jabiru 400 - the Light Aircraft Association
jabiru 400 - the Light Aircraft Association
070-073_LAA_Dec08 21/11/08 1:17 pm Page 70 Classifieds For all display or commercial advertising enquiries please call our Advertising Manager Victoria Griffiths on +44 (0) 1223 497068 or email victoria@laa.uk.com You can email your classified advertisement direct to the LAA at the following address: sheila.hadden@laa.uk.com Next issue: December 2008 Deadline for booking and copy: 15th December 2008 Classified advertising rates STEEN SKYBOLT, built 2003, Lamar factory fuselage, 195hrs TTAF, 180hp, IO-360-A3A, inverted oil/fuel, Sensenich 76EM-S5-0-60, great open cockpit biplane for cross-country or starting aeros, £33,500 Tel: 07745 362 810 AIRCRAFT FOR SALE SHADOW 582 DD FOR SALE, 150 hours approx, factory built, dual control, Crosby undercarriage, always hangared complete with radio and headsets, two seats. £9,000 ONO Telephone 01945 420431 £15 per single column cm (one-off) £13 per single column cm (Series of six) £10 per single column cm (Series of 12) Display advertising rates KITFOX MK 4 ROTAX 912. Rare opportunity. Finish built 2007 by LAA expert on type Les James. 120hrs, beautiful and immaculate, Groove undercarriage, full panel £26,000. Details www.kitfoxuk.com or www.afors.com 01285 869 047 TSR3 MONOPLANE, unique British aeroplane, permit Jul 09, A/F 420, eng 170, very nice condition throughout. Benign handling qualities. View near Wellesbourne, search G.AWIV. Call 0781 0522384 falke@onetel.com Full page cover position £1500 Full page £1100 Half page £600 Quarter page £350 Eighth page £200 Insert prices on request If you would like to place an aircraft for sale advert please see details below: MEMBERS’ ADVERTISEMENTS Up to 30 words: £6; 31-50 words: £12 Up to 50 words with a coloured photo: £45 NON-MEMBERS’ ADVERTISEMENTS PIPER CHEROKEE ARROW PA28R180. Always hangared. Offered at a reduced price because of the 4000 hours on the airframe and engine. Compressions normal. New EASA certificate Sept 2008. £30,000 ono. Syndicate disbanding so this must be sold, any sensible offer will be considered. Contact Jim Shepherd 01665 605 062 or 07736 331 397 G-BUPB STARDUSTER TOO 2-SEAT AEROBATIC BIPLANE +/5G LYCOMING O-360 200HP VP-PROP 813 HOURS PERMIT JULY 09 £25,000 CONTACT SIMON CLARKE 0797 400 6269 Up to 30 words: £22; 31-50 words: £44 Up to 50 words with a coloured photo: £60 To ensure that your advertisement is included, copy must reach the LAA by the following date: Issue: DECEMBER 2008 Deadline: 15th December 2008 For aircraft sales classified advertising please send using the form printed on the reverse of the Mailing Sheet, together with cheques and photographs if applicable, to: LAA Classifieds, Turweston Aerodrome, Nr Brackley, Northants NN13 5YD Tel: 01280 846786 • Fax: 01280 846780 LAA Engineering advice to buyers: AIRCRAFT APPROVED? Members and readers should note that the inclusion of all advertisements in the commercial or classified sections of this magazine does not necessarily mean that the product or service is approved by the LAA. In particular, aircraft types, or examples of types advertised, may not, for a variety of reasons, be of a type or standard that is eligible for the issue of a LAA Permit to Fly. You should not assume that an aircraft type not currently on the LAA accepted type list will eventually be accepted. IMPORTED AIRCRAFT? Due to unfavourable experiences, the purchase and import of completed homebuilt aircraft from abroad is especially discouraged. TIME TO BUILD? When evaluating kits/designs, it should borne in mind that technical details, performance figures and handling characteristics are often quoted for a factory-produced