Ju-88A4 1/48 Scale Pro Modeler(19mb pdf file)
Ju-88A4 1/48 Scale Pro Modeler(19mb pdf file)
It>G.III):!,- LER" by Revell-Monog 1/48 ra m SCALE MASSTAB 1:48 Development of the Junkers Ju 88 began in 1935 when requirements were issued tor a Schneitbomber, a medium sized bomber that could use its speed as part of its defense against enemy fighters. These requirements specif ied a three-seat aircraft with a maximum speed of 310 miles-per-hour and a bomb load up to I,765 pounds. Although several German aircraft companies submitted proposals, the Junkers Ju 88 was selected for production, and work on three prototypes began in 1936. The first of these made its initial flight on December 21, 1936. The first production version was the Ju 88A, and many subvariants of this version were manufactured. The first of these included the basic Ju 88A-1 bomber, the Ju 88A-2, which had more powerful engines and the capability to use rocket assisted take-off packs, and the Ju 884-3 trainer. The Ju 884-4, which this ProModeler kit represents, was an improved bomber version with uprated Jumo 211J-1 or J-2 engines and an increased wing area, It could cafiy a bomb load in excess of 4,000 pounds in its bomb bay and under its wings. Development of the Ju 88A series continued through the Ju 88A-1 7 anti-shipping aircraft. The airframe of the Ju B8 was so versatile that it was modified for many additional roles as the war progressed. The next major production version was the Ju 88C, and both Zerstorer (heavy fighter) and night fighter variants of the Ju 88C series were produced. Later, Ju 88G and Ju 88R night fighters were also produced. For the reconnaissance role, the Ju 8BD was developed, as was the ESCALA 1/48 1/48 ECHELLE long range recon variant known as the Ju 88H. The Ju BBS bomber versions were lighter airframes with BMW B01D radial engines replacing the Jumo powerplants of the earlier variants. A reconnaissance version of the Ju 88S was designated the Ju 88T. Other versions were produced in smaller numbers, and these included the Ju 88P series which had large anti-tank guns. An interesting use of the Ju 88 was the Mistel program of flying bombs. ln this project, the Ju 88 became a large, unmanned flying bomb packed with explosives and a shaped warhead that could penetrate almost any hardened target. lt was controlled by an Fw 190 or a Bf 109 fighter which was attached to a framework on top of it. For most of the flight, the fighter and Ju 88 flew as a single unit, but as the pilot of the fighter neared the target, he separated fronr the Ju 88. As rhe fighter turned for home, the Ju 88 continued into the target with its load of explosives. Although it was originally designed as a fast medium bomber, the Ju 88 was an excellent example of how the Luftwaffe modified its aircraft designs of World War ll to perform a wide variety of missions. From the Battle of Britain until the final days of the war, Ju 88s operated on every front and remained one of the major weapons of the German air force, Your ProModeler kit comes with markings for four different Ju 884-4 bombers. These include 3./KG 54 and 2./LG1 which operated in ltaly in 1943, STAB lll./KG3 Blitz Geschwader, and 9./KG 51 Edelweiss Geschwader which was assigned to the Russian front. REVELL-MONOGRAM, lNC. Morton Grove, lllinois Copyright @ 1998. Allrights reserved. Made in U.S.A. 85594800200 READ THIS SEFORE YOU BEGIN Study the assembly drawings. Each plastic part is idenlified by a.number. Scrapeplaling from areas to be cemented. Check the fit ol each piece belore cementing into place. Do not use too much cement lo join parts. Use only cernent lor polystyrene dastic. Models may be painled to match pholos on box. Allow paint to dry thoroughly belore handling parts. Scrape painl trom areas to be cemenledFor better paint and decal adh6ion, wash the plastic parts in a mild detergent solulion. Rinse and let air dry. LISEZ CE QUI SI,'IT AVAHT DE LEA ESTO ANTES DE COIIIIEI{CER LE MONTAGE EiIPEZAR . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ @ @ t r TX' TOT CEMEiIT IEE PAS COLLER IICHT TLEBEN f,O US PEGAUENTO . . . Etudier les schemas d'assemblage. Chaque piece plasraque po.te un numero d' identifrcatbn. Grattez le chromage sur les surlaces a coller. Controler que cfiaq:e SriEce soit bren cinfirm.