CLIENT-CENTERED/EXPERIENTIAL PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SURVEY 1994-1996 Germain LIETAER Centrum voor Client-centered Psychotherapie en Counseling Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium Psychotherapeutische Bijdragen, 1997, Rapport nr. 9 This brochure has been put together for the occasion of the "Fourth International Conference on Client-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy" Lisbon, July 7-12, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 3 FORMAT SOURCES CALL FOR ASSISTANCE REGISTER OF TOPICS .......................................................................................... 6 BOOKS (ALL LANGUAGES) ..................................................................................... 7 ENGLISH .......................................................................................................... 11 GERMAN .......................................................................................................... 50 DUTCH ............................................................................................................. 71 OTHER LANGUAGES (VERY INCOMPLETE) ............................................................. 80 FRENCH ITALIAN PORTUGUESE SPANISH JAPANESE RUSSIAN REGISTER OF TOPICS ........................................................................................ 83 2 INTRODUCTION This survey is a continuation of three previous surveys I published on the occasion of the First and Second International Conference on Client-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy (Leuven 1988, Stirling 1991, Gmunden 1994): - The client-centered/experiential/person-centered approach 1950-1987: Bibliographical survey - Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling. Bibliographical survey 19881990 - Client-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling. Bibliographical survey 19911993 These bibliographical brochures are available through: G. Lietaer, Counseling Centrum, Blijde Inkomststraat 13, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. [E-mail:] I wish to thank Peter Schmid and Georges Wollants, who sent me their own recent bibliographical data (on client-centered and Gestalt psychotherapy respectively). My special thanks to Els Vloeberghen who carefully and patiently typed all references and "put it all together". It is my hope that this bibliographical survey will contribute to a fuller knowledge of all what has been written on the client-centered/experiential approach, and that it may serve as a rich source of information and inspiration for scholars, supervisors and trainees in our field. 1. FORMAT The references are put in alphabetic order; under a same author the references are given chronologically. At the left side of each reference the specific content is indicated by one or two letters: the capital letter refers to the main topic of the publication, the lowercase letter to a secondary content aspect (Occasionally I had to guess on the basis of the title alone; thus there may be some errors in my annotations). You will find the register of topics on page 6 and again on the last page. The bibliography starts with a survey of books (almost) fully devoted to the client-centered and/or experiential approach; they are included again in the reference lists, together with separate chapters from them. The references are presented per language group. A few references of the 80's and early 90's which have not been included in the previous surveys, are taken up in this bibliography. 3 2. SOURCES 2.1. Reference journals/disks a. Psyclit A careful selection has been made on the basis of the following combination of indices: Psychotherapy, therapy Counseling, Counselling Growth in combination with: Client-centered therapy, client-centered psychotherapy, client-centered-therapy Client-centred therapy, client-centred psychotherapy, client-centred-therapy Experiential therapy, experiential psychotherapy, experiential-psychotherapy Person-centered, person-centred Gestalt therapy, Gestalt psychotherapy, Gestalt-psychotherapy Gestalt therapie, Gestalt-therapie, Gestalttherapie Existential therapy, existential psychotherapy, existential-therapy Empathy, empathie Non-directive, nondirective Humanism, Humanistic psychology Self-actualisation, self-actualization Encounter therapy, encounter-group-therapy Constructivism b. Psychologischer Index Avenues: Behandlung und Prävention Klientenzentrierte und humanistische Therapie