aircraft flying under ideal conditions. It is wise, therefore, to seek the opinion of existing builders and owners of the type. You should also take your own skill and circumstances into consideration when calculating build times. The manufacturer’s build time should be taken as a guide only. AMATEUR BUILDING All LAA aircraft builders and potential builders are reminded that in order to qualify for a LAA Permit to Fly, homebuilt aircraft must be genuinely amateur built. For these purposes the CAA provide a definition of amateur built in their publication CAP 659, available from LAA. An extract from CAP 659 reads “The building and operation of the aircraft will be solely for the education and recreation of the amateur builder. This means that he would not be permitted to commission someone else to build his aircraft”. An aircraft built outside the CAA’s definition could result in an expensive garden ornament. www.laa.uk.com RV-7 PROJECT 95% COMPLETE, Fully loaded with two AF3500 EFIS GNS530W SL30 GTX330 Digiflight IIVSGV with autotrim, Artex 406ELT, 21/4" instruments, ADI, leather seats. All components included except firewall forward kit. Just needs fibreglass finished and engine and prop bought. Selling because buying SR22 share. £45k ono Tel Richard 07920751247. JABIRU 430G-CCYA 120hp. 180 hrs TT. Permit to June 2009. King Radio, Garmin Mode C Transponder. Full panel. Good STOLE performance. Murray Flint paint. Luxury Leather Upholstery. Always hangared. Based at Ludham Airfield, Norfolk. Private hangar space available, no landing fees! Contact: John Royce 07768 607831 or bcroyce@gmail.com £41,000.00 ono JABIRU 400 As featured in LAA mag, August 2008. Built 2005, permit to June 2009, paint by Murray Flint, always hangared and can be viewed at Ludham or by other arrangement. Full leather, carpets, 4 place intercom, cabin heat, sun visors. Panel consisting of Garmin GNS 430, Garmin 495 (new July 08), Garmin 106a glide slope, full standard 6 instrumentation, second micro air radio, fuel flow monitor, electric and standard carb, heat, standard engine instrumentation, co2 monitor, oat and clock. Together with two sets of Bose anr headsets and new unused Jabiru propeller. £52,500 ono. Contact 07787 577288 or majsport@aol.com 070-073_LAA_Dec08 21/11/08 1:18 pm AIRCRAFT FOR SALE TAYLOR MONOPLANE, G-BLDB 1600cc VW, 2.5 Galls/hr, open cockpit, always hangared, permit to May 2009, based Great Oakley, Essex. £6,000 Tel: 01255 671617 RANS S6116 Group A Taildragger, 180 hours, Rotax 912 radio, Cambrai covers, permit Sept 2009, based Park Farm. £18,000. Hangar also available. Phone 01525 382053. Page 71 AIRCRAFT PARTS FOR SPRUCE, PLYWOOD, DOUGLAS FIR AND BALSA. Go to www.aircraftplywoodandtimber.co.uk mail dudleypattison@btinternet.com or telephone 01793 791 517 WANTED, MDL starter and alternator conversion kit for C90-8F Tel: 01825 790811 AVID SPEEDWING MKIV. Superb condition, Always flying. Quick fold wings. Hangar trailer (aluminium panel twin wheel) available. £12,500 – Tel 01384 873411 or 07711 6882220 COVERS Cambrai Covers Specialist Covers Since 1979 www.cambraicovers.com • Reduce Aircraft Deterioration • Reduce Pre-Flight Time • Improve Engine Starting • Reduce Maintenance Costs • 400 Patterns in Stock! Cambrai Covers - Home and Dry email: info@cambraicovers.com A.R.V. SUPER TWO, 10 hours air frame, 0 hours 912s engine, repainted yellow, transponder radio GPS, 3 blade wood comp prop. Lots of new parts. 