Details - sports authority of india netaji subhas
Details - sports authority of india netaji subhas
SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA NETAJI SUBHAS EASTERN CENTRE Fax 033-2335-0526 e‐mail Website: NOTICE INVITING TENDERS FOR SUPPLY OF SPORT KIT ITEMS FOR TRAINEES OF SAI TO SAI NSEC KOLKATA Sealed tenders are invited by SAI EASTERN CENTRE KOLKATA from reputed Firms/ Companies, who are dealing with Track Suit, Sports Shoes, T. Shirts, Kit Bag, etc with minimum annual turnover of Rs. 30.00 lakhs during the last three preceding years from sports apparel, Shoes and Kit bags including exports duly certified by CA and preferably having minimum three years experience in supplying of sports kit items to Government Departments or PS Undertakings, for award of contract for supply of sports kit items to the SAI Trainees. The interested parties may give their competitive rates (inclusive of all taxes and free of cost delivery at the SAI Centers/Schools in Eastern Region. The detailed information, terms and conditions governing the award of contracts are contained in the tender documents which may be obtained from the office of Accounts Officer, SAI EASTERN CENTRE KOLKATA on any working day from the date of publication of this notice to 21st Sept. 2012 between 10.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. on payment of Rs.300.00 (Rupees Three Hundred only) in cash. . Details are also available in website “Website:”. In case of downloading from website the bidder will have to submit tender cost separately along with EMD/Bid Security amounting to 5% of the estimated value. Two separate drafts on this account may be placed in the Envelope-A. Tender offer in the prescribed tender form along with all relevant documents sealed and completed in all respects must be submitted latest by 25th Sept., 2012 by 14.30 hrs .in the office of Regional Director, SAI EASTERN CENTRE KOLKATA which will be opened on 25th Sept., 2012 at 15.00 hrs in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives. Sports Authority of India reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. REGIONAL DIRECTOR COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT – Rs. 300/‐ TENDER DOCUMENT NO. ‐ ‐ SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Netaji Subhas Eastern Centre,Salt Lake City,Sector‐III, Kolkata ‐700 098 TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF SPORTS KIT ITEMS FOR SAI TRAINEES ‐ 2 – (To be submitted in ENVELOPE‐A) TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF SPORTS KIT ITEMS FOR SAI TRAINEES TO NETAJI SUBHAS EASTERN CENTRE :SALT LAKE CITY: SECTOR‐III, KOLKATA‐98 TECHNICAL BID FORM Availability of Tender document From , 30th Aug. 2012 to 21st Sept. 2012 25th Sept., 2012 BY 1430 HRS DATE & TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDER The following details /documents /certificates issued by the concerned Authorities in respect of the bidder are required to be submitted: 1. Name of Bidder …………………………………………………………….…………. 2. Name of the Proprietor/Partner …………………………………………………………….…………. 3. Address of the firm …………………………………………………………….…………. …………………………………………………………….…………. 4. Telephone/Fax No. Email ID …………………………………………………………….…………. …………………………………………………………….…………. ‐ 5. PAN Number (attached photocopy) 3 ‐ …………………………………………………………….…………. …………………………………………………………….…………. 7. Attach copies of ITR for the last 3 years …………………………………………………………….…………. 6. VAT No (attach photocopy) 8. Annual turn over during the last 3 preceding years ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ duly certified by CA (attach copy of balance sheet along with ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ trading or P.& L account ) 9. Experience in the line (mention number of year) 10. Documentary proof whether OEM or Authorized Dealer/Agent attached 11. Attach list of clients …………………………………………………………….…………. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ …………………………………………………………….…………. a. Name of the Bank b. Bank Draft No. & Date c. Amount …………………………………………………………….…………. …………………………………………………………….…………. …………………………………………………………….…………. 13. Attach declaration regarding supply of spots kit items foz a period of one year from the date of acceptance of bid on quoted rates. …………………………………………………………….…………. 12. Details of EMD : ‐ (SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER) with address and seal : 4 ::- PLY OF SPORTTS KIT ITEMS FFOR SAI TRAIN NEES TO SAI CENTRES/SCH HOOLS IN TENDER FOR SUPP EASTEERN REGION. GENERA AL TERMS & CONDITIO ONS OF TEN NDER 1.Ea arnest mon ney amountting Rs.1,00 0,000/- i.e. 2% of the total value e in the forrm of Dem mand Draft is ssued by Ba ank in favour of SAI,NS SEC, Kolkatta payable at Kolkata. Duly signed Tender Document alongwith a re elevant/requisitioned documents sh hall be subm mitted (Tec chnical Bid d) in Enve elope ‘A’ & ‘B’ respec ctively. How wever, the said depos sited amo ount on acc count of Earrnest Money y will not carry c any in nterest. 