Selbsterfahrungsgruppen Sachregister Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie 2.2. Journals examined in detail a. "Broad spectrum" journals - Psychotherapy - Journal of Humanistic Psychology - International Journal of Group Psychotherapy - Journal of Counseling Psychology - Journal of Psychotherapy Integration - Psychotherapy Research - Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie b. Client-centered/experiential journals, newsletters, yearbooks 4 - English: The Person-centered Journal; The Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy; Renaissance. - German: GwG Zeitschrift; Brennpunkt; Personzentriert; APG-Kontakte; Jahrbuch für Personenzentrierte Psychologie und Psychotherapie - Dutch: Tijdschrift voor cliëntgerichte psychotherapie 3. CALL FOR ASSISTANCE Although I tried to make the bibliography as complete as possible as to English, German and Dutch, I know there must be some gaps. I would be very grateful, therefore, if you would send me references of publications not yet included (especially chapters from books, articles in nonwidely spread journals, theses and dissertations, unpublished manuscripts). Corrections of references are also most welcome. These additional references and corrections will all be included in the bibliographical brochure of the next conference. Send them to: Germain Lietaer Counseling Centrum Blijde Inkomststraat 13 3000 Leuven, Belgium 5 REGISTER OF TOPICS A. SURVEYS AND HISTORY B. ATTITUDES AND INTERVENTIONS OF THE THERAPIST C. THE CHANGE PROCESS OF THE CLIENT; CASES D. FOCUSING PROCESSES E. CONCEPTION OF MAN; THEORY OF PERSONALITY AND PERSONALITY CHANGE F. RESEARCH: EMPIRICAL STUDIES, SURVEYS, RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES G. DIFFERENTIAL CCT; THE OUTPATIENT POPULATION H. SEVERELY DISTURBED CLIENTS; PSYCHIATRIC SETTING I. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOSOMATICS J. DIALOGUE WITH OTHER ORIENTATIONS: COMPARISON; INTEGRATION K. OTHER HUMANISTIC/EXPERIENTIAL/EXISTENTIAL APPROACHES L. CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, AND THEIR PARENTS M. COUPLES AND FAMILIES N. GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY AND GROWTH GROUPS O. EDUCATION; HUMAN RELATIONS; PREVENTION; ORGANIZATIONS; SOCIAL ISSUES P. TRAINING OF THERAPISTS AND NON-PROFESSIONALS Q. BIOGRAPHY; INTERVIEWS; AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL 11 BOOKS 1993-1997 (all languages) Alemany, C. (1997). Psicoterapia experiencial y focusing. La aportación de E.T. Gendlin. Bilbao: Desclée De Brouwer. Auckenthaler, A. (1995). Supervision psychotherapeutischer Praxis: OrganisationStandards-Wirklichkeit. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1997). Carl Rogers' helping system. Journey and substance. London: Sage. Behr, M., Esser, U., Petermann, F., Sachse, R., & Tausch, R. (1994). Personzentrierte Psychologie & Psychotherapie. Band IV. Jahrbuch 1994. Köln: GwG. Bergermann, W. (1995). Focusing. Selbsthilfe durch Körpererfahrung. München: Humbolt. Biermann, E.-M., Eckert, J., & Schwartz, H.-J. (1995). Gesprächspsychotherapie. Verändern durch Verstehen (7th rev. ed.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Binder, U. (1994). Empathieentwicklung und Pathogenese in klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Überlegungen zu einem systemimmanenten Konzept. Eschborn: Dietmar Klotz. Boeck-Singelmann, C., Ehlers, B., Hensel, T., Kemper, F., & Mondeu-Engelherdt, C. (1996). Personzentrierte Psychotherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Band I. Grundlagen und Konzepte. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Bohart, A., & Greenberg, L. S. (Eds.). (1997). Empathy reconsidered. New directions in psychotherapy. Washington, D.C.: A.P.A. Boy, A.V., & Pine, G. J. (1995). Child-centered counseling and psychotherapy. Springfield, IL.: Charles C Thomas. Braaten, L. J. (1994). Person-centered group psychotherapy: Theoretical and empirical contributions. Blindern: Publikasjoner fra Psykologisk institutt. Brazier, D. (Ed.). (1993). Beyond Carl Rogers: Towards a psychotherapy for the twentyfirst century. London: Constable. [Trans. (1997) Más allá de Carl Rogers. Bilbao: Desclée De Brouwer] Dahmer, H., & Dahmer, J. (1993). Gesprächsführung. Eine praktische Anleitung (3rd ed.). Stuttgart: Thieme. Deter, D., Sander, K., & Terjung, B. (1997). Die Kraft des Personzentrierten Ansatzes. Praxis und Anwendungsgebiete. Köln: GwG. Eckert, J. (Ed.). (1995). Forschung zur Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Aktuelle Ansätze und Ergebnisse. Köln: GwG. Eckert, J., Höger, D., & Linster, H. (Eds.). (1993). Die Entwicklung der Person und ihre Störung. Band 1. Entwurf einer ätiologisch orientierten Krankheitslehre im Rahmen des klientenzentrierten Konzepts. Köln: GwG. Eckert, J., Höger, D., & Linster, H. W. (Eds.). (1997). Praxis der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Störungsbezogene Falldarstellungen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 12 Esser, U., Pabst, H., & Speierer, G.