January - Parents of Murdered Children
January - Parents of Murdered Children
Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc. VALLEY OF THE SUN CHAPTER F “For the Families & Friends of those who have died by violence” 19620 North 38th Avenue, Glendale AZ 85308-2215 Chapter Phone: (602) 254-8818 Chapter E-mail: beckierose@aol.com * National Organization of Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc. (POMC) 4960 Ridge Ave. Suite 2, Cincinnati, OH, 45209 (513-721-5683) Fax (513-345-4489) http://www.pomc.com/phoenix/index.html Toll Free Number (888) 818-7662 Volume 25: No. 1 January 2016 https://www.facebook.com/pages/POMC-Valley-of-the-Sun/ MONTHLY SUPPORT MEETING LOCATIONS 4th Tuesday - Grief Support Meetings All Meetings Start At 7:00 PM ◄EAST VALLEY MEETING► Tuesday, January 26 7:00 PM Mountain View Lutheran Church 11002 S. 48th Street, Phoenix AZ Room #8 (1/2 mile West of I-10 at 48th Street & Elliot) Facilitator: Claudia Marco 480-290-3908 ◄WEST VALLEY MEETING► Tuesday, January 26 7:00 PM Antioch Church of God in Christ 9600 West Peoria Avenue, Peoria AZ Family Room (NW Corner of 96th Ave/W Peoria Ave) Facilitator: Kathy Hernandez Schofield 623-707-6825 ◄CENTRAL VALLEY MEETING► Tuesday, January 26 7:00 PM Mountain View Police Precinct Community Room 2075 East Maryland, Phoenix AZ Facilitator: Beckie Miller 623-582-2406 ◄SPANISH SPEAKING MEETING► Tuesday, January 26 7:00 PM Queen of Peace Church 30 West 1st Street Mesa, AZ 85201 Facilitators: Sandy & Paulino Navarro 480-695-4789 CRIME VICTIMS LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT Free legal aid to help assert victims' rights through Arizona Voice for Crime Victims @ (480) 600-2661, P.O. Box 12722, Scottsdale, AZ 85261 or contact Mary Wallace at mwallace@voiceforvictims.org ◄◄SPEAKER/INFORMATION►► MEETING (2nd Tuesday of each month) Tuesday, January 19, 7:00 PM (3rd Tuesday for this month only. *** Mountain View Police Precinct Community Room 2075 East Maryland, Phoenix AZ (off AZ 51 at 20th Street between Glendale Avenue and Bethany Home Road Across from Granada Park) Our meeting this month will feature Bereavement Specialist Dr. Sandi Howlett who works with our chapter as well as at Hansen’s Mortuary. Sandi says she walks with people through grief…and she presents with humor. *This meeting is also the elections for your chapter’s board of directors. NEWSLETTER EDITOR Mail Memorial Page items for “The Journey” by the 10th of the month prior to publication month to: POMC Newsletter 19620 North 38th Ave Glendale AZ 85308-2215 *Please use order form on Page 11 You can also email items to beckierose@aol.com Be sure to place any article or picture in an attachment, otherwise it can’t be accessed properly (especially pictures) and may not be used. Also, be sure to put POMC Newsletter in the subject line of the email. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal.” Dustin Stanley January 2012 Veronica Ann Youvella January 7, 2005 Ralph Kenneth Stadler January 15, 1996 Osidro Gonzales January 1, 1993 Deana Bowdoin January 7, 1978 Steven Henrichsen January 15, 2009 Christopher Hanaki January 1, 2001 Terrance D. Patterson, Jr. January 7, 2007 Jeremy Brewer January 15, 2010 Andrew Reyes Martinez January 1, 2003 Christopher Rivera January 8, 2002 Cody Criner January 16, 2013 Ryan Michael Till January 1, 2007 Larry Peters January 8, 1996 Louarna Gillis January 17, 1979 Ricardo Ortega January 2, 1998 Victor Felipe Garcia January 8, 2009 Dawn Shipp January 17, 1994 Austin Lewis January 2, 2009 Joseph Klug, Sr. January 9, 1997 Christopher Vega January 17, 2000 Jason Wilson January 2, 2013 J. Braddock Richardson January 10, 1995 Nancy Voelker January 19, 1973 Mackenzie Bratcher January 3, 1998 Fabian Cano January 10, 2012 Bryant Mabery January 19, 1999 Michael “Eddie” Cordova January 3, 2001 Jesus Guzman January 11, 2001 Vernon Cumming January 20, 2009 Jerome Crayton Hoy January 3, 2001 Mike Smith January 12, 2001 Amanda Enos January 21, 2004 Christina Hallman January 3, 2010 Anthony Sanchez January 12, 2007 Ryan McKenney January 21, 2001 David Barzilai January 4, 2002 Ronald Fraga January 12, 2008 David Delci January 22, 1994 Raymond Barron III January 5, 1998 George Burilla January 12, 1999 Juan Ojeda January 22, 1994 Michele MacDonald January 6, 1995 Megan Dowell January 12, 2010 Mark Acosta January 22, 2000 Michael Newton January 7, 2004 Bilal Russell January 14, 2009 Kelsey Marie Haynes January 23, 1992 2 Continued. . . . . Justin Smothermon January 23, 2005 Justin Ryan Richardson January 23, 2006 Eric Edwards January 26, 1993 Humberto Noah January 26, 2013 Cynthia Ratter January 28, 1980 Armando Rene’ Casasnovas January 28, 2001 Jacquelan “Jackie” Hartman January 28, 2007 Kaity Sudberry January 28, 2008 Charles Mitchem January 29, 1977 Nicole “Nici” Pietz January 29, 2006 Aaron Barnett January 29, 2007 *Every effort is made to ensure