1. The T Financia al bid shoulld be submittted in Envelope ‘C’ 2. S Samples “ not n bearing the logo/s seal brand of o bidder” along with specification s n and re elevant deta ails should be b submitted separatelly. One sam mple each off approved items i w be retain will ned by SAI free of co ost. Sampless bearing lo ogo /seal/brrand will no ot be co onsidered and will be straightway re ejected. 3. Samples S sha all have to be b displayed by Concerned Agencyy on requirement and on the day and time decided by this Office. 4. The T Challan for f submission of kit item ms is given at a Annexure--A 5. The T tentative requiremen nt of differentt kit items is given at Annexure-B 6. The T technical specificatio ons of sportss kit items arre given at Annexure-C A 7. All A kit items to t be supplie ed must havve SAI Logos embroid ded, screen n–printed on n the body of them m as per dirrections giv ven in this re egard. 8. All A the bids should be submitted s in n an envelop pe on which h the words “Tender for the supply of Sp ports Kit Ite ems” should be super sccribed on the e top of the left corner of o the envelope which should also show the e name and address of the t bidder. 9. Bidders B are required r to quote q for onlly one of its best and on ne economiccal brand of each ite em. 10. The T quantity and size of o each item m will be de ecided by th he Regional Director, SAIN NSEC,Kolkat ta. 11. In n case of do oubt in mate erial the exp penditure on n testing of material will be born by the te enderer 12. Successful S bidder shall execute e an agreement a e of this con ntract for the due performance on non-judicial stamp pa aper worth Rs.50/R with hin 10 days of the rece eipt of the su upply order. 13. Successful S bidder shall have h to depo osit an interrest free se ecurity mon ney @ 5% of o the estimated va alue within 10 days of the receipt of the supply order which h will be refu unded on the expiry of the contrract 14. EMD E to the unsuccessfu u d after finalization of the e contract and of l bidder will be refunded su uccessful bid dder on execution of agreement and d deposit of security money. rates should 15. Competitive C d be inclusive of all ta axes ,FOR quoted in tender t should be va alid upto 31st March, 20 013 from the e date of accceptance of bid. As per requirement, the kiits may be procured p rep peatedly upto 31st March h, 2013 16. Items quoted by the firmss should be strictly s as pe er standard specification s ns. ‐ 5T supplies s shall be executed e att the time and in the manner prrescribed byy the 17. The in ndenting officer. Any contravention n thereof sh hall be deem med as a brreach of con ntract and penalties as presccribed by th he Regiona al Director,S SAI ,NSEC,K Kolkata ma ay be im mposed. 18. The T R.D. will have the rig ght to reject any a or all the e bids without assigning g any reason n. B received d without tender fee(in n the case of o down loa aded forms) Earnest mo oney, 19. Bids S Samples of quoted q item ms, condition nal or incom mplete havin ng cuttings or overwriting is lia able to be re ejected. T supplies received, if not found ass per specifiication of ten ndered itemss, are liable to be 20. The re ejected. 21. In n case the bidder b fails in n making the supply in a given time e and place this Office shall have the righ ht to purcha ase the sam me from the e other sou urce at the risk and co ost of su upplier. 22. The T R. D, SAI S SAI NSEC,Kolkata will be lega ally compete ent to cance el the contra act of su upply and also a to take any a other acction againsst the supplier including imposing of o any penalty on the supplier during d pende ency and till the final exe ecution of th he contract of o the su upply, in ca ase the supplier is ever found to have comm mitted any frraud againstt SAI N NSEC,Kolkat ta in supplyying the matterial or indulge in anyy other malp practice’s thereof ca ausing any financial f lossses during contract c perio od. 23. The T contract can be term minated or cancelled c su ummarily by SAI in who ole or in parrt any tim me without assigning any reason, if the supplyy made by the t manufaccturer/ suppllier is not found ac ccording to the t sample approved or o in case supply s is not received within w sttipulated tim me 24. The T Regiona al Director, SAI S NSEC,K Kolkata havve the right of awarding the work to o one su upplier or diffferent suppliers for the supply of sp ports kit item ms. 25. SAI S taking intto account past p performa ance of partty,reserves the right to re eject any ten nder. 26. All A the Bid do ocuments, su upporting pa apers etc. su ubmitted by Firm/Bidderrs should be e duly siigned, quotin ng name & address a of Firm F along with w seal /stamp of Firm. 27 Tenderer T must be having g annual turn n over of Rss.20.00 lakhs (per annum)during the e last 3 preceding years, y as per the Trading g and Profit & Loss Acccount. he R.D. SAI NSEC, Kolkkata will havve the right to t forfeit the e earnest mo oney, if the terms t 28.Th & con nditions of th he agreemen nt are not ad dhered to byy the supplier/ breach of contract. 29. In n case any dispute d arise es in regard to the tende er, the decission of the Regional Dirrector SAI , NSEC, Kollkata will be final and bin nding. K only will have ju urisdiction fo or deciding case 30.In case of litiigation, the courts at Kolkata accorrding to India an law in forrce. 31.Th he technical bid of the bidders b will be b opened firrst, thereafte er samples will w be evalu uated. The financial f bid d will be ope ened only of o the bidders whose Technical T bid d is acceptted & whosse samples are a selected d by the com mpetent authority. 32. It must be e noted tha at this is just j an en nquiry and does not amount to any mitment on the t part of Sports S Autho ority of India a to order an ny or all p products offfered. comm The decision d of Sports S Autho ority of India a in this rega ard would be b final and be entirely, at its discre etion. -633.These are only proposed draft terms and conditions and can be modified, changed or added to at the time of finally concluding and signing the agreement. DECLARATION a. I have read the terms & conditions mentioned in the tender document and undertake to abide the same during the contractual period. b. The information given in the technical bid by the undersigned is correct. (SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER) with address and seal NOTE : Envelope A should be contained EMD draft. Envelope B should be contained with Technical bid supporting documents. Envelope C should be contained with financial bid Samples of kit items should be submitted separately by the due date of opening the tenders. All these envelopes should be kept in a Big envelope and to be placed in the Tender box. ‐:: 7 ::‐ Annexure e-A S RTS AUTH SPORT HORITTY OF O IN NDIA NSEC:SALT LAKE CITY: KO OLKATA TENDER R FOR SUPP PLY OF SPO ORTS KIT IT TEMS FOR SAI TRAINE EES, IN EAS STERN REG GION CHALLA AN FOR SAMPLE S SUBMISS SION SN Na ame of item m Brand Technical de etails Signaturee of bidder Name of firm with Seaal No. of Sample -:: 8 ::ANNEXURE E-B SPORT RTS AUTH HORITTY OF O IN NDIA NSEC: SALT LAKE CITY: KO OLKATA TENDER FO T OR SUPPLY OF SPORTS S KIT ITEM MS FOR SAI TRAINEES TO SAI NSEC C,Kolkata & IN VARIOU US CENTRE ES IN EASTE ERN REGIO ON TENTATIVE E REQUIREMENT OF SPORTS S KIT T ITEMS SN Ite em Tentative Requirem ment 1. Trrack Suits for Trainees 1500 nos 2. T. Shirts for Trainees 2000 nos. 3. W Warm up shoe es for Traine ees 1400 Pairrs. 4. Kit Bag 1100 noss. 5. SO OCKS 2800 pairrs 6. Sh horts 2000 nos. 7. ame Ga shoes s like Football Sho oe, Basketb ball Shoe, Volleyball sh hoe,Hockey Shoe, TT sh hoe, Gymnastic shoe, Badminton sh hoe, Athleticc Sp pikes, as perr the list encclosed. pairs 2000 g depending the upon of strength each discipline -:: 9 ::ANNEXURE - C SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA NSEC:SALT LAKE CITY: KOLKATA TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF SPORTS KIT ITEMS FOR SAI TRAINEES TO TO SAI NSEC,Kolkata & in various centres of eastern region. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF SPORTS KIT ITEMS SN Item Technical Specifications 1. Track Suits for Trainees AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARD. Sweat absorbent, wrinkle free stuff. Light Blue colour with SAI Insignia (LOGO) will be displayed on the front side and SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA in Bold Letters on the back. 2 T-Shirts for trainees AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARD. SAI Insignia (LOGO) on the front side. Sweat absorbent, wrinkle free stuff. 3. Warm Up Shoe for trainees - AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARD. 4. KIT BAG Should be of International standard. 5. SOCKS AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 6 SHORTS AS PER INTERNATIONAL STANDARD. SAI Insignia (LOGO) on the front side. Sweat absorbent, wrinkle free stuff. -: 10 : ENVELOP PE ‘C’ S RTS AUTH SPORT HORITTY OF O IN NDIA SAI NSEC:SALT N T LAKE CITY Y: KOLKAT TA TENDER R FOR SUPP PLY OF SPO ORTS KIT IT TEMS TO SAI, SAI S NSEC: KOLKATA AND other centres of Eastern Reg gion. FIN NANCIA AL BID D FORM M (To be submitte ed in a separate e envelope) 1. Na ame of Firm/Age ency …………… …………………… ……………. 2. ame of the Proprrietor/Partner Na …………… …………………… ……………. 3. ddress of the firm m Ad …………… …………………… ……………. ………… …………………… ………………. I/We hereb by submit my/our competitive quotation/amo ount of inclusive e of all taxes off sports kit item ms F.O.R. destiination i.e. SAI N.S S.Eastern Centtre, Kolkata is valid for a perriod of one yea ar from the date e of acceptance e of the bid: SN Item m hnical Specifica ations Tech 1. Tra ack Suits for tra ainees 2 T-S Shirts 3. Wa arm Up shoe 4. KIT T BAG 5. SO OCKS 6 Sho orts/Skirts 7. Foo otball Shoe 8. Hockey Shoe 9. Vollleyball shoe for trainees t e inclusive of Rate all R taxesFOR destination 10 Badminton shoe 11 Table Tennis Shoe 12 Gymnastic Shoe 13 Athletic Spikes 14. Basketball shoe 15. Wrestling shoe 16. Weightlifting shoe 17. Judo Dress I/We have read the above terms & conditions of this tender and understood the same and shall abide by them. It is certified that I am authorized signatory of the firm. (SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER) with address and sea