January 2016 Lead Lines


January 2016 Lead Lines
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Lead Lines
A Newsletter for Members
January, 2016
Obedience, tracking, nose work, agility, and rat hunting.
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
2015 Club Officers
Inside this Issue
NACSW Odor Recognition Test
Volunteer Hours
General Meeting December 7, 2015
General Meeting January 4, 2016
Special Board Meeting, January 4,
For Sale
President - Betty Gansky
Vice President - Steve Campbell
Treasurer - Joan Bruno
Recording Secretary - Kelly McDonough
Board Members at Large: Diane Worlak, Angel
Andrews, Spencer Botkin
Obedience Director - Marti Hohmann
Tracking Director - Fran Smith
Agility Director - Kristin Spillane
Don’t forget to
check the Club website
Lead Lines Editor - Celeste Platte EMAIL ADDRESS for all things Lead Lines OTCLeadlines@gmail.com
For all club events
Member Change of Information
Ann Levy new address: 407-368-7888. She also
changed her e-mail address
to: annhlevy@gmail.com
Volunteer Hours
Black Knight Hurricane Jett BN RN CGCA
CGCU TC (Jett)
Bob Millar @
Jett was suddenly stricken and
passed on January 12. He
loved people and dogs. Which
is why he was such a wonderful Therapy Dog and was neutral dog for all three organizations evaluations. He loved trying new things: herding, tracking, CGCA, CGCU, Treiball,
Drill Team, and NoseWork, but
he hated Obedience. He was
my companion and challenge from the first day I
had him and my life will be very boring without
him to step over,
around and the
"move damnits"!”
NOTE: there is no longer an “s” after hour
NOT his per son al em ail
Next General
Andi Katzman
February 1, 2016
7:00 PM
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
JANUARY 9, 2016
On January 9, 2016 OTCPBC hosted its first NACSW Odor Recognition Test (ORT). An ORT tests whether a dog
can find one box, out of twelve, that contains a target odor. The handler does not know which box has the odor and
must call an alert when the dog’s behavior signals that the odor has been located. There are three target odors, birch,
anise and clove corresponding to three trial levels with birch as the entry level. The dog/handler team must pass the
ORT in order to enter a trial. Handlers may choose to enter one or more odor tests at an ORT trial.
By all counts our ORT was a success. We received numerous compliments on our facility and our hospitality. In addition to local entrants we drew folks from Jacksonville, Amelia Island and The Villages.
Total number of handlers: 23
Total number of dogs: 31
Total number of ORT tests: 60
Birch: 16 passes, 6 misses
Anise: 15 passes, 4 misses
Clove: 16 passes, 3 misses
Club members did well; every club member who entered received at least one pass. Please note that not everyone entered a dog for all three odors.
Page Athan’s Cowboy passed Birch, Anise and Clove
Marti Hohmann’s Prue passed Birch, Anise and Clove
Marti Hohmann’s Lark passed Birch, Anise and Clove
Marti Hohmann’s Fizz passed Birch, Anise and Clove
Suzanne Carlson’s Pendleton passed Birch, Anise and Clove
Fran Smith’s Bounce passed Birch, Anise and Clove
Donna Kornmeyer’s Aston passed Birch, Anise and Clove
Hermine Scolnik’s Pleasure passed Birch
Alison Tanner’s Jagger passed Anise and Clove
Lindsey Smith’s Koi passed Birch
Judy McPartland’s Callie passed Clove
Judy McPartland’s Kenzie passed Anise
A big thanks to all club members for your support for this event.
Thank you to Kelly McDonough for covering mirrors so no dogs were distracted when searching; to Pat O'Hara, Andi
Katzmann and Hermine Scolnik for putting together 75 boxes and covering the windows with brown paper to protect
the integrity of the test; and to Page Athan for arranging for cleaning on Friday evening.
Thanks to Marti for moving gates, tables, and sand bags; coming to open the building for the NACSW official; and
supplying food for the event.
Thanks to Kathy Kent for supplying a pop-up tent for registration and to Judy Norton for handling registration.
Thanks to Lindsey Smith and Natalie Young for managing parking. Thanks to our gate stewards Suzi Carlson, Fran
Smith, Donna Kornmeyer, Helen Savill, and Marjorie Butcher. Thanks to our box-setters Jane Craig and Lorene Taylor, to judge's steward Pat O'Hara, and to timer Diana Johnson-Ford. Also, thanks to competitors Carol Bowling and
Sandi Lidberg who stepped in to help as needed.