€ aYant de la coller a sa pl€ceN utalisez Das fop (b coue pour r6unir les fiq:esUtilisq Lnquerre,It ufle colle speciale pour polystyren e. Le modele psjt eire peini conlo.me.rEnt arx photos surbdteLaissez s€drer la p€inture cornplelenenl avant de rnar!iler les pieces. Grdez la peinture sur les sur{ffi d6/ante etre collees. Pour assurer la meilleure adhesion possible de la peinture des d6calomanies, laver les pieces de plaslique avecune lfuere solulion savonneuse. Rinse et laisser secher a l'aire. . . . . . . r Verifiquequecadapieza encaje bien anles de posici6n. No use demasiado pegamento paraunir las piezas. Use unicamente pegamento paraplastico de poliestiilna. El modelo puede pir,tarse de acuerdo con las fot€rarias de la caja. Permita que se seque la pintura crmpleta mente antes de tocar las piezas. Raspe la pinture de las superficiea que serdn pegadas. Para una mejor fiiacion de la pinlura y de las calcoma nias lavense las piezas plesti cas en una solu-ci6n de detergente suave. Enjua-guense y dejense secar al aire. oEcAL (DtP tN W IERI oEcaLclltAt{rE (A pLoxGER DAxs L.EAUI REPEAT SEVEHAL THES A BEPETEN PLUSIEUBS FOE BEPITA VANNS YEC€S ARBEITSGANG IIEHRI'ALS wlEDERHOLEN REIrcVE AI{O THHO}Y AWAY A NETIREB ET JETEN AUTE Y TIRE DECALCOMAIITA ABZIEHgILO o Estudie los dibujos de ensamblaje. Cada pieza de plastico se identilicapor un n0mero. Raspe el laminado de las superricies que seran p€gadas. OPTIONAL PARTS PIECES EN OPNON PIEZAS OPCIONALES BAUIEILE NACH WAHL (nO'E COt{ AGIJA) E'ITFERt{EN (ABFALL) Every elfort has been made to create and manufachrre a model kit that is the [inesl available. lf a part is missing, pleas€ write to: Revell-Monogram ALLGEMEINE HINWEISE Die Anordnung der Bauteile ist den Zeichnungen der Anieitung ersichtich. Jedes Plastikeil ist durch eine Nummer gekennzeichnet. Dei Beschichiung muss von alien Klebestellen vorher entlemt werden. Die Teile vor dem Verkieben ungeleamt zusam-menhallen urn ihe, Pass itz zu pfljlen. o o . . r . o . . r . Klebdoll nbht zu drck autlragien. Nur Moddbaukleber fur Polystyrol verwenden. Man Kann das modell nach den lolos auf d€r sctlachtel anstreicfren. Bemalte Tdle vo. der WeiteruerwerEur,,g gut trocknen lassenDie Farbe muss von allen speteren Klebestdlen abgeschabt werden. Damit sie Farbe und die Abziehbilder kleben sind die Plastikteile in einer milden Seifenlauge z waschen. Dann abspiilen und an der Lufi trocknen lassen. PAINTING TIPS AND NOTES t,ODEUNG TIPS lf you have any problems building this model, call our modeling tips hotline al: Consumer Service Department 8601 Waukegan Road Morton Grove, lllinois 60053 Be sure to include the kit number. parl number_ (800) 833-3s70 description, and your retum address. To complete this kit as shown, we recommand the following paints. EilGLISH FS EOUIVAI.EilT PfiOMOD€I.ER GERMAil SPATISH FRE'{CH GRAY, RLM 02 24226 88-q).rs GRAU FFIS GRIS RED, RLM 23 11350 88-OOO3 ROT ROJO ROUGE LIGHT GREEN, RLM 25 34090 NONE HELLGRON VERDE CLARO VERT CLAIR YELLOW, RLM 27 23538 NONE GELB AMARILLO JAUNE LIGHT BLUE, RLM 65 24277 NONE HELLBLAU AZUL CLARO BLEU CLAIR DARK GRAY, RLM 65 26008 NONE DUNKELGRAU GRIS BOTELLA GRIS VAISSEAU BLACI(.GREEN, RLM 70 34052 88-0()43 SCHWARZGRON VERDE NEGRO ALEMAN VERT HOIR.ALLEMANO DARK GREEN, RLM 7T 34079 88-q)44 DUNKELGRON VERDE OSCURO VERT FONCE DARK GRAY. RLM 74 36081 NONE DUNKELGRAU GRIS EOTELLA GRIS VAISSEAU LIGHT BLUE. RLM 76 36473 88-OO42 HELLBLAU AZUL CLARO BLEU CLAIR LIGHT GRAY, RLM 77 36493 NONE KOMPASSGRAU GRIS CLARO GRIS CLAIR SAND.YELLOW, RLM 79 r 3523 NONE BRAUN.GELB CANELA.AMARILLO BFUN-JAUNE FLAT WHITE 37855 88-OO23 MATT.WEISS BLANCO BLANC FLAT BLACK 37038 88-0022 MATT SCHWARZ NEGRO APAGAOO NOIR TRENE STEEL NONE 88-OOl 5 EISENFARSIG MATALICO METALLIOUE SILVER NONE 88-OOr 3 SILVER PLATA ARGENT GUNMETAL NONE NONE NEGRO.METALICO NOIR.METALLIOUE , SCHWARZ.EISENFARSI6 STIIID I,COCITIDIT N^rIT NT TNfli ASSI]ilBI,f RADIO EOUIPMENT A41 DARK GRAY RLM 66 WITH FLAT BLACK ELECTRONIC GEAH, SILVER SWITCHES, AND WHITE INSTRTJMENT DETAILS Paintall codqn pcti 0ARK GRAY R[-M 68, bdotc as!.rnttty €Ead a3 nobd. The insEument pand and sdnc ofthc pand! on ths s&rc con!oae. wcrE FIAT BIACK Details on thc ir$umenB rvec FIAT WHffE or a wry Fil}{nilG NOTe BEFORE ASSEMBLY. @* pelcYEtlOW. AMMUNITION BOX 427 STEEL RADIO OPERATOF'S SEAT A30 I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I ! I I I I la',.tt !