20k. 01252 794840. +44 (0)1377 267426 JABIRU SK. 240 hrs. New panel, leather interior, new prop, electric AH, DI, Mode C. Spats, oil cooler, strobe, cover. Hangared, good condition. £21,995 ono. Tel: 07967 665 470. JABIRU SK. 240 hrs. New panel, leather interior, new prop, electric AH, DI Mode C. Spats, oil cooler, strobe, cover. Hangared, good condition. £21,995 ono. Tel: 07967 665 470. GRUMMAN AA5 1974 airframe 4220 hrs engine 150 hp O-320-E2G 1860 hrs 2xCOM NAV ILS ADF DME TXPDR. Group disbanding. Bargain tourer £12,950. Details www.adfaco.co.uk tel. 01525 379727 VANS RV8 2003/4, TTAF 246TTP 140 full analogue panel Skymap IIIc. Lycoming 180hp MT/CS prop, white/gold, beautiful balance and control. Reluctant sale £69,000. Tel: 01787 476 831 or email: aviatorrv8@btinternet.com PITTS S-1S, 330hrs, O-320 (150hp), 80hrs STOH (1935hrs TTE). Permit March ’09. www.pitts4sale.blogspot.com. Email: colihamp@gmail.com. Tel: 01329 832 978. Good sporting aerobatic fun. £18,000 ono. AIRCRAFT FOR SALE (MULTI SEAT) VANS RV7 FOR SALE, 180hp fuel injected, CSU prop, strobes, elec flaps and trim, GPS. Fast fun and aerobatic (permit), can operate out of 400m strip. 240hrs TT AF/ENG, call for more details, pics etc. £58,000 ono 07850 811 704 Will Greenwood. Type training can be given by the owner under LAA/PCS. KITFOX MK 2, new permit, overhauled 582, new propeller, Microair VHF, always hangared. Great STOL group A aeroplane, can qualify as microlight. Good condition. £11,250. See afors.co.uk for picture. Contact John 07887 764 159. AIRCRAFT PARTS AVIATION 5 point seat harness, new £100, Starduster Too O320 Lyc exhaust complete £150, engine mount £60, Prestolite Altenator 60amp 12 volt part 02038 £100. Cris Lodge propeller 76x52 off O320 Lycoming £250, new 500x5 tyres with tubes £40 each, carb O320 Lyc MA-4 SPA, part 10-5217 £200, 3” G-metre £35, RAF survival raft £100. Tel: 01620 850332. AIRCRAFT SERVICES ENGINES & ENGINE SPARES DESIGN AERODYNAMICS, STRESS, AND DRAWINGS SERVICES. Modifications, complete light aircraft projects, through: BCAR(S), EASA (CS23), EASA (CS-VLA). Reasonable rates, some initial consultation time. KSL Projects, Email eric@kingeng.co.uk John 07769 695 856 0-200 FOR SALE. Zero time, pickled, suit LAA or Annex II aircraft. Complete with magnetos, harness and carburretor. Photos available. £9,800. Tel: 07989 464 968. EXPERIENCED BUILDER, pilot, PFA inspector for wood, metal and composite aircraft. Offers his services for repair work, recovering and spraying. Finishing off projects, assistance with kits and insurance work, building inspection and permit renewals. Also a weighing service using the latest computer pads for the most accurate weight possible! For further details contact Mike Hanley Tel: 01872 560 771, Mobile: 07703 781 628, E-mail: mwhflyby@aol.com ROTAX 912A, 80 HP C.W. 2.27 reduction gearbox, overload clutch, carbs, starter, mechanical fuel pump. TT1330 hrs, fitted to certificated aircraft from new. Excellent condition. £1,750. Tel: 01439 771655 SUBARU EJ25 ENGINE, 2500cc non turbo, 165 bhp, stripped and partly blue printed £300 07786 956744 Sussex. CLOTHING PERFECT GIFT. 100% white silk scarf at £9.95 including postage worldwide. Choice 6 or 7 feet long 18" width. Mail aviationscarf@zijdeatelier.com or view at www.zijdeatelier.com PLEASE MENTION LIGHT AVIATION WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISERS GYROPLANES MERLIN 582. 28hrs since new. Probably best built modified to MPD. Student can now complete PPL(G) on this gyroplane. Must be seen (Little Riss). Carb heat, Skyforce locator Sat Nav etc. Contact Ivan 01949 836747 or 07846 433 531. DECEMBER 2008 LIGHT AVIATION 71 070-073_LAA_Dec08 21/11/08 1:18 pm Page 72 GROUP FLYING AFFORDABLE FLYING. £35pcm, £36ph wet. 1/6th share in Sturgate based Piper L4H Cub G-BROR. £2,950. Friendly, cohesive group. Well managed fund. Good availability. Conversion tuition available. Phone Dave (01522) 720 567. SHARE OFFERED in Braintree, Essex based monowheel Europa 912, classic. Hangared on grass air strip. Full panel. Contact Alan 01245 264186 or alan.stewart@blueyonder.co.uk for details. PA22 COLT based private strip Suffolk/Norfolk border. Friendly, well run group. Excellent availability. Engine 150 hrs, SMOH. New prop. TTAF 4500. 