Judy McPartland
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Here are the total volunteer
hours for the members as
reported to me as of
December 31, 2015.
Bob Millar
Lannan 15
Lewis K 94
Macchia 31
McPartland 38.5
Millar 45
Andrews 21
Barrett 11.5
Botkin 3
Brousell 54
Campbell 54.5
Carey 48.5
Carlson 50
Cassidy 25
Cooper 30
Craig 66
Czermann 10
DeMinico 31.5
Gosnell 15.5
Gorbas 26
Guziejke 14
Halpern J 1.75
Millar 34
Moore 30.5
Munn 34
O’Hara 1.5
Platte 153
Ponga 8.5
Roche 51.5
Sorrentino 21.5
Smith, F. 73
Streisand 13
Tanner 9
Taylor L 18
Taylor M 29
Vance 22
Wolak D 562
Wolak J 58
Halpern L 1.75
Honchur 20
Jones K 20
Johnson – Ford 52
On Wednesday Jan. 13th Joshua earned his Working Certificate (WC) in Hunting. On Saturday, January 16th,
with the help of Joe Hamsey, Josh tied for first in Open B only to come in second in the run off. What a great
team they made. Josh now has two legs toward his Open title. And two rosettes for his memory box.
Janet Moore
Brags continued
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Ginger and I earned a new title the weekend of January 9th at the Tailwaggers agility trial. Yay!!!
Novice standard!
At the OTCPBC trial in January, Ginger completed the Beginner Novice
Title with scores of 195, 197, 198. I am so pleased!
Propwash Wicked Good BN RA NA NAJ CGC
Diana Johnson-Ford
On Saturday, January 9, 2016 Aston entered the
Club's first ORT (Odor Recognition Test) for Nose
Work. Aston passed all three odors: Birch, Anise
and Clove. Thank you Judy McPartland for organizing this event and for your great Nose Work classes.
Aston, CH. Buttonwood's Affair of the Heart, CD
PCDX GN BN CGC, was High In Trial under esteemed Judge Carol Ann Klein with a score of 198 at
OTCPBC's Obedience Trial on January 17th and received the first leg of his CDX title.
Donna Kornmeyer
Toasty' Pleasure Island (Pleasure), owned by Hermine Scolnik and Pamela & Jerome Oxenberg, passed her
birch ORT.
Bling. This was her first time in the novice ring and she did me proud. Saturday she had a 196.5 and a
third place. Sunday she did a repeat with another score of 196.5 and this time a second place in novice B
Two legs with placements on her first weekend of showing .. doesnt get much better than that !!
Kathie Kryla
William (Overlook's Sutton Downpour CD, RA, CGC) got his first leg in Rally Excellent B and placed
third at Friday's show.
Lynn & Jonathan Halpern
Happy to say that Prue, Lark, and Fizz qualified for Birch, Anise, and Clove at our ORT on
January 9.
Marti Hohmann
Continued Next Page
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Brags - Continued
Major earned HC at the Rally Trial with two first places. He's still got the
energy at 9 years.
Bob Millar
I am proud to announce that Rosie, my 6 year old Shetland Sheepdog earned her
Obedience Novice title on Sunday January 17th under Judge Carol Ann Klein. We
have had a lot of fun in our obedience adventures and want to thank everyone who
has helped along the way. And a special thank you to my sister Lucy Carr for always being there and supporting us.
Kelly McDonough
What a Nose!
Pendleton, Suzi Carlson's English Cocker,
passed all three tests at our club's first ORT.
It was a fun day, thanks to Judy, Marti, and
all the volunteers.
Continued Next Page
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Brags - Continued
I am proud to announce that Ch Bluemoon N Mytime Poppin in Phoenix, RE, BN,CD earned
his CDX at the OTC Trial January 16. It has been a very interesting ride. I showed Brittanys
and a German Shepherd for the first 20+ years of my association with AKC Obedience. This
is my first small dog and at times it has been a challenge. Not because he is an Australian
Terrier, but because he is a small dog. I had to learn to heel with an entirely new stride. Boy
that muscle memory took a long time to kick in.
We are now on to Utility. That should be a fun trip as well. See you around the ring.