\--'-oooo)oofta I t \=J FLOOR A46 FLAT BI-ACK CONSOLES WITH SILVER SW]TCHES l. DARK GRAY RLM 66 II "aa '..1 t / I Cement llre PltOfS SEAI (S4) io lho COC{PIT ttOOR (A'16). AMMUN]TION 2. Gluo the BOMBARDIER/NAVICATOPS SEAI (A3t) to its locolion on lhe COCXPII FTOOR BOX Gtt6). s3 STEEL 3. Com6nl lhe 4. RADIO OPERAIOR'S SEAT (A3O to lhe COCKPII cluo lho AMMUNITION BOX (lxt) to the lefr Ccto ot the 5. Cemenl lhe AMMUNmON BOx (A2D to the 6. Glue lhe RAD]O EAUIPMEM COCKPIT FTOOR (A16)' dght 3ido of lhe COCKPIT FTOOR (M6). (4,{l) io lho slol neo] the leor ot lhe COCKPIT 7. Cemenl lhe YOKE (A39) lo the CONIROT G38) to the COCKPII FTOOR @16). FTOOR (r\46). PAINTING t.ils FTOOR (446). COTUMN (A38), lhen glue the CONTROT COTUMN TIP: Run somc light gr.y w.sh around thc cockpit dca?ter the basic DARK 6RAY, RLM 66, paint is completely dry, This will mak6 th6 ddails st.nd out brftor aftrr tha modal is ass€mbled, and it will also add a wgathared appcaranca. Using 3om. flet black wash in some a,Gas will also add to thi! eff.ct. ( STEP I, COCKPIT ASSEMBLY, CONtiNUEd) %-Wffi ry '^S[".f' ! i BUDDER PEDAL BASE F18 DARK GRAY RLM 65 \ ! \ I t I I t I I I I I I -.lr> COCKPIT ASSEMBLY O+ PEDAL ASSEMBLIES 8. elue lhree sels of WIDE CONTROT HANDIIS (F20) ond three 9. Moke top rudder p€dot in lhe cockpii' sds c' NARROW CONIROT HANDTES (Flg) to tho left side consolo ql the lor lefl' pEDAt (Fts) to o RUDDER pEDAt BASE (FI6) os shown in lhe detoil dlowing ossembties by gluing o RUDDER io the ftonl end of lhe cockpit ossombly' 10. Glue lhetwo completed ]udder pedol ossembliG ( SIEP l, COC{PII ASSEMBLY. contlnued) I I. Glro the TOP OF INSTRUMENT CONSOI'E 0MS) to the tllsilR MENI CONSOTE (424) os shown in lhe &owlng of dglt lhcn glue the INSIRUMEM CONSOIE 0M4) to the reflT TOP OF INSTBUIIENT CONSOLE N25 DARK GFAY RLM 66 TORI^'ARD COCKPIT PANETG2 I ). I I{STRUMENTooiasoLE ta1 DAHK GRAY RLM 66 RIG}IT FORWARD COCKPTT PANEL 421 DARK GRAY RLM66- COCKPIT PANEL A22 DARK GRAY RLM 66 -RIGHTREAR 12. Comonllhe OXYGEN SUPPTY (A23) tothc SGHT REAR COCKPII PANET (422) os illuslroted in the drcwang io the right. OXYGEN SUPPLY A23 BLUE STItrID HIM l. ATt Gt e 2, FUSI}LIGItr ASSIIUBI,Y * PARTS BEFORE ASSEMBIY' ihe MEIAIIZED STRIPS @2) to lhe in ths d€0oil irrne<[otely to the dght. iiorm Azal os shown dowhg Z GIle the ossembly ol ihe MOUNT G26) .r,a rir umrrzro sritps @2) ro rho rop d lho nrg.lbr (HGHT HAIF) (Aa ccrown otso in {-JHt* llE deloil to th€ ]ighi' 3. Use a water-based glue, and attach the EZ-6 DIRECTION FINDER (G6) to the tuselage right hall over the MOUNT (A2B)- RLM 66 4. Using a water-based whae glue, attach the two FuG 1O ANTENNA INSULATORS (G5) to the tOP Of the FUSELAGE TRIGHT HALF! (A2}. 5. Ref ar to the dgtail drawing at lhe far right and glue the TAIL GEAR GUARD IRIGHT HALFI (A5l to the TAIL GEAR GUARD ILEFT HALFI (A7} while trapping rh€ TAIL WHEEL (A1O) between the two guards. Be sute not to let any cement touch the TAIL WHEEL (A10). "ourar,.o-% Flat blacl( wheel with a dirty or muddy dark gray tire. 6. Glue the TAIL GEAR MOUNT (Ag) to rhe top of the-assembled tail gear guard and wheel. 7. VERTICAL TAIL [LEFT HALR cemenr the TAIL GEAR STRUT (A8) to the FUG hole in the front of the TAIL GEAR MOUNT (A9). INSULATOR G5 CLEAR 8. Paint the area of the tail gear well on both fuselage halves, pans A1 and A2, GRAY, RLM 02, prior to adding the l0 ANTENNA COMPLETED TAIL GEAR ASSEMBLY. 9. Glue rhe COMPLETED TAIL GEAR ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE to its position at the rear end of the at DIRECTbN e6 TRIGHT HALFI (A2}. CLEAR FUSEI.AGE COMPLETED RIGHT FORWARD FUSELAGE [RIGHT A2 COMPLETED INSTRUMENT PANEL I .le:: TR/AILING./>": * ANTENNA TED LEFT FORWARD FUSELAGE FUSELAGE TLEFT HALFI MOUNT G2 At CLEAR I o. Cement the COMPLETED CoCKP|T ASSEMBLY into the CoMPLETED LEFT FoRWARD FUSELAGE. 1 1. GIUE thB COMPLETED INSTRUMENT PANEL tO thE COMPLETEO RIGHT FORWARD FUSELAGE. 10 \ COVER A34 PAINTING NOTE: Paint the inside of the tail gear well GRAY RLM 02, Prior to assembly. 12. Carefuily ioin the COMPLETED RTGHT FORWARO FUSELAGE to the COMPLETEO LEFT FORWARD FUSELAGE while trapping the COMPLETED cocKplT ASSEMBLY and the COMPLETED INSTRUMENT PANEL botween them. Make sure all parts lin6 up correctly. 13. Cement the COVER (A34) into lts hole on the left 3ide ol the aft fuselage. 14. Use a small drop ot water-based white glue to attach theTRAIL|NG ANTENNA MOUNT (G2) to its hole on the left side of the aft fuselage' 1s. Gtue rhe FUSELAGE (LEFT HALF) (A1) to the FUSELAGE (RIGHT HALF) (A2). 16. Cement the forward luselage assembly to the tront end of the main fuselage assembly. 17. GtuetheVERT|CALTA|L(LEFIHALF)(Nl1)rorheVEHTICALTAIL(RIGHTHALF)(N12), thengluethevertlcaltail totheaftendof thetuselage. STEP 8, TAIL ASSEIIBTY LEFT HORIZONTAL TAIL rroP RIGHT HOR]ZONTAL PAINT ALL PARTS AFTER ASSEMBLY. Glue the LEFT HORIZONTAL TAIL ITOP HALFI (N3) to the LEFT HORIZONTAL TAIL TBOTTOM HALFI (N5). 