1/8 share £2,000m £60pm, £65/hr wet. Contact Alan on 01223 813 115. TB10 based Rochester, small, friendly group, good availability, £115pcm £85/tacho hr, shares £4,000. Contact David 01737 819617 or 07768501393. RANS S6-ES. QUARTER SHARE, hangared Long Marston, new skins, engine 130 hours, A/F 450 hours, £50 pm, £25 wet. Good availability, photographs available. £3,850. Tel: 01789 773 296. AA5 GROUP GAMSTON, 1/4 shares so great availability in 4 seat tourer, A/F 1850 hours, zero time engine Lycoming 0-320 150hp. Details http://www.gbcpn.co.uk 07976 802 107 gamston aaa5@btinternet.com HANGAR/TRAILER CLEARANCE HANGAR/ TRAILER CLEARANCE Ancilliaries from storage (Ventus & other A/C) unwanted, on sale. Items £345 each or OVNO (no vat) unless noted otherwise 1. Cobra sailplane one-man rig device. 2. Wing-walker dolly with attachable ‘trestle’ upright + spare sheet. 3. Oxygen: Eido Aire miniaturised plug-in device complete with ‘bayonet connect’ diluter-demand mask & VHP ‘4 litre’ 3000 PSI cylinder and piping. 4. Colibri logger hardly used: latest USB- connection type £495 + PP. 5. Ex Auster J1N (J1S) glider/banner towbar & ottfur and…. 6. Auster castoring tailwheel/leaves; new flap-notches bracket. 7. Last remaining unused Schantz compensating ‘cloud turn’ compass. 8. Garmin GPS go £65 +PP. Fax your contact details and item interested in to Maxwell Fendt 01453 860220 or phone (am/evening) 0208 5791813 (no email) Also one of two (or both) light aircraft preparatory to Cessna Skycatcher replacement 2010/2011. My management indoors doesn’t approve of my having both: at least one must go due to house build project etc- £22,000 each or £41,000 together. (i) Robin DR400/100 Cadet very smart and admired, some 250 hr remaining engine ‘on condition’ (and then again for sure, EASA permitting) 1988. Ideal first own personal aircraft, sole owner. (ii) M-S Rallye Minerva (Franklin 220) 1970 many years of hours left on eng & (c-s) prop: inspected non-corrosion; slats and flaps etc; entertaining/fascinating first/second slightly complex a/c. Both ready to fly away (from hangarage Thruxton or Little Rissington). More details and ARC, etc as above. Wanted: Gimbal or Pedestal Mount for Tracker II. KITS SIXTH SHARE IN JODEL 1050. Hangared Redhill. TTAF 3000. TTE 50. Long established group £90pm. £48ph wet. £3,500. Contact Mark 07909 533 645. jmarkfield@btinternet.com REGISTRATION SALE GO’S 2 SKY (GO52 SKY), XGOUPX (X60 UPX) £295 each including transfer cost £1200 from DVLA. Tel: John 01543 263182. PIPER PA12 CUB. 1/4 share based Spanhoe. £90 pcm, £50 ph wet. Great aircraft, easy to fly, good load carrier, pilot friendly airfield. 1/4 share £6,500 Tel: 01780 450 205 HANGARAGE & PROPERTY HANGARAGE TO LET, near Langport, Somerset with mains electricity. Suit build project. Tel: 07802 434 550. 5 MILES S/W of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Hangar with elect on 500m, on friendly farm strip. Space for homebuilder at £95pcm. No egomaniacs. SOH important. 0191 414 2025. HANGARAGE AVAILABLE from £1400pa. Suitable for all types of small aircraft, very long asphalt/grass runways. avgas, clubhouse facilities. Tibenham Airfield, Norfolk. Contact: Tony mazeppa@globalnet.co.uk Tel: 01379 677 207. 12 NEW HANGAR SPACES, available at Felixkirk airfield, North Yorks. 500 yd grass strip, £100 per aircraft p.m., inclusive. Call Roger 07831 469 660 or Gordon 07808 581 402 for details. ASHCROFT AIRFIELD (EGCR), hangarage available. Flexwing microlight vacancy £97 per month fully rigged. Four runways available. Fixed wing hangarage sometimes available. See new website first www.ashcroftair.co.uk. Tel: 07977 065780. 72 LIGHT AVIATION DECEMBER 2008 MISCELLANEOUS MODE MICROLIGHTS TECNAM ECHO MICROLIGHT, G-WHEN. 40 hrs, permit. Jabiru, 5 shares at £5,000 or £25,000 total. Stored at Popham, built 2006, phone 01425 273 744. CHALLENGER II. Very good condition, low hours. Rotax 462, 55hp. Superbly balanced aeroplane, a joy to fly. Come and have a go. Call Ian on 07941 943 428. Only £5,250. BFC CHALLENGER II UK CUSTOM. Full instrumentation, flap servo Matco wheels spats, top cover doors tinted, Lexan fitting kit plus drive for Rotax. Tel: 01772 251 957 / 01253 735 766 S IS HERE TRIG and FUNKWERK units in stock for immediate dispatch. www.airworlduk.com PILOT SUPPLIES BFC CHALLENGER Very good condition. Rotax 582. Matco wheels. Spats. Top cover. Doors. 30 hours only. Sensible offers. Tel: 01572 812 204 Flight Training Courses • DVDs • Headsets GPS • Radios • Flight Bags • Kneeboards Flashlights • and Much More sportys.com fax: 1 (USA) 513.735.9200 phone: 1 (USA) 513.735.9000 Clermont County/Sporty’s Airport 2001 Sporty’s Drive Batavia, OH 45103 USA 070-073_LAA_Dec08 21/11/08 1:19 pm Page 73 PILOT SUPPLIES PROJECTS APPROVED SUPPLIER DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN UK WHY PAY MORE FOR YOUR OIL? I BUY IN BULK - YOU CAN SAVE POUNDS ADVANCE VSX 2 STROKE The Approved Oil for Rotax 2 Stroke Engines £75 (12 Litres) £105 (20 Litres) VSX 10W/40 4 STROKE The Approved Oil for Rotax + HKS 4 Stroke Engines £75 (12 Litres) £105 (20 Litres) AEROSHELL 15W/50 4 STROKE £65 (12 US Quarts) £115 (24 US Quarts) AEROSHELL 80 & W80 £47 (12 Litres) £70 (20 Litres) AEROSHELL 100 & W100 £47 (12 Litres) £70 (20 Litres) – ALL PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY TOP QUALITY OIL FROM SHELL WORKSHOP CLEAROUT SALE, Pietenpol Aircamper, (wooden fuselage) finished in a vintage silver dope scheme. Project is 95% complete, just needs a final push to finish, fitting out cockpits etc. Good instrument fit, built by retired boat builder, ideal easy winter project for first flight in spring 2009. Powered Subaru EA81 engine with MSI ignition system. Offers in the region of 17k, can arrange delivery at cost. Contact Dave on 01732 841 270 for further details. PROPELLLERS BRAND NEW SENSENICH, 72FM8S9-1(85) brought for 180hp IO360 Vans RV7. Have decided to fit VP prop and therefore surplus to requirements. Todays cost approx £1,500. A bargain at £1,200. Telephone 01844 347 615 or 07739 9878. REFURBISHED HORDERN RICHMOND WOODEN PROPELLER, off a Gipsy Major engined Tiger Moth, 82 inches. Briefly fitted to an Auster AOP6. Drawing number HRA.181.C £650. Phone: 07967 442 979 or e-mail john@samsonsnell.co.uk ORDER ONLINE AT PROJECTS 1939 WW2 LINK TRAINER, restored, complete and working, with plotting table crab, instruments etc., but needs plotting table. £3,000 or best offer. Tel: 01757 288 344, anthonybrier@live.co.uk CVJETKOVIC CA65 SKY FLY. Abandoned project, free to taker or intend to destroy, with Lycoming O320 A2B engine, 220hrs from new, needs carb. £4,900. Tel: 02476 403670 RADIOS & INSTRUMENTS PELTOR 2006 HEADSETS, £110 pair, Garmin GPS 50 £50. All plus postage 01789 773 801 hotfoothowell@hotmail.com COMM ANTENNA RAMI AV10, fibreglass coated straight whip, new boxed with mounting hardware. Bought in error. Half price £40 plus £5 UK P&P. Tel: 07973 134 932. rv-flyer@vpaeros.co.uk WORKSHOP CLEAROUT SALE, Europa classic monowheel kit (can be built as a trigear) kit stages 1/2/3, brand new, untouched kit inc