Celeste Platte
Bling. This was her first time in the novice ring and she did me
proud. Saturday she had a 196.5 and a third place. Sunday she did a repeat
with another score of 196.5 and this time a second place in novice B
Two legs with placements on her first weekend of showing .. doesnt get much
better than that !!
Kathie Kryla
I am overjoyed to announce that my junior, Grace Pardo and her Chihuahua Cookie,
completed their CD title on Sunday, January 16 with a 2nd place ribbon. I met Grace
at the St Lucie County Fair two years ago while judging the 4H obedience. Last year,
Grace said she was interested in earning some obedience titles on Cookie and we started our journey together. Cookie earned her BN is four trials and her CD in six trials.
For a young lady of 15 years old with school and all the challenges of a teenager, I am
very proud of her accomplishments.
Celeste Platte
My Shetland Sheepdog, Ryder, (Larrikin Joy Ride BN
RN) finished his CD Title on Sat. Jan. 16, 2016 at the
OTCPBC Trial. Thank you to all the wonderful trainers at OTCPBC who have helped with Ryder's training
since he started there several years ago as a 5 month old
Mary Ann Lannon
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Ron Seeley was President of OTCPBC for 10 years. He saw the club through some tough times, including no
building to train or meet in. Sadly, Ron lost his beloved Max much to young. As you read his tribute, think about
his words and how we interact with our dogs. - Ed
What Really Matters?
By: Ron Seeley
It all started in 2008 when I arranged to meet the Breeder to pick
up my pup in Yee Haw Junction. That should have been a clue as to what
was to follow. He was a little ball of fluff, but then again that describes all
Golden Retriever puppies. He had a sweet but mischievous face, punctuated by a black nose, black lips and eyes that sparkled with excitement that
asked “what are we going to do”? He nuzzled my neck as I held him, always nudging my hand asking me to pet him. I should have known that
was a sign of what was to come.
Have you ever asked yourself “why do we have dogs to compete in
the various performance venues”? I think many of us would say it is to
spend time with our dogs to train them and to earn titles because it is fun.
Many of us set high goals as we seek titles such as OTCH, MACH, RAE,
MH and CT. We are constantly seeking out well qualified dog trainers and attending seminars for advice to
help us perfect the various exercises that each sport demands so we may attain those lofty goals. I would like
to ask you… how many of you really take the time to enjoy the relationship we have with our dogs? I wonder
if sometimes we lose sight of what really matters… until it is too late.
Well, on January 6, 2016 I lost what really mattered to me… my “Little Man” as I often called him,
aka KnightDrmz Big Man In Town (Max). I am not going to list his titles, because that is not what is important. What is important is Max made me smile more than any other dog that I lived with, Max always had
a ball or some sort of toy in his mouth just carrying it wherever he went. He carried them to the obedience
ring, back to his crate, to the car, to the house, to his kennel, to bed at night, outside and back inside. He
would bring them to me and nudge me to get me to work with him. He loved to train, so much so that if I
asked him, “Do you want to go train”? Max would back up quickly and bark loudly as if to say Yee HAW…
YES with each bark. He would leap up so that his head would be at my eye level, whine constantly and dance
until I put on his collar. When we went tracking, Max would whine softly until I put on his tracking harness,
hooked him up and took him out of the car. He would run to the start flag that marked the beginning of his
track, pick up the start article run back to me place his head between my knees so I could take it from him,
whirl around and go off with abandon in search of his track. In the obedience ring Max thoroughly enjoyed
himself doing each exercise with vigor and enthusiasm.
We did not attain some of the “lofty” goals that I so foolishly set when Max came into my life. Instead Max helped me reach the ultimate goal of enjoying the happiest, most fun loving and memorable moments I have ever experienced with a dog. Thank you Robin Scott for breeding the best Ambassador for the
Golden Retriever breed I have ever met. Thank you Max, for showing me what is truly important and teaching me what really matters. I miss you “Little Man”. I still hear that whine of yours, but then I realize it is
coming from me as I wipe away the tears. I will see you again someday and we will pick up where we left off
when you were called away.
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
December General Membership Meeting Minutes – December 7, 2015
Total of 33 members, 4 honorary member and 3 guests in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 6:42pm by President Betty Gansky.
President’s report:
Betty thanked Donna Kornmeyer for her work in decorating the club.