-W. (Eds.). (1996). The power of the person centered approach. New challenges, perspectives, answers. Köln: GwG. Esser, U., Sander, K., & Terjung, B. (Eds.). (1996). Die Kraft des Personzentrierten Ansatzes. Erlebnisaktivierende Methoden. Köln: GwG. Farber, B. A., Brink, D. C., & Raskin, P. M. (Eds.). (1996). The psychotherapy of Carl Rogers. Cases and commentary. New York: Guilford. Finke, J. (1994). Empathie und Interaktion. Methodik und Praxis der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme. Friedman, N. (1995). On focusing: How to access your own and other people's direct experience. (Mass. Av., Arlington, MA 02174, USA) Frielingsdorf-Appelt, C., Pabst, H., & Speierer, G.-W. (Eds.). (1996). Gesprächspsychotherapie: Theorie, Krankenbehandlung, Forschung. Köln: GwG. Gendlin, E. T. (1996). Focusing-oriented psychotherapy. A manual of the experiential method. New York: Guilford. Greenberg, L. S., Rice, L. N., & Elliott, R. (1993). Facilitating emotional change. The moment-by-moment process. New York: Guilford. Greenberg, L. S., Watson, J., & Lietaer, G. (Eds.). (1997). Handbook of experiential psychotherapy. New York: Guilford. Hutterer, R., Pawlowsky, G., Schmid, P. F., & Stipsits, R. (Eds.). (1996). Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy. A paradigm in motion. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Jaede, W., & Portera, A. (Eds.). (1993). Begegnung mit dem Fremden. Interkulturelle Beratung, Therapie und Pädagogik in der Praxis. Köln: GwG. Kalmthout, M. van (1997). Persoonsgerichte psychotherapie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. Keil, W. W., Hick, P., Korbei, L., & Poch, V. (Eds.). (1994). Selbstverständnis: Beiträge zur Theorie der Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie. Bergheim: Mackinger. Köhler-Weisker, A., Horn, K., & Schülein, J. A. (1993). Auf der Suche nach dem wahren Selbst. Eine Auseinanderzetzung mit Carl Rogers. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. Leijssen, M. (1995). Gids voor gesprekstherapie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. Lemke, H. (1993). Personzentrierte Beratung in der Seelsorge. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Lietaer, G., & Van Kalmthout, M. (Eds.). (1995). Praktijkboek gesprekstherapie. Psychopathologie en experiëntiële procesbevordering. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. Linster, H., Schmidtchen, S., & Speierer, G.-W. (Eds.). (1995). Die Entwicklung der Person und ihre Störung. Band 2. Theorien und Ergebnisse zur Grundlegung einer klientenzentrierten Krankheitslehre. Köln: GwG. Mearns, D. (1994). Developing person-centred counselling. London: Sage. Mearns, D. (1997). Person-centred counselling training. London: Sage. Merry, R., & Lusty, R. (1993). What is person-centred therapy. Loughton, Essex: Gale Publications. Merry, T. (1995). Invitation to person-centred psychology. London: Whurr. 13 Moshagen, D. H. (Ed.). (1997). Klientenzentrierte Therapie bei Depression, Schizophrenie und psychosomatischen Störungen. Heidelberg: Asanger. Page, R. C., & Berkow, D. N. (1995). Creating contact, choosing relationship: The dynamics of unstructured group therapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Patterson, C. H., & Hidore, S. C. (1996). Successful psychotherapy: A caring, loving relationship. Northvale: Jason Aronson. Pörtner, M. (1994). Praxis der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Interviews mit Therapeuten. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta (Translation in English available through author). Pörtner, M. (1996). Ernstnehmen, Zutrauen, Verstehen. Personzentrierte Haltung im Umgang mit geistig behinderten und pflegebedürftigen Menschen. Stuttgart: KlettCotta. Prouty, G. (1994). Theoretical evolutions in person-centered/experiential therapy. Applications to schizophrenic and retarded psychoses. New York: Praeger. Reisch, E. (1994). Verletzbare Nähe. Ein klientenzentrierter Weg zum psychosomatischen Patienten. München: Pfeiffer. Ripke, T. (1994). Patient und Arzt im Dialog. Praxis der ärztlichen Gesprächsführung. Stuttgart: Thieme. Sachse, R. (1995). Der Psychosomatische Klient in der Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Sachse, R. (1996). Praxis der Zielorientierten Gesprächspsychotherapie. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Sachse, R. (1997). Personlichkeitsstörungen.. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Schmid, P.F. (1994). Personzentrierte Gruppenpsychotherapie. Ein Handbuch. Band I. Solidarität und Autonomie. Köln: Edition Humanistische Psychologie. Schmid, P. F. (1995). Personale Begegnung der personzentrierte Ansatz in Psychotherapie, Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Seelsorge. (2nd rev. ed.). Würzburg: Echter. Schmid, P. F. (1996). Personzentrierte Gruppenpsychotherapie in der Praxis. Band II. Die Kunst der Begegnung. Paderborn: Junfermann. Schmid, P. F., & Rogers, C. R. (1995) Person-zentriert. Grundlagen von Theorie und Praxis. Mit einem kommentierten Beratungsgespräch von Carl Rogers. (2nd. rev. ed.). Mainz: Grünewald. Schmidtchen, S. (1996). Klientenzentrierte Spiel- und Familientherapie (4th rev. ed.). Weinheim: PVU. Silverstone, L. (1997). Art therapy. The person-centred way (2nd ed.). London: Jessica Kingsley publishers. Speierer, G.-W. (1994). Das Differentielle Inkongruenzmodell (DIM). Heidelberg: Asanger. Sommer, N., & Bommert, C. (1995). Eine anständige Familie. Frankfurt/Main: Fischer. Suhd, M. (Ed.). (1995). Positive regard. Carl Rogers and the notables be inspired. Palo Alto: Science and Behavior Books. Tausch, R. (1996). Hilfen bei Stress und Belastung. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt. 14 Tausch-Flammer, D. (1993). Sterbenden nahe sein. Was können wir noch tun? Freiburg: Herder. Teusch, L., & Finke, J. (1993). Krankheitslehre der Gesprächspsychotherapie. Heidelberg: Asanger. Teusch, L., Finke, J., & Gastpar, M. (Eds.). (1994). Gesprächspsychotherapie bei schweren psychiatrischen Störungen: neue Konzepte und Anwendungsfelder. Heidelberg: Asanger. Thorne, B., & Lambers, E. (1998). Person-centred therapy: A european perspective. London: Sage. Weiser, A. (1996). The power of focusing. Berkeley: Focusing Resources, 2625 Alcatraz Ave. #202, CA 94705.. [Trans. (1999) ] Wiltschko, J. (1995). Focusing-Therapie. Einige Splitter, in denen das Ganze sichtbar werden kann. Würzburg: DAF. 15 ENGLISH D Afford, P. (1994). Focusing. In D. Jones (Ed.), Innovative therapy: A handbook (pp. 100-114). Buckingham, England: Open University Press. D-e Alemany, C. (1995). Experiential focusing and Ignation spirituality. The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, 14(2), 59-70. B-j Allen, B. (1995). Person-centered attitudes or actions? Charley the Star-Kist Tuna explains it all for you with the help of Konstantin Stanislavski. The Person-centered Journal, 2(2), 5-11. K-f Allen, J. G., Coyne, L., Colson, D. B., & Horwitz, L. (1996). Pattern of therapist interventions associated with patient collaboration. Psychotherapy, 33(2), 254-261. B Alpert, D. J. (1995). We-rhythm therapy. Journal, 2(1), 85-88. O-n Altschul, D. B., & Steadman, K. E. (1996). A person-centered journey to Warm Springs. The Person-centered Journal, 3(1), 70-71. K-m Anderson, H. D. (1995). Collaborative language systems: Toward a postmodern therapy. In R. H. Mikesell, D. D. Lusterman & S. H. McDaniel (Eds.), Integrating family therapy: Handbook of family psychology and systems theory (pp. 27-44). Washington, DC.: American Psychological Association. K-b Anshin, R. N. (1995). Intersubjectivity, creative uncertainty, and systems theory: An approach to the clinical use of empathy. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 23(3), 369-378. D-m Armstrong, M. K. (1995). The use of focusing to explore the self and the self in intimate relationships. The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, 14(3), 25-30. B Auckenthaler, A. (1996). Open rules and open individualized planning. An alternative to a reductionist understanding of therapist actions. In U. Esser, H. Pabst, & G.-W. Speierer (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 55-64). B-f Bachelor, A. (1995). Client's perception of the therapeutic alliance: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43, 323-337. K-n Ballinger, B., & Yalom, I. (1995). Group therapy in practice. In B. M. Bongar & L. E. Beutler (Eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychotherapy: Theory and practice. New York: Oxford University Press. D-a Ballou, M. (1995). Focusing. In M. Ballou (Ed.), Psychological interventions: A guide to strategies (pp. 117-124). Westport: Praeger/Greenwood. K-j Bankart, C. P. (1996). Talking cures. A history of Western and Eastern psychotherapies. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole. 16 The Person-centered K-j Barak, Y., & Rabinowitz, G. (1995). Gestalt elements in D. W. Winnicott's psychoanalytic technique. Gestalt Journal, 18(2), 87-91. D-j Barba, S. (1994). Subtle mind subtle body. An interface approach: the use of experiential focusing with Jin Shin Do acupressure. The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, 13(3), 39-60. D-j Barba, S. (1995). Interface and Jin Shin Do. The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, 14(1), 43-55. D-j Barba, S. (1995). Embodying our spirit through breath. The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, 14(2), 49-58. I Barbour, A. (1995). Caring for patients. A critique of the medical model. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. F Barker, C., Pistrang, N., & Elliott, R. (1994). Research methods in clinical and counselling psychology. New York: Wiley. K-n Bar-on, D. (1996). Attempting to overcome the intergenerational transmission of trauma: Dialogue between descendants of victims and of perpetrators. In R. J. Apfel & B. Simon (Eds.), Minefields in their hearts: The mental health of children in war and communal violence (pp. 165-188). New Haven: Yale University Press. O Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1994). Toward a person-centered theory of community. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 34(3), 62-86. F-e Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1996). Therapy and groups in context: A study of developmental episodes in adulthood. In R. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 185-198). A Barrett-Lennard, G. T. (1997). The span of Carl Roger's helping system: Journey and substance. London: Sage. C-b Barrineau, P. (1996). A reexamination of the role of dreams (from a person-centered perspective): Practical implications for mental health counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 18(1), 3-15. F-c Barth, R., & Sanford, R. (1994). Human science and the personcentered approach: An inquiry into the inner process of significant change within individuals. The Person-Centered Journal, 1(2), 19-36. [corrections: issue 3, 93-95] K-b Bass, L-h Baum, N. T. (1994). The phenomena of playing within the process of sandplay therapy. In N. Bouras, (Ed.), Mental health in mental retardation: Recent advances and practices (pp. 255-272). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. B-k Bayne, R. (1995). Psychological type and counselling. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 23(1), 95-106. A. (1996). Holding, holding back, and holding on: Commentary on paper by Joyce Slochower. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 6(3), 361-378. 17 K-b Beaumont, H. (1993). Martin Buber's 'I-thou' and fragile selforganisation. Gestalt couples therapy. British Gestalt Journal, 2, 85-94. K-g Beck, J. G. (1995). What's love got to do with it?: The interplay between low and excessive desire disorders. In R. C. Rosen & S. R. Leiblum (Eds.), Case studies in sex therapy ( pp. 46-64). New York: Guilford. B-f Beckham, E. E. (1992). Predicting patient psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 29, 177-182. C Beech, C., & Brazier, D. (1996). Empathy for a real world. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 331-346). K-c Bergantino, L. (1995). Invading the unconscious with the patient's own craziness to create "existential shift". Voices, 31(1), 18-22. H Berghofer, G. (1996). Dealing with schizophrenia. A personcentered approach providing care to long-term patients in supported residential service in Vienna. In R. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 481-493). F-h Bierman, R. (1996-97). Focusing in therapy with incarcerated domestically violent men. The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, 15(2), 47-58. E Biermann-Ratjen, E.-M. (1996). On the way to a client-centered psychopathology. In R. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 1124). F-m Bischoff, R. J., & McBride, A. (1996). Client perceptions of couples and family therapy. American Journal of Family Therapy, 24(2), 117-128. C-b Bohart, A. (1995). Mr. Lake. Integration, 5(2), 95-106. C Bohart, A. (1995). Reflections on failure. Psychotherapy Integration, 5(2), 155-158. A Bohart, A. C. (1995). The person-centered psychotherapies. In A. S. Gurman & S. B. Messer (Eds.), Essential psychotherapies: Theory and practice (pp. 85-127). New York: Guilford. B Bohart, A. C. (1995). If we dance, who leads? centered Journal, 2(1), 35-37. E Bohart, A. C. (1995). Configurationism: Constructivism from an experiential perspective. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 8(4), 317-326. B-j Bohart, A., & Greenberg, L. S. (Eds.). (1997). Empathy reconsidered: New directions in psychotherapy. Washington, D.C.: A.P.A. B Bohart, A. C., & Rosenbaum, R. (1995). The dance of empathy: Empathy, diversity, and technical eclecticism. The Personcentered Journal, 2(1), 5-29. F-c Bohart, A. C. et. al. (1996). Experiencing, knowing, and change. In R. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 199-211). 18 Journal of dropout in In R. Psychotherapy Journal of The Person- C-j Bohart, A. C., & Tallman, K. (1996). The active client: Therapy as self-help. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 36(3), 7-30. J-k Bongar, B., & Beutler, L. E. (1995). Comprehensive textbook of psychotherapy. Theory and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boswell, D. L., & Dodd, D. K. (1994). Balance theory: A social psychological explanation of the therapeutic value of unconditional positive regard. Journal of Psychology, 128(1), 101-109. B C-b Bower, D. (1994). Transcript of therapy session. centered Journal, 1(3), 78-88. L Boy, A.V., & Pine, G. J. (1995). Child-centered counseling and psychotherapy. Springfield, IL.: Charles C Thomas. A Bozarth, J. D. (1995). Person-centered therapy: A misunderstood paradigmatic difference? The Person-centered Journal, 2(2), 12-17. O-n Bozarth, J. D. (1996). Designated facilitators in person-centered community groups: unnecessary and insufficient. Renaissance, 13(2, 3 & 4, with comments by K. Newton). B-a Bozarth, J. D. (1996). The integrative statement of Carl R. Rogers. In R. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 25-33). B Bozarth, J. D. (1996). Client-centered therapy and techniques. In R. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 363-368). H-c Bozarth, J. D. (1996). Reflections and reactions to Carl R. Rogers with Mr. Vac: Implications for future therapeutic interactions with severely disturbed clients. In R. Hutterer et al. (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 495-498). E-b Bozarth, J. D. (1996). A theoretical reconceptualization of the necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic personality change. The Person-centered Journal, 3(1), 4451. C-h Bozarth, J. D. (1996). A silent young man. The case of Jim Brown. In B. A. Farber, D. C. Brink, & P. M. Raskin (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 240-250). A Bozarth, J. (1997). The person-centred approach. In C. Feltham (Ed.), Which psychotherapy? Leading exponents explain their differences. London: Sage. N-f Braaten, L. J. (1994). Person-centered group psychotherapy: Theoretical and empirical contributions. Blindern: Publikasjoner fra Psykologisk institutt. N-o Braaten, L. (1996). A person-centered perspective on leadership and team-building. Unpublished manuscript, University of Oslo. E Braaten, L. (1996). Competition and solidarity: An evolving person-centered model for self development based upon theory and empirical research. In U. Esser, H. Pabst, & G.-W. Speierer (Eds.), o.c. (pp. 91-106). 19 The Person- L-j Brems, C. (1993). A comprehensive guide to child psychotherapy. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. F-j Brent, D. A., Roth, C. M., Holder, D. P., Kolko, D. 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RESEARCH: EMPIRICAL STUDIES, SURVEYS, RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES G. DIFFERENTIAL CCT; THE OUTPATIENT POPULATION H. SEVERELY DISTURBED CLIENTS; PSYCHIATRIC SETTING I. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOSOMATICS J. DIALOGUE WITH OTHER ORIENTATIONS: COMPARISON; INTEGRATION K. OTHER HUMANISTIC/EXPERIENTIAL/EXISTENTIAL APPROACHES L. CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, AND THEIR PARENTS M. COUPLES AND FAMILIES N. GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY AND GROWTH GROUPS O. EDUCATION; HUMAN RELATIONS; PREVENTION; ORGANIZATIONS; SOCIAL ISSUES P. TRAINING OF THERAPISTS AND NON-PROFESSIONALS Q. BIOGRAPHY; INTERVIEWS; AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL 88