1. HALFT N3 FOP HALR N4& IBOTTOMHALR N6 l (SHOYI'N ASSETUBLED AND JOII{ED TO FUSELAGE) 2. Cemenl ihe completed left horizontal tail into place on the aft fuselage. I I ! I 3. CEMEM thE RIGHT HORIZONTAL TAIL IT@ HALFI (Na) to the RIGHT HORIZONTAL TAIL IEOTTOM HALFI O6). 4. LEFT HORIZONTAL TAIL dle completed right horizdrtal tail imo Glue ttr IEOTTOM HALFI aft fuselage, Chect tho aligsrG,rt of ths horizqrtat tails before th8 glue s€tsplace on STEP N5 4, ENGINE ASSBIIB1Y LEFT ENGINE D{UCAroR wlNDOW or0 EXHAUST o5 o4 FI-AT BLACK *@ LEFT RIGHT EXHAUST FLAT BIACK RIGHT CLEAR EXHAUST 0l o4 FLAT BLACK r{Alfl NACELLE ILEFT HALFI LEFT EXHAUST o5 I{ACEIIE FLAT * 0t xtf. RIGHT ENGINE wuDow @ x wlNDOW Ql0 CLEAR wlNDOW Q9 RIGHT CLEAR NACELLE LEFT NACELLE IRIGHT HALFI TRIGHTHALFT 02 RING N7 HOTAIR 06 02 ,l NACELLE [RIGHT HALF] 02 HOTAIR EXHAUST NACELLE IRIGHT HALFI 02 ENGINE FRONT 03 06 ENGINE 03 TLEFT FLAT BLACK . NACELLE \luerrrnlrl HALR 01 *@ 0t 03' PAINTING NOTE: The depressed areas of the ENGINE FRONTS, PARTS shouldbepaintedflatblack.Theraisedareasshouldbepaintedtomatchthe camouflage on the surrounding nacelle. ASSEMBLY' PAINT PARTS 03, 04, AND 05 BEFORE ASSEMBLY. PATNT ALL OTHER PARTS AFTER 1. Beginbuildingrheteftenginebycementing aLEFTEXHAUST(O4)intotheinsidoof aNACELLETLEFTHALFI(Ol)' 2.GlueaR|GHTEXHAUST(05)intotheinsideofaNACELLEtRlGHTHALFI(o2} (RIGHT HALF) (02)' 3. cement the NACELLE (LEFT HALF) (Ol) to the (NACELLE) 4. Glue an ENGINE FRONT (03) to the front of.the nacelle assembly' 5. Cement the LEFT NACELLE RING (N8l to the rear of the nacelle assembly' 6. RING (N8)' Gtue a HOT AtR EXHAUST 106) to the left side of the LEFT NACELLE (og) to the lsft sid6 of the nacelle assemblv and an lNDlcAToR using water-based white gtue, attach the lNDlcAToR wlNDow the righiside.of the nacelle assembly as shown in the middle lett drawing above. 7. 8. the right engine' Refer to the middlS rigfht drawing ibove, and repeat items 1 through 4 to begin building 9. cement the RIGHf NACETLE RING (N7) to the right nacelle assemblv to. wlNDow (o1o) to RING (N7). Gtue a.second HoT AtR EXHAUST (06) to the right side of the RIGHT NACELLE (o9) to the right side of the right nacelle assemblv and an lNQlcAToR using waler-based white glue, attach the tNDlcAToR wlNDow right drawing above. middle in as the shown assembly (o1o) to the left side.of the rig-ht nacille 1 .l . wlNoow STEP fi, WING & IIINDING Gf,AN ASSETIB1Y @r I /*-); LEFTCTTER I I cE OPEN UP THESE 6 HOLES t]{ THE LEFTVNNG BOTTOM, PART 84 Rrn a zlo GRAY GRAY R1.IO2 PAINT ALL PARTS FOR THE LANOING GEAR BEFORE ASSEMBLY. PAINT ALL WING PARTS GRAY RLM 02 [INSIOE SURFACE] -"ffi>"m Ruro2 ttr{srDEsLRFA@ AFTER ASSEMBLY. 1. Refer to the drawirg above, and use the point of a modeling knife to op€n up the six holes in the LEFT WING BOTTOM (84). Also rernove rhe PAINTING IIIOTE T'tentie rnain landing gearshotff be FEilEd GRAY RL-tt 02, b of the gear tvell. TIE slEuad be a dirty or muddy dark gray, rld tErrheel should be flat black. excess plastic as indicat€d. 2. Reter to the iEL*OEhgbr lir two d€tad drawings at the top of the page and glue an ARM (ZlO) to rhe inside of thE LEFT OUTER GEAR DOOR (O8}, ANd thE LEFT INNER GEAR DOOR lO7, as shown. LEFTMlG LEFT AILERON 3. Glue the LEFr WING ITOP HALF (BS) to rhe LEFT WING TBOTTOM HALFI (B4). IBoTTOI t{ rFl 84 st 4. Cement the LEFT WING nP ITOP HALFI (A48) to the LEFT wlNG TIP IBOTTOM HALFI (A49). 5. Glue the completed wing tip into rhe slot at the end of the assembled wing. 6. Cement the LEFT AILERON the traillng edge of the wing. lSll I I I LEFTWNG NP ! I lBoTTOt HALFI A49 into ptace on il$i -') 7. Using a drop of water-based white glue, attach rhe LANDING LIGHT (G3l in the holc on the loading edge of the left wing. 8. Refer to rhe detail drawing below, and glue thE BULKHEAD (A42) tO thE BASE (A45I. LEFT VUING 9. Glue the MAIN STFUT (FRONT HALF (F6) to the MAIN STRUT (REAR HALF) (FZ), rhen gtue the BRACE (A14) to the pin on the main srut I.ANDING UGHT FOP HALFI G3 83 CLEAR assembly. 