She also thanked the committee for the Show and Go event held December 6.
And announced that Membership Achievement Awards would be presented during the dinner/party, after the
close of the meeting.
Minutes: A motion was made by Celeste Platt, seconded by Bob Vence, to approve the October meeting minutes as
initially presented. Previous questions concerning their content have been resolved. Motion passed. A motion was
made by Steve Campbell, seconded by Mary Ann Lannon, to approve the November meeting minutes. Motion
Secretary’s Report: There was no secretary’s report.
Treasurer Report: Joan Bruno reported the bank balances for the checking and savings account
Obedience Report: Marti Hohmann reported that the recent Barn Hunt was a success, with 90 runs per day
over three days. She also announced that the classes for January had been posted to the website.
Tracking Report – it was reported that the recent TDX event was successful.
Agility Report – Kristin Spillane noted that classes will begin again in January.
Old Business:
Toys for Tots – Bob Millar will collect and bring them to the collection center later this week. This delay is to
allow members who did not bring their gifts to the party to drop them off later.
The January Rally and Obedience Trials entries are still open; they will close on December 30.
New Business:
There will be no day-of entries for the January Show and Go. Entries will be accepted until January 5 or until full.
This event will start with Utility. Currently, Jean Asaro will be one of two judges for the event. Janet Moore
will be asked to act as a second judge, with Blase Pfefferkorn as a backup.
It was announced that a card was being sent to Ann Levy, upon her relocation to Orlando. It was noted that the
Agility Field was made possible by Ms. Levy’s generous donation.
Volunteers will be needed to assist with the removal and storage of the holiday decorations. Donna Kornmeyer
will be organizing this effort. This must take place before January 8, when the Odor Recognition event will
take place.
New Member Reading:
2nd reading for Barbara and Hailey (granddaughter) Bounds – AKC Agility Judge, CGC Evaluator and Obedience/CGG/Agility instructor for 22 years. She has Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Sponsored by: Betty Gansky and
Joan Bruno. A motion was made by Celeste Platt, seconded by Judy McPartland, to approve this membership
request. Membership approved.
Motion to adjourn made by Celeste Platte, seconded by Angel Andrews. Meeting adjourned at 7:24pm.
Respectfully submitted
Lucy A Carr
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
January General Membership Meeting Minutes – January 4, 2016
Total of 32members, 1 honorary member and 2 guests in attendance.
President Betty Gansky called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.
President’s report:
The December minutes will be printed in the January edition of Lead Lines.
Betty announced that Marjorie Butcher had resigned from the board on December 31, 2015. Slate will be elected
as stated: Betty Gansky – President, Steve Campbell – Vice President, Joan Bruno – Treasurer, Kelly McDonough –
Secretary, Spencer Botkin and Diane Wolak – Board of Directors. The board will fill the vacant slot after the election.
Betty thanked Frank Lannon for his service on the board as Vice President for 2015.
Honorary Membership Election:
Bobbi Blythe – motion made by Janet Moore, seconded by Donna Kornmeyer to approve honorary membership.
Motion passed
Lillian Cassidy – motion made by Charlotte Czermann, seconded by Steve Campbell to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Jeff Gansky – motion made by Steve Campbell, seconded by Carol Munn to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Mary & Paul Happersett – motion made Charlotte Czermann, seconded by Donna Kornmeyer to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Ray Hookey – motion made by Donna Kornmeyer, seconded by Joan Bruno to approve honorary membership.
Motion passed.
Dick Mansell – motion made by Charlotte Czermann, seconded by Frank Lannon to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Deena Strauss – motion made by Diane Wolak, seconded by Cindy Ponga to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Joe Wolak – motion made by Charlotte Czermann, seconded by Lucy Carr to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Ann Levy – motion made by Janet Moore, seconded by Carol Munn to approve honorary membership. Motion
Carol Ann Klein – motion made by Angel Andrews, seconded by Peggy DeMinico to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Mirabelle Wrist – motion made by Carol Munn, seconded by Janet Moore to approve honorary membership. Motion passed.
Barbie Keogh – motion made by Nancy Honchar, seconded by Diane Wolak to approve honorary membership.
Motion passed.
Betty thanked Page Athan, Frank Lannon and Marjorie Butcher for their service.
Board approved donation of $200 to the Go Fund Me account for Jon Meet, Obedience Judge who had passed away
from Liver Cancer.
Board approved donation to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary in 2015 for $300.00
Continued next page
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Continued- General Meeting 1/4/16
Hired Nozzle Nolen to handle the perimeter spraying of the building to control ants and millipedes. Only spraying the
outside of the building – not the inside of the building or the gravel area.
Floor professionally cleaned and disinfected by Coastal Surface Solutions for a total expense of $1250.00. Suggested
cleaning the building 2 – 3 times a year. Special disinfectant cleaner was purchased from American Mat. We are also
looking for a new cleaning company to clean the building.
Excellent Rally/Obedience Trial Entries: 33 – Rally, 52 Obedience entries on Saturday and 51 for Sunday.
Judy McPartland reported on the upcoming Saturday January 9th Odor Recognition Test: 22 competitors, 30 dogs and
57 runs.
Agility Trial – Betty to send link for volunteers to sign up for trial. The trial is being held in conjunction with the Caloosa Club. Feb. 5 – 7, 2016. Setup is February 4th around 2pm.
Janet Moore reported on the Tracking Dog Urban Test and Variable Surface Test: Only 1 Dog passed Jane Craig with
her Weimereiner – Tracking Dog Urban test. Total of 3 dogs entered in Tracking Urban and 4 dogs in the Variable
Surface Track. Total of 6 club members who worked the trial and 4 club members that were entered.
Secretary’s Report: There was no secretary’s report.
Treasurer Report: Joan Bruno reported the bank balances for the checking and savings account at the end of December
2014 in comparison with the balances at the end of December 2015. There has been significant financial growth for
the club.
Obedience Report: Betty thanked Marti Hohmann for putting together a booklet for the instructors.
Marti reported on Rally Run-Thrus, Obedience Run-Thrus and the Show N Go. New Basic Obedience Instructors:
Tracy Guziejka, Mary Macchia, Janet Moore and Nancy Honchar. She also thanked Peggy DeMinico, Charlotte Czermann and Lindsey Smith for their help coaching/instructing the new instructors.
Please refer to club website for training class schedule.
Agility –no report available.
Motion made by Jonathan Halpern and seconded by Lucy Carr for the secretary to cast one ballot in favor the of the
slate of officers/board members. Motion passed.
Secretary (Kelly McDonough) casted on ballot in favor the slate of officers:
Betty Gansky – President, Steve Campbell – Vice President, Joan Bruno – Treasurer, Kelly McDonough – Secretary,
Spencer Botkin – Board Member, Diane Wolak – Board Member .
Jonathan Halpern, seconded by Steve Campbell to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm.
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
January 4, 2016 - Special Board Election
On Monday, January 4, 2016 the Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Officers and Board members unanimously appointed Angel Andrews to the Board of Directors, filling the vacancy left by Marjorie
Butcher’s resignation.
Approved by the following Board Members in Attendance:
Betty Gansky – President
Steve Campbell – Vice President
Joan Bruno – Treasurer
Kelly McDonough – Secretary
Spencer Botkin – Board Member
Diane Wolak – Board Member
As secretary of the Obedience Training Club of Palm County I confirm that the following are the officers and
board members of the Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County.
Marie (Betty) Gansky – President
Stephen Campbell – Vice President
Joan Bruno – Treasurer
Kelly A. McDonough – Secretary
Angel Andrews – Board Member
Spencer Botkin – Board Member
Diane Wolak – Board Member
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly A McDonough
Obedience Training Club of Palm Beach County Lead Lines
January 2016
Cleaning out garage!
Wish to donate the following equipment:
Complete AKC Rally Ring Kit includes:
*Set of AKC laminated signs
*Set of wire sign holders
*Set of outdoor stakes
*Number set for Rally Sign Holders
*24 oz. non-tip bowls with the cover
Also Available:
Leather leashes, collars, miscellaneous dog training supplies (mostly for medium to large breeds)
Call or email Liese 561-313-2771 liloudt@aol.com
Leash 5/8 x 6 ' braided leather from J & J Dog
Supplies. Brand new, never used. $20.00
Penny Barrett. Contact: puphelp@comcast.net
H: 561-64`-5859; Cell: 561-707-6508
Flexi Leads - Two. Each 16 feet long Flex 3.5 for
medium to larger dog. Free to good home.
Contact Celeste Platte @ 561-628-1144 or