accuracy on these pages. Please notify us if changes need to be made or someone added. Robin Barnes January 29, 1995 Kathleen Diane Ricks January 30, 1981 Dolores LeGault January 30, 2006 Kyle John Riley January 30, 2013 Patricia Ann Cota January 31, 2014 3 VALLEY OF THE SUN CHAPTER NEWS TRIAL, JUDICIAL & ARREST UPDATES • The trial for the killer of Michael “Eddie” Cordova who was murdered in January of 2001, ended with a conviction of first-degree murder and sentenced to death. The family waited a long time for an arrest. “Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with each and every family member as they endure this difficult process.” IN LOVING MEMORY GIFT DONATIONS (THANK YOU!) (*All donations are tax deductible: Our chapter exists on the generosity of others, grants, and fundraisers) ♥ Connie & Mike Mirkovich in very loving memory of their son, Mike Mirkovich, Jr. ♥ Mary Riley in very loving memory of her son, Kyle Riley. ♥ Sandy & Paulino Navarro in very loving memory of their son, Michael Garcia. ♥ Don & Beckie Miller in very loving memory of their son, Brian Ray Miller. ♥ Carolee Holbrook in very loving memory of her son, Brett Holbrook. CORPORATE & OTHER DONATIONS THANK YOU! UNITED WAY (Please Note: the write-in number to designate funds to our chapter through your employee contributions is 0772). You must use this number for designating any funds to go to our chapter. Our chapter name is not listed except by number. COLD CASE REGISTRY FOR HOMICIDES (PHOENIX POLICE DEPARTMENT) The Phoenix Police Department has a Cold Case Registry on line. The link is http://phoenix.gov/police/investigations/coldcase/index.html. COLD CASE REGISTRY FOR HOMICIDES MCSO (SHERIFF'S OFFICE) The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has a cold case registry for any victim, victim's family member, or other lawful representative of a victim of a cold case who requests to be included in the registry. This process provides law enforcement with an avenue to contact family when there are new developments in the case. In order to submit a request, please contact the MCSO Homicide Unit. Telephone: 602-876-1087. E-mail: MCSO.Major.Crimes@mcso.maricopa.gov HOLIDAY MEMORIAL SERVICE: “In Their Loving Memories” Our annual service was held on Saturday, December 5, at our new location, Church of the Beatitudes, and was a beautiful tribute in memory of our loved ones. We had more than 300 in attendance and began our service with our “Empty Shoes” awards presentation. We had 5 to present this year: Mari Bailey, a member of your board of directors who is stepping down this year; Greta Mang, who has worked in victim services for years; Christie Miller, has volunteered for this chapter since she was a teenager; Angie Saucedo, a member of your board of directors who is also stepping down; and, Stevie Valdivia, who made our logo for our 2012 conference and who is currently working on an animated video for online fundraising and or awareness of POMC. We also gave out appreciation gifts to those who regularly volunteer with the chapter. One of our appreciation gifts and flowers was presented to Kathy Guzman, who has been the chapter’s anniversary note writer for more than 20-years and is retiring for health reasons. We will never be able to fully express our thanks to her for this beautiful labor of love she committed to for so long. Kathy is a past recipient of our “Empty Shoes” award and also of a National POMC “Making a Difference” award. Cheri DeGruccio sang again at our Memorial, which she has been doing since she was a teenager and we are so grateful for her talent and dedication. We had our Flower of Remembrance Ceremony and our families hung an ornament on our Christmas Tree in memory of their loved ones, followed by our Rose Lighting Ceremony and our Video Tribute of our loved ones. The service was followed by a catered dinner. Thank you dearly to all who volunteered and helped us put on this special event. P.S. RE: SURVEYS FOR THE NEWSLETTER that we need for the VOCA Grant to cover its expense and have you fill out at the dinner. Thank you to all who completed them; it was a record number of responses this year. We appreciate the comments also and wanted to address some that came up: our newsletter is also available on line on our website, as requested by two people. www.pomc.com/phoenix. Some of the suggestions we cannot implement as we either tried before, such as more group monthly meetings and had facilitators go each month for more than a year with no one attending or it is simply not feasible for us to do. We do read all of your comments and appreciate you taking the time to make them. 4 SAD NEWS REGARDING A MEMBER Rachel Fraijo, whose grandson Mark was murdered in 2008, passed away November 20, after a 3-year battle with breast cancer. Our deepest and heartfelt condolences to her family and friends. FRY'S COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM FUNDRAISER FOR OUR CHAPTER Our chapter is now a part of the Fry's Community Rewards program. If you shop there, you can simply sign up (one time only) to connect your VIP card and we will get a percentage of proceeds. Just go to http://www.frysfood.com, select Register, under Sign In information, enter your email and create a password. Select User Card # and enter your Fry's VIP number, last name and zip code. Under Select Your Preferred Store, enter zip code of that store. Select Find Your Store then select Create Account. You will be prompted to confirm your email. Click the hyperlink to finish creating your Online Account. If you already have an Online Account with Fry's, you can skip this and go to https://frysfood.com/topic/community?activePage=community-rewards2. Select Sign In and enter your email and password. Select My Account and then Account Settings from drop down menu. Click Edit under Community Awards. Under Find Your Organization, select box next to POMC and enter the NPO number #29432. Save changes and you are good to go. If you have registered correctly, you should see our organization information listed under "Community Rewards" on your account summary page. Thanks for your support. CHAPTER SIBLING COORDINATOR Amanda Harris is our Sibling Coordinator and provides support for siblings outside of meetings. You can reach her by phone for more information at 623-866-3189 or email her at Amanda@advancedtx.com. Amanda lost her brother Joshua to murder and understands the sibling grief in a way only a sibling can. AFFIRMATION OF POMC NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY “It shall be the policy of Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc., to provide equal membership/employment service opportunities to all eligible persons without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, disabilities, membership in any labor organization, political affiliation, and for employment only, height, weight, and record of arrest without conviction.” *If you feel you have been discriminated against you may file a complaint with our National Office, 4960 Ridge Avenue, Suite 2, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209. www.pomc.org (513) 721-5683 To refer a complaint to an appropriate investigating entity: Office for Civil Rights Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice 810 7th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20531 www.ojp.gov In order to file with the federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) two forms must be downloaded from the internet and submitted in writing to the ORC. The forms can be found at www.ojp.gov/about/ocr/complaint.htm. Arizona Department of Public Safety VOCA Administration Civil Rights Coordinator PO Box 6638 - MD 1320 Phoenix AZ 85005-6638 (602) 223-2491 www.azdps.gov/services/crime_victims JANUARY 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONS At the speaker meeting in January, we will have our annual board of directors for your chapter election meeting. We will have at least one opening for the coming term. Requirements for the board are that it must have been at least one year since the murder of your loved one and usually it is best if your court proceedings and trial are over with. Responsibilities of the board are to attend bi-monthly board of directors’ meetings, usually on the second Saturday of the corresponding month at 10:00 a.m., as well as helping with all chapter events. If interested in being considered for your name being submitted as a possible candidate for the board, please contact Beckie at 602-254-8818 and or email her beckierose@aol.com 5 NATIONAL POMC INFORMATION ☺ CINCINNATI OHIO OFFICE☺ 4960 Ridge Avenue, Ste 2, Cincinnati OH 45209 888-818-7662 Website: www.pomc.org •The POMC CATALOG has been added to the home page on the website. Please check out the website www.pomc.org for our inventory of sale items. Some of the items are new and are available for purchase. Some of the older items are on sale. •SAVE THE DATE: The 30th National Conference will be July 21-24, 2016, at the Sheraton Lake Buena Vista Resort, Orlando, Florida. Call 800-423-3297 to make reservations. The hotel price is $99.00 (includes resort fee of $19.95), so make sure they do not charge you extra. For brochure and more information, see website www.pomc.org. It’s not too early to think of silent auction items/table gifts donations. For table gifts donations, you can email Marie Belmontez, gocpomc@yahoo.com to let her know. For silent auction items, contact Carol Leonhardt, cwesterlund@ghcscw.com. If you would like to donate either, send them to National at: 2016 National POMC Conference 4960 Ridge Ave. Ste. 2 Cincinnati, OH 45209-1075 ●SURVIVORS NEWSLETTER: The National Newsletter is going green and we are currently in the process of getting email