10. Cement the completed maln strut assembly to the pins on the BULKHEAD (A42). l. cement the RETRACTTON ARM (A16' to the BASE (A45) and the strut. Note that the end of the long arm on the BRACE (Al 4) should come in contact with the side of the RETRACTION ARM (At6l. I FOP HALFI 448 main 12. SEE THE PAINTING NOTE ABOVE. MAIN Glue the MAIN STRUT TLOWER SECTIONI (A1 t ) to rhe strut assem- F4 blv. '13. cement rhe sctssoRs L|NK ITop HALFI (F131 and the SctssoRs LINK IBOTTOM HALFI (F14) to the MA|N STRUT ILOWER SECT|ONI (A11). area black- 14. GIUC thE MAIN WHEELAND TIRE IOUTER HALFI (F4) tO thE MAIN WHEEL AND TIRE ITNNER HALFI (F5), then cemenr the compteted main wheel and tire to the completed landing gear strut. lLowER sEcfloNl A{1 15. Carefully glue the completed left main landing gear inside the wing' assembly. Check the alignment before the glue sets. 6, Cement the completed inner and outer gea, doors to their locations on each side ot the landing gear well. 1 PAINTING TIP: The landing gear struts and wheel wells were usually dirty and greasy. This can bs simulated with soma black and brown washes on the parts. Because German aircraft often operated from dirt or grass fields during World War ll, the tires often had dirt and mud on them. Simulate this with dirty brown and gray washes. [REAR HALFI F6 F7 RETRACTION BRACE A.t4 ARM Al6 BASE A45 IMPORTANT NOTE: UNDERWING CROSS DECALS NEED TO BE APPLIED BEFOFIE DIVE BRAKE IS GTUED ON. SEE LAST PAGE OF PLACE. MENT GUIDE, LEFT DIVE BRAKE l,ag INNER AILERON HINGE \ OUTER AILERON HINGE F',l7 I I t"\ ,l I .l ir ,l ,l .. \R \rt \lr ii }s I I : : zXz,)' I NAVIGATION LIGHT G1 CLEAR lFr__ t 1.1 t i)% COMPLETED LEFT ENGINE IFROM STEP 4I LEFT hNNG \(ta *@ ASSEHBLY Q:,x (STEP 5, WING & LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY, continued) 17. Cement the LEFT DIVE BRAKE (N9) to the underside of the LEFT wlNG ASSEMBLY (after decals are applied)' 1 8. CEMENT thE COMPLETED LEFT ENGINE IFROM STEP 4] tO thc LEFT WING ASSEMBLY. 19. Glue the INNEB AILERON HINGE {F16) to the underside of the LEFT WING ASSEMBLY. 20. cement the oUTER AILERON HINGE {F17) to the underside of the LEFT WING ASSEMBLY- 21. Use a water-based white glue and attach the NAVIGATION LIGHT (G1) in the hole in rhe wrng tip. The teft engine nacelle is shown hare. Noto tho rcund indicstor window lDetail & Scrlo photo by 8en Kinzoy) above tho exheusts. The left main landing gear is shown herc from the front' Tha strul is GRAY, RLM O2. tt should be noted that tho oleo portion of the strut is comprassed, and the black boot that coverc it has been nmovod. lDetail & Scale photo hy Bert Kinzayl Herc is a look at the left main landing gear from the outside. Note thtt the lDdtail & Scale photo by Bert KinzeY) whael w,,s p.inted flat blrck (STEP 5, WING & LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY, continued) 22. Use the point of a modeling knife lo open up the six holes in the RIGHTwlNG BOTTOM (B2). Remove the excess plastic as indieated in the drawing at left. 23. Glue an ARM (ZlOl to the inside of the RIGHT INNER GEAR DOOR (o8) and rhe RIGHT OUTER GEAR OOOR (07) as illustrated in the rwo detail drawings at left. 24. Cement rhe RIGHT WING ITOP HALFI (81) WING TBOTTOM HALFI (82}. OPEN UP THESE 6 HOLES I}I -RTGHT -/ T}E SIGR 26. c;eearrrc,e \-ARII I edgr€ RI..I\,| ot the wing assembly. GEAR DOOR ll \anu 210 2& Ce.ncnr the oT GRAY RLM 02 Cement the RIGHT AILERON (S2) into position on the trailing 27. Reler to the detail drawing at the bottom of the page and c€rnent the BASE (A44) to the BULKHEAD (A43). -,,'ml*n,-ror,=* Itr zro GRAY. RIGHT 25. GIue the RIGHT WING TIP ITOP HALFI (A47) to the RIGHT WING TIP IBOTTOM HALFI (A5O), then cement the completed wing tip into the slot at the end of the wing assembly, RIGHTYYING BOTTOiI, PART B:I ffi**n'$'ua" to the 02 MAIN STRUT (REAR HALF) (F6) to the MAIN STruT (mN{T }IALR (Fr), then glue the BRACE (A13) to GRAY RLM02 the dn dr the main strut assembly. IINSIDE SURFACE] 29, Cement the qnpleted main strut assembly to the pins on the BULKIIEAI) (Aal!). 30. Glue the RETrIACTION ABM (A151 to the BASE (A44) and the assembled main strut. Note that the end of the long arm on the BRACE (A13) should make contact wirh rhe RETRACTION RIGHTWING [BOTTOM HALFI ARM (A15). 82 31. Cement rhe MA|N STRUT TLOWER SECTIONI (A12) to the assembled strut. RIGHT AILERON s2 RIGHTWING TIP IBOTTOM HALFI A50 32. Glue the SCISSORS LINK ITOP HALFI (Fl3I ANd ThE SCISSORS LINK TBOTTOM HALFI (Fl4} to the MAIN STRUT ILOWER SECTIONI (Al2). 33. CEMCNT thE MAIN WHEEL AND TIRE IOUTER HALFI (F4) to the MAIN WHEEL AND TIRE [INNER HALFI (F5), then glue the completed wheel and tire to the strut assembly. 34. Carefully glue the completed right landing gear assembly into the wheel we'll in the right wing assembly. I 35. Glue the complet8d RIGHT INNER GEAR DOOR ANd the RIGHT OUTER GEAR OOOR tO thE sides of the wheel well under th6 right wing as- RIGHTWING [roP HALFI sembly. Check alignment of all pans carefully. RIGHTWNG TIP FOP HALFI B1 A.47 PAINT THESE PARTS THE SAME AS YOU DID FOR THE LEFT LANDING GEAR MATNWHEEL\ AND TIRE \ mAINWHEEL / -N xw IHO INC area black. lLovrrER sEcTroNl 412 uart.tsrnur4.t iniahioin /f ffi-'<h -=,;:.;:i-:@ ARM A{5 BASE il Au-(-1i49 \24 J>MAIN STRUT [FRoNTHALF] ay-\.:. -{" \ ffi t'\R \ Ar3 )f - lt aulxneno A43 Oat.ils of tho right m.in landing georur? visihla in this Photogr.ph. tDot.il & Sc.la photo bY Bert Kinzey) IMPORTANT NOTE: UNDERWING CROSS DECALS NEEO TO BE APPLIED BEFOFIE DIVE BRAKE IS GLUED ON. SEE LAST PAGE OF PLACE. IVENT GUIDE. RIGHT DIVE BRAKE N't0 INNER AILERON HINGE F16 OUTER AILERON n 1! 