivel • Spline Broaching • GlIar Metrology • Stock IPlanetiry S,~ • CUSTOM HEAT TREAT SERV,ICE PICK UIJ ArW o ELI VEln' If,j MANY AlllAS • Reduce,. 9£t:,\;JBO ...{ .H~PJ,\Jfj Custom Gear Services Sim:-e 1946 ----- -------------- IISO-!lOO1 I lll'D IWP:O '1r !I" ",.D .. PJI 1115" 14" -I!--'~ MlDWaft..,.. Gleason I • I TOols COR P ,0 R AT ION lDJ' The Gear Works-Sealll!!. Inc. 500 S. Portland Street Seattle, WA 98108-0886 Phone: (206) 762·3333 :Fax: (206) 762-3704 IE-mail: sales@lhegearworks.com 1351 Windsor IRoad loves Park,IIL 6111111USA IPhone: 8115-871-8900 Fax: 815-877-0264 ~'. 2182 E. Aurora Rd.. Depl MG, twins IUgIDR 44087 Nlon.: IIlIII m..u19·' IFu: '(3311)~_ www,-m:wg,ucom'· E-mail:s.LI@nrwg~ Website: www.gleason.com E-Mail: .gctc@gleason.com Iinduction HI,alrde'nin:,g SiharpeninlgServie,e S;pecialisls in Tooth by Tooth Contour IHBlrdening at Internal Spur, h"ical and lJ,velgears Our gear hardeningl 'equipment includes, !5 NATICO sublmerged process machines and 5 AJAA eNe-contmlled 'g,ear scanning: machines. Tooth by tooth gear hardening from .5Il)P-10Il)P; up to 15 tons, 200' diameter. A_merleBnMe1alTreatingi Company llil vel nd, Ohio Pholle: (216),431-4492 • IFIl~ '(2161431-15081 Welle www.llmeric.llnmetl'lll1f1IJJing.cam E~mail: ,lImc" IImer.iCBf1mBtB/tr;flBlif1g.cam' IBrea'kdown S'ervice Rates-Lme Available ~. 'for hobs, Iminingl *GOLD insertion, Additional :5200P,ra'''. Stone Parkway, Suite 100 HQffm!!~ Estate$, IL 60192 tal.: (8-47) 649'-1 "50 - IFax: (8-47) 'M!I.(J,112 :2083 W.M-!s!i, West Branch" MI 4B661 1-888-Rnharp 1'-888-737-4277 ial.: IIIUi) 345 -2865 - Ihll.: (989,) 3415-566(1 15aD Progrllll Dr;" RIchmond, IN 47374 "al.: (765) 935-7.t2A - IFu: 1765)'!l35-7631 per inch: IX-$255, per insertion for color. Gear Technology will, set type 10 udveniser's accompany Technology, classified ads, Send check drawn in U.S. funds Oil II 31 Gear Gnnders • Gleason TAG 400 eNC, a-axis High Production Gear Grinder • Full ONC Multi-axis Cylindrical Grinding (Internal and External) • High Performance CNG Hobblng '. Continuous Process Improvement Utilizing SPC and Quality Planning • JIT Delivery using Innovative Stocking Programs 800-441-2392 F,ax: 716-1174-9003 www.nlagaragear.com emaIl;infoinlagaragear.com per inch). Displil)' Cia sified: 3" minimum:.X-$73S. per insertion, 6X-$225 per insertien, Color Closslned: layout or design. a classified ad UI no extra charge. Payment: .S. bank or VisaIMusrerCardlAmericlinExp.ress P:O. Box. 1426. Elk Grove Village" II.. 60009. Agency Commission: must be reel: ived by the 151.1:1 of Ihe month, two month men! 3X-$215 .""'" • ReiShauer RZ300E ElectronIC STAR COAnNGS lines 545 per line (8Iin~ • Spur, HeliCal and Pump Gears to AGMA Class 15 • Featunng the latest grinding and CNe teChnology Including: I~- eli1!>~lfied: I" minimum, $325. Additionul per insertion, 6X-S645per cutters ,s'hap_r cutters" shavlngl cutter. (I agency cemmisslon 3X.~685 Add Sl:50 Fun paymenl. must. number and expiration dale to GM' on classified ads. 1\'1.le:l1ial!iDeadllne; Ads prior to publ ication. A'ccepl nee: :Publi:oher reserves the right 10 accept or rejeci advertise- hi discretion, www.polNertrallsmission.com·.WWIN.968rt.ecbnology .•com • IGEAR UCHN'OLOGY • MAY/JUNE 2003 45 - - - * (763) 425-5247 * THIN RLM COATINGS HSS & Carbide up to 5" Dia. Straight Gash, Sharpened & Inspected Per AGMA STANDARDS Equals, Serious Downtime But We can ~J -!>y-~ on pt'Ii!IC:IiiIOf hob9 can ---- . - be ~ .... ~ __ (J/'~...-y _ _---..- _".,.".1ooI1IIL We know ygu. ~ )I'Ol.iIi" tc:OtI b8ck ~'''I:eflmfriUung __ 81'<! b.!ned '" ,.,.....or.~0ri9ina1 ~ ~,.,...,. ... _ ..... __ ~In....