engine cowls, offers in region of 7k, buyer to collect. Contact Dave on 01732 841 270 for further details. PPL Ground Exams Are you trying to pass by watching television (er, sorry, CD ROMs)? Clare and I could teach you more in one day, by talking to you, than you could larn by watching TV (er, sorry, CD ROMs), until your eyes fall out. Five day, full-time Ground Schoool at our home, all seven exams, and I promise you will enjoy it. Come down and do any or all the exams you need. Go back to your wife and school and get on with your life, you know what I mean! Three decades a teacher/examiner Telephone Derek Davidson, 7am - 8.30am & evenings, 07831 517428 (mobile) Email flyderek@hotmail.co.uk N.P.P.L Microlite (3 axis) to SE Piston (aircraft) Three days - £990 total ★ Day 1 - Ground school ad exam (aircraft technical) ★ Day 2 - Flight training (differences) including flight safety breifings in Piper PA28 ★ Day 3 - Flight test (NFT, GFT) VHF RT AVAILABLE IF REQUIRED Derek Davidson - Mobile 07831 517428 (7am - 8.30am & evenings). Email flyderek@hotmail.co.uk VHF RT LICENCE All the training you need, theory and practical or Phone me for a chat Derek Davidson, Henstridge, Somerset Tel. (from 7am - 8.30am & evenings) 07831 517428 (mobile) Email flyderek@hotmail.co.uk PLEASE MENTION LIGHT AVIATION WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISERS WANTED TOOLS WORKSHOP CLEAROUT SALE, Whitikker MW5D microlight, 98% completed project, just needs wings painting and a tidy up to complete, along with final inspection. Rotax 503 engine with new warp drive prop, fuselage finished in Lotus red. Good instrument fit, built to a very high standard by ex Ford Motors engineer. Abandoned project. Offers! Contact Dave on 01732 841 270 for further details. MENESTREL 11 PROJECT, this is effectively a "kit of parts". Kit contains; engine Revmaster 75HP with about 1/2hr, running time, new propeller, new engine cowel, nearly all metal work welded and plated, rudder completed, trail and wing ribs etc completed, fuel tanks, materials to complete. £3,500 John Tel: 01432 353203 Here I am (AGAIN) either. Includes exam and test. To air traffic control, the badge you wear as to how good you are as a pilot is your RT. “If you sound a ★★★★, they will assume you are. It may not be fair, but it’s how it is.” Tel Paul Brooker For all your oil needs just give me a call 078101 52211 (Mobile) 01233 770231 (Eves) e-mail: paul@am-oils.co.uk www.am-oils.co.uk TUITION LYCOMING IO360/320 or equivalent eg superior etc. Consider non injected but must have C/S crank. Tel: 07973 134 932 rv-flyer@vpaeros.co.uk RUTAN LONG-EZ or large canopy Varieze (6ft 2in pilot) in good airworthy state with permit. Good instrumentation preferable. Tel: 07794 190 913. TRANSPORTATION Moving Your Aeroplane? Owner Dick Flute has a PPL and is a LLA Member If transporting your aeroplane safely is a problem, we should be able to help. Tel. OL.G on 020 8997 8100 (day & evening). Website: www.olg.co.uk For all classified or display advertising enquiries please call our Advertising Manager Victoria Griffiths on +44 (0) 1223 497068 or email victoria@laa.uk.com DEMCEMBER 2008 LIGHT AVIATION 73
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the Light Aircraft Association
LAA Classifieds, Turweston Aerodrome,
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Tel: 01280 846786 • Fax: 01280 846780
LAA Engineering advice to buyers:
AIRCRAFT APPROVED? Members and readers
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Classifieds - the Light Aircraft Association
Always hangared. A good, clean, economical aircraft. Small number of spares
included. £35,000. Contact tomgale1@
hotmail.com or tel: 07986 236027.