1l 1l -r -taJ / xtttos lrn / I @ 1! 1l 1l ;T NAVIGATION LIGHT i:i COMPLETED RIGHT ET{GINE IFROM STEP,{ GI CLEAR t RIGHTWING ASSEMBLY ?) *@ (STEP 5. WING & LANDING GEAB ASSEMBLY, continued) .-s * !:' 36. Cerhenr the RIGHT DIVE BRAKE (N10) to rhe underslde of the RIGHTWING ASSEMBLY (after decals are applied). 37. Glue the INNEB AILEEON HINGE (F16) to its location under the RIGHT WING ASSEMBLY. 38. Cement the OUTER AILERON HINGE (F17) into its locator holes under the BIGHT WING ASSEMBLY. 39. Use a water-based white glue and attach the NAVIGATION LIGHT (G'l) inside the hole in the wing tip. 40, Carefully glue the COMPLETED RIGHT ENGINE IFROM STEP 4l to the front of the RIGHT WING ASSEMBLY. The two aileron hinges under the ight wing orc illustrrted in this view, The navigation light on tho wing tip is baraly visiblc. lDettil & Sctle photo by Bort Kinzey) Hare is a look ct the inboard side of tha ight engine nccolle. (Deteil & Sc',te photo hy Eert Kinzey) srEP 6, TIAJOB AIB]RAIIE ASSEIIBLY PAlNnilG NOTE: Paint the inside surfaces of the tail wheel Paint the outside surfac€s the same doors GRAY. RLtt color as llE udersire d the fuselage. oZ COMPLETED LEFT wlNG ASSETBLY tsHowN CEMENTED lN PI-ACEI '! M I I I ! I ! RIGTIT TAIL LEFTTAtr- *=t^t*\ LOWER CENTER SECTION I WHEEL T}OOR fte \#r+? I I A3 COMPLETED FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY M' / COMPLETED RIGHTWTNG ASSEMBLY BOMB SIGHT *otoJtl"" .*Irt*"* Q2 CLEAR PAINTING NOTE; Paint the framework on the LOWER NOSE GLASS (Q2) the same color as the underside of the fuselage. PAINT ALL PARTS BEFORE ASSEMBLY. 1. Use a water-based white glue and attach the EOMB SIGHT (P4) to the LOWER NOSE GLASS (O2) as illustraled in the detail drawing. 2. Continuing to use the whire glue, attach the LowER NosE GLASS (O2) to the front of the fuselage. 3. Cement the LOWER FUSELAGE CENTER SECTION (A3) to the underside of the fuselage. 4. Glue the LEFT TAIL WHEEL DOOR (A4) to the left side of the tail wheel well at the aft end of the tuselage. 5. Cement rhB RIGHT TAIL WHEEL DOOR (A5) to the right side of the tail wheel well at the aft end of the fuselage. 6. Glue the COMPLETED RIGHT WING ASSEMBLY to the COMPLETED FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY. 7. Cement the COMPLETED LEFT wlNG ASSEMBLY to the COMPLETED FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY. Be sure to carefully check the alignment of the wings before the glue sets. e t.il landing gatr is shown he,E from tho lelt side. Tha correct ,ngla of (Detail & Scale photo by Bert Kinzey) tha gear doors is illustruted. Tt srEP 7, GONDOLII ASSEIIBLY tcu view of tttc gorrdola shows tlrc two machina gun brnals at tha oft .nd .nd the wiadows on tha ight sidc.nd .t the rDtr. lDct.il & Scelc Photo bY Berl Xin2oyl A tighl PAINT ALL SOLID PLASTIC PARTS BEFORE ASSEMBLY. PAINT ALL CLEAR PLASTIC PARTS AFTER ASSEMBLY. 1. GLUE thE GRIP (P16) tO thc MG SIZTWIN GUN MOUNT (Pl4). Refer to the upper detail drawing at lelt and cemenl the FFAME (P15) to notches at the midpoint on the MG 8lZ Tr/t rN GUN MOUNT (Pr4). 2. 3. Using a water-based white glue, attach the gun assembly to the slot inside the AFT GONDOLA SECTION (O11). 4. Refer to the lower detail drawing and use the water-based white glue to ioin the GONOOLA IRIGHT SIDEI (O6) to the GONDOLA ILEFT SIDEI (O5} 5. Continue to use the waterbased white glue when working with the clear pans and attach the CoMPLETED AFT GON' DOLA SECTION to the assemblsd center gondola section' 6. Use the white glue to attach th6 FRONT GONDOLA SECTION (O8) to the assembled gondola. GONDOLAASSEMBLY ! I I I I PAINTING NOTE: Paint the completed gondola assembly the same color as the underside of the fuselage while leaving the window areas clear. 7. Glue the COMPLETED GONDOLA ASSEMBLY to the underside of the fuselage. A regular plastic modeling cement may be used for this item. 8. Cement rhe FUEL DUMP (A33) in place at the aft end of the lower fuselage. I I ,,,\ FUEL DUMP A33 STEEL PAINTING TIP: Now is the best time to paint tha camouflage schemo on your model. First, check the entire model for any seams or cracks where the parts wore ioined together' Fill any you find with modeling putty, then sand it smooth once the putty has hardened. Select one of the schemes found on the i".t iiu" pages of this instruction booklet and apply it carefully to your model. Let the model dry while you continue working on the bombs and Dvlons in the next step. STI}ID IB, OIIFITNSIIrII AISilIAilIIINT BOIB II^IF) EI (RTGHT FIN BRACE :.