~ .. ... ~\ I , I f ~: info@koroind.com \ ...... Hob Recondltlonlng, o!!WO.8D5A82'7" 21f35 l.tCiiRAJN ROAD -1'!!It.X: - .....u .331"05 1 PARK. ... 0fit0 44,:d WWW.OAL.LNCO.COMI t-"'-l I I Your best choice ,in oITthe shelf ASH «: .~. IINTERSTATIE. TOO,L CORP. CLEV~OHIO gear I.ooling "".SIV: CUSTOM fNGINEERED& MANUFACTURED CUTTING TOOLS ESTABUSHED '960' Ash Gear & Supply Our experienced sales staff is ready 10 match your gear toolin& DCCd5 ID a product on our shelf. wbeIbcr it is a hob. shaper, broach, 104 bevel aenerator or single cutter. We stock Premium MalCriais. Class AA-D. and Special Coatings. Wid! 35,000 sq. ft. of gear cutting IDOls for SALE or RFNT you are SIft ID fiod AGMA stancbrd 85 well as urnque IOOIing 10 cut your job. Give lIS a call at 248-374-6155 Fu us at 248-374-62S~or email us at sales@ashgear.com .ashaear.rum \I \1 \\ ,HOBS) .. FAIR'VtEW --- -- -- - IiIIIm.uB &1m""*ID.E••• Gear HOOI!eIs, Fdows Shapers, Gnndels, HOB Chetkers, Shiper Cutter Checkm, Inspection Systems and Lead " IlnvolutB Masters -- - 8aJber-Colman HoIlbels, Fdaws Shapers and RoIo- TI!CI1noIogy Inspec;boo SystEms NRTIIIEIIVa .•Bourn " Koch. Fellows, Barber-tolman, RaIt'I- Tecbnology.FelillSOIll,J & l • RecaIlbfatlon lit Your Gear Inspection System.wd & Involute Ma&t8rs • Gtar InspIdlon IiHOb Sharpening precision. affordability· value. TYPE IDP Slt.alght Bevel SpirallBevel 72-2 FORM RELIEVED &: P,RORLE GROUND MIWNG CUTTERS GEAR SHAP,EA&: SHAV1NG CUTTiERS AU ICLASSES OF IHOBS HSS,SOUD CA_RBIDE 11 CARBIDE npPED WHETHER VQU NEED NEW TOOLS, MODIFICATIONS, RESHAAPENING, REPAIRS OR M&M INSPECTIONS. CONTACT US FOA A. QUOTE TODAYI WWW.inflrst.fltoolcor.com Tel: 216-&11-10'77" fax.: 216-&11-'5431 Call our localropresentative: Contact: Mr. Amar lPai Ph: 925·285·3926 Fax: 425-952·9914 Email: amar.pai@agileitpanners.com www.Bccusplrals.com • CmURACT METROLOGY SERVICES • CURVIC COUPLING G!I=!INDING & INSPECTION • BEVEL & CYLlfJDIlICAL DEVELOPMENTS & PROTOTYPES • APPLICATION ,ENGINEERING SUPPORT & DESIGN SERVICES • HEAT TREATMENT SPECIALIZED GEAR SERVICES The Gleaso:n 'Works, 1000 UniVer.;.ity Ave.,. P.O. Box 22970 Rochester:, INY 1'489:2-29701 U.SA Phone: 5851473-1000 Fax.: 5851481-4348 IE.-mail:sales@gleason.com www.gleasonl.com Precisionl SpUn. Grlndln,gi,,;SIrvlev f!cllrospac,. Comm _RJaJ. De"ns, Splints a 6nrl lint. a Ext. ·Tiapm-9<IArbors .•SftIon, -T!mIIJg'/!:m:, • Spl]M· Gaga "Hllm' ·$PrLIH!' tollWb ·khr!!pPt~pCHI • Hltllli Etdl ··Wftp-Oab •Crowns -SInd GlGn .I"fit HiM lim Rnf.I:yI'1 ·H&M !LIJ~tll:1!!,l'Im• MACHINING fAX (586) 323-9069 MAY/JUNE 2003 .• GEAR TECHNOLO,GY • www,g.esr,tfu:.hnQtogr.c,o.m·. CO Now offering t.l1efallowing services for: Broaching Machin •• Gear Shaving Machin •• Rack. Roiling IMachln.a. IUO • Redesign & Retool • Replacement Parts for Red Ring, National Broach and Nachi Products • Repair Services for most gear and spline-making ·604'7 18 Mil_ Road Sterling He~gh ,MI 48314 I'H (586) 323·9061 TECHNOLOGY •. Repair Services ln-plarrt WlMorI Jobs .(:1/1" lDk!nmorr)1 ·IIIPage (lIa-rtlnSiI em Form, Lead, Inda" NACHI Contact: 46 D1A lIn~ 0.25-21' 0.25-211 72-3 Helical Bevel 5O-e 0.25-5 Spur & Helical 0.25-32 50-3 Worm Wheell 50-3 0.5-20 Micron 76-25 0.25-2 con/scI us for ill detailed product brochure ACCUS!PIIRALS IlndeXTaChliOIOg'a .."'.1' 9530 - 85TH AVENUE NO. MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 ---- I Precision gear cutting services available as per oustomer's drawings &, specifica· I tions al compermve rates per AGMA I STANDARDS. Help ... ~)'OU"",,"-,y i1"IfIkBs KORO SHARPENING SERVICE ------ GEAR CUTTING I. You are weill aware lhallHobs are, assels.lhat need 10be m ".,. Qulclt Tum.muM - SERVICE -- ID'ULL, HOBS HOB SHARPENING -- machines Lee Watson watson I@nachlmlc.com ph: 586.263.0100 n<: 586.263.4571 www.nachimtc::.com www ..powe.rtr.ansmi.ssion.,com , \IVEBSITES IEVER,YTHIIING B'UITTHIE IB,UILD'ING ._-::::=t~_ ---.-, NIIAGARA GEAR 'I1Ie NiaprI 0IIr WwhIite dotai1I our pNOl- I SlOG poGDd epur. be&aI ud pump ..... AD our pili" maaufacturod wbh _ IIIIII ... ariDdiDI tecluIoIotY The ..., ., pnwideI iIIformaIioo on NiIpra Ow campIeIe c:.pabilibel 10 meet your !DOlt cIeIDudiq. clole toIenuc:e reqlUmDlDtl widl rut tumaroaDd The Gear Industry Home Page™ Get AIiVour 'Gear Manufacturing Equipment And Accessories Through Our Website www.niagaragear.com o Machines o Tooling _---...._-=::-..;~~ o Services ==~--"'_' .---.--_---. o Software Get Everything Needed For Manufacturing Gears Visil www.ge.anech.lJ%gr·coffl. Today! Attention: Readers Outside the United States Get The Electronic Version of Gear Technology FREEl (OIIIplete ISSle5- AD Articles, AI Ads, AD DepcwhHats 'ou1i -Are Available Onhne Through E-GT. U. AdIDbII "aab.It ......, 4.0 or.."... VDIU I"tIIMf lUi........ Cjj'i, ~ tM .t ... '.... ian..... far". CQtjij. "",-a-~. DoWnJc!1d1 WI'!!!I!I IH!MJ ., D ,r d. "'-"" It. ru MIA (JOI'J"-.......... -.. .£(IT,""' _ """""-,,,....... ------ - Subsaibe Today To Gel '''''''1.,.. MagazIIe FREl Useyour subsaiptiolcardor visit www.,...,...,.".coa .. ~----------------~~--~~ ~ -~ DoWnIoId .."'r..._ .. s-Ho) Ilry Mdl!!n ~-) www.powfI"ransmiss;on"com. Gecr www.!lurtechno,togy.,com • GEAR TlECHNOLOG,V • MAY/JUNIE 2003 41 I, AIDUE.NDUM _ A Bieye e with REAL Gears he Addendum team was ill Chicago in 'early March. for the National Manufacturing Week show, when .it saw something unusual: a bicycle with gears. Real gears. Spiral bevel gears, in fact. The mountain bike was .at Suhner Manufacturing's booth. on a small platform, The bike was on loan for the show from its maker, Christ:ini Technologies Inc. of Philadelphia, PA. Suhner was feamringti1e bike because it manufactur-e the bike's three spiral bevel gear sets for Christini. Now, the Addendum team knows regular bikies don't have gears .. Being gear goofs, we've known for years that reguIar bikes' "gears" are really sprockets, So, why do Christini bikes have real gears? Because they're all-wheel-drive bicycle . Power can move back and forth between the bikes' wheel via a. drive system. and the gears are part of that ystem. Starting wi!h the rear wheel, the ystem has a spiral bevel gear (92 mrn 0.0., 45 teeth) and pinion (30 mm D.D .• 12 teeth) (hat are opposite the bike's sprocket assembly. Thi gear set. connects to a drive shaft, which itself runs through the bike's rear suspension, From there, the drive system goes inside the bike's frame, in the top tube (the horizontal bar between the seat and handlebar). 4:B a distance, the goaredl drive systeml blenlls imo'ihis moltntaln bike. MAY/JUNE 2003 • IGE.AIRUCIIfIN:'lnOGY drive shaft runs inside the top tube to the head lube. where the handlebar is mounted, In ide the lube is !he system' econd piral bevel gear set, two miter gears (34 mm D.D.,. ]5 teeth each). Amird drive shaft runs down the front fork to the front wheel's hub and connects to the third spiralbevel gear et, The hub is a zero-backlash freewheel hub with a roller clutch mechani m, The gear set is a piral bevel gear (83 mm D.D .• 48 teeth) and pinion (26 mm O.D., 1,2 teeth). Also, the e steel gear sets have a coating impregnated with Teflonlll lubricant. The bikes' overall ratio is about ,0.94; I (rear wheel to front w.heel) .. 'That's the magic of the drive sy tern right there." says Steve Christini, president of Christini Technologie and inventor of the drive system. The rider drives the system so long as both wheels are rotating at the same speed. The slight gearing differential prevent power from being transferred between 'lhe wheel . If the rear wheel slip, ir'll spin fasterthan the front wheel. At this point, the system engages and transfers power from the rear, faster wheel tothe front, slower one to bring them back in sync, As Steve explains, the drive sy tern won't allow the front wheel to go lower than. the rear wheel. The systemtransfers power to add traction, so it helps riders maintain control when they're riding over wet roots or slippery rocks or whenclimbing a slippery grade. The system weigh 2 pounds 1] ounces and is engaged with the flip . of a switch on the han, dlebar. When it isn't engaged, the bike rides like a reg-ular mountain bike. • www ...yearfeclmolo{Jy Look clDse, (with I hel,pingl handl and WDu'l1see this lIike has I :spir Ibeval gear Iindl pinlDn~.ln 'Itt. the bike, has Imea spi ralbevel gear selS. Steve came up with the idea for his system when he was riding his mountain bike in a. park. tIying to climbs muddy slope. While hi rear wheel wa lipping and sliding, Steve had the first, often exasperated, though I. of invention-v'There must be an easier. better way to do this." nun was the summer of 1994, before Steve (a mechanical engineering major, of course) graduated from Villanova University. That next school year, Steve developed hi idea into a prototype for IDS senior deslgn project fu the ummer of 2002, Steve's sy tern became commercially available all his all-wheel-drive mountain bike . For National Manufacturing Week. Steve made one of his bikes available to Joe Agro, field sales manager for Suimer. located in Rome, GA. Suhner's interest-and the Addendum team's interest-in featuring a Chri tini all-wheel-drive bike was imple, "II. was a unique apptication for spiral bevel gears," Joe says. 0 Tell Us What You Think ... Visit www.g.'t1tchnology,comto • Rate this column • Request more infolmlltion • CCHJtact the organizations mentioned • Make I suggestion Or cell 18471437-&604 to talk to HI 01 our editors! ..com ., wWW.,pow8ftransmissioIJ.com • Ine www.pe·rygear.com Perry Tecilno,IDgy Corporation E-Mail: sale errygeQ~co.m Phone: f8,60) 7.38-2525 FIIX.~(8'60)' 738-2455 p.o. YOU"I'1' Box 2J 129 Lndu.sll'iaJ PD,i ROlld only a clirk uw.ay from.. The ear pline xpert New HllnlonJ" ex 060S7 Shave with the experts When it comes to shaving" nobody beats our quality. lit is a.well known fact that the accuracy of the shaving cutter serration plays a very important role lin shaving cutter tool life' and workpiece quality: Apart from exoellent base materials Star-SU uses custom-made shavingl cutter serrating machines for this process. The accuracy of the serration pitch and depth Is one of the reasons why our shaving cutters are the choice of manysatisfiedl customers in the US and all over the world. To maintain this superior quality and to meet your profile requirements like tip and root relief, crowning and other variables, we, offer shaving cutter regrinding services in our Hoffman !Estates serv,ice facility where we 'have the latest shavingl,cutter ,grinders available on the market. Not onty are we experts in shaving cutter applications but we also offer a complete range of gea,r cutting tools for hobbing, shaping, grinding and chamfering-deburring as well as master gears. -- Can us. We',re closer than you may think. ~ ~I YO.-ur QI.IObal sourc..e' for' Igear tlechnol~ogy Star-SIJ Inc. 520(1 Prairie Stone PS5kway Suite 100 Hoffman Estates, Il 60192 Tel.: +1 (847) 649-1450 Fmc +1 (847) 649 ..0112 sal'es'@sta.t·su.com Star·SIJ Inc. 23461lndListriaJ Park Dl1ive Farmington Hills, MI 48335-2855 leI.: (248)474-8200 FIDC(,248) 474~9518 sal'es@star·SIJ.com .www.star-su.com