the Light Aircraft Association
the Light Aircraft Association
060_065_LAA_July10 25/6/10 13:10 Page 60 Classifieds For all display or commercial advertising enquiries please call our Advertising Manager Dave Impey on +44 (0) 1223 497067 or email You can email your classified advertisement direct to the LAA at the following address: Next issue: AUGUST 2010 Deadline for booking and copy: 11th JULY 2010 Classified advertising rates £15 per single column cm (one-off) £13 per single column cm (Series of six) £10 per single column cm (Series of 12) Display advertising rates Full page cover position £1500 Full page £1200 Half page £600 Quarter page £350 Eighth page £200 Insert prices on request If you would like to place an aircraft for sale advert please see details below: MEMBERS’ ADVERTISEMENTS Up to 30 words: £6; 31-50 words: £12 Up to 50 words with a coloured photo: £45 NON-MEMBERS’ ADVERTISEMENTS Up to 30 words: £22; 31-50 words: £44 Up to 50 words with a coloured photo: £60 To ensure that your advertisement is included, copy must reach the LAA by the following date: Issue: AUGUST 2010 Deadline: 11th JULY 2010 For aircraft sales classified advertising please send using the form printed on the reverse of the Mailing Sheet, together with cheques and photographs if applicable, to: LAA Classifieds, Turweston Aerodrome, Nr Brackley, Northants NN13 5YD Tel: 01280 846786 • Fax: 01280 846780 LAA Engineering advice to buyers: AIRCRAFT APPROVED? Members and readers should note that the inclusion of all advertisements in the commercial or classified sections of this magazine does not necessarily mean that the product or service is approved by the LAA. In particular, aircraft types, or examples of types advertised, may not, for a variety of reasons, be of a type or standard that is eligible for the issue of a LAA Permit to Fly. You should not assume that an aircraft type not currently on the LAA accepted type list will eventually be accepted. IMPORTED AIRCRAFT? Due to unfavourable experiences, the purchase and import of completed homebuilt aircraft from abroad is especially discouraged. TIME TO BUILD? When evaluating kits/designs, it should borne in mind that technical details, performance figures and handling characteristics are often quoted for a factory-produced aircraft flying under ideal conditions. It is wise, therefore, to seek the opinion of existing builders and owners of the type. You should also take your own skill and circumstances into consideration when calculating build times. The manufacturer’s build time should be taken as a guide only. AMATEUR BUILDING All LAA aircraft builders and potential builders are reminded that in order to qualify for a LAA Permit to Fly, homebuilt aircraft must be genuinely amateur built. For these purposes the CAA provide a definition of amateur built in their publication CAP 659, available from LAA. An extract from CAP 659 reads “The building and operation of the aircraft will be solely for the education and recreation of the amateur builder. This means that he would not be permitted to commission someone else to build his aircraft”. An aircraft built outside the CAA’s definition could result in an expensive garden ornament. AIRCRAFT FOR SALE RANS S6ESD. First class condition. 220 hours airframe/engine. 