\ I \ e\ -Hs E(m Bru- ursE RI R5 PAlilnffc ilOTES: \ German bombs in World War ll were very dail gray. Use IIARK GRAY RLM 66, and lhen brush a frat blact wash ovef itto gfur it a &ty ryom appeaEnce. Paint all bur pylons the same color as the undersile d the fu selage. FIN BRACE R5 (rN P|-ACE) COITPLETED BOTIB ANTI-SWAY BRACE F35 STEEL \ourBoABD PYLON F35 PAINT t / iL- l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AIt BOMB PARTS AFTER THE BOMBS ARE ASSEMBTED. PAINI IHE PYIOI,IS AND A].IN.SWAY BRACES BEFORE ASSEMBIY. Glue o BOMB (EFr HAIF) (R2) lo o BOMB (RIOHT HALF) (R3). Cemenl o BOMB NOSE (Rl) to t;he bornb ossembly. Glue tour FIN BRACES (R5) botween the fins ol lfie ]eor ol the bomb. Repeot il€nrs 1,2, ond 3 obove lhree moro limeo lo build o lolol ol tour bombs. Cemenl lwo ANtl-SlrrAY BRACES (F36) to on OUTBOARD PYION (F35) os shown in lhe obove deloil dlowing. Glue o COMREIED BOMB to lhe ossembled oulboord pylon. Ropeot ilems 5 ond 6 obovo lo moke o second oulbootd pylon wilh bomb' I OOMPLETED BOMBS AI{N€WAY BRACE F' STEEL t t I I t I a- I I ANTI€WAY BRACE R4 STEEL I ANTI-SWAY BRACE R4 STEEL $.i PAINTING NOTES: German bombs in World War ll were very dark gray. Use DARK GRAY RLM 66, and then brush a flat black wash over it to give it a dirty u/om appearance. Paint all four pylons the same color as the undersk e of the fuselage. LEFT INBOARD PYLON AND BOMB / RIGHT WING ALt BOMB PARTS AFTER THE BOMBS ARE ASSEMBTED. PAIM THE PYTONS AND ANTI.SWAY PAINT BRACES BEFORE ASSEMBLY. LEFT WING ( STEP 8, OFFENSIVE ARMAMENT, continued) 8. Cement two ANTI-SWAY 9. Gtue two ANT|-SWAY BRACES (R4) to the BRACES (R4) to the LEFI INBOARD PYTON (K7), lhen glue o CoMPIEIED BOMB RTGHT TNBOARD PYTON (K6), to lhe pylon ossembly lhen cemenl o coMPtETED BOMB lo the pvlon ossembly. in the lwo dlowings qbove' 10. Cement lhe four completed pylons wilh lheir bombs lo the undeBide ot the wings os illushoted STEP 9, FINAI, DETAIIS REAR CANOPY a T(X'| T, H3 H PIICET IRIGHT HALFI , Q4 F3 BLACK GREEN RLM 70 / irAcHIl{E GUt{, Pt AND GUX ISHOUIil BLADE a a a GUN iIOUNT H3 a CLEAR ) BI-ADE F3 BI.ACK GREEN RLM 70 MACHINE GUN P8 GUNMETAL REAR CANOPY ILEFT HALFI Q3 HUB F12 PAINflNG HOTE Paint the hamework on all clear parb the s.rrE cobr as the sunounding fuselage. *@ BLADE F3 BLACK GREEN RLM 70 ANTENNA MAST P3 SAME COLOR AS THE CANOPYS FRAMEWORK ilACHtt{E GUN 436 PAI'IT ALL PARTS BEFORE ASSEMBLY. 1. Rcfe' to ttre top left drawing and use a water-based white glue to attacfi e MACHIiIE GUN (P8) to a GUN MOUNT (H3). GUNMETAL 2. Continuing to work with the white glue, attach the completed gun assembly to the mounting hole in the REAR CANOPY ILEFT HALFI (O31. 3. Make a second machine gun assembly by gluing a second MACHINE GUN (P9) to a second GUN MOUNT (H31. 4. Glue the second gun assombly into the mounting hole at th8 aft Bnd of tho REAR CANOPY QI CLEAR SHELL BAG A35 DARKGRAY TRIGHT HALFI (o4}. 5. Join the BEAR CANOPY ILEFT HALFI (O3) to the REAR CANOPY IRIGHT HALFI (O4). Set rhe assembly aside to dry. 6, Refer to the top right drawing and cement three BLADES (F3) to the SHAFT (F1}. 7. Glue the HUB {F1 2) to rhe front of the SHAFT (Fl }, then cem8nt th6 SPINNER lF2) over the HUB (Fl 2) and onro rhe SHAFT (Ft ). 8. Slide, (Fr !. oo NoT CEMENT, the SLEEVE (Fl I) over rhe rear of the SHAFT 9. Carefully glu6 the RETAINER (FtO) to the end of the SHAFT (F1). very careful not to let any cement touch the SLEEVE (Fl 1). Be I to make a second propeller assembly. Refer pages of this instruction booklet for funher information about painting the propellers. 1O. Repeat items 6 though to the last five 1 1 , Refer to the middle drawing at left, and use a water-based whit6 glu6 to attach the ANTENNA MAST (P3) to the top of the CANOpY (O11. 12. Use regular modeling cement to attach rhe SHELL BAG (A35, and the AMMUNITION BELT (25) to rhe MACHINE GUN (436). At8 SAME COLORAS THE FUSELAGE UNDERSIDE 1 3. Use the water-based white glue and carefully attach the completed machine gun assembly ro its hol6 in the front of the cANoPY (o1). 