addresses and switching over. If you do not have a computer or access to one you will still receive a hard copy if you notify the National Office. There is a lot of time put in to creating, editing and assembling the Newsletter for distribution thus we will still charge $10 for the subscription. POMC's effort to be more cost effective, generate some income, and going green make it a logical step to take. ●DONATIONS AND SUPPORT OF NATIONAL POMC: There are many ways to help with much needed funds for POMC including any items you buy on Amazon.com, as well as if you shop the Kroger Stores. It is very simple and does not cost you anything and yet your purchase allows a percentage from these companies to go directly to National. Please go on-line to www.pomc.org and see how you can sign up for this or contact Bev Warnock - bwarnock@pomc.org POMC Goodsearch donates money to POMC when you search the Internet, shop online or dine out at local restaurants! Use Goodsearch.com to search the Internet and they donate a penny per search to POMC. Use Goodshop.com when you shop online and they donate a percentage of every purchase and offer over 100,000 coupons to help you save money too! Sign up for their Good dining program and they'll donate a percentage of your restaurant bill when you eat at any one of thousands of participating restaurants. It's really easy, it's free and turns simple everyday actions into a way to help POMC. Please sign up today to help support Parents Of Murdered Children - POMC. Go to www.goodsearch.com to get started. NEW FUNDRAISER: No need to worry about parking or getting a designated driver-we've partnered with Uber to get everyone to and from events safely! Uber is evolving the way the world moves. By seamlessly connecting riders to drivers through our app, Uber makes cities more accessible, opening up more possibilities for riders and more business for drivers. New to Uber? Sign up with promo code POMCORG to get your first ride FREE, up to $20! Plus, Uber will donate $5 back to POMC. Check out Uber pro tips here: uber.com/features. Promo Code: POMCORG Sign up Link: Uber.com/go/pomcorg ●AUTO DONATIONS: We are encouraging all chapters and contact persons to get involved with POMC Debit Authorization. You can now donate to NATIONAL POMC by setting up an automatic withdrawal from your bank account to National. Contact National for a debit authorization form. This is a fast and easy way to make a donation to National to help us help others. Your donation is withdrawn at the same time of the month, each month, and no amount is too small. We appreciate your help during these difficult economic times. ●PAROLE BLOCK PROGRAM: To date, this program has kept more than 1509 prisoners who committed murders from being released early. Parole Block was begun in 1990 and all members across the United States whose loved one’s killer is up for early release/parole consideration can file a petition with National that is sent nationwide for signatures protesting their release. SECOND OPINION SERVICES: A program that provides second opinions on unsolved or complicated cases by a national board comprised solely of experts in the medical, law enforcement and investigative fields. MURDER IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT (MINE) PROGRAM: Through this program, POMC raises public awareness to the insensitivity of murder as entertainment through toys, games, murder mystery weekends, drive-by shooting fashions, serial killer trading cards, and anything that glamorizes violence. BIG TURN OFF: This is an annual event, each January, in which citizens are asked to turn off their televisions for one evening during prime time hours to protest the violence on television. MURDER WALL: A traveling tribute honoring the memories of murder victims. A photo album is also available with each plaque. Currently, the cost is $75 to add your loved ones’ names to the Walnut Plaques that comprise the Murder Wall. You have two pages for the photo album to add information, poetry or pictures. SILENCED VOICES: A program begun in January 2002, which advocates for the vigorous investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the murder of abused children. The first case was that of Brandi Conley. POMC was instrumental in bringing charges against her parents. 6 POETRY PAGE GRIEF IS LIKE A RIVER (By: Cinthia G. Kelley) My grief is like a river, I have to let it flow, But I myself determine Just where the banks will go. Some days the current takes me In waves of guilt and pain, But there are always quiet pools Where I can rest again. I crash on rocks of anger; My faith seems faint indeed, But there are other swimmers Who know just what I need … They are loving hands to hold me When the waters are too swift, And someone kind to listen When I just seem to drift … Grief’s river is a process Of relinquishing the past. By swimming in hope’s channels, I’ll reach the shore at last. 7 You Made It! Sandra Howlett, Ed.D. “Death ends a life. Not a relationship. Morrie Schwartz Do you remember the last couple of months when all you wanted to do was pull the blanket over your head and fast forward to the new year? Well, you made it…you did what you did not want to do and not sure you could do – you made it through the holidays. It is a new year and you are still here! Time goes on regardless of what we do or do not do. How we experience that time can have a lot to do with healing. Every new year when we turn the page, many of us make resolutions…including NOT to make resolutions. Still, there is something about a new year that at least hints at new beginnings. Grief is both an ending and a beginning. The end of the relationship with our beloved as we have known it and the beginning of …what? How can you have a ‘relationship’ with someone who has died? We all do it…through memories, stories, legacies and experiences shared. It isn’t what you want AND it is what is available. Do you talk about your loved one? Do you talk TO your loved one? Do you share memories with others? Do you ever hold (or wear) their jewelry, clothing or other possessions? Do you have their pictures displayed? Do you ever get angry at them for ‘leaving you’? Have you done anything in their memory that might help others? How are you a different person for having loved this person? All the above are normal thoughts, feelings and behaviors….and they can happen whether your beloved is living or dead. They are all about connections and caring and history and love…and those do not end with a final heartbeat. In the words of James E. Miller in Winter Grief. Summer Grace (1995), “Grieving is a natural way of helping you to accept that someone you love is gone and will not return. Grieving is a natural way to let go of life as you once knew it, so you can hold on to what will never leave you and what you will always know. There is a short prayer by Dick Williams that gives me comfort while reminding me of connections…may it be so for you too. We remember O Lord, the slenderness of the thread which separates us from death and the suddenness with which it can be broken. Help us also to remember that on both sides of that division we are surrounded by your love. While the relationship has not ended, it has indeed changed…Grief changes us too. Some people get harder…some get softer…and some grow into a space they did not know existed. Generally, I believe people get more compassionate to the losses and grief of others once they have experienced deep loss themselves. One of the down the road mile-markers to healing is finding a way to help and serve others. It need not be grief related service. Most important is that you find a way to somehow improve the lot of others – be that people, animals or the planet – a way to leave a situation better than you found it. As you lift others, so you too will be lifted. That is true healing. You will survive this…and in your own healing and the fullness of time, have the opportunity for transformation. 8 SNOWFLAKES: SURVIVING THE WINTER SEASON (by: Darcie D. Sims, Ph.D., CHT, CT, GMS) Have you ever stood outside, with your head tilted back and your mouth open wide, trying to catch a snowflake? Snowflakes fall everywhere, on your hair, your chin, your eyelashes, even your nose and some even managed to land on the tip of your tongue, only to vanish before you could really get a good taste. Each snowflake is a completely different design and pattern. No two are ever created exactly the same. It is a mystery that continues to delight “snow catchers” everywhere. There are very few things that can be so lovely, delicate, so perfect and different and disappear so quickly, never to be reproduced in exactly the same pattern again. Sometimes it seems as though people are like that, too. Those we love are so lovely, so delicate, so perfect and so different and they disappeared too quickly, too. Each of us is as unique as those childhood snowflakes. We each have a unique look, sound, smell, touch. We are cut from unique patterns, assembled in endless variety of shapes, styles and combinations. We look, sound, talk, think and act differently than anyone else. There are no identical matches just as there are no perfectly identical snowflakes. We know this, but when it comes to grieving, we demand that everyone grieve the same way. Some of us will talk our way through the iciness of our grief while others prefer more solitude. Some want to read everything they can about grief while others wish to submerge themselves in work. Some cry endlessly while others never shed tears. We are as unique as snowflakes drifting from the sky. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, although there are some ways that are albeit less dramatic. Just as the snowflakes find their way to their destination, so too, will each of us find our way through grief. Frozen hearts and numb minds, do, eventually thaw. Icy memories that chill to the bone can grow warmer as we begin to move through our grief. Whatever hurt we are carrying begins to weave itself into our very being and eventually it becomes a part of our history. We begin to become the sum total of all our experiences. Our unique pattern begins to reflect on our unique journey. We carry souvenirs of our hurts, each stored away until time to add them to the next hurt, thus piling up one hurt after another, all to be carried forever in our being. These hurts leave scars, some big, some small, but all significant in their pain. Each scar must have a place in our being. We become a carefully organized mass of layers, as delicate and intricate and individual as a snowflake. Sometimes, especially in the early months and even years of grief, all we can remember is the pain and horribleness of our loved one’s death. Pain seems to overshadow everything. These shadows seem to make every day harder and in the winter, the shadows seems longer, deeper, darker. The snowflakes seem small, less beautiful. The magic of winter’s decorations only leaves us cold and barren. If we begin as frozen beings, the journey through grief becomes a process of thawing. And each of us will defrost in a pattern as unique and individual as the snowflakes that drift across the windowpane, leaving little icy streaks of memory on the heart. So, be patient with yourself this winter season. Recognize your own unique emotions and hurts and learn to identify the tracings of your own snowflakes of grief. You will survive these winter days and this winter season. You will begin to defrost eventually and it will be far less painful if you begin to cherish your differences rather than use them as weapons and yardsticks of judgement. WAYS TO THAW, SURVIVE AND FIND HOPE: Brush your teeth, every morning… Take out the trash, Just get it out of the house. Someday you can try getting it out on the right day… Be realistic. It will hurt, but don’t try to block bad moments. Be ready for them… Take care of yourself physically. Eat right, Exercise (or at least watch someone else). If nothing else, jog your memory. Leave the word “ought” out of the season; work at lifting depression. Take care responsibility for yourself. We cannot wait for someone else to wrap up some of the joy and give it to us. We have to do that for ourselves… Buy a gift. Buy a gift for yourself. Wrap it up, but don’t hide it. Just when you think you are going “off the deep end”, open it up and enjoy… Breathe. In and out. In and out. It’s that simple and that hard… Hang the stockings, Place a wreath on the grave. Do whatever feels right for you and your family… Make a snow angel. Get outside. Catch snowflakes. Build a sand castle. Take care memory walk… 9 PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN, INC. (For the Families & Friends of those who have died by violence) BIG TURN-OFF (To Protest the Violence on Prime Time Television) The annual Big Turn-Off for our organization is Wednesday, January 13, 2016 during prime time hours on television when our vulnerable children are watching. ● This is our organization’s annual program to protest the violence on television, and a part of the Murder is not Entertainment Program, and is designated the second Wednesday of January. Please support us and turn off your televisions during the prime time hours of the second Wednesday evening. Play games with your family, take a walk or read a book instead. It seems like year after year the family hour on television continues to add more and more “crime shows” to their programming. So help us continue to educate not only our communities, but the networks as well. Inform your family members, friends, co-workers and churches and let them know about this important event. *The American Psychological Association has reported that the average child watches 8,000 televised murders and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school. That number more than doubles by the time he/she reaches the age of 18. Prime time television should be violence free for our children. 10 Memorial Wall Order Form Please add my loved one’s name to the “Valley of the Sun Memorial Wall in their Memories.” Each Nameplate is $10. Our wall is displayed at many special events across the valley during the year. NAME__________________________________ Age:___________ Murder date: _____________ Picture Board ___ Check here if sending picture for the picture board & Holiday Memorial (no cost). Picture Buttons ___Please make #____picture buttons of my loved one. (Enclose photo) Each button is 3”, and costs $5 each which includes postage and handling. ** Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope if you want your photo returned. You may also e-mail photo to beckierose@aol.com “The Journey” Memorial Order Form (newsletter) Please reserve: □ ½ page (suggested donation of $10) □ Full pg (suggested donation of $20) Month you wish memorial to appear in: ________________ Loved One’s Name________________________________ Age _____ Date of Death_______________ YOUR Name_____________________________________ YOUR Phone Number______________________________ YOUR E-MAIL __________________________________ *Make all checks out to POMC *Mail to 19620 North 38th Avenue Glendale AZ 85308-2215 A half page will hold a picture and short poem OR message, depending on space. If a photo is included, please provide identification of the person on the back. If you wish the photo to be returned include a self-addressed stamped envelope, big enough for the picture to fit in. Unless otherwise specified, location, size and structure of the text and picture will be at editor’s discretion and space permitting. **We also, if space is available, print "Survivor to Survivor" stories if you would like to send in a one page, single spaced and typed document. Also, if you have written poetry about your loss or have a favorite poem to share with others. We do edit for misspellings and or profanity. There is no charge for these items, either poetry or shared stories. ♥♥♥ THANKS FOR CARING ♥♥♥ *Return this form with your material for The Journey by the 10th of the month preceding the issue you wish it to appear in; for example: September 10 for October's newsletter, etc. To the Mountain View Police Precinct for donating our meeting room, as well as Antioch Church of God in Christ, Mountain View Lutheran Church, and Trinity Fellowship. To the Department of Public Safety (VOCA), for the grant for our newsletter, and everyone who has donated gifts of their time, talents and energy to our chapter activities. With your help we are able to continue the outreach that is needed by our community. *A donation for the memorial page can be made by sending a check made out to POMC and mailed in care of: Newsletter Editor Valley of the Sun POMC VALLEY OF THE SUN BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2015) SIBLING SUPPORT: Amanda Harris is our chapter's Sibling Coordinator providing support for siblings. Her contact info is 623-866-3189 or email: amanda@advancedtx.com POMC VOICE MESSAGING)....................(602) 254-8818 Chapter E-mail.……………………. BeckieRose@aol.com Chapter Fax: .................................................(623) 582-0917 Beckie Miller, Chapter-Leader .......... .(623) 582-2406 Don Miller, Treasurer ....................... .(623) 582-2406 Mari Bailey, Co-Leader/Secretary.......(602) 405-7401 Amanda Harris, Co-Leader.................(623) 866-3189 Kathy Hernandez,...............................(623) 707-6825 Tim Osolin ....................................... ..(602) 615-7096 Mary Wallace……………………….…(480) 600-0661 Denise Brewer..…………………….....(917) 696-2928 Angie Saucedo...................................(480) 209-8465 Claudia Marco....................................(480) 634-1424 Arrow McCullough..............................(602) 588-9834 (Volunteers) Carolee Holbrook - Office Assistance Denise Brewer - Anniversary Note Writer Kathy Hernandez - Facebook Page Coordinator 19620 North 38th Avenue Glendale AZ 85308-2215 CONTACT NUMBERS CRISIS LINE/MOBILE CRISIS TEAM Empact Crisis Line ............................ ..(480) 784-4949 OTHER HELP LINES Teen Lifeline.......................................…...(602) 248-8336 GrandCare (Grandparents help line) .....(602) 274-5022 Crime Victims Legal Assistance Project (480) 965-5640 MCAO Victim Services.............................(602) 506-8522 Crime Victim Compensation....................(602) 506-4955 11 Return Address PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN, INC. VALLEY OF THE SUN CHAPTER 19620 North 38th Avenue Glendale AZ 85308-2215 (602) 254-8818 Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc., is a self-help organization dedicated to the aftermath of murder. The success of its mission depends upon the participation of the families and friends of those lost to murder. POMC number (602) 254-8818 WHY WE ARE HERE: MISSION STATEMENT: “POMC makes the difference through ongoing emotional support, education, prevention, advocacy, and awareness.” VISION STATEMENT: “To provide support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims while working to create a world free of murder.” This project is supported by Grant No. 2012-VA-GX-0022 from the US Department of Justice - Office for Victims of Crime. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US DOJ or the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
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Antioch Church of God in Christ
9600 West Peoria Avenue, Peoria AZ
Family Room
(NW Corner of 96th Ave/W Peoria Ave)
Facilitator: Kathy Hernandez Schofield