386kg. Superb handling and visibility. Folding wings, new permit. Ideal for building experience, so economical to operate. Tel: 07810 522 384. JODEL D112 2 seat aircraft, Powered by a Continental C65 which has had new millenium cylinders fitted, new mags and carb overhaul in the last 80 hours. Total time 3564, engine 1518, 122 since TEO. The aircraft is in good condition and has an Icom radio and intercom. The plane sips fuel at around 3 gallons per hour with a 13 gallon tank. It has a new permit and the price is an amazing £10,500.00 only, 2 seats, can aviation get any better value?. Photo on the AFORS ( site. For further information phone 07711 132 247. GARDAN MINICAB JB01(STD) 2-seat 128 hrs. TTAF/E. Permit until 21-09-10. Continental PC60. Always hangared. Owner-builder. For sale £10,500. Hangarage available Cambridge. Call Derek 01223 262 389 or Ian 01223 263 034 STREAK SHADOW G-BROI. Rotax 532 with electric start. Airframe and engine 580 hours. New Permit - till June 2011. New W/B. Full history. All mods up to date. Hangared at Brook Farm, near Pilling, Lancs. Hangarage available. Priced to sell at £5995. 07971 476780 KITFOX MK2 ROTAX 582 zero timed. Overall VGC. Flies well. Trailer included. Offers over £7,000. Tel 01269860261. WING-SET PIPER J3 CUB (1944) Wooden Spars Filligree type ribs. Starboard wing fully serviceable, port wing needs some replacement ribs, three lift struts. Hangared Lavernham Suffolk. £2,500 O.N.O contact Peter 01628-629916 M 07949 950022 STOREY TSR3, G-AWIV. Fantastic condition. Airframe only, engine removed for two seat project. Flown regularly. Historic British Aircraft in tip top condition £4500 ono. Tel: 07810 522 384. Easily de rigged for transportation. EUROPA XS MONOWHEEL with Classic wings. Rotax 912S zero hours. All mandatory mods incorporated. Microair comm and transponder, intercom, Skymap IIIC. For details email or call 015242 72056 PIPER CUB J5A 1941. Lycoming O235. Engine 610 hrs from new. TTAF 5413 hrs. Sensenich wooden prop. Ceconite covered. Cleveland disk brakes. Heavy duty sealed lift struts. Permit to May 2011. A very comfortable tourer, Always hangered & well maintained £21,000. Contact John 01832 293291 or 07956 412 842 EUROPA XS MONOWHEEL with classic wings. Rotax 912s – zero hours. All mandatory mods incorporated. Microair Comm and transponder, intercom, Skymap IIIc. For details email Tel: 07524 272056. MURPHY REBEL O-235 l2C engine, 215hrs. Always hangared. Skymap III, Bendix King KY97A, Garmin GTX327. On private strip and hangar North Notts. Contact or 07836 737935 or 01777 816967 Offers around £30,000 G-GRIN VAN’S RV6. Built 1999, approx 800hrs with IO-360 Lycoming. Rebuilt engine 100 hrs ago. New cylinders fitted 20 hrs ago (due to FAA AD on cylinders). Fixed pitch Amar Demuth wood prop. Electric flaps and trim. Sam James cowl, Lightspeed direct cranking ignition. Mode C, EI fuel flow, EI electronic tach, EI CHT’s. Always hangered. For picture google G-GRIN. Asking price £51,500. For further info call 01329 286238 or JODEL D120 C90 14F. 709Hrs Since Major Overhaul. Airframe 3,600 hrs. Good panel. Ceconite covered. Very good condition. New Permit, starter alternator. Always hangared. Same owner 18 yrs, £13,750 ono. Tel Trevor 01829 720141 or 07719 398831. CONTINENTAL C90-14F 1620hrs with mags starter motor, generator, carburetor taken from damaged aircraft – non flying, hangar accident (no damage FWF) £3,000 contact 07866 103453 or MINICAB G-BEBR O-200 powered. AF+ Engine 25 hours total. 120 knot cruise @ 2450 and 20 litres per hour. Full panel A.H T+S VSI ASI 760 Radio intercom electric start. A really nice aeroplane. Price £11,000. Call Paul 07850 771378 GROUP A STREAK SHADOW. Superb condition £7,999 ono. Oil injected Rotax 582 engine 85hrs from NEW. Fantastic viz, short field performance, and climb. 80mph at 17lt/h, and 60lt fuel capacity. Includes radio/VOR plus dual headsets. The most affordable, fun, and safe, Group A flying around. Tel 0789 1321969. 060_065_LAA_July10 25/6/10 13:10 Page 61 AIRCRAFT FOR SALE ZENAIR ZODIAC 601HD, TTA 215 HRS. Lycoming O-235 TTSTO 275 hrs. Permit 20/08/2010. Electric aileron and elevator trims. Cruise 90 Kts using 20 litres/hr, max 115 kts, stall 35 kts. Solid easy-handling taildragger with good GPS panel, two comfortable seats and panoramic view! Photos on £17,950 Tel: 01244 671 417. AIRCRAFT WANTED RANS S6-116 taildragger. Group A. Rotax 912 engine, 185 hours. Cambrai cover, radio, GPS. Two seat £17,000. Phone 01525 382053 Paul Lewis. Based near Milton Keynes GLASTAR. LYCOMING O-320 160HP. £48,000. TTAFE 800 hours since new. Permit till January 2011. Full details and photos at Contact Peter Hayward Tel: 01692-402 810. PRACTAVIA SPRITE Immaculate 2 seater aircraft, corrosion treated metal airframe, Rolls Royce engine Icom radio Skymap 111c, low hours airframe /engine, always hangared, owner/builder, 12 months permit, £30,000. Tel 01253 397 637 PIPER L4B CUB 1941 (USAAF Inventory 1943). 500hrs since airframe and engine rebuild. Permit. Cleveland wheels & brakes. Cliff Lovell rebuilt A65. G-BHVV is currently based Perranporth, Cornwall. £18,000. 07772 519 822 QUICKSILVER GT500, Only aircraft of type in the UK. As featured in December LAA magazine. Health problems prevent me flying. Registration light aircraft up to 1000Lbs. Offers around £16,000 for quick sale. Tel: 01189 706853 T61C MOTOR FALKE. Beautiful easy to fly motor glider. Airframe- 3716 hours. Engine- 1500cc/ 1740 hours. Cruise- 3.5 hours at 2.5 gals per hour. Based- Dunkeswell, Devon. GBP £8,500 Genuine reason for sale at bargain price! AIRCRAFT SERVICES PHIL TRANGAR ENGINEERING IN THE SOUTH EAST. LAA/BMAA permit, build inspections etc. Engine service/rebuilds etc. All types Airframe repairs and schemes designed for submission. All construction methods full machining facilities for special components Auto CAD/3D or your sketch! Aircraft quality welding TIG/GAS etc. Phone 01323 842 363 or 07845 714 657. . DESIGN AERODYNAMICS, Stress, and Drawings Services. Modifications, complete light aircraft projects, through: BCAR(S), EASA(CS23), EASA(CS-VLA). Reasonable rates, some initial consultation time. Ksl Projects, email: John 07769 695 856 EUROPA CLASSIC MONO-WHEEL with Rotax 912UL engine and Warpdrive fixed pitch propeller. Instruments include ASI, AH, T+S, Alt, Di, Vsi, Narco 810 Radio, Narco Transponder, Flight-com intercom and Bendix Skyforce11 GPS. Rotax carb heat system installed. Sale price £30,000 ono incl. trailer. Contact Matthew Russell Ltd 01653 668169 or email AIRCRAFT FOR SALE (SINGLE SEAT) JABIRU SP470 95 hrs only, stored for three years. Vacuum pump with Artificial Horizon and DI. Microair radio, Garmin Transponder and VSI. Will be sold with new permit. £23,500. 01580 240 277/07970 040 724 AIRCRAFT WEIGHING SERVICE LANCAIR 320 Award winning immaculate beauty for sale following loss of medical. Injected Lycoming 160hp with 0 hours STOH. 250 hours TTAE. Overhauled completely in last year. Cruises at 200mph for 1,000 miles at 8 gph! Fully equipped panel. Comes with interchangeable wing tip extensions, cover, Permit to Fly, quantity of spares & more. Always hangared at Cranfield. Transition training available. Contact:, or +44(0)1923 269170, +44(0)7836351553. £70,000 + VAT EUROPA TRIGEAR, low hours, in excellent condition. 01942 815227 or 07876 473929 or 01490412793. Email: AIRCRAFT WEIGHING SERVICE. Midlands based and will travel. Using professional roll on/roll off weighing scale pads and digital equipment. See for more information, or call Roy Sears on 07976 602110 or 01543 432840. Accepted by the LAA and BMAA. AIRCRAFT PARTS IAN SEARSON AVIATION SERVICES LTD Fabricwork, paintwork and restorations Air squadron Trophy winner Tailwheel conversions, proficiency checks and renewals on PIPER Cub. Midlands based 07790 949 349 ALLEN HASLEDINE-WELDER. Mobile CAA Approved Welder, Pre-Fabricated parts welded, repairs, any aviation welding considered. Contact Allen on 01981 510330 or email: RECOVERING, Restorations, Woodwork, Paintwork ETC. Contact Trevor on 01829 720141 – 07719 398831. AIRCRAFT WEIGHING SERVICE. Midlands based and will travel. Using professional roll on/roll off weighing scale pads and digital equipment. See for more information, or call Roy Sears on 07976 602110 or 01543 432840. Accepted by the LAA and BMAA. Planeweighs Limited Aircraft weighing & technical services WING-SET. PIPER J3 CUB (1944). Wooden spars, Filligree type ribs. Starboard wing fully serviceable port wing needs some replacement ribs. Three lift struts. Hangared Lavernham Suffolk. £2,500 O.N.O. Contact Peter 01628-629916 M 07949 950022 PIPER CLUB to BOEING 747 Load/Trim sheet design CAA approval A1/8538/79 JODEL 1050 top/bottom front cowlings. Had been fitted to Jodel D120, good condition. £100.00 Tel: 01757 289004 Tel: 44+ (0) 1792 310566 Fax: 310584 Mobile: 07798 662 939 TURN COORDINATOR EGC reconditioned in 2007, used only briefly since £300 bill – Any sensible offer secures. Slip ball 10 degrees, 2 1/4, like new £15. Call 07799 495547. Engineers throughout the UK email: web: JULY 2010 LIGHT AVIATION 61 060_065_LAA_July10 25/6/10 13:11 Page 62 AIRCRAFT SERVICES BATTERIES ICOM BATTERIES RECONDITIONED EXCHANGE POWERPACKS • NimH 12V 1000mah upgrade...£39 Price inclusive of VAT and return P&P All cells are brand new industrial grade Delcom Nicads £28 • King KX99 £28 Phone, email or write for details Tel: 01352 757403 email: Lloyd Hughes, 29 Godre Mynydd, Gwernymynydd Mold, Flintshire CH7 4AD ENGINE AND ENGINE SPARES C90 STROMBERG carburettor NAS3A1 good condition £50.00. 4 C90 Cylinders and pistons, 1 standard 3 +15 all in good condition £75.00 each. Tel: 01757289004 CHRISTEN fuel selector wobble pump wanted from breaking Pitts or Eagle please. Required for Jungman project, any condition considered – will rebuild, cash waiting. Tel: 07974 777783. CONTINENTAL C90-14F 1620hrs with mags, starter motor, generator, carburetor. Taken from damaged aircraft – non flying hangar accident (no damage FWF). £3,000 contact 07866 103453 or LYCOMING CRANKCASE, O-320 series, parallel mount (not dynafocal), P/N 69816 with H+S serviceable label. Continental 0-300 crankcase, P/N 530897, crankshaft, 6-hole flange, another crankshaft 8-hole flange P/N 530789, camshaft, P/N 530803. Call Paul at Vintech to discuss. 01767 651 794. SUBARU EA81 converted for aircraft. Twin plug heads magneto AMAX reduction drive. 80hp. 240 hours. Also GT 72” VTZ wooden Prop SAE1 bolt spacing, like new. Glen 01622 858956 GROUP FLYING AA5 GROUP GAMSTON, 1/4 shares so great availability in 4 seater tourer, A/F 1900 hrs, zero time engine Lycoming O-320 150hp. Details@ 07976 802 107 ROCHESTER BASED TB10 A/C Always hangared, small friendly group, good availability £115 pcm, £85 per tacho hr. Shares £4,000. Contact David 01737 819 617 GROUP FLYING C172 NORTH NORFOLK Non-equity group. IMC Equipped. Recently refurbished. £65/hr wet. £50 month. Low hour pilots welcome. No airspace restrictions. Contact Peter Hayward 01692 402 810 1/6 SHARE AUSTER D4/108. Lycoming O235, Classic Traildragger, under utilised, hangared Bourne Park, Andover. Long established group, includes instructor, group maintained, on LAA Permit to Fly. £2,900, £55 per month, £45 per hour wet. Phone Robin on 0118 978 1821. SHARES AVAILABLE in underutilised Pietenpol Aircamper at Old Warden. £100 pcm includes hangarage and insurance: No other costs except fuel. Cheap fun flying: Tailwheel training available. Call John 07799-407808 BRISTOL OR AVON AREA, aircraft share wanted. PPL 550 hours. Tailwheel experienced, relocating. Friendly group more important than aircraft type. Please phone Clive 07714245995 or Email JODEL AMBASSADEUR DR1050. Quarter share in well-run group. Online booking. Hangared at private strip in West Sussex. GPS. VOR. ELB. £5000 ONO plus £85/month. £42/hr wet contact 01403 741539 (evenings) or JODEL D12OA, White Waltham. 1/6 share. Wings and tail recovered and rebuilt. Permit until December. £69 PM, £48 per hour wet. Serviced. Hangared. Good availability. £2450 ONO – Call Dom 07799 536276 GYROPLANES COVERS AV18 MK6 CRICKET. ROTAX 582, Rotordynes. Easy to fly, ideal for training. With new permit. Call Geoff 07860 726672 or 01484 530109 Cambrai Covers Specialist Covers Since 1979 • Reduce Aircraft Deterioration • Reduce Pre-Flight Time • Improve Engine Starting • Reduce Maintenance Costs • 400 Patterns in Stock! Cambrai Covers - Home and Dry email: +44 (0)1377 267426 62 LIGHT AVIATION JULY 2010 ENGINEERING CAA approved welding service (mobile) Accident damage and restoration Email: Tel/Fax: 01767 650824. M: 07899 943 937 (Formerly CB Aircraft Engineering ltd) CRICKET GYROPLANE. ROTAX 532, Dragon Wings, Ivoprop. Nice Condition, low hours with New Permit. Call Geoff 07860 726672 or 01484 530109 PLEASE MENTION LIGHT AVIATION WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISERS 060_065_LAA_July10 INSURANCE 25/6/10 15:49 Page 63 PILOT LIFE COVER life cover for pilots Pilots often face expensive premium loadings when applying for life cover. Some insurers will apply these loadings even if you only fly a few hours per year. We can source cover with normal medical underwriting terms and no premium loadings for flying up to 100 hrs per year in either Microlight or Group A aircraft. So if you’re paying an existing loaded policy premium or considering a new policy then we need to talk ! • premium discount for all PPL and NPPL holders • our aviation insurance advisor has flown both Group A and Microlight aircraft • we can also advise on your income or critical illness enquiries • rotary, paramotor, paraglider & PHG enquiries also welcome pilot insurance specialists 01793 491888 est 1989 JULY 2010 LIGHT AVIATION 63 060_065_LAA_July10 25/6/10 13:13 Page 64 KIT PLANES PROJECTS PILOT SUPPLIES EUROPA TRI GEAR KIT 50% completed. All mandatory mods. All parts to complete. Phone for details – Ray 01737 711242 FALCONER F-11 PROJECT, complete except prop and spinner. Airframe covered, needs assembly and completion. GPU converted engine with project, needs inspection following dry store. £6250 o.n.o. Tel: 01406 330 692 JODEL 1050 PROJECT. Excellent fuselage, damaged wing £3,250 ono. Other parts may be available for purchase. Tel Peter 01948 663738 or Trevor 01829 720141. PIEL CP328 SUPER EMERAUDE Project Construction No 50-10674. Fuselage, elevator, rudder and stabiliser all complete with wing ribs and flap structure on-going. Pair of suspension legs with wheels and brakes (tall) size. Two fuel tanks made, one with sender. Many other metal and timber items also made. Sensible offers. Tel: 01757 289004 The Approved Oil for Rotax 2 Stroke Engines £88 (12 Litres) £126 (20 Litres) £92 (12 Litres) £174 (24 Litres) £78 (12 US Quarts) £146 (24 US Quarts) £63 (12 Litres) £88 (20 Litres) £63 (12 Litres) £88 (20 Litres) MICROLIGHTS BFC CHALLENGER CUSTOM, complete unflown hirth 2706 comprehensive spec full analogue instrumentation with all BFC spares inventory offers. 01253 735 766 (Evenings) 01772 251957 (Day) THE BRIGHTEST, SMALLEST and LIGHTEST LED STROBES & NAV. LIGHTS ...Pilot’s own words LED New generation technology, light years ahead. Pocket strobe for flexwing, trike & base jump ...see and be seen... TOOLS PROPELLERS PRODUCTS & SERVICES White & red strobe THORP T211 KIT. Wings, flaps, elevator, fin, rudder built to high standard. O-200, Wilksch mounts. All airframe parts, including hardware, wing tips, canopy, tank. Peter. 07932750650. WANTED CHRIS LODGE PROPELLER 74” dia x 52”P or similar Pitch and Diameter for Lycoming O-320. Or any similar make wooden propeller. Phone Richard Shingler 01743 884109. Nav. lights LED upgrade and replacement for nav. micro lamps for std. fittings eg. Whelen 35W HID Xenon 2” dia landing & taxi 2 in 1 light OTAMAT avionics +44(0)20 8420 7598 PLEASE MENTION LIGHT AVIATION WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISERS STEEL BUILDINGS ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Call for a customised marketing campaign on HEAVY DUTY STEEL HANGARS For details call BLUELINE BUILDINGS LTD Contact: Tel: 01709 578333 Fax: 01709 578444 64 LIGHT AVIATION JULY 2010 01223 497067 060_065_LAA_July10 TRAINING 25/6/10 15:55 Page 65 TRANSPORTATION Moving Your Aeroplane? TUITION VHF RT LICENCE All the training you need, theory and practical or either. Includes exam and test. To air traffic control, the badge you wear as to how good you are as a pilot is your RT. “If you sound a ★★★★, they will assume you are. It may not be fair, but it’s how it is.” Phone me for a chat Owner Dick Flute has a PPL and is a LAA Member If transporting your aeroplane safely is a problem, we should be able to help. Tel. OL.G on 020 8997 8100 (day & evening). Website: Derek Davidson, Henstridge, Somerset Tel. (from 7am - 8.30am & evenings) 07831 517428 (mobile) Email TUITION WANTED Here I am (AGAIN) TRIMMING PPL Ground Exams Are you trying to pass by watching television (er, sorry, CD ROMs)? Clare and I could teach you more in one day, by talking to you, than you could larn by watching TV (er, sorry, CD ROMs), until your eyes fall out. Five day, full-time Ground Schoool at our home, all seven exams, and I promise you will enjoy it. Come down and do any or all the exams you need. Go back to your wife and school and get on with your life, you know what I mean! Three decades a teacher/examiner Telephone Derek Davidson, 7am - 8.30am & evenings, 07831 517428 (mobile) Email N.P.P.L Microlite (3 axis) to SE Piston (aircraft) Three days - £990 total ★ Day 1 - Ground school ad exam (aircraft technical) ★ Day 2 - Flight training (differences) including flight safety breifings in Piper PA28 ★ Day 3 - Flight test (NFT, GFT) VHF RT AVAILABLE IF REQUIRED Derek Davidson - Mobile 07831 517428 (7am - 8.30am CHRISTIAN FUEL SELECTOR, wobble pump wanted from breaking Pitts or Eagle please. Required for Jungman project, any condition considered – will rebuild, cash waiting. Tel: 07974 777783 LYCOMING O-235 with fuel pump preferably. 01404 815204 PLEASE MENTION LIGHT AVIATION WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISERS & evenings). Email ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Call for a customised marketing campaign on 01223 497067 JULY 2010 LIGHT AVIATION 65
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