14. Refer to rhe bortom left drawing, and attach the UNDER-FUSELAGE TRAILING ANTENNA MAST (A18) to ats mount on the aft fuselage. Z PAINTING NOTE: Paint the framework on the NOSE GLMING, Q7, the same color as the surrounding fuselage. -CoMPLETED /eeeacANoPY ASSEMBLY COMPLETED FRONT CANOPY ASSEMBLY MODELING NOTE: Make antenna wires from stretched sprue orfine nylon thread painted flat black or steel. The front of the main antenna wire attiaches to the top of the mast on the COMPLETED FRONT CANOPY ASSEMBLY REAR COCKPIT GLAZING PI ! I I I I I I COIPLETED PROPELLER A.SSEIIBLY ISHOWI.I lN PLACEI + Front end of wire aftaches to the top of the antenna mast. ,ffi' NOSE GLAZING Q7 CLEAR COMPLETED PROPELLER ASSEMBLY (STEP 9, FINAL DETAILS, continued) l5.GluetheREARcocKP]TGLAZING(P1)totheluselageasindicated. in place over the Glue the COMPLETED BEAB CANOPY ASSEMBLY teat atea of the cockPit. 15. 17. tO its IOCAI|ON AttACh the COMPLETED FRONT CANOPY ASSEMBLY PAINTING NOTE: Paintthe PITOT BOOM' A17, the same color as the top of the wing where it is attached' above thB torward cockpit area' 18. fuselage' Glue the NOSE GLAZING (O7) to the front of the 19. BOOM {A',l 7) to the Use regular modeling cement to attach the PITOT hole in the leading edge of the left wing' ASSEMBLIES in place 20. Carefully glue the two COMPLETED PROPELLER (F 1 1 ) pan of each propelon the front oflhe engine nacelles The SLEEVE but be Lr assemUty should be glued to the hole in the front of the engine parts if you want the propellers to sure not 1(, get anv cement on any other turn. make the antenna Use some stretched sprue or tine nylon thread to to the top of the wires. rne main wire runs from the top oI the venical tail mast which is located on the CoMPLETED FRONT CANOPY down into the "nt"nn" ASSEMBLY. Secondary wires run from the main wire spine' 21. ;;;;;4" lhe by passing through the two clear insulators on the ailcraft's left wing pitot Probe and rhe landing light on tho tet-ding edgo of the tDdtdil & Scald photo bv Bart KinzeYl ,.., in this view- ""n'bt Herc is a good took at the prcPellerussemblY- tDeteit & o1 the dgh.t engine' Sc,,te photo bY Bert Kinzey) II/ffi [6ii;vil-ffiK6ra'iil JUNf,ERS JU BBA.4, 3./f,G 54 (TOTENKOPF GESCEWADEN), BBNGAilO, ITALY, IT}43 See last two pages for placement of common markings ?1" DECAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) s.) 6.) 7.) 8.) e.) 10.) Wash plastb parts in mild detergent solution, then rinse and lel dry. Cut the desired decal from the sheet. Dip the decal in water for a few seconds. Place the wet decal on a paper towel. Wait until the decal is movable on its backing paper. Place the decal in position on the model with its face up, then slide the backing away. Press out any air bubbles with a soft damp cloth. The milkiness that may appear is for better adhesion, but will dry decal clear. Dd nol touch F tie decal until it is A dry. t t F A B T ffiY C D I I ffi ffi ffi E@iiil SAND.YELLOW RLM 79 FS 13523 BLACK-GREEN RLM 70 ProModeler 88-0043 LIGHT BLUE RLM 76 ProModeler 88-0042 DARK GRAY RLM 74 ProModeler Gunship gray 88-0037 over RLM 76 E "D '-c 30 E r 3ffi,:t::Ul.',-li" n [,-.H ltcnr GRAY RLM 77 [ LIA ou"rRLMTOandTg JUNTEBS JU 8BA-4, 2.ll.frl' ITAIJ, l04s See tast two pages for placement of common markings --c --c sAND-YELLow RLM 7e A^ I-ffi| [.Si:+lil rs rgszs ".r IHffi 1ffil LIGHT BLUE RLM 76 utt1 Iffi lr.ILtl BLAcK-GREEN RLM 70 patches over RLM 79 H ffi ProModeler 88-0042 E:"'r3.'Y"?38-0026 I I A {., JUNKEBS JU 884.4, STAB III./KG 3 (BilNZ GDSCtrWADEB) See last two pages for placement of common markings "B --r 3 (Both sid€s) 20 See last page for complete fuselage camouflage pattem. B E-_t U1 B'- B $u r NOTE: Contrast between colors is exaggerated to define shapes of camouflage pattern. 3n"5;:I=,:[3.T^ Et ffiffi onnx-cREEN RLM 71 tt ffi ProMdelerBS-OO44 B JE :l"LlcHEEN I RLM 25 I I B JUNTBBS JU 88A-4, $./f,G 5r GDBTWIIISS GDSCHWADDR), BUSSIA See last two pages for placement of common markings Camotrflage pattern same as KG 3 17 34 See last page for complete fuselage camouflage B Dattern. r Spinner and front of cowl ring K , I , -Il f.-----Tl YELLow RLM27 1,,',,,,,,,l FS lgst8 TOP VIEW 40 40 l 15 15 I NOTE: Contrast between colors is exaggerated to define shaPes of camouflage pattem. I FOSITION OF UNDERWING CROSSES Edseo. f 2j3'-> BOMB MARKINGS sc -.-G2-sa- 9,H13" sidiliew,of. " ffi 500 I_NOi_l I DEoALS29 I lN,, l#*ll v\2 IBoMBFlNs' I Apply decal # 6L in Oris porlilirr under the wings before attaching the 619@. place corresoo-ndino decals on the dive brales, tren align ttre mirting and trim the decal betrf,en the slati before cemintim the brakes in plaoe- Repeat for right wing. - t, BOTTOM VIEW 5 (On dive brake) 4 (On dive brake) Front view of bomb rack 85594800200 t-.: