Certificado BRC Espuña Olot
Certificado BRC Espuña Olot
This is to certify that: Esteban Espuña, S.A. Multiproduct site: C/ Mestre Turina, 39-41. 41. 17800 Olot (Girona). Spain Cured ham site: Avda. Sant Jordi s/n. 17800 Olot (Girona). Spain BRC Site Code: 1728370 Certificate Number: 8415 has been audited by SAI Global and found to meet the requirements of Global Standard for or Food Safety (Issue 6: July 2011) Achieved Grade: A Product Categories: 08 – Cooked meat/fish products / Productos de carne/pescado cocinados 09 – Raw cured or fermented meat and fish sh / Carne y pescado crudos curados o fermentados 10 – Ready meals and sandwiches; ready to eat desserts / Bocadillos y platos listos para comer: postres listos para comer SCOPE: The salting, dry curing, portioning and packing in vacuum or in cardboard boxes bo of hams at the Dry cured ham site. The preparation, curing and fermentation (or not) of meat sausages, snacks "cañitas" and pork/ turkey pieces; the cooking of hams, turkey breast, cold meats (pork, turkey), frankfurters, fr pasteurization of ham and cooked ed meats (pork) in tins. All individually packed or industrial size. The slicing of dry cured meat sausages/ meat portions, dry cured ham, cooked meats; vacuum packed or modified atmosphere packing. The preparation, cooking and chilling of ready to heat meat meat based snacks with other ingredients vacuum packed. High pressure process of some finished or intermediate vacuum packed product. All at the Multiproduct site. La salazón, curado, cortado de jamón, envasado al vacío o en caja cartón en la planta de Jamón Ja Curado. La preparación , curado, fermentación (o no), de embutidos, tapas "cañitas" y embuchados de cerdo y pavo; cocción de jamones, pechuga de pavo, fiambres (porcino y pavo), salchichas tipo Frankfurt, pasteurización de jamones y fiambres en lata (porcino). (porcino). Todo envasado individualmente o formato industrial. Loncheado de embutidos, embuchados, jamones curados, productos cárnicos cocidos envasados al vacío o en atmósfera protectora. La preparación, cocción, refrigeración de tapas cárnicas con otros ingredientes listos para calentar envasados al vacío. Proceso de alta presión para algunos de los productos finales o intermedios envasados al vacío. Todo en la planta de Multiproducto. Multipr Scope exclusions: None / Ninguna Audit Programme: Announced / Anunciada Auditor Number: 123088 Date of Audit: 27,28,29,30 January 2014 Re-audit Due Date, From: 09 Jan 2015 To: 06 Feb 2015 Certificate Issue Date: 10 March 2014 Certificate Expiry Date: 21 March 2015 Samer Chaouk Head of Policy, Risk and Certification Paul Butcher Global Head – Assurance Services Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia with SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd. Partis House, Ground Floor, Davy Avenue, Avenue Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8HJ, United Kingdom (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Glo Global upon its request. If you would like to feedback comments on the BRC Global Gl Standard or the audit process directly to BRC, please contact